Safety, health and Safety, environment, SHE
Paint School
Many risks are involved when working with paints Safety
– Explosion and Fire Health
– Manufacturing and Surface treatment Environment
– Emission to air (VOC) – Emission to water (Maintenance) – Emission to soil (aste !andling) Paint School
Many risks are involved when working with paints Safety
– Explosion and Fire Health
– Manufacturing and Surface treatment Environment
– Emission to air (VOC) – Emission to water (Maintenance) – Emission to soil (aste !andling) Paint School
Safety hazard Explosion / fire
# #
Mainl$ related to t!e sol%ents
ig! ris* areas are
&emem'er Sol%ents are !ea%ier t!an air and will flow along t!e floor to possi'le ignition sources
– Close to !ot wor* (welding+ gas,cutting+etc-) – Confined spaces (Ventilation) Injuries of persons
ig! pressure e.uipment , /irless spra$+ 0last cleani cleaning ng and ater 'lasting e.uipment
Paint School
Working with solvents represents a safety risk #
Sol%ents are !ea%ier t!an air
!e sol%ents ma$ flow to lower compartments or areas
ot wor* ma$ ignite t!e sol%ents
/ fire or an explosion ma$ 'e initiated SE Sol%ents3fire1
Paint School
Safety risk: High pressure equipment Surface treatment involves equipment with very high pressures
# last cleaning , Mixture of air and particles # ater "etting , ater up to a'o%e 2455 0ar # #irless spray application , 6aint
Never point any high pressure unit at another person or at yourself !! Paint School
Blast!leaning and water "etting represent a safety risk for the operator #
ig! pressures are in%ol%ed
8e%er point t!e guns at $ourself or an$ ot!er near'$ person
/lwa$s use appro%ed e.uipment
9nappro%ed e.uipment ma$ gi%e inade.uate protection SE :lo%e3and3'oot!1
Paint School
How !an we redu!e the possi#ility for a!!idents to happen $ #
&ead t!e Safet$
ower explosion limit
%re!autions when painting in !onfined spa!es&
Paint School
# #
Ensure good %entilation
# # # # # # #
Start application from t!e 'ottom and up
Ex!aust points for fumes A sol%ents must 'e close to t!e 'ottom /lwa$s use non,spar*ing tools 9se antistatic clot!ing wit! !ood 9se mas*s wit! air suppl$ 9se 'oots and glo%es Safet$ lines Sufficient rest periods
Never smo&e or use na&e% flames !
Evaluation of Environmental hazards Eco'toxicological %ata
oxicit$ for organisms at different trop!ic le%els
ioaccumulation %ata
/ccumulation of su'stances in organisms
(egra%ation %ata
&ate of 'iotic and a'riotic degradation
(angerous for the )*on layer +ife ,ycle #ssessment
# # Paint School
ealt! and en%ironmental impacts Energ$ consumption and !andling of waste
Where to find ' seek information a#out SHE related matters # # # # # #
>egislation and &egulations from aut!orities Compan$Bs internal safet$ s$stem Safet$ a'el on tin of t!e 6aint Experienced colleagues Suppliers of e.uipment or products
Paint School
Sym#ols (anger for the environment !is s$m'ol ma$ 'e found in Safet$ no4 5>
Paint School
-ypes of information to #e found in the safety data sheet 0.1 points2& the 54 Gdentification of t!e compan$
=4 6!$sical and c!emical
74 Composition and ingredients
84 aard identification
5>4 Sta'ilit$ and reacti%it$
<4 First aid measure
554 oxicological information
?4 Fire fig!ting Measures
574 Ecological information
@4 /ccidental release measures
584 i%er S&in &eproducti%e s$stem
Health hazards during pre treatment work& last cleaning
– no4 >8
6oise levels when working with pretreatment # #
!e noise le%els are often %er$ !ig!-
Gn man$ countries protection of t!e ears are prescri'ed at le%els a'o%e =4 deci'els
Gn%estigation !as s!own t!at a considera'le part of t!e e.uipment !as unsatisfactor$ noise le%el
>e%els in t!e range of 125 , 1"5 deci'els are not rare-
#lways use approve% types Paint School
-he hazards of dust (ust entering the lungs may cause several %iseasesC
# # # #
Silicosis (Gn!alation of silica from a'rasi%es and .uart) /s'estosis (From dust of as'estos) Siderosis (From dust of iron oxide) >ung cancer (.uarts)
Small particles 3 ? microns9 can enter the parts of the lungs
Paint School
Why prote!t against dust $ • Oxygen enters the body through the respiratory organs and diffuses into the blood system
• Dust may precipitate in the organs and create a barrier against the uptake of oxygen
• A suitable mask will filter the dust away and clean air enter the lungs
Paint School
%rote!tion against dust and gas Fse approve% respirator assem-ly
# #
Mas* wit! filter 9nit consisting of support 'elt+ air flow control %al%e+ 'reat!ing tu'e+ !oodA!elmet wit! filter unit-
(ifferent contaminants require %ifferent filters
# # # Paint School
owest degree of protection 62 Medium degree of protection 6" ig!est degree of protection Das from organic solvents
/1 >owest degree of protection /2 Medium degree of protection /" ig!est degree of protection
Paint School
)ther types might -e require% for pro%ucts classifie% as corrosive4
-his type of mask prote!ts against dust, only # Various t$pe of filters protect against %arious t$pes of dust and different particle A dust sie (61+ 62+ 6")
# &ead Material Safet$ no4 >B
Paint School
Brown filter mask for prote!tion against solvents #
Gmportant to select correct t$pe of filter &ead Material Safet$ no4 >@
7nopened, sealed mask for prote!tion against solvents and dust& # Gmportant to select correct t$pe of filter &ead Material Safet$ no4 >A
Paint School
Health hazards when using paints& in%ers
# #
S*in contact6articularl$ Epox$+ /mines and Gsoc$anates ma$ cause s*in irritation and /llergic reactions
SolventsC ;ay enter the -o%y in three waysC
# y inhalation # S&in contact # Ingestion Ot!er constituents
# Paint School
ar+ ea%$ metals
Health hazards from solvent e*posure #cute effects
+ong term effects
# eadac!e # /'normal tiredness # oss of memor$ # Organ damages (*idne$s+ li%er+ C8S) # &educed reaction a'ilit$ # &educed e%aluation a'ilit$
S&in irritations
# Ecema # no4 5@
Paint School