Evaluate the prsenet induction process at ACD division of Ajax and suggest changes in duration and content, if any. The induction process is a three month, formal process prepared by Hr dept with a min of 15 ppl where In first month- They visit all manu . Units of ajax and are given ppts to be read on Ajax’s background. A mentor is assigned at the end of the month within his/her own division In second month- Specific training programs are conducted focusing on aspects of technology, products and processes along with a visit to customer sites etc. with sr. sales managers and trainees are asked to make a ppt in the end. In third month- Trainees are informed their final posting location , different from training loc ation. Changes to be made: The training period should be reduced from three to one month, in the light of the present scenario
that traditional methods are not creating effective sales force and also in order to reduce training related costs. New training modules need to be introduced. Sales supervisors/ managers should be trained as to how to manage the new age sales force team under them and mentor them in a more effective way. Week wise it would be like this: First week : Instead of travelling to all units, a trainee to be posted at one unit and sessions taken up by sr. managers on Ajax philosophy and and mission and R&D strengths etc. Second Week: Specific training programs. Industry background and knowledge. Both geographical and functional aspects of the company. Third to Fourth week: Mock training calls and visits. Industry experts on how to convert and generate leads. One-on-one sessions sessions with the trainees. Demo sessions sessions to how to handle sales calls , handling clients, building trust , relationship management. We would train at a local location to 15 sales engineers at the time of their hiring replacing the current traditional system of training. Q2. Identify the training needs of Ajax for sales engineers and/ or sales supervisors. Please decide how many will you train, where and when. Training Needs: 1. Basic selling process 2. Negotiation process 3. Sales management process 4. Relationship building with customers 5. Leading by real life examples 6. New theories/ practices in industry to be implemented 7. Practical knowledge instead of theoretical
8. Customizing solutions
How many to be trained, when and where? Evaluate the three options for training design and delivery and give your recommendations to Mr Saraf along with your reasoning. 1. Premier Institute of Management Total days: 12 Venue costing per day: 3000 Costing for faculty resources per day: 25,000 Boarding and lodging per day per trainee: 3000 Stay costs for faculty per day (assumed): 7-8000 Travel cost for faculty to and fro (assumed): 10,000 (logistics, tickets, food) For 15 people: Venue cost : 3000*12= 36000 Costing for faculty resources= 25000*12= 3,00,000 Boarding and lodging for trainess: 3000*15*12= 540,000 Stay costs for faculty= 7500*12=90,000 Travel cost for faculty:10,000 Travel Cost: 500*12= 6000 Total: 982,000 2. BIS Total days: 4 For 15 people: Program fee per day: 1,50,000 Total fee: 1,50,000*4= 6,00,000 Cost of venue per day : 3000 Total cost of venue (assumed) = 3000*4= 12,000 Total cost of Equipment (assumed):5000*4= 20,000 Total cost of refreshments: 50*15*4= 3,000 Cost of travel for BIS personnel : (to and fro): 10,000(assumed) Cost of Stay for BIS personnel: 7500*4= 30,000 Travel Cost: 500*4= 2000
Total Cost:6,77,000 3. Jupiter india Total days: 3 For 15 people: Program fee per person: 3500 Total program fee: 15*3500*3= 1,57,500 st
Suppose 1 day is exploratory phase, so costing for rest two days: Faculty Travel Cost (to and fro):10,000 Stay Cost : 7500*2= 15,000 Travel Cost: 500*2= 1000 Total Cost: 1,83,500 Mr Saraf should go for Jupiter India, as it is most cost efficient. They have partnered with more than 14,000 organizations plus with a presence in 10-20 countries and each year their event count increases and are attended by more than 300,000 participants. This shows they are global in their approach, organizations trust them and they have long associations with organizations owing to their reliable and effective training programs.