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Samsons distilleries pvt ltd. 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION: The in plant training report of production of alcohol with special reference to M/s Samson Distilleries Dvg. This report gives an insight into the general background of the distillery industry and function of production department of their organization. This will help the students and general public to provide an elementary knowledge about the functions and procedures of production department in M/s. Samson Distilleries Davangere. M/s. Sams




  1Samsons distilleries pvt ltd. GENERAL INTRODUCTION: The in plant training report of production of alcohol with specialreference to M/s Samson Distilleries Dvg. This report gives an insightinto the general background of the distillery industry and function of production department of their organization. This will help the studentsand general public to provide an elementary knowledge about thefunctions and procedures of production department in M/s. SamsonDistilleries Davangere.M/s. Samson Distilleries is situated at Duggavathi, which is 25 kmfrom Davangere. But its office is located in Davangere. The report ismainly concerned with production department; it provides an overallview  of  the  procedure  adopted  by  the  Samson  distilleries  in  theproduction department. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The following are the aims and objectives of implant training;1. To know about the background srcin, growth and developmentand present status of the industry.2. To know the srcin, growth and development, present status andorganization structure.3. To know about manufacturing process, raw materials used andproducts. 4. To study in-depth production department activities and strategies. Dept of chemical engg, SIT Tumkur  2Samsons distilleries pvt ltd.5. To study the feasibility present in maximum capacity production of the firm. STATUTORY OBLIGATION: Alcohol is rigidly regulated by state Excise Department with leviesand its allotment and movement. The excise department will supervisethe operation of the factory from the point of view of excise rules namely,production, storage, movement, allotment of molasses. SCOPE: The importance and utility of alcohol as an industry raw materialfor  manufacture  of  a  variety  of  organic  chemicals  is  now  beingincreasingly all over the world. This is because of the increasing in theproduction costs of these chemicals through the petrochemical rout basedon naphtha consequent in the phenomenal and abnormal increase in crudeoil price.The productions of some chemicals from alcohol have certaintechnological advantages over petro-chemical route and are thereforepreferred to be manufactured from industrial alcohol: synthetic rubber manufacture requires large quantity of alcohol drug and dyes industryalso requires rectified spirit in many of their products.One of the biggest  advantages is that, it is derived from arenewable asset of nature, viz, sugarcane and molasses Dept of chemical engg, SIT Tumkur  3Samsons distilleries pvt ltd. MethodologyIn this study, the data is collected through primary and secondarysources. ã Primary data :In case of primary data information is collect from the employeewho is working ã Secondary Data ;In case  of  secondary data information is collected from thetextbooks and magazines. POSITION OF DISTILLERY INDUSTRY IN KARNATAKA .In Karnataka there are 32 sugar mills and 12 distilleries. Many newfactories approved by central government are also coming up. The sugar mills are mainly located in 5 belts.1. North Karnataka.2. South Karnataka3. Bhadra Area4. Hospet and Raichur region5. Bidar regionOnly a few sugar mills have distillery attached to them, and there are 6independent distilleries as per information given. Dept of chemical engg, SIT Tumkur  4Samsons distilleries pvt ltd. Being a by-product of agricultural operation namely sugar canecultivation molasses production is subject to vagaries of nature andseason with creation of surplus and shortage as a cycle. LIMITATIONS: Following are the limitation of this implant training report they are :1. The study is limited only to Samson Distilleries.2. The study is limited to production department it self.3. The study does not deal with laboratory experiments.4. The study is carried out only for a month period.5. This report is mainly based on annual reports and special issue of the company. Dept of chemical engg, SIT Tumkur