Certification Training Marine Satcom Professional Certification Program The Global VSAT Forum offers certification training for: ã Operators , who are responsible for maintaining broadband communications service at sea; and ã Field Technicians , who install, align, test, connect, commission, maintain, and repair satellite systems on vessels. Specialist Operator Installation and Maintenance General skills and knowledge critical to at-sea operation of all marine VSATs Skills and knowledge critical to at-sea operation of specific makes and models of marine VSATs Solid knowledge and skills for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of specific makes and models of marine VSAT’s with stabilized antennas. Online courses required GVF561 GVF562x * GVF561 GVF562x * GVF520 GVF 503x * Hands on skills test required N/A HOST-x * * For each specialty Global VSAT Forum The association of the global satellite industry. Visit online: SatProf, Inc. Animated, interactive technically-accurate online training for satellite professionals. Visit online: GVF Certification GVF's award-winning Satcom Professional Certification training program is delivered via a combination of online, interactive, simulator-driven training modules developed by SatProf, Inc. ( and formal hands-on skills testing, all managed through the GVF training portal at Hands-on skills testing and supplementary classroom sessions are supported by GVF Instructors and Regional Training Centers located in every major region of the world. BR-16 8 Nov 2011 GVF Specialist Marine VSAT Operator Certifications BR-16 8 Nov 2011 503E: Sea Tel Model 09 series Installation and Maintenance Sea Tel hands on skills test (appr. by Sea Tel) Future courses Online interactive course with simulator exercises Certification Certification with listing in public database (if desired) Legend: 561: Fundamentals for Marine VSAT Operators 520: Satcom Fundamentals Hands-on or classroom session 562E: Operating the Sea Tel Model '09 series Marine VSAT 562T: Operating the SLB SpaceTrack 4000 Marine VSAT 503T: SLB SpaceTrack 4000 Installation and Maintenance ST4000 hands on skills test (appr. by Schlumberger) GVF Specialist Marine VSAT Operator Certifications GVF Specialist Marine VSAT Operator Certifications GVF Marine Installation & Maintenance Certifications GVF Marine Installation & Maintenance Certifications GVF Marine Installation & Maintenance Certifications Future courses Operators on Board Vessels Satcom Field Technicians and Engineers * SLB cert. also requires GVF 510 & 521 GVF Marine VSAT Certification Paths