How to Load a Flat File in SAP BI IntegratedPlanning Using BEx Jarrett Bialek (
[email protected])Jens Koerner (
[email protected])June 10, 2008Inforte, a Business & Decision Company - 2 - Table of Contents Overview.........................................................................................................................2Integrated Planning Flat File Upload Basic Functionality.................................................2Getting Started.............................................................................................................2Import of new File upload planning function type.........................................................2Creating Components of IP Upload Mechanism..........................................................6Customizing IP Flat File Upload Solution for BEx..........................................................15Code Changes in Class ZCL_RSPLF_FILE_UPLOAD..............................................15Creating a Workbook Incorporating the Data Viewer, Planning Sequence, and Save...15Workbook settings.....................................................................................................15Creating the Query for Data Preview.........................................................................17Creating Buttons for Planning Functions....................................................................19File Selection Screen.................................................................................................24Conclusion.....................................................................................................................25 Overview SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning now has the ability to allow users to upload datadirectly into transactional cubes.The solution outlined in this paper provides a how-to guide to use flat file uploadfunctionality in BEx. It also shows step-by-step how to use a query to preview the datauploaded before deciding whether to save (write) the data to the target cube. This isbasically replicating the BPS file upload functionality in IP.The solution depicted in this paper provides the user with the familiarity of BEx, but withthe flexibility of Integrated Planning. It can work in conjunction with the Web Dynprobased IP Flat File Upload solution created by SAP – see the paper “How To….Load aFile into BI Integrated Planning” from SAP for details - Integrated Planning Flat File Upload Basic Functionality Getting Started Before you can create BEx based IP Upload capabilities into your transactional cubes,you will need to import some transport files into your system and make sure that acouple key components from those files are installed and activated. Import of new File upload planning function type - 3 - Before you can start building your IP upload solution you have to import some ABAPobjects into your system. Step 1. Import of Transports The transport below containing all necessary objects will have to be imported K900315.BIRR900315.BIR Unzip the files and copy them into the transport directory of your BI system(K9900315.BIR into COFILES directory, R900315.BIR into DATA directory).Then go to transaction STMS, select your system, add the new transport to the importqueue, and finally import the transport. Step 2. Check that class exists and is active The first thing to check is that ABAP class ZCL_RSPLF_FILE_UPLOAD exists and isactive – using transaction SE24. Figure 1. Transaction SE24 - 4 - Figure 2. Display of class in transaction se24 Step 3. Check that planning function type exists and is active The check confirms that planning function type ZRSPL_FILE_UPLOAD exists and isactive. You can check this by using transaction RSPLF1. Figure 3a. Transaction RSPLF1