Mobile developers: IOS & Android.
Re-imagining Identity: The Transformation Of The Alevi Semah
A Talk For The Bressay History Group: Pirates, Pulpits, Picture Stones - An Introduction To Gotland
Tidevarv I Tuna. Arkeologiska Undersökningar I Tuna By, Alsike Sn, Uppland.
Guida Alla Letteratura Gotica
Panoptikon : Gözün Iktidarı
Koya, C.f. (2012). Cyberspace, Place, Identity & Relationships: Are We Digitizing The Vā?
Historia Y Etnografía De Los Otomís De La Sierra
Les Visions De Paul Sérusier : Religiosité, Paganisme Et Tragique Quotidien Dans La Bretagne De Fin De Siècle
The Greek Popular Cinema , Utopia. «ο ελληνικός λαϊκός κινηματογράφος (1950-1975)», ουτοπία, 90 (μάιος – ιούνιος)
Cerâmica Estampilhada Do Abrigo Da Pena D'água (torres Novas): Contexto, Cronologia E Breve Enquadramento Regional
2012 Stockhammer, P.w., Performing The Practice Turn In Archaeology. Transcultural Studies 1, 2012, 7–42.
Zur Vieldeutigkeit Des Ausdrucks Kultur Und Zur Anthropozentrischen Kulturtheorie, [in:] Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny Lvi, 1/2009, 25-45