Mobile developers: IOS & Android.
Bakr Awa In The Shahrizur Plain: An Ancient City On The Outskirts Of Mesopotamia
Tidevarv I Tuna. Arkeologiska Undersökningar I Tuna By, Alsike Sn, Uppland.
Out Of The Social Structure? A Late Roman Period Female Grave From Jartypory, Eastern Poland, In: D. Quast (ed.), Weibliche Eliten In Der Frühgeschichte. Female Elites In Protohistoric Europe, Rgzm – Tagungen Band 10, Mainz 2011
Strumenti Da Toilette Dal Canton Ticino: Strigili E Astuccio Da Cosmesi, Numismatica E Antichità Cllassiche, 39, 2010
Deciphering Upper Paleolithic (european): Part 1. The Basic Graphematics—summary Of Discovery Procedures (2004)
Témoignages D’activités Artisanales : Les étiquettes En Plomb Inscrites Des Fouilles De L’espace Mangin à Fréjus.
культура псковских длинных курганов: памятники финального этапа
Les Matières Premières Siliceuses Exploitées Au Néolithique Moyen Et Final Dans Le Nord Et La Picardie (france)
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Behind The Curtains Of Diplomacy: The Household, Material Culture And Networks Of French Ambassadors In Venice (1550-1610)
Cerâmica Estampilhada Do Abrigo Da Pena D'água (torres Novas): Contexto, Cronologia E Breve Enquadramento Regional
2012 Stockhammer, P.w., Performing The Practice Turn In Archaeology. Transcultural Studies 1, 2012, 7–42.