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14a-09 Inergen 300 Manual

Inergen fire fighting manual




300 Bar Total Flooding System Technical Manual Issue 1.00 18/11/05 © 2005 Tyco Safety Prod ucts EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN INERGEN TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS (300 BAR ENGINEERED SYSTEMS) LIST OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Approvals 1.1.1 Temperature Range 1.2 General Information 1.3 Description Of Inergen Systems 2 1.4 Properties Inergen Of 3 1.5 Safety Inergen Of 1.5.1 General 1 1 1 3 3 hysiological Effects 3 Noise 4 Turbulence 4 Visibility 4 Exits 4 Post Discharge Ventilation 4 1.5.2 Material Safety Data Sheet 5 2 SYSTEM DESIGN 9 2.1 2.2 Design Standards DeterminationOfInergenQuantity 2.2.1 Achieved Gas Concentration 2.2.2 DischargeTimeToAchieveMinimumDesignConcentration 14 2.2.3 Extended Discharge 14 2.2.4 Connected Reserves 2.2.5 StopValvesAndDistributionValveSystem © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 9 9 13 14 14 of VI I INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN SECTION 2 SYSTEM DESIGN (Continued) 2.2.6 Main And Reserve System PAGE 15 MainAndReserveSystem - FunctionalDescription 2.2.7 16 Typical8LtrPilotCylinderOperatedSystem 17 Typical 8Ltr Pilot Cylinder OperatedSystemExplodedView 18 Typical Pilot Cylinder OperatedSystem(27Ltr or 80Ltr) 19 LockOffUnitForSingleBankSystems 2.2.8 20 Distribution Valve System 21 DistributionValveSystem - FunctionalDescription 22 DistributionPipeValveAssemblyWelded(NonVdS) 25 DistributionPipeValveAssemblyScrewed(VdS) 26 Distribution Pipe Valve Assembly Screwed (VdS) - Exploded View 27 Distribution Pipe Valve Assembly Screwed (VdS) - Valve Lock Off Unit 28 2.3 Pipe Size Estimating 2.4 Design Drawings 29 2.5 Room IntegrityAndPressurisation 29 2.6 Detection And Control Systems 2.7 ElectricalEarthingAndSafetyClearances 2.8 Flow Calculations 2.8.1 Software Input Data 2.8.2 Completing The System Design 2.9 Drilling Details Nozzles - 2.10 DrillingDetails - ContainerOrifice(300barto200bar) 2.11 DrillingDetails - MainOrifice(200barto60bar) 32 2.12 PipeworkAnd Fittings-General 33 2.13 Pipework And FittingsDIN - 3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 3.1 InergenContainerAndValveAssemblies 3.2 InergenContainerValve-CI12-8 3.3 Container Pressure Reduction Orifice (300 bar - 200 bar) - DRE-V/S © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 32 34 35 47 48 49 of IIVI EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN SECTION PAGE 3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (Continued) 3.4 ReleaseHeadIII(for200barpilotcylinder) 3.5 Pneumatic Actuator PAK - 50 3.6 Solenoid Actuator SF2 - 50 3.7 SolenoidActuator-ExplosionProof 51 3.8 Solenoid Resetting Tool 51 3.9 Step Motor Delay Device SMV1 3.9.1 Step Motor Resetting Tool 3.10 LocalManualActuator(manualoveride) 53 3.11 DischargePressureSwitch-Latching 54 3.12 Discharge Pressure Switch (FF4 - A22 - 022 / FF 4-60) - Non Latching 3.12.1 Test Unit For Discharge Pressure Switch (FF4 - A22 - 022 / FF 4-60) 3.13 DischargePressureSwitch-Flameproof 3.14 ContainerPressureIndicator(standard) - DKE-6 3.15 ContainerPressureIndicator(supervisory) - KM-4 3.16 Manifolds ISR-4 - 3.16.1 Manifolds-SingleContainerRow 3.16.2 Manifolds-CombinationContainerRow 3.16.3 Manifolds-DoubleContainerRow 62 3.16.4 Manifolds - CheckValve - RSVI-12 300bar 63 3.17 High Pressure Fittings 64 3.18 DistributionValveManifoldComponents 65 3.19 DistributionComponents(nonVdSweldedfittings) 66 3.20 Discharge Hose-DN12 300 / bar 3.21 Actuation Line-Components 3.21.1 3.21.2 Actuation Line-Check Valve ActuationLine - Manual PressureReliefValve - ELV-1 3.21.3 ActuationLine - AutomaticVentingValve - SGV-1 3.21.4 ActuationLine - ActuationHose - DN8200bar 69 3.21.5 Actuation LineFittings - 70 3.21.6 Actuation Line - Adaptor DN8 Actuation Hose To 10mmOD Tube 3.22 Test And Relief UnitPRE-1 - © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 49 52 52 55 55 56 57 58 61 61 62 67 67 67 68 69 70 71 III of VI INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN SECTION PAGE 3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (Continued) 3.23 Nozzles - Total Flooding Standard (Non Vds. NPT and BSPT thread) 3.24 Nozzles - Total FloodingGRD(VdSapprovedDINthread) 3.25 Nozzles - Gas Extinguishing Nozzle GOD (VdS approved DIN thread) 74 3.26 Pressure Reducing Unit, Single Container (200 bar to 60 bar) - DRE-2S 76 3.27 Pressure Reducing Unit, Multiple Containers (VdS 200 bar to 60 bar) - DRE-2N 3.28 Pressure Reducing Unit, Multiple Containers (Non VdS 200 bar to 60 bar) - DRE-3 3.29 Fixing Components 3.29.1 FixingComponents-RetentionPlate 3.29.2 FixingComponents-RetentionBar 80 3.29.3 FixingComponents-FixingLink 82 3.29.4 FixingComponents-ManifoldBracket 3.29.5 FixingComponents - ManifoldBracketFixingKit 3.29.6 FixingComponents- FreeStandingPost 3.30 DistributionValveAssembly(NonVdS) 3.31 DistributionValveAssembly(VdS) - HD-BV/3 85 3.32 Pressure Relief Valve 87 3.33 Manual By-Pass Valve 88 3.34 Pilot Cylinder 88 3.35 Curtain Trip 90 3.36 WarningSigns - ManualReleaseCautionPlate 3.37 WarningSigns - Doorplate-LockOffRequired 92 3.38 WarningSigns - Doorplate-NoLockOffRequired 93 3.39 Over Pressurisation Vent 4 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 4.1 DeliveryAndHandlingOfEquipment 4.2 Container Fixing 4.3 Installing manifolds 4.4 InstallationOfDistributionPipeAndValves(NonVdS) 96 4.5 InstallationOfPressureReducingUnits(NonVdS) 97 © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 72 73 77 78 79 80 82 82 83 84 91 94 95 95 95 96 IV of VI EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN SECTION PAGE 4 INSTALLATIONINFORMATION(Continued) 95 4.6 InstallationOfDistributionPipeAndValves(VdS) 4.7 DistributionValvesAndPressureReducingUnits 4.8 Installing The Containers 4.9 Pipework Installation 4.10 Completing The Installation 5 COMMISSIONING INFORMATION 5.1 CheckingThePneumaticActuationLines 5.2 Checking The Operation Of Solenoid, Pneumatic And Local Manual Actuators 5.3 Pressure/TemperatureChartsForFillingAndInspection 101 5.4 CommissioningSchedule(Example) 102 5.4.1 General Instructions 102 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 5.4.2 Electrical Check List SystemsWithMainAndReserveContainers 100 102 102 Systems Wth Automatic Electrical Detection (Coincidence Operation) 102 Systems Wth Automatic Electrical Detection (Single Zone Operation) 103 SystemsWthElectricalManualRelease 104 Systems Wth Hold Switches 104 Systems Wth AbortSwitches 105 5.4.3O 5.4.4 Items ther 105 Mechanical Check List 105 ipework Nozzles / 105 Containers 106 Main Container Record 106 Pilot Cylinder Record 108 5.4.5 Ancillary Equipment 5.4.6 EnclosureIntegrityAndOverPressureVenting 5.4.7C 108 109 ompletion © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 109 of V VI INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN SECTION PAGE 6 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 6.1 ServicingAndMaintenanceSchedule(Example) 6.1.1 General Instructions 6.1.2 Electrical Check List 110 111 111 111 SystemsWithMainAndReserveContainers 111 Systems Wth Automatic Electrical Detection (Coincidence Operation) 111 Systems Wth Automatic Electrical Detection (Single Zone Operation) 112 SystemsWthElectricalManualRelease 113 Systems Wth Hold Switches 113 Systems Wth AbortSwitches 114 6.1.3O 114 6.1.4 Items ther Mechanical Check List 114 ipework Nozzles / 114 Containers 115 Main Container Record 115 Pilot Cylinder Record 117 6.1.5 Ancillary Equipment 6.1.6 EnclosureIntegrityAndOverPressureVenting 6.1.7C 117 118 ompletion 118 7 RELATED PUBLICATIONS 8 COPY APPROVAL OF 120 9 LISTOFTABLESINCLUDEDINTHISMANUAL 130 10 LISTOFFIGURESINCLUDEDINTHISMANUAL © 2005 Tyco Safety Products 119 131 VI of VI EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN INERGEN TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS (300 BAR ENGINEERED SYSTEMS) 1. INTRODUCTION This manual has been prepared primarily for the use of Designers/Installers of INERGEN (300 bar) Fire Fighting Equipment. Its purpose is to provide general information on Inergen and its use in Fire Fighting systems and to give more detailed information covering the design, installation, testing and servicing of these systems. Note: The manual covers the minimum requirements for the design of Total Flooding Systems. Local application and explosion su ppression systems are not covere d by the manual. Whilst marine and inerting systems are not specifically excluded these applications require additional considerations. If in doubt refer to the Extinguishing Technical Department. This manual has been prepared in the light of the best information available at the time of publication. It has been assumed that users of this manual have sufficient experience of Fixed Fire Fighting Systems to enable the correct interpretation to be made of the contents. It must be recognised that correct system design, installation and maintenance are fundamental to the safe and effective use of any gaseous Fire Fighting System. 1.1 APPROVALS The 300 bar INERGEN system is based on a number of components, some of which have been approved or listed by VDS. See Section 8 for VDS approved configurations. 1.1.1 TEMPERATURE RANGE The components are designed to operate in the temperature range -20ºC to 50ºC, or as otherwise stated in separate component listings. 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION INERGEN has been introduced as an alternative to Halon 1301, production of which ceased at the end of 1993, under the agreed adjustment made to the Montreal Protocol in November 1992. INERGEN is a mixture of three naturally occurring gases that do not support combustion, nor have an impact on the ozone layer. The three gases, Nitrogen, Argon and Carbon Dioxide are mixed in the following proportions: Nitrogen 52% Argon CarbonDioxide 40% 8% INERGEN storage containers are designed to hold INERGEN in gaseous form at a nominal pressure of 300 bar at 15°C. Handling and Installation of INERGEN equipment should only be carried out by persons experienced in dealing with this type of equipment. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE1 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 1.3 16/12/05 CN DESCRIPTION OF INERGEN SYSTEMS INERGEN systems are designed to extinguish fires involving flammable liquids, gases and class A hazards, especially electrical equipment. The systems are designed to be total flooding and consist of a fixed supply of INERGEN connected to a piping system with nozzles to direct the agent into an enclosed hazard. INERGEN extinguishes fires by lowering the oxygen content below the level that supports combustion. In simple terms if the oxygen content of the atmosphere is reduced to a level below 15%, most ordinary combustibles will not burn. As an example an INERGEN system will reduce the oxygen content from 20.9% to approximately 12.5% whilst increasing the carbon dioxide content from 0.03% to around 3%. The increase in carbon dioxide content increases an individual’s respiration rate and the body’s ability to absorb oxygen thus allowing the body to compensate for the lower oxygen content. Since INERGEN is stored as a gas, it discharges as an invisible gas, allowing people to safely exit a protected space without obscured vision. INERGEN systems are particularly valuable in extinguishing fires in enclosures containing hazards or equipment where a clean, electrically non-conductive medium is essential or where the cleaning up of foam, water or powder would be problematic. NOAEL - Upper O2 Limit For Occupied e) 8 m u l o V y B et 7 ag n cre e (P 6 N O I T A R5 T N E C N O4 C E ID X IO 3 D N O B R2 A C L A U1 D I S E R Areas (See and 2.2.1) Possible Danger To Life LOAEL UPPER 2O LIMIT ATMOSPHERICO2 2 Limit Lower O For Occupied Areas (See and 2.2.1 Upper Oxygen Limit For Extinguishing Oxygen Level In Atmosphere Upper CO 2 Level For Respiratory Control LOAEL CO2 Content In Exhaled Breath NOAEL Acceptable Range For Occupied Areas Lower CO 2 Limit For Respiratory Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESIDUAL OXYGEN CONCENTRATION (Percentage By Volume) Table 1: Acceptable Concentration Range PAGE 2 of 133 1.4 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN PROPERTIES OF INERGEN Under normal conditions INERGEN is an odourless colourless gas with a density similar to that of air. INERGEN does not decompose when subjected to heat from a fire so avoiding hazardous breakdown products, but it must be recognised that in a fire condition, decomposition products from the fire itself especially carbon monoxide, smoke and heat will create a hazard in the protected enclosure and the reduced oxygen level occurring in a fire situation may lower the resultant level below that calculated from the agent discharge alone. The following specification applies to INERGEN. Pressure 295 - 300 bar at 15°C Argon (Purity Class 4.6) 40% by volume ± 7% Relative Carbon Dioxide (Purity Class 2.5) 8% by volume ± 5% Relative Nitrogen (Purity Class 5) Moisture < 0.005% 1.5 52% by volume SAFETY OF INERGEN 1.5.1 GENERAL INERGEN simultaneously reduces the oxygen concentration in an enclosure and increases the carbon dioxide concentration. Proper and safe INERGEN design requires that the design concentration falls within a design window that limits the upper and lower concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide. (as shown table 1) INERGEN has been accepted for use in occupied spaces when the design concentration falls within this window. If the INERGEN design concentration must be outside the design window, special safety devices based on national requirements have to be used. PHYSIOLOGICAL EF FECTS The following table details the physiological data on INERGEN. CARDIAC INERGEN SENSITISATION OXYGEN CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION No Observed Adverse Effect Level* (NOAEL) 43% (0.56**) 12% Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level* (LOAEL 52% (0.74**) 10% Table 2: Physiological Data © 2005 TycoSafetyProducts * Based on physiological effects in humans in hypoxic atmospheres. These values are the functional equivalents of NOAEL and LOAEL values and correspond to 12 percent oxygen for the No Effect Level and 10 percent oxygen for the Low Effect Level. ** Flooding Factor. (Approximate value based on 20°C) See also Section 2.2.1. PAGE 3 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN NOISE Discharge of an INERGEN system can cause noise loud enough to be startling but ordinarily insufficient to cause traumatic injury. TURBULENCE High velocity discharge from nozzles may be sufficient to dislodge substantial objects directly in the path of the discharge. General in the be enclo sure may be suffi cient to them movebeing ligh t objects, unse curedthe paper etc. Ceiling tiles in the vicinity of theturbulence nozzles should clipped in place to prevent dislodged during discharge. VISIBILITY Under normal conditions INERGEN will not reduce visibility in the protected enclosure. However in a fire situation especially where large amounts of smoke are produced it is likely that the INERGEN discharge will produce some displacement of that smoke around the enclosure and this could reduce visibility in some circumstances. EXITS Adequat e means of escape from the protect ed area should be provide d. Doors should open outwa rds and be self closing. They should be arranged to open easily from inside and any that need to be secured must be fitted with escape overrides. POST DISCHARGE VENTILATION In order to allow for the ventilation of INERGEN and/or the post fire atmosphere, a normally closed means of ventilation with extract arrangemen ts will be required as with any gaseous extinguishing system. Any mechanical ventilation provided should not form part of the normal ventilation system. Controls for the ventilation system should be outside the protected enclosure and should be key operated. In some circumstances the normally closed means of ventilation may be provided by doors and windows. National standards or local fire brigade rules need to be taken into account and may differ from the information given above. PAGE 4 of 133 1.5.2 INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EC Safety Datasheet (according to 91/155/EWG, TRGS 220) Commercialname: INERGEN® 52.40.08 Compiled: April 1993 Revised: December2004 Page: 1 of 4 1. EQUIPMENT: Identifi cation of subst ance/pre paration and compa ny Product (commercial designation): INERGEN® 52.40.08 Gas mixture consisting of 8 % by volume carbon dioxide, 40 % by volume argon, 52 % by volume nitrogen Manufacturer/supplier: TOTAL WALTHER GmbH Feuerschutz und Sicherheit Post Box 85 05 61 D - 51030 Cologne 2. Phonenumber: +49(0)2216785-0 Faxnumber: +49(0)2216785-270 Emergency phone number: +49 (0) 221 6785-0 e-mail: [email protected] Comp osi tio n / Info rmation on ing redie nts Substance orpreparation EINECSNo. CASNo. - - Additional information: Designation - % Code - - R Phrases - - Not a hazardous substance as defined by the German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances! 3. Possible hazards Characterisationof hazards: - Highconcentrationscausesuffocation. Special hazard warnings for people and the environment: - The gas mixtureis heavier than air; thereis a danger of suffocation if it accumulates in rooms at a lower level or in closed rooms (displacement of oxygen). 4. First aid measur es After inhaling: - Ensure protection for yourself, and move the injured person into the fresh air. Administer artificial respiration or mechanically assisted respiration as appropriate. Consult a doctor. After contact with the skin: - Not Applicable After contact with the eyes: - Not Applicable After swallowing: - Not Applicable Notes for the doctor: - Symptomatic treatment all designs and specifications subject to change without notice © 2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 5 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN EC Safety Datasheet (according to 91/155/EWG, TRGS 220) Commercial n ame: INERGEN® 52.40.08 Compiled: April 1993 Revised: December2004 Page: 2 of4 5. Fir e-fi gh ti ng m easures Suitableextinguishingagents: -N otApplicable. Special protective equipment for fire-fighting: - None. Extinguishing agents which are unsuitable for safety reasons: - None. Hazards due to products of combustion or gases released: - Compressed gas cylinders may burst within a few minutes following the effects of increased heat 6. Measure s if the subst ance is r eleased accide nta lly Personal preca utions: - Ensureadequate incom ing and outgoingventilation; Leav e closed rooms if nece ssary. Cleaning procedure: 7. - Thoroughly ventilatethe rooms. Handl ing and stor age Handling: - Handle in closed systems only. The product is not combustible. Make sure that containers and connections are tight. Ensure adequate incoming and outgoing ventilation. Prevent foreign substances from flowing back into the product's own systems. Only individuals who have received instruction are allowed to handle compressed gas containers Storage: - Requirements for storage rooms and containers: Storage rooms must be adequately ventilated. Warnings on storage with other substances: do not store with combustable substances. Compressed gas cylinders must secured against falling over (e.g. with chains or straps). Compressed gas cylinders must be protected so that they do not become hot due heaters or open flames. 8. Limi tation o f ex posur e and pe rsona l prot ection /safety e quipm ent Components with workplace-related limit values which must be monitored: CASNo. DesignationOfSubstance Carbon Dioxide 124 - 38 - 9 % Type 8 MAK Value 5,000 Units ppm Person al protective equipm ent: Breathing protection: - With an oxygen concentration of less than 10 % by volume or if persons are present Protection for the hands: - Leather protectivegloves Protection for the eyes: - Not Applicable Protection for the body: - Protectiveshoes as specified by DIN/EN 344 for longer periods, independent breathing protection apparatus is required. all designs and specifications subject to change without notice PAGE 6 of 133 EC Safety Datasheet INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN (according to 91/155/EWG) Commercialname: INERGEN® 52.40.08 Compiled: April 1993 Revised: December2004 Page: 3 of 4 9. EQUIPMENT: Phy si cal and c hemical pr op erties Appearance: - Form: - Compressed gas pHvalue: - With--g/lwaterandat-°Cn.a. Changesinstate: - Boilingpoint: - Flashpoint: - n.a.°C Colour: - Colourless Odour: - Odourless Melting point: - 10. Auto ignition temperature: - n. a. °C Explosion limits: - Lower: - %by volume Upper: - %by volume Vapourpressure: - At -°C- Relativedensity: - At 0 °C1,5219kg/m³ Solubilityinwater: - At 15°Cn. a. Viscosity (dynamic): - At 20 °Cn. a. Stabil ity and reactiv ity Conditions and substances to beavoided: Hazardous decomposition products: 11. - Prevent increased effects of heat on compressed gas cylinders - danger of cylinders bursting! - No data available. Toxi col ogi cal inf orm ation Acute toxicity, data for one (several) component(s): Component Type Value Species - - - - Effect after repeated or lengthy exposure: - No toxic effect, the product displaces the oxygen in the air and has a suffocating effect. Effects which cause cancer, modifiy genetic 12. material or endanger reproduction: - None. Otherinformation: -N one. Eco logi cal info rm ati on Information on elimination (persistence and degradability): - No data available Behaviour in environmental compartements (mobility): - No data available Ecotoxicity: Other information: - No data available - None all designs and specifications subject to change without notice © 2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 7 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN EC Safety Datasheet (according to 91/155/EWG, TRGS 220) Commercialname: INERGEN® 52.40.08 Compiled: April 1993 Revised: December2004 Page: 4 of 4 13. Dispos al con sideratio ns Product: - Disposalinaccordancewithofficalregulations Recommendation E ( AK number if applicable): - 16 05 03, gases in pressurisedcontainers except for tho se classified under 16 05 04. 14. Trans po rt in fo rmati on Overlandtransport Transportbysea ADR/RID/GGVSE class: 2 Airtransport IMDG/GGVSee class: 2 ICAO/IATA class: 2.2 Classificationcode:1A UNno.:1956PG:- UN/IDno.:1956 UNno.: 1956PG: - Page: 2125EmS: 2-04MFAG: 620 Hazard identification slip: 2.2, 20 Marine pollutant: mp Name: Compressed gas, n.o.s. Name: compressed gas, n.o.s. Name: Compressed gas, n.o.s. Other information on PG: -page: - transport: none 15. Regu latio ns Identification: Identification of hazard and code letter: - n. a. R-sentences (risk): - High concentrations cause suffocation S-sentences(safety: - n.a. Other information: - Compressed gas cylinders to be identified according to the transport Waterendangermentclass: - n. a. Other regulations: - Ordinance on Operational Safety (BetrSichV), TRG 102 "Gas Mixtures", regulations and ISO 7225 TRG 280 "General Requirements for Compressed Gas Containers, Operating Compressed Gas Containers, TRGS 900 "Limit Values", UVV "Gases" (BGV B 6). 16. Oth er inform ation Further Information When used in fire extinguishing systems, the quantities of INERGEN® are mostly designed so that oxygen concentrations of between 15 % by volume and 10 % by volume, and CO2 concentrations of between 2 % by volume and 5 % by volume, are present in the flooded room. No hazards for healthy people are known if they are present in this atmosphere for a short period. However, the combustion products generated during a fire may be highly toxic, so people leave any room that has been flooded with INERGEN® This information reproduces the status of knowledge of the party putting the product into commercial circulation. The information is not a contractual assurance of the product's quality characteristics, nor of the delivery specification all designs and specifications subject to change without notice PAGE 8 of 133 2. SYSTEM DESIGN 2.1 DESIGN STANDARDS EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Information contained in this manual has been based generally on the ISO 14520 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. The manual has been prepared to give an understanding in the application of INERGEN systems. Systems are suitable only for the total flooding of hazard enclosures. 2.2 DETERMINATION OF IN ERGEN QUANTITY Prior to commencing with the design of any INERGEN system, the designer should have, as a minimum the following details: • Enclosure dimensions • Specific details of the hazard • The minimum and maximum temperatures of the hazard enclosure • Height of the enclosure above (or below) sea level • Confirmation that the containment is adequate • Details of the ventilation system • Intended occupancy of the e nclosure • Storage location, should preferably be loading outside the protected must not be exposedcontainer to weather or other(this potential hazards. Floor should also beenclosure), taken into but consideration. • Details of National laws or requirements that need to be taken into account, for example TRG 280, which is applicable in Germany The following notes provide additional information to assist the designer in providing the correct system for the hazard. INERGEN is suitable for the protection of hazards involving Class A, B & C materials. Providing a Class A fire is detected quickly, the INERGEN is discharged promptly and the concentration is maintained for an adequate period of time to allow embers to cool, then surface fire and the embers associated with the burning of solid materials are quickly extinguished. INERGEN is suitable for use on fires involving live electrical equipment but is not effective on, and should not be used to fight fires involving: • Chemicals containing their own supply of oxygen, such as cellulose nitrate. • Mixtures containing oxidising agents such as sodium chlorate or sodium nitrate. • Chemicals capable of undergoing autothermal decomposition such as some organic peroxides. • • Reactive metals. Solid materials in which fires quickly become deep seated. Class B & C fires are quickly extinguished by INERGEN at the appropriate concentrations, but in the case of Class C fires the risk of explosion should be carefully considered and where possible the flammable gas flow should be isolated before or as soon as possible after extinguishment. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 9of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Determine the gross room volume. Only permanent impermeable building structures within the area may be deducted from the gross volume. 1) Establish the minimum anticipated temperature of the protected enclosure. This should be used as the design temperature when determining the agent quantity. 2) Determine the minimum design concentration for the hazard involved. As INERGEN is released into an enclosure it displaces air and some INERGEN. Therefore more INERGEN is injected into an enclosure than remains when the discharge is completed. The proportion of air that has been replaced by INERGEN when the discharge is complete is called the design concentration. The ratio of the volume of an enclosure to the volume of INERGEN injected into it is called the flooding factor. The relationship between the design concentration and the flooding factor may be summarised by the following equations. Design Concentration Flooding Factor = 100 - 100 / e ff = ln (100 / (100 - dc)) The minimum design concentration as specified by ISO14520 is 36.5% however Tyco Safety Products would recommend the use of a minimum design concentration for the protection of electrical hazards of 40% - flooding factor 0.51 @ 20°C (cu.m INERGEN / cu.m protected space). Class B and C hazards will require separate consideration. A list of substances and the minimum design concentration applicable are indicated in Table 4. These values taken from ISO 14520 are based on the ‘extinguishing value’ plus 30% and then rounded up to the next nearest full number. If any doubt exists refer to the Extinguishing Technical Department. If the system is being designed in accordance with the VdS standard then the VdS requirement 2380 will have to be followed. 3) Multiply the gross volume by the appropriate flooding factor from table 5 or determine the agent quantity required by using the following formula. Agent Quantity =V x (ln (100 / (100 - dc)) x ((0.70818 / (0.65799 + (0.00239 x t))) Where, dc = Design Concentration, V = Enclosure Volume (cu.m), t = Enclosure Temperature. Note: Adjust the agent quantity if the system is to be installed at altitudes that vary from sea level by more than 11%. The multiplying factor is shown in Table 6. 4) Determine the quantity of INERGEN containers required by dividing the INERGEN quantity required by the capacity of each INEGEN container as shown in Table 3. Nominal Container Size Capacity By Volume Capacity By Weight 3 (Litre) (m ) (kg) 80 23.6 33.5 Table 3: Capacities Of INERGEN Containers PAGE 10 of 133 Material INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 ISO14520:2000 Acetone 41.3 % 100 AV EQUIPMENT: n/a Butanol 41.9 % 47.7 % 45.0 % Diethylether Ethanol(EthylAlcohol) 46.5 % 46.2% Formic Acid n/a n/a 48.4% n/a n/a 40.1 % IsopropylAlcohol(IPA) n/a 37.7% n/a % 42.5 Kerosene n/a Methane 38.6 % Methanol(MethylAlcohol) 57.0% MethylEthylKetone(MEK) n/a MethylIsoButylKetone n/a 55.7 % 55.4% 41.2 % 34.2 % Hydraulic Oil AJet 57.3 % 54.0 % n/a n/a 49.5 % n/a 40.0 % 34.4 % Fuel Oil #1 VdS NFPA2001 39.6 % Diesel Oil 16/12/05 CN n/a n/a n/a 40.1 % n/a n/a 46.3 % 64.7% 68.3% 45.8% 39.4% n/a n/a n-Heptan(Heptane) 44.0% 40.7% 48.1% n-Hexan (Hexane) 45.3 % 39.6 % 54.3 % n-Pentan(Pentane) 42.8% 46.2% 51.3% 37.2 % n/a Propane Quench Oil n/a 37.9 % Regular Gasoline n/a 39.2 % Toluene 36.6 % 34.5 % Transformer Oil 49.2 % WhiteSpirit/TestGasoline 42.6% n/a n/a 44.6 % n/a n/a 43.8 % 59.0 % 51.0% Table 4: Minimum INERGEN Design Concentration ISO 14520 Concentration: The ISO 14520: 2000 design concentrations shown are based on cup burner values, from VDS where available, plus a safety factor of 1.3 NFPA Concentration: The NPFPA design concentrations shown are based on cup burner values, from Ansul where available, plus a safety factor of 1.3 VDS Concentration: The VdS design concentration shown for n-heptan (Heptane) is based upon a large full scale value and has safety factor of 1.3. All other VdS design concentrations shown are based on cup burner values. They have a safety factor of 1.3 and a scaling factor of 1.2. applied to them. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 11 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Note: If quantities of fuel lis ted in Table 4 are suffic ient to generate explosive atmospheres, higher inerting concentration may be required. Specific Hazard Vapour Temp. Volume Design Concentration % and Agent Volume Requirement V/V -40 -35 -30 0.5624 0.5743 0.5863 34 0.5232 0.5123 0.5019 36 38 40 42 0.5620 0.6020 0.6432.6859 0 0.5503 0.5894 0.6299.6717 0 0.5391 0.5774 0.6170.6580 0 44 0.7301 0.7149 0.7004 46 48 50 0.7759 0.8234.8728 0 0.7598 0.8063.8547 0 0.7443 0.7899.8373 0 52 0.9242 0.9050 0.8866 54 56 0.9778 1.0338 0.9575 1.0123 0.9380 0.9917 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.5982 0.6102 0.6221 0.6341 0.6460 0.6580 0.6699 0.6819 0.6938 0.7058 0.7177 0.7297 0.7416 0.7536 0.7655 0.7775 0.7894 0.8014 0.4919 0.4822 0.4730 0.4641 0.4555 0.4472 0.4392 0.4315 0.4241 0.4169 0.4100 0.4033 0.3968 0.3905 0.3844 0.3785 0.3727 0.3672 0.5283 0.5180 0.5080 0.4984 0.4892 0.4803 0.4718 0.4635 0.4555 0.4478 0.4403 0.4331 0.4262 0.4194 0.4128 0.4065 0.4004 0.3944 0.5659 0.5548 0.5441 0.5339 0.5240 0.5145 0.5053 0.4965 0.4879 0.4797 0.4717 0.4639 0.4565 0.4492 0.4422 0.4354 0.4288 0.4224 0.6047.6448 0 0.5929.6322 0 0.5815.6201 0 0.5705.6084 0 0.5600.5971 0 0.5498.5863 0 0.5400.5758 0 0.5305.5657 0 0.5214.5560 0 0.5126.5466 0 0.5040.5375 0 0.4958.5287 0 0.4878.5202 0 0.4800.5119 0 0.4726.5039 0 0.4653.4962 0 0.4582.4887 0 0.4514.4814 0 0.6864 0.6729 0.6600 0.6476 0.6356 0.6240 0.6129 0.6022 0.5918 0.5818 0.5721 0.5627 0.5537 0.5449 0.5364 0.5281 0.5201 0.5124 0.7294 0.7151 0.7014 0.6882 0.6755 0.6632 0.6514 0.6399 0.6289 0.6183 0.6080 0.5980 0.5884 0.5791 0.5700 0.5613 0.5528 0.5445 0.7741.8205 0 0.7589.8045 0 0.7444.7890 0 0.7303.7741 0 0.7168.7598 0 0.7038.7460 0 0.6913.7327 0 0.6791.7199 0 0.6674.7075 0 0.6561.6955 0 0.6452.6839 0 0.6347.6727 0 0.6244.6619 0 0.6145.6514 0 0.6049.6412 0 0.5956.6314 0 0.5866.6218 0 0.5779.6125 0 0.8689 0.8518 0.8355 0.8197 0.8046 0.7900 0.7759 0.7623 0.7491 0.7365 0.7242 0.7123 0.7009 0.6897 0.6790 0.6685 0.6584 0.6486 0.9192 0.9012 0.8839 0.8673 0.8512 0.8358 0.8209 0.8065 0.7926 0.7792 0.7662 0.7536 0.7415 0.7297 0.7183 0.7073 0.6966 0.6862 0.9719 0.9528 0.9345 0.9169 0.8999 0.8836 0.8678 0.8526 0.8379 0.8238 0.8100 0.7968 0.7839 0.7715 0.7595 0.7478 0.7365 0.7255 65 70 75 80 85 90 0.8133 0.8253 0.8372 0.8492 0.8611 0.8731 0.3618 0.3566 0.3515 0.3465 0.3417 0.3370 0.3886 0.3830 0.3775 0.3722 0.3670 0.3620 0.4162 0.4102 0.4043 0.3987 0.3931 0.3877 0.4448.4743 0 0.4383.4674 0 0.4321.4608 0 0.4260.4543 0 0.4201.4480 0 0.4143.4418 0 0.5049 0.4975 0.4904 0.4835 0.4768 0.4703 0.5365 0.5287 0.5212 0.5139 0.5067 0.4998 0.5694.6035 0 0.5611.5948 0 0.5531.5863 0 0.5453.5780 0 0.5378.5700 0 0.5304.5622 0 0.6391 0.6298 0.6208 0.6121 0.6036 0.5953 0.6761 0.6663 0.6568 0.6476 0.6386 0.6299 0.7148 0.7045 0.6944 0.6847 0.6752 0.6659 Table 5: INERGEN Design Concentration. V/V Is the agent volume requirements (m3/m3); ie, the quantity Q of agent required at a given hazard temperature and a pressure of 1•013 bar per cubic metre of protected volume to produce the indicated concentration at the temperature specified. Q is given by the following formula:- V Is the net volume of the hazard (m extinguishant. SR Is the specific reference volume (m 3/kg); ie, the specific vapour volume at the filling reference temperature. t s Is the temperature (ºC); ie, the design temperature of the protected area. Is the specific volume (m3/kg); the specific volume of INERGEN at a pressure of 1•013 bar may be approximated by the formula; s = K1 + K2t. Where:- k1 = 0.65799 and k 2 = 0.00239 c Is the concentration (%); i.e., the volumetric concentration of INERGEN in air at the temperature indicated and a pressure of 1.013 bar absolute. 3 ); ie, the enclosed volume minus the fixed structures impervious to Equivalent Altitude In Metres -1,000 SeaL evel 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 Correction Factor To Be Applied 1.130 1.000 0.885 0.830 0.785 0.735 0.690 0.650 0.610 0.565 Table 6: Altitude Correction Factors PAGE 12 of 133 2.2.1 Design Conc. Vol. % 34.00 34.50 35.00 ACHIEVED GAS CONCENTRATION EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN (At 1,000 mbar and 15 degrees C) Flooding Factor Achieved Concentration Design Flooding Factor Achieved Concentration Volume Weight Oxygen CO2 Argon Nitrogen Conc. Volume Weight Oxygen CO2 Argon Nitrogen Vol.% m 3 / m 3 Kg / m 3 Vol.% Vol.% Vol.% Vol.% m 3 / m3 Kg / m 3 Vol.% Vol.% Vol.% Vol.% 0.4156 0.5918 13.86 2.73 14.27 69.14 57.50 0.8557 1.2185 8.93 4.61 23.43 63.03 0.4232 0.6026 13.76 2.77 14.46 69.01 2.13 58.00 0.8676 1.2355 8.82 4.65 23.63 62.90 0.4308 0.6135 13.65 2.81 14.66 68.88 2.18 58.50 0.8795 1.2524 8.72 4.69 23.82 62.77 35.50 36.00 36.50 37.00 37.50 38.00 38.50 38.90 39.00 39.50 40.00 40.50 41.00 41.50 42.00 42.50 43.00 43.42 43.50 44.00 44.50 45.00 45.50 45.70 46.00 46.50 47.00 47.50 48.00 48.50 49.00 49.50 50.00 50.50 51.00 51.50 52.00 0.4386 0.4463 0.4542 0.4621 0.4701 0.4781 0.4862 0.4927 0.4943 0.5026 0.5109 0.5192 0.5277 0.5362 0.5448 0.5534 0.5622 0.5696 0.5710 0.5799 0.5888 0.5979 0.6070 0.6107 0.6162 0.6255 0.6349 0.6444 0.6540 0.6636 0.6734 0.6832 0.6932 0.7032 0.7134 0.7237 0.7340 0.6246 0.6355 0.6468 0.6580 0.6694 0.6808 0.6923 0.7016 0.7039 0.7157 0.7275 0.7393 0.7514 0.7635 0.7758 0.7880 0.8006 0.8111 0.8131 0.8258 0.8385 0.8514 0.8644 0.8696 0.8775 0.8907 0.9041 0.9176 0.9313 0.9450 0.9589 0.9729 0.9871 1.0014 1.0159 1.0305 1.0452 13.55 13.44 13.34 13.23 13.13 13.02 12.92 12.84 12.81 12.71 12.60 12.50 12.39 12.29 12.18 12.08 11.97 11.89 11.87 11.76 11.66 11.55 11.45 11.41 11.34 11.24 11.13 11.03 10.92 10.82 10.71 10.61 10.50 10.40 10.29 10.19 10.08 2.85 2.89 2.93 2.97 3.01 3.05 3.09 3.12 3.13 3.17 3.21 3.25 3.29 3.33 3.37 3.41 3.45 3.48 3.49 3.53 3.57 3.61 3.65 3.66 3.69 3.73 3.77 3.81 3.85 3.89 3.93 3.97 4.01 4.05 4.09 4.13 4.17 14.85 15.05 15.24 15.44 15.63 15.83 16.02 16.18 16.22 16.41 16.61 16.80 17.00 17.19 17.39 17.58 17.78 17.94 17.97 18.17 18.36 18.56 18.75 18.83 18.95 19.14 19.34 19.53 19.73 19.92 20.12 20.31 20.51 20.70 20.90 21.09 21.29 68.75 68.62 68.49 68.36 68.23 68.10 67.97 67.86 67.84 67.71 67.58 67.45 67.32 67.19 67.06 66.93 66.80 66.69 66.67 66.54 66.41 66.28 66.15 66.10 66.02 65.89 65.76 65.63 65.50 65.37 65.24 65.11 64.98 64.85 64.72 64.59 64.46 2.23 2.28 2.34 2.39 2.45 2.50 2.56 2.61 2.62 2.68 2.75 2.81 2.88 2.95 3.02 3.09 3.17 3.23 3.24 3.32 3.40 3.49 3.58 52.50 53.00 53.50 54.00 54.50 55.00 55.50 56.00 56.50 57.00 0.7445 0.7551 0.7658 0.7766 0.7875 0.7986 0.8097 0.8210 0.8325 0.8440 1.0602 1.0753 1.0905 1.1059 1.1214 1.1372 1.1530 1.1691 1.1855 1.2019 9.98 9.87 9.77 9.66 9.56 9.45 9.35 9.24 9.14 9.03 4.21 4.25 4.29 4.33 4.37 4.41 4.45 4.49 4.53 4.57 21.48 21.68 21.87 22.07 22.26 22.46 22.65 22.85 23.04 23.24 64.33 64.20 64.07 63.94 63.81 63.68 63.55 63.42 63.29 63.16 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.2 0.2 3.67 3.77 3.87 3.97 4.08 4.19 4.31 4.44 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 59.00 59.50 60.00 60.50 61.00 61.50 62.00 62.50 63.00 63.50 64.00 64.50 65.00 65.50 66.00 66.50 67.50 68.00 68.50 69.00 69.50 70.00 70.50 71.00 71.50 72.00 72.50 73.00 73.50 74.00 74.50 75.00 75.50 76.00 76.50 77.00 77.50 0.8916 0.9039 0.9163 0.9289 0.9417 0.9546 0.9676 0.9809 0.9943 1.0079 1.0217 1.0357 1.0499 1.0643 1.0789 1.0937 1.1240 1.1395 1.1552 1.1712 1.1875 1.2040 1.2208 1.2379 1.2553 1.2730 1.2910 1.3094 1.3281 1.3471 1.3665 1.3863 1.4065 1.4272 1.4482 1.4697 1.4917 1.2696 1.2872 1.3048 1.3228 1.3410 1.3594 1.3779 1.3968 1.4159 1.4352 1.4549 1.4748 1.4951 1.5156 1.5364 1.5574 1.6006 1.6226 1.6450 1.6678 1.6910 1.7145 1.7384 1.7628 1.7875 1.8128 1.8384 1.8646 1.8912 1.9183 1.9459 1.9741 2.0029 2.0323 2.0622 2.0929 2.1242 8.61 8.51 8.40 8.30 8.19 8.09 7.98 7.88 7.77 7.67 7.56 7.46 7.35 7.25 7.14 7.04 6.83 6.72 6.62 6.51 6.41 6.30 6.20 6.09 5.99 5.88 5.78 5.67 5.57 5.46 5.36 5.25 5.15 5.04 4.94 4.83 4.73 4.73 4.77 4.81 4.85 4.89 4.93 4.97 5.01 5.05 5.09 5.13 5.17 5.21 5.25 5.29 5.33 5.41 5.45 5.49 5.53 5.57 5.61 5.65 5.69 5.73 5.77 5.81 5.85 5.89 5.93 5.97 6.01 6.05 6.09 6.13 6.17 6.21 24.02 24.21 24.41 24.60 24.80 24.99 25.19 25.38 25.58 25.77 25.97 26.16 26.36 26.55 26.75 26.94 27.33 27.53 27.72 27.92 28.11 28.31 28.50 28.70 28.89 29.09 29.28 29.48 29.67 29.87 30.06 30.26 30.45 30.65 30.84 31.04 31.23 62.64 62.51 62.38 62.25 62.12 61.99 61.86 61.73 61.60 61.47 61.34 61.21 61.08 60.95 60.82 60.69 60.43 60.30 60.17 60.04 59.91 59.78 59.65 59.52 59.39 59.26 59.13 59.00 58.87 58.74 58.61 58.48 58.35 58.22 58.09 57.96 57.83 78.00 78.50 79.00 79.50 80.00 80.50 81.00 81.50 82.00 82.50 1.5142 1.5372 1.5607 1.5848 1.6095 1.6348 1.6608 1.6874 1.7148 1.7430 2.1562 2.1890 2.2224 2.2568 2.2919 2.3280 2.3650 2.4029 2.4419 2.4820 4.62 4.52 4.41 4.31 4.20 4.10 3.99 3.89 3.78 3.68 6.25 6.29 6.33 6.37 6.41 6.45 6.49 6.53 6.57 6.61 31.43 31.62 31.82 32.01 32.21 32.40 32.60 32.79 32.99 33.18 57.70 57.57 57.44 57.31 57.18 57.05 56.92 56.79 56.66 56.53 Table 7: Achieved Gas Concentration ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 13 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN The ‘Halon Alternatives Group’ report, ‘A review of the toxic and asphyxiating hazards of clean agent replacements for Halon 1301’, advises that INERGEN systems may be used in the fully automatic mode in occupied areas where the oxygen level does not reduce below 12% (flooding factor 0.56). In the event that the oxygen level is between 10% and 12% (flooding factor 0.74 - 0.56), the system may be on automatic providing the enclosure can be evacuated in less than 2 minutes. If the oxygen level falls below 10% (flooding factor greater than 0.74), the system must not be used in the automatic mode whilst the enclosure is occupied. In order to determine or confirm the theorectical oxygen concentration or confirm which of the above conditions apply, the following steps should be taken. 1) Calculate the exact volume of INERGEN to be discharged into the protected enclosure by multiplying the number of containers to be provided by the volume of INERGEN contained in each (refer to Table 3). 2) Divide the actual volume of INERGEN being provided by the net hazard volume to determine the actual flooding factor 3) 4) Correct the flooding factor calculated above for temperature by dividing it by:0.70818 / (0.6598 + (0.002416 x t)) where, t = maximum enclosure temperature Relate the actual flooding factor to the conditions of use outlined above. Note: See also Section 2.2.2 DISCHARGE TIME TO ACHIEVE MIN. DESIGN CONCENTRATION The ‘minimum’ design concentration is defined as the quantity of INERGEN required to achieve a concentration not less than the extinguishing value, plus a 30% safety factor, even if the actual design concentration for the hazard enclosure is greater than the ‘minimum’ value. For example, if the hazard consists of combustible materials that are extinguished at 28.1% to give a ‘minimum’ design concentration of 36.5% (say 37%) but the actual design is based on 40% design concentration, then the requirement is for 95% of the ‘minimum’ value (0.95 x 37%) ie, 35.2% concentration to be discharged within 1 minute. Expressed as an oxygen level the following calculation will apply: 100% - 35.2% = 64.8% of start level. Therefore (assuming initial oxygen level of 21%) - 64.8% of 21% = residual oxygen level of 13.7%. 2.2.3 EXTENDED D ISCHARGE Should the nature of the hazard determine that an extended discharge of INERGEN is required the system must be so configured that the requirement for 95% of the ‘minimum’ design concentration for the hazard enclosure is achieved within 1 minute. Any extended discharge should be designed to add INERGEN at such a rate as to compensate for losses. The duration of the extended discharge may be determined according to the nature of the hazard and the required hold time. All extended discharge systems should be referred to the Tyco Safety Products Technical Department. 2.2.4 CONNECTED RESERVES Connected reserves can be accommodated in the system. The means to achieve this will normally be by means of a duplicate bank of INERGEN containers connected into a common manifold. All parts of the storage system will be duplicated but the pipework system from the container storage area and the discharge nozzles will normally be common. 2.2.5 STOP VALVES AN D DISTRIBUTION VALVE SYSTEM Stop valves and distribution valves can be accommodated in the system. Both types of arrangement will create closed sections of pipework and may require pressure relieving devices (pressure relief valves) to satisfy national standards. The methodology by which to achieve the many configurations possible, in systems using distribution valves, will require the use of non-return valves, pilot line bleed valves, and may require the use of non-return valves, strategically positioned in the pneumatic pilot system. An example of a typical layout is shown in Fig. 5. The safe use of INERGEN should always comply with recognised national standards. For information on the developed concentrations please see Table 7: Achieved Gas Concentration PAGE 14 of 133 2.2.6 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN MAIN AND RESERVE SYSTEM A functional description of the system shown below in Fig. 1 can be found in section re d in l y C t o li P n ai M Vent To Atmosphere Main System er d n li y C t o li P e v re se R Reserve System Test And Relief Device PRE-1 (204.1) The PRE-1 test and relief device is only for use with the 27 and 80 litre pilot cylinders. Pilot Cylinder Selection (201) Fig 1: Main And Reserve System 2 - 40 Container System - 8 Litre Pilot Cylinder, 200 bar 41 - 100 Container System - 27 Litre Pilot Cylinder, 200 bar 101 - 250 Container System - 80 Litre Pilot Cylinder, 200 bar Additional Information Relating To German Health & Safety Requirements For Safety Class I + II ref. BGI888: Use electric actuator (108) at the pilot cylinder. For Safety Class III + IV ref. BGI888: Use stepper motor (106) at the pilot cylinder. Note: Whilst the use of a filter in the actuation line (item 204.2) is not a VdS re quirement, Tyco Safety Products requires that this filter be used and it’s location within a system should be as shown above. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 15 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN MAIN AND RESERVE SYSTEM - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Below is a functional description of the system as shown in Fig 1. If fire breaks out it is detected in the early stages by the automatic detectors (smoke detectors, heat detectors etc.) (102) positioned in the extinguishing area and is signalled to the detection and control panel (101). Alternatively, a manual release push button (103) is also provided: this is positioned in the extinguishing area and can be operated manually be the staff. Within the electical detection and control panel (101) the signal from either the automatic detectors (102), or the manual release (103), is processed internally, and initialy the following functions are carried out. • The accoustic alarm devices (104) are switched on in the extinguishing area (two independant alarm devices) • Visual indicators and alarms, if present, are switched on. • An adjustable delay period of between 10 and 60 seconds starts, enabling the staff the leave the extinguishing area. This delay can be achieved in one of two ways, either: a) electonically, by the module in the fire detection and control panel (101), or b) via a stepper motor (106) and controller (101.1) with pulse technology. • The air conditioning / ventilation system is switched off, together with any operating equipment which may be present such a power supply (107). • A signal is given to close doors or other operational enclosures (107) • An alarm signal is sent to a permantly occupied location if one has been identified. • Other secondary signals are possible on a project specific basis. After the delay period has elapsed, the actiation signal is given to the components of the extinguishing system: a) signal to the electric actuator (108) on the pilot cylinder (201), or b) the stepper motor (106), as part of the pulse technology, has run out and manualy opens the cylinder valve (202) on the pilot cylinder (201). When this happens, a release membrane is destroyed, causing gas from the pilot cylinder to move the valve piston downwards, which in turn opens the pilot cylinder valve (202), which can no longer be closed. The pilot cylinder gas, INERGEN 200 bar, flows via the pilot pipe (203) to the connected container valves (302) of the extinguishing agent containers (301) The container valves (302) of the container battery that is to be opened are opened pneumatically. The bar, extinguishing agent,the INERGEN 300 bar, flows via the pressure reduction with it’s pressure reduced to 200 it flows through respective container connection hose (304) and the unit non (303): return valve (305) into the manifold (501). The extinguishing agent, which has already been reduced to a pressure of 200 bar, flows on through the downstream pressure reduction devise (405) where the pressure is further reduced from 200 bar to 60 bar. The INERGEN then flows into the distribution pipe (503) and on to the extinguishing area where it exits the pipe through the extinguishing nozzles (504) and is distributed in the room. PAGE 16 of 133 2.2.7 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN TYPICAL PI LOT CYLINDER (8 Ltr) OPERATED SYSTEM Note: The 8 Ltr pilot cy linder operated system as shown below is suitable for systems comprissing of up to 40 main containers. For systems that have more than 40 main containers do not use the 8 Ltr pliot operated system shown below. For systems that have between 41 and 100 main containers the 8 Ltr pilot cylinder is replaced as a means of actuation by a 27Ltr pilot cylinder. For systems having between 101 and 250 main containers an 80 Ltr pilot cylinder is required, as shown in Fig: 4. Fig 2: Typical Pilot Cylinder Operated INERGEN System (With 8 Litre Pilot Cylinder) ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 17 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN TYPICAL PILOT CYLINDER (8Ltr) OPE RATED SYSTEM - EXPLODED VIEW For details of components that correspond to the numbers shown below, please see section 3.0. of this manual. Fig 3: Typical Pilot Cylinder Operated INERGEN System (With 8 Litre Pilot Cylinder) Exploded View. PAGE 18 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN TYPICAL PILOT CYLINDER (27 Ltr o r 80 Ltr) O PERATED SYSTEM Fig 4: Typical 27 Ltr or 80 Ltr Pilot Cylinder Operated INERGEN System ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 19 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN LOCK OFF UNIT FOR SINGLE BANK S YSTEMS Application And Function The Lock Off Unit can be used to isolate the supply of pilot gas from the main container. It is is located in the actuation line between the pilot cylinder and the pneumatic actuator of the main container as shown in Fig: 2. It is also shown as item 6 in Fig: 3. By closing and locking off the ball valve (C), the source of pneumatic pilot gas is isolated from the pneumatic actuator of the main container therefore preventing it from operating. Under normal operating circumstances the ball valve (C) is locked in the open position, thus ensuring that when a pneumatic source becomes available, at the time of system discharge, the main containers pneumatic actuator is able to operate. The Lock Off Unit consists of a 2/2-directional ball valve with a relief bore hole and built on parts as described in the table below. Two switches can be built onto the device to monitor whether the ball valve is in the open or closed position. For further information please see technical data sheet 5-125-01E. The padlock supplied with the product can be used to secure the ball valve in either of the end positions. The ball valve must be installed in the correct orientation as shown opposite. 210mm Operation and Maintenace If the lock off unit is properly used, it requires no maintainance. Damaged lock off units must be replaced immediately. The warnings in the Operating Instructions for the extinguishing system must be followed. 2 Function Of Valve 1 + 2 - Through Passage 3 A - Pressure Relief 1 100mm 3 Technical Data Nominal Diameter DN8 A - Inlet Thread M16 x 1.5 DIN2353L B - Outlet Thread M16 x 1.5 DIN2353L Operating Pressure 200 bar Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 315 bar Operating Temperature -20oC to +50oC Material Steel, Nickel Plated. Approval VdS Identification Marking CE Certification Body 0786-VdS 110mm B C 85mm EC Certificate Of Conformity 0786-CPD-30020 Requirements DIN EN 12094-6 and CEA 4032 Weight 0.8 Kg. Order Number KO 246 289 6 PAGE 20 of 133 Fig 5: Lock Off Unit For Single Bank Systems. 2.2.8 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN DISTRIBUTION VALVE SYSTEM - CONSULT TSP REGARDING AVAILABILITY Main Pilot Cylinder EPSL-3 Reserve Pilot Cylinder Pilot Cylinder Size (201) 0 - 40 Container System 27 Litre Pilot Cylinder, 200 bar 40 - 250 Container System 80 Litre Pilot Cylinder, 200 bar Main System r e in at n o C 1 k n a B r e n i at n o C 2 k an B Reserve System r e n i at n o C 1 k an B r e n i at n o C 2 k n a B Fig 6: Distribution Valve System ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 21 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN DISTRIBUTION VALVE SY STEM - FUNC TIONAL DESC RIPTION AREA S WITH IDENTICAL TIME DEL AYS Below is a description based on the the system as shown in Fig 5. If fire breaks is detected inarea the early by the detectors (smokepanel detectors, detectors etc.) (102) positioned in out the itextinguishing and isstages signalled to automatic the detection and control (101).heat Alternatively, a manual release push button (103) is also provided: this is positioned in the extinguishing area and can be operated manually be the staff. Within the electical detection and control panel (101) the signal from either the automatic detectors (102), or the manual release (103), is processed internally, and initialy the following functions are carried out. • The accoustic alarm devices (104) are switched on in the extinguishing area (two independant alarm devices) • Visual indicators and alarms, if present, are switched on. • An adjustable delay period of between 10 and 60 seconds starts, enabling the staff the leave the extinguishing area. This delay can be achieved in one of two ways, either: a) electonically, by the module in the fire detection and control panel (101), or b) via a stepper motor (106) and controller (101.1) with pulse technology. • The air conditioning / ventilation system is swit ched off, together with any operating equipment which may be present such a power supply (107). • A signal is given to close doors or other operational enclosures (107) • An alarm signal is sent to a permantly occupied location if one has been identified. • Other secondary signals are possible on a project specific basis. After the delay period has elapsed, the actiation signal is given to the components of the extinguishing system: a) signal to the solenoid valve (204.4) responsible for the extinguishing area to be flooded and to the electric actuator (108) for the pilot cylinder (201): or b) signal to the solenoid valve (204.4) responsible for the extinguishing area to be flooded and to the stepper motor (106, which has run out) mechanically opens the cylinder valve (202) on the pilot cylinder (201). In both cases a membrane is destroyed. As a result of this it is no longer possible to close the pilot cylinder valve (202). The pilot gas, INERGEN 200 bar, flows into the ESPL-3 (204). Here the stream of pilot gas is split up into two flows. The first of these flows at full pressure to the transmitter valves (204.7, one per container bank) which are still closed. The second flow, after reducing it’s pressure to 10 bar, flows through the solenoid valve (204.4, one per extinguishing area) which has already opened allowing the flow to continue onto to the pneumatic drive (402) which then opens the associated distribution valve (401). In addition, pilot gas is supplied to the input of the confirmation valve (204.5), which is still closed. When the distribution valve (401) has reached the ‘open’ position, a signal is sent to the detection and control panel (101) by the position switch (403). After this signal has been processed within the panel the confirmation valve (204.5) for the extinguishing area that is to be flooded is activated. PAGE 22 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN On opening the 10 bar pilot gas flows automatically via the pneumatic directional valves (204.8.1) in the control unit (204.8) of the EPSL-3 (204) to one or more transmitter valves (204.7). The 10 bar signal is used here to send pilot pressure of 200 bar to the necessary container bank/s which are required to flood the extinguishing area in question. The 200 bar pilot gas flows via the optional ‘Main / Reserve’ switchover unit (205) to the extinguishing agent bank. Example: Extinguishing area A requires bank 1 Extinguishing area B requires bank 2 Extinguishing area C requires banks 1 and 2. The container valves (302) of the corresponding container bank/s are opened pneumatically. The extinguishing agent flows via the pressure reduction unit (303), reduced to a pressure of 200 bar, via the respective container connection hose (304) and the non return valve (305) into the manifold (501). The connection pipe (502) to the distribution valves (401) is connected here. The extinguishing agent, which has already been reduced to a pressure of 200 bar, flows through the opened distribution valve (401) and downstream pressure reduction device (405), which reduces the pressure from 200 bar to 60 bar, and then through the pipe (503) to the extinguishing area where it exits from the extinguishing nozzles (504) and is distributed in the room. AREA S WITH DIFFERENT TIME DEL AYS Below is a description based on the the system as shown in Fig 5. If fire breaks out it is detected in the early stages by the automatic detectors (smoke detectors, heat detectors etc.) (102) positioned in the extinguishing area and is signalled to the detection and control panel (101). Alternatively, a manual release push button (103) is also provided: this is positioned in the extinguishing area and can be operated manually be the staff. Within the electical detection and control panel (101) the signal from either the automatic detectors (102), or the manual release (103), is processed internally, and initialy the following functions are carried out. • The accoustic alarm devices (104) are switched on in the extinguishing area (two independant alarm devices) • Visual indicators and ala rms, if pr esent, are switched on. • An adjustable delay period of between 10 and 60 seconds starts, enabling the staff the leave the extinguishing area. This delay can be achieved in one of two ways, either: a) electonically, by the module in the fire detection and control panel (101), or b) via a stepper motor (106) and controller (101.1) with pulse technology. • The air conditioning / ventilation system is switched off, together with any operating equipment which may be present such a power supply (107). • A signal is given to close doors or other operational enclosures (107) • An alarm signal is sent to a permantly occupied location if one has been identified. • Other secondary signals are possible on a project specific basis. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 23 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN After the delay period has elapsed, the actiation signal is given to the components of the extinguishing system: a) signal to the sole noid valve (204.4) responsible for the extingu ishing area to be flooded: or b) The stepper motor (204.6) has run out and opens the integrated control valve mechanically. Due to the activation of the area specific solenoid valve (204.4) or (204.6) the pilot pressure of 10 bar is fed to the pneumatic drive (402) which opens the associated distribution valve (401). In addition, the input of the confirmation valve (204.5, which is still closed) is supplied with pilot gas. When the distribution valve (401) has reached the ‘open’ position, a signal is sent to the detection and control panel (101) by the position switch (403). After this signal has been processed within the panel the confirmation valve (204.5) for the extinguishing area that is to be flooded is activated. On opening the 10 bar pilot gas flows automatically via the pneumatic directional valves (204.8.1) in the control unit (204.8) of the EPSL-3 (204) to one or more transmitter valves (204.7). The 10 bar signal is used here to send pilot pressure of 200 bar to the necessary container bank/s which are required to flood the extinguishing area in question. The 200 bar pilot gas flows via the optional ‘Main / Reserve’ switchover unit (205) to the extinguishing agent bank. Example: • Extinguishing area A requires bank 1 • Extinguishing area B requires bank 2 • Extinguishing area C requires banks 1 and 2. The container valves (302) of the corresponding container bank(s) are opened pneumatically. The extinguishing agent flows via the pressure reduction unit (303), reduced to a pressure of 200 bar, via the respective container connection hose (304) and the non return valve (305) into the manifold (501). The connection pipe (502) to the distribution valves (401) is connected here. The extinguishing agent, which has already been reduced to a pressure of 200 bar, flows through the opened distribution valve (401) and downstream pressure reduction device (405), which reduces the pressure from 200 bar to 60 bar, and then through the pipe (503) to the extinguishing area where it exits from the extinguishing nozzles (504) and is distributed in the room. PAGE 24 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN WELDED DISTRIBUTION PIPE VALVE ASSEMBLY An means of mounting distribution valves when a fully VdS complient system is not required is by utilising the welded distribution pipe assembly as shown below. See section 3 of this manual for further information on the distribution valve used in the system shown. Note: The dimension shown for the height to the top of the container fixing bar from floor level (1738mm) is the correct dimension when using 80 Litre containers. The room height dimension shown (2213mm) would be the minimum height requirement of a room used for container storage if standard components are used as shown. This is based on the use of 80 Litre containers and a dimension of 100mm from the centre line of the distribution pipework to the storage rooms ceiling. Fig 7: Welded Distribution Pipe Assembly. (With 80 Ltr Containers) ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 25 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN ALTERNATIVE A - SCRE WED DISTRIBUTION PIPE VALVE ASS EMBLY When a fully VdS complient system is required an alternative means of mounting distribution valves is by utilising the screwed distribution pipe assembly is shown below. HD-BV / 3 direction valves are used for this VdS approved version and they are tested to EN 12094 - part 5 This arrangement requires a support leg be placed at each union joint with additional support legs located at each end. See section 3 of this manual for further information on the distribution valve. 2 1 3 4 1 - High Pressure Fittings 2 - Locking Device 3 - Distribution Valve 4 - Distribution Valve Reset Tool Fig 8: Threaded Distribution Pipe Assembly. Dimension A Dimension H This is the distance from the centre line of the distribution pipe to the wall. This is the height above floor level of the distribution pipe. 50mm distribution Pipe = 150mm 80mm distribution Pipe = 150mm 50mm distribution Pipe = 765mm min, 860mm max. 80mm distribution Pipe = 780mm min, 875mm max. PAGE 26 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN ALTERNATIVE A - SCREWED DISTRIBUTION PIPE VALVE ASSEMBL Y EXPLODED VIEW For a description of the components identified on this page please see the section 3.0 of this manual. Fig 9: Threaded Distribution Pipe Assembly. Exploded View ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 27 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN ALTERNATIVE A - SCRE WED DISTRIBUTION PIPE VALVE ASS EMBLY LOCK OFF UNIT FOR DISTRIBUTION VALVE Application And Function The Lock Off Unit can be used to isolate an extinguishing area by inhibiting the automatic operation of the distribution valve associated with that area. The inlet to the lock off device is connected to the distribution valve pilot pipe (A) and it’s outlet (E) is connected to the pneumatic drive of the distribution valve. By closing and locking off the ball valve (C), the pneumatic source required to actuate the the distribution valve’s pneumatic drive is isolated and therefore inhibiting the automatic operation of the distribution valve. Under normal operating circumstances the ball valve (C) is locked in the open position, thus ensuring that when a pneumatic source becomes available, at the time of system discharge, the distribution valve is able to operate. The Lock Off Unit consists of a 2/2-directional ball valve with a relief bore hole and built on parts as described in the table below. A Two switches can be built onto the device to monitor whether the ball valve is in the open or closed position. For further information please see technical data sheet 5-125-01E. B The padlock supplied with the product can be used to secure the ball valve in either of the end positions. The ball valve must be installed in the correct orientation as shown opposite. C It’s location within the distribution valve arrangement is also shown in the diagram on the previous page. Operation and Maintenace If the lock off unit is properly used, it requires no maintainance. Damaged lock off units must be replaced immediately. The warnings in the Operating Instructions for the extinguishing system must be followed. Technical Data Nominal Diameter DN6 Inlet Thread R 1/4” - A Outlet Thread 16 x 1.5 - A Operating Pressure 10 bar Test Pressure 15 bar Operating Temperature -20oC to +50oC Material Steel, Nickel Plated. Approval VdS Identification Marking CE Certification Body 0786-VdS EC Certificate Of Conformity 0786-CPD-30019 Weight 0.5 Kg. Order Number KO 246 285 6 Requirements DIN EN 12094-6 and CEA 4032 PAGE 28 of 133 D E A - Pilot Pipe B - Connecting Piece C - Ball Valve DN6 Order No. KO 241 289 6 D - Connecting Hose DN8 Order No. KO 241 463 6 E - L Screwing GL 10 1/4” Order No. KO 029 324 6 The Lock Off Unit also consists of a fixing clamp which is not shown in this diagram. 2.3 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN PIPE SIZE ESTIMATING Nominal Bore S p e c i fi c F l o w R a te Kgm / in . Specific Flow Rate 3 m / min. 10 mm in c h 10 3/8” 15 15 1/2” 20 14 20 25 3/4” 1” 35 65 24.5 45.5 32 1/4” 1 120 87.5 40 1/2” 1 170 119 50 2” 65 1/2” 2 80 310 570 3” Note: The relationship between cubic metres / minute and Kg / minute is given by the specific weight which is: 1.424 Kg / cubic metre 216 398 1100 698 Table 8: Estimated Pipe Diameters 2.4 DESIGN DRAWINGS Following receipt of instructions from the client to proceed with an installation, system layout drawings must be prepared which contain the following information as a minimum: • Extent of the protected enclosure. • • Details of the hazards. Location of the IN ERGEN containers and ass ociated equipment. • Position of Pressure Reducing Unit and orifice size. • Layout, type and size of pipework. • Position of nozzles and orifice size. • Calculations to show how the quantity of INERGEN and number of containers were determined. • Over pressurisation vent calculations. Drawings are to be submitted to the client for approval and installation must only proceed against approved drawings. 2.5 ROOM INTEGRITY AND PR ESSURISATION The successful performance of a Gaseous Total Flooding system is largely dependent on the integrity of the protected enclosure. It is strongly recom mended that a room integrity test is perfor med on any protec ted enclosure to establish the total equivalent leakage area and enable a prediction to be made of the enclosure’s ability to retain INERGEN. The required retention time will vary depending on the particulars of the hazard but will not normally be less than 10 minutes. Longer retention times may sometime s be necessary if enclosures conta in hazards that may readily beco me deep seated. In considering room integrity the designer should be aware that the discharge of any gaseous extinguishing agent into an enclosure will give rise to a change in the pressure within that enclosure, which under some conditions could affect the structural integrity of the enclosure. In most cases the protected enclosure will require a pressure relief device and in all cases the client must be made aware of the pressurisation level expected (from calculation) within the enclosure. In order to calculate the venting area required the formula on the next page may be used: ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 29 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN In order to calculate the venting area required the following formula may be used: Q A = -----------------------------------∆P × V HO M Where: A Q = Opening in sq. m = INERGEN flow rate in cu. m/sec* P = Max. Allowable Pressure Increase in Pascals ** VHOM = Specific Volume of the Homogeneous air / INERGEN mixture (normally 0.77 cm/kg is a good average for 40% concentration) The above formula may be used for simple openings with no ductwork. * As the initial flow of INERGEN is greater at the start of the discharge than at the end, it is necessary to base ‘Q’ on the peak flow rate. The figure used is likely to be 4.5% of the design quantity, but the actual figure used must be taken from the flow calculations. ** A value of 100 Pascal’s should be used if there is no other value offered by the client or clients representative. 2.6 DETECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Detection and control systems associated with fixed fire fighting systems are outside the scope of this manual. Reference should be made to the applicable company technical manuals and the relevant national standards and code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures pertaining to the electrical actuation of gaseous total flooding extinguishing systems. 2.7 ELECTRICAL EAR THING AND SAFETY CLEARAN CES For guidance on the requirements for earthing and safety clearances refer to the appropriate section of the design standards listed in Section 2.1. 2.8 2.8.1 FLOW CA LCULATIONS SOFTWARE INPUT DATA Once the gas quantities and nozzle flow rates have been determined, an isometric sketch of the system should be prepared. The sketch will show: 1) The number of containers. 2) The length of every pipe on the system. 3) Node numbers associated with every pipe. A node num ber is given at the follo wing locations: a) Each point in the containe r manifold where the flow from one or more co ntainers enters the mani fold. b) At each change in pipe diameter. c) At each location of a ‘tee’ in the syst em, ie, where the flow rate changes. d) Either side of the o rifice plate. The first container in the system is considered to be node 1. Where the discharge hose enters the manifold is considered to be node 2. Node 3 will be wh ere the second container discharge hose enters the manifold. This continues until the discharge nozzles are reached. At this point the nozzles are given node numbers commencing with the number 301 The program will calculate the pressure drop in the system and will provide pipe diameters, orifice plate sizes and nozzle sizes. PAGE 30 of 133 2.8.2 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN COMPLETING THE SYSTEM DESIGN Once the program has completed the calculations and the Design Engineer has taken account of any warnings issued, the appropriate nozzles and pressure reducing units are to be ordered. The calculated nozzle and pressure reducing unit orifice areas are used to provide drilling information from the Tables in Sections 2.9 and 2.10. 2.9 NOZZLE DRILLING DETAILS Tables 9 to 11 details all the available orifice sizes for each type and size of nozzle. When ordering it is necessary to quote the nozzle part number and orifice size. The nozzle pattern used in any system design will depend on the location of the nozzle within the system. The nozzle diameter and orifice diameter used in any system design will depend on the result of the system hydraulic calculations. Diameter P a tte r n PartNumber 1/2" 180º 310.208.001 3.0mm-10mm DrillDiameter (in0.5mmincrements) 1/2" 360º 310.208.002 3.0mm-10mm (in0.5mmincrements) 1" 180º 310.208.003 11.0mm-20.0mm (in1.0mmincrements) 1" 360º 310.208.004 11.0mm-20.0mm (in1.0mmincrements) 1 1/2" 180º 310.208.005 21.0mm -35.0mm (in 1.0mmincrements) 1 1/2" 360º 310.208.006 21.0mm -35.0mm (in 1.0mmincrements) Table 9: NPT Total Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2”, 1” and 1 1/2” Nozzles. Diameter P a tte r n PartNumber DrillDiameter 1/2" 180º 310.208.007 3.0mm-10mm (in0.5mmincrements) 1/2" 360º 310.208.008 3.0mm-10mm (in0.5mmincrements) 1" 180º 310.208.009 11.0mm-20.0mm (in1.0mmincrements) 1" 360º 310.208.010 11.0mm-20.0mm (in1.0mmincrements) 1 1/2" 180º 310.208.011 21.0mm -35.0mm (in 1.0mmincrements) 1 1/2" 360º 310.208.012 21.0mm -35.0mm (in 1.0mmincrements) Table 10: BSP Total Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2”, 1” and 1 1/2” Nozzles. Diameter P a tte r n PartNumber 1/2" 360º KS 241 GRD 1/2" 1.5mm - 2.5mm DrillDiameter (in 0.5mm increments) 1/2" 360º KS 241 GRD 1/2" 3.0mm - 13.0mm (in 0.5mm increments) 1" 360º KS 241 GRD 1" 11.0mm - 20.0mm (in 1.0mm increments) Table 11: VdS / DIN Total Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2” and 1” Nozzles. Note: The KS 241 GRD 1/2” nozzle has a filter included as standard for drill diameters up to 2.5mm ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 31 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 2.10 ORIFICE AT THE CONTAINER (300 BA R - 200 BAR) DRILLING DET AILS Table 12 details all the available orifice sizes for the DRE-V/S container pressure reducing unit. When ordering it is necessary to quote the container pressure reducing unit part number and orifice size as listed in section 3.3 of this manual. Orifice Diameters (mm) Available For DRE-V/S Pressure Reducing Unit 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Table 12: DRE-V/S Container Pressure Reducing Unit Drilling Details - (All Systems) 2.11 MAIN ORIFICE (200 BA R - 60 BA R) DRILLING DETAILS Tables 13 and 14 detail all the available orifice sizes for the 50mm and 80mm versions of the DRE-2N main pressure reducing unit. When ordering it is necessary to quote the main pressure reducing unit part number and orifice size as listed in section 3.3 of this manual. DRE-2N Pressure Reducing Unit (Open Flange Version) Unit OrificeDiametersAvailable (mm) 3.0 DRE-2N - 50mm DRE-2N - 80mm 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 - - - - - - - 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 Table 13: DRE-2N Main Pressure Reducing Unit Drilling Details - (All Systems) DRE-3 Pressure Reducing Unit (Closed Version) Unit OrificeDiametersAvailable (mm) 3.0 DRE-3 - 50mm 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 - - - - - - - Table 14: DRE-3 Main Pressure Reducing Unit Drilling Details - (All Systems) PAGE 32 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 2.12 PIPEWORK A ND FITTINGS - GENERAL It is essential that the correct grade of pipework and fittings are used in the system. It is therefore recommended that ISO 14520 is consulted. Generally the requirements are as follows: Pipework For General Use ScrewedFittings OpenSection WeldedFittings ClosedSection OpenSection ClosedSection Maximum Working Pressure Test Pressure Manufacture bar 60 240 bar bar 80 360 bar WeldedorSeamless Seamless bar 60 240 bar bar 80 360 bar WeldedorSeamless Seamless Pipe Size ASTM A 106 B (Sch 40) From 15mm up to BS 3601 and including BS 3602 40mm -- ------- ------ ---------- ----- ----- ---------- Pipe Size API 5L Grade B (Sch 80) From 50mm up to ASTM A 106 B (Sch 80) and including BS 3602 200mm -- ------- ------ ---------- ----- ----- ---------- Pipe Size From 15mm up to --------------and including 200mm --------------- Pipe Size From 15mm up to --------------and including 25mm API 5L Grade B (Sch 160) ASTM A 106 B (Sch 160) Pipe Size From 15mm up to ----- ------- --and including 100mm ASTM A 106 B (Sch 40) BS 3601 --------------- BS 3602 --------------- API 5L Grade B (Sch 80) ASTM A 106 B (Sch 80) 3602 BS 3602 BS API 5L Grade B (Sch 160) -- -------- ----- - --------- ----- ASTM A 106 B (Sch 160) BS 3602 Table 15: Pipewor k For General Use Fittings For General Use Pipe / Fitting Size OpenSection* ClosedSection* Welded / Screwed / F langed Welded / Screwed / F langed BS3799(screwed) BS3799(screwed) BS 3799 (socket welded) From 15mm up to and including 40mm BS 1640 (butt welded) BS 3799 (socket welded) Pipe / Fitting Size BS 3799 (socket welded) BS 3799 (screwed) BS 3799 (socket welded) From 50mm up to and including 150mm BS1640 (butt welded) Flanges - All sizes RaisedFace BS 1560 Pt 2 Class 600 ANSIB16.5Class600 BS 1640 (butt welded) BS 1640 (butt welded) --------------BS 1560 Pt 2 Class 2500 ANSIB16.5Class2500 All fittings are 3000lb class. Table 16: Fitting s For General Use Note : All closed se ction pipework must be asse mbled using the high pressure fittings deta iled in Section 3.1 7, unless the pipework is manufactu red off si te and tested to 360 bar . ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 33 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 2.13 PIPEWORK AND FITTINGS - DIN Section For App lic atio n (VDS and TOTAL WALTHER) Pipe Class Nominal Diameter Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness DN mm g n i k r a M For Pipe Weight Thread Accor din g To DIN 259 Internal Cross Section and 2999 2 m/kg cm High Pressure INERGEN 300 bar. Fittings HF In System Up - Stream AccordanceWith Of The 200 - 60 Bar Techn icalData Pressure Reducer Sheet 5-433-04 Volume L/ m OrderN umber Without Paint Galvanised See Technical Datasheet Welded Steel Pipe. DIN 2458 / DIN 1626, Page 3 St 37.0, Test Pressu re 80 Bar, Certificate DIN INERGEN 300 bar. EN 10204-2.2, System Down - Steel Stamped Stream Of The With 200 - 60 Bar Manufacturer Pressure Reducer And Materials Both Ends. s d n E d e R " N E G R E N "I Seamless Steel Pipe DIN 2448 / 1629 w l lo e Y 15 21.3x2.6 R1/2" 1.2 2.04 0.204 4310156 4311156 20 26.9x2.6 R3/4" 1.56 3.70 0.370 4310206 4311206 25 33.7x3.2 R1" 2.41 5.85 0.585 4310256 4311256 32 42.4x3.2 R11/4" 3.09 10.18 1.018 4310306 4311306 40 48.3x3.2 R11/2" 2.56 13.79 1.379 4310356 4311356 50 60.3x3.6 R2" 5.03 22.15 2.215 4310406 4311406 65 76.1x4.5 R21/2" 7.92 35.36 3.536 4200456 4201456 80 88.9x5.0 R3" 10.3 48.89 4.889 4200506 4201506 Table 17: DIN Pipework . App li cati on Marki ng INERGEN 300 bar. System Down "D" Stamped And Red Dot Stream Of The Main Pressure Reducer Nomi nal Diameter 15mmto80mm Standar d DINEN10242 Table 18: DIN Fitt ings. PAGE 34 of 133 Material EN-GJMW-400-5 Test Pres su re 160 bar 3. EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Note: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this section, as a result of continuous product development, the information listed here may not be the most recent available. To ensure the most up to date information is being used please consult the individual product data sheets. INERGEN Container Bank (300 bar) - Part Numbers Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Part Number / Order List Number Product Description N/A KO 240 435 6 80 Ltr. Container Filled 300 bar. N/A KO 235 396 0 80 Ltr. Container Label. N/A KO 241 098 7 Pressure Indicator DKE-6 52 N/A KO 241 099 6 Pressure Monitoring Device KM-4 --- N/A KO 241 092 6 Accessories For KM-3 And KM-4 --- N/A KO 247 021 3 Connection Hose DN12 / 300 bar. 55 N/A N/A Separate Order List 58.2 Pressure Reducer DRE/VS KS 241-DRE-VS-300 Separate Order List KS 246-ISR 58 54 Manifold 57 N/A KO 241 028 6 Quick Action Valve CI 12-8 53 N/A KO 235 382 0 Container Top Label 300 bar 58.4 N/A KO 235 386 0 Container Neck Label 300 bar 58.3 N/A KO 241 371 6 Check Valve RSVI-12 / 300 bar 56 8 Ltr. Pilot Cylinder Complete (200 bar) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 240 401 6 8 Ltr. Cylinder Filled 200 bar. 50 N/A KO 235 398 6 8 Ltr. Cylinder Label. 1.6 N/A KO 240 140 6 Cylinder Retention Ring. 22 N/A KO 240 504 6 8 Ltr. Cylinder Retention Bar. 51 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 35 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 27 Ltr. Pilot Cylinder Complete (200 bar) - SET 61070 Number Of Items In Set Order Number Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description 1 KO2404126 27Ltr.CylinderFilled200bar. 1 KO 235 398 6 27 Ltr. Cylinder Label. 1 KO 240 140 6 Cylinder Retention Ring. 1 KO2470226 4 KO 240 080 6 --22 ConnectionHoseDN10 200 / bar. 5 Fixing Link 23 80 Ltr. Pilot Cylinder Complete (200 bar) - SET 61040 Number Of Items In Set Order Number Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description 1 KO2404156 80Ltr.CylinderFilled200bar. 1 KO 235 398 6 80 Ltr. Cylinder Label 1 KO 240 140 6 Cylinder Retention Ring. 1 KO2470226 4 KO 240 080 6 --22 ConnectionHoseDN10 200 / bar. Fixing Link 5 23 Supervisory Equipment Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 241 098 6 Pressure Indicator DKE-5 (200 bar) N/A KO 241 099 6 Pressure Monitoring Device KM-4 --- N/A KO 241 092 6 Accessories For KM-3 and KM-4 --- N/A KO 246 672 6 Terminal Box --- PAGE 36 of 133 2 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Standard Release For Pilot Cylinder - SET 61100 Number Of Items In Set Order Number Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description 1 KO2413976 StepMotorDelayDeviceSMV-1 1 1 KO9900160 KO 246 032 6 ProgrammingInterfacePSS-1 Electric Actuator SF-2 1 KO 241 381 6 2 KO2470226 1 KO 246 289 6 1 KO240 305 6 33 -4 Release Head III 3 ConnectionHoseDN10 200 / bar. 5 Lock Off Unit 6 Adaptor 18mm x 1.5 to 10mm 6.1 Standard Release For Main Cylinder - SET 61110 Number Of Items In Set Order Number 1 KO 029 193 6 1 6 021 247 KO Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description Slave Cylinder Branch Tee 9 Hose DN8 11 Special Release For Pilot Cylinder - SET 61120 Number Of Items In Set Order Number 1 KO 241 381 6 1 KO 240 627 6 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description Release Head III 3 Manual Override --- Short Manifold Bracket And Fixtures - SET 61220 Number Of Items In Set Item Number Order Number 1 KO 240 106 6 1 KO 240 109 6 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts Product Description Manifold Bracket Short Fixture Parts As Shown In Fig. 3 24 25 PAGE 37 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Long Manifold Bracket And Fixtures - SET 61230 Number Of Items In Set Order Number 1 KO 240 108 6 1 KO 240 109 6 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description Manifold Bracket Long - --- Fixture Parts 25 2 Container Bank Unit - SET 61300 Number Of Items In Set Order Number 1 KO 240 102 6 1 KO 368 160 6 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description Retention Bar 560mm 21 Grate 560mm 26 3 Container Bank Unit - SET 61310 Number Of Items In Set 1 Item Number As Shown In Product Description Fig. 3 KO 240 104 6 1 1 Order Number Retention Bar 840mm KO 368 165 6 6142 240 KO 20 Grate 840mm 27 Post - - - Single Components (For 200 bar Pilot Gas) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 242 466 6 Test And Relief Unit PRE-1 --- N/A KO 241 386 6 Filter For Pilot Line DN8-SLF2 --- N/A KO 241 287 6 Switch Over, Main / Standby UER-1 --- N/A KO 240 136 6 Bracket For PRE / UER 38 N/A KO 240 506 6 Fixture For Pilot Cylinder (27 Ltr) 39 PAGE 38 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Pilot Line Components (For 200 bar Pilot Gas) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 029 141 6 Straight Coupling RA 12 --- N/A N/A KO 029 122 6 KO 029 193 6 Straight Coupling RA 10 Adjustable T Coupling --9 N/A KO 241 233 6 Automatic Vent Valve SGV-1 32 N/A KO 241 231 6 Pilot Gas Release Valve ELV-1 31 N/A KO 029 510 6 T Coupling For SGV-1 / ELV-1 30 N/A KO 403 050 6 Pilot Line 10 x 1.5 DIN 2391 --- High Pressure Fittings (100 % Tested VdS Approved) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 240 311 6 Union Joint. 50mm L/H - R/H Thread 17 N/A KO 240 315 6 Union Joint. 80mm L/H - R/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 314 6 End Joint. 50mm R/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 318 6 End Joint. 50mm L/H Thread 15 N/A KO 240 319 6 End Joint. 80mm R/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 320 6 End Joint. 80mm L/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 321 6 Tee 80mm R/H - R/H - L/H --- N/A KO 240 323 6 Tee 80mm R/H, 50mm R/H, 80mm L/H --- N/A KO 240 325 6 Tee 80mm R/H, 25mm R/H, 80mm L/H --- N/A KO 240 327 6 Tee 50mm R/H - R/H - L/H --- N/A KO 240 329 6 Tee 50mm R/H, 25mm R/H, 50mm L/H --- N/A KO 240 258 6 Connecting Pipe 560 x 50 R/H - L/H --- N/A KO 240 259 6 Connecting Pipe 560 x 80 R/H - L/H --- All fittings described above are 100% pressure tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops in accordance with VdS requirements. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 39 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN High Pressure Fittings (10 % Tested Not VdS Approved) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 240 311 7 Union Joint. 50mm L/H - R/H Thread ("RP") 17 N/A N/A KO 240 315 7 KO 240 314 7 Union Joint. 80mm L/H - R/H Thread ("RP") End Joint. 50mm R/H Thread ("RP") ----- N/A KO 240 318 7 End Joint. 50mm L/H Thread ("RP") 15 N/A KO 240 258 7 Connecting Pipe 50 x 560 R/H - L/H ("RP") --- 10% of all fittings described above are randomly pressure (“RP”) tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops and therefore are not in accordance with VdS requirements. Pressure Reducing Unit DRE 2N-50 (Open & Flanged Version) - SET Number Of Items In Set Part Number / Order List Number 1 KO 240 373 6 2 KO 010 105 6 1 KO 240 373 6 6 KO 058 013 6 1 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description Inlet Flange DN 50 --- O-ring For Orifice DN 50 Outlet Flange DN 50 Bolts M12 85mm x Separate Order List ------- OrificeDN50,D=… KS 241 / IRD DRE2 --- Pressure Reducing Unit DRE 2N-80 (Open & Flanged Version) - SET Number Of Items In Set Part Number / Order List Number 1 KO 240 371 6 2 KO 010 178 6 1 KO 240 371 6 Outlet Flange DN 80 6 KO 058 023 6 Bolts M16 110mm x 1 Inlet Flange DN 80 O-ring For Orifice DN 80 Separate Order List KS 241 / IRD DRE2 PAGE 40 of 133 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description OrificeDN80,D=… ----------- EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Pressure Reducing Unit DRE 3 (Closed Version) Number Of Items In Set Order Number Separate Order List N/A --- Pressure Reducer 200 bar - 60 bar KS 241 DRE3 R2" DIN* Separate Order List N/A Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description --- Pressure Reducer 200 bar - 60 bar KS 241 DRE3 2" NPT* * The outlet thread is alternatively R2” DIN or 2” NPT. Please indicate on the order list the following: a) Outlet thread required. b) Orifice diamater required. c) If pressure testing to 360 bar is required (if not required, please also confirm this on the order.) Other Components (200 bar Pilot System) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 241 025 6 Quick Action Valve CI 12-6 1.1 N/A KO 235 382 6 Cylinder Neck Label --- N/A KO 235 383 6 Cylinder Top Label --- N/A KO 241 367 6 Non Return Valve DN 7 --- DN 25 Distribution Valve VdS Approved - Set 62020 Number Of Items In Set Part Number / Order List Number 1 KO 240 375 6 3 KO 010 073 6 1 KO2411246 1 4 KO 240 375 6 KO 058 016 6 1 KO 246 285 6 1 Inlet Flange DN 25 60.1 O-ring For Orifice DN 25 60.2 DistributionValveDN25HD-BV/3 Outlet Flange DN 25 Bolts M12 165mm x Lock Off Unit Separate Order List KS 241 / IRD DRE2 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description 61 60.1 60.4 60.5 / 66 OrificeDN25,D=… 60.3 PAGE 41 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN DN 50 Distribution Valve VdS Approved - Set 62010 Number Of Items In Set Part Number / Order List Number 1 KO 240 373 6 3 1 KO 010 105 6 KO2411266 1 KO 240 373 6 6 KO 058 017 6 1 KO 246 285 6 1 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description Inlet Flange DN 50 62.1 O-ring For Orifice DN 50 DistributionValveDN50HD-BV/3 62.2 63 Outlet Flange DN 50 Bolts M12 205mm x Lock Off Unit Separate Order List 62.1 62.4 62.5 / 66 OrificeDN50,D=… KS 241 / IRD DRE2 62.3 DN 80 Distribution Valve VdS Approved - Set 62000 Number Of Items In Set Part Number / Order List Number 1 KO 240 371 6 3 KO 010 178 6 1 KO2411296 1 KO 240 371 6 Outlet Flange DN 80 6 KO 058 025 6 Bolts M16 275mm x 1 KO 246 285 6 1 Inlet Flange DN 80 --- O-ring For Orifice DN 80 --- DistributionValveDN80HD-BV/3 Lock Off Unit Separate Order List KS 241 / IRD DRE2 PAGE 42 of 133 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description -----66 Orifice DN 80, D = …... mm --- EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Connection And Distribution Pipe (100 % Tested VdS Approved) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Part Number / Order List Number Product Description N/A KO 240 307 6 Elbow 50mm R/H - L/H Thread --- N/A N/A KO 240 309 6 KO 240 311 6 Elbow 80mm R/H - L/H Thread Union Joint. 50mm L/H - R/H Thread 50 --- N/A KO 240 315 6 Union Joint. 80mm L/H - R/H Thread 51 N/A KO 240 258 6 Connecting Pipe 560 x 50 R/H - L/H --- N/A KO 240 259 6 Connecting Pipe 560 x 80 R/H - L/H 53 N/A KO 240 256 6 Connecting Pipe DN 50 x 1040 52 N/A KO 240 255 6 Connecting Pipe DN 80 x 990 52 Separate Order List N/A KS243 Verst 50 / KS243 Verst 80 Connecting Pipe "L" 50mm R/H - L/H Thread --- --- Separate Order List N/A KS243 Verst 50 / KS243 Connecting Pipe "L" 80mm R/H - L/H Thread N/A Verst 80 KO 240 325 6 Tee 80mm R/H, 25mm R/H, 80mm L/H 54 N/A KO 240 323 6 Tee 80mm R/H, 50mm R/H, 80mm L/H 55 N/A KO 240 321 6 Tee 80mm R/H - R/H - L/H 56 N/A KO 240 329 6 Tee 50mm R/H, 25mm R/H, 50mm L/H --- N/A KO 240 327 6 Tee 50mm R/H - R/H - L/H --- N/A KO 240 318 6 End Joint. 50mm L/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 314 6 End Joint. 50mm R/H Thread --- N/A KO 240 320 6 End Joint. 80mm L/H Thread 57 N/A KO 240 319 6 End Joint. 80mm R/H Thread --- All fittings described above are 100% pressure tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops in accordance with VdS requirements. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 43 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Connection And Distribution Pipe (10 % Tested Not VdS Approved) Number Of Items In Set Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Order Number Product Description N/A KO 240 311 7 Union Joint. 50mm L/H - R/H Thread ("RP") --- N/A KO 240 315 7 Union Joint. 80mm L/H - R/H Thread ("RP") 51 N/A KO 240 258 7 Connecting Pipe 50 x 560 x R/H - L/H ("RP") 53 N/A KO 240 314 7 End Joint. 50mm R/H Thread ("RP") --- N/A KO 240 318 7 End Joint. 50mm L/H Thread ("RP") --- 10% of all fittings described above are randomly pressure (“RP”) tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops and therefore are not in accordance with VdS requirements. Fixings For Distribution Valve DN 50 Pipework - SET 62100 Number Of Items In Set 1 Order Number KO2401386 2 0517 051 KO 2 0564 065 KO 2 6668 211 KO 1 6271 211 KO Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description FixingForDistributionPipe 70 Screw 71 Washer 72 Dowel 73 Clamp - - - Fixings For Distribution Valve DN 80 Pipework - SET 62110 Number Of Items In Set 1 Order Number KO2401386 2 0517 051 KO 2 0564 065 KO 2 1 6668 211 KO 6276 211 KO PAGE 44 of 133 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description FixingForDistributionPipe Screw Washer Dowel Clamp 70 71 72 73 74 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Control Of Distribution Valve Systems Number Of Items In Set N/A Order List Number Separate Order List* KS 249 ESPL-3 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 9 Product Description Electro-PneumaticControlLogicEPSL-3 --- * This Product Is Currently Undergoing VdS Approval Test Equipment For ESPL And Distribution Valves - SET 62150 Number Of Items In Set Order Number 1 KO2404106 1 KO 247 021 2 1 KO 240 409 6 Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 Product Description TestCylinder.27Ltr200bar -- Hose DN-8 1500mm - --- Accessories - - - Accessories And Spare Parts Number Of Items In Set Item Number Order Number Product Description N/A KO 246 287 6 Switch Set N/A KO 010 086 6 Spare O-ring For Flange DN 25 N/A KO 010 133 6 Spare O-ring For Flange And Joint DN 50 17.1 / 19.1.1 N/A KO 010 179 6 Spare O-ring For Flange And Joint DN 80 51.1 / 57.1 N/A KO 010 073 6 Spare O-ring For Orifice DN 25 28.24 x 2.62 60.2 N/A KO 010 105 6 Spare O-ring For Orifice DN 50 53.64 x 2.62 19.2 / 62.2 N/A KO 010 178 6 Spare O-ring For Orifice DN 80 88.27 x 5.33 --- N/A KO 242 750 6 Re-set Tool For Distribution Valves --- N/A KO 246 078 6 Noise Reducer For EPSL And Distribution Valve (10 bar) --- N/A N/A KO 245 915 6 KO 246 125 6 Plug On Module Plug For Solenoid ----- ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts As Shown In Fig. 9 115 60.1.1 PAGE 45 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Spare Parts For Container Valve CI 12-6 Number Of Items In Set Order Number Product Description Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 N/A KO 242 627 6 Burst Cap 10D-270 --- N/A KO 242 444 6 Burst Disk Retainer --- N/A KO 242 625 6 Actuation Disc 10D-550 --- N/A KO 242 446 6 Actuation Disk Retainer --- N/A KO 242 453 6 Spare Cap M18 x 1.5 (Including Chain) --- N/A KO 242 623 6 Connection Cap ASK-1 --- N/A KO 016 101 6 Gasket 10mm O.D. 6mm I.D. (2mm Thick) --- N/A KO 241 389 6 Fill Cap For CI Valves --- Spare Parts For Container Valve CI 12-8 Number Of Items In Set Order Number Product Description Item Number As Shown In Fig. 3 N/A N/A KO 242 630 6 KO 242 444 6 Burst Cap 10D-420 Burst Disk Retainer ----- N/A KO 242 629 6 Actuation Disc 10D-650 --- N/A KO 242 446 6 Actuation Disk Retainer --- N/A KO 242 451 6 Spare Cap M24 x 1.5 (Including Chain) --- N/A KO 241 379 6 Connection Cap ASK-2 --- N/A KO 016 022 6 Gasket 10mm O.D. 6mm I.D. (2mm Thick) --- N/A KO 010 087 6 O-ring 41 x 2 N/A KO 241 389 6 Fill Cap For CI Valves --- Details Of Separate Order Lists Referred To In This Section Of The Manual KS 241 - DRE - VS - 300 Pressure Reducing Unit 300/200 bar KS 241 - DRE - V/S - II Pressure Reducing Unit 300/200 bar KS 241 DRE3….R2" Pressure Reducing Unit R2" KS 246 - ISR Manifold KS 241 - IRD DRE 2 Pressure Reducing Unit KS 241 - GOD Nozzle GOD KS 241 DRE3….2" NPT Pressure Reducing Unit 2" NPT KS 241 - GRD Nozzle GRD KS 243 - VERST 50 KS 249 - EPSL (….)* EPSL Unit KS 243 - VERST 80 Connecting Pipe DN50 Connecting Pipe DN80* * Awaiting Publication PAGE 46 of 133 3.1 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN INERGEN CONTAINER AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES INERGEN 300 bar systems are configured around a range of container and valve assemblies, each consisting of: 1) INERGEN Container c/w transport cap 2) INERGEN Valve assembly 3) INERGEN Standard container labels Each assembly is provided with a specific charge of INERGEN to a maximum pressure of 300 bar (minimum 295 bar) at 15 degrees C. Filling details are shown in Table 18. Weights for an 80 Litre INERGEN container are shown in the table below. Dimensions for an 80 Litre INERGEN container are given in Fig. 7. Containers are designed, manufactured and marked in accordance with 84/525/EEC or EN 1964 Part 1 to meet the requirement of 99/36/EC and are marked accordingly. 200mm Containers are pressure tested to 450 Bar. Labels providing handling, maintenance and 1945mm* recharge instructions are fitted to all containers. 1845mm* 1805mm* Containers are coloured grey to EN 1089 with a bright green top dome. Containers must not be subject to direct sunlight or adverse weather conditions and must not be positioned where water can accumulat e aro und th e base . To raise containers off the floor, grates are available in two sizes: Grate for 3 containers: KO 368 1656 Grate for 2 containers: KO 368 1606 Note: Other container sizes, such as 27, 40 and 67 Litres may be 267mm Fig 10: 80 Ltr INERGEN Container available andweights details and of their dimensions, part numbers are available on request. * approximate values C o n ta i n e r 80Litre Pa r t N u m b e r KO2404356 INERGEN Volume 23.6m 3 INERGEN Weight 35.5Kg Tare Weight* Gross Weight* 119Kg Table 19: Container Dimensions. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 47 of133 153Kg INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 3.2 16/12/05 CN INERGEN CONTAINER VALVE - CI 12-8 The CI 12-8 quick action valve is a container valve for INERGEN which can be opened automatically or manually. The automatic opening procedure can be initiated electrically and / or pneumatically. Functional Description of the CI 12-8 Valve Electrical Release The actuating disk in the valve is punctured by means of Release Head III and actuator SF-2 or the Step Motor SMV-1 delay device. The gas that is released presses the piston downwards so that the valve opens. The valve only closes again when the container has been emptied. Pneumatic Release The valve can be actuated pneumatically via a control cylinder or pilot cylinder. In both cases the pressure is between 200 and 240 bar. Pilot Cylinder Pilot cylinders with a filling pressure of 200 bar are used (maximum developed pressure 240 bar at 50 degrees C) To close the valve, it is necessary to interupt the supply of pilot pressure in the valve and to relieve the pressure. The valve will then close automatically due to effect of the remaining container pressure and the built in closing spring. To protect the container against inadmissible excess pressure (due to the effects of temperature for example) the valve is fitted with a bursting cap with an operating range of between 410 and 450 bar. Valve Components 1) Outlet for extinguishing agent and filling nozzle with protective cap. 2) Connecting cap ASK-2 with intake for pilot gas 3) Test connection (special thread) 4) Safety device for bursting disk 5) Container screwed end: - Max torque: - Recommended sealing material: 220 Nm (+20 / -0 Nm) PTFE Tape Technical Data Nominal Diameter 12mm Maximum Filling Pressure 300 bar / 150 C Minimum Pilot Pressure (at 300 bar filling pressure) 120 bar Maximum Pilot Pressure 250 bar Maximum Operating Pressure 360 bar Weight Approx 1.6 Kg Material Brass Burst Disk Bursting Pressure At 20 Degrees C At 65 Degrees C 420 bar nominal 450 bar maximum 420 bar +30 bar / -10 bar PAGE 48 of 133 Fig 11: CI 12-8 INERGEN Container Valve Order Number: KO 241 028 6 For filling instructions, spare parts and special tools see Data Sheet 5-422-09E 3.3 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN ORIFICE AT THE CONTAINER - DRE-V/S (reduc tio n fro m 300 bar to 20 0 bar) The DRE-V/S pressure reducing unit is used to reduce the pressure in a 300 bar system. The unit is fitted at the outlet of the 300 bar valve, CI 12-8, and it reduces the container pressure from 300 bar to 200 bar. The connection hose can be connected directly to the DRE-V/S. Technical Data Maximum Operating Pressure 360 bar Test Pressure 720 bar Orifice Plate Diameter D: 3mm to 9mm (in steps of 0.5mm) Material Brass Weight 0.25 Kg Order using part list KS 241-DRE-VS-300 3.4 Fig 12: DRE-V/S Pressure Reduction Unit RELEASE HEAD III (Only For Use With The 200 bar Pilot Cylinder) Release Head AK III is the connecting component between the valve, CI 12 and the electrical actuating devices (e.g electric actuator SF-2). Alternative inlet for twin release. M12 x 1.5 DIN 2353 The release head contains a release pin, which when pus hed dow n by the ele ctr ic act uat or, bur sts the actuating disk inside the CI 12 quick action valve causing it to open. Technical Data Maximum Operating Pressure 360 bar Test Pressure 540 bar Material Brass Weight 0.3 Kg Order Number KO 241 381 6 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts Fig 13: AK III Release head PAGE 49 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 3.5 16/12/05 CN PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR The Pneumatic Actuator PAK is used as a releasing component in the twin release assembly. It is installed between the release head AKIII and the electrical actuating device (e.g. electric actuator SF-2) Pressure Inlet Technical Data Maximum Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 360 bar Material Brass Weight 0.3 Kg 10 bar Minimum Working Pressure (To operate 200 bar container) Fig 14: PAK Pneumatic Actuator Order Number KO 241 388 6 3.6 SOLENOID ACTUATOR - STANDARD The SF-2 solenoid actuator is used to electrically operate the container valve. The solenoid is operated at a nominal voltage of 24V d.c. (Power consumption - 15 Watts) and rated to IP65. It is fitted onto the Release Head III by means of a knurled swivel coupling which enables the unit to be positioned as preferred for electrical connection. The solenoid actuator is normally fitted to the container designated as the ‘Pilot’ container. The actuator is an electro-mechanical device which when energised causes the central pin to move downwards, which pushes the central pin of the Release Head III downwards which in turn punctures the burst disc in the valve. Order Number KO 246 032 6 The power lead fitted with a DIN plug for connecting to the solenoid is supplied with the solenoid actuator. Net weight 0.95 kg Fig 16: SF-2 Electric Actuator Fig 15: SF-2 Isometric View PAGE 50 of 133 3.7 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN SOLENOID ACTUATOR - EXPLOSION PROOF Indicator This version of the solenoid actuator is used to electrically operate the container in the same way that the standard actuator does, but it is provided with protection to EEx me II T4, IP65. The solenoid is operated at a nominal voltage of 24V d.c. (Power consumption - 9 Watts) and is available in other voltages and/or types of current rating. It is fitted onto the Release Head III by means of a knurled swivel coupling which enables the unit to be positioned as preferred for electrical connection. The solenoid actuator is normally fitted to the container designated as the ‘Pilot’ container. The actuator is an electro-mechanical device which has a central pin located within it. When the actuator is energised, the central pin moves downwards, this in turn pushes the central pin of the Release Head III downwards puncturing the burst disk inside the CI 12 quick action valve causing it to open. Fig 17: EEx Electric Actuator 3.8 SOLENOID RESETTING TOOL The solenoid resetting tool is used to reset both the standard (SF-2) and the explosion proof solenoid actuator following operation. The resetting tool is to be fitted into the connecting thread on the solenoid actuator and is turned until it stops. A click will be heard to confirm that the solenoid has reset. The resetting tool is supplied with the solenoid actuator. Net weight 0.25kg. Fig 18: Solenoid Resetting Tool ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 51 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 3.9 16/12/05 CN STEP MOTOR DELAY DEVICE SMV-1 The SMV-1 is a component of the Total Walther Impulse 2000 technology. At present this technology is only suitable for use with the “Fast 2000” control panel range. The SMV-1 is an electromechanical delay device which is suitable for activating high pressure INERGEN systems and must be used in all VdS approved systems. The SMV-1 meets the conditions for increased personal protection enabling it to be used at all 3 safety levels. Technical Data Nominal Voltage 24 V= Power Consumption 15 W Duty Cycle 100% (Continuous Duty) Inpact Force 450 N Type Of Protection (In Installed Position) IP 54 Ambient Temperature -20oC / +50oC Screwed Joint For Cable M 16 Weight 2.5 Kg Material Gunmetal / Aluminium Approval VdS G302010 Order Number KO 241 397 6 3.9.1 RESETTING TOOL SMV-1 The SMV-1 step motor device has to be tensioned before it is installed on the container valve or the appropriate actuation head. To do this, screw the tensioner into the connecting thread, then screw the wing screw until you here it engage (a clicking sound will be heard). After doing this, unscrew the tensioning tool and keep it safe for future use. The tensioner is a component of the SMV-1 step motor device and therefore does not need to be ordered seperately. The operating instructions (M414.83) must be followed. Fig 19: SMV-1 Step Motor Delay Device Fig 20: SMV-1 Resetting Tool PAGE 52 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.10 LOCAL MANU AL ACTUATOR (Manual Overrid e) The local manual actuator may be used to mechanically operate the pilot cylinder. The actuator is fitted directly on top of the container valve. A solenoid actuator may be fitted to the top of the local manaul actuator to facilitate operation of the system by electrical means. Remote operation of the actuator may be accomplished pneumatically by means of a pilot cylinder. Part Number: KO 240 6276 Fig 21: Local Manual Actuator ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 53 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.11 DISCHARGE PRESSURE SWITCH - LATCHING The pressure switch is mounted in the distribution pipework and may be used to provide an electrical indication of the release of INERGEN or to perform ventilation shut-downs or other interlock functions. It is a “normally open” switch which closes under pressure and latches, therefore it needs to be manually reset following operation. A minimum pressure of 3 bar is required to ensure satisfactory operation. Pressure connection to the switch can be either 1 1 /2" N.P.T. (male) or /4" N.P.T. (female). Test Pressure 450 bar Maximum working pressure 350 bar. Part Number: 305.205.006 Net weight 1.4kg. Fig 22: Discharge Pressure Switch - Latching Electrical Connections The red and green cables combine to provide the input to the switch from the control panel and the Blue and Yellow cables combine to provide the output from the switch, which is returned to the control panel. There is a 4K7 resistor provided within the circuit of the switch as this is a requirement for certain control panels. If there is any uncertainty as to whether the resitor is required for the control panel being used please consult the control panel manufacturer. If the resitor is not required it may be removed by the installation engineer and a direct connection soldered to replace it. The resistor may be accessed by removing the top cover plate of the switch. PAGE 54 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.12 DISCHARGE PRESSURE SWITCH - Non-Latchi ng FF4-A22-022 (FF 4-60) The FF4-A22-022 (FF 4-60) pressure switch for INERGEN gives an electrical signal as soon as an extinguishing pipe or pilot line is pressurised. Resetting will automatically be at the lower switch point. Technical Data Nominal Voltage 380 V Nominal Current 6A - 220V / AC11 1A - 24V / DC11 Type Of Contact 1 Change Over Type Of Protection IP 65 Cable Gland PG 13.5 Type Of Protection IP 54 Upper Switch Point LowerSwitch Point 8 bar Adjusted By 4 bar Manufacturer Max Operating Pressure 120 bar Ambient Temperature -20oC / +70 oC Mounting Position At Will Weight 0.5 Kg Note: After electrical connection the box must be fully re-sealed Order Number KO 246 299 6 Fig 23: Discharge Pressure Switch - Non-Latching Terminal Arrangement Connection Diagram 3.12.1 TEST UNIT FOR PRESSURE SWITCH FF 4-A22-022 (FF 4-60) This unit is used to test the non-latching discharge pressure switch type: FF 4-A22-022 (FF 4-60) As shown above. This unit is not supplied with the pressure switch and needs to be ordered separetely. Order Number: KO 246 296 6 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 55 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.13 PRESSURE SWITCH - FLA MEPROOF The flameproof pressure switch is BASEEFA approved to meet Ex d IIB requirements. • It is designed to be mounted in the distribution pipework downstream of the pressure reducing unit and must not be mounted before it. The pressure switch requires to be manually reset following operation. A minimum pressure of 2 bar is required to ensure satisfactory operation. Connection to the pressure switch is 1/4" A.P.I. (female). A CENELEC/BASEEFA approved explosion proof version is available to order to meet EEx d IIC requirements. Part Number: 305-205-003 Net weight 1.7kg. Fig 24: Discharge Pressure Switch - Flameproof PAGE 56 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.14 CONTAINER PRESSURE INDICATOR - STANDARD The DKE-6 pressure indicator is used to indicate the INERGEN container pressure. It is connected to the test socket for the container valve (CI 12-8). When installing the DKE-6, the seal is made when the pin is pressed into the test socket. This allows the device to be installed and removed without loss of pressure. Technical Data Spring Tube Manometer Type: Class: 1.6 Weight: Approx 1.5 Kg Max Operating 360 bar Pressure: Ambient Temperature: 0oC / +45oC Material: Various Corrosion Resistant Materials Order Number: KO 241 098 7 Spare O-ring: KO 010 005 6 Fig 25: DKE-6 Pressure Indicator Installation Note When connecting the pressure monitoring device to the container valve, note that the union nut (SW 19) must only be tightened with the tool until it is finger- tight. Valves Pressure Indicator SVI 12-8 DKE-3 Yes No No No KO 241 095 6 DKE-4 No Yes Yes No KO 241 096 6 DKE-5 No No Yes No KO 241 098 6 DKE-6 No No Yes Yes KO 241 098 7 C I 1 2 -4 C I 1 2 -6 C I 1 2 -8 Product Number Table 20: DKE6 Valve Compatability. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 57 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.15 CONTAINER SUPERVISORY PRESSURE INDICATOR KM - 4 The pressure monitoring device consists of a pressure contact gauge (1), the two cable pieces (2), and a connection piece (3). Refer to assembly, installation notes and adjustment of switching point on Technical Data Sheet 5-457-10E Fig 26: Supervisory Container Pressure Indicator Technical Data Precision Class: 1.6 Protection: IP 54 Max Operating Pressure: 360 bar Measuring Range: 0 - 400 bar Ambient Temperature: 0oC / +35oC Switching Pressure: Alarm Current: 50 - 350 bar (pre set to 270 bar) 20mA (externally limited) at approx 7.5 VDC Connection Thread: Special thread suitable for direct connection on valve CI 12-8 Materials: Helical spring, bronze. Housing, stainles steel. Contact pins, hard silver (gold plated) Ordering number: KO 241 099 6 Replacement O-ring: KO 010 005 6 PAGE 58 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Wiring Diagram The Contact position shown corresponds to the operating pressure at 300 bar. The contact gauge switches when the low pressure threshold is reached. Contact Pressure Gauge Fig 27: Wiring Diagram Terminal D1 = Zenner Diode ZPY 6.2 D2 = LED, Yellow R1 = Resistor (variable, if third-party panels are used) RE = Terminal resistor Set of accessories for KM-4, order number KO 241 092 6 Set Contains: 2pcs. cable, each 2,000 mm long. These are used for the terminal and connecting cables. Five spanners to adjest the switching point are also in the pack. Valves Pressure Monitor SVI 12-8 KM-2 Yes KM-3 KM-4 C I 1 2 -4 Product Number C I 1 2 -6 C I 1 2 -8 Yes Yes No KO 241 097 6 No No Yes Yes KO 241 091 6 No No Yes Yes KO 241 099 6 Table 21: Gauge / Monitor Compatability. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 59 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Assembly And Installation Notes For Pressure Monitoring Device KM-4 Assembly The pressure monitoring device consists of the following components: • Contact pressure gauge with connecting cable. • Connection piece with special thread to match container valve CI 12-8 and CI 12-6. The complete unit has undergone a tightness test in the factory. The complete unit is already equiped with a ready made length of cable to enable a simple plug/screw connection on site. The cable length (500mm) is sufficient for connections from one container to another and from one row to another with a system distance of 280 mm, so that all the manometers in one battery block can be looped into one line. The set of accessories for KM-4 is required for the terminal and connection cables. The terminal cable is assembled as described in Technical Data Sheet 5-457-09E. Installation The contact manometer is fixed directly onto the container valve. When screwing the pressure monitoring device onto the container valve, note that the union nut (SW 19) must only be finger-tightened with the tool. The alarm diode D1 and the LED (Yellow) are allready pre-fitted, to match the the Fast 2000 technology as well as 6350 6351. Adjustments must be made for other technologies in certain cases. Note: For third-party control panels: The alarm current must be limited to a maximim of 20 mA by resistor R1. Resistor 1 must be calculated for ULED = 2V The terminal resitor RE must always we retro-fitted on site. To adjust switching point if necessary It is possible to externaly adjust the switching point, to do so use the special spanner on the square shaped head of adjustment shaft and turn to the switching point. Subject to technical changes. PAGE 60 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.16 MANIFOLDS ISR - 4 Manifolds are used on all multi-container arrangements and are designed to allow the installation of single and double rows of containers into a single manifold. The manifolds have opposite handed threads at each end (right hand / left hand), so that they can be connected easily and safely on site, using the standard high pressure fittings detailed in Section 3.12. • The “Single” range of manifolds are used where the containers are configured in a single row. • The ‘‘Combination” range of manifolds are used where an odd number of containers is required and they are configured as a double row of containers combined with and a single container. • The “Double” range of manifolds are used where the containers are configured in a double row. Plugs and check valves are factory fitted to the inlet ports as specified as per order. All manifolds are pressure tested to 320 bar. When ordering please refer to list KS 246 ISR 3.16.1 SINGLE C ONTAINER ROW MANIFOLD Fig 28: Single Row Manifold. End Threads No. of Containers A (mm) Centre Line Of Container Manifold Description Nominal Diameter Part Number Weight Kg Single 50mm G2-ISO228 2 560 KS246ISR560-2 7.2 Single 50mm G2-ISO228 3 840 KS246ISR840-3 10.8 Single 50mm G2-ISO228 4 1,120 KS246ISR1120-4 14.4 Single 50mm G2-ISO228 5 1,400 KS246ISR1400-5 18 Table 22: Single Row Manifold. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 61 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.16.2 COMBINATION CONTAINER ROW MANIFOLD (Double And Single Container Rows Combined) Fig 29: Combination Row Manifold. Centre Line Of Container Manifold Description Nominal Diameter End Threads No. of Containers A (mm) Part Number Weight Kg Combination 50mm G2 ISO - 228 3 440 TBC TBC Combination 50mm G2 ISO - 228 5 720 TBC TBC Combination 50mm G2 ISO - 228 7 1,000 TBC TBC Combination 50mm G2 ISO - 228 9 1,280 TBC TBC Table 23: Combination Row Manifold. 3.16.3 DOUBL E CONTAINER ROW MANIFOLD Fig 30: Double Row Manifold. End Threads No. of Containers A (mm) Centre Line Of Container Manifold Description Nominal Diameter Part Number Double 50mm G2 ISO - 228 4 560 TBC 7.2 Double 50mm G2 ISO - 228 6 840 TBC 10.8 Double 50mm G2 ISO - 228 8 1,120 TBC 14.4 Double 50mm G2 ISO - 228 10 1,400 TBC 18.0 Table 24: Combination Row Manifold. PAGE 62 of 133 Weight Kg 3.16.4 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN MANIFOLD CHECK VALVE RSVI 12 - 300 Bar The RSVI manifold check valves are fitted into the inlet ports of the system manifold, as shown on the previous page. The end of the manifold check valve which has the R 1/2” thread screws directly into the manifold inlet port. The fitting of these check valves needs to be carried out by trained personel. As part of the installation procedure the check valves must be tightened to a specific torque setting. Please contact the technical department for further information. The other end of the check valve has an M24 x 1.5 thread to enable direct connection with the discharge hose. Fig 31: RSVI Manifold Check Valve ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 63 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.17 HIGH PRESSURE FITTINGS A number of high pressure fittings are available that have been specially designed to allow for their installation in the ‘high pressure pipework’ between the manifold, the pressure reducing unit and distribution valves. The fittings are provided with left and / or right handed threads to allow their use in a number of positions in the pipework/ manifold arrangement. The left hand thread is identified by a groove around the diameter of the fitting. The available fittings are based on multiples of a standard dimension of 280mm, which is the distance between container centres. Net weights - as indicated in the tables provided below. Note: The Union Joint and End Cap shown on this page and some of the Connection Pipes shown on the following page are available in two versions. • A version which is 100% pressure tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops in accordance with VdS requirements. The part numbers for these items can be found in Tables 25, 26, and 27 within this manual. • An alternative version for which 10% of all fittings described above are randomly pressure tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops and therefore are not fully in accordance with VdS requirements. For part numbers of these items see pages 39 and 43 of this manual. The High Pressure Tee’s and High Pressure Elbow’s shown on the following page are all 100% pressure tested to 360 bar at the manufacturers workshops in accordance with VdS requirements. UNION JOINT A END CAP B C A B C D D Fig 33: End Cap (Sectional View) Fig 32: Union Joint (Sectional View) Description Part Number Nominal Size (mm) A (mm) B Thread Union-joint50RL KO2403116 50 88 2"ISOright Union.joint80RL 80 112.5 3"ISOright KO2403156 Endcap50R KO2403146 50 50 C Thread 2"ISOleft D (mm) 100 3"ISOleft 2.4 110 3.3 88 1/2"NPT 2"ISOright 80 2.1 88 1/2"NPT 2"ISOleft 80 2.1 Endcap50L KO2403186 Endcap80R KO2403196 80 112.5 1/2"NPT 3"ISOright 95 3 Endcap80L KO2403206 80 112.5 1/2"NPT 3"ISOleft 95 3 Table 25: High P ressure Union Joint And End Cap PAGE 64 of 133 Weight Kg EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.18 DISTRIBUTION VALVE MANIFOLD COMPONENTS 280 D A C B D D A B Fig 34: High Pressure Tee Part Number Description Fig 35: High Pressure Elbow Nominal Size (mm) A Thread B Thread C Thread D (mm) Weight Kg Elbow50RL KO2403076 50 2".ISOright 2".ISOleft n/a 102.5 2.2 Elbow80RL KO2403096 80 3".ISOright 3".ISOleft n/a 127.5 4.3 Tee50RRL KO2403276 50 Tee 50 x 25 x 50 RRL Tee80RRL KO 240 329 6 KO2403216 Tee 80 x 50 x 80 RRL Tee 80 x 25 x 80 RRL 2".ISOright 2".ISOright 2".ISOleft 102.5 4.4 50/25 80 2".ISO right 1".ISO right 2".ISO left 102.5 3".ISOright 3".ISOright 3".ISOleft 127.5 3.2 6 KO 240 323 6 80/50 3".ISO right 2".ISO right 3".ISO left 127.5 5.6 KO 240 325 6 80/25 3".ISO right 1".ISO right 3".ISO left 127.5 5.3 Table 26: High Pressure Tee & Elbow A B C D Fig 36: Connection Pipes Part Number Description Nominal Size (mm) A Thread B (mm) C Thread D (mm) Weight Kg ConnectingPipe560-50RL KO2402586 50 2"ISOright 70 2"ISOleft 560 8.5 ConnectingPipe560-80RL KO2402596 80 3"ISOright 95 3"ISOleft 560 13.7 Set of 2 Distribution Pipes (Used only with the Non VdS distribution Valves) 50 2"ISOright 70 2"NPT 280 4.25 50 2"ISOleft 70 2"NPT 280 4.25 302.402.576 Table 27: High Pressure Connection Pipes ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 65 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.19 DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS - Non VdS Alternati ve, Welded Fitt ing s. The distribution valve manifold components shown on this page can be used as an alternative to threaded components. They may be used when a system does not need to fully comply with the VdS standard. All end threads are 2” ISO parallel threads for connection to the range of high pressure fittings. R - Denotes right hand thread L - Denotes left hand thread 1392mm Part Numbers Manifold Down Pipe - 308.208.004 2 Way Manifold - 308.208.002 3 Way Manifold - 308.208.003 450mm 335mm Fig 38: Distribution Valve Manifold 2 Way Fig 37: Manifold Down Pipe 450mm 450mm Fig 39: Distribution Valve Manifold 3 Way PAGE 66 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.20 DISCHARGE HOSE - DN12 / 300 bar The 12mm discharge hose connects the container valve outlet to the check valve on the manifold and is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the small variations found in container height. The M24 Swivel female connections, which are fitted to both ends of the hose, allow ease of installation in any orientation. Approx 0.8 Kg Order Number Nominal Diameter 12 mm Max Pressure 350 bar Test Pressure 700 bar Minimum Bend Radius 150 mm The connections have pre-installed o-ring seals fitted. Weight Technical Data Ambient Temperature -20oC / +55oC Material Thermoplastic/ Galvanised Steel KO 247 021 3 Fig 40: Discharge Hose DN12 / 300 bar 3.21 ACTUATION LINE COMP ONENTS A number of actuation line accessories and fittings are available to allow for the assembly of the actuation lines. All actuation fittings are pressure tested to a minimum of 360 bar. 3.21.1 CHECK VALVE Application The check valve is used in the actuation lines on distribution valve systems. It ensures that a pneumatic pilot signal reaches only it’s intended container bank by preventing the flow of the pilot gas to other container banks within the system. See Fig. 7. Use And Maintenance An arrow on the body of the device identifies the required direction of flow through the valve. Technical Data Cracking Pressure Approx 0.03 bar Max Working Pressure 460 bar 10mm Operating Temperature -20oC / +50oC Housing Material Brass Weight Approx 0.05 Kg Order Number 302.208.001 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts 62mm Fig 41: Check Valve PAGE 67 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 3.21.2 16/12/05 CN MANUAL P RESSURE RELIEF VALVE - ELV-1 Application An ELV-1 Pressure Relief Valve is required for each actuation line. The ELV-1 Pressure Relief Valve is used to manualy relieve to atmosphere the residual pilot pressure in the actuation line of an extinguishing system or, in the case of distribution valve systems, the actuation lines of individual battery groups within the system. Use And Maintenance The ELV-1 Pressure Relief Valve is used in conjunction with an Automatic Vent Valve SGV-1, see below. Using a screwdriver, or a similarly shaped object, the relief valve can be activated as shown in Fig 3.xx and by doing so the pilot line will be depressurised. The actuation line must be free of impurities. If used correctly the relief valve is maintenance free. Any valves that become damaged must be imediately replaced with new ones. Technical Data Operating Pressure 200 bar Max Operating Pressure 240obar o Operating Temperature -20 C / +50 C Housing Material Brass Install Position As Presented Weight Approx 0.05 Kg Order Number KO 241 231 6 PAGE 68 of 133 Fig 42: ELV-1 Manaul Pressure Relief Valve 3.21.3 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN AUTOMATIC VENTING VALVE - SGV-1 Application An SGV-1 Vent Valve in conjenction with the an ELV-1 Pressure Relief Valve is required for each actuation line The SGV-1 Vent Valve is used to automatically relieve to atmosphere any minor flows of pilot gas that might occur due to leakage in the pilot system. Such a leak could build up pressure in the actuation line of the extinguishing system or, in the case of a distribution valve system, the actuation lines of the individual container banks within the system, and unles a SGV-1 Vent Valve is utilised this pressure build up could otherwise lead to the accidental discharge of the container bank / extinguishing system. When the pilot sytem is operated the pressure within the actuation line closes the SGV-1 Vent Valve preventing escape of the pilot gas to atmosphere. Therefore the SGV-1 Valve must only be used in conjunction with the ELV-1 Pressure Relief Valve (see above) as this provides a means to relieve the trapped pressure with the actuation line. Use And Maintenance Install at the end of each of each actuation line. The actuation line must be free of impurities. If used correctly the vent valve is maintenance free. Any valves that become damaged must be imediately replaced with new ones. Technical Data Operating Pressure 200 bar Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Operating Temperature -20oC / +50oC Housing Material Brass Install Position As Presented Weight Approx 0.05 Kg Order Number KO 241 233 6 3.21.4 Fig 43: SGV-1 Automatic Vent Valve ACTUATION HOSE 200 bar - DN 8 The DN 8 Actuation Hose is used to connect between the INERGEN slave container branch tee’s. Nominal Diameter 8 mm Max Operating Pressure 250 bar Test Pressure 500 bar Minimum Bend Radius 50mm Operating Temperature -20oC / +55oC Order Number KO 247 021 6 Weight Approx 0.18 Kg Material Thermoplastic/ Galvanised Steel Fig 44: DN 8 Actuation Hose ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 69 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.21.5 ACTUATION LINE FITTINGS Straight Coupling Pilot Cylinder Tee Main Container Branch Tee Main Container Elbow Branch Tee For SGV / ELV Fig 45: Actuation Line Fittings Technical data for The Pilot Cylinder Tee and the Main Container Branch Tee Nominal Diameter 7 - 8 mm Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 320 bar 3.21.6 Ambient Temperature -20oC / +45oC Pressure Class L, According to DIN 2353 ADAP TOR - DN 8 ACTUATION HOSE TO 10mm O D TUBE SW 19 The adaptor is used to connect the DN 8 Actuation Hose to 10mm tube. The end with the M18 female thread will fit directly onto a compression fitting for 10mm tube. The DN 8 actuation hose is will fit directly onto the M16 male threaded end of the adaptor. Weight Approx 0.03 Kg Order Number KO 240 305 6 PAGE 70 of 133 M18 x 1.5 10mm OD SW 19 M16 x 1.5 Fig 46: DN 8 Actuation Hose To 10mm Tube Adaptor EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.22 TEST AND RELIEF UNIT - PRE-1 The PRE-1 test and relief unit is used for functional tests of the pne umati c pilot sys tem ass oci ate d wit h distr ibu tion val ve systems. It is also used to to vent the pilot circuit and actuation line after use when pilot cylinders of 27 Litres or larger are used. 1) Connection from the main alarm control panel. 2) Connection from the standby alarm control panel. 3) Connection to the pilot circuit or actuation line. 4) Connection to the test cylinder or relief pipe. Technical Data Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 320 bar Operating Temperature -20oC / +45 oC Material Aluminium/ Galvanised Steel Weight Approx 1.3 Kg Order Number KO 242 466 6 Fig 47: PRE-1 test and relief unit PRE-1 Functional Diagram Inlet (2) must be sealed on site with the 14mm diameter ball which is supplied with the PRE-1 unit. The PRE-1 test and relief unit can be equipped with a switch to supervise each switch position. Details of the switch are given in the Technical Data Sheet 5-125-01E Accessories Switch Set KO 246 287 6 Ball - 14mm Diameter KO 242 405 6 Fig 48: PRE-1 test and relief unit function ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 71 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.23 TOTAL FLOODING NOZZLE - STANDARD The total flooding nozzles are designed to uniformly distribute INERGEN throughout the hazard area. All nozzles are specifically drilled to suit the individual design requirements as established by the hydraulic calculations. These nozzles are permitted to cover an area of up to 95sq metres based on a maximum nozzle height restriction of 3.7 metres. However, this height restriction can be increase d to 5 metres, but in doing so the area cove rage must be reduced from 95sq meteres to 70sq metres maximum per nozzle. The total volume being protected by one nozzle must not exceed 352 cu. metres. Where the size of any hazard enclosure determines that one nozzle does not provide coverage within the above parameters the hazard should theoretically be sub divided into appropriately sized modules. Note: For systems fully complying with the VdS standard the area of coverage per nozzle is limited to 30sq metres. In addition only VdS approved nozzles GRD 1/2" and GRD 1” nozzle may be used. Nozzles are available with a 180º pattern or 360º pattern and with either BSPT or NPT thread. The 180º pattern nozzle should not be located in the corner of a room, nor should it be located more than 300mm from the wall. Orifice Diameter Is Stamped Here It is recomended that 360° pattern nozzles are placed at least 1 metre away from the wall. Nozzle Weights: 1/2" = 0.05Kg, 1” = 0.15 Kg, 1 1/2" = 0.35 Kg, The hexagon part of the nozzle is notched to indicate BSPT thread. Chrome plated trim rings are available for 1/2" and 1" nozzles. The maximum throw for a 180° pattern nozzle is 7.775m. The maximum throw for a 360° nozzle is 5.5m. C Nozzles are provided in brass as standard. D i a m e te r Pattern Part No. Thread Form 1 /2" 180º 310.208.001 NPT 1 /2" 360º 310.208.002 NPT 1" 180º 310.208.003 NPT D B 1" 360º 310.208.004 NPT 1 1/2" 180º 310.208.005 NPT A 1 360º 310.208.006 NPT Fig 49: Standard Nozzle 1 /2 " Table 28: NPT Nozzle Part Numbers Diameter Pattern Part No. Thread Form 1 180º 310.208.007 BSPT 1 /2" /2" 360º 310.208.008 BSPT 1" 180º 310.208.009 BSPT 1" 360º 310.208.010 BSPT 1 1/2" 180º 310.208.011 BSPT 1 1/2" 360º 310.208.012 BSPT Table 29: BSPT Nozzle Part Numbers PAGE 72 of 133 Dimensions (NPT and BSPT Thread) 1 A 1" /2" 1 1/2" B 13.5mm 17mm 29mm C 40mm 54mm 75mm 3.0mm 11.0mm 21.0mm to 10.0mm to 20.0mm to 35.0mm D Table 30: Standard Nozzle Dimensions EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.24 TOTAL FLOODING NOZZLE - GRD (DIN Thread VdS Ap pro ved) The total flooding nozzle type GRD has DIN thread connection and is approved for use in fully complient VdS systems Technical Data Max Coverage Area 30 sq metres per nozzle at a maximum height of 5m Material Brass C Weight GRD 1/2” Approx 0.05 Kg GRD 1” Approx 0.15 Kg Identified on the nozzle are the following details: B Manufacturer Designation Of Type Orifice Diameter Year Of Manufature VdS Approval Number D A Nozzle rosettes are available in two sizes for the GRD nozzles. They are manufactured in plastic and are approved by VdS for sprinkler systems. GRD 1/2” - R70/15 Rosette - Part Number KO 214 1066 GRD 1” - R70/25 Rosette - Part Number KO 214 5406 Please note that nozzles with orifice sizes of 1.5mm, 2.0mm, and 2.5mm have an integral filter fitted to them. GRD Nozzle Orifice Sizes Available GRD 1/2" 1.5mm 7.0mm GRD 1" E 11.0mm 2.0mm 7.5mm 12.0mm 2.5mm 8.0mm 13.0mm 3.0mm 8.5mm 14.0mm 3.5mm 9.0mm 15.0mm 4.0mm 9.5mm 16.0mm Fig 50: GRD Nozzle Dimensions 1 A GRD /2" R 1/2" DIN 2999 4.5mm 10.0mm 17.0mm 5.0mm 11.0mm 18.0mm B 16 mm 5.5mm 12.0mm 19.0mm C 55 mm 20.0mm D 6.0mm 13.0mm 6.5 mm Table 31: GRD nozzle orifice sizes ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts E 1.5 mm to13 mm 40 mm GRD 1" R 1" DIN 2999 16 mm 55 mm 11 mm to 20 mm 40 mm Table 32: GRD nozzle dimensions PAGE 73 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.25 GAS EXTINGUISHING NOZZLE - GOD (D IN Thread VdS App rov ed) Application The cup like design of the GOD Local Application Nozzle gives it the ability to discharge INERGEN in a soft, mist like manner. It is this characteristic of the nozzle that allows it to build up an extinguishing concentration local to the object being protected. As with total flood nozzles, the GOD nozzle is installed on the pipe network of the extinguishing system and the required orifice size is established by means of hydraulic calculations at the system design stage. The nozzles location within the system should be determined at this time. E The GOD Local Application Nozzle can be used in cable voids as part of a larger extinguishing system. G Use And Maintenance The nozzle should be thoroughly inspected and overhauled as part of the maintenance for the extinguishing system. During the maintenance they should be cleaned to remove any dust, fibres, paint or other dirt. Any damaged nozzles must be immediately replaced with new ones. Requirements DIN EN 12094-7, Voids CEA 4016, Voids CEA 4010 C Technical Data Max Operating Pressure 60 bar Scope Of Use Local Application, Cable Voids Installed Position Identification As Desired VdS Approval VdS - G398011 Material Brass / Stainless Steel Ordering List KO 241 GOD F B D A Please note that nozzles with orifice sizes of 1.5mm, 2.0mm, and 2.5mm have an integral filter fitted to them. Fig 51: GOD Nozzle Dimensions And Ap roved Varia nts 1 Item 50GOD A 1 /2" 50 70GOD R /2" DIN2999 B mm 16 mm 16 C 82 mm 97 mm D 1.5 mmto 5 mm (0.5mmsteps) E 58 mm 80 mm F SW 27 SW 27 G 50 mm 70 mm Weight 0.22 Kg 0.29 Kg 1 /2" 70 110 K GOD 1 1 R /2" DIN2999 R /2" DIN2999 mm 16 R 296 mm 120 mm 0.44 Kg Plate Shape Small Head 16mm Small Head 16mm Full Head 4 Holes SW 41 110 mm 110 mm 0.95 Kg Full Head 4 Holes Table 33: GOD n ozzle dimensions PAGE 74 of 133 14 mmto 20 mm (1mmsteps) 120 mm SW 27 110 mm R1" DIN2999 mm 20 8mmto 13 mm (1mmsteps) 120 mm SW 27 /2" DIN2999 292 mm 10 mmto 13 mm (1mmsteps) 110 L GOD 1" 110 1 mm 16 128 mm 3 mmto 9.5 mm (0.5mmsteps) 110 L GOD 1/2" 110 /2" 110 1 1.11 Kg Full Head 4 Holes EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Small Head Full Head The small head is used with the following GOD nozzles: The full head is used with the following GOD nozzles: 50 GOD 1/2" 50 110 K GOD 1/2" 110 1 110 L GOD 1/2" 110 70 GOD /2" 70 110 L GOD Fig 52: GOD nozzle small head 1" 110 Fig 53: GOD nozzle full head Installation Advice To screw a GOD 1/ " nozzle in to place use a 27 mm A/F open-jawed spanner. 2 To screw a GOD 1" nozzle into place use a 41mm A/F open-jawed spanner. The recomended thread sealent material is PTFE Tape Installation Of GOD Nozzle Within A Cable Void If a cable / floor void is to be protected on it’s own, or if it’s protection is to be achieved seperately, GOD nozzles must be used and installed in accordance with the diagram below. Upper Edge Of Cable / Floor Void Fig 54: GOD nozzle cable / floor void Installation ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 75 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.26 PRESSURE REDUCING UNIT - DRE-2S 200 BAR TO 60 B AR (SINGLE CONTAINER) The DRE-2S ‘Single Container’ pressure reducing unit is only used on single container systems. It reduces the INERGEN pressure from 200 bar to the pipework system design pressure, typically 60 bar max. The DRE-2S ‘Single Container’ pressure reducing unit must be installed downstream of the DRE V/S pressure reducing unit which is located at the container and is shown below. It is this unit, which is used on all containers in an INERGEN system, that performs the intial pressure reduction from 300 bar to 200 bar. The DRE-2S ‘Single Container’ pressure reducing unit then completes the pressure reduction from 200 bar to 60 bar max for single container systems. The DRE-2S ‘Single Container’ pressure reducing unit comes complete with a filter for orifice diameters up to 3 mm. The required orifice size is established by means of hydraulic calculations at the system design stage. Net weight 0.1kg. DRE V/S DRE 2S This unit reduces the full system pressure from 300 bar to 200 bar and must be used on every Inergen container. This unit reduces the pressure from 200 bar to the pipework system design pressure, typically 60 bar max, and is only used for single container INERGEN sytems. 22 D 1 /2" DIN 2999 (Compatible with 1/2" NPT). 16 Orifice diameter is stamped on the hexagonal section flats. 14 12 M18 x 1.5 Fig 55: DRE V/S 300 - 200 bar pressure reducer Filter Part No. 302.145.776 Fig 56: DRE 2S 200 - 60 bar pressure reducer DRE 2S Orifice Sizes Availabl e 1.0mm 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.0mm Table 34: DRE 2S available orifice diameters PAGE 76 of 133 4.5mm 5.0mm EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.27 PRESSURE REDUCING UNIT - DRE - 2N VdS Ap pr ov ed (FOR MULTIPLE CONTAINER SYSTEMS) The DRE-2N unit reduces the INERGEN pressure from 200 bar to the pipework system design pressure, typically 60 bar max. (the DRE V/S unit located at each container having already reduced the container pressure from 300 bar to 200 bar) The DRE-2N is used on multiple container systems and it is installed between the high pressure manifold and the low pressure nozzle pipework. The outlet pipe from the orifice unit must be the same diameter as the orifice unit, reduction of the pipe diameter at the exit of the orifice plate unit is not permitted. The required orifice size is established by means of hydraulic calculations at the system design stage. 2 3 1 4 The DRE-2N pressure reducing unit consists of the following components: 1) Inlet flange with one O-ring. 2) Orifice plate with two O-rings. 3) 6 Bolts with washers and nuts. 4) Oulet flange without O-ring. Inlet Pressure B 200 bar C E Outlet Pressure 60 bar D Technical Data Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 320 bar Torque to be applied to bolts DN 50 / 28 Nm DN 80 / 76 Nm Weight DN 50 / 9.3 Kg DN 80 / 23.7 Kg Material - Flanges Aluminium / Brass Material - Orifice Plate Brass Material - Bolts Stainless Steel A Fig 57: DRE 2N 200 - 60 bar pressure reducer Note: The orifice diameter is marked at three points on the circumference of the orifice plate. Part Numbers DRE-2N Item DN 50 Inlet Flange KO 240 373 6 Orifice Plate KO 242 756 6 O-ring For Orifice Plate KO 010 105 6 Outlet Flange KO 058 013 6 DN 80 Inlet Flange KO 240 371 6 Orifice Plate KO 242 758 6 O-ring For Orifice Plate KO 010 178 6 Outlet Flange KO 240 371 6 Bolt s, M16 x 110 KO 058 023 6 Table 35: DRE-2N Part numbers DN 50 * KO 240 373 6 Bolt s, M12 x 85 Item ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts DRE-2N Dimensio ns And Orifice Sizes. A 128 mm B 170 mm 240 mm C G2"-ISO228 G3"-ISO228 D * DN 80 147 mm 3.0mm 13.0mm 20.0mm to 12.0mm to 35.0mm to 56.0mm (0.5 mm steps) (1 mm steps) G2"-ISO228 E (2 mm steps) G3"-ISO228 Table 36: DRE-2N Available orifice diameters * See Form 617 / 11E PAGE 77 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.28 PRESSURE REDUCING UNIT - DRE - 3 - DN50 NOT VdS APPROVED (FOR MULTIPLE CONTAINER SYSTEMS) The DRE-3 pressure reducing unit may be used as an alternative to the DRE-2N unit when a system does not need to fully comply with the VdS requirements. The DRE-3 unit reduces the INERGEN pressure from 200 bar to the pipework system design pressure, typically 60 bar max. (the DRE V/S unit located at each container having already reduced the container pressure from 300 bar to 200 bar) The DRE-3 is used on multiple container systems and it is installed between the high pressure manifold and the low pressure nozzle pipework. The required orifice size is established by means of hydraulic calculations at the system design stage. The outlet pipe from the orifice unit must be the same diameter as the orifice unit, reduction of the pipe diameter at the exit of the orifice plate unit is not permitted. Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure 320 bar ISO 228 Female Thread Male Thread Inlet A Orifice Pressure 200 bar Diameter O-ring Circlip Orifice Plate B Fig 58: DRE 3 - DN50 200 - 60 bar pressure reducer DRE - 3 - DN50 Pressure Reduci ng Uni t Part No. MaleThread 2" NPT KS241DRE3….2" NPT A mm 82 B mm 88 Orifice Diameter Net Weight MaleThread R2" KS241DRE3…. R2" mm 82 mm 88 3 mm to 12 mm 13 mm to 35 mm 3 mm to 12 mm 13 mm to 30 mm 0.5mmsteps 1mmsteps 0.5mmsteps 1mm steps 1.0 Kg 1.0 Kg Table 37: DRE - 3 - DN50 Available orifice diameters and part numbers PAGE 78 of 133 Outlet Pressure 60 bar EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.29 FIXING COMPONENTS The fixing components have been designed to enable the INERGEN containers to be racked quickly and safely. A number of components are available. Some or all of these may be used on any ins tallation. Refer to the Installation section (Section 4) for further details of how these components may be used in an installation. The main fixing components are shown below. Further details of these components, together with information on other fixing components, may be found on subsequent pages. The main fixing components are shown on the drawing 1) Retention ring 2) Fixing link 3) Retention bar 4) Manifold bracket Not Shown - Fixing Kit (see Fig: 59) 4 3 2 1 Fig 59: Isometric view of fixing components ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 79 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.29.1 RETENTION PLATE 93 mm The retention plate screws directly onto the container neck thread. The eight 10mm diameter holes placed on the periphery on the retention plate allow fixing links to be inserted to either secure adjacent containers to each other or to secure them to the retention bar as shown in Fig: 3.47. Weight W80 1/11” DINx4668 2.3 Kg Order Number KO 240 140 6 10 mm 6 mm 272 mm Fig 60: Retention plate 3.29.2 RETENTION BA R The retention bar may be anchored to the wall, or appropriate support frame such as the fixing post. The containers are then attached to it by means of the fixing links as shown in Fig: 58. For part numbers and dimensions please see below. The Retention Bar is available in two sizes, a 560mm long version which is suitable for connecting to 2 containers, and an 840mm lomg version which is used to for 3 containers. 840mm Version For 3 Containers 560mm Version For 2 Containers Fig 61: Retention bars PAGE 80 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN Dimensions for wall mounting 560mm (2 container) retention bar. Weight 1.5 Kg 93 mm Order Number KO 240 102 6 93 mm 110 mm 16 mm 30 mm 36 mm Fig 62: 560mm Retention bar dimensions 25 mm Dimensions for wall mouting 840mm (3 container) retention bar. Weight 93 mm 2.3 Kg Order Number KO 240 104 6 93 mm 93 mm 110 mm 16 mm 30 mm 25 mm ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts 36 mm Fig 63: 840mm Retention bar dimensions PAGE 81 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 3.29.3 16/12/05 CN FIXING LINK The fixing link is used to attach retention plates to either the retention bar or to other retention plates as shown in Fig: 53. Links Required For single row container installations 2 links are required for the first container and an additional 4 links will be needed for every subsequent container. 8 mm 30 mm For double row container installations 4 links are required for the first pair of containers and an additional 8 links will be needed for every subsequent pair of containers. Weight 55 mm 0.06 Kg Order Number KO 240 080 6 3.29.4 20 mm Fig 64: Fixing Link MANIFOLD BRACKET The Manifold Brackets are bolted to the retention bar and are used to provide a base on to which the manifold is clamped using the “U Bolts” which are included in the fixing kit. There are two versions of the manifold bracket, the standard short version, which is shown here, will mount the manifold so that it’s centre line is approximately 100mm from the wall. When the installation conditions require it, the longer version manifold brackets may be used. They will mount the manifold so that its centre line is approx 380mm from the wall. Weight - Short 1.5 Kg Order Number KO 240 106 6 Weight - Long 2.54 Kg Order Number KO 240 108 6 Fixing Kit Manifold Bracket Retention Bar 3.29.5 FIXING KIT The manifold bracket fixing kit comprises of: 2 x “U” bolts c/w nuts 4 x coach bolts & fittings 6 x 10mm nuts& bolts. Fixing Kit Part Number KO 240 1096 Fig 65: Manifold brackets / Fixing kit PAGE 82 of 133 3.29.6 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN FREE STANDING POST The Free Standing Post is used in suitations when there is not a wall in the vincinity of the required container storage location and therefore an alternative means needs to be found of mounting the retention bar. 65mm 60mm The Free to Standing Postretention is also used when is question a wall available mount the bar but the there wall in does not have sufficient structural strenght to support the weight of the Inergen system. Two posts are required per container bank, one located at each end of the retention bar. In addition a post is required at each joint of the manifold Technical Data Material Steel, Powder Coated RAL 3000 Weight 16 Kg Order Number KO 240 142 6 2090mm 2025mm Fourteen slots in total. Each slot is 13 mm wide and has an overall length of 43 mm . The distance between centres of the slots is 60 mm. 83 mm x 50 mm Channel Four slots in total. Each slot is 13 mm wide, has an overall lenghth of 43 mm 300mm and are equally spaced. 180mm 125mm Screws and dowels suitable for use with the Free Standing Post are included in the fixture parts list order number KO 240 1096 220mm Fig 66: Free Standing Post ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 83 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.30 DISTRIBUTION VALVE ASSEMBLY - (NON VdS SYSTEMS) The distribution valve is used in applications where multiple areas require to be protected from a single bank of containers. The valves are operated pneumatically by a pilot cylinder (P/No. 304.208.002) or manually by use of the manual operating lever. A typical pilot cylinder operated distribution valve system is shown in Fig 1 - page 14. The distribution valve requires a minimum pressure of 7 bar to satisfactorily operate it and the precise configuration of 1 4 the actuation system istocritical ensuring to that system operates coupling 309.010.003 allow in connection thethe actuation tubing). as intended. The actuation port is / " NPT (fit stud The valve is supplied in 50mm NPT connections as standard, but is available in other sizes to order. Distribution valve assembly comprises of ball valve/actuator, pressure regulator, bleed valve and pressure relief valve. Net weight: 17.5kg Part Number: 308.208.001 Bleed Valve Pressure Regulator Ball Valve Indicator in-line with the direction of flow shows that the valve is open. Pneumatic Actuator Direction of INERGEN flow through a directional valve. Fig 67: Non VdS directional valve PAGE 84 of 133 Indicator at 90 degrees to the direction of flow shows that the valve is closed. EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.31 DISTRIBUTION VALVE ASSEMBLY - HD-BV / 3 (VdS SYSTEM S) The type HD-BV/3 high pressure distribution valve assembly is closed and unpressurised when in standby mode. The HD-BV/3 high pressure distribution valve assembly performs two duties, it acts as both a distribution valve and a pressure reduction unit (200 bar to 60 bar) by utilising the orifice plate that is included as part of the HD-BV/3 assembly. The required orifice size is established by means of hydraulic calculations at the system design stage. The valve will open after the integrated activation device has been triggered. Once open, the distribution valve allows INERGEN to flow into the pipe network it’s respective extinguishing area. Theareas. remainder of the distribution valves remain closed and therefore prevent flow for of INEGEN into the other extinguishing In order to open the distribution valve the attached pneumatic actuator is exposed to pilot gas at a pressure of 10 bar. After a discharge, the distribution valve is closed manually, for details of this please see the relevant operating instructions. The outlet pipe from the orifice unit must be the same diameter as the orifice unit, reduction of the pipe diameter at the exit of the orifice plate unit is not permitted. B A F 8 E Limit Switch Fitted As Standard C D 7 “Detail X” Inlet Pressure 200 bar Outlet Pressure 60 bar 6 G 5 3 3 H 2 2 4 1 J Shown in the open position I Fig 68: VdS approved directional valve Detail “X” Item Description Item Description Item Description Item Description 1 Orifice O-ring 3 Outlet Flange 5 Bolts 7 Inlet Flange 2 Ball Valve 4 Orifice Plate 6 Inlet Flange O-ring 8 Pneumatic Actuator ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 85 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN HD-BV / 3 Distrib utio n Valve Dimensi ons Valve Size A B C D E F G H I mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm DN 25 116 43.5 259 127 DN 50 116 62 343.5 175.4 DN 80 121 105 494.5 246 85 157 52 183 20 101 171.5 58 228 20 145.5 270 65 294 25 J mm mm Step - 12 0.5mm 13 - 18 1.0mm 3 3 - 12 0.5mm 13 - 35 1.0mm 20 - 56 2.0mm Bolt Torque Setting (Item 5) Nm Zeta Value Weight Kg 28 0.25 4.3 28 0.2 9.2 76 0.1 30.3 Table 38: HD-BV / 3 directional valve dimensions HD-BV / 3 Part Numbers Item DN 25 DN 50 DN 80 1 OrificeO-ring KO0100736 KO0101056 2 BallValve KO2411246 KO2411266 3 OutletFlange KO2403756 KO2403736 4 Orifice Plate * KO2403716 * 5 Bolts KO0590166 6 Inlet FlangeO-ring KO0100736 7 InletFlange KO2403756 Actuator 8 Pneumatic KO0101786 KO2411296 - * KO0590176 KO0101056 KO2403736 KO0590256 KO0101786 KO2403716 - - Table 39: HD-BV / 3 directional valve part numbers * The actual Orifice diameter will be calculated at the system design stage. The Orifice plate will then be made to order. HD-BV / 3 Requirements HD-BV / 3 Materials DIN EN 12094-5, CEA GEI6-N106/B, and VdS CEA 4009 Ball Valve - Housing Aluminium Ball Valve - Shaft / Ball Stainless Steel Pneumatic Actuator - Housing Aluminium HD-BV / 3 Technical Data Pneumatic Actuator - Shaft / Gear Rack Stainless Steel Max Operating Pressure 240 bar Test Pressure Pilot Pressure 320 bar 10 bar Range Of Pilot Pressure 5 - 10 bar Temperature Range Installed Position PAGE 86 of 133 HD-BV / 3 Approvals -20 C / +50 C Approval Body VdS As Desired. However Preference shown on Datasheet 5-567-05E Identification CE Certificate Authority 0786-VdS o o CE Certificate Of Conformity 0786-CPD-30021 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.32 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE In the event that INERGEN becomes trapped in a closed section of pipework it is necessary to provide a means for it to be safely vented. Two methods may meet this requirement: 1) Controlled operation of a distribution valve to allow INERGEN into the protected space. 2) By means of the pressure relief valve and manual overide arrangement as shown below. Note: National standards may not require the use of the pressure relief arrangement as shown on this page. Please check with appropriate national standards. Technical Data Material Brass Weight 1 Kg Order Number SL 93466 Lockwire 68mm The INERGEN pressure relief valve arrangement as shown below is designed to automatically relieve excess pressure in the pipework system and would normally be fitted in all closed sections of pipework, i.e., between the containers and stop valves, etc. It is factory set to open at approximately 250 bar, there is no on-site adjustment allowed. It is a requirement that the outlet from the valve is piped to atmosphere away from personnel. A manual bypass valve must be incorporated into the pressure relief arrangements to allow for trapped INERGEN to be 1 /4” NPT Female Outlet safely vented to atmosphere. For further details of the manual by-pass valve please see below. 30mm 6,000 lb Union 1 /4” NPT Pressure Relief Valve. Fig 69: Pressure relief valve 1 /4” Schedule 80 pipe. Manual By-Pass Valve. Part Number 302.001.008 Further details of the Manual By-Pass valve are shown on the following page. 1 /2” Schedule 80 pipe. Fig 70: Pressure relief valve / manual vent assembly ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 87 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.33 MANUAL B Y-PASS VALVE The manual by-pass valve is used in conjunction with pressure relief valve shown above. It’s function is to allow INERGEN to be safely vented to atmosphere if it becomes trapped within a closed pipework section. The valve is available as standard in 1/2" NPT. The valve is used in the 48mm normally closed with position and is provided a locking device into which a standard padlock may be fitted. 62mm 30mm Part No. 302.001.008 93mm Net weight 0.25 kg 160mm Fig 71: Manual by-pass valve 3.34 PILOT CYLINDER Pilot cylinders are filled with INERGEN gas and are pressurised to 200 bar. They are used in conjunction with the release head III to pneumatically operate the main container of the INERGEN fire suppression system. A pilot cylinder can also be actuated manually, using the local manual actuator and release head III. It may also be actuated electrically using the solenoid actuator or the step motor delay device, again in conjunction with release head III. If the INERGEN fire suppression system is designed to utililise distribution valves, a pilot cylinder may also be used to operate a distribution valve as well as the main container for the associated area. Pilot cylinders are manufactured in accordance with 99/36/EG (TPED) and are pressure tested to 250 bar. pilot cylinders are coloured grey to EN 1089 with a bright green top dome. The Cylinders are fitted with the CI 12-6 container valve, which has a nominal burst disk rating of 270 Bar. (At 70 degrees C, +30 bar - 10 bar. At 20 degrees C 300 bar maximum) C B The size of the pilot cylinder required will depend on the number of main (80 Litre) containers the pilot cylinder will be required to pneumatically actuate. Please see details below: 8 Litre Pilot Cylinder: Used when then are 2 - 40 main containers. 27 Litre Pilot Cylinder: Used when then are 41 - 100 main containers. 80 Litre Pilot Cylinder: Used when then are 101 - 250 main containers. * Approximate Cylinder Dimension A Dimension B* Dimension C* Weight 8Litre 140mm 655mm 810mm 27Litre 204mm 1060mm 1200mm 49Kg 80Litre 267mm 1745mm 1885mm 128Kg Table 40: Pilot Cylinder Dimensions PAGE 88 of 133 17Kg A Fig 72: Pilot Cylinder Dimensions EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN cylinders must not be subjected to direct sunlight or adverse weather conditions and must not be positioned where water can accumulate around the base. Labels providing handling, maintenance and recharge instructions are fitted to all containers. For details of the cylinder dimensions and weights please see table 41. Technical Data Fill Pressure 195 - 200 bar @15 o C Test Pressure 300 bar Cylinder Construction Material - Cylinder Nominal Fill Cylinder Size Weight Volume Seamless 8Litre 2.4Kg 1.7 m3 KO 240 401 6 Steel 27Litre 7.9Kg 5.6 m3 KO 240 412 6 Material - Cylinder Valve Brass 80Litre 23.9Kg 3 16.8 m KO 240 415 6 Material - Protective Cap Malleable Iron Order Number Table 41: Pilot Cylinder information The Pilot Cylinder fill range and relationship between the cylinder pressure and temperature are shown in the graph below. Fig 73: Pilot Cylinder pressure / temperature chart ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 89 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.35 CURTAIN TRIP The curtain trip assembly is a pneumatically actuated device which utilises a pressure source from the INERGEN fire suppression system discharge pipework to automatically release drop curtains. It is important that the pressure source used is located in the system discharge pipework downstream of the pressure reducing unit that reduces the system pressure to 60 bar maximim. Connection to the pressure trip is by means of 3/8" pipe. The pressure trip is designed to be used in the horizontal plane. The curtain trip comes complete with a 3/8" NPT x 10mm standpipe fitting to aid connection to the INERGEN discharge pipework. Net weight 1.5 kg. Part Number 305.200.007 Drop Curtain Connector Inseted In Curtain Trip Drop Curtain Connector 19mm 38.1mm 12.7mm 50mm Cable Connected To Curtain 80mm 12.7mm 5mm Cable Connected To Curtain 190mm 10mm ERMETO Pipe Connection to INERGEN system discharge pipework Hand Release Fig 74: Curtain Trip PAGE 90 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.36 MANUAL RELEASE CAUTION PLATE (Part No. SL 93936) The manual release caution plate provides instructions to personnel on the use of manual controls. One plate is to be fixed adjacent to all positions from where INERGEN can be released manually. Four 4mm fixing holes are provided. 4 Holes 4mm Diameter Red Backround Red Letters 210mm White Backround Black Outline 75mm Fig 75: Manual release caution plate ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 91 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.37 DOOR CAUTION PLATE (LOCK-OFF) (Part No. SL 93481) The door caution plate (lock-off) provides instructions to personnel who may enter an area protected with INERGEN. This version of the caution plate is used when it is necessary to instruct personnel to place the system on manual control before entering the protected area. One plate is to be fixed to all entrance doors into an INERGEN protected area. Four 4mm fixing holes are provided. 4 Holes 4mm Diameter Black Letters Yellow Backround Black Letters 210mm White Backround Black Outline 210mm Fig 76: Door caution plate (lock off) PAGE 92 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.38 DOOR CAUTION PLATE (NO LOCK-O FF) (Part No. SL 93482) The door caution plate (no lock-off) provides instructions to personnel who may enter an area protected with INERGEN. This version of the caution plate is used when it is permitted to leave the system on automatic control even while the area is occupied. One plate is to be fixed to all entrance doors into an INERGEN protected area. Four 4mm fixing holes are provided. Black Letters 4 Holes 4mm Diameter Yellow Backround Black Letters 210mm White Backround Black Outline 210mm Fig 77: Door caution plate (no lock off) ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 93 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 3.39 OVER PRESSURISATION VENT To prevent over pressurisation of an enclosed space at the time of a discharge, vents must be installed in the perimeter wall. Two sizes are available: The depth of the units are variable for different wall thicknesses. The units can be fitted into a door. Internal Flap Seal Sectional View Of Open Vent Internal Cover Plate Outer Door Fig 78: Over pressurisation vent Nominal Size A B (mm) (mm) Part No. No. of 6mm diameter fixing holes Size of Opening Required Free Vent Area Without Cover Plate Free Vent Area With Cover Plate 300mmx300mm 302.205.014 450 190 8 360mmx360mm 0.09sq.m 0.068sq.m 500mmx500mm 302.205.015 600 210 12 510mmx510mm 0.25sq.m 0.135sq.m Table 42: Over pressurisation vent dimensions PAGE 94 of 133 4. EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN INSTALLA TION INFORMATION This section provides general guidance on the installation of INERGEN Fire Fighting Systems. However, it is of paramount importance that persons involved in the installation of this equipment have had previous experience in the installation of this or similar equipment. Appropriate items of safety equipment such as safety shoes should be worn by those involved in the installation work. Equipment is to be installed in accordance with an approved drawing. It is not permitted for changes to equipment, pipework or nozzle positions to be made without the authority of the Extinguishing Systems Design Engineer. It should be noted that special components have been designed to allow for the safe assembly of the high pressure side of the installation (the sections up to and including the pressure reducing units). • Under no circumstances should alternative components be used in this part of the installation. The components are supplied with a variety of left hand (referred to as L), right hand (referred to as R) and left and right hand threads (referred to as RL etc.) to ease assembly. All left handed threads are identifiable by a groove around the circumference of the component. Gas tight seals are made using O-rings. All O-rings should be lubricated with non-acidic grease. O-rings required to make gas tight seals are supplied as part of union joints/pressure reducing device and do not need to be ordered separately. 4.1 DELIVERY AND HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT 1) Check all equipment delivered against the Despatch Note. Notify the extinguishing stores immediately if there is any discrepancy between the equipment received and that indicated on the Despatch Note. 2) Store all equipment in a dry room a t a temperature between 0°C and 50°C and protect from direct sunlight, until it is required for installation. Keep containers upright and secure them so that they cannot fall over. • 3) It is usual for, but not essential, for the installation to start with the fitting of the containers. To move INERGEN containers use a trolley and if containers are to be raised over steps etc; ensure that appropriate lifting gear is employed. Under no circumstances must containers be rolled or dropped into position. • 4.2 Make no attempt to move INERGEN containers unless they are fitted with transport caps and anti-recoil caps. Until containers are fully connected into a com pleted pipework system the tran sport caps must not be removed except temporarily to allow for the fitting of the container retention ring. CONTAINER FIXING 1) The container bank will be constructed to allow fitting to wall/supporting structure or ‘free-standing’ using the appropriate components detailed in the manual. Follow the instructions below depending on which fixing method is required. 2) Check that there is at least 300mm free access at the ends of the container bank, and at least 1000mm free access at the front of the bank. 3) Ensure that the floor and walls are flat. If it is suspected that the floor is likely to become wet, place the containers on metal grating to keep them off the floor. The metal grating will raise the height of the bank by 30mm. 4) The container bank will be made up of one or more manifolds. Manifolds come in two types: 5) • for single bank use, where all inlets are used. • for double bank use, where all or most of the inlets are used. For container banks to be fixed to a wall, mark the positions of the retention bars on the wall, for an 80 Litre container the top face of the fixing bar will be 1738mm from the floor, and fix them to the wall. It may assist with the installation to bolt two or more retention bars together before fixing to the wall. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 95 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 4.3 16/12/05 CN 6) For 'free standing' container banks, mark the position of the free standing posts on the floor and fix to the floor. Use a spirit level to ensure that the post is vertical. Bolt the retaining bar(s) to the post and then fix the other free standing post. 7) Bolt the two manifold brackets to the retention bars in the appropriate place. INSTALLI NG MANIFOLDS 1) On systems using between one and two rows of containers the following steps will require to be completed. To install the manifold, check that the end cap has an 'O' ring fitted, screw the end cap onto the manifold by hand. Ensure that the fitting is screwed fully home. 2) Check that the union joint has an 'O' ring fitted and screw the union joint onto the other end of the manifold. Ensure that the fitting is screwed fully home. 3) Locate the manifold onto the manifold fixing brackets. Manifold fixing brackets are positioned at either end of the container bank. They are bolted to the retention bar and fix the manifold at the end cap or union joint. The 560mm pipe is screwed into the union joint, please see diagram below. The orifice plate is then screwed onto the 560mm pipe. If the container bank has more than two rows of containers then there will be a second row of manifolds and free standing posts will be required. A high pressure tee and elbow will be required for the assembly. Consult the approved working drawing for the specific layout. Note: 65mm pipe clamps should be used for 50mm unions and 100mm pipe clamps for 80mm unions A > 0mm A + B = 5mm B > 0mm Checking the correct installation of HF fitting. 4.4 INSTALL ING DISTRIBUTION PIPE AND DISTRIBUTION VALVES ALTERNATIVE A - NON VdS APPROVED SYSTEM 1) If the system has distribution valves then a two way, three way (or combination of both) distribution valve manifold may be used. These are connected to the manifold with a union joint, please see the diagram above. To reduce the height of the distribution valves a down pipe may be used. This is fitted between the manifold and the distribution valve manifold and reduces the height of the distribution valves by 1392mm. 2) Use a 'pair of distribution pipes' (302.402.576) to fit either side of the distribution valve. Connect the 2" ISO left hand thread into the distribution valve manifold using a union joint. The other end of this pipe has a 2"NPT end. Screw this into the distribution valve. The other pipe has 2" NPT at one end and 2" ISO right hand at the other. Screw the 2" NPT into the distribution valve and the 2"ISO into the orifice plate. There will be one pair of distribution valve pipes for each distribution valve. PAGE 96 of 133 4.5 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN INSTALL ING THE PRESSURE REDUCING UNITS ALTERNATIVE A - NON VdS APPROVED SYSTEM 1) Check against the drawing that the correct sized orifice has been supplied. 2) Observe the following procedure to ensure correct assembly of the pressure reducing unit: 3) Ensure that the orifice plate, circlip and ‘O’ ring are properly installed into the unit. Screw the unit onto one of the pair of distribution pipes. This will be the 2" ISO right hand thread. Do not overtighten. The system pipework can now be installed from this point. 4.6 INSTALL ING DISTRIBUTION PIPE AND DISTRIBUTION VALVES ALTERNATIVE B - VdS A PPROVED SYSTEM Connection and all pipework up-stream of selector valves is classified as high pressure piping and HF fittings must be used as specified in Data Sheet 5-433-04. • Fabrication of high pressure piping and components on site is not allowed. For assembly of fittings and pipes see the diagram below. Installation should preferably follow the direction of gas flow. Special attention should be paid to the following: • Two sizes of elbow are available, DN50 and DN80. Both of them have left and right hand threads. • Pipe is stocked in 560mm lengths in DN50 and DN80 sizes. • Special pipe can be supplied in lengths from 170mm. • From reducing or increasing diameters for 50mm to 80mm, a 80 x 50 x 80 Tee must be used, with one outlet capped if necessary. The distribution pipe below the selector valve must be supported at the first and last union joints and also between every two selector valves. Standard support brackets are available. See exploded view on page 25 of this manual. • • All connection pipe between the main manifold and the selector valve distribution pipe must be supported so as to avaoid any instability, especially at changes of direction. This could happen because of the easily rotable o-ring seals. Pipe clamps and brackets should be used. Supports shall be fitted to the union joints and not directly to the pipework or tees. Note: 65mm pipe clamps should be used for 50mm unions and 100mm pipe clamps for 80mm unions A > 0mm A + B = 5mm B > 0mm Checking the correct installation of HF fitting. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 97 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN 4.7 DISTRIBUTION VALVES AND PRESSURE REDUCING UNITS Note: The connection pieces seal well when hand tightened with a friction wrench. Do not overtighten. All o-rings should be smeared with grease, we recomend Molykote paste G-n. 1) The distribution valves valves are fitted to the distribution pipe between flanges. The lower flange is fitted to the outlet of the tee on the distribution pipe via a greased o-ring joint. The correct position of the bolt holes is shown in the diagrams below. Incorrect Flange Allignment Correct Flange Allignment 2) Insert the appropriate o-ring into the groove in the top of the flange. 3) Before each flange is placed on the flange, temporary means should be used to support the weight of the pneumatic drive. 4) The next o-ring is now fitt ed, together with the orifice plate (with the correctly drilled orifice for the zone in question) 5) The upper flange is now placed on top of the orifice plate, with another greased o-ring. 6) The two flanges are now bolted together and tightened to the appropriate torque. 7) The low pressure system piping can now be screwed to the upper flange and fixed. 8) The temporary support may now be removed and the next valve installed. 9) Once all the valves are in place, the lock off unit for each valve is installed by clamping it to the piping above the selector valve. It is connected to the pneumatic drive of the selector valve. Since all the components in a 300 bar system from the manifold to the distribution valves are fully pressure tested and the HF series of fittings is approved by VdS, it is not necessary to carry out pressure tests on site. To check correct assembly, a leakage test should be carried out at 2 bar using INERGEN. See stage 1 of instruction 5-037-03 for details. This test report must be recorded in a written report and signed by the responsible supervisor. • 4.8 Warning: Water should not be us ed to test th e pipework since it would pe netrate into the s mall cavities of the o-ring seal units and be difficult to remove. INSTALLING THE CONTAINERS 1) When the containers are in the general vicinity of the ‘container’ bank, unscrew the transport cap, screw on the container retention ring, and screw the transport cap back on. The threads on the container retention ring must be fully engaged by the threads on the container to ensure that upon fixing the container will be securely fastened. 2) Secure the first container to the retention bar with the fixing links provided. Bring the next container into position. Ensure that the retention ring is at the same height as the first container, and secure this container to the previous container and retention bar. Continue with the installation of all containers in the bank in a similar manner. PAGE 98 of 133 4.9 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN PIPEWORK INSTALLA TION 1) Install all pipework from the pressure reducing unit to the nozzles in accordance with the approved installation drawing. • 2) All nozzles are to be strictly positioned in accordance with these drawings and are to be adequately fixed to prevent movement resulting from the reaction to the discharge . If a requirement at the time of installation, carry out a purge of the pipework using CO 2, nitrogen or air. Ensure thatIfall personnel outside is the or anyatother area that could affected tobythe a discharge. a purge of theare pipework notprotected required area or possible this stage, ensure thisbe is reported Extinguishing Systems Design Engineer or Installation Manager so that arrangements can be made for this to be done at the commissioning stage. 4.10 COMPLETING THE INS TALL ATION 1) Remove the plugs from the manifold as required and replace with manifold check valves. Ritelok TL 43 nutlock must be used on the threads to ensure a proper seal. Check valves should be tightened to a torque of 50lbs/ft. 2) Remove brass recoil cap from INERGEN gas outlet and fit pressure reducer DRE-V/S and the discharge hoses between outlet and the manifold. Ensure that all the o-rings are fitted the between the container valve and non-return valves. 3) Install the actuation line using a combination of actuation hoses, branch tees and elbows. • 4) For the purpose of this manual the checking of th e actuation lines are shown in the commissioning section, but the checks may be carried out during installation (if so, the commissioning section should be consulted at this stage). All threads on the actuation lines are to be torqued as follows: • Threads with O-ring seals: • Metal to metal seals: 10Nm • These torques must not be exceeded. 40Nm 5) Fit the container pressure indicators to the valves. These are fitted hand tight and should give a pressure reading when correctly fitted. 6) Use soap solution to check that the seal is tight. If necessary, use a spanner to tighten the connection by up to one quarter of a turn and then test again. • Do not over-tighten as this could damage the O-ring. 7) Fit all door caution and manual control point plates. 8) Visually check installation for completion in accordance with the approved installation drawing. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE 99 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 5. 16/12/05 CN COMMISSIONING INFORMATION This section provides guidance on the commissioning of INERGEN Fire Fighting Systems and is in the form of a check list to be completed by the person carrying out the commission ing. The commissioning schedule (Document 14A-08-C1, an example of which is shown on pages 100 to 108) is intended to cover the majority of the equipment or configurations likely to be encountered, however, where appropriate it may be necessary to carry out additional checks to those listed. All sections must be completed, or if not applicable, write N/A in the appropriate space. It is essential that persons carrying out commissioning of INERGEN systems are experienced in the commissioning of this type of equipment. Container pressures adjusted for temperature are to be checked for compliance using Table 35, Page 100. Pages 101 to 108 are an example of the schedule to be completed by the responsible person. The schedule is to be completed during the commissioning of all new systems and those that have been modified. 5.1 CHECKING THE PNEUMATIC ACTUATION LINES 1) The actuation lines on the INERGEN container arrangement must be configured using the components detailed in section 3.21.5 of this manual and as detailed in the installation section (Section 4) and as such a pressure test is not required. 2) Any other sections of actuation tubing ie, actuation tubing from pilot cylinders to distribution valves are to be tested by carrying out a functional test on these lines by discharging a charged pilot cylinder to confirm satisfactory operation of the distribution valves and any associated devices. • During this operation (to prevent accidental operation of the INERGEN containers) the pneumatic actuators are to be removed from thelines containers. lossbe of safely actuation pressure should occur during this process and the actuation should No then vented by manual operation of the bleed valve. 3) 5.2 Following completion of these tests the distribution valves will need to be manually closed and all actuators reset prior to refitting to the containers. CHECKING OPERATION OF SOLENOID, PNEUMATIC AND LOCAL MANUAL A CTUATORS 1) Read Sections 3.60 to 3.10 before proceeding. 2) Prior to carrying out any tests on any actuator, ensure that they are disconnected from the INERGEN container. 3) Check that the resetting tool is available for tests on the solenoid actuator. 4) Electrical, manual or pneumatic operation of the above devices is confirmed by the movement of the central pin. 5) After testing and before fitting to the container valve ensure the central pin is in the fully retracted position.3.8 The solenoid resetting tool is required to reset the solenoid after each operation. (See also Section Upon completion of commissioning of the system, confirm in writing, any defects or actions arising, to the responsible person within the company or the client’s representative as applicable. A copy of the completed commissioning schedule and any correspondence arising from defects or outstanding actions must be retained in the project file. As soon as reasonably practicable after commissioning, ensure a ‘User Manual’ and ‘As Installed’ drawings are sent to the clients representative and such transmission is recorded/confirmed in writing. Confirm in writing the client’s responsibilities in respect to over pressurisation venting. PAGE 100 of 133 5.3 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE CHARTS FOR FILLING AND I NSPECTION Fig 79: Main Container 300 bar pressure / temperature chart for filling & inspection. Temperature Degrees C Minimum Pressure at Inspection (Bar) Nominal Pressure (Bar) Maximum Pressure When Charging (Bar) -20 157 165 173 -15 161 170 178 -10 166 175 184 -5 171 180 189 0 176 185 194 5 181 190 199 10 185 195 205 15 190 200 210 20 195 205 215 25 200 210 220 30 204 215 226 35 209 220 231 40 214 225 236 45 219 230 241 50 223 235 247 55 228 240 252 60 233 245 256 Table 43: Pilot Cylinder 200 bar pressure / temperature chart for filling & inspection. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE101 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 5.4 16/12/05 CN COMMISSIONING SCHEDULE (EXAMPLE) CLIENT: PROTECTED AREA: ADDRESS: COMMISSIONED BY: ADDRESS: DATE: PROJECT: C O M M EN TS : ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 5.4.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Checked a Advise all personnel working in or near to the protected area of possible audible or visual alarms b Advise client of any equipment which will be switched off during the tests. c Re-measure the protected area and confirm that the quantity of agent supplied is adequate for the measured volume. d Check that the system has been installed in accordance with the drawings or note any changes to the system against the drawings. e Before carrying out any further checks ensure the Extinguishing system is isolated electrically and mechanically, remove all pneumatic actuators if fitted. 5.4.2 ELECTRICAL C HECK LI ST SYSTEMS WITH MAIN AND RESERVE CONTAINERS Checked a Carry out checks described in sections:- 5.2.2, 5.2.3 or 5.2.4 with T510 changeover switch in ‘main’ position. b Repeat above checks with T510 changeover switch in ‘reserve’ position. SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL DETECTION Checked a Place the system in automatic mode and check lamps are amber on control panel and all status units. b Operate one detection zone. PAGE 102 of 133 Remarks Remarks (Coinci dence Opera tion) Remarks EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 Checked c Check fire alarm sounds. d Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. e Switch system to manual mode and check lamps are green on control panel and all status/indicator units. f Operate second detection zone. g Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. h Switch system to automatic mode with two detection zones still in alarm. I Check evacuation alarm sounds. j Check A/C shutdowns etc. k Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. l Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel and all status units. m Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. n Check operation of each electrical manual release unit in turn. o Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. p Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. q Reset system. Ensure frangible washers are refitted to manual release units. SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL DETECTION Checked a Place the system in manual mode and check lamps are green on control panel and all status units. b Operate detection system. c Check fire alarm sounds. d Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. e Switch system to automatic mode with detection system still in alarm and check lamps are amber on control panel and all status units. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts 16/12/05 CN Remarks (Single Zone Opera tion) Remarks PAGE103 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Checked f Check evacuation alarm sounds. g Check A/C shutdowns etc. h Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. I Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel and all status/indicator units. j Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. k Check operation of each electrical manual release unit in turn. l Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. m Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. n Reset system. SYSTEMS WITH ELECTRICAL MANU AL RELEASE ONLY a Operate each electrical manual release unit in turn. b Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. c Check all A/C shutdowns etc. d Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. e Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel (if applicable) and all status/indicator units. f Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. Ensure frangible washers are refitted to manual release units. a Remarks C he c ke d Remarks Checked Remarks SYSTEMS WITH HOLD SWITCHES With systems in quiescent state, depress hold switch. Check system fault is generated. PAGE 104 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 b Initiate extinguishant release sequence and during delay period depress hold switch, check release sequence is interrupted and solenoid does not operate. c Release hold switch and check preset time delay restarts from zero and after preset time delay, solenoid operates. Checked Remarks Checked Remarks Checked Remarks Checked Remarks SYSTEMS WITH ABOR T SWITCHES a With system in quiescent state depress abort switch. Check system fault is generated. b With system in automatic mode initiate extinguishant release sequence and during delay period depress abort switch. Check release sequence is interrupted and solenoid does not operate. c Check system status reverts to manual mode after operation of abort switch. 5.4.3 16/12/05 CN OTHER ITEMS a Detach solenoid flexible lead and check system fault is generated. b Check adequate and appropriate visual and audible warning devices are incorporated into the system. c Record time delay. This should not normally exceed 30 seconds but must be adequate for safe egress from protected area. d Confirm all A/C systems are linked into the extinguishing system to shutdown prior to, or upon release of gas and these have been checked. 5.4.4 MECHANICAL C HECK LI ST PIPEWORK / NO ZZLES a Check pipes and fittings are to correct standard. b Check pipework supports have been fitted at the correct intervals and are adequate for the purpose. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE105 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN c Check all nozzles are fitted in accordance with the design requirements and are aimed in the correct alignment away from obstructions or barriers that could prevent adequate distribution/mixing of the gas. Check that nozzle orifice area corresponds to the approved installation drawing. d Check all pipes and nozzles are adequately braced against the reaction to discharge. e Check pipework has been painted and/or properly identified f Purge the pipework to confirm it is continuous and free from debris g Remove nozzles to check they are free of debris following the purge h Steps f) and g) may be omitted from the commissioning procedure if written evidence is available that the pipework was purged at an appropriate stage during installation. Remarks Checked Remarks CONTAINERS a Check containers are safe from mechanical damage, corrosion or unauthorised interference. b Check container racking and bracketry is complete and all fixing links are correctly fitted. c Check all containers are fitted with instruction plates properly completed Checked MAIN CONTAINER RECORD Area Protected PAGE 106 of 133 Main Container Details Size - Litres Serial Number Pressure ba r T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No Area Protected ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 Main Container Details Size - Litres Serial Number Pressure ba r 16/12/05 CN T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No PAGE107 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN PILOT CYLINDER RECORD Area Protected 5.4.5 P i l o t C y l i n d e r D e ta i l s Size - Litres Serial Number b c ba r T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No ANCILL ARY E QUIPMENT Checked a Pressure Check all 'extinguishant released' pressure switches are fitted. Check all pressure trips are fitted in the correct plane and are securely fixed. Check pneumatic actuation tubing is firmly fixed. d Check all pneumatic actuation tubing connections are tight and tested in accordance with the instruction in section 5 of this manual. e Check all pneumatic actuators, pressure switches and pressure are tested in accordance with the instruction in section 5 of this manual. f Check any dampers close and/or fibreglass curtains drop correctly to fully cover openings. g Check that a container pressure indicator is fitted to each container and is indicating the container pressure correctly and that it has been checked for leaks at the sealing point. h Check that supervisory pressure switches have been fitted to any control cylinders. i Check solenoid flexible lead is correctly fitted and secured using fixing screw. j Upon completion of all checks ensure solenoid is reset and fit solenoid to master container and ensure it is fully tightened by hand. PAGE 108 of 133 Remarks EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 Checked k On systems utilising a local manual actuator, check safety pin is fitted. l Ensure local manual actuator is reset and fit to master container and ensure it is fully tightened by hand. m On systems utilising remote mechanical manual release, check satisfactory operation of T528 unit. After checking, ensure frangible washers are replaced and upon completion ensure a shear strap is fitted in mechanical manual release device. n On systems utilising remote pneumatic manual release units check safety pin is fitted. o Check door caution plates are fitted at all doors into protected areas. p Check manual release caution plates are fitted at all manual control points. 5.4.6 Remarks ENCLOSURE INTEGRITY AND OVER PRESSURE VENTING a Confirm that a room integrity test has been carried out in the protected area. b Record whether a satisfactory retention time was achieved. c If no, visually inspect the perimeter of the area and record any leakage sites d Confirm the free movement of any over presurisation vents. 5.4.7 16/12/05 CN Checked Remarks Checked Remarks COMPLETION a On completion ensure the client is informed of any outstanding actions on his part and confirm these in writing. b Obtain the signature of the clients representitive on the handover certificate and leave a copy for the client. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE109 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 6. 16/12/05 CN SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE This section provide s general guidanc e on the maintenance of INERGEN Fire Fighting Syste ms. Maintenance as detailed should be carried out at least every six months, although local conditions may indicate a need for more frequent visits. However, it is of paramount importa nce that persons invol ved in the maintenan ce of this equipment have had previous experience in the maintenance of this or similar equipment. Document 14A-08-S1 (Pages 107 to 114 of this manual provides an example) is to be completed during each visit and a copy held in the relevant project file for future reference. Before carrying out any checks, ensure the extinguishing system is isolated electrically and mechanically. Remove all actuators. Upon completion of all checks ensure all electrical/mechanical actuators are reset and refitted. The Pressure temperature charts on page 100 of this manual are to be used to determine compliance with the relevant section of the Maintenance Schedule. Pneumatic actuation tubing is to be tested in accordance with the procedure detailed in Section 5. Operation of all actuators is to be checked as detailed in section 5. On completion of the work, obtain the signature of the customer's representative on the visit record and leave a copy with the customer. If any part of the system is left in operable note t his clearly on the visit re cord and point it ou t to the customer's representative when signing. PAGE 110 of 133 6.1 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (EXAMPLE) CLIENT: PROTECTED AREA: ADDRESS: COMMISSIONED BY: ADDRESS: DATE: PROJECT: C O M M EN TS : ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 6.1.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Checked a Advise all personnel working in or near to the protected area of possible audible or visual alarms b Advise client of any equipment which will be switched off during the tests. c Re-measure the protected area and confirm that the quantity of agent supplied is adequate for the measured volume. d Check that the system has been installed in accordance with the drawings or note any changes to the system against the drawings. e Before carrying out any further checks ensure the Extinguishing system is isolated electrically and mechanically, remove all pneumatic actuators if fitted. 6.1.2 ELECTRICAL C HECK LI ST SYSTEMS WITH MAIN AND RESERVE CONTAINERS Checked a Carry out checks described in sections:- 5.2.2, 5.2.3 or 5.2.4 with T510 changeover switch in ‘main’ position. b Repeat above checks with T510 changeover switch in ‘reserve’ position. SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL DETECTION Checked a Place the system in automatic mode and check lamps are amber on control panel and all status units. b Operate one detection zone. ©2005TycoSafetyProducts Remarks Remarks (Coinci dence Opera tion) Remarks PAGE111of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Checked c Check fire alarm sounds. d Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. e Switch system to manual mode and check lamps are green on control panel and all status/indicator units. f Operate second detection zone. g Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. h Switch system to automatic mode with two detection zones still in alarm. I Check evacuation alarm sounds. j Check A/C shutdowns etc. k Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. l Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel and all status units. m Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. n Check operation of each electrical manual release unit in turn. o Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. p Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. q Reset system. Ensure frangible washers are refitted to manual release units. SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL DETECTION Checked a Place the system in manual mode and check lamps are green on control panel and all status units. b Operate detection system. c Check fire alarm sounds. d Check extinguishant release solenoid does not operate. e Switch system to automatic mode with detection system still in alarm and check lamps are amber on control panel and all status units. PAGE 112 of 133 Remarks (Single Zone Opera tion) Remarks EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 Checked f Check evacuation alarm sounds. g Check A/C shutdowns etc. h Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. I Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel and all status/indicator units. j Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. k Check operation of each electrical manual release unit in turn. l Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. m Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. n Reset system. Remarks SYSTEMS WITH ELECTRICAL MANU AL RELEASE ONLY a Operate each electrical manual release unit in turn. b Check fire alarm and evacuation alarm sounds. c Check all A/C shutdowns etc. d Check extinguishant release solenoid operates after preset time delay. e Check operation of ‘extinguishant released’ pressure switch. Upon operation check red lamps are lit on control panel (if applicable) and all status/indicator units. f 16/12/05 CN Checked Remarks Checked Remarks Reset the pressure switch and then reset the fire alarm system. Ensure frangible washers are refitted to manual release units. a SYSTEMS WITH HOLD SWITCHES With systems in quiescent state, depress hold switch. Check system fault is generated. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE113 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN b Initiate extinguishant release sequence and during delay period depress hold switch, check release sequence is interrupted and solenoid does not operate. c Release hold switch and check preset time delay restarts from zero and after preset time delay, solenoid operates. Remarks Checked Remarks Checked Remarks Checked Remarks SYSTEMS WITH ABOR T SWITCHES a With system in quiescent state depress abort switch. Check system fault is generated. b With system in automatic mode initiate extinguishant release sequence and during delay period depress abort switch. Check release sequence is interrupted and solenoid does not operate. c Check system status reverts to manual mode after operation of abort switch. 6.1.3 Checked OTHER ITEMS a Detach solenoid flexible lead and check system fault is generated. b Check adequate and appropriate visual and audible warning devices are incorporated into the system. c Record time delay. This should not normally exceed 30 seconds but must be adequate for safe egress from protected area. d Confirm all A/C systems are linked into the extinguishing system to shutdown prior to, or upon release of gas and these have been checked. 6.1.4 MECHANICAL C HECK LI ST PIPEWORK / NO ZZLES a Check pipes and fittings are to correct standard. b Check pipework supports have been fitted at the correct intervals and are adequate for the purpose. PAGE 114 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 c Check all nozzles are fitted in accordance with the design requirements and are aimed in the correct alignment away from obstructions or barriers that could prevent adequate distribution/mixing of the gas. Check that nozzle orifice area corresponds to the approved installation drawing. d Check all pipes and nozzles are adequately braced against the reaction to discharge. e Check pipework has been painted and/or properly identified f Purge the pipework to confirm it is continuous and free from debris g Remove nozzles to check they are free of debris following the purge h Steps f) and g) may be omitted from the commissioning procedure if written evidence is available that the pipework was purged at an appropriate stage during installation. Checked Remarks Checked Remarks CONTAINERS a Check containers are safe from mechanical damage, corrosion or unauthorised interference. b Check container racking and bracketry is complete and all fixing links are correctly fitted. c Check all containers are fitted with instruction plates properly completed 16/12/05 CN MAIN CONTAINER RECORD Area Protected ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts Main Container Details Size - Litres Serial Number Pressure ba r T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No PAGE115 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Area Protected PAGE 116 of 133 Main Container Details Size - Litres Serial Number Pressure ba r T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 P i l o t C y l i n d e r D e ta i l s Size - Litres Serial Number b c Pressure ba r T emp o C Corrections Required Yes / No ANCILL ARY E QUIPMENT Checked a 16/12/05 CN PILOT CYLINDER RECORD Area Protected 6.1.5 EQUIPMENT: Remarks Check all 'extinguishant released' pressure switches are fitted. Check all pressure trips are fitted in the correct plane and are securely fixed. Check pneumatic actuation tubing is firmly fixed. d Check all pneumatic actuation tubing connections are tight and tested in accordance with the instruction in section 5 of this manual. e Check all pneumatic actuators, pressure switches and pressure are tested in accordance with the instruction in section 5 of this manual. f Check any dampers close and/or fibreglass curtains drop correctly to fully cover openings. g Check that a container pressure indicator is fitted to each container and is indicating the container pressure correctly and that it has been checked for leaks at the sealing point. h Check that supervisory pressure switches have been fitted to any control cylinders. i Check solenoid flexible lead is correctly fitted and secured using fixing screw. j Upon completion of all checks ensure solenoid is reset and fit solenoid to master container and ensure it is fully tightened by hand. ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE117 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN Checked k On systems utilising a local manual actuator, check safety pin is fitted. l Ensure local manual actuator is reset and fit to master container and ensure it is fully tightened by hand. m On systems utilising remote mechanical manual release, check satisfactory operation of T528 unit. After checking, ensure frangible washers are replaced and upon completion ensure a shear strap is fitted in mechanical manual release device. n On systems utilising remote pneumatic manual release units check safety pin is fitted. o Check door caution plates are fitted at all doors into protected areas. p Check manual release caution plates are fitted at all manual control points. 6.1.6 ENCLOSURE INTEGRITY AND OVER PRESSURE VENTING a Confirm that a room integrity test has been carried out in the protected area. b Record whether a satisfactory retention time was achieved. c If no, visually inspect the perimeter of the area and record any leakage sites d Confirm the free movement of any over presurisation vents. 6.1.7 Remarks Checked Remarks Checked Remarks COMPLETION a On completion ensure the client is informed of any outstanding actions on his part and confirm these in writing. b Obtain the signature of the clients representitive on the handover certificate and leave a copy for the client. PAGE 118 of 133 7. EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN RELATED PUBLI CATIONS 14A-01-G1 GASEOUS FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS - REQUIREMENTS FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION OF TRANSPORTABLE GAS CONTAINERS 14A-01-S1 GASEOUS FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS - SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 14A-04-C1 COMMISSIONING SCHEDULE 14A-04-S1 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 14A-01-G2 GAS DISCHARGE TESTS M414.05E IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR SAFETY 613.3 - 1E, 613.3 - 2E, 613.3 - 3E CHECK LIST FOR DISCHARGE TEST 617 / 11E ORIFICE PLATES FOR INERGEN ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE119 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 8. 16/12/05 CN COPY OF VdS APPROVAL VdS Approval - Sheet 1 of 10 PAGE 120 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 2 of 10 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE121 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 3 of 10 PAGE 122 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 4 of 10 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE123 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 5 of 10 PAGE 124 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 6 of 10 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE125 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 7 of 10 PAGE 126 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 8 of 10 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE127 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 9 of 10 PAGE 128 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN VdS Approval - Sheet 10 of 10 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE129 of133 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 9. 16/12/05 CN LIST OF TABLES WITHIN THIS MANUAL No. Table Title Section Page 1 Acceptable Concentration Range 1.3 2 2 3 Physiological Data Capacities Of INERGEN Containers 2.2 4 MinimumINERGENDesignConcentration 5 INERGEN Design Concentration. 6 Altitude Correction Factors 7 Achieved Gas Concentration 2.2 11 2.2 12 2.2 12 2.2.1 8E stimated Pipe Diameters 9 3 10 13 2.3 NPT Total Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2”, 1” and 1 1/2” Nozzles. 29 2.9 31 10 BSP Total Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2”, 1” and 1 1/2” Nozzles. 2.9 31 11 VdS / DINTotal Flooding Nozzles - drilling details for 1/2” and 1” Nozzles. 2.9 31 2.10 32 12 DRE-V/SCylinderPressureReducingUnitDrillingDetails 13 DRE-2N Main Pressure Reducing Unit (Open Flange Version) Drilling Details 14 DRE-2 MainPressureReducingUnit (ClosedVersion) DrillingDetails 2.11 2.11 32 32 15 Pipework For General Use 2.12 33 16 Fittings For General Use 2.12 33 17 Pipework DIN 2.13 18 Fittings. DIN 198 Litre 0 Container Capacities. 34 2.13 34 3.1 47 20 DKE6 Monitor / Valve / Compatability. 3.14 57 21 KM-4Gauge/Monitor/ValveCompatability. 3.15 59 22 Single Row Manifold. 3.16.1 23C ombination Row Manifold. 24 Double Row Manifold. 25 HighPressureUnionJointAndEndCap 26 High Pressure Tee Elbow & 27 High Pressure Connection Pipes 61 3.16.2 62 3.16.3 3.17 3.18 3.18 62 64 65 65 28 NPT Nozzle Part Numbers 3.23 72 29 BSPT Nozzle Part Numbers 3.23 72 PAGE 130 of 133 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 No. Table Title 16/12/05 CN Section 30S tandard Nozzle Dimensions 31 GRD nozzle orifice sizes 32 GRD nozzle dimensions 33 GOD nozzle dimensions Page 3.23 3.24 72 73 3.24 73 3.25 74 34 DRE 2Savailableorificediameters 3.26 76 35 DRE-2N part numbers 3.27 77 36 DRE-2Navailableorificediameters 3.27 77 37 DRE-2N availableorificediametersandpartnumbers 3.28 78 38 HD-BV3 / directionalvalvedimensions 39 HD-BV 3/directionalpartnumbers 3.31 86 3.31 40C ontrol cylinder dimensions 86 3.34 88 41C ontrol cylinder information 3.34 89 42 Overpressurisationventdimensions 3.39 94 43 ControlCylinder200barpressure/temperaturechart 5.30 101 10. LIST OF FIGURES WITHIN THIS MANUAL No. Figure Title Manual Section Page 1 Main And Reserve System 2 Typical8LitrePilotCylinderOperatedINERGENSystem 2.2.6 3 Typical 8 Litre Pilot Cylinder Operated INERGEN System - Exploded View. 4 Typical 27&80LitrePilot CylinderOperatedINERGENSystem 5 LockOffUnitForSingleBankSystems 6 Distribution Valve System 2.2.8 21 7 DistributionValveAssembly-WeldedPipe(NonVdS) 25 8 DistributionValveAssembly-ScrewedPipe(VdS) 26 9 DistributionValveAssembly- ScrewedPipe(VdS) - ExplodedView 12 Pressure Reduction Unit-DRE-V/S 13 Release Head - AKIII ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts 17 18 19 20 10I NERGEN Container Assembly 11 INERGEN ContainerValve-CI12-8 15 2.2.7 27 3.1 3.2 47 48 3.3 49 3.4 PAGE131 of133 49 INERGEN 300 B ar 14A-09 1.00 16/12/05 CN No. Figure Title Section Page 14 Pneumatic Actuator - PAK 3.5 50 15 Electric Actuator - SF-2 - Isometric View 3.6 50 16 Electric Actuator SF-2 17 ElectricActuator-EExExplosionProof 3.6 50 3.7 18 Solenoid Resetting Tool 51 3.8 51 19 Step Motor Delay Device - SMV-1 3.9 52 20 StepMotorDelayDevice - SMV-1 - ResettingTool 3.9.1 52 21 LocalManual Pneumatic / Actuator 3.10 53 22 DischargePressureSwitchLatching - 3.11 23 DischargePressureSwitch-Non-Latching 3.12 24 DischargePressureSwitch-Flameproof 3.13 54 55 56 25 Container Pressure Indicator - Standard - DKE-6 3.14 57 26 Container Pressure Indicator - Supervisory - KM-4 3.15 58 27 Container Pressure Indicator - Supervisory - KM-4 - Wiring Diagram 28 Manifold Single - Row 29M anifoldCombination Row 3.15 59 3.16.1 61 3.16.2 62 30 Manifold Double - Row 3.16.3 62 31 Manifold-CheckValve-RSVI-12300bar 3.16.4 63 32 HighPressureFittings - UnionJoint(SectionalView) 33 HighPressureFittings - EndCap(SectionalView) 3.17 64 3.17 64 34 DistributionValveManifoldComponents- Tee 3.18 65 35 DistributionValveManifoldComponents -E lbow 3.18 65 36 DistributionValveManifoldComponents - ConnectionPipes 3.18 37 DistributionComponents-ManifoldDownPipe 38 DistributionComponents - DistributionValveManifold-2Way 41 Check Valve 42 Manual Pressure Relief Valve - ELV-1 PAGE 132 of 133 66 67 3.21.1 3.21.2 67 68 3.21.3 44 Actuation Hose - DN 8 46 DN8ActuationHoseTo10mmTubeAdaptor 66 3.19 3.20 43 Automatic Vent Valve - SGV-1 45 Actuation Line Fittings 66 3.19 39 DistributionComponents - DistributionValveManifold-3Way 40D ischarge Hose DN12 300 / bar 65 3.19 69 3.21.4 3.21.5 3.21.6 69 70 70 EQUIPMENT: INERGEN 300 B ar PUBLICATION: 14A-09 ISSUE No. & DATE: 1.00 16/12/05 CN No. Figure Title Section 47 Test And Relief Unit - PRE-1 48 TestAndReliefUnit - PRE-1 - TestAndReliefUnitFunction 71 3.23 50 Nozzle - GRD 53 Nozzle GOD - Full -Head 71 3.22 49 Standard Nozzle 51 Nozzle GOD 52 Nozzle GOD - Small - Head Page 3.22 72 3.24 3.25 3.25 74 75 3.25 54 Nozzle-GOD-Cable/FloorVoidInstallation 73 75 3.25 55 PressureReducer - Container(300to200bar) - DREV/S 75 3.26 56 Pressure Reducer - S ingle Container Systems (200 to 60 bar) - D RE 2S 76 3.26 57 Pressure Reducer - Multiple Container Systems (VdS 200 to 60 bar) - DRE 2N 76 3.27 58 Pressure Reducer - Multiple Container Systems (Non VdS 200 to 60 bar) - DRE-3N 77 3.28 78 59 FixingComponents-IsometricView 3.29 60 FixingComponents-RetentionPlate 3.29.1 80 61 FixingComponents-RetentionBars 3.29.2 80 62 FixingComponents - 560mmRetentionBarDimensions 3.29.2 63 FixingComponents - 840mmRetentionBarsDimension 3.29.2 79 81 81 64 Fixing Components-Fixing Link 3.29.3 65 FixingComponents - Manifoldbrackets/Fixingkit 3.29.4/5 82 66 FixingComponents-FreeStandingPost 3.29.6 83 67D irectional Valve Non - VdS 68 DirectionalValve VdS - Approved 3.30 3.31 82 84 85 69 Pressure Relief Valve 3.32 87 70 PressureReliefValve/ManualVentAssembly 3.32 87 71 Manual by-pass valve 3.33 88 72P ilot Cylinder Dimensions - 3.34 88 73 PilotCylinder-Pressure/TemperatureChart 3.34 89 74 Curtain Trip 75 WarningSigns-ManualReleaseCautionPlate 3.35 3.36 90 91 76 WarningSigns-DoorCautionPlate(lockoff) 3.37 92 77 WarningSigns- DoorCautionPlate(nolockoff) 3.38 93 78 Over pressurisation vent 3.39 94 79 MainContainer300barpressure/temperaturechart 5.30 101 CN November 2005 ©2005 TycoSafetyProducts PAGE133 of133 © 2005 Tyco Safety Prod ucts