CONTENTS1. HISTORY OF STOCK MARKET 1-22. HISTORY OF INDIAN STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANIES 2-43. BALAJI EQUITIES 4-64. INCORPORATION OF BALAJI EQUITIES 7-85. CUSTOMERS 9-116. COMPETITORS 12-167. BALAJI PRODUCTS 16-188. ENVIRONMENT 18-209. TECHNOLOGY 20-2110. TERMINOLOGY 21-2211. SWOT ANALYSIS12. WHO IS WHO 23 CONTENTS1. HISTORY OF WORKING CAPITAL 1-22. HISTORY OF INDIAN STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANIES 2-43. BALAJI EQUITIES 4-64. INCORPORATION OF BALAJI EQUITIES 7-85. CUSTOMERS 9-116. COMPETITORS 12-167. BALAJI PRODUCTS 16-188. ENVIRONMENT 18-209. TECHNOLOGY 20-2110. TERMINOLOGY 21-2211. SWOT ANALYSIS12. WHO IS WHO 23 HISTORY OF WORKING CAPITAL: An enterprise whether industrial, trading in other acquires two types of assets torun its business. They are fixed assets, which are necessary for carrying the production/business. It is the current assets which are generally referred to as³Working Capital´.In managing fixed assets the time factor is very important that¶s whydiscounting and compounding play a very important role in any capital budgetingdecision. But because the time frame of current assets is only one accounting period the time value of money is significant in the management of current assets.Any short run immediate need of the company whether that is need for cash or adjustments to fluctuations in sales can be made only through adjusting the levelsof the various components of the current assets. This calls for efficientmanagement of current assets, which forms part of working capital.Working capital management involves not only managing the components of current assets but also the managing the current liabilities. A set-financing patternis evolved to meet the requirement of a unit for acquisition of fixed assets andcurrent assets. Fixed assets are to be financed by owned funds and long termliabilities raised by a unit while current assets are partly financed by currentliabilities and other short term loans arranged by the unit from the bank. Net working capital=current assets-current liabilities CONCEPTS OF WORKING CAPITAL There are two concepts of working capital: Balance sheet concept or traditional concept. O perating cycle concept. BALANCE SHEET CONCEPT OR TRADITIONAL CONCEPT It shows the position of the firm at a certain point of time. It is calculatedon the basis of balance sheet prepared at a specific date. In this method there aretwo types of working capital. G ross working capital N et working capital GROSS WORKING CAPITAL It refers to a firm¶s investment in current assets. The sum of the currentassets is the working capital of the business. The sum of the current is quantitativeaspect of working capital which emphasizes more on quantity than on its quality, but it fails to reveal the true picture of the financial position of the business because every increase in current liabilities will decrease the gross working capital. NET WORKING CAPITAL It is difference between the current assets and current liabilities or theexcess of total current assets over total current liabilities. It can also be defined asthat part of a firm¶s current asset which is financed with long term funds. It may beeither negative or positive. When the current assets exceed the current liabilities,the working capital is positive and vice-versa.