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Authentic Builders Wanted - Farm Progress Issue Search Engine




Indiana Prairie Farmer 58 - July 2010 Buildings Hay/Grain Wanted AUTHENTIC WANTED DAMAGED GRAIN State Wide BUILDERS Randolph Co., IN Will travel to your site 765-717-0443 • Farm • Equine • Livestock 60’x 96’x 16’ (2) 24’Split Doors 1 Entry Door $32,500 Free Estimates Fully Insured Building Materials POST FRAME BUILDING PACKAGES and Residential Steel Roof Systems. Martin’s Steel Roofing, Wakarusa, Indiana (800)608-3595 Has excess prime & secondary galvanized and painted metal roofing and siding to sell cheap. WE NEED ROOM! D.C. METAL 812-486-4299 Fax: 812-486-4344 Chemicals/Herbicides SEED, FEED, CHEMICALS, AND FERTILIZERS !!! Lord’s Grain Inc., Orland, Indiana (260)829-6355 LaGrange, Indiana (260)463-7148 Fencing Call for Truckload Pricing FENCING FREE, YES FREE CATALOG Full of high quality fence products, high tensile, treated fence posts, chargers, horsecote and anything else you might need. 800-837-2551 Fertilizer GLYPHOSATE Mini Bulk $10.00 per gal. • $12.75 per gal. for 30 gal. drum • $15.00 per gal. for 2-2.5 gal. jug • PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Delivery Available Power Washers WE HAVE VACS & TRUCKS Call Heidi or Mark PRESSURE WASHERS NORTHERN AG SERVICE, INC. 800-205-5751 Help Wanted Owner Operators and Company Drivers • Midwest Customer Base • Home for the Weekend • Competitive, weekly pay • 2400/miles or better a week • 99% no touch freight CLEANING SYSTEMS SALES & SERVICE • NEW & USED CALL 765-482-4776 MPE CLEANING SYSTEMS 1326 W. Main St., Lebanon, IN 46052 Wood Shavings Run with the family that VALUES you “Where we know our drivers first name” Please contact our Recruiting Dpt. @ 800-327-0392 Interest To All MEET RURAL SINGLES throughout America. Free details. Confidential. Reputable plan. COUNTRY CONNECTIONS. P.O. Box 408, Superior,Nebraska 68978 Farms for Sale HAGEMAN REALTY Farms for Sale WHITE COUNTY, IN ARE YOU READY TO SELL your farm? We offer brokerage, auction & sale-leaseback services. THE LORANDA GROUP Lafayette, IN & Bloomington, IL (800)716-8189 • 39.4 Acres, 23 tillable, 16.4 pasture & bldgs, 2 story house & historic barn, SW of Wolcott JASPER COUNTY, IN • 71 Acres, 70 tillable, north of Rensselaer • 334 Acres, 251 tillable, 15 wooded, 13.4 CRP, North of Rensselaer. NICE SELECTION OF FARMS- for sale. Ideal for Investors and Producers wanting to relocate. Preferred Properties of Iowa, Inc. Lenox, IA. weekdays (641)333-2705. weekends (712)621-1281/(712)3037085 IROQUOIS COUNTY, IL 114 Acres West of Milford (111.9 tillable acres) Buyers & Sellers for Farmland Wanted !! Whitehead Real Estate, LLC Lafayette, Indiana (765)449-0900 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, IN • 57.5 Acres, 57 tillable South of Linden on CR 700N HAGEMAN REALTY 4746 West U.S. Hwy. 24, Remington, IN 47977 Phone: (219) 261-2657 Real Estate for Sale Bulk Animal Bedding Pick-up or Delivery Available. 120 yard Loads Off Walking Floor Trailer $6.00 / yard + Trucking 260-281-2434 Waterloo, IN 46793 ,I\RXDUHWKLQNLQJRIEX\LQJRUVHOOLQJODQGFRQWDFW WKHQDWLRQ¶VSUHPLHUODQGRZQHUVHUYLFHVFRPSDQ\ Poultry ƒ6ROGRYHUELOOLRQRISURSHUW\RYHUWKHODVWIRXU\HDUV ƒ2YHUSURSHUWLHVVROGRYHUWKHODVWIRXU\HDUV ƒ2YHUOLFHQVHGUHDOHVWDWHDJHQWVVHUYLQJVWDWHV )DUPHUV1DWLRQDO&RPSDQ\ NEED A LITTLE GET AWAY? National Organization, Singles in Agriculture (Ohio Chapter) Is planning a trip August 14th to Cass Scenic Railroad, Cass West Virginia. For more information call (419)564-2796 or (419)468-5666. Visit us on Miscellaneous DRIVEWAY ALARMS (wireless!!) and ALUMINUM ORNAMENTAL WINDMILLS (aerating ponds optional).Grease Busters now available !!! For free brochures 48 East 600 North, Fortville, IN. 46040 (800)872-9866 TRUCK SCALES ARE OUR BUSINESS. New, used, rebuilt, turn-key job. Serving the Illinois, Indiana agriculture market for 50 years. NORRIS SCALE CO., 502 E. Beech, Sullivan, IN 47882. (800)727-3046. HATCHING QUALITY BABY CHICKS FOR 66 YEARS. Jumbo Cornish Cross Broilers, Gold Star and Black Sex Link Layers. Poultry equipment and medications. MC/ Visa/ Discover. Colored brochure. HOOVER’S HATCHERY, INC., Rudd, Iowa (800)247-7014. Email: [email protected] PURELY POULTRY-300 BREEDS: Chickens, ducks, geese turkeys, guineas, pheasants, quail, swans. (920)472-4068 Box 466, Fremont, WI. 54940 Beef Cattle DRIVEWAY CHIMES. Alarm rings in home when vehicle enters driveway. DRIVEWAY CHIMES (217)583-3248 FOR SALE: HEIFER CALVES $250. Holstein bull calves $75 Beef calves $125. Starter calves - 200-300lbs!!! (920)851-1917 ACCORDIONS, CONCERTINAS, BUTTON BOXES, new, used, buy, sell, repair. Catalogues $5.00. CASTIGLIONE, Box 40HBMF, Warren, MI 48090. (586)755-6050. GUARANTEED GELBVIEH BULLS, excellent heifers. Trucking available. MARKES FAMILY FARMS, Waukomis, Oklahoma. (580) 554-2307. Oil & Gas WANT TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to: P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201 Opportunities For Sale Early frontier style log cabin. Cabin has 888-942-0362 FIRESTONE POND LINERS. All types for lagoons, ponds, and canals. Contact NEBRASKA IRRIGATION at 1-800-397-1100 We buy damaged grains in any condition, wet or dry, including damaged silo corn at Top Dollar. [email protected] ROLL FORMING COMPANY Pond Supplies & Mgmt architectural plans and must have a stone fireplace built with it. Will build to suit on your land, historic village or sell as a kit. Call 517-333-8985 or 517-256-0600 Swine HOG BUILDING LINERS. Super tough, high-density polyethylene corrugated rolls or flat liners. Last forever. BRUSH ENTERPRISES, INC. (800)373-0654, (217)665-3331. ORGANIC PORK PRODUCERS TRY SPF SEEDSTOCK Mange free, Lice free, High health 641-366-2124 &DOO)DUPHUV1DWLRQDO&RPSDQ\ WRGD\IRUDOO\RXUUHDOHVWDWHQHHGV  ZZZ)DUPHUV1DWLRQDOFRP )DUP0DQDJHPHQW‡5HDO(VWDWH6DOHV‡$SSUDLVDOV ,QVXUDQFH‡&RQVXOWDWLRQV‡2LODQG*DV0DQDJHPHQW /DNH0DQDJHPHQW‡1DWLRQDO+XQWLQJ/HDVHV Farms for Sale  ZZZKDOGHUPDQFRP OL 6FKHGX  Z R 1 QJ)DOO$XFWLRQV 62/' 0$5 $&5(675$&76:22'6 :(7/$1'6 _3RUWHU&R_  0$5 $&5(675$&76)$50/$1' _%DUWKRORPHZ&R_  $35  $&5(675$&76)$50/$1' _/LYLQJVWRQ&R,/_  $35 $&5(675$&76)$50/$1' _7LSSHFDQRH&R_  0$< $&5(675$&76)$50/$1' :22'6 _%DUWKRORPHZ&R_  0$< $&5(65(&5($7,21$/ _)XOWRQ&R_  -81 $&5(6)$50/$1' _&OLQWRQ +DPLOWRQ&R_  83&20,1* $8* $&5(675$&769(5<352'8&7,9()$50/$1' _*UDQW&R $8* $&5(675$&76&$77/()$507,0%(5+20( %$516321'6 _)D\HWWH&R /HW8V6HOO