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A407-07(2013) Standard Specification For Steel Wire, Cold-drawn, For Coiled-type Springs

Descripción: A407-07(2013) Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, For Coiled-Type Springs




Designation: A407 − 07 (Reapproved 2013) Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, for Coiled-Type Springs 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A407; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original origin al adoption or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 2.2   AIAG Standard: AIAGB-5 02.00 Primary 02.00  Primary Metals Identification Tag Application Standa Standard rd3 1. Sco Scope pe 1.1 This specification covers round, cold-drawn, steel spring wire having properties and quality intended for the manufacture of the following types of upholstery springs: 1.1.1   Type A— Coiled Coiled (Mars (Marshall hall pack) pack),, 1.1.2   Type B— Coiled Coiled and knotted, 1.1.3   Type C— Coiled Coiled and knotted (offset style), Type D— Coil 1.1.4   Type C oiled ed an and d ho hook oked ed (s (sin ingl glee an and d cr cros osss helicals), 1.1.5   Type Coiled and hook hooked ed (shor (shortt tensio tension—reg n—regular ular Type E— Coiled tensile strength), 1.1.6   Typ Coiled and hoo hooked ked (sh (short ort tens tension ion—hi —high gh Typee F— Coiled tensile strength), 1.1.7   Type G— Regular Regular lacing, 1.1.8   Type H— Automatic Automatic lacing, 1.1.9   Type I— Zig-zag Zig-zag (U-formed), 1.1.10   Type J— Square-formed, Square-formed, and 1.1.11   Type K— Sinuous Sinuous for furniture spring units. 3. Orde Ordering ring Informatio Information n 3.1 Or 3.1 Orde ders rs fo forr ma mater terial ial un unde derr th this is sp speci ecific ficati ation on sh shou ould ld include the following information for each ordered item: 3.1.1 Quant Quantity ity (weight), (weight), 3.1.2 3.1 .2 Nam Namee of mate materia riall (na (name me of spe specific cific type req requir uired) ed) (Section 1 and and Table  Table 1) 1), 3.1.3 Diamete Diameterr (Table (Table 2), 2), 3.1.4 Packag Packaging, ing, marking, marking, and loading (Section 12 (Section  12), ), 3.1.5 ASTM designation designation and date of issue, and 3.1.6 Heat (cast) analysis analysis (if desired). NOTE   1—A typical typical ord orderin ering g des descrip cription tion is as fol follow lows: s: 50 000 lb [15 000 kg], cold-drawn cold-drawn upholstery upholstery spring wire Type B for coiling and knottin kno tting, g, siz sizee 0.0 0.080 80 in. [2.0 mm mm], ], 150 1500-l 0-lb b [70 [700 0 kg] coils on tub tubula ularr carriers to ASTM A407 dated. 4. Manu Manufactu facture re 1.2 These 1.2 These ty type pess of up upho holst lster ery y sp sprin rings gs ar aree us used ed in th thee manufacture manuf acture of automo automotive tive seat sprin springs, gs, furn furniture iture springs, bed spring units, mattres mattresses, ses, furn furniture iture cushions, and automo automobile bile seat se ats. s. Th This is wi wire re is no nott in inte tend nded ed fo forr th thee ma manu nufa fact ctur uree of  mechanical springs. 4.1 The st 4.1 stee eell sh shal alll be ma made de by an any y of th thee fo foll llow owin ing g processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace. 4.2 A suf suffficie icient nt dis discar card d sha shall ll be mad madee to ens ensure ure fre freedo edom m from injurious piping and undue segregation. 4.3 The wire sha shall ll be col cold-d d-draw rawn n to pro produc ducee the desired desired mechanical properties. 2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards: 2 A370   Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing A370 of Steel Products A700 Practices A700  Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Shipment E29 Pra Practic cticee for Usi Using ng Sig Signifi nifican cantt Dig Digits its in Test Dat Dataa to Determine Conformance with Specifications 5. Chem Chemical ical Compositio Composition n 5.1 Upho Upholstery lstery spring wire for coiled-type coiled-type springs is customarily produced within the chemical ranges shown below. Chemical composition and processing may vary depending on the gage of wire and specific use. Carbon, % Manganese, %, Phosphorus, max, % Sulfur, max, % 0.45 to 0.70A 0.60 to 1.20A 0. 04 0 0 .0 5 0 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee  A01  A01 on  on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.03 on A01.03  on Steel Rod and Wire. Curren Cur rentt edi editio tion n app approv roved ed Apr April il 1, 201 2013. 3. Pub Publis lished hed Apr April il 201 2013. 3. Ori Origin ginall ally y approved approv ed in 1957. Last previous edition approved approved in 2007 as A407 – 07. DOI: 10.1520/A0407-07R13. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. A In any lot in which all the wire is of the same size and type, and submitted for inspection at the same time, the carbon content shall not vary more than 0.20 %, and the manganese content shall not vary more than 0.30 %. 5.2 An analysis analysis of each heat heat (ca (cast) st) shal shalll be made by the producer produc er to det determ ermine ine the per percen centag tagee of ele elemen ments ts spe specifi cified ed 3 Available from Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), 26200 Lahser Rd., Suite 200, Southfield, MI 48033-7100, Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States 1 A407 − 07 (2013) TABLE 1   Continued  TABLE 1 Tensile Strength Requirements A Diameter, in. [mm] Wire Gage 0.048 [1 .2 ] Tensile Strength, ksi [MPa] Diameter, in. [mm] mi n m ax Type A, Marshall Pack 2 5 5 [1 8 0 0 ] 2 9 5 [2 0 6 0 ] [ 1. 0] 2 5 0 [1 7 6 0 ] 2 9 0 [2 0 1 0 ] [ 1. 2] 2 5 0 [1 7 1 0 ] 2 9 0 [1 9 5 0 ] [ 1. 4] 2 4 0 [1 6 8 0 ] 2 8 0 [1 9 2 0 ] [ 1. 6] 2 3 0 [1 6 5 0 ] 2 7 0 [1 8 9 0 ] 2 2 5 [1 6 1 0 ] 2 6 5 [1 8 3 0 ] 2 2 0 [1 5 6 0 ] 2 6 0 [1 7 8 0 ] Type B, Coiled and Knotted 2 3 5 [1 5 5 0 ] 2 7 0 [1 7 9 0 ] 2 3 0 [1 5 3 0 ] 2 6 5 [1 7 7 0 ] 2 2 5 [1 5 0 0 ] 2 6 0 [1 7 4 0 ] 2 1 5 [1 4 6 0 ] 2 5 0 [1 6 8 0 ] 2 0 5 [1 4 2 0 ] 2 3 5 [1 6 4 0 ] 1 9 5 [1 3 8 0 ] 2 2 5 [1 6 0 0 ] 1 9 0 [1 3 5 0 ] 2 2 0 [1 5 6 0 ] 1 8 5 [1 3 0 0 ] 2 1 5 [1 5 3 0 ] 0.041 18 0.054 [1 .4 ] [1 .6 ] [1 .8 ] [2 .0 ] 0.092 13 0.106 [2 .8 ] 12 0.062 [1 .6 ] 16 0.072 [1 .8 ] 15 0.080 [2 .0 ] 14 0.092 [2 .4 ] 13 0.106 [2 .6 ] 12 0.120 [3 .0 ] 11 0.135 [3 .5 ] 10 0.148 [3 .8 ] 2 90 [ 20 2 0] 2 45 [ 17 00 ] 2 85 [ 19 6 0] 2 40 [ 16 60 ] 2 80 [ 19 1 0] 17 2 35 [ 16 20 ] 2 75 [ 18 6 0] 16 Type I, Zig-Zag Type Automobile Seat and Back Spring Units Class I Class II 0.09 0. 092 2 [2 [2.4 .4]] 13 220 22 0 [1 [152 520] 0] 25 250 0 [1 [172 720] 0] 23 230 0 [1 [159 590] 0] 26 260 0 [1 [180 800] 0] 0.10 0. 106 6 [2 [2.6 .6]] 12 215 21 5 [1 [148 480] 0] 24 245 5 [1 [169 690] 0] 22 225 5 [1 [155 550] 0] 25 255 5 [1 [176 760] 0] 0.12 0. 120 0 [3 [3.0 .0]] 11 210 21 0 [1 [145 450] 0] 24 240 0 [1 [166 660] 0] 21 215 5 [1 [148 480] 0] 24 245 5 [1 [169 690] 0] 0.13 0. 135 5 [3 [3.5 .5]] 10 205 20 5 [1 [141 410] 0] 23 235 5 [1 [162 620] 0] 21 210 0 [1 [145 450] 0] 24 240 0 [1 [166 660] 0] 0 .1 4 8 [3 .8 ] 9 2 0 0 [1 3 8 0 ] 2 3 0 [ 1 5 9 0 ] 2 0 5 [1 4 1 0 ] 2 3 5 [ 1 6 2 0 ] 0 .1 6 2 [4 .2 ] 8 1 9 0 [1 3 1 0 ] 2 2 0 [ 1 5 2 0 ] 2 0 0 [1 3 8 0 ] 2 3 0 [ 1 5 9 0 ] Type Typ e J, Square Square-Forme -Formed d Typ Type e Automobile Seat and Back Spring Units Class I Class II 0.09 0. 092 2 [2 [2.4 .4]] 13 215 21 5 [1 [148 480] 0] 24 245 5 [1 [169 690] 0] 22 225 5 [1 [155 550] 0] 25 255 5 [1 [176 760] 0] 0.10 0. 106 6 [2 [2.6 .6]] 12 210 21 0 [1 [145 450] 0] 24 240 0 [1 [166 660] 0] 22 220 0 [1 [152 520] 0] 25 250 0 [1 [172 720] 0] 0.12 0. 120 0 [3 [3.0 .0]] 11 205 20 5 [1 [141 410] 0] 23 235 5 [1 [162 620] 0] 21 215 5 [1 [148 480] 0] 24 245 5 [1 [169 690] 0] 0.13 0. 135 5 [3 [3.5 .5]] 10 200 20 0 [1 [138 380] 0] 23 230 0 [1 [159 590] 0] 21 210 0 [1 [145 450] 0] 24 240 0 [1 [166 660] 0] 0 .1 4 8 [3 .8 ] 9 1 9 0 [1 3 1 0 ] 2 2 0 [ 1 5 2 0 ] 2 0 0 [1 3 8 0 ] 2 3 0 [ 1 5 9 0 ] 0 .1 6 2 [4 .2 ] 8 1 8 0 [1 2 4 0 ] 2 1 0 [ 1 4 5 0 ] 1 9 0 [1 3 1 0 ] 2 2 0 [ 1 5 2 0 ] Type K, Sinuous Type Furniture Spring Units 0 .0 9 2 [2 .4 ] 13 2 35 [ 16 60 ] 2 70 [ 18 6 0] 0 .1 0 6 [2 .6 ] 12 2 35 [ 16 20 ] 2 65 [ 18 3 0] 0 .1 2 0 [3 .0 ] 11 2 30 [ 15 90 ] 2 60 [ 18 0 0] 0 .1 3 5 [3 .5 ] 10 2 25 [ 15 50 ] 2 55 [ 17 6 0] 0 .1 4 8 [3 .8 ] 9 2 20 [ 15 2 0] 2 5 0 [1 7 2 0 ] 0 .1 6 2 [4 .2 ] 8 2 15 [ 14 8 0] 2 4 5 [1 6 9 0 ] 0 .1 7 7 [4 .5 ] 7 2 10 [ 14 5 0] 2 4 0 [1 6 6 0 ] 0 .1 9 2 [5 .0 ] 6 2 07 [ 14 3 0] 2 3 7 [1 6 3 0 ] 14 [2 .4 ] 2 50 [ 17 40 ] 0.062 15 0.080 max 18 0.054 16 0.072 mi n 19 0.048 17 0.062 Tensile Strength, ksi [MPa] Wire Gage 9 0.162 1 8 0 [1 3 0 0 ] 2 1 0 [1 5 0 0 ] 8 Type C, Coiled and Knotted (Offset Type) 0.072 2 1 5 [1 4 5 0 ] 2 4 5 [1 6 9 0 ] [1 .8 ] 15 0.080 2 1 0 [1 4 3 0 ] 2 4 0 [1 6 7 0 ] [2 .0 ] 14 0.092 2 0 0 [1 3 9 0 ] 2 3 0 [1 6 1 0 ] [2 .4 ] 13 0.106 1 9 5 [1 3 6 0 ] 2 2 5 [1 5 8 0 ] [2 .6 ] 12 Type D, Coiled and Hooked (Cross Helicals) 0.048 2 1 5 [1 4 9 0 ] 2 5 5 [1 7 5 0 ] [1 .2 ] 18 0.054 2 1 0 [1 4 4 0 ] 2 5 0 [1 7 0 0 ] [1 .4 ] 17 0.062 2 1 0 [1 4 1 0 ] 2 5 0 [1 6 5 0 ] [1 .6 ] 16 Type E, Coiled and Hooked (Short Tension, Regular Tensile Strength) 0.080 2 0 0 [1 4 1 0 ] 2 4 0 [1 6 5 0 ] [2 .0 ] 14 0.092 2 0 0 [1 3 6 0 ] 2 4 0 [1 5 8 0 ] [2 .4 ] 13 0.106 1 9 5 [1 3 3 0 ] 2 3 5 [1 5 5 0 ] [2 .6 ] 12 Type F, Coiled and Hooked (Short Tension, High Tensile Strength) 0.080 2 2 5 [1 5 5 0 ] 2 6 0 [1 7 9 0 ] [2 .0 ] 14 0.092 2 2 0 [1 5 2 0 ] 2 5 5 [1 7 4 0 ] [2 .4 ] 13 0.106 2 1 5 [1 4 9 0 ] 2 5 0 [1 7 1 0 ] [2 .6 ] 12 Type G, Regular Lacing Wire 0.041 2 3 5 [1 6 4 0 ] 2 7 5 [1 9 1 0 ] [1 .0 ] 19 0.048 2 3 0 [1 6 0 0 ] 2 7 0 [1 8 6 0 ] [1 .2 ] 18 0.054 2 2 5 [1 5 6 0 ] 2 6 5 [1 8 1 0 ] [1 .4 ] 17 0.062 2 2 5 [1 5 2 0 ] 2 6 5 [1 7 6 0 ] [1 .6 ] 16 Type H, Automatic Lacing Wire [4 .2 ] A Tensile strength values for diameters not shown in this table shall conform to that shown for the next larger diameter (for example, for diameter 0.128 in. [3.25 mm] the value shall be the same as for 0.135 in. [3.42 mm]). TABLE 2 Permissible Variations in Wire Diameter NOTE   1—For 1—For pu purpo rposes ses of det determ ermini ining ng con confo form rmanc ancee wit with h thi thiss specification, all specified limits are absolute as defined in Practice E29 Practice  E29.. Diam Di amet eter er,, in in.. [m [mm] m] S i z e s fi n e r th a n 0 .0 7 6 [ 2 . 0 ] Size Si zes s 0. 0.07 076 6 [2 [2.0 .0]] to 0. 0.16 162 2 [4 [4.2 .2], ], in incl cl S i z e s 0 .0 9 2 [ 2 . 2 ] to 0 .1 9 2 [ 5 . 2 ] Var aria iati tion ons, s, pl plus us an and d Permissible Out-ofminus, in. [mm] Round, in. [mm] 0 .0 0 1 [ 0 . 0 2 ] 0.00 0. 002 2 [0 [0.0 .05] 5] 0 . 0 0 2 [0 . 0 5 ] 0 .0 0 1 [0 .0 2 ] 0.00 0. 002 2 [0 [0.0 .05] 5] 0 .0 0 2 [0 .0 5 ] above. The analysis shall be made from a test sample preferably taken during the pouring of the heat (cast). The chemical composition thus determined shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative upon request. 6. Mechanical Propertie Propertiess 6.1   Tension Test: 6.1.1   Requirements— The The material as represented by tension test specimens shall confo conform rm to the requirements requirements presc prescribed ribed in Table 1 for 1  for the various sizes and specified types. 6.1.2  Number of Tests— One One test specimen shall be taken for each ten coils, or fraction thereof, in a lot. Each heat in a given lot shall be tested. 6.1.3  Location of Tests— Test Test specimens shall be taken from either end of the coil. 2 A407 − 07 (2013) 6.1.4   Test T he te tens nsio ion n te test st sh shal alll be ma made de in Test Method Method—  — The accordance with Test Methods and Definitions  A370  A370.. 10. Inspe Inspectio ction n 10.1 The manufacturer shall affo afford rd the purchaser’s inspector all re reaso asona nabl blee fa faci cilit litie iess ne nece cess ssar ary y to sat satis isfy fy hi him m th that at th thee material is being produced and furnished in accordance with this specification. Mill inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operations. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture, unless otherwise agreed to. 6.2   Wrap Test: 6.2.1   Requirements— The T he wi wire re fo forr zig zig-z -zag ag-t -typ ypee an and d fo forr squaresqu are-for formed med-ty -type pe spr spring ingss for auto automob mobile ile sea seatt and bac back  k  spri sp ring ng un units its,, ex exce cept pt th that at fo forr co coile iledd-ty type pe sp spri ring ngss Typ ypee A (Mar (M arsh shall all pa pack ck), ), sh shall all wr wrap ap on its itself elf as an ar arbo borr wi with thou outt breakage. The wire for sinuous-type furniture spring units shall wrap wra p on a man mandre drell twi twice ce the diameter diameter of the wire without without breakage. The wire shall wrap on itself as an arbor without breakage. 6.2.2  Number of Tests— One One test specimen shall be taken for each ten coils, or fraction thereof, in a lot. Each heat in a given lot shall be tested. 6.2.3  Location of Tests— Test Test specimens shall be taken from either end of the coil. 6.2.4   Test Method— The The wrap test shall be made in accordance with Supplement IV of Test Methods and Definitions A370.. A370 11. Rejection and Rehearing Rehearing 11.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with this specification shall be reported to the manufacturer within a reasonable length of time. 11.2 11 .2 Failur Failuree of any of the test specim specimens ens to comply with the requirements of this specification shall constitute grounds for rejection of the lot represented by the specimen. The lot may be resubmitted for inspection by testing every coil for the characteris acte ristic tic in whi which ch the spe specime cimen n fail failed ed and sorting sorting out the defective defect ive coils. 11.3 The mate 11.3 materia riall mus mustt be ade adequa quately tely protected protected and cor cor-rectly identified in order that the producer may make proper investigation. 7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations Variations 7.1 Th 7.1 Thee di diam amet eter er of th thee wi wire re sh shal alll no nott va vary ry fr from om th that at specified by more than the tolerances specified in Table in  Table 2. 2. 12. Pack Packagin aging, g, Mar Marking, king, and Load Loading ing 8. Wo Workmanship rkmanship 12.1 Pac 12.1 Packag kaging ing of the coils of wir wiree sha shall ll be by agr agreeme eement nt between the producer and the purchaser. This agreement shall include coil dimensions and weights. 8.1   Surface Condition— The The surface of the wire as received shall be smooth and have a uniform finish suitable for coiling or shaping the various types of springs. No serious die marks, scratches, or seams may be present. 12.2 When specified, specified, the packaging, packaging, marking, and loading shall be in accordance with Practices  A700  A700.. 8.2 The wire shall shall be properl properly y cas cast. t. To test for cast, a few convolutions of wire shall be cut from the coil and allowed to fall on a flat surface. The wire shall lie substantially flat on itself and shall not spring up and show a wavy condition. 12.3 Marki Marking ng shall be by a tag secur securely ely attached to each coil of wire and shall show the identity of the producer, size of the wire, type, and ASTM specification designation. 12.4   Bar Coding— In In addition to the previously-stated identification requirements, bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. Bar coding should be consistent with AIAG Standard AIAGB-5 02.00, Primary Metals Identification Tag Application. The bar code may be applied to a substantially affixed tag. 8.3 Each co 8.3 coil il sh shal alll be on onee co cont ntin inuo uous us len lengt gth h of wi wire re,, properly coiled. Welds made prior to cold drawing are permitted. Weld areas need not meet the mechanical requirements of  this specific specification. ation. 9. Rete Retests sts 13. Keyw Keywords ords 9.1 If any test specime specimen n exhibits obvious obvious defects or show showss thee pr th prese esenc ncee of a we weld ld,, it ma may y be di disc scar arde ded d an and d an anot othe herr specimen substituted. 13.1 coiledcoiled-type type;; cold cold-dr -drawn awn;; sinu sinuous ous;; spr springs ings;; squ squareareformed; forme d; upho upholstery lstery;; wire; zig-zag ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (  g/  COPYRIGHT/). 3