Mobile developers: IOS & Android.
Quotations As Glosses: The Prologue Of The Ecbasis Captivi
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проектът златоструй: реконструкция. (chrysorrhoas Project: Reconstruction)
Strumenti Da Toilette Dal Canton Ticino: Strigili E Astuccio Da Cosmesi, Numismatica E Antichità Cllassiche, 39, 2010
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2001 La Regla Monástica De Pacomio De Tabenesi
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Daniel Boyarin, “logos, A Jewish Word: John’s Prologue As Midrash,” In Amy-jill Levine And Marc Zvi Brettler, Eds., The Jewish Annotated New Testament (new York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 546–549
La Collectio In Apostolum De Bède Le Vénérable : Tradition Manuscrite, Codicologie Et Critique D’authenticité
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