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Maestria En Geologia Aplicadauslp
Trazo Y Topografía
00 Conferencia Shale Oil Gas (1)vacamuerta
Traducción Pag 1al 90 Del Libro Open Pit Mine Planning And Design Vol.1 Hustrulid
Construccion Antisismica
Manual De Bolsillo Para Barrenologos
Introduccion A La Geologia
Die Variszischen Granitoide Mitteleuropas: Typologie, Potentielle Quellen Und Tektonothermische Zusammenh�nge
Silurian And Devonian In Vietnam—stratigraphy And Facies
Growth Mechanisms In Dinosaur Eggshells: An Insight From Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Neogene Park – Vertebrate Migration In The Mediterranean And Paratethys