All Schools Region Wise Scwise Prog List 2010-23-11 Final
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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2010-2011 Region wise, Study centre wise, School wise Programmes
Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AKOLA , PIN- 444 001 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01- Summer G01 G15 P03 P04 P16 Dr Pedhiwal 1102A KISANMAL NATHMAL ARTS, COMMERCE JR.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- KARNAJA , PIN- 444 105 AT/PO.- KARNAJA, ,, PIN- 444 105 SHRI SHIVAJI ARTS, 1105A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE 942281439 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01- Summer G01 MAH AKOT ROAD , PIN- 444001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRONICS 1123A LABORATORY ADARSH ELECTRONICS & COMPUTER INSTITUTE MAH `ARDHNA' A-77 REVENUE COLONY,, NEAR I.T.I., AKOLA, PIN- 444 001 OPP.UTSAV MANGAL KARYALAYA,, JATHAR PETH, UMARI ROAD,, Mr. Ganesh Gogare AKOLA, PIN- 444 005 AT/PO/TAL.- MANGRULPIR, AKOLA,, PIN- 444403 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) B.A. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) B.Lib & I.Sc. M.Lib & I.Sc. MBA Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. & Network Tech. (DCHMNT) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
(0724) 2420503 School of Continuing Education
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) SHREE GADGE MAHARAJ 1140A MAHAVIDLAYA MAH KARANJA ROAD,, AT/PO/TAL.MURTIJAPUR, AKOLA, PIN- 444 107 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Regional Centre AMRAVATI
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code
PRG NAME Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y
- School of Continuing Education
Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E- Winter CBPM- Winter C2E SHRI RAMKRISHNA 1155A VIVEKANANDA SEVA MANDAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL WELFARE MAH GEETA NAGAR,, BYPASS ROAD, AKOLA, PIN- 444 001 C/O MAHATMA FULE PARA MEDICAL COLLE, COLLECTOR COLONY, SANMITRA COMPLEX,, AKOLA- 444 004, PIN- 444 004 A-70, CALECTOR COLONY,, AKOLA, AKOLA- 444 001, PIN- 444 001 Sanmitra Complex, Collector colony,, Akola,, PIN- Mr. A. N. Ingale 724-2440014, School of Health Sciences 9422180368, 2456650 724-2431683, 07257222622, School of Health Sciences 9422163910 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher
Dr. Sudhir Dhone
Yoga Teacher
Certificate Programme in Human Rights
Dr. Sudhir Dhone
724-2431683, 07257222622, School of Health Sciences 9422163910, 9422155168 724-2452161, 9423314435, School of Health Sciences 9226894476 724-2470081/82/83 School of Health Sciences 724-2440482 School of Health Sciences 2440060 724-2440481 / 82 / 73 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Yoga Teacher
Yoga Teacher
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant B.Sc. (Optometry) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Yoga Teacher Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
P40 P26 C01 C01- Summer G01
Mr. Aravibda Jodh
7262-256008, School of Health Sciences 2400856, 9923458547 7258-222779, 222701, 9370411666, School of Health Sciences 9822236035 7258-222779/222701, 9370411666, School of Health Sciences 98222360357258-222724, 9822236035, School of Health Sciences 9370411666
GIVARAKHED ROAD, AKOT, AKOLA, Dr. Pushpa Walashinge PIN-444401
GIVARAKHED ROAD, AKOT,, ,, PIN- - Dr S.G Vaisinghe
Dr. Sahebrao Walsinge, Dr. P S Valsinghe
Dai Prashikshan
Regional Centre AMRAVATI
Centre Code 1166A
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code C3A C3C C3D C3E T97 T99
PRG NAME Certificate course in German Language Certificate course in Japanese Language Certificate course in Chinese Language Certificate course in English Language B.Sc. (MGA) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
0724-2424712, School of Continuing Education 932594347
Dr. H. S. Malokar
724-2426162, School of Health Sciences 2426160, 9403473110
- School of Continuing Education
Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) CEV:Tailoring (S.J) Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
C2H (S.J) 1203A SHRI SHIVAJI ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AMRAVATI, ,, PIN- 444 603 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer Certificate Programme in C07 Human Rights G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Dr.Tayde 1205A LET.CHAGANLAL MULJIBHAI KADHI ARTS COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- ACHALPUR CAMP, (PARATWADA), DIST.AMRAVATI, PIN- 444805 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01- Summer G01 BHARTIYA ARTS & 1207A COMMERCE COLLEGE ASMITA INSTITUTE OF 12100 MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH MAH MAH AT/PO.- MORSHI, TAL/DIST.AMRAVATI,, PIN- 444 905 SHILANGAN RAOD,, PANNALAL NAGAR,, AMRAVATI - 444 605, PIN- MR. M.M. BHONDE 444 605 Pradip Kale Mr. Pradip Kale 12101 J.D.PATIL SMRUTI KENDRA, MAH PANCHAVATI CHAWK,, OLD RTO OFFICE,, AMRAVATI 444 601, PIN444 601 Prof. Kanchanmala Gawanade School of Humanities & Social Sciences (0721) 2576328, School of Continuing Education 2569077, 9970195355 School of Commerce & Management 9823373434 / 0721- School of Commerce & 2576328 Management 9823373434/ 0721-2576328 School of Commerce & Management G01 T99 P54 P57 P54 P57 MBA Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme BBA in (Ins. & Bank.) MBA in (Ins. & Bank.) BBA in (Ins. & Bank.) MBA in (Ins. & Bank.)
Regional Centre AMRAVATI
Centre Code 12102
Detail Address
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code
PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Certificate course in German Language
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y
721-2674506, School of Health Sciences 9422881228
0712-2531706 School of Continuing Education
0721-2590041 School of Continuing Education
Certificate course in Japanese Language Certificate course in Chinese C3D Language Certificate course in English C3E Language C3E- Winter CEL- Winter Certificate course in French C3F Language C3F- Winter CFL- Winter T74 B.Sc. (HTM) T97 B.Sc. (MGA) C3C (blank) AT GURUKRUPA MOZRI, Tq. TIWASA, ,, PIN- AMRAVATI, ,, PIN- Shri Madhukar, Gumble, Mr. Lokhande (blank) School of Commerce & Management P55 BBA (HTM)
7225-224240,222087, 9422190811, School of Health Sciences 9422952333School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 12110 ADARSHA ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE JIWEVESHWAR BAHU UDDESHIYA SANSTHA DR.PANJABRAO DESHMUKH MEMORIAL MEDICAL COLLEGE MAH SHASTRI CHOWK, DHAMANGAON RLY., ,, PIN- PARATWADA, TAL. ACHALPUR, DIST. AMRAVATI,, PIN- SHIVAJI NAGAR PANCHAVATI CHOWK, ,, PIN- SHIVAJI NAGAR PANCHAVATI CHOWK, AMRAVATI, PIN- 444603 SANT PUNDLIK MAHARAJ BAHUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA GAYATRI NAGAR, A/P/T. VARUD, ,, PIN- 444906 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 12111 12115 MAH MAH Dr. Dattrareya GotmareDr. Pramod Bhise 7223-220475 School of Health Sciences 9922445911 School of Health Sciences 0721- 2552353 2662317 School of Health Sciences 9822229855, 9422542872 7729-232381, School of Health Sciences 9423609738 C52 P40 Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Aarogyamitra Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
Dr. Somawanshi, Mr. Sanjay Tettu
Dr. Sahebrao Thakare
TAL. Amraoti MAH Dr.CHANDUR-. Amravati .Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Shri Shivaji College of 9226173610. . Vijay Deshi.B. Vijaykumar Dosi. PIN.ASEGAON PURNA.444 603 shivajihorti@yahoo. E-mail: Horticulture. Vijendra Shinde. BAZAR. Dr. Amravati . COH Amravati. Y. DIST.MADHAN.. Amraoti Mr. Yete9423609738..444 906 AMRAVATI.444704 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) MBA Aarogyamitra On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH 12119 12121 MAH MAH Mr.B 9772791198. Y. A/P/T. Arun Bhoyar..TAL.) Preparatory (Mar. Management 7227-321336. AMRAVATI.) Y Y Y 12125 Shri Shivaji College of Agriculture. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Shri Shivaji College of Horticulture.Thakare9422156966 School of Commerce & Dr. School of Health Sciences Patvardhan 9370007566 7227-321336 Dr. 9370007566. PIN..CHANDUR BAZAR. VARUD.i n Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 12126 MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Y Y Y Y Y 5/238 . Shri Shivaji College of 9423649951. AMRAVATI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. AMRAVATI. E-mail: Agriculture. Sahebrao Thakare School of Health Sciences Dr.A.444 603 vijayushinde04@rediffm ail. PIN. Med. Cell: The Principal. PIN.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 12118 Study Centre Name SANT PUNDLIK MAHARAJ BAHUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA KESHARBAI LAHOTI COLLAGE KASTURBA SURVODAY MANDAL STATE Detail Address GAYATRI NAGAR. COA Amravati. Cell: The Principal. DIST.9372791 School of Health Sciences Patvardhan 198 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 P09 C52 Y N C51 Dai Prashikshan N 12122 CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI KALA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P.444827 C01 C01.
Dist.444 604 V. Arun Bhoyar. Amravati jivanjadhao394@rediff mail. Tal.V.) Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Pratap Jayale.TOMPE ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. DIST.444 701 Budnera. Amraoti MAH The Program Coordinator.V. Amravati (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 1232A VIMLABAI DESHMUKH MAHAVIDLAYA MAH AT/PO/TAL.A.Lib & I. Jivan Jadhav. V. 1239A 1243A Y. TAL/DIST. COLLEGE OF 1235A EDUCATION.M.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N MAH MAH - G15 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med.C.A.AMRAVATI.. M. DIST. Cell: 9921333611. ECollege of Agriculture.OPEN UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CENTER G. The Principal.A. TO VALGAON ROAD.. Med. Cell: Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 12127 Rajabhau Deshmukh College of Agriculture.. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.444 mail: 903.Summer G01 SHRI SHIVAJI JR. Amraoti MAH Mr.. Dist.) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme B.AMRAVATI. Rajabhau Deshmukh Cell: 8956340597.Sc. Tiwasa.M. Preparatory (Mar. Shri Shivaji College of Mr.S. 1244A Durgapur-Budnera. Amravati . Tiwasa .. A/ (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening 6/238 . Med.) B.. PIN. PIN444 604 -0721-2662142 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P91 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. AMARAVATI..Sc. in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. Dist.Lib & I.SHIVAJINAGAR. Amraoti STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator The Principal.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 P04 P16 1234A SMT. Med)C01. Tiwsa. PIN. E-mail: psjayale@yahoo. Dist.) Preparatory (Mar. COH Horticulture.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 12126 Study Centre Name Shri Shivaji College of Horticulture.444 603 Amravati.M. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Durgapur. RADHABAI SARDA COLLEGE MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. Badnera.
A. (Educational Communication) M.A. SHIVAJI SHIKSHAN MAHAVIDYALAYA VIDYABHARATI MAHAVIDYALAYA MAHATMA FULE ARTS.AMRAVATI. CHHATRITALAV ROAD. Pratap Jayale. Waghmare 721-2662142.) M.PO.444 606 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Res.VARUD.A. School of Health Sciences 2662427.. PINMr. NEAR MALVIYA GARDEN.AMRAVATI. PIN. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 1275A SHRI SHIVAJI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MAH AMRAVATI Dr. AMRAVATI.TAL..Summer G01 JIJAMATA MADHYAMIK 1280A KANYASHALA & JR. (Subject Communication) M..) Y C01.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Meena Rokade Off. Wanakhede. 9623440805 942281439 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 MAH P09 MBA Y MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. (Subject Communication) M. Contact No School NAME PRG Code P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Yoga Teacher (blank) School of Agricultural Science On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y SHIVAJI SHIKSHAN 1250A SANSATHECHE. Dr.AMRAVATI. 17. 0721-2666836.Sc. Sayar 444603 Dr...School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. . Krishi Study Centre Coordinator Mr.COMMERCE AND 1261A SITARAM CHOUDHARY SCIENCE COLLEGE 1251A MAH SHIVAJI NAGAR. DIST. .Com. 1279A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH RAJPLAZA. AT.444 906 - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. Academic Services Division 9373698139 M31 Y Y Y M32 M33 M34 M35 VINAYAK VIDYAMANDIR ARTS. Med..A.MORSHI.. AT/PO/TAL. PIN. Med. Mrs. Med.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7/238 .) Preparatory (Mar..A.) Preparatory (Mar. AT/PO. (Distance Education) M.2666836. STATE MAH Detail Address The Program Coordinator. DIST.0721. (Subject Communication) Preparatory (Mar. COLLEGE MAH WARD NO.) Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Study Centre Name Code 1244A Krishi Vigyan Kendra.... Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.
Med. Med. PIN..) Preparatory (Mar.. .) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1301A JIJAMATA COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.D.A.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..443 001 Dr. Yogesh Gavai.S.School of Health Sciences 9890814407 (0721) 2677144 School of Health Sciences 0724. ARTS AND 1292A COMMERCE COLLEGE A/P.MALKAPUR.) Preparatory (Mar.) 1308A G.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address AMARAVATI. Pushpalata Deshmukh S. 2578092. PIN. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.LONAR. BULDHANA.. AMRAVATI. Cell: College of Agriculture. AMARAVATI. AMRAVATI.D. PIN. yogeshrg21@yahoo. Med)C01. .A.444601 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME PRG Code P09 C01 MBA PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1288A BHARTIYA MAHAVIDYALAYA Y. & Mgmt) Preparatory (Mar.. Jalgaon-Jamod 443 402. AMRAVATI.. Med)C01.. AMRAVATI. G. BULDHANA.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.JALGAON (JAMOD).443 402 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Labhade. VMV WALGAON ROAD..) Preparatory (Mar...) Preparatory (Mar. BULDHANA. E-mail: Road. PIN.School of Commerce & 2400197/2413924 Management P23 P23 P27 Yoga Teacher Yoga Teacher DMLT 1299A MAH Miss Ranjana Divate P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.ARTS. PIN. Sangita Kadu 7227-243193 School of Health Sciences 721-2565822. SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)C01..) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 1306A SHRIPAD KRUSHNA KOLHATKAR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. PIN- School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar.444 605 VIVEKANAND COLONY. Med)C01. AMRAVATI.444303 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.. VIDARBHA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. Med.V. Dist. AND HUMANITIES. Ganpatrao Ingle Jalgaon Jamod. BULDHANA. Med)C01. Buldhana Mr. Med.. The Principal. PIN. Jalgaon-Jamod.. Koparkar Dr. Dist.) 1313A JANATA ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) 1295A 1296A 1297A PANJABRAO DESHMUKHA YOGA MAHAVIDYALAY HANUMAN VYAYAM PRASARAK MANDAL GURUKRUPA PATHOLOGY LABORATORY INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH MAH MAH CHANDURBAZAR.GOVT. Med.KHAMGAON. PIN. PIN444 604 .) Ganpatrao Ingle College of 1326A Agriculture.A. Warwat 9096399229. Med.) 1314A BHAGVANBABA ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.443101 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. TIVASA.. DIST.. AMRAVATI.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN-444704 HANUMAN VYAYAM Buldhana m MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 Diploma in Agro Journalism Y 8/238 .A.
Ganpatrao Ingle College of Agriculture. .A.School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences C2E Preparatory (Mar. Yogesh Gavai.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) KAI.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 Y Y Y Vivekanand College of 1359A Agriculture.. E-mail: Tal.A. Gajanan Thakre. PIN. AT/PO/TAL. Vivekanand College Hiwara Bk.MEHKAR. Med..) JIJAMATA JUNIOR COLLEGE 1349A OF ARTS AND SCIENCE MAH SHINKHEDRAJA.CHIKHLI. 9657177762. PIN443 301 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.CHIKHALI.P. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. DIST.) MAH - - C01 C01. The Principal. Med.. BULDHANA. Cell: of Agriculture. PIN. Warwat Study Centre Coordinator Mr.. Hivara Bk.M.. TATYASAHEB 1358A MAHAJAN ARTS. PIN. Mehkar. Mehkar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science SHRI SHIVAJI SHIKSHAN 1334A SANSTHA MAH AT/PO. .443 308 BEHIND ANJALI TALKIES.A. Dist. Dist.BULDHANA. STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. Med)C01.) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Preparatory (Mar. Med.Buldhana vachiwara@gmail. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH .) Preparatory (Mar. Hivara Bk.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1326A Study Centre Name Ganpatrao Ingle College of Agriculture.. Jalgaon Jamod.DUSARBEED. Tal..443 301. NARAYANRAO NAGRE 1352A ARTS COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. BULDHANA. PIN443 203 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Buldhana MAH Mr. .. Med)C01. Jalgaon-Jamod.443 201 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 1353A PAYAL BEAUTY PARLOUR S.) Bachelor of Arts ( (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/238 .
COLLEGE MAH DEULGAON RAJA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator The Principal. Med. Med.443001 The Superintendent. PIN.. MEHEKAR. BULDHANA.. Hivara Bk. of Agriculture. MALKAPUR.A. Mahatma Phule Agriculture Technology School. Med)C01.) 1374A YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH C/O. Cell: Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. PIN.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1359A Study Centre Name Vivekanand College of Agriculture.SCHOOL OF SCHOLARS MAH Rajeshkumar Kad 9422182969 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. . BULDHANA. SHIRPAD MANOHAR KALANTRE. Buldhana MUKTABAI NAGAR ROAD. PIN.A. DIST.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. VYANKATESH ARTS & COM. Gajanan Thakre.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Deulgaon Raja Dist.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Vivekanand College Mr.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.443 301. DIST-BULDHANA..Sc. Hiwara Bk. . Hivara Bk. 443101 Shripad Manoher kalantre 7262-243456 / School of Health Sciences 9423145456 P23 Yoga Teacher 1375A Mahatma Phule Agriculture Technology School MAH -- (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y SHRI DATTA MEGHE BAL 1376A KALYAN SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 10/238 . EKTA NAGAR.Summer G01 1372A SHRI.) Preparatory (Mar..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science MEHEKAR EDUCATION SOCY'S 1366A ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH TAL. Tal.) Preparatory (Mar.
The Principal. Gopal G. Tikar Anuradha Suresh (M. Dist.Sc.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1376A 1378A Study Centre Name SHRI DATTA MEGHE BAL KALYAN SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S SHIR VITTHALDAS SONI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE SHRI VITTHALDAS SONI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE. MAIN ROAD. Deulgaon Raja . E-mail: [email protected] Akhilesh Mishra 9850850942 Mr.BULDANA. Deulgaon Raja. E-mail: Road.444303 DIST. Dr. Rajendra Gode Buldhana. STATE MAH MAH Detail Address MUKTABAI NAGAR ROAD.FARSHI. Cell: 9423731081. Nitin Mehetre. Deulgaon m Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Y Y Y Y Y Y 11/238 . MAIN ROAD. Dist. Mangesh Bodhade. KHAMGAON KHAMGAON. Buldhana MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Samartha College of 1381A Agriculture. Samartha College of Agriculture.DMLT) M..Sc. Study Centre Coordinator Rajeshkumar Kad Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 P27 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing DMLT On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y 9422182969 School of Computer Sciences (07263) 259334 School of Health Sciences 9422883786 FARSHI. BULDHANA.. Buldhana .DMLT) M. KHAMGAON. Soni DIST. Buldhana Mr. PIN. Buldhana The Principal. Dr. Cell: College of Agriculture. MAH 7263-259334 /255577 School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 07263-259334 / School of Health Sciences 255577 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 1380A Rajendra Gode College of Agriculture.443 204 .9960284774 Tikar Anuradha Suresh (M. MALKAPUR.443 001 msz51@rediffmail. Ajispur-Jalna 9552710476.
1406A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Deulgaon Raja .M. N.) Preparatory (Mar... Med)C01.YAVATMAL. Nitin Mehetre. Med. TAL/DIST.445103 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 1408A SHRI BABASAHEB DESHMUKH PARVEKAR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.Summer G01 1407A B.. Med.A. . Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Preparatory (Mar. Med.445 001 Mr. MAH CIRCULAR ROAD. Deulgaon Raja.) Preparatory (Mar.VASTALABAI NAIK COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. PIN..) Preparatory (Mar.YAVATMAL.A.443001 YAVATMAL. .VANI.A.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 1384A VASANT PRABHA AROGYA SEVA PRATISHTHAN.Summer G01 SHRI MAHANT DATTARAM 1418A BHARATI COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. .Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1381A Study Centre Name Samartha College of Agriculture.. STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal.. Med)C01.A.. DIST.B.) 12/238 .P.YAVATMAL.) Preparatory (Mar. . Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.445 204 AT/PO..PANDHARKAVDA. Med. PIN.445304 9372650452 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 G01 C01 MBA Bachelor of Arts (B.443 Study Centre Coordinator Mr.GATANJI. PIN. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.DIGRAS..A. Med.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.BULDHANA.B.445 301 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Deulgaon Raja. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.ARTS.445204 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.. VISHNUWADI. PIN. Med)C01.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Dr. Avinash Vinayak Chinchole - 1401A AMOLAKCHAND COLLEGE MAH 07262-242206 246466 School of Health Sciences 9860395990 9822693404 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P40 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Uday Navikar 1402A PHULSING NAIK COLLEGE 1405A LOKMANYA TILAK COLLEGE MAH MAH AT/PO. TAL/DIST. Samartha College of Agriculture.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.PUSAD.) S.445 302 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01...Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. GILANI ARTS.) 1419A SMT.Summer Summer Certificate Programme in C07 Human Rights G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A. . DIST.445 203 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN.. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.A.ARNI.PUSAD.
Snehalata Bhagwat. GAVANDE MAHAVIDLAYA 1465A RATNAKALA MANDAL RATNAKALA SHIVAN CLASSES MAH MAH AT POST UMARKHED.B.) Preparatory (Mar.DARWA..445 202 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN445206 NEAR UTTAM MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 1462A G.GHARAVARA JR.445 302 NER PARSOPANT.B.1.Summer G01 GOPIKABAI SITARAM 1451A GAVANDE COLLEGE MAH A/P. P. 1456A SRUJAN 1457A NEHRU MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH MAH MANGURDA.VASTALABAI NAIK COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO/TAL. School of Health Sciences 9326585234 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.A. PANDHARKAVDA. Yeotmal Ms. Waghapur Road. PIN.S. DIST. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Krishi Vigyan Kendra.A.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y 1448A V. E-mail: PIN..A..) Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. Cell: Vigyan Kendra..) Preparatory (Mar. PDKV. UMARKHED. Med)C01.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1419A Study Centre Name SMT.445206 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.445 001 snehalata.J) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y 9975379158 School of Continuing Education 13/238 .A. PIN. . DIST-YAVATMAL.. Krishi Yavatmal. .445204 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Dr.Summer G01 P03 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) G15 B.. in (MCJ) Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) CEV:Tailoring (S.Sc. .PUSAD. YAWATMAL. . in (MCJ) P04 B.NO. Med. Dr. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. The Program Coordinator.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. AARNI. Med)C01.School of Humanities & Social Sciences G15 C2H C2H (S. Med. Yeotmal .nitesh@yahoo .. PIN.. . 1459A PDKVV.Lib & I.Yogini Dolke 9371136429.A.J) Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B. Med. Waghapur 9423907039.
Lib & I. Yeotmal MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 1502A SAVITRIBAI FULE MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH RISOD ROAD. PIN. BBA in (Ins. YAWATMAL. BESIDE GOVIND APARTMENTS. Uday Navelkar DR.) Preparatory (Mar. AARNI. PIN445001 -- 1468A CONVERGENCE SCHOOL OF AIRHOSTESS Shivshakti Arts & Commerce College MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.A.445001 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C2E P04 P54 P09 P54 P57 PRG NAME Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management B. & Bank. YAVATMAL. Marutrao Wadaphale Yavatmal..444 505 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) MBA in (Ins. Gurunanak 9421774209. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B. POST OFFICE.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1465A Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address NEAR UTTAM THEATER... . & Bank. Yeotmal mangoo2007@rediffmai 445 001 l. Mangesh Kadu.Sc.A. Godhani Road.. Godhani Road. NEW GILANI NAGAR. DAHIVALKAR POLTS.) MBA BBA in (Ins. PIN.445103 NEAR PAWAR HOUSE.YAVATMAL.V. A.) Y 1470A MAH - C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. & Bank..45001 Dr.) Diploma in (MCJ) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 14/238 ..Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Jamoda DIWAKAR SMRITY.Summer C07 G01 P03 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y RATNAKALA MANDAL RATNAKALA SHIVAN CLASSES ABASAHEB PARVEKAR 1466A MAHAVIDHYALAY 9975379158 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & 07232-291504 Management 07231-244097 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management Dr.WASHIM. TAL/DIST.) Y Y Y Marutrao Wadaphale College 1471A of Agriculture. PIN. PIN. YAVATMAL (MS).BABASAHEB NANDLURKAR 1467A COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAH SHRI SATYA SAI KRIDA NAGARI.. Cell: College of Agriculture. The Principal.LAKHALA. E-mail: Nagar. AT/PO.A.
Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Study Centre Name Code 1502A SAVITRIBAI FULE STATE MAH Detail Address RISOD ROAD. Shaikh Taslim 7252-222779.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. .Net Building Web Portals through ASP. PINDr.Sc. Harish Baheti 444505 Dr. WASHIM.New Pattern PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Lib & I. DIST. Baies - Contact No School NAME PRG Code P04 P25 C07 P03 P04 PRG NAME B.. PIN. B. Vanjani 15/238 . IUDP COLONY. 444 505 Leena K.Rathod - School of Commerce & Management P09 MAH Dr. Harish Beheti 9860914870 School of Health Sciences 7252-232371 / School of Health Sciences 9423127962 7252-232553 School of Health Sciences 7252 -232371. AKOLA NAKA ROAD. AKOLA NAKA. P. 222701 School of Health Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N MAH MAH DR SHEIKH TASLIM Dr. School of Health Sciences 208136 7252-232371. School of Health Sciences 208136 9822700926 School of Computer Sciences C52 C55 C51 P-42 P42 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan PGDHHCM. AT/PO.Sc.Sc.444505 Dr. . WASHIM. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing N Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SHUKRAWAR PETH. WASHIM. Study Centre Coordinator Mr.444505 NEAR MAHAKALI MANDIR...Lib & I.P. ALOLA SHUKRAWAR PETH. (MLT) Certificate Programme in Human Rights Diploma in (MCJ) B. PIN.LAKHALA. WASHIM. MBA SAVITRIBAI PHULE MAHILA 1505A COLLEGE MAH -- .. Taslim Sheikh 1510A RAGHUVIR INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH SINDHI COLONY. AT PO. Rathod Mr.Sc..School of Humanities & Social (7252) 232262 School of Health Sciences 9850298656 School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y MAULANA AZAD SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL'S RURAL 1508A HEALTH PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAULANA AZAD SHISHAN PRASARAK MANDAL VASUNDHARA TECHNICAL 1509A INSTITUTE'S MAA GANGA BEHETI HOSPITAL NEAR MAHAKALI MANDIR.. AKOT.
in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.444403 AURANGAPURA. AURANGABAD.431 005 Prof.) G10 G15 P03 2105A VASANTRAO NAIK COLLEGE MAH CIDCO. AURANGABAD.A. Vanjani Miss. BEED BYPASS ROAD.. PIN.Des.NO.Regional Centre AMRAVATI Centre Code 1510A Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address SINDHI COLONY. Gug - Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 C52 C01 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. Med.ARTS & COMMERCE 2103A COLLEGE 9822700926 School of Computer Sciences 7253-22167 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar.NO.B. S. (2010 Pattern) MBA P. Mhaske School of Architecture. DIST. (Electronics Engineering) B.V.. Science 9325213062 & Technology T03 T07 T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 Prof..Tech. Med)C01. AKOLA NAKA ROAD. Med)C01. . (General) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. 327.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.B. . Science 9422705879 & Technology 9422705878 School of Commerce & Management V21 V22 P09 B.. PIN. MANGRULPIR. WASHIM.) Preparatory (Mar..School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Dip.A. Borawake 942270244 School of Architecture.A. (Interior Design) (2010 Pattern) B. M. Med.A. PIN..) 2107A MARATHAWADA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) MAH P. Science & Technology School of Architecture. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Patil School of Architecture. WASHIM.431 005 - 16/238 .B.Arch.Arch.431 001 Study Centre Coordinator Leena K.Tech. Sanjivani S.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y AURANGABAD RAGHUVIR INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BHAVANA INSTITUTE OF 1513A PARAMEDICAL AND NURSING COLLEGE S. Science & Technology T63 T64 Prof. PIN. 444 505 MANGALDHAM. BEED BYPASS ROAD.Arch. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B. 327. M.
421004 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G15 B. Sanjay Singhania BANSILALNAGAR. SHRIKRISHNA NAGAR. in (MCJ) Y P03 Dr Dinkar Mane Off. DARSHAN PLAZA APT. DIST.AURANGABAD. Academic Services Division 9850741114 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 21100 MIT HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE SAUNDARYA BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH 144-N-4.. & Bank. Patni CIDCO. PIN. AURANGABAD. AURANGABAD.A.Dr. MAH Dr.. ABOVE HOTEL CHANAKYA.Winter 21105 AJINTHA MEDICAL AND EDUCATION SANSTHA. (MLT) DMLT AJINTHA MEDICAL & EDUCATION SANSTHA.. Rajesh M.. (Subject Communication) M. 21106 DATTAKRIPA PATHOLOGY LABORATARY MAH A-65.N-4. CIDCO. MIDC. PIN.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Commerce & Management PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT 2108A & TRAINING RESEARCH ( IMTR ) MAH - - P57 MBA in (Ins.School of Commerce & 2331039/9423455983 Management P09 MBA Y MAH MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY. NEAR MIT HIGH SCHOOL.School of Continuing Education C2E Y Y N Y Y C2E. STATION ROAD. DR.AURANGABAD N-9.. AURANGABAD.A. H-163/3. MAH 7... INNER ROAD. Dr. Rajesh Patani 2402482036/2481361. 9422209948 9422209948 School of Health Sciences 9422209948 School of Health Sciences C52 P25 P27 Aarogyamitra B. 431 005 9325206528 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.. CIDCO. N4. PIN.431136 A-64.Com.A. School of Health Sciences 9422201362.Dr. RX17. OPP. (Subject Communication) Dai Prashikshan Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y Y Y Y Y Y N 21102 MAH - . WALUJ.A. AURANGABAD. DEVPRIYA APARTMENT. NEAR MIT HIGHSCHOOL. 0240-2403362.431003 SARAWATI HOUSING SOCIETY.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIV. AURANGABAD.Sc.. (Subject Communication) M.. Ruta Bhale MAH 9850779749 School of Health Sciences P27 DMLT Y 21108 REAL TECHNOLOGY CENTRE. (Distance Education) M.OF MASS COMMUNICATION 2109A JOURMALISM. 0240. PIN. Dileep Lomte 240-2473740 School of Health Sciences C51 Diploma in (MCJ) M. AT/PO/TAL/DIST.Winter CBPM.Net N N N 17/238 . (Educational Communication) M.) Dr Ahirwadkar DEPT. HUDCO. PIN.Sc.. BAJAJ NAGAR.
STATION ROAD. & Network Tech. PIN. OSMANPURA. & Mgmt) BBA (HTM) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.JAY BAJRANG CENTRE MARK.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 21108 Study Centre Name REAL TECHNOLOGY CENTRE.12. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. PIN. BAJAJ NAGAR. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. AURANGABAD 431 005.TAL. DEVPRIYA APARTMENT.DIST: AURANGABAD.Winter CBPM. A/P. ABOVE Sanjay Singhania HOTEL CHANAKYA. Ashuthosh S.AURANGABAD. R-28.431 005 02402392416/2348758 02403292416/2348758 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 P56 P55 T29 V06 21112 SNEHAL BEAUTY PARLOR MAH SHOP NO.. PIN. HOUSE NO. PIN.School of Continuing Education C2E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Miss Arrohi 21111 UNNATI COMPUTERS MAH N-7.(DCHMNT) DCHMNT-(Linux 8) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7. Bhakre (0240)2485766 School of Continuing Education C2E. 9325206528 School of Computer Sciences 21110 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH AT GOVT.TAL....60.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Certificate course in German Language Certificate course in Japanese Language Certificate course in Chinese Language Certificate course in English Language Certificate course in French Language B.Mr. (HTM) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) MBA MBA in (Hosp.431 005 - 0240-2348758 School of Continuing Education C3A Y C3C C3D C3E C3F T74 T77 T78 GOVT. DIST : AURANGABAD.Sc. MARKET. OSMANPURA. STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 PRG NAME Building Web Portals through ASP. AURANGABAD 431 005.. CIDCO. A/P.Winter 18/238 .
M-9822435515 240-2331195.A. School of Continuing Education 6547544 9822525544 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences 21118 21119 MAH MAH Shri. PIN.Sc. PIN. PIN.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T76 PRG NAME B.A. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Y 21131 MAH 0240-2331476 School of Continuing Education P91 N 21133 MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 19/238 .A.... Cell: 9420186506.Pratibha Pathak 21121 21126 PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU MAHAVIDYALAYA CHHATRAPATI SHAHU MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH MAH SHIVAJINAGAR.431 105 KULTABAD. Aurangabad Dr.. Dr. (HMCO) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 0240-2472252.. POST.BIDKIN. GARKHEDA. Dahegaon. CIDCO. HIGHSCHOOL. AURANGABAD.. N-4. Dahegaon. Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture.Mrs.) 21120 BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR VAIDYAKIYA PRATISHTHAN MAH HEGDEWAR RUGNALAYA.. LABOR COLONY. AURANGABAD. VAIJAPUR. LADGAON ROAD. Med)C01. AURANGABAD. Vidya Tayde.Dist. Med. GRANTHALAY.. PIN. AURANGABAD.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Patani 240-2482036 School of Health Sciences 9422209948 P26 B. DIST. PIN..Vaijapur. Dahegaon 423 703.) N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.. PAITHAN. Manju Kulkarni.LASUR STATION. CIDCO.Au rangabad MAH GANDHIBHAVAN. Dongre 701 NIVARA NAGARI. DARSHAN PLAZA APT.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 21115 Study Centre Name MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SRSD) URDU EDUCATION'S CHISCHIYA COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & CATRING TECHNOLOGY.431001 The Principal. Pratibha Phatak 240-2331195 School of Health Sciences 9881736358 240 . AURANGABAD. PIN. .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Dr. AURANGABAD. PIN. PIN. Vaijapur. E-mail: vidya_tayde21@rediffm ail.. Pratinha Pathak Dr..) - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G10 Dip. Pratibha Pathk Dr. Vijay Jadhav - C52 C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. School of Health Sciences 9422208345 02436-222550 School of Health Sciences M. SAMARTH NAGAR.Sc. Med)C01.. CIDCO.- School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar. PIN. OPP INNER ROAD. N-6. LADGAON ROAD.KILEARK. A/T/P.243-222550. GANGAPUR.) 21128 DONGRE MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL DONGRE MULTISPECAILITY HOSPITAL.Vijaya Rajiv VAIJAPUR-423701 Dongre DIST-AURANGABAD C/O AJINTHA A-64. Smt. M-9822435515 240-233495.423 Mr. TAL.2331195.9422208345 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) MAH P27 DMLT Y 21129 SAU HEMLATABAI PATANI OPTOMETRY COLLEGE MAH Dr. Smt. 9881736358 240-2331195 / 9881736358 School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences C51 P-42 P42 C52 C55 G01 C01 Dai Prashikshan PGDHHCM. Tal. NEAR SHASKIY VIBHAGIY. MAH NIWARA NAGARI.New Pattern PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Bachelor of Arts (B.Tal.431 005 Dr. Med. Dist.) Preparatory (Mar. (Optometry) Y 21130 PADMABHUSHAN BALASAHEB BHARDE ACADEMY GOVERNMENT ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture.AT KRISHNAPUR. . PIN. AURANGABAD.
P-61.LOKMANYA CHOWK. Aurangabad.BAJAJ NAGAR. School of Continuing Education 9422750782 0240-2473001/2 9370888078 School of Continuing Education 9326655555 0240.2376154 School of Continuing Education T97 B. OPP. MSEB POWER HOUSE.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. AURANGABAD.P.MIDC.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Study Centre Name Code 21133 Dadasaheb Patil College of STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. NEAR N-2 CRICKET STADIUM. PIN. Near Satara Village. Dadasaheb Patil Study Centre Coordinator Dr..M. .Kothalwar 0240-2334577 School of Commerce & Management P09 21139 MAH - 0240-2472351. AURANGABAD.Sc. PIN-431 028 T78 V06 V07 MSc (FPP) DCHMNT-(Linux 8) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance Y Y Y 21145 SHAHID BHAGATSING HIGHSCHOOL MAH PLOT NO..TALUKA-GANGAPUR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming N N N N N N N N 20/238 . Contact No School NAME PRG Code P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture MBA (blank) School of Agricultural Science On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 21138 DEOGIRI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT STUDIES ANIMAX ACADEMY OF ANIMATION & MULTIMEDIA CHATE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAH M. (MGA) Y 21143 MAH Maharashtra Institute of Techology Beed Bye Pass Road. BAJAJNAGAR. (MGA) Y 21140 MAH - T97 B. CIDCO.. AURANGABAD. N-3. Vidya Tayde. PIN.AURANGABAD. WALUJ. AURANGABAD.. PIN431210 Dr. JADHAV VK DIST. N-3 CIDCO. MANDAL.431136 P-132. MIDC WALUIJ.A..431 003 4. PIN. 431136 (0240) 2553783 School of Continuing Education T72 Y 21147 SHRI SAI COMPUTERS MAH Chandarakala Wawge 9850597066 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.431001 150.Sc..S..
Kanchanwadi. MAH The Principal.MIDC. Study Centre Coordinator Chandarakala Wawge Contact No School NAME PRG Code D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. NAGSEN COLONY. Cell: 9421409085. 431001 Shaikh Faheem 9890954837 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 21153 CSMSS College of Agriculture. E-mail: [email protected] (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Y Y 21/238 . Kakasaheb Sukase.Sc. Kanchanwadi. CSMSS College of Agriculture.431 002 Mr.LOKMANYA CHOWK. AURANGABAD. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9850597066 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 21149 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION MAH PLOT NO. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.45. Paithan Road.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Study Centre Name Code 21147 SHRI SAI COMPUTERS STATE MAH Detail Address P-132.Sc. Aurangabad. Aurangabad . Kanchanwadi.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.
Jain Spinner Stop. CSMSS College of Agriculture. Manisha Khale 2431-221382/221419. Nath Polytechnic College. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 21160 INSTITUTE OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT. Paithan 431128 Ms. Pandurang Shaishanik Samajik Sanstha. Ashok Mahajan. Jalna MAH Dr. Jalna armahajan2@gmail. Kanchanwadi.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 21153 Study Centre Name CSMSS College of Agriculture. Aurangabad. Tal. Kanchanwadi. PACHOD-431121 Nath Polytechnic. Paithan Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Science & Technology T24 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering MBA N T50 T51 T52 21238 DEOGIRI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT STUDIES MAH (blank) School of Commerce & Management P09 N N N Y 22/238 . Kakasaheb Sukase. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N N Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 21154 College of Agriculture. B-2. Kharpudi. MAH PACHOD ASHISH GRAM RACHNA TRUST. Cell: Agriculture. E-mail: Dist.431 203. College of COAKharpudi. 9421658480. Kharpudi . MIDC. School of Health Sciences 9422706816 C52 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Aarogyamitra Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N 21162 Nath Polytechnic MAH Vilas Thote 9011110138 School of Architecture. STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. The Principal.
& Network Tech. AURANGABAD 431005 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code G01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. TAL. Med. PIN.TAL.Summer G01 2143A PRATISHTAN COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. .) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN 2142A ARTS..SHIVUR. NEAR BUS STOP.A. School of Continuing Education 9423335803 T29 Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. PIN. PIN.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 2167A MUKTANAND COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.PAITHAN. PIN.A.GANGAPUR..A. Med.431 109 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.ANANDNAGAR.) 2173A TEAMWORK HARDWARE ENGINEERING MAH 14.431 107 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.. AURANGABAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEAR MAHANAGAR PALIKA. DIST. (DCHMNT) 23/238 ... Med. AT/PO/TAL/DIST.SILLOD..AURANGABAD..Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.431 112 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. ..AURANGABAD. Med)C01.TAL .VAIJAPUR..52.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 2128A SANT BAHINABAI COLLEGE 2132A ZORIN COMPUTERS MAH Rakesh Mahajan 9372038249 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.413531 Ramesh Pathrikar (0240) 2330565. Med)C01.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO. JAWAHAR COLONY. PIN.COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar.
Sc.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.) ABHINAV MAHILA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL'S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STUDY CENTER PLOT NO. V N MAHETRE JALANA ROAD.) Bachelor of Arts (B. BAJAJ NAGAR.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.-- Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y 2174A RAJA SHIVAJI JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH - C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar.AURANGABAD. M. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. CHIKHALTHANA. AURANGABAD 431 103 2181A MAH 9420401356 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 SHREE BABANRAO DHAKNE 2182A JR.. A/P/TAL. PIN.) 2180A SHIVAJI COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.I. AURANGABAD PIN(0240) 2101081 School of Continuing Education 9422713200 T29 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A.GUT NO 265. PIN..CHIKKALTHAN. BANSILAL Sunita Bargal NAGAR.(DCHMNT) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y 24/238 .) Diploma in Automobile Techniques Diploma in Electronic Maintainance Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint..P-119. DIST.VALUNJ.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.C. JALANA ROAD.A. COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Med)C01. SAIKRUPA. & Network Tech.BESIDE.A. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B. HOTEL MRUGNAYNI. AURANGABAD V N MAHETRE School of Humanities & Social Sciences (0240) 2101081 School of Continuing Education 9422713200 G01 T73 T93 GUT NO 265.. CHIKHALTHANA.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address PLOT NO.D. 59.
PIN.COM. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Aurangabad MAH The Principal. Rajendra Digraskar.431005 C01 C01.SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH N-3.Lib & I. PIN.. & Dist.Tanda 431 005. PIN. M.Summer C07 G01 B.) VIVEKANAND 2190A MAHAVIDYALAYA SAINT GADGE MAHARAJ 2191A ADHYAPAK MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH SAMARTH NAGAR. Med.. Med.Email: rkd_1967@rediffmail. College of Agriculture.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Cell: 9404013610. PIN.Lib & I. . AURANGABAD. Tal.VAIJAPUR.A.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address AURANGABAD 2183A College of Agriculture.) Preparatory (Mar. AURANGABAD.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y C01..A. Gewarai.GONDEGAON. Preparatory (Mar.Tanda.Sc. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar.A... Med.SOYGAON.Gewrai Tanda.) Preparatory (Mar..Summer G01 2192A SHIVCHHATRAPATI ARTS. TAL. Aurangabad Study Centre Coordinator Dr. CIDCO. Gewarai. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B.) 25/238 ..Sc.) Preparatory (Mar. AURANGABAD..School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 2186A VINAYAKRAO PATIL COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med.. N . Med)C01.) Preparatory ( m Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 SHREE SARASWATI BHUVAN 2185A SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY VIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO. PIN.431 001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 P16 MAH CIDCO.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.
) Preparatory (Mar. Med.A. 2199A COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH A/P. Med)C01. Med)C01. TAL.431 517 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.SARDAR 2193A DILIPSINGH COM.. Med.) 2217A ANANDRAO DHONDE / BABAJI COLLEGE. Med.) 26/238 . Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.AASHTI.) 2218A KAI. DIST..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med. PIN.Lib & I.. MAH AT/PO. DIST.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. AURANGABAD. . AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. Commerce. Science College MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..) Preparatory (Mar.431 122 02446-747073 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. AURANGABAD.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address SAMARTH NAGAR. PIN.) C01..) 2222A Arts.A. PIN.Summer G01 2201A SWAMI RAMANAND TIRTH ARTS & COMMERC COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.Summer G01 P03 P04 Prof. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar.17... Med.O.Sc. LAXMIBAI DESHMUKH MAHILA COLLEGE MAH A/P. PIN414 202 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. PHULAMBRI. Med)C01.KADA.. KANNAD.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH P.A. MBA Preparatory (Mar. TAL..School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01..) Diploma in (MCJ) B..A. PIN. .) Preparatory (Mar.PARALI VAIJNATH.A. Med.AMBAJOGAI.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.431 001 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y VIVEKANAND ARTS.) SHRI AASARAMJI BHANDWALDAR ARTS.A.) Preparatory (Mar.431 127 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST.) 2232A ARTS. Med.. Med.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.BOX NO..) Preparatory (Mar..431 515 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Govind Kulkarni 2202A BALBHIM ARTS.Summer G01 2198A SHRI SAVATAMALI GRAMIN MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P.) C01.AURANGABAD. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH GEVRAI. BEED.A.. BEED. DEVGAON (RANGARI).
Ambedkar College of E-mail: Agriculture.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Ashthi. Cell: 9423739052. Limbajiraje Nagargoje Agriculture Technology School. Med. Ashthi 414 203.) N Y Y Y Y N N N N VISHWANATHRAO KARAD 2243A HIGH SCHOOL MAH AT POST . Ganesh Phalke 2446-243044 School of Health Sciences 2447-262593. Med)C01. AMBEJOGAI. The Principal. . Jaju/ Mr.431 127 Dr. Med. School of Health Sciences 9423472407 2447-262593. Shri.A. PIN.- - Preparatory (Mar. Dist.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Dr. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Deogaon. Phule..) GHUGE HEART AND CRITICAL 2244A CARE HOSPITAL 2245A SARASWATI MEDICAL FOUNDATION MAH MAH PRASHANT NAGAR.KEJ.H. 2.. Med. Ashti.. School of Health Sciences 9423777081 C52 C51 C52 C52 Aarogyamitra Dai Prashikshan Aarogyamitra Aarogyamitra 2246A SAMYAK DNYAN SANSTHA Chchatrapati Shahu.A.KEJ. 2249A Ambedkar College of Agriculture. PIN. Tapade 2442-220764 School of Health Sciences (2442) 220764 School of Health Sciences 9423470911 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 P25 C01 Aarogyamitra B. TAL . Rajkumar Gandle PIN.431 127 BARDAPUR. DIST BEED. Beed MAH MAH SARASWATI COLONY NO. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE STATE Detail Address The Superintendent. Phule.COMMERCE AND 2236A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH KILLE DHARUR.A.-(blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening 2242A MAH Beed m (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Y Y Y Y Y 27/238 .Mr. BEED.Sc. PIN.431 124 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Dist.) Preparatory (Mar..SARASWATI COLONY NO. PIN. Navnath Ghuge Dr. (MLT) Preparatory (Mar. DIST BEED. 2. Tal.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 2233A Study Centre Name Sonajirao Kshirsagar Agriculture Technology School MAJALGAON ARTS. . Rajuri.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. PIN. Chhatrapati Shahu. [email protected].. Tapadiya Dr. PIN. MAH The Superintendent. TALUKA AMBEJOGAI. Tal & Dist.. School of Health Sciences 9423472407 2382-221018. . Beed ADARSH NAGAR. PANGRI ROAD. Beed MAJALGAON.431 131 Study Centre Coordinator -- Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening 2235A MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. Kaij..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. Dist. PIN.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ARTS.) 2241A Limbajiraje Nagargoje Agriculture Technology School SHANTABAI TAPADIYA PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE. . Pratap Chopde. Ganesh Phalke GEVRAI. GEVRAI. Sonajirao Kshirsagar Agriculture Technology School.
BEED.431122 MARKHAND A/P/TAL. 9422743572. Beed.. Ashti.414203 'NETRADHAM'. Cell: 9423739052.JALANA ROAD. Med)C01. Telgaon Road. Sagar Kamble. (Optometry) DMLT Y Y 2266A MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 2276A INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES MAH N. Vaneeta Unhale Savita Bhimrao Shendkar Mr. School of Continuing Education 9822597736 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 MAH NAVGAON COLLEGE ROAD. Cell: 9970278205 Email: jg_sagar@rediffmail. Phule. Chhatrapati Shahu. Phule. BASWARAJ A. DIST. BHIMNAGAR.) 2262A RAJARSHI SHAHU GRAMIN VIKAS PRAKALP NETRADEEP COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY GAJANAN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Aditya College of Agriculture. BEED.. TAL.BEHIND KRISHNA MANDIR. DIST. Contact No School NAME PRG Code T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in (MCJ) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science VASANTRAO KALE 2253A JARNALIJAM & COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE SAU. Ambedkar College of STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal.BEED. PIN.) Y Y Y N Preparatory (Mar. ROAD.K. .SHIRUR(KASAR). PIN431122 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences 02442-231822. PROF. PIN431122 KADA.COM.(SR..) COLLEGE MAH SHIVAJI NAGAR. DIST-BEED.ASHTI.. Ambedkar College of Study Centre Coordinator Mr..BEED.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 2249A Study Centre Name Chchatrapati m P26 P27 B. BEED431 122 S D KANTULE 02442-224631.A.. .Sc. PLAZA. PIN. Aditya College of Agriculture. PINThe Principal. 9225303831 School of Continuing Education 9225303833 9422694631 T99 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 28/238 . Walmik Sajanrao 2441-232667 9420019667 School of Health Sciences 9371182661 2442-222013 9822244513 School of Health Sciences 9860638069 (02441) 239065 School of Health Sciences 9423713614 C52 Aarogyamitra 2263A 2264A MAH MAH Dr.& 2261A SCI. AT POST-TAHSIL-ASHTI...413249 - T78 MSc (FPP) Y MAH C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Pratap Chopde. PIN. Beed 431 122 Mr. KESHARBAI SONAJIRAO KSHIRSAGAR ALIAS 'KAKU' 2254A COLLEGE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY KALIKADEVI ARTS.BEED. 232633. Beed MAH "NILA SWABHIMAN".. DIST.
Arvikar Narayan 2482 .BAGADIA ARTS. 431 203 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 P04 2309A ABHINAV DATA SERVICES MAH Prasanna Jafrabadkar 9422216823 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Lib & I. School of Health Sciences 234010 2482-232880.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 MASTYODARI SHIKSHAN 2303A SANSTHA JALNA SANCHALIT. Ajay Mitkari. The Program Coordinator. 2301A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE (JES COLLEGE) Dr.) PGDHHCM. ADHYAPAK VIDHYALAY MAH NEAR WATER TANK. NEAR INDEWADI. CHHATRAPATI COLONY. PIN. Jalna MAH Mr.Sc.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Kharpudi .Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N 29/238 . E-mail: Tal. Med. AMBAD ROAD. NEAR TAHASIL OFFICE.431 203. Jalna ajaymaitkari29@rediffm ail.232880. Krishi KVKKharpudi.) Preparatory (Mar.) B. Dist. School of Health Sciences 234010 P-42 P42 Y Krishi Vigyan Kendra.A. JALNA..A.431203 25..Net Building Web Portals through ASP. 242301. ..431 203 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.G. OLD JALNA. Cell: Vigyan Kendra. Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. 9423158536.New Pattern PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y R. 2302A Kharpudi. 242301.
- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. PIN. NEAR RAILWAY OVER BRIDGE. PIN. SHANIMANDIR ROAD. PIN431 213 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL FOR 2325A RESEARCH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ISRSD) 2327A MORESHWAR ARTS. JALANA .JALNA.. PIN.431 203 AT/PO.. Med.) Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.) M.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Study Centre Name Code 2309A ABHINAV DATA SERVICES STATE MAH Detail Address 25..PARTUR.JALNA.) Y Y Y Y 2328A BADRINARAYAN BARWALE COLLEGE MAH POST BOX No. . P. . CHHATRAPATI COLONY.. 2320A MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. AMRUTESHWAR TEMPLE. DIST.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 30/238 .Sc.A.A.) Preparatory (Mar. DIST. Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.AMBAD..Sc. JALNA. 28. Med. MBA Y Y Y C52 Aarogyamitra N MAH BHOKARDAN. KAJLA. JALANA. Med)C01. Med.) MATSYODARI ARTS. DIST..) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med)C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.431 213. SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH ANTERWALA.JALNA. Med. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.431 204 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 B. OLD JALANA..Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.Lib & I.431 Shri. 2322A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH - - G01 P16 P09 Bachelor of Arts (B. OLD JALNA. Bhaskar Padul 203 9423704970 School of Health Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) 2321A VASANTRAO NAIK ADHYAPAK COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MAH CHHATRAPATI COLONY.A.) 2318A ASHA COMPUTERS OMSHANTI HIGHER EDUCATION VIDYALAYA MAH OPP... PIN431203 MOTIBAG. PIN.Lib & I..O. DIST.. NEAR Study Centre Coordinator Prasanna Jafrabadkar Contact No School NAME PRG Code D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.A.) 9422216823 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y 2312A LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI SENIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.Sc.
.. ZILLA PARISHAD. PIN431503 KESARIYA BHAVAN.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. JALANA . M.. Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.431203 DEVELGAON-RAJA ROAD.413 602 TULJAPUR ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.. Med.S. Rajesh Gare Mr.Summer G01 P03 P04 P16 Preparatory (Mar.TULJAPUR. Jagtap A. (Optometry) Preparatory (Mar. & Bank. JALNA.431203 TAMBARI VIBHAG. JALNA.Summer G01 2482-225703.) Aarogyamitra B. Science & Technology G01 T03 T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 31/238 ..Sc. JALNA.. School of Health Sciences 9422216358 248-2244600 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences 2335A SHRI GANAPATI NETRALAYA 2341A SWAMI VIVEKANAND COLLEGE 2343A R.UMERGA. TAL. PIN.A. PIN. PIN. PIN. JALNA. Med.) Diploma in (MCJ) B.) MBA in (Ins.) Yoga Teacher On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y 2330A 2334A MAH MAH MAH MAH Dr. HEALTH.413 501 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management PRG Code C01.431 203 A/P MANTHA.Tech.Gandharao Mohan Bhaurao (H.) Preparatory (Mar.OSMANABAD. TAL.Lib & I.A. MAH C01 C01.B Mr.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code 2328A Study Centre Name BADRINARAYAN BARWALE COLLEGE MAHESHWARI COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM (JALNA) STATE MAH Detail Address POST BOX No. COMMERCE & SCIENCE 2605A COLLEGE 2613A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MAH MAH AT/PO. .Sc.. Ambulgekar PIN.S. PIN413606 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. OLD JALANA.Lib & I.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B..229421 School of Health Sciences 9822004951 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 2602A RAMKRISHNA PARAMHANSA MAHAVIDYALAY. JANKALYAN SAMITI MAH 2482-230702 Fax no.A..) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.C.A.431203 NEAR CIVIL HOSPITAL. COLLEGE ROAD.) Shri Biyani - - P57 C52 P26 C01. JALANA. DIST.NALDURGA. DIST. NEAR TOWN HALL.S.) Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST OSMANABAD 413 606.413501 School of Humanities & Social Sciences 9860366220 School of Architecture.A. DEPARTMENT.. .28/1 MURARI NAGAR. 28. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N 2604A SHRI CHATRAPATI SHIVAJI COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.Summer G01 ARTS. OSMANABAD..
Med.A. PIN. DIST. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Y 32/238 . PINAmbulgekar 413501 AT/PO/TAL.Tech.413 606 BHOOM.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. Mrs. School of Health Sciences 9422468593 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 C52 C52 Y N N 2642A MAH CIVIL HOSPITAL COMPUND HEALTH. H. TAL.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre AURANGABAD Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No 9860366220 School NAME PRG Code T06 T34 C01 C01. T.. .. Med)C01...) Preparatory (Mar.. OSMANABAD. (Electronics Engineering) Preparatory (Mar. OSMANABAD.) Preparatory (Mar.) Y G10 Dip. UMRGA. PIN413504 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 C01 Bachelor of Arts (B.413 501 SAMARTH NAGAR..413 501 2640A HALO FOUNDATION 2641A DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM (OSMANABAD) SARVYODAYA SAMAJIK SANSTHA MAH MAH ANDUR.MURUM. . SANJA ROAD. .. PIN. DIST OSMANABAD.) Preparatory (Mar. Salunkhe 2472-227159 School of Health Sciences P40 Y Dr. Med. DEPT. OSMANABAD..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. Med. SANJA ROAD. Med)C01..) 2636A KARMVEER MAMASAHEB JAGADALE COLLEGE MAH AT POST TALUKA . MADHAVRAO PATIL 2630A COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. ZILLA PARISHAD. Med)C01... Med.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.. Dr.. OSMANABAD. PIN.431501 C/O.A..School of Health Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra Aarogyamitra Dr. Mrs. Salunke Dr. GUNJOTI. Science & Technology School of Architecture. Science 9860366220 & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences SHRI. DIST.K Raut OSMANABAD.413501 TULJAPUR ROAD. NEAR KRUSHI MAHA. SAMATA COLONY. OSMANABAD.KALE. OSMANABAD 413 502.) 2632A ADARSH MAHAVIDYALAYA 2634A SHANKARRAO PATIL COLLEGE MAH MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)C01.M.Dr. OSMANABAD.431 507 School of Architecture. OSMANABAD 413 501. PIN.SMT.414 501 SAMARTH NAGAR.A. PIN. PIN.) VYANKATESH MAHAJAN 2637A SENIOR COLLEGE. SANJA ROAD... . PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.. Med.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..A.413 605 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) 2635A SHRIKRUSHNA COLLEGE MAH A/P.A. Ambulgekar PIN. Med. Shashikant Ahankari 2472-227159 School of Health Sciences 9422069724 School of Health Sciences 2472-225258.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 2613A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING S.KALAMB. PIN413501 - C01 Preparatory (Mar. DNYANDEO MOHEKAR 2628A COLLEGE MAH TULJAPUR ROAD.Summer G01 PRG NAME Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B.A. Mrs Salunke ..VASHI. MAH SAMARTH NAGAR. PIN. DHOBALE PLOT.M.UMRAGA.
PIN.A. DIST.A.School of Education Off.MUMBAI. Res. Res. 022-25556712 Off. ANDHERI(E).MANKHURD. CHEMBUR NAKA. CHEMBUR. MUMBAI.. . 022-25556714 Off. 022-25555242. 022-25555242. & Network Tech. Res. Res.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address RAMKRUSHNA CHEMBURKAR MARG.. 022-25555242.. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N CHEMBUR COMPREHENSIVE 3102A COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 3107A HOMI BHABHA SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTRE MAH . Res. DADAR (W).Com. (Subject Communication) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.Sc. PIN. (Subject Communication) M.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. MUMBAI 400069 Rajani 9326690676 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 33/238 .A. 022-25556715 C35 MAH Dr. MARG. 022-25556711 Off.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. MUMBAI.(DCHMNT) Diploma in Automobile Techniques B.Sc. (Subject Communication) M. 022-25556713 Off. 022-25555242. (HMCO) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. GUNDAVALI.Sc. Sugra Chunawala Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 T29 T73 T76 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 31116 KOKANE'S KOHINOOR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH KOHINOOR BHAVAN. (Educational Communication) M.400 088 Study Centre Coordinator (blank) Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Certificate Program in ICT for Teachers M. 022-25555242.400 028 Madhav Gajanan Kokane (022) School of Continuing Education 24327115/24327116 31119 THE LITTLE FLOWER POLYTECHNIC MAH 2-A. PIN400 071 AT/PO. SENAPATI BAPAT. (Distance Education) M.
.43 KUYAR VILEGE.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Winter CBPM. SECTOR -17. MUMBAI. PIN. D/4.5 SECTOR-2. PIN. PIN.Winter C2E 31129 VIDYANIKETAN LIBRARY MAH OPP.22 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.A.School of Continuing Education Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31128 Study Centre Name AADHUNEEK DYAN PRASARAK SHIKSHAN SANSTHA ADDROTISE INSTITUTE STATE Detail Address 19-206.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. 1ST FLOOR.400097 - G01 C01 Bachelor of Arts (B... Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MALAD (E).) Y 31171 31172 MAH MAH DNYANSAMPDA HIGHSCHOOL MARG.BUILDING NO.HSG.400102 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. NAVI MUMBAI. NEW MUMBAI. Med.Winter CBPM. Med.T.235. (W).) 31174 RAJARSHI SHAHU COLLEGE OF ARTS. SANPADA. SHIVAJI NAGAR.) 34/238 . COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH PLOT NO.OP.. KARI ROAD. DR. 3RD FLOOR.Sc. SIDHAT MANSHAN. MUMBAI.. PIN..4. MUMBAI.Lib & I. PIN. DADAR (W).A.400 013 -- 022-24705865 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences 31152 MAH - P03 Y 31153 31154 31164 MAH MAH MAH --- - - P03 P03 C2A C2E Diploma in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Y Y Y Y Y Y PRAGATI APARTMENT.AMBEDKAR ROAD. AROLI. A.400 708 . 3.400 014 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH .S..A.L.SOC.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.A.. PIN. MUMBAI. Med)C01. GOVANDI. MUMBAI.S..400 083 -School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 P04 31135 31151 MUMBAI MARATHI PATRAKAR SANGH UNIQUE CHILDREN AND WOMEN EDUCATION CENTRE MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION RASHTRIYA BAHUDDESHIYA SAMAJ SEVA MANDAL MAITRAY FOUNDATION VANITA BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH MAH P03 C2A Diploma in (MCJ) B. PIN. MUMBAI. KANNAMWAR NAGAR. Diploma in (MCJ) Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Diploma in (MCJ) Y Y Y Y Y Y OM PIMPLESHWAR CO. 1/183. JOGALIKAR WADI. SAYAN (E). COMMERCE AND LAW MAH MUNICIPAL BUILDING. PIN400705 NEW LINK ROAD.Winter 31169 SANPADA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORIENTAL COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT DNYANSAMPDA HIGHSCHOOL D.) 31170 MAH - G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A. MUMBAI. ANDHERI (E)..School of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.
A. Science & Technology PRG Code T03 T07 T24 T34 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.Tech. 3. MUMBAI . Tambat KALA VIDYA MANDIR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MHADA (WORLD BANK PROJECT). PIN400095 School of Architecture. BANDRA (W). MALVANI.RIZVI EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX.400050 Chauhan P. Gupta MALAD (W). SOMAIYA POLYTECHNIC STATE MAH Detail Address VIDYANAGAR.400050 Dr. Science & Technology P40 T66 T67 V22 T63 T64 T65 N N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Z. Mahatme Chauhan P.. (Environmental Architecture) M. Science & Technology T35 31178 MAH T03 N T07 T34 T05 T06 31179 31181 MAHATME HEALTH AND HAPPINESS CENTER RIZVI COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE MAH MAH DESHMUKHWADI. (Urban & Regional Planning) B.Tech. (2010 Pattern) B. 35/238 . (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. MUMBAI . OFF. MULUND. PIN.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31177 Study Centre Name K. MUMBAI. CARTER ROAD. Aditya Kapil / Dr.. BANDRA (W). MUMBAI.400077. VIDYAVIHAR. PIN. M. G. Science & Technology School of Architecture. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B. PLOT NO. Science 022-26129535 & Technology 9892136359 School of Architecture. Science 26050627 & Technology 9323399792 and 020.400077 Study Centre Coordinator Mrs. (Construction Management) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N R.Tech.Arch. CARTER ROAD. Motling Barnali S Contact No 9833570782 School NAME School of Architecture. Science 26050628 & Technology School of Architecture.School of Architecture.School of Architecture.G.J.School of Architecture. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant M. (General) M. PIN. MUMBAI.Arch.Arch.Arch.K.Arch.Arch. OFF. PIN. Science 9322741174 & Technology 9323399792 and 020.400095. Science 26050624 & Technology 9323399792 and 02026050625 9323399792 and 02026050626 School of Architecture. 22-25657090 School of Health Sciences 9323399792 and 020. RSC-19. Syed RIZVI EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX.
A. PIN400077 9869706060 School of Continuing Education C2E Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y C2E. W PATHARE MARGE. VIKROLI. MUMBAI.. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND COMMERCE MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01..Sc.. Nagnath Saraf KANJUR GAON. Suresh Eklahare (W). 1285.400068 13TH NORTH SOUTH ROAD. PIN.400 083. PIN. Prema Chande.Sc.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31184 SNEHAL BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH SHOP NO.400 016 22-25784267. BUS TERMINUS. JAYAWANT SAWANT ROAD. Med. S. 8080038084 School of Health Sciences 9920100320 P55 P56 P09 P25 (blank) 31192 VIDYA VIKAS EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH KANNAMVAR NAGAR . KANJURMARG (E). SANTH NAMDEV PATH. Swapnil Dubashi MUMBAI.. Ghuge MAHIM (W). & Mgmt) MBA B. DAHISAR (W).. JUHU Ms. 9930861330 022-25782958. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9892333251.400 049 C/O G. SECTOR NO.S. School of Health Sciences 25783540 251-2203119. JUHU. 2. School of Health Sciences 9324453249 251-2435207. Mr. ANANDIBAI JOSHI LOKAVIDYALAYA MAH 31194 DOMBIVALI LOKVIDYALAYA MAH C55 Y 31195 VATSALYA TRUST MAH C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 31197 MAHARASHTRA PARAMEDICAL INSTITUTE MAH P25 B.2.9. PIN. SHIVAJI CHOWK. AMRUT SOCIETY. DADAR (W). (MLT) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 31190 VIDHYNIKETAN JR. Ms. SNEHAL NITIN RUSTAMJI COMPLEX. 24444786. Med.. Kulkarni. 3.421201 SERVEY NO.G. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Bachelor of Arts (B.400640 SAINATH NAGAR. KHILNANI HIGH SCHOOL. DIPEX.400 028 - 022.. Dr.421304 C/O DR. KALYAN Dr. AGRA ROAD.GIRLS COLLEGE BUILDING.Sc. PIN. PIN.. Rajan Joshi DOMBIVALI (E). Megha Shetty MUMBAI .School of Health Sciences 9869544210 24307349.400 083 Swapana KANNAMWAR NAGAR 2. VITHALNAGAR SOCIETY. CHS.400 042 107. RAJAN HOSHI. 400 083 KANNAMVAR NAGAR . Megha Shetty MUMBAI. Mr.Summer G01 31191 KOHINOOR COLLEGE OF HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES MAH B. MUMBAI 28.2.School of Commerce & 24475509/24459884 Management 022-24475509 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management 25784267.V ROAD. MAH 022-26207655 School of Health Sciences P26 B.. POLICE STATION.400 083.. S. 25794798. School of Health Sciences 9820400749 022-25784267. VIKHROLI. PIN. (Optometry) Y Y 31188 KIRANDEVI SARAF INSTITUTE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar.A. MUMBAI..Winter CBPM. School of Health Sciences 9323960106 P40 C55 C55 Y Y Y 31193 DR..) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. NEAR KANJURMARGA. 2454371.) Preparatory (Mar. OPP. Deshmukh MUMBAI .J. PIN. GHATKOPAR. (MLT) Y 36/238 . PIN. PENDSE MUMBAI. MALAD (E). DIWADKAR BUILDING. NEAR Mrs. VIKROLI.) Preparatory (Mar.. MAHIM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE. NEAR K.Winter 31187 LOTUS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY. SHOP NO.
9833002919 P23 31201 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH P23 Yoga Teacher Y 31202 KOKAN CHARITABLE TRUST'S SCOT COLLEGE MAH T76 B.J.Sc.421 201 BELAPUR KILLA GOVTHAN.S. SECTOR-9A... Sadashiv Nimbalkar NEW MUMBAI.SHIRODKAR HIGHSCHOOL & JR. OPP.Sc.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Mrs. MUMBAI Sachin Patil 022-24444786.. School of Continuing Education 9833002919. VASHI. School of Continuing Education 24137119 9869110457 School of Computer Sciences 31200 YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN MAH PLOT-14.A/P PAREL. MUMBAI. PIN400028 152/49.24306258 School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 3119A K. School of Health Sciences 9423985903.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B..M. PIN. CKP. PIN. DOMBIVALI (E). DR. Anant Ashtekar DADAR (WEST). NAVI MUMBAI . A/P PAREL. BELAPUR. GADAKARI PATH. MAHIM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE..400 614 022 . School of Health Sciences 28788026 251-2436571. KALE GURUJI MARG.Sc. NEAR Shri.MR.27669710. Mr. BORGE'S ROAD.. PIN. 2482754.400 614. Tushar Andhale MAHIM (W). (HMCO) Y 37/238 ..) B. PIN.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31197 Study Centre Name MAHARASHTRA PARAMEDICAL INSTITUTE STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C55 PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 31199 YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN MAH 107. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Yoga Teacher Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 022. 9930861330 022-65161758. Anuradha Joshi PIN.SAMARTH VYAYAM MANDIR. (HMCO) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. 27711395. DR. 9323960106.COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 T76 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Bachelor of Arts (B.. NEAR K. DEEPSHIKHA. 2481523.24133713.. Mr. MUMBAI.400 016 1ST FLOOR.A. HALL. SWAPNIL PHATAK 152/49.400 703 14. KHILNANI HIGH SCHOOL. School of Health Sciences 9892220866 022. BORGE'S ROAD.
Sc. Sundaram COLLEGE. CIDCO GUEST HOUSE BELAPUR. ATHARVA COLLEGE OF HMCT ATHARVA COLLEGE OF HMCT MAH MAH AET CAMPUS. BANDRA (W).. Science & Technology T76 B. MUMBAI 400 025.400 060.. MUMBAI . OPP. & Mgmt) B. PARMESHWARAM ROAD.32. CAMPUS SHERLY RAJAN ROAD . SHANKAR GHANEKAR MARG. MALAD-MORVE ROAD.400 025 T64 T65 T66 T67 T68 M.Arch..Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31202 Study Centre Name KOKAN CHARITABLE TRUST'S SCOT COLLEGE RIZVI ACADEMY OF HOSPITALITY MGT.Sc. POST-KOKAN BHAVAN. CARTER ROAD. PRABHADEVI. John Neelankavli 022-24177600 / School of Health Sciences 24177630 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 022-24459521 Management 9820143334/022. MUMBAI.School of Commerce & 56823042 Management 022-22823862 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P26 B. Swati Kotulkar PIN..Arch. MUMBAI . PIN. & Mgmt) Y 31205 RACHANA SANSAD'S ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE MAH 278.ROAD. (Construction Management) M.Sc.400 032 Miss Sawapna Nagarde P55 BBA (HTM) Y Miss Swapna Nagarde INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT ISMAIL YUSUF COLLEGE. JOGESHWARI (E). PIN. PIN400 031 MAHIM (W).400 614 RIZVI EDUCATIONAL. NAVI MUMBAI 400 614. (HMCO) Y Miss Kashmira Umrigar P56 MBA in (Hosp. MUMBAI 400 095. WADALA.Arch. MUMBAI .ROAD NO.400 050. PIN. School of Continuing Education 26052071 022School of Commerce & 26044176/982175494 Management 2 9821185884 School of Architecture. MUMBAI. OFF. 9. OPP SWS Dr.. MAJOR. MUMBAI. 400 095 MALAD (W).Sc..& CATERING OPERATIONS STATE Detail Address BELAPUR KILLA. (Urban & Regional Planning) M. (Urban & Regional Planning) Y Y Y Y Y 31206 ADITYA JYOT INSTITUTE OF OPTOMETRY MAH PLOT NO 153. CHARKOP NAKA. & Mgmt) Y 31210 MAH - - P09 MBA Y 38/238 . (Environmental Architecture) M.400 095 (blank) Miss Swati Sinha 31209 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TURISM MANAGEMENT MAH ELPHINSTON COLLEGE.M.School of Commerce & 24459521/24459532 Management 022-6515895/96.400 016 Shri Johan Neelankavli Mr. MALAD (W). (Optometry) Y 31207 THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE MAH P09 P55 P56 T76 P09 P56 MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.Arch. PIN. BARISTAR NATH CHOUK. MUMBAI.ART GALLERY. School of Continuing Education 65823042 School of Commerce & Management 9820146374/022. PIN400 060 022-22823862 P56 MBA in (Hosp. PIN. (HMCO) MBA MBA in (Hosp. OPP. 156.. (General) M. PIN400 050 BANDRA (W). MUMBAI . & Mgmt) Y Y Y Y Y Y 31208 ATHARVA EDUCATION TRUST'S.G.400 050 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH - P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 31203 MAH 022-26044176. FORT.
AT.ROAD.COLLEGE.. Jagtap Contact No 022-28252800 School NAME PRG Code P54 P57 P55 P56 PRG NAME BBA in (Ins.400 086 DR. R. Jagtap Mr. GROUND FLOOR. PIN.BOLE ROAD.N. JOGESHWARI (E).) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. ANTONIO DA SILVA. MUMBAI . MIRA ROAD. SUBODH BODKE ARTS.. (HTM) Y 022.400 051 - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 9869027985 Management 9869027985 P55 P56 31212 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH 022. & Bank.J. Sunil shete Mr. PIN. DR. D. D. GHATKOPAR (W). & Bank. SHANTI SHOPPING CENTER. & Mgmt) Y Y Y Y Mrs.AT. PIN.400 020 Mr.Jagtap SYDENHAM COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND. & Bank.S COLLEGE OF ENGINEARING AND MANAGEMENT MAH SNDT GIRLS COLLEGE. & Mgmt) B. NEAR KABUTAR KHANA. & Bank. RAILWAY STATION.COLLEGE IHTM.GP PRINTING TECHNOLOGY. MUMBAI 400 051.N. & Bank.D. PIN.) Y P57 P55 P56 31219 MUMBAI COLLEGE OF HMCT MAH 214/B. MUMBAI 400 051.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31210 Study Centre Name INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT STATE MAH Detail Address ISMAIL YUSUF COLLEGE. PIN401 107 022-20635553.400 028 - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P55 P09 31218 MAH - School of Commerce & Management P54 BBA in (Ins. ECONOMICS..400 051 J.ROAD.ROAD. B.400 051 J.. DR. MUMBAI-20. MUMBAI 400 051.Sunil Shete J.A. THANE. (HTM) Y Y Y Y 39/238 . S. DR. ROAD. & Bank. Sunil Shete School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 022-0825800 Management School of Commerce & 022-28252800 Management School of Commerce & 022-28252800 Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management 31211 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH - P09 MBA Y 9869027985 P54 P57 BBA in (Ins.) MBA in (Ins. & Bank.22634855 School of Continuing Education T77 T78 MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) MBA BBA in (Ins. School of Continuing Education 28554335 T74 MBA in (Ins.Sc. PIN.) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.N.) MBA in (Ins.22634855 School of Continuing Education T74 B. CHURCHGATE.J.) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. OPP.K. SIR J J SCHOOL OF Mr. NO. BARISTAR NATH Study Centre Coordinator Mr.) BBA (HTM) MBA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - School of Commerce & Management P09 P54 P57 (blank) 31213 SOFTKEY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT D.400 086. . 1ST FLOOR.COLLEGE. SIR J J SCHOOL OF Mr.) MBA in (Ins. SUBODH BODKE ARTS.GP PRINTING TECHNOLOGY.. NEW BUILDING.15...J. PIN.. D. & Mgmt) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Mrs.Sc. & Bank. DADAR (W) 400 028.
Regional Centre MUMBAI
Centre Code 31219
Study Centre Coordinator Mrs. Pallavi Nalawade
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60
PRG NAME Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
9664035199 School of Computer Sciences
Dr. Mahadik
022-28554335- School of Commerce & 20635553 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences
MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt)
Dr. Damodar Vishnu Lele Mr. Gandhi Dr. Thakurdesai
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
(022) 28245561/26850715 School of Health Sciences 9820480236 9869928737 022-28268611, 28396939, School of Health Sciences 9820282101 022-26460317 School of Continuing Education
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
T74 T77 T78
B.Sc. (HTM) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP)
Regional Centre MUMBAI
Centre Code 31222
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y
022-27455971 School of Continuing Education
B.Sc. (HTM)
022-24459884/ 85, School of Continuing Education 24327115/ 16
B.Sc. (HMCO)
022-28614719, School of Continuing Education 28661143, 32967212 9820283251 School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences
B.Sc. (HMCO)
31227 31228
MUNSHI NAGAR, ANDHERI(W), Mrs. Lata Dolke MUMBAI,, PIN- 400058 DAPTARI ROAD, MALAD(E),, NEAR RAILWAY STATION,, MUMBAI, PIN- 40067 ZAVERI BLDG 1ST FLOOR DJ ROAD, Prof.Luthra VILEPARLE (W),, PIN- 400056 ZAVERI BLDG 1ST FLOOR DJ ROAD, VILEPARLE (W),, PIN- 400056 Opp SNDT Women's University, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 Dr Savita Manchekar 056 FOUNDATION TOWERS, SEC-11/20,, CBD, BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI,, PIN- Dr. Piyali Kar 400 614 FOUNDATION TOWERS, SEC11120,, CBD, BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI,, PIN- 400 614 Dr. Piyali Kar Sushil Kumar
T83 C01 G01
M.Sc. (Bio-Technology) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) BBA in (Ins. & Bank.)
School of Commerce & 9326055222 Management School of Commerce & Management
2226608747 School of Education School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Commerce & Management
B Ed (e- Education)
B.Sc. (Bio-Technology)
P09 P55
MBA BBA (HTM) M.Sc. (Bio-Technology) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) Programming Expertise in "C"
School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Architecture, Science 9324499292 & Technology 9324499290
T83 T03 T07 T34 T05 T06
School of Commerce & 022-27562842 Management 9819116267 School of Computer Sciences
P56 D01
Regional Centre MUMBAI
Centre Study Centre Name Code 31236 SMT. P.D.HINDUJA TRUST'S,
Study Centre Coordinator 315, NEW CHARNI ROAD, MUMBAI, V.S. Nagale Detail Address
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60
PRG NAME Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing MBA MBA
9819116267 School of Computer Sciences
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y
School of Commerce & 9819116267 Management School of Commerce & Management
P09 P09
022-28508406, School of Health Sciences 9821683040
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
22- 28823247 School of Health Sciences 26240275 022-56101372 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management
Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) BBA (HTM)
P56 P55
School of Commerce & Management
Regional Centre
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Detail Address
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code
On DU Portal (Yes/No)
School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management
9821167899 -
P56 P09
MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) MBA
022-22652272, 22632817, 25665914, School of Continuing Education 9987639777 022-22652272, 22632817, 25665914, School of Continuing Education 9987639777 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
B.Sc. (HTM)
T76 T77
B.Sc. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) MBA B.Sc. (HMCO) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Certificate Programme in Human Rights Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic
C01 C01- Summer G01
School of Commerce & Management
P09 T76 P91 C07
022-27589000 School of Continuing Education 022-22871452 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences
9820870624 School of Computer Sciences
D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30
Paugam 9323659799 School of Health Sciences P27 DMLT Y 31259 LIONS JUHU NANDALAL JALAN MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 B..Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Study Centre Name Code 31255 SHRI RAJASTHANI SEVA STATE MAH Detail Address SHRINIWAS BAGARKA MARG. Y 31261 STREE MUKTI SANGHATANA MAH RAFIKANAGAR. UTPAL SHANGHAVI SCHOOL.Sc. Science & Technology T96 T98 B. COMPOUND. E/W ROAD NO. CAMPUS..BMC URDU SCHOOL. PIN..A. ROAD NO.Sc. PIN.12 (BKC). (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9820870624 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N 31256 DS ACTUARIAL EDUCATION SERVICES MAH JPES.Lib & I. School of Health Sciences 9821095329 24121547 9223232690 School of Health Sciences 9820704152 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y C52 Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) B. PIN.-1.25237725 / 67982060..Lib & I. 12 (BKC). SECTOR-2. MAH FLAT NO.HOLKAR MARG. L B S MARG.Sc.Sc. Nilima Deshpande GOVANDI.6 F-BLOCK TPS ROAD NO. Y 3125A BOSCO BOYS HOME MAH - - P04 B. MUMBAI.400043 Smt. Rajendra Dalal C55 Y 31266 MAH JARBAI WADIA ROAD. MUMBAI. JVPD SCHEME.Sc. DALAL HOSPITAL MAHATMA PHULE EDUCATION SOCY. Study Centre Coordinator Rakhee Kelskar Contact No School NAME PRG Code D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. AKANKSHA HSG. (Actuarial Science) M. Raju Murudkar C55 Y 31265 MAH Dr. PLOT NO. PIN. F-BLOCK. MUMBAI.Sc. (Actuarial Science) Y Y 31257 ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVT.CAMPUS. MAH Dr.27606147 / School of Health Sciences 9820695163 022 . AIROLI. School of Health Sciences 9892691378 22-24174381 School of Health Sciences 25638328 022 . Mrs.. Pangham TPS ROAD No. 3.. PIN400086 Dr.400057 -- 9323659799 School of Health Sciences P25 B. MUMBAI.400049 Purnima Shah 9324116538 School of Architecture.400051 M N ROY HUMAN DEVP. BANDRA(EAST) MUMBAI DEGREE & JUNIOR COLLEGE.. BANDRA (E).400 708 PRABHU KRUPA. MUMBAI.65745835.Sc. PARANJAPE 'B' SCHEME. VILE PARLE (E) MUMBAI. Vivek Prabhu PAREL. MAH M N ROY HUMAN DEV. Nilima Deshpande 022. NAVI MUMBAI. Dr.LIFE LINE HOSPITAL RAJENDRA NURSING HOME DR. PIN. (MLT) Y ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT.PLOT NO-6. PIN. BHOIWADA. SOCY. (MLT) N 31264 JEEVAN RESHA SHAIKSHANIK AND MEDICAL SANSTHA . 25152721. "MANGALAYTAN". GHATKOPER (W).400012 P25 Y 44/238 . 2/3..
AND MANAGEMENT .RAISONI SCHOOL OF AVIATION MAH RAISONI GROUP OF INSTITUTATION. RAHEJA HOSPITAL.H..INSTITUTE. SERVICE ROAD.NAVI Dr.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. KHARGAR EAST. School of Continuing Education 9373304501 V03 Diploma in Flight Cabin Crew Training & Air Travel Managemt.Sc.. Diploma in Customer Care & Air Travel Management Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. MUMBAI.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name INSTITUTE FOR TECH.INSTITUTIONAL AREA. OPP. MAHIM (WEST).XAVIER TECH.410210 GR. PIN.ST.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. MILAN SUBWAY VILLE PARLE (MUMBAI). DIST. SECTOR-4.- 022-39472513. JOGESHWARI (E).Murthy RAIGAD. 7TH FLOOR. SARASWATI BAUG. THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE MAH Keithe Karien 022-24459532 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 31269 G.Net Y V04 JOGESHWARI EDUCATION SOCIETY'S INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 21. MUMBAI. 400016 022 -27742793 School of Health Sciences P42 PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management Y 31268 KARTHA EDUCATION SOCY. 400 060 Y 31270 MAH Milind Patil 9892588846 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 N N N N 45/238 . Gyanam MUMBAI.FLOOR.INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31267 MAH PLOT 25/26.. TALUKA-PANVEL. PIN. A704.
Net Building Web Portals through ASP. MUMBAI.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31270 Study Centre Name JOGESHWARI EDUCATION SOCIETY'S INSTITUTE OF STATE MAH Detail Address 21. SARASWATI BAUG.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9892588846 School of Computer Sciences 31271 THE SOCIETY OF THE POOR SISTERS FOR OUR LADY'S DIVINE CHILD HIGH SCHOOL MAH SIR MATHURADAS VASANJI ROAD. ANDHERI. 400 Study Centre Coordinator Milind Patil Contact No School NAME PRG Code D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Building Web Portals through ASP. MUMBAI 400093 Matilda demello 9867213364 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 46/238 .Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. JOGESHWARI (E).Sc.
Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 31276 MAH - - School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA Y P55 022-62263307 METROPOLITAN EDUCATION TRUST F.Sc. PIN. MUMBAI. OPP. VALLABHBHAI ROAD. PIN. MUMBAI 400093 Study Centre Coordinator Matilda demello Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 9867213364 School of Computer Sciences 31272 MAH SUMAN EDUCATION SOCIETY CAMPOUS.. & Mgmt) Y Y Y 022-26992033 School of Commerce & Management P56 47/238 . ASHA NAGAR. ANDHERI. MUMBAI 400 067 9321196016 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 SARASWATI INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY 3. 20. 2 ND FLOOR. HOUSE.400089 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. CHEMBUR-GHATKOPAR ROAD.. Lalan Waradkar CHARCOL SECTOR I. VILLE PARLE (W). BESIDE EKVIRA SCHOOL. AGRAWAL BHAVAN. PLOT NO. KANDIWALI (W). SHOPPERS STOP.400 056 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31271 Study Centre Name THE SOCIETY OF THE POOR SISTERS FOR OUR LADY'S SUMAN EDUCATION SOCIETY L N COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address SIR MATHURADAS VASANJI ROAD. CHEMBUR.. & Mgmt) Y Y 31277 MAH - P09 P55 MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.M.
LAXMI INDUSTRIAL ESTATE. ARUN NIWAS. NEAR RAILWAY.263. PIN. INFOSOLUTION INDIA LTD. 2 FLOOR..Sc. 65935263/64. School of Continuing Education 9820676500 T97 B.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.G. BLDG. MALAD MARVE ROAD.400 056 5/M. 9892433882 T99 Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Y 31281 INT. SUBHASH NAGAR. ABOVE KAMAT HOTEL. MUMBAI. N.400 028 (022) 26284263. (MGA) Y 31283 KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH - 022-24360339. VIJAY NAGAR BUILDING. (MGA) Y 48/238 . NO.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31279 Study Centre Name ATHARVA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STATE Detail Address S. KRISHNAKUNJ. MG-17/21. LTD. PIN. MUMBAI. BEHIND DEVANG. (MGA) Y 31282 KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH - 022-25203125 School of Continuing Education T97 B. ACHARYA MARG.3. PLOT NO. CHARKOP NAKA..Sc. School of Continuing Education 32439935. 8/12.NO. MALAD(W). NEW LINK ROAD. DADABHAI CROOS (blank) ROAD. 26284472. STATION. DADAR (W). OPP.400 071 65/2.400 053 SHOP NO. MAH 9/B. PIN.Sc. MUMBAI. ANDHERI (WEST). PIN. VILE-PARLE (W) MUMBAI. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 31280 RAJ CYBER TECH. CHEMBUR(E). (MAXIMUS) MAH T97 B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc. MUMBAI 400095 Study Centre Coordinator Swapnil Mahadik Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N MAH 022-40294931 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. School of Continuing Education 9969344555 9820495308 0251-26338555..
Sc..400 058 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH 022-26235253. BEHIND Aparna Kale EKVIRA SCHOOL. School of Continuing Education 9869424621 022-25128933. "A" WING. SUPREME TRADE. GHATKOPAR (W).Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31284 Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address FLAT NO.SOC. ATM. PIN. CHARKOP SECTOR1.400 066 OFFICE 428. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 49/238 . ANDHERI (W).9.NO.Sc.3/4. MUMBAI. MUMBAI. SHANTIDWAR CHS. PIN. BORIVALI (E).Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. KANDIVALI(W). PIN. 'C' WING. (MGA) 31285 KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH BASEMENT DATTANI TRADE CENTRE. SAGAR PLAZA. 1ST FLOOR. CHANDAVARKAR LINE. School of Continuing Education 9869451296 T97 B. CENTRE. (MGA) Y 31286 KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH 022-32999946. MUMBAI.400 086 SUMAN EDU.CAMPUS. RAILWAY. NAVI MUMBAI. VIVIANA SOCIETY.. (MGA) Y 31287 KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE MAH T97 B. OPP.Sc. School of Continuing Education 9869451296 T97 B. SHANTIVAN.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. STATION. 3RD FLOOR. PIN. VASHI. SECTOR 17. BORIVLI (E).400 705 OFF. ABOVE ICICI Hemant Deshmukh BANK.Sc.Sc. FIRST FLOOR.. MUMBAI 400066 022-28918739.A-103/104.VASHI PLAZA. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology N 31289 KEERTI INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH 9819133266 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PIN. SECOND FLOOR. (MGA) Y 31288 LN COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY MAH 9323889489 School of Architecture.'A' WING. School of Continuing Education 9869424621 T97 B.
PIN. KOPARKHAIRANE.400051 022-26570924. PIN. PIN. Naik C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 31298 MATHADI HOSPITAL(TRUST) MAH C55 Y Dr.BUILDING NO. (MLT) DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) DMLT B.G. BYCULLA.P. School of Continuing Education 9821032430 T97 B... LOKHANDWALA ANDHERI (W).14.NAVI MUMBAI.6.65103433. MAH B.F BLOCK..GATE NO. MUMBAI. PIN. SECTOR NO.D.22.27541266 / 67.SHITAL CINEMA.ROY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CAMPUS. PIN.& MED. 23731633..Sc.400 028 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31290 MAH - 022-24329775.22.326. Vijay Suresh Chile 421501 PLOT NO.Dr. MUMBAI. KHARGAR. DR. M. Hospital Compound. NAVI MUMBAI.INDUMATI PARIKH INST. MAH Dr. A.MUMBAI. (MGA) Y 31292 MAH - 022-06315206 School of Continuing Education T97 Y 31293 NETAJI SUBHASH HOSPITAL MAH Dr. Dr. Chorage. NEXT TO.A-48.. S.C. AMBARNATH(EAST). School of Health Sciences 9224336135 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 50/238 . PIN..12. Gate No. Mumbai.400709 PLOT NO. NAVI MUMBAI.. SENAPATI BAPAT ROAD. School of Health Sciences 27541266/67 022-26690776 9869013036.& TECH.23709787. KOPARKHAIRANE.B. Mulla 022-23099056. Naik C51 Dai Prashikshan N 31299 MAHILA VIKAS KENDRA MAH 165.HOSPITAL.J.Sc.N.400008 Dr. BLUE PEARL.Sc. MUMBAI..J. MADHUMANISHA BUILDING...400 008 Dr. DIST.OF HE. OPP. J.NO. Sathe BANDRA(E). PIN.MUMBAI.3.D. 3RD CROSS. Potdar. Mulla 022..G. PIN.. SECTOR NO. 9890895504 022.School of Health Sciences 9323938131 22-24476006 9322247492.MARG.SCI.. A. SARASWAT BANK.Sc.400070 Diploma in Cyber Security Programme B.27. KURLA(W). 23709787 School of Health Sciences 9323099056 2551-2604487 / School of Health Sciences 2604285..410210 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 31300 ANJANI MATERNITY & NURSING HOME Centre for study of Sicial Change.GOVT.3.400055 PLOT NO.J. CHAKKIKHAN. (MGA) Y T99 METEOR INSTITUTE OF DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIES C-101 BROOK HILL TOWER. PIN. BMC School Building. EAST.SCHOOL BUILDING. ANAND NAGAR. (MLT) Y Y 31294 SAHARA FOUNDATION'S MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCI. School of Health Sciences 9323099056 9323099056 School of Health Sciences C55 Y P27 P25 Y Y Maharashtra Institute Of Medical Science & Technology MAH .. MobSchool of Health Sciences 9833168900 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 31301 MAH C WING. PIN400053 OPP..400709 Dr. Manisha P. Neil Borges (020) 25040526 School of Health Sciences (022) 25040526 School of Health Sciences P25 P27 B. SECTOR NO.M. COMPOUND. Shaila Satpute SANTAKRUZ. Matkar 022 . LEAN.S. 26570973. Gayatri COLONY.MUMBAI.KANSAI SECTION. School of Health Sciences 9820365562 31296 ADITYA NURSING HOME MAH PLOT NO. NEAR. 9322247492.14. Byculla. Mrs.S.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name ABHINAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT STATE Detail Address VIVEKANAND CLASSES PREMISES. DADAR (W).L. PETROL PUMP.OPP.
Med.A. Dr. NAVI MUMBAI..400051 SHIVAJI NAGAR.19...BUILDING NO.326.MUMBAI. MUMBAI. Gayatri Sathe BANDRA(E). BEHIND SAMANA PRESS.400095 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Y Y 31303 MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar.VILE-PARLE(E).ANGELOS COMPUTERS LTD.ROY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CAMPUS.) Preparatory (Mar. Mrs.NO. EDUCATIO.A.2. 1ST FLOOR.) Preparatory (Mar.Net N N N N N 51/238 .26570924 School of Health Sciences 26570973 C52 Aarogyamitra N 31302 MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..M-3 R. PIN..GANESH MANISH BUILDING. KANDIVALI(WEST).Summer G01 31308 DEVI MAHALAXMI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE CHAITANNYA VIDHYPEETH DEVI MAHALAXMI COLLEGE.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. SANPADA.400078 MARATHI MUNICIPAL SAHOOL BUILDING TANK ROAD.COLLEGE OF COMMERCE & SCIENCE MHADA. PIN.P.A. Potdar. ST.. NAL PLOT NO. M.) Y C01.INDUMATI PARIKH INST...Summer G01 KALA VIDYALAYA & JR. S. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.400057 22.N.V.) Y C01.6.S. Med. Asre (022) 25948752 School of Health Sciences 9322505346 P25 Preparatory (Mar. NO. BHANDUP (W).. (MLT) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MAH Ajit Kumar Dhuriya 022-25956057 School of Health Sciences 9322398162 P27 DMLT Y 31309 MAH Prakash Ghate 9324488368 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.C.A. Med.COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH NEAR VEDANT.GOVT. Med. TANK ROAD.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name DR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MUMBAI.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. 400 078. KANDIVALI(W). MUMBAI. WORLD BANK PROJECT..S.& MED.SCI.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. SHRI CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI VIDYALAYA STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31301 MAH C WING.) B. Rajashree M.. MALVANI.Sc. MUMBAI 400067 Dr. DIST. BHANDUP(W) MUMBAI. MALAD(W).OF HE..Summer G01 31304 PRIYADARSHANI NIGHT COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE MAH SECTOR-7 CHARKOP.Summer G01 31305 M. PIN.OPP..S. VASHI.F BLOCK. HANUMAN CROSS ROAD. (Kandivali) MAH MARATHI MUNICIPAL SCHOOL BILDING. COLONY. PIN.400067 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN. MUMBAI.
B/201 2ND FLOOR. MUMBAI 400080 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 31310 ST.. SENA SHAID.WOMEN'S COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. ABOV SHIV.N. PRANAV COMPLEX.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31309 Study Centre Name ST. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 52/238 .ANGELOS COMPUTERS LTD... (Kandivali) STATE MAH Detail Address 1ST FLOOR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. MULUND(W)..Sc.T.MALAD. MULUND STATION BUS STOP.MUMBAI.ANGELOS COMPUTERS LTD. S.A. TAL/DIST.D. PIN.ROAD.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.V.GANESH MANISH BUILDING. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.. (Mulund) MAH Prakash Ghate 9324488368 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. KANDIVALI- Study Centre Coordinator Prakash Ghate Contact No School NAME PRG Code D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 9324488368 School of Computer Sciences 3130A S.
PIN. BMC BUILDING.MUMBAI 400057 Dr.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.S.. BORIVALI (W).PATKAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE & VARDE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE..S. MUMBAI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 31313 HINDUSTAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT MAH SAI LEELA. Suman Pawar T83 M. MUMBAI. Suman Pawar 022-28723731 and School of Architecture. Science 9733700587 & Technology T81 M.& L. S. S.PATKAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE & VARDE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE.ROAD.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31310 Study Centre Name ST. ECO.ROAD.400062 VILE-PARLE (E). (Bio-Technology) Y MAH S.Sc.S. 2ND FLOOR.G.Sc. DIST.M.ROAD. PRANAV COMPLEX. PIN.ECO.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Bio-Informatics) Y 31312 MAH Rajkumar Mishra 9869630201 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. GOREGAON (WEST).INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT STATE MAH Detail Address B/201 2ND FLOOR. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc.ANGELOS COMPUTERS LTD.P..V. (Mulund) S.V.400062 Study Centre Coordinator Prakash Ghate Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 9324488368 School of Computer Sciences 022-28723731 and School of Architecture.S...& L. MUMBAI Santosh Singh 9869441814 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 53/238 . MULUND STATION BUS S. GOREGAON (WEST). Science 9733700587 & Technology 31311 MAH Dr.V. SHRI.
S. BORIVALI (W).Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 54/238 . 2ND FLOOR. DADAR(W).Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 31313 Study Centre Name HINDUSTAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & STATE MAH Detail Address SAI LEELA.ROAD.RAILWAY ST.Sc. MUMBAI Phatak 9323344558 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.V. NEAR KAMAT HOTEL. MUMBAI Study Centre Coordinator Santosh Singh Contact No School NAME PRG Code D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9869441814 School of Computer Sciences 31314 KEERTI INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH VIJAY NAGAR BUILDING. GROUND FLOOR.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.. OPP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.
400050 ASHOK PAGAR DAMODAR WADI KANDIWALI.Sc.400103 SNEHAL R.) Preparatory (Mar. (HTM) Y 55/238 . (E) MUMBAI. .Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y 31319 MAH - - C01 C01.SCIENCE COLLEGE SHRI MUMBADEVI JR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE. COLLEGE SIDDHARTH NAGAR.D. R.NATIONAL & W. School of Continuing Education 9322676751 T74 B.(DCHMNT) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address C/O RAVINDRA BHARATI HIGH SCHOOL &.. PIN.A. ASHRAM BUS DEPOT.J. MUMBAI. MR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. JR.I.400 KARKHANIM 077 LINKING ROAD BANDRA. Med)Summer N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 31317 MAH T29 Y 31318 MAH C01.JUNIOR COLLEGE.COLONY. GOREGAON 400104 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31316 MANS VAIBHAV EDUCTIONAL TRUST MAH Bhushan Pimpale 9324680881 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 K.C.Sc. & Network Tech...B/HSHANTI. PIN400101 (022) 21023417/ School of Continuing Education 21025056 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PARDESHI 022-28946550.Summer 31321 NEW HERITAGE EDUCATIONAL TRUSTR.SOMAIYA VOCATIONAL TRAINING INST. PIN. PRAKASH VIDYAVIHAR. BEHIND SOMAIYA POLYTECHNIC HOSTEL. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. (E). PIN.R. (W) MUMBAI.. MUNCIPAL SCHOOL BUILDING.INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.BORIVALI (W)MUMBAI.KALPANA CHAWALA MARG. SOMAIYA CAMPUS.A. MAH OPP MANASI COMPLEX.
Matunga. JITENDRA ROAD. ANDHERI (E). STATION.AWING. Ph.24095792 / 24096501 School of Health Sciences Fax no.. D. Shardaben Champaklal Nanavati Institute Of Polytechnic.COLONY.I. M. Bandra Reclamation. (BHMCO) Y (022) 26708186/ School of Continuing Education 9960879980 T29 Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.RAILWAY.D. Lotlikar Vidya Sankul. OFF ANDHERIKURLA ROAD.Sc. In HMCO B. Kidwai Road. Mumbai .T.B/HSHANTI. 1. ROAD. NEAR RAILWAY STATION. Bandra Reclamation. MAH 022 . 4TH FLOOR. SHEILA VINOD RAWOOL T76 B.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name NEW HERITAGE EDUCATIONAL TRUSTR. Science & Technology T65 M. PIN400059 31323 RASHTRIYA MILL MAZDOOR SANGH'S G D AMBEKAR PRATISHTHAN MITTAL EDUCATION & CHARITABLE TRUST KAMATS INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT CATERING TECHNOLOGY & FOOD RESEARCH CENTER NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & MANAGEMENT MAH MAZDOOR MANZIL.Arch.. Mumbai. Science & Technology T66 M.Arch.ROAD.OPP.Sc. SNEHAL R. In HMCO Y 31332 Indian Education Society's College of Architecture MAH Vinit Virkar T64 M.V. School of Continuing Education 24147714 022-28775547. School of Continuing Education 26541910.65246679. Lilavati Hospital. STATION. 24026511 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 56/238 . MUMBAI-400 059 BEHIND WHITE HOUSE. ASHRAM BUS DEPOT. 9869377536 Mrs.Sc.(DCHMNT) B. MAH OPP MANASI COMPLEX.C. Science & Technology T76 B. MALLICK T76 B. MUMBAI-12 A/12. & Network Tech.A. KURLA (W) MUMBAI . Lilavati Hospital. M. HEMLATA. MRS. 1. PIN400058 022-28946550. Gate No. Mumbai .D. S. Mr. M.D.ROAD.JUNIOR COLLEGE.LTD. D ) M. GD ANBEKAR MARG. MUMBAI-400097 KONDIVALI ROAD. Gate No. Mumbai .R.AWING.Sc. Opp. Gate No.KALPANA CHAWALA. S.Sc. School of Continuing Education 9257392991 022-28270707. PIN.OPP.Arch.400 070 Vishwakarma. Jagtap 9820268582 9867721535 School of Architecture. & Network Tech.S. Lotlikar Vidya Sankul. (General) Y Vinit Virkar 9867721535 School of Architecture. C. Shilp P. In Hotel & tourism Management Y 31324 MAH T74 Y 31325 MAH MRS. Bandra Reclamation. School of Continuing Education 9322676751 T76 B.(DCHMNT) Y T97 T99 BEST COMMERCIAL COMPLEX.400 051 Vishwakarma. (MGA) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Lilavati Hospital. SANGRADDA DATTA ANDHERI (W) MUMBAI. 1. (Construction Management) Y Vinit Virkar Dr. VAISHALI GHEGADMAL ASHOK SETHI Y Y (022) 26708186/ School of Continuing Education 9960879980 V07 Y 022-24147713.400 052 338. 4TH FLOOR. PAREL. SANGRADDA DATTA ANDHERI (W) MUMBAI. 65246680.400103 BEST COMMERCIAL COMPLEX. School of Continuing Education 9987573960 022. (Environmental Architecture) Y 31333 Smt. STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31321 MAH 31322 VISICOMP TECHNOLOGY PVT. Charankar ( M. OPP. MALAD (E). Opp.INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. Lotlikar Vidya Sankul. Mr.RAILWAY.400 019. KURLA MARKET. In HMCO Y 31328 MAH DR.Sc. R.400 050 Vishwakarma.BORIVALI (W)MUMBAI. 26541909. Opp. 26541912 9867721535 School of Architecture.V. 65287511.Sc. 26541911. S. PARDESHI MARG.
PIN400043 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y 57/238 . MUMBAI-400014 S. Med. MULUND (w). PIN.Summer G01 3141A SHIVAM VIDYAMANDIR & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH LALLUBHAI COMPOUND.G. MARATHE 3140A COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. BANDRA (E). MULUND GOREGAON LINK ROAD.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 65859646 T76 B. PIN. MUMBAI. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.GRANT ROAD. School of Continuing Education 9920143433 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T32 Diploma in fashion desion Y 3133A CHETANA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH - C01 C01.A.D.DMART. ARTS & COMMERCE MAH CHEMBUR. Med. MANKHURD. MUMBAI.Summer G01 School of Commerce & Management 022-25783540 School of Continuing Education 3138A ABHINAV TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH MANSING MARKET. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.OPP.1.) Preparatory (Mar. GOVT. OPP. JALGAON. School of Continuing Education 64504923. COLONY. 64505238. 25687776. PIN. VIKROLI (E).WOCKHARDT SUKESH SHETTY HOSPITAL.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 31335 ANTHAYYA EDUCATION FOUNDATION TRUST'S MAH 31336 INDIAN FASHION ACADEMY MAH 1503-1504. DADA SHEB SMITA NITIN MAGAR FALKE ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.ACHARYA.A. VIKAS 3134A HIGHSCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH KANNAMWAR NAGAR.341. In HMCO Y 022-32045050.Sc. PATIL STATION. RUPTATA STUDIO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A. NO..) Preparatory (Mar..NO. MUMBAI. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar.69. MUMBAI. (HMCO) Diploma for supervisor Diploma in mechanical Techniques Diploma for fitter Y Y Y Y VIKAS COMPUTER EDUCATION. NO. 1ST FLOOR OPP. 2ND FLOOR.400 007 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3139A MAH - - G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. 15TH FLOOR ROYAL CLASSIC.) Y G15 P03 N.R. NANA CHOWK. Med..) Preparatory (Mar.BUILDING.A.425001 (0257) 2220036 School of Continuing Education 9423488174 P09 T76 V11 V12 V13 MUMBAI REGIONAL CENTRE DNYANGANGA STUDY CENTER C/O JAGANNATH SHANKAR SETH.K.) Y Y Y C01.) MBA B. MUNCIPAL SCHOOL.Sc. NEAR RAILWAY P. NR. 65756233.400 051 022-25687777. DADAR EAST.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. MUMBAI80 JASMIN APARTMENT.400 083 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 B.FRAIR. Med. BRIDGE.
.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3141A Study Centre Name SHIVAM VIDYAMANDIR & JUNIOR COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address LALLUBHAI COMPOUND. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.BORIVLI (W). Dr.C.400 701 Chincholikar School of Architecture. m School of Commerce & 9833487851 Management P09 MBA MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Y Y Y Y 58/238 .Tech.69.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y ABHYUDAYA EDUCATION SOCIETY'S HIGHSCHOOL & 3142A JUNIOR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH KALACHOWKI. RAIGAD. THANE-BELAPUR ROAD. Dr. PIN.410 206 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Dr.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. The Associate Director of Research.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory ( Dist. MAH SECTOR-1.9.400 092 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. BSKKV.400 072 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.. Med.. Gargi Shirke.Summer G01 3160A TERNA POLYTECHNIC. Dist.) R. NO. BSKKV. NAVI MUMBAI-400701. OPP.A.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Karjat.A. MUMBAI. PIN.Summer G01 SAVITRIBAI PHULE MAHILA 3159A JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH TILAKNAGAR. PANVEL.A.BUILDING.410 201. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Preparatory (Mar.S. GORAI SECTION-2.Summer G01 3143A PRAGATI VIDYALAYA & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH B.SCHOOL BUILDING NO. Karjat .S. PIN.A.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Raigad. - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01..) Preparatory (Mar. SAKINAKA. Science 9819752376 & Technology T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 3202A A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.Patil Regional Agricultural Research 3206A Station.C. Karjat. LINKROAD. Raigad.COLLEGE. ERegional Agricultural Research mail: : Station. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. KOPAR-KHAIRANE. Cell: 9420527261.) Preparatory (Mar. adrkarjat@rediffmail. PIN. MUMBAI.) Preparatory (Mar.. MAH POST BOX NO. MUMBAI.) Preparatory (Mar.M.124. Med. Med)C01.
M.) B. Killa.A. Raigad. Dr.C. Med.Sc.Lib & I. Rajesh Manjrekar.402 107 - - C01 Preparatory (Mar.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.. Dist..A. Med)C01. PIN.P. DIST-RAIGAD.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3206A Study Centre Name Regional Agricultural Research Station.MANGAON.410 201.-GOREGAON. Dr. The Program Coordinator.COLLEGE MAH KHOPOLI.Summer G01 3211A V. PIN.META SARVJANIK TALUKA VACHANALAYA MAH AT.R. 3218A BSKKV.School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 Y Y Y Krishi Vigya Kendra. Y C01. Roha Email:manjarekar_rajes .COLLEG MAH -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 3210A MAH PEN. Dr. PIN. Regional Agricultural Research Cell: 9420527261.KADAM ARTS & COM. Karjat.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 59/238 . Cell: 9209464199.) Preparatory (Mar. RAIGAD.PO. STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator The Associate Director of Research. Vigya Kendra. BSKKV. MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 3219A K. Gargi Shirke. TAL. Killa.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. RAIGAD. h@rediffmail. Med. EDetail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in (MCJ) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N N Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 3209A RAIGAD JILHA PATRAKAR SANGH AND DAILY KRISHIVAL SHRI SWAMI VIVEKANAND SHIKSHAN SANSATHECHE DR.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Dr. Raigad. Krishi Roha. Karjat. BSKKV. Roha. Dist..
.RAIGAD.MANGAON. Med)C01. DIST. PIN402301 MRS.TAL.) C01.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Dilip Rawal School of Architecture.G.(DCHMNT) B.. & Mgmt) Preparatory (Mar.PALI EJ..(DCHMNT) Y 60/238 . PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.SECONDERY & HIGH 3220A SECONDERY NIGHT SCHOOL & JR.SOCIETY.) Preparatory (Mar. Vitthal Jadhav Dr.EDU. (Electronics Engineering): Basic Level Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Preparatory (Mar.RAIGAD. M. Med. PIN..V. PIN.410 205 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y SUDHAGAD. COLLEGE OF ARTS & M.A. DIST.RAIGAD.MAHAD. Mr.COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar..New Pattern DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B.Summer G01 32276 Saraswati Institute OF Hotel Management & Catering Technology MAH School of Commerce & Management P09 P55 P56 3227A TIKAMBHAI METHA COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. & Network Tech. DIST. 1ST FLOOR.MAHAD. & Network Tech.. MAH JR.) 3231A NIJAMPUR VIBHAG SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDALS. ALIBAG DIST RAIGAD.Sc. In MGA Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCS.C. MANGAON. Raod Anant Complex.) MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address AT/PO/TAL.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. MANGAON. PIN402201 T29 Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Vilas Pawar TO 14.A.402 120 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. NIJAMPUR.. AT/PO/TAL. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.C. AT/PO/TAL. DIST. M. Med.RAIGAD. SHIVAJI CHOWK. DIST.Summer G01 3222A COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH 1914. KAVITA DHARMA (02145)225089/22583 School of Continuing Education 8 T29 T97 T99 T-99 V07 SHIVAJI CHOWK. Pawar 02140-268026 9420060273 School of Health Sciences 9422691742 (0141)228934/997066 School of Continuing Education 6369 P27 DMLT COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL 3232A INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH SHRI VISHNU SIDDHARAJ TRUST BEILDING. RAIGAD. Science 02145-223109 & Technology T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 3226A JUNIOR COLLEGE OF ARTS MAH NIJAMPUR.RAIGAD.G. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.NEW PANVEL.402 104 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. PIN. BLOCK NO 10 Mr.Tech.
402 111 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 3235A ARTS COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. TAL. Med)C01.. Med. PIN402 401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar.. Vilas Pawar ALIBAG.TALA. 1ST FLOOR.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. RAIGAD.402 304 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..SHRIVARDHAN.ROHA..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SHRI VISHNU SIDDHARAJ TRUST Mr. RAIGAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. RAIGAD.BORLI . Vilas Pawar BEILDING.K.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.) 61/238 . JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.New Pattern Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A.Sc. OPP. Med.. RAIGAD.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.A.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3232A Study Centre Name COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T99 T-99 PRG NAME Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCS.402 403 AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar. NAGAR PALIKA OFFICE..PANCHTAN. DIST. PIN. Med. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. PIN.N.KOLAD. PIN. COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.. RAIGAD 402 201 (0141)228934/997066 School of Continuing Education 6369 COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY MAH 9970666369 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 3234A S.Summer G01 3237A KOLAD HIGHSCHOOL AND JR. TAL. BLOCK NO 10 SHRI VISHNU SIDDHARAJ TRUST BLDG..) 3236A VASANTRAO NAIK COLLEGE OF ARTS AND COMMERCE MAH MURUD-NANJIRA.) Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.
PIN. PIN. A/P.) Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. PIN. NIKAM ENGLISH SCHOOL AND JR SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH MANGAO.SAHAKAR NAGAR.. 402104 Oscar Pinto 9322907854 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 BHAUSAHEB NENE ARTS. RAIGAD.410201 Prof. RAIGAD. DAHIVALI. RAIGAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST RAIGAD. & Network Tech.S.KOLAD. (MGA) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Mr. DIST.ROHA. Kulkarni DIST.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B... TAL. COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO..Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.A. Med.MANGAON.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3237A Study Centre Name KOLAD HIGHSCHOOL AND JR.Wanjari 9423822283 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 MAH - - C01 C01. 3241A SCIENCE.S. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing MBA On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y S.. MARKET YARD. PIN. AND COMMERCE COLLEGE 3246A KARJAT COLLEGE OF ARTS.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc. RAIGAD.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.NIKAM ENGLISH SCHOOL 3240A AND JUNIOR SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH BHANDAR ROAD.) Y Y Y 62/238 .Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.402104 9860658348 School of Continuing Education C2S P91 T29 T97 S. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE MAH PEN.(DCHMNT) B.) Preparatory (Mar.402 304 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.. KARJAT.Sc..
School of Continuing Education 9323110685 C55 3251A MAH Dr. Science 9422494788 & Technology Khopoli Polytechnic MAH NEAR OLD POLECE STATION.. Vairagi.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N Y 3247A B.402107 PARANJAPE NURSING HOME. NEW PANVEL.. PIN.(DCHMNT) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance Preparatory (Mar. PINDr. RAIGAD.N. RAIGAD. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Med. KHOPOLI.) Preparatory (Mar. Sachin Vairagi C55 Y 3252A PARANJAPE MEDICAL FOUNDATION MAH Dr.L. PALI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. (Electronics Engineering) B.PATIL POLYTECHNIC.410205 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Y 3248A MAH - - C01 C01. 02192-268624 and School of Architecture.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address NEAR OLD POLECE STATION..KHOPOLI ROAD.410203 Study Centre Coordinator Murade S.Joythi Shetty 022-27455971 School of Commerce & Management P56 63/238 . PIN. 256080.410203 SHRI DESHMUKH B. (HTM) MSc (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) Y Y Y Miss. Dr. PEN. School of Health Sciences 9423381221 2143-257292. KHOPOLI.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y SHRI BALLALESHWAR 3250A LOKAVIDYALAYA RAIGADH INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL TECHNO MAH RAM ALI. DIST RAIGAD. SECTOR-15.A. Pramodini C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y S P MORE DNYANAM ANNAM 3253A FOUNDATION MANASI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MAH MR. Contact No School NAME PRG Code T03 T07 T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.. DIST. JYOTI SHETTY T74 T77 B.. COLLEGE A/P.RAIGAD.27455971.410 206 2142-242683. (02192) School of Continuing Education 268608/263575 T29 T72 GANESH BALKRUSHNA VADER HIGH SCHOOL & JR.Sc.Tech. PIN 410203. & Network Tech.Tech. DIST. PALI. DIST. PIN 410203. PIN. DIST . Muzumdar 410205 PEN . RAIGAD.9423891590 2192-262457. Dr.RAIGAD.410 203 PODI NO-1. DIST RAIGADH. School of Health Sciences 9423375698 022.. MOGALWAD RD. TAL. PIN.. PIN. SUDHAGAD. KHOPOLI. PIN. DIST.L. DeshmukhSchool of Health Sciences 9422493613.
410201 AT/PO. Jyothi Kasargad Mohan Hindupur Dr Shubhangi Patki Contact No School NAME PRG Code P57 P26 C52 PRG NAME MBA in (Ins.6.- 9819248771 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA Y 9819248771/ P57 C55 MBA in (Ins..Sc.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. DIST . SECTOR 19.KARJAT.410206 Prof.6. NEW PANVEL.Sc.B-14. TAL. PIN. 4...410 206 ASHOKA GARDENS.. .P.. Med.410 VASANT KRUPA.. PIN. & Bank. PIN. PANVEL. & Bank.) Y Y 2148-222367 / 222357 School of Health Sciences 9822089694 School of Humanities & Social Sciences MAH C01 Y 64/238 .RAIGAD.RAIGAD. ROAD NO.DIST. Prof.COLLGEG MAH KARJAT.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar. SECTOR-15. RAIGAD.COM. NEW PANVEL. RAIGAD.TAL. SECTOR 19..ALIBAG. Dr. PIN.410 206 NANDAN. Muley 3260A SHREE NARAYAN HOSPITAL PRABHAKAR PATIL 3262A EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ARTS. PIN. PLOT NO.& SCI.ROAD. PANVEL. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ASHOKA GARDENS. NEW PANVEL..27491213 Management 022-27452228 School of Health Sciences 22-27481998.Mule RAIGAD.School of Commerce & 27455971. 410206 Study Centre Coordinator Mrs.NEAR CITY. Alka Nazirkar PIN. M. PIN. URAN ROAD.) B. DIST..Net Building Web Portals through ASP. PLOT NO. 4.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3253A Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address PODI NO-1.P. Shubhangi Patki C51 Dai Prashikshan N 3258A YASHWANT MEMORIAL TRUST MAH Manoj Mule D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. School of Health Sciences 9323174907 22-27463041 School of Health Sciences 9323174907 9819540448 School of Computer Sciences Dr..NANDA. POST OFFICE.RAIGAD... ROAD NO.PANVEL. Mrs. DIST. M. DIST. (Optometry) Aarogyamitra On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N S P MORE DNYANAM ANNAM FOUNDATION MANASI LAXMI SCHOOL OF 3254A OPTOMETRY 3255A BHARATIYA MANAV VIKAS TRUST 022.VESHVI.ROAD.B-14.NEAR CITY. POST OFFICE.
DIST. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B. MEENA DIXIT 400 051 KHERWADI.. Mr.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 3264A BARNS COLLEGE OF ARTS SCI..Summer G01 3307A SHREERAM POLYTECHNIC MAH CIDCO. OPP.7. PIN.A. S. BEHIND. BANDRA (E). DIST.AT/POST-PHUNDE. (Electronics Engineering) M. TAL. Ali Yawar Jung Marg.VESHVI. PIN.Tech.Net N N N N 65/238 . PIN. SECTOR NO.. FPP B.RAIGAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Science & Technology T03 T07 T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 3348A GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC MAH 49. Mumbai ..- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01. Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. (Electronics Engineering) B.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.Tech. PIN. PANVEL. NEW Meenakshi Kakade LINK ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar.Tech.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.A. Kherwadi. SECTOR .MUMBAIMrs.400 708 Johnson Mathew 9324872886 School of Architecture. MEENA DIXIT 400 051 CITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BUILDING. Yardi Bandra (E).& COMMERCE MAH PLOT NO. Science & Technology T34 T78 T75 022-26477200 School of Continuing Education 022-26477200 School of Continuing Education IHTM GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC 3350A HIGHTECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE MAH MAH 9594323511 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3262A Study Centre Name PRABHAKAR PATIL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO.SC.3. THANE BELAPUR ROAD.RAIGAD. Med.RAIGAD.C.URAN.SC. ANDHERI (W) MUMBAI 400 058 022-26474057 School of Architecture.400 051 KHERWADI.COLONY.MUMBAIMrs. TAL.A.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar..16.) Preparatory (Mar.D. BANDRA (E). Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. FPP On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y VEER VAJEKAR ARTS.) Preparatory (Mar.AIROLI. 3263A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. DIST. NAVI MUMBAI...ALIBAG. H.. OSHIVARA.O.
PIN400 064 MUNCIPAL CORPORATION MARATHI SCHOOL. FLAT NO. ANDHERI ( EAST ). PIN. KANDIVALI (E).A. KOHINOOR HOTEL. ROAD NO.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. MUMBAI. MUMBAI..A. S. NO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.ROAD.Summer G01 SHRINIWAS BAGRAKA 3378A COLLEGE MAH J.MUMBAI.Sc. PLOT NO.B.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3350A Study Centre Name HIGHTECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address CITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BUILDING..Summer G01 Y Y Y Y Y 66/238 .OPP. & Network Tech.) Preparatory (Mar. DIST.) Preparatory (Mar. 4. Med.A.V.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9594323511 School of Computer Sciences 3361A ANUDATTA VIDYALAYA & JR.New Pattern DCHMNT-Windows 2000 Server Bachelor of Arts (B..NAGAR.2. PARKSITE VIKROLI (WEST). SECTOR-1.- (blank) (022)27469432/33 School of Continuing Education T29 T-99 V05 PRALHADRAY DALMIYA 3376A LAYANCE COMMERCE COLLEGE SANDESH RATRA VIDYALAYA 3377A AND JUNIOR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH MAH SUNDAR NAGAR. OPP. NEW Study Centre Coordinator Meenakshi Kakade Contact No School NAME PRG Code D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Building Web Portals through ASP. MALAD ( WEST ). Med. PIN. BALAJI KRUPA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MUMBAI. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.1.) Y C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.(DCHMNT) DCS.400 059 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. OSHIVARA. Med.4.A.) Preparatory (Mar. AKURLI ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar...400 079 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 - C01 Preparatory (Mar.400 101 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. PIN. NEW PANVEL. PIN. COLLEGE MAH MAHAD VASAHAT.Summer G01 3364A PC POINT MAH MERCURY COMPUTERS.
15 A.Winter CBPM.A. Med)C01.COMMERCE & RAJE YASHWANT JR.JAVAR.SECTOR.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med.COLLEGE MAH P.400 703 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 MBA Preparatory (Mar. PLOT NO.J) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E. NEW PANVEL.400 078 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N.E... COLLEGE SONOPANT DANDEKAR COLLEGE MAH JAYENDRA BHUVAN. MUMBAI. MAH MURBAD ROAD. MUMBAI.A.400 014 - - P09 MBA Y MAH . 2.A..421 304 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.A. S. PIN. THANE. DADAR (W).) Preparatory (Mar.BOX NO. PIN.School of Continuing Education C2A C2A (S.) 67/238 . Prof.) P04 B.Summer G01 3506A KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE MAH JUHUNAGAR. NEAR KABUTAR KHANA.PILLAY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES & RESEARCH COMPOSITE MAHARASHTRA KAMGAR 3382A KALYAN MANDAL'S LALIT KALA BHAVAN 3381A MAH COLLEGE CAMPUS. Med. KALYAN.K.A. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.) MBA MBA C01.SOC. Med. PIN.410 206 GOVINDGI KENI ROAD. VASHI (NEW BOMBAY).16. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. NO. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. GINNIBAI NARAYANDAS KYAMSARIA M.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL MARG.A.Lib & I. MUMBAI . PIN.) 3502A MAH - C01 C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. NEW PANVEL (EAST).Summer G01 Anil Chaubal 3380A SMT. 10. BOLE ROAD.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.401 603 9820623328 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01.Sc. PIN..B.400 028. 3503A SCIENCE & COMMERCE. PIN. COLLEGE MAH Rakhi Kelaskar 9823232226 9820520108 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 P09 Y Y Y Y MAHATMA EDU. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.George Omen 3504A ARTS. AT/PO/TAL. RATNAM COLLEGE OF 3379A ARTS.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BIRLA COLLEGE OF ARTS. BHANDUP ( WEST ). DIST. PALGHAR (WEST RAILWAY).J) C2E Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Y Y Y Y Y CEV:Beautician (S.) Preparatory (Mar.S.400 028 KHAREKURAN ROAD. BHATTIPADA ROAD. THANE.Winter 3383A SNEHALATA RANE GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL AND JR.401 404 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.PODI NO.25. THANE. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.O. NAIGAON.THANE. SECTOR NO.) Preparatory (Mar.
KALYAN(W).School of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.A. AT/PO.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B.) B.15 A.401 202 - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 9969339712 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P57 P09 C01 Preparatory (Mar.421 503 KISAN NAGAR. VASHI (NEW BOMBAY).A..421301 . TILAK CHAWK. DIST. SECTOR NO.Sc. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar..Winter CBPM. KARAMVEER BHAURAO PATIL JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH MAH HENDREPADA.BADLAPUR. THANE. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.THANE. Med.. DATTA ALI. Med)C01. M.A.421 201 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Prof.) 35113 SHAGUN BEAUTY PARLOUR AND CREATIVE CLASSES MAH G16. Med. PIN. TAL.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 C01 Preparatory (Mar.DOMBIVALI (E).THANE.Summer G01 P04 P16 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.POST..A.. AT.Lib & I. THANE.Lib & I.Sc. Med)C01.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N 68/238 . Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. MBA in (Ins.KULGAON.Summer G01 35109 35112 BHARAT COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND SCIENCE.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3506A Study Centre Name KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address JUHUNAGAR. DIST. NEW STATION ROAD. Med.Winter C2E 35116 WIN INFORMATICS NETWORK MAH OAK BAG.) 3509A PANDURANG VIDYALAY & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH MANPADA ROAD. AT/PO. HARIHARESHWAR PRASAD SOCIETY.Mane ANNASAHEB VARTAK 3507A COLLEGE MAH VASAIROAD.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. PIN. THANE..) MBA Preparatory (Mar. THANE 421 301 Rohini Kulkarni 9870123351 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PIN. PIN- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. & Bank. THANE. PIN.
AT/PO/TAL..Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Study Centre Name Code 35116 WIN INFORMATICS NETWORK STATE MAH Detail Address OAK BAG. NEW STATION ROAD.School of Continuing Education C2E Y Y Y C2E. DIST. DIST.Sc.Winter CBPM.JAVAR.Winter C2E 35128 AHMED ABDULLAH GARIB POLYTECHNIC MAH ALMAS COLONY..Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management 9870123351 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N 35121 SWEETY BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH GROUND FLOOR. PIN. GHANTALI ROAD. AT/PO/. Study Centre Coordinator Rohini Kulkarni Contact No School NAME PRG Code D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.THANE..400 602 MAHADEO LANE.. BEHIND WAFA PARK.Winter CBPM. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 69/238 .421 603 . PIN. THANE 400 612 Mohmmad A Khan 9867546356 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.School of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E. SHIVDARSHAN.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Winter 35127 PRITI BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH .THANE.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B..TAL/DIST. SAMANT BLOCKS. KAUSA MUMBRA.
Kosbad.NEAR MAMTA. Thane.) Diploma in (MCJ) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint... Dahanu. DIST. Bonde (0251)2327452 School of Continuing Education T29 Preparatory (Mar.412301 Mr. D. Vilas Jadhav.M.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35128 Study Centre Name AHMED ABDULLAH GARIB POLYTECHNIC STATE MAH Detail Address ALMAS COLONY.401 703. PIN.D. DATTANAGAR. MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 UDAY SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAAL'S DNYANMANDIR SECONDARY & HIGH. PIN. D. BEHIND TELCO. Tal..400 604 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. DOMBIVALI (E).) Y Y 35131 MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar.A. Kosbad Hill. DIST.SCIENCE & COMMERCE MAH SHCOOL NO. Email: vilas.421 204 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 35130 MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. NIVASI VIBHAG. M..SECO.. Dist.) Y C01. NANDIVALI.Summer G01 THANE ZILHA AGARI SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL'S PRAGATI COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMM. & Network Tech.A.C.THANE.I.jadhav3@gmail. Med. The Program Coordinator. PIN. KALYAN (W). HIGHWAY. DIST-THANE... Dist. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.SCHOOL P-12. Cell:9270734378.Summer Y Y Y 70/238 .co m Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 9867546356 School of Computer Sciences Krishi Vigyan Kendra. DIST. Thane. THANE. Med.THANE. KAUSA MUMBRA. Med)Summer Y Y Y Y V07 3513A DNYANSADHANA COLLEGE OF ARTS. BEHIND WAFA PARK.DOMBIVALI (E). ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Study Centre Coordinator Mohmmad A Khan Mr.Summer G01 P03 35132 KOKANE'S KOHINOOR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH SUDARSHAN CHEMBER. Med.. Dahanu.) Preparatory (Mar.18. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. HOSPITAL.) Y C01. STATION ROAD.N. SECOND FLOOR.C. Kosbad 3512A Hill. Tal.(DCHMNT) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.421 201 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar.
23.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.CHANDIBAI HIMMATLAL MANSUKHANI COLLEGE MAH POST BOX NO. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH MAH BHARAT BHAVAN.) Preparatory (Mar.) Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 3515A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.Tech.) Preparatory (Mar.K.THANE.DOMBIVALI (W). MURBAD ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. KARVE ROAD. SONAVNE ARTS.400603 KALYAN WEST.421003 - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 9325588641 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P57 P09 C01 C01. BEHIND TELCO. TAL/DIST..Summer G01 35159 SMT. Science 9869135395 & Technology T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 35157 DNYANVIKAS INSTITUTE'S JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH PLOT NO. THANE. ANAND NAGAR. DIST. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Preparatory (Mar.A...- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 G01 P03 P04 71/238 . DINDAYAL ROAD. PIN. SECTOR 17.421 003 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Summer G01 35162 35165 BHARAT JUNIOR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE L.A.ULHASNAGAR. PIN421 202 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 G01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST.A. THANE.M.D.Shivaji Kapse R. Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 35156 TERNA ENGINEERING COLLEGE MAH SECTOR-22..) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. THANE. STATION.A. PIN. AT/PO..) Bachelor of Arts (B. KOPARI COLONY.ENGLISH SCHOOL..Lib & I. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) MBA in (Ins.School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y 35153 MAH - - C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.S. PIN.A.) .TALREJA ARTS.. Med.A. & Bank. PIN.) Bachelor of Arts (B. THANE. Med. KOPARKHAIRANE. PHASE -II. KALYAN.. DOMBIVALI.400 706 Prof. PIN.421 202 BHAGSHALA MAIDAN.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Study Centre Name Code 3513A DNYANSADHANA COLLEGE OF 3514A C... PIN. Hogade School of Architecture.THANE. NEAR RAILWAY.) Preparatory (Mar.18.) MBA Preparatory (Mar. NERUL [W].) Preparatory (Mar. SARASWATI HIGHSCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE STATE MAH MAH Detail Address SHCOOL NO.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. Med. ULHASNAGAR. 17.) Diploma in (MCJ) B.A.Summer G01 Prof.A. THANE (E). DIST.Sc.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.
9960185619.9371721780 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y C52 Aarogyamitra N Dr. GROUND FLOOR.O. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Maheshwari S. VIKRAMGARH. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9323290171 22. DHAVALE MEMORIAL HOMEOPATHIC INSTITUTE MAH AT AND PO. SAYYID ASADULLAH MUMBRA. T.A. (2525)251222.AMBARNATH . Dhavale C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 35175 GAAZ INSTITUTE MAH 2/A. Med)C01.400612 022-25492205 School of Continuing Education C2H C2H (S. Dist. School of Health Sciences Kapase.KULGAON. Tahilramani KASAR VADAWALI..OP.J) Y 72/238 .SHREE SHUBHAM CO.HOUSING. PALGHAR.. CHS. PIN. BHIVANDI.. DIST : THANE. GHODBANDAR ROAD. MUMBRA.) 35169 RURAL WOMEN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION MAH PRATIBHA HOSPITAL ROAD. PALGHARBOISAR ROAD.J) Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) CEV:Tailoring (S. KAMATGHAR.J) Y Y 35177 SARASWATI GANESH SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH 251-2691713..421 305 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.2/A. Tahilramani KASAR VADAWALI..A. School of Health Sciences 9323290171 C55 C51 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan 35170 MAH P25 B.401 603 Mr. KAKA MANZIL.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 35168 THANE CENTRAL JAIL MAH THANE.400601 35173 DR.B. BADLAPUR(EAST).NEAR HANUMAN MANDIR PANDURANG WADI. OWALA P. PINABDULLAH 400612 C/O 101. Dr School of Health Sciences Maheshwari9822000478 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 35178 GAAZ INSTITUTE MAH 022-25492205 School of Continuing Education C2H (S. THANE (W). KAKA MANZIL CO-OP. Shewale Shri R T Shevale DPO'S NETT PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE NEAR HANUMAN MANDIR PANDURANG WADI... PIN. PIN. Chadraashekhar Jadhav 2520-222697. Med..TAL. CHANDAN BAG. Dr. THANE PIN431605 OPP. BHOPOLI. Dr. PIN. OWALA P. GHODBANDAR ROAD. KAUSA.LTD. S. .) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. DIST. PIN. A/P JAWHAR. THANE.28481140 School of Health Sciences 9322882918 022-28481140.Sc.401 404 Dr.CHAITANYNA SANKUL. . Dr. P.J) CEV:Tailoring (S.WORKSHOP. Dr. 251223. R. 25973073.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.V. R.HOUSING SOC. School of Health Sciences 9423062584 2520-222367 School of Health Sciences 25973096.T.O.. (MLT) Y 022-25973096.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. SOCIETY.COLLEGE OF ART AND COMMERCE STATE MAH Detail Address BHART COLONY. BOOSTAIN SAYYID ASADULLAH HOTEL. KAUSA. THANE.THANE 401 603... Med.. OPP. THANE (W). S.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35166 Study Centre Name SHRI.. DIST . BHIVANDI 421 305.PAWAR JR. T. ABDULLAH PIN.. GROUND FLOOR. Thane.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. PIN.
RAMBAUG Ajay Bhoir LANE-1.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.SCIENCE & COMMERCE MAH FOUNDATION TOWERS.Sc. PIN400614 M. CHS. GROUND FLOOR. PIN.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y Y 35187 SAVATRIBAI FULE LOKVIDYALAYA ST.B. (HTM) B. DIST. KAUSA. DATTA MANDIR ROAD.SECTOR 11/20.. THANE 400612 Study Centre Coordinator Raisa Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N GAAZ INSTITUTE MAH 9220647082 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. THANE. NAVI MUMBAI.) Preparatory (Mar. School of Health Sciences 9324363415 C55 35188 MAH KAMAL TOWER. JOHN'S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SAHYOG COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES MAH MAMATA NARSING HOME PUNA LINK ROAD. THANE (W) PIN..- Dr.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 35180 RAI FOUNDATION COLLEGES MAH 35181 VIVA COLLEGE OF ARTS. NEAR KATEMANIVALI POST OFFICE.ESTATE. School of Continuing Education 9969633626 T74 T76 B. MUMBRA. CBD BELAPUR. SANTOSHI MATA ROAD.401303 - - School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 MBA Y - - C01 C01. (HMCO) Y Y 73/238 . 9969513641. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology N 35190 MAH 022-25385829.400601 MAHESH BABURAO PATIL 9224498067 School of Architecture. KATEMANIVALI KALYAN E. Shailendra Kale 251-2331419. NEAR HDFC BANK. KAKA MANZIL.OFF MARKET ROAD. OPP. BOOSTAIN HOTEL.Sc.A..LTD. VASAI. KALYAN (W).. VIRAR (W). NAVI MUMBAI. Med.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35178 Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address 2/A. PIN. JAMBHALI NAKA. TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN..
Umakant Patil 3. PIN. HANUMAN TEMPLE. PAREKH. Ravindra Jadhav DIST. NAVAPADA. & Bank. DOCTOR MITRA PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAH OPP.4. Thane MR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. KRISHNA KOYANA APT.4. COLLECTOR. VASAI (W).401 106 Post. School of Continuing Education 9324961240 0250-3291936. LAST. PIN401202 The Superintendent. NAVAPADA.Sc.) B. OPP. .. Patil 35191 INDIAN INSTITUTE OR HOSPITALITY MGMT. MALANG ROAD. (HTM) Y Y Y 35192 Keshav Srishti Agriculture Technology School MAH -- (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 35193 MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MAH 102. Uttan . PRAMOD N SHARMA MR. & Bank. THANE. PIN. VASAI (W). (HMCO) B.. MAH BUNGLOW NO.Sc.) Y Prof. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 35194 DOCTOR MITRA CHARITABLE TRUSTS C/O.421501 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 35190 MAH - - School of Commerce & Management P57 MBA in (Ins. OPP.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name SAHYOG PRATISHTHAN SANCHALIT SAHYOG COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES STATE Detail Address SODHA SADAN. THANE.School of Commerce & 253875829 Management 0250-3291936. Keshav Srishti Agriculture Technology School. PRAMOD N SHARMA 9969513647/022.. BUS STOP. KALYAN(E). THANE 400604 022-2539423 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. MEDICALE. Bhainder Dist. School of Continuing Education 9324961240 P54 T76 T74 BBA in (Ins. PIN. OFFICE ROAD. WAGLE ESTATE. JAMBHALI NAKA. . KISAN NAGAR NO.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc. Dr.401202 SEVEN BUNGLOW NO. CHAKKI NAKA. 1ST FLOOR.421306 251-2351677 / School of Health Sciences 9833155731 C55 Y 74/238 .
THANE 401404 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. TAL-AMBARNATH.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.. DIST.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address SHOP NO. DIST. MAHIM ROAD.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 35198 MAH Chetan Bhadkamkar 9370150245 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PALGHAR. 2. VIDYA MANDIR ROAD.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 75/238 .KULGAON.ADARSHA. THANE 421503 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 35195 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAH Rupesh R Shukla 9422573135 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING IT MANAGEMENT AND SCIENCE BHADKAMKAR WADA.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. GURUTIRTHA APT. BADLAPUR (E).
421 601 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. DIST. KARKHANIS COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH KANSAI SECTION..Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. AMBARNATH.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35198 Study Centre Name NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING IT STATE MAH Detail Address BHADKAMKAR WADA.MRS.Sc. PIN.Venkateshwar Rao AMBARNATH.ROAD. MAHIM ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.O. DIST. UCHAR. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in printing Technology & Graphic Arts Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM.A.Summer G01 35201 SOUTH INDIAN CHILDREN'S EDUCATION SOCIETY'S JR.) Preparatory (Mar. PALGHAR.THANE.B. Med. COLLEGE MAH JAMBHUL PHATA. TALUKA-WADA.) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.New Pattern Preparatory (Mar.D. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N 9370150245 School of Computer Sciences 35199 ESSEL PROPACK LIMITED MAH VILLEGE VADAVALI P. THANE 421505 9822063407 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 76/238 . PIN.Sc. K. M. RAMDAS NAIR 421312 (02526) 221067/68/220381/2/ School of Continuing Education 3/ 2632241 9819251400 T31 Y T72 T-72 T95 T-95 35200 P. DIST. .New Pattern Diploma in AC and Refrigeration DACR. TAL. THANE Study Centre Coordinator Chetan Bhadkamkar Contact No School NAME PRG Code P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME B.
.KHARKAR ALI.Sc. THANE. DOMBIWALI. 6951414. M.Venkateshwar Rao AMBARNATH. PIN421202 601. PIN401606 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.DIST. K. RAILWAY. Sunil joshi NALLASOPARA(EAST) DIST. School of Health Sciences 2442663. 9326475226 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) 35210 MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. School of Health Sciences 9819201860 Y Y 35211 SHREE TISAI HOSPITAL MAH Dr.G.G. OPP.T. (MGA) Y 35206 ABHINAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT MAH (020) 25331048 School of Continuing Education T73 Diploma in Automobile Techniques Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs Diploma in Cyber Security Programme B.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35201 Study Centre Name SOUTH INDIAN CHILDREN'S EDUCATION SOCIETY'S JR. 9220863139 T97 B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.THANE. Preparatory (Mar..B.. PIN401606 A/P/T.. 4TH FLOOR.) Preparatory (Mar.. TISGAON NAKA. PRESTIGE CHAMBER.Sc. KALYAN ROAD TEMGHAR BHIVANDI.COLLEGE OF ARTS MAH NEAR ATMAVALLABH SOCIETY.. Dr.HOUSSING SOCIETY..PARULEKAR COLLEGE ADIVASI PRAGATI MANDAL MAH MAH TALASAR. Med.THAKKAR THANAWALA COLLEGE OF COM. KALYAN(E)..DIST.) Y T93 T99 35207 35208 COM. THANE (W). PIN400602 MRS.) 35209 ALLIANCE HOSPITAL SHETH N.TALASARI. PARADISE TOWER. TAL.THANE(W).Lib & I. 9819201860 251-2350393.THANE..421306 0251-2350393 / School of Health Sciences 6951414. THANE. PIN.400601 250-2442664.ROAD. THANE (W). PIN400 601 SOADEVI COMPOUND NEAR OCTROI NAKA. Med)C01.A. OPP RAILWAY STATION...Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. ROAD. School of Continuing Education 9819133266 T97 B. NAUPADA.A.THA. 1ST FLOOR. PIN421 302 8-15. (MGA) Y - School of Commerce & Management P55 BBA (HTM) Y 35205 JMF'S VANDE MATARAM DEGREE COLLEGE MAH 0251-23833884.TULINJ. DIST. PIN.Sc. . THANE. KIRTI ANIMATION INSTITUTE STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 35202 MAH 35203 SWAYAM SIDHAHI MITRA MANDAL MAH JAMBHUL PHATA.. 6TH FLOOR. CO-OP. GANGATIRTH. 401/402.& SHETH J.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y C01.K. . M.401209 A/P/TAL.. Prashant Jadhav C55 Y C52 Aarogyamitra N 77/238 . DIST. STATION.. School of Continuing Education 6469216. Med. GOKHALE ROAD. EVEREST SHOPPING CENTER. VAISHALI DIPAK KADAM 9822063407 School of Computer Sciences 022-32150305.THANE.Summer G01 GOVIND COMPLEX.S. THANE 421505 PREMISE NO.
DADA PATIL Mr.25422295.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B..Gaonkar 9987526057 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 78/238 .. PARADISE TOWER. J.N0 574.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.. THANE 400602 Ajay R.M.Sc. THANE(EAST). Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.401101 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar..Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 35212 Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y WAGH TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH OPP. NEAR FLY OVER. Dr.THANE. COLLEGE MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN. DIST..) Preparatory (Mar. Pankaj Wagh MARG.Summer G01 35218 SUTRA INFO TECH MAH 304. Med. MANPADA. THANE. Mhatre DOMBIVALI(EAST).1.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.A. BHAYANDER(WEST).) Preparatory (Mar. Med.A. PIN. TRUST AND RESEARCH CENTRE. SIDDHARTH DARSHAN. DIST.THANE. PIN.400607 - 022 . (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 35216 REENA MEHTA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH SR.400602 RUN BY MARUTI HEALTH AND CHARITABLE. THANE(WEST). School of Health Sciences 9969615638 C55 35213 MGM PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAH (0251) 2870643 School of Health Sciences 9870707001 P27 DMLT Y 35215 SANKET VIDYARTHI VIKAS MANDAL'S SANKET VIDYALAYA & JR.) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB..RAILWAY PLATFORM NO. PIN421204 MANPADA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 9892274658.
Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address BEHIND ASHOK TALKIES. MANDIR NEAR RAILWAY STATION. THANE. PIN-400601 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. & Network Tech.New Pattern Diploma in Fabrication DIF. NR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 57. PIN.New Pattern Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM.THANE.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. NEAR.New Pattern Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs DEEM. DIST.. AT/PO/TAL.New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT. KALNI COLLEGE MAH SITE NO.A.57.New Pattern DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Diploma for Civil Supervisor Diploma in Mechanical Techniques for Supervisor Preparatory (Mar.New Pattern Diploma in AC and Refrigeration DACR. (E).Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools On DU Portal (Yes/No) MUMBAI 3521A INDUSTRIAL ENGG.T. SITE NO. A BLOCK ROAD. SHAHAD RAILWAY STATION ULHAS NAGAR.Summer G01 Y Y N N N N N N N N N N S. ULHASNAGAR.KALANI COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE & COM.421001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 35222 MAH - C01. DATTA. A-BLOCK ROAD.D..D.T. THANE 421 001 KIRAN GURBANI 982266329 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 79/238 .) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. S V KELKAR (022)25334467/25368 694 School of Continuing Education /9920249649/932351 5480 T29 Y T36 T-36 T72 T-72 T73 T-73 T93 T-93 T94 T-94 T95 T-95 V07 V11 V12 S.(DCHMNT) Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (DIDD) DIDD. SHAHAD RAILWAY STATION. INSTITUTE MAH MR.CHANDENI.
CIDCO MR.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. NR. DIST. SAHAKARI BANK LTD. THANE 421302 Tarique Safe . (HTM) B. KOLIWADA.400601 The Superintendent. 57.M. Thane THANE ROAD. Kalyan Dist.Sc..Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Study Centre Name Code 35222 S. School of Continuing Education 9820689095 T74 T76 B.Sc.E. SACHIN JADHAV & CHENDANI. Study Centre Coordinator KIRAN GURBANI Contact No School NAME PRG Code D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 80/238 . GHODBUNDER ROAD. THANE BHARAT. MILIND KOLI ROAD. THANE (W).S. Mandar Agriculture Technology School. OPP.. PIN.School of Continuing Education T76 022-25391077. WAGHBILL NAKA. MR. MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D 35226 MAH 9321006770 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Tal. SHELL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S COLLEGE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH 35224 MAH VIDYANAGARI. THANE. PIN.T. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing B. JR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. BHIWANDI. (HMCO) Certificate in Gardening Y Y Y 35225 Mandar Agriculture Technology School KOKAN MUSLIM EDUCATION SOCIETY'S K. A BLOCK ROAD.D. (HMCO) 982266329 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N Y 35223 THIM COLLEGE.400601 SAMARTH KRUPA. KALNI COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address SITE NO. -Kolimb.Sc.Sc.Sc. COLLEGE. Manmoli.
MR. Navi Mumbai . JOHN TECHNICAL EDUCATION COMPLEX..400 615 02525-256486/ School of Continuing Education 645809 T76 B. VEVOOR.THANE.25367407 School of Health Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Dr..B.ROOP PLAZA.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 81/238 . C/o Anand Vishwa Gurukul.400 614 Belpada Complex.. (HMCO) Y 35233 MAH Anil Nandedkar 9223293847 and 022. Navi Mumbai . MANOR ROAD.D.School of Architecture. DIST. OPP.THANE. Section 7.Sc.. C. ALERT W D'SOUZA PALGHAR (E) THANE-401 404 Belpada Complex.C.ULHASNAGAR. THANE 400 601 Rajendra Kale MAH 9820422280 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.- Dr. MAH Thane.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Study Centre Name Code 35226 KOKAN MUSLIM EDUCATION STATE MAH Detail Address THANE ROAD. MAH 35235 DR. Study Centre Coordinator Tarique Safe Contact No School NAME PRG Code T59 T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9321006770 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N 35228 ST. (Urban & Regional Planning) Y 35234 Kokan Padvidhar Sanstha’s. BHIWANDI.Arch.D. Opp. Raghunathnagar. Science 27571451 & Technology T66 M. PIN. Bodas ( M. Smitesh K. (Environmental Architecture) Y Anil Nandedkar 9223293847 and 022.D.Arch. Kharghar Railway Station. Wagle Estste.) Bachelor of Arts (B. K.B.SHIVLE. Science 27571452 & Technology T67 M.School of Architecture.) 9820448141 022 .) Y Y AT/PO. C. Section 7. SHAH'S LASER EYE INSTITUTE. TAL. RATHOD NAGER. MURBAD.M. Thane Lokvidyalaya. DIST. TAL/DIST. Kharghar Railway Station.T.S. KALYAN (W) 421 301 AT/ PO..A. JOHN INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture MAH ST. PIN. 0251-2205668 School of Health Sciences 2208984 P40 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Y JANSEVA SHIKSHAN 3529A MANDAL'S EDUCATION COLLEGE D.. Belapur.A. SIDHIVINAYAK TEMPLE.KALANI COLLEGE OF 3530A EDUCATION 3532A CROWN COMPUTERS MAH MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. JAMBHALI NAKA. Shripad R. Belapur. 'C' WING. Shah. Thane (W) 400 604. BEHIND RAJA HOTAL. Opp..
PIN.G.BHAVE MAHA-. M. 21632399. Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y Y Y Y 3559A ADROTIT INSTITUTE MAH G-2. Med)C01.Lib & I.. School of Continuing Education 9869473532 C2E (022) 21635882.421 202 VIDYA PRASARAK MANDAL 3552A SANCHALIT B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A. 21632399.Sc. PIN421 601 - Y Y Y Y 3569A ADARSH ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 82/238 . THANE Study Centre Coordinator Rajendra Kale Contact No School NAME PRG Code D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Computerised Financial Accounting B.. THANE. PIN.NR.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N Y Y Y 3532A CROWN COMPUTERS 9820422280 School of Computer Sciences SHANKAR NARAYAN ARTS & 3540A COMM.GODOWN.ROAD. MULUND SHANDILYA (E) MUMBAI PIN.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. School of Continuing Education C2E. PALIKA SABHAGRUHA.DOMBIVALI(W) MUMBAI.BHAVE MAHA-.ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar.NR.GOKHALE ROAD.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.) Y DNYANVARDHINI TRUST'S 3566A C/O.) Preparatory (Mar.Sc.G. Joshi CROSS M.. THANE. SIDHIVINAYAK TEMPLE. MULUND SHANDILYA (E) MUMBAI PIN. JAMBHALI NAKA.COLLEGE MAH BHAINDAR (E). SHAHAPUR.JAY ANJANI DARSHAN. (MGA) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Y Y 0251-2491660 School of Architecture. NEAR RELWAY STATION .Sc.) SRUJAN INSTITUTE OF 3546A TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT 1. R.THANE. Med.400 601 B.421 202 (0251) 2491660/2480673/24 School of Continuing Education 81938/280023 MAH T-36 DIDD.A. SATNAM APARTMENT MULUND GOVIND LOKMANYA TILAK ROAD. OPP.DOMBIVALI(W) MUMBAI. Med.Lib & I. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar..JAY ANJANI DARSHAN. Mr.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address ROOP PLAZA.Winter 9869473532 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. M. SATNAM APARTMENT MULUND GOVIND LOKMANYA TILAK ROAD.400 081 G-2. Sudhir Vaidya CROSS M.BANDODKAR OF SCIENCE COLLEGE. SONUBHAU BASVANT COLLEGE MAH NEAR GOVT. CHENDANI BANDAR ROAD.GOKHALE ROAD..N. PIN. PALIKA ABHAGRUHA. DIST. Med.New Pattern Y T97 V07 1. PIN.400 082 (022) 21635882.Sc.Winter CBPM. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology N MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 P04 P16 Diploma in (MCJ) B. SAVAROLI ROAD.
M..Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle 83/238 . Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.A. Med.Sc. Mumbra..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 P04 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4103A N.M. GONDIA.Lib & I.441 904 Mr. Kausa Mumbra.) Diploma in (MCJ) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. Med)C01. Kausa. DIST.Dist-Thane. GONDIA 441 601 MUKESH SHARMA 07182-235141 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.) B. Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Science & Technology T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 AHMED ABDULLAH GARIB TECHNICAL INSTITUTE NAGPUR 4101A J.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N N N N N Y 3594A AHMED ABDULLAH GARIB POLYTECHNIC MAH Almas Colony. Hanif Bronkar (022) 25494555 Fax School of Continuing Education 23448011 School of Humanities & Social Sciences V07 MAH - C01 C01.A.A. OLD BUS STAND ROAD. PIN-400612 BHANDARA. Behind Wafa Park. SCIENCE & COMMERCE MAH Behind Wafa Park.Lib & I..Tech.Regional Centre MUMBAI Centre Code 3569A Study Centre Name ADARSH ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE STATE MAH -- Detail Address - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.400 612 Usman Shekhani 9323201175 School of Architecture.) P04 B.Summer G01 P03 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.441 614 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. .PATEL COLLEGE OF ARTS.GONDIYA. Thane . PIN. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. COMMERCE & LAW COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.D. 4108A ASHIRWAD COMPUTERS MAH GURUNANAK WARD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.ARTS.
Bhandara.N. BHANDARA. Med)C01. OLD BUS MUKESH SHARMA STAND ROAD. DIST.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. BHANDARA.Adv Eknath Bawankar 7185-255863.A.A.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.Dist..A. E-mail: prashant_wn@yahoo. BHANDRA PIN.) 4129A GRAM VIKAS SANSTHA 4130A PRIDE CONVENT AND SCHOOL MAH MAH PAUNI. Dr. Dr.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory ( . Dr. 255728. Med. PDKV.TUMSAR..Summer G01 Krishi Vigyan Preparatory (Mar. Cell: 9850208111.) 84/238 . PIN441 802 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. TAL-TUMSAR. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE MAH AT/PO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Sakoli. PDKVV. Sakoli. .A. Med. Med. Prashant Nemade.) 4123A MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 AATHAVALE SAMAJKARYA 4125A COLLEGE MAH STATION ROAD.A.) MANOHARBHAI PATEL 4122A COLLEGE OF ARTS. BHANDARA. School of Health Sciences 9470280017 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 C01 C01. Med)C01. Med..MOR COLLEGE GURUNANAK WARD. Bhandara.SAKOLI.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D73 C01 PRG NAME Computerised Financial Accounting Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) 4127A ART COLLEGE MAH SIHORA. The Program Coordinator. PIN. BHANDARA.. PIN...441 910 KHAT ROAD. Dist.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. BHANDARA.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.Summer G01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. . GONDIA 441 601 AT/PO. Sakoli 441 802 .) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y Y Y Y Y Y 4108A ASHIRWAD COMPUTERS 4111A S. Med)C01. PIN441912 07182-235141 School of Computer Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar..School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. Med.
PIN.6. TUMSAR. 255728 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences 4133A GRAM VIKAS SANSTHA SMT. DIST. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Dr.BHANDARA. BHANDARA.New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT.. PARISHAD'S HIGH SCHOOL.SANT GULAB BABA HOSPITAL TAKIYA WARD. . DEWRAJ BAWANKAR BHANDARA.A.441 910 A/P/T. PIN..H. 320655.441 804 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7197-243156. Med.T.NO.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN(blank) 441905 OPP..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.NEAR NAGAR-.WORKSHOP.BHANDARA.) SUN FLAG IRON AND STEEL 4137A COMPANY 4138A YUWASHAKTI COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION MAH MAH BHANDARA ROAD.A.NO.441 910 School of Commerce & Management 9890404249.Bhandara PAUNI. LAKHANI. Manisha Kshirsagar - Contact No School NAME PRG Code C52 C55 C01 C01. PIN.NAGPUR ROAD... DOCTOR COLONY. PIN. Dist. TUMSAR. School of Continuing Education 9823089212 P09 T72 T-72 T73 T-73 T93 T-93 V13 SHRI. .A.G. BHANDARA DIST..A. PAUNI.N.441904 Dr. .At-Post:. CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA.H. PIN. Sulbha B. Sulbha B.-6. School of Health Sciences 9422831209 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 4141A PRAGATI MAHILA COLLEGE MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. RAJGOPALACHARI WARD. .New Pattern Diploma for fitter 4139A MAH - G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Maske School of Humanities & Social Sciences MBA Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM. PIN..441 912 Study Centre Coordinator Ashok P Halmare Mrs. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.441904 C52 Aarogyamitra N P23 Yoga Teacher Y 4140A SAHAYOG HOSPITAL(MULTISPCIALITY) MAH Dr.New Pattern Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs DEEM. BEHIND MSEB OFFICE. 9823593554. PAUNI. Dr.) Preparatory (Mar. Maske School of Health Sciences Maidamvar9890531151 NEAR MUSLIM LIBRARY CHOWK. School of Health Sciences 9326784587 7185-255863. DIST..MAHILA 4134A MAHAVIDYALAYA 4135A SAMARTH MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P/T. Sou. Med)C01. N. Med.) Y Y Y 85/238 . AT POST.) Preparatory (Mar.BHANDARA. 260556.. Sau.Pauni.) Y 7184-255902 School of Health Sciences 320655 7184-255902.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4131A Study Centre Name RAHUL BAHUUDDESHIYA GRAMIN VIKAS SANSTHA STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address SIHORA. BHANDARA.. PIN. PIN. Bharat Balkrdishna Lanjewar 7184-260555.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 PRG NAME Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar. TAL. Med.441904 NEAR S. MANGAL PANDE WARD.
A.BHANDARA.CHANDRAPUR. Sindewahi.442 903 AT/PO/TAL. PIN. The Program Coordinator.442907 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 BBA in (Ins.CHANDRAPUR. Chandrapur.. School of Commerce & Management P54 P57 P55 P56 ANANDNIKETAN 4204A ARTS.) MBA in (Ins. DIST.) P04 B.OPP.A.) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.A. WARDHA ROAD.A.SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE 4207A RASHTRASANT TUKADOJI COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.NUTAN ADARSH COLONY. PIN. Pravin Mahatale.) Preparatory (Mar. 4209A PDKVV. School of Continuing Education 9822465488 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 42262 MAH MR PRATIK KHONA T74 B.VARORA.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Dr. Med..CHIMUR. DIST.. E-mail : .MUL. 120/2K. IN HTM Y 86/238 .. DIST. AT/PO.) Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 SURETECH EDUCATION ACADEMY SURVEY NO. PDKV.) Bachelor of Arts (B.. CHANDRAPUR. Chandrapur. Dist. NAGPUR-441018 07103. ASHOKWAN.645155. Med. mahatale1978@rediffm ail. DIST. Cell : Vigyan Kendra. VILLAGE JAMHTA.) C01.Summer G01 4201A SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE MAH GANJ WARD..441803 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y SHRI. Dist.KISANRAO KHOBRAGADE EDU.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address A/P/TAL. PIN.441 222.Sc.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.LAKHANDUR.441 224 Dr. Sindewahi 9421755536. Dr. & - G01 G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Krishi Sindewahi.Lib & I.. NEW VCA STADIUM. & Mgmt) Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)C01. PIN442 402 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.Sc. SOCIETY'S 4142A YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. .) Preparatory (Mar.. MAH 4. & Bank.) MAH MAH 4208A KARMAVEER COLLEGE Krishi Vigyan Kendra.CHANDRAPUR.
. (Electronics Engineering) B. In HMCO Y 4227A Vivekanand College MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. MAIN ROAD. NAGPUR-441019 -- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) NAGPUR 42262 SURETECH EDUCATION ACADEMY MAH MR PRATIK KHONA 07103. ASHOKWAN.A. PIN.. Science & Technology T03 T07 T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 4239A ARTS. 120/2K.BALLARPUR.Tech. CHANDRAPUR. Med.Winter C2E School of Humanities & Social Sciences SAINT MONTFORD I. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. BHADRAVATI.Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.Tech. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.OPP.442 701 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 C01 C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.645155.. 442 402 9423416532 School of Architecture..) Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) 4243A MAH .Summer G01 SHITAL BEAUTY PARLOUR AND TRAINING CENTRE AESHVARYA BULDING. Med)C01. Med)Summer Y Y Y Y Y 87/238 .Winter CBPM. 4245A NATIONAL OPEN SCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.G.Nisal R.School of Continuing Education C2A Y Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar..) Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.T. VHANDRAPUR.A..CHANDRAPUR. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. NEW VCA STADIUM. NEAR LOKMANYA SCHOOL.I.A. Med. WARDHA ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. CHANDRAPUR.) 4237A CHANDRAPUR POLYTECHNIC MAH BHAGIRATH BHAVAN. GANDHI CHOWK. VILLAGE JAMHTA.GOUNDPIMPRI.Sc. School of Continuing Education 9822465488 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T76 B.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address SURVEY NO. MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD.
VARORA. Dr.Summer G01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. Anuradha Y.) .441 223 TAL. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.TADOBA ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar.. DIST. DIST. RAJURA STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address AT/PO/TAL. PIN.A. TUKUM.. Salphale BALAJI WARD.I. CHANDRAPUR.BALLARPUR.Sc. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. RAJURA.A. SHREE DNYANESH 4246A MAHAVIDYALAYA SHRI. CHANDRAPUR. Med.A.School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y 4251A Sushrusha Dai Training Centre 4252A SHANTARAM POTDUKHE COLLEGE OF LAW MAH MAH C/O. 4255A COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH A/P. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. . PIN. CHANDRAPUR 442401 Rakesh Chandekar 7172-262835 School of Health Sciences 256027 9960303331 School of Computer Sciences C51 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 VIVEKANAND DNYANPITH 4254A VARORA'S VIVEKANAND EDUCATION COLLEGE MAH A/P.) Dai Prashikshan Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Med.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar.. CHANRDAPUR.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 88/238 ..Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 4245A SAINT MONTFORD I. PIN. PIN.T. CHANDRAPUR. SARVODAY MAHILA MANDAL. SHIVAJI COLLEGE OF 4250A ARTS.) Bachelor of Arts (B..442 905 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 G01 C01 C01.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. COMMERCE AND SCIDNCE.. TUKUM. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Summer G01 DNYANDEEP SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL ARTS.NAVARGAON.A.
- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. PIN.) 4261A SHARADCHANDRA ART AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH JAVHERI MARKET. Med..) Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR. . Paliwal Balmukund C51 Dai Prashikshan N Dr.Summer G01 4260A CHANDRAPUR DISTIC JAIL MAH CHANDRAPUR.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4255A Study Centre Name DNYANDEEP SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL ARTS. 9822566094 C51 Dai Prashikshan N 4265A JANAHITAY MANDAL MAH Dr..A.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. CHANDRAPUR.. Tatawar.L.) Preparatory (Mar. RAMNAGAR. PIN. Muthal 7172-273572 School of Health Sciences C55 Preparatory (Mar. Dr.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Prof.A..A. PIN-442401 JHEP HEALTH EDUCATION INSTITUTE.Summer G01 4264A PROF. Med)C01.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.Summer G01 4259A ATHAWLE COLLEGE OF SOCIALWORK MAH CHIMUR. CHANDRAPUR.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. BALLARPUR.. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR. MAHATMA PHULE NAGAR. CHANDRAPUR. MAHATMA PHULE NAGAR. CHANDRAPUR. B. Med.Summer G01 4258A BHARAT SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL MAH SAWALI.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. School of Health Sciences 9422135992..MUTHAL MEMORIAL SOCIETY MAH TRINITY.. Med. Paliwal C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 89/238 . TAL-KORPANA.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN442 403 Prof.. Med..) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. MAHAKALI WARD.) Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR 442 403.GADCHANDUR.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. TUKUM. CHANDRAPUR.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. RAMNAGAR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4256A MAH - C01 C01.Summer G01 4257A SHRI.DNYANESHA COLLEGE MAH NAWARGON. 9423116609. PIN. SHARADRAO PAWAR ARTCOMMERCE COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address A/P.A.442401 TRINITY. PIN. DIST.. 225234. PIN. PIN.A. MAHAKALI WARD.442 403 JHEP HEALTH EDUCATION INSTITUTE.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B... PIN.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR.A. CIVIL LANE.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. CHANDRAPUR.. CIVIL LANE.A. Muthal 7172-273572 School of Health Sciences 7172-255311 225234 School of Health Sciences 9822566094 9422135992 7172-255311. BABUPETH. COLARI ROAD'S. BABUPETH. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.
) Y Y Y (blank) School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 90/238 .. GROUND FLOOR. MAHAKALI WARD. .KORPANA. DIST. PIN.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR 442 402.RUN BY SHRI BAHUUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN. CHANDRAPUR. CHANDRAPUR..Sc.270240 (O) 273440 ® School of Health Sciences 9422838873 07172-264385.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Preparatory (Mar. PIN442701 A/P/TAL. NAGPUR ROAD. HOSPITAL.CHANDRAPUR(M. . Med.442 403 SAMAJIK VANIKARAN BUILDING. (MLT) Y C52 Aarogyamitra N MIRABAI BAHUUDDESHIYA 4273A SAMITI RUN BY SANT MIRABAI PRATISTAN KENDRA MAH SHER MANJIL BILG.A. PIN442402 - C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Domestic Wireman (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Suwarnaja DMLT Y C2E C2H C4E C4K GURU NANAK COLLEGE OF SCIENCE BALLARPUR. . Mul Road. Med.. PIN.Summer G01 BAHUUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN 4269A PRASARAK MANDAL CHANDRAPUR PARAMEDICAL 4271A AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER MAH MAH C/O SHRI SAI POLYTECHNIC.) Aarogyamitra Y Y Y Y Y Y N 4268A NEVAJABAI HITKAR COLLEGE MAH A/P.A. PIN 441 402 NAGBHID. 4265A PALLWAL CLINIC) MAH 7172-227662 (O).A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.- Y Y Y Y 4275A MAH Dr. Patankar (0172) 240546 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P27 Y ADARSH SHIKSHAN PRASARK 4277A MANDAL'S KALA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH - - C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar... PIN441205 Study Centre Coordinator Dr. .. NAGPUR ROAD. PIN. CHANDRAPUR. PRASARAK MANDAL Mr. NEAR GOVT. 225277® School of Health Sciences 9423116609 C52 Aarogyamitra 4266A PRAKRUTI MAHILA VIKAS KENDRA GOVINDRAO VARJUKAR MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH Bharati Ramteke 9370326084 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 Aarogyamitra N 4267A MAH - - C01 C01.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.). Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. PIN.. Shastri Nager. 9422139059. DIST. BRAMHAPURI.. BABUPETH.) Preparatory (Mar. S S Paliwal Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) N JANNAHITAY MANDAL (DR. MAIN ROAD.. PIN.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address JHEP HEALTH EDUCATION INSTITUTE.S. CHANDRAPUR 442 403. School of Continuing Education 9881687293 P25 B. Nagpur. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. CHANDRAPUR.School of Health Sciences C52 9422838873 School of Health Sciences 7122.) Preparatory (Mar. CHANDRAPUR.Shri Jitendra Bhoyar .. Bhoyar VADGAON WARD. Med.
Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.442 914..School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Cell: College of Agriculture. Med)C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. Anandvan. GADCHIROLI. Chandrapur suhas_lrm@yahoo. GADCHIROLI. Warora. GADCHIROLI. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.A. PIN442705 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.442 603 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.A.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Suhas Potdar.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) NAGPUR Anand Niketan College of 4278A Agriculture.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. GADCHIROLI.. Med.ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) 4312A BHAGVANTRAO ART COLLEGE MAH SIRONCHA (VIDARBHA). PIN..) 4313A VIDYABHARTI COLLEGE MAH AT POST-KURKHEDA. Med. Med)C01. Dist. 9767892489.. PIN.) 91/238 .J.) Preparatory (Mar. Chandrapur MAH Mr.AHERI. PIN. Dist.) 4309A KARAMVER DADASAHEB DEVTALE COLLEGE MAH CHAMORSHI. Med)C01. . Med.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.442 605 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.B.) 4311A M. Med. Anand Niketan Warora.) 4303A S.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A..COLLEGE MAH AASHTI. E-mail: Warora .A. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts ( (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 4301A SHIVAJI ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH DHANORA ROAD. Anandvan.A.A. The Principal. .
9423121803.) G15 B. School of Health Sciences 9422123016 9423423716 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences NAGRIK AROGYA RAKSHAK SANSTHA MAHATMA GANDHI 4316A MAHAVIDYALAYA GOVERNMENT SCIENCE 4317A COLLEGE 4319A LOK BIRADARI PRAKALP 07132-233539 School of Continuing Education . DIST-GADCHIROLI.) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme CEV:Tailoring (S.SUBHASH WARD. PIN.CHAMORSHI ROAD.442710 Study Centre Coordinator Dr Satish Gogulwar Dr Jabbar Sheikh - Contact No School NAME PRG Code C52 C52 G01 P91 C2H(S. Prakesh Amte 4320A INDIRA EDUCATION SOCIETY'S VANSHREE ARTS COLLEGE MAH A/P/TAL. GADCHIROLI. School of Health Sciences 9421782993 7134-220001 School of Health Sciences 9423121803 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 C51 C01 C01...Lib & I. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DESAIGANJ.440 002 712-2745152.Winter Certificate in Information Technology (Elementary) Preparatory (Mar.442605 HEMALKASA... PIN.A.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4314A 4315A Study Centre Name AMHI AMACHYA AROGYASATHI STATE MAH MAH MAH MAH MAH Detail Address AT POST. AT/PO..Barhate BR..School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.WANKHEDE 4403A UNIVERSITY TRAINING COLLEGE LAW COLLEGE CAMPUS.. AT.P & BERAR COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y 7139-245380 (o).J) S01 PRG NAME Aarogyamitra Aarogyamitra Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.MAHAL. DIST. 245471 ®. Med.AT/PO/TAL. Dr...Lib & I.S. NAGPUR.. 394. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. Med)C01. Prakash Amte Dr. KURKHEDA.Academic Services Division M31 M. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. . TAL-BHAMRAGAD. TAL.NAGPUR. (Subject Communication) Y 92/238 . Med.ARMORI.K. PIN. NEW SUBHEDAR LAY OUT. .A.A. PIN.441209 7134-220001. Med)C01.Sc.GADCHIROLI. PIN.440 001 7122766782 School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA MAH .NAGPUR TULSHIBAG. School of Health Sciences 9823245684 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Preparatory (Mar. PIN.Summer G01 INSTITUTE OF INTEEGRATED DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL ACTION NETWORK FOR PROMOTION OF PRIMARY HEALTH Dr Ashok Dhabekar CARE. PIN.) Dr.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.A. P16 M. DIST. . GADCHIROLI... .KORCHI.J).GADCHIROLI.A. AMRAVATI ROAD.A.) 4325A MAH C52 Aarogyamitra N 4402A C. DIST.Sc.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. in (MCJ) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) P04 B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.
) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .) Preparatory (Mar. Science & Technology T07 Diploma in Communication Engineering B.Tech. Arts & Commerce College MAH -- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 4406A DR. MAH The Principal. Mirabai Sancheti Dharampeth Girls School.SAVNER.. PIN. PIN.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] UNIVERSITY TRAINING STATE MAH Detail Address LAW COLLEGE CAMPUS. Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code M32 M33 M34 M35 PRG NAME M. Joshi AMBAZARI ROAD. North Ambazari Road. College of Agriculture.) Bachelor of Arts (B.440 010 Dr.V.A. (Bio-Informatics) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Institute of Technology and MAH PREMISES OF DHARAMPETH SCIENCE. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. NORTH S.NAGPUR..Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4403A Study Centre Name BR. Science 2241490 & Technology T80 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B. (Electronics Engineering) N T34 N 93/238 . (Subject Communication) Preparatory (Mar.. (Distance Education) M. & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/POT. Dr.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.HARIBHAU ADMANE ARTS. NEAR AMBAZARI GARDEN. Nagpur .440010 9822700619 School of Architecture.S. Med. .Summer G01 4409A College of Agriculture.Academic Services Division 4404A G.A. (Subject Communication) M.. Med.440 001 Dr. Nagpur . AMRAVATI ROAD.Sc. COLLEGE. PDKVV.K. Asha Bhate 9764093626 and 0712-School of Architecture.Sc. (Educational Communication) M.. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 44107 DHARAMPETH EDUCATION SOCIETY'S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING MAH Area of Smt. Cell: 9423420994. Ganpatrao Tidke.441 107 - - C01 C01. NAGPUR.) Preparatory (Mar. Nagpur.
Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name Institute of Technology and Engineering. TEMPLE ROAD.Lib & I. NORTH S. PIN.440 001 (blank) School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences - G15 P09 C01 44127 ANNASAHEB GUNDEWAR COLLEGE MAH KATOL ROAD. Med.440 013 - Preparatory (Mar. NAGPUR.. R. Med. KAMTI ROAD. NAGPUR. NEAR AMBAZARI GARDEN. Joshi AMBAZARI ROAD. COLLEGE. MAHALAXMI APARTMENT.Summer G01 Prof.440 010 NEW BUILDING...S.. RADHIKATAI PANDAV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MAH 9960799424 School of Architecture. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.) B.Mohitkar 44128 SHEELADEVI COLLEGE OF ARTS . PIN.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med. NAGPUR.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.S.R. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE MAH AT/PO. PIN....411 204 A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. Premises of Dharampeth STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) NAGPUR 44107 MAH PREMISES OF DHARAMPETH SCIENCE.NAGPUR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.V.Sc. Ingle 9373116377 School of Commerce & Management P54 MBA Preparatory (Mar..MUNDLE 4410A DHARAMPETH ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE P. NAGPUR. Prof. Med)C01.H.Summer G01 44131 SAINT URSULA JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH RED CROSS ROAD. Med.A. PIN. NEW.) P04 B. NEAR.440010 9822700619 School of Architecture. PIN.A.. UMRED ROAD. NAGPUR.W.... N. TAL/DIST.ARTS & COMMERCE 4411A COLLEGE NORTH AMBAZARI ROAD.440 001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. AT/PO.WADI. PIN.. AMRAVATI ROAD.R.A.. AKASHWANI CHOWK. PIN. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology N T05 T06 DHARAMPETH EDUCATION SOCY. LAXMINARAYAN SEMINOR HALL. PIN. NAGPUR.School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering MBA N N MAH Dr. & Bank. Gotmare 03. in (MCJ) MBA Preparatory (Mar..23 (blank) School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01.J Ashtekar 9423684521 P09 Y MAH - - C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar.NAGPUR.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 44123 HISLOP COLLEGE MAH CIVIL LINE. VARDHA ROAD.) BBA in (Ins. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology N 94/238 .) 44132 SOUNDARYA DARBAR BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH 0712-2285172 School of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Y 44134 SMT. SNEH NAGAR.) Preparatory (Mar.440 015 NEAR DIGHORI NAKA.A.
. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B.Summer G01 A/P.. PIN.Vairagade 9822706601 School of Commerce & Management P09 44139 MAH 712-2284051 2553089 School of Health Sciences 2524109(F) 712-2289101 to 106 School of Health Sciences (6lines) C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44143 MAH P40 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Y 44145 PRIYADARSHNI COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STUDIES MAH ELECTRONIC ZONE.M. Med. DIST. SOMALWADA. MIDC.Arch. PIN. NAGPUR.. Med. HINGNA ROAD. Giradkar 44135 RAVIKANT RAGIT PRASHASHKIYA COLLEGE MAH MOUDA ROAD. RAJIVNAGAR.H. RAMTEK. RADHIKATAI PANDAV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STATE MAH Detail Address NEAR DIGHORI NAKA.M. (General) Preparatory (Mar. AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH MAH - Vinod Sharma School of Commerce & 07184-285551 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01.Tech.P. Shri V Lenkar Dr. NAGPUR BRANCH MAHATME EYE BANK AND EYE HOSPITAL 4. Science & Technology T63 B. Eye Bank Welfare Trust 2163-C.440025 S. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.411 204 Study Centre Coordinator A. NAGPUR. PIN. SOMALWADA. PIN.440019 * Subject to approval from the Revatkar Council of Architecture for the year 2010-2011 9822250925 School of Architecture. POST.. DIST. KSHITISH.- School of Architecture. UMRED ROAD. CHINTAMAN NAGAR..Arch. PIN. PIN. NAGPUR. NAGPUR. ROAD.Shri Vijay Oza. VARDHA.) Y Y 95/238 . NAGARDHAN.A.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 M.- Uday Tekale ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT.) MBA Preparatory (Mar. Mahatme / Mr. (Electronics Engineering) Preparatory (Mar. Science 9423637427 & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences T34 C01 C01. Ingle Contact No 9960799424 School NAME School of Architecture.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44134 Study Centre Name SMT. Science & Technology PRG Code T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. COMMERCE.. TAL. NAGPUR-440025. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEAR BANK OF INDIA.) Preparatory (Mar. Y T64 44146 NAVPRATIBHA ADYAPAK VIDYALAYA EDUCATION SCHOOL MAH UMREAD ROAD...Tech. KORADI.. PIN.Summer G01 44137 44138 Sun Flag Iron & Steel Company MAHALAXMI JAGADAMBA ARTS.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.A.) MBA On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N. NAGPUR.
Med)C01. NAGPUR.440 012 (0712) 2544557/ School of Continuing Education 9422101430 School of Humanities & Social Sciences V13 Y Y Y Y Y 44150 MAH C01 C01.School of Commerce & 2454193..Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44146 Study Centre Name NAVPRATIBHA ADYAPAK VIDYALAYA EDUCATION ONKAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address UMREAD ROAD. NAGPUR. MADHUKARRAO ONKAR SITABARDI. PIN. TAL-KAMTHI.A.) Preparatory (Mar. NAGPUR.2422759 Management (0712) 2544557/ School of Continuing Education 9422101430 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P57 P09 P54 MAH V12 Y MAH - C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.A. Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.COMMERES AND SCINCE COLLEGE MAH KORADI. PIN. NAGPUR. NAGPUR.440 012..Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.440012 (0712) 2544557/ School of Continuing Education 9422101430 T29 T72 T-72 T73 T-73 44149 ONKAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DHANWATE NATIONAL COLLEGE MAH FIRST FLOOR DHANSHREE MR. DIST. SCIENCE COLLEGE FIRST FLOOR DHANSHREE MR.... HARDEO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. UMRED ROAD.A. ANIL COMPLEX.S. PIN.C.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01. NEAR HOTEL.Summer G01 G15 Preparatory (Mar.(DCHMNT) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM.- School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 7122454193 Management 0712.B.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT.New Pattern Diploma for fitter On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y 44148 MAH FIRST FLOOR DHANSHREE MR. PIN.440012 AT/PO.A.A.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med. ARTS AND COMMERCE. Med. MADHUKARRAO ONKAR SITABARDI.) B..M. PIN.) Diploma in mechanical Techniques Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Dr. Ukinkar ONKAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 44151 P.Ukinkar Prof. Med.C JUNIER COLLEGE MAH KHAIRGOAN TAL-NARKHED. NAGPUR.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. in (MCJ) MBA in (Ins. HARDEO.DIGHORI.) MBA BBA in (Ins. & Bank.V.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 44152 ART. ANIL COMPLEX.) 96/238 .440012 CONGRESS NAGAR.. NEAR HOTEL. NAGPUR. NEAR HOTEL. HARDEO. PIN. ANIL COMPLEX.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 44153 JANTA ART AND M. PIN. NAGPUR.. & Network Tech.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. MADHUKARRAO ONKAR SITABARDI.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. & Bank. NAGPUR..A.
PIN..) BBA (HTM) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering 712 .652 7780.440010 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) MBA PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management MBA BBA in (Ins.3RD FLOOR. MAH B-33.) Preparatory (Mar.. NAGPUR 440 010.N.2562267 9422146034/07126527780.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. SITABARDI.. DIGDOHA HILLS HINGANA.A.TAL-RAMTEK. MAH CRPF GATE NO.H. Med.2562267 9422146034/07146527780.K. Med. PIN. Med.) 44159 SEVASADAN COLLEGE MAH UTTAR AMBAZARI MARGA. ROAD.A. Banerjee 44162 G.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.RAISONI INSTITUTE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES S.P.INSTITUTE OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION & RESEARCH.. NAGPUR.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. NAGPUR.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. HINGNA ROAD. PIN. Vishal Patle 0712-2151215 School of Commerce & Management P09 P42 Preparatory (Mar. SCINCE COLLEGE MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med)C01.) Preparatory (Mar.RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. NAGPUR.COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT BUTI-BORI.B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.440016 97/238 . PIN.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. PIN.A..COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH NARKHED.83 School of Health Sciences School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Architecture.) MBA in (Hosp.A. NAGAPUR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Science & Technology 44161 MAH Prof. MIDC. NAGPUR .. Med)C01.Summer G01 44158 SHARADCHANDRA ART.COMMERCE S..2562267 9423410288 P09 P54 P56 P57 P55 T03 T07 Y Y Y Y Y N N S.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.. Med. Med)C01.M. PIN.2562267 9422146034/07126527780.82. MADHU-MADHAV TOWER...Summer G01 G15 P03 Smt Chitralekha Adewar 44160 G.440 010 Mr. Asutkar G.S. NAGPUR.) 44155 PNADHARINATHA ART.Banerjee Mr.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44154 Study Centre Name VIDHYASAGAR ART COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address KHAIRI (BIJEWADA).) Preparatory (Mar.440 016.) 44157 MAHATMA GANDHI ART. & Bank.) B.K.) Preparatory (Mar.A. DHARAMPETH. DIGDOH HILLS.Banerjee 9422146034 9422146034/0712.6617181.H.K. & Mgmt) MBA in (Ins.3.A. Med. & Bank. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.
SINDHU HIGH SCHOOL. MOHAMMED RAFI Shri Ravindra Indurkar CHOUK.Sc.23.. PIN.SHRADHA HOUSE. 44163 KHUBCHAND BAJAJ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT MAH C.Sc. NAGPUR. KINGSWAY. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. Dr.Sc. (Bio-Informatics) B.. G. Shri R B Gawai WADI.. HIVARI NAGAR.14.RAISONI INSTITUTE OF INTERDISCIPLINERY SCIENCES MAH C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44167 MAH RATAN VIHAR.. DIGDOH HILLS. (Electronics Engineering) B. HINGNA ROAD.. EMPRESS MILLS HOUSING SOCIETY. PIN. AYACHIT MANDIR ROAD. Science & Technology School of Architecture.440 001. . MAH NH 359/2002. Pravin Domde NAGPUR ...A.H. Science & Technology PRG Code T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.. SHOP NO.- Anil Bajaj 9373126015 School of Architecture.8. PIN. NAGPUR . (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Technology On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N CRPF GATE NO.A.Tech.2. MAHAL.440 001.440 016. STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No 9423410288 School NAME School of Architecture. Science & Technology T03 N 44164 PARISHRAM BAHUUDDESHIYA MANDAL.) B. KHADGAON ROAD. NAGPUR . (Bio-Technology) Preparatory (Mar..400 026 PLOT NO. 5610667 School of Health Sciences 9822939089 G15 C51 Dai Prashikshan N 98/238 .M.Summer G01 44170 GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH NIHIRKA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES MAH 44171 MAH 248. 2780582 School of Health Sciences 9850239118 7104-5650704.Shantabai Kevate 712-9326912810 School of Health Sciences 2648927 712-2715514. in (MCJ) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VIDYA VIVEK VARDHINI 4416A SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S C/O. NAGPUR .- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.4.NAGPUR CENTRAL JAIL MAH VARDHA ROAD.. NAGPUR .) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. (Bio-Informatics) Y 9822141581 T81 T82 T83 M. PIN. PIN. JARIPATKA.440 015 OPP BHASALA VEDSHALA. YADAVNAGAR. SHRINAGAR.. NAGPUR . Science & Technology C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44166 JIVAN VIKAS SAMAJIK SANSTHA SATVIK KALYANKARI BAHUUDESHIYA SANSTHA. KINGSWAY.. (Bio-Technology) M. SHRI KRUSHNA COMPLEX... PIN.3. Pravin Domde NAGPUR ..Sc. 2780144. NAGPUR. School of Health Sciences 9371244906 9822141581 School of Architecture.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44162 Study Centre Name G.440 001 C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44168 MAH T80 B.Tech.H. Amol Kale PIN. Asutkar G.440 001 SHRADHA HOUSE. 345.26. 345.- School of Humanities & Social Sciences 712-5603226. Med.
Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44177 Study Centre Name SAMRUDDHI PRASHIKSHAN KENDRA KALYAN MITRA BAHUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA OM MAY MAULI SANSTHA STATE MAH Detail Address 33/B.. PIN. . NAGPUR. . Med. .) 44186 MAHARASHTRA TANTRA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH BAJAJ NAGAR.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Prof.A.A.MANDHAL. Med. Dr. 448 B. NAGPUR. NAGPUR. Med)C01..) Bachelor of Arts (B.) 44190 ARVINDBABU DESHMUKH MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH BHARSINGI.) Preparatory (Mar.- C52 Aarogyamitra N 44182 MAH - C01 C01. SUBHAN NAGAR. Med)C01. . PIN.440009 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN440010 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. AJMAL SHAH.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) 44188 NUTAN SARASWATI VIDYALAYA LEMDEO PATIL MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH MAIN ROAD. NAGPUR. PIN. PIN.) MBA Preparatory (Mar... Med)C01.) Preparatory (Mar. KALAMANA OFF BHANDARA Dr M J Bhure ROAD.A. NEAR BUDDHA VIHAR.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. NAG ROAD.A.Mr. PIN. Med. Shivhari Ajabrao Lode 712-2704673 School of Health Sciences 712-3249405 9326001182 School of Health Sciences 9325185049 712-2680312 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44179 MAH C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44180 NIRMAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION (KALAMANA) MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH PLOT NO.Madhvi Fadnavis 44184 SHRI.A.. Med)C01.. Med. NAGPUR .O. Med)C01. .) Preparatory (Mar.. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.440 009 Study Centre Coordinator Dr. . DNYANESHWAR MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH PRAGATI NAGAR.- (blank) School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 Preparatory (Mar. NEW MHALJINAGAR.) 44187 ORANGE CITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK MAH 49. LAYOUT. DHANVANTARI NAGAR.) 99/238 .. PIN.. NAGPUR.) 44185 JEEVAN VIKAS MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH THUGAONDEO. Med. Vipin Jaiswal . NAGPUR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.HIVRI NAGAR.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.. P. PIN. .School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 44189 MAH School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. BHANDARA ROAD.A. KUHI. KAMATHI.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. NAGPUR.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. NAGPUR.27.. Sontakke (Jain) Uday Vilas Contact No School NAME PRG Code C51 PRG NAME Dai Prashikshan On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 9890734238 School of Health Sciences 44178 MAH 67... PIN.NAGPUR. NAGPUR..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. NARKHED. MAHAVIR NAGAR. Med. Med.
PIN... PIN. School of Continuing Education 6459297 T74 T76 T77 B. DANDE HOSPITAL. (Subject Communication) M.440 001 - School of Commerce & Management P54 P57 BBA in (Ins. PIN.POST. 6464671.RAISONI COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT MAH HOTEL MANAGEMENT CATERING. PINDr.- Miss.) MBA in (Ins.Com.. (Subject Communication) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 44203 ISHWAR DESHMUKH COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAH HANUMAN NAGAR. NAGPUR ..) Y Y 100/238 .. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) M...Sc.440027 Mr. NAGPUR MAH SHARDHA HOUSE. Academic Services Division 9423671832 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 44207 BHARTIYA YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 26B. NEAR KORADI OCTROI NAKA. PIN.Sc. School of Continuing Education P57 T76 44196 MAH (blank) (blank) School of Health Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44197 MAH PLOT NO. Manohar Charmode 9422110825 School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 44209 GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL.A/P BHIVAPUR.. 345. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.. . Urvashi Roy - 9422114055/0712. NAGPUR.441 111 44194 SHRI BABASAHEB TIRPUDE COLLEGE SHRI GURUDEV GRAMIN VIKAS BAHUUDDESHIYA SANSTHA SNEHAL NURSING TRAINING CENTER OF LAXMIDEVI BAHUUDDESHIYA SANSTHA G. (MGA) MBA in (Ins. NAGPUR. (Educational Communication) M. . PIN. TECHNOLOGY CIVIL LINES.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.- (blank) (blank) School of Health Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44201 MAH SHRADHA HOUSE.A. . (HTM) B.441 111 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Y 44193 TULI COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT MAH 0712-6464665.KAIVALYA.P. & Bank.RAGHAVENDRA SOCITY. JAMBUDEEP. 345.10.A. NAGPUR. P.BHAGAWAN NAGAR.) B.Sc. (HMCO) Y Y Y Y Y AT.A. RAVINAGAR CHOWK..O.. & Bank. R.440001 0712-6617181/82. RAMNAGAR. 37. BOKHA ROA. 9371136555 C3F T76 T97 Certificate course in French Language B.10 TULI VIDYANAGARI.Sc. (HMCO) B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y 44192 PUBLIC PARLIYAMENT ACADEMI MAH 3 FLOOR.School of Commerce & 2669176 Management 0712-2550695... (Subject Communication) M.Sc. & Bank. NAGPUR.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44190 Study Centre Name ARVINDBABU DESHMUKH MAHAVIDYALAYA STATE MAH Detail Address BHARSINGI. NAGPUR. YOGESHWAR APARTMENT. NAGPUR. . AYODHYANAGAR.H.A.Sc. PIN. Bahale 440009 9422123395. (Distance Education) M. PIN. NAGPUR. NAGARI. School of Continuing Education 9422114055. KINGSWAY. KINGSWAY. URVASHI YASHROY NAGPUR. PIN. PIN.
) B.School of Commerce & 2249527.SCHOOL OF AVIATION MAH 345.Summer G01 Y Y Y N Y 0712-2523288/ School of Continuing Education 2565658 44221 G. . SADAR.. CIVIL.H.Kulkar 440001 Mr. PANDEY LAYOUT.) Preparatory (Mar... & Mgmt) MBA MBA in (Ins. SHRADHA HOUSE.) PGDHHCM.) Preparatory (Mar.3254866 Management 0712-2550695. VEER. DIST..) Preparatory (Mar. DABHA... PIN.A.2238431 School of Health Sciences P-42 712-2238431 School of Health Sciences Mr. KINGS WAY.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44209 44210 Study Centre Name GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL. TIRPUDE MARG. OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH STATE MAH MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management PRG Code P09 P54 P56 MBA PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y SHARDHA HOUSE. 9960885976... LINES.A. NAGPUR.NAGPUR. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA CHOWK.440001 0712-6617181 School of Continuing Education P91 V03 101/238 . SAWARKAR SQUARE. NAGPUR. & Bank. Med. Ramkumar Tirpude 44212 RAJKUMAR KEWDLRAMANI KANYA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P/T.RAISONI . School of Continuing Education 9822712255 0712-2544465 07122543965. 345.) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Diploma in Flight Cabin Crew Training & Air Travel Managemt. PINPRASHANT P.A. PIN.440 023 ORANGE CITY HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH. NAGPUR. & Bank.Ram Kale 44211 TIRPUDE COLLEGE NAGPUR MAH NASHIKRAO. Dayaram Nimbatre VASANTRAO NAIK KALA AND SAMAJVIDNYAN SANSTHA PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU MARG. TIRPUDE MARG. Med. JARIPATKA.712-2238431. PIN. LINES.) MBA in (Hosp.. (blank) NAGPUR.School of Health Sciences 9822802777 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P42 C55 Y Y 44216 MAH - C01 C01. PIN. Nural. SADAR. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B.. & Mgmt) MBA in (Ins. PIN. KINGSWAY..) Bachelor of Arts (B. & Bank. NAGPUR. Rajkumar Tirpude Mr. . Med. (HMCO) (blank) Dr.New Pattern PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar.15 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 44214 NAGPUR INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE MAH Mr. Dayaram Nimbarte 712 . NAGPUR. CENTER. 19. NAGPUR DATTA MEGHE (NYSSE) INST. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.440 001 ATRAY LAYOUT. PIN440022 BBA in (Ins.440 014 - School of Commerce & Management 0712.2525781 07122543965/2525781 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 P57 T76 P09 P56 P57 C01 C01. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.Sc. PINProf. VIRKHARE 440001 BALASAHEB.Dr.Summer C07 G01 MBA MBA in (Hosp. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 44213 ANTARBHARATI HOMOEO MEDICAL COLLEGE MAH A/P/T. CIVIL.
NAGPUR.440010 152. TILAK NAGAR.441302 MANEWADA RING ROAD. COLLEGE OF P. .. DIST. KATOL. NAGPUR. 9823161752 7103-275547 / 9823161752 7112-222004 / 222085.. KALMESHWAR. NAGPUR. SHRADHA HOUSE. Vrmila R.441111 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management P03 P57 P09 44234 CENTRE POINT COLLEGE MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAYA. PIN. Mrs. PIN. KINGS WAY. TAL.440001 KHAPORI-PARSODI. NANDANVAN.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44221 44222 Study Centre Name G. NAGPUR. 9823161752 2755471. Atarsingh Meena Dr. LAWKUSH NAGAR. PIN440009 0712-2422759 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences 44235 MAH - P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Y 102/238 .G. Urmila Kshirsagar 0712-6617181 School of Continuing Education 7103-275547.Z.Lanjewar NAGPUR. PIN. PIN. NAGPUR JUNIOR COLLEGE.KURZEKAR INSTITUTE OF PARA-MEDICAL SCIENCE RUN BY TRIVENI SANSTHA K. NAGPUR.SCHOOL OF AVIATION SWAMI VIVEKANAND MEDICAL MISSION STATE MAH MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code V04 C51 C52 C55 P23 PRG NAME Diploma in Customer Care & Air Travel Management Dai Prashikshan Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Yoga Teacher On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y Y 345. DIST. NAGPUR 441 501 Mr.RAISONI .. Dr. Dr.S. Ku Mrunalini Gajbhiye 44224 MAH 712-2743522 School of Health Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N 44226 MAH Upendra Mhatme 9923718799 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB...Net Building Web Portals through ASP.. NAGPUR. 9860361878 School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences 44223 NABIRA MAHAVIDYALAYA DR. SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH DHNATOLI. DIST. PIN. SENIR.441108 Kshirsagar Dr.. NAWAB LAYOUT. MAH 7.) MBA N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y 44232 SHAHA MAHILA VIKAS SANSTHA. BOKHARA ROAD. & Bank. TULI COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT MAH NEAR KORADI ROAD.H.BRAMHANI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in (MCJ) MBA in (Ins. PIN..
NAGPUR.Sc.. School of Continuing Education 982388080892252220 249823884000 T99 T97 B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Certificate course in German Language N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 44247 ALPHABETS ADVANCE STUDY INSTITUTE MAH C/O. NAGPUR JUNIOR COLLEGE.. PIN. NORTH AMBAZARI ROAD.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44235 44236 44237 Study Centre Name MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAYA. DAYANAND ARYA KANYA MAHAVIDYALAY SEVA SADAN HIGHSCHOOL STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address 152.. DHARAMPETH CAMPUS. SQAURE SITABULDI. ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE. ZANSI RANI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. PIN. PIN.School of Continuing Education (0712) 2287872. MAH 74.1ST FLOOR. NANDANVAN.Sc. JAIPRAKASH NAGAR. NAGPUR. NAGPUR.440010 NEAR KHAMALA POLICE CHOWK... RAVINDRA NAGAR. & Mgmt) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Y Y Y 44242 SEAES EDUCATION (P) LTD.. NAGPUR 440012 Deepak Sonawane 9823050621 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB..Net Building Web Portals through ASP. NAGPUR.440022 . 2287866. PIN440 025 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME PRG Code P09 P09 P09 MBA MBA MBA PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management (blank) 44240 VIDYA VIKAS VIHAR MAH - - P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. . PIN440009 JARI PATKA. . 6454006. PIN440014 LADY SATYABHAMABAI KUKDAY BUILDING. NEAR RAVINDRA SABHAGRUHA. NAGPUR. (MGA) Y 44245 MICROBYTE COMPUTER ACADEMY MAH LOKRATNA APARTMENT. NAGPUR.440010 0712-2557612 School of Continuing Education C3A 103/238 .
Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..2790572 School of Health Sciences M-9422105796 (0712) 2790572.) 44253 V. Med)C01. Mrs. SITABARDI. DIST.COM. WOMAN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION STATE MAH Detail Address C/O. RING ROAD.V. NAGPUR.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.M. DIST.440008 Dr..BHAVNAGARI NORTH Mrs. Dhan ashree BAZAR ROAD. PIN.UMATHE ARTS & R. GOKULPETH RD kawt NEAR RAMNAGAR CHOWK.M. 9422105796 P42 P27 C55 C01 44252 DR.ARTS COLLEGE MAH WARDHAMAN NAGAR. DHARAMPETH. Science Diploma in Computer 9422110365 T03 & Technology Technology Diploma in Communication T07 Engineering B.NAGPUR.440 015 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C3F PRG NAME Certificate course in French Language Certificate course in German Language On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 0712-2557612 School of Continuing Education 44248 MAH 0712-2229092 School of Continuing Education C3A Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4424A KAMLA NEHRU MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH SAKKARDARA CHOWK.NO. (Electronics T34 Engineering) T05 T06 Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar. Varsha Sagdev 712 . PIN440010 MEDICAL BOARD OF WRBHS. School of Health Sciences 2680582 712-2790572... COLLEGE MAH BHAMI.440001 School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA 44256 DEVI MAHALAXMI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAH (0712) 2546029/9 School of Health Sciences 373114495 P27 DMLT Y 44257 MURE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF NAGPUR MAH 712-2522370 2535317.. Med)C01. Med.M. PIN. Med. Choudhari DIST. PIN..440008 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.ED.K. School of Health Sciences 9423077654 C52 Aarogyamitra N 104/238 .NAGPUR... .Winter School of Architecture.) 44251 SHRI RADHAKRISHNA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTE MAH EAST WARDHAMAN NAGAR.297. PIN.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44247 Study Centre Name ALPHABETS ADVANCE STUDY INSTITUTE SMT.SHAKUNTALA NARGUNDKAR B. PIN.A.. J. School of Health Sciences 2680582. OPP.) Prof.2nd FLOOR.440 009 Bute C3A.. PIN. M. Mrs.Winter Certificate course in French C3F Language C3F. MAHARAJBAGH ROAD.R. PIN.NAGPUR. Sagdev Dr. MOKHARE COM.T.) Preparatory (Mar.Tech. NAGPUR. KHAMLA ROAD.BAJIPRABHU CHOWK. DEONAGAR.Winter CFL.A. ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE.Chandekar P.440022 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar. NARGUNDKAR LAYOUT.. NAGPUR. NAGPUR..Winter CGL.440010 NARGUNDKAR SHAIKSHANIK SANKUL.
Sc.-NAGPUR 440 012. Ms. Nagpur440010. PIN. Smt.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 44257 Study Centre Name MURE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF NAGPUR MATRUSEVA SANGH (SITABARDI MATERNITY HOME) SCS GIRLS EDUCATION SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES. Asha Bhate 44260 44264 MAH MAH 712-2535317.44000 Wankar DR. 106. School of Health Sciences 2522287 0712-2640025.) BRANCH NAGPUR.440001 Smt. PRAVIN MANAVKAR NAGPUR-440017 (M. RAMDAS PETH. 2522370. Shende9423077845 712-2523596. WARDHA ROAD. NAGPUR 440 012 9422502066 School of Health Sciences P25 B. faxSchool of Health Sciences 2524874. DHARAMPETH EDUCATION SOCIETY'S Dharampeth M.P. North Ambazari Road.NAGPUR.. Varghese DIST. Ramdaspeth.LOKMAT CHOWK.Nagpur Area of Smt. Khandalwal Gurudwara. Near Dr. SITABULDI. Abdul Gaffar Hingna Main Road. Science 2241491 & Technology T81 M.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 105/238 .Sc. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARG. G. (Bio-Informatics) Y 44269 Ashirwad Medical Foundation's MAH Shri. Mirabai Sancheti Dharampeth Girls School. ABOVE MARATHA MANDIR. Sainath Para-Medical College. Rajesh Karajgaonkar JHANSI RANI SQR. Deo Memorial Science College MAH M-9850308633 School of Health Sciences P-42 PGDHHCM.LOKMAT COMPLEX.440 010 Dr. MR.New Pattern Y 44268 MAH 9764093626 and 0712-School of Architecture.S.9822094967 C55 C52 T97 Aarogyamitra B. SITABARDI. Jnansimol Asuish MAHARAJBAGH ROAD. School of Continuing Education 9822712629 0712-2224586 School of Health Sciences Mo..Sc. (MLT) Y 4435A VISHWA BHARTI COMPUTER INSTITUTE MAH Padmakar Bhelkar 9860419924 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Dist.'B'WING. 2522393. Nagpur . Kanchan Bante NORTH AMBAZARI RD.S. In MGA N Y 44266 MAH P27 DMLT Y 44267 Vandana Haste Institute of Allied Health Sciences. STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH MEDICAL BOARD OF WRBHS.. Dr. Niharikaa College of Physiotherapy. PIN. Rajiv Nagar Bus Sheikh Shaheen Parvin Stop..Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Kusumatai DIST. c/o. SITABARDI DIST. 2 ND FLOOR.NAGPUR. 2nd Floor. Manoi Building.
Science Diploma in Computer 9822942801 T03 & Technology Technology Diploma in Communication T07 Engineering Diploma in Mechanical T24 Engineering B.Tech. DIST. DIST..243804 School of Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences C35 C01 C01.Tech.NAGPUR. PIN442 001 Dr D B Punase 07152. P. Raut 440022 4495A LATE VASANTDADA POLYTECHNIC MAH PLOT NO. (Mechanical Engineering): Basic Level Certificate Program in ICT for Teachers Preparatory (Mar..NAGPUR.'B'WING. CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme ATREY LAYOUT.. MAH MAH AT/PO/TAL.A. NEAR WATER TANK. Science 9822942801 & Technology 9890016180 School of Architecture.W. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Raut 440022 Preparatory (Mar. (Mechanical T35 Engineering) Diploma in Production T50 Engineering Diploma in Automobile T51 Engineering T52 T05 T06 Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B.LOKMAT CHOWK. PIN.KORADI DIST.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4435A Study Centre Name VISHWA BHARTI COMPUTER INSTITUTE STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address 106.W.Tech.Sc.442 001 SEVAGRAM ROAD.Lib & I. TAL. Med)C01.LOKMAT COMPLEX.VARDHA.A. PIN.) School of Architecture. NAGPUR.Summer G01 P04 SEVAGRAM ROAD.. WARDHA ROAD.243120. PINVILASH DESHMUKH 442 001 07152.NAGPUR. PINProf.440 009 A S Chahande School of Architecture. SHIVAJI NAGAR. WARDHA.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. VARDHA. P. PINProf. PIN.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N 9860419924 School of Computer Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences 4462A C-BASE COMPUTER INSTITUTE 4477A Shanti Vidyabhavan Junior College SHRI DATTA MEGHE 4494A POLYTECHNIC MAH ATREY LAYOUT. Med. TRIMURTI CHOWK.. School of Continuing Education 242338 C3E P91 N N N Y Y Y Y N N 106/238 ... Science & Technology T34 T07 N T24 T35 SWAVALAMBI 4501A SHIKSHANSHASTRA MAHAVIDYALAYA 4502A YASHWANT COLLEGE .NAGPUR.) B. AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. DIST. E-2/F-3 NANDAVAN..MAHADULA. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Communication Engineering [2010 pattern] Diploma in Mechanical Engineering[2010 pattern] B.-- Study Centre Coordinator Padmakar Bhelkar - Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 G01 C01 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B.A.
A. Dist. Selsura 442 001. WARDHA. Med. Med.D. Dr..) Preparatory (Mar.Lib & I. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4504A Study Centre Name R.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Krishi Vigyan Kendra. VARDHA. Wardha.) 4534A LOK COLLEGE MAH BACHELOR ROAD.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.S. Med. Med)C01.COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO/TAL. PIN. Dist. AARVI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Bhujade 9766048229 School of Architecture. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Preparatory (Mar. VARDHA.) Dip.) P04 B.A.c om (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 4529A NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE MAH NEAR JAIN MANDIR. PIN. Med)C01.VARDHA. Cell: 9422900636 .) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code G01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. Wardha MAH Mr.HINGANGHAT. RAMNAGAR.A.. 107/238 . E-mail: jadhav. A/P. .. Science & Technology T03 T07 T05 T06 ARTS. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 4532A Gandhi Vichar Parishad 4533A VIDHYA VIKAS COLLEGE MAH MAH Vardha. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PDKV. DIST. 4507A PDKVV. Selsura.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. PIN. Dr.PRATAP NAGAR.442 001 R.Sc.. VARDHA. Selsura. COMMERCE AND 4531A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH TALEGAON ROAD. Govind [email protected] of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G10 C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Preparatory (Mar. DIST..BIDKAR ARTS..442 301 The Program Coordinator.
PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN.PATEL COLLEGE MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Chandrakant Jadhav 07152-240829 School of Health Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) SWAMI MUKTANAND GRAMEEN VIKAS 4551A & KRIDA YUVAK MANDAL NACHANGON.DEWLI.N. Med. RAILTOTI.J.A.) SHIVPRASAD SADANAND 4604A JAYASWAL ARTS. Med. WARDHA. Med)C01. GONDIYA.P. Yewale (B.) 4537A YASHWANT COLLEGE MAH SELU.MORGAON. B.TIRODA.) 4550A Matru Sewa Sangh. ASERKAR BHAVAN.A.) Preparatory (Mar. GONDIA. Med. Med. MAH Near Ganga -Sagar Reservoir. Med. WARDHA..) Preparatory (Mar.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DAPTARI ARCADE INFRONT OF DHUNIWALE MATH.) Preparatory (Mar.441 911 Neeta Baburao Amdurkar (M.. VARDHA.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. VARDHA. VARDGA.A. Med)C01.) 4536A SHRI.COLLEGE School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar. EKVIRA DEVI EDUCATION SOCIETY. GONDIA. Med)C01.Ed.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. WARDHA – 442001 AT/PO/TAL. Rajendra U.Summer G01 4605A BHAWBHUTI COLLEGE MAH AAMGON.. DIST.- Study Centre Coordinator (blank) - Contact No - School NAME PRG Code P09 C01 MBA PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4534A LOK COLLEGE 4535A S.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.N. PIN.J.S.S...Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Wardha.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.Ed) M-9422159896 Dr. Dist.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address BACHELOR ROAD. PIN. PIN.) OSHNIC VISION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE RUN BY VIDARBHA NATURE CURE SOCIETY.SAMRTHA ARTCOMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AASHTI.A.441614 4606A MAH 9273456680 School of Health Sciences P27 DMLT Y 108/238 ..) Preparatory (Mar. VARDHA.Com. NAGPUR ROAD. B.PRATAP NAGAR. Med. PIN.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. INDIRA Anil Gondane GANDHI WARD. Wardha. MAH 9822275703 School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 4603A C.) M-9850308633 Mr.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. PIN441 701 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.A. PIN.A.. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH ARJUNI . GONDIA..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..442 001 C/O.) Preparatory (Mar.
HiwraRatnara.Ratanara.. The Program Coordinator. SALEKASA ROAD. Med.) Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Hiwara. .Dr. Med)C01. S. DIST-GONDIYA. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Dr. COLLEGE MAH GOREGAON. PIN. GONDIA. Dr. Dist. TALLeena Dongre. GONDIYA.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4607A Study Centre Name NATURE CARE YOGA RESEARCH INSTITUTE DAGADUJI DESHMUKH BAHUUDESHIYA SANSTHA STATE Detail Address C/O OSHNIC VISION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE.) 4611A ARTS. Med. GONDIYA. TAL. Nilima Patil.A.A.. . PIN.S.. Ms. PIN..) SANJAY GANDHI JUNIOR 4610A COLLEGE MAH TEDHA. PIN. GONDIA.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PO. Med. Dolare Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH 7182-9421709298.) N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4609A S.. GONDIYA. SAKRITOLA (SATGAON). School of Health Sciences 9271879437 C51 C52 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Dai Prashikshan Aarogyamitra Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N 109/238 .A/P MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 4614A MAHATMA PHULE GRAMIN VIKAS MANDAL MAH A/P ASULI.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.GIRLS MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH Preparatory (Mar. . 4613A PDKVV.) Preparatory (Mar. Dr. . PIN. E-mail: nilimapatil@gmail. B. ASHERKAR BHAVAN.441 614..- Study Centre Coordinator Mrs.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. GONDIYA. School of Health Sciences 2641602.- C52 Aarogyamitra N C51 C01 Dai Prashikshan Preparatory (Mar. 9423639271 School of Health Sciences 9423618534 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher 4608A MAH AT. PDKV.) Preparatory (Mar. AND SCI. Cell: 9421742009.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. 9273456680 9765862248 School of Health Sciences 9764079265 7189-243012. TAL. Pandey GONDIA. Deshmukh S. PIN-441 Suresh Gurav 902 NEAR GADMOTA MANDIR. PIN-441902 VITTAL NAGAR. Med)C01. AMGOAN. Gondia. RAITOLI.Z. COM. PIN 441 601 Mr Rajesh Kumar Mangldas Ramteke Shri Rajeshkumar Ramteke 7182-282057 School of Health Sciences 9371845788 7182-282057. HiwaraRatanara . Gondia.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. TAL. Dist. Med)C01. AMGAON.
A... Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NAGPUR .. PIN. Med. DIST AHMEDNAGAR 423 601 Dattatray Jagtap 9226131862 School of Computer Sciences P09 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 MBA Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Preparatory (Mar.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.440010..) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.S..G.) Preparatory (Mar.S.M..Summer G01 G10 5103A S. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N 4712A SETH KESALIMAL PORWAL COLLEGE MAH A/P.) NASHIK 5101A AHMEDNAGAR COLLEGE MAH STATION ROAD.A. Med.G.. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.POST.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.. DHARAMPETH.) Dip. AHMEDNAGAR.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.KOPARGAON.440010 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. DIST.414 001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools 110/238 . Med.NARAYAN BORAVAKE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.423 601 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. SAVARGAON. DIST. NARKHED. NAGPUR. COLLEGE MAH KOPARGAON. TAL.SHRIRAMPUR. Med.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. NAGPUR. AHMEDNAGAR.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B..COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.) 4714A YASHWANTRAO PATIL RAUT ADHYAPAK COLLEGE MAH AT.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. PIN.) School of Commerce & Management SHRI S...A.M.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.413 709 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med)C01.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 5102A R. KAMATHI.B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Regional Centre NAGPUR Centre Code 4711A Study Centre Name ADARSH SARASWATI SADAN HIGHSCHOOL STATE MAH Detail Address NORTH AMBAZARI ROAD. AHMEDNAGAR. Med)C01.
DIST AHMEDNAGAR Study Centre Coordinator Dattatray Jagtap Contact No School NAME PRG Code D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 PRG NAME Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9226131862 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N 5105A Dnyneshwar Krishi Vigyan Farm INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ADV.) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Preparatory (Mar. MANOHARRAO NANASAHEB DESHMUKH. C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) 51110 KUTE MEMORIAL MEDICAL FOUNDETION MAH Dr.Ahmednagar. PIN. Sharad Satpute C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 111/238 . 9422220506 2422-223760.G. AKOLE. NAGAR-PUNE ROAD.. Mrs.413709 Dr.A. AHMEDNAGAR. AHMEDNAGAR. School of Health Sciences 9420484026. ARADHANA COLONY.414 003 C/O DTT CIVIL HOSPITAL Smt Ramteke COMPOUND.. Meera Sharma PIN. PIN. PIN.422604 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. BHUTKARWADI.) Y C01.C-1. Joshi 241-2550034.413709 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 51113 DHO. DIST. Newasa. V.School of Humanities & Social Sciences P91 C01 Y Y N Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.. ARTS.S. DIST. PIN..M.. NEWASA ROAD. Tal.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Study Centre Name Code 5103A SHRI S.) 51109 VASUKAMAL PRATISHTHAN MAH C/O AMBIKA NURSING HOME.. 2325594. 225803. ZILLA PARISHAD (AHMEDNAGAR) ADHAR GRAMIN SAMAJVIKAS & SANSHODHAN SANSTHA MAH C51 Dai Prashikshan N 51117 MAH Dr. NEAR HOTEL UDAY PALACE. 9423165287 241-2323752(DHO) School of Health Sciences 2430744(DTT) 2422-221086. Ahmednagar (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 51104 MAH - - - School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA Y 51105 MAH A/P.) Preparatory (Mar. AHEMADNAGAR. Med. Dnyneshwar Krishi Vigyan Farm. School of Health Sciences 222634.. SAI RESIDENCY.414005 NEW HIGHWAY BRIDGE.Summer G01 02424-251080 School of Continuing Education 51106 SHRI DNYANESHWAR COLLEGE MAH A/P. AHMEDNAGAR. Dist. Bhenda – 414 -605. School of Health Sciences 9890955838 241-2325703. SHRIRAMPUR. AHEMADNAGAR. School of Health Sciences 2550054..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)C01. 9420484006. KEDGAON.A. AHMEDNAGAR.. RAJUR. COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address KOPARGAON. PIN. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH The Superintendent. Ravindra Kute C55 Y 51112 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH KARMAYOG. TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEVASA. SHRIRAMPUR. S. Med. Dist. PIN. NEWASA ROAD.
414 001 DNYANESHWAR NAGAR.. GAIKWAD FARM.. OF MEDICAL AND PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES K G INSTITUTE OF COMUNICATION AND REASERCH INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING BABUJI AVHAD MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH KRISHI VIDYALAYA. PIN. SHRIRAMPUR.) Preparatory (Mar. COMPOUND ROAD STATION ROAD.A. NEVASA. 309259 241-2552003 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 P23 51119 MAH Dr Nandkumar Kapile C52 Aarogyamitra N 51125 51126 MAH MAH 202 KESHAR GULAB PLOT NO PROCES. Med.. in (MCJ) Aarogyamitra Yoga Teacher On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N Y Smt Manisha Kokate 51118 SHRI CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAHARASHTRA INSTT.414 102 - - G15 P09 P54 B. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE. School of Health Sciences 9860268260 241-2675254. NEWASA ROAD.Net Building Web Portals through ASP..NAGAR-PUNE ROAD. SONAI FRIENDS DEVELOPMENT CENTER'S THE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH MAH LAL TAKI ROAD. PATHARDI..414001 VILAD GHAT. AHMEDNAGAR..Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools N N N N N N N N N N 112/238 . .. . NEAR HOTEL UDAY PALACE. WALUNJ. NEWASA.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code G10 G15 PRG NAME Dip.Shri. & Bank. PIN. NEWASA ROAD. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan B. AHMEDNAGAR Vinayak T. Kurthe 413709 9421581532 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB..Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 51117 Study Centre Name ADHAR GRAMIN SAMAJVIKAS & SANSHODHAN SANSTHA STATE MAH Detail Address C-1. PIN414 111 A/P/T.A. BHENDA. SHRIRAMPUR.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. PIN. TAL-DIST: AHMEDNAGAR.AHMEDNAGAR. AHAMADNAGAR. in (MCJ) MBA BBA in (Ins. PIN. TALUKA.) Certificate Programme in Human Rights MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 51127 MAH - C01 C01. PIN. A/P. TAL.A. SAI RESIDENCY. PIN.414 605 SONAI. PIN414105 Vaishali Rokde - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C07 P91 02427-255304 School of Continuing Education 51136 MAH 2427231384 School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA Y 51137 MAH RAJULE BUILDING'. Sabaji Gaikwad 2422-221080.. School of Health Sciences 2675255.. .Summer C07 G01 51128 51129 NEW LAW COLLEGE JIJAMATA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & ARTS MULA EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ARTS. TAL. CHAS. . Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B.
(Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9421581532 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N 51140 RAYAT SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S RADHABAI KALE MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH NEAR TARAKPUR BUS STOP. ANAND DHAM Dr.AHMEDNAGAR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.AHAMEDNAGAR.A. 9822256159 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 51144 HI-TECH COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY MAH 9823546977 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.422610 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.AKOLE..) Preparatory (Mar. DIST. TAL.414001 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Vinayak T.Summer G01 51141 NEW HIGH SCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/POST-LINGDEO. Med. NEWASA ROAD... TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Kurthe Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. AHMEDNAGAR. School of Health Sciences 2355422.RAHATA.) Y C01. DIST. TAL. Med.. Med. PIN..413713 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y C01.) Preparatory (Mar. AHMEDNAGAR 414106 Bhise Popat Y Y 51143 MAH 241-2451538.Sc.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Study Centre Name Code 51137 FRIENDS DEVELOPMENT STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator RAJULE BUILDING'.) Preparatory (Mar. AHMADNAGAR-414001 SHEVGAON ROAD.Summer G01 ACHARYA SHRI ANANDRISHIJI NISARGOPCHARA AND YOGA CENTRE RUN BY SHRI TILOK RATNA STHANAKWASI JAIN DHARMIK PARIKSH BOARD.A. Prakash Adhav ACHARYA ANANDRISHIJI MAHARAJ MARG.PATHARDI.A. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Summer G01 51142 PADMASHRI VIKHE PATIL COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND COMMERCE MAH PRAVARANAGAR..) Preparatory (Mar. TISGAON. DIST. AT/POST-LONI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE N N N N N N 113/238 .) Preparatory (Mar.
Sc. Ahmednagar MAH The Principal. Tal.414 401. E-mail: ybjadhav77@yahoo. Dist. Dist. Cell: 9850214202. Email : criminalpams@gmail. DIST. College of Agriculture. Mirajgaon. The Principal. Cell: 9970815665.i n (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Sadguru College of Agriculture. Karjat. Yogesh Jadhav. Mr. Tal.414 105.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 51144 Study Centre Name HI-TECH COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address SHEVGAON ROAD. Dist. Sadguru College of Agriculture. Study Centre Coordinator Bhise Popat Contact No School NAME PRG Code D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Dist.PATHARDI. Sonai. Ahmednagar. Newasa. Ahmednagar Mr.Tal. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9823546977 School of Computer Sciences 51146 College of Agriculture. Newasa. TAL. TISGAON.Tal. Sonai .co m Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 51147 MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Y Y Y Y Y 114/238 . Mirajgaon . Ahmednagar. Mirajgaon. Sonai. Pramod Shinde.
Regional Centre NASHIK
Centre Code 51147
Study Centre Name Sadguru College of Agriculture, Mirajgaon, Tal.
Detail Address The Principal, Sadguru College of Agriculture, Mirajgaon - 414
Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Pramod Shinde, Mirajgaon, Cell:
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code T17 T18 T19 T20
PRG NAME Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B.Sc. (MLT) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
(blank) School of Agricultural Science
Anand Rishiji Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Anand Rishiji Hospital & Medical Research Centre,
124,Anand Rishiji8 Marg, Dist.-A'Nagar-414001 124,Anand Rishiji Marg, Ahamednagar, Dist. Ahamednagar- 414001 AHMEDNAGAR., ,, PIN- 414001
Dr.Mukund Shivaji Unde Dr.Mukund Shivaji Unde (M.B.B.S.,M.D) (M.9326990696) -
(M.9326990696) School of Health Sciences 0241-2320473/4/5 241-2320473/4/5 School of Health Sciences Fax no. 2539095 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
P25 C55 C01
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) P04 B.Lib & I.Sc. P16 M.Lib & I.Sc. SANGAMNER NAGARPALIKA ARTS, D.J.MALPANI COMMERCE & B.N.SARDA SCIENCE COLLEGE SANGAMNER, AHMEDNAGAR, PIN- Shri. Abhishek, Mr. 422605 Waman 2425-2258931, School of Health Sciences 221673, 9822450768 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Yoga Teacher
Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Dr. K.K. Deshmukh/ Mr. Sonawane 5132A RAYAT EDUCATION SOCIETY'S DADA PATIL MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO/TAL.- KARJAT, DIST.AHMEDNAGAR,, PIN- 414402 (2425) 227060/ School of Health Sciences 225893 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P25 C01 C01- Summer G01 5141A A'NAGAR DIST.M.V.P.S.'S NEW ARTS,COMM.,& SCI.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- SHEVGAON, TAL/DIST.AHMEDNAGAR,, PIN- 414502 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 PRAGATIK EDU.SOCIETY,RAJAPUR'S 5142A NUTAN SEC.& HIGH.SEC.VIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO.- RAJAPUR, SANGAMNER, AHMEDNAGAR, PIN- School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 B.Sc. (MLT) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
C01- Summer G01
Regional Centre NASHIK
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Detail Address AT./PO.TAL- PARNER, AHMEDNAGAR,, PIN- 414 302
Study Centre Coordinator -
Contact No
School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences
PRG Code
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y
Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Certificate in Gardening
C01- Summer G01 SHRI.TILOK JAIN DNYAN 5175A PRASARAK MANDAL'S SHRI ANAND COLLEGE MAH AT/PO./TAL.- PATHARDI, AHMEDNAGAR,, PIN- 414102 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 5183A S.M.B.S.T.ARTS SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.- SANGAMNER, AHMADNAGAR,, PIN- School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 5185A Agriculture Technology School ARTS, SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH The Superintendent, Agriculture Technology School, Walunj – 414 006, Tal & Dist. Ahmednagar AT/PO/TAL.- RAHURI, AHMADNAGAR,, PIN- 413 705 -(blank) School of Agricultural Science School of Humanities & Social Sciences C1D
C01 C01- Summer G01
Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Shramshakti College of 5189A Agriculture, Maldad, Tal. Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar
The Principal, Shramshakti College of Agriculture, Maldad - 422 608,Tal. Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar
Mr. Ravindra Daspute, Maldad, Cell: 9604213136, E-mail: [email protected] om
(blank) School of Agricultural Science
Certificate in Gardening
P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 ARTS,COMMERCE & 5196A DADASAHEB RUPVATE SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- AKOLE, ,, PIN- 422 601 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01
Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
Regional Centre NASHIK
Centre Code 5196A
Detail Address AT/PO.- AKOLE, ,, PIN- 422 601 -
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No -
School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences
PRG Code C01- Summer G01
PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) M.A. (Subject Communication) M.A. (Educational Communication) M.A. (Distance Education) M.Com. (Subject Communication) M.Sc. (Subject Communication)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
C01 C01- Summer G01
AT/PO/TAL.- JAMKHED, ,, PIN- 413 201
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
Off. 02562-238042, Academic Services Division Res. 02562-221337 Off. 02562-238042, Res. 02562-221338 Off. 02562-238042, Res. 02562-221339 Off. 02562-238042, Res. 02562-221340 Off. 02562-238042, Res. 02562-221341 Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division School of Humanities & Social Sciences
M32 M33 M34 M35
Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in (MCJ) B.Lib & I.Sc. Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
C01- Summer G01 P03 P04 5203A NEW ENGLISH SCHOOL & JR.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.- SAKRI, DHULE,, PIN424 304 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) JIJAMATA EDUCATION 5204A SOCIETY'S ARTS,SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH WAGHORA ROAD,, AT/PO/TAL.NANDURBAR, NANDURBAR, PIN425 412 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Regional Centre NASHIK
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code P04 C01
PRG NAME B.Lib & I.Sc. Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
- School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) SHRI. D.H.AGRAWAL ARTS, SHRIRANG AVDHUT COMM.& 5220A C.C.SHAH & M.G.AGRAWAL SCI.COLLE. MAH AT/PO/TAL.- NAVAPUR, DHULE,, PIN- School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) MBA Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in (MCJ) B.Lib & I.Sc. Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle
C01- Summer G01 Prof.Patil SODHARAK STUDENTS 5222A ASSOCIATION'S ARTS, SCI. & COMM. COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- DONDAICHE (VERWADE), TAL. SHINDKHEDA, DHULE, PIN- 2565223747 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01- Summer G01 P03 BHAGINI SEVA MANDAL 5223A SANCHALIT ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE 5225A SATHYE COMPUTER CENTER MAH MAH -HOUSE NO. 1414, LANE NO. 4, KHOL GALLI, DHULE 424001 Apoorva Sathye School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59
0256-2240326 School of Computer Sciences
Dr. PLOT NO.424 002 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.4/B. PIN. SHIRISH DEORE. DHULE. Jagdish COLLEGE. COMMERCE AND 5258A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar.224218 C51 Y Y N C55 Y 119/238 .Summer G01 PIMPALNER EDUCATION 5263A SOCY'S KARMVIR A.. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. SR.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Preparatory (Mar. SAKRI. NEAR JAI-HIND.A..425 405 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..A. STATION ROAD.. Med.. 1414.AT/PO.School of Continuing Education C2A Y Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E. (NEAR.) ARTS.) Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y C01.Winter CBPM.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address HOUSE NO.424002 MAHAVIR EDUCATION SOCIETY SANCHALIT.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 9. PATIL HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL MAH A/P. PIN.PATEL ARTS MAHILA 5255A COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) 5259A LOKMANYA EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH SUYOGNAGAR. PIN. DEOPUR. (MLT) Y MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. 4. PIN. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. School of Health Sciences Borse.Summer G01 VENKATESH HEALTHCARE 5265A AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE MAH C/O DR. DHULE 424001 Study Centre Coordinator Apoorva Sathye Contact No School NAME PRG Code D73 T59 T60 PRG NAME Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in (MCJ) Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N Y 5225A SATHYE COMPUTER CENTER 0256-2240326 School of Computer Sciences 5231A DHULE DISTRICT MARATHI PATRAKAR SANGH MAH -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 5248A MEGHA BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH VAISHANVI BUNGLOW. 236302.Winter C2E SMT. 224218 School of Health Sciences 9370667999 C51 Dai Prashikshan KARMAVIR BHAURAO PATIL 5261A INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES (DMLT) COLLEGE BAHUJAN SAMAJ SHIKSHAN 5262A PRASARAK MANDAL ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH (2562) 309825 School of Health Sciences P25 B. DHULE. LANE NO.DHULE. DIST. Med)C01.A. SONGIR. WADI BHOKAR ROAD. PIN..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.VALWADI. TAL. KHOL GALLI.BHOKAR.2562-223253. Med)C01. DIST.B.DEOPUR DHULE. Dr Hemlata Patil DHULE. PROFESSOR.) Preparatory (Mar. COLONY.SHIRPUR.A. DHULE. Dhuppad DEOPUR.R..A/P.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.. Mr. H. DHULE. SHASKIY VASAHAT).. TAL. PIN.- . 9422296345. PIN. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. PIMPALNER. Med. DHULE.424001 Dr.Sc. Shirish Deore 2562-237696 School of Health Sciences 9422296345 2562-237696.
W.DHULE. TONGAONKAR HOSPITAL SSVP SANSTHA'S LATE 5270A KARMAVEER DR.424 005 DAYASAGAR EDUCATIONAL CAMPUS. DEOPUR.SHINDKHEDA DIST.) Aarogyamitra Y Y Y N MAHATMA GANDHI INST. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 7 KSHIRE COLONY. DEVPUR.Pawar C55 Y MAH P25 Y MAH Dr. PIN. OF 5280A PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES SYSTEL INSTITUTE OF 5281A MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH MAH MAH 5282A GRAMIN JANSEVA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH 22. 9422285085 School of Continuing Education 9422792685 (blank) School of Commerce & Management C52 - T97 B. Chandrakant Kulkarni Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 5266A BHARTIYA YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 2562-220316.A. PIN..424001 AT/POST..424005 Dr J B Sisadiya 2562-225680. 3972/3. School of Health Sciences 2320243 2562-224030. Tongaonkar 425 408.B. OPP. PARIMAL STOP. DONDAICHA. Sunil Gulabrao Sisode Mr. DHULE. DEOPUR.424002 SYSTEL HOUSE. SUSHANT COLONY..ROAD. AGRA ROAD. Dr V S Patil DEVPUR.425404 75.424 002 C/O DR.. PIN424 005 Study Centre Coordinator Shri. DHULE. 9423288918. 9403085793. 240103. TAL.B. Rajesh Shaha 2562-221912. Wani.P.. (MLT) Y 5269A DR. Med..Patil Dr. 9421616174 M.PR GHOGAREY SCIENCE COLLEGE 5271A K C AJMERA AYURVED MAHAVIDYALAY MAH DHULE ROAD.. PIN.R..424 002 C52 Aarogyamitra N SHIV PARVATI MEDICAL 5276A PRATISTHAN MAH Dr. School of Health Sciences 9422285015 C51 Dai Prashikshan N SHRI TIRUPATI EDUCATION 5273A AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION MAH RAMNAGAR WADI. Nandan/ Dr. DIST.424 002 YOGABHAVAN. DIST. . DEOPUR. PIN. Sunil Shisodiya Dr. DHULE.ROAD. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.425 408 DHULE. DHULE. TAL.. PIN.. PIN. ROAD OPP. Sanjay Ekanath Patil P09 C52 C51 MBA Aarogyamitra Dai Prashikshan Y N N 2562-326445. DEOPUR. COLLEGE MAH - - C01 C01. 9823207633.425 404 AT.. WADI BHOKAR RD.Sc. NARDANA.RAJIV GANDHI MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF 5285A PARAMIDICAL SCINCES & JR. PIN. PIN424 002 Mr. PIN. PIN. & PO. DHULE.SANJAY KHOPADE LOKAMANYA.S. DHULE.V. (MLT) Y 120/238 . Bhadane-School of Health Sciences 9422483790 2566-244042. School of Health Sciences Mo.COLLEGE MAH P25 B.S. HOSPITAL 80 FEET CHALISGAON CROSS..Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Sanjay Khopade 2562-240112.School of Health Sciences 9767160689 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 5277A BHAUSAHEB N..DHULE. DHULE.-DHULIA. (MGA) Y Dr. School of Health Sciences 9422286134 2562 School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher 5267A YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH Gangadhar Barche P23 Yoga Teacher Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) B. SHINDKHEDA.. NARDANA. SHIVPARVATI COLONY.. 244742. DEVPUR.DEOPUR.S. PIN424002 A/P. School of Health Sciences 9372810222 02562-226085.SYSTEL RESIDENCY. KSHIVE COLONY. School of Health Sciences 9422287445 2562-326445 227248 School of Health Sciences 9422287445 (02562) 273606.. W.Sc... . BHOKAR ROAD. 241008. DEOPUR.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address DHULE. PATIL ARTS & MFMA COM.CANNOSA CONVENT HIGH SCHO. TIRUPATI NAGAR. PIN. C/O SHRI.Sc.. School of Health Sciences Sahasrabudhhe 9823392565 2562-272358. CHANDRAKANT KULKARNI. DHULE Dr.
JALGAON... COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT POST TAL:.) 53105 MAH 257-Bhavana Dr. Girish Gavande Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y D. PIN.POSTDONDAICHA.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Y Y N MAH 0257-2234764 School of Continuing Education T74 T78 B.S.424 101 AT GOVT.) Dhule. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. 9420347854. Nilambari Jawale School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) G15 B. Med. Dist. Med)C01.. SCI. PIN425 001 P27 DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar.. Shriram Bhatwal Road. INFRONT OF GOVT.. DIST-DHULE opp. PIN. MALEGAON Dr. . . MAH 2566-244736.A. Shriram Bhatwal ROAD. 5305A NUTAN MARATHA COLLEGE MAH JALGAON.M. TAL : BHUSAWAL. 9422276595 2589-222591 9422276595 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 53106 MAH JALGAON.. Med)C01.425 002 Rajendra Deshmukh P09 MBA Y Dr.) Y C55 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5303A MULAJI JETHA MAHAVIDLAYA MAH Preparatory (Mar. DISTDr. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. 53102 ART... DIST.Sc. 245767. TAL. COLLEGE. School of Health Sciences 9271601935 234555 9422562094 School of Health Sciences 9604570752 2562-234555 9422562094 School of Health Sciences 9604570752 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher MAH OPP.SCIENCE. Nilima Patil JALGAON.A. DIST: JALGAON.Lib & I.425408 Study Centre Coordinator Mr.J. JALGAON.424 101 GANESH ROAD. ITI.425508 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.A. GANPATI PALACE.) Preparatory (Mar. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE VIVIDHATA SANSHODHAN PRASHIKSHAN KENDRA NUTAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH MAH AT POST : VARNGAON.) P04 B. CHALISGAON. DIST: JALGAON. PIN.. 6. Dhule. (M. COLLEGE 5292A Nirnay Paramedical college.425 001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. AT.425 002 Mrs. 2251501 9850586528 9850586528/0257221732 2589-222591. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. JALGAON.405 425 P57 C55 C51 MBA in (Ins.M. JALGAON.S.RAWER.. Nilima Patil JALGAON. NUTAN MADHYAMIK 5287A VIDYALAYA AND JR.Sc. PIN..SHINDKHEDA. DISTDr. & Bank.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address SHIVAJI ROAD.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Lib & I. Rajendra Deshmukh ASHA MATERNITY AND 53107 CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL ASHA MATERNITY AND 53107A CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 53110 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH MAH GANESH ROAD. (HTM) MSc (FPP) Y Y 121/238 .. Med.Sc.424001.) 53103 ART. Malegaon Dr. in (MCJ) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) P04 B.. Med)C01.) Preparatory (Mar.S. Med. PIN. PIN.A.DHULE. School of Health Sciences 2241128.A. CHALISGAON. PIN. PIN. Ganpati Palace. JILHA PETH. HIGHWAY SYED SUFIYAN NO.
Sc. Med.) 53118 SHRI MAULI SHAIKSHNIK AND GRAMIN VIKAS SANSTHA MAH AMALNER.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. JALGAON.) Preparatory (Mar. Shinde Gulab Sukadeo.405 425 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Commerce & Management PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH 0257-2234764 P56 MBA in (Hosp. PIN.) NEHRU VIDYANAGAR. 9423187602 C51 Dai Prashikshan 122/238 .Net Building Web Portals through ASP. TAL YAWAL. DIST. SAWDA ROAD. Med)C01.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Rahul Pati 2587-224146 9423903170 School of Health Sciences 9860286728.) Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N Preparatory (Mar.. COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT. 6. FAIJPUR.A. FAIZPUR. DHARANGAON. DIST. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.TAL.. DIST. JALGAON 425 503 Devyani Mahajan 02585-245236 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 53114 ARTS. DIST.POST. ITI. PIN. Med.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 53110 Study Centre Name INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT STATE Detail Address GOVT. HIGHWAY NO. & Mgmt) 0257-2234767 53113 DHANAJI NANA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH NEHRU VIDYANAGAR. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. JALGAON. Med)C01. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. INFRONT OF GOVT.425105 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.425 503 - School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P55 C01 BBA (HTM) Preparatory (Mar.-JALGOAN PIN425401 Dr.A. JALGAON.
DIST.JALGOAN. Jadhav Hira DESHMUKHNAGER.. Karanjgaonkar 257-2251976. Dr. Hemangini 5. Mrs.Warke (blank) P09 MBA Y 53127 MAH Dr.425003 NH-06. JALGAON. PANCHAMUKHI HANUMAN MANDIR.JALGAON. - P09 MBA PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management B.JALGAON.JALGAON.BHUSAVAL ROAD).. SHRAM SAFALYA UDAY COLONY. PIN. Arti Jagdish Patil C52 C55 N Y 53125 JAGRUTI EYE HOSPITAL GODAVARI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH. PIN. - C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. SHANTIBAN APARTMENT. PACHORA.BHUSAVAL ROAD).YAWAL. PIN425401 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) NASHIK 53118 MAH Mr.425309 Dr. NEAR BHARAT PETROLIUM..425002 A-22.. DIST. DIST.JALGAON. AMALNER.3058500-530 School of Health Sciences (0257) School of Health Sciences 3058500-530 (0257) School of Health Sciences 3058500-530 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P42 P25 P27 Y Y Y NH-06. PACHORA..P. DIST. BHUSAWAL ROAD.) Y 123/238 ..425107 Mr. PIN.. JALGAON. DIST. Ramesh Patil 2587-224146.BHADGAON ROAD.DESHMUKHNAGAR.ULHAS PATIL MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL MAH P40 Y 53126 MAH Prof. Sonavane JALGOAN. PIN. 9420389588 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y LATE.MAULI SHAIKSHNIK & GRAMIN VIKAS SANSTHA R. RANCHHOD NAGAR. Arvikar Narayan Dr.G.425401 (02587) 228479 School of Health Sciences 9423903170 P27 DMLT Y 53119 GRAM VIKAS MANDAL MAH Mr.AT POST. (MLT) DMLT Y 53131 MAH 257 .JALGAON. DIST. DIST. BEHIND NEW COURT. Med. PIN.424201 518/1/2. AMALNER.. Aruna Rathod JALGAON. Arvikar Narayan S. ANAND COLONY. PIN. Mrs. DHEKU ROAD.(TAL. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9422773248 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 53121 INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES BHAGINI MANDAL CHOPADA SANCHALIT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT GAJENDRA HOSPITAL (POLYCLINIC) MAH 9822094967 School of Health Sciences P25 B. Vijay Patil 2587-223880. NAGALWADI ROAD. School of Health Sciences 9860286728. P54. JALGAON. Dr. GAJANAN COLONY.SATWAI MATA ROAD..425001 PLOT NO. School of Health Sciences 9890067472 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 53120 BHARTIYA YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH C/O MRS HEMANGINI SONAVANE. DIST. A WING. PIN. 9423903170. MAH RUN BY SHRI MAULI SHIKSHAN ANI GRAMIN VIKAS SANSTHA. JALGAON GODAVARI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH DR. PIN. (MLT) Y 53122 MAH - 02586-222117.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name SHRI. Dr. BAHADARAWADI TAL AMALNER. DHANGAR LANE.(TAL.JALGAON... Mrs..425401 C/O MR VIJAY PATIL. TAL. Arvikar Narayan S.425304 Dr..PARAMIDICAL COLLEGE STATE Detail Address C/O GULAB SHINDE.425309 53133 SECONDARY EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/POST BHALOD.JALGAON.Sc. Mrs Aruna Rathod JALGAON. RAJIV GANDHI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE. PIN. School of Continuing Education 220533 2596-244429 School of Health Sciences 9422774628 2596-244429 / School of Health Sciences 9422774628 0257-2239878 School of Health Sciences 9823089300 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P91 MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant N 53124 MAH BHADGAON ROAD. CHOPADA..Sc.
) Diploma in (MCJ) B.Sc. PIN425003 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.D. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.5 BASERA. PIN.. Jalgaon MAH Mr. Pal.A. JALGAON.. The Principal. (MLT) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y 53134 MAH Dr. Navalbhau College of Amalner.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Raver Dist. DIST. AT/PO/TAL. Certificate in Gardening Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science 124/238 ..9765537060..425 401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Raver. D.Summer G01 P03 P04 5325A Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Patil Vrushali wagh Mrs... Cell: 9420790303. Jalgaon MAH The Program Coordinator.A. Girish Patil. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Jalgaon agricollegeamalner@gm ail. GANESH PURI. Dist.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.) (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D P18 T12 Preparatory (Mar. School of Continuing Education 9022422042. PIN..Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 53133 Study Centre Name SECONDARY EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ARTS & SCIENCE M. Jalod Road.) Preparatory (Mar. P25 53141 MAH T74 B. COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Amalner.425 508. Satpuda Vikas Mandal.G. CHOPDA.SHIKSHAN MANDAL'S ARTS. Cell: Agriculture.425 107 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. JALGAON.Dist.YAWAL. Jalgaon Mr. Dist. PIN.SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE PRESIDENT COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT STATE MAH Detail Address AT/POST BHALOD. Email: ygpatil79@gmail. JALGAON. Amalner . Yogeshwar Patil. 9823401686.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. PIN.425401 PLOT NO.JALGAON.AMELNER. MEHRUN. Patil - (02586) 220140 9420941656 School of Health Sciences 9421020270 0257-2210086.Lib & I.4. Pal. DIST. 3. Med)C01. TAL. Tal.) 5321A PRATAP COLLEGE MAH POST BOX NO.425304 YAWAL ROAD.Sc. Tal.Sc. (HTM) Y 53142 Navalbhau College of Agriculture.28.CHOPDA. Pal .JALGAON. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEAR IQRA COLLEGE. Med.. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 5316A ARTS. DIST. E-mail: 425 401.
J). Med.A. Satpuda Vikas Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. JALGAON... PATIL STATION.425 002 MR.) Preparatory (Mar.A.425111 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 VAISHNAVI COMPUTERS.J).. NEAR RAILWAY P.DHANGAR GALLI.BHUSAWAL.Summer G01 DADASAHEB DEVIDAS 5336A NAMDEO BHOLE COLLEGE MAH TIMBER MARKET. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN..CHOPDA. Med.. PIN. PIN. JALGAON..) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Cell: 9420790303.. AT/PO/TAL.Summer G01 5344A YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL MAH A/P TAL ERANDOL.PAROLA. PIN.425 107 AT/PO. COMMERCE 5335A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. JALGAON. & Network Tech. COLLEGE ABHINAV TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH AKASHWANI CHOWK. DIST.CHALISGAON.- Preparatory (Mar.A.) Preparatory (Mar. JALGAON. Tal. Med.J) C4F(S. Yogeshwar Patil.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5325A Study Centre Name Krishi Vigyan Kendra.JALGAON.425 002 SATWAI MATA ROAD. PIN.J) CEV:Fabrication (S.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN.A. JALGAON. Jalgaon STATE MAH Detail Address The Program Coordinator. JALGAON. JALGAON..) Preparatory (Mar.. Med. PIN.. Dist. AT/PO/TAL. PRAMOD MORE PIN.Winter CEV:Fitter General (S. 5349A 'SHRAM SAHAKAR'. TAL.Winter Y Y 125/238 . JALGAON. MR.Summer G01 5345A KISAN ARTS. Raver.. PIN.R..COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.(DCHMNT) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 School of Continuing Education V07 Server) School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 5360A MAH - G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science RASHTRIYA ARTS.) Y 5379A MAH MANSING MARKET. Med)C01. Pal. Pal.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. MAH AKASHWANI CHOWK. E- Contact No School NAME PRG Code T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.. GHAS GANJI.) Diploma in Computer Hardware School of Continuing Education T29 Maint.A. PRAMOD MORE (0257) 2227422/ 2260380 (0257) 2227422/ 2260380 - 5357A BHAGINI MANDAL SANCHLIT SAMAJ KARYA MAHAVIDLAYA SHAMRAO SHIVRAM PATIL VIDYAMANDIR & JR.425001 (0257) 2220036 School of Continuing Education 9423488174 C2F(S.CHOPADA.425 201 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.CHAHARDI.) Preparatory (Mar.
New Pattern DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Sc.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5379A Study Centre Name ABHINAV TECHNICAL INSTITUTE STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T29 PRG NAME Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.R. & Network Tech. PIN.New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT. JALGAON 425 001 Arati Patil 9423488174 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 126/238 .New Pattern Diploma in AC and Refrigeration DACR. JALGAON. RAILWAY STATION.425001 (0257) 2220036 School of Continuing Education 9423488174 T72 T-72 T73 T-73 T93 T-93 T94 T-94 T95 T-95 V07 ABHINAV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAH NR.New Pattern Diploma in Fabrication DIF. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MANSING MARKET. PATIL STATION.New Pattern Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs DEEM.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.(DCHMNT) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM. NEAR RAILWAY P.
Med)C01.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N Preparatory (Mar.425001 0257-2236034 School of Architecture. Med)C01.425 Tiwari R..Summer Summer 127/238 .) Preparatory (Mar.424 206 School of Architecture. Science & Technology T03 Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. BHUSAWAL.Tech.S.C. PIN. S. 3RD FLOOR. Med..A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. JALGAON.425 001 AT/PO..COMMERCE AND 5393A SCIENCE COLLEGE 5392A D-2 WING. Post Box No.MUNISIPALE.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.R. PIN. Pandit Science College MAH Jalgaon Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasark Sahakari Samaaj Ltd.) T07 T34 T05 T06 SHRI. SANT GADGE BABA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAH NEAR Z..M.424 206 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.V. Science & Technology T03 T07 T24 T34 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SHRI VAISHNAWI SHIKSHAN PRASARAK SANSTHA ARTS.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5388A Study Centre Name ARTS COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address YAWAL.B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. G. PIN. Patil Arts. Med)C01.Tech. JALGAON. (Electronics Engineering) : Basic level Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B..) Shri. V. Med. S. . .PACHORA. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Technology Preparatory (Mar.A.S.ARTS. (GOLANI) MARKET.T.) S..COMMERCE & 5394A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO..M. Gaikwad 65. Bhausaheb 5391A TT Salunkhe Commerce.Tech.JAMNER. PIN. 203 9822551558 School of Architecture. PIN.A. (Electronics Engineering) B.. Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences N N N N N N N N N N N N N N MAH Nana Patil 9423487896 T03 N MAH - - C01 Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med. Jalgaon .
SHIVAJI NAGAR. PIN. Med)C01. PIN. Jalgaon AT/PO...SALWE. Med.PACHORA. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. S.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Pawar School of Commerce & 0253-2512924 Management P09 MBA 128/238 . (Subject Communication) Preparatory (Mar.SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) 5405A H. Academic Services Division 9273477550 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 LOKNETE VYANKATRAO HIRE 5406A COLLEGE MAH PANCHAVATI.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Study Centre Name Code 5394A S.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 5404B ARTS.) Dip.) G15 B.NASHIK.S. (Subject Communication) M..M.Com.SATANA.425002 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 5401A COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 5404A K. NASHIK.425 121 -- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 C1D PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B.422 002 GANGAPUR ROAD.A..422 005 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. Warkhede Off.. Med. Med)C01. Dist.M.ARTS & R. Med. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Preparatory (Mar. R.DHARANGAON.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NANASAHEB MORE 5398A SANGANAK AUDYOGIK SAHAKARI SANSTHA MAH SRAMSAHAKAR. AAKASHWANI CHOWK..422 002 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G10 C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. JALGAON.T. Agriculture Technology School. TAL. (Distance Education) M.) Certificate in Gardening .-BAGLAN.A. PIN.. in (MCJ) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Dr.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.424 206 The Superintendent.423301 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.School of Humanities & Social (blank) School of Agricultural Science On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y 5396A SALWE ENGLISH VIDYALAYA AND JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar...A.H..) Bachelor of Arts (B. NASHIK.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Chandsar. Tal.T.. PIN. 0253-2572153.COLLEGE MAH MAH GANGAPUR ROAD. NASHIK. Med.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B. (Subject Communication) M.ARTS. SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH COLLEGE ROAD.A.422 003 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 M. Med.) Dr.A.A. Med. SHIVAJI NAGAR. PIN..A.. (Educational Communication) M. TAL.M.S.) Preparatory (Mar.K. NASHIK.COMMERCE & 5395A Agriculture Technology School STATE MAH MAH Detail Address AT/PO. Med)C01. Dharangaon.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Y. PIN.M. .Sc.P..) Preparatory (Mar.
Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Summer G01 54111 ARTS COLLEGE MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.422 208 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. MANMAD. NASHIK.Winter Certificate course in French C3F Language 54117 RACHANA BEAUTY PARLOUR AND CLASSES MAH 373....) 54113 GIRISHA KALA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. JYOTI KIRAN SOCIETY.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.A.) Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5407A Study Centre Name MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO GAIKWAD COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address MALEGAOM CAMP. PIN423 104 16.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.NANDGAON.VIVIDH VIKAS SANSTHA MAH 32. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.423 104 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. NAVRANG COLONY.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Med. COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. NASHIK. NASHIK. Med. NASHIK ROAD.MANMAD. GANGAPUR ROAD.PETH.Summer G01 54110 DADASAHEB BIDKAR ARTS & COM. PIN..) Preparatory (Mar. Triveni Deshpande NASHIK 422 005 02591-222694 School of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A. PIN.J..COLLEGE MAH NASHIK-ROAD.A.School of Continuing Education C2A C2E Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.) Preparatory (Mar.A.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE 5411B MEDIA VIEW COMPUTERS MAH 9420830187 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 N N N N N N 129/238 . Med)C01.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y MAHATMA GANDHI 5408A VIDYAMANDIR ARTS.NANDGAON. PIN422009 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar..0253 . JAIL ROAD..423 105 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. TAL. MALEGAON.SHIVAJI NAGAR. NASHIK.Winter CBPM. Med. NASHIK. PIN.Summer G01 5409A K.SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. NASHIK.MEHETA HIGH SCHOOL & JR. TAL. Med. PIN.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PUMPING STATION.
. PANCHAVATI. Nashik 9. GANGAPUR ROAD. NASHIK. Science & Technology School of Architecture. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. Dist. LEKHA NEGAR< NEW CIDCO.Sc.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Nashik The Superintendent. PIN. Manur-Kalwan – 423 501.422 009 HIRABAI HARIDAS VIDYANAGARI. NASHIK.422 003 (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y Bhausaheb Hire Agriculture 5413A Technology School RASIKA BEAUTY PARLOUR HAIR & SKINN CARE MAH -- (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 54142 MAH MADHURI ATUL VALRAKAR MADHURI ATUL VALRAKAR 0253-6517254. School of Continuing Education 9822320182 C2E Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y 0253-6517254. School of Continuing Education C2E. Malegaon Camp -– 423 105. Science & Technology B.Winter CBPM. JYOTI KIRAN SOCIETY. 9420830187 School of Computer Sciences 5412A Agriculture Technology School MAH The Superintendent. PIN.K.. PIN. PUMPING Triveni Deshpande STATION.Tech. SAI PLAZA.Tech. Dist. Agriculture Technology School.Winter 9822320182 School of Architecture. NASHIK.. NEAR HOTEL SACHIN. Bhausaheb Hire Agriculture Technology School. LEKHA NEGAR. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Y K. NEW CIDCO. SAI PLAZA. NEAR HOTEL SACHIN. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N 5411B MEDIA VIEW COMPUTERS 16.WAGH INSTITUTE OF 5414A ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. NASHIK MAH Chandwadkar 9422247389 T34 N Murugkar 0253-2512876 T03 T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 N N N N N N N 130/238 .422 009 9.. AMRUTDHAM.
0253-2230010. .K.C.422 222 Dr. DIST NASHIK 423 104 9822843647 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5415A BHOSLA MILITARY COLLEGE 54160 ACADEMIC SERVICE DIVISION MAH MAH - Dr. Academic Services Division 9422758258 5416A Krishi Vigyan Kendra. E-mail: [email protected]. Hemraj Rajput. (Distance Education) M.Sawant School of Commerce & 0253-2545519 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C08 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 Y. (Subject Communication) M. OPEN UNIVERSITY. KVKNashik. Hemant Rajguru (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 Diploma in Agro Journalism Y 131/238 . (Educational Communication) M. Nashik MAH The Program Coordinator. Cell: 9422773602.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing MBA Certificate Programme in Counsellor Training M. MANMAD.Sc. Nashik 422 222 Mr. DATTA MANDIR ROAD.. Science & Technology PRG Code T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A. NEAR GANGAPUR DAM. AMRUTDHAM.A.. (Subject Communication) M. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. NASHIK. (Subject Communication) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N 54155 SPACE COMPUTER ACADEMY MAH MAHATMA PHULE CHOWK.Com. Study Centre Coordinator Murugkar Contact No 0253-2512876 School NAME School of Architecture. PANCHAVATI.WAGH INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION STATE MAH Detail Address HIRABAI HARIDAS VIDYANAGARI. TAL Sunil Ghayal NANDGAON. YCMOU. YCMOU.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5414A Study Centre Name K.A. PIN.
. NASHIK. PIN. OPP. OLD PANDIT Mr. Med.422 002 AT/PO. Science & Technology School of Architecture.SATANA.) 54174 ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.TAHARABAD.. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Technology Preparatory (Mar. GANGAPUR ROAD.. PIN. KVKNashik. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. YCMOU.. PIN. TAL. Nashik - Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Med)C01. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B. PUSHPAK APARTMENT. Med..422 013 Birari 0253-2571439 School of Architecture.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N (blank) School of Agricultural Science 54171 NDMVP SANAJ'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MAH UDOJIMARATHA BORDING CAMPUS.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5416A Study Centre Name Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Chaudhari COLONY. PIN.) 132/238 .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.423 302 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. NASHIK. NASHIK.422 013 UDOJIMARATHA BORDING CAMPUS.. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH MAH S-3. Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences T03 C01 Preparatory (Mar. Hemraj Rajput. Science & Technology T34 Magar 0253-2571439 T03 T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 54172 54173 TEE-TECH INSTITUTE ARTS . . GANGAPUR ROAD.TRYAMBAKESHWAR. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.) Preparatory (Mar. YCMOU. Med)C01.GOPAL PARK.Tech.Tech.A.A. . PIN422 212 0253-2361167 - School of Architecture. Nashik STATE MAH Detail Address The Program Coordinator.
DIST.11/12.(DCHMNT) Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (DIDD) DIDD. 39. DINDORI. NASHIK ROAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DINDORI.CHANDWAD. S. PINTELEPHONE COLONY. GRAMIN RUGNALAY.... Asawari Herwadkar. PIN.P.D.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 54180 S.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. PIN.Patil P40 Y 54191 MAH C51 N 54192 GOLDEN ACADEMY MAH Mr. PIN.D. Med.A. PRATIK BUNGLOW...New Pattern Y 54190 TULSI EYE HOSPITAL SAVITRI GRAMIN VIKAS PRAKALP MAH Dr.A. LODHA COMMERCE AND S. OPP..Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. NASHIK-ROAD. Med. PIN.ARTS. NASHIK. 6. PIN. .) Preparatory (Mar.422 101 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. School of Health Sciences 222605 . Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.422215 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. NEAR AKASHWANI TOWER. School of Continuing Education 9890134904 253-2411039 School of Health Sciences 2415201 2557-221143 221148.School of Continuing Education C51 Preparatory (Mar. PRATIBHA SANKUL. ANAND NAGAR. NASHIK. PIN.N..) Preparatory (Mar.A.422101 2557.. 9890161148 0253-310429. BUS STOP. Swati Zanwar / Mr. . Ratna Sham KALVAN ROAD. UMRALE ROAD. KAILAS SONAR T29 Y T36 T-36 Y Y 133/238 .253-221143 221148 School of Health Sciences 2342447®. NASHIK.422303 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. DISTNASHIK. NASHIK. PIN. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)C01. TARAN TALAO. SHOP NO.YEOLA. & Network Tech. DINDORI. BEHIND PORNIMA.A. NASHIK. PIN.A. DISTAshtekar NASHIK. . PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 54184 ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH A/P VANI TAL...School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. 25643357. Sr.VITHAMAI COMPLEX.Y.) Dai Prashikshan 54189 NATURE BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH - C2E Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Dai Prashikshan Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 54176 NASHIKROAD CENTRAL JAIL MAH JAIL ROAD.NIPHAD.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.422013 HAPPY HOME COLONY..Summer G01 54185 SANJEEVAN HOSPITAL MAH OPP. NASHIKDr.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Shimpi Dr.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54175 Study Centre Name VAINTAY VIDYALAYA & JUJIOR COLLEGE OF SCIENCE STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO. BEHIND BYTCO COLLEGE.. Med.423 101 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. SURANA COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. GANGAPUR ROAD.) 54179 AABAD ARTS. Med.
(Distance Education) Y M32 M33 Y Y 134/238 . NASHIK. Cell: 9423494761.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 54195 54196 DR.K. NASHIK . PIN. OLD AGRA ROAD.. PIN. NDMVPS ART. NASHIK.K.5. Academic Services Division Res. NASHIK.K. Pravin Deshpande BHAVANI RD. SHARANPUR Dr. VASANT MARKET..W.SCIENCE AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH MAH P40 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. (Subject Communication) M. KAIVALYANAGARI. Med. Nashik MAH Study Centre Coordinator Dr. Nitin Shimpi 422 005 YOGABHAVAN.. Academic Services Division Res.KULKARNI VIDYANAGAR. Academic Services Division Res. K. Med)C01..nandre@gmail. NASHIK. School of Health Sciences 9420484001.422005 253-2393805. JAI Dr.c om Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 54194 MANISHANKAR EYE HOSPITAL MAH NEW PANDIT COLONY.UTTAM NAGAR. PIN. COLLEGE ROAD.A.R. KKWNashik. School of Health Sciences 2231770 253-2506505 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P40 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.BAPAYE. HPT COLLEGE CAMPUS. Prachi Pawar ROAD. (Educational Communication) M.Mr. Saraswati Nagar.M.S EYE HOSPITAL.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 54197 ASHIRVAD NATUROPATHY COLLEGE MAH 2ND FLOR. BEHIND NDCC BANK. E-mail: dinesh.NEAR SAMRAT HOTEL. 0253-2513448 Off.422 102 T. PIN. CANADA CORNAR. PIN.A. MAH Dr. Agra Road. 0253-2579949. 9420484005.. 2317454.422 008 Dr. 9422756246 253-2458579. Mohini Petkar M31 M. PIN..A. 0253-2579949. NASHIK-2. NASHIK. CIDCO..422 003 NASHIK 54193 K.College of Agriculture.A.. 0253-2513447 Off. PIN. 0253-2579949...A. Dinesh Nandre. 0253-2513449 P23 Yoga Teacher 54198 YOGA VIDYA DHAM AROGYADHAM NISARGOPCHAR YOGA KENDRA MAH P23 Yoga Teacher Y 54199 MAH P23 Yoga Teacher Y 5419A S. COLLEGE ROAD.College of Agriculture.422 Vishwas Mandalik 005 NEAR JETWAN NURSERY..Nashik .Wagh. MAHILA COLLEGE.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address The Principal.. School of Health Sciences 9890656147 253-2318090. Bapaye 253-2576481. Panchavati. School of Health Sciences 9422249980 Off..
255797. MAHILA COLLEGE. Laul C51 P09 P40 Dai Prashikshan MBA Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant N Y Y 54216 MAH Y C M OPEN UNIVERISTY CAMPUS. Premchand Jain P23 Yoga Teacher Y 54201 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 368. School of Health Sciences 9422749443 54200 YOGAKRIDA PRABODHINI MAH ARIHANT NURSING HOME.Summer G01 G15 Yoga Teacher Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar.. Smt. Mandalik - 2554-254217. Academic Services Division Res. NASHIK.) B.) Preparatory (Mar. 9373901384 C55 135/238 .. (MLT) DMLT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 54207 54209 Sanjivani Institute Of Paramedical Sciences COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES.. INDIRANAGAR. HPT COLLEGE CAMPUS.S COLLEGE OF PARAMEDIC SCIENCE..422 001 Mr.. & Mgmt) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y 54217 MAHARSHI HEART & CRITICAL CARE HOSPITAL MAH 253-2463619. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 P03 C01 C01. (Subject Communication) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y 5419A S.. GANGAPUR ROAD.NEAR PUMPING STATION. 0253-2513450 Off. WADALA PATHARDI RD. Madhukar Jagadale MALEGAON. PIN. NEAR NIRMALA CONVENT SCHOOL.KULKARNI VIDYANAGAR. NASHIK 422 222. VANVIBHAV.R. PIN422 013 Dr.. NASHIK 422 101. NASHIK 422 001. OPP.. 0253-2579949. MALEGAON.. PIN. MALEGAON CAMP.LTD.. Dist. PIN.A. DIST. Med. Sawedi. 9422287270.. COLLEGE ROAD. Eknath Kulkarni Mrs Rupali Khaire Dr.Sc.. PANCHAVATI.K.Sc. NASHIK ROAD. AYURVED SEVA SANGH NAVJEEVAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MATE HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH MAH 54210 MAH Dr. 0253-2513451 253-2580302. Dnyanda Patil. BEHIND MUKTIDHAM.. UTKARSHA COLONY. Dr. PIN.NASHIK. PIN. NASHIK..Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address T. pansambal Hospital. CAMP ROAD. DATTA MANDIR Dr. Sushama Tiwari ROAD. 2451820. School of Health Sciences 9850071240 School of Commerce & 9423970555 Management 253-2570863 School of Health Sciences P25 P27 Mr.UTTAMNAGAR. CIDCO.CIDCO.Com. School of Health Sciences 9226285174 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 54202 54203 54204 YOGA VIDYA GURUKUL ART. COLLEGE Study Centre Coordinator Dr.M.422 222 ANAND NAGAR.. NASHIK MEDICO TRAINING PVT.C/O PETHE VIDYALAY. Academic Services Division Res.422 101 - School of Commerce & Management P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. GANGAPUR ROAD. NASHIK.. RING ROAD. 0253-2579949.SHRADHA VIHAR. PIN422 009 GANNESHWADI. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9370049356. Sunil Patil P27 DMLT Y 54211 54214 54215 MAH MAH MAH Dr... COMMERCE COLLEGE NASHIK EDUCATION SANSTHA'S PETHE VIDYALAY MAH MAH MAH 2594-261015. PIN. NASHIK. Gorane/ Dr. Ravindra Brahmane (0241) 2421267 School of Health Sciences 9325102993 9422748068 School of Health Sciences (0253) 2373108 School of Health Sciences 9822308575 253-2513112 9822318041. Off.. Mohini Petkar Contact No School NAME PRG Code M34 M35 PRG NAME M.A. TAL TRAMBAKESHWAR..- Dr. PIN. in (MCJ) B. PIN..A. Bhist Baug Road. NASHIK. PIN..TALWADE. Pansambal Mr.Ahmednager KARVA HOSPITAL.. NEAR GANGAPUR DAM. (Subject Communication) M.423 105 A/P .
(MLT) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.- Study Centre Coordinator Dr.422201 P25 C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54218 Study Centre Name VACHAN (VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH AND NURTURE) VACHAN STATE Detail Address VASUNDHARA BANGLOW. RAJAN SONI 0253-6511223.L. CIDCO. NEAR FAME CINEMA. PIN. POONAM JORI T74 T77 T78 B. PIN. COLLEGE NEW ENGLISH SCHOOL & JR. PIN. PANCHVATI. Med.. (HTM) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) B.. NASHIK.422 010 Dr.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. 2393748..NEW ERA ENGLISH SCHOOL. NASHIK.. 82 83.Sc. PIN. NANDGAON..) 54240 FAIR-LADY BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH A/P & TAL. 9225142827 T74 T77 54231 DHANVANTARI COLLEGE DHANVANTARI D. NASHIK 422 006... School of Health Sciences 2412379 C55 MAH Mrs. NASHIK..POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS. School of Continuing Education 9011007592 T74 T76 54226 AMRO COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT MAH Mr.AGRA ROAD.. (Optometry) N 54219 SALONI BEAUTY PARLOR. PIN. PIN422 009 BEHIND PRAKASH PETROL PUMP. CIDCO. AZAD CHOWK. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc. School of Health Sciences 9822324769. COM.422 006 VASUNDHARA BANGLOW.TAL. NASHIK ROAD. COLLEGE MAH KAMATWADE.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.M. 64/3. 2507664. Med. NASHIK-PUNE ROAD. MUMBAI-AGRA ROAD.SURAJ KUND. SHIVAJINAGAR.423401 - Preparatory (Mar.422 009 AT GOVT. (HTM) B. (HTM) MSc (HTM) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) B.. PIN. School of Health Sciences 2412379 0253-5637111 School of Continuing Education 0253-2319311 / School of Health Sciences 2505170 253-2507698.Sc.Sc.) 54234 ARTS. . RAJURBAHULA NASHIK. . NASHIK . SCI. COLLEGE MAH AT. PIN. CHANDORI. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCE COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY AND OPHTHALMIC SCI KARANDIKAR HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTER INSTITUTE OF HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH - C2E Y 54220 MAH Ajit Chavan P26 Y 54221 MAH Dr. Med)C01.POST. .Pranoti Sawkar Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH 253-2412520.T. Dipti Nashikkar 253-2412520. NASHIK ..422 006 3577. Dr. SHIMPI LANE. MUMBAI-NASHIK HIGHWAY. NASHIK 422 006. SAMANGAON ROAD. TAL.A. School of Continuing Education 2029815. NASHIK. NASHIK-PUNE ROAD. Seema Patil 253-2377103. GOVIND NAGAR. . Mrs. HIRE 0253-2628281.A. JAIDEEP Y..) Certificate in Beauty Parlour 02559-265595 School of Continuing Education C2E Management 136/238 . PIN.422 009..3. (HMCO) B. GOVIND NAGAR.Sc.. MUMBAI-AGRA HIGHWAY.422 009.422 010 AT. YEOLA.Sc. Manisha Bagul PIN. NASHIK . NIPHAD. SHIVAJINAGAR. School of Health Sciences 9823038890 0253-2460317 School of Continuing Education C52 Aarogyamitra Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management B. GET NO. NEAR FAME CINEMA.. Gauri Karandikar C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 54224 MAH Mrs. 9922623346 (0253) 2377103 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 MAH MAH 54233 KAMATWADE. PIN..) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 54225 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY MAH MUMBAI. PIN.POST.422 010 Prof.
PIN. COMMERCE MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH JAIL ROAD.) BBA (HTM) B... School of Continuing Education 9096431158.N. NASHIK. VINAY APARTMENT. DIST. PIN. MUMBAI. NEAR JADHAV SANKUL. NASHIK. SINNAR.. & Bank. PIN.LOW COLLEGE NASHIK COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CAGERING TECHNOLOGY MAH LAXMI BALWANT PLAZA. (HTM) PG Diploma in Advanced Pedagogy Y 54248 54250 MAH MAH - C07 P57 P55 Y Y Y Y N 0253-2598783. SHARDA VIDYALAY & ARAMBH COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address A/P/T.Deshpande NEAR MARKET YARD.422001 C55 Y 54247 MAH 9822314742 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management P09 MBA Certificate Programme in Human Rights MBA in (Ins. PIN422002 Dr. School of Health Sciences 9960007777 253-2281364 / School of Health Sciences 9960007777 253-2281364.B. THATTE NAGAR.. Nashik SAMRUDHA NAGAR. 2594896 54255 Rasbihari Teachnig Insitute MAH Rasbihari International Schol Premises. BHARAT KELKAR HOSPITAL MAH T97 Y 54267 MAH Dr Bharat Kelkar C52 Aarogyamitra N 137/238 . Anil Bagul TRIMURTI CHOWK. .. COACHING CLASES. Ekanath Thorat 253-2281364.T.. 2ND FLOOR.422 005 KAPOTE COMPLAX. Hanuman-Nagar. PIN.. Siddharth MALEGAON. (MGA) N Dr. OPP AMRUT HOTEL. School of Health Sciences 9371272422 C07 P09 54246 NAGARI & GRAMIN SHAIKSHANIK & SAMAJIK SANSTHA KALPATARU INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES N.) Certificate Programme in Human Rights MBA Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y 54245 ARTS... NASHIK. NASHIK.. PIN. JAIL Malati Shinde ROAD. CAMP ROAD.DCB BANK.. PIN. NASHIK. School of Health Sciences 9960007777 02554-252136 School of Health Sciences 9225130242 2554-252136 / 257610 School of Health Sciences 0253-6546595.) Preparatory (Mar. MAHAMARG BUS STAND..422 101 Prof.Sc. Dr.COLLEGE ROAD.Sc. WADALA NAKA. CAMP ROAD. PIN423105 4. COLLEGE ROAD. NASHIK. DWARKA.Bindu 2532304622 School of Education T74 P35 54256 SAHYADRI SEVA SANSTHA MAH Dr. NASHIK. NASHIK..Summer C07 G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. NEAR CHATE. Thorat D E 54258 ROTARY EYE HOSPITAL MAH NEAR MARKET YARD. NASHIK ROAD. MALEGAON. ABOVE DIVYA ADLABS. PIN. Ramesh Somdadiya - C55 C51 P40 Y N Y C55 Y 54266 ELEMENTZ THE ANIMATION ACADEMY NASHIK VANVASI KALYAN ASHRAM DR. . OPP. NASHIK. Mumbai Agra High Way.422005 B/H. POORAB-PACHHIM PLAZA.A. NASHIK. Deshpande Dr. School of Health Sciences 9822040168 C52 Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) B.422 103 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. TRIMBAK ROAD. School of Continuing Education 2590032. Thorat Dr. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B. Med. NAKA. PIN. .Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54244 Study Centre Name SETH B. 253-2574008. NASHIK. DIST. NASHIK ROAD. PIN1ST FLOOR.Hasabnis School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & 0253-2465967 Management 253-9822109334.
NASHIK. OPP.) Preparatory (Mar. Joy Mathew Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH (0253) 2463414 School of Health Sciences P27 DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant 253-2463414 School of Health Sciences BIRLA SUPERSPECIALITY EYE HOSPITAL NEAR TILAKWADI SIGNAL. MobSchool of Health Sciences 9422248979 (0253) 2351071 School of Health Sciences 9850252346 2553-2351071 / School of Health Sciences 9850252346 2553-2351071 School of Health Sciences 9850252346 54284 K. School of Health Sciences 9822492253 C55 Y 54272 MAH Dr. DATENAGAR. NASHIK. PIN422003 BHARAT PRTIBHUTI. PETH ROAD. (Bio-Technology) Aarogyamitra Y C55 C52 T80 T82 Y N Y Y N 54289 LOKVIKAS SAMAJIK SANSTHA MAH 253-518419/2512301 School of Health Sciences C52 54294 VANITA VIKASH MANDAL SANCHALIT MADHYAMIK VINAY MANDIR MAH 0253-2463441.SAMAJ'S ARTS. PIN. DIST. PIN.NASHIK. Med)C01.SIC. DIST. Milind Babar PANCHAVATI.G.1ST FLOOR.422005 MANORAMA. Narwade.P.& COM. MUDRANALAY.COM.K.NASHIK.D.A. DIST..SHARANPUR ROAD.423501 253.422102 Study Centre Coordinator Dr..M.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 9881859674 S01 Certificate in Information Technology (Elementary) Y 138/238 .NASHIK. NEAR HP GAS GODOWN. OZAR MIG.. NASHIK.WAGH COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY MAH SARASWATINAGAR. PHULE NAGAR. NEAR ANIL BALKRISHNA GYMKHANA.NASHIK.422003 56 NO. PINNAGARE 422102 9766929634 School of Architecture.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. PIN422007 Dr. DIST. School of Continuing Education 2452176. B. PRIVATE LTD. GANDHI BHAVAN. PIN.V. MAH SHREE HOSPITAL.. NEAR WATER TANK.& SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH Mr.. PIN4220013 AT/POST/TAL. NASHIKROAD. Mr. (Bio-Informatics) B. GANGAPUR ROAD.) 54281 SHREE MEDICAL & SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIETY ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVT..NASHIK. Tanaji Wagh 2550-275019. Shri.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54271 Study Centre Name ACADAMY OF HEALTH & MEDICAL EDUCATION RUN BY SADGURU SEVA SANSTHA STATE Detail Address JAIRM HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE.2310334. Science & Technology C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) 54282 MAH Dr...KALWAN(MANUR).Sc... PIN.Sc. VASAHAT PARISAR. Bhavesh Jangale NASHIK. BAZAR PETH.422206 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.. School of Health Sciences 9422247209 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 Yoga Teacher Y 54279 MAH - - C01 C01.OZAR(MIG). Satish Ghogare 253-2342687. PIN422206 NASHIK REGIONAL CENTER. MAHATMA NAGAR. Med..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Prashant Birla P40 Y 54273 NISARGAYOGI YOGA AND NATUROPATHY CENTRE KALWAN EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ARTS. DIST. PANCHAVATI.A. RAJIV.OLD MUNICIPAL SCHOOL.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 54280 N.NASHIK ROAD. COLLEGE MAH A/P.TAL.. DIST..) Preparatory (Mar.NIPHAD. Med. Pawar P27 DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra B.
Dr. Nashik . College of Agriculture. PIN.Sc.422 005 Prof. Gangapur Road.Shimpi NASHIK.Des. SATANA ROAD. LTD. Vidyavardhan's Institute of Design Environment and Architecture MAH 3RD FLOOR. Rahul Deshmukh 0253. IN FRONT OF SUR HOTEL.MSG INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS STUDIES STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME School of Commerce & Management PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH NAMDAR GOPAL KRISHNA NAGAR.NEXT TO SRIRAM BANK.Ar.Ar. Opp. PIN. PANCHAVATI. 2ND FLOOR. (2010 Pattern) B. Near Nirmala School. NASHIK. ABOVE RAMOLE EYE HOSPITAL. School of Continuing Education 9823274320 C2H Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) Y T32 Media Graphics & Animation Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 54314 MAH 9702750627 V22 B. Suryavanshi 422 014 FOUNDATION PVT.T.Lid. SHARANPUR TRIMBAK MR. PIN. Science & Technology School of Architecture. NEAR CANADA CORNER. MALEGOAN-423 203 Dr..2318440. E-mail: dhirajsw@rediffmail. Nashik . Dhiraj Nikam. Promod Nagar..A. PRIN. MARKET YARD COMPLEX. K. MOSAM PUL. GANGAPUR ROAD. Near Nirmala School. Suryavanshi 422 013 Swastik Niwas-A. KULKARNI VIDYANAGR.422005 MIRANDA APARTMENTS.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54298 Study Centre Name DR.R. DEEPA G. NASHIK Swastik Niwas-A. Nashik. TRIUPATI COMPLEX.422003 The Principal. Nashik .School of Continuing Education C2S Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) Y 54302 College of Agriculture. MAHANAGAR BANK. MAH . KULKARNI NASHIK. Cell: 9049617124. BASEMENT. MAH 0253-2574494. Mrs. School of Continuing Education 9822288440 School of m Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) Y 54300 TELEMAX COMMUNICATIONS.351. NDMVP. DINDORI ROAD. (Interior Design) (2010 Pattern) N 9702750627 V21 N 54315 MALEGAON MEDICAL RESEARCH MAH 9890373406 School of Health Sciences C52 Aarogyamitra N 139/238 . NDMVP.422013 - P55 BBA (HTM) 54299 SOYARA FASHIONS.. Promod Nagar. Nashik MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 54310 METEOR INSTITUTE OF DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIES Pvt. Opp. GIRISH LODHA LINK ROAD.Arch.. Science & Technology T97 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B..
A. TILAKWADI. .BOMBAY HOUSE.) B.) Y 5465A SARVAJANIK VACHANALAYA MAH - - G01 P04 P16 Bachelor of Arts (B. UPNAGAR.A. Malegaon-423 203 Dist: Nashik.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 54315 Study Centre Name Malegaon Medical Research Foundation Hospital. NEW PANDIT COLONY. PIN422 001 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. (Business Information Systems) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 5484A INDIRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MODIYANI COMPUTER SERVICES & TRANING CENTER. BOMBAY HOUSE.NASHIK. Satana Road. DNYANGIRI INSTITUTES OF ADVANCED ELECTRONICS.Mosam pul.422 006 DEORE SIR SANJAY MODYANI (0253) 2311252. ASHOK STAMBH. & Network Tech.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. MANDIR.VED. NASHIK Anmol Modiyani 422 006 9226807642 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 140/238 . LAXMI NARAYAN APARTMENTS. M.ICHHAMANI ROAD.. NASHIK.(DCHMNT) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCS. MAH MAH GOKHALE PARK. PIN.. Study Centre Coordinator Dr...NASHIK. STATE MAH Detail Address Tirupati Complex. Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. NASHIK. PIN.422 001 3. DIST. UPNAGAR.422 002 2.Sc..Lib & I.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Rahul Deshmukh Contact No School NAME PRG Code C55 PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 9890373406 School of Health Sciences 5463A MAH UMA APARTMENT.) Y 5464A HEMANT ELECTRONICS MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Sc.OPP. School of Continuing Education 9373920251 (0253) 2415081 School of Continuing Education C2A T29 T99 T-99 V05 V06 MODIYANI COMPUTER SERVICES AND TRAINING CENTER MAH 3.New Pattern DCHMNT-Windows 2000 Server DCHMNT-(Linux 8) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PIN. TILAKWADI. PIN. NR..Lib & I.422 002 AT/PO/TAL/DIST. BANK OF MAHARASHTRA.Sc.
Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5484A Study Centre Name MODIYANI COMPUTER SERVICES AND TRAINING STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. NANDURBAR.New Pattern DCHMNT-Windows 2000 Server DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Diploma for Civil Supervezer Diploma in Mech.New Pattern DACR.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Med.New Pattern DIF. COLLEGE ROAD.Technical Diploma for fitter Preparatory (Mar. School of Continuing Education 9373920251 C2E T72 T-72 T73 T-73 T-94 T-95 V05 V07 V11 V12 V13 A.A.S MANDAL C/O SANCHLIT 5502A ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE TRUST MAH AT/PO/TAL. NR.) Preparatory (Mar.A. Med.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE N N N N N N 141/238 . DIST NANDURBAR 425 418 Y Y Y 5505A SYSTEL COMPUTER CENTER MAH Sanjay Chowdhari 02569-251720 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.425 413 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. NASHIK. NAVAPUR.. PIN.Summer G01 G10 MANGALDAS PARK. NR. NASHIK 9226807642 School of Computer Sciences MAHATMA PHULE 5492A SECONDARY & HIGHER SECONDARY VIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO/TAL. PIN422103 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Summer G01 5493A INDIRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH GOKHALE PARK. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. STATE BANK. UPNAGAR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Dip.New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT.) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM. ASHOK STAMBH. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3.422 001 DEORE SIR (0253) 2311252. BANK OF Anmol Modiyani MAHARASHTRA. BOMBAY HOUSE.TALODE.... PIN. NASHIK.SINNAR.
Dist. Study Centre Coordinator Sanjay Chowdhari Contact No School NAME PRG Code D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N 5505A SYSTEL COMPUTER CENTER 02569-251720 School of Computer Sciences 5510A Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The Program Coordinator. ravindrampatil@yahoo. Kolda .425 412. M. Krishi Cell: 9850768876. R.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address MANGALDAS PARK. College of Agriculture. Dist. Shahada. E-mail: saac5@rediffmail. Cell: 9822248081. Patil. Nandurbar MAH Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 5511A MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Y Y Y Y Y Y N 142/238 .Dist. Kolda. Prakash (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 College of Agriculture. EVigyan Kendra. Kolda. Hedgewar Seva mail: Samiti. NAVAPUR. Lonkheda.c Nandurbar o. NR. STATE BANK. Shahada. Dr. Shahada 425 409. COLLEGE ROAD. Nandurbar The Principal. Nandurbar Mr.
T.. NANDURBAR 425 412 G. PB NO...Net Building Web Portals through ASP..P. Chaudhari Mr. PIN.KHODAI MATA ROAD. (MLT) Y N Y 2564-221007 School of Health Sciences 221011 (02564) 232669 School of Health Sciences 9423917137 2564-261333 School of Health Sciences 02564-222293 School of Continuing Education 9422285998 School of Computer Sciences MAH MAH MAH P26 P91 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 B. ZILLA PARISHAD 5518A (NANDURBAR) JIJAMATA EDUCATION 5519A SOCIETY'S COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 5520A PMBA'S KANTALAXMI SHAHA EYE HOSPITAL MAH DONGARGAON ROAD. NANDURBAR. PIN425 412 HOLE TARFE HAVELI. & Network Tech. Shinde Col. .425409 (blank) 143/238 .Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5511A Study Centre Name College of Agriculture.Shailesh K Pardeshi Dr. NEAR INDIRA EXTRACTION SOLVENT. NANDURBAR.425 412 DHULE ROAD. 4. Abhijit V. Shahada. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T19 T20 PRG NAME Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Dai Prashikshan On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y N (blank) School of Agricultural Science 5513A KULKARNI HOSPITAL INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS 5517A MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH CENTRE DHO.P.M. Lonkheda. PIN.CHAUDHARI 5524A POLYTECHNIC MAH SHAHADA. NANDURBAR. Parage. COLLEGE MAH SHAHADA.S.425 412 TOKAR TALAV ROAD.Sc. DIST. Shahada - Study Centre Coordinator Mr. & COM. Nandurbar STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. DIST. Shahada.Mishra GHEE BAZAR. NANDURBAR.. . Madan Deshpande - 2565-223522 School of Health Sciences 9422792474 25642225088 School of Commerce & Management C51 MAH MAH MAH P09 C51 P25 MBA Dai Prashikshan B. Mrs. PIN.. M S Pawar Mr. 10. SCI. KRISHNA COMPLEX.G.(blank) (02565) 223740/ School of Continuing Education 9922152727 (02565) 223740/ School of Continuing Education 9922152727 School of Commerce & Management T99 T29 P09 5525A P. (Optometry) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Dr.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in Cyber Security Programme Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. PIN. Alka Kulkarni SHAHADA. A/P Dr. PIN425412 Prof.NANDURBAR.V. NANDURBAR.Sc.(DCHMNT) MBA Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y 5521A G. NANDURBAR. PIN. NANDURBAR. College of Agriculture..WAGHODA ROAD.. Dist. MANDAL ARTS. Prakash Patel. Dr. PIN. COLLEGE 5522A COMPUTER PLANET SHOP NO.
) Preparatory (Mar. INDORE .A.. (General) B.F.B. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH IGATPURI.M. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MANOHAR.NAVAPUR.P).Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. GROUND. Dynangangotri. B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. COLONY.422 403 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.452 013 AGRA . Med.) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance Diploma in Automobile Techniques Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs B.V. Med.Arch. (Interior Design) (2010 Pattern) V21 N 0141-0771755 T63 B.V.452 014 9321A AYOJAN SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTRUE ISI-4.452 012 (M. RAJENDRA NAGAR..452 012 (M. NASHIK.MUMBAI ROAD.Des.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. B. INDORE ..MUMBAI ROAD. Yeola – 423 401. Yadam PIN.P). NASHIK. Science 9893056354 & Technology T63 T64 School of Architecture. FLOOR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Y 0141-0771756 T64 M. B.Education) Computer Operation for the Blind On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y 5654A LAXMI TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH BEHIND KUNDE MANGAL KARYALAYA. PIN. Science & Technology School of Architecture.P). M. PIN.) SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 9319A IPS ACADEMY AGRA .Arch.V. (e. Nashik DEOLALI CAMP. NIKHIL PARK.Arch.422 303 - (02550) 240183. DIST. Nashik. RAJENDRA NAGAR. (General) Y 144/238 .452 012 (M. GONER ROAD. PIN. Med)C01.2231714 School of Education P36 Y Y N MAH Shubhada Patwardhan 9322190251 School of Computer Sciences (blank) N MAH -- (blank) School of Agricultural Science School of Humanities & Social Sciences C1D Certificate in Gardening Y MAH - - C01 C01.425426 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. Yadam PIN.School of Architecture. GANESH NAGAR. Science & Technology School of Architecture. BEHIND HPT COLLEGE.422 401 Madhavi Dharankar 0253. RIICO INSTITUTIONAL BLOCK.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 5665A ARTS. Science 9893056354 & Technology 9893056354 School of Architecture. Rajendra Rajbanshi RAJASTHAN. Agriculture Technology School.Arch. PIN.452 012 AGRA . PIN. Science & Technology V22 B. KRISHINAGAR.. NASHIK 422 005 The Superintendent. (2010 Pattern) B.) Preparatory (Mar. NIPHAD. Med. INDORE .A.Ed.NANDURBAR.MUMBAI ROAD.COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address AT/POST-VISARVADI.... Dist.. Yadam Pradesh PIN.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code 5526A Study Centre Name SARVAJANI ARTS & COM. Rajasthan SITAPURA. JAIPUR.. School of Continuing Education 9881568813 T72 T73 T93 5658A SCHOOL OF EDUCATION VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND 5659A REHABILITATION CENTRE FOR THE BLIND 5660A Agriculture Technology School NUTAN SECONDARY AND 5664A HIGH SECONDARY VIDYAMANDIR MAH YCMOU.) Preparatory (Mar. TAL. COLLEGE ROAD. RAJENDRA Madhya NAGAR.A. PIN-422222 N.Arch.
682 017 612-2537291 2525010 School of Health Sciences 2537645 0484-2340099 and School of Architecture. Sector 15.) P04 B.S. PIN411001 Anil Kumar Dr. DIST. Med)C01. h (ut) CHANDIGARH.A. Med)C01.BAKORI FATA.SILVASA.Poonam School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 9876277888 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 P55 9336A S. RIICO INSTITUTIONAL BLOCK.Dr. PINHaveli (ut) 396230 ISI-4..Arch. PIN. Narendra Rajbanshi RAJASTHAN.R. PUNE. 2ND FLOOR.) 6206A MAHATMA PHULE COLLEGE MAH PIMPRI (PUNE)..411 017 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar..S. Med.. GONER ROAD.& SCIENCE Dadara AT/P. PIN. (2010 Pattern) N 9342A PUNE 6202A 6204A 9354920176 020-5510260 - T64 T34 C01 M.) Y 9341A AYOJAN SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTRUE Gatway College of Architecture and Design MODERN COLLEGE OF ARTS.) Deuskar G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. (Mrs. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.SAYLI.. 6207A TULJARAM CHATURCHAND ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH BARAMATI. PUNE. JAIPUR.) Preparatory (Mar. SCIENCE AND COMMERCE ABASAHEB GARWARE COLLEGE 0141-0771757 School of Architecture.A.Tech.. PIN..131 001 MAH MAH SHIVAJI NAGAR.Regional Centre NASHIK Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Bihar Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C51 PRG NAME Dai Prashikshan On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 9324A JANANI EURO TECH MARITIME ACADEMY 9328A Kerala RASHMI COMPLEX.. PIN.Hariyana 434. Science & Technology School of Architecture. DESHABIMANI BUS STOP. PUNE. KIDWAIPURI.Arch. (Electronics Engineering): Basic Level Preparatory (Mar. S. COCHIN.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Science 09847597838 & Technology T33 V23 B. (General) B..Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..) Preparatory (Mar. Med. PIN.A.A.. (Marine Engineering) B.- (blank) Prof. Med. SECTOR 16-A.A. P AND T COLONY. Med.. PIN. Science & Technology School of Architecture. T.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. TAL.V. Sonipat .Tech.413 102 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Tech. Shrivastav 800 001 OPP. KALOOR.411 004 - Preparatory (Mar.Sc. Rajasthan SITAPURA.COM. Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences V22 B.) Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y KARVE ROAD. HAWELI. (UT Nagar OF DADRA NAGAR HAVELI).P.412 207 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 62101 BHARTIYA JAIN SANGHATANA COLLEGE MAH WAGHOLI ..Lib & I. (Marine Engineering) MBA BBA (HTM) Y N Y Y ARYANS EDUCATIONAL AND 9333A CHARITABLE TRUST Chandigar 164.. Med)C01. PIN. PATNA. PUNE. PUNE. STATE Johns Kurian KERALA.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 145/238 .COLLEGE OF ARTS.) Preparatory (Mar.
.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. AT/PO. BEHIND RUPEE BANK. Dist.. Development Research Foundation.B.412 202. Science & Technology T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 62127 DAHAD EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE MAH Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Certificate in Gardening Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar.411 016 R. PIN411 030 020-25648349 School of Continuing Education T29 Y - . DIST. PIN. Haveli.PUNE. PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar. Yenkar 020-25676818 School of Architecture. Med.Winter CBPM.Tech. Cell: Uruli-Kanchan .Tal.SHASTRI ROAD.New Pattern Y Y Y Y Y 146/238 .B. BAIF Mr.PUNE.411 030 721. L. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.New Pattern DIDD.vsnl. DIST. INDULAL COMPLEX.PUNE. 9423229383.. A/P/TAL. AT/PO.PUNE. PIN. Pune [email protected] of Continuing Education C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Y Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.PUNE.V.Summer G01 62124 GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC MAH UNIVERSITY ROAD.A..BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR COLLEGE MAH 85. DIST. NAVI PETH.Winter C2E T32 T-32 T-36 Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) DFD.PUNE. & Network Tech. A/P/TAL.. E-mail: Dist. SHINDE SARKARWADA. Pune MAH Study Centre Coordinator The Vice President. INDULAL SHREE.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE BAIF Development Research 6211A Foundation. PIN. Uruli-Kanchan. Shekhar Dusane. L.(DCHMNT) 62120 BHARATRATNA DR..SHASTRI ROAD.AUNDH. NAVI PETH. R DAHAD COMPLEX..411 007 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.
Manik Lakhe. Dist. Krishi Vikas Pratishthan.A.Sc. (Subject Communication) M. PUNE. PIN.) M. PIN410 503 .PUNE.Com. (Educational Communication) M. 02138-645401.) Preparatory (Mar.Sc..School of Continuing Education On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Krishi Vigyan Kendra.T. 02138-645401.413 115. Res. NEAR S.A. Pune MAH The Program Coordinator. AMBEGAON. (Subject Communication) M.412 411 MANCHAR..A. Res.JUNNER. Med. PUNE.Winter 62149 ANNASAHEB AVTE COLLEGE MAH School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. (Subject Communication) 147/238 .412 210 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. E-mail : manik_lakhe@rediffmai l. 02138-222301 Off. PIN. Dist. ALEPHATA. 02138-645401. AT/PO. Res. 02138-222305 Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division Academic Services Division M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 Preparatory (Mar. Res. L. Res. Med.A. NAVI PETH. 6212A Baramati. Krishi Vigyan (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 62139 TEJASVI BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH ABOVE HOTEL SAMADHAN. KVKBaramati.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 62127 DAHAD EDUCATIONAL STATE MAH Detail Address 721. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.B. (HTM) B.SHASTRI - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T74 T76 V05 V07 PRG NAME B. 02138-222303 Off.Summer G01 6214A CHANDMAL TARACHAND BORA COLLEGE MAH SHIRUR.. 02138-222302 Off.) Preparatory (Mar. Pune Mr. Chandrakant Dhapte Off. Cell: 9922419779. DIST. 02138-645401.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Baramati . 02138-222304 Off. (Distance Education) M.A.Summer G01 Prof.Winter CBPM. STAND. 02138-645401.School of Continuing Education C2E Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C2E.) Preparatory (Mar. (HMCO) DCHMNT-Windows 2000 Server DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) .
Winter CBPM.A.SHIRUR. DHANKAWADI.) Bachelor of Arts (B.V. SANDVIK COLONY.Summer G01 Prof. BHOSRI. DAUND.412 408 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar..) 62153 V. & Network Tech. PUNE..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N Preparatory (Mar.& RESEARCH SOCIETY'S YASHWANT INSTITUTES MAH 62172 MAH DIGHI ROAD.COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO...(DCHMNT) 62156 MAH - C01 G01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 62159 MAH CHINCHWAD. 59.) MBA Preparatory (Mar.. TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Tekale 62162 ARTS. PUNE-SATARA ROAD.411043. PIN411043 . Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.A. KONDWA [BK] .SHIKRAPUR.411 019 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.411 028 020-26961973 School of Architecture.. OPP. Med)C01.Winter Y 148/238 .412 208 School of Commerce & 2024319098 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. BALAJI NAGAR. ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH A/P KEDGAON. Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences T03 Diploma in Computer Technology Preparatory (Mar. SAI NAGAR. PIN.INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ANNASAHEB MAGAR COLLEGE SANGHAVI KESHARI ARTS. Med. BALAJI SHEETAL PATIL NAGAR.School of Continuing Education C2S 020-56508795.. TAL..411 046 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.School of Continuing Education C2E.. TAL.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.PATIL EDU. PIN. PIN.Summer G01 62170 SARASWATI EDUCATION CENTER DR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. Karlekar S.. SUKHSAGAR NAGAR-2. PUNE 411043.A. SAGAR HEIGHTS..D.A.A.A. PIN411039 FIRST FLOOR. DHANKAWADI. COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH 5 NO.Summer G01 G15 P03 62168 SUBHASH BABURAO KUL.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62150 Study Centre Name B.S.) B..) Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. . DISTPUNE.AMBEGAON. PUNE . Med. Med.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.D.KALE MAHAVIDYALAY STATE MAH Detail Address GHODEGAON. School of Continuing Education 9373374400 T29 Y . Med. PUNE. .A. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. PUNE-SATARA ROAD.Summer G01 62160 ABHINAV EDUCATION SOCIETY'S JR.411 048 HADAPSAR.-PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. COLLEGE MAH AMBEGAON (BK).R.411043 SAGAR HEIGHTS.G. Med.. DIST.R.) Preparatory (Mar. . PIN.
411043 COMPASS EDUCORP MAH SAGAR HEIGHTS.) BBA (HTM) B.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing BBA in (Ins. PUNE 411043 Diplai Vaze . (HTM) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y . Science 9423038544 & Technology T34 T03 T07 T24 149/238 .Tech.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62172 Study Centre Name DR. DHANKAWADI. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N 62173 MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAH S.A.NO.411038 School of Commerce & Management P54 P57 P55 Dharmapatre G.P.Sc. & Bank. DHANKAWADI.School of Continuing Education C2E Y 9881062240 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. BALAJI NAGAR.& RESEARCH SOCIETY'S STATE MAH Detail Address SAGAR HEIGHTS. PAUD ROAD. Science & Technology School of Architecture..G. PIN. BALAJI NAGAR.) MBA in (Ins. 124. Borikar 020-30273629 School of Architecture. PUNE. PIN. - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T32 T36 T-36 T74 T99 V07 PRG NAME Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (DIDD) DIDD.PATIL EDU. PUNE.. KOTHRUD. & Bank. PUNE-SATARA ROAD.. PUNE-SATARA ROAD.New Pattern B.School of Continuing Education SAGAR HEIGHTS.. PUNE-SATARA ROAD. BALAJI NAGAR.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.
Mangesh Karad Mr.25437681 Management 9867130807 School of Computer Sciences P09 P56 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 62174 ALLANA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE MAH 2390-B. PIN. PAUD ROAD. AZAM CAMPUS. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing M.Tech.P.S..Sc.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62173 Study Centre Name MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No 9423038544 School NAME School of Architecture. 124.NO.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Science & Technology School of Architecture. & Mgmt) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. 124. KOTHRUD. Science 9822355363 & Technology 150/238 .. M. Prof.Arch.411001 C. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering MBA MBA in (Hosp. G.NO.Arch.411001. Roy S.School of Commerce & 26912901. PIN. PUNE .411038 Prof. Science & Technology T64 T63 T65 School of Architecture. Om Karad PUNE 411038 School of Commerce & 02026912901Management 9422006161/020. Poonawala Prachi Muley 9422514642 9890911961 School of Architecture. PAUD ROAD. Katariya Mr. (General) B. Borikar PUNE.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. K B HINDAYATULLAH ROAD. CAMP. Science & Technology PRG Code T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME B. KOTHRUD. (Construction Management) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y S.Arch.
SHIRUR. VANDANA S. TALUKA MS. PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar.V.DHAMDHERE. PIN. AMBEGAON. (HMCO) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Madan Deshpande Dr.Sc. TAL. PIN.) B.PINMALHOTRA 41102 3. PUNE. Katariya Col.S.410503 TALEGAON .Arch. HADAPASAR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Dr. Science & Technology PRG Code V22 PRG NAME B. Dole/ Deshpande Contact No 9422514642 School NAME School of Architecture. PUNE. School of Continuing Education 9823290939.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.A. PUNE.Sc.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. (2010 Pattern) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N MAH 020-26970144 School of Health Sciences 20-26970144 School of Health Sciences 2133-223208 School of Health Sciences 223944 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P26 P40 C51 B.Sc. DESAI EYE HOSPITAL STATE MAH Detail Address 2390-B. TIMNNA NIWAS. 9423568008 9665026803 School of Computer Sciences C3E T76 Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Himali Surve D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 151/238 .Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62175 Study Centre Name ALLANA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE PBMA'S H. MOHAMMADWADI. MANCHAR. PUNE 411016 020-64785498.Sc. MODEL COLONY.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 62182 MAH 7/3 & 7/4.. HAVELI. AZAM CAMPUS.NO.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. 26970602/02/04.411002 S. (Optometry) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Dai Prashikshan Y Y N 62177 SALI HOSPITAL SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL'S ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH A/P. K B HINDAYATULLAH ROAD. Certificate course in English Language B.. Med. UNDRI VILLEGE. PIN... PUNE .411001.412208 - 62178 MAH C01 C01.. A/P. BARAMATI. TARAWADE VASTI.- Study Centre Coordinator C. DIST. 93. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Y Y Y Y 62181 SHARDABAI PAWAR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DINA INSTITUTE OF HOTEL & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MAH MALEGAON COLONY. PIN. Dr Mohan Sali DIST... CAMP.. 940/2. PUNE .Lib & I. HADAPSAR. DIST. TAL. PIN.
Pune 411 005 Dhumal Dr. J M Road . PARVTI. PIN. 2.411 038 Dilip Dhamne Mr. & Bank..Dilip Dharane School of Commerce & 9890709350 Management 9890709950/020..) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y 9665026803 School of Computer Sciences 020-25663106 9822320959/0202567666. SAWARKAR SOCY.411016 Mrs. MODEL COLONY..Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Sushma Chordia 62184 62187 JANAKI MAHILADHAR PRATISHTHAN A2Z Computer Training Institute MAH MAH 32.. Sahakar Nagar Mrs.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62182 Study Centre Name DINA INSTITUTE OF HOTEL & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STATE MAH Detail Address 3.9.Suresh Arora 20-24221030 School of Health Sciences 020-32330333 School of Computer Sciences 62188 CHOICE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MAH KARVE ROAD. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing MBA BBA in (Ins.24221030. SAHAKAR NAGAR NO. 940/2. & Mgmt) MBA in (Ins.25380535 Management 020 . Savarkar Society. MAH 32.) BBA (HTM) Dai Prashikshan Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Mittal Chemabers.. TIMNNA NIWAS. MODEL Ajit Oberoi COLONY. PIN.) MBA in (Hosp. PUNE. Parvati. & Bank. PUNE 411016 Study Centre Coordinator Himali Surve Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 P09 P54 P56 P57 P55 C51 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing MBA BBA in (Ins.16. Rupali Dhumal No. & Bank. KOTHRUD. 418.25663108 02024330425/24330435 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management 3. TIMNNA NIWAS.25663108 9822320959/0202567766..Sc.Malhotra Mrs. 940/2. PUNE .25663108 9822320959/02025677666.2545 School of Commerce & 5354. Pune-411009 152/238 . PUNE .306. 2. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9226701030 P09 P54 C55 62189 Janaki Mahiladhar Pratishthan.
Patil G. L. PIN.. Mahesh Bhumkar HADAPSAR. BANER.S. Mahesh Bhumakr HADAPSAR.27492739. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. School of Health Sciences 9890113260 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 62195 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 020 . School of Health Sciences 9823019974 020 . L. CHIKHALI ROAD. Science & Technology School of Architecture. 25886732. School of Health Sciences 9657073732 C51 N C55 Y C55 Y 62194 MAHARSHI PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAH (020) 56014575 School of Health Sciences P27 DMLT Y 020. NEAR RTO OFFICE. Priyadarshini WARJE. CHINCHWAD. Pramod Niphadkar PRADHIKARAN.(DCHMNT) Y Y Y N N N N N N Y School of Commerce & Management 9881245429 020-26059147 School of Architecture. OFF MUMBAI BANGALORE. CHINCHAWADGAON. 4TH FLOOR. Nagane VIVEK PATIL (020) 25534660 School of Continuing Education T29 153/238 . P CLASSIC. BYE-PASS HIGHWAY. P CLASSIC. Science & Technology P09 T34 T03 T07 T35 T05 T06 62198 ALL INDIA SHRI SHIVAJI MEMORIAL SOCIETY POLYTECHNIC.33. 4TH FLOOR.. GANAPATI Rajan Deshpande CHOWK.Tech. Shashikant R.. PUNE.(blank) 020 .. PIN. NEW ERA BAKERY. PIN411045. Mrs. PIN. PUNE . MAH KENNEDY ROAD.CHINCHWADGAON MAIN BUS Dr. KAIVALYA PLOT. S.400 002 OPP. NEAR HADPSARGAON BUS STO.400 028 G-305.. 118/1. Dr. Ranadhir Chaitali 400 033 S.24480039.25231130. HARIVITTHAL CHAMBERS. & Bank. NO. Dr. PUNE. Chafalkar 411058 402/403. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B.Randhir PUNE. C/O PRAMOD NIPHADKAR. PRAKRUTI APARTMENT. 25231131. NAVI WAGOLI..411 058. PIN.411 001 B. School of Health Sciences 9420484003 School of Commerce & Management P23 Yoga Teacher Y 62197 GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL MAH - P54 P55 BBA in (Ins. Railkar BALIWADI ROAD.25462478. PIN-411033 RANADHIR HOSPITAL.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62191 Study Centre Name NARI INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES RANDHIR MEDICAL FOUNDATION STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C55 PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 62192 MAH 62193 CIPLA PALLIATIVE CARE AND TRAINING CENTRE MAH 64. PIN. STOP. CHINCHWAGGAON DIST. & Network Tech. PUNE 411 001.Tech. G. School of Health Sciences 9420484025 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 62196 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 020 . Mr. School of Health Sciences 9422323605 27457220 School of Health Sciences 27455244® 020 . PUNE.) BBA (HTM) MBA B. NEAR HADPSARGAON BUS STOP. 1200. Shri.M..2. PINKulkarni.27451513.Dr.56014575. KOYNANAGR. OPP. 42/19. NO. BUDHVAR PETH..400 028 402/403. PIN411 019 GAT NO. PUNE . PIN.
A. KATRAJ.. PUNE. 1..AT POST : LASURNE. PIN.PUNE-SATARA ROAD. KATRAJ. Jagatap 400 046 SURVEY NO. (Bio-Informatics) M. Smt. NEAR NAVI PETH. TAL .A.Summer G01 62209 CHANAKYA MANDAL MAH 1557.- Study Centre Coordinator Mr.Sc. PIN. PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar. Rajkumar Tiwatne Contact No School NAME PRG Code P27 P27 C52 C51 C55 DMLT DMLT PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N N Y (2112) 225715 244415 School of Health Sciences 9422028338 (02186) 225254 School of Health Sciences 9373632823 20-26959208. (blank) KOTHRUD.) MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme B. Sunil Jagatap 400 046 Dr..VITTHAL MANDIR.Mr. OPP. & Bank.PUNE.NARAYANGAON. PIN.Sc. PINDr. (Bio-Technology) MBA BBA in (Ins.School of Commerce & 24338542. PINDr. DIST : PUNE. Sulbha Jagtap PUNE-SATARA ROAD.Dharmadhikari Prof. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) MBA in (Ins. PUNE. TAL : IDAPUR. (Bio-Informatics) B. SADASHIV PETH. Science 9921182345 & Technology P57 P91 T80 T81 T82 T83 Dr. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 G15 P03 School of Commerce & Management 020-24338542/ School of Continuing Education 24321177 School of Architecture.. BORSE BUILDING. Rajput Aarogyamitra Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) DMLT Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant 62205 MAH P27 Y 62206 MAH 2132-243140 / 244398 School of Health Sciences P40 Y 62207 MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PUNE. NEAR COSMOS BANK. BARAMATI. Mr... KATRAJ BUS DEPOT.. School of Health Sciences 26959308 20-26959208/ School of Health Sciences 9308. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.411030 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. KATRAJ BUS DEPOT. INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES MOHAN THUSE EYE HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE GRAMIN VIKAS PRATISHTAN LASURNE (KARYAKARI ADHIKARI SHIKSHAN VI) MAH NEAR SARGAM CINEMA. 9822936736 020 . PIN. School of Health Sciences 26959308 9822094967 School of Health Sciences SAI SNEH. Med.A. Dandawate PANDHRPUR..JUNNER.2432117 Management 020-2433854 P09 P54 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Mrs. OPP. Poorna Dharmadhikar 154/238 . Suresh Abhyankar School of Commerce & Management 020. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.26959208.) B. PIN.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62200 62201 62203 Study Centre Name SHIRISH ACADEMY NEW SATARA EDUCATION SOCIETY SAI SNEH HOSPITAL STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address KRIPA COMPLEX. DIST .Sc. KOTHRUD.. Sunil Jagatap.. (Bio-Technology) M.Sc.) Preparatory (Mar.) Y C01. PUNE. & Bank.
Sc.400 016 GOVT. Pune . KHANDALA.400 016 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P56 MSc (HTM) MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. NEAR BHARTIYA VIDYA BHAWAN SCHOOL. 4th Floor. DEEP BUNGLOW CHAUK. PUNE-411 016.411 007. M. POLYTECHNIC.. (Bio-Informatics) Y Y Y Y Nandini Joshi/Kothurkar 9975497870 T81 M.School of Commerce & 269016 Management School of Commerce & Management 9975497870 School of Architecture.RAISONI INSTITUTE OF INTERDISCIPLINERY SCIENCES MAH MAH GANESHKHIND ROAD. Above Karachi Sweets. Mr. PUNE-411 016. Camp.G. SQUARE. OLD PUNE MUMBAI HIGHWAY. SEC NO. 4th Floor. (Bio-Informatics) Y Nandini Joshi/Kothurkar 9975497870 T82 B.400 016. Camp. PIN411 016 MUNSHI MARG. 412/C. & Bank. PUNE 410 301. OLD PUNE MUMBAI HIGHWAY.Ajit Gaikwad KHANDALA. Espania Heithts.Sc.STATE INSTI. (HTM) Y T77 School of Commerce & Management P09 P55 P56 62211 KOHINOOR IMI SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT MAH KOHINOOR GLOBAL CAMPUS. Science & Technology School of Architecture.Sc. PIN.Sc.. M. Science & Technology School of Architecture..G. PIN. OPP. Jiten Acharya 62214 62215 INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN ENGLISH G. PUNE 410 301..411 016 020-25662629 School of Continuing Education T74 B. E.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMET MAH. 412/C.. & Mgmt) MBA B.) MBA in (Ins. & Bank. PIN410 301 (blank) INSTITUTE OF HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT GOVT. PUNE . PIN. Espania Heithts.02 16. UNIVERSITY ROAD. & Mgmt) Y Y Y Y Y (blank) P09 MBA Y 62212 MAH Mrs. PUNE .. 4th Floor. Espania Heithts. (Bio-Technology) Y 155/238 .Sc. PIN. UNIVERSITY ROAD. Dr.G. Above Karachi Sweets.. AUNDH. & Mgmt) MBA Y Y Y Y Y Mr.Sanjay Hullar KOHINOOR GLOBAL CAMPUS.400 016.H. NEAR BHARTIYA VIDYA BHAWAN SCHOOL. (HTM) Y - - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P54 P57 BBA in (Ins. PATANGE SHIVAJI NAGAR.. Road. Camp.OF HOTEL MAN & CATE TECH STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) PUNE 62210 MAH MUNSHI MARG. Pune ..03 Nandini Joshi/Kothurkar 020-25665130 P55 P56 62213 KOHINOOR BUSINESS SCHOOL MAH 9371219008 School of Commerce & Management P09 School of Commerce & Management 9320020707/02114. M.01 16. SEC NO. VASUDHA 0721-2590042 School of Continuing Education T74 B. Science & Technology P55 P56 P09 T80 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) MBA in (Hosp. POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS. PIN410 301 Deboshish Ghosh Mr. Road. Road. Pune . PUNE . Above Karachi Sweets.411 007 16.) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.
Pooja Kadam 020-24261774 School of Health Sciences P-42 PGDHHCM. DECCAN GYMKHANA.. School of Health Sciences 9423006133. Dangole P23 Yoga Teacher Y 62227 MAH C52 Aarogyamitra N 62228 MAH 1ST FLOOR.H. GHARKUL SOCIETY.. PIN411011 . PIN.. PUNE. Pune . MUMAR PARK. BIBWEWADI KONDHWA ROAD. NEAR BALAJI NAGAR BUS STOP. Dr. PUNE. 26050331. PIN410 505 Dr. PIN. SANJOG PATNE PIN.26121552.. Nandini Joshi/Kothurkar Camp. PUNE .G.411 037 894.. Vasant Kajale Mr.AT/PO/TAL.04 51/24.. VADGAON SHERI.Winter DPTGA. BIBWEWADI KONDHWA ROAD.411011 RAJGURUNAGA. KANHAIYYALAL BAHUDDESHIYA SANSTHA SUSHRUTA MEDICAL FOUNDATION COMPASS EDUCORP'S INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER A HARDWARE & NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY MAH Dr.Winter 6221A TIKARAM JAGANNATH ARTS & COMMERC COLLEGE OASIS INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CENTRE MAH G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.New Pattern Y S 17.. ASMITA MEDICAL FOUNDATION AND RESEARCH CENTER SHRI KANHAIYYALAL BAHUDDESHIYA SANSTHA SHRI.411 003 S 17.PUNE..) Y Y 156/238 . PIN. BIBWEWADI.. 9881667939 School of Health Sciences 9850108528 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) N 62226 MAH C55 Y MAH C/O DR. GHARKUL SOCIETY. Road.411 037 Dr Pooja Kadam Todkar Garden. 4th Floor. Todkar MANGALWAR PETH. BHANDARKAR ROAD. BIBWEWADI. KHED.411 037.RAISONI INSTITUTE OF INTERDISCIPLINERY SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No 9975497870 School NAME School of Architecture. Bibwewadi-Kondhawa Road. Pooja Kadam 020-64002030 School of Health Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 62221 MAH Dr. DHANAKAWADI. MANGALWAR PETH. SANJOG PATNE PIN. Bibwewadi. SAGAR HIEGHTS.) 62220 MAH Dr..Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62215 Study Centre Name G. ROAD. TAL.43 - C01 Preparatory (Mar. PUNE. 26050331. KUMAR PARK. VADGAON SHERI.411014 51/24. Todkar 20-25657553 School of Health Sciences 9822246327 020 . PUNE . TODKAR HOSPITAL. PUNE .Shri Nitin Gupte Dr. DIST. Next to Kumar Park. School of Health Sciences 9423006133 020 .KHADKI..411 037.411 004. PANKAJ NIWAS. SATARA.. Espania Heithts.. PUNE. PIN411 004 C/O TODKAR HOSPITAL.School of Health Sciences 20-24261774. . PUNE. SHRI.26121552. Above Karachi Sweets.Sc.A. Science & Technology PRG Code T83 PRG NAME M.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.Arun Gadre.A. PANKAJ BHAVAN.) Y C01. M. 8/1. PIN.New Pattern On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 62217 MAH 16... 9923240825 2135-223560. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Pune. School of Health Sciences 9422034988 P42 PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management Aarogyamitra Y C52 N OASIS Institute Of Health Sciences & Research Centre.411 037 (020) 27032986 9371207820 School of Continuing Education 9890266620 (020) 27032986 9371207820 School of Continuing Education 9890266620 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T31 Y T-31 Y Y Y T31. 2nd Floor. (Bio-Technology) Diploma in Printing Technology and Graphic Arts (DPTGA) DPTGA. SHRI.
PUNE.. Med. PIN. Pune mail.411 053 Shruti Joshi * Only for further admissions KARVE NAGAR.411 054 Shruti Joshi * Only for further admissions KARVE NAGAR. (General) M..Cell: business Management. YERWADA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.411 052 Shruti Joshi * Only for further admissions School of Architecture. Balahaheb Bhujbal.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) PUNE College of Agri-business 6222A Management. Science & Technology T64 M. MAVAL. Balsaraf 62236 PUNE CENTRAL JAIL MAH A/P TAL.) Preparatory (Mar. The Principal. (Environmental Architecture) Y 9422515652 T65 Y 9422515652 T66 Y 157/238 . School of Health Sciences 9960386899 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 C01 C01. Dist. . Narayangaon. Junnar.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in (MCJ) Yoga Teacher Preparatory (Mar.A.Summer G01 MAHARSHI KARVE SANSTH'S DR.410 504. Med. Pune MAH Mr.Arch.Arch. 9822353378. NANAVATI COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE FOR WOMEN KARVE NAGAR. Junnar.Tal..02114-222554. PIN410507 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. 222225. PUNE.Arch. PIN. TAL. AT. Science & Technology School of Architecture. Tal. Y KARVE NAGAR. PUNE. PIN. DIST. Science & Technology Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 62237 MAH 9422515652 T63 B. PUNE. College of AgriNarayangaon. maliprashikshan@rediff Dist.Summer G01 P03 Prof.) Preparatory (Mar. (Construction Management) M. Science & Technology School of Architecture.411 055 Shruti Joshi * Only for further admissions 9422515652 School of (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 62235 INDRAYANI MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH TALEGAON-CHAKAN ROAD. PIN. Email Narayangaon .Arch.POST TALEGAON DABHADE.PUNE. PIN. 9970196268.
Meshram 411 048 9860935993 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 SHRI SHIV CHATRAPATI ARTS.Sc. PUNE Prof. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. 2/3/4.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62239 Study Centre Name VISHWAKARMA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address S. Puradhe 62240 AIKYABHARATI PRATISTHAN MAH MAHATMA PHULE MUSIUM COMPLEX. Med.JUNNAR. 6223A COMMERCE & SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH BODKE NAGAR. PUNE.411 048 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C3A C3C C3E C3F PRG NAME Certificate course in German Language Certificate course in Japanese Language Certificate course in English Language Certificate course in French Language Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. 2/3/4. AT/PO/TAL.) Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST. PIN. V. 9422084445 School of Continuing Education 9422322141 158/238 . PIN411005 - 02372-272060 P54 C3A C3E C3F 020-25538635. KONDHWA (BK).410 502 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management C01 G01 Dr.) Certificate course in German Language Certificate course in English Language Certificate course in French Language On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 020-26932800/2900.A. GHOLE ROAD.. KONDHWA (BK).No.A.No.) BBA in (Ins. & Bank. PIN.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. School of Continuing Education 9326852305 S.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.PUNE...
.411033 RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN HEALTH. PUNE. PINNAC MEMORIES. School of Health Sciences 9822046072 02024330425. FOUNDATION ASHWIN MEDICAL FOUNDATION'S MORYA HOSPITAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN HEALTH SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT MAH 46/2B/2. . (HMCO) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) BBA in (Ins. ABOVE BANK OF MAHARASHTRA. PUNE. SADASHIV PETH. PUNE.Suresh Abhyankar 020. S. & Bank. KOTHRUD.) MBA Certificate Programme in Human Rights Diploma in Computer Technology BBA in (Ins.D. 27489117. Sapkal. Kolte Nitin 020-24477528 School of Health Sciences 9822653085 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P26 B. PUNE.Lib & I. Smita Jog Dr.Sc.. Tanpure (020) 26126607 School of Health Sciences P25 B.Sushma Chordia 62253 JOG HOSPITAL C. S. PUNE IInd PHASE. School of Health Sciences 9822874308 020 . School of Continuing Education 25468400 62248 SURYADATTA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY (SIBMT) MAH SHRINIVAS TOWER. PIN... 27489118. KARJAT DEHU ROAD BYPASS.Sc. Mr..School of Commerce & 24338542/2432117 Management School of Commerce & 020-24432452 Management 9225571214 School of Humanities & Social Sciences 62244 62247 ABHINAV EDUCATION SOCIETY VIDYA MAHAMANDAL MAH MAH S. PUNE. PIN. Suresh Abhyankar Dr. PIN411 046 1244.Abhijit Apte School of Architecture.R.C.411030 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code P03 P54 P09 C07 T03 P54 PRG NAME Diploma in (MCJ) BBA in (Ins. PIN411038 CHINCHAWAD BUS SATAND CHINCHWADGAON.25.. 25 KARVE RD.. DHANKWADI PUNE. & Mgmt) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mrs.Sc. AMBEGAON (BK).. PAUD ROAD. PIN. & Bank.27489119.Chavan 020-25460793 C07 P03 P16 Certificate Programme in Human Rights Diploma in (MCJ) M. MBA Y Y Y Y School of Commerce & Management P09 159/238 . PIN.School of Commerce & 24330425.25431758. (Optometry) Y 62258 ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT. PUNE MAH Mr. KARVE ROAD.30. PIN411038 Dr. KHAJINA VIHIR. NEAR KOTHRUD BUS STAND.Sc. Sushma Chordia Mrs. SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT. APTE ROAD. 25431362. NAGAR HADAPSAR.411 043 - T74 T76 T77 T78 B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N Y Prof. Science & Technology School of Commerce & 020-25531996 Management 020-25468300.NO. (HTM) B. 004 Mr.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62241 62242 Study Centre Name PRESS REPORTERS EDUCATION FOUNDATION SYNERGY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STATE MAH MAH Detail Address PLOT NO 3 SILVAR COP SOC SASANE.) BBA (HTM) MBA MBA in (Hosp. & Bank.Sc. 'L'-BUILDING. (MLT) Y MAH Dr.13. PIN411028 1785.24330435 Management 020 .G..R.. PIN.24330435 02024330425/24330435 P54 P55 P09 P56 C55 C55 Y 62257 MAH Smt.411 Khatavkar P. Avinash Wachasunder 62254 MAH School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & 020-24300425 Management 020..NO.
LONAVALA MAH TRIDEV.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 62258 ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF STATE MAH Detail Address IInd PHASE. ELPRO. 3RD FLOOR. PUNE. & Bank. OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MAH SURVEY NO. & Mgmt) Y Y Y Y Y (blank) 62262 HIKET TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH BLOCK NO. GAVALWADI NAKA.G. & Bank. VRSULLA HIGH SCHOOL. PIN.411 018 School of Commerce & Management 020-27426244 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 P55 P56 62263 NATIONAL INST. & Bank.Com. SANT TUKARAM SANKUL. Dr.) MBA M.Sc. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. (Educational Communication) M. PIMPRI. CHINCHWAD. & Mgmt) BBA in (Ins.PUNE.) MBA in (Ins.. OPP.411 033 - P09 MBA Y 160/238 .13. (Subject Communication) M. 'L'-BUILDING. & Bank. INTERNATIONAL. SHALINI. (Subject Communication) M. Academic Services Division 9730187295 Dr.. (Subject Communication) MBA MBA BBA (HTM) BBA in (Ins. (Distance Education) M. Prof. PALACE.A. MUMBAI-PUNE. PIN.) MBA in (Ins. S...) MBA in (Ins.) BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.440 044 020-26912901 P56 62261 MAH - P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. NIGDI. & Bank.) MBA in (Hosp. PUNE. MAH DECCAN JIMKHANA.A.411 Waghmare 004 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P54 P09 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 9689234922.. 169/1/A. & Mgmt) 020-25460793 School of Commerce & School of Commerce & Management On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 62259 ED-CAMPUS. Shrikant Joshi. PUNE. & Bank... PIN.410 401 - 02114-395930 (blank) 6225A BRIHAN MAHARASHTRA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE.. LONAVALA. ROAD.A. PINNAC Study Centre Coordinator Mr.Mangesh Karad NOVEL INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH IN FRONT OF ST. PIN. PIN. Mangesh Karad 020-26912901 P54 P57 Mr.Shrikant Joshi 62260 MAHARASHTRA ACADEMY OF NOVEL EDUCATION & TRAINING (MANET) MAH - School of Commerce & 020-5654943 Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 P09 P55 Mr.. & Mgmt) MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp.Chavan Contact No School NAME PRG Code P54 P57 P57 P55 P56 PRG NAME BBA in (Ins.
GADITAL. HAVELI. STATUE. NEAR MAHATMA. BIBWEWADI-KONDHWA ROAD... 26991322. 9373334472 P23 Dr. TAL. DIST.Sc.. School of Health Sciences 26926230 020 . PUNE. PIN.P. SANJEEVANI NURSING HOME.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62267 Study Centre Name HI-K-ETS INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY STATE Detail Address S. PIN. PHULE.Sc. Kusum Tamhane C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 161/238 . (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Yoga Teacher Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 62269 SNEHA FOUNDATION MAH POLT NO.J. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.411 018 157/A. PUNE 411 019 Medha Jawale 020-32543400 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 62270 NISARGOPACHAR GRAMSUDHAR TRUST SANJEEVANI MEDICAL FOUNDATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE MAH 62271 MAH NISARGOPACHAR ASHRAM.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.P. CHINCHWAD. PUNE. PUNE.. PIN.411 018 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y MAH 020-27426244. NEAR MAHATMA. (HTM) B. No.1. (HMCO) BBA (HTM) - - School of Commerce & Management P55 62268 ARIHANT EDUCATION FOUNDATION ARIHANT COLLEGE OF HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT MAH TODKAR COMPLEX 1ST FLOOR. PUNE. PUNE-SOLAPUR ROAD.Sc.. PRADHIKARAN. PIN411 028 Dr.26991375.Sc. AMBEDKAR CHOWK. CHAMBERS. HADAPSAR.J.412202 224/1.26926298. PUNE. PIMPRI. PHULE.. CHAMBERS. School of Health Sciences 9881130352. PIN. URULI KANCHAN.157/A. PIMPRI. Ravindra Nisal 020 .411037 - 020-26332921 School of Continuing Education T74 T76 T77 B. (HTM) B. CHIKHLI ROAD. School of Continuing Education 9422365819 T74 T76 B.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. STATUE. SECTOR 18. AMBEDKAR CHOWK. Mrs.
M. (e.Dusane C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) B.. PRIDE PLAZA.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62276 Study Centre Name M. MR. EX.. PUNE. PRIDE PLAZA. School of Health Sciences 9822302131.I.. HADAPSAR. PUNE. PIN.Education) Prof. CLASSIC. Sangram Jadhav P25 Y Ms.411009 INDRAPRASTHA. J. SERVICEMAN. 9423570424 020-40069976 School of Continuing Education P36 62281 MAH 1186/87. School of Continuing Education 32335338.411001 - P26 B. KONDHAWA (BK)..413102 ISPANIYA HIGHT. KOTHRUD.SHIVAJI NAGAR. COLLEGE CAMPUS. HADPSAR. PUNE.Sc. ROAD. PUNE-SATARA ROAD.. (MLT) Y 62283 MAH Dr. J.224288. (HMCO) Y 62282 SHRADHA HOSPITAL BRACT'S VISHWAKARMA INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCE AND RESEARCH MAH L. School of Continuing Education 32335338. OPP. OPP. PUNE.256511771/ 256511772. PUNE.. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering B. PRIDE MULTIPLEX. PIN.411048 DR.Tech. PIN.P. CITY.. (HTM) Y T76 B.M.T. PIN.MONA FOOD. SARDAR PATEL ROAD. ROAD. Anil Mokashi PIN. PUNE. PUNE. Science & Technology PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH - P09 MBA Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. PAUD ROAD. Swati Ingale DR.I.MR. S P JAIN 411005 T74 B.G. Dr. ENGINEERING.NO. (Optometry) Y 62284 INSTITUTE OF RURAL PEDIATRICS G.School of Education 020. Diploma in Customer Care & Air Travel Management MBA Y 62285 MAH V03 V04 Y Y 62289 ASIAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT METROPOLITAN INSTITUTE OF HMCT MAH 410. CAMP.Sc. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STATE Detail Address S. PIN. 124. BARAMATI.Ed.LANDMARK CENTER.- - . 2..Sc. 9423584062. ANIL MOKASHI HOSPITAL.- Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Commerce & Management School of Architecture.Sc.26823070 / School of Health Sciences 26818032 (020) 32522503 School of Health Sciences 020-32522503 / 26932700 School of Health Sciences 9850832582 2112 . S P JAIN PUNE. PUNE-SOLAPUR ROAD. FAX25512094 020. & Mgmt) Y Y 162/238 .D. COLONY.M. 4TH FLOOR..3 AND 4. FAX25512094 020 . NEAR AKASHWANI. MAJIRI PHATA. Anand Tappu 9850627506 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 N N N N N N 62280 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION PRIDE INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MAH KOTHRUD ROAD..H.T.411006 1187/66 &68.SCHOOL OF AVIATION MAH C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Flight Cabin Crew Training & Air Travel Managemt. PIN411025 SR. PUNE.RAISONI. PIN.256511771/ 256511772.411028 - - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 Y 62290 MAH - P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. PIN. PIN.
TAL. On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 020-26998586/ School of Continuing Education 26993588 62292 VISION COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH NARAYAN NAGAR. & Mgmt) MBA Y Y Y Y Y 62296 TRAINING & ADVANCED STUDIES IN MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION (TASMAC) INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH MAH CORPORATE OFFICE & PUNE CAMPUS. (HTM) B. 55. PUNE. MALEGAON COLONY.. TASMAC ROAD. PIN.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B..Sc.411 014 CHANDAN NAGAR. . PUNE. PIN.413155 PLOT NO. NEAR AKASHWANI. (HTM) MBA BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. NO. BEHIND RAKSHAK. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing B. MAJIRI PHATA.Sc.Lib & I. NEAR WAGHIRE COLLEGE. PUNE 9975569933 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 62294 SHARDABAI PAWAR MAHILA COLLEGE SARASWATI INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY MAH SHARDA NAGAR. . DIST. NAGAR.Sc. .- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 62295 MAH 020-65263307/ School of Continuing Education 65101084 School of Commerce & Management T74 P09 P55 P56 B. CHANDAN NAGAR..Net Building Web Portals through ASP. SR. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. KHED. PUNE. Sachin Chimbalkar PURANDAR. 52/2.. PIN.Sc. SASWAD.. PIN.- - - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 62297 MAH - - P09 MBA Y 163/238 . (TASMAC) HOUSE. TAL.. VIMAN. BARAMATI. - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T74 T76 T77 T78 PRG NAME B.Sc.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62290 Study Centre Name METROPOLITAN INSTITUTE OF HMCT STATE MAH Detail Address INDRAPRASTHA. PIN.411 014 CHAKAN.
.) Preparatory (Mar. KOTHRUD. PUNE. PIN. PIN.124. . B1/1AB.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PUNE. (HTM) Y Y Y Y Y 62311 STRONICS SHRI SAISAMRAT COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY AND AIR TRAVEL MANAGEMENT MCE SOCIETY'S M. SHUKRAWAR PETH. MUMBAI-PUNE ROAD.B.Sc.) 62304 ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH DAUND.HIGHWAY. MAH RAAGDARI MADHURANTI.411007 302/A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62300 Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address FROWEL HOUSE. JUNNAR.) Preparatory (Mar.Sc. COMPANY.) Preparatory (Mar. (blank) AUNDH.G.M. PUNE. PUNE. BAJIRAO ROAD.D. PUNE.411 001 020-26442261/62 School of Continuing Education T74 164/238 . NAL STOP.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PUNE. NEAR OLD.) 62303 S. MEENAL APARTMENTSS.411028 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.411012 ALEPHATA. Dr.Lawrence . DISTPUNE . PIN..Summer G01 62306 THE MATRIX EDUCATION FOUNDATION MARATHWADE MITRA MANDAL'S COLLEGE OF COMMERCE BHAGWATI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT S. PIN. KARVE ROAD.NO. INDIRA RURAL & TRIBAL. HIDAYATULLAH ROAD.411038 Preparatory (Mar..A. PUNE. Med.411 004 P. (HTM) Preparatory (Mar.Kalbhore Arts. Med.M.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH MAH A-6.412411 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y DIGIKORE STUDIO LTD.) MBA Certificate course in English Language Diploma in Customer Care & Air Travel Management DCCATM (New Pattern) B. Med.A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. PIN... RANGOONWALA. PIN.Commrce & Science College. TAL.411004 SMS CAMPUS. K.. School of Continuing Education 9860500173 9822994500 9822993500 School of Continuing Education 9826531777 P09 C3E 62312 MAH - V04 V-04 Y Y Y 62313 MAH 2390-B. AZAM CAMUS PUNE. PIN411 002 -School of Commerce & Management 9422000217 School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. PIN. COM. Med. COLLEGE MAH 022-32921433/34 School of Continuing Education 9822094656 02132-263139/ School of Continuing Education 9860994141 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T97 B. PUNE.) MBA 62307 MAH P09 MBA Y 62308 MAH - P09 MBA Y 6230A MAH - - C01 C01..A.ALFA LAVAL.B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. MEDICAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT TRUST MAUR'S ARTS. PIN411 001 - School of Commerce & Management 020-30221621. 410/2. . PIN. . DAPOLI.A..A.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S.. PUNE. DECCAN GYMKHANA. 884/7.JOSHI COLLEGE MAH HADAPSAR.. TOLL NAKA. OPP. Med)C01. VADGAON BK. 1359.Sc. (MGA) 62301 62302 MAH MAH T74 C01 B. & SCI. PAUD ROAD.
(Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Preparatory (Mar. N.& SCI. MARTAND BHIRAV ADHYAPAK COLLEGE SRI. Deepa Divekar ROAD. PUNE.. TAL.A.ERANDWANE.130.PUNE. OPP. MUMBAIBANGLORE EXPRESS HIGHWAY.A. MAGARPATTA CITY ROAD.Sc. 25403040. ARTS..) Diploma in Fabrication PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management PGDHHCM.Tech.66285000... YRWADA. PURANDAR.410006 C01 C01. KOTHRUD. DIST. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCS..K.COM.411004 Deepa Divekar (MD) PLOT NO.PUNE. AGALAMBE.412301 SHREE GANESH APP. PIN411038 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 62320 SADAVRTE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE SAHYADRI HOSPITALS LTD.. School of Continuing Education 9225634179 .) Bachelor of Arts (B. COMMERCE & SCIENCE) MAH AT/PO.Prof. DIST.306. DIST.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 P03 Y Y Y Y Y 62327 NOBLE HOSPITAL MAH 153.) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.306. School of Health Sciences 9673338075 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T94 62324 MAH PLOT NO... PIN411023 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Architecture. TAL.PUNE. HAVELI. COLLEGE MAH MAHARASHTRA HOUSING BOARD.) Bachelor of Arts (B.N. PIN. MAH - (020) 25390207.. 4/2.ARANDWANE.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med. PUNE. 124.) Diploma in (MCJ) PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Care Management 62316 GURUVARYA SAMPATRAO PATIL ADHYAPAK VIDYALAYA SHRI. School of Health Sciences M-9960027206 P42 165/238 .KARVE ROAD. School of Health Sciences 25403040 020 .SASWAD.) Bachelor of Arts (B. WAKAD.. SURVEY NO. 37 GUJRAT COLONY. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.KARVE Dr. Abhay Pandit Jadhav 020 .411013 Dr. . Med. DIST. Patil 411 038 - C01 G01 62319 MAH 020-25442770 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 6231A VAGHIRE COLLEGE (ARTS.DIST.411 057 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y MAH 020-22934719 School of Continuing Education T76 T77 T99 T-99 B. Science & Technology C01 G01 62317 MAH S.A. PIN. 66295000.411045 MIT CAMPUS. KOTHRUD.25403000. Med. PAUD ROAD. PIN..411004 P42 P-42 C55 Y Y Y 62325 GENTA SOPANRAV MORE. PIN.School of Health Sciences 020-25403000.. Med.. PIN.. SAVITRIBAI PHULE POLYTECHNIC MAH A/P. PIN. PIN.. .New Pattern Preparatory (Mar. PUNE.PUNE..New Pattern Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar.. WAKAD POLICE CHOWKY. PUNE.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62314 Study Centre Name INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES AND RESEARCH STATE Detail Address SURVEY NO.A. BALEWADI.
TILAK ROAD.COM. SULTANPUR ROAD. PIN410503 020-24477528 School of Health Sciences 9822653085 P26 B.Sc. PUNE. Madhav Chavan Nakhate Chowk. DIST.PUNE.412205 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.PUNE. LTD.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. TAL. NO GRANT UNIT. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MAH 020-65101234. Kolte Nitin GARWARE. PIN. DIST.& SCIENCE COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address A/P.-MANCHAR.BHOSARI...AMBEGAON. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST.PUNE. Med)C01. Med. Med.) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 484. TAL. TILAK ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62328 Study Centre Name SKYLARK FOUNDATION ARTS.SADASHIV PETH. Pune411017 SULTAN CAMPUS. Med.LANDEWADI.HAVELI. KARVE ROAD. School of Health Sciences 9225526566 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 62332 Z.COM.COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. Near Sitara Garden Hotel..A. Vikas Abnave 9371013697 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y 62329 RAJMATA JIJAU SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL'S ARTS.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. PIN..400030 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Preparatory (Mar.SADASHIV PETH.A. DIST.) Bachelor of Arts (B.SHAIKH D.M. PIN. TAL. Dr..411004 Run by Rajveer Health Services PVT.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Y C01. PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar.& SCI.Summer G01 62333 MAHARASHTRA VIDYARTHI SAHAYAK MANDAL MAH 484.411039 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 62330 MAH INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES. PIN..ED.) Preparatory (Mar...A.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle 166/238 .. A/P. COLLEGE..KHEDSHIVAPUR. Rahatani. PUNE 400030 Dr. ABASAHEB Dr. COLLEGE MAHARASHTRA EDUCATION SOCIETY's COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY MAH AT/P. 65328322. (Optometry) Y 62331 Aditya Multispeciality Hospital.
647.Sc.A.. TILAK ROAD.BHAVANI PETH. Pune (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 167/238 ..) Y 62340 Agriculture Technology School MAH The Superintendent.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62333 Study Centre Name MAHARASHTRA VIDYARTHI SAHAYAK MANDAL STATE MAH Detail Address 484.413114 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.SADASHIV PETH.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.OPP. Vikas Abnave Contact No School NAME PRG Code D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. PUNE 411002 Shaikh A Hussain 9922412042 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 AT/PO. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6233A ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH - - G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.PUNE.POONA COLLEGE. Agriculture -Technology School. Dist.INDAPUR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N 9371013697 School of Computer Sciences 62336 THE MUSLIM CO-OPERATIVE BANK GOLDEN JUBILEE EDUCATION TRUST'S MAH GOLDEN JUBILEE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Bhor.KALAMBVALCHANDNAGAR. PUNE 400030 Study Centre Coordinator Dr. NEAR BSNL OFFICE. DIST. TAL. PIN.
Sc. ABOVE DENA BANK. Bharat Temkar. (HMCO) MSc (HTM) MSc (FPP) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. PIN. School of Continuing Education 9225626064 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T29 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture B.411051 2ND & 3RD FLOOR. DHANRAJ WAGH T98 B. PUNE. MAH DEVRAM SHELAKE T97 B.(DCHMNT) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 62347 SRAJAN MAH T97 B.413 115. 207. Baramati. 48/1 A.Sc. PUNE. CHINCHWAD STATION CHOUK. YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN NATYAGRUH. PUNE -411019 OFF.411038 C01 C01. Krishi Vikas Pratishthan.Lib & I. Pune PUNE 62341 College of Agriculture.Sc. DIST-PUNE. 5.30471033.Lid. Y Y Y Y 168/238 . & Network Tech. 9011085639 020. 138/3/1. DIST PUNE. KOTHRUD. SINHAGAD MADHUKAR ROAD.4201005.Sc. PIN411004 FM CITY CENTRE. 9225200123.Lid.. RASKAR (020) 32315774 School of Continuing Education 9822850516 020. COABaramati. ANUPAMA S. Dist. Pune MAH Study Centre Coordinator Mr.400021 9763717524 School of Continuing Education T74 T76 T77 T78 62346 TECHNOSAVY INSTITUTE. ERANDAVANA. BORATE SANKUL.) M.64155532. In MGA Y 62348 METEOR INSTITUTE OF DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIES Pvt.8. TAL-MULSHI. In MGA Y MAMASAHEB MOHOL 6234A COLLEGE ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH PAUD RAOD.MANIKBAUG. In MGA Y 62349 MAH MR. (HTM) B. PUNE411038 MRS. CHINCHWAD. PIN.. School of Continuing Education 9225626063. SAI PETROL PUMP.6.NO.Summer G01 P16 Preparatory (Mar. Dist. E-mail : m Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 62345 INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT (ANS FOUNDATION) MAH SURVEY NO.. METEOR INSTITUTE OF DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIES Pvt. OFF.) Preparatory (Mar. AT/POSTSUS. Cell : 9604508268.Sc. Baramati.. OPP. NO. J M ROAD. PIN.A.temkar@rediffmail. OPP. Med. 9096100123 022. School of Continuing Education 4201006. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. 9225603333.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address The Principal. PRESTIGE CHAMBERS.PARVATI JADHAV PRAVIN HEIGHTS. College of Agriculture.Sc. MAH C-2.
NEAR DODEKAR BRIDGE. PUNE.412409 FLAT NO.10.Pune-411006 NARAYANGAON.. DIST.ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE. PUNE.411 044. Mr. 314/B. Med.) 62370 Shree Hospital.66431900 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences HUTATMA RAJGURU COLLEGE 6235A (ARTS. PIN411030 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.JUNNAR. MAH Siddharth Mansion Pune-Nagar Road. PIN. PUNE .26683798 020-25432296 School of Health Sciences Fax-020-25432296 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Bachelor of Arts (B. ANANTRAO THOPTE COLLEGE 6238A (ARTS.) B.27357552 School of Health Sciences M-9822455316 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C55 MAH P27 DMLT Y MAH MAH Dr. DIST.Summer C07 G01 G15 P03 169/238 .A. Dist. NIGDI. Shree Bhagwanrao Napate Foundation.411016. SENAPATI BAPAT ROAD. R.) Preparatory (Mar. SCIENCE & COMMERCE) MAH AT/PO. Mehendale Garage Road.. Med.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. Dist. Pradhikaran.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Pune-4 Mr.S.SABNIS VIDYAMANDIR MAH Lokmanya Hospital Sector-24. Chinchwad.. Neves Castanha (B.Sc.) Preparatory (Mar.P.V..A.M. Pune. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B. BHOR. PRADHIKARAN. Pune – 411006 203/204.PUNE-411 044 Lokmanya Research Centre. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RAOSAHEB PATVARDHAN 6239A SCHOOL & JR. Med)C01. Med. ICC CHAMBERS. Ghanekar (B.9822455316 Dr. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. PARVATI.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 62350 Study Centre Name SEAMLESS EDUCATION ACADEMY STATE MAH Detail Address 17 EMERALD HOUSE.) MBA Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y Y Y School of Commerce & Management 62369 Lokmanya Medical Research Centre. Med. Praween B.COLLEGE MAH SINHAGAD RAOD. PUNE.Sc. In MGA On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 020. PIN410505 Study Centre Coordinator MR. OPP. PIN410504 Dr.24.V. KESAR NIGAVEKAR Contact No School NAME PRG Code T97 PRG NAME B. LOKMANYA MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER.PUNE.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Napate 020-26681127 School of Health Sciences Fax. Ghanekar - P-42 C01 PGDHHCM. Lokmanya Mdedical Foundations 6236A GURUVARYA R. Erandwane. R. PIN412206 - G01 Y MAH - C01 C01. Pune. Ghanekar 020-27357552 School of Health Sciences Fax-27352503 020-27357552 School of Health Sciences 9822455316 020 . LOKMANYA HOSPITAL SECTOR.) 62371 MAH C55 Y ANNASAHEB VAGHIRE 6237A SCIENCE. Fourth Dimenension.New Pattern Preparatory (Mar.H.. TAL. PUNE. SCIENCE & COMMERCE) MAH - - C01 C01.A.V.9850665929.A. Nigdi.) M... R. RAJGURUNAGAR.OTUR.) Mo. PUNE.) Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.
PUNE 411 039 (020) 27126524 School of Continuing Education 9890150175 School of Computer Sciences 6261A ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH LONAWALA. Mhaske 9860706140 School of Computer Sciences D01 170/238 .I.. NR.PUNE. DEVARE SHANKAR PIN-411034 JANAI HEIGHT. KASARWADI. PUNE. DIST PUNE 410 502 D. PIN. DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.(RESI. Med)C01.A. DIST.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. DUTTA MANDIR.. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. A/PO/TAL.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N 6255A SUPER COMPUTER INSTITUTE VITHOBA COMPLEX. Med. PIN.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B. MR.T. NEW S.ZONE).Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.) Programming Expertise in "C" Y Y N SAISONU INSTITUTE OF 6283A TECHNOLOGY MAH MAHABARE COMPLEX.Sc.C.. JUNNAR.D. L. BHIMTHADI SHIKSHAN SANSATHECHE SHETH JOYTIPRASAD VIDYALAYA & JR. PUNE NASHIK ROAD. COLLEGE MAH M. 1ST FLOOR.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Shankar Deore BHOSARI. Med.413 801 Pravin Kale 2112243762 School of Education P09 C35 MBA Certificate Program in ICT for Teachers 6278A MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN413133 DOUND. PUNE.) School of Commerce & Management 6262A VIDYAPRATISHTHAN'S COLLEGE OF EDUCATION.Sc.Lib & I.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6250A Study Centre Name YASHWANTRAO MOHITE COLLEGE STATE MAH MAH -- Detail Address - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code P04 V07 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME B.BARAMATI.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. OPP. STAND.
LONI-KALBHOR. (Nautical Science) (2010 Pattern) B. TAL. PIN. PUNE..TAL.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. PIN. LONISTATION. PUNE. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.Sc.G. Paranjape School of Architecture. PIN.- 020-26912901/2/4 V23 C2E C2H T72 N Y Y Y 9422003627 School of Continuing Education 171/238 . Mhaske Contact No School NAME PRG Code D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.CHAKAN. PULGAON. LONISTATION. (Marine Engineering) MAH Capt.) 63106 MAHARASHTRA ACADEMY OF NAVEL EDUCATION & TRAINING (MANET) MEER's MAHARASHTRA ACADEMY OF NAVEL EDUCATION & TRAINING (MANET) MAH RAJBUG.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 6283A SAISONU INSTITUTE OF STATE MAH Detail Address MAHABARE COMPLEX.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Gopinath Arts & Commerce 6292A College MAH MAH AT/PO..412201 V... HAVELI.. LONI-KALBHOR. DIST.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Paranjape 63114 YUVAK JADAN GHADAN PRAKALP SHRI SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL MAH A/P.A.412201 RAJBUG. DIST. (Marine Engineering) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance N V. PUNE-SOLAPUR HIGHWAY. Science & Technology School of Architecture.. NARAYAN KHULE PUNE. NEW Study Centre Coordinator D. PUNE-SOLAPUR HIGHWAY.A. Science 020-26912901/2/3 & Technology School of Architecture.. Science & Technology T33 B. NR.Sc.) 9860706140 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y CHAKAN SHIKSHAN 6290A MANDALACHE ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE.PUNE. Dhirendra Gupta 9822286334 V26 B. Med)C01.Tech.Tech.. L.410 501 -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 C01 Preparatory (Mar.G.
CLOVER CENTER. BEHIND NAGARPALIKA. TAL.Pathak 412 210 165/1. PINProf. PIN. TAL.) Preparatory (Mar. Med. MAH - C01 Y C01.DIST. BAZAR TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEAR ARORA TOWERS. NARAYAN KHULE PUNE.INDAPUR.. PILLY PUNE CAMP.A.Summer G01 School of Commerce & Management MANIKCHAND DHARIWAL 6321A INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RURAL TECHNOLOGY 6330A ALPHABYTE COMPUTERS MAH A/PO. PUNE. 'B' WING. HAVELI. PULGAON. & Network Tech. DIST. INDAPUR. PUNE. PUNE 413 105 20222498 School of Commerce & Management P09 Y Y Y P09 MBA Y MAH Tushar Ranjankar 9422329616 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. MR.. PUNE PIN-411001 (020) 6137137/ School of Continuing Education 26054976 T29 Y V07 Y 172/238 . DIST.413 106 - 9422003627 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences INDAPUR TALUKA SHIKSHAN 6319A MANDALA'S ART'S SCIENCE & COMMERCE COLLEGE. PIN. 4TH FLOOR. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.Sc. SHIRUR..(DCHMNT) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6343A PC POINT MAH 425.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.) MBA On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y A/P.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 63114 Study Centre Name YUVAK JADAN GHADAN PRAKALP SHRI SHIKSHAN STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T73 PRG NAME Diploma in Automobile Techniques Preparatory (Mar.
Net Building Web Portals through ASP. PUNE 411 014 - 020-25445908.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6363A MICROCOM INFOTECH 7. PUNE. PAUT ROAD. KHARDI ROAD. PUNE 411 029 9422319745 School of Computer Sciences MICROCOMM INFOTECH MAH 1.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA N N N N N N N N N N N N 173/238 . VANAS CORNER. SIDDHARTH COMPLEX. Vishwas Shewale KOTHRUD.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. PUSHPA APARTMENT. 25391235.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. 47/3.NO.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. ABOVE UNION BANK OF INDIA.PAUD ROAD.411 038 S. CHANDAN NAGAR.Sc. KOTHRUD. School of Continuing Education 9422319745 9371578976 9822612239 School of Computer Sciences T97 B. (MGA) Y 6364A DEEPAK COMPUTER AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE MAH Vinod Kumar D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. INCOMETAX SOCIETY.
KHARDI ROAD.A. NR.A..NO. Med. PIN. PUNE.) Y Y Y 174/238 . PIN. SHUKARWAR PETH BAJIRAO ROAD.) Bachelor of Arts (B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. PUNE.) Preparatory (Mar. PURANDAR.412 303 - C01 C01.A. MARUTI MANDIR. Study Centre Coordinator Vinod Kumar Contact No School NAME PRG Code D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. 10.Sc. PUNE Ashwini Kulkarni 411 038 9822353473 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 SHREE PADMANI JAIN 6390A COLLEGE SARASWATI MANDIR NIGHT 6391A COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ARTS ACHARYA ATRE VIKAS 6392A PRATISHTHAN PURNADAR SANSTHE'S ARTS COLLEGE MAH MAH PABAL. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. PIN.Sc. PUNE.) 9822612239 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y 6366A GLOBAL INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY MAH FLAT NO. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. AWADHPURI.. KOTHRUD. 47/3.411 002 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 G01 MAH JEJURI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.412 403 1359.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 6364A DEEPAK COMPUTER AND STATE MAH Detail Address S. SHIRUR.
PIN.A.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)C01. com Preparatory (Mar.SATARA.415 523 AT/PO-PALATAN.) Shrimant Shivajiraje College of Agriculture.. SATARA.A..) 6404A MUDHOJI COLLEGE SHREEMANT SHIVAJI RAJE 6407A KRUSHI VIDYALAY MAH MAH AT/PO/TAL.415 002 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. DIST-SATARA. (Mechanical Engineering) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N 175/238 . Med.Tech. PIN415523 Manoj Shaha Mr. Med)C01. Med)C01. E-mail: 523. Dist. PIN. AT/PO/TAL/DIST.. Med.415 9923071265. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.415 001 9881225059 School of Architecture.) C01 Preparatory (Mar. Satara MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL 6409A ENGINEERING & POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE MAH CAMP.) LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI 6403A COLLEGE MAH MALHAR PETH.A.. Shrimant Shivajiraje Phaltan. Phaltan .. Godbole PIN. Cell: College of Agriculture.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. The Principal.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.) G15 B. DIST. KARAD. PIN. Dist. SATARA.415 124 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Satara [email protected] Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.SATARA. STATE MAH Detail Address VIDYA NAGAR.. Yashwant Jagdale..PHALTAN.A. Phaltan.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6402A Study Centre Name SADGURU GADGE MAHARAJ COLLEGE . in (MCJ) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social 02166-222908 Sciences P09 G01 MBA Bachelor of Arts (B. Science & Technology T03 T07 T24 T35 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B..
SATARA. Science & Technology T34 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 9890073630 School of Computer Sciences KOYANA EDUCATION 6413A SOCIETY'S BALASAHEB DESAI MAHAVIDYALAYA YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN INSTITUE OF SCIENCE 6417A COLLEGE .SOCIETY.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. WAI. DIST. KISAN VIR CHOWK.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y CAMP.Tech. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc. PIN..A..PATAN. .RAYAT EDU.Lib & I. M. (Electronics Engineering) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. AT/PO/TAL/DIST. Science & Technology PRG Code T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B.J.SATARA.Sc..Lib & I.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6409A Study Centre Name KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL ENGINEERING & STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No 9881225059 School NAME School of Architecture.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.SATARA. PIN415 001 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 MAH - - P04 P16 B. MAH AT/PO..415 001 R. Devi 6411A SURABHI COMPUTERS MAH 664/A. Y Y 176/238 . SATARA Swati Herkal 9822092417 School of Architecture. Godbole PIN. TAL/DIST.AT/PO/TAL/DIST... DHARMAPURI.Sc.
415 GORAKHNATH PATI 001 (02162) 230860 School of Continuing Education 9822097071 PLOT NO. 1.Khandagle Agriculture Technology School. SATARA. E-mail: krishnaagricollege. Dist. PIN415 501 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar... Tal.New Pattern Diploma in Electronic Equipments Maintenance and Repairs Diploma in Fabrication DIF.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T72 T-72 T73 T-73 T93 T94 T-94 T95 T-95 PRG NAME Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM. PIN. Dist. Tal. NEW RADHIKA ROAD. Karad. SUNILKUMAR NEAR S. Karad.School of Continuing Education C2A C2E Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Y Y Y Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management C2E.P. R. PIN.T.. Satara APNA GHAR..New Pattern Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT. Med. BANGLOW NO. Post Shivnagar . VISAWA PARK.KOREGAON. Satara Mr.. 6455A Rethare Bk.STAND.STAND.D.11.D. SUNILKUMAR NEAR S. Dist. -Khandala-Bawda..415 003 - (02162) 230860 School of Continuing Education 9822097071 V13 (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y 6454A MAH .com MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 6456A D.415 108.BHOSALE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.Khandagle Agriculture Technology School PRIYADARSHANI BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH The Superintendent.416 GORAKHNATH PATI 001 6445A R. PIN. Rethare Bk..New Pattern Diploma for fitter On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6432A PATIL ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE PLOT NO. Cell: 9970700972.11. Satara The Principal.retha rebk@gmail. .) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 177/238 . Sarang Kumbhar.New Pattern Diploma in AC and Refrigeration DACR.T. Krishna College of Agriculture. NEW RADHIKA ROAD. SATARA.Winter CBPM. Rethare Bk.Winter Krishna College of Agriculture. SATARA.
SATARA. Rajamachi. DIST.Summer G01 KISAN VIR COLLEGE JANATA 6459A SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH A/P WAI. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 6463A DAHIVADI COLLEGE MAH AT POST .- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. Med. Med)C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. SATARA. Med.Summer G01 Dadasaheb Mokashi College 6461A of Agriculture. PIN.- 178/238 . in (MCJ) BBA in (Ins...) Preparatory (Mar.MAN.A. Nilesh Malekar. PIN.Prof Paithankar School of Commerce & 9890469711 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Commerce & Management SHIKSHAN MANDAL KRAD'S MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH MANGALWAR PETH.) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ MANGALWAR PETH. Med. DIST: SATARA.) Preparatory (Mar. Tal. . DIST. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. Karad. E-mail : nbmalekar@yahoo. TAL .KHANDALA.KOREGAON.A.. KARAD. Dadasaheb Mokashi College of Agriculture. & Bank. . Dist. KARAD. Satara Mr. Satara MAH The Principal.) Preparatory (Mar..A.. DIST.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Dist. PIN. Karad. SATARA Yogesh Chiwate 9975489189 School of Computer Sciences P09 G15 P54 D01 D02 D04 MBA B.A.A. Rajmachi. PIN415 501 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N 6456A D. Rajamachi 415 105.412 802 - C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO/TAL. Cell : 9158889388.P.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.BHOSALE COLLEGE 6457A RAJENDRA JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.) Certificate in Gardening Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar..) 6464A VENUTAI CHAVAN COLLEGE 6466A SHIKSHAN MANDAL KRADCH MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH MAH KARAD. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.DAHIVADI. Tal.
415110 9421978948 DAHIVADI.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y 9975489189 School of Computer Sciences 6469A SIDDHNATH HIGHSCHOOL & JR. PIN. Med.A. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.. School of Continuing Education 9822994500 2162-237974. PIN. PIN. . Med)C01. VIDHYA NAGAR. 9822993500.) Bachelor of Arts (B. SABHAPATI NIWAS.) Y N Y Y Y Y Y DHANVANTARI CHARITABLE TRUST KAKASAHEB CHAVAN 6476A MAHAVIDYALAY A/P TALMAVLE..COLLEGE MAH A/P. Med. Med. School of Health Sciences 9823550823.SATARA.MHASWAD.Net Building Web Portals through ASP..- Preparatory (Mar. .MAN. Rajashri Chavan P23 Yoga Teacher Y 6473A 6474A MERCHANT PRATISHTHAN'S SUJEEVAN YOGA INSTITUTE MAH MAH MAH 7/8 SOMAWAR PETH KARAD.A. KARAD. COLLEGE MAH AT. (HTM) 6472A YOGA VIDYA DHAM. . SATARA Study Centre Coordinator Yogesh Chiwate Contact No School NAME PRG Code D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through VB. DIST.TOURISM & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT MAH NIKHAM PLAZA BUILDING. SATARA. MASOOR.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.. Mr. TAL.. Ramachandra Latkar School of Health Sciences SATARA. .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST. 9822910270. PIN-4150508 Dr M B Ombase 2165-220322 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 C52 C01 Yoga Teacher Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. KARAD. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. CANAL.. T74 B. TAL. 220081..Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6466A Study Centre Name SHIKSHAN MANDAL KRAD'S MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAY STATE MAH Detail Address MANGALWAR PETH. PIN.415 001 PRIYA MANIK SHENDE 02342-278100. KARAD.Sc.. .) INDIRA KANNYA PRASHALA & 6477A JR. PATAN.) 179/238 . 9226968954.) SAISAMRAT COLLEGE OF 6470A HOTEL.POST . TAL.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 Preparatory (Mar.. Med)C01. PIN.A. 2164-220155. KRISHNA.Sc. SATARA MAH Mrs. POWAI NAKA.
MAHADIK POWAI NAKA.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6479A Study Centre Name MUMBAI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY & CULINARY ART INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY & CULINARY ART HI-TECH EDUCATION SOCIETY'S BCA COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T74 PRG NAME B. VADUJ. D.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. SATARA. DIST. WAKESHWAR RAOD. 9833374288.Sc. DR.415 001 111/410.Sc. DAHIWADI. KHATAV. Dilip Dhumal SATARA 415508 9272456873 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 180/238 . (HMCO) Y 6482A MAH Shinde Vaibhav D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. SATARA 111/410. SADAR BAZAR. (HTM) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N GROUND FLOOR. TAL.Sc. DIST.. NEAR BUS STAND. KANGA COLONY. SATARA 415506 - 64811 MAH 6481A MAH - 02162-220526.Sc. (HMCO) Y T76 B. KANGA COLONY.415 001 INGALE COMPLEX. MONARK HOTEL. PIN.. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.. SATARA.MAN.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6483A OIIT COLLEGE OF BCA & COMPUTER SCIENCE MAH COMPUTER PLAZA.. SADAR BAZAR. PIN. School of Continuing Education 9323077538 02162-228979/ 9423035258 School of Continuing Education 9423866535 02162-228979/ 9423035258 School of Continuing Education 9423866535 9822438545 School of Computer Sciences T76 B.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. N.
SATARA 415501 Santosh Nalawade 9022084130 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 181/238 .Sc. NEAR BUS Study Centre Coordinator Dilip Dhumal Contact No School NAME PRG Code D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. TULJABHAVANI COMPLEX.Sc. 340. BHOSALE COLLEGE. YADOGOPAL PETH.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. RAJWADA. DIST. D.P.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 6483A OIIT COLLEGE OF BCA & STATE MAH Detail Address COMPUTER PLAZA. KOREGOAN. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9272456873 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N 6484A MAKARAND INFOTECH MAH 13/18. Makarand Gaikwad SATARA 415002 9869272886 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N DARPAN EDUCATION 6485A SOCIETY'S DARPAN COLLEGE OF I.T MAH OPP.
Net Building Web Portals through ASP.NEAR CIRCUIT HOUSE. BHOSALE COLLEGE.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9022084130 School of Computer Sciences 6486A AKSHAY COMPUTER SERVICES MAH AKSHAY COMPUTER SERVICES "AKSHAY.Sc. SATARA 415501 Study Centre Coordinator Santosh Nalawade Contact No School NAME PRG Code D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through VB. SATARA 415001 Rakesh Shinde 9422605298 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 182/238 .Net Building Web Portals through ASP. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. DIST.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6485A Study Centre Name DARPAN EDUCATION SOCIETY'S DARPAN COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address OPP. PLAZA".Sc.P. D. KOREGOAN.
in (MCJ) M. SOMVAR PETH.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.OPP.Lib & I.NEAR CIRCUIT MCS COLLEGE OF IT & MANAGEMENT. MAH BARSHI..Sc.52.415001 P.) 183/238 . KARAD. PIN. SOLAPUR. PIN.. (HTM) Bachelor of Arts (B.O.A. PIN.A.) B..Ekshinge KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL 6505A COLLEGE (PANDHRPUR COLLEGE) MAH PANDHARPUR.2ND FLOOR.P.Sc.Y. DIST.SULAKHE COMMERCE COLLEGE.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AKSHAY COMPUTER SERVICES "AKSHAY. KALASH RESIDENCY.B. Dr. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing B. SOLAPUR.BOX NO.Lib & I..A. PLAZA".B. Med. SATARA. Preparatory (Mar. SOLAPUR. Med)C01.413 304 2181222531 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 MBA Preparatory (Mar.) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.C. SATARA 415110 Study Centre Coordinator Rakesh Shinde Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 6486A AKSHAY COMPUTER SERVICES 9422605298 School of Computer Sciences 6487A MCS COLLEGE OF IT & MANAGEMENT MAH Sunil Chavan 9881923838 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 6488A MANJU TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 6503A SANGAMESHWAR COLLEGE MAH MAH MAYUR CHAMBER.Sc.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.PANTACHA KOT.413 411 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Med.) P04 B. PIN413 001 ANIL MAHADEV CHAVAN 02162-222545/ 9960135915 School of Continuing Education 9960542638 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T74 G01 G15 P16 6504A B.Sc.. COLLEGE.
G...UJANI COLONY. (Bio-Technology) Y 65104 MAH 9881234814 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Science 0217-2735523 & Technology 2186223104 0217-2603950 School of Architecture.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Science & Technology School of Architecture. Y 65103 MAH S. DIST. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 184/238 .V. Science 0217-2735522 & Technology School of Architecture.Arch.R. Science 0217-2735521 & Technology School of Architecture. VIJAPUR ROAD. PIN.Jadhav 65101 LOKMANGAL BIOTECHNOLOGY COLLEGE MAH WADALA. PIN.G.F. PIN. KUMATHA NAKA.NO.34.431003 JULE SOLAPUR-1.. Deshmukh School of Commerce & Management School of Architecture. SOLAPUR 413001 Vaishnavi Yadav T63 B.) B.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.63/1A. (Bio-Technology) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Prof. (Bio-Informatics) B.Summer G01 P04 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.P.SHIVDARE COLLEGE OF ARTS. MBA B.G.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6505A Study Centre Name KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE (PANDHRPUR STATE MAH Detail Address PANDHARPUR.. J.SOLAPUR. Husen Chandso jamadar 9270133067 T83 M.Sc.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.NO. DIST..Sc. 162 SOUTH SADAR BAZAR.TOWER.413 304 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01.Sc. BEHIND T.SOLAPUR. PIN. DIST. Hatture M.413004 "INFOPARK TOWERS".COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE INFOPARK COMPUTER INSTITUTE MAH SR.SOLAPUR.J.. (Bio-Technology) M.Lib & I.A.Sc.Dr.Sc.Sc. SOLAPUR. Science & Technology P09 T80 T82 T83 65102 SHRI SIDDHESHWAR SHIKSHAN MANDAL'S COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE V.
Tal. Sachin Bhosale.413 101. VACHANALAYA BUILDING.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 65107 PRIME COMPUTERS MAH PRIME COMPUTERS.'PRIME CHAMBERS'. PIN.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 65105 Study Centre Name DECA ANIMATION INSTITUTE. Ratnai College of Akluj.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.- Study Centre Coordinator MRS. PRAVIN CHOUDHARY Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH 0217-2320990. Akluj. Agriculture. PURVA VIBHAG. In MGA 65106 Ratnai College of Agriculture. Cell: 9890102304.Sc. BARSHI. 779/B. Near Sayajiraje Park. SOLAPUR 413411 Sheetal Kolhe 9822248184 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Solapur MAH Mr. School of Continuing Education 9420189213 T97 B. Malshiras. SOLAPUR.KACHERI ROAD. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 185/238 .TANAJI CHOWK. Dist. DIST.. sa123bhosale@rediffma Solapur il. The Principal. E-mail: Akluj . STATE Detail Address RAVIWAR PETH. 15/105. Malshiras. Dist. KANNA CHOWK.
DIST.A.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Study Centre Name Code 65107 PRIME COMPUTERS STATE MAH Detail Address PRIME COMPUTERS.) Y C01.402184 The Program Coordinator. MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Khed . Khed. Dist .) 6556A SOLAPUR ZILHA MARATHI PATRAKAR SANGH MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 186/238 . Cell: 9422370798. Vijaykumar Revansidha Keskar (M. E-mail: gonjaripa99@yahoo. Solapur. AT.A.413 213 - - Y C01..9370274924 Mr.MOHOL.. PIN. Solapur MAH Barshi. COLLEGE 65317 MAH -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business T14 Management T15 Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable T16 Production Diploma in Floriculture & T17 Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science T18 (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science T19 (Agriculture) T20 Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAYA STATION ROAD.A. 1551/2/9 Subhash nagar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.225371 School of Health Sciences C55 Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y Shri.SOLAPUR.) Preparatory ( m 2184 .413 216 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Y Y MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.Summer Summer T12 C01 Preparatory (Mar. MAH Krishi Vigyan Kendra.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Barshi.. Solapur Barshi Road. Pradip Gonjari. Agalgaon Road. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.) P18 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y MAH MOHOL. PIN. NAGNATH JR. Med)C01. Tal. North Solapur Dist.) M..) Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med.413 255.S. Solapur. 6517A Tal.) Preparatory (Mar. Solapur Dr. Martand Bhairav Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya MOHOL TALUKA SAHAKARI SHIKSHAN PRASARAK 6541A MANDAL. North Solapur Dist. Med.Summer G01 MATOSHREE GURUBUSAVVA 6542A KALYANSHETTY ARTS & COM./POSTAKKALKAOT.Summer G01 6552A Arts & Commerce College. SOLAPUR.'PRIME Study Centre Coordinator Sheetal Kolhe Contact No School NAME PRG Code T59 T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) 9822248184 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N 65109 Viraj Institute for minimal Access Surgery and Research Center. Shabari Krishi Pratishthan.
Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.SUVARNLATA GANDHI MAHAVIDLAYA MAH VAIRAG. OPP.. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.POST. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) N Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.. DIST. Med. MADHA ROAD AT & POST. PIN413203 MHADA.Dr. SOLAPUR.) Preparatory (Mar. KURDUWADI.) 6578A MATA BALAK UTKARSH PRATHISHAN. SOLAPUR.PUNE. PIN. Med)C01. School of Health Sciences 223471(F) School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan MADHAV SMRUTI HOSPITAL 6580A OF KOKAN MITRA MANDAL TRUST YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN 6581A MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH MAH Dr Santosh Kakade - C52 C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6559A Study Centre Name SANGOLA VIDYAMANDIR PRASHALA AND JR. SANGOLA MAH DESHPANDE GALLI.A. SOLAPUR.A.Net N N N N 187/238 . ROAD.A.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. .DIST. SOLAPUR. Med)C01. 221073 School of Health Sciences 9850412932.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. DIST. Sanjivani Kelkar 2187-220741 222580.) Preparatory (Mar. . 22.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B... JULE SOLAPUR.Summer G01 SHANKARRAO MOHITE 6577A COLLEGE MAH AKALUJ TAL: MALSHIRAS. DIST.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N 6564A SOU. 2183-223219. NEAR SWAMI KIRANA SHOP Mr.A.A. Med)C01.) 6573A LAXMIBAI BHAURAO PATIL MAHILA COLLEGE MAH SAMRAT CHOWK.. School of Health Sciences 9423528801 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 C01 C01. PIN413304 SHRIKANTNAGAR.413 004 Dr Pankaj Gandhi 2182-221064.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN. TWIN SOLAPUR Amit B.) Preparatory (Mar. KELKAR HOSPITAL. Med. KARMALA.TAL. Med. SANGOLA. COLLEGE STATE MAH Detail Address SANGOLA.SOLAPUR.SOLAPUR. PIN.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. PLOT NO. Ashok Nanavare PANDHARPUR.) 6583A YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH BLOCK NO 14/IIIB/P UJANI COLONY.) NIRAMAY RACHNAMATAK GRAM VIKAS KENDRA VASUNDHARA ARTS 6576A COLLEGE. 6575A MAH MAH KARMALA.413 307 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.. Med. PIN413 101 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar.. PIN..AT. Med. SOLAPUR. Med)C01.) Preparatory (Mar. PHARMACY COLLEGE. . BARSHI. Kamatkar 413 004 2186-324545 School of Health Sciences 9373621799 P23 Yoga Teacher 6584A VIDYA COMPUTERS MAH 9422066287 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.A. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.
Wadala. Wadala . Tal.. Solapur agro@rediffmail. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. TWIN SOLAPUR Study Centre Coordinator Amit B.) Preparatory (Mar. PHARMACY COLLEGE. EAgriculture. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y 6584A VIDYA COMPUTERS 9422066287 School of Computer Sciences 6585A WALCHAND COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE MAH WALCHAND HIRACHAND MARG. Kamatkar Contact No School NAME PRG Code D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Building Web Portals through ASP. Wadala.Sc.) B. Sunil Joshi.Summer G01 G15 P03 Lokmangal College of 6587A Agriculture. ROAD. Lokmangal College of Cell: (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 188/238 . The Principal. SOLAPUR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Dist. mail:suniljoshiNorth Solapur. Solapur MAH Mr. Tal.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. ASHOK CHWAK.. North Solapur.413 222.A.A. Dist.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address SHRIKANTNAGAR. Med. PIN413006 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.
S.Sc. HIGHWAY NO. PIN413001 503.16. PIN. Med. PIN. .149.NO. BUDHWAR PETH. ARTS COLLEGE 6595A SHRI SANT DAMAJI MAHAVIDYLAYA MAH A/P.B. PIN.. RAVIWAR PETH.A. . MBA in (Ins. MURARJI PETH. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.COLLEGE MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.BARSHI. SOLAPUR. A/P. SHARVIKA SANSTHA. Mokashi .) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SURYA COLLEGE OF HOTEL 6588A MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY 6589A MEDICAL INSTITUTE SOLAPUR DAYANAND COLLEGE OF ARTS 6590A & SCIENCE MAH SURYA HOTEL EXECUTIVE.. Med. KHEDGIS SCI.413006 A/P. Gire 9850977186 School of Computer Sciences P09 Y Y Y D01 D02 D04 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ N N N 189/238 .NO. SOUTH SOLAPUR.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 School of Commerce & Management ACHARYA DEONANDI 6597A COMPUTER ACADEMY'S SHRAVIKA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH 197. & Bank. DIST.Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T74 P27 C55 C01 P04 P16 PRG NAME B.413401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C01. SHUKRAWAR PETH.J. TAL. SOLAPUR 413002 Y.A. M. Y. SOLAPUR. Yashwant Shivaraya Mokashi DAYANAND NAGAR.A.C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.B.. ZADBUKE MARG. (HTM) DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Preparatory (Mar.V. AKKALKOT. 3/3/2..) Preparatory (Mar..Summer G01 C.) Preparatory (Mar. MOHOL. SCIENCE.B.9.413 002 0217-2600701 School of Continuing Education (0217) 2620299 School of Health Sciences 2316954 217 . Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.) Preparatory (Mar. .SOLAPUR.) Preparatory (Mar.- - - School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P57 SOLAPUR ZILHA SAMAJ SEVA MANDAL SANTOSH BHIMRAO 6592A PATIL ARTS. Med.Summer G01 DESHBHAKTA SAMBHAJIRAO 6593A GARAD MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH P.Lib & I.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med.413213 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med. PIN.. MANDRUP.Summer G01 6596A SHRIMAN BHAUSAHEB ZADBUKE COLLEGE MAH P.B.. MANGALWEDHA.A. R.Lib & I.) MBA Y C01..A.413002 Dr. A/P. MANDRUP. PIN. NAGAR. Med. COM.) B.) Bachelor of Arts (B.2620299 School of Health Sciences 9370420028 School of Humanities & Social Sciences 6591A HIRACHAND NEMICHAND COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH SETH WALCHAND MARG. SOLAPUR. 6594A COMMERCE & R. Dr. SOLAPUR. PIN.. PIN.Sc.413216 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 MAH SOLAPUR ROAD.) Preparatory (Mar..LATUR ROAD. ASHOK CHOWK.
Academic Services Division Res. 0231-2637347 Off. (Subject Communication) M. Pradeep satish CHOWK.Com.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Subject Communication) Y M32 M.A. DIST. (Distance Education) M.. PIN. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 9850977186 School of Computer Sciences 6599A SETH GODVDINDJI RADOJI AYURVED COLLEGE MAH 21-A/13. 0231-2535706/7. PINNandgadonkar 413002 -.SOLAPUR.416 209 190/238 .Sc.A. Deshmukh 217-2324736 School of Health Sciences 2723618 Off.A.SAMRAT Dr. BUDHWAR PETH. NAGAR. U. 0231-2637346 Off. SOLAPUR Study Centre Coordinator Y. Academic Services Division Res. Academic Services Division Res. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. KOLHAPUR.GARGOTI.. Med. 0231-2535706/7. SHARVIKA SANSTHA. 0231-2535706/7.Sc.B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Academic Services Division Res.Dr. Gire Contact No School NAME PRG Code D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through VB. 0231-2637344 Off. Academic Services Division Res. 0231-2535706/7. 0231-2535706/7. 0231-2637345 Off.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y Y 7105A MAHATMA JYOTIRAO PHULE VISHWABHARTI SANSTHA MAH - - School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences MAUNI CHAYA. (Educational Communication) M.A. 0231-2637348 P40 KOLHAPUR SHRI CHATRAPATI SHAHU CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF 7103A BUSINESS EDUCATION & RESEARCH MAH M31 M. SAROJINI COLONY..BUDHWAR PETH.) Y M33 Y M34 Y M35 P09 C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar..Regional Centre PUNE Centre Code 6597A Study Centre Name ACHARYA DEONANDI COMPUTER ACADEMY'S STATE MAH Detail Address 197. AT/PO. (Subject Communication) MBA Preparatory (Mar.M.
KOLHAPUR.School of Continuing Education 0231-2650045 School of Continuing Education 71126 D.) Preparatory (Mar.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 71129 SHRIMAN VYANKATRAO PARVATRAO DESAI JR. (HMCO) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. PIN.. KOLHAPUR. TARABAI PARK.416 216 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T29 C01 C01. KOLHAPUR.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7109A Study Centre Name DR.Lib & I. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.416 502 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. KOLHAPUR. PIN..A.Sc..A. STATE MAH Detail Address BHADGAON ROAD.) B.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.Lib & I. KOLHAPUR.Sc. & Network Tech..More 71124 KOKANE'S KOHINOOR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH MAHALAXMI CHEMBERS..A.T.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (blank) 71100 NARSINGRAO GURUNATH PATIL PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST MAH -- - C01.D.Sc.9890346831 School of Commerce & Management P09 T76 Bachelor of Arts (B.) .Summer C01 C01. BHAUSINGHJI ROAD.. PIN. Med)Summer Preparatory (Mar. E. PIN.. Med)C01.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. KOLHAPUR. Med)C01. MBA B.) Preparatory (Mar.A. KOLHAPUR.. Med. COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Med.Summer G01 71103 71121 Shivraj College of Arts.) Preparatory (Mar. NEAR S. PIN. PIN..KALAMBA.KOWAD. PIN.MANE COLLEGE MAH KAGAL.R..) 191/238 . Med. Med. M.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. GADHINGLAJ.S.A. KOLHAPUR.(DCHMNT) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Commerce & Science College MAHAVEER COLLEGE MAH MAH 7/E.A.Summer G01 71130 KOLHAPUR CENTRAL JAIL MAH AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.STAND.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) 71122 VIVEKANAND MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH 204.) MBA Preparatory (Mar. GHALI COLLEGE JAGRUTI COLLEGE CAMPUS.416 003 - School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 Preparatory (Mar.. AT/PO/TAL/DIST.416 003 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 P04 P16 Prof. Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.
.. SCIENCE AND EDUCATION COLLEGE.Sc. PIN.Dr. ..K. KOLHAPUR. Science & Technology T74 B. Med.) Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01..TURAMBE. RAJARAMPURI.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 71131 Study Centre Name SWA.MEDI.416 118 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med. KAWACHALE TRUST'S MODERN INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY MAH 1980. SCI MAH OLD PB ROAD. MAUNI VIDYAPITH MAH A/P.RADHANAGRI. OF P. VIDYANAGAR. RENUKA VARIER 0231-2530400 School of Continuing Education T77 N 71138 MAH MAHAGAON.) 192/238 .RUKDI.V.A... PIN416004 0231-2654608 School of Commerce & Management P57 MBA in (Ins. Chavan/ Ganacharya KOLHPAUR. DIST. (MLT) Y 7113A DEVCHAND COLLEGE MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. TAL. & RESE.S.Summer G01 71132 RAJSHREE SHAU ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.) 71140 KARMVIR HIRE ARTS. KOLHPAUR... PIN. PIN.Sc. COMMERCE. Dr. PIN. MAHAGAON'S INSTI. BHUDARGAD.HATKANGLE.Shivankar OLD PB ROAD. RENUKA VARIER 0231-2530400 School of Continuing Education School of Architecture. Sawant 9422878804 T03 T07 T34 T05 T06 N N N N N IHTM GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC SANT GAJANAN MAHARAJ RURAL HOSP.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Quashid - 2526567.416004 MrS. KOLHAPUR.Sc. CENTER. PIN.A.416 208 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. VIDYANAGAR. KOLHAPUR. MARUTIRAO VISHNU VARKE SECONDARY VIDYALAYA & JUNIOR COLLEGE STATE Detail Address AT/PO..416004 VIDYANAGAR. .Sc. PIN.- Vandana Pawar/Ms. & Bank.) Preparatory (Mar. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering M. IN HTM N R.Tech.416 008 ARJUN NAGAR (VIA NIPANI). KOLHAPUR. Med. BEHIND RAJARAM COLLEGE. PIN.) Dr. 9TH LANE... GARGOTI. DIST. (MLT) Y 275181 School of Health Sciences P25 Y 71139 DR.) C01. IN HTM Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering B. BEHIND RAJARAM COLLEGE.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.) 71137 GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC MAH MrS... PIN.416209 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01. 9822415077 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P25 B. TAL. SHRI. TAL-GADHIGLAJ. Chavan/Ganacharya 2327-275181 School of Health Sciences P40 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant B. KOLHAPUR.
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code 71140
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No -
School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences
PRG Code C01- Summer G01 P04
PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) B.Lib & I.Sc. Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01- Summer G01 71144 ANKUR EYE HOSPITAL AND LASER CENTER MAH DOCTORS COLONY,, GADHINGLAJ, KOLHAPUR, PIN- Dr. Patane 2327-222538/ School of Health Sciences 9822068738 P40
3291876 School of Health Sciences
B.Sc. (MLT)
231-2524215, 255552, 9420484014, School of Health Sciences 9420584348 230-2450755, School of Health Sciences 9420493558
Yoga Teacher
Yoga Teacher
231-2688988, School of Health Sciences 2605088, 2600440 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Yoga Teacher
Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) G15 B.A. in (MCJ) P03 Diploma in (MCJ) 71150 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH OMKAR, GANDHINAGAR, GADHINGLAJ,, DIST-KOLHAPUR,, PIN-416502 MURLIDHAR NAGAR,, GARGOTI, TAL - BJUDARGAD, DIST KOLHAPUR 416 209, PIN- 416 209 Sadananda Wali, Gurulinga Khandare 2327-222060, 222327, School of Health Sciences Wali- 9423275014 School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Architecture, Science & Technology P23 Yoga Teacher
D.J. Magdum
B.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Jarali O.A.
T03 T07 T24 T35
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code 71151
Study Centre Coordinator Jarali O.A.
Contact No 9765026379
School NAME School of Architecture, Science & Technology
PRG Code T50 T51 T52 T05 T06
PRG NAME Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering M.Arch. (General)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N Y
KASABA BAWDA,, KOLHAPUR 416 006,, PIN- 416 006
School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) MBA in (Ins. & Bank.) DMLT
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
School of Commerce & Management 71157 SHRI BHAIRAVNATH SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH TIN BATTI CHAR RASTA, ICHALKARANJI,, PIN- Dr. Sudhir Mehta Dr. Sudhir Mehta Mr. Patil 71158 SHIVBHUMI INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES MAH MOTIMAHAL, UPARALNAKA,, AMBOLI ROAD,, SAWANTWADI, PIN- Mr. Dilip Nalage PATIL COMPLEX, OPP. ST STAND, GAWALITITHA, SAWANTWADI, DIST- DILIP NAMDEV NALAGE SINDHUDURG THE JAISINGPUR MODERN 7115A EDUCATION SOCIETY 10th LANE,BHARAT COOP.SOCIETY,, NEAR POLICE STATION,, AT/PO.- JAISINGPUR DIST.- KOLHAPUR, PIN- 416 101 (230) 2431158 9422626439 School of Health Sciences 9326020877 2431158, 9422626439, School of Health Sciences 9823626439 (02363) 271205 9970732817 School of Health Sciences 9860747923 02363-271205, 9860747923 School of Continuing Education 9970732817 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
P57 P27
B.Sc. (MLT)
B.Sc. (HMCO)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code 71161
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code T76
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y
0231-2654220 & School of Continuing Education 2650045 0231-2525148, 2322361, 9822043078 School of Continuing Education 9422000000 9860627673
Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (DIDD) DIDD- New Pattern Diploma in Printing Technology and Graphic Arts (DPTGA) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. & Network Tech.(DCHMNT)
T-36 71164 E-KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAH KOLHAPUR, ,, PIN- PROF. D.U. PAWAR 2312322447 School of Continuing Education 9422580649 2312322447 School of Continuing Education 9422580649 0231-232447, 9326941850 School of Continuing Education 9372044799 231 - 6515536, School of Health Sciences 2544580, 9822356041 T31
B.Sc. (HMCO)
Dr. Chetan Melwanki
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
Dr. D. K. Patil Kambale
230 - 2483387, School of Health Sciences
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
Dr. Vijay Bhagale
9372111008 School of Health Sciences (02327) 227083
B.Sc. (MLT)
0231-5331989 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences
MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Automobile Techniques DAT- New Pattern Programming Expertise in "C"
C01 G01
231 - 2525552 / 53 / School of Health Sciences 54, 9822047650 0231-2548353, School of Continuing Education 2547090
T73 T-73
Sunita Narayan Mundale
9423273394 School of Computer Sciences
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Study Centre Name Code 71177 MAHALAXMI COMPUTERS
Study Centre Coordinator Sunita Narayan Mundale
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60
PRG NAME Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
9423273394 School of Computer Sciences
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Vijay Amrut Arekar
9272756263 School of Computer Sciences
D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32
(Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering 9272756263 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N 71179 ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT MAH BAGAL MARKET.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 71178 ORACLE COMPUTERS STATE MAH Detail Address 2968 'C' WORD.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. DASARA CHOWK.R. School of Architecture.Tech.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. MAGDUM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MAH NEW BUILDING. J.A. Med. KOLHAPUR Arvind keluskar 9822240438 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 7117A DR. Science 02322-21825 & Technology T03 T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 197/238 .Summer G01 Mahadik S. JAYSINGPUR.J.. KOLHAPUR. PIN.Sc.) Preparatory (Mar. SHIROLWADI ROAD.416 501 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. Study Centre Coordinator Vijay Amrut Arekar Contact No School NAME PRG Code T59 T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. RAJARAMPURI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar.
T. JAYSINGPUR.Dr. TARABAI. SHIROL.Sc.SURVASHE EDUCATION SOCIETY VTS I.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B... Nalini Patil 416101 BHOGAWATI. SHIROLWADI ROAD. DIST.SOCIETY.YASHWANT CO-OP. JAYSINGPUR. PIN. (MLT) DMLT Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Y Y N N N 71186 MAH 9850644106 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 198/238 . KARVEER.T. PIN.T.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. & MANAGEMENT COLLEGE 12TH LANE. DIST. J. NEAR S.Sc. KOLHAPUR.H. STAND. (Electronics Engineering) MBA On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N Y S.416 003 - 9225839445 School of Continuing Education T74 B. Science & Technology PRG Code T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering B. Sawant (blank) SIR. Study Centre Coordinator Mahadik S. PARK.KOLHAPUR. BAPUJI SALUNKHE INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT LATE SOU.J. TAL. SUSHILA DANCHAND GHODAWAT CHARITABLE TRUST ARCHANA EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH SHRI SWAMI VIVEKANAND SHIKASHAN SANSTHA. KOLHAPUR 416 101 School of Architecture. Contact No 02322-21825 School NAME School of Architecture.D..Tech. KOLHAPUR Dange Amar Balasaheb (02322) 228455 School of Health Sciences 227955 P25 P27 B. KOLHAPUR..R. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 71183 DR. (HTM) Y 71184 MAH 2549. JAYSINGPUR. MAGDUM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STATE MAH Detail Address NEW BUILDING.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7117A Study Centre Name DR. Science 02322-21825 & Technology School of Commerce & 2322221826 Management 9422532558 School of Computer Sciences T34 P09 71180 MAH Vidya Survashe D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Sc.
KOLHAPUR 416113 9823186150 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. KARVEER.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 71186 Study Centre Name ARCHANA EDUCATION SOCIETY STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through VB. BHOJANALAYA.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. NEAR VAREKAR. DIST.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 199/238 .Sc. KOLHAPUR Dange Amar Balasaheb 9850644106 School of Computer Sciences 71188 PROSOFT COMPUTER EDUCATION MAH A/P WARANANAGAR.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N BHOGAWATI. Chougule Uday Baburao PANHALA.
TAL.Tal. Hatkanangale. Dist.Sc. E-mail: vgaikwad6267@rediffm ail.416 112. Dr. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9823186150 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 71189 GURUKUL EDUTECH FOUNDATION'S INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE MAH OPP. NEAR Study Centre Coordinator Chougule Uday Baburao Contact No School NAME PRG Code T59 T60 PRG NAME Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. BAMBAVADE. Kolhapur MAH The Principal. Talasande. Talasande .Patil College of Agriculture. Kolhapur Mr.SHAHUWADI. D. Tal. Hatkanangale. Cell: 9420525030. Vijay Gaikwad. DIST.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.T. (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 200/238 .Y. Dist. KOLHAPUR Amarish Patil 416213 9689526169 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 71191 College of Agriculture.S.STAND.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 71188 PROSOFT COMPUTER STATE MAH Detail Address A/P WARANANAGAR.
Patil Hindurao Dist. Jugale Shravani ROAD.Sc. Karveer.416115 645.Y.E-WARD. (HMCO) (blank) School of Agricultural Science 02322-254666 School of Continuing Education 0231-2664337/ School of Health Sciences 2658612 0230-2433331 School of Health Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y A/P-ABDULLAT.Sc.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N MAHALAXMI COLLEGE OF 7133A COMPUTER SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT STUDIES MAH ATHARVA PLAZA. KARVEER. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. DISTKHOLAPUR. TAL-SHIROL. COLLEGE. DIST. GADHINGLAJ . KOLHAPUR 416 Sachin Kate 502 9822051260 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 201/238 . Tarabai Park. SHIVAJI ROAD. (MLT) Y 71204 MAH P27 DMLT Y 7122A MAH 9371923765 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.416130 2130. Contact No School NAME PRG Code T20 T76 PRG NAME Diploma in Horticulture B. SANGLI Mrs. KOLHAPUR 416001 71203 MAH P25 B.Patil College Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Vijay Gaikwad.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Dr.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 71191 College of Agriculture. Kolhapur.. STATE MAH MAH Detail Address The Principal.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. ICHALKARANJI . Dr. D. PIN. SHAHUPURI.416 003 Baburao C/O TATYASAHEB MUSALE VIDYALAYA & JR.Sc. 'E'.1-St Dhawal Choudhari LANE.. SHRI CHOUNDESHWARI SHIKSHAN PRASARAK SANSTHA MODERN SCHOOL OF COMPUTERS.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. 71196 CHAITANYA BAHUUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL Vivekanand College.
Tal.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 202/238 . Kolhapur MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 7176A KHEDUL SHIKSHAN MANDAL 7177A WALVA EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH MAH AT/PO. MAIN ROAD.CHANDGADH. Kolhapur Mr. MARATHA MANDAL BUILDING.Sc. E-mail: kvkkolhapur@gmail. KOLHAPUR 416 9822051260 School of Computer Sciences 7152A MAHARASHTRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH 42/43. DIST.ICHALKARANJI. PIN. Dist..KOLHAPUR. PIN.416 112. TAL. SHIVAJI ROAD.KOLHAPUR.A..WALVA.) Bachelor of Arts (B. Sudhir Suryagandh. Hatkanangale. TAL/DIST.. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. DIST.416 115 - 0230-2426287.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7133A Study Centre Name MAHALAXMI COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.. 7156A Talasande. PIN. KVKTalsande. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N ATHARVA PLAZA. Sachin Kate GADHINGLAJ .A./DIST. Patil Education Society. TAL. AT/PO. Hatkanangale.AT/PO. Y Krishi Vigyan Kendra. D.RADHANAGARI.School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 G01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Bachelor of Arts (B.. Cell 9822611934. Talasande . School of Continuing Education 9890165900 C2E Y C2H The Program Coordinator. Tal.Y.KOLHAPUR.
KAVTHE MAHANKAL.. KOLHAPUR.TASGAON..) Preparatory (Mar. SANGLI. Science & Technology T34 T03 T07 T24 T35 Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.SOCIETY'S 7180A SAHYADRI HIGHSCHOOL & JR.SANGLI.SANGLI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B... DIST. PIN.WALWA.S. PO.. Med.416 405 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Preparatory (Mar.. TAL/DIST.) Preparatory (Mar.. Med)C01. TAL.) Preparatory (Mar. KURUNDWAD.. PIN416 106 SANGLI. ISLAMPUR.SHIROL. Kumbar School of Architecture.COLLEGE NAVBHARAT SHIKSHAN 7184A MANDAL SANGLI SANCHAIT SHRI DATT JR.416 416 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. TAL.A.) G10 G15 P03 School of Commerce & Management 7206A PRATINIDHI HIGH SCHOOL & JR.. SAKHARALE.A.Tech.KUNDAL.. Science 02342-220329 & Technology 9970700741 School of Architecture.TASGAON. Med. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan B. COLLEGE.DHAMOD.COLLEGE 7202A SHANTINIKETAN STUDY CENTRE MAH AT/PO.RADHANAGARI.A. (Mechanical Engineering) 203/238 . PIN416 312 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Dip..416 309 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 C01. PIN.A. MAH AT/ RAJARAMNAGAR.415 414 M.) PADMABHUSHAN 7208A VASANTDADA PATIL COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.. TAL. TAL. SANGLI.A.) Preparatory (Mar. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) B.Summer C07 G01 PADMABHUSHAN VASANT 7207A DADA PATIL COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.. Med.A.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO.A. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) MBA Preparatory (Mar.. DIST.) Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.Tech.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.KOLHAPUR..) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 RAJARAMBAPU INSTIRUTE OF 7209A TECHNOLOGY. Med.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y SAHYADRI EDU. PIN416211 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. Med)C01. Med. PIN. PIN. . MAH AT/PO.
ISLAMPUR. TAL. MIRAJ.Sc. Prof..MAN THEATRE. Prof. (Bio-Technology) Y 9403043840 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. OPP.. PIN. PIN.B. (MLT) Y P27 DMLT Y 72108 YOGA VIDYA DHAM MAH 72111 SMT.415409 WOOD HOUSE ROAD. DIST.S. TAL. SANGALI K.TIMBER AREA. IN FRONT OF KBP COLLEGE. PIN416416 WOOD HOUSE ROAD. PO. RAJNEMI CAMPUS.- Study Centre Coordinator M.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. TAL.MIRAJ. RAJNEMI CAMPUS. PIN. ISLAMPUR. BUDHGAON. Makdum 2342-225303 School of Health Sciences P40 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Y 72107 MEDICAL AND PARAMEDICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY MAH NEAR VRUNDAVAN HOTEL. BIJAPUR ROAD. SAKHARALE.SANGALI. PETH-SANGLI ROAD.. PIN. Kumbhar 416416 2342-221290. LAXMI NAGAR.416 306 ISLAMPUR BUISINESS COMPLEX. TAL WALVA. SHOP NO.415409 Mrs..416404 9822274032 School of Health Sciences 9423817107 9822274032 School of Health Sciences 9423817107 P25 B. Kittad A/P JATH.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7209A Study Centre Name RAJARAMBAPU INSTIRUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.S. Sadashiv Kumbhar ISLAMPUR. Science & Technology PRG Code T50 T51 T52 T05 T06 PRG NAME Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering DMLT On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N 72100 M. STATE MAH Detail Address AT/ RAJARAMNAGAR.A. Science & Technology T83 M. UMA NURSING COLLEGE.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic N N N N N N N N N N N N N 204/238 . Kumbar Contact No 9970700741 School NAME School of Architecture. DIST. MIRAJ.TIMBER AREA. Asharani Sutar (0233) 2366364 School of Health Sciences P27 Y 72102 DRUSHTI MEDICAL FOUNDATION TRUST MAH Dr. 1.PATIL PG-DMLT COLLEGE MAH C/0 ADARSH BAL MANDIR. Wadkar S. School of Health Sciences 9270152299 P23 Yoga Teacher Y 9422322736 School of Architecture..Sc.. SANGALI. A/P. KASTURBAI WALCHAND COLLEGE MAH UBALE BUILDING..
SARAF KATTA ROAD..Sc. SANGLI. WALWA.B..MIRAJ.Sc. CIVIL HOSPITAL ROAD.Lib & I.BAPUJI SALUNKE COLLEGE MAH ANNABUVA MANDIR HALL.. SANGALI 416 416 Manali N. MIRAJ. . Takale 9270933716 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 72113 NIRAMAY HEALTH AND FITNESS TRUST SHATRUNJAY EDUCATION CHARITABLE TRUST SHATRUNJAY CAREER ACADEMY MANALI INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT DR. PIN.Sc. KASEGAON. SANGALI.. 9823796793 School of Continuing Education 9871740555 9975112347 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T97 B.SANGALI.TIMBER AREA. SHANIWAR PETH. KASTURBAI WALCHAND STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator WOOD HOUSE ROAD. Kumbhar Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. SHIWAJI NAGAR.Sc. TAL. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Yoga Teacher 9403043840 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y 72112 ITNIUM COMPUTERS MAH RAM MANDIR.. Y 205/238 .Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. K. PIN. School of Continuing Education 9822286055 02342-238222.416410 2ND FLOOR. NORTH. PIN. (HTM) Y 72122 MAH - P04 B. (MGA) Y 72116 MAH - T74 B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Sc. PIN416410 Mrs.415 404 TAL.BANGALORE ROAD. Shakuntala Shripal Khot 233-2220394 School of Health Sciences P23 72115 MAH - 0233-6550602. DIST. KUMAR PLAZA.416916 PUNE . (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 72111 SMT.
SANGLI.) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB..) B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN416416 AT/PO..Sc.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 72123 Study Centre Name VISHWAS SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL'S DESHBHAKATH A..SANGALI..A.SHIRALA.A. Med.SANGALI. PIN. NORTH SHIVAJINAGAR.Sc. TAL. SANGALI 416404 9822338014 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 72125 7219A APPASAHEB BIRNALE COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE KARMVEER SHIKSHAN SANSTHA.UMAJIRAO SANAMDIKAR MEDICAL FOUNDATION'S MAH SIDDARTHA INFOTECH.A.) C01. DIST. DIST. Med. DIST.Ar. M. Science & Technology School of Humanities & Social Sciences T64 C01 Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.415408 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y MAH - C01 Preparatory (Mar.. ROAD.Lib & I. 206/238 . TAL. Med)C01. SATARA Dr. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing M. Vijay Sambrekar 9823040506 School of Architecture.CHIKHALI.KAMERI.) GANPATRAO ARWADE 7225A COLLEGE OF COMMERCE MAH RAJNEMI CAMPUS.Summer G01 72124 SHRI.B.Arch.) Preparatory (Mar.NAIK ARTS & SCI.COLLEGE STATE Detail Address A/P. (General) Preparatory (Mar..-WALVA. DIST.Sc.Vaishali Sanamdikar ROAD.SANGLI.416 416 School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 P04 P16 Bachelor of Arts (B. SANGALIMIRAJ..Lib & I. MAH MAH SOUTH SHIVAJI NAGAR. JATH.. PIN.
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Detail Address AT/PO.- BUDHGAON, TAL.-MIRAJ, SANGLI, PIN- 416 304
Study Centre Coordinator Milind Butale
Contact No
School NAME School of Architecture, Science & Technology School of Architecture, Science & Technology
PRG Code
PRG NAME B.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) Diploma in Computer Technology Diploma in Communication Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering MBA Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N
T03 T07 T24 T35 T50 T51 T52 T05 T06
School of Commerce & 2342226488 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences
P09 C07
C01 C01- Summer G01
Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Net
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
9420105555 School of Computer Sciences
D01 D02 D04 D05
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Detail Address
Study Centre Coordinator
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60
PRG NAME Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. & Network Tech.(DCHMNT) DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
9420105555 School of Computer Sciences
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C01 C01- Summer G01
(0832) 3079442 School of Continuing Education 9326020694
T29 V07
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Mohanrao Kadam College of 7286A Agriculture, Kadegaon, Dist. Sangli Dr. Yuvaraj Jadhav, The Principal, Mohanrao Kadam Kadegaon, Cell: College of Agriculture, Hingangaon - 9421132639, E-mail: 415 304, Tal. Kadegaon, Dist. Sangli yuvrajjadhav@bharativi
(blank) School of Agricultural Science
Certificate in Gardening
P18 T12 T14 T15 T16
Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code 7286A
Study Centre Name Mohanrao Kadam College of Agriculture, Kadegaon, Dist.
Study Centre Coordinator The Principal, Mohanrao Kadam Dr. Yuvaraj Jadhav, College of Agriculture, Hingangaon - Kadegaon, Cell: Detail Address
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code T17 T18 T19 T20
PRG NAME Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Certificate in Gardening Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management B.Sc. (Optometry)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y
(blank) School of Agricultural Science
Chchatrapati Shahu College of 7287A Agri-business Management, Sangli
The Principal, Chchatrapati Shahu College of, Agri-business Management, Vishrambag, Sangli 416 415
Mr. Rajkumar Patil, Sangli, Cell: 98500 78588, E-mail: [email protected]
(blank) School of Agricultural Science
C1D P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
02347-272432, School of Continuing Education 276499, 233-2644499 / School of Health Sciences 2302266 233 - 2314122, School of Health Sciences 2310264, 9850565799 2347-272571, 273671, 9822536882, JadhavSchool of Health Sciences 9226282395, 9822493205 02332672491/985013 School of Commerce & 3335 Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Mrs. Saroj Patil
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant)
Dr. M. R. Kadam
Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) MBA Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Dr.S.A.Jamadar -
P09 C01 C01- Summer G01
Regional Centre KOLHAPUR
Centre Code
Study Centre Name
Detail Address Plot no. 31, MIDC, Miraj 416 410 PLOT NO.31, MIDC, MIRAJ, SANGALI, PIN- 416 410
Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Limaye Dr. Limaye -
Contact No
School NAME
PRG Code C55 P40 C01
PRG NAME Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
233 - 2644499, 2302266, 2300872, School of Health Sciences 9823053609 233-2644499, School of Health Sciences 2302266 School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 7303A D.B.J.COLLEGE, MAH CHIPLUN, RATNAGIRI,, PIN- 415 605 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) P04 B.Lib & I.Sc. Dr.Gokhale MARATHA MANDIR, S.R. 7338A DESAI JR. COLLEGE MAH SHIVAJI NAGAR, RATNAGIRI,, PIN415 612 02355-252088 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 G01 7342A Mahatma Phule Agriculture Technology School VIDYARATNA COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH The Superintendent, Mahatma Phule Agriculture Technology -School, Asond - 415 711 Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri -(blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D MBA Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Certificate in Gardening
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Diploma in (MCJ) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. & Mgmt) Preparatory (Mar. Med.)
(02352) 222596 School of Continuing Education 259659 255187 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences
C2E P55 P56
Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01- Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) PATPANHALE EDUCATION 7346A SOCIETY'S SENIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.- SHRUNGARTALI, TAL.GUHAGAR, DIST.- RATNAGIRI, PIN415 724 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01- Summer G01 COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SHEHASANKET,OPP.D.B.J.COLLEGE,, BEHIND HOTEL SHALOM,KAWILTALI,, CHIPLUN, DIST.RATNAGIRI, PIN- 415 605 MRS. SONALI KISHOR DHARIA 0982225689 School of Continuing Education 9822404109 Preparatory (Mar. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. & Network Tech.(DCHMNT)
. SATYABHAMABAI 7349A VITTHALRAO NALAWADE FOUNDATION 7352A COLLEGE OF ARTS COMMERCE AND SCIENCE C/O.. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7348A RATNAGIRI ZILHA GRANTHALAY SANGH MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P04 B. Med. 540 SHIVAJI NAGAR.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. NALAWADE.C.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.D. DIST. Y P16 SMT. PIN.& IND.) 7355A ARTS. Y MAH - - P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Y MAH M. Med.I. SONALI KISHOR DHARIA Contact No School NAME PRG Code V07 PRG NAME DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y 0982225689 School of Continuing Education 9822404109 SHEHA-SANKET.OPP. RATNAGIRI 415 605 9823085229 School of Computer Sciences D01 Programming Expertise in "C" N D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 LET.COLLEGE.VIDYARATNA COLLEGE OF. RATNAGIRI.Lib & I. TAL. PIN415 639 - C01 Preparatory (Mar. PIN.) Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. CHIPLUN.B.C.D.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.COLLEGE.. Med)C01.J. WADA.BULD. OFFICE. AT/PO.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.) 211/238 . Study Centre Coordinator MRS.Sc. RATNAGIRI CHEMBER OF COM.D.J.KAWILTALI.OPP. NEAR M.B.Sc.D.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7347A Study Centre Name COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STATE MAH Detail Address SHEHASANKET.Sc.A.Lib & I.SAU. DIST. PIN.. BEHIND HOTEL Harshala Kule SHALOM. LANJA. COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH A/P.495 692 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences M..KUVARBAB. RATNAGIRI.415 612 Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. KUSUMTAI ABHYANKAR.I.
Prashant Gavade . S. Tal Chiplun.S COLLEGE OF ARTS. 233735.DERVAN.A. Dr.School of Humanities & Social On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 7359A LOKAMUDRA PRATISHTHAN MAH GHARDA HOSPITAL.415 606 Mr. A/P. Govindrao Nikam Mandki Palwan. Dr.415 709 212/238 . Mandki 9420811366.. PIN. TAL : KHED.) Y P40 C01 C01. DIST : RATNAGIRI.Dist.232866. COMMERCE.E-mail: Palwan . 252932.. 9422431509 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Preparatory (Mar. PINC/O DEEPAK VALSANGKAR. Ratnagiri. KELASKAR NAKA. RATNAGIRI. School of Health Sciences 9423297977 C55 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 7360A DEENADAYAL UPADHYAY LOKAVIDYALAY MAH C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 7361A LOKMANYA TILAK LOKVIDALAYA MAH C/O DR. LOTE PARASHURAM..415 641. School of Health Sciences 9422052132 2354-252054. Ratnagiri.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 7355A ARTS. Paranjape DAPOLI.R.CHIPLUN.) Preparatory (Mar. Mr. com .272776. LANJA.I WALAWALKAR HOSPITAL. 9960689161 2358-282343.. TAL . Dist. PIN. TAL . A/P SHIRGAON.K. COMMERCE COLLEGE Govindrao Nikam College of 7358A Agriculture.. Dist. TAL. Jadhav 2356 .. School of Health Sciences 264149 2355-264137 / School of Health Sciences 264149. suryagangha School of Health Sciences madam. Dist. SANGAMESHWAR. 415611.TAL.Deepak Valsangkar 415629 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y 7362A MAHARSHI KARVE STREE SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH 2352 . 415712. Cell: College of Agriculture. Tal Chiplun. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Suvarna Patil RATNAGIRI. DIST . PIN415722 SHIR DHANVANTARI HOSPITAL. Dr.C. The Principal.Summer G01 Y Y Y Y 7365A I. Vasant Mulye.. STATE MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. Ratnagiri.RATNAGIRI. 9860757188.) MAH A/P. SCIENCE MAH AT POST : KHED. Mandki. Ratnagiri..9226763533. School of Health Sciences 9423297309. PIN.RATNAGIRI. PIN. 9970444128 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y SHRI VITTHALRAO JOSHI 7363A CHARITABLE TRUST'S COLLEGE OF ADVANCE STUDIES MAH C/O B.Dr.A. A/P . Med. GHARDA COLONY. 2355/253036. pggavade12@rediffmail. Godbole 2355 .264137. 282689. TALPrashant Patavardhan KHED. DIST..KARANDIKAR OMKAR LAB.
PARSHURAM HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTER.COM. BHATYA VILLAGE. RATNAGIRI. POST OFFICE. DistRatanagiri.M's Parashuram Hospital. C52 N GHANE KHUNT. RATNAGIRI. Bakare Dr.RATNAGIRI-PAWAS HIGH. SALVI STOP.) Y MAH RATNAGIRI. Ratnagiri. Snehal Deshmukh 2355 . DIST.. RESORT. Yalgi Shri. Dr. Tal.'S) PARASHURAM HOSPITAL LOTE MAH Dr..KOHINOOR COLLEGE OF HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES. PIN.S. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.R. A&P: GHANEKHUNT.M.. RATNAGIRI.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address KOHINOOR SAMUDRA BEACH.GOGATE COLLEGE OF 7370A ARTS & SCIENCE & R. Yelgi D. LOTE. INSTIUTTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES. TAL .. DIST. SPM INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMEMT STUDIES 7379A CAREER COURSES AND RESEARCH A.. RATNAGIRI. OPP..Sc.415 712 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME School of Commerce & Management PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y KOHINOOR COLLEGE OF 7367A HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES MAH - P55 P56 BBA (HTM) MBA in (Hosp. PIN415613 - P09 Y 7372A MAH - - C01 Preparatory (Mar. RATNAGIRI CHIPLUN.E.) Preparatory (Mar.230820 / School of Health Sciences 9226338818 2356-272550 School of Health Sciences 2356-272550. (HMCO) Y RAMRAJE COLLEGE OF 7369A ENGINEERING AND POLYTECHNIC R.415612 - 02352-221311 School of Continuing Education School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P91 MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme MBA N (blank) MARATHA MANDIR SANSTHA NEW ENGLISH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE (ARTS. DIST.254534 / School of Health Sciences 9423047730 2352 . KHED. PIN.S. CHIPLUN.A.S.. RATNAGIRI. Lote Ghanekunt. (MLT) Y MAH P40 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Y MAH Archana Bakshi D01 D02 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C N N 213/238 .Sc.A. CHINCH NAKA.TAL. M..P. & Mgmt) 7368A KOKANES KOHINOOR TECHNICAL TRUST MAH - 02352-235231/32 School of Continuing Education T76 B. Med. PIN415639 GHANE KHUNT.JOGALEKAR COMMERCE MAH - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Sunita Chavan C55 Y 7375A MAH Dr.Maharashtra Education Society.) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra Y C01.E.E.PALKAR COMPLEX. Aparna Shinde Dr.. PIN. DAPOLI. . Snehal Khare P23 Yoga Teacher Y MAH Mrs.RATNAGIRI Mrs. School of Health Sciences Bhakare. Govinda Patil P25 B.V. 9422615089.Khed..BHAATYA VILLAGE. . PIN. JAIKHED. RATNAGIRI. PIN415605 SWASTI MEDICAL FOUNDATION. Dist.Summer G01 7373A APARNA HOSPITAL MAH DESAI PLAZA.PALI.SC) A/P.PAWAS COASTAL HIGHWAY.9422065864 (02356) 272706 School of Health Sciences 02356-272550 9422065864 School of Health Sciences 9403727431 8087994898 9421188362 School of Computer Sciences C55 Y Y Y 7374A CHIRAYU HOSPITAL (M. PIN.Dr. PIN.A. JAIKHED. M.
Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 214/238 .Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.RATNAGIRI Study Centre Coordinator Archana Bakshi Contact No School NAME PRG Code D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. NEAR RAILWAY STATION.RATNAGIRI.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 7379A SPM INSTITUTE OF STATE MAH Detail Address CHIPLUN. DIST.. PIN415639 SAMARTH NAGAR. PATRAKAR COLONY. RATNAGIRI 415709 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 Diploma in (MCJ) Y Kailas Chaudhari 9273706222 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing 9421188362 School of Computer Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7380A DAINIK RATNABHOOMI MAHARASHTRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAH 7381A MAH 3/254.Sc.Net Building Web Portals through ASP.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. KUWARBAAV. DIST.. KHED. DIST.
DIST. Sanjay Tupe. sanjaytupe. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9273706222 School of Computer Sciences DAPOLI URBAN BANK SENIOR 7382A SCIENCE COLLEGE MAH A/P. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7381A Study Centre Name MAHARASHTRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE STATE MAH Detail Address SAMARTH NAGAR. KHED.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. Ratnagiri MAH Mr. Chiplun. Sandesh Jagdale 9403322798 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 Sharadchandra Pawar College 7383A of Agriculture. Sharadchandra Kharvate.RATNAGIRI 415712 Dr. Kharavate (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Y Y Y Y Y Y 215/238 . Chiplun.Sc.2009@rediff Dist. Ratnagiri mail.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B.Sc.TAL. Cell: Pawar College of Agriculture. RATNAGIRI 415709 Study Centre Coordinator Kailas Chaudhari Contact No School NAME PRG Code P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME B. Dist.DAPOLI. 9423295850. DIST.E-mail: Kharavate – Dahiwali. The Pricncipal. Tal.
. RAJAPUR. Study Centre Coordinator Mr. MAH G-710. Dist. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 7384A CHIPLUN TAILORING AND FASHION INSTITUTE MAH 7385A CHIPLUN AIRCONDITIONARS MAH TRADE CENTER B WING.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.F.) Preparatory (Mar. Sharadchandra Pawar College of Agriculture.Winter 9921509767 T32 T72 T-72 T95 T-95 Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DEDAM. PIN415605 PANDHARPOTE GANESH RAMKRUSHNA 9822179386 School of Continuing Education 9326717858 T32 MRS. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SARAB PARAB (0263) 273307 School of Continuing Education C2E. AT/PO.416 510 Mr.NEAR.415605 10 SAI CENTRE.A.M.A.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer C07 G01 G10 Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.SAVANTWADI. PIN416 516 - 9423804927. Sindhudurga. STATE MAH Detail Address The Pricncipal. ONI.. Med.SAVANTWADI. AT/PO. STATE BANK. NEAR GOMANTAK HOTEL..) 7402A ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH KANKAVLI.416 602 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. BHADUR SHAIKH NAKA.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7383A Study Centre Name Sharadchandra Pawar College of Agriculture.) SAHEB'S RESEARCH CENTRE 7405A FOR NON FORMAL EDUCATION.CIPALUN.A. Sanjay Tupe. (M. RATNAGIRI. SINDHUDURG. PIN. Vengurlekar 2363 . Naik. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. 2353School of Health Sciences 228226/228225 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Kharavate Tal. DIST-RATNAGIRI.A. Kharvate.New Pattern 216/238 .2ND FLOOR. TAL. Med)C01... AT/POST.) MVENGURLA.CHINCH NAKA. MANJU JAYVANT DESHMUKH 9423047582 School of Continuing Education T95 Diploma in AC and Refrigeration Y 7387A VATSALYA MANDIR 7401A BALASAHEB KHARDEKAR COLLEGE MAH MAH ONI.. Med. NEAR GOMANTAK HOTEL. PIN.) Dip.SABNIS WADA. Med)Summer Certificate Programme in Human Rights Bachelor of Arts (B. CHIPLUN. 9822328902. Mr. Mohan Gujan Mahendra DIST.. School of Health Sciences 9921509767 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) - C01 C01.SABNIS WADA. DIST-RATNAGIRI. SINDHUDURG. PIN. BEHIND HOTEL DWARKA.New Pattern Diploma in AC and Refrigeration DACR.416 510 G-710.Winter CBPM.273307. Sharad Parab.. Mr.
. Vengurla . AT/PO. 7411A SHRIRAM VACHAN MANDIR. Dist.416 516.OPP.vengurle@yahoo Sindhudurg . Y Y Y Regional Fruit Research 7427A Station. PIN.G-710.A. Dr.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7405A Study Centre Name SAHEB'S RESEARCH CENTRE FOR NON FORMAL STATE MAH Detail Address G-710. NEAR GOMANTAK HOTEL..Sc. NR. SINDHUDURGA 416 510 C2E Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y MAH Tushar Wengurlekar 02363-273307 School of Computer Sciences D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Y Y Y 217/238 .MAIN ROAD.. SABNIS WADA. Cell: Regional Fruit Research Station. NEAR GOMANTAK HOTEL. AT/PO.SABNIS WADA. Balwant Sawant. Dr.416 520 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 Y MAH - - P03 P04 P16 Diploma in (MCJ) B..SINDHUDURG. PIN. Vengurle.REKOBA HIGH SCHOOL.. PIN. M. GOMANTAK HOTEL. SARAB PARAB AT/PO. SAWANTWADI.VAYARI MALVAN. BSKKV. Sindhudurg MAH Dr.417 510 Study Centre Coordinator SARAB PARAB SARAB PARAB Contact No School NAME PRG Code V05 V11 PRG NAME DCHMNT-Windows 2000 Server Diploma in Civil Supervisor On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y (0263) 273307 School of Continuing Education 9921509767 (0263) 273307 School of Continuing Education 9921509767 (0263) 273307 School of Continuing Education 9921509767 G-710..Sc.SABNIS WADA.SINDHUDURG. MAH AT/PO.) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N DR.Lib & I. adrrfrs. NEAR GOMANTAK HOTEL. DIST.. 9422436117 E-mail: BSKKV. TAL/DIST.416 510 SAHEB'S RESEARCH CENTER FOR NONFORMAL EDUCATION G-710. The Associate Director of Research.SABNIS WADA. Vengurla. MOTITALAV.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. TAL/DIST.. AT/PO.. PIN.Dist.-SAVANTWADI.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting Bachelor of Arts (B.Lib & I. MAIN ROAD.SAVANTWADI.SHIRODKAR SHIKSHAN 7407A SANSTHA MALVAN C/O..SAWANTWADI.
.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST-SINDHUDURG... Oras. Med. PIN.KOLOSHI... Detail Address Contact No School NAME PRG Code T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. Dist. PATIL SIMDHUDURG 7441A COLLEGE MAH MALVAN. Yashwant Velankar 2367 .416 606 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. SINDHUDURG. PIN. Sindhudurg Mr.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Study Centre Name Code 7427A Regional Fruit Research STATE MAH Study Centre Coordinator The Associate Director of Research.Tal.KOLOSHI.KUDAL.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. PIN.KANKAVALI.A.416 520 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.SINDHUDURG. Y Y Y Y Y MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Y Y 218/238 .248636 / School of Health Sciences 9422054551 2367-248636 School of Health Sciences 9422054551 (02363) 273307 School of Continuing Education 9822328902 C55 C52 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. E-mail: parulekarmahesh@gmai l.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.AT/PO.Summer G01 Chchatrapati Shivaji College of 7446A Agriculture. TAL. PIN.. Balwant Sawant. Med. TAL. Chchatrapati Shivaji College of Agriculture. DIST.416610. PIN.416 812.. Dr. Dist.. SINDHUDURG. Cell: 9422373717. Mahesh Parulekar.) 7442A NARAYAN ASHRAM MAH AT/PO.416 510 Dr.SAHEB RESEARCH CENTER FOR NON FORMAL 7443A EDUCATIONAL AND CLASSIC BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH MAIN ROAD. Sindhudurga . DIST. Dr Yashwant Velankar Dist. Med. Kharewadi Oras . PIN.(DCHMNT) Diploma for Electrician & Domestic Appliances Maintenance DCHMNT Preparatory (Mar.) (blank) School of Agricultural Science On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N SANT RAWOOL MAHARAJ 7439A MAHAVIDYALAY MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)C01.A.KANKAVALI. & Network Tech. KANAKVALI. TALKANAKVALI. Oras.K.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. SAVANTWADI. Med)C01. Sindhudurg The Principal.) S. Kudal.) SHRI SHARAD PARAB C2E Y T29 Y T72 V05 BHAISAHEB SAVANT 7444A PRATISTHAN'S ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MAH DODA MARG.A.
Sindhudurga.A. (Subject Communication) Y Y Y Y Y Rajaram Marathe College of 7458A Agriculture.Summer G01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. 02563-272021 Academic Services Division C55 MAH SAWANTWADI. Dist. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.416 601. Khorate 2363 . G. Dist.Dist. Oras. (Educational Communication) M. Med.. PIN. Mr. Prof.A.shinde@gmai l.) Preparatory (Mar. 02563-272018 Academic Services Division Off. Chchatrapati Shivaji College of Agriculture. Sindhudurg MAH Mr. DHALKADHI. Sachin Shinde. Rajaram Marathe Phonda. Buwa PIN.A. KANAKAVALI. (Distance Education) M. 02563-272020 Academic Services Division Off. Parab9860747923.. STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. Sindhudurg sachinhort. Phonda Ghat 9921443029. PANCHAM KHEMRAJ MAHAVIDHYALAY MAH KANAKAVALI BAZAR PETH. 02563-272017 Academic Services Division Off. Contact No School NAME PRG Code T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y N N Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science SHRAMIK VIDYARTHI DNYANASEVA SANSTHA'S 7448A SHIVABHUMI INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCI 7451A SHRI. 416602. The Principal. (Subject Communication) (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 7504A Kamla College MAH -School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Kharewadi Study Centre Coordinator Mr.416510 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M. School of Health Sciences 9970732817. Oras.- Mr. (Subject Communication) M. NEAR.A. Dilip Nalage. E-mail: .A.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y 219/238 . Tal. Cell: 9422373717.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7446A Study Centre Name Chchatrapati Shivaji College of Agriculture. Cell: College of Agriculture. Mahesh Parulekar. 9730444897 Off. 02563-272019 Academic Services Division Off.SINDHUDURG. Phonda Ghat.271205.Com. Dist.. DIST.
A. GOKUL BUILDING. GOA.A. 4TH FLOOR. R. PRASAD STADIUM. & Network Tech. TECH. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NAIK (0832) 2737052 School of Continuing Education 9822168482 C2S Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.(DCHMNT) Diploma in Cyber Security Programme DCS. Med.N.Summer G01 9301A GOVERNMENT H. CLUB ROAD. S. PIN590 001 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. . SANQUELIM. KOLHAPUR.403 601 P.BICHOLIM. BELGAON.) MBA On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7581A PRO.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code 7517A Study Centre Name PATRAKAR G. - School of Commerce & Management School of Commerce & Management P09 9302A MAH - - - P09 MBA Y 9312A Goa SANJAY SMRUTI. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. GOA. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. BHAUSINGJI ROAD. GOA. GOKUL BUILDING. PUDHARI BHAVAN.G.403505 School of Architecture.415 101 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. RATNADEEP BLDG.416 002 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 G15 P03 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.403 505 FIRST FLOOR.Summer G01 BHAURAO KAKATKAR 7582A COLLEGE MAH JYOTI COMPOUND. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar.KOLHAPUR.JADHAV CHARITABLE TRUST STATE MAH Detail Address C/O. RAJENDRA.A.. Med. DIST. OPP. GOA 403505. SHAHUWADI. Med..) B.A. PIN. DAILY PUDHARI. Science & Technology Y Y Y Y 9314A CREATIVE EDUCATION INDIA Goa Bordekar 9890434915 T03 N CREATIVE EDUCATION TRUST Goa RAMPATIL PITRE (0832) 3079442 School of Continuing Education 9326020694 C2S Y T29 Y 220/238 . PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. SCHOOL Goa SAKHALI. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. & Network Tech. NEAR. MARGO... RADHAKRISHNA TEMPLE. PIN.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.PATIL MAHAVIDYALAY MAH AT/PO.Summer G01 (blank) SARASWAT VIDYALAYAS SRIDORA CACULO COLLEGE OF COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT STUDIES RAJARAM INSTITUTE OF INDL..D.MALKAPUR.(DCHMNT) Y T29 T99 T-99 V07 FIRST FLOOR.. PIN.. KARNATAK STATE. SANQUELIM ..) Preparatory (Mar. B-7.New Pattern DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) Diploma in Computer Technology Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint.. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. DR.
Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Sc.) MBA B. PIN.Sc. KORGAON . Med)C01. PIN.KAMALESHWAR HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL Goa CAPITAL HOUSE. VIDYA VARDHAN'S IDEA 9323A INSTITUTE OF DESIGN ENVIRONMENT & ARCHIT 9325A ST.Sc. COMMERCE & SCIENCE) MAH LATUR.) KOHINOOR COLLEGE OF 9331A HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES 9332A DAMODAR EDUCATION SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MANAGEMENT..A.. CURTORIM. School of Continuing Education 9822484970 0832-2256788 2256188 School of Health Sciences 9822131128 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T76 B.Sc..) Preparatory (Mar.403604 0832-2496515.A. School of Health Sciences 09845416818 9822055188 School of Architecture.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. CORTALIN. ANTHONYS ACADEMY OF FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT MAH Ashoknagar. Vijay Sohoni BENAULIM.) Preparatory (Mar.Sc. School of Continuing Education 9322126112 0832-2860109. School of Continuing Education 2791001 School of Humanities & Social Sciences T76 B.. Chikodi. PIN. Nipani.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A/P/TAL.403 710 Preparatory (Mar. GOA. PIN. GOA. MAPUSA. (HMCO) Y 9335A 9337A Goa Goa - T76 C01 C01. PIN. Chandrakant Shetye Goa T64 M..403592 9338A UNITY HIGH SCHOOL Goa A/P/TAL VALPO -SATTARI.. Science & Technology 9318 A Bharatiya Yoga Vidya Dham.403 705 GONVOLOY NUVEM. ASCONA VODLEM BHAT. PIN. ALTO PELINRE. . MR.. (HMCO) Goa T76 B.Regional Centre KOLHAPUR Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Goa Detail Address FIRST FLOOR.Sc. (General) Y Goa 0832-2786612.. 9823665307 0832-6480572. GOA..DAMODAR COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT.Summer G01 9339A 9340A ADARSH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT COSMOPOLITAN INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT Goa Goa PAJIFOND. GOA-403507 Dr. GOA.. GOA.) Preparatory (Mar.BARDEZ. DIST..REDNE.403 709 MORAD. 591237 979. SHRI.. PORVORIM. MARGAO. GUDI PARODA.SALCETTE. SALCETE. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. NEAR. NEAR ASSEMBLY HALL.403506 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med...) Y 9326A VISION CARE EYE INSTITUTE. Med. PIN. Ram Chavan Dist. GOA. SEQUERIA GOA. PIN. Prof. P.Summer G01 B.. TAL. GOKUL BUILDING. SALCETE. DIST.A.. 9327A SHANTI DURGA HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL Goa Goa P40 C01 Y Y Y Y Y SANCOALE.Arch. PIN403601 NOVA CIDADE. RADHAKRISHNA TEMPLE. PIN.. GOA. JOSEPH E. Med. . School of Continuing Education 2860464. (HMCO) Preparatory (Mar. Med. (HMCO) Preparatory (Mar. Tal. Adv. GOA.. (HTM) B.O.. PIN. Belgaum (Karnataka).BEHIND ST ALEY CHURCH. SALCATTE. . Study Centre Coordinator RAMPATIL PITRE Ramapati Pitre Contact No School NAME PRG Code V07 P09 P23 PRG NAME DCHMNT-(Windows 2003 Server) MBA Yoga Teacher On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y 9314A CREATIVE EDUCATION TRUST (0832) 3079442 School of Continuing Education 9326020694 School of Commerce & 0832-3218333 Management 8338-221484. CORMUGAL. NH17. (HMCO) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Preparatory (Mar.. GOA.- (blank) - 8236484091 School of Commerce & Management P09 T74 T76 9423030566 School of Continuing Education 9423030611 NANDED RAJSHREE SHAHU COLLEGE 8401A (ARTS.413 512 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 221/238 .
LATUR.. DIST. PIN.413 517 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 C01 C01.. PIN413 515 Shankar Lade School of Humanities & Social Sciences G01 C35 C01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. . M.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN...Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 8401A Study Centre Name RAJSHREE SHAHU COLLEGE (ARTS. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med.Sc.) B.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. PIN.) 8406A SHRAMIK VIKAS SANSTHA 8416A VASANTRAO NAIK ADYAPAK MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH MAH MAH AT/PO. PIN. in (MCJ) B..Lib & I. ...UDGIR.A.. .AOURAD SHAHAJANI.COLLEGE. MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Preparatory (Mar.413521 -. Med.) Certificate Program in ICT for Teachers Preparatory (Mar.Sc.AT/PO/TAL. . PIN.UDGIR.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) Diploma in (MCJ) B.422 605 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 P04 MAH C01 C01.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.NILANGA.413 517 02382-246923/ School of Continuing Education 240650 School of Humanities & Social Sciences P91 C01 C01.A. PIN.Summer G01 Prof.LATUR.A. TAL..Sc.) Preparatory (Mar.NILANGA.413 517 - 02385-254922 School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 C01 Preparatory (Mar..A..) 222/238 .) 02381.UDGIR.220290 School of Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences 8418A MAHATMA GANDHI COLLEGE.Kumbharkar 8403A LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI VIDYALAYA & JR.A.) 8424A 8425A LATUR ZILHA MARATHI PATRAKAR SANGH KISAN SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL'S SHIVAJI COLLEGE MAH MAH -A/P.. Med. Preparatory (Mar. Med. MAH AT/PO/TAL. .A.Lib & I.) Preparatory (Mar..UDGIR. Med.G. PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. Med)C01.AHMEDPUR.A..) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HAVAGI SWAMI 8402A MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO/TAL.Lib & I.413 520 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) 8404A SHRI KUMAR SAWAMI COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med.) MBA Preparatory (Mar.LATUR.A. COMMERCE & STATE MAH Detail Address LATUR. Med)C01. DIST.K.413 517 AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar. Preparatory (Mar. Med)C01.Summer G01 MAHARASHTRA UDAYGIR 8432A COLLEGE 8433A RAMAMATA AMBEDKAR ADHYAPIKA VIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO/TAL.A.Summer G01 G15 P04 P16 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.413 512 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01. TAL/DIST. TAL.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..Summer G01 Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar..AUSA.
Y. DIST.A. Borgaonkar 2382-259163 School of Health Sciences 9890607163 (2385) 253970 9970607018 School of Health Sciences 9423528866 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan N 8442A MAH BIDAR ROAD..SUNIL PATIL HANGARGEKAR.UDGIR.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. LATUR.. PIN.B. Med)C01. PIN.A..413531 - . Med)C01.PATHAK BUILDING POST OFFICE. DIST.413 517 T97 P09 Y Y 8437A MAH - C2E Y Y Y Y (blank) 8439A SAKHI BEAUTY PARLOUR INSTITUTE OF INDO-PUBLIC 8441A HEALTH HYGIENE AND MULTIPLE EDUCATION SWAMI VIVEKANAND MAHAVIDYALAY BHAI KISANRAO DESHMUKH COLLEGE MAH C/O. MITRA NAGAR. 2ND FLOOR. PIN. Med. RENAPUR. A/P. UDGIR.PATIL..413 531 Study Centre Coordinator - Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME Diploma in Cyber Security Programme B.. Garude A/P CHAKUR. LATUR. PIN. DIST. Med. (MLT) Y 8444A MAH C01 Preparatory (Mar. CHAKUR. TAL. NILANGA..T. Med)C01.. PIN. PIN. PIN.A.M. LATUR. 9422471365 School of Commerce & 02482-228646 Management .- P25 B. DIST. Med. Sangekar DIST.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Mr.LATUR.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.SOC.B. NALEGAON.Summer G01 MAHARASHTRA COLLEGE 8446A MAHARASHTRA EDUCATION'S MAH A/P. LATUR.A.School of Continuing Education 02385-58053 School of Continuing Education C2E. LATUR. 9422471365 (02382) 250051.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. Med. V. Gaikwad MANGAL.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) 8445A SHIVJAGRUTI COLLEGE MAH A/P. UDGIR..LATUR. BUILDING. LATUR.) Preparatory (Mar.School of Continuing Education T99 (blank) Prof. PIN. LATUR. Med. PIN. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. (MGA) MBA Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y COLLEGE OF COMPUTER 8436A SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAH (02382) 250051.R. SHIVAJI SOCIETY. NEAR RAGHUKUL Dr. School of Continuing Education 229191.Summer Summer 223/238 .Sc.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address NEAR S. MURUD.. School of Continuing Education 229191. AT/PO.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 8447A SHIVAJI COLLEGE MAH A/P.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Winter Certificate in Beautician C2A (SuwarnJayanti) C2A Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) MAH Dr.SHIVAJI HSG. WORKSHOP. LATUR. AMBEJOGAI ROAD. DIST. KARYALAY.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.Sc. NEAR BUS STAND.) 8448A SMBHAJI COLLEGE MAH A/P.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST. LATUR.) Preparatory (Mar.413517 Mr.Patil SHRUANGAR BEAUTY PARLOUR C/O.Winter CBPM.
) Preparatory (Mar. AHAMADPUR. LATUR.. PIN. LATUR..) NETAJI SUBHASHCHANDRA 8451A BOSE ADYAPAK MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P.Summer G01 8457A MIRAGI NETRALAY SWAMI VIVEKANAND 8458A INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES MAH DEO TOWERS.413531 Dr.AHMEDPUR. PIN413514 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) .. Kulkarni Dr. Ugile Dr. 321586 2382 .. Med.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 C01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B.. PIN. DIST LATUR.262141. PIN. LATUR. Med. DIST. Holikar MAHATMA FHULE 8464A MAHAVIDHYALAY. LTD.. Aradawad Mr. SHARN NAGAR.413523 BAHU UDDESHIYA SAMAJ SEVA SANSTHA. LATUR.414 515 ASHOKA HOTEL CHOWK. OPP. 2NE FLOOR. PIN. MURUD. AHMEDPUR. A.A.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01..9403246201. BEHIND RAJASTHAN. PIN. TAL. DIST.) Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Aarogyamitra MAH Dr Vijaykumar Yadav School of Health Sciences C52 N Mrs. PIN. Ram Patil Shri Arun Kshirsagar 2382-228204/ 05 School of Health Sciences 2382-248036 School of Health Sciences P40 C52 Y N 224/238 . Turorikar Dr. PIN.Dr. HYGIENE AND MULTIPLE EDUCATION 8461A NAVAJEEVAN HOSPITAL MAH MAH MAH VIKRAM NAGAR.. LATUR.A.A/P. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Pranjala Jogi 8459A SHANTAI MEDICAL TRUST INSTITUTE OF INDOPUBLIC 8460A HEALTH. PIN. LATUR.A. Med. AHEMADPUR. LATUR.413531 232. KINGAON. MAIN ROAD. 937064033 (2382) 248228 6618407 2382 . 699344.413512 84. LATUR. PIN.. School of Health Sciences 9423075810 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences MAH - C07 Y 8466A SHRI VENKATESH HOSPITAL 8470A SAMTA BHUUDESHIYA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA MAH MAH Dr. 9403101622. LATUR. Mr. in (MCJ) Certificate Programme in Human Rights Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Aarogyamitra Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y SAI NEONATAL AND 8462A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PVT. TAL ..ABBAS COMPLEX. C. KHOZZI GALLI. DIST LATUR... AMBEJOGAI ROAD. LATUR. TAL. DIST. PIN. School of Health Sciences 9422071162 238-228282. PIN. TAL. MITTRANAGAR. MAH 2382-228282. 9421454736 2381 . Borgaonkar. SHIRUR TAJBAND.A.413 515 THODGA ROAD.413531 THODGA ROAD. 8465A MAITREE MAH KINGAN. Med)C01. 224556. DIST LATUR..) Preparatory (Mar. OAUSA..) Preparatory (Mar. 9422468711 2381-262141 9422468711 P40 Preparatory (Mar. DIST. AMBEJOGAI ROAD.. KILLARI.259163.Summer G01 VASANTRAO NAIK ADYAPAK 8452A MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH A/P.. Khursale 9422172832 School of Health Sciences 2382-2448228. LATUR.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Study Centre Name Code 8448A SMBHAJI COLLEGE SHAHID BHAGATSING 8449A COLLEGE STATE MAH MAH Detail Address A/P.) Preparatory (Mar. BEHIND YESHWANT SCHOOL.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.413512 - School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences P27 C55 C55 C55 C51 C55 P23 G15 DMLT Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Yoga Teacher B.A. PIN.. PIN. AHMEDPUR. Ugile Dr. TAHSHIL OFFICE. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.413531 PATHAK BUILDING.. TAGOR NAGAR.. HIGH SCHOOL.School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. PIN. BARSHI ROAD. LATUR. SIDDHARTH HOUSING SOCIETY.
259825 / 254808.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y TAPOVAN YOGA & 8471A NISRGOPCHAR PRASTHAN MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE 8472A MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH SHRI.431602 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar..CIDCO.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO. Dr. Mr. UDGIR. Lamture Kakasheb C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y College of Agriculture.. Mr.413 517 AT/POST. LATUR. PIN. PIN. School of Health Sciences Andhorikar9423076994 P40 P91 Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant MPSC & UPSC (Composite) Guidance Programme Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Y N DAM ROAD.204. Dist. PIN. PIN. . Udgir 8481A Dist. DIST. TALUKA .V.UDGIR. AT/PO. Med)C01.SANGRAM PATWARI TAPOVAN. E-mail: vgb1982@gmail. PIN. UDAGIR. PIN.. College of Agriculture. Med)C01. AROGYADHAM NEAR Dr. Latur Dr.Summer Summer 225/238 .(blank) 2385-256679. Cell: 8087955995.413351 The Principal.413517 MAH Dr.9822675803 2382. Mahajan N... C55 Y MAH VIVEKANAND RUGNALAY.. School of Health Sciences 9422471525 P23 Yoga Teacher MAH MAH 2382-246036 School of Health Sciences 02385-254922 School of Continuing Education 2385 . Dist. Latur MAH Dr.413517 (MED COLLEGE LATUR) LATUR.BOX NO. Nanded Road. Med.A. .NANDED. PIN. Udgir 413 517. LATUR. Mahajan Complex.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. 253001. Udgir.. VIDYA NAGAR.Latur. .) Preparatory ( (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 8501A YASHWANT COLLEGE MAH P. Nanded Naka. Vaijanath Bhavalgave.O. Med. Sangram Patwari TAHSIL OFFICE. Jadhav.) 8504A SHIVAJI JR. MahajanSchool of Health Sciences 9822021803. HAWAGISWAMI 8473A COLLEGE DHANWANTARI AYURVED 8475A MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL VIVEKANAND VAIDYAKIYA 8476A PRATISTHAN AND SANSHODHAN KENDRA MAH C/O DR.245901 / 9822196591.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.
P.) . NAIK NAGAR. & Network Tech.. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 85110 DIGNITY COMPUTERONIX MAH "PRANAV PLAZA". Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.MUKHED. KINWAT..A/P HIMAYAT NAGAR.431804 NEAR SONI VIDEO..) Preparatory (Mar.431715 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 C01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. (MLT) Certificate Programme in Human Rights Certificate Programme in Human Rights Preparatory (Mar. . VAZIRABAD.AT/PO.431601 SATHE NAGAR. Med)C01. PINMr. & Network Tech. PIN. Wadekar VAZIRABAD.. SANE GURUJI. NEW NANDED. ASHOK NAGAR. BHARAT JODO YUVA AKADAMI MODERN COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & IT MAH HEALTH DEPARTMENT. TAL. PIN. PIN.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Study Centre Name Code 8504A SHIVAJI JR. Med.MAIN ROAD..School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.COLLEGE 8505A NARSHINHA JR.. KINWAT. NANDED..A.A.. Med.) Preparatory (Mar. NANDED.A.(DCHMNT) N Y 85106 MAH - C07 Y 85107 85108 MAH MAH MANDWA ROAD. NANDED B/H. SCHOOL. Dr. PIN.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. . NANDED. PIN.231492.(DCHMNT) Certificate in Information Technology (Elementary) Y Y 85115 MAH (02462) 2551162/ School of Continuing Education 9422174219 (02462) 2551162/ School of Continuing Education 9422174219 T29 S01 Y N 226/238 .431601 2462 . PIN.J.VIDHI MAHAVIDYALAY SARASWATI VIDYAMANDIR ARTS COLLEGE HUTATMA JAYAWANTRAO PATIL MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH 62.A.431601 (blank) 239529 9423656960 School of Health Sciences C52 Aarogyamitra N 85113 85114 MAH MAH - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 G10 Diploma in (MCJ) Dip. PIN431605 Mahesh Patil (0462) 2223565 School of Continuing Education T29 85112 DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM (NANDED) MAHATMA PHULE COLLEGE OF B.. NEAR SHIVAJI STATUE. NANDED.. NANDED..Summer G01 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 85109 INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE MAH CIDCO. ANAND NAGAR. .COLLEGE STATE MAH MAH Detail Address AT/PO. .CIDCO.WADEKAR HOSPITAL NEAR.LIB & B. 9423692830 2462-231494 233119 School of Health Sciences 9423692830 85104 INST OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES JAY JAWAN JAY KISAN SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDALACHE S. KANDHAR. ZILL PARISHAD. PIN431714 DR.. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Med.UMARDARI. School of Health Sciences 233119.. .) Preparatory (Mar.Sc.) 85103 MARATHWADA MEDICAL FOUNDATION MAH TRUST C/O DR. .9822094967 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) C51 P25 Dai Prashikshan B.. RUGNALAY.. Dr. .- - C07 C01 C01. PIN.) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. ASHOK BALKHODE. Raut Gite INULTIPURPOSE HIGH. Karanjgaonkar KANDHAR. NANDED. TAL. PIN.
com Academic Services Division M35 Y 8516A Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Nanded. & Network Tech. Res. 02462-650446.Com.02462-253511.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 85116 Study Centre Name GANGAMATA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL STATE MAH Detail Address MUKBADHIR VIDYALAYA. Nanded. Med. Dist. Rama Nawale Off. 02462-650446..Lib & I.) B. Pokharni . Nanded Dr.POST-ARJAPUR. .02462-253511. M. 02462-650446.A. RAVINDRA NAGAR. PIN-431 603 Dr.A. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Res.Summer G01 8515A PEOPLE'S COLLEGE MAH -Snehnagar. Rama Nawale Dr. (Subject Communication) M. Purna Road.Summer G01 85124 H. Rama Nawale Academic Services Division M32 Y Snehnagar.NANDED. Mirza Baig. Res..) Preparatory (Mar. Nanded MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Y Y Y Y Y 227/238 . (Subject Communication) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N Y Y Y Y Y (02462) 2551162/ School of Continuing Education 9422174219 85123 SHANKARRAO CHAVAN ARTS & SCI. Nanded. . Med. PIN. . Rama Nawale Academic Services Division M33 Y Snehnagar.02462-253511. PIN-431 602 Dr.BILOLI. Pokharni Phata. PIN-431 605 Dr. Nanded. (Subject Communication) M. 02462-650446. . Nanded. TAL.A. Cell: 9923407046.431704 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.02462-253511. 02462-650446.COLLEGE MAH A/P/TAL. Pokharni. BILOLI.431711 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.. 9890350325 Off.A. DIST.A. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar. Res.. 9890350325 School of Humanities & Social Sciences Academic Services Division P04 M31 Y Y Y Y Snehnagar.ARADHANAPUR.02462-253511. DIST. 9890350325 Off. PIN. 9890350325 Off. (Educational Communication) M. . PIN-431 604 Dr. . Pokharni. (Distance Education) M.GOVINDRAO PANSARE SHIKSHAN PRASARK MANDAL'S PANSARE MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH AT. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN-431 606 The Program Coordinator.Sc.431 602.(DCHMNT) Preparatory (Mar.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code C2S S01 T29 PRG NAME Certificate in Mobile Repairing (Suwarnjayanti) Certificate in Information Technology (Elementary) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maint. Tal.Sc. 9890350325 Off. Email: shakeelbaig123@yahoo.) Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Rama Nawale Academic Services Division M34 Y Snehnagar.NANDED. Res.
) Bachelor of Arts (B. Study Centre Coordinator Dr.A. Med..431 601 Preparatory (Mar. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 8516A Study Centre Name Krishi Vigyan Kendra.431715 - - C01 Preparatory (Mar..) Preparatory (Mar.HATGAON. PIN. NANDED. Pokharni Phata. Pokharni.Summer G01 SHREE SHARADA EDUCATION 8519A SOCIETY'S VIDHI COLLEGE LAL BAHADDURSHASTRI COLLEGE MAH -- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 P16 8525A MAH -- - - C01 C01. E- Contact No School NAME PRG Code T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. COLLEGE School of Humanities & Social Sciences Preparatory (Mar.A. POST OFFICE.MANATHA. Med)C01. Med. PIN.HATGAON.A.) Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management Y Y 8545A MAH 255727 School of Continuing Education C2A Y 8550A HEMA BEAUTY PARLOUR MAH 235467 School of Continuing Education C2E Y 228/238 . Med.Sc. .-3 NEAR.) Y C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science ADARSH SECONDERY AND 8518A HIGHER SECONDERY VIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO. PIN. Med..Summer G01 HATGAON TALUKA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL ARTS & 8539A COMMERCE JR. . & SR. BAGAR.Summer G01 8535A Lal Bahadur Shastri College.) Preparatory (Mar.. TAL. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Pokharni.) Preparatory (Mar.NAYGAON..) EDUCATION SOCIETY'S 8538A JANATA HIGHSCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med. PIN.A.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med. . PIN..MUKHED.Summer G01 ROOP SANJIVANI BEAUTY PARLOUR UTTARA APARTMENT..) MAH AT/PO/TAL. Krishi Vigyan Kendra. NANDED.BLOCK NO.) Preparatory (Mar.431 712 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01..BEHIND.431 602 VAZIRABAD. Nanded STATE MAH Detail Address The Program Coordinator.) Diploma in (MCJ) M. Cell: 9923407046.) Preparatory (Mar.- - - C01 Preparatory (Mar.A.Lib & I. ANKUR NERSURY. Preparatory (Mar.A. PIN.. Mirza Baig.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.ASHOKNAGAR.KAILAS. MHATMA JOYTIBA FULE MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH -- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 8537A MAH AT/PO.
A.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N SHREE SHIVAJI COLLEGE OF 8554A ARTS COMMERCE AND SCIENCE ADAT VYAPARI SHIKSHAN 8555A SANSTHA'S DEGLOOR COLLEGE MAH DEGLUR...A.431 602 SHREE SHEKTRA.KANDHAR.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.) M. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. (Mechanical T35 Engineering) Diploma in Production T50 Engineering Diploma in Automobile T51 Engineering T52 T05 T06 Diploma in Thermal Engineering Diploma in Industrial Electronics Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. Shatalwar 2462. DIST.Tech. . .Sc. NANDED 431 606 B. PIN.B Preparatory (Mar.431 714 Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address AT/PO/TAL.) Preparatory (Mar.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P16 C01 8567A GRAMIN POLYTECHNIC MAH VISHNUPURI. NANDED. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN.431 717 - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.) School of Architecture. Med.Summer G01 SHARDA BHAVAN SHIKSHAN 8562A SANSTHECHE LAW COLLEGE 8564A SHREE RENUKADEVI SENIOR COLLEGE OF ARTS MAH MAH AT/PO/TAL. Med)C01. More J. (Electronics T34 Engineering) B.Lib & I.Net Mr..J. Preparatory (Mar. Science Diploma in Computer 97662484480 T03 & Technology Technology Diploma in Communication T07 Engineering Diploma in Mechanical T24 Engineering B... PIN.NANDED. Med.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.A. PIN. PIN. Pawar VISHNUPURI.Tech.229801. Med. NANDED.. MAHOOR.NANDED. 259666 School of Health Sciences 9881650430 School of Computer Sciences P40 D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 229/238 .431 606 Miss.
) Y Y Y 230/238 .) Preparatory (Mar. Med.. The Principal.A. Dist. Nitin Athawale. Nanded MAH Mr. Naigaon Bazar. KANDHAR. PIN- C01 C01. NANDED. Cell: Agriculture. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.J.Sc. Naigaon 9225753521. Shatalwar Contact No School NAME PRG Code D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 T60 PRG NAME Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. College of Naigaon. NANDED 431 606 Study Centre Coordinator B. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Diploma in Advance Computing On DU Portal (Yes/No) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8567A GRAMIN POLYTECHNIC 9881650430 School of Computer Sciences 8570A College of Agriculture.431 709. Nanded cannaigaon@gmail. Dist. DIST. E-mail: Bazar .Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 8571A AND MANAGEMENT 8572A SWAMI RAMANAND TIRTH ADYAPAK MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences P09 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture MBA Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y MAH A/P. Lalwandi Road.
- C01 Preparatory (Mar. COLLEGE MAH DOCTOR'S LANE.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN431601 Dr. Med. NEAR RAILWAY STATION. TAL VISHNUPURI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.. NANDED.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH Detail Address A/P.) 8584A JIJAMATA HOSPITAL MAH PRAMILABAI BHALERAO MARG.Dr.School of Health Sciences 9422553369 C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) 231/238 . PIN..Summer G01 8583A NUTAN COLLEGE MAH AT POST TALUKA . DIST NANDED. BHOKAR. NANDED. DIST NANDED.- Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01 C01. AND SR. KANDHAR. HADGAON. TAL.INN KALAMANDIR. PIN. Med.) Preparatory (Mar.A. Med. NANDED. DIST.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar.Summer G01 8582A RAJIV GANDHI COLLEGE MAH AT POST MUDKHED. PIN..K.A. Med.) SAHAYOG SEVABHAVI 8581A SANSTHA ADHYAPAK VIDHYALAY MAH AT POST VISHNUPURI.431602 AT POST TAL .Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. CHIKHALWADI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Umesh Bhalerao 2462 .A. PIN.. Med. NANDED. Chetana Gopchode 2462-236842 236857. TAL.) Preparatory (Mar.236057 School of Health Sciences 9422171650 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 MAH A/P.) Preparatory (Mar. DIST NANDED.) 8579A RAYAT RUGNALAYA 8580A BALIRAM PATIL COLLEGE MAH MAH BEHIND B.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN. Med)C01.) Preparatory (Mar.. PIN. PIN. PIN. NANDED. TAL.A. NANDED.A.) Y C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.241211.UMARI. TAL MUDKHED. PIN.A.Summer G01 8576A DIGAMBARRAO BINDU COLLEGE MAH A/P.431807 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar. DIST. 9422189419..A.) Preparatory (Mar.Dr. SHIRADHON.Suresh Khursale 2462-247444 School of Health Sciences 9422172832 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C52 C01 Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar.) Preparatory (Mar.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Smt.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. DIST. DIST NANDED.KINVAT. Jayram.431601 Dr.. Ajit Gopchade.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B..431801 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar. Med. TAMSA. BHOKAR. Med)C01. Med)C01.) Dai Prashikshan On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y N BHIMASHANKAR MADHYAMIK 8573A AND UCHHA MADHYAMIK VIDYALAYA AMRUTPATH BAL RUGNALAYA 8574A & PRASUTIGRAH BALAJI VAIDYAKIYA AND SHIKSHAN PRASARAK 8575A MANDAL'S JU. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med..
School of Health Sciences 9822312214 2469-223036 School of Health Sciences 9822312214 9325611358 School of Health Sciences 2462-265565. PIN. PIN. in (MCJ) Y MAH MAH Dr Ashok Belkhode Dr. 8587A PRASAD BAHUUDESHIY SANSTHA MAH LAW COLLEGE CAMPUS.Lib & I.Sc..NANDED. School of Health Sciences 9423438784 2462-244964 School of Health Sciences 236394.431601 B K Inn Campus. Dr. SOMESH COLONEY. . 431602 Study Centre Coordinator Dr. NANDED. Suresh Khursale P40 C55 Y Y SHARDA BHAVAN EDUCATION 8586A SOCIETY'S KUSUMTAI CHAVAN D. PIN. BEHIND KALAMANDIR.SANE GURUJI RUGNALAYA. PIN. NANDED .Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address B K INN CAMPAS.ED COLLEGE.Y.- Shri. NANDED. Chavan Dr. in (MCJ) Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Aarogyamitra Y N Y N N 8588A AROGYA PRABODHINI. TARODEKAR CHOWK. NANDED 431 605.Chavan P23 Yoga Teacher Y 8592A MAH C51 C55 C52 C01 Dai Prashikshan Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar. Arvind Ganpatrao - Preparatory (Mar.A.223036.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN. Somesh Colony. PIN... NANDED. PIN.431 605 SOMESH COLONY.Suresh Khursale Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) N 8585A RAYAT RUGNALAYA MAH 2462-247444 School of Health Sciences 9422172832 9422172832 School of Health Sciences 2462 . PIN. Ashok Belkhode - G15 C52 C55 C51 C52 B.VASARNI. NANDED.) SHRI SHIVAJI COLLEGE OF 8701A ARTS SCIENCE & COMMERCE MAH PARBHANI. 2469-223036 (O) School of Health Sciences 222977 ( R) 2469 . Behind Kalamandir. TAL .Sc.247444.Lib & I.. Med)C01.INN KALAMANDIR.. 9422174094 2462 . S.431601 SANJEEVAN AYURVED RUGNALAYA. M.) N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ANANDASHRAYA PRATISHTHAN SMT.K.Summer G01 G15 P03 P04 P16 Preparatory (Mar. PIN-431602 BEHIND B.. School of Health Sciences 9422172832 School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C51 Dai Prashikshan Diploma in Opthalmic Technical Assistant Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dr. .) Preparatory (Mar. in (MCJ) Diploma in (MCJ) B.NANDED. Dhananjaya Inchekar PURNA ROAD. DIST. INDIRA GANDHI 8595A COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 8593A MAH MAH CHIKALA.431 401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.431 804 - - G15 B.236394 / School of Health Sciences 9422174094 2468-266463 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences ADARSHA SHIKSHAN 8589A PRASARAK MANDAL 8591A SANT GADAGEBABA AYURVED PRATISHTHAN TRIMURTI MATA AND BAL RUGNALAYA MAH MAH KASARKHEDA. DIST Devidas Manohare NANDED.431 602 C/O DILIP NIVAS.A.A. BEHIND PANCHAYAT SAMITI. DIST . PIN.A.... Med.BEHIND KALA MANDIR. 232/238 .. BABANAGAR. KINWAT.A. KAILAS NAGAR.. Med. Khursale Dr.431 602.) B.NANDED.. HATGAON.431601 Dr.. PIN. Nanded..
.PARBHANI.PAWAR COLLEGE MAH ADARSH COLONY... Med)C01.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar..) Preparatory (Mar.) SHRI SANT JANABAI 8711A EDU. Jintur Road. Med. PARBHANI. . Med..34.GANGAKHED.431401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Preparatory (Mar. Med. PIN.. Med)Summer C01. .. PIN431514 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Parabhani MAH Dr.. KVK The Program Coordinator.) Preparatory (Mar. AT/PO/TAL. E-mail: Trust. Pravin Kapse..A. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer Y 233/238 . PIN.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.. PURNA (JANKSHION ).Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 8701A Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH Detail Address PARBHANI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Parabhani .A.) Preparatory (Mar.431 503 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01.A. MAH AT/PO/TAL.COMM. Krishi Parbhani. Med. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.431 401 AT/PO/TAL.) 8704A NUTAN COLLEGE. .Zate - Contact No 02452-226085 - School NAME School of Commerce & Management School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code P09 C01 C01.) Preparatory (Mar. AND SCI. 403 com (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 8710A MAHILA COLLEGE MAH JINTUR ROAD. P.) Preparatory (Mar.COLLEGE MAH AT/PO/TAL.Summer G01 ANUSAYA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL'S 8724A SWATANTRAYA SAINAIK S.SOCIETY'S ARTS. Jintur Road.HINGOLI.PURNA.SELU. Med. Jivanjyot Charitable 9923048212.A..O.431 [email protected] G01 MBA PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SHRI SHIVAJI COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE & COMMERCE ARTS & COMMERCE COLLEGE 8703A (ADARSH EDUCATION SOCIETY'S) Preparatory (Mar.School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Y Y Y C01. Cell: Vigyan Kendra.) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.431 513 Study Centre Coordinator Prof.Summer G01 8708A Krishi Vigyan Kendra. PIN. PIN.BOX NO. DIST.
Sanjay Londhe 2451-223230 School of Health Sciences 9422178275 2451-223230 School of Health Sciences 9422178275 2450-226223 School of Health Sciences 9423143600 2451-223230 / School of Health Sciences 9422178275 C51 Dai Prashikshan N DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM. JINTUR ROAD.. Deshmukh 431401 Arogya Wedh Paramedical Hospital...) Preparatory (Mar.) Bachelor of Arts (B. PIN431401 RANI SAVARGAON.School of Humanities & Social School of Humanities & Social Sciences On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Preparatory (Mar.431401 MEGHALAY VIDYARTHI VISTIGRUHA... Krishnarao Kamble 2452-223048. PARBHANI. PIN.. 8754A Dhanwantari Deodas Shikshan Prasark Mandal. RAGHUNATH ARTS.P.. Sanjay Londhe DIST.SAU. Med)C01. in Gandhi Vichar Darshan 8745A MAH Dr.431 401 - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 C01. School of Health Sciences 9423141632 2453-266010 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P23 Preparatory (Mar.MANVAT.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B. . 8736A COLLEGE 8737A SHARDA MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH NEAR CIVIL HOSPITAL. PARBHANI. Mrs.A..Charushila Javade Shri.A.. SCI. PIN. PURNA AT/PO.34. 8748A (PARBHANI) HEALTH DEPT.. TALUKA GANGAKHED.) Preparatory (Mar. PARBHANI.) . Med.) Yoga Teacher 8733A MAH MAH MAH P23 C52 C01 C01.A.431503 C52 C52 C55 Aarogyamitra Aarogyamitra Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) N N Y 234/238 .A.KAMLATAI JAMKAR MAHILA MAHAVIDYALAY DHANWANTARI DEODAS SHIKSHAN PRASARAK AROGYA WEDH PARAMEDICAL HOSPITAL MAH MAH -POST BOX NO. Med.. PIN. in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar.) 8728A SHANTINIKETAN JU.SCIENCE 8725A AND COMMERCE COLLEGE STATE MAH MAH Detail Address ADARSH COLONY.431 505 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code G01 C01 PRG NAME Bachelor of Arts (B. Med..Summer G01 Yoga Teacher Aarogyamitra Preparatory (Mar.Mrs Sanjay Londhe Parabhani . COLLEGE MAH BEHIND POWER HOUSE. School of Health Sciences 9422176137 2452-223955. Dist .431 401 TULASI SHIRAM NAGAR. PARBHANI. Med. S. Selu.A. DHANWANTRI HOSPITAL MAH Dr. PINDr.) 8740A SHARDA MAHAVIDYALAYA 8744A KAI.. . UNIVERSITY ROAD.- - - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. SELU.A. PIN. Med..Regional Centre NANDED Centre Study Centre Name Code 8724A ANUSAYA SHIKSHAN KATRUWAR ARTS. in (MCJ) Dip.PARBHANI.) B. Girish Velankar Dr. PARBHANI. DIST..A. PIN. Dr. PIN.Summer G01 G15 8738A B. Dr.A. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.PARBHANI. PIN.) Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8735A MANAV VIKAS PRAKALP BAL VIDYA MANDIR & JR. PIN..431 536 NEAR SHIVAJI PARK.School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences G15 G10 B. PIN.. SELU. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. PARBHANI..431401 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 G01 8732A R S S JANKALYAN SAMITI Muktai Yogabhyasa Kendra. PARBHANI.431401 VISHNUNAGAR.. COM. PARBHANI.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar. COLLEGE MAH GANGAKHED ROAD. Tulasi Shriram Nagar . DIST.. JINTUR ROAD.431503 ZIPLA PARISHAD. MAH MAH TULASI SHIRAM NAGAR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. Med)C01..
Sc. (Business Information Systems) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Diploma in Computing Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y MAH D01 D02 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D14 D15 D16 D28 D30 D59 D73 P30 P32 T59 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 235/238 . HINGOLI 431 513 Vijaykumar Kambale 02452-220848. Pritam Bharadiya.Regional Centre Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE Detail Address The Contact No School NAME PRG Code PRG NAME On DU Portal (Yes/No) NANDED 8760A Rajiv Gandhi College of Agriculture. SHIVAJINAGAR.Net Enterprise Solutions using J2EE Programming Excellence through C# Visual Programming Computer Fundamentals Office Tools Linux JAVA Visual Basic Oracle Computerised Financial Accounting B. Rajiv Gandhi College of Agriculture. Parabhani MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 SHREE NILKANTHESH WAR 8765A BAHUUDDESHI YA SEVABHAVI SANSTHA 8801A RAINBOW COMPUTERS MAH LOKMANYA NAGAR. School of Continuing Education 9822302780 9822709854 School of Computer Sciences C2H Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Certificate in Tailoring (SuwarnJayanti) Programming Expertise in "C" Data Structure using C OOPs and C++ Programming Excellence through VB. 9922037150.VIKAS LATPATE 72. Parabhani . PARBHANI. Jintur Road. PLOT NO.Net Building Web Portals through ASP. E-mail: psbharadiya@gmail. COA Parbhani.431 403 Study Centre Coordinator Dr.431 401 ASHIRWAD BUILDING. Cell: 9403063737. NEAR DNYANESHWAR NAGAR.
HINGOLI. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. HINGOLI 431 513 JAIN GALLI... HINGOLI. Dist. Tal. Krishi Vigyan Kendra.A.A.- - School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Kalamnuri. PIN. DIST. Med. .) Preparatory (Mar.) Krishi Vigyan Kendra.) NAGNATH VIDYALAYA & 8805A JUNIOR COLLEGE MAH AT/PO.. Waranga Phata. DIST.) Preparatory (Mar.. Hingoli The Program Coordinator.A. Med.Summer G01 PRG NAME Diploma in Advance Computing Certificate in Beautician (SuwarnJayanti) Preparatory (Mar. I.431 705 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Preparatory (Mar. Med. Tondapur – 431 701.) On DU Portal (Yes/No) N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8801A RAINBOW COMPUTERS KOMAL BEAUTY PARLOURS 8802A INSTITUTE RAJSHREE SHAU JUNIOR 8803A COLLEGE ASHIRWAD BUILDING.A. HINGOLI. VASAMATNAGAR.. Hingoli Mr.- 9822709854 School of Computer Sciences 222427 School of Continuing Education School of Humanities & Social Sciences 8804A SHREE SHIVAJI COLLEGE MAH NANDED ROAD. KVK 8806A MAH (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Mahatma Fule Shikshan Prasarak Mandal LATE DR. KALMNURI.A. TAL. PIN.AAKHADA BALAPUR. SHANKARRAO 8811A SATAV ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE 8807A MAH MAH -A/P.431512 School of Humanities & Social Sciences C01 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. Kalamnuri. Med)C01. HINGOLI.) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 236/238 . PIN. Tal. PIN. Med. Anil Olambe. Todapur.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code Study Centre Name STATE MAH MAH MAH Detail Address Study Centre Coordinator Contact No School NAME PRG Code T60 C2A C01 C01. E-mail: apolambe@gmail. Cell: 9422551052. Med.School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences P03 C01 C01.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.431 513 AT/PO.Summer G01 G15 8812A SHRI YOGANAND SWAMI ARTS COLLEGE MAH A/P.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.KALAMNURI.) B.Summer Summer G01 Bachelor of Arts (B.) Preparatory (Mar.. in (MCJ) Preparatory (Mar. PIN.) Preparatory (Mar.. Dist.AUNDHA ( NAGNATH ). Vijaykumar Kambale SHIVAJINAGAR. Med)C01. PIN.
.. HINGOLI. VASAMATNAGAR. NARAYAN NAGAR.NAKADE PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE MAH HEALTH DEPARTMENT.c om (blank) School of Agricultural Science C1D Certificate in Gardening Y P18 T12 T14 T15 Diploma in Agro Journalism Foundation in Agricultural Science Diploma in Agri Business Management Diploma in Fruit Production Y Y Y Y 237/238 .220119.431512 A/P.. PIN.KALAMNURI. College of Agriculture.A. Sanjay V. 9970091400 School of Health Sciences 9423141797 School of Humanities & Social Sciences 8817A UGAM GRAM VIKAS SANSTHA NARAYANRAO WAGHMARE MAHAVIDYALAYA MAH AT/PO. Kanzade Dr. Nanded Road.Near Ahilyadevi Ropavatika. Med. VINAYAKRAO NAKADE PARAMEDICAL COLLEGE. TAL. Hingoli MAH The Principal.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar.431512 - Study Centre Coordinator Contact No - School NAME School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences PRG Code C01. Cell: 9890326751.) Preparatory (Mar. VASMAT.- C52 N 8819A MAH C01 C01. HINGOLI. . Dist.Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 8812A Study Centre Name SHRI YOGANAND SWAMI ARTS COLLEGE ANNAPURNA DEVI JU. Waranga Phata.UMRA. PIN -431513 DR.431513 Dr. HINGOLI AT. HINGOLI.9422176302.. HINGOLI. NAKADE HOSPITAL... & SCIENCE COLLEGE (SR. E-mail: ramanhort@rediffmail. PIN . COA Tondapur. Tal.& DIST.) Bachelor of Arts (B. COM.. PIN./PO. Med. Kalyankar Dr.& JR. 8826A NAGNATH ARTS.A. (02456) 222202 School of Health Sciences School of Humanities & Social Sciences C55 Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Dai Prashikshan Aarogyamitra Y C51 C52 N N DR. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.Summer G01 Preparatory (Mar. DIST. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B. School of Health Sciences 222202 9422176302 School of Health Sciences 2456-222202. Nakade MAH P27 DMLT Y MAH - - C01 C01. Tal.C. Purkar 2456-223062. AKHADA BALAPUR. Sanjay V. 9028812268.. School of Health Sciences 9730231053 2455-220272. TAL.) Preparatory (Mar..) Rugnasahayak (Patient Assistant) Aarogyamitra On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y Y Y 8813A 8816A MAH MAH Dr.- Dr.HINGOLI.AUNDHA(NAGNATH). PIN. VASMATNAGAR. NARAYAN NAGAR. Ravindra Telgote - G01 C55 2454 . Rajesh Ramangire..) Aarogyamitra Y Y Y N DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM 8820A (HINGOLI) MAULANA AZAD SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDALS LATE. ARAL.A. Nokade 2456 . PIN. Kalamnuri. COLLEGE MAHARASHTRA INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCE STATE MAH Detail Address A/P. PIN.NAKADE HOSPITAL. HINGOLI.. Med)Summer Bachelor of Arts (B.A. ZILLA PARISHAD HINGOLI. PIN. TAL.DR.) DR. 8827A Todapur. School of Health Sciences 9422185234 C52 8821A MAH DR. School of Health Sciences 9421489779.NAKADE HOSPITAL.. DIST. Tondapur – 431 701. PIN. DIST. A. Hingoli Mr.431705 Dr Sanjay Nakade Dr. Jayaji Paikrao HINGOLI. TAL.KALAMNURI.Summer G01 PRG NAME Preparatory (Mar. Dist.) Y Y Y College of Agriculture. 9422176302. Kalamnuri.431702 A/P. NARAYAN NAGER.
College of Agriculture. Cell: Contact No School NAME PRG Code T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 PRG NAME Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) Diploma in Horticulture On DU Portal (Yes/No) Y Y N N Y (blank) School of Agricultural Science 238/238 .Regional Centre NANDED Centre Code 8827A Study Centre Name College of Agriculture. Kalamnuri. Todapur. Study Centre Coordinator Mr. Rajesh Ramangire. COA Tondapur. Waranga Phata. STATE MAH Detail Address The Principal. Dist. Tal.