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Carrier Air Conditioner 73uc




1 ' w w w . m a g i c vv aa f lle y .c o m ■ l ' M. _ T w ih :F a lls , Id; Idaho/95th year, N o . ' Ck)ODMOt 3RNING lln 300; I K n ^ T bsT Imie*^ew e* s today: JR P J artly ' ►A M O c t o t a d P ^ EPA - A man with possible ties to T 1 Falls was charged Twin With thre iree'counts of knowingly ■transferrj Erring body fluid conoining the5 JAIDS vims, d t y police officersa i said Tuesday. ^ it jw A diance c e o f flum es tonigbt,faigh36.1ow ow zS. P a & iM 79903 Iagic V aD ^ .lb tlw Maun: Ma( settingup communities are SC tl idtes for tree r e c yr l^i n g . Anthony G arda’s exact ctconnections to Twin Falls, if an any, were u n c le a r T u e s d a y evening, e^ although his friends said id ;P a rd a was from Twin Falls. . Twin F alls c ity a n dd county a u th o ritie s s a id t h aatt as of Tuesday n i ^ t they w ^ ’t roniducting their own in v ej^gations * 5I 0 c c n t s ’ M oney' appoint December win (Qsapi f lM efore Sales peiked up befc rtaiii retafl*, ChsisQsas, but c e rta *t eenough to m su'd that waralc offset ^ug^sim esss eea riie rin th e month. S k ie into th e cases, JS. had lad had sex with a founh mi man, G a rc ia , 2S 25, was a r re s te d . foui bund docutnentadon indcati ju n g Monday night. ht. He was arraigned thai h at the man was HIV positi' on th e th ree J :e felony counts and Nar ^am pa PoUce Sgt. Tim Rand wa s h e ld Tue uesday night In th e said aid. Canyon Count m ty JaU on $250,000 G arcia’s friends said he was vi bond. rom Twin Falls, and had mov V G a rd a was a ts arreked after three Ptease see AIDS. Poge m ale room m m;ates, all of whom I • 3 digsn r. n ^ b e f o3 r e Minister join; )ins searcli, finds parisPiin hioncr with broken: ;n ski H H B l H ^ K - resci: u e i V E Lj T E _ i^ Y e a J fc p ^ PageBl 3 ^ ^ W ednesd iday, December 27,; XEY . M agic Vall ; I ; an chargediwithspre;jadirigAIEDS may haave TF tie: W eather ; SM I By Ruth S treeter Times-News writerr . TWIN FALLS5 - With half a liter of water, three ree grant)Ia bai.« and a broken ski in tthc middle of a forest, P eter Pinsak Pin sat in a hole in the snow for 13 hours and. ood wailed for help. It w a sn 't until n il 2 a.m . on Christma.s Day thhat a t;a scarch and • rescue crew. Iiis minister min and feilow parishioner found fom Pinsak in th e snow shelterr lie had dug in ak was cold, bin the ground. Pin.sak \ OK - and with no0 lingering lir fears for his next crov;o ablp to.purchas lasc sk ier who piisst-d fd t'( t ijft hclj). ! tim e o n l\ie sd ^ ; •umy,-Vli*--riffs Tw in F alls C.itum d ep u ties first got « ;oi word of the ^^Pagei)l stran d e d skier at ut around ii 5:30 Y* p.m . and the Cas: "assia C ounty atiom I S heriffs Departmen ineiit and Minind Rescue took Cassia Search arid f Actordes: 8 p.m. over the seardi att around an: UI ^ r . ustt ts to stay open,” ScWund said. taste m theirrmouih-s.. m V e te ra n E » ^t H u d d y ler. Jim F'rishit:._____ Pinsak’s minister. —-r» Twin Falls Coimtyriiice wwiwrttwf— -TTih e liquorlawANili-affect sal * several-----—On-a'typical cal'New'Y eaf’s Eve. saIo.T---- J ie lp ^ find'Pinsak“ ak, lbul credited stage atio Ot ther M agic V a lle y coi It M . :ounties, Uquor sales an are up about 20 perf uggers B rew pub in Tw the rescue to c re investiga^g w hether r ciitOES are .•rs wmild stop feet and rescuers ho police say k ille d R C mon wo-workers theii snowmobiles -^i they might :s •-I) S e c ti o n A S eictlon ct l IS a iii « v .• seven co-v Tuesday was I! hear l’ins;tk holler, r. according ai lo a weather ...'2 Food •out an Internal Revenue E ” upset abou Cas.sia County slieriff L-rifrs re|>ort. request to garnishee his ,T Nation . . . .3-5 & Horr lome . . .1-8 Service re< .P insak said he le rre calls first > w ^ e s t o pI pay i back taxes. nlcs ......... 6 hearing sntnunobik-s )iles al around 8 World . . . . . . 4 Comte ^ AKh.^* 7 M i c h al ee ll M cD erm ott, 42, p.m . But nobodyy cmihi ci gel to Opinion 6-7 Dear 3 tA m r/ . ..l w ie ld in ig a0 semiautomutic rifle where he \vas. aiui id nniiody ni could ming break .7 • a n d a shlotgun, oq opened fire ot an ni Momin money from M cD erm ott’ hear him. he s;iid. iS SW 0rd...7 I n t e r n e t.c t otlngsusp«ct Michael McDermo rm o tt from an office building ter Technology Inc. had )rts . . . .1-3 E dgew ater Community .'5 . Sports Please, s e e SHOOTINGS. I kflfield, Mass. Page A2 ».PageA2 Tuesday In Wahefl Pleaso see' RESCUE, RES not to begin taking out PageD4 ! F & Hoi ___ S , / N :■ ^ S fiifa fs aalbs WOIn’t incltu d i e h a nr d l i q u o i S ”" ^ O ■ m Uingssusppectm ay hav had taxX problenTIS 0 M J H m n e ,.....W Money I )llect aboi)ut$30mlillion igitives col in SSocial Secicurity, re\view disccovers iS ei c tt l o n E ssified .1-10 Ciassif : p sssr : . Q ;Lii£onto... e S ^ b W p T h e Tnnes ^hOem «m edada ... fi^ pnline ielmll — , I ; o r- m B w f c y - - 677-404 4 .fi 2 T he agcncy h a s p a idl < out a t — b< “ ' leleast $76 million in SSI benefits ericans ■WASHIN UNGTONrThe long arm didesigned for p o o r A m ei of th e la w finally, g ra b b e d wwith disabilities since 1996 96 - and in New York ''p< pei^aps as m u ^ as $283 n ^ o n , Anthony Ctiminings Cl «yenr, but only after h e aian internal review has foun City lastyt “ d. A nd th e S ocial Se< ected thousands of dolecXirily t o f r o m 1' fa Soclol Security pro- AAdministration is at risk o ;°cu?ed ining m illions m o re to ac< g r a m w nlile i i on the run from a I’t c h i l d r o pee iindictment in Georgia. fefelons bccausc it d o esn ’t have es from ings, now serving a 10- cccom plete lists of fugitives ceneral' son sentence, is one o f ththe states, its in s p e a o r g< a b o u t 25.00 ,000 fuipdves from state w:warns. SA w ill n n d f e d e^^-fe ra “ We estim a te t h a t SS.^ lo n y charges who cccontinue to pay fugitives at h o v e imihFproperly c o lle c te d a' least SSI pay> lentrf-Security Income, $3 $30 million annually in SS ilcs.'arc— rh e c k s^ o ra th c 'S b c la l------m m e n tsif'state 'fu g itiv B 'fih ^nt T o ^ u s e d ^ ■ 6 1 f f e V e llT -S U Cch’pjy-— ^ ^ r i i y - A''A dm lntsw aildh since m ents,” th e agency’s inn ttern a l .-T fteA »soda IE D V T s i^ i i f - “"sT cS ------------- r s w a tchdog-wi^rote re m a re c e n t re p o rt o b tain ta i ed by T he A ^ o d a te d Pres: ■ess. The agencyf hopes h to negotiate agreem ents by byJuly to get such records fromI all a; 50 states, offidais said. barred felony C ongres in11996 l! fuginves from1 nreceiving SSI benrc provided to more • in -elderly, blind'or ® m illion nericans w ith low d is a b le d Amei F u g i t i v e f e l o n s (g e ttin g b e n e f ii tt ss ’cuftly Income TlIn 1996. C o n g re ss p a s s e d a lav OW denying S upplom ontal Socun with . p a y m en ts to folony lugltivos. Elc Sldorly or d isa b le d A m ericanss w ii low Ith. Fodorni 'I ' in c o m o s aro ollgitilo tor ttio payi symonts ot up lo SSOO .t itw nth. F a uditors u sod a rando m sam pio )lo of 10 s ta te s n n d c stirnnlodJ Ihni thn lugitives j noiionw ido colloctod botw oon1 S76 S million a n d S 203 million nin j in SSI no • b o n o lits sinco 1996. Horo a roI tho tl roaiills o t tn o Study ' ■ I ■ is sinco 1996 p ro jo c to d b o n o fits sl N u m b e r olfu slilv o B Nl E AUla b am a A -J 244 :S 76 0 ,2 1 4 Cco lorado iZ Jy 4 .1 9 2 .6 3 0 C G8 I 3 4 3 .0 7 0 Idatio 1 51 ’ Illinois mil ;>.u 2.267 . :. . • 9..123.299 9 244 , ; . 11.2 0 0 ;e 2 Q Iowa :i :«S 3 .i03 M aino 70 . 6R .949 N 14 Noo tx a sk a 135.844 23 'N Noow Moxico 11,683 145 O re g o n On 1,308 11 10.973.394 ;j 2.014 io T oxas To Since th en , oonly 2,000 of th e 1,000 fugitives who nm vnptfloi rncorm NM«' s u tI s te fM New >it»k dry iMva estim ated 25,0( >«c to tu(K*1 Social SocuitiY ccvnfxn ta>Mct. .c i lugU»B»-ltrt»J^«»Od»tfi pavrneolss Tho T tiaivs an) Kontuchy. Mainn. Majia -payments— fewer---------^ received-SSI-pi Nvw J*ney. SouW Carcuiu, TenriMSM. ce n t - have b e e n th a n 10 perce: jrs said. caught, auditors ^ - i: ^ '-----»T Soum lurcv. Socml SocurtD' Intpoctor Otneral' ; ! ----- *P • r— /• • s ____________ ________ 1 .- M Wedne«Uy,D«c«nbef27. 27.2000 T)fne»M«wt,TwinFalli,ld^ , Idaho TF FOREO:a s t f o rR MAGIC: VALLElr A :H O id a Id a h o) E E>x tr e m e s slorday: Yesloi llgh 45* ' Lowi! “ owiston '8 '’ .o w .7 » sianloy '* Fi T T V I E -D A Y TODAY HigSftoW ............................. 35V18* Nwmalhiohtow. ■ ■■ i:C A S T fO R T Wy]iN F A L L S p s n TONIGK HT I THURSDAY | T i > i '' "■. I ▼25» .( 3 s a s '\ ^ « jr th o m U tah: Somo sunshino tod >day, i but soasonably chilly w ilhimosttomporaluros m> I hlghor than ibo 30s this ottom oon o n . Partly to mostly c lo u ^ tonigh Ight with Bsnow ow or In tho mountains, Lows m ain linly In tho loons. _________ ' s& rsr= ^ lonljhl’s 'O '" toy with a fow mounlain sn o w she N o}rth rth « m Idaho: Moslly cloudy toda] showers and somo lo d n g dr1z2lo In iho lowor olovatior ions. Aflomoon lomporaturos will rill Ibo prlmartly In ih o9 33c0 s. Romalnlng mostly cloudy toi lonlght. i2 s a is ( ■•■ ■ ■ A ai casis ond data providod by AccuWeather, -Inc.02000 ________ R E G IO N A L CZITIES I ' Clly BoiM Bornofs Ferry Dutloy Coctir d'Alono EUcO Eugone, OR ' Hagorman ^ Idaho Falls . Kolispcll, MT •• Lowision : Malad •• Malia Hi 37 32 39 3-i 34 48 38 38 34 38 36 29 Today Lo Wtr 27 c 10 sl I 23 pcc 22 sl I 6 pcc 38 r 22 c 22 sl I 20 5l1 26 I .. 22 pcc 11 snn HI .40 34 :39 :36 :39 ;50 38 31 ;33 :38 :37 ;24 Thu. To 224 16 : ' Seoul 34 24 s nI 36 3 22 • Sydney .......... 8e 64‘ Wi i" ‘ 772 8 0 " « Tokyo . 41 29 » •' , 444 35 pc Warsaw , ' 39 ' 32- iT *• 41‘ 4 34 "< h Zurich 42 32 c 333 22 ' ’‘ar I Thu. T odty th a > .City HI U W ^n Lo f t MempMs ' - 3 3 '9 0 ’a n •' '4 '40 30 '■& Miami 74 60 c 778 62 & j" s s - a ) '- * Whwukee • 17 9 “ p c •■' ’ ' 222 16 > c 42 22 c 33 29 C NashvlDe 36 24 I - 39 3 27 f ' 1 7 ~ i - ^ '* r ~ 9 r Y NewOrtsans ''6 0 -49’ ^ • 'S '5 6 41 o » 19 s 30 21 • NewYofk 34 20 pc 2 16 f 26 3h78C"48“ 4 ' Today Thu.:SuniWaIted («fa v fT j.r;-”.:;.- ^ ::.”8 » 7 a m rr tonight ___________5 :t1 p.m. Ctty ra Lo W » U f Sunsot toni MoohilMtc i« today :.v,:_...„;.„.:.:;:©-.38 a M : . A c t o '''" “'Bff?-7r'a--Ta rT 8 9 w 3 jAthens 64 54 c 666 53 f r f^oonsottoi ittortgW .................. 7:06 pjn. Aiiddand""’'‘- 7 7 'W t6r^:'7'7B r 6 8 - S c . Rrst Fua, Last Now 88 71 * City \S t 15 2 • '^ 1 6 ' 0 ‘ 19 -I ' pc ; 119 11 r - 4 4 ';,3 e 47 35 pe 1 446 39 *11 -11 pc ; 110 0 Wnebwer N A TrKi O N A L C m E S ' Tbu.-: r*V3a-i5-ij- .a u m i' Ibronto Very Hlgh..ValuM IrxScatAIho 0 to tho lun's ultraviolet mys. J c S lI b f ig H ffi I Incrsssln g c k x jd ln ^ S U NJ A ; N D M O O N U w -IB -ln T tilo f Rivor iTHER_________ N l AA T I G N A L V y E A l — IDown ore noon potlUona of wealher eysiems eyi SDov. ond prodpHaDon. Temperatur Iture bonds ara highs Jghsloftheday. ForecaU Nghflow tom M^iatures fo»eelocled cdtie*. ttfc E S . Today O N “ • 11 • W Lo W CfiESBT' - ^ 2 8 ■« ~ # n Cranbrook ^28 10 s nI 23 i 17 3 ^ B h w rto i ' ~ 23 ’T '- 's T ^ 'J Keiowna 37 23 s nI 32 3 31 «n . Bocomiog )!og p a r ^ sunni jnny. A 40° T2Q° I | a 40‘‘‘ 1T16* [ A T I O N A L E X T R E I?M E S • l l SATUW URDAY I I FHIDAY ^ A36» m _ CANADIAN CT :m F O R E I I I J ■ar..............................31VI0* •• H>gMowb«y«wr. ............................ srtniB flO • «««>«< ........ _R «ordtow ......... ..............................-O* In IOM Cloucis C ond Tuming out ou Moming d o u d s , Pr#cIpltflUon Cloudy to panty p erh mostly doucJy dy with - and fog. thon 24 hour* Mtdmo}Op.m 0 1 .yosf. ....0.06* PO' a p s somo sunny. . .aftom a flurry. f.. , somo sun. • M0nmi0(J4:B ...... ....................................... trace .aK' oon sun. od(feale ....................... .-.O.W _ % NoffMl monlh to i» I |A 3 8 » r s 2 ^ I [a ...................................... 7.4 r U -_ Missoula YoarlodulB ........ ''1 3 6 / 2 3 Normfti y«#f lo dau dele ............... .....;'l0 .3 r t E G I O N A L V y E AV ' T H F . B _ _ _ _ ' ' Humidity Y««ofdayalncNyi o n ............................... >00% S ao u th tl e m Idaho: Low clouds an d fog fo| today will bo mthor stu b b o rn m ito broak this Barometric Pm ■rM euro aflom tom oon, paiUcularty in Iho m oet sholtorod sh vailoy k)cation9. H ighIS s ttoday 32-40. Lows 22-34. ftF * , Yo»tonJay4t 6p.m >.m............................ , 3040 in. Tumlf jm ing out mostly ckwdy tonight. Lc ' C Pollen yMlorda; •day In Tw in Fall* dIm : Clouds and palchy d o n so fog 'og'thls momirig win break fo r limil imitod sun this \ Qniss .........“Abw Uwont W o o d s......... Absent oftom tom oon. High 37. Bocominfl d o u d j lonlght. Low 26. aalmOfWfc \ Troos........ Abst U)Som Mold _____ Atjscnt . . . Sowe.:A.t: A»thnuer>d Allergy olM tho "• ^ Naorth lorthwostom comor. rttiem N evada: Vorioblo cloudino n o ss loday and tonight In th o nort It probably diy Ihnnjgh tho porlod. d. Partly sunny olsowhoro. H ighs hs gonoroUy In Oio - i 2 s . but pr >3 this inlghl. Shown is 303 th ottomoon. Partly cloudy tonfi ■ v V -A l " ALM AN NAC TnHnFtlltlhravghi «gh 6 p j a yMtenJ«y T«mperaturo A c c u W e th , _____________________ ___ Hi Lo W' •'“TO'TSr c -' 33 19 ■ ------ Lieiq u or_____ him,” Frisbie said. about five years ago3 when wl New n e d lh ia i A l . • The rescuers had id brought tools Year’s Eve fell on Sund unday,” said j th o d i s t C h u rd i. ' F r o k e s a id . **This i s j u s t a ' to repair Pinsak’ sl i, but it was I Gem C ounty C leerk rk Susan IV h e n F r is b i e a r r i v e d a t b a s W h a t r e a l l y m a k e s m e m a d ■epair. Joke- Wh , -. damaged beyond rep Howard. “ N orm ally, lly, liquor c a mT ip p ,, s to r m s , w in d a n d f o g h a r t h e w h o le t h i n g is , a s a n-a-ski-broken----- — -“ I’d-never-seen-f woul‘ln’t'b’^ s d l d ”o niSSunday:in t -----ir c h 'a n d 'r e s d i e p e t ^ n n e l 'c o i ttn ity i w e ’r e d o i ^ - t h e com receive th e “ K K e n n e d y C e n te r HUl D’C I- I'b R iT C ^ T1.T(AP) was virtuaUy aanm uni like th at. So i t wj ' Gem County. But w e5 have ha some t e mn p la i tin g c a Q in g it a n ig h t. y n in ju s tic e b y n o t b e in g ran stage Honors•' Jiison Robiircls, the veteran •said. munity a . w orthle^" Frisbie s£ I establishments h e ret that tht feel it !^ot lo n g a f te r F r is b ie a rr iv e c 0 s e ll l i q u o r o n S t m d a y s in > p r o l i f i c film w o rk , . N o t kon backDespite his p and scrcun iictor who won one of able to s Kincaid loaned Pinsak P . would b e re a l d etrim rimi entai to e d l o y a l t o t h e th e P®w a s jo in e d ^ a n o th e r p a ris.l / •All th e Robards stayed ' t()-l)ack O scars fo r “Al tiree skied back g e n aL ^ W ' e ’r e a m a j o r i n t s ^ t e his skis, and th e thre dwm on-New Year's EEve.v t .... T ie r , D e n n is K in c aid , a m a n w it a tio n a n d s o m e t i m e s p e o ater. “The the: le a te r h a s k ep t m e President’s M uti” and “J u lia ,” crew, destmiau to the search a n d rescue i ■ And the Gem Count: unty d t y of i d e r a b l e sk iin g e x p e r tis e , c o nissic , p ie want a n t t o s t o p i n f o r a d r i n k lling canalive and it’s aallllo w e d m e to w o rk died Tuesday uftcr bnttliii Kincaid on one leg. . Emmett will allow liquor luor sales on r i i e tw o m e n a sk e d to b e t a k e T lic cer. lie was 78. at my craft,”’ hh e s a i d i n a 1 9 9 7 Pinsak was a biitt w o rr ie d , b u t / ’ *t h ^ c a n ’t h a v e o i ^ w h a t New Year’s Eve. o f im p r e s s io n w ill th a t idgeport interview, u p p a r t o f th e w a y o n s n o w m i Kohiirds d ied ;ii Bridg still confident h e woi m u l d b e found, In Burley, vAere Sund unday liquor e s ., W ith in a n h o u r , th e y sale isor Sally Robards, who 'h o w a s k n o w n a s a b ile Hospital, nursing supon’isot since he had told hi h i s w ife w h e re sales are p ro h ib itedd,, some S( bar ’ k e s a id M u g g e r s w i l l s ta y to r , s h u n n e d th e t h e;y y c o u ld s e a rc h th e th r e e - q uiara classical actoi "Dalton Kiid. he would be. So h eJ ji just conserved Froke owners have atte m ppted te to get m iile a r e a w h e re tlie y s p e c u la m t i l 1 a m N e w Y e a r ’s E v e. notion of “met ie th o d ” a c tin g an d te r -•m ■ Rdiwrds started out ass a stage his energy, put on the th) extra socks, i spedal perm its fo r Ne^ New Year’s e ’l^l j u s t s e r v e b e e r a n d o r s w h o lo o k fo r e d PP i rn s a k w as. .actor in tiie 1950s, _ actor: hats and ^ o v e s hle e had brought . Eve - with Uttle success. JSS. L h e s a i d .___ _______ . . _ m 01t i V v a t i o n _ f o r _ t h e i r ---------- w( Vh h i l e - p a r i s h i o n e r s - h e l d1 a -----along and waited in ___ Kaininc_____c r i i i c a l _.H n hhis shelter.--------. State law perm its coi coimtic's to acclaim for his perfor- H Be w o r k . “ I lo o k a t p r al y ee r v ig il, s c a r c h a n d r e s ccue u said. T h aI t’s i s p e r f e c t l y f i n e , s a i d. “I didn’t panic,” Pinsak Pi allow h a rd liq u o r ss;ales on __________ C ounty ty C o m m is s io n e r B i ll -mances in E iiy en e K w o rd - s " h e s a id in a s n ojw w rm o b il e s w e r e g e t t i n g s t uu cc k ---------------------------S undays, M e m o ria a l'l ' Day or m a a O’Neill plays, includ- M )3 i n t e r v i e w w i t h i n th e t h e sn o w . B u t w ith in 4 0 mlinil Times-News writer c r R „ U tS m a ir B 'S * ”™ Thanksgiving *• Christm: stmas is not e y a r e j u s t g o in g t o h a v e to ing “The Ic em an B e P ro v id e n c e u t e2s s co f b e i n g d r o p p e d o f f - • a t can be rcached a t thi the Mini-Cassia , ! ®y,' _ induded r- but.state law law does not it t h is y e a r ,” h e s a i d . _________ ___ Cojneth’’ and “ Long ^H J oum: in ia ! - B u lle tin .,“ A ll I a r o3uurn d 2 - a . m . > F r i s b i e - aind, n Buiwu at 677-4042,>, Ext.-I09,orfcy-— E j----- allow counties o r d tie s to grant" ties Day’s J o u rn e y In to ■ know )W K , i d o n 't d o a lo t K inicc a: a i d f o u n d th e ir f rie n d . ic i a l s h a v e n o t d i s c u s s e d\ c-mail at ryfrcete;^ r@magicua»eji. O fficii spedal-use perm its to o in individual of an Nii^it.” He won a Tony ■ a n a ly s is . I know “ W* changini ;i n g T .v i n F a l l s C o u n t y ’s’ ' bars for liquor sales. ‘W e s k ie d p r a c tic a lly r i g h tc tto com award for liis perfor- H those >se w o r d s h a v e to liquor la lavw , e i t h e r to a l l o w S u p d a y' And a b a r’s a tte m□pts p t to sell m ance in “T h e ^ J move v e m e . I r e l y o n tlie O t liquor ssal a le s o r t o e x t e n d h o tir s to‘ liq u o r by h a v in g a ““p riv a te ,lDisenchiinted.’’ H I authc : h o r . I d o n ’t w a n t _______ ■ 2 a jn . fro f ro m 1 a j n . p c ^ ” won’t hold watei rater either, He m ade liis film H l actor.‘ o r s r e a s o n i n g w ith Some le I d a h o c o m m u i u t i e s h a v e; said Loniue Gray, th e! chief chi of the ,'debut in 1959, playing | a b o u t ‘m o ti v a ti o n ’ cnnWn t h e i r r u l e s j u s t a b i t t h i s‘ reach. He was arre: Tested withoui b e n t the ntlRued frotn A l state’s Alcohol Beverage ■age Control .’a Hungarian freedom i aU t h a t b u U . A ll I - ™ '’ year. gunfire. Jason Robatils “ "■* Bureau. ■figluer in "T h e want I t ’e ’ m t o d o is le a m ",*•h i s w a g e s , a c c o r d i n g t o a i ® split-second T h e! JJ e r o m e C i t y C o u n c i lI “They are still a licens< ensedestab•on ip lo y e e w h o s p o k e o n ly o n coi Jo urney.” A fte r th e filn ilm was th e goddamnn :l i n e s a n d d o n ’t decision to hold theii le irfireto tiy to recendy. d y a m e n d e d c o d e t o a llo w’ lishm ent. If th ey a rree fgoing to i o n o f a n o n y m ity . shot, Rnbards said he prel )referred bump into each l l (o t h e r . '” effect an a r re s t,”’ Mid s Stephen New Yeai f e a r ’s E v e l i q u o r s a l e s fro mI have a private party, they the; cannot M o st o f th e v ic tim s - fo u theater to the movies. Robards was IS tb o m J a s o n N elson Doherty, the police ce chief in ^ s 7 p .m ..jc t o 1 a . ^ . N o r m a l l y , n o> have one th a t is in a 1licensed ) n J u ly - 2 6 ,- 1 9 2 2 .- i n - - w omm een a n d th r e e m e n - w o r k e "Once you’re on, nohod lody can - Robards Jr. on dty 10 miles n o rthrofBostoh. ol l iq u o rr ss a l e s ’ a r e a l l o w e d b i iI ’ establishment th at sells ells liquor,” n ;say cut it.’ Voti’re out tliere the on Chicago, the sor s o n o f J a s o n N elson JJ*t h e a c c o u n tin g d e p a r t m e ere M cD erm ott fa c e s seven Sundaysi y s in J e ro m e . Gray said. er p r o m in e n t a c to r . C o aa kk ll e y s a id th e sh o o tin g s w ^ ’•your own, and there’s alway ^ays that Robards Sr., aI pr charges of m u rdl eeir a t today^s Gem1 C Co u n t y o f f i d a l s r e c e n t l y tlirill of a real li%e audienci a p pp aa rr e n d y n o t ra n d o m , s in c e th ince,” he Despite hiss f a t h e r ’.s p r o l i f i c p a sse d aa n o r d i n a n c e a l l o w i n g : Times-News staff writa riterJohnT. re t: h a n 1 7 0 m o v ie s, s u sip p eeic t b y p a s s e d s e v e r a l p e o p l told Newsweek in a 1958 58 intercareer in more “ s i s ' a , . oj rrn , ey Kevin S u n d ay a y l i q u o r s a l e s f o r N e w Huddy can be rcached led in Twin ib a r d s h a d n o in te rd u nr in n {g t h e ra m p a g e , the young Roba R eddington, w h o m et with Year’sEv :E v e . Falls at 735-3259 or by bi/1e-mail'cit Yet he went on to make r w( o p e o p l e w e r e s h o t i n th th e ike more est in acting whii /h ile h e w a s gro w in g , Tw McDermott, wouldd not t comment “T hey ie y p a s s e d a n o t h e r o n e jhuddy® vm " than 50 fe atu re films, winning wii .rood H ig h S c lio o l in r e c: ec pp t i o n a r e a a n d t h e o t h e r up. At Hollywoo on his dem e an o r• o r a possible Academy Awards for hisI portraypo Los Angeles, Ro R o b a r d s w a s o n th e w eTrCe k i l l e d a t ( h e i r d e s k s ' i , m o tiy e ._____ al of Washington Post Exec b a ll, b a s k e t b a l l a n d a n oo tthh e r w i n g o f t h e b u i l d i nngIxecutive baseball, footbal t M cD erm ott w aass a softw are / \ I I .Editor Hen B radlee in “All “A the S h ee llll c a s i n g s a n d b u l l e t s w e r track teams, aann d t h o u g h t a b o u t tester who h a d wo worked at the ^ M’resident’s M en” in 197( i r o f e s s i o n a l a th le t e . f o uUld n d a ll o v e r th e o ffice. 976 and becoming a prol company since M arc irch, said Mike Meanwhile, Nam paJ po policc M dfroniA l novelist Dnifer Jason Leigli in g i n 1 9 3 9 , h e w e n t “ T‘Th h e r e w a s a n e n o r m o u igliashis . After graduating Stanley, a team pro irojects leader. encouraging anyone who wh m i ^ t le a m loouui n t o f f ir e p o w e r ,” C o a k ^ey -daugiuers. on active d uJ ttjy w i t h t h e U.S. He said McDermott Itt recendy had to Boi».e . have had contact w ith h G arda'to I In 1999. R obards wass one o of Naval Reserve 'c ai s a n a p p r e n t i c e s a did. . Ite and his perTw inn FI a l l s C o u n ^ S h e r i f f been coming in late call the police departm er f o r ^ ment ;five p erfo rm ers s e le ccte tt d to seaman. ' S) h e s a i d M c D e r m o tt d i d nnot o formance w a sn ’t: a s good as it W aynee 1T o u s l e y s a i d N a m p a HIV test, Randall said. h a v e a p e r m i t f o r a n y o f tthe h a d n 't a l e r t e d h i s d e p a i t h could have been, but bu dedined to police hai By Tuesday e v e n inng, g ,!Randall I w e a p co n s h e w as c a rry in g : a s e m m ent of >f aa n y p o s s ib l e c o n n e c tio n s mielaborate. said, at least a dozen pec people had Sunday $7 (1(1 per wee week, d jily only SS.OO a u ttoo nm a t i c a s s a u l t r i f l e , a 12 12He said none of th thie victims was betweenm t th e C a n y o n C o t m t y c a s e (.’’rc iilatio n received the test, o r were wq: planunly $3.50 per week. gaug«2 r i n F a lls C o u n t y . T h e T w in i g e s h o tg u n a n d a p is t o l. SJhe h rvisor. and Twin McDermott’s sui>ervi lr « io r P«; "" Uiinivt U’lilock, c irculiilio n,ddii ning to be tested. S a i dd th e h a d n o p r i o r c r i i n i nnal Sale\ U> iiK'luilcdI in all above rales. A P o l ic e D e p a r t m e n t a ls o a “He had nothing5 to t< do with any F a lls Pol ill lie le v ied for all reCOrd o rd . , Circiiltiiioii plKinc liiic st iirc iir o p e n of them,” Stanley sai said, a tear run- h a d n 't t gig o t t e n a n y a l e r t s , a n d nly. If you rciurned dicckv ln'iw cfii 7 iirul 10 ii.m . only. P»oolilice f o u n d M c D e rm o tt s it tin c o n d u c t i n g a n in v e s t i g a ing ^ in g down h is riggh t cheek. “It w asn’t co Know th e s c o re 5-; . SMHI |k week, (I (wr M.itl MiltHfiinwns iiiu'l be p.iiilII in advancc ;iiul ;iic .iv»iljlilc iiiity wliric: < Ie1 delivery is m>l iii.iiiil.iincd. Mail r.ilrs: All Idul Idului rules; d.iil) iiml Sumhiy SCi.dO per «.ce wccl.'cJaily cml) S-l IHI per u c ck. Sunil.iy■""'y per ucck. Oul of M;ilc fJIC\: ill daily iind . (UI’S I >' puhTtieTimcN.NewN(U S i . W.. Twin IM. hy M agic Valley I'a lls. Idjlm. K.^ilUI. Ncukpjpcis Inv, Pcfio cfifKliculs paid at Twin -News. Offitfial ciiy.antl l-'alMiyTtic Tniics-Ne wrsuant lo Scciion fiCcouniy newspaper purs loK Idaho G nk. hIc. Thursday ii liereby dcsiitnaied as (lie diy ly ii(if llie sseek on which ic ^ j nniiccs will he pul published. i’osirnavief. picas case se n d changc of > Uo* i.ildievs form li.: KO. II 54H. Twin l-alls, Idaho H.IJd.V i ightOMOO Cop„V.tu^icV*iinK«« i.viicd<)=iiyi.i i.^■::tT hird iI ■ Jl ^ O RLOCAL LOTTER] fy , Dt sKfmo dumber fO /? WEATHER FORECASJ lOUKBCUn ijy •>*'! 'J. I ^ / fcws telephone clircci iccory \j C a ll ■ 7 3 4 -6 3: T ir tic s -N c \ Circulation (Daniel Walock x t. 1 ock, Circulation Director). ..........................E .. . Classified AdvcrtLsing (Del x t. 2 Deby Johnson, Manager) . ..........................E .. News (Clark Walwonh, Ma Managing Editor).................. ....................... E x t. 3 Retail Advertising (Mikee Smit. Si r ) .................... E x t. 4 Advertising Director). ------ ^AgWeekly (JanetGoffin, n, C GenerarM anager)............. .................. .“ E x t. 5 g en .......................................... PublisherStephen Hartgen ....................E x t. 2 4 9 _T fae'n n]c»N E H i '■ . n form atioin I n '! MMM! fORWNMNC ID/W O >10 fOVilRBAU.TRJ-WlSl ^ lOnOft IDAHOfAST P re „ Hwm r s n Press i LLI L ^¥ < r f \ d « = » ? ? ;* ? ■ ^ 2 |^ fC FOR LOCAL SPORT I SCORES ................ jiday,'Docombor23', numbors ffli HI S aturday. Doc em b e r 2 3 ,jw n 5S H 5S 50 I 11 . 15 22 27 27 ' numbors ■OWllfAll. WUMMII TO T uimsday. ln' Docombor 26. 15 10 ^ 9 20 0 24 w n jC A R P t A eoofdlam lamonds o Tuesday. D ocM nber26, num numbers vJ-/---s s f I ’ Press ------------------ r f e q , . — — psq— 2 — — T l n i i a N e i vwa T nneaN ew B I r |i — iU L5J T 6^ 25 38 44 • l-l e 5 iz .0 . (Gl Set your PowverbalFficlcete Toni night's jackpclot is $33 Millii lllonji • irwnttHOArmr(CMRMHOWwcNurM ■ ' I ' ' ..i » ” ■■■ ■ Mabw27,2000 T1raw««n.Twbi fwin Fdb, IditM M Ja t io n Official!Is suspec!:tescape(jesinT e^xasmurtrder ■- SAN ANTONIO (AP) seven T e x a s in m a te s ti tied up prison em p lo y e e s, stoic )le their clothes and escaped with1aan arsen a l.o f w e a p o n s ea rlle ie r th is month, they left a note warning: w “You haven’t heard the last la: of us yet" Two weeks later, all sev even arc wanted in th e m urder offapolice a 'e holdup officer in a Christm as Eve: at a su b u rb a n D allas sp sporting goods store abolit 300 mile: les away. . The surprising thing to0 investij gators and experts on crin rime was .that thc c o n v ic ts - who 10 by all low cach accounts did not even kno' other before they went to prison og eth e r - a p p a re n tly s tu c k to{ instead of splitting up. “They’v e g e n e ra te d a disciBS and a pline am ong them selves up since loyalty th a t h a s held up cAuliffc, Dec. 13,” s a id Jo h n McA B iiiW iiW ' n j |j |||||||^ k & Inrfng T«UM • Y OAiaUfl y . 'S o n ^ t o r t o J ^ , 9 j ||i i j p M AP inspector genei neral for the Texas Department of )f (Criminal Justice. The escapec >ed co n v icts w e re behind bars foi for m urders, rapes tind robberies !S ai a o s s Texas and ranging were serving: sentences st from 30 years rs to life in prison. They were see een as well-armed nd desperate. The FBI and s tate and loc ocal olice departm ents huntedI ffor 1Cconvicts. “In- light of the fact that Tex exas xecutes more prisoners than any a dier state, we have to recogni ^lize ow v u ln e ra b le we are," sa said •ennis Longmirc, a criminal jusjt tice ce professor at Sam Housti ston State u t. U niversity in Huntsvill ille . These m en really have nothii hing ) lose.” The convicts used a medculo ilous lan to break out of a maximuj plan iumjcurity state pruon ringed wi wilh razoi izor wire 60 miles southeast !t of ^ an Antonio. y/,''aring street clothes stoli W olen fi-on •om p ris o n em ployees, thi hey bluf] luffed th e ir way into a gua lard to„e )wer, saying they needed to0 do < mair lain ten a n ce work. Then th^ :hey tied i a guard, stole 14 pistols ed up )ls,‘a r loaded shotgun,, a loaded rifle and 238 rounds ooff ammunition,. I len pickup that . fleeing in a stolen w miles away, they ditched a few m TTie convicts were iferc featured on TV’s “Am erica’s! Most Mi Wanted" on Dec. 16, but the le ti dps it generalIt. ed did not pan out. The next tim e2 anyone ar heard from die convictss was w Christmas -s said. The men Eve, investigators s; arc w an ted in th thcc slaying of awkins, 29, who Officer Aubry Hawl abery at a sportwas shot in a robbei n Ir IrWng. Capital ing goods store in murder warrants; were we issued for all seven. trol was warned The Border Patrol ;out for the men, to be on the lookout 'icts apparently though the convict: spent the past two 10 m weeks moving north, away from t e Mexican m th border, w hich is a three-hour ison. drive from the prisor ' Ice, sno^iw create;winter nnightman•e in s . Pl: *lains £vacuatln; homeowners srs carry < belongings to a car ear early Tuesday morning as a fierce wllitfire approachei :hes luxury homes In Thousand ( Id Oaks. Calif. The wildfires. whipped by dry Santa Ana Arw winds, spread to more than lan 600 acres, according to Ue Ventura County Rre :re IDepartment OKLAHOMA CITY (AP i( storm m ade Oklahomi n a highice ways slick an d dangerous lUs for a S' uesday, second s tra ig h t day Tu( sl shutting down m any busii sinesses and state offices and knc )f homes out power to thousands of and businesses. ;d roads The storin also coated and power lin es with sno low and CO into ice from N ew M exico Louisiana a n d Arkansas,, halting h jj scores of motorists and canceling scc a airline flights. Arkansas Nadonal Ni in Guard tro o p s w e re sentX out i C f( four-wheel-drive vehicless ito resCl cue m o to rists s tra n d e d1 (on icy highways by th e s ta te ’s second s big ice storm in two weeks. s. :cd-up,” “E verything is all icc( said Garza County, Texas, deputy c constable Cliff I^ w s. “We salt the roads fast e n o u ^ .” In O k lah o m a’s ru ra l (Grady 66, fired County, Ronald Goeller, 66 uup a propane stove for hea eat after fucsday. his power went out early Tu “I’ve got tw o o r threee ineighbors who a re older than me ni and the only heat they’ve gott iis electrie h e a t But I won’t be w my propane,” he said. pie were As many a s 25,000 peoplt i I— ■ * — ••• ^ S» ’’ l i i - • 1 t ■ * __ Cars and tractor-ti ay across an icy ramp where U.S. ir-trallers lie scattered Tuesday a S. 167 joins Interstai {tate 40 near North Uttle Rock, i :h.Art(. blacl-ed out across ac Oklahom a Tuesday. 1That was down to j y y e ^ G eensus WASHINGTON (A P )- Ii It spent m illions'on ad v e rtisin g?,, hired temporary w orkers to kno nock on strangers’ doors and wcat athered Toversy. its share of political contro '----- ^— Now, thc Census Bureau is ' ' ' AP N s p) o is ^ to re le ase fig u re s that at will mi. dominium ial map In’t know if I was going • remake th e congressiona: “I didn’ pi to h a v e ie n o u g h tim e to g e t “and document changing popula_tion_____ _______ m yself uufp and-m y-11-year-old-— Thc h r s t r e s u lt s fror om th e son o u t ” idcount ’a to ry b ru sh -clearan c e . pCensus 2000 national head M andat to be released Thursday, ar are raw, ices protected property ordinance state population totals. Tht Ticy are lilly, brush-covered area ‘ti th e hill confirm trend ids that luxury-hom esare-sepaw here lu* at sincc estimates h a v e h in ted at y swaths of open coun* ® ,‘ ra te d by ; thc last census a .decade le ago try . Tle h e tow n of 120,000 is booming populations in the le South som e 10 40 m ile s w est o f L os . at and West, slow er growthh iin the Angeles. North and Midwest. H om co\ jow ner Gwen S ch ak e tt That report vrill be follow awed by before the firetook no chances cli March, "more ‘i detailed statistics inI N fighters got go thc upper hand. which will reveal Amcrica’ a ’s new ned the water on and thc “I tiuTiet racial m akeup. T he 2000 10 queskids an d I1 are packing u p and tionnaires allowed people: fifor the ” Schakett said. leaving,” S jjyj aboui K)Ut 20,0(K) by midmoming bi g jj prob ‘oblem s c o n tin u ed , sai prep pares'tored e ^ “It’s not3ti illegal to be an unhapc of that first.” care with the of a possible problem pi py customei ner,” Parker said, One flight scheduled to leave flaps. By the time tin thc plane was Passenge: gers who had been waitlc late S u n d ay w as can in celed cleared for tak« akeoff, airline offiing since: S Sunday for a flight on bccausc b an en g in e chang< lge took cials decided itit was too late for H aw aiian longer th a n e x p e c te d to comgner said. in A irlines w e re giv en lc the flight, Wagm S200 ticket plcic. All but 44 of the pas» ni Wagner, a com pany On M onday, a flig h t[ a; t th c unday - confronted spokesman, s£ same hour was canceled b« because the flight crew. “There :iiisn’t much you can do to repair no not b e ^ able to be with ' K family on n IChristmas, but w e’re K certainly m not going to operate if ® there’s any ly 1hint of a discrepancy,” * ^ W agncrsait aid, referring to m e c h ^ ^ ical problen lems. “We’ve got to take . ^ ^ ^ A MVRMC AuxiliilaiyGIFT b |j l / I j |||||| S/eepyP 7 Sneezy. “J u i c i e s t tSteaks on the S n aa k e ” i NOWOIPEN for LUNCH I ro m 11 ^ ! ^ Y E A LEND d L £ AJSANCBT^ I R ] “ItS E»EdA I ^-----; HaosNB -T o o uI -: * E L E r a m » t e f f Cb b t D i f f e r e n j MMe r c h a n d i s e E a c h W 3 1/2 M ILES 'W ES E S T O F MVRMC H O S P I A C R O S S T H E: R R TR A C K S O N HWY. A C R O S5 S THE HWY. FRO M C U RRY YCGRAIN S T O R A G E IrD lnnei Served NighI If I H r S '- W A 7NN i g h t s S S ''' 9rum pY ' a W eek e m b J C i ^ D r iv e -7 3 4 -7 4 7 (BehlftdAc Ace Horrfwore on PofeOne) y bppeyK rat i S linus Ooc “D on’t bee ^ see the xdar m em served Years'sEve& NewYearsD > n 1826 Canyon P a .m . D ays a W eek C om e in fo r o u r SHO EAK HOUSE I ^ :t, p.c. Trinity Ear, N(lose & Throat, I I I | e n u nmbers" MVRMC Auxiliai Thanks Magic Valley for Successful I Holiday Seasor FT® I ' Oklahom a G ass I& . E lectric spokesman Tim Hlanlcy. art ;tting worse now“It’s actually gettir and we’re losing some soi ^o u n d ," idmoming. Hanley .said at midm and trees ' Ice coating power li iit lines an inch in MoUester wasi almost air ;er Randy Green thick. City Manager I said power was out Dut to the city’s water system andd the th town “got. down dangerously low" lov\ on water, To the east. Enter itergy Arkansas reported about 49,O C customers 9,000 ‘Glenwood and without power. “Gli Mount Ida are in1 the th dark right okesman James now," Enter©- spoke Thompson .said. More than 40,000 )00 electric custom ers h ad no e le h c tric ity in md some 34,000 northeast Texas and custom ers w ere in the dark in tsiana. northeastern Louisiai Nonessential Okl> Oklahoma state to stay em ployees w e ree told ti dents at schools home as were studen kers tiu'oughout and busines.s worker: the state, though1 m many schools w ere still on win w in ter break, Officials at Tinkerr AL Air Force granted emerin Oklahoma Cityf gr anessential pergency leave to none; wei ed o th ers to sonnel and aliow sliow up t^vo hoursslate. lat first tim e to check cl off if they man; any b e lie v e will hel lelp which is th a t Censi ensus 2000 has were of more than th one nice, proDemi emocrats. President-elect Bu: Uy a successful lush been operationally viding a richI pp of some quesimigrauon and same-sexeforc th e ir plane finally left forr tl the islands Tuesday - two days late, ate. , There were heated °d words on :Wonday afte r th e secc econd fligiu 'ca n ce lla tio n a n d pol police w e re ^(failed to calm th e pa passengers' 'down, but no one was ms arrested, .said Bob Parker, a spoki wkesman for :Scattle-Tacom a In te rm a tio n a l Airport Hr K »»<- ' H O m B c . Official: lls questioon four ! as windds v^hip M ivildfires “ THOUSAND OAI >AKS. C alif. (AP) - Dry desert wind wii drove a . 600-acrc w ild fire da dangerously close to luxury home m es Tuesday, and in v e s tig a to rs5 qqu estio n ed '-.four teen-agers ab olUt u t:the blaze. ut iin the midII The fire broke out b u t by midi.xlle of th e n ig h t, bu rim om ing'nohom es'hai h a d b ^ n lo s r — •eported to be :^.and thc blaze was repi t'. 70 perccnt contained. fire fig h te rs, • More th a n 600 fir four water-dropping-i Jg helicopters rs tbattled thr 1 tand two air tankers .. flames. and an Three 16-year-oldi boys hi - 18-year-old m an wt w e re b e in g • 'jquestioned by arson on invcstiga'o u n ty F ir e • -.?ors, V e n tu r a Cou nvoman Sandi t ’-Department spokeswo Wells said, c*.. In v e stig a to rs'salid id 'th e blaze een set; p .appeared to have beer esidentsw cre >■; Thoitsand Oaks resii night have to -warned that they mig Ties advanced ; -evacuate as the flamei jf fc back yards; -------*',towithin lOO fe et of na winds that •'.fanned by S anta Ana But as day. gusted to 20 m ph.. B iMight broke and th ce helicopters h ^•arrived, th e w indI and ai flam es I .-’■began to subside. curtains and •>il: “I pulled up my cu I Ksaw a w all o f flam m ees com ing Nathan Brian I right at m e," said Nai ing the blaze •Wine, after watching come within 250 f e«et t 'of his con- , . ; j 1 ^. M Tte»#*-N«w»,Tw>nFttt FaQs, Idaho Wodnstdiy, D«c«nb« ^ 2 7 .2 0 0 0 : N a t io n A /\ V o r l d . .. I Bush focuses f ( fishinng, transilition duiiring vacj:ation on : ; BOCA GRANDE DE, F la . (A P) President-elect Bush :h bbegan a brief familyfishing vacalionI Tuesday, Tv but m ade plain th at he was dev levoting much of his attention to building; lg a new administrastayed behind ■ tion. His daughter Jenna Jer following an appen• ' in Texas to recover‘ foi I dectomy. “ Bush p icked up ip h is p a r e n ts in ;; H o u sto n cn routee to t t h e is la n d , a • favorite family angling ling spot on Florida’s J • gulf coast. It was his first trip to thc stai itate since thc election recou count here stai italled his daim on the preside sidency for five ive weeks. A After Bush arrived at the: ai airport in nea learby Fort Myers, someonee a; appeared witl vith fishing rods, and the family nily departcd in a sm all m o to rca d et fc ;d fo r Boca Gra rt ttown on 3rande, an exclusive resort Gas irasota and Jasparilla Island between Sara; For ‘ort Myers. B Bush later golfed with brot^ •other Jeb , thcgovemor of Florida; brothe he ther-in-law Bobby Cook k a n d Jeb’s son, George P. O ther famlily il m em bers w alked thh e course w ithi ithem , induding brothers srs Marvin andJ 1Neil; their fodier, formier er President Bu 3ush, who used a cane folollowing ree e c e n t h ip -re p la c e m e n t surgery; andd form er first lady Barbara ra Bush, Thc fam ilj ily plan n e d a fishing trip ip today off the le island. They were staying ng »at the Gaspai >arilla Inn, a stately m anor or on the palmn trecKlotted island w ithin in ' walking distance off the th golf course. Aides had said last ^ ist week they expect* ed a nonw orking getaway. ge B ut w ith Inauguration D ay 3.51 t.5 weeks away, Bush pressed on with assem ambling his Cabinet, ROWabout half-comple ipleted. Additional nominal hations could come as early as Thursday lay during a trip to Washington, they said, aid. . Stepping on to lls his plane in drizzly Austin, Texas, BushI said sa he planned “a Uttle rdaxadon, a loto Dt of phone calls.” /D S c h o ir w perfonh i l l p SSALT A LAKE CITY ( A P>-T ) - ' h e'M o rm o n bem ade Choir has invi invited to sing at i t s six • th p re s id e n tia l inau n au g u ra tio n s in WasI tshington,D.C Th rhe 325-member d io ir lastip pei erfo im e d at^ e parai rade v/hen president-elect George W. Bush’s fathe rh e choir has also her was sworn io in 1989. The sung )g for the inaugurations of’Lyndon L^i John^ R ich R eagw . :hard Nixon (twice), and Ronald Ro 's a great honor for th e choir tioir to be i m o ^ bade, Je,” director Craig JessopI told toi the D e s ^ t Kewj ws on Tuesday, adding that lat < details on p e choir jit’s partidpation in the Jan. fan. 20 cerem^my' a r e: unclear. u “We’re very exdted ted about i t ” , U.S. nilixes salei o f Canac.dian dm^ WASHINGTON -■The Tl Departa n d H um an m ent o f H ealth an' •sday t h a t it S erv ice s said Tuesd would not implement a electionIt an nable cheaper year law meant to enab prescription drugs to0 fli flow in from ith critics that Canada, agreeing with > us flaw s and the law had “serious ■loopholes.” w ould h a v e i The leg islatio n wc and distribu; allowed drug stores an • tors to buy drugs in1Ci C anada that ired here and • had been manufacturec 1 re sell th em to A Arm e ric a n s . ;ss ju st weeks Approved by Congress. ; before Election Day, ti e legislaf, th It to ; tion was an attempt t address iper prescripthe clamor for cheapei ilarly am ong tion drugs - particulai the elderly - as la^vma m akers were I unable to agree on a more m< sweepcription dm g : ing plan to add prescrii 2. ; coverage to Medicare. thc • But the legislation directed dii I HHS secretary to reviev new the measure and determ inei; w h e th e r it nd safe. In a . : was cost effective and l e tte r T u esd a y to> P re s id e n t Clinton, HHS Secretai ;ta ry D onna Shalala .said it was neith iitheh Accordingly, she said; lid she would . •-n o t request million ion available ' ; to establish a systemI for fo oversee)f drugs from ; ing the imponation of d • Canada. I • I I • • : Russian space offici flclals lose : contact wttli Mir for a day « = =- — — |g News In brief " FRussia trims size of ne rnuclear missile deployi fuesday MOSCOW - Russia Tu p lain ts ag a( a in st R abbi B aruch o offidally deployed a newV iunit of Lanner.: ' its il most modem strategic: nnu d ea r Lanner, 1 who separated from a-, 50, v weapon, but in smaller nu lum bers his wife earlier ea this year, did not ■ d u rin g im m ediat lately re tu rn a c a ll for I i s t two comment! It Tuesday. I Lanner i ir resigned as director of I s h ift in regions for fot the New York-based V tie s unyouth groi ;roup ih J u n e afte r The Ij resident Jew ish ■Week "W of New Y ork, a I 1i m i r leading Jewish Je publication, ran E accounts5 from fr more'than 25 forI singlem er stude dents charging sexual, I ad, silophysical a em otional abuse. 1 and ^ Topol-M based Tc RuMlan President imercon The studei dents, now in their 30s ^ )ntinenand 40s, said sa tliat Lanner kissed,. Vladimir Putin ta l b aa lllis tic fondled and anc hit teen age girls and is m i s s i l ee kneed boys jys in the groin. d desig n ed to replace th eB .aging His acc c cusers also said h e & Soviet-era multiple-warheai ;ad misattackedaa man i with a knife. si in Russia's arsenal. In 1998 siles ai a n d 1999, Russia deployi such I Sl missiles a year. However, the unit dep] :ployed T Tuesday comprises only su six misJ I si. and the decline appe siles, >ears to be not only a response to b ^ E B HWWffWi B pressures but a ^ a n g e int jpriorip* .ties as well. H m Alexander Pikayev, a non] inproUferation and arms control spedalsf is t a t th c C arnegie Mo loscow C enter, said die reduced co complement of missiles was not nnumerit cally significant but “symb< ibolicalIy” important, marking a po possible ss^h ift aw ay from expei _ ,,,, n u d ea r weapons and towan ird conFire WIISs at 2 least 309 ™ ventional, or non-nuclear for ' > 'n 'L i!^ < U llU l' V. isnowsk te 'o lysurgeonin themirea iMzing state r,BobIeisthe(mlY ?raidedtechnology the art computer fin sinus smgery i/Z « . ■J I NEWARK, N .J.-A,n n Orthodox C ra b b i w ho was a lea e a td e r o f a :h organizanational Jew ish youth < tion sexually abused women woi and ; girls, and physically abu ibused boys ■ and girls, according to a report ! commissioned after he :ie resigned : ! over the allegationss la h s t sum : mer. The internal investiga igation also concluded that some! pt personnel ' of the Orthodox Union ion an d its N a tio n a l C onferen ence of S y n ag o g u e Youth ffaa ile d to respond properly to “re d flags” : raised d u rin g decades ies of com - ■; .J -■« 'J i M V % 2C 208-734-4555 flgfflandAve., B Bufley H ic J (■ D o n a t e (C a n n e d F o o d 0O r N e w U n w r a p p eJdd T o y s t o t h e SS a l v a t i o n O r C a l l U s & W e ’ll P i c k I t U p am in d R e c e i v e . I ^ ^ 'C FREIE T e r r y ’s j,— r i tEi A T I N G Gl A I R CIO d im d it io n in g . rO T i )tatin g banner one :nd v isit online... _ I CalI b l e TV^ Installlation ( Dig^ i t a l C sable Ufpgrade^ & r s t M oimth Of Servict :e FREE! I O i • • I? r ^ - ; it H ) v e r 1 1 8 C a b l eB T V C h a n n e l s «lo C h a r g e F o r S e r v i c e C a l l s - A v e . W ., T w in F o ils c mm i:;i Suogostod SIO Vail «/aluo - Must Do WIthln'W lrod Son Boiviceoblo Aroa •. Expires 12/31/0 1/00 • Ofler Om s Not Apply Tb PayPorV Pay low / 1 * WMkttKtir, DM«nt m ber27,2000 T to iw f lm . Twin Pa 1nPall«,kl*e N a t io n __ i ~ ' aaasass^ Viagrs ira .Indussoies c£:an expeect lighiIter toucich froirnB ush ' ’^^EitlW Schfarier '' andBbsbetbShogren M Know the score sco Times-Newss sports sp Analysis h appens below th e regul ulatory level," Johnson said. Auto3 :safety is one controversial areaI vwhere the way regulations are ii implem ented will have su b sta ta n tia l -f effect Rules recentiy pass< ssed by o . Congress and signed by Prei •esident •Clintoa ri require tiie traffic-s c-safety agjd m in istratio n (o devise se new . . s ta n d a rd s for - autom< m obile „ rollovers. But the standards are still m to be j,a hashed out. That m eans everye Jj. could be revised, from tiling m what kind of rollover tests will b< b e perfo, formed on cars and trucks to what jp speed veliides will go durin in g the te: tests. “How to im plem ent roollover i sc standards will be highly tech chnical, bu can make a huge differe but rence,” sa Phil R echt, form er d< said deputy ad m in is tra to r of th e NH ad HTSA. “You can say that no car ca GUI roll ov in a certain test. And over id tiien du test becomes the issue. die “The ogency a inistrators in f adm th e end are going go to h a v e to dedde ~ whenI they tii have.doubts, when they don’ on’t h av e p e rfe c t data - are theyf going gi to side witii the concerns of tl auto indusoy if the or consumer grou Dups?" Mike Stanion, i n, vice president of governm enial II a ffa irs s t the A lliance of' A u to n io b ile )f’ M anufacturers, s, ai ^ e e d th at the Bush administra tration is likely to have a lighter touch toi than its prcdecessor when1ititcomes to implementing regulatio itions. Technology-in -industry leaders, too, expect the r e new adm inistration tobehesitani ant about imposing the kinds of rcgi egulations on dectronic commerce xe that have been seriously considt idered during the CUnton years.. They Ti expect less p re ssu re to tax ax I n te r n e t cbmmerce and lo impose imj m ore string e n t restrictio tions g o v e rn in g Internet privacy. y- ^ (From ChlTM) First T)m«'AvalUMInU.S. Aval • Na PiMO«tw>. .•NoS«MES«t* “Mj ‘My sense is die Bush adminis usuatior tion is going to be very market .etorien 13 ie n ie d ,” said Greg G arcia •n t direci 'ecto r of global govem m en reladc adons at 3Com Corp. : r ° >Uon*,EUc>iOMr»>lM 69.95 iooc*eMtmauangTtMt&*i >yonM S«na M ck a>money e'4 nl9 H EALTH A W A RE R EfN E S S 45K«n>yO PMOIMOulpon J«P0H,U3»M7 orable to th e business WASHINGTON-Wh ity that tiiey want to see |;'W. Bush m oves into t■!>« WWk nee . '‘^‘House, thousands of of iruJes lh at g Bush takes office. U.S. C h am b er of ’■^govern everything froni rom the enerrc e will ask t h e B ush a dishwasher uses to ration to reopen the rule - - ''‘'oQ clothes are likely t< I a number of hot-button •^’Imuled In ways that fa> such as erg o n o m ic s ful in d u s trie s a n d ai ___ S O U T H I DAi to r — ients, processing of affirj^jsumer groups. I ction claims against fedsetting policy '^ av e .acti, When it comes to sen V tractors and regulations ior tbe 54 federal agei .g e n d e sth a t ine when employees are regulate health, tbe env c ® or overtime. i; labor standards, energ; >ne expects t h e B ush jafety on the roads, rai rails, waters No one Tation to engage in any ato in istrai ^ ;an d in the air, Bush has ha< made no N • t secret of his pro-busir isiness leanof wholesale rollback. But w e do expe cpect a more reasonable things. I*; And with m any off tiie tl donors approach1 to ti regulations th at are D avid A. Bl Blackmer, D.P.M. Iled him into issued," saii said Randy Johnson, vice I* whose dollan propelled R andal L M W raalslad, D.P.M. the presidency l o ^ Jy y interested i p « a ^ tt of o labor and employee at tiie chamber. in w eakening regulat ilatory stan■, iev e cripple A lot of the most crucial stuff dgrds th a t they believ ^R E C O N S T R U C T IrV E F o o t S u r gG eE R Y business, the likelihood tod that Bush will undo a host of tou< U3Ugh regula—m ♦ Ingrown T oenails Is - Permanent C orrectio :tion tions Imposed during5 tiie th Clinton ♦ H e e l/A rc h Pain1 ^ yearsishigh We never under g “We intend to subm jrestlm ate face vali bm it regulajiue. ♦ Bunions / Bone S S]purs S tions imposed during the tiie previous ♦ Hammertoes / A rt rth ritic Feet A ad m in istratio n to a strict si At. U.S. Bancorp? our inve and I'cstmcnt representative's kno' nowlcdge ‘J thorough review,” said lid Juleanna a Corns / C alluses and cxpericncc are valual lablc resources. Wc have a broad Glover Weiss, a spokesw eswoman for range of investment oppt ♦ Nerve Tum ors / B urning Feet iporrunities for individuals :1s in thc !; Dick Cheney, the vice ] ze presidenthief. I- elect and transition chieJ community. So thc next tir time you need to make any I ly kind of ♦ Plantar W arts / Sk ikin Problems ations could Dismantling regulati< investment dedsion, stop i ) In or give us a call. You’ll f [| find wc ♦ Sports Injuries / C O rth o tics , take y ears of jum ping ing through offer a variety of investm {{ procedural hoops; chat menc solutions based on thc tht most hanging the ns ♦ F ractures/S prain: laws upon which thlee irules are im ponant factor of alI...yo you. ti ♦ Hospital & O fficc :c Surgery A vailable based w ould re q ulire ire a c ts of Cl S Congress. [I^ b a n c c But th e new admini lin istra tio n ir I t w itm •fit* tii could use o th er means ans to alter Tw in Fails B u rle y 0 r* federal rules. Its appo ipointees to tured • No B ank Guarantee e o • May L ose Value 7.1.V38K1 678-I5I.S ‘. regulatory agendes ca ann :make sigO oorgellim ef " .erccrp mMw NASO«x9 nd 8#C « «»n«) tx»r*e« ttbKMy 0 ■ryo'tld.enorp. nificant changes in agency ag( pro191 AddisonAve l5()IHibnd#E HB W ^ e l l O ffico gram s w ith o u t congr ig ressio n al (200) 53&-S461 ^ Ij approval and without actually aci dis- j---------------m antling regulations. IS. In fiscal ^ 2000, that amounted to S billion to S20 N o t FDIC Insurt in programs overaD. wtmvl n ) Mrv . Although it is logical.t— that any Republican adr administration would arrive in Wa; IVashington with less compunction to impose regulations tiiat busines nesses conregulatory sider onerous, such reg , \ restraint could be p a'rticularly a rt marked under Bush. Bush was p ropelled i the W i presidency by donatioi from entrepreneurs and finan : business interests at a lev never before seen. His backers, TS, whether small-business owners o repres or 500 compa- sentatives of Fortune 500 nies, vrere enthusiasticc al about his business-friendly record ii Texas, -din regulations 5 where he simplified regi ' on in dustry, rh a m p io n prom ul^treform,, cot taxes and prt ed a philosophy of p art artnersnip with b u sin e sse s th a t o ften : allowed them to regulai ilate themJ selves. i Already business groi \ leaders a re drawing up or ' rules they w ant w lthdr ; reronsidered - as well1 as os legisla•Vt t fogS IE :orp. I * 3} L I r i I i : Join skannon Fatf aterson I . Weekdays on tl --------- News at 5 Sjt^ Cf • - • ......> - V II ijlR IS a# i portant than lamil)’.That's 's why you don't entrustt hcaltlicarc by plac aling on the individual. lacing the emphasis o f heal tors and nurses alilcc must icarcto just anyone. Docto ;ional Medical Center want; jst From pediatrics to home care. Cassia Regio ants ; highest standards; .. your ors.And when you enter• \i He: thc ■ to make a difTercm fnce.And bccause they’re• part \ of Intermountain Health ,you should enter with cor onfidcncc.That’s just what le treatment they need, hat Carc, they’ll m ake: ke sure your family gets the Regional Mcdical Ccnter. For F( morc than 40 years, no matter what it itakes. Wliy do they care? ;? Perhaps it s because the) hey Nothing is more impo Mini-Cassia with top qualii Jing iiamilies throughout M ality believe in treating ng your family as their own .•n. your family's healthcai both m eet only ihc hl| doors o f a hospital, yoi R e g io n a iF ^ ^ H you'll d o at Cassia Reg AL ■ n W M E D IC A I Center thcyVe been proWdinj '«m vuM «ln Hmthh C m • pmuin dtUbie .. _ SQHfbtmJt/abolt N e U u"Si;Source, J I ____ L-__ 7 Qp][NK. , 'f ( P a g e A -6 j E d i t D o r T h e T im m ec s - N Ri I A L ew s |/^ ^ e C O i I d a h 10 ( h i t a hh o m e r u ] i N W ednesd; day, D c c c m b c r 2 7 , \2 0 0 0 u m w i t h[i w e l f a nr e r e f o r mn v^l ✓ ^ Lots of p e o p le say ay they’d lik e to be adhe Iherents, but it was a victory Oty fo r th e paid fc r n o t working, ing, b u t d e e p down, w jrk orl a d a y ta x p a y e rs who fui ; few p e o p le re ally enjoy en id len ess. So, fare, re. j given th e choice, mos nost folks will trade Ul< o th e r states, Idaho was Like vas fre e to j welfare for th e dignir nicy of ea rn in g their craft aft its own w elfare reform p: >own living. One le key decisio n for Idaho ir » T h a t ’s t r u e ev eiry ry . ' ■ — — the lifetime le €eligibili{w here, a n d it seetn: . Though M o i t people (uvgi ^ g e m „ g o ff / p a r t i c u l a r l y t r u e ir set a fiverom w elfii/v a n d gelling r Idaho. S ta tis tic s frorr ^ r i’a lIOUS tn year maximi im um , th e Jth e U.S. D e p artm en i Id a h o I M o . T Im m v e a r lof H ealth a n d Hum ar S l a ^ r re e .a p p lie d jS e rv ic e s sh o w thai h a t m om 's' ih a n lluy (iifi ta ■iiriiai l/iev a particular!’ arly to u g h Jidaho’s fo rm e r welfare )f ilo v e : a r k s i m e . t m d ''a r i a t y o( ^■ eresnkidizeeilfyliu [recipients a r e finding o f tw o . m axim umn < {work fa s te r th a n their leir 'llie \'a ir doin g so ^'illi Itil liieaigJllty ' years of l>ene jnefits. I p e e r s in a n y o th e r :wo y e a r s tiia t r a n only k e a rn w / W / [s ta te . T h e jo b en try le, so m ost ■ ; rate for p e o p le who’ve )’ve lu m lz r o ii'. ri'. re c ip ie n tss w e a n e d gone from w e lfare: to _______ ____________ __________ __ themselvess ol off s ta te work is 78 p e rc e n t; in support inI oi o rd e r to Id a h o - a lm o s t doub )uble t h e n a tio n a l presei serve eligibility for when tht t h ^ re alrate o f 43 p ercen t. ■ ly ne< need it. O u r guess is, thee tteoplee when w they really doing lg so w ith th e dignity that: can ca only need help. It was a set) setback for th e lib- be elarned ar through hard work. era l c u ltu r e o f e n tlitlc i t l m e n t, a n d its Now i)w th a t’s real reform. / *** \ C O U K IiT T ii^ m lok K ■" \ i! \ aafc 'il / ' \g ^ * - y _____ A sh icroftwAll returm moraility to ppost t-wing groups are mighty ire imposed on Washington, D.C. o .c. This I ups. 3set that President-elect re reversal in value flow, I think link, can be ■ Bus ash has nominated outgoing dd(early traced to th e G reatt Sodety So J. M m Sen jn. John Ashcroft; R-Mo., to era...” I^ A L T h o m a s J i L ^ bec< jcome Attorney General of Later, Ashcroft tells m e that tha while ' the United Sta tates. The reason? Ashcroft W Washington is neither th e entire eni probis the polar op) tpposite of Janet Reno and lei lem, nor the entire answ er, r, it can , id Justice Depanm ent. If herpolitidzed pa part of one or the other. But h sees gqvu t he confirmed (ane nd you can count on the ----------------------------- e2m r m cnt as one of the m ore re ppowerful same people who w “borked” Robert choices are prim arily ily shaped by the cul* ini influences: “We should takkee die t hostiliBork, keepingg him i off thc Supreme ture, and culture shai hapes behavior in an ty y toward morality out of the system, ________ Court, to try th antidpatory or prevei the same with Ashcroft), he iveniative way. Laws Ar \ n d take die hostility toward ard faith out will beto t h e: Justice j Department whatIt shape behavior by punishing pu after of jf the system... Pastors need t call peoed to an exorcist is; t< ______ there’s been an infrae to d emons.______________ raction._O urgovem *___pli 5st, not ^ t o tfaeir-highest and best, 1 accot|f-------ThcXeft will ill'try'to smear Ashcroft as IS ment of late has made ad e it very difficidt me nodate die culture a t its lowe owest and a racist bccaus ase he opposed the elevafor the culture to opCJ iperate by shaping le: east." ticm of a Missoi » u ri judge, who happens to behavior... the highei h e r the level of ■,Ashcroft acknowleelges thai th at becausiil' C l ^ Walworth....................... he federal bench; a misbgyQT. • morality, the lower: th ih e need for governgdlrectof be black, to the .......... Managing «lltof MIkoSn of )f his positive and deeply held hcli Clhristian nist, becausc he hi is pro-life; and a reliment legality. As w/ee Ihave destroyed the fai aith he will be perceived to wanl v to lg[, gious fanatic, b , because he takes his failh th ability of culture toJ shape sI behavior, we “C ^ Tfie m em bers of thei the editorial board and writers; of editorials are Stephen Hartgen, ‘Christianize everybody.” H Hee explains, seriously enouf ugh to impose it upon himnhave had to proliferat irate laws in an “T ‘The point is diat governance mce is the pro■ W illiam Brock,(, Clark Cl Walworth, Steve Crump, p, fKevin Richert and Dan Fields. self, unlike mai lany other politidans . attempt to make upp for fc the absence of ces :ess, by imposition and mandi indate, of Democrats and id Republicans - who useI it the culture-shaping5 behavior. bi The proUfcoi :ompelling people to live aatt a level of ' as political win indow dressing, eration of laws has nneever made up for it, the h e threshold of acceptability, lity. If all a ^^ In a lengthyy iinterview for my bex>k, but we keep addingg m it ore laws, and lea eader does is to govern, he’s 1 a leacj; e ’s not ------------“Blinded by Mi Hight: Can The Religious more laws, and m ore 1 re laws." er. e o p l e j n a t f ___ i r - h e just mandates th at ppec e t t e ------------------Right Savc'Am m erica?” I asked’Ayicrofr fr A ^eroft believes'tl: s'tKatih“durpuS uit i tnto the lowest possible level.' vei.” for his views ah about government and a of tolerance for ev eaything, ry we have sur* ( freedom: “It is very diffic On ifficultto ,! .1 Medical counselingg i< Is a swindle Gass prices | are unethical lot of other thir lings. Following are some rendered thc concept ^pl of stigmatizing imj mpose anydiing in a free sod sodety... It’s, ibout all of the rip The behavior which we used usi to discourage: ! Iluivc been reading abou out of excerpts: h e gas priccs in this area are5ou im] m ponant for thc public to) understand un I offs ;ind swindles bdng per] perpetrated on contro •oseofgoiKmment: trol, and it is time for this bchai _ “We have outlawedi stig st m a... by saying ‘havior to Onthcpurpos tha ha t you’re not in a jrosirion tc iust come n.tO • seJiior dtizens bui was unav tnaware of one being-----stop— ------------------“Government’s t’s responsibility is to m ake ee ■■ thai'ii’s politlS lly inC' incorrect and inap- ' inn here l and insist, yet the pub public is in a conduaed and evidentlyy co condoned by die This his past weekend, I traveled to Salt ; sure that there propriate to say th at c •c is a hospitable set of It certain things are po: tosition to insist..." ' ^ Lakc( ; siiiteofldaho right here: in in'T\vin Falls. :c City to sec that gas prices wei were 35 externals thatt allow a people to do well wrong. Wc are no lonj onger capable of 1There’s much m ore in thle e book bi and,, : Last week, I called th hee!South Central ccnts c ts cheaper per gallon dian diey icy are and to providee ai framework in which identifying things as b IS being wrong, and coi ount on Ashcroft’s detractors tors to pick ;/ ; Health Disuict to make ai appointment :e an heree for fi regular gasoline. Gas price rices in — ■-people can grov ow. It shouldn’t be growthh ....... we are no longer capa ipable of ranking, for thc he’ quotes about his faith o u t' out of context : for a yellow fever shot.. I vwas told that it theRc Rocky Mountain Region were re aaverof government; It; it should be growth of affirmation, things th thiat are legal. Once ane n d tum him into Elm er GanC antry. ;•would be S95 for the shot hot anil counseling aging: lg Sl.477 for a gallon of regular Jar as of individuals...” you devalue affirmatii ation and you oudaw Asl Lshcroft has the personal qua: qualities and ' for travel abroad. I toldd them th that I was Dec.;. 1: 18. Boise is enjoying priccs rig right Ontlicprimat ary cause 0/ mtjra/ dcclinc: ’ stigma, you make it[ impossible in for the prc irofessional experience so nee needed at ; ; not interested in any cour ounselingbut I arounc und S1.50 for mid-grade gasolin< iline. The “The moral con sndition of a country is an1 cultxire to shape mora! jral choices.” the he Depanment of Justice after afte eight I would Uke to make an appointment apj for price c a barrel of crude oil has dre :e of dropped aggregation off the t moral choices m ade Can govemmcnt, aloi alonc, turn cuhurc yea ea rs of a depanm ent th at has ha; served ; the shot. 58 sine incc Thanksgiving. Have gas5pnces pr by individuals. ■ 5. There (are) a variety of arvund and influence v bbetter decision makbot oth as a subsidiary of th e White Wh House ; 1went in for my yellow ow fever immuin this fiis area even budged since then hen. Not conditions in the th culture that signal elis;* iVig?“N o.T heideaof { of government being ane nd thc primaiy defen d e r of indefensiii ^ ' nization. I w aited for al»u Iwut 20 minutes______untilil E Dec. 19 did wc sec a nickelIcoi come.off___respect for m or jrals tharhavcTiffected-— --------thesource-ofgoejdnes! lessinthe-culturels--------ble Ie acuons by BilTClinton aiTd and his min-" 1 ------ rbeforebelng ushere’d'irito rito a treatment the pricc pri of gas leaving us still 18 ce _____ the kind of choi oices that are being a mistake... The geniu: lius of thc American lon ins. !room by a very pleasant rr It man, A nurse______ abate. ■ republic is not thaMhe th e values of ; told me that th e yellow! fever fc shot was follow JW die formula of 2 cents for ev< every ae a te an envin irorunent that is hostile to) Washington be impose osed on the people, C Cal Thomas is a LosArt^les fcs 7Time? ' recommended but not required req for dollar ar iof crude, they should have good, moral dec edsion-making. Moral (it is) diat the people’s le’s values be coh : where I was going. (My' trt travel agent had . droppt jiumnist. 3ped at least 16 cents sincc ‘already told m c that they ley would not even Thank rJtsgiving. Ict mc board thc plane in INew York if I Reg; egardless of die justificationI fot for did not have proof of a rec recent yellow char^i rging sudi horrendous pricesjfor foi -- ---------------e t fever shot.) Then slie tried ried to “sell" me gasolir »line, it is dishonest, unethical ai aland___________________ on the idea of taking tiu-et u-ee other shots possibl libly illegal. There are no signs e oi “best managei Hepatitis 1 and 2 and aI malaria mi shot. I compe coi Central aiJth( petidon within this valley, thc horlty m ust be formedt(] and enforce the usei of ounty Prosecutor Grant Loeb oebs;our !told her that I wanted the ihe required yeiapfwar ment practices” in th thee dairy industry. are earance of wiiich may make Ihese the re a legislators, Rep. Doug; Jones Jo; anef To The Times es-News editorial board: ; low fc'ver shot only! Shee gave gi me the shot action.-! ■ This problem cuts acn ans illegal. While I certainly resj icross county boundSei «ns. Laird Noh and John San Sandy; S tete TheT m nFal alls Area Chamber of nHwt efficiently, and I was was out of the the fac aries and requires inp iip u t and cidorceAll Jlred , head of the State Depa fact that these merdiants arce in busilepartmentof Commerce reco cognizes our local dairy :‘r(K)m in less tlian du-ee: mi minutes, ness: to m ake money, there arc more ment from thc s tate le J level. The state £Environmental n' Quality; andd other 01 offT* lore industry has coi rontributed immensely to I When I went to the fron ront to pay for the su-ateg attorney general’s offi legics to accomplish that purpojffice recently proda; ials for their efforts to addres jress these die economic vi vitality of the Twin Falls I shot, I was billed SSS for )r the tl vaccine, 516 thanI to rob their own customers..Some Soi pro vided an opinion t haatt :state audiority roblems. These individuals u Is understand and Magic VaU( Iley area. Our area has ; for the adm inistration of thc tl shot and goodI ol exists for enforcement old-fashioned compcdtion just iie issues affecting o ur commi nmunity an d ' e n t of proper envi* the iust m ay received nation )n:d recogtution as a lead* • $24 for her trying to sell11me m three other be the are re aggressively pursuing solu lie best thing and the right thing roimiental controls. wlutions. We ste management pre>>stingS71 a s it this coi 1shots, so instead of it costii uppon th d r efforts and encoi community and for gas station r ncourage ! We encourage th e L Legislature to sup grams. ; should, it ran S9S, as evide idently you pay chatits Its in the long run. lem to continue their work tc - authorize a central agency agt to establish die k tomaintaiii( ely, a limited num ber of _____ standards for these environmental in r\ rhe ' Unfortunatel’ __ .fnrihe counseling whelhei ther you want it or_____ Uicc lere are remedies-availnhlp in le quality of life in the Magic en agic Valley,______ areas ' reticcting poorly on tne and at the ra te of mon lore than S20 per state of ol Idaho to consumers for this 1 with penalties for thos E bose violating thT--------------DAVE-SNELSON-------------idustry and have conS fsS Jy m ir e dairy ind I;minute. A ra th e r obscene ne jamount for a of beha ihavior. If these steps are neces standards. Wc believe Chairman ive this audioritj' ' C legal tnbuted to envi vironmental concerns wiih state service, particularly riy > when diat serfor con onsumers to be treated in a legi dl must be enforced, incl And ncluding swift, meanA Seven Other M em bers srs 'I lies, water quality and ; vice was neither requested Ued nor desired. and honest hoi «>SsibiliI'Shls, ni. manner, it is our respond ingful punishment whi when compliance is Legislative L Affolrs Commltti nlttee waste managem iment. i;T:Uk about gouging the public. pul ty to' pl pursue those remedies. not fonhcoming in a ti dm cly fashion. Twin T Falls Area C ham ber of ;rof . , ; JACKLYTIIGOE Our counties;s Ido not seem to have JAR] ^RED CHRISTENSEN We extend our appn ■predation to the Cor onunerce I Twin FaUs Rupe doar authorityy or < resources to monitor jpcrt Twin Falls County con :ommissioners and T TwinFalls heliines - L 2 R S = — Doonesbury SUOXJSCYCON- By Garry Jrudeaui r •, siceaNG AiO/tfT/m i£tis.A Jis)cur} \ —Uj _a<^^TK f/H SU .ZCO ^ ITS SUCHA PfFfSKSmfc a eerrsR ^(saipyTOsvsup O K S H as THAT BCGY. ourLflH>efJ£fSSY. aeefj M/LUCJT lo/s. A K R S rP ce ^m ss^.: J I fvp sio ke I 1 TOHA\ceCtjr, \a m A M ffc e y . um r tOJ TOB& prou p ^ i nrER— L Mallard RII lllmore . ® //— f f l By Bruce jce Tinsley / d W SS ot v e B iW e ifr > S iA f» < S a a S to 5 -ttte I e te s to i-h w c ii- / S C S r t t e H M -fo - A fiMe.... 9 \ H j u ^ e ssreceiitly n • j'>a& eed to t r a n s i t to to o n efe d er. ; a l judge in Miami ^all of the I cases against HMOs ] Jsp en d m g around die countiy. y* , ' Although it receive jvedsam t m edia attention, thh e s c tm n g ly innocuous dedsionn plays p imo . th e hands of plaintifi ntfs-attorI neys, who are attem m pp tm g to u se ! th e ju d id ary to coert I nation’s managed cai ^ m d iu u y ; into a massive settler aem enl t o l ; could rim to billions jsocare to prohib iib io v e levels I for millions of Amerii encans, and • ; likely jeopardizingJ tli th e ^ ; tence of some HMOs. Os The latter ; development would Id Ileave a health-care void thma ttm a n y ; localities would be!htua rd I pressed to fill. I This concened assi ! m anaged care is le|d d Iby Dickie i Scruggs and David B( ; Americans haven’tt hh«ea rd of I Scrugg^ a smalI*tOH7] I Mississippi lawyer,.ww!h o se finn walked away with m mcore than $900 million from the th e tobacco ' settlem ent two years , Boies, of course, IS is jAmerica’s ; latest legal celebrityt y - f i r s t as ; th e government’s top :op rented ; law yer in the Microso ; antitrust case and tnore mo r ^ m ‘ ly as th e field m arsha "P resid en t Gore’s post ostelecoon brigade of chad-stalki . . Together, Scruggs s ;s and to e s lea d 40 or more firm m s seebng . -to cash in on th e c ui rre m n t hostili.ty to HMOs. T heir strategy, str as Scruggs told a Mississ ussipp.ncwspaper, is to com bine le azU o fth e ' separate complaints ts 2against the seven national manag iaged< are com petitors into o nl ee ' massive lawsuit." .„ „ T hat, he notes, will P“ ‘ incredible pressures ooin every. one to settle it.” Settle itU eo u to f --------------- ] mge pattients T an attem pt to ei^a-run thi the Suprem e Court, th e class iss-action i I ) A ^\ n i e l E . T roy lawyers repackaged theii eir ' rinimg^ a lle ^ n g th a t tb eH e ] M Os •’ somehow concealed th ee ffinan.cotxrt,of< d a l incentives th ey offer er physi)f course; which would allow Sicr d a n s who lim it tb e use ol of c r u ^ and Boles to walk aw ayw iU tm needed or extraneous IS treatrith h tity contingency ments. fe e s forr ddoing little m ore t h ^ filingaih The lawyers also m ade le th e . threatening lawsuit, g e m ggs has gone so fa r as to novel argum ent th a t HM< MOs could b e sued u n d er thee m dal analysts about p ^ d i n gg llawsuits - hoping R acketeer Influenced an< md C orrupt O r g a i^ tio n s A < a Act, scare investors into a federal law o rig in ^ y pa: lassedto panickyy sell-off s that sends HM Oslcx fight organized crim e tha hat tock prices into taUspins. H is "sule e iand destroy” strategy allows plaintiffs to seekc san seem s to en tid n g triple dam agesi rremeto Ibe working. Since the dy. The lawyers suggeste su its have ted that w e been filed, the value of soniei „managed care compa- . th e HMOs’ failure to disc s d o se n ies h ass ddeclined by half, . physidan incentives cons nstitute coercin alleged acts of “mail frau aud” and d n g out-of-court settle“w ire fraud" th a t fall wit m e n ts wo rithin works to Scruggs’ advan,a g e since RICO’S jurisdiction. ice many of his cases are legally du Y et, surely th e average ge perdubious, if not prepos,e „ ,„ s , son already k nov^ th at signing si T h ese eh lawsuits jeopardize the on with an HMO is not the tii same as having fee-for-service e iinsurdstence of HMOs ipr v ery exist ance. A nd ju st sis surelyy tthe allinvingi lg a single federal judge in M iam average person understai cands nii to render a verdict on th at HMOs m anage th e! C i costs of :r Americans should h a v e thieeoption i delivering care to offer fa Ur of signing on m ore affordable health care a withHMMOs. C ■ T h e jud than fee-for-service insur nrance. udge acknowledged the enormty ityof his task during a The risk in th ese suitss iis lhat courtnKom m hearing when he w hat com panies actually ly d id and disdosed m ay b e ign gnored . ncredulously: “You a sk e d in a m ea n to u me, Mr. Scruggs, in favor of som e one-size»-fits-all } tell th a t you v caricature o f th e “b ad HI HMO." a want me to supervise j n d r e viis An even g re ater risk is th tt e cres e. health p o li^ for o v e r 1000 1million Americans?” . _ T h eUJ.S. .S Supreme Court such ju d id al w arned1against af j„m is io>nn last l term, recognizing th a t, for B r HMOs to function, they m ust prov •ovide “spedfic finandsd i^,centivei k'es to physidans, ^vrardinE ing them for decreasing utilizatioS ion of health-care serv ice said n dpenalizing them for w hat may ay be found to be exces,iv e trea t. ent.” atm T h e higl ligh court further observed i :d that Congress has prohe formation of HMOs m oted the t e for nearly rly three decades in a largely successful su, effort to curb ruiTawayl y health-care costs. In ~ ~ c — " shortagef of ol electridty this winter' tit Iof radical environmen3 inton as a result Since 1992 (year Clir along it impossible to became president), U.S U.S.oiIpro. y of power plants, lercenl ‘ build any kind k duction ISdown 17 pert R adicalgn greens oppose nudear Consumption is up 14 p Iants and the Imports of oil are up 56 mental Protection Oil imports are one of t major of the Icfidt. Agency iiss tthreatening to dose causes of our trade dcH il-fired plants because S ltS L s , aghtcoal-f they a ie too toc d it^ . Bin Clinton, by espedally the Sierra1Q Clu b , work e order, locked up some to prevent opening oil i ,Ures4rvesin eanest coal by designat* the Rocky Mountain.states. st: Tliey off------ ^ a h u gse e park in Utah.____________ ------ also f i ^ r t o keep oil rreserves e cnentalists are battling to . ch has 16 bn. Envuronme limits in Alaska, which tically tear out hydroeleclion barrels of oil (equa iual to 30 s. years of Saudi imports) ns).Mmy ficult for agriculture, new * diffic radical groups s e w to ban t md lumbering to exist ------ offshore drilling along i the environmental reguCalifomia and Florida i -et’s hope the new Gore is one of the leade ration uses some com___ cal environmentalist mi se and i^ o re s the radiWhat a blessing he was: ^isn’teleccd oimicntalists. president: BYWOUAMS Califomia is experier m m im m k ation bf a onene-size-fits-all plaintiff, which is what v th e plaintiffs’ lawyers J rs propose to do by pressing this s a class-action, is as suit, .Yet commor aon-sense tells us th at daim sof offraud depend on h i ^ y individi ^dualized facts relating to the the p articular HMO’s commi imunications and w hat each per )erson understood. These claims s IS should b e considered on their i erits ra th e r than ir m lum ped togetl: ether as a dass. Consolidatir iting all of th e d aim s before < federal judge re one in Miami obvii jviously paves an easy road to} riches ri for th e plaintiffs’ bar. ar. Worse,- it almost surely will cri] nipple a highly effid e n t way off delivering di health care - one thai hat provides qualily services to millions mil of Americans at the i lowest possible cost.In the long r igrun, th e real losers will be | >e patients who can't afford to pay c ly doctor’s bills that a re bloated with wi sizeable surcharges for already ali wealthy lawyers. __________ Danie/£. Troy Tre is a Washingion attorney andi an ai associate scholar a r t/jei47ncrian ican Enterprise Institute. His fi represents s^rni jnsurors. R ade iders m ay write to ■ him at Wiley, i y, Rein & Fielding, I7 7 6 K S tn xrtt!'NW, Washington, D.C. 20006. ^ ■ r jo» )CMNA.IOtiWM,M0 Because the symptoms of sinu Be nusitis sometimes mimic those lose of . ■ col and allergies, you may' not colds n realize you need to seee a doctor, i If isitis, review these signs andd sj sym'ptoms. If:you suspect you have sinusi ' suffer from three or mo IfI fyou nore, the SINUS CENTER CAP CAN HELPI _ ■ i S SomotlmM : B< SomaOmM . J “ Do55m o i S',".' 5T C to ar. thin,' Th -Thick, NM ttth 1 « S Sew Qfoof< w a to ry oor r mln F. av sr Some ■notlmatt NO Sc SomthTW Some ‘n otlm os S om «tim «a Sc SomaUrrw* I ~ Tioltmo# NO N N(O SI l - * ” — ■i • d B t w r t t o ________ SomTiotimoa e NO N ( NO_______ — e S om w tm — Yt YES JComgHlaq____________ Som•notlmoa ■i • • a t Cowp—tloa yes S ' 8om«UmM Y YES E — Somctimo* Y E «*»»»»— NOI YES . __ SiniKIS C e n te r ~ I( Idaho Idaho's:ffirst and only sinus car care clinic 7 3 2 -0 7 0 0 Toll INUS II Free 1-877-MD.SINI Cal all today for an appointmei ment •Buri^ -Tiffi Falls -----------------*— 1911 Addison Ave. Twin Falls, Jls, JO Participating Pnv\ wider o f Medicare, Medlcaic zald, Blae Cross,, t. Blue Shield, TriCart i / 1 S „ ^odge Intrepid Dc ^ 1 , 0 0 0 C ash[Allowance / m ow_______ J___ ___ 0.9^"A PRFin inancing* *Shon-lcrm financing for well'cll-i)u3lilicd hu>crN. ^ Lca.SC a D o d g e SStratus u S ed an for - JWSwelcomes lettere frbmn ,rr ^ e r a on s u b je c ts , nstrietterB ^hs^^brought ^ t^ -to ^ r^ rt-F a lls -o f--------TwIn.ftllsV ID 8 3 3 0 3 ; 'V mailed to P.O. Box 548. Tw 'w : buriey office; m i AlUnew Dodge SStratus Sedan 1^ $2 2 5 9 a m o n th fo f r 3 6 m onths IS , w ith 52,533 du Jue at signing, ash allowance.* after 52,200 casi ^ ■ Tax, litlv. andJ liccnsc li' extra: security dcposi osii Induded. ^ .Slrsius SnUn SR «iih a .'4ti JuiVajlc plus an Jt.|uisilu'n fot wcll-quilirird rd lr^^ce^ l< anJ in based on MSKI' Ikcr ;i;] 2II0I 1 vl<*-tniy-ol-lease-end al pic-ncjiUiaiciLpit pjvmcni. jiiil '77.^ a», nile. iKense. lirst nKmih’v pavnicnl, dimn d ilc^ over 12.000 per year and ctu;i:e: for Uu)cfMi iiiKsi iixxicK. . M ^ All Christmas Dc Decoratloiis Snowman: 12 im hes hi} odge Durango Dm WasS 2 W . . M u : $ I 2 4 .9 ^ "A P R fo r65l 0 months, Lots a f Styles to cfioose. ise..From - 2 0 % ^ which can save you1 up u to 53,202.* k o ' BeautiMyerN viiih ll>^ H SPieces. Side slit skirt rt cand tOff. Neck scarf. Rayon Was SWB. Now $159.99 3 5 0 % -o ff, selected ilems throug oughout the store. Ble^ckIRock M C lothiers S R ^ l ,0 0 0 c a s ish h Allowance ■ Regular P r i c ^1 IItems VH ^ __ \ Dc> o d g e ^ Ddifferent. 543-2500 .............. Mon: to Fri:: 9 too7VSal.TI0to4----7 i, • 918 Main Sire ilreet.BUHL s *‘D eilgna fo r .thhe e Diseriminatlng a t AfTo ffoTxiable Prices" i » F mf lQ G U W rapping* D UcouiH Alter Hcratlon» B ^ B - Near You ' Seetli rhe FriencUy Dodge: Dealer I DDGE 800-4-A-DOI I . . •Fil.,ldihe , • V ■■ VMminOKmim'. »ra7 .2000 m V% P ■ ^ H I B r a B = il l K ^ m K tk [^ l^ ^ s s s s : '•’;\’Mjr^| ■ .(''' -■'.tfi.. ■•• -AcaiL-.r-.-A.;..-,* ,.«> ■i t 'J t ; . x;inSOXX,- We Make The Si Smart Choices Easy At Hertz Thousand: M r * S save a ds of $$$ Over Buying A New Vehicle V i l ^ ^argest Used Ca 'ar Inventory tim ‘ • La nIdaho ‘ h In ----------.-O l 's-Feature LoW;A Dur-SmartBuys ilileage Cars an nd Trucks - ' i^IjS J Mi vlany With Thes Remainder cA^ ' .' Mi rhe Factory Warranty ai l i ? Til i|H ? * w wEi EPAYTOPDOHAAR S F O >'': R T R A D E E- -i I N S . H ertz FleettJo f Fine Use di id G ars& Ti^cki ks Includes A^l & Mod( le ls - Includin ^ Mtfakes s -Hard-To-Find a L LiiSury VebicI aes :Ilf “H H i i I j m ! ' ' S H I | "■ ' M ' I frcicily j S PP E C I A I O F T H E 'j p i ■ 'A'.'.a:;;) - m E K 5: > ;• - m 101 FORDi F-150XI j i f i i ' ' IT I 201 ! 0, ;j !.' HIPERCAIB I 4 DOOH R 51 r' c;; w ' s t o c k »15( »1501 • S.4 L itre V-8 E n g in e •• tAutoDuticTrananiission •• Ti T i u '.\ ' ■ - f V 'i '- V S t e e r i n«g g • C r u i s t C o n tro l • Pow e*: W Windows • Power Mirrors • Powier'; P .'HrVVv','; L o c k s *• A i r C o n d i tio n in g • S tereoi.Cassette C( •. Tinted VVindows '■'•■ ------- —I— Gon >mpare tbe Retai ^ M c e o f a N eew“— i I 200 101 Fowl F-150 X } 0 j Soper Cab aat I $30,1 ,115totheH eit f...'-'W; te Smart Buy of. 1*::;;:. i : ilis p E ii i i ¥ i i i i sl f m ©Dimpfflp® aIh® l KiQ^iii%<^ f|# i) • ':■SaatbimateuD^a^^ Bmy i „ o/ C * ■V :f ' .■ H ^h'M l i - O R ^ -J ' RLS Inc:. A H«rtz CorpbraUect li n Lfc«mair'O206q H«rQCofporHim f ii ) .® lh ® w ^ ll( ^ f t:S i i s g i w s s p a s ® s^ s s s a i i p s g ^ i i f e '• , m Slock n « 6 • IT r t j . • l»aUurr, n r* TUI • Cniiit • Power wiiijo hert8 « suggest i'ederal energy offidals assert srt ■ ■m■r n m m m such an event is. M S not credible. iW B '^We h avve e " m SSBM found no evi^ ice of a criticality ever having ?* J S:u rre d out th w e ," IN EEL dcesman Nick N i ^ l s said. s ta u -and fe d en i enviitmhtal ifegulators say they have S Sn“no evidence that would rule o u t an ai acddental n u d ea r reacd o ni -- known as a criticality - in “ th e bb»uried waste, eidier In the pastoi t o r in the future, Reo decent concerns about a crid-. °* ca lity lty w e re ra ise d w hen d ata ~ ; I- , . 'I H o iiliy ? fS JS * -. -; Z S S S i^ S2 J i S ^ ! •" V ■ I m cdvew ane gathered from radioai in INEEL’s controve rarslal Pit 9 suggested some barj irre U might co n ta in enough p lu lutonium to !0U5 nudear support a spontaneoi reaction. In a worst-case sc< icenarlo, an uncontrolled critlca] ;ality might re le a s e ra dioactivee m aterials into the air. It a ^ could cc ignite ute, and the other radioactive wasi .resulting f i r e m i ^ Ift lead to addi- tional radii idioacUve releases, Consults dtants to the EPA wrote In a M a .r that “no conduhas been present> iv e en ddence ei ed to date tte that places the future lu d e a r criticality in the (burial waj vaste site) at an insignifid ." cant level.’ In e a rly rly Decem ber, Energy D epartmlen er t and regulatory offid a is m et!t to t discuss the issue of c r it i c a l it ityj risks in th e w aste b u rie d at th e IN EEL's S u b su rfa c face Disposal A rea, M o w i nlg g ,that meeting, one conw rote that the INEEL l e m o n is s ithat no criticality hap" /hile h . the burial ground ™ sn o o dded c( should be supported by calculai ilations, and monitoring irh before, during and event. tiger, head of environat INEEL, said 4deanup ' m o m to r ing in was in place th at. Ple8S < see REACTION. Page B3 8se Buried V^aste inch :ludes grisly m ix i of castooffs By HJS. Nokkentved Tlmw4ry from about 1957 through 198 385. He was interviewed Oct.. 29, 9,1990, accortling to docum entss newly : obtained by the Times-Nev ews in a F reedom of Inform atio: lon Act request. D o ]» n ’t t r* a s h t: h e tr(* e e s • Cities offer €hanee )recycle nmea-News_______________ TWD VIN FALLS - If it’s time to0 N o ww _ thenre - — , tO SjV . “P arts of hum; luman beings: their people in contai ntominotion ... figured th e bestt way wa was to cut die . finger off or the arm off, those are som e thee things th that went into th e sludge, dge,” Kerr said in die interview,f. S lu d g e barrc arrels and boxes shipped to Idahi daho were used to dispose of any < ny extra low-level w aste from the I he federal governm ent’s nu d eaarr bbomb factory at ■ Rocky F lats in (Colorado. That . waste induded ;d 335-pound bottles of sodium cyanidi mide, Kerr said, “If they knew c anything thai ew of we couldn’t figu figure out an easy way of gettingJ rid of, we put into sludge barrels, is, •sludge boxes,” hesaid. K err also noted oted that ihe interPlease see see'GRISLY, Page B3 ^ F 0 -E Two mor ore sign on as cari( indidates trashtl th t at trimmed tree, there plenty of places to drop itt " t'"" By Michael Joumee nee Times-News writer er____________ ----------- ^TWIN -FALL'S - Fi‘e 1 e "A 'ctiv e~ id'SF Several locadons,'your~ r ^ ■ c= ^ BURLEY - Two rwo more candiP a re n tin g classes1 fo will b e recyded into a fine for parents, in dates for a vacant :ant Idaho House Twin Falls and Jerom' time aj J(»r.«©HiM-in landscaping,. scat h av e surfacei aced. giving legents will b e offered islative Districtt 25's 25’ Republican Falls School District a w • e x e c u tiv e commi Timiitee a w ide D e p a rtm e n t of H J^Eojlic; Valley.communities ■ • selection of possit )ssible nominees Welfare. ■s^t.uixthefoUowing dropoff 'K for a gubernatorial rial appointment. fdr live Christmas trees. All The dasses will be >e hheld from 7 to' Burley City Cou Council member rations must be removed. 9 p.m. Wednesdayss fc for six weeks. >^E Curtis Mendenhall hall, 54, and ion The first session wil] will begin next ,. ^ Stirley: City crews will colN H I m er Cassia iia . C ounty j p i i p M lect^trees le ft week. Commissioner Johi John .\dnms, 63’, The classes will cov cover a num ber g tW fa Tuesday told Mar Mark Peterson. of is s u e s including ing p a r e n tin g jwiSB S ■ ■ ■ ' chairman of the; dis district’s e.xecoH a i r \ t 678^ . sty le s, p a re n tin g mi m ethods th a t H B tive com m it2224. . have shown to be suet ruccessful, disd, (t o tee, ihey were :ity of Gooding: O ty crews pUne using non-viole olent m ethods, ^ it„ S jo in in g th e ^ )ick up trees the first week building courage and md self-esteem slate of candi- U nuary^OdierwiserTesidenis— — ^— ^in child^n,-m utuallr= re E p«,-effec. ----- d a r e r f o r - t h c -----iro p off tree s a t th e d t y tive com m unication on M i l s , why H ouse s e a t held I outgoing :ld by h p ile one m ile w est of ch ild re n m isbehave Rep. Jim Kempton, ton, R-Albion. ve and how to coodim ing. Call City Hall at 934‘ redirect th a t behavio M e n d e n h a ll’s i ’s main focus ivior, resolving ccgq would be rural economic eco: conflicts peacefully/ and ai handling devel, ^ lailey: Residents can drop opm ent. T he staii anger. , itaie must find ees in a designated area at ways lo keep rural ural Idaho comThe sessions will nm from Jan. 3 s P a rk from M onday petitive with uniwi •owing cities, he to F eb . 7 an d from m F eb. 21 to gh Jan. 31, for grinding into said. March 28. . ,, . mulch.I. “I’m going 10 I) t;i tackle everyThe dasses will be li >e held a t Vera • n lty * . o f Jerom e: R esidents thing that comess along ale to me on C. O’Leary Junior Hig High School ta rop off trees at the d ty lot that,” he .said. • the U ttle House Famil mily Cenler on . „„ We„ In addiiion. the st BSt Fourth Street near the le state needs to the southeast cilmer !T cot EUiabelh r v dui lum p for g rin d in g into be m o re invoiyeii ved in helping j Boulevard and Eastlanc iind Drive. n„dch.1. IPhone City Hall at 324Idaho's deteriorat >rating sm aller No r e g is tra tio n is is required. 8189. downtown areas. In terested parents or o r soon-to-be • KCetchum: et Mendenhall, a;i denial dc techniT re es can be parents con show up i r th e first ip io d ro p pjee id o ff a t th e K etchum dan. is the only one of the nine dass. candidates with no professionii! P ark&KcFRide lot near the Church Call Margy Wray at 736-7649 to of the B Bik Wood. Look for signs a g r ic u ltu r a l Itt background. arra n g e f r e e i.c a re o r c a ll or roped However, h e saidi he grew up on le d o ff areas designating M arcia L an tin g a t 733-6900 73 for w h e res to t lea v e y o u r tre e for a farm and is famiii imiliar with the more information, * grinding mum Issues facing agricult iculture through ng into mulch. , his economic dcveloi i’elopment work Qirry Hlldnth throwi away • Shoi ^oihone: R esidents may ly hit family's Chtlstmit treaI T i Tussdiy at th# city ol Twin Palli’ Fall dliposal ilti i t Sixth Avtn • on the Ciiy Council. dl. 3ff tree s in a designated Draft horse, mule Watt and Ihoihoni Slraat. jle club It. Evsryyiir, ttii olty grindsithe th trMi up to mtki mulch. He sen es on a number nun of comarea nea lear the d ty shop, or take miitees as a mcmln'r publishes c a le n dluEB f ilH'rrifilu'couri' th e m to th e L incoln C ounty cil, th e M iiiiCii •Ciissiii AriM TWIN FALLS - Mem • .W endell: R esid en lem bttt'of.tho' J ' ; " " fe ' ; 'r S tation. P hone C ity a n ts arc Highway 77. • Jerome County: Highway y 25 Economic Developn !o|>mc'ni Buiird, 1886-2030. Southotfl Idaho Draft a tk e d to bring tre e t to> ith e dty • Alm o: 24: .(tH orM nnd .; 2480 S. Elba, Almo enst ;nst of Jerome. and th e Idaho As. TwlnFalli: Residenti Road. •M alta: 2450 E. 1760 S. Citie.s. w liere he-• sci scrvi-s (Itl tile . ti a k e them to th e W endell couraged to drop off tree t tured In glossy color , r pp h o . o . l „ . , • B laine Co Couniy; Ohio Gulch • Milner Butte landfill: 10 1050 Icftishitivc cominiitcc iltee. • d ty lot at Sixtn Avenue T ra n sfer Station, Just nn orth of now 2001 calendar. and Carey stnt cations. VV. V. i400 S. Adams, an Oakley kley iiiiiive iitui d< t y limits on Idaho Highv "It's beautiful,'’, said adiModntion J ' " " "an” d S hoshone S tr e e t. ? County: Just north retired fanner, sjiid I Ilid keeping the •• Minidoka County: Northwc ^ t h l s ^ o c a tio n ^ ^ l be Trees can elso be drop secretary Betty Shriver jppedoff ofWcndcU. ____________ ver. " It'i very IL state's piiblicliuulsoj> 'ojwn for muliiofP, if Paul ot325N. 400 W. — aLwaste.tnmsfer.sutiona: --------- professlonaU ydonorlr rlrshows-Dur-----■J5lem''V.i)u]d IxTlus Hi o ^ T T T --------- •E lncolnCCounty; juM nortEuf ilMiiliuTpiiTifnvr •TiOakley; 985 S. Worthington • A lbion: 760 8 .■ local people and somee of ol the activi. Shoshono. • ' eft End: West of Buhl. PlGOse see CAND IDA DIOATK.Page B3 •W des we're Involved in." Shriver said money r jy mode from -p v calendar salea will benel meflt the non1^ O profit assodation. C alendars are $14.95 1.95 each and can bo ordered by caUli oUlng-Shriver _ . ByAifonI at733>3266. XIBrook R aft River E lectric oj: operates increase bctwc ween 15 and 25 pe^ Tl BPA offered a lim iti The Ited percentage purchnse insed from ihe \w ith tw o co n tra cts fro lewiwrittf ■____________ rom tho ccnt. num um ber of long-term contrac acts total amount BI‘A generates. gen B o n n ev ille P ow er A bout h oilflf of R aft R iver’s lastyear, and all its customi e n ! R aft R iv o r Klectric Heyburn will hear ist Kle can srfrom r a fT t i R IV E R -E lo c tric rate Adm inistration, but whii > lile most power Is purch ■chased under a conhada chance to purchase thci ad lem, ' exchange power with nih other co-op es, based on rising wholeoc th e r area users of BPA tonight Inmsases, United Electric toi A power tract, w hich s 1 set's,the rate at a butrate predictions for 20011 to ut mcml>er Now the rate projections areJ all a am bc rcachcd at the Mini’Cassia . • Hall. believe that tho level of F upert, the dty of Hevbui R •um. die Raft R iver Ele le c tr ic and its cusmlUch ud h l^ e r than that.” fiurrau at 677-4042. [ '2. £xi, JiO. V o u rm tetts now r cci t y o f B urley a n d U n ite d will keep Ul steady tom ers, whicl: Ich includes some Th othor half of th e powt The wer by c-mail a t abrockQ 12006,*'Tracy said. ' E lec tric could see power ents. Raft e r rates ‘ Nevada residen aft River Electric buys Is a s< sel n.ittflnpoit, aft RivenUtility h(opes conntracts helelp it avoDid rate hi lik e B-2 TbTM^Newt, Twtn FaSi, aSiJcWM' WKfe)t»«iy,DM«(nlMr3 ira; , 2000 Hearthhat quiet: hum? It rmight beJa happy^llama -— lanm a 'h u m s ; ----------^A ~contenie‘d “ lla • Faintly. Q. Which was creai eatcd fir^t ited States of Shoclaccs or thc Unltci ;\mcrico? [n ventcd in A. S h oelaccs. Inv England four y e a rss bbefore the Declaration of Indepcm ItVnot unusual forr a bird’s eye to weigh more than its I Johnny AppleseedI 'd di S k n o w ^ H ||V W ■9 W h a t ’s WHAT f f i . LM. Boyd lot about apples, m ust “ - O sayrHe~lHoirgTirit~wicl ickTd'to prune trees. G a ti n g nevt !ver even occurred to him. ' When a man realizes a .woman 1 isn't he tends ‘ interested in him , he to think he has been inti mentiona^lly d e c e iv e d .- S o ropi iports a Bucknell researcher^ Om )ur Love and War man concurs. But Bi says id of a ^th c sam e c a n b e said woman who likewise awai 'skens to b i t u J^A R I E S For obituary rate * a n d Information, infc call 7 3 5 ^ )9 3 1 , E x(t. t.;276, betwoen 2 notices aro a fr«e M rvlce vice and can Im piacod u ntil 6 p.n p.m. evory day. ).m . p.m. and 6 p.m. - ^ the'disap^ilndng In tru th . Usual p h ra s in g com ontains "... le d m e . on.” ' A c a t blinki oks tw ice B m inute. About. If typica In William S 1 Shakespeare’s day, p h y d d an s didi lidn’t trea t fractured leg s, dislocate ated thum bs o r th e like. That was as the strong-handed calling of the p e practitioner known as the Bonesetti -------------- -- Monday th ro u (h Sctu n la y , D IXeadllot ia 4 :3 0 p.m . for next-di l-day publication. Death S e :]r v i c e s - T Lee E. Walton of R upert,t, ser> may call'one hour b ir before services /ice a t 11 a.m . to d a y a t th e ' a t H ansen Mortu )rtu a c y ' R u p e r t ^ v a ry ^ Baptist C hurch, 515 ChapeL ^!7th St. in Bturley. F riends15\ W. sand am ily m ay call from lO-lO 10:45 G a rth Oscar R Reeid o f B oise, 1“^ I.m. to d a y a t th e chui memorial servicee aatt 2 p jn . today ^Rasmussen Funeral Home).lurch a t th e First Bapti: p tist C h u rc h in ^ Boise (Alden-Waggi aggoner Funeral c. Evelyn Stm iger of Twin Ft Falls, Chapel). lervice a t 11 a-m. today a t Wl iVhite KMortuary in Twin FaDs. < VifginlaJoKoam cnnan o f Rupert, 1 ' services at 11 ajn. ijn. to d ay a t S t P< P e n y A. Jones of R u p e rt,: ; serN ich o la s Catholi holic C h u rc h , vice ’ic e a t 11 a.m . to d a y a t ith e Friends and fomily lily m ay call one' Rup lu p ert 3rd W ard LDS Chur urch. h our before servic* vices a t H ansed Frie 'riends and family m ay calllo Reas eascK 97, of Jerome, died D Idaho; 24 gr grandchildren and eight Keri was daiermined to .fif h er mily a t a la te r date. great-grandc idchiidren, and three sisiih ■ ^ ^ 0 ' '' 2 3i,,22000, at St. Benedicts Fam illness. After surgeries in Boi: a n d Cedical Center. me broiher. Si Lake City, sh e Irave Salt / e l e d 10 „ ,e d C a th e r in e P helps IpsJ Merle was /as preceded in dealh by H i F u uneral services are plann Houston. Texas, for exiendec treather parents, Its, two brolhers and her ni at M, 0, Anderson He f oirr 22 p.m. Friday, D e c 29, 20( ’000, B U H L -C a lh e Tine r in t P helps, 87, ment husband. W( Wendell. VV renewed hope, she retur t th e Hove-Robertson Funei teral of Buhl died Tuesd: With tu rn ed to esday, D ec. 27,, FunoralI st services will be held al R( Chap hapel with Rev. Jeff Dilks offi Boise and her two basset hh(o u n d s. ffid2(W0. •riday. Dec. 29, 2000. at r, Rusly and Buddy, who sh ing. she h ad ^ ; ating Services are pend ending an d wilh J* Ruperff L LDS West Stake Center m| missed so much. Nine month* th sla te r, " ' -'i b e announced by th t e F a rm e r ■ W '- ■ (37S. 100W, iW,). Friends may call at gh was aware that the canci she F uneral ChapeL le a n e r B, L efo rg e e I the Hansei sen Morluary R uperl ,g. reiurned. Chapel (rom' )m 6-8 p.m. Thursday and FILER ~ Eleanor B. Leforgc The loving, caring netwi Verla M. Bolte at the churctirch one hour prior to the f^j C a rlo s A noyo Mui H unlz I, of Filer died Monday, Dec.: friends and lamily member; e r s w ho (uneral on) Friday. Fi Veria M Bolte. 99.I. a Goodmg Memorials may 2000, KX), a t New Life Living Cent were always Ihere for hei n ter BUHL - Carlos>Arrt)yo Ar ie r w ilh Muniz, rosideni, died Monday, ay, Dec 26. bo given lo 10 1Ihe Primary Children’s or ort. proencouragement and support FUer. inFU 31, of Buhl died S Sat attirday, D e c (ing Cpuniy HospUal inI Sc 2000, al Ihe Goodtnc Salt Lake Cily, Utah. “J '-jU vided her ihe momentum to3 rem r ain Arrangements are pending and ai 23,2000. Memorial Hospital positive. For ihis her parents ' b e ill b e an n o u n c e d by Whi h ite Services are pendi Ending a n d will in vn, Verla was born Scpiil 1.1901. i eternally grateful. Ve n d e l l eS ortuary. daughier of ' b e announced by jy th t e F a rm e r Norton, Kan , Ihe dai. Keri is survived by her pa Funeral ChapeL George and Hatiie Marsl Arlyn and Sharon Toberer; ps *ri f a ', r P X J a s p e r Wayne W Sfie mov witti her pare Caro arollne Ruth Capps grandparents. Albert and M M ild re d . Goofling drea m 1915 \ fToberer i luui Ronald WilliamI Zs Z ander i ir' ' ° r L T ' I V I a tth eIWS w of Buhl; and mat TWIN FALLS - Caroline Ru riod Robert Philip Bolto Wayne Matthews. 85. a gr; grandmother. Lela VanOstra Capp ipps, 78, of Twin F alls, dii Jasp e r Ws iied DOLAN SPRING [NGS, A riz . on Dec 21, 1922 Theyw la' a r S aSd passed away Tw Falls. She is also surviv by Twin D d m rw to ? -esiSonl 01I Wendell, » Tuesc iesday, D ec 26, 2000, at Map agic R onald William Z Zai ranched wesi ol Goodn ander, 59, of ay, Dec. 23. 2000. in his un uncles. Robert VanOsirand. R I o g er Valle diey Reponal Center. Vorla fias sin ce rosio Dolan Springs, Ariz, riz., and former- ' To Toberer of Twin Falls, Larry Tc T o b erer ^ - “ ' - raa shon illness. His wi(e served as an election j Graveside services will be he held ly of Twin Falls, ppta sse d away. Iler were ai his side. of Filor. .Wayne Toberer anc Gooding Couniy lor ma; at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 29. 200 000, Dec. 20,2000 of aI heart hes attad e ir^ was born on Oci. 15, Po Polly ol Tempe. Ariz. She' I' a ls o and was a, life memb( at Su S unset M em orial P ark wii vith Dolan Springs, Ariz. it Olinger. Mo., to Delta sui on sun/ived by cousins. Maureen ______ Reoekah Lodge m Gooi ing,-------- At-his-requestrther _aod^(ho4^M a;;h0wsi-----"O of-T em ps:— f”0otse."Sosan Tobwiwr uITt iends m ay call from 4-8 p.r 3.m; services. sised' and edu c ated in Ari and Brian Toberer o(I D Ariz,, Cover. lofiinn Vpiifl was rais • Canning Kitchen m Good Vayne was united in marQe Oel. was also known (or nor lo eba Gilmore on Feb. 7. ; Some lives form a perfeci:t 1circio, flenmg R o b e r t 8 idni Discover Idah aho every ne was a member of the oth others lake shape in ways'we o s p it a l s Site is' survived by a s( w e can R o b e r t S i d nn ee’ ^ o n e y ^ 2 . of ^ Ipel Meihodisi Church of noi predict or always unders not (Bob) Bolte ol Goodin Thursday tay in 3rsland. S h o s h o n e . Idd al a n o . d ie d e arly lly. Mo He was a former lq- has been a pari of my joi ttin)Thornion Dade Couniy, Loss grandchildren, Ann (Jo^n) lournoy: S u n d a y Dec. 24, : 4.2000. at his home m/ MAGIC VALLEY REGIONA mber ol the R-4 School tmi it has also shown me wi AL T he Times-1 but, is-News ot Pine. Idaho, Barb (Dale w h ai IS in S h o s h o n o . ASC. FHA in MEDICAL CENTER S S E S , o f S Greenfield, ;. precious. ol Goodmg and Jon Botie R o b e r t w a s bor Dorn in Bulte. Mont., c„„ Wayne and his (amily t has a lovo for which I car Outdoors section se >ome names are omitted at th e So Wash and Ihree grcat-g :a n o n ly o n N ov. 19. 1928 128, to Sidney Amos n iheir (arm in Missouri to t^g be graielul. dent’s request dren, Todd and Chad The , . a n d Ellen Marie1Erickson Er Doney. H et Jplember o( 1965. where in-law Alice Wabo in Sepli (From Ihe movie Messagi Shane Bolte: a sistcr-m-l Dismissed age In A s e r v e d in tho U.S J.S. Navy from 1945 _ unlit his reiirement. In ______^C.ecloLSeat!le._Wash.^an B arbara D avis of K im beri: -B p t'jeJ____ u n iil_ 1 9 4 9 -a s-aa-radio-operator-on-ri . ynrwas-a-formermem:--------ous nieces and nephews E dnnaH a : w d rix of W ^ Nev. d e s tr o y e r s in thIB e M K editerranean, He Wendell Grange. Grange She was precodod m i Ih e n s e rv e d from m 1950 unlil 1954 in •eOil Union in Meridian. B u r l e y 2001 her husband in 1990. her T H R O U G HH 2i t h e U .S , Air Forc ofco a s radio/ECM R MINIDOKA MEMORIAL^ Goodm g County Co Planning and four sisters and five broihe ----------» o p e r a t o r o n B -2 i-2 9 's a n d B -3 6 's. HOSPITAL d 3a member of Wondell bc conduciFunernl services will bo W B t2 7 S a )m b a s e d a t Fairchild lild AirForce BaS6 in Som k)me names are omitted at the th odge 54 A.F. and A.M, Masonic Lodi ed 11 a rn. Friday. Decc :29 2000 S p o k a n e . W ash. .All New Cfirinmas Merchai irchandise - Plus I hunting and fishing, lient’s request at Demaray's Gooding Ch R o b e r t w o rk ejdd 'a ; s an electronics s survived by his wife Admitted Rev Andy fulorns oKiCiaiir General Merchsndiie-T je> Twin Falls Iji' ■ t e c h n i c i a n a t KlKHQ T elevision in I h le r , R eba and Rita vfenervia Casiano of Heybun will tie ai Ihe Elmwood 0 h„ and for Ihe BLM ^ ' ' ■ i S p o k a n e , W ash,, tents Daily both o( Wendell; iwo SS Tiling taignMrrO Friends may call at the c ^ ^ thy n y Vela of Rupert, Baudelin in B o i s e . B u rleey y an d S h o sh o n e , Gaylord and Bob Thursday Irom 1-7 p m. igana and baby girl of Declt do, HUNT BROniEIIS Al 8 AUCTION f spanning over 38 " “ Sai ■ H H Id ah o , a c a ree r s 30lh,*of Miller, Mo.; one ai ccomribu. Mallhews bol Family suggests that H ull of P aul, Elm or y e a r s . R o b e rt reti retired In 1989 an d £ a nnalyn al o re 2 0 « .7 3 « 2548 54J abeile Butfer of Joplin. e Goodmg tions be m ade lo th C d ie r of R upen____________ ___ e n jo y e d w orking i his com puter ig_on Ploche everal.,nieces..nephews-__ jndalion-Tn— Mo.-and-sevi ------' C o u n ly H o s p i t a l - F o u n d o r in His w oodw c Dismissed Iworking s h o p . Ho a n d c o u s in ss.. V en a 's nam e am S A njF nw D ecB wBI30-11:OO S: a l s o e n jo y e d yard yai H ull o f Pau: work, c r o s s D>analyn ar He was prei receded in death by his w o r d p u z z le ? ,. aain d w a s a n avid Baudc ideiina Magana and baby gu parents andJ one 01 brother. Herschel. girl Auto Auction-Vfihiclai-' les-Twin Falls rea d er. Funeral ser' 3eclo, Cathy Vela of R upen jervices will be held on R u p e r tI PfoviowOBily9-5pni,W pni, Mon-Fri R o b e r t is suirvived rv i b y h is wife Thursday. Dec 3ec, 28, 2000, at 2 p.m. C a r o l o f S h o sihhco n e , m a h o ; tw o ------at Demaray's /•s Wendell Chapel with ------------HUNTBBOTHEBfAU rA ucnONS------------d a u g h te r s S u s ain n (Adrian) ( Bench of p ' OannI Houghton olficiaiing, (848 T w in F s l l s , I d a h laho, a n d M arilyn Masonic buie will be by Wendell S e ll y o u r ( D o u g ) B ra d fo rd rd of Boise. Idaho. Masonic Lod( 3dge 54, A.F. and A,M. a n d h ls-b e lo v e dI dog dc Lacei. . I be in Ihe W endell I T h i s i s o u r ffa a tv o r ite F u n e r a l se n /Ice :e s will b e held at 2 ti r e a s u r e s i n .Cem etery in Wendell. public p ,m , T h u r s d a y ,, Dec. D . t i m e o f t l i le e y \ e a r, 28, 2 000, at ill be held at W ayne's lA/ii l l i e 'B i l l - H a m s W R e y n o ld s Fiin era irall C hapel.In Twin I TfJii e T i m e s - N e w 'sS f i l l e d w H h1 g g ood roquesi, Frie riends and neighbors Willie 'Biir Clilion Harris, 77-' 7-year* F a lls . N o p u b lic■visitation vi; is sch e d may sign Iho ihi rogisler book on f r i e n d s , g o o d >d tim e s old ||M a r k e t p l a c e u nday,u l e d . C r e m a ti oon n will follow se rW ednesday ly from 1-5 p.m . al o'° Burloy residont. died Sun a n d g o o d cc hh e e r l Dec: 24. 2000, al St. Alphoi lo n s u s v ic e s . Demaray's We Wendell Chapel. Regional Medical Center in B m emorials lo Bo ise. T h o family su gngests gj c la s s ifie d incer. •h e A m e ric a n Hi^ean ea Association in after a brave struggle with canc IV a m sh Y o B o ise "'h lieu o f flow ers. Donations Di m ay b e ' « He was born on Sept, 14,, 11923 W o n d e r fu l H e W allerg iv e n to R eynolds ds stalf or m ailed to «a d v e r t i s i n g . in Anderson. S.C.. Ihe son ot W s . Bill R e y n o ld s F uneral al Chapel, ( P.O. Box C. and Cleo Poole Harris, I, S ,c „ 1 1 4 2 . T w in F aills, lls Id a h o 8 3 3 0 3 aiie attended school in Piedmonl,: and (inished a iwo-year busii isin e ss degree from ihe College g e of Southern Idaho, He mar a rr ie d i------------------------------Jeannine A, Wake on July 27,1 in Elko. Nev. They sponi mo: [heir lives in Burley. Idaho, Sw ^ S fte < Merle Christensen Sill worked for the Foresi Ser e rvic e, ' ' IS P IT A IS ^ 4o also sold cars and worko iO O T O P H O S Young /arious other jobs. Ho we 'I'oung, 78. ' Merle Chnsienson You Disabled American Veteran ■ s h l f c t l M Xjiri99SauCi999 . ini, passed ^ year-old Rupert resident, serv served in World War II. Bill enj{ 5. 2000, at ^ ■ |||« away Monday. Dcc 25, Deing wilh his family, and espc Offering A Dignified, Rei me Minidoka MemorialI Extended E: lespectful Long Term Care U re Unit. y onjoyed ihe family camping ly 01 Care Faciiily in Ruperl, We Strive To M Make Each Day Counll ishing trips. He will b e grc iro a tly » Sho was born April 23. 709 North Lincoln Avci •nissed by his family and friend! /cnuc * Jerome. ID •324-4301 » 1 ighier . Stieiiey. Idalio. the daughi ol Ihl .om ing New Survivors include his 'wv i l e . Excellence itt Coi ommuniUf Healthcare re 'Milion and C ora . fM o n s o n jy; h is i V X y e a r be plenti entlful fot you and Joai loannine A. Harris ol Burfey; th e Ihird of Ctirisiensen She was the :hiidron, Shorry Mabey ly o f y o u n . May you flntl nil time to »top a nd ■ seven cluidren In 1929.I. Ihe Ih (amily = ’ocaiello, Sherral (DeVon) Jon{ moved lo Idaho Falls whore wh sho K o n UH Toberer TO conildcr th e ’many/ bl bleuings w hich we • ' ~i ' Sviaita, James Ronald Harris o f' aitended school and gra Keri Lin Toi Toberer. 32. of Boise Fails T Harris e n |o y ...F te erdom ( lo ' a n d E q u a l •alls, Wiiiio Michaoi (Bocky) H irom liinh school in 1 ay-Sunday-D eo:-24:----- ocg n d ^ *bpportunlty...K lnd Ft Jt-BorteyrClllton'Ce'e'fCyfrc i Ftlend* and H oncit aiiondocJ RicKs Colloqc, gre ne wilh her molher and Harr Harris of Boise. Barry Wade (Jc [Janei) B u sln m A jw cU tn,..! with a leaching coriificate i 1942 >,..Kome and H earth 1 Ite in fg ih g r a t h ejrr side, « after a ^:ouraHan Harris of Bend. Oro.. and Ji She Ihen taught sctiool (or o r ia y e a r in g e o u s threo}-yoar -y i Idien,..Freedom to J balllo wilh can(Lay Layne) Rutschke of Rupert;t o n e ' Ammon, Idaho.'M erlee rm a r r ie d ay and to thank Our irriS of W orship In any way i ^f-, broil }rolher. Herbert (Trudy) Harri !0;19:»3 in Wendell K. Young May 10, slervices e r' Ve ore people just like you will held at 3 Qrat Sraham. Wash.; two sisters. N Nollle I.ortl for Hl> many fj o n . Happy New r liv the Logan, Utah, tem pit sday, D ec. 2 8 . al ,M a, tpi( 'Uh tt desire lo Uve and /■CS Maxwell) Smith of Auburn, Ala. J h * , ciovGidale P " - ■’■"“ 'SO made their home in Sholly ally. .Idaho Funeral Homo. . Mar .laryEllen (Ben) Howard ■d rah al»e our family our fami- V s and had a family o( (ourr sons S( and ill follow at a later date pjQH |„utnmonl mil I ’iodmoni, S.C,; 20 grandchlft three daunhtors. In 196 awn Memorial Gardens. and \ Y H I ' 'y/ in < tdaho. TMt is noi a 961, they al Terraco Lawi md 11 great-grandchildren. ’"dron moved the ?amily to a farm bom Oer; 7, 1968. in “ He was preceded in death bb)y his corj orporple based, bul ftmilj/ Paul, Ihen again in I96i 9 6 6 , Ih ey p g n s, idaf daho. Iho beloved only ^ laronis; 3^, ourr u/ned business. Wr offer a son-in-law. Barr' rry L. moved north of Rupcrl wh( w h cfo ihoy Q, nn -and S'laron Toberer, |^.u ^abey; one brother; and one )0 sisT W I N FALLS K IM B E R L Y (armed uniil they rotirod. M{ >rrt frvlce al a fair price wllb ^ d elemeniary and junior ,3^ 7 3 3 -6 6 0 0 423-53A O Br, a member of Ihe Churchh“ c l''3es“ 0 girrtmlckt. We art from S S " “ i in lS Twin Fails and thon ■»oft»«ryxo» a t 11 www.yrtdUmot Tha funeral will be held al Christ of Lailerrday Sain her lamily to Boise in ' 3I.m, Thursday. Dec. 28. 200C iaho, and know lUal we ean ^ Mfli X d w T h "ijoyed = loved Reiiel Society andiTsoo'rSodr being a member pgjj, free your family wilh Iht lasmussen Funoral Home, 135 ward Relief Society soc S e' R e y n t :hing b an d s in both 4g,K 6lh St.. Burloy, wilh Bishop M( Relief Sociely counselor ani Isnily and respeci lhal j r )tl Junior High arid rari. Jarlson, olficiating. Interment fleliet Sociely secretary. S e would offer our ph School, where she hnle In the Sunny C ed ar F ' Mil^ >ycM 'le, camping, motorcy□ t Rasmussen Funeral Homo full-lime missions in Soulh C no on ............................... /ing, travel and danct/ugfj Merle performed numerous i/ednesday. Dec. 27. 2000, Iror 3ral yoars, sho worked o 0p.m. , and on Thursday, from I 'r ,§ : S u n4SET s compassionaio sen/ice. She Sh£ had a '"O' f ° ' ^ovora al Westy's 4' a.m. 0:45 and mado oyon^^ngs andj weekends w 2551 Kimberly Road groat lovo of quilling anc id . T w in FaUs • 735-0011 n il M e m o r i aa l P a r k os, bowled on various Garden Lanes, 2 2 9 6 K Im b eeir l y R o a d ■TttinFeII$OnlfU>allyOt OiCTMl(r Oprralfd Funm! /[one G o o d in ( 1^'-* - D H N O T IC E H i m BS 733-0931 You A, Holiday SaasonI ml I. Benedicts Fan mily Medical Cei One o f tfie S. T h e s e - A r iE -T H E -F A G e RS- — B eh in d C O u r N a mIES i IT E ■ lold s ■ PARKE’SMAGICVAUM A FUNERALHO DM ME T w in F a U t • 7 3 3 -5 7 4 3 _______ ^ TF K«r*«27.2000 T1roe»flm, TwhiFalb.kW« Twhi IVD [a g i c V a l l e yyAV / est S chcool feel;ls effeccts o f ETiillclo)sure IIdaho ran*ich produuces District sees =sdrop' ent in enrollmer _ ' . OROFINO (AP) - n1 w n p p lu i g effect of the closure ire of Pottoich Corp.’s Jaype plywobc ocrfplam nciir fierce is being felt,t in ir the area’s • schools. . _ . , The O rofino-basi lased School IKstrict 171 is losing ng students as families move elsewhe where for jobs. .. "We. are feelingg tl th e im p act. en ro llm en t'w ise ," said in te n d e n t A lan fiauer. m ill sh u t down in Septembe iber. T o d a y - a t ncariy 25p e rc c In-t-Qearw ater County has . Uiehighe iie s t unemployment rate b the stat tate. Thestti, itudent population decline Tim berline High School, b etw een en P ie r c e and W eippe, from its:A-3 A standing in tiie I d ^ High SchDoI du Athletic Assodation to an A-4 ^-4 standing. Timberline had teete :tered between a popula* i n o f 140 a n d 160 fo tio for som e i time; cutoff b etw e en ddassifica* a i dons is 150. The n ew cli dassifica* i begins next A u g u st tion T he district, w h ich It Ind u d e s : schools at O ro fin o , W eippe, PJ ie rc e , S o u th w ic kic and < Cavendish, has a student It popula* i of 1,451. tion A t this tim e l a s t yeai sar th ere ' were 1,579 students. The le district i operating on a budgett that Is t was : and funded by th e state set st last : year, so it is not experienc ndng any unexpected economic ec cutbacks presently, “But If thei trend tr of enrollment :o d ro p , then w e'll continues to have some thii iiings to look at for next year,” Felj 'elgenhauer said. He said h ;e hhopes that the loss of students will vill not be significant off. enough to layY anyone a “We may cQt rtit positions, but we hope to k eep e p everybody th a t still want«toto w ork for us an d -^ve them a1job,” jc Felgenhauer ' said. - sounds fa)r Hollywi vood Ci ^ COEUR d’ALENE (A P)-OOf f all the pretty horses on a Careywi ■wood ranch, Choo*Choo an d S ton ran irmy. two tw paint horses, are HoUywi wood stars. stai The i 1 Idaho ranch’s settingI was thc ideal place to capture soi "the »und tape rscs,", tap for “All the Pretty' Hors< aa film t fi starring Matt Damoni that wa: recendy released. was A Although the ho rse s aree inot seen in the film, their sounds Is are heard. Sound editor P atrido Liben inson cap captured 10 hours of Choo-Cl Choo and Stormy’s hooves and wh whinnies - even thc sound of a m; mane slicing through thc air. „ “The thing about Idaho wa vas it was very cold, tiie air dense, makm ing the speed of sound fast ister, that the recordli^ sound's qua liality • Is full and ric h ,” L ibcnj nson explained from h is office :e In Califomia. .r The two horses w ere cho: losen because one had horseshoessand j the. other didn’t, said ranch ow twncr w M arion O’C onnor, w ho rode ro c . q, Stormy for the recordings. p Recordings induded about ut 10 sep separate sounds o f th e hor: jrses mo' moving at varying speeds on oi a range of surfaces, Includi ding water, rocks, grass and cement nt. “I had no Idea it w as woi forth money for someone to recordd It,” ; Attomeley generaalasfojuddge to rec:onsider oon trial ^ BLACKFOOT: (A U P) - T h e confusin In g , m isleading and officc of A ttom eyy C G e n era l Al ambiguou IOUS. T he instruction said Lance has asked a fe< federal judge it was aIjury ju ’s duty to protoa the to reconsidcr his rece ecent decision Innocent, nt, ra isin g what WInmlU o rd e rin g a new tri tr i a l o r th e called }a “reasonable “ likelihood” release of condemncc ncd m urderer the jury d not presume Leavitt f did Richard Albert Lcavit ivitt. innocent c It during the trial He also U.S. D istrict Judg jd g e B. Lynn said juror rors m ay not have under* W inm ill overturned ic d L e a v itt’s stood tha h a t prosecutors had to 1985 first-degree mur nurder convic* prove LLei eavitt guilty beyond a tion and death sente) itencc for the reasonabli ible doubt. slaying of D anetteB Je J a n Elg of But chc th( a t t o r n e y g en e ral’s Slackfoor. office argu 'gued in a motion filed late Winmill ruled that lat an instruc* last week I at Leavitt’s trial attor* tk th tion to ju ro rs m ay ly 1have bee n ■ neyhadag agreed to the instruction. “Leavitt should not be •e permit* t d to com plain o r be ggranted te 1 habeas relief fifte en yeai ;ars after h1e was convicted, basedd upon a j ry instruction h e requ ju luested,” i ,,according to the m otion.. • The state’s arg u m e nItt Is th at a!n y tro u b le s o m e in s tr tru ctlo n < agreed to by L e a v itt’s1ddefense ; attorney should b e cons nsldercd ut n d e r the “in v ite d e rn rror doct e .” Thc m o tio n alsc trin so urges \ Winmill to consider anyy offend* i juiy instructions in cot ing »mext. • “There is no m en tio)n n of th c fact that thee ttrial judge added thc additional lal sentence, 'There must be proof of beyond a reasonable doubt,”’”’ thus elim inating any ambiguity ity “that could have r e n te d as it :wwas written.” Elg, a forme mer Idaho National Engineering arand Environmental Laboratory em smployec, was sexually m u tllaatite d a f te r b ein g stabbed In herer home on July 17, 1984i H er bod ody was discovered four days later. er. Leavin, 41,, hhas maintained his innocence since ice his arrest. Nevadala residentIts Stand ki oiee-deefp in waterTwoes ^ O'Connor said, whlf fthlle on vacation in (krm any. The Hollj-wood s. )d sound experts stayed at O’Conno nnor's Cucolaila Creek S pon Ranch inch for 10 davs, She vras paid S150 150 ;a day for her h elp w ith Choc hoo'Choo antl Stormy, O’Connor got to st see the unedited \*ersion of thc: film fill tu help edito rs fig u re outt wl which sounds would go where. “I think I would uld have done it even if they didn’t p me for it," I’t pay O’Connor said with with a laugli, "ll was fun.” The effo n hass become bt one of the most comprehc •ehensive collei; tio n s o f horse se sounds ib Hollywood, Libenso .■nson said. He is alre a d y using Choo-Choo Chc and Storm y In a film Im being m ade about Jesse James. es, O’Connor’s name ame was passed, along by a friendd in the film p ri; dudng business when wh( e.xecutives ta lk e d of nuiking ing the movie, which is based onn th the awiird-wi’nning novel of the he same nami^' O’Connor m ade• a videotape \ of her ranch and “iri< “tried to record the silence," she siiiil Siiid. There was noi a place pl to record the sounds in Califi aUfornia without '* Interrupting cityy nc noises sucii as or car. those from a plane pi: Libenson said. • SANDY VALLEY. I V, Nev. (AP) year, •' ' ' r minicn aa es in Northern1 INevada Sandy Valley f developing a y for A water war is brewui^ vuig southwest Any groundw grc ater acquisition ini th e past t h r e e y e a rs rs. T hat natui^-gas-fire ired power plant, a of Las Vegas, wheree oi outside com* m ust )e b e ap p ro v e d by S ta te r ak e s It th e l a r g e s t p riv ate m company spoki okesm an said. But t * panics arc quietlyf buying bi land Engineer er H ugh R ied, who has L landowner in the state, acc iccording Calpine of San J n Jose, Calif., has no I and competing forr uunallocated not ra t set set a hearing date for the t -Security a n d Exc to len t to build a plant (change firmcommitmer rights to ground water, ions. C ter. appucatiot Commission records ly v a lle y , th e near S andy The companies env :nvision using Meanwh while, some Sandy Valley PICO owns and develop: ips water spokesman said, th e w ater for newATccasinos, an residents a preparing to fight to cs are r h ts through a su b si rig sid ia ry , North V alley: V Holdings, a small energy p lan t or nev lew developkeep their eir w a te r from bdng sac- . A V ldler W ater Co. o f La .a Jo lla, Reno company, ly, also has applied m ents in th e dcsi SALT LAKE CITY (AP)) - It Ic scrt along rificedtof Norman Mineta and otiier feder* 0 feed more growth In the C Calif., according to th e SEC :re*feet of Sandy ® EC fo r 2,000 acre Ditcrstate 15. ;as Valley. appears Utah will fall just •Aon • al offidals will relea Las Vegas L'lease the lireakV idler has a p p lie d for or 2,000 , Valley’s waterr for fi a funire power ®PP This potential enci ___________ _________ of getting i incroachm ent ^ a fourth seat in1 the l 1 Rosequist, Sandy VaUev •_ acre:fefet_ofdoePjajQund_w a ■_ d dwn n f thp t --------water in - plant________ ---------- cmlrcinsasiH’j! waief ler makes res* SoaTFarm rm president, notes that------SSandy Valley. S om eda; OTS. House of R cpresentati' tives Thursday moming. ng. iOnce the figlay th a t Sandy V alle lley re sid e n ts are idenu of Sandy Valle diey, 30 miles sod farmir ning allows water to soak------water v when state:by-state census numni ures are released, • could supply an dJectrical e .‘d. Slate legislawaiting for Vic /Id le r to complete Muthwcst of Las Vega egas, nervous. back into g e ratin g p la n t f o r R e lian t to th e ground. These pri-------gen tors will redraw the tht boundaries tests on how mu ■nudi water Is in tiic ^bers are released Tliursday. A ccording to a1 ri e p o r t In vate comp mpanies, he worries, will------Energy £ “There are s ta te s you kn enow for the 2(X)2 electiun, of H ouston or at tion, aiiother basin and on1 Its Ii quality. Then T u esd a y ’s Las Ve V egas S u n , sim ply sip si h o n off th e w ater,------utility u will gain, but th e n th e re• iare if the s ta te dereg egulates th eir e x p ets rtswill review ihe Gochnour KtidI Utah Ut, is expectth ey ’re afraid th e ccom p a n ie s w h i^ las has been underground for------power p stat generation, accbrdii states that are on the margin1 and a dSig to a Information. ed to have about 2.16milliiin 2,li: peo* could s teal th e wat v a te r under* housands ds of years.------------------------stra s te g y s ta te m e n t byf ’V ldler Attom ey Byr Jyron Mills, who is «it aseems hke we’re one of thi those pie w hen ihe new lew figures are neath their feet. Large cc companies “have played------Chief C Operating Officer D an tthe losing end of the margi Dorotiiy re p rese h tin g ab < o u t 30 Sandy on gin.” released, llie 1990 C 90 Census count; And Sandy Valley’s ;y’s 3,000 resi* this game 1 m e b e fo re ,” Rosequist------TImian-Palmer. V alley re s idd ee n ts and o th e r sale said Natalie Gochnour, depi puty ed 1.7 million people iple in tlie state. - . d e n ts are not th c2 oonly w a te r said, refei fe rrin g to groundwater But that’s not the only op option. It small w ater holders, he calls th e dire director of tiie Governor’s Off »ffice “ For us to gain lin a; seat we'll a s e rs who a rc w ary. S an tio n s th a t corporations------says. £ The majority of Vidle acquisitio Df Planning and Budget. ler’scus*. b idders vying lg for the basin’s ofP ■e grown a little have had to have gi Bernardino County, y, (Calif., offi* have mad lad e a ro u n d thc W est,------tomers ti will be m u n id pall ilities or___ground_>vater_n r_nothing_buLspec*_______She_has_been.foUowing.Uta SI tah’s — m ore_thaa_peQ□ple-.think_wc______ pli ----------dais have ^veighed in in ton requests-:— doomingj s( some areas to a parched----- lil6cal g^ovenunent ag e n ae 3es. For ulators. pop population figures and said th that, have.” Cochnuiir sitii tliat .could remove 7,0C existence, 7,000 acre-feci e. ■ n now, Me says, securing um inallocat“They see wat while many of th u s taale r 's vater as a commodiwhi Still. U tah’s grow rowth has been 6f ground w a te r a jy e a r from ' “We will vill not settle for anything e r i ^ t s Is VIdler’s goal. ed ty and tum aroi round and sell lc to We: Western neighbors would gj gain remarkable. The state st.ii got its secSandy Valley - more re than three less than m k e e p in g our water," O.ther companies have3 5similar Las Vegas or the the highest bidder,” add addillonal congressional rep jpreond seat inn 1910, 19 The tliird times thc amount that hat' is natural* said Betli d th Bacher, another resi* * designs on water but have fe specif* h e said. “A pplla c e lik e Sandy seni ientatives, Utah probably won' in’t. didn’t come untilI 19: 19«0. .Vow. just Iy replenished in the : he basin each dent. “Th T h ere is no room for o' I( projects in mind, suchI aas elecic Valley depencls ' ground water, ds on A Arizona Is e x p ^ e d to getI two t 20 years later, the st le state is on tile year. nise on that." ti compromis trical-generating projects. and most people pie cannot afford to new lew seats and Nevada and Ida daho cusp of a fourth, . An acre-foot of watci aicr is enough PICO HHoldings of California Calplne Corp. has; aapplied drill their wells i Is deeper when thc one )ne each, (Sochnour said. Texaj casis . In d e e d , th e U.S. U, Censns to supply a family of four for a and Canac lad a h as purchased 1.27 f« 5,000 acre*feet o f wa vater in water level drop; for ops.” exp jxpected to get two new sea populaeats. Bureau estimatess Utah's Ut and md ( ^ r g ia and Ilorida are each ea tion has grown hy ni ly nearly 24 perexp. Jxpected to get an additionalI rep* ri to cent since 1990, compared ami rose V, _ pcrcent njuiona[ly,_ v;sentative. --------------------------- :----- " That nieaihs mdre’of a ^ f we for 1 W hich st'ates'gei ■get^ireiTiTaml " ContinuadfromBl he West, Gochnour said. T The w hich d o n ’t is a com ci plicated Some^ o0 f th o se research pro* < drum s weren’t expected sd to last w aste p ro d uucc e d In th e W est. lortheast, on the other hand,.will v process. Every staii u ate is giiariiiinal organs of the thrc< iree victims of grams focused foe on gastrointesti* i anyway, and the govemn nment at Many shipmeni ents to INEEL were prol probably lose representatives.5. teed at least one■memlier me of the the SLrl rcactor, whii ^hich blew up nal diagm gnosis, in which animals ' ' th t e tim e h ad n o p la nIS s to dig sim ply la b eelile d “ ra d io a ctiv e u U.S. Comm erce S ec rc ta ;ntatives. tary House of Representa ______^ J a n u a r y 1961, we w ere stu d ied w ere fed ed v a rio u s radioactive t them up. w aste” w ithI nno indications of an d ~ th e n dum ped cd in to th e materials, lls. T heir droppings tiien dal solid th e ir a c tu aIIl c o n te n ts . Some .Until 1960, com m erdE INEEL burial ground. id. were exan am in ed and wound up In i )ackcd In waste produce radioactive waste pai icers shipped waste I I “Some people thin __________________ hink th a t the b a r re ls: aat IN E E L labeled as s steel drums and sim ply' ddumped In secondhand id barrels - without bodies were sent bac back hom e in radioacdvi tive anim al feces - nearly . iin the ocean off bo th U.S. S. coasts. changing thc la . Coot !ontlnuod from Bl ^cad-lined coffins,” K err said. a ton 1 E nvironm ental Proi ■otection, The commei The "T h e re are pri)l irohahly some; le rc ia l radioactive In sa JWell part of il, mayb. lybc the outer Mostof ofth i e waste buried at the / Agcncy re p o rte d i n the fie 1970s w aste sh lp m :ig-lasiing desirc’ mte n ts stopped In “ receni years, Adam s said, groi growing regulations have thrt h u sk was, b u t anl y tth ln g th a t INEEL ww£ as plutomumr Kempto buried at INEEL inclu( dudes barrels some leak) pton's vacant ' oked liquid - despite an aall to Idaho. IN E E L of: sfficlals drinking and1Ir irrigation water to -l. he use of executive orders full of irradiated anim sea limal carcassINEEL ppo olicy against burying d didn’t know what was inI the ti bar* m ore th a n 20i 200,000 people In ^ ichieve policy goals. By allowi , District 25 House seat. cs, including canarie E ach p re cin ct't chiiiiniaii cl in ries, beagles liquid wasl aste - and some lids flew r rels, just lhat it w as radii dioactive southcm Idaho. _____________ a pI ipresident to issue executi j?nd salmon, thc resul District 23 serves a rsult of radiooff contain liners. v waste. irders, Adams said, the will togical research at va« “ of the district's e,\ce.Neciitive I'oinvorious West O fficial ia ls lo s t track of thc Times-News DS lyn'tcr N.S. In May 1960, t h e 888-acre i iverage people Is ciraimventec m ilte e .ind as an elecinr fot ^ a s t universities, and anc drums of waste, “ B urial G round” b ec an an be rvachcd at 733ame th e Nokkentved can “I laiow that’s something tl: Kempton's siiccessDr animal carcasscs fron ssor. rom th e U.S. The prai ractices continued even “ for comOWf, E xt. 237, 23 or bu c-mail “interim burial ground” fc lobody wants to touch but‘ I D istrict 23 inch Suclear Corp. in Califo nchides all «f lifomia. after thc s e strike was settled. The n erc ial low*level ra d io m loactlve niclsi^agicvall< omething that has to be don< Cassia Countv and id sr small portions Ada Vdams said. ofTwin 1-allsandI Minidoka Mil cuiinAl Adams said he would also' u^ I ties. F o u r of the le li d istn c i's _______________ hiss kis seat In thc Legislature to pi precincts - one in1 .\li .Murtaugh. one serv erve farmers’ water riglits. , . in Rupert and two »•() ii ill llevhiirii ' Continued fracnBl Mendenhall and Adam s jo uiside 'Cassia ' I J»in are locatetl ouisi suppositio: IS th e re su lt of Io n , n o t on physical t, and Thc fire was tth h ri e e tim es in t h e p a s t, even other candidates: ihe evidence dntn, and t -------- wjouldhave.showedjhe. ______C.ouiiii'-----------------those flpodt inny hnve prov thc i.the_deparunent_has___ ovided___ spontaneous.coml »mbustioa.oLuca:________ ''•'Scolt'Beak‘cr4-i. aiTOaRIt of a nudear reaction. By s ta te law, the Histiict 25 | been reluci u c ta n t to take actual ent nium w aste, not tot a criticality, enough water. area irea rancher and president off the t | “Wc would have bee Repuhlicari executivi }ccn able to physical san ,Itive oiinniittec I am ples, he said. T1h e first flo o d was as in Stigersoid. daho Cattle Assodation. detect it,” she said. Kempton’s re<^ has 10 days after Ke The poss issIbH ity of a sponta* FFel ebruary 1 9 ^ when two inches in INEEL’s ea rl: rly d ec ad e s of P lu to n iu m -c o n ta emiIgnation to submit nit itliree noiiiil a rm i n a t e d neous, unc hes of waste dum pingg are t n c o n tro lle d n uclear known for * • Eari Christensen. 63. a ser o fofra in fell on eig h t inchs waste has been stored i INEEL 'arm nces to Gov, Dirkk K etired farmer and former Fat :d at reaction becom be Kempthorne. jrd keeping. « tir es a regulatory sn< In three d ay s. W ith th the spotty recorc snow for almost 50 years. Mo Kempthorne will then thi-i select one lureau board member. More than 2 concern whi vhen a barrel of waste . topsoU top rolleaInventories w een still frozen, w a te r col re incom plete, million cubic feet of’ such su w aste 7, a of the nominees, has 267 ggr; ra m s o f plutonium . and radioactlvlt: 'Ity levels often * • Paul C h riste n sen . 47, cedd in open w a s te p itss and was dumped in pits and md trenches And the sampling san issia Kempton last week wee accepted data suggests tre than meaBurl trenches. lurley-area farm er and were estimates rather rai - including Pit 9 - betw Kempthom e's fiill-iii . Coui Il-lime .ippointstween 19S4 some barrel :oun^ commissioner. rels m ight have 200 to 1 SQOwsurements. Then in January 1969, si and 1970. rthwest Power ired ment to th e Nortln 1,000 grams ns of plutonium. dri blocked a drainaget dditch O fficials now )w h a v e b e tte r • • Lloyd Cox, 89. a re tlri drifts ;INEEL officials are c mer Planning Council, il. whicIi w works :e confident In a previ flood. records about wh: Bvlous interview, Jerry duj following th e e a rlie r fl vhat was actually Burl dug lurlcy-arca farmer and form tljat the plutonium iss sf on regional power ; ■er ami endan* spread out Paulson, ddli ire c to r of c r itl^ I ty Me sent to INEEL th M e ltin g snow a n d r a in . once c then they did a cons onstruction company owner. through thc waste anc es. ired gered .salmon issues, and doesn’t safety ot INEEL, IN said a nudear few years ago, Stif itigar said. • • Tom Geary. 72, a rc tirt aagi g a in filled o p e n p itsi and picsent a risk of a spor mer Kempton will resigi L‘sign his legislapontaneous, critlcality i wv ould require suffi* trei trenches. Criticality Is som sc ething offlBurl lurley-area farm er and form' uhcontroUed nuclear•reaction. rei tive seat, after aI decade de in the d e n t w ater ter in addition to the / Again in 1982, flo o d wa vaters cials take veryy sseriously, but Fam ‘arm Bureau pre. EEnnv iro n m e n ta l Defe radioac, and nd president of th e Idal grabs once the Legi: o p c n .to in te rp r c taatio tli n , s a id .egislature conc o n c c n tra 'a tti n g th c re actio n . In s tive waste dispos Institute in Troy, suggests3 that )osal site, Stiger . pam 'armers Union. W ayne P ie rre of thh ce S e a ttle ,. venes ne.M month, W ithout th t e w a te r, sm all ' two 36 a n d ' said. twc fires in a trench in 1966 ____________ ________ • 1• Earl Warthen, 51. an Albii bion ____________■ . o ffic c of th c E nviroi ro n m e n ta l am ounts oof --------------------f plutonium are not anc another fire in 1970 m ightt 1have inner. ' Protection Agency and Timcs-Ncws politic, 'litical n'piiricr and project Ukely to m susstain a nudear reac* been be< thc result of cridcalii ilities. Times-News w rite r N.S. The h i ^ number of candidat^ ntanager fa r I N ^ LL ccle a n u p . .• tion, Paulsor MichacI Joiimcc in h nxjiVkt/ at Nokkentved cann 'b \ e rcachcd at Efforts to douse th e th irdd fire son sold. Eff ras a bit of a su rp rise at fir Energy Departm entt assertions o: But the buried bi (208) 73S-323I. or nr im b e mail 1to court (over roacd pian COEUR d'A LENE NE (AP) - On ban road ! id-building on about 8 mil- ' Id ah o 's P .anhandle die N ational lion acrcs res in Idaho, S8.5 million F orest, an a r e a knc cking timtion’s roadless initiativ :s. ative. b e r sales, But area tim ber companies con are “To alio illow a policy like this to not giving up, and will will likely tum . go unchall lallenged would be a travto the couns for relief. ief. est>',” said lid Shawn Keough, execuThe president’s prop >roposalwould tiv e dire ire c to r of A sso cia te d Logpng Contractors. It is not enough to lea eave the Iforests alone, Keough sai mid. The Ifires that ravaged the Wt •Vest this •summer are evidence fore irests are iin disrepair. Panhandle F orest Supi ipervisor ]Dave W right s a id th e! F 1 orest iServicc shares the blamee ;for the ffire problem . It em ploj oyed an :aggressive fire fig h tin gg policy tthat has allowed fuels to build bi up over the pastt century. ce . “But that is no ; excuse for letting them go) up u in a major conflagration Uke ke we had last summ er. You arei never ni going to stop fires, but we! sure st as heU can do m ore to somec < of the foresi from going up in smo moke,” he said. Environmeni entalists praise th e roadless planI as aj a change In publie attitude about ab forests once managed largel; jely for board fe e t Landlord 'ds threaten1 to oust may yor over antiti-meth ordiIinance BOISE (AP) - Lant andlords and others opposed toI B( Boise City’s new anti*m eth p rop •operty ordinancc vow th e y wil w ill work to unseat M ayor B rent nt IColes next fall. Boiseans for Respon wnsible Meth Control formed recen :ently to look a t option ons for p u n ish in g th e mayor and nd City Council members for passing ing what tlic group says is a damaginj yng ordinance. “ They^w v iil not be forgotten, and thatt I will tell you affirmatively,” sai said Joe Rohner, associa te broker ker of Sun Valley Boise M e (je t PMcCall Realty. “We’U rem imember dall the way to the election.’’ 1.” The o rd in a n c e was p assed uunanimously last week. It holds lilandlords partially respons insible if aa property is cited by polic lice as a nnuisance d u e to tw o or ar m ore liInstances of the manufacr cture or s a le of metl e th a m p h e ta m in e , roin. cocaine or heroi If twice dted, ed, property owners m ust submitaa plan ; to the police department 0torid r the property of the nuisance.IfIfthe landlord does not comply, aa judge j could temporarily close: the ih property. Epidem iologisists track statist istics to k e e p health\ problems in1 (c h e c k ^ , Bi BOISE (A P) - Conventioi ional including 10 cases e so:o f ^ h il i s ,a n d > wist visdom says such debilitatingg idisgastrointestinal oiir ailments,' includeas< iascs as leprosy were wipedd < out ing 74 cases of E. coli 0157:H7 long ong ago in th e United States,; s, yet th at caused stomad aach ailments for thej hey crop up in reports for 2000 2C doiens of TVeasure ire’VaUey people to th state epidenuology offi« 0 the ice. , whoatewUd-games oe sausage, Oi case of leprosy was rept One :portW hile the niimb im bers a re reljijiH cd I id In s o u th e a s te rn Idaho this tl tively small^ keepin !ping track helps'“ ■ear. yeai p u b lic hea lth offi officials ensuw>* - TTlh ere a r e 13 new eases ;s o f s u c h p ro b le m ss fla r e h e ld )o ' tube uberculosis this year, aU in\ the t check. souti outhem part of th e state. D ise a ^ s commor mon' to develc»;i,1 WhUe four people with mala: laria ing countries arrive ive in Idaho wim N /ere rep o rted in southweste item people who contraa ra a e d them els^!!l daho th is y e a r, people a re w h e re and receivi eiv e t r e a t m e n t '' unUl nUkely to contract the disease se in here, or throughI Id; Idaho residents.^ t^e h eIdi^o : woods. But you cou ould w ho contract them em whUe travel-' • easil asily come down vrith the nu lasty in g , said Dr. C hri h ris tin e H ahn,^gastrointesdnal a^ symptoms of[ ggiastate epidemiologist, gist. rdia Jia if you drink untreated wat ater. “We keep track:ko of a lot of dicjd Idah iaho had 132 cases in 2000. eases that are rare u-e iand we w or|{. Th state also has plenty offsexThe s< hard to keep them m tlthat way,” uoll; ally tra n s m itte d disease ises, said. ____________ ji i'i ■ a fee w o f f i 3olisie !S t;albe'’S 01nii ne \n \/P •s ..ui ___ __________ T hh i s t e a m wvi o n ' t w i n M 1\ ,V P h o n o r s L a t t J n e _ C r u c j a L c o m H - i u m a n l t a n i sa n - B o w L -----B u t a n a tti o n a l a w a r 'd e p r o v e s t hh e y ’r e t h e “" m o s t v a lujca b l e p r o v i dd e r s ” o f I n t e r n e3' t s e r v i c e oDn r a c o l l e g e3 c a m p u s . A / nd th a t m - n a k e s B S UJ . I M e t : r N. S t :Lu d e n t s a n A / ll-A m e ric a n t e a m . 4 uh : ------------- ■ — _ ........ ■ rL- iB ||| I .;i; •f- • ! .!). 1 ■'i l l 1^ / / jM S ■ 'I ., -------------------------------------- 'i i / \ Star andouts on the front nt iine of technology,/. rnetwork managemen ent students built ani jntj maintain the only ly iuniversity-run I n t;ernet er service providi ider in the Big W estt -—and the nation. U ndt ider the direction of 3f Professors Robertt Minch T and Sharon Tabo bor. students have bi been offering low-cos ost Internet access through BSU. U.Net to students, fa faculty and staff aroi '□und the clocl< since 1998, 1! Mincfi and Ta Tabor recently won a $ 1 ,5 0 0 prize for inno' lovation when the pn progrann placed firstt in a national connpetition1ssponsored by Decisi :ision Sciences. Institu tute. nt ■' 1':;; ■IslS Hs W e lik e t o9 th ; in k o f i t a s a te c h n O - to u c h d oow n! '■.V'£ -■ ir't r . ' •»ii Bdisse S tatte Linsiversitv R e a al l E d u c a t i o nT f o r t h e R e a l W o r l d ' ■ * ' 1 ■taFA,ldiho M -CMite(27,2000 Tbn»Miw>, T«ln F Serving the N MagicValley Community E/ftton g« Dani H ansing. fourth ger, th mesBetsey Stimps jpson, retinng hon* say. f as o n e of th e four o u r p ro g ra m s I y. Sponsored by Q ty Meals; c se senger; M cKalee C onrad, d, fifth ored queen, will which received S5.00I vill a a as installing Vfhet 5,000 e a d i f r o m I heels USA, Taurus Divisionn of i messenger; m Kayla M iller,, ssenior' officer. O therr installing ii the six>nsors for holid. officers Ford o lid a y m e a ls f o r • )rd Molors Company’s Food1for f< custodian; Danielle Annis,;, jjunior a w ill in c lu d ei Emily I the elderly and disai R edm an Thou lis a b le d , c e n t e r lought Program and Gourmi custodian; a J a d n d a C onra^ p in n e r Jones, Alisi was represematives say. lison R edm an, mag{ >yagazine, th e co n te st w: gi guard; J a c k ie B a x te r , io u te r neals coordinaE liz a b e th Qu ,osi K aren Lewis, mea Q uesnell, D a v id desig jsigned to highlight the mo guard; gt Adrienne Annis, cu center, says the custodiAtkins, Whitne; iontor 3t the senior ceni ney Rolig, A ndrea outst itstanding program s natioi 10 Tlianksgiving funds brought 240 T ai of lights; and Aryn Prol an robasco, H a rris, S a llyf Wiseman. V Jen n i wide, de. est. dinners to Twin Falls Fall recipients { fl flag b e a re r. C h o ir m en :m b ers F e rlic , D a n i Mingo, I A lliso n An Arnold e n te re d th e contes and 262 meals for• Christmas. Ch The j indude Krista Osterhout,, S Shayla Rolig a n d JIU i 11 Koffcr. Ray an d basin, ising her 500-word eniry on (]ie tl j; delivered over ; ^jor rem ainder will bei de C Charbanneau, Lisa Feldh ihusen, Somie Strolberg irg will bc host and work ark of th e .Twin Falls Seni( istmas and New . . e e r - -the three^lay Chrism . Holly Owings, S te fa n ie H ie.P o e, . hostess fo r th e evening........... e -Ciiizi tizens C en ter a n d voluniei he cenier. ! •ted Year dosures of the c Parri irrish. Her entry was selecte Jl Job's Daughters holdsS « Christmas dance on Fr rnday ^ job’s DDaughterss scheduleles installaition o f ofifFicers llERO M E-B ethela 443 o f Twin Fdlls of tbe Intematio: Itional Order o ^ b ’s Daughters wii WiU bold its installation of officers ers a t 7 p jn . T itu rsd ay a t th e Tv T w in F a lls M ^ n i c Temple. - [The meeting will be b e foUowed by a reception and th tbee public Is in n ted to attend. •Jennifer Kroll wil>t b e installed atfhonored queen. Oihi /ih er officen .in d u d e ; J ill W isem m aan , sen io r l l c , j'unior pvincess; E rin P e rril piiincess; T ara Lupto p ton. guide; I Cathryn Walker, m a rs h a l; Abby W aters; chaplain; K eisey P e te rs o n , tre a s u re r; Jes s ic a L u p ^ ^ ^ | . t o n , re co rd e r; M ary A nn { ■ B ly a le n tin e , H H H ^ si c ia n ; L J^ IH tKioo B ,--"". . librarian; lean, first m esseiig er; S arah Dea H M U II V W - y ja l [ & ||| b = l£ 1 lupen Fridays a t Ruf or438-2613: Elks LiKlge, 676-2766 l l ib _-CALRN rD A R . --------- . Av Ave, Buriey; 654-2238. TO PSaubs Burley Chapter 256 • 6 too 7 p.m i sol lunch Thundays in the Heybum School Breath Easy Oul I.m, ifirst Ttiursday 3ub and Magic V aU ey Sl, Puul Ixxigc 77 ■H p.m, Breathers Qub off Idaha Id Burley Saturday Night's AlrigI For more inforBur ight of mim ih arriKs fm mJ Paul Pai Post Officc, Rotary Ciubs 567. Croup 1321 438-5150. oup o( NA. 8 p.m. Saturdays. 132 mation, call 3446567 Beta Sigma na PW,Sorortty e p Suppon Croup • F o r Oakic ikley Avc., Snow Building. Suile Christian 12-Stcp; gn W qine Laliet - 7 tjn. Tuesc ic 9 ; V e te ra n s of Foreign V ars T a a c lia p te r - 7J 0 p m f i r 3( ^ 34-7201, • 678-13 infonnation cull 7348-13i0. (non-«noking mectinR). Wecioo P lau Hoiel & C< iunJn P Post, 8 p.m . scctm dI Tin 43M613. 67M 294or43B 44 L* Ladies Only, b p.m. Nionda>-s. 220 I Churdi, 601 Shoshor Jerame Chapter .48 • 6 pm hone St. N , Twin F o lK B a U • 12.-0S p.m. Tliiindj m o n th a t B urley VF\ VFW H all. 554 m r c M cC . is (non Ellis (r smoking). W« ary;32473466M. Wednesdays at tbe public libnir: Gnhdstsnds; 54^6825. _____IIiehlimd.645-2387______ Monday medilation Kreap,-6'p:r ret wpie COTccmedatwut I ‘ ^ r HM*- _^7426 W324-5722____________ ----------A W non - fwpeopi F r id a y .a t.ih e ______S o ak eB hyyf ^ Ooodlni.. 12:15 p.m. Fri. Deck) • P.ISI 2072. "N, N, Andrew fi Moller indays, 220 E. Ellis (non’^mokinft). Twin Falls Chapter 3 • 12:3( lincoln Inn; 934-458S. ood a n d folarth ari Thunday ii Weston someone's drinking. Posj: 8 p.m. third TucmIj) nday o( the month » ■ SIt Wotks, How und >Vhy Book Slud Mondays at Our Savior Lull Plaza Conventi B*Dey-Koon Thundayy aatt th e Senior aition Center in Twin Foils, Me -8-9310. * at Dcclo Elec. Bldg., 678-9J KimbeHy.8 pm I.m Tuesdiiys, 220 E. Ellis.' Chuidi. 1708 Heybum Ave. E.; 73 Center af Blaine County; 7i Ch r. 78S-0897 or eaU R o g e r aatt 733-OlSl or Bob at 733^ 5304 xen building. Main Sl . G le n n s F e rry • Post ost 3646, G lenns "■’Emerson s , Group, 8 p.m. Wcdnesda> or or;3266833. 7SU114. 6031. Ferry l’««t. 7 p.m. third T ird Thursday of ihc Filer - 8 p.m. m, T uesday, P c a c c 2203 E E Ellis (nun-smokittg), Twin Falls Chapter 309 •" .L ;, _i ^ iQey Jajtets. 7:30 pm first la y a t C h in a M a ^ VoOe; Jerome* Noon Tuesday lemorial Hall, 366, _ month a t Veterans Memi h , Stevens S tre et a n d Lutheran Church,! 7 p.r Thunday Rupert Group, Wednesdays in the recreation ro VUIaae, 123 S. Alder; 324-7C ttesdays at Mude's Pizza in W( 4-7000 o r 324and th ird TUej 2 7 ia Si*th.73«239. ursdj)t. 220 E Ellis. 475 CasweU Ave. W.; 734-5132 o ^ IVin FaHs; can a n 7340543 or 734-2917. - , G«ost. 8 Ch*.S71SeeondSt c. E. No. 21 : 7 p.m. Fridays, 315 Fal Violence • 6 pm Tuesdays, call 78 Shoabbae • Noon Wedne* f le j^ o tth e L m ;9 3 « 4 S2or93«20S. 2a 78W191 ^ .c h u r n - noon ]«< p,m . f o u rth T uesday ol the i month a t io n W ednesday, S u n e,%Desen Building Room 11^ 7_pji ------ Jerom SenW OttoM CcM^ 8 ^^222 2 1 o r 886_xhe M * ^ c Valley.Toastnaslers . ---- fordiiectiaRs. 2 U ^ y -----e lxrgi.m Hall. 324-t.‘ - -------- aub,72M354.----mdays,'6;30 pim. Tuesdays. 6 pin Advoa)te*''g^up for cbUdien rinTwedn la M ~ ' M ondt 12:10 p .m .. ttlh e se co n d a n d f o u r t h Kimberiy • Pirst 10328.1 128. Kimlwly Pint. Twin FaHs-8 p-m ursdays, 7 p.m! Fridays, 7 p.n 12yesrold >^o have witnessed d n ria Falb • Noon Wedae« E lm e r's Pancake & S te a k 12-; ■ n ie sd o y iat tE 7:30 p-m. third \Vcdncsda> j Hall. 801 Second Avc*; rsday o( the month [urdaysatSOl 2nd Avc. N, tic violence • 6 pm Tuesdays, ca ^ Q u b in Twin Palls; 7364 3 & ^o r7 34 . H o S * T i8 2 44 Blue B Lakes Blvd. N.; 733LT. 42 4234443 _ „ i, at senior citizens ccntcr. Haile>' •G:30 p.m. Sunday at 317 Soul 4191 for diivctians. 5408. Twin Palls - noon H. llarlciw HiKipcs R u p e n • Post 3r,7H. II: ,'cr. Breast feeding support gnup L ^ C h ib t amber ot Comnerce • First ^ ip • 1^ ine. Presbyterian aCh u 5 ? 2 0 9 ^ F if ^ h T J 'l P o s t. 7;3 0 p.m . seconi cond and fo u rth Wednesdays at St. Luke's Wood Mti M arijuana A nony m ous at Noon at N, 4236301. It P and th i r d Mondays li Tuc«Li>-' of the nvmth al lHiall,73«6U . Im b d ilW Valley Ave. S ho sh o n e • I'ost 3001, IOOI, I.iitk- Wood Iley Kcllowship HiUl. 801 Sccerv liunii-\, the m onth at .Slunlionc AlTrcsco Rood. Sbersi HIV o e a b e rs w ddcome. cc Call 676^92 or 678I support group -10 a ma. every Hailey - 7 p.m.L Tuesday. T St, C h a rles . 8«f^2755. Twin Falh • IJ-Mcp recovery gn>u] other Saturday. CoU Jane ot 73331 oth -3129. Parish HaU, 788420S 209or78M944, le se co n d and 1622. Ooodlnx • 6 p.m. on the * 'IfTw in Fulls • Post 2I3fi 2I3fi. Henry l.yilifits [ 0 p.m. FriOjv> at HOI Sccond Avc. N ygnMtp. Buhl • 8 p.m. Fri icaln In n ; 934Mondays « the Lineal P o st. « p .m . M-tondi Tu T ucsdav of th e >1231. • 630 pjn. Fridays at 2420 Church, 516 Main. S4 41^ m o n th a t Twin F alls Is DAV I); lia ll. 4->‘) Musical i i call Jon at 678-7447. / Buriey; Ove O v ere ate rs A nonym ous . Ilalley • Noon firstt aand third SlicHip, 734-4087, Wateen fo lUey Singles Square Daace ' IMOMS au b meeu weekly i.r.ui> Rotaurant in Maicie VoUe Twin FalU • (i:30 p.m. WcdncvbyiJ o( r ____WedoefriatFuUMoonRe W tn d e lJ - Posi 21)74, 211?. T housand ly. Falls rro fie ssio n n i t o l ^ rral 7346 p.m. Monday. Qob- 7 p-m.L Tuesdays T ot St. Jerome’s port por and a^vities. Coll Heather < a.m. Saliirdavs iir 1 p.m. Mnndiiys.'<“'1 u S prinjl'P ost. Hp.m. first T rst Tluirvlay of the Center, No. 21,73^ 826 » d and fourth Parish H a il. ll.:216 Second Ave. E. in liey tm • 730 pjn. second xiinf^sat (he Firsi IbipilMQiurtluOl met.-.™ C itire n s ^10 m o n th a t W endell: Senior Ser Health Care Provider 12 •5689. 1 Jerane; 734-561 12 Step Alzheimer’S Dise is e a s e s u p p o r t sh o(ishonc sh Ti^days al Heybum fireBtution:436tt St. (use side door o Cem er Bldg.. 53^ .2.^.) Rteovety Program • 630 p m Mo R« Ms^U lm ddss .Barbenbop Chorus • 7:30 rdncsdays und Ninth Avenu lie s W edn X rS i group for famlllei O th e r o rg a n iza tio n s otat425 2nd Ave. N.. Twin Falls ays at the First Methodist P-m. Tuesdays jM ne- 7 pm fim and:third thii Monday iranccon Satunlaysi; 73207(i7. i0;30-ll:30 o.m , th ir d Denise at 7344 777 or Brian aat 436Twin Foils • 10:3 »unt. Shoshone Street and De C h ristian Singles Group Groi - 7 p.m. on 124-7910. Church basem< at jirooe Gvic Ubnuy, 324-: Burley ■10 a.m. WctlncuJays at the th Wednesday of mont 1722. onth at 640 Filer A ve. Burley Aug. 28 iuid every other » icr week. Chrisiian .Twin Falls; 734-2664. 172 nd and FourthAve.,!* Rnpcft • 7:30 pm second i fourth rley l*u!iUc Ul>nin'. 1300 Miller, 1i>,79. 7' tclional W. sponsored by Sun JunBridge Core C e n te r, g jn. jj Adult Children of Dysfuncl OithcAn • 7:30 I C e n le r Fours(iiidre. IHl IHI Morris.)ii Sl , d li« .7 0 7 F S t , M n j l e iCbarmoBlc l^ Ntoiday at Red Oots building call Bedcy Jacobsen Families - 5 p.m. Wednesdayss iac the e n ai t 734-8645, Cog Fai Twin FaU-s. 7.m.2.W. ^ T \ ie s d a yy* s 44.tirK}. (>44 Gnmdstaad Sports Grill; enn 5 nn543-2330or Golden Y ears S ■s Senior a tim n s center. 218 7015. 701 8300.7368446 cr P3-7897. 733 a ir. Twin FuUs Chapter 'Order Ord. of DrMolay W edn. :dnesdays at 6lh and Califomia i N .R sflS L W/..Shosbooe; .,{ anyone o v e r 18 } Magic Valley Brain Injury bup^Mrt Su Sunday Breakfas ;fast Group • S u n d a y s Goodir • 7 p.m . f im and lliirdJ Tluuvl.i>-s Tin at »«3 t>‘J34«283. ^ S - N o ^ W e d lay* : ^ a t Price's y ean o fase vwelc«jme;can886-2369. rc • Ck Croup and Referral Service • For alccnutes between 31 9S, and 3 p.m. at lir d Blue l,a k es Blvd. N. Bethel 43 • 7 p.m. first and ihir Overland Ave^ ,4 44!3 « 2 2 8 o r M d g e ^ Il fp .m .'M o a d ^ s a t M a g ic nui nution, call Cassandra Blakley^al326a Edith's Cafe. High ighway. 81 E „ iic ro ss Monda indays at 883 Blue Lakc« Blvd. N. . Iduho Kcbeknh l ^ lg dger % • 1'ir.t aod ^ VaUcy B ridIge g e H ouse, 24b Falls A v e .. 408 4080. n e . Burley; 67{«)798 o r b ^,|. 56 • 7 p.m. second and fourt from the golf course, BetlKl “fth ihinJ Moncar of Ihe West 35 Onier of Ikuter 15-9604, Episcopal Church,,2( i,,20th S l and O akley. Star >dgp 107 . m e ets Jfrome • noon Thursda R u th Rcliekuh l.odgp i d a y s a t th e N o h lein T win inFans; I 7336186. f Ufe FeUowsUp (a l^slep New S tar ;r •• i8 p.m. fint Th»irsd.-\v of Monthh ast :precovBuriey; 678-9414. 1^0 th e sccsirid and fuurtlih Tliiirsdav Tli at the F irv tA v e .E , M agic VaU t Pinochle Club-7:30. J e n ^ Senior Center. 2U>Fll tUey ay group and bible study) • 7 to ! mdcll Masonic l.odKe on Nonh Idah ip •• 5 p-m. Mondays ul Wende Women’s Group West ________B u c lc v _ O d d _ E d lu Ks_Lodi:-s in Fairfic at Oispterl Bookstore, 120 S Soiahera Idaho Twin Sing ai Ma» klasonic Temple. UJ E Idaho in Pau jitw ne • 6 p m Wednesdi U n io n Lodge 45 Fir and th ir d - Firsi ley; 726-5425. pjn pm Saturdays at Spanbauer’t Ba ^ 2 6 Bom for. Group • N c on Wcdnc«la>-s Noon 436642 M itet. 156E Main St, 324-5tar • Tuesdays nt 2 p.m, in Hagc lagcmun. Jky Bingo, 126 2nd Ave. S. dan Itupen 39 OxrJcr of the Eostem Sttr dandng; 733-3712. at 220 E. EUis, Paul; Jl; < 4326718. R “P' \fendell • 7 p.m. Tuesd# f pja. Thunday, Friday and * Mini-Cassia Singles - 7:30 els iIhe second and fourth fhunda) lays Syringu Rebekah odge n o . Second iO p.m. HaUey/Bellevt* ■e •- Fnr more in fo rm a-. meets Foinbouse Restaunat in We 6-1895. Thi ai th e Masonic 1 531and fourth Monda>-s ;ii | .1 8 p.m. Ill 132 H. ;he Temple, 620 E St.. 53 Thundayt.oi 1901 W St. in Hey tion, call 788-5950. . 678 P re -sc h o ol o l story hour, 10 a.m. 678-5328. 0. Avc, B. Jcrt)me, /alley • For more infor5190. __ Ketchum««n VaU Cl3j Air Patrol IV iesdoysattbe tbe Gooding Public Library. S rwin FalU Chapter 29. Older of the th Substance Abuse Volmiteer Eli Odd Fellos.-s . « p.m. n. Tui-ula\-s Tv at the mation, caU 7264650 550 ' p a t th 306 Sth A v e.I. V Burky. 7 pm Mondays at tl e Federal Item Star ■meets the second an Wn 3 to 5-year-cldt, and F« informaUon, caU436-960a and O dd Fellosvs H all, 13lh I3lh and O akley, fforts. 6 Debtors Anonyim parents w d cootne, tn can 9344089. Aviation Adminlstrtticn u ild in g a t the S Sobstance Abuse Vohmteer Effa ^ 0“ • f " nrth" Tuesday at the Masonic Templ< plc. Buriey;678-1431. ountain . Ctall 732-0767. B u ^ Airport; 677-2SS9orr4366861. 43< . Twin F a lls 16. — --------- f ---------------Is 1Rifle and PUtoi Club • to;7:30 p.m. Sundays at the Mou to BlueLx e Lakes Ikmlcvard North. 73.<-8816. iom,333 For business ovmei m e n ,callB t733 «)88. Twir lW n F alls.7 p m Mond< inday* a t 702 ' Sbooten w eIcane, ka twin Falls Lodge 45 • 8 p-m. the fin 69 pm Wednesdays Vie Elemestaiy Sdwol lunchroor View 7Tiijpi»l'JioaT\’iiVttyumi Jiimn ii distiCnn/ ro moderate pistol cal. W.: St, Buriey; 678-7447. W.27lh A i ^ Loop at JoiUn Field;* tdjcanM ntO Q atZSSnftfaA^▼e.Wn ve dnesday at 883 Blue Ukes Blvd.■N nym ous Wedne Narcotics Anonyi puWiL-ia? MtJfifc- KuJ/fv I'Juhf und iifxonia;, atnl-5871. \ S . ib en o o d .2 2 ,324-5960 ,3 2 or 733^3. A Mental Health Support Group-: i-6937, n'orts. To h a w pour miftting n tir fijtcd. or tu i.call736-1160or(800) fiiK and thinl Mondays'at the Twin m >'9 om-1 pm Saturdays, fin) Rupert Lodge 65 • 8 p.m. fin y ifti . ' O p eacfaM iupdate p our mfi-n>w infonnalion, info\ tend Sorpptlmistlhtenurtlona Oir &Hospital conference room; ^ T a K l B r eisk a k Coffee Shop. 209 N. Oinlc dnesday al Rupert Masonic Tempii ■P*®' rwrioc U'ifh name of the cq; e ajfinaaiion, lUiv .1>da Falls - first, thirdd oj a n d fo u rth s t . Je n Jers(De.'324«329. An levels 572 IE St, 4364037. 572-994a and o nJ tir ^ ooffjlu the mRgpett~Shrine Chih.-630 p.n - . .------oiritji/ioru-'tium iierunJrur d rum fo/fliw ifiM Kiid>erly Road in Twin Falls 'alls. AU busiiner fourth Wednesdoy at Rupei Can Can 654-2241. wrici at 77»f Time*p tn o n ft> f\Jt Muntjnrontci Ketchum 7 pJn. t 4-9486. U /« n^w ooeo are invited, 734-94 et Young CUIdren - 7 ^4364037. . Neti-t. P.O. Box S4S. riiin hvin fuHi SJ303. Velghtloss J Motben ird Ia n d fourth --i O aky • noon second, third second and fourth Wednesdays t loyal Arch Masoiis • 8 p.m. secon or. The jie otfcnn’on O u b Ctilcrtdar. 7 dtaiSline it Wednesday at Georso KV878878-7202. W d | ^ W stcfaets atd • 6 p m Mcndaya a t TwI Falls Reformed Church, Twin ;sday. Rupert Masonic Temple, 43( “ k £ U h , 8 p.,uti L Thundays. 310 M ain noon7W«iflp. st b n n d th ir d ' (be Odd Fellow I^ p e rt - no6n on first lows Hall, 13th and O akley Cre Grandview Dr. N; 324-7035. ;7. Civic . • . \ • | ; i J T * | J • ; V ' j » 1 J • : • | ; ; » } j } ' i • : ; . ; J . ; . ; ; ; : J > ; ’ * ) | , ; , t • . ; .. . . . . . . ’ t • ! J • ‘ ' ; I > J '. J mFiH«.klil>0 WtdnNdar,OM«nb< ffibwa7,»oo _____________ i^lllllllBflH H I SH I I iM m a M l ^ If - ^ 1 ---------- : -----1 y— ;r H |' 1 • w l ' ''' ' v | L ^ O | f l ^ , ^ ’- A i i| | ; j | : : l i l j | b ’ i l _ j j li i . i M w i i i ih kA /4 /r" 4 | ... ‘ 'J tM •• \ ^ ^ ’■ MN ^ iiU ,\j fl, IS A IR I N A M E >ui|MUM«Kicr>iifeu < s> m - / ^ s ? in r Im •?• « I ' vw m J k I ' V • £ ;[li“ ' !ciSS ^ 0 ^ ' Lrj||-rL . [S ' mM I ' ' 7 ” " r A p n < . > iS ® ^ W ? r ; 4 8 A1 , . *I 1. \ p j T II i/ /V Y ^A 4- 'k j ! ^ i£ ,' ^ rn^i Ml* fctLr f n ib - '^ ' . ^ , r ■I H I k I I Prices Effe Friday, Dec \ / nI z ------ ^ -2 i n i i t t t '•VV,-. '. i U 'H iC m i T a _ iiiM ij^Hi iM *, S‘ l i m ie m m “ (fa t m W aa • PLYI\MGUTH • DODDGE T R U CCK id A v e. S. • Tv, //in Fall.s, Id aih h o • 7 3 3 -5 7 7 6 I « 0 0 2 V ) i ■}' ?.^>00 w w w . l c j t h ci cj i i n t n o t o r ' , . ( c i i n '• \ ' ^ . “ «r--------------------- m I : : H R Y S L E :R i ) G E • J E EEP ..••• » , li ■ 1 1 ^ I j ^ ^ " ..[lil I I m ^r'-^'-^f'-' ■ ■ / > ^ 1 Hi -y " 0 - 4 .i s; . y 5 I ..— LM > r\ ■ sffH ^ S w < f "< ^ 1 ______ VEHI B r jl H li I /iftii— i: Ilti! ViiliH' mul D. (rt.»'c} Pdyiiii.'n ml<'m.liuvf i>MirO( V. lm k<-lh:'lii
  • PijirlKiM; I’tirt-. ■ M o.lm yl., liiviHM- Mny tJi.l f‘■^^ V... 1)11 H Gardening: ' W hatjroinccd toknownow. PageC2 m 0D &]Ho)ME I n fSIDE si Green Thumbpi nbprlnts . . . C 2 James Dulley ey ...............C3 Dear A b b y......................C7 ... f _________________ / 'W■xlEdiror. Daiiu Tumer - 73:. ■ T h e T im es-> i-N e w s ■ R in ^ ig in W cdnc icsday, D c c c m b c r 12>1 , 2 0 0 0 AI N ewTYear withifu n ^ fingerrfood C Q: Wfaat arc5 some sc e a sy hors - d'oeuvresforaNlew m Yjear*s party? A: Instead of mal maldng a big tneal. offer your guests sts a selec tio n of . bo n d ’oeuvres to t COnibble on: They ' look festive and1 taste ta delid b u s and they’re fastt and at easy to prepore, so ^ won’t s i*t spend the whole tiioe in ^ Idtcfaen. IH EIB BA / SICS , Ulialc of hors d’oeuvres d’oi in terms of layers: bases, tryping« tmH ggp. nkiW Rtw»y /-nn be made o f ptiff pastxy, pim bread wedges o r tortiUas - a l l o f vdiich keep well in the freezer and cm be pulled out and baked in tbe oven a t a moM a r th a Z ment’s nodce. Bases can even be Martha “as sim ple as sliced F re n c h Stewart iii I bread, br crack e rs oorr celery. Topp in ^ can consist ooff c h e e s i f r e S i vuils and vegetatdes des.oUvesordelicate slices of smoked I ed fish-enhanced with flavocfulingredi rtdients such os o. lire oil, 9 nlic;harscn] sciadishorwasabi For ganusbes, think 0 ikofoilnr.lcxnm i and distinct flavor r -—chopped nuts, . capers, slices of jalapi lapeno peppers or fredjberb sprigs afl Hww o k w ^ Experiment with ith com binations of bases, flavorings gs sand toppings you’ll be surprisedd at how simple it is to prepare quick, ck, dclidous hors d’oeuvres. For more ire iideas, visit tbe cooking channel on www.martha stewartxom and try c searchable ry our Redpe Finder. ii * t S c c tio n C tr a d itmonal 5craltdh i I OO C W ^oman n doesn’t:deal c w ith _ ifj InXl Mxle Thomas Reale »»«ew»cofTe»oood»nt _ ik I ordi iinafy- H E er for h e r to buy flour, yeast and all th e ingredients to make our own b r e a d th an buy th e store.” P a t F o ssc ec o shar so m e favorite redpes. GOC w OODING - Pat Fossceco grew up[m ona randl in Nebraska. Thf U> oldest s t of five children, she was is recruit n ited early to help Mom in thekiti kitchen RASPBERRV Her er mother was Swedish, her jr CHEESECAKE/CREi £AM PIE hither er a meat-and-potatoes m'an, n, 1 unbaked 9-inch pie: h e r mother-in-law me A ustrian andd 12 ounces cream cht Jieese, soft* Italian, an. Dinner has always been a ened tjjne^for fg the family to gather and d 1 cup sugar . shared e the d a /s events, 2 eg^ p _ ,jssceco m et h e r h u s b a n d1,, } cu p sour CTcam R o blert, er at C olorado S ta te e . 2 ( 10-ounce) p ackages TTr^?," i ^ ^ ty . W hen'their childrenn frozen raspberries S tablespw nsconu mstarch ” J rBVyoung, R obert h ad a jobb required a lot o f trav e l.1. 1 pint whipping ere 7eam :r a particularly lo n g trip,), C re a m th e cheese, c, 1/2 cu p S & fS g . Jt six is.. . su g ar a n d th e eggss till w ell . aoo.w ; weeks, the. Fosscecos.. ded “that was enough,” PatIt mixed. P o u r inlo thee jpie crust ceco recalled. and b a k e at 350 degre xces for 30 nee both husband and wifee ^ Smc€ m in u te s . T h en allow IW to cool. Jih a d grown gn up on ranches, theyy Spread sour ove ver the top ''•’H.ip' started led a search for a suitablee and ch ill 1 hour. Com imbine th e ranch, h. Ai friend in Boise suggest-[• berries, cornstarch ant md 1/2 cup ed thej fiey check out Idaho. Theyy sugar a n d cook till liquii uid is dear. found d aa ranch near Gooding andd Cool. W hip 1 cup cream un and fold —^ • packec ced up th e fa m ily - th eB into th e b e rry mixtur ure. Cover younge gest child was 4 a t the time,r. with S aran Wrap and re refrigerate. Ih a tw a 28 years ago. was (You can hold this forr iup to two ff Thee tthree children thrived on1 days b e f o r e serving, lg.) W hen ready to serve, whip thi the other 1 WHATTO TOKEEP ' T * !1 !life and were active in 4-H,, cup o f w h ip p in g crei -cam w ith INTHEPA P A iS S S . ^ch, school an d s p o rts , »co said. When the children1 about 6 tablespoons1ssugar (or niAgcsdons: Fossceo Here are some 5ug{ ----------w e ros-sm - s ail,-F o ssceco m ade} -more to taste) and drop ' — •P uff p a stry -----op a dollop spaghe h e tti about once a w eek, of whipped cream on eac • FhyllodGUgb ach piece. O ne of h e r d a u g h te rs h a d a • ToniDas . . . • CtwwHwnttM Bwrf fl d£lavaings,such frie nid d ^who loved s p a g h e tti so> WNIES . CINNAMOI^BROWl every time spaghet^i 2 cups flour as extra-virgin olive ive oil, balsam ic « « c hI that, tl xheduled, that friend toanviiiegar, Dijon njustard, us w asabi was sch 2 cups sugar p ( ^ Tabasco sauce a w andscysauce aged to show up and m aneuver: 1/2 teaspoon salt tKU MTO«Tk>IWlw, anmvit! vitation to dinner, 1 teaspoonbakingsi Pa»F05K.C0 COIs a traditional 'scratch cook, ooh,’ known for turning simple foo •Tuna,aQchoriesa foods into fantastic meals. es and sardines Fosso wceco worked as a n office\ 1 teaspoon dnnamon • Dried fruit, g»rb > raisins and d ) as manage Iger th ro u g the years. The-!Ic u p w ater diildren sheet pan at ren all went to coUege - one; □I 350 degrees for 20 Rt 2 sticks butter Remove from heat and add Id th e 1 large jar man • naraschino cher)■ • CnuCDeys to thes University U ■minutes. 2 tablespoons cocoa of Idaho, one toI po po w d e red su g ar and vani n illa . ries, drained andd diced di _______ • Nuts, such as alm< ilmonds and wal-— Boise_5 - :_________ _ About five 2-S ta te a n d o n e to th eI -— - 2 eggsbcaten ---------vc minutcs-l>efore-ihe-----Spread-on-the-browiiies-w Sp w hile--------G om bincthcinf ringredicnts—m d------DUtS College I Southern Idaho, brownies are ge of ' 1/2 cup buttennilk ire done m ake a frostthi are still \varm. Top with they ith 1/2 cook on low heat ti thick. Cixil, at till • Sundried tomatoe 4oes Daugl •••• ing: ughter Lori Klem ann said I I teaspoon vanilla cu chopped nms, if desired1. cup Spread on sweet ,‘et bread dough •Capers h e r mo Jtter n o th e r is “a tr a d itio n a l Mix th e dry ingredic lients in a 1 stick butu llwt has been rolled roi out very • Canned pimientos , scratch ch cook that can tu m the bowl. Place the butter,,w •oons milk water and ®tablespooi P()TIZ,\ thin. You can use •«.*pi prepared sweet Fhab higredients ti WlU k ee p ts that most ordinary ort meal into a sump>oons cocoa cocoa in a saucepan and id bring to 3 tablespooi (Austrian pastrj-) I bread dnugh from •om the store. Or for a week or so indue tuoust delight d< a boil, th en pour it over rown sugar ;2 cups milk ...You m ay think 'er tlie dry 1/2 cup hroi ! you can use this recipe; rec • Hardy vegetable bles and h erb s, , h is sou sounds o rd in ary , b u t my mixture. B eat the eggs, powdered sugar S, bm icr13/4 cup po 1/4 pound butter Sweet bread douj; Jougli: such as g arlic , cell e r n ever u sed a b re a d )n vanilla _1 teaspoons milk and vanilla, then add ac to the 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 a ip liikewann in vwater radishes, carrots and 8 ter, m ilk, cocoa and ine (let alone any kin d of flour-cocoa mixture and r d mb-well. butter 1 pound walnuts, choppec ied 01* 1/4 cup powdered ;red milk -• Cheeses, such as as goat cheese, neasurii iring device). It was cheapir iin a pan. Heat well grc Bake in a greased 11-bj by-16-inch brown sugar ground (almost to a pasie cot ronsisaeam cheese, Gniyen yere while stirring, ng. but DO NOT BOIL ter Please see SCR; SCRATCH. Page C8 tency) - •S ouroeam • Kalamataoroil-cu l-cured olives . •Smokedsahoon1 • F to h ginger Items to buy at the L minute: lie last •Bread • . • R «sh herbs such J basil, pars* ch as leyanddHI : • P e ris h a b le vegd e gdtables a n d , Ftotures ______________ ive, cucumbers, gamPyFtti fruits such as endive, SQOWpeas, cherry tom tunatoes, avocaT h e b< dos a ^ grapes best approach to good • nutrition on is balance! A good diet r e c ip e' PE., providesi es all the nutrients the body PEARPECANT ^TOASTS n e e d s-- (carbohydrates, proteins, (Serves 10 to 12) 0ber, vitz ntamins, minerals and yes, ■ 10 ounces Roquefort fortcheese ' even fats ats - all taken in m oderate ' S tablespoons heavy ivycream quantitie ties and the right propor15 slices white sand andwich bread, tions. m u ts removed M osthi c health organizations, such Family Features 2 B artlett pears,I, thinly tl slic ed as the he^ A m erican H e a rt •^w edges Associati lation and the A m erican Mere are somee (|uii'k (|i and deli1/3 cup p ec an hal halvfcs, th in ly Dietetic ic iAssociation, recommend y v cious wiiys 10 add v lil vitamins, min.sliced crosswise . at leastt fi five servings of frxdt and erals, aiuiii.xidaius lilts and fiber to l.H eatove9to350d >0 decees F. In vegetable bles daily. I your everyday ly nu-als and a nnall bowV combine ^ the cheese SESAM] AIE^INGER CABBAGE [ snacks. and heavy cream. Usi] using a fork o r SALAD : 1. Stii api)]csauc( auce. honey and .wooden spoon, combin thine until mixS oves( es6 : ^ g jj^ canned sweet clicr lierries into hot ,ture Is soft enoughI to spread b u t me-Ginger Dressing: i cereal for an extr •xtra tasiy dayAot too nmny; set aside J ■ Zteaspc spoons Oriental sesame oil r ; 2. Cut. bread in hall chilly half crosswise, 2 (easoc eh ns ‘■ ■•'il nioming. ■|y something a bit dltfefont, such spoons minced f r ^ ginger I '.making fingers that t 2. Mix fi tabk-sp. L-spuons each of Sesa lesame-GInger Cabbage Salad and lespoons rice vinegar i ^ e s by 1 1/2 Inche .'d .sweet cherries honey and canned m lespoons peanut butter chici Ihlcken With Cherry-Balsamic Sau %read fingers to a ba 0“*=®into « ounces cream ere cheese. toast in oven until ligh Spread on l>a};eLs;and am loasi. ilespoons reduced-sodium each sid e , 10 to IS IS m in u te s . soysauce 3. Mix il4 cup[> ptaniit pi butter ce . Remove from oveiL and 1/2 cup honey ney witji a tea' • Salad:t . - : ' 3. Spread one beapii CHICKEN WITH .spoon of cinniimoii m«in, spread on cups thinly sliced green . cheese mixture on c id iS r K * C l CHERRV*BA15AMIC SAUCI CE loast or muffins and ind top with thin e ■ . ger. Top with o pearr alic^ al garnish ,Serves4 slices of apple for a delicious s,thinly sliced red cabbage with pecan slices. Ser Serve a t ro o m ' 1 tablespoon vegetable oil ack. power-packed snack. a or Red Delicious apples, 4 boneless, skinless chick ' cork! ond :ken 4. Thoroiigtily n nd > chopped iy mix 1/2 cup jreast hahes honey and 1/2 cup in onions, chopped Liip Dijon-style Questions should be b eca d d i ^ t o &Ut and iHipjH-T M ake S esam e-G inger m ustard wilh a dash nf Martha Stcwa/t m care m c fn e N e w 1 medium onion, cm into tl lg. In small sk ille t h e a t tiun W orcestershire sauce, sai ground York ITmcs Syndrarion um Sala Con).. “ 'oss'nfi. redges ^ oil over low heat Add ginblack pepper and c; 122 E: 42nd St., tfao id cayenne pepiroyork, W.y. c . 11 s m a ll g r e e n 'lK ‘11 iv p iH T .. cut pyr a (.roat savory sav ak 1 minute. T ransfer to 10168. 0 ^ visit Martha dip for lh a S tc w a n a t into n to tliin s tr ip s C F w I and wliisk in vinegar, & uniAojnarthastcwartxom api)le wedges, xm . (Qwstmts I™*! For a n u W tlo u s a n d yummy nnsai, s prepare Fnilt and Homy B . y B aked C u sta rd a n d ' 1 1 can (16 1/2 ounces) swe b!>'u tter, honey a n d soy _ of^enerel interest wHlIbem be • sw atdin S. Ladle 3/4 cup canned or P o rftT end erio ln W ith Honay Ro Cher herries, drained Routed Oarroto and Applet. etaside. P' this C D ^ n ; Martha SSte ttw m n s n * i frozen sweet cherric orries and 1 cup 1/, cup honey 1/4 _ ters connof be 2. m pipare a bala i'In l i ^ e bowl that'iinpublished letten vanilla ice cream ir blender; n into 1/4 cup baLsamic vinegar ately. • fa v .7scajboh\ft e both cabbages, ap p le s 'Re-toss and serve inunediati M n J f c J 8 s fiber 2 c llv.) “M artha cotnbme t atisiffered individuaUv. until sm(K)th KUh and creamy 2 teaspoons comstardi W H t r i f i o n p e r ; trsaving sodium; /69ms: iff diolcstcrol: ft calo2 1 en onions. Add dressing; Stewart Living^ is on KSAW-TVat KS, 9 green fo r a luscious cherr lerrj’ ice creain protcm: Z g total fov 4 q u i ntumtcd rics:Ul »aL Let stand S minutes: am . Siavlay. *®ss to coa a jii uxMai;sandiOa.n. Please see BAUNCE. Page je C8 shake. Ask S I Q g r ^\ M a k .: e 5 a i d a y : s w e eS t a n cd e a s > ■y Quick and a deliciou tus ' • combin; nations m S . f - i ' ■ c-2 Tlme»Newi, Twin Mn Fall*, tdaho Wednetday, Deemr ;emt»f27,2000 F0 0 D& & H ome j h t i n gI w i n t te r b l a ths.? Gi e t y o) u r h a m d s dl i f t i • ■Itching to get your yoi hands dirty? Tlieise brighi winter dnys lays do that to a person, S tart soine seeds, ds. Dig those half-used seed packets outt of the drawer. To make sure: th they’re still good, put a , few seeds between » n layers of damp paper ; towels. Let them :m :sit overnight. In the • monung. you sliouli ould see sprouting. Plant •• some chives andI pa parsley to brighten win„ te r m eals. Cilant: in tro will do well in a sunny winter windo ndow, too. S om eone justt sent s< me some coleus . seeds. Its prettyy purple-shaded p leaves will be a welcome : nc addition to the naked cast window sill1on once it’s up. It’s fun to throw some impati latiens seeds into warm . moist soil this tim lime of year, too. They , sprout quickly and md easily and fill a window sill nicely. : Ham disl shcan be servec id with rice or no loodles N ew sd ay____________ _____________ ■ The folks who give giv us Hormel cured ham ako mak nake this recipe ' a v a ila b le in a re ri c ip e color b ro c h u re . “ Ham am fo r All Seasons.” They sug suggest serving th e dish with rice; ce; we think it would be just ass good, g m aybe better, with noodles. les. HAM VFCfETABI ABI.e s DIJON 1 1/2 cups whippin, ping cream 1/3 cup Dijon must lustard • 3 cups diced cooke oked ham 3 cups cut broccoli roli, cooked 1 (4-ounce) cann sliced s: mushrooms, drained 1/4 ttaspooti e stire to checkk them th o fte a . As soon as ti seed.^ have sprouted, IS the i, take th e waxed xed paper uff th e top and/or rt ta k e th e plani a n te r out fro m u n d e r thee waterbed. They hey now want lots of indirect :t light a n d gent ently circulating air. In no0 tim e a t all you’ll yoi h av e th e neighbor*rhood’s earliest s s t spring garden. U p o f tbe Weelc W< You know that oncee you h av e the s le seed packets out, you'ree going to s ta a rrtt d re a m in g a b o u t next:t year’s g ard ea ( n. Go ahead; plan it now, ontl paper. One of the challenges ch of vegetable gar::■ dening is to water wa everything just r i ^ t1 Some w a n t quite a1bit of w a te r, w l^ e others don’t It’s alltoo tooeasy to give your tomatoes a good soakiii] iking while drowning a patch of iKlghboring ng ccarrots.' The solution? Group y crops accordup your ing to w a te r usage., An An easy w ay to;do thisisto p lan tcro p saco a c c o rd ^ to how big theyll g et and how fasti ost they’U grow. .> For instance, lettuce tuce, ca rro ts, beots, spinach, and radishes n es make good n e i^ bors, since they grow w at about th e same rate. Similarly, com,, tomatoes, tot and meions all grow quicklyy tmd ar g e t big - and therefore nee d lots ofw: if w a te r-so it’s helphesam eiirea. ful to plant them in thes ----------------------------Whai's bugpng your i m rgardai? Write.xo Cathxf in aam of this■n ea w ^ p c r or e-mail heravcwtwoQpmtorg Qg lasserole is is easy, ecconom ia:a l T a s te o f H om e__________ _____________ ________ When en Linda Philippi, of Ronan, an, Mont., startedd serving s her Carrot Coin Cass< asserole, it was just ust a creamed vegetable dish lish. Over time, shi she has enhanced it by tiying ing different vege jgetables and adding nutmeg, eg. Today, h er scru rrum ptious casserole makes :es a delicious di and is su re 10 to sp a rk recipe requests. re CARROT COIN CASSEROLE 12 mec ledium carrots, sliced 1 large •ge onion, cut into 1/4-incli slice: ices 2 cups ps frozen peas 1 1/2j cups c (6 ounce.s) shredded1 ch chcddar cheese 4 table blespoons butter or margarine, inc, divided 2 table: )lespoons all purpose flour 1 teasp ispoon salt I/4 tea* easpoon pepper 1/4 tea> easpoon ground nutmeg 2 I/2 cups cu milk 1 cup crus} ic k e rs ished butter-flavored cracli (about 25 crac ackers) P la ce c a rrro r ts and a sm all am ouni . w ater in a sai saucepan; cover and cook over 0 m edium heai ibut 6 :at until crisp-tender, abi: m in u te s . Ad ^dd onion; b rin g to a b< b o il. R educe heat, u . Cover and sim m er for or 4-6 m in u te s o r u n til onion is crisp -te nndder. Drain. Add pe peas and loss. P la ce 4 cuj u ps in a greased, shallow ow 3q u art bakingg dish. Sprinkle w ith chec leese. T op w ith reem i a in in g v e g e ta b le s . In Ii a s a u c c p a n ov 3v e r m edium h e a t , m e il t I tablespoon bn butter. Stir in flour, salt,, ppepp e r and nutm m eg until smooth. Gradua luaUy add m ilk, stir tirring constantly. B ring to ti a boil. Boil an< n d s tir for 2 m in u te s . P Pcour over th e vege ;etables. In a sm all sauccp or skillet,’ cor om bine cracker cru m b s5 a re m a in in g bt b u t t e r . Cook a n d s t i r o\ over medium h eatIt until toasted. S p rin k le 01 over casserole. Bak ake, uncovered, a t 350 for 3r 30' 40 m in u te s o r until bubbly. M akes servings. B r W W R K & y ■ B jlH M B fc! l»Ml IMtlil T t» nil, (III, this Carrot Coin CatMrda ara' uutls iy in g w ay s t o fe e d your'family. fan , — “I | [ rime to liC(l luidate? U r P o llu tio n ? / w h a t Are ^toiTS < ‘ Up to 90% of our jr tltime rs spent indoors. ^ B r e a t h i n g I^* ^ Use The T Times-News IV Marketplace Jssifieds to tum . clas essions into cash. posses ‘ Indoor mr is up to 10 /70x dirtier than outside! 'Oucf ciconing makt «kc5 bfcathing castcf. 7 3 2 - 8 7 8 8 Air Q uality l-S00-82;-9t8I _ Caii F F Servicc: e S B w m u n vr VE ^ 2 5 % o n dining fu furniture... m a p le oiro r oa k savings o n b e d ro o m , entertal rtalnm ent, a n d llvli J n g ro o m Turnrlturee E ngtberg&Sons // dSSS H CUSTOwOw fMtWnUltlW 5JWC1 |g /4 F kec ^ 2433 Ros. oitron Circle • Twin Fallss ___________7 3 4 -7 7 5 9 or■4 ■pmtoig— 430-302^1_^Txgbtr89pm l I M S J 1 sj R ’ V : * 1 ■ ■ : •'‘■■'•fc.-; Ell ^ V iss i t o i i r n e w lco c a t i o n Twiin Falls5 7 799 ( Chenev y Dr., 7":3 3 - 8 0 .0)0 Shop u.s C(^onih(lni If Inictnct at wvvw.uicclluljr.coni OlfiT icquirps 0 nfw nomh service agteemeni and Is availabl lable on rateplant ttaning at $39.95 a m monih. After one year $39.95/mo., h 400 minutes a month. $59.95/mo. no. Is 600 minute* s new Iw oyfjr sffvicf agifom eomenl. Ptomoiional phone it subject ti change tated on aMilability. Roam ct to amin Ing charget, taxes and tolls nol Indti month, $79!95/raft i/mo. It 800 minutes a month. New aoK alvatlon fee of 515 required, free aaivai lahntion requlrei a iduded. Other mtrictlons niay apply. l)T.S See store for details. Offer ^ r e siDDe eam ber3l.2000. • " ' - .... : '* — ««BtMr27,2000 Ttae»Mm,Twhi Twin Fait. Idaho C-3 F o o d &C H I OME Warmlup tjievwinter Boiler*can sa^ive morney, adId comfifort by bakdng fresl:ih bread , DEAR JIM: We are bui )uUding a • ' ["^ soning and chiUy' indoor inc drafts. J* la rg e room addition. Oui ur ineffiHi-t< li-tech ] ■ also reduces comb mbustioii noise • ^ d e n t furnace should prob 3bably be g ass bboiler Once chc Christm itmas holidays A . replaced and we are cons m idering P J The newest gas I as boilers have -I a r e over, it seemIS s so i lo n g till a boiler system. WUl there b illli t e t)e any. gone hi-tech, m mu( with uch like gas ..spring.,T he weather savings wiih a boiler and ier cold, the V a lle y m forced-air furnace; aces. These use ped al, jiilights are long and1 the th roads arc fo rt much better? W S m •.I condensing h ea 2att exchariger heat often bad. On those C O O K IN G ' se 1long w inter -BREI ENDAIL P designs to squeeze reze out almost . noftem oons, when 1I am a s tu ck a t vB SSi changer Y Dixie Thomas , e v e ^ last Btu of' heat he; before the '(home, I like nothing DEAR BRENDA: Thee answer ng b etter th a t i W M exhaust leaves the fl le flue. The cool -^baking bread. My mot Reale nother used to M |H | “ ye exhaust gases are ire vented out311-fired | I ; m oke a great potato0 bread. b: It vras doors througli a pla plastic pipe, so >llerwith I sw eet and fluffy. questic no chimney is needet eded. )fficient I 1 tried to replicate le nmy m other’s b o ilerr system . Some gas-firedI designs de use an f them immediately, and b re ad recently and flameh I d wwa s am azed ■ M i W 'f l B P evaporarive recoolir oling tower and e the re s t of them in india t what a difference u Jlention :e using potato th e bes com* heat recovery unit tc preheat the it to ■>w ater made in the texture to o f th e ™sandw ich-sized plastic fort, espedaUy ^ burner ] incoming outdoorr co combustion air Cinnamon hen la te r when I want a . '. ^ a d . desi when it is cou- j __________ for extra savings. A ;s. Another con'h e freton e : roll, I tak e it out of ' T h e next tim e you h a v e w it 3 Low-pro(il€ densing design uses use the pulse a n d zap it in the lade trom re al p i^ w asezer v; m ashed potatoes madi spec combustion principl ciple where the M p tatoes, save back; the thi w ater th e to k " * ave 'J to g et a hot, freshly S e n s ib le Tadiant „ th ° e a ; , hei fuel bums in rapid ir id intense bursts cin n a m o n ro ll ta s te , (Rem eml S o t a t p e s ! w ere bbomor S e f r ig e r a t e it till you also b e ‘ flame. ion ro ll dough into two Tto bake bread. Don’t v I’t worry about Jam es s u b s ta requeni outdoor of squashed or " a i'o n )arts. ro] You can make cin: th ebitsandpieccsofs O il-l on. ings, consider a Dulley roUs from both halves of l^disintegrating potato Ito floating in 5''??“ boile .1 gh heat output) one halfadt( dough o r you can use j t h e w a te r. Those: p ie c e s w ill due *■ I bills, dl effic ;as boiler. In all f for one of the following ke Ih e b re ild vanations k-blend in and m ake m arily to the more effider operflar lest weatlier, ihe ins.) Jation of a new unit. -'ta s te even better. I even evt purpose"f": relei in the lower outtinner rolls: Pinch off a s People often think of bo !. squash up a boiled iled potato or bur ! Ix)iler can als effidendes, loaf panidairoU in butter, placc in 2 teasixMns salt in your new room additionn wiU be are natural ga )mbustion design meaning th lods, warranties, heal your dom estii 1 and i) ;• 2 packages “rapidd tise” ri sim p le during the constr active ■ aUow to rise. Bake truction oil-fired. The ti le combusrion air is drawn more efficiently avings/payback thar 35M egrce J t 35 to 45,minutes in a s: « ry y e a jl phaso along with ducdess5oor high- ■. models have thi om outdoors instead of fro elude water heater and yo S3 and a ree oven tiU golden. The pvelocity central airt surprisingly, and several .Sle-Sprinl. V th e egg and the oil1 ar [AMON l/2cupM iM UNCLE JOHPreCINNA y sle s s expensive to save: g m ixture; stir in gum drop s. It can be furinkle w ith a mixture of Ising a dough haifaiinaii i cups of the flour. Usin 1/3 cup unsaltf BREAD n oil-fired models. chan y adding a half rop dough by tablespoons oni lamon and half sugar. If ; h o o k , Slart m ixingS th tl e b re a d . 1/4 cup raisins 2 cups njinia cookie sheet lined with all as (defrosted if e ■>'r a is i n s , th ro w in a ^ GraduaUy add the ren rem ainder of 1 p o u n d lo af frozen; b1 re a d lows if canned) or inum foU and lightly greasei of raisins with the cin) th e flour and mix unti intil it is soft an( 3 tablespoons: d o u ^ , thawed jper. More oatike in a 375Klegree oven aboi andi su g ar. RoU up the bowl “ ““ 8" ?n •. and satiny. Grease a large li ear. er, softIn a large bov 1/2 sdck unsalted butter ire available at ! m in u te j, ^ i ^ i l lig heditj m d p in c h th e ends to bread Hmtph seal tt. Plai ____^ w ith oU and roll the bn corn w ith can'd !ol,com.'------------------oiroed Cdon’t overcook). Make _^in th e oil, inalMg sure ure it is well n r n o ’lace a f it seam side down__ e n e d -------------------a'l"* Nowsday Set aside; P la a G MEATLOAF 1/2 cup sugar iozen. mix -------------------^ -----a f p a n . B ak e a t .350 in a medium-sized togei ^covered. Covcr with Saran Sa wrap, n ground Ixjcf or , and b utter inwith ai your choice of 2 tablespoons cinnamon1 for 35 to 45 minutes or :ing' This oat-enrichei Whei .^ S e tia a wann p la ^ and Uld allow th e Irj a-small bowUsoak rais lisinsin m icrow ave on d en . T h e b re a d will n iilt has dou. sound hoUt recipe comes, notuice si or lomaiu id o u g h to rise. When ents-PEANUT BUTTER CUPStenu tes, s tirrin g i 3 cups chocolate chips )Uow >ps. from Quaker Oats, It an d tb tta c U i when rapped with ' h. o t w a te r fo r h a lf a nX 1h o u r. > h le d in size, punch it down i beat D rain; set aside. RoU outt d< o u ^ Pour mahhmaU 1 teaspoon butter ikles. h< into ther enhanced by■dac > allow it to rise once ag< CORN BARS togei again. W hen ,. oats, quick or Dl on a lightly floured boarc ird into popcorn m ixti 1 cup peanut butter llucup of com or peas ( nd time, you Nothing g •2 ft h as risen the second >ed popcorn soda. a n 12-by-6-inch re c ta tan g le, . evenly coated, »d. frozen, drained whites, if i roUs, dinner m ade brea Ms o r gtim drops i n30 g rsmoU foil bake cups g goes b etter with homem ake dnnamon roi lightly S p re a d softened b u tter or on top. h an d s, p re ss Place chocolate chips and bu chopped bell peppei i, p is a 'c ru s t, stew. Stew read th a n a big pot of S :;jii)Us, loaves of bread, alted peanuts Drop inamon ' greased, 9-inch-s u iy related recipes are : in a m icrowave-safe bow^ vC om bine sugar with cinn; ,d iw ith t h i s t o w iniwwis sim ple to make. I > g r cin n a m o n bre ad lia tu r e marshmala rcot onion a n d sprinkle on top along ng with until firm. Whe Vi,;----- www.quakenjatmeal,ci iver and microwave 1 minute have hand: J re d p e . [o taste w hatever vegetables I minu t 2-inch 16 bars. PRIZE-WIN'NINGWdegrees. In a using to stir after 20 sec o n i the refrige ndy. I lik e to clean out “ra is in s . S ta rtin g a t a 12 ^ F o r cinnamon ro lls: lli G rease a ns b u n er Bake 11/2 pounds leanriU'Ihgrcdiiints; gn n ch in g — ^---------------------' ig erato r w hen making___-e n d ,-ro ll up dough,-pine m’^e lte d b u t. stew^ 30wl, combine pop12hen-melted,-spoon-chocolat n ‘J c b o k ie s h e e fw ith m 5 ground turkey . seam s closed. Place in a gn Sreased GUMDRO :o raini-bake cups, filling ont oroughly. Press -•te r. D ivide th e doug ih'dy and peantits7 brow lugh in tw o 1 cup tomato juici t ird full. Let sit 10 m inute: •4-in^ loaf pan. “lo a f p an . Cover w ith a1 clean. j e q u a l pieces. Roll hhaa lf o f th e Crum.URGERSTEW ble ace marshmaUows 2 dozj sauce kitchen, towel and let rise se untU . ' /2 cup vcgciab: ioon a b o u t 1 teaspoon o 1 a thermometer I an o th e r bowl and • d o u g h into a largee r e c ta n g le ^ u n d beel i)lc an d cook 1 pound {9 3/4 cup uncooked . Ic u p s u g a r reso;and thc cenh ig h on 2 min-anut ] b u tter on top of chocc leef in large skillet till it jd 'o u b l e in size, a b o u t 2 to 4 > q b o u c l / 2>inch thick ick. S p re a d isnolonger old-fashioned d e g re e 1 te a s p o o n v a n e. nk. Let stand 5 ;erpink. Jh' o u r s . B ake in a 350-de g a f t e r 1 m inute. 3 oTop with remaining meltei S m e lte d butter on top, p, and s sprinAdd; 1 ep6 or 2 egg 3ff whiany Juices o v en for 15 to 18 m inute I te s , o r ’ leg g . ocoiate. ChiU well before sen aUow mixttu-e over 1 1( jjld e m oderately withh a m ix tu re 6 chicken beaten until golden brown. 4 tablespoons w 8 sen-ings, x tiu r e ; to s 5 u n til 1a or4cupswa {{Sf h a l f cinnam on1 a n d h a l f :en bouiUon cubes and 3 • 1/4 cup chopped onio “ 11/3 cups floui water. ^ •d. W ith bu ttere d 30 j ■jiftigar. Then sprinkle k le 1/2 c u p ■ Add: Sait and pepper to ta 1/4 teaspoon sa STEPHEN’S FRUIT DIP D . ids. lYeheat oven to 3M < s s m ix tu r e into Pla aljjxjwn sugar, 3/4 cup3 mixed m n u ts 3 potatoes 8-ounce package cream cheese, ch . 1/2 teaspoonh-square bi pan. ChUI te r it ate largebowI,"combinirall Ichopi > tm d 3/4 cup ra isinIS s oi v e r t h e oes, peeled and chopped softened 1 .1 cup red and , opped onion nemix lightly but thorov 'h en cool, cut into Covei td o u g h . Spread the nut nuts, ra isin s 2 stalks mallow cut in half . . es. mbaure into a 8-tjy-4-in Iks celery, chopped 17 1/2-ounce jar Marshm; pausi ; a n d s u g a r evenly. Rc Roll i t u p , 2carroi Fluff In a bowl, usii D i n n e r a n d U v e M tuof Bake 1 hour or untilI f.a tln i g h t rrots, chopped ----------------------------- -Wher ^ m ak in g sure to keep t e good:p th J floye registers 160 degrees r ivcpgarUc chopped ROP COOKIES into r • le s tucked inside. Seal :al ithe edge. 1 bell 6 p .mCO. ted ter is no longer pink. 11pepper, chopped I S t r e t c h it out if nece third ecessary to 5 mush Enloy S u n d a y b n tn>rvc rj.Hi. m inutes. Drain off shonening Spoo ishrooms, chopped “ H o m e I m p r o v^i H E N T S t a r t able • k e e p th e m iddle fron: om g e ttin g 2 tomat s before slicing. Makes 8 2 tpo big around. Cut the long roU pcani lcupc( v a n illa la te .' l ^ t o 2- to 3'inch sectit ctions. R oll Bring ?com to i Now Offering Family D ining choco ^ £ i c h section piece’0K non S for a kx i/glley!^^^^ I Online -V is it B | r 2 rosa ;;?PINfN|NGROOIVfbHelp others" ^ \ , 7 - L E R Y • L'S C A I a a y ln U iB / 9:00-9:45am ^ 9:45-10;30am X'n-perishabk food itenn Kdldmrit}’ M u st sign up. \ ~ B ikes arBllmlled.r~~i\^ 7 A 4Sfii5 ' /aoPBi J iT h e Times^fe! In t h e M agic Valley call; 733-6•6 4 6 4 . : ww m w .m a g lc v a lle y .co m 1 • ' . 1881 P o le U n e R d • Twin vIn FiOt, F (daho WtdnMdiy, Dw«mb mb«f27,2000 ____________ ■__________________ r ' F 0 0 D &Sc HOME — -■ ■ " -— Camcden has>great cuurb app(eai Whlite Hoilusecharnge o f p; )arty "ans chaange in party-g< ^oers S M u ltip le ro o f li lines, arched multi-pancd windoi idows and brick detailing give c urb rb ;appeal to tJie Camden, a mid-sized ized home with a b ri^it and spacious' )us vaulted great room. The room by t front door sy the could be used as a home he office. A s ta te ly brick :k < column supports th e high arcl arched portico, creating a dramatic nic first impression. M ulti-pancc ned windows, cro^s-ned by a brick ck iarch, cap the door. Inside, lightU S| spills into the h ig h -ce ilin g e d en( entry through these windows and id a sidelight on the left. The v a u lte d great gr« room is eng th e p re d ic tio n s: M ore state te d in n e rs (N ancy Reagan threw ew about one a month, m uch moree coften th an H illary Rodham Cliri linton), no-nonsense party-wear (Barbara (Bi Bush barred women’s pants ntsuits from the White House) and an onslaught of elaborate soirees fe; featuring several gencrationsofBus Jush confidaiues. “Your dinn nner p a rtie s will be formal," prec rcdicts socialite and New York exi executive G eorgette M a friend of both Bush and his father. er. “And there will be very tradition; onal holiday celebrations.” Washinston on itself is changing. The suburbs IS aarc sprawling ever fu rth e r while iie th e G eorgetown^ . powerful aree bbeing challenged by Northern Virj Virginia’s fabulously wealthy, unde idcrdressed techies. But the capita ital still takes on the atever president hapflavor of whate h K v B r^ A ri rfe'V-J • ___ , Ok Ii imm ^>wi4h. OM n ;ri5T T T H iH rn f , ----------------- i v r J -,I p I Vtuud OnMRooffl arjicisT LMng J ni |J - |— ^•n w y^C Snt D»droom ^ ”■ M Lp • I 1 njiniri_u w r Dinino \ iuBwJ V ; , . •c. Eriry il “«*ysnj»r ? ,( ” "" j I I______ I-* Poreti ■ 1 C. ■ ■ >;i 1 JOar*o« 33«*»23-e- - qjwa—■ ...........J ' ............... ________ J vanity. T he handy twoJacobs D riv e , Departm im en iW , nen closet can be loaded Eugene, OR 97402. Pleas a » specifromthLM le utility room, unloaded fy the C a m d e n 30-0J 051 a n d ehall. • • include a re tu rn addres ess w h ^ '" U r 'l i I'Jreview l plan, including ordering. A catalog featui ;unng 3M scaled floo loor plans, elevations, sechome plans is availablee 1for S12. iion and1 anist’s a conception, send • For more inform atioti ca call (800) 525 to A& Associated Designs, 1100 i 634-0123. „ 1^ ^ l l p< to live in it. pens Nancy R eagaa W hen Jim m y C arter Ie: le ft in And, of c ouurrs s e , along with 19 an d the Reagans move 1981 ved in, G ^ rg e W. andd L au ra Bush will the c ih d ty w ent from modestt coimcome ... m ore B Buushes. Ju st like try s t r folk, peanut jokes and1sensith e R ep u bllic; ic a n N ational bl shoes to Hollywood cel ble elebriConvention broui x iught out George tic ties, furs and limousines. and Barbara Busi lu s h , Florida Gov. Of course, there are those se who J e b Bush an d1 eevi e n hunky 24say m Washington never reinv nvents year-old Bush nephew nep George P. >tJ itself a ll th a t much. TheI sam s e Bush, lob lol b y ists and media stars rs w ill Among th e lik likie ly regulars at f in a l e W hite House invitai fir rations 1600 Pennsylvani rania Avc. will be now no as before. Bush’s sister, Dor Doro, who lives in “Sam Donaldson had a pparty Bethesda, M d, w wit ith her husband, the other night and Dick Chi thi aieney Robert Kt>ch, aIw wii in e industry loban and J o e Lieberman were tl: there, byist and D em looa cra t. The White and they greeted each other an er and House also will II bb e home to the thi then im raediatdy went off to sepBushes’ rwin dau g h te rs, Jenna an arate rooms,” said Republic: ication and Barbara, w wh< hen the two are Buffy.Cafritz, a leading l i^^ t in Bu not away at coUeg< W Wiashington society, of a tense t< And the leading in g lights from the interaction int between the rival alnm Social R e g isteter r in T exas are nil ning m ates at a Washington in dinalre a d y on thl eeii i r way. N ancy nnee r p a r ty ju s t before \V ice Brinker, a DaUas Has socialite who President Al Gore conceded Pri 2d th e heads the Susan G. Komen Breast n G. pr« presidential election. “Let’ss hope 1 Cancer F oundati la tio n , will m ake the the re p u ta tio n George W. Bush E h e r W a shington' o n d e b u t w ith a has ha: as a h ea ler worlu, becc cause party for th e B Bus ush team a t the we’re we going to need it." J o ck e y C lu b ( t ht e y lu n ch on As ^ governor, Bush was kn< mown Nancy ReaganI C Clhicken Salad), for h is down-hom e bonhoi for om ie, which is located 1 inin th e same hotd and s an< he is lik d y to bring thatt style where Democrat Gore was raised. It G totothe ca p ita l - not to mem tntion Other likely TTea exas transplants Texas petls and Bush “Pionei Tei leers" include Jim Fra ran n cis, the Texas who c wh gave generously to the! camPublic Safety Coit i^mmission choirpai paign. C a rry in g in a whif: iff o f m an, whom Buush sh is said to be Texas on his hand-tooled cow Te) nvbcv considering foirr aa law enforceboots, B ush will be to blam bot m e if ment post in his £ inistration i s adm there the is a revival of 1980s dressdr and whose wife,, Debbie, D< is one of up d en im , sticky-fingeredI netup 1 Laura Bush’s best f s t friends, wo:orking o v e r Texas b arblecue w c Leading Republi ublican entertainand several-gallon cowboy hats. h anc e rs arc lik“leyly to in clu d e And, An' if h is p re s id e n t lead: ids to Mosbacher, ex-wif< wife of the senior the arrival in Washington of the, if any - Bush’s form er com con m erce secremci mechanical bulls. tary, and Alma Powell, P01 organizer going to see a. big: infuii , “We’re “ of K ennedy Ceent n t e r galas and sioi sion of T exas now," says Shi Iheila wife of Colin L. L Pow I ell, whom Tat Tate, th e public relations’gi gu m Bush nominated d for-secretary fc of anc and fo rm e r press secretary ry to state. Gettinng the ri|ightdo-itit-yourse gives up) hornetbase m a n u lal i can mmake prqejects ea;By Outtfielder ^ QUESTION: I’mI a new 1 homeowner an d would lik like to buy a good book on doit-yot •yourself home repairs and improvem 'ements. Uliat __ — _ do vou recommend?— •\NS\VER: A longdr gdme favonte is “New Fix-It-Yourse irself Manual” (S35 hard cover, Read eader’s Digest, 1-800-845-2100). A fir; first-rate’ new book is “Home Book” ok" (SW hard cover. C reative Homi omcowncr, 1800^31-7795). The bo. books can be o rd e re d from th e! pi publishers. They are also sold at ssome book. stores and home cente m ers and can be o rd e re d by book ook dealers. . ;:New.Fix:It-Yburself self .Manual" has more than 3,000 il 0 Uluslrarions and covers hundreds eds of topics, from appliance repair lair and adhe. ling and yard sives to wood staining :opies of this tools. M illions of cop book have been sold, taai n d itis o n e of the best books of its kind avail. able. “Home Book,” whic ■hich is subtit i e d “T h e U ltim ate ne Guide to vem ents i R e p a irs, Im prover M a in te n a n c e ,” also so has more than 3.000 illustratio llions, and it covers m ore than 300 30( projects -rojecls a re s te p by ste p . Proj arranged in categories ies that make them easy to find.. I think 1 this comprehensive Ixxikk w will l>ecome a favorite reference ice for many homeowners. Loa Angeles Times_____________ Til will depend on such fac actors as whether th efe a re smoke •kers and pets in the household (sini ince txiih I H iS |^ nination) can increase a ir contamii have resand whetheroccupam s'ht YOURSELK piratory p roblem s. Youu should also cleaning ai air ducts Gene Austin ]whenconsider moving in to a pre' reviously \ occupied house. Cleaning ng every „ j,. four to eight y e a rs is tyj ypical, a P " ? ' lean in g A sso cia tio n , a spokeswoman ^ for the trad ade assoM ileerou] oup, points out th at “conciddonsaid. ® ^loiild beware of air-duct QUESTION: I am trying 3 ccom p a n ie s‘th a t m ake S ™ i covers for two window we g claims about the health c my living room. I thi side j i iH k X ■ >' duct cleaning - such of s veils con^ waterthat enters these we re u n s u b s ta n tia ^ /]______^_vtributes to p ro b le m s wi m t h th e Iso p o ssible'to rem ove V paint in the room. Can you )u help? ■the airborne contam ip ANSWER: Uncovered v 1window ? “household j' air by using wells that take in water cj can conhighy.' y using e le c tro n ic a ir ii peeling p ain t. W ell cove vers can 5 in living a re a s , o r by p keep out rain, leaves and nd other lh. k debris. The covers also sc serve as ^ f the air ducts io a home d storm windows for the baj lasement ivy deposits of mold and si windows, h elp in g keep1hheat in dtrt, ming would seem to be a and.cold air out of the base semem. ?a. A secondary benefit a Window-well covers in stock >>»2 some im provem ent in sizes are available a t some ne home ' " f Sy gy efficient' of the heatsi centers. If re ad y -m a d e 2< covers ">Si>ii st effective g e n e rally « y offer firee estim a te s ™ windows are n e e d e d for ir emermethod, and how often ften should it inspecti >ctions. gency exits. be done? C ontraci a c to rs u s u a lly use When ordering custom1 icovers ANSWER; Duct cle: cleaning can m echanics from Dilworth, you will fi ical m ethods, such as f first be o ffer som e ben e fits fits, m ainly b ru sh e s at given m ea su rin g instruc • jctions. improvements in the a quality debris, andan d w hips, to 'lo o s e n le air After you re tu rn th e mea; ^ iasuring of a home. Dust, mold jld and other remove it.nd "] powerful vacuums to form to Dilworth, th e con j ompany ■ contam inants often1 build bt up in group doest. iThe contractors’ trade will provide a w ritten price i L‘S not allow its members the ducts of heating; and ar air67 ^ M 7 3 3 -8 6 < = against colon can< ;ancer. He won a H ot property number of aw ards I r his courage •ds fo LOS ANGE GELES - S t. Louis_________ ____ in returning to the the game. In 1999, Cardinals outfi itfielder Eric Davis, a igg h e w rote th e au to b io g ra p h y 1980s. Likened to the greatt (cenform er Dodgi dger, h a s lis te d jiis ___ teros h it----- J^Born to-Play:-Tl ;-T he-Eric-D avis------ter-fidder-WiUie Mays, Davis Woodland Hill lills home at $1.2 mil37 s and Story.” 37 ]hom ers and had 100 RBIs 1 lion, 50:stolen bases in 1987, when en he His Woodland1 H Hiills home of U 50 Davis, 38, and an his wife, Sherrie, alsc e. H e years is M ed item srran ea n in style also won his Hrst Gold Glove, want more lan land and arc look hit J 0 3 w ith six home runss iand w ith six b e d ro rooo m s in 6,600, hit to buy a hom ome on one to j 40 square feet. Buuilt ilt in 1979, th e' 40 RBIs in 254 at-bats forr th e acres in the: West W Valley, where Ca: N.L. home, behind g a te t s, also has a C a rd in a ls , who won the N her family live: ives. Eric and Sherrie Cen 1,000-square-foot )o t sports-m edia Central Division. Davis have two wo childrert D illion room , an o ffic ic e , a n in e-c ar Davis, w ho made $4.5 mill Theoutfieldt :lder, a native of LA., this jency garage, a pool, sp a, a a gym and a this season, filed for free age dodgers in th e early in } ovem b^, and has’said hi joined the Dot co u rt. The home he is basketball cov in N s known as Eric the thin also has a family r ly room with two dunking about retiring. he played w ith th e d ason, large-screen TVs, when he s, a b a r and a 400During th e *97 baseball seas - R e d s - d u r i n g - t h e — Dav C in c m n ati-R I'^tle gallon aquarium.I. Davis'waged a successful b'ai ping filteers clean:saves en< le rg y K The Oriando Seni ^entlnet____________ = d iffe re n c e . W'hhee n le a v in g a Home energy room - even for■j u s t a minute QUESTION: 'I: I1know that the fil-______ ___ ____ ttim off the lights. Its. If you need a ters on the heating hej and cooling (jo|, ve a (^esk lamp or readi sading lamp, use loing t h e i r job. If you havt system ought ;ht to b e c h a n g ed long liters it, b u t d o n ’t I e a v\ e o v erh ead ong-haired pet, dean the filt< , every m o n th h. .'We have friends oftei tmily lights and o th e!tr li lig h tin g on if iften. If som eone in your fam who say they r y never do this and has Iters not needed, las a lle rg ie s , clean the filtc their home feel eels just fine. Is this ofte iften. If y o u r area has highfl a; i r . necessary? ------------- j -----------pollution, d e a n thc filters ofti , . „ polli ften. I--------------^------------ANSWER:ItItsure is. You may iff the (h filters are dean, they c not feel the difference, difi and your kcej ;eep th e a ir deaner. bills may not: be be significantly dif£1 ENERGY TIP: Want to sa ferent from your yoi neighbors, but enci ncrgy a n d low er your pow you can bet your yo air is d e a n e r bilH lill? L ig h tin g can make a big t and your heat tatin g a n d cooling s y ste m 'is wor 'o rk in g m o re effidently. r Any dme you rou can hold a fiberglass fihcr up1 and ai see that dirt is b locking ligh ght fro m g e ttin g th ro u g h it,, iti n e e d s to b e > changed or clc: ilcaned. But ra th e r “f than wait for f; r filters to get that ff? d irty , changii ging th em ev e ry m onth ensure ires t h a t th e y are Today's Fo Forecast, rer ' a y b e I c a n h e lpp yo u s a v e m oney o n it." ____ EXTENSIVE 'E S H O W R O O M I 1....... arble, G ranite T ile- Mart C ultured Ston' one ' Glass Block Setting lg 1M aterials Solid Granite Ite C o u n te r Tops M B H i V I PERSONAUZEI ZED TILE DESIGN I E AVAILABLE • SERVICE f 355 4 t h A 5«. W. \ • Twin Falls 2 -5 2 1 6 *ASI Types ofRefinishIng If »BaihTubs •CounterTobs pj »Fiberglass Se// elt Claw Foot Tubs * Beth & Kitchen KH Remodeling • I •TileImiolmon ' ^ Localty O w ned ^d Operated C a u C u ^ s w a ^ : a: 2 0 8 - 7 3 5 - 1 6 6 0 \ . . . f . _________ __ H ^ i Breakfast is served, Anytjine yoi ro u w w t 0 ^ ' 3 4 1 ^ ^ sb David Ovcracrc OveracreInc. In flu ra n cp A«pncy, ini IFZ W i l F j TILE ■ REFINISH HING « REPAIR ■' IREMODEl d I & Hot. Sunny & L ^ 1 ""AM _____________ ____ TsAiNmc, S e n ? f l S m a Y ou H ave U nw a V a te r in y o u r H o i , SONSFORUSINGOl!R lifl BUNDS Quality Name Brands Br Sest Prices Free-lnstallatioiili-------------✓ Ft F o ri EsHmat 324-: BImn d s te 2 7 ,3 0 0 0 ti BlErTEIRV^AL By i!i lli. cA lii: l f c » l l m ,lM lF iF *a ,k lA > C4 h e b a i g / c a in , b o > x o r lb o t t i (e ... f o r y o u r m o nl e r \ .U E J ia t F r ee d d y 'js! y . .. wl ^^H y Top Ran Noodles r 3 oz. Assorted varii 'arietics. Fred Meyer Pasta 1 2 !fi>r*i 2 22 oz. Assorted varieties. foiiJ rl 1 imed's Choice rPack Pop 2 4 -1 2 8 5. 8 l2 o z L .ccans. z /\ssoned vaneties. deposit in Oregon. Plus dep Ea. ' >*2 ’ r T 2 r. Personal al Choice * 3 Facial l [issue i 86 or 175 pack. ii Fred Meyer Cream Chee 8 02. Regular or Ncufchatel. ?* 8 > 0 (/: rfect Choice Perf Ibu] uprofen * 200 mg. lg . SO Capsules or Tablets. Ea- [9 ^PB ^S^SSE vI .^.IKaa — ^F.G.Mey yer Bakery— Gnnam< aon Rolls 4 padL Plain, Crear «am Cheese or Orange Idng. S- |9 9 -A - Ea. “Private I Selecction Pickles :24 oz. Assorted varieties. siMeyer QQ^Fred Tall11Kitchen Bag I '■ Ea. I ►9^ Ea. Ea. 30 }»cL I Mayonnaise Nalley ChiU : ; Y ourH nt2 *Addlt [ditional ai 88{ Ea. arietles. IS oz. Assorted varii • • . • •IB ^ Q i iii ^ I Jrcd\Meyer Fred Meyer Mayonnaise ^9 Your First 1 • Additional atIt 1.49 ^3 32 02. Regular, Cholesterol1l-rcc 1‘ or I'at I'ree. : KIVU : BulkCoff< :;; D o ^ IQ C ]H* • • • • IV Laundry tei^ent SJe 9 Tub. ^ Ea. 30 lb. Tut • • • •••••! ■j Fred Meyer aper Towels j^ to S i^ S S -i W Be flffT W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wha^ t^onyourlisSt today? You Illl find it at I ■ ^ iurway Ml on-line. FYou'UCk)find to ftcdmcyctcom and" S -J 5 — didondflllyihoppetcoin— V : liEii . g8flB^ijI-Alr>ft^ToCTqSB« tedi A i^yeK - p„ ?rices good W ednes esday, D ecem ber 27 27 through Saturdalay, D ecem ber 30, 2 K C tfttslc Peanuts Gy CharlesiM h' .S ch u lz / h e v . s t u p i )C p oA T |H O L O \ ( P O VOU LIKE / VNEU) ) lE M y W ASTEBASK 6 K E T ?^ ^ r o □ - ---- ------3 I^ • I « I P p L e A:aS5 e f e e l f r e e to USE: IT IT IF VOU HAVE I SOMET iETMIH6 TOTHROU AlOAY.. J u ■ I • I i 1 f 2 THE ONLY UJAY TO F IN D OUT IS TO PUNCH HII«\ REPEATEDLY. eH£.HM6Z I'' ' l l CAN I ^ SHOULD |t Ii J5 I ALICE. ----- - j i L _ i ■ ' i: A " Y_ ^ 'i LD? i c u V\— ^A O » innyHart • PkklM SofesTI [7w te .r i L U I E L V .r i [ 7 I UiAS ...WAIT, I / r f WA^ fTi O S T A \ ! By Han H ank Ketcham By Chance Browne Bn etoy.^ I ^A\v ir'i'|||f/w& w & S T W ^ f ^ i ^ A W ir ') J ‘i ' l llli ii r ''' HI a nd U Is K. — ^ ------------------------------HAVE y c u s e e tO MV 'I w ^ r / A e S oOl I v v t f ' K > ?J m ,^-27 aONJ AR6 \ K /T H IN G P O R 1 i PO IN & ANVTk 2 !^ S NJE ^W ^ VEATO^ I ( By Brian Crane ; Si. I ‘ i rz-xr T 'l O O E P ^ I By Jim vou '• 1 / — c 9^9:J ! » ^ SI X ' Hi.i^eNise, ir*3 ac ; • L. By Johnr ;; GaifleM - I I l C A N N e ^ T E U.L«CAMNS/Efl L ti . m & s e ‘e M x iJnNs S t T t L U W H ^ j ^ / .... . i { ^ ^ r tiE .e m r c r s i f , » H J — u e z s ASE CARROTS I f ” i^ T T ^ re O D I^ ■'■^'— _ HorB-6 U ; ? / « eA^scooFK Sr u r &pDONC>&AtLS/ ----------- / ^ ! - a k TH0% i . 1-------r* By D ean Your Young & Stan Drake INEED ^^ T a s n a c k ( aAMO CELERV STICKS IN ABER REtAEKi IF I'Mk r i g h t *r-OR ( -LEFTHANDED g e t l T! ) f f ^S L A !— i« E " R lz Z U r o " M 3 p E L = < AaA«?ieR.oHe? yv v - Blondle ,y 0 0 YOU KAYBE \S^ i- T riis S a?O T E R fiftt Tbn«ty{ <1 1 If B.C. t j r U O P .K . . IC Ip eo fJO T T b I M . By S c oitttt.Adam s GHT BE GA TO AVOID att&ACfiooJo H & BRBAKW ar - •V.TiwPc •MffTIMel f > I DUbert HE m O H F A K IN G t C O nA TO B; Lynn Johnston By f i L o v e h/»> _| «I lo ‘ IN T O L O R K F o fB e tte ro rl o rW o tM o rF U LPN 'T ' N I SHOUL j6 6 E s ro w S^T m I F D fZ C V ^ { Jrt»i«.eon. 3 S -UMB^REUL I ^ T heW lz ard o fId By Brant Parker & Johnny iy H art I !A J Ro m i i Rom I SEE A 5 H C K T / I ' PALS, V&UrMiAU 1 j< i| £O M iU& IN TO YOVK ^ LITTLB < • y piv b k sity { (^ P E A ^ > ,1. \ iM M r ■ ^ REAPlNtfS J jj ; ’ f i H agar th e KoniUe ! ’T r ^f^OULCP/^'T^ Ik 0 _ S By Chris Birowne re C O M P L A IN ZIts / /o r H e f Z ' f \ JM. \ c p ih it^ e p f e ura Y ir/li^ S ijiS rx l ^ (o ^ a o V W H 05e \ I ; THAT ) V^STffAYS . ~~ 7 I , I h W e SHB COMES WITH \ 1 r o U P ^ r ^ H 2 . .5s ' r ' l;/^ ^A C K th b C /eA i TO i ip I ^ By Art Sansom & Chip Cf J oiFrxou(jottki^)YG 'rriliK O V OX.!!B o a ^ trtf< '^ N > ;K o , ' ^ j T SUPPORT . 'k k cc K u s e [ G e n D o p c N TH£ , e££W K^ ove 0V£KAN0a/£R-A6NNi F K v o aie 3 K.IKOOF I - / ^ G O J T t^ ' , R ? £ .t)D A T ' K N CW W K f? N onS«qultur ur B y J ofin h n Deering l I to U J lC A L m T h eB o m L ase r ; “wKKT u if^ jT K c e e y c f u fF ao : /IT O f P /ilv N . I ^ — J ------ ^ / . n ^ 3 c; jass A M ./ , A H P Q?U0 IT " ^ FRAKKW W A T It« ^ OM£ W I By Wiley J I r r t ^ cpup VJRT oR O cR 6XfcNP\N&^ & ■HiUR (i^PU U e -fi> ENfeUI^ W CWRlCTMkW h*'W A «\M> BCChl )N T < ^ p... I CDOM I bW ^ ^ftfiPLUfcWfNeW II iflifiw ■ fln J l^ m n fg s il ------- y------ Wtmm; J S J H B . , tiy t V j ^ it: I i Ri^! StransoBre* il £>0 T O M O ftfO ^ t CHACK ■ a s C ^ H r . /M ^ 1^1 By Bob Thav “i « s .< f$ T i — ( ^ )y . -r ^ f IP/MAO A CONtO INPABl PAB1S.1UB6\ I ( KMD, honey , r r DOCSN-r FOR ONf IN I V ^ r r e im jb k t h a t wavy y \ Py7-V' TO T E A K tT FOC V S W ! i p . '^ 5 5 1 0 . BRAD, \ AD, VOUAEeZ } § HilU-gZ.______________ Frank a n d E m est th in g s I By B) Greg Evans U S O I BOUGHT tH £ TtMESHACe s ICaAMJ B ecause TJ SAio we c o iu D TBADC rr FOB , ONE IN p j s ! ^ J ■«?J5I % i■ J Luann '* ~ l I ~P - ^ M ^ li 'C ^ 2 5 ^ mi 3 ''lit /alker Qy Mort Wal ONE ^ V Mt55 8UXLeY5 r ^ 1 1 ^ B eetle Baliey fm cra s, % a <>\y ' • ■ > I j'^WMCWREftUK'T amwTNCfr ^ I f? ) «ajP*lCV«WX? y BER? tsrorsG Kiun& s -X c a n 't m ^ ^ r A #KEfWFlRES4 \e r 3 UHUiESFirer ^ ^ : { J By Jim B o r ^ m n ar and Jeny Scott I ■ ^ !■ By Pat Brady j — y 't I o m m y ? '^ — M r u s r CHECKING O U T T W-IE E L lA R J R tE A K ^ ." ' V ‘.' ; _ | _ _ “Does.Si S a n l a - d o - t a k e - b a c k :ss , J ueATt ou- •f w«.C c « ite 2 7 ,2 a » n a » H m . rTirin » k F ait, Idito C-7 o r n i n grBREAK I M ACROSS 1 P*r«Jan Oott country 6 Cottumfl • • . t4 Mako OTM 15 Aluminum company 16 Stray 17 Novol kj«fts 10 Voto aoalnst '2 0 U z o r ^ «1 N o tjJro w d fo r tu c an a ? ■to BolMan tw aat Bordeaux rod Z7 Location aftor a ^ singto 5 l Hoatthy spot f 32 Grand poom ■ ' ,33 Ono er tho i • ottwr ' 35 Pott of a procoaa • Precious ono ; -39 L o t i ^ _ I * O E nctf> o_ ! -42 Row mlnoml I 43 Put 10 MO 4 5 E ttonJohnN t I 47 OU-woU dovteo I 48 NogoBvo I ccoiurKtion I 50 CWtvoyanl , ' womon "52 Rodrlguoz of Oolf • 55 Assign scoros ! 56 Pollin anow . 58*_ ; , Knowlodgo* . 62 Rainbow shapo I t o Press sourco 1,66SrKK)-stip ; ,67 Soap or horso ; foaowor • ea Loavo no ffuafd ; «9 Broak off • 70 Razor tharpetw r 71 Oozos DOWN ■ 1 Throw In tho towel2 Dancer Pavtovo _ TMSPusMOooLceRi r* _ '* ~ ‘r~f* ; m | What\^vomen really 1 w:vant is a good i laiLUgh B " I" I" I ===l^ == DEAR ABBY: In the acontinu* ing saga of how men a rt re different from wom en, let me oe share this with you. P eter, m y significant other, was involved in a men’sI ocounseling g roup. O n e o f thee topics aboul which they were to report back during th eir next m meetinc mi From was “What Women Wanl nshiDS.” Men in T h e ir ReJations lisoisscd Members of the group dis Sp<‘kinp reading th e “ Women S< « a Men" personal ads to get t e r u n d e r s ta n d in g of women want. (P retty ing if you think about itl) ’8™ ““ I told P eter he ^ o u ld do d( some hom e s tu d y a n d askt mi» T jS tr , explained th a t women ni feel loved, wanted, beautii d/uland needed by their partner. ITWK in l i w the only bathroom of our iicheson putting the finishing toucl ler if he my face, and I asked Pele i t li m e t thought h e h ad recentl these qualities in our rcl ship. His c le v e r re p ly wj was: “ I LOVED you last night. I[ WANTV ED you to m a k e coffei Fee th is morning. You look BEAIT UTEFUL today - and I NEED you IU to get o u t of th e b a th ro o m R RIGHT la t one NOW r M ay I a d d tha im portant quality women en need nship is from m en in a relations ;es anyHUMOR. H um or m akei lank the thing possible - and I thai Lord th at m y darling ha: las it in abundance. a E, NM, -SUSAN IN SANTA FE, DEAR SUSAN: Peter■got g his ■ ■ » ^ ^ 3T i i■ S' _ ■ ■ 3 I I fe L I— 3 1 4( 5 I 6 ( stand? c F 77 Frailor's foo. c olton 8 Oundoo t man I. 99 Invigorating r modidno 10/ 11 t 1121 2 Topoover 1 3 AsslgnaUon / 13 18 Horso >18 brood f 22 flunnofs' r moasufos C 24 Croonof Johnny J shado 25 Gmy C 27 Obscuring C fi hazes 29 C 28 Concept 29C 29 Got nostalgic 30 S 30 Spookier 34 T J4Jravol 'bbockward 36 N 36 Niagara's » sourco - 8 12m m |l l PiO |T Mi f I U Ii E * = s Tt e u T < H I O L ( A(L A M O i 5 Ta m J p 1 SK S &i 2l1l1 I m ■ ■ £ ^ ( |o |p |i |A |f |t I w le lH lTlTM l a n p r < L L L - ^ Jt -*.37 Woodon fastonerss 4 lF a th o r o fIlo Icams 44 HighlandI ta) tako 46B ow barrol Tol ' 49 T h lc k ^ nInned ni mammola. a. fifor short 51 Tranquil 52 Packing contatnor 53 Wading bird 54 Awkward 57 Walor pitchor 59 Label 60 Urgent letters? 61 Teloscopo poii 64 Soll-out lottors ___ ! tofo 0 follow the rules. - CONCERNED KNOXVILl LLE MO DEAR CONCERNED: Yes,^ iit’s bad idea. I know it’s temptii ting, u t such a ruse would tw d ^hont st and potentially traum atiai ang. \Then your daughter discove vers gi aou S .' play “tricks,” it might give e r a fa ls e sense of securii I'ity>lso, your credibility wouldd be amaged for years to come, ai Whe D ear IOM H H H A bby “ =“ ■6= across li ■ K fiir S fommumcalor. M i g a l t e a i H i fl ||H l g |M | “ a counseling I e n t h e s m t e_______________ rt UBINET RECO DM NDmONDIG erowth. I thinI OSS, so he is a skilled or. And because he’s ECO CABINETREC ( ATIIIG ing group, it’s apparDEAR ABB, erested in personal | C A B IM E TR EFi lEFA CmS ■‘aushtcr, “Am link, you've found a ,___ oneortw ohouj \ fj C A L L 731«150or ) or 736*1036 school until I r H Today for FR EEEettfanate E IEY: My 10-year-old , !ATt.sAv,\aABLE [i CERTOlCATt; however, she^mber,” h stays home I pKic T'V!i/Jry S a v in g M -ig breakthem ours . Try B -2 W E ^hH by herself after H^ wwv.kiicheniuno Amber answi I retum home from q sh e sh o u ld ntias ’t rules to go by; D door unlocked. 3 has been known to ^ o u s ly th e b ; Tr^ happen to her. swers the door when 1^ _ 1 have an n’t id and lea v es the h e r in touch sd. \ She doesn’t take ! bad things that can thinking of,ask Viit Weeks G R aaed rd M I o\its H to go to my hoi M-'s New ^ ^ H Disney's Emperor's I G roort H the door - whitidea th at may put Todiy I2:3() - 2:45 . 3:0(1 • i:0 (l-7:13. 9:30 ■ will answ er. hA w ith re ality . I'm M j TKs H'eeti P G Raa e d Movies ■ frie n d wouldtsking j a male friend H 3 Ilow Tie Grinch Sloie ( oie Cbristmas ■ P u ^ y salesman house and knock on Today 12:30 - 2:45 - 5:00 • on com ing intthich I know Amber All Adults S4.00 At 4:40 Showtime waiting for her. At th a t tim e, my ALL THE PRETTY HORSE p I ^ e d Movies I - far as Pve gotte: d p re te n d to be a . TODAY 4:40-7:00.9:20J Wha Woraen Ws a bad idea? I dc lan. He would insist, H H Todjy 1 :1 5 -4 :1 5 -7 :0 h er into having nto the house and I Al Ml» Cooeoiialll want h er to knc T«by 1:1^.4:15-7:01 er mother. That’s as I A it is td be wary ■ m tu iR u iitiiM n a tiiw A iiii tten. Is this .J . AUA4ult>»4.0Obe(oce):iOpm 1don’t want to scare ng nightmares, but I TJdtWtektG Knud Morin enow how important w.11 Dbon'l IS2 DilMlMS iry of strangers and Todiy 1I:J0 • 2:« . J 00 - 7.J0 . 9 4J 43 if-j WIU lftTTl TV R sfrui li Hirfa ToJjy 12»-2:«.JOO d e n c e , m a r i ij] H'jh Otiarr'i Eaptror’f New (irestr . rhythm , dancc lo ; tf ■ ’ All Adulci(4.00Before: fore 5:30 pm |_____________ Looking for B oyd? M f 0 You had d b etter bee in touch with v legal imatters, C IF DECEMBER 27 IS .Yi S.YOURBIRTM. I “ n u rilal status. K eep resolutioris c isconcemDAY _ you ore a humanitai (litarian and kave H f ing ^ Canccr I exerdse, d iet an d nutrition, ia te m a tio o a l p o in t off viow. vi< You will - * -iO * '• R O S O O P E prepares excellent dinner to n i^ t (ravel, you a re ro m anllic, lic, passionate, Cy UBRA (SepL 2 JO c t2 2 ):MSaf ^ e peocould m eet fu tu re m a te d le during cruise. ' if e v en th ro u g h thei leir icars. -------------1 ple g isplaugh Aries, Libra p e rw ru p b y important iir roles '------------------D lay v e r s a tili ty , e n te r ta taiin m e n t u vour life, could h a v e these the^ letten, inic h a lle n gee oof a d d e d r e s p o n s i b ilit y . ‘ si skills a n d fa irn e ss in making lg control^als in nam es: I a n d R. During I 2001. M oney bcloi :Ionging to an o th er is tra n s vc versial ju d g m en t. Sagittarius: is IS m picllbportant dom estic adjust jusiraent occurs, ferred to k«u. you D i^ la y pleasure w ith o u t ti ture. . , kould indude changc off rresidence, e marbeina servile. lie . Capricom involved. SCORPIO (OcL 2 3 ^ o v . 21): Ce U pncom status, February andINovcmbermost No CANCER 2R a ^ n e ^ l - J u ly 22): L e ^ a l n relative attem pts to be helpful bt iMit axild memorable. o ffa in req oir be a hindrance. C heck details*, a A RIES (M a r. 2 1 -A p rr.. 19): F am ily low, play wwai aitinc game. Focus o n portn :build and m em ber convcys n e w s of prom otion. n ersh ip , m n aar rital statu s. You co u ld b e r rewrite. Cet ideas o n paper! T su n u , L ibra, C apricorn am persons will part of intemi ^national new aory. SA G IT TA R IU S (Nov. 22-D« , play tnemorable roles. You Your advice wil] LEO (Ju ly 23-Aug. 2 2): C h a n g e o f u iy W hat you m in e d 24 h o u n ago w be louf^t, givc it fre d y . employment t>t could b e featured. C re a te aag| ain be m a d e a v aila b le . Wril y our TA URU S (A p r. 20-M M aav 20): Look you own rrad raditioo, stress in d ep en d en ce vi v iew s, im p r e s s io n s . T ak e n beyond th e im m ediate, utilize u tl imaginaan d o rip nlalitjr. a li Avoid h eavy liftin g if di dream s a n d o b ta in p ro p er inte tterpretainto your future possible. P'oartidpate rt in dramatic prcsentii tioR. Flirtation seriousi y in dealing wilh latioa. C A P R IC O R N ( D e c . 22-Jai ----------- rcoJ estate. Kscc* Involved.. *d .----- ^--------------------- VIRGO (Al (Aiift 2 3 ^ 22): E m p h a m ...—A -a lle n tto n -re v o lv e s o rou n d do GEMINI (ftlay 21-June m e 20): Accept on where you you live, sobdity of sirucTurc, ac a d ju iia e n t, p o ssib le c hange c Sydney Omarr your d a u g h te r w woould always -woitder w hat kind nd of trick'you would pull next -- an and I wouldn’t blame her. ^Ein^SSXiTi Cancer I figures prominentl AQUARIUS Ua occurs behind see affect on currcnt j ] ss ta tu s . F in d y a u r don’t tcU aU. Be 10n.your own tune. Libra Pisces plays fawini mtly. Uon. PISCES (Feb. 1 20-Feb. 18): W hat forw ard! T a k escenes ch will have direc t Ji„ribu,ioo. U..C nt situation. Be discreet; w ater if possible. req u ire s a iien etionear r individuals play m c inatingrole. D. 19-Mar. 20): Besi foot : chargc of prom olion, nve rebiio n sh ip sirong. lion. Capricorn. C ancer y memorable roles. I ■ IIV ToJj) 12.00 . 2: IJ. 4.JO . 7 00.9 2() ^ ■ • This Weeis P C R{aa end U o » e s Todjy 4 0 0 .9 ■ Rtacmixr tbc TKasi Todj; ThhWt.k,PC.Ra,,dUc^,^ 4} I ta . TV Crbcb Slatr CtarVoui Todi, II » • 12 30.2 I J - : 4 J . 4 » . •5 J o o j ’ 7 00 . 7 JO . 9 20 • » 45 H H ■ H H H ■ H H H H ■ m s W , t i s P C I 3 RRami ,ed Movies Jay l;00.7< » ■ C&MlksAsttb Today I roday 12 00 -2 00 HnDtfou *°d Dr«r>» Todi; ■ D«mSc! Wberc'fiM Myy a r :00-V l5-9:30 ■ ToJjy 1: 30 - 2:4). 5:00ir ts u H MM (be Parts! ■ Todiy 12 45.3:30 --77 25 2 - 9 45 ThhM itkiKliRaud Morin, Venial tJatk Todjy I2 4J.J 20. 7 23.9 3J UabmUbl* Toi4r JO ■9 45 Wh-W ««»« W»B« T0.9JJ C um j ToOi, 12:10-12.43- 6.4J.7I3.9.J0.9JJ I This W ee tjJ i R ated J aed Movies :30 - 7:00 . 9 43 .Mn or Itceor Today 4:30- ■ 000 DrKob 2000 0 0 -7 1 5 -9 3 0 Tally I2 30.2 4J .5tnl*aN " XIDAL EXTRAVAGA AN ZA y ^ / ________________ rJ Mt [ Bride's g NI s t r a t i w I G room ’s 'tis FOREVER BRIL ' GOWN I W e d d in g : New Homi me Emboidery Machine I #8000 )0...............$60() 0 ;; Bernina #' #730.................. Vikings.... .................. $25( >9 .........................•Starting S at $12! ; Bernina (I (Bernette) 500) E m b ro rid e ry N Machine...$50() o ^ t UJ i In f Q I I s I S EnfWNCG C E NIT E R 157 Ma [ain Ave. W. • Twin Falls » • 733-3344 ■ N a m e _______________ [ B rid e 's T e I M ’s N a m e ______________ Ac g Date _______________ Telephone # __________ e c em b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 0 to: agic V alley Mall #179 I ( Address E. • Twin Falls, ID 833C 301 ^ Mail th is form by Dec< Gowns Forever • Magi • D raw in g ! e e d o s W = ^ 1485 Polellne Road t E. W ed d in g (See store3fcfor F re e • S e le c te dg 'G o w n o n s a le 5al for detoils) d G ow ns ..i i a t 50% off lm | Jr \ G o M 'y ' ~ • Bridal G o w n F a sh io n S h o)W w :s S e rv e d • R e fre s h m e n ts SIOO • D raw ing fo r $1 Gift C e rtific aIte te from T u x e d o)ss Now I : V altey M all - 734-44 0 5 5 BSI M aglcV (S ^ i ' £ &6 Tkne»flespoon olive oil 1 tables 2 teasp sspoons coarse grain Dijonstyle must ustard 5 medi :dium carrots, peeled and . thickly sli< sliccd •gc red onion, cut in thick 1 large wedges. 1 pound md pork tenderioin ' aspoon dried rosemary, 1 teas] cnished 1/2 teasj aspoon dried sage 1112 teeaspoon a: each salt and pep- 1 teaspoon salt 2 packages yeast 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups butter 4 1/2 cups flour P lace the pow dei d e re d m ilk, y east, sait a n d ju ggaa: r im p the ■lukewarm water and ; id allow it to work. Then add theI egga, ej butter and flour and e ithter e r knead or mix with your breadI hook he until it is smooth and elastic. A Allow t 0 raise for 2 hours. Pu Punch down and allow to ra ise an o th e r 1/2 hour. Divide in 4 e2qual qt pieccs . ■ and roll each out as thin tW as possi■. ble and place on a light ghtly greased cookie sheet. Place 1/4 of the fill- per 2 Fujiii oor Granny Smith medium ing on top op of each thin bread and bake at 35 3S0 degrees for 30 to 45 m inutes. s. 'Watch it closely. T he pastry will vill turn a golden brown when it is iscdone. H B -------^ T ------ BUHL U T PAT l IE N T C L IN^ I C V / L LLSCLINIC & 8^HOSPITALL _TWIN FAL■ V\ Ne regret 1to annouimce th at we v ivill be cloosing the Buhl ] Offi( ice on Dec jcember 2S9, 2000. B o ye r Je w e lry — | j lIMAdiiaiiijtL To schedul ule an appointnment at tlie 7 3 3 -4W J 52 r a f MILL EN ND FABRICS wBtBU/Kh W B M Kr k^ H tthe cheese-flavored snat lack a re out oftheredpe. ipe. “We’ve required c down by its much as 10 s rc e n ta s ’ .aU conunealton: to meet all tests, and r maker Fritb-Lay Inc. atteir smpts to th a t’s slowedlihings ihi dotvn,** said Ii keep gaictically cn^ 'eerci rcd com. spokeswomaniLynnMarkley. Lyi * To All '' f c f^ p ttf^ h e aialtHcare'neeG Our Friendds ■ and hope to &Customei Twin Fa ■alls Clinic &I- Scratch Continued from C l Supf>pliesofQ^heetos dro3p by 10 pe )ercent felphia I n q u l r w . apples, peeled, cored oni m d c u tin linch chunks or sUccs 1. Heat oven to 425 F. laasznoU A snackc al attack: Chectos lovers,, bowl, whisk together er vinegar, prepare for TT ai crunch. Supplies of honey,, oil a n d mustard rd. In larse - ■ roasting pan, mix carrots ts nnd onion with half of th e honey sy mixture. Placc tenderloin in cent inter of pan and tum to coat with honey hi mbcture. Rub rosemary andIsage st on surface of meat. Sprinkle sal: 3ilt and pepper over pork and vegetal ablcs. Roast 15 minutes. 2. Remove pan from ov oven. Stir in ■ I apples and rem aining he ture. Roast, stirring once minutes or until meat the: hcrmomcter registers 160 F. Let porkk rest, slice and arranm on serving platter; pl surround with roasted vegeti etables and apples. A^iifririon information pci po-aanng— pntein: 34g; total fa v lOg; 5s; saftinJfcrf fat: 2g: carbohydrate: 46g; ift- fiber 7g; 462 mg: cholcster xnl:89mg; ---------— T * calorics: 402 Twin Fall ills Clinic &[ Hospital 5ase call LeAnr nn at (208) 7333-3700 ext. 10C 008. p ie s your Place i Crpfty QvHtm :eJQr * C o n co rd Hot lo u se • VIP • B e n a rteJX x * P re p a c k a g e d IB alls • C o tto n Battin in g • 3 0 " - 1 0 0 I" ' ’ Batting E By T h e Yard Threads, Cutters,, fi Notions 20% OffEoerydi For more inf nformation pleaase contact: Dennis IVIau lugfian at (208)}) 737-1231. 126 S . Ljno I N C O I^ -J eBOME, IDAHO OPETf l if i^ r m .6 * 3 2 4 - 7 2 0 4 W iSte r- t i l K ' ^ ~^IIb i- t I j r. F K p All D cpi |) i i r l m c n l s Sped;ia i f i n a n c i n Onei Week Only • N o Intc terest for 6B months • Savings up u to 50%=•* off MSRP. Southem1 Idahos Premier ;r Home Furnishhng Store... CofT mfortablestufff foryour f llfestylf 'lesi Caaln's 4 i I ^ Home IFurnisI'hings Comfortahk Siu} C O p e n1 V W /eeknights ‘til 6 • F Friday 'til 8 p m ■ Saturc u rd ay s 'til 5 : 3 0 - Sunc I d a y N o o n to 4pnn ■ ■D I e liv e ry T h r o u g h o u t th e M a g ic & W o ootd River Valleysl 2 0 4 Mair lain A venue N o r th ■ Dt D ow ntow n Twin Fallss -> 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 -7 1 11 ‘OAC. 6 month same-as8-30 J wilh each oth( otheragiiin.” Where: Yavapai ( jai College. Prescon. Ari:. ? After cruisi •uising througli the preRadio: KEZX 145 1450AM ^ season unscatl Jcathed at 8-0 and climl)ing as high igh as sec'ond in thu Sche chedule: NJCAA natic ational poll, the team Dcc. 28 vs. 7-3 Yavapai (6 p.m.) suffered a dou double blow when leadDec. 29 vs, 8-2! Eastern Ea Utah {2 p.m.) ing rebounde inder Erika Empey. a Dec. 30 vs. 5-5 GogcOic. Gog Mich. (2 p.m.) sophomore,J, quit qi the team, and (>• CSI probab lable starters: p foat-3 freshr :shman post Belindii rpg P- 6-1 soph. Trisha GarcJirKf ( ppg. • , fr.‘ Elisha Boom (13.7 ppg, 7.4• rpg>. :f (6.1 ■ Stubbs wassstispended stu for thc sc.ipg), W- 5-10 soph. Natalia Kortisov isova (5.4 ppg, 2.9 rpg). G- S8 sopI oph, Jinga sen. Chalk (11.9 ppg. 4.6rpgKG-5-4s( A soph. Tonya Phillips {3.2 ppg, 2,C 2.0 opg) The loss: of Empey and Stubbs '----- :----showed in the tht coach’s untimely, often rouglih substitution su son Dec. patterns. :c. 8-9 against Salt L akei V alley S ta te - losse ses which Commun u nity College and U tah1 opened conference play. yP U see CSI. Page D2 Please Wells Fargo Ro iloughrlder Classic ^ t T kG E R t o o )ESJITAi G A BN ^sociated rivza Q iiE s n o N : Who is the only )nly NKL player to average more than tha two points a g am eforacarec ■ A ..Mnswcrbdow ------- —-------------- TheAi I A f o c la to d P r e i d P ress nla m e s W/o o d s __________ ale A th leSte o f th e Y ear T oday ’s SCHEDULE sc High school boy xiy^ basketball JEW YORK - Tiger Woods>was w a repeat m er T u esd a y as The Associi ociated P ress J le A thlete of the Year. Like som so i anyofhis m izing victories, it was no contesi itest. ■ resh off his incredible season on < of nine vie* Girls' h l ^ schoi tiool basketball to ri« ies, t h r e e s tra ig h t m ajors, s, tth e ca ree r C h ristm a s T Toi o u rn a m en t a t • Grand nd Slam and shots that had1 to be seen to J Shoshone, 6 pjn. 1. be beli jelieved. Woods joined Michae hael Jordan as ----------------------- the on only three-tim e winner of the AP award since e il it b e ^ in 1931. I n b r ie f H ee ireceived 47 first-place vote /otes and 160 points Its from sponswriters and broa. roadcasters to ly d e fe a t back-to-back Tour ur ide France ier Lance Armstrong, oods becam e the sixth player pfer to win the rd in consecudve years. Thee oi others were I B SALT LAKE•- C CITY - U ta h tennisi is great Don Budge, golfer Byr Byron Nelson, I H K o a c h R on McBric Bride, who fire d track:k ;s t a r C a rl Lew is, q u a rte r ack Joe te rb I coach and ha had two o th ers Montar tana and Jordan, who won it three tJ years ' I^W esign from his sta staff this m onth, in a rov row. C h ire d t h r e e ;ie *umbUng,"..Woods»said. sa _____ : “It’s a .. ------M 'T u e s d a y .---------t honor to b e in the presenc ence of such g Rob S pence replaces rei offengreatt names. n I didn’t realize that J It Jordan was ■jg sive coordinator ‘ or Tommy L ee, theonlj inly other three-dme winner.” D who resigned. Spe Spence held th e In a sport s w here two strokes is cconsidered H sam e job a t Louisia isiana Tech. ^ comfc nfortable viaory, Woods wor won th e U ^ . B A lex G e rk e , a fo rm e r U te Open n by IS s tro k e s , a Woi tVorld Golf H p lay e r and gradut duate ass is ta n t Champ npionship by 11, the British ish Open by B coach, will roundd oout the offenar two other tournaments and IS bby a t least n sive staff. Gerke! wj strokes. will be respon'" “ stn S sible for offensive TOS a year in which he kept ive tackles an d It waj >t nraising the H guards. H e coache Uld sailing over i t The highwr ched th e offener tdie expec' S sive line a t CalI Poly-San P< L uis “ 5 ?IS,^ the b e tte r Woods played. ' -----F jtc S Obispo last year. — e sstraight wins on the PGA Toi Tour piqued K Bill Busch was>hired hi ion’s interest. Then, Woods mad to coach ahation nade it six in j S safeties. Busch spent spi th e p a s t an jw' by b; coming from seven stroke okes behind O fo u r y e a rs as New N< h e final seven holes at Pebble lie IBeach. M exico “ S '*"'. nning th e U.S. Open wasn’t P ) State’s secondary co is challenged history and whip shipped that 'ay h e did th e rest of the fiel field - a 15; B B K Softball Pitcli tohing ; victoiy, th e lai^est margin ir the 140 n in L3-14 years of m ajor championship j H Clinic Is Jan. 13-: ga 12-under 1 a course where no one broke par. ; g BOISE - Thc eighth eig annual dd he com plete the Grand Sia 1 H B ish o p K e lly H HIigh S c h o o l Slam a t the of golf? J u s t barely. He wonn the th British j - S j Softball PitchingJ Ci Clinic w lirb e' by eight strokes, set anothe ther g h e ld J a n . 13-14 for fo g ra d e s 9. Jionship record with a 19-undet ider 269 and once s e t foot in any of the The clinic willI fc iie 112 pot focus on th e J ^ r s rs ' ^ at St. Andrews, fu n d a m e n t a l s of ol s o f t b a l l ijors a t the p i t c h i n g a n dn eme( c h a n ic s o f pp.A m ,uade it th re e straight major the firs t p layer since Ben H Hogan s p e c ia lty p itch co a ch 0 do lh at. H e broke Nelson's n's 5^yearW e s W o rre ll id and A lb e r ts o n old storii aring record with an unadjusi lusted, averC o lle g e co a chKelly Kel O sb u rn age of 68.17. 68 H e didn’t have a round i hd over par J j H j j j j j j ^ K w ill c o n d u c t h eth se e s s io n s . afterMaj lay 7. A d v a n c e rei gs tr isatitio n is Wheni Jl asked a t what point in thee sc season he K re q u ire d - *scost 525 isb e[fo re th o u glit h t:h e w as capable of winnin ning .three T1-ers-andLs r^ fn i ramly not old buc still ccrtaii 1 V./LLI. not young inI a sport ivhcre speed Gallcr\fum itiire.coi om , and leg .strength gth are e\Ta^i]iing. n Bowl to sh o « ’casc “I have a lot lo of confidence to JC C t comc back and ar play at a high level.” said1 Lem L ieux, the only explosive offenses L e m ii i e u x ’s The Atwch related P w i ____________ NHL playerr w v ith .500 or m ore tj,rhe Associated Press_______ retuin’ 1u ___ Soals to avcrai Tage more than two — ated in n hockey, points per gar PTTTSBl ^U R G H - The comeback jam e. “rm going to „ the NHL I e r d ared to dream i he huge have to be pati< L nev aticnt, but I intend to p HOUSTON - Texas Tech1 and East Carolina will offer pass-i s-procrofQckget back to thei ins tonight, and not even *»egins le top of my game.” ident attacks in the gallervl l a s ^ d m The Penguin1 making it knows exactly lin-s expect to scli oui “ P ' ^ m r\-fur“ gh. It IS all four gamej cxpect iitu m Bowl to n ig h t.'i ie s of a homestand . th e at to prethat convenieni ' Lem ieux returns to the irs t bowl gam e p layed in1 the i ently begins tonight, , ^ r a 3.S-year retirem ent, , and they have e since 1987. ve m ore media ere^^trodom ti II it will dentid request: I some star power to what I s ts for the comeback W h e th e r e n o u g h fans ,viii I S f i ” tl a largely faceless NHL , „ g am e -ab o u :t2( 200 - than they ususho' year how up to give th e first-y< M«toUml«ta ^ G u y■U l flc M ally do for an1 early-round e and Wayne Gretzl^ quit playoff bow »owl a pro m in en t spot in, ,h t e and C - T d . te“S G ordie game. hopes, some offense to u cro) :e n e row ded p o s ts e a s o n see Howe renounced their retin ir«menB StUl. Lem iea lum p in g P ittsb u rg h J eux warns he won’t rem. emains to seen. after a short time to return p ^ g u iia m to toe come back “scc scoring 4-5 points a D« Despite early overstatingg on and Ted Williams anc ad 0^ Lemieux*! night" ahd eve toe’s return would be dra- . NHL, u rven his own teamthhe e p ro g re s s .o f tic k e t sal< lies, m ates are tryit dviitually unprecedented ubaseball stars spent years: B ying not to get too spor 1 C o tn p O K tf iim ttif r m li }ects ponsor Jim M clngvale expe< World War H and die Korea can War worked up, les lere wasn't the added ele> l lest they be disapa ao ving good first y e a r a f le r givi: before returning to th e m “ . m ent of thi m ajors. pointed if he isis merely U m ieux the sport’s first Hall of ^ awa. terns way 250,000 mem orabilia itei B T r i v ia A n s w e r ; i inor Fame playe the Good, not Lemieux U ^ye^tumed-owner trans- ffM ichael J o rd a n p lay e d1 m die Great. e a ^ e baseball for a yearr 1before , ) promote the game. ' - i think I ’m ' P e n g u in s ' ..fcm tnghim limselfbackimoapljw. • l ® n very, very close, «u rket“If we do a good jo b marki leading tbe Chicago Bulls to three ‘ • . B u t,d e^ ^t e the-JordnilikeW i and I'm very excited ej about the iBve more NBA titles. lg th is, w e s h o u ld ha' , future," Lemieu) suxsaid *"8 fe TWIN FALLS - A w om en’s b a sk e tb a ll leaguee for fi p lay e rs I j in J e r o m e a n d Twin F a lls N n e e d s m ore pnrticif icipants, an d R boys’ youth basketb etball tea m s R a r e still form ing in in th e Tw in B Falls area. B . L a d ie s o v e r 18) who w e n jo y R playing basketball are ore invited to K sign up by calling the ‘ he Twin Falls R P ark s and Recreatior tion office a t 736-226S. K B oys lo o k in g to p la y a r e K* n eeded in th e follow: owing youth ' » le a g u e s ; S ix th gg:ra d e a t K M o r n i n g s i d e ; fifth th g ra d e a t S P e rr in e ; a n d fourth J Sawtooth, P errine a'Sdu”ncota! am S T o r e g i s t e r , c a ll th J o ffic e a t 736-2 2 6 5 .1 5 will be waived for thi those classS e s u n til th e tea m ss aaro fille d S o u t. X ' ■ Back o n JceB Mario Leml«(u returns to thc 5-year Penguins Kneup after a 3,5-) retirement Pfttsbuijh vt. Tofonto Today, 5:30 p.m. ESPN N e ^w Ij^W Galleryfurnlti n , B o)Wl wl fe*a*Toetii7.5)\s,EMl .E astC m ftu(74) Todoy.6 o.m. (ESPN2 1PN2I between 30,000 and anc 40,000 peoat th e g amle.” e ,” M clngvale ■ said. “ I th in k 40 40,000 w ould e x c ee d m y w ilde Idest ex p e ctations." That might bes a stretch j s:nce »c}’ w eather threate eatened to sock Tech fans from Wes West Texas and East C arolina fans 'ans purchased only ab o u t 3,000 ti )0 tickets, well below e x p e c ta ti rations. E ast Carolina athleticc director di: Mike Ham rick said thlee Pirates F took Please see B L Page 02 ee BOW ■'t I • • M ThM»|tmr*,Ti WMtoMday.DM D w «i^27.»00 S p o r trs ; M o)to r G ititym a t two years. The h e Motor City Bowl and th. e MAC iC will discuss their contract ^ after a- tthis game to explore options fo r selecting sc teams fo r fu tu re bowls, /Is. Now the bid a u to im tic ^‘,j® y goess to t the winner of th e MACy champ mpionship game, regardless of the team's tea record. This his season, Toledo finished 10-1 ^ and W Western Michigan, which lost to M a n h a llin the ct d ampionship game, was 9-3. ■Hie Bearcats (7-4)'d I'didnt have to bc the cham pions of of Conference USA to go to the Moti otoratyB ovd, but they chose to bc be here w hen they could've playedlin L the Mobile Alabama Bowl or the le Bowl in Hous ustoa "We couldVe gonee ito two other bowls in w anner glim imates against biggcr-conference tean am s,likeaBig 12 team," Cincinnati Iti roach Rick Minter said. “But we ddiosetocome here. n » s e other bow nvls are about the same, there’s not a nickel bit of difference payout-wis rise (5750,000 per team). W e deddi ided, let’s go where our fans can go }o while we're trying to build our tn tradition as a progrim.” In October, it didn' In’t look lik e c ith er C in c in n ati ot o r M arshall would be in any bowl g: game. The B earcats were :e 3 ^ before winning their last fours rgamcs. . “Our b ac k s w ere! to t the w all r - - S P O FR T S I N B RR I E F — j - .1 Ponnie Nelson tc to coach Dallas In ather’8 absence after, that hat s t m and o u r defense . D A lL A S -W h en EDon Nelson leaves tbe Dalla said, ’Get »€t on our-backs,*” M interI >allas Mavericks next . for treatment ol of his prostate cancer, son said. “We n D Donnie will b e the iVe had 20 takeavrays 6^ ■team’s coach, not D dS IHairis. th a t unit n it during t h e l a s t four‘ H arris, w*o won 55 gamesanc 556 gam es in l^ p lu s season and that’s what r e a ^ gave son as an NBA head coach for three differe us the opp rent teams, dedded diat heewas wt better suited to ipportunity to be here.” I. continue in the role for ft -vrtiich he was hired: an ‘HicTht an assistant a rhundering Iferd started 2< coach in 4,whkhin charuoftheM averidc des* defense. 1 indudfd a loss to WestemJ Michigan 5 “It's a great system, I an on Oct. S. T h a t^ a m e I, but I/o u n d it to be a system em Idifferent from die m arked tl end of th e nation’sJ . ■way my instincts are," I the ,” Harris said. “I think I mnif« Ulke a good helper in longest home ha winning streak at 33i . die astern . In this situi tuation, I thought it better for for the team to keep games. doing it the way woYee doing d it here.” Morshall !iall won four of its last five• w hile Donnie Nelsoi son has never been an NBA h IA head coach, other regular-set 4cason games an d cappedI dian replacing his fathi ther foUowing ejections and iU d iUnesses, he knows the tuman lannind with a 19-14 comethe system. He has bee een an assistant coach for his his fother 1 nine years, from-behi shind win o v er W estemI the last two in Dallas, ai and also serves as d i r e ^ of player F personnel M ichigan an in th e MAC champi*• '■ Donnie Nelson has IS coached sum m er leagues lies and Lithuania's on ^ p g am 3me. Olympic team, wWchI w w m die bronze medal in Sydney Syt after neariy While' Marshall M is playing in its upsetting the United St3 StatesinasemifinaL fourth stra traight bowl, C indnnati is The e ld e r Nelson will w leave the team foUowir nving a home game playing in its first since 1997 and . against Detroit next W < IVednesday for an operation ii 3n in Salt Lake Gty. ’ ju n its seco econd since 1951. Donnie’s debut ^ coi nm e during a five'game road •oad trip that begins “It's all all about p e rs p e c tiv e ," Jan. S at Toronto. Minter said aid. “Our guys a r e hungry After surgery, Don 1 1 Nelson faces a recuperatio to be here ation tim e of 6-to-8 jre, so we’re looking for* weeks, a time when the: le Mavericks wiQ play 20-r>-26 | ward to this. thi We're not a ll disap^26 games. pointed.We’re Wt thrilled to b e here." Georgia names R Rlcht as new head coach co Sixer:rs keep>their guuards up0 to beaiItJazz SALT LAKE OT CITY (AP)- Aaron w inss behind I Toronto’s Lenny ‘y McKie stepped inn for fc injured Allen Wilker cens (1,192) and Miami’s Pat h crson, sconng: a season-high ; 24 Riley (1,012). (1 points as the Phila „ hiladelphia 76ers Brem ent Barry added 20 points for beat the Utah Jazz a n 97-91 Tuesday Seattle, lie. ■ ■- night, ending en a 12-year N BA losing stri streak in Utah. H o mlets d 115, Cavaliers n o Iversor ■son partially dis. iARLOTTE. N.C. - J am alil locatcd h right should his ib u m scored eight of his 277 der in Friday’s gan game against the s in overtime Tuesday night as New York Knicks aj will mis. I. is 3 a„d -h a rlo tte Hornets b ea t th e to-3 weeks. eland Cavaliers 115-110 forr But the Sixers made mt up for the Clevela seventh consccutive win. loss of Iverson’s fla.^ la.shy scoring with e Hornets have the longer cura solid 56 percent: shi shooting through \-inning streak in the NBA and tliree quan CR. wonllstraightathome. John Stockton led thQ Jazz wilh I '™ ™ 19 points and 12 assists a& but Utah . ------------was doomed by 45 1 tSpehrCTt shoot- — rJStOfK >nsl01,C eW cs96------- _ ing and a 3C-29 rebc cbounding disadAUBl BURN HILLS, M idt - Jerryf vantage. Stackhot house had 33 points and seveni assistss as a the Detroit Pistons overMavs 114, Supeh »rSO flICS93 came a season-high 29 turnovers,, ling 10 in the fourth quarter. DALLAS-Michad a dF i,Joysco.«i Smith added 20 points andI 38 points, induding; as 27 in the first ebounds and Ben Wallace had half, as tlie Dallas maile ma coach Don I lointsand 16 rebounds for tbe Ncl»n the third win «inninsest coach s. in NB^\ hlnory. oine Walki r lod Boston with, With his 945th viciory, vi( Nelsoti Antoin nts. Paul I lerce added 19 and1 moved into third placi ilace for coaching }artic 18. ts 95 Spure 103, Rockets SAN AN TO N IO - Antonii. Daniels scored a care reer-high26 points, induding 14 inn th i e second half, and h a d 10 assi: sists as San Antonio won for the fifth ’th time in six games. Tim Duncan had 20- ] 13 rebounds, and David Jd RobinsOT added 17 points and 12 12 rebounds for the Spurs. D erekIC ,Anderson scored 11 points. , Hawks 81, N ets 76> EAST RUTHERFOB )RD, N.J. Jason Terry scorcd nine n e o th is lS points in th e fin al 2;2; Atlanta to its fourth stra ly. Dikembe M utomb grabbed a season-high 28 added 12 points and five the Hawks. Bucks 89, M agic 77y' M ILW AUKEE - Ra A llen scored 25 points and hi hit four 3pointers in th e fourth qquarter as M ilw aukee w on it; its th ird straight. McGrady Jed th e Magic ) points a n d D a rre ll ' lg added 20. A™stronga « . ' T-WOlveS 1 RaptofS 97 9100, MINNEA EAPOUS - T errell B randon scored sc 24 p o in ts and Kevin Gai Barnett a d d e d 22 as Minnesota i ta snapped a four-game losing streak sak. Vince Cai ^ e r scored 32 points, indudingII11in the fourth quarter, fortheRaptc ptots. ATHENS, Ga.-B y day, da MaHc R idit is the offensh »isive coonlinator at Florida State, at least for fo another week. At night,t, he’ll he get started on h is n e w jo b -( fc o i^ ccoadi. a Ridit formally accept pted his first head coadiing lg pposition Tuesday, ; taking over a program1lhat tl Sred Jim Donnan d e^ ^t te a 40-19 record and four s t r a i ^ t bowl victories. vi< G e o r ^ athletic direa Wor Vince Dooley allowedI Ricin Rit to remain on Bobby Bowden’s staff un until after the Jan. 3 Orange ge B Bowl, when N a 3 Florida State meets top< W inked Oklahoma. A 1982 graduate of Mi VGami, where he was a badoip Snip quarterbadc to Jim K ^ , Richt joinedd the I Florida State staff three tree years later. His tenure was intenupted1 by I a one-year break in 1989 989 when he served . as East Carolina’s offensi isive coordinawr. Hornets activate) Coleman i from Injury jry list CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Forward Derrick Colemai man, sidelined for nearly sue weeks, was acti ctivated Tuesday by the C3iaric lariotte Hornets. Coleman was placedI on c the injured list Nov. 18 Ibecause he was overweight and out of sha hape. He had missed the entin ntire preseason and Nuggets'109, 11 Clippers 1 08 - the first four games off the t regular season because (rf an irregular .............. ER '=-N ick~V an 'E x e l ~ ' - heartbeat Before being deactivatt ited, Coleman played six wmo up an d f r e e th ro w ames, averaging 85 points, 6 3 rebounds andl d 1.17 blodcs. 'e s c c o n d s r t m a i n To make room for Coli oleman, forward Eddie Robin I A n to n io M c D y e s s )binson was placed on the injured list with aBbruised I taUbone. i p o in ts a n d 12 ?ebou„^d=s. s. T he Denvi nver Nuggets b e a t the Seven Olympians Jc Join U5. Women's Nat National Team L os Angele 2les C lippers 109*108 CHICAGO - Seven pU players from th e U.S. Olymp mipic soccer team Tuesday nig light. were named to die U5. Women’s W National Team on Ti n Tuesday, V oshonI 1L enard a d d e d 18 Tiffeny M ilbrett, Chri iristie Pearce, Kate Sobrero, points and1 Raef R ero, Siri MuUinix, LaFrentz had 16 Michelle French, Lornei IFair and Nikki Serienga ^will t e among the' , p o in ts and nd 10 r e b o u n d s for ISmember U 5. national II team traveUng to China in mid-January 1 Nuggets. to face that country’s powerf 3fu l national team. The six Olympic veten erans give the national team ram experience in ____international play, said co; a>ach AprilHeinrichs_______ The remainder of thei team t is m ade up of five coll collegiate players and six players \siio were re high picks in the recentt Women’s Wi United Soccer Assodation plajw 3-d1 raft New Mexico. ». The veteran players, aU under the age of 24 except cept Milbrett, wUl T he reco :cord is 24,597 at lead the firrt trip hy an An l e r i c a n team to China since ice 11998. Tennessee, against as Connecticut in 1998. Cnnpiei npWhmntonporti F o r basebi eball, th e p a rk holds L a ro u n d 46,01 >,000 fans. I t 's n ev e r yed host to basketball 1 it opem ened in 1998, b u t has J staged reUgio gious rallies, m onster_Cotrtlni»dfromDl___ . . . ests, . . . . m o re balanced < conm i women’s soccer------® ed offense,-led-by-----Tiursday - will b e the 8, 8,000 to 10,000 fans to lastt year’s \ j u n i o r q u a rte r b a c k D a v id irst' football gam e, the W Garrard, Mobile A l a b a i Bowl. fi” BowL InsightcomBo S till, M cln g v ale thinks k s th e “I t ’s going to be a big chal* State said it knew of no at Arizona Stat absence of th e Bluebonnett Bowl, 1 lenge," Garrard : ird said. “We have , o th e r coUege !ge basketball gam es w im e in to step up andd pi which p layed its last garr play like it’s our played outdooi loors. IS 1987, will h av e fans hungiy y fo ra last game. It is the tl last gam e of If it rains,, no problem. Thestadibc game. bowl the season but;t we’ve wi got to play um has a mova ovable roof that can be “Houston is a football town,” to like it’s the last st g: game you’ll play' dosed, M Mclngvale s a id “We haveelDeen 1 in your Ufe “It’s pretty ty ^1 o s e d , so I don’t wi w ith o u t th e N FL fo r sev s v e ra l E a s t CaroUna' ina’s defense will th in k we’ll ha have to worry about ye years now, a n d it's comingI Iback, bave a big lig ]problem s w ith th e wind affec fecting shots,” T u m er Tl coUege bowl game iss com* The < T e c h ’s pass-orie irie n te d offense, Thom e said. inj back.” ing K ingsbury was as t;quick to g ra sp No. 7 th e offense L ead Texas T ech (7*5), the N ;ach brought from tei team from th e Big 12, andd East O klahom a th a t 1h elp e d propel __________ . Cta ro lin a (7*4), C onferei C •ence* th e S ooners intc into th e n atio n al UJ USA’s third-place team, ex jxpect . spotlight h is th ree stra traight m ajors w e re totoput on a good show regorc ir^ ess “W e may come Jme in w ith a dif* indeed someth sthing spedal. ofweather or attendance. of f e r e n t n o tio>n n bI u t t h e b a ll “The reason >on is, they're played ' you are th e first anytl “If yihing a lw a y s e n d si uU|p in th e a i r o n th re e ddif iffe re n t t y p e s of i t’s ’i ex c itin g ,” Tech first: yj e a r a b o u t SO timiees, it s ," K in g s b u ry venues, three ee different settings, coi Mike Leach said. s a i d . “M y a rrm m ’s ’; b e e n t i r e d coach ' three differing iig feelings, th ree dif* ] Both team s o ffer poienti itially s in c e ab o u t th e e ig h th g am e [he f e r e n t every ry th in g ,” h e s a id . hit high-scoring offenses with Tech 1 b u t y o u c amn ’t c o m p la in . “Winning a major ma in and of itself ie(d by q u a r te r b a c k K liff le G r o w in g u p ,, yyto u d re a m , of, is so difficult, i t. And when you fack |] Kingsbury an d East CaroUi lUna’s throw ing that much.” mu t o r in the pre Jressures of p e o p le coming at you 3U on Sunday, c a re o ' r — G ran d Slam, a of those, I t’s a I, all pre tty impressi « iv e feat.” , _JBask(:etbalLi^underthhewaifiTideseirt-sky— ill's Arizona Diamondbada. yUl be outdoors, under the in the cool of a d e s e rt g lg ”in what is believed to be «t college basketball game t o r i p i t o f f o0 1u t d o o r s ? « e /‘J layed ii in the open air. The will be the largest ever for PHOENIX (AP) - A^ a State " zona State game and could coach Charli Turner largest for a women’s bas­ looking for a way'?to; S a 7 a l t ™ ' il gam e west of th e tion to her women's ippi River. - — ...............-— ........ program. • •also will be contributing to Then she heardI an a idea that j: Some of the proceeds will intrigued her. You're i r e m Arizona. u#. Hon-, n a te d to breast c a n c c r Wliy don’t jx)u pbyagaj igamcouldoon? • Jl TV talk-show host Rosie “Nobody liked it II c except me." oDomiell lell is the game’s honorary Turner Thome said, Id, laughing at ivoman. _ the memory. Jly, there's no downside to liventuaily, she le convinced i t ” T ^Tier e Thome said. “It’s kind enougli other people t le Ihe idea had ^ j ,™ ivid-and-Goliath situation merit and now, three ee years later, tor us.sosowe have nothing to lose, it’s going to happen.L A Arizona Slate w e 're ra raiisin g jh e aw areness of will play No. 2 Tenne: i n e ^ e loniglit ) ’s baskelFall, we're raising at Bank One Ballpar park, home ot for breastude State. ..-Jessica Dug 'uger, who Is returning Gr Grant said. “They have a ac o u n U "We need to keep rebuilding,” rck from a tom p n patella tendon. of 1^14.6 of good guards (Sara Maries he said. "You liave io -take tnl odvonThe Golde Iden Eagles will look to pp and Megan Oldham 13.4 ppg tage of the oppommitics ics you have capitalize on on Yavapai’s size disadan< they can rebound the bal m d and and this is an opporttmlt mity to play vantage on d n defense by pounding it pli mother play defense. That will be an< down low to posts Elisha Booth (6gn . goMgame." V : s m R £I A nd possibly bly the most im portan t one of ^ ele entire e trip. B lr a k e s T i r e s • S h o c k IS s A l i g ]; n m e n t s Notes: reshm an S h a o L e e •S ppg) is the daughte ro f G ra n t'ib l friend Shayley I best 0 lives in Sugar City, lying three gam es at Ih e tournament, en CSI has a full docket of extra tracurricular activi* tie s while hi the th Grand C anyon s t " te . Upon1 its I a rriv a l in to the team heads to to w atch th e “ e ° tullpark p‘ Tennessee wtnnen’s b a s k o tb a ll tea eam fa ce A riz o n a dty. After CSFs last S t«»U niveyd.y gom e Sativday >y 1afternoon, G rant s a id th e tean: am w ill h e a d to riz. to scout SWAC Scottsdale, Ariz, rival Dixie State ate, who is plaving It th e S c o ttsd a le n is h t at College HoUday ly Itoum am ent ^m es-N ew s sponswriter sp K evin tchaJ at 73M239, or HaU can be readu 6p«nai/at/cmj<» m9maglcvanevxx>m L u b e OM l & F i l tt(e r You O w e It Tc Po Y ourself To Check Cl With T h e Am er d e a n C a r Care: P People If You N e e d A / ny O f T he Abo bove: ' i KT? ■ fv B R J. j « n b « 2 7 .2 0 0 0 Tfcm^taw,.T« s. Twbi Tens, i(Ww c S po rts ^ r d ina i ralli PPenguins * rallied f o r a 5 -3 v ic to r yy Tuesday T night o v e r th e B uffalo SSabres. ab ' • A Jl e ;x e i Kovalev, . H ■ 9 Roben )crt Lang, Martin , • ! N H L . S t r aak k ia a n d Josef -[B e r anek ani had a goal ' . ' j f l K a n dI asssist each for P itts b u r g h , w h ic h1 overcame O' a 3-1 l ^ g |^ e r s t - p c r i o d d e f i dit.t . 'The Penguins w e r e 0-3-3 in t h eiirr Ilast six games ' a n d w o n f o r o n ly■the th i second time (2 -4-3 ) s in c e M a r10 i o !Lemieux offic i a l l y a n n o u n c e d I his h i intention to e n d h is 3 5 - y e a r r eJtirement. tir ; i * ? Buflalo s«br»«' i / . :,' totl wintei Vladimir y y C Tsyplakov puts :•.. .; the pttck past ‘ „ goalie Qartft Snow ^ ofthePKtsburfh - Pengulris for the • Sabres’ third goal . . in the flrst period . at the HSBC Arena In Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday. H i ...... iric a n e s lightning 3, Hurric 2 TA M PA , n a . - R o Rookie scoring l e a d e r B ra d R i c h airds r d had a goal a n d a n a ssist a s T aampa m Bay beat C a ro lin a . ; R i c h a r d s s e t u pp Tam T pa Bay's g o a l e a r ly in th e second periihe ^ Y ■-'JjPT' Z 'V W Si J t h r a s h e r s 5 , Mlap a p le L e a fsS I ATLANTA H nat D o r a e n i c h e l l i s cco o rred tw ice as A tla n ta ju m p e d o> u t to a four-goal ut l e a d in t h e f i r s t: p ptb a ll. G illi a m ’s b ig cchh a; n c e w ith th e S t e e l e r s c a m e i inn hi i s t h i r d y e a r . 1974, w h en .w vt:ra e r all v e t e r a n playe r s . in c lu d in g TTeerrr y B ra d slu w .^ w e n t o n s tr ik e . GGilli il a m k e p t th e j o b w h e n B ra d shlaaw w a n d ih e o th e rs r e tu r n e d , a n d hee leIcd t h c S te e le rs to a 4 - M record. ScoreESANDSlTATS B a sk etb a lT l : National B a rte tb a n AasoclAtlon '■Knra-MMiUiiAamnLiw, INmJvwt Wi*"*«m*«wM*«iil(U DkoiJI Ti0na*-ei»MM « (ttsm Continental Basket] Association w n c w ttW DSc< oa - — --------- S4CS CaBowi O n T H E AIR TELEVISION -------------------- •^.Jm.2 • ' P*ioi lUSf*». '(lO-UOpmUKi rwt|t»7i.\u«n(io-i nc»Bow) . laVg-4 IS ij IJ i: cr.{cnb4W»5rj • 6A b J . P »ia«11M Jm fc«i rM»IM077. J 3 11$ !i ra i u NBA. Pacefs al Heat1 TMT Ucofnx b p .in . Owcr«(iI«|nn»! J’ HUUMEm Z !" s s s; V ™ a - ( iM i... s s l i r s . . 45 , lW « r> i4I'T-, W -,!i,a»o.4iSi--N, ,, C4l(T44].|ii.lUnaiS.tlMI].i u e n M n t t B o x» l,, t o t CeroDna w . T e m T edi ESP >j It 4A 7j tll.PBp>M' C«7 I 4 7i^• j(; • ; ; .5 ^'rv/rc] t;;5 15 Ss h ■ ESPN2 6 pjn. ««t»Ori«n « to ,c to .k I MI.Mr»l44.S21C«MiS.I9» s » 0, n m o w c ew B e a 7 NKLffllefsatAvaland Kni>M9:.;7.Mw»1.}|.2XT)c n d ie FSPT •' t» 5 m «iCTl«^w« ■rtim ' f, J 3 Wfl aaa M ia ;;- a S ” * a a „g n ’« «46 « 7 r*4{n 6«-«;rcr)-( “^oirr oraoi. Sttwj tj,tj,r.. »<)14.U»0 UOom 7 4 74 111 13 ti « J 5= ? 70 l » 41 •F-M U Unw«i«CiwMlX i IXpn -^>MI'AX- ' ^ Oourd IS (I i77 )) I, :4lfcGrUr»2.Cvt|Ml.lMniM s i r s s Bocflii'ir nuQn S aSXsn n>»n-$£>n 6>F:r S l5l »: : s S 'S * W-W-* li >J iM 4 £lBilHMlJpi.l|t5?V| t5?vi layn■Pe»j7. sX t ^ i rtot C-ar M FoMeoJcra R«anMkwt93M [ bMWa»j, »*i»««w.«Spcnfcr«,o« !!J ) S - .Z S I, ■ S«mor& E 5>J s ; S S JU ■J iClutnMSJmxncivjmKnn n !l 2 61 ss I » i hl««ch SKPT e-£«/7i >»sn»(ij»7 S--T W t-Oanl: lllU3>M>,Aff»T O: LMMh 3» nx J7 •thn* IJ le 7 rxgSL -S'* C4 „ m Uwi tW^riUwCMtKmrnti ««• « 'I X7 , ____ b*-*»n«llUW«ll ntcM TatmUOM Rcitte tS P tfl J*«»vitOosH»t ] N III m M r « t a ._ , ^ ______ 0-JC5^KfWto471.______ Jjg.W—TO____ ______________L-------------------------------------KdUBo ^ r — ----------------------- hwbiw— io'mj-131 ------------ TrfraKJlWJliSiWrMlO^i --------- K5TDW«*fl»« — lomd aM FA taiM iii,oT 3 T . -TN lkC«Hr.O« IOI IJI7 130 UMOMn 1 “^ = ------------------ml CvyfT.UOcMC Thasirt MUuhna as>*,On ICO lea 110 no 4^ i itaAU »4 i n 1'41 41 u i tw. » i “ Ni>TinSa*.Jpn(tSf>i f t»n». t o S S " ^ Xt-%.Tnara '‘5*^ iMiif^«aL>»s l V x ,« • ifcCM LJK » 4 inr 1 1 1 | i . n s SoVm la 13M) ii , Min 114, Sonic*99 BnSXcm OmatKU. t3 120 171 (Mn II II Q) i OWitepMCoKh swnups tl IIIJ 1I”33 4 Umwa It 0 id] 4 •S447-JU _ “ 5 CoBefie BowHfll CG am es S S i l T * * '" " " OaMK IS <4 Jir i EDMiJMihiwiMrMaPi 11.4 4« 4 MHMVr vr Wm-OmMJ7.6»rrH0MaOr«dii K ^ R w ttaaiM ^ },HufTl«B«2 ‘■-■t-r-'-r. U«Mnh|3,f takDMn 0T«Mir4iie-ttij ^ f <»cra*jEmkhUi«iOo 2 " ,£ S . MmSuN-MXaeiriD •e*([he«S>^.kiifl fl IM B MLU(1I4 r. i te M M (V u rsa o x r4n;fi>ni<-UCaiUtn. W M 7.C m,4.iji ; i2.nm«.ii »4 FMrt « 13 us IJ . w i * r « ^ I cmiRsm4 'Watf) Unw>SU9.HCki«l4M].r>vt 84S*P*i*>«*eQr(ua4i. . H**" II s fl M X3 £MS«-JnlW.|C.„C< aAJ«r»»;}i;.»w^M MQr, igCrtuihWI Wtprti is K Str tl Brv-CWiCoreriiivue, IV,teil>l>A>Mr«3| UnCviKxinv t»: S S ^ 3 " JJ '5 i s s l*dTg>«^ t»B ’ •ST, LACICfn 10 11 i<$ igj G09<-UMIMUnC>n IS t» s » tn :«an «0»*'7iBfjw» ' !^Xv.?lSUwv s »■ » fl a 0-1 «»«f741|pn woW - Ri««iFne^ |ftr«0»*.S«4S»>•17(8kf»M tj------------- P«wHW »«»?,t£»imWlO r(mSj«wVMl......... Ste^’l}?! i m"60«l ' UTtrw.laTstTnBt1»« k ^ ic a .c n n i n a(H« 4-iE«h,J4 f«t, 11 V « UfltSi-*ilfWi ■UwnJiJPratZ;, " i S T i f !! ! ;• •C.a PMn)inilAUt«i1M 3 S ''^ ' " i 8 ? } J* K0M»l.uaw»1| FoMttiJtn lJlMi,«^c,.cJ ix»r{ 160* i •'» nu .n .y i ' LMa4l i-OiWwn IJ 4 0 .750 JB Oio-DnirRnrt*fl&^iCX cti«, Tc^ W iO’H »li:(T ^ ’> « w s c « M O U) pg Pf|«Ct7UCC0 I OaiUMIIi.CMnjllOOT S t" ^ fNe-*niiij ^MS-SMMiKP^tnA •nrtttj■•' 41 |]| trMlSWl i : ? ”s s s r I ?j ? 3 s M 111 MatlcCItrflw 'Bowl Sir>wSlM-r«itiM SinA>n>ol01Hajn»K. P w BiU>.r«^. Ursor A.1J.775S 5J|1IUII7} 0«»» 3 13^ .!■ 141 UnUt SM4 JMI 2 5 O UlM>Mai.OWi»)77 ■ca SaJ^Cj*7n»-P«C^ T>in»,.CK .a £ .'L “^ R Oi«Ull«.SMa>l3 rwDhMioo.R^ftw iSi 5 i» S S S , “* S J ^ I !« lM-27 ■ « » pw tT ioax UmMmicaTewtsP tCU-C»,Pifln:«®««i IWOKTOm fWwiCttoxrtn^C, 40 S S7J3 IMO Sl «p(7-«(2p'n TS!^, W*mwiI W»»f<»«-JnCW«un[ Tee^noMH TTuM r.Dsa I-J I J. C rfT i M M 0 . tats M M B T o o I" H 5T«4.. WTOHtgffDttCe NwrTcrtMIVoflVlAJjA ni>iM> NFCMMduiLMdi «d*n ■ t tm a u n ts n PjlOtlTMOB UMC30r»(lCC) SMa>iiHucnU)»m B I umS.BIm saitt* j-iI>j 17.G«»j-11H^Oa » TO H J '" " " . '1 'K ; V \ .S : sAA c : r i ( ) N s I Ti i o ' w SS; “ MOoHwSun«X8la Cant» Ma UmMl M11, too: ivms.1 a “ S . &l£T^ ^ k4 a*sf" r " ' ” G oXy F ________ ISI•?NNww 1.7MI uem MI Sl? I) IialjIitcomBol M M " w .ai W7 M J479; ' ^ r . I s gl u* « »».M aiw S ?s*^ PMH>24Mi(h74M4.*i«Y;41Cutw«|i.0tta ca Male Athlete 74M1 o-M } 11 0 JU W S«• D«fai«0««3a.5Spn le te of th e cwi^jx^Tsi'i: r«M40-nt»7ji» Qkhsf. mi jjs 477T i l:31 10 *lFTio«a OMjialNninq.JXlin «j &*«.KTCRK|<.P|-V9>raur. f*it»/yi(74| Wl T M » Mnaaumcuepn »Vii3iCO<»jv BtSttT PnMUUaAMwtfra'Mt H*»«« II 1 0 ees »j«7 s LA□(««>tMa.|.U(>M) FaAdt 5 UUL. S i ncona-rovB S I icuiir «i. tkma tjrc»A^«TgiQi s s j j f j ? p S s s : ; ; Oug, S 11^ JtJ 7s11 g Ch>tiaa Smnrai rS)pn . “r » ,F ^1 J'* J, iM tW . »wIS>Crt.. !9«^*1 *Ui»-Ie«»sa(C«.tlL -.fM)ltIim j S mO U jkocpi » « ." .s s r s ,'g; V, s *I’«MIS fpc>ncj*.0»i«F^w«™ Tuesday’* NBA Boxes Tllrlkerd-4 Sl Uu4CwSnnAO'MHi 7^ SunBoiri,f_ XA XS On«W« ta 1JI4 40l iu l ? b*-H»wcA.11«|tta*) lla«»Ckrgtf H-Ouj/ >Ut-Oiwi). i HocM tiU S.Cm llO ao 471 sravCM 7M I?a 41 s I Fit%.CK.a tJB Pru*m .«, nC^^.torg r,.«jvM foom ^oonuu. “ Ao"G-t.i:i I]j J S ir I’ j § s JIO 15 Its ISMaiiait IX M»4 3) }3U4 to AinPnelfUl aivtL uoo’ci , 2 4 ......... N^Foe© «.i SC. Si ; • 76«f»97,imW SlrF«««D( 10 0 J7S M 3« <71 fif«17 «U;fr5in W«crM|Wl»tt> f SNaO'Ja*-C£»#ti4'' » HIHMIllrcA}4»l.ntf ».||K .M ..U cwra 141 IIM 4« 7n1 I ►!«Jaajargt.|7>ilS,H««r(HM0. PMCtlBMl ‘*^«-1SJ4J.JIU7.0L*rtM D M »a KtncMd»i ' T«t« MMa fcvi H U1l»yn, M0. MnCM 7» 1170 3t 71 IvmiK-n.-ftvgii' '5 •'wosiCtroxreK.* HJa4«Wilu«a*»WM«.Jo» K ^ . Ma ‘tommu ag ia?4 31 ''2< I• -rouitwOaS ^.A-KW‘\rr^ AiM m “IIkl.Ik'. P«i«m MZtawiM’nrtr. . KT.C«a}a.JUacrA7S ovfufntpi^ . — IV ** f«4it-nW I urwdi) Dm>X.S«Fivani« Y « U Unftwn11I >j 77.EkMrttia ■|]pm|tsn4}.S«ai73 S■l17^l7,ClM>l«J^I^IV^,t^57^T nri Ontiw,, . , lSMlS«M»?.14MI4.S«*»»n7.loT OMT..SF 17 USI ISOa 'IQl.nt i^ tO m S. lUta4-1U t7. »l ^CoM T W < J g MJ 0^9-1HI,VnWMH4.U«(«l cow.un w 1774 03 s: «M4.H>lntn l-imiteMMMJ •*tlH AMMKnaCfrD t^HO *4 IMS 143 Sl Mooa W atr^ ) ' ra>ii9»«4ijogiis , ... Orc4»7M9TeuiS.7MMtll n\nSll 17 >471 111 71 0009 71Dm 70 J Thruhoft S. Mi( riiple La^rfi 3 0 ^ o s ” I: 1 . WMitKl 29 a S IM 7 M7 b^XKY.M » (7 IOS III1 K2 : 3 . **"’ IM 17 a a 2M FMk.9l II OO ISI 73 MII Um77.M»&M74 >fcr(lki» Ir*r, , S ? a«r.tot» • ] 75' 1-4lr«ftH.6*rtO-im«HI(Stt»»: SSUnTO 71 IOMHOI M J4 7 «t»4OwiOrrtMiffoDrrKOT «|S«nA>Kno ‘ ar»cMtt,SuU'u>ni HAOCruaiH Uwtfei 77 I4J7 1*7■» 7* 11 nnilM.Umq|.l.en i.em> F1&C>>ani7 P»K»clll-»j. Sw .-Crtl* ' 17U(;C 4 . [?"*■ l.SaiHMlfa-JWltnt FU»^KS«. ' l».S llAI pfli tirto ■>. I4U ‘ A.n*>HfH4SIHIILtMiX Tm M M X M»«(t4i3l,lknKlal0 * <’nwtx> W .rw, -V»Vtl 7*4 ^» •lUrMI7) It (C»W «71.1 TS M l Am ft f J .UWI OiMMaCMnt ' .SUconVtOiTCltM . , « *‘J - ^ 0 ,T « » . • P m » » » in ; ^ rtlSMXninTaitiA-fUuwOtJI.l >]1.UW> CDnQMM fiASll 7« II I 0 oonv »T«MDl>4tMIKn4a>9«0Mrai.l« ttnUn IS 0 IS 0 , S«CCri3IVn>'STcrrv^'V-MJ«i7ittm> ' »' •' Uat»*-1UII|iMlil OMr«.Sr. IJ 0 IJ 0 55 P»r«|12r-*r IJJ? CMSnft » U'vpT-r«r»y.-; »v. ' ikw s') » i»T« H ock t oi - ; _ , N F lP la y o n O b n M • lf»J»p*n«)«)e«eo» =« » ; ; s 2' ;■ B ,,i Natknal HocK«y MThwlBT keyU ague \ ic«« Pr-» RSiW iU n 1 0 7 3 0 n » j<».Ok > Ctac»dSI»01ILIW »l»MIM7. l^(-l6Mt7.n>iT«4.7HiaBJM0'1 lUST U w , n; • «J>MCiatU 0M«.XT4 I I I O 0 S< kkW»-HMlUiW>*HJMI4.Ute M « ' 1 1 - 3 M i rw#» w 5 S S ? « ! « .. (^SIIMoi BvabL « 0 * 0 U w im m lm MII.Oo<*«J4W7.ftx*iMMl 0 S4 T»«Ulir74|nUn>ni&M. &M(74L»pn MintBI ^|^(M4J-J1SIa*«.«lMnM iM M m N om a toaa NmQm D«.li I I I O _ w L Ta DOMnpOl ac«>7Ml.b»an*.lM 4nW nnMJ 0 S 4 OutbtckM 4fcD,«I«4MlJllWr4.IOM», Mir,Omit t-IJM»DMroj.i4»2 s s i i i i j i i » * i ! ! ! ^■lEIa DwoilBifcwSlbimKTO 5 . Lirml'll4411UnM7.|J»0Il.Vnl llnkr.MIr RMHtilKO > 1 1 0 1® » I J? IB no ‘^tw,aw«n-T»tr orfi *•14M11Ui£bJNM4F'«»I0Ml *iTiPw.rk Ml SMtM44Mlatcui44«9ij-n lO t HdbM> ti B a B-M, Pf|(Ut2n*» J Jl f| IW &MWVICTT.J J:v^f•^.|^ Hwq HMriJvtn# LA.c*fn Tl. a a n-Ki l«MM3 M B S . MT n u ’ D m it s a B-ra >ft«ceuM «um iorM m i.i lui,, ■I t»9«09 WO J7 r« W« wi>'t t fv ’ a fc OF 0» »'iSS;tiHS41i “7 >p*»Q^cta«i>.ir(Rct»rtoii. _ IA»TO i:.04«rt0.i,t^[kl.H a„i, 5 S ................... M W W . , ............ - 0<»it» fa • -«■«» » X - M 0 '44 ta-TT-----• INiaanHKWtnKUlWMltkW ' l ^ i ; ------* rtw c i> « r d ( v ^ ia s .r o ji' -.......... r l r ' ! 7*J4 J40I !} J O 1l< It Irwv-^dHMav 1fa»»-H4«.lfcQvJU.(WIa C«Annc«Chtnvio(ai^ AtarllH >408 7M3 S 11 I.” QjroAM) FaM al-ta* IWon»-Huoi K .”'" • M m En.U ^ 4M 7^a < » I! lj i 1 4 s t> 114 Pitdilon S, Aril IriUncht I n*»t»S](ObwMnD* Mfltawn, S*i*«noU I?) 'm SMv.U Vil 7M1 4141 IH IUiaMStn(l»J|nl«rau«i».; ucuivwinAiMKAc^nfu* ^ 0 IM *mn iicmmUITTOStSwHfoatl bw.NO r-j7 4411 IM [fan ^ . nC«M9(Vintnlj«-0 (DnMIOj TM»U»4«aa»n.S«ilM» HnmOH TM) TUD W <01 L BaflKJna 0*tsrBe«i 4p»i«ti.w,niiais) • mmvm » a IMI Sw I, 5 ^ *-l4J»(ilMD ktM«Jni • ioiMl" >to™ v'7!».i|nQmit.n H<««ciei,Ntti78 ^•7110X4". n t^ I 17 7 J1 74 74 104 s ta tis tk s 711ccl 1 •.CC«*dv-W i S S |! h?4JlNiMMl 7411Ikfc>. fffO g ’4;i|,Tl P—«w n,»i.i il 47.f>M»»IMaE.M«> IH 17.U*>»T M4.1«>lK>V711 w I T a fc I or o» ‘ .TOM M CM Y* TD k ^x^viJBCbv-wCa^ StlM 7< 4 4 0 Sl 111 II |a ^ . u 4 » c .< v x ,? ;::? rs:sr: awt.OM n 711 m u 4 s s j i i s s s . S i 'g ™ om Jl 17 J .7J 4, ,,J gg P»r«»4«*>> W-'«3.".f»sTs.7.! DElBCTflCI) «*>nro.W Dt B7 44U a I JsI OmvCMl (73 2t4 M9 a I ^ Mw ms«n n j« n. e wrint. ^ S S S " \ ' J X « 1 5 7 iw-'— m s i w i ic * . '* " “® S S ? 151! 5 ) MM 0«KKC M7 St 4IH a t 4rSI. StKUaaa»li IM a MnM M &jK*it><»i*i«n.Uni»ii Ul, Camu II 1 1 } 2 7 7 7 * 1 1 7 i'r9*i Oifli707l(tit N l aaiM FU l IU a i 1 3 1 Iin I 3 „ LOM<«•^7M*, OTaa »• » ^ ;4’:____ ______________________ g fc or !> VrtknajCCnr “o - T n n r W — sm n JSwonDul S#T7J 1173‘ll 7 .^(M)«nM9«|l»ILtX I* ." b»w *'’» tl i» » «Nr i« i" » s s s r ~ » T T ~ i4 47 III »7 (rtrtTOllSaiBptfowll, mUn NullUtfr^l K tLCagta ft|W B M a »l«l Itl FwMi.Dn a t la 1771 ( ' 2I Cavm 17 14 s 11 40 104 m '!10H9W31 ]17 a il 17 i: FMlDo.1 n IS 7 44 X H 104 S N B tM two >Mw«C;(V*S«. aM i . KM ' " « s :a ita^Jni 7 73 M Kl ■utpmwBi ID «iT4tiva«w i£ 2 w ? t£ S 2 ? M ? S I fZ l^ s » — ~ J a s s ; 1? r«|ac|IU>*n R L T a 7 0. fc or w ' >MM>l|IV^I ^SMi|is.i)«icnCMiv 0 4» a n s s " ’- ’" K i . s ; i s i ! s ; ! DWMa (aMfwTtr«wb*6ae*s 3:0.« • o S i* * ^ 111*'* ? ' >Vf ley s to re s - said th a t 0ofDecetnljer, / peifonnane. 'tee ts n ea rty set. ayeariar-on-year rise of 3 to 5 enough to offset slug- ___ ________ :_______ p e rcceei n t in com parable S Ln’l incss in th e first three sales.s. ;ks of D ecem ber. The “I would wc expect 2 percent resuU; jlt: below -plan D ecem ber ;r m ate is 46 cents. Fe< c d c ra te d ’s to 3 percei ce n t com ps” for Wai* sales • !S and soft fo u rth -q u a rtejrr fourth-quarier earning: Igs are now Mart, saidd Jo . h n Lawrence, anaprofits its at many retailers, seen at S2.12, dowTi froi rom a previlyst at Morj organ Keegan i Co. in Xakij iking a cue from the compaaous forecast of S2.15. Th The consenMemphis,,Tenn. Ti nigj.’ sales j, comments Tuesday, y-, sus view is 52.11. Snowy, icy ic and cold weather, Shari ri E b e rt, an a ly st a t J .P . “I do think th ere: ai r c som e though, co: co n tin u e s to ham p e r gan in N ew Vork, low eredd ea rn in g s issues," sai a id E b e r t, much of the he country, particularly fourth- senioi lior executive vice presii w heels and o th e r auloLLC \iolated Oie Idaho iho Securities th at has become famil lilia r to by d e a le r sI w\ h o se ll Les dent, midrange 7,501 1 to 50,000 m ilei n. Act. moiiv» ive p ro d u c ts w ith sto re so many from print anc nd teleSchwab produ ~ end up paying5 qi iducts, therfe are B quadruple thte;!"; luut t m ak e no m ista k e :. Gavin Gee, directorrooff the Idaho llio n s th ro u g h o u t th e locaii v isio n a d v e rtisin g . Bi But 83. 313. I amount they used d to pay. S chw liwab s t il l is th e Big D e p a rtm e n t of ■ic V alley, will do a bilF in a n c e , Magic y e a r old Les S chw ab lb s t il l Looking att photos p The C aldwells’ s’ 880,000-pounrf;:.^ of more K ahhuun a in t h e c o m p a n y; announced 6th Districi. ict Judge Don lion dollars dc in sales this year m akes the trip from his is ranch recent stores5 requires ri truck, which used a walk office; e d to cost $33-V- 5 ices, w arehouses and disL, Harding entered judj iudgment a n J forthe he first time. e a s t of tow n to his ccco r n e r dow n a h allw . for a 7,501-mile run, im , now ends upT-r Iw ay. A lthough tributi mtion facilities. H e knows !t permanent injuncdon: on against the Les: 2s S chw ab him self c a n ’t office at company head adquarS ch w a b still costing $1,920 eveni 'en if it only runs ’~ :ill is k e e n ly every :ry inch of every building - ’ . Providence, Utah, compj npany. believe Gveil. te rs for at least an ho travels m ore typic io u r o r involved in th the b ig-picture ■pical 10,000 O T " and1 th that’s a lot of building to‘ Worldwide' Financial' ial’s founder, “\vhi Vhen I weni into l)usiness two, six days a week. 20,000 miles. planning, and id know s probaknow, Steven Jam es Cook, allegedly alU >w. With th e completion of: losl I neve ver d re a m e d I’d do S l On his office wall aree iabout V irginia Caldwe Iwell said they'::::! bly to t h e ppe e n n y how th e his licensc as a securitic: ities .salesman will o p e r a te only Please see TIRES, Page D5i nly one tr u c k : : in 1996, but continue uied s e llin g because it now costs jsts os m uchthisv* bonds and debentures ii his com;s in year to Ucense one le ^u c k as it did *:^ pany. ' to re g is te r tw o. Tl . They a re n o f - The sec u ritie s were i re not regis| /-v ^ alone. tered for sale and app ippear to b e v ^ v J l S en ate T ra worthless, Gee reponed ‘ra nr sp o rtatio rtjilt ed in a state3 C om m ittee C hlairm air an Evori~;^ nient. The state also allcBOsCrak alk ThoA.!octel clirtod Proaa ________ J misrepresentod and omii 7W& Erasure said h e has has been t>om*‘ --------- -— imittod inforservoirs to generate exccss povv mation in an effort to bard ed by p h o>ne n e calls fro n i !! I the face of California’s energyi/cric to persu ad e BOISE ; - - Using less electricity tru c k e rs — w ho• 'w a n t- t h a " : .- poople to invest. ____ s, state kaders announced. ^_____ . ------c o u ld h e sip lp lower future en erg y ' C The c o u r t’s order Legislanire to dq^soni ,something. On Dec 14, Energy Secrctaiy B er e n jo in s bills.Idaho, 10 utility officials report, Worldwide Financial fror lUir. . Small truckers, 5, Frasure Fi s a i i '- v Richj ichardson issued a six-day enu from offering "Comuinc liners have a measure of cc of electridty is die net cost iced for Kjollandcrsoidij d m a statement. gcno or selling unregistered tern ''Ot fe e l th e!y y vw ere hearp^^-I mcy order requiring 75 Westc; ■d s“ m n tie s , comral i„I j, dulermining What their ai additional electricity, kno? lown as He recommend 3ids that during peak powe o fferin g o r s ellin g: s< [ytQ when law m akers ai •s adopted lhe.;Ci; )wer suppliers to sell electridty s c c u r.tie s p „ „ „ bilU wholesale energy. Utilitie; lls are going to be in the w ies buy usage poiods fit ihrough an unregistered: • fitjm 6 am to 8 a m powc cd salesman, hen new fee schedule. )wer-strapped California, th< wholesale,electridty fromI cothers n our current situation, wi and firm 4 p mL ttJ tt 8 p m - residents exten and engaging in misrej “It fin a lly h itt them th in th e ;;'! ctended that period to Dec 27. ircprcsentacniiscrva.i, to accom m odate needs a uion now d efinitely is ab o v e . turn off unnecessor sotylijJits,detiywashgu the Idaho PubUc UtUitii tions or omissions inI connection co ties face," the Pocatello But jUo Republican^-? I count in th c com ing vvihat they produce thems* w iselves. ing dodies or dishi ishes, mm off compu^ Comi with an offer, sale or pun immission banned Avista, T lurehase of a „„nlhs,”’ Dennis D Iaho saldHansen, presiPrices Pj for wholesale energ rgy are ers ond odier wme* ncaWqjpIianQs. powe security. raft. He expects the Legislature Leg iwer and Pad2Con> from dral wi^.^l^^ . . dent of Idaho Ida P ublic U tilities five f>' times higher now than in 'th ey K jellander sa said conservation ingoc The court also ordered Badditiona] water from reservoi red Ihc comConunission, foirs opt to create m ore sn e small-mileage "r^ were ion, said. wi a year ago. efforts could hel help Idaho utilities or through thi pany to repay investors.' hydro plants to creai rs. The s tate [,c said1 that il if Idaho's utilities Mte brackets. But if the le ni new meosur©--'' “These prices ore'not ssie t by ovoid buying wh< vholesale electridty estim ates investors -in - ii c lu d in g tess electridQr for needs outsic „ e not force side cuts the state’s incom comc from midt'.T.H u tility regulators and thc3 reed to buy electridty on ut ey can in a voladle mark Idaho re s id e n ts - lost i “ 'Hf.'-. , thee local to Q’stcm. The ORkr fcdknvc st about $4 Ihc open market, nu wed range t r u c k s lawm. wmakers l i k e ^ '.i fluctuate widely based on si consumers will fli supply Last week, utilities uti produang ■ lener million._______________ ters in that vein from Gov. Dii Mrk will hove someone e el else mkke up:'"r -a n d -d e m a n d ;’’ Idaho Pi P u b lic elcctiidtyTOTld^ were prohibited Kemi unpthom e'and U.S. Sea. Lan Compiled from staff and irry the difference, possil jssibly witii dwire reports A factor ( Jr that determ ines th c Ui U tilitie s Comm issionerr P a u l . from drafting wati rater from the state’s aigtoRkhardson. . long-haulers. JER O M E - A groi ;roup of dow n- • town Jerom e merchar hants has decidcd to hold off on plans pla to form a merchants’ associatior tion until spring 2001. There ju s t wasn’t i I’l enough support from local merchi rchants to m ake the group work, said aid the gro u p ’s chairman, Ross Foster ;ter. The group’s main / in focus was to m arket and advertise tise the variety JP w of merchants and busii usinesses in ^ i£ _ ____ ---------------d o w n t o w n 'a r e a '" th’rb hYougli e v e n ts ‘ ff l® and other activities,.hesaid. he lim T hose goals will h re v is ite d 11 be when the group re-fon forms in spring. Foster s.-!id. f w W ^es Sch^Lwab br(■eaks$] biUiornm ark »nservatio:311 could b e n e fit ]Id a h o COnsum er5 E n e rg y costs mnay fall if Idaho o’s utilities c an avoid buyir ing on die openn marker ; i .................. - S ^ “ nies confinned Frie Friday they have Sinchv h wafers, d rc u it boards thatt h ad p re lim in ary iry d iscu ssio n s hold m microprocessor chips forr a b to e purcba :hase of Zilog’s comput iuters and o th er electronic Sfod 2 semiconduct luctor fobrication devices. «s. Another Zitog plant fabpUntbere. ricates^ js 8-inch wafers, •The announceme iment came four Tbe ti Zilog plants in Nampa1 e two ditfB a f te r Zilog lg jann o u n ced a em ^oy oy a total of 525 people, a1 slump in revenues jes and a 7 per. compan; any spokeswoman said, cent work forcei re reduction that ' Amer le ric a n M icrosystem s iHWuded 11 emjppllo y ees a t th e spokes» swoman Darby Collins said I{topa plants. theNair ampa employees were noti'^N o arrangemen ients have been fied of t potential sale Friday. if the flM lized and like!; kely w ill n o t be Zilog1spokesw si om an Kim berly fitM zed until afte i t e r th e first of XfaTanrr uzuk said the woricers have ' known about the negoti )tiations for some time. N either spokeswom: n a n would say bow the ownership i p transfer w o tild affec t em ploy aym ent in N am p^. B ut A m eric an A M icrosystem s su g g e: e s te d th e plant would remain in o] operation. “AMI believes th e ex] *pertise of Z ilo g em ployees wfith it th ese processes is of importai t m t strategic value to AMI an dI its i future direction. AMI wiU useB th J e fadlity to support several1kb e y longte rm custom ers in thi ee rapidly R o w in g com m unicati( tions m ar- Zilog’s main customer ers, manufactuirers and distribui u to rs wbo bu y th e company’s spe pecialized semiconduci uctors, have reported lagging sale lies in recent months, That caused sd revenues to fal] and inventoriess t< to grow, the company said Monday lay when it announc^ the layoffs, A t t h a t :ti tim e , Zilog said it would be re: restructuring to focus its resources » s on developing hew products, Am erican in M icrosystems Inc. pioneeredi tlth e developm ent of application-! in-spedfic integrated d rc u iisin l9 ( 1966. Its main raraanufactiuing plant is in Pocate! teUo, w here 1,100 of the company’ ny’s 1,863 workers are em ployed.I. (O th e r fa b rica tio n plants a rei iiin E u ro p e and the Philippines. iTires _ (§jllkwdt[DaD4 tw o m assiv e str s t r u c t u r e s of 5».000 and 452,001 ,000 sq u are feet p fw ridge abovee t( town, tb e cor-, iw fa tio n now bas las 2.5 m illion q l j i r e feet in Print :ineville alone. ?V h en Les talks, Iks, p e o p le listCQ. And wben bii his b lu e GMC J i i ^ y comes arou round a com er cfBf them financially, D ealer, the m agazine’s j’s re tired the Northwes ^est is. H e added that Scbw iw a b 's fa m ily ow ns a ll e d i t o r , Lloyd S to y e rr,, ta lk e d what the com om pany does know is sto c k , -but , th e com pany a b o u t th e S ch w a b fa f; m ily ’s th a t it has a s m o re s to re s in believes /es in sharing. Ever since belief in rewarding emiployees. p Oregon, Was 'ashington, northern th e com ompany was established, “ W ho in th e b is to ry r j o f th e C alifom ia,, I< Id a h o and western Schwab ib has given a t least half t i r e b u s in e s s h a s s hb ia r e d so M ontana th i a n y o th e r fire than o f the: profits p back to employm u ch w ith so m an y ?” S to y e r chain. ees. said. A ccording ng to M o d ern T ire Store •e imanagers can eam sixT h e question is in ee v\ ita b le : Dealer, Les: Schwab Sis the fifthfigure! incomes. ir T he first year, W hat direction will L ess Schwab ; largest indep< ependent tire dealer Schwab lb contributed $24,000 to T ire Centers take when sn Les no in th e U nitei te d S ta te s, and th e an empl iployee re tirem en t fund; lo n g e r is around? T hee answ er largest marke r k e te r o f Toyo tires this year jar, the com pany will confiitjm m anagement is: th e same in North Amei nerica. tribute3 $16 $ million to the fund, direction it always has. Tbe compar >any has begun movwhich a lb ^ d y has topped $300 T h e com pany’s doub ible-digit ing into ce nItral tr Califomia, with miUion. n. T h at's in ad d itio n to a n n u a l ^ w t h has come le chiefly stores reachin tling to just nonh of healthy 1 y bonuses, m edical insurfrom increasing sales aa t existth e San F ra rain c isc o Bay area. . ance and n d d iv id e d c h e ^ . ing stores and opening new n outF ree d m a n ssaa id th e com pany The company’s co philosophy is lets, said Freedman, whc ho joined hasn’t yet del determ ined how fa r to promc m ote from w ithin. Both Les Schwab in 1971. Th The comit wiU expan< Jnd in to California. W ick a nr d F re e m a n w e n t to ._j —pan y ’s top-selling p ro dd iu ctstiU ; “It could be: a long-term growth ' • hig h • sch s o o l in n e a rb y i tires, with alignm ent, is It, shocks area for us,”” he h said. R e d o njnd. e Virtually all the top 1 and brakes second andd custom Next year, i C alifom ia and r, in executiv tiv e s a r e fro m C en tra l 1w heels third. elsewhere, tb th e com pany plans Oregon, I I, Freedm an said. F reedm an said tb e co com pany' to open a total tal of 20 new stores. LTV m 41 ucrfw, ~»l imiw -_ “ ■« ~ a » .2 .ni i irjo .oa a t7jo .Jt a UMA. : SS t 3 taya i.i2 t 2tf ttM.ZJS UiMl JO t OO^t> 0 t& UndM tJ2l 4 .J5 a 47« IThe Washington Port ______ The idea has great curb' aa p p ^ : Give your old car to a ch ^ :harity, take a tax deduction, and id raise "money for a good cause - pe perhaps even help train poor peopl pie in a marketable trade. ® The radio is abuzz w ith th such ads, and many taxpayers art u e signing up. ir But while giving your c: aa r t o a bona-fide charity is a legW it mate “ ded u c tio n , e x p e rts say ly you should be very careful aboi out the amount you write off. The temptation is g re atIt to be a{ aggressive in as.g tOirVct MS ' Sr»e** 1425 . 13“ lUOnc 4< 7 Sr»p«m« ... u -OS >1 !■ lo s rA c n v e o ic tK M ) *oct . i . _ I7M-IJS Ecnssivi :Tt4» j5t: Si«»Srti 7075-231 t'Wiw VoitOO) Utt Chd M tnui M 7S .M E O W M W f 6S Maim VottOO) Utt Cha N«m > n» Vo«00) Lt«1 Cho mOfi ... tM -JJ enWr _ 1SJ) Lue«nt 320313 I3J0 -.13 N S l « 2SC ="0 .Jl -a flL Maj«« ■ O n ISU .U •HKtman .. J3 CompK) 124606 1S.60 -.40 FA i t«e-t-in ... Jt .31.. ■AuiPf 13626 4.00 ..01 M«3wl rSn »3).I« Eo.... 75U ro»n 327111 46,88 . 44 Wl I IO] 1.^9 DM 2 S ‘ ■_“ S; 3 > “ M wwua. list Za .14.« 4 .W Ijt * '* > .« _ 42JI-llt ErtXo* 1275 SOf»40t.i, .. JJJS.1.7V. .. tZM ..IJ Oor«t ■ isjo-.11 a * ^ tJo .iu i.J s r a tl .M Ci^e.g.1 - •-« ::: Aewt- .. suo> dcmO ScOco 10 771 - 19,,, «kx»*i - M -,ii r '. iMfn _ iJt ,ji Emuti I23t A ^ g .llttius ,3i O XuPv iPM 1« 4UI .Jl Ijtt Ctw %ChQ ^ Sebcsni _ JU# .,70 2Ntw aCp. »»*H8 tplcorSn - .7: Stion nco .13 ,73 -.14 Uc«> 3344 .It ^ AMu .T8w40««m OiM ~ -------1 .■BW _ 1lt4.IJ| ErvlMI OM 1IX MMr 2< .1) ^ PrmBBpI 4.44 *1JS *392 Pl> B n jt l 5 »*» nj4V1|- P 4500 -Js" “IW 331 .1,06 .47J d*i Cn... IOM -» *Tor. _ .11 '.S ; s t e s - . 2,50 .1.00 .667 *<*-<>« u s ; ; s sSurtau ; AbMM Tt 2i « - u enc . OM Oi stunrCg I.S4 a ts ..rg PPmR»lp« aes .1J8 *26J Ptfi fl ., tJJ ..IJ EraxaC. Sia: 18.43 .5-00 *342 Boypre 93S .00.,, I2.1S23 -10 UooiR 440S -44 S«VrtPre Z88 .1,13 .64J MM JBt cut *Jt EMCl K 40JB Ol SWW J2 JIM ..II V l Trot 741 ..18 EanSrt 1 W MX{« 4.00 .»,7 im o martoot 6J 8 *1.13 .21,4 BluMa Mot* JO Wi8 -2S tO O F SW iifn C « | 194 - 06-. iooL .i t B t u t ^ •Marin 10,50 0.50 .50.0 - l ^ . l . l j S(M«iS9 U2 IM# .,1J EEEXCp •n 677S.IC0 bMM>i _ S7.t] 5.13 4.08 .20.e B«n AMnnr tJlBI7JD«UI EKOA J«ntPn 584 .,»4 .188 Photooi *>otn ZTS ..75 .37.5 A/aC/T «T _ IJJI .« Ftutn Off SIIo06 e -M WOI &o^«t.n :. ItJS.tM ' 334 ^ AM l^uSlM (iO bcU S ? -54*fS:5J s r J 1 ^ Sm l vfwnStrn 238 *ja .188 U M dln: tOen SSM.IM fMHro. 7T 0044 WIrwls 5.72 .t.53 .366 144 .54 Htajot . 709 .OS S>rU S ^' 4»4 .50 «»■% M 4IM .i t EdMR iCi uso -31 f'.nman _ •n .77 - o i j t .ij t i:i S X m m M i i j i v ' j ::.; . dl.SOtunW -JSiT .. dIJI," ..U u > saisit3(«.ifl ; 9Ml> J2l(T1Ja*4M on agr .03 r^zvnt rsi3 .M NMrn } I- *a SMMI J2UM.7J .U tW MWM S>4»uie 1 1 75 1 3 Si^nEx 3S« .0« Hmw> U4v4UUIj$ Eiwfi JWfM et XJ4 .Jt IMMOC J4I V Ort*ilSd let -SI -17.8 Av» 3440 ..7» Skimn JO u t -II W »1U eo .(D . 6S]1 .v«*n 3,00 -.56 -iSeCcJCmt > ipl 3.19 -t.06 -25 0A«Qm - MO . 2 Emn Srvmn 1450 -3i i. CotmU 239 -.SO -17.4 And fldf»aE 2.00. r.36 -15J OOaticsf IwB . 6,25 -1-88, -23.1 i j S j .. . AEP ’. iMiMUo.ija en s sao .IS 2 S ^ ii M S " J ; | Sr«c J213 -U ,. van ....... zoo -.M' -153 Sini AfflO«l S tl2i •£! Eflkigi imjit ZOO ..3t -13.5 ftxhM. tMtd 4.38 -1.25 -22.2 4 ^lyn _ 1400-IJt OMsoi _. 2.22 AManr 3} tIJO.tJO E9|W Sfnao'Djn ... djl -it .' 3.50 -.63 ' -15J PG E SK t S S j d iI aSOOO.Jt 8irtJFnfln.12p JIM -JS TTurn » Ina CECippI I5J8 -2J8 -t3.4 J2Coni :fcn. 12S0 .« _ 411] :om 750 -213 -22,1 13-331 02 78C O -3S3 AmtaOpi..l$ tr.9t.lM Ewm I sasa.i.lj SurMM .. J4 _ K m* ._ SJt -M OUtgw .. IJ4 ^ NtiKnl -. 7.00.IJt '4*cc A«mr so 2&7S .JS even 1 123S -S3 Gtnjtrn catl }^*^1! - 47J#-tJJ £ I.imAm 4U . 13 ' Amoi X njt*7M Eaer* Diary JSS, M 41 c«viiTnc*a vanci 1.688 *? y•in ", ... AM«p( st a a . t a ^ IffiTn' S g ) 31tt -JO an9«) 167 UnduuK wiged S64 DMCSit st lju .U CUoMtr „. d,ti t t 2u s . a STo(BltauM hfemtt - 1I44-1A FtdEiC - »I5 -Jt uxfcPrt _ a « .u j TJX 0JJ48 Tou oUIitaMt 894 TotaIn» nu 7 fiisa .7« lUO .00 IMMrOf lutua o t 'O' K s »m. s ,. a 19 .OS tnacrsn jssa »4o stej Ot N l ss -19 OMTKn 73S .05 NfuLtmt 93 Ntw •wLowt 58 Nn>Ur» A^KNW M Ul -.Jt Ndroa comn _. d.M -U HwmoMc ., 131 I-®** 403 tjTiieom i*. s ~ -'J “» « • •«I »7Ut.»JI TXUCorp'i40l*44.7» .,73 ve*w________t88.0e0.780 31 .4t On.l»8 ..uMJt.t.TS TI> eo$ rscosiii ... 4400*4S3 . > I Ai«g^ .<11 Ftaevt Volu ________ 83,057.760 VoJum a M7J .ee HMSngi .. I,7S 1.528.450,600 Boq^n me_________ _ IU4 -.It ” 7s ..IJ Omaen, : n -oe a m '!9 iS S e b i^ «g«.l.1S * ^ n js ^ Horn ... Jl . e t ' ' Iwin - 10-U.SS0 XcnSM" - IM oe -03 OtiSmeridn _ d4M .JS '***” Anjiii .. n » -IJ Niuc u c IJ2 2tJ0 -Jt NCflQl . 4% » Ttf»>. Jt 4ZII .Jl B > M 22 H w nc^n, UU. 50-3W CMnUU fl Chfl %0»fl \C fta g S S:il ;" ’ ---------------------L «------2 aL '0.«» 4ISD-2k '.!. VAtcksi.m ^artfW H f i! ■“ s s . s 7W .,3 jm W T , ... IJt 0.654.84 DwJooMlnOM MiMu ^vOJOtUt Ftt&t 21J3 -Jt T»t»f,n ....S5ta -tJ 11.760.28 " 10,682.44 .56 88 » .,53 -7.00 .683 M .60 _ 1J5 .33 ’u'm.n S»-13 OMig 1221 90JI .ft r<*dUr 3,017.18 2je0.7S OowJonMTrwii mipontbon ^838,50 -10.34 riW» ' »?S .06 "tmwo . 21 17 -OS PC-1« _ IW .J* ;47U, 17M .Jl Tcuco Itoeoitoji 3 U -.36 -4 62 -3 56 BMOr» M Mtl ..II neai « W fO ^ “ 5 * in }S S 1 IMulK 1944 .44 MwHkJ ._ IO»O -J2 PMCtn. ... 7SOO-4JS • ^ 404.08 .272J7 OcMjvtMUttllx T«W JO 7TM - a .13.47 17 .3 J 5 - te e s ►47.03 s S r *M^W'n ... DkolAill li4( iUI ..It Pn«» rSOm. ,.u . 1)1 -U >n«S0MI SU U -?S _ S7t -.09 “50^ U 5 5 ^ TtdWl 09 4(75 .J8 . 081.10 575.01 NYSECompow*M 646.08 .6.54 OMT .TV &ua .Jt i4.1.02 -65 .28 C«T MMHU _ too -.13 US*[V A[VI .'31 -OC 1,043.48 825.90 /Wnbxkt B«nto ... »jt>i.i) B H 44IS.«t T»i»on IJO 44*4 .M ’■ 877.58 .13,56 •6 ♦l.s? .07 .4 16 C*efwf.r< 2SM.Im 'smn‘4 *0) PacO tMn aia -nt IS ■v««i -XUttCI) OAT XX 1.20 4tJS *JS NcUtt .It* Ul IT tSAW., t919 5.132.52 Z288.te KBtdKi Compow ... IM .» l"»nnu ?$0« S, 0»M 2.48352 -23.50 » ->J »«.« 2975 . 25 “S*-* » -,83-38.72 -37.22 B«iOO S2 ILM ,C6 Ov0 Jt a«4 -Jt Ndm Jt 418S It: -Jt TTwnneei ... »H .30 1.653,11. 07 S4P600 « -Jl PiraiTe .. -13U . t t Urmn 1JI5.18 .8.22 a .-71-10 49 -9 77 a tu ^ IM tarn .jo aant) ■foy _ itffl -.10 WASa JO lIK ie '« StJi .X '•ei4.18 1.254 S .I-.. jS.wUm USS?" ::: 440.78 Ru*mI2000 TtaMVm .It 466,63 .364 iStntm .. 6 M ^ .7t«IJI.Ut O n« 14 .,78 -7,55 -4 47 CnSiS"> ' neo .13 *>»0. _. ».H. so'it .Jl Tow J2I SJOO .,7S 14,734.25 11,S70J9 VWlhiftSOOOl i*OM.:n «*« os 3Jsa: . ; s ! S . i i u s * ' " 12.053.79 .72.21II *.60 -1273 .I l 7 t Cn*Pc-». O T sa; :m ... 4.7J MirOig ... Sitn -04 Pnpmen .. Jl0t.3Jl ____ efKxncm Tset.tit Tmeca .12 4Ui.2Jt m B i ^ a n n . m Otrtm Chroo M ISS! 44M .» mmuCn ... 4.71I ; 3 i s r ™ -31M-2S ■ BkXCp l£tu4m.lM '»««"'» 3100 .11 u— ..rv. UO . tot -JS Atetrttn Um, •'» >»'< • -975 ,78 13 25,00 -.K -.13 -22.5 ScooPw 259* 6 ... x n a i t I'nmn. 02S6. 26,94 .7 5 .3 3 Cwimir S-1S9 PWymtd .. 3IJI.4lt 4^ ;t! UWE»ip« ... J44 i-51 Pomsn ... toi .31 leMili ■ eS.'5025 4.M .Jt Uta M ttJt.lJI A AonCofp on( ,ea 21 32.63 •J8 -184 SkyWnt) .06 22 22 2650 .5 5 .893 Sl] .SO . • Olfte ^uSIA.2.44 Ownk J t -.1 ] U SThe tMi£U0 ' Rkef BkelAm 2.241 tO 48.31 «.i( .18.7,7 SiMlitrP 2.80 1II148.56 -1.68 06.0 CtT'S RoiM otoiC O * ^ 45 Ut ..13 oetxm »W 01Jt . ai n ■ ■ ■ B M n■’ H USXUv J] 27M .Jt B .60 10 34.1S *.1( 450s'-m .iOSlMt 4 .. dH3 -.11 I''"*' ..18-158 Ttr*J,n „. 17 17 35.88 -.13 -458 Co«eersrs -eu .31 CR M IIM Ol OocMl aM 27 38,08 -IJI J l -21.0 VtN ,241 41 41 11,56 s «. - .! s a » '“ "SS .101 C < y ^ S-SOS nCNCa 700 - 22 i-'v CMM Jt III* ^11 OCiaj iiiaO . - 4J1 ..It MSil . ^«j ^ UOcnA IJ7 lOJS ..Ot OrtoM • " llw r« KLAIre. '»7SI‘ .82 17 3275 -.18 .18 ..38.4 WtWin .24 36 36 50.63 -1.68 -268 S S OMMt - 4Ul*Ut HCAHA A 4U0 *.14 Pau«i .gg 43.7 .. ” d.;i : s : : r 1.571 2' 48.88 ♦,7S SSS .1} ,75 »t7,3 WuhFad t.oo 14 14 26.68 -.13 a S 3 ao 9JM .Jl WTPn FTPtf JO TJO OS Prnnr Jcn 1«j5 : S uraa * 57.44 .M f«ni ^ .. ilOO.IT? 943 .,32 Ib 31.75 -44 ,44 -285 WMhO/p ... 88 8.t3 -.08 . .40 C« - 2jg _ HMl a s s ? _ ... OCon' m J2I till .*44 PtKt IJt ust.i.Tt USI S X ‘ '” S2«iJ SET' ytivt, Ml ato .Jt ■ 0«<)ae lto BUI .2.11 HKn J t laot nwi .tt ta wcusipt rt ... dJt -M 900 . 1*UJ4*.|.» Hwyp 1750 -M L »y«0 31.00-1 ir is Sf •“ •“ ^ YorfcattiieMftwei. M < ha400mo>tac»rtMM g f? I -^3 S ’ s ' s j s i s s s r , s ilTirtji ;i Onp^l 46 t t « Tjt HomM I I'i SeJI.iS IMIch !!! I2.M-2 IH -Jt vmenCmiM 4>.78«ljs '•2.M SOl«ic. 14544.325 I,«rfiiu1 Wmui ISI .« S T u S S S '- ” ! a , 1 ! , S c»it< uocstm^uo Hwn S . :ei . .. IJ.7J-I.13 I"**"® 30 • XM4 ... Mr* .71 tJJS *Jt - a il CURA .It tu i «.U »*uNrt .;s iS i-. n ir .s :toatti«vl«ao(i}.Con)piri) X«Dt2« ..44 WMM lA m s Ml PMUa LH 24J( i s • *07s -rt '? sow-i•131 |Sip»nt - “ »-■» 5* 1051 -30 »*oeOd 340U -13 -• OmOWI - 4144 -J) W .10 217B 01 POMI IJt M44 2444 Iiu nr«Jt 744 .cx, - ISA • « r S S Prm .29 2tJ0 M M _ .Jt .Jl «Jt VWMnn J4 ItM Ol ‘‘O'* CM M 9IJ0 Ol ICNPrni MeniiM^MMa «MtfVforw or T itinnutldtdniton ■ S5c» ■■ Cmm bQHH BiBl JtD*t PR«I] 140 M44_«,M 7444 I d!u uoe .• 44_ls»m*sn _'I^S_.J9 OinCp nCp . .......... YM_dU 1-J.1l -oeao-. Jt toooM.Ti sw ^ • " Wwdi _ MOO .JO ^ CDtJPM M OJS.ZJt Unm J,-!£IS3.;S ^ ' S “S! . M *js : 9 (>« - >7J0 - « PiMFt .It BQ0 LtD ,jj m u §35" i* IS S® ff.TS Ol VdCWDB* JS* MJS -.11 - x S K J itl! s a s . K 'Sffi Coiwq .10 t&to -JO inmR IMI Ot WKMMi 140 tlM.liO : K •rv ^ . Mmu 0 Cht a«ft.«.43,.orso .53 . ►»!»,*,n2311 a?5 -09 n>nlKh> s a n a - ' * ! : s t ;p tioo ttn .lo onSr .Tti Sgii*• « wtacot .- 7,tj .JS ( • « -J* SVIHOMiJS^TOiS.l 22 SO(»oU AWunn ?^"ioc il'» tn*" WHUM J4 SOn-IJB ‘Sfil OOWMH .gll.1]4lJl MflM a«7 .SnniCDOVn2e*SgiS.tOO S^D»1 l" *7t I.M lOtta’ 2075 . 13 ". - sss CcnAcrt JM tu t Mt M-«MI A fs5-:fs ^ nu M ON^tgml ., ,0S .'.03 iS«ftC0®n*.'i93O} .53 ^K^^^yi2 Ut*iji WKjtn .14* 4a7s -Jl lir . A iT tin wt M 9IJ4 ..It RW j5 17* 17} -Jt WMfOrp _ 113 -Jt ^ -IJ iSnBO000n20tr2 13 .78 «nSM4 ... - J -« s k ::; ,: ,:S : - Mt -Jt moDsrti JO 4IJI s © J ! s a : s a s91 r 5ftSPSC0n40.l3>»3 ..70 .«SJ -It .^9 ^ IMW« Jt m^ o ^ WMUMC1«uaut.244 UO 277, 931}*.»4->>' M t u t Ol S * m a *SdMM«IMn>l» A*7M < S ’lioli-?; VNUftto MUMM4IJ0 Zlg| g j g i ^ J4 ^ jra •pMin ., 44 -Jl.. 2 . 0*710 ... 1,00 -.13 ulOOS .OS tMpMii O0M.I5 4» .1 S : tfs tts a r :SSS 5 .rn - IM Ol >S9 • Ot HMSiHin ., t,l3 -Jt T»OU >• SO»4S0-12S JO KMeg Ut.U) VnMtM 1J0U2U* OS ; S | J) IJI su t *Jt tJtl tost HHmM _ Lit -.It Tirrmt wMrt ,„ tfJt '.40 t u t ^ Ktnwi s s r „ . s .44 ., UMmV St 1375 .06 T«.OD ccn uo o s yn,«ti I to aaM -m cacn I4S • 19 ^ tW l KmiW o lio 5,' 2 S ^ £ S .,1J [ W 53 t » .06 lurrrf. aos -20 m v iJt 4ut o t i Q •SM M lM iM U.1- UnttCBX-W ti; ts s : ? . :: -,1t KTNCem Jl .,13 nr* -, «t« -.13 . B rM flT M tM M M W l CMMnn . V*mCm - lUi Ol rSH -Jt MiOx. .,„MJ1.3JI 3 1.12 jw *i?t escoM i « 4«ji LA) . i J t . t t - l U9,;S W»M Jt S744aM ^ : S ISU : “'3 :: -Ot M IH IC O I. Wtt . » bqi .u]i, • - Jt .JJ _ .13 -i -la ttoifii , .M UTlE/qi S , ' S s a . ; s l ? s a , s - 5lit s -Jl mt£fi Mfl 2Ut .44 I f i ^ M ;^ M ;t» . ss* " ■ SDl •!» SMwin SSI MOO -C iMu 700 Bl - tats«iJt M d i _ Ul -06 H m - «4M r s S VV*WI - 'IM O t !gj*l Con«n»r 18} lowtti STB --19 I s s u : “i s : s .'5^: o n jtt u ju tjo 3 f m - tijti CrK»«(i S lij! IJOlfllTJ.IJt 5^1 d3l «>rO«g 7t 2714.1C ;»<" 1J> -M »L MuJUS.MI £ S 7• •109 Ouo. 13 Wijwi" . UM-IJt SnuZttiJt UM< n '_ IJ] .,11 tt,t _ 1.13 -.1 r tu s -.1} BMBPUM l&tl -,11 njiT* -■ Jl .0* vtu>0( •Of a -a H iTS *«i Mm 4M Ml t in - ,71 -Ct l»WWin 2S> J12S-5: .22s POtpu ISO issa .13 tvnMut «~T X «l. - ttJ7 tXMSnlM M HtD LtD .,13 ZMCP ■ . ISJI -tt « - dIJt MJ 1J« 423S .1 .13 hnnaco -ult.t3.tJ0 xmmi •aua MUt ' M«M ASjM Sl _ IU1«UI M C0M -Jl JO Al) ^ m l&U ..!» Stfwsn M S744 .Jl M U Jl ttJ«a44 M S2$ . « 8a«j* . m tauir -. 2ut*iJo ( I i E“v='B -'"S .His; SK- ss f sr rsaa S h'llSr fmt fS fi i^miiiimin KBSaWKSi'*- M u iM k ; -- -• ------------ Tlme^Nm. Twin Fl Ci.o.siN(; iI'l’l n ^ U R E S ^ C«ivnodTy ^ I'.i■ UB70 I! s;: ; : r . ! ! s 1 ««20 til 70I OIM t v..’ Ll S 110MI II "• V.i> C-VMk>i;4J 6«M C Oo,' COMFXC.OU ?74 MI S I S?3» IVj COMEX:;.iv«i <8?31 448 M D-- Cp’.'E*C(TP«' 0«» 6 J.II1 , draco •‘41 Va' Trr.n Hero 10523 *04* 10 Wj' ‘ |l(inu 1032J 10 W.i; C'.tirn 69 00 'S ( s; tv. OMr-ijoJ 7900 ? 7 77 0310 Th- lin' Mi. 1135 J.l- IIM’M.:. 0[(0 9fli r»i' iirp ufli 980 W.i' llft’ M.i. . IOOI tOM tl Al- lirfW,:. . ' too? II fc’.i, rirf'M.ih IOM II -f 90J10 .fl!» 8t,74 .,e j ’|‘. i 7BJ5 778 1M ?,S 7400 ?; 3S '1135 • ••.•r;i. .c.iri;~ ^)7? ■ i « 15 (■a50 SS ' - - !• ■•.17 It ■ i..-n Ys j j 59(12 ■ •• ■ , .,.117 0? • • • -; ■ , f.*;i5 67 Io ,r <■ ^ s? %Vt -av, : s 50(1? 67- 'S .40 ■“ Vn ..... . ?H5 I m \ % s i y n M'4 ?»1/? .011/4 ■J', 1.4 ’ . -IOS «i4 505 1'4 .05 '.10 5t2 • 001/4 ? 1'>t'v >tV 220 . 003.-4 .'Jt. ?;’l.a'4 S»«a Q.wunom fromS »«a<»»Co. v : ., \S lj|-A\‘ ____________ _ |KV«» US f«> 1 UtAj'nM Tv lnwTtcamp«b»M M4. ................ M4, 1 127 DURUMWHEAT “** s 2 :.;r;.< , i. .Al'. I'l.i' , ....(In' (Ii,'-.1Ulnt 70 courl 7.001(4 00, per c<^WiKoni:nNocl.ouM70 ?wr.17 w “jO ,*i( 0,100eoijnl7.00.750,p»fewlCeKW<» COuni600-7.00, 100eouM7.00-7.iO. DMSIOftIJmMC nM9N8nS'«Ap».e«:kS»f>0 0-700. p«f CMCc*xiao FwrkoUht 5»1W'«i V'tcontin Nomolsni 4 00-7.00. Mix.rxJ OS S 1*t.7e Ap«.ev.1 100Ouckt: W.tcorifcn 700-8C 3-800. W.r\n«u)1s N 0*kOC»pon 50.4 00. 100counl3 50.4.&. O4f*fll0lDMm:o«ni3 M5 non I0*g» lua AWAift.noJoo»na o-ojoo No.kel*M 4M300 W'tcwu.n e 00-8 s ;s r '”‘ ll 000 Cum.n.fT'jm, ccinup«r Du»h*l 274 5 -121 t :;n )=i JC525 .1 - fi 34a S ugar No» 20 S5 ' ■Vi:bull|38.0K*d S S S T s ^ s s s r •rrMitfa; s s s s s s ra is is " * ” maChicgo «*9» 0 » CATTLE 40000 (n.: C M pwb. Dk 70J5 7925 7400 Frt 77.50 77.50 78.77 Apf 78.80 78 80 T7M Jun 74 02 74.05 7330 Awg 7365 73.92 7340 oa 78J1 75.82 7505 Dk 74J0 74.50 7820 EM. «l*» 17JiJ.Fn.'i»*lM 14,490 Fh.'topw mi 132,047 FEiEOQlCATTl£ 80000ti^ CM p«b. 02,10 01.35 < IJtn e.07 90.78 90.75 90.15 i ] |> iss .s i s i 73 77 - 25 73.M -.18 -J. ___ • . 00 35 Z.43 90 00 -.30 6025 - 47 i U«y .... ^"* “ ‘**349 21.25 2i 2095 2125 21 25 20 50 2V25 Tj4 21.25 -05 20.50 - 09 :::: 20 IS:!.' ............... 90 2.204.upfl5 -.60 -.30 -.S3 -40 -.73 .:43 -.03 j S S " * * " ’- ' ' WiMf B-. London UaUI Eicn. Tut. umdt M piti*. U.S. Miinatient.' r s a * - " ' ' - " ” -” ’ " (Mvtnd. - . - s s i s i ?etm* " f.i.” * -""’y "W.. Handy 4 Harmtn (or\VOUy SoW-U74,iOirDyM. yM.,NYUtfCtpolTui, ndy4 Manw (ont|(d»»r quoiil. r sx.. N.Y. M«fc ipol Twt. M*rewv.»lj0.i»p.r P*r76fcllt»k.7J:v, I-W20.001(0*Ol, N,r, (eonract). wSSJU'MnSo*® lK»yBl..N,V.Mtr«ipo(Tut. n q-rtol guotad! n.L^n ifiol ivUaU*. r SissS SSIL FUELS F o ss --------------------NEWV0flK(AP)-F«1, -Fviui*ttrtainQanlhtN*«Yo F*b 2420 24 81 Ma; 28.95 24.3 iis s s ?6 00 24.70 25.71 «5o M6I WBO 2S » 2i46 Jyn 25 25 28.4; H47 25.20 25J2 JU 2505 25.11 75.18 24.00 24M ................ ......24,77 • (4.70 24.50 24.86 to Mar .... M00 23'oc ................... ................... jI^ Jui Aug S3 Oei Dk Jtn Mt. :S .33 ,J1 .J2 ..21 .ao .,10 ::lg SS MS iiM o5 22:ii :\l O to.M .20Q0 J l . C108S liJ U j H j L NET CHANGE •23.60 % CHANGE .a o 3 HIQH2,B4a.7B LOW 2,430.10 RECOROHIQH H MwfiiO.SOOO H ----- 4.600 ■ ----------------4,000 2 ----------------3.600 T r 9 B jB |H E 9 |H B B 2.600 2 : m ER OCTOBEH NOVEMBEfl D£C8 ICCEMSER' ‘~ < ' dose mb Jiday bo< x)m | S t o c k s ^ ^a | c i x e d | f t e r h o ] ' a ll really lig h t a n d a lo t o f th e p l a ? _ N E W Y O R K (A P ) - W Si S t r e e t ’s C h ris tm a s o p tin im is m ers w e re n ’t t h eere re ,.” >«r ffaa d e d T u e s d a y a s in v eess t o r s T h e D o w J ro o mn e s i n d u s t r C S r”e t u r n e d to t h e i r p a t t ee rr n o f average ro se 56.81 ;e.88 to 1 0 , 6 9 1 ^ ur lo a d in g te ch stocks a n di :sh iftim B ro a d e r m n e aa s u r e s w m g . in g in o n e y into b lue c h ip s. m ixed. T h e Nfasd asd aq c o m p o s S e A f te r se n d in g sto ck s sos o a r in g index s lip p e d 23. 23.50 to 2,4‘)3 S 2 iinn a b r i e f h o lid a y r a lIly lj on and th e S ta n dlard a rd & P o o r’s 5BP F F lr i d a y , in v e s t o r s r e t r ee ja t e d index ro se 9.222 to 131 5 .1 9 . ~ an a m id c o rp o ra te e a r n in g ss w or* “ You h a v e littl little im p e tu s f w r i e s a n d p ro fit-ta k in g . T 1 ech r»< an y g a in s to d lay a y o r th is w e e C sti s t o c k s f e l l a n d s o - c a llesd d o ld We’re p ro b a b lyy n« n o t g o in g to ggl e c o n o m y issu e s ro se m ode d e s tly an in te re s t r a te :e ac u t th is w e e l^ ^ i n l i g h t tr a d in g a s m m any said B arry H y m m ar an, c h ie f in v e s ^ !" ini in v e s to rs took th e w e ek bbee fo re m ent s tra te g is t w: w ith W e a t h e r ^ Nc e w Y e a r’s off.• N S e c u ritie s. “ In[] th th c a b s e n c e t t JA n a l y s t s w e re g lu m aa lb o u t th a t ty p e o f news, 2WS, th e m a r k e ^ p r o s p e c ts fo r th e la s t w e!ee k o f going to e r r o n th th ee d o w « i d f t ’’2r 2000. S h a re s o f Y ah a h o o l ro s e 5 1 . 6 “ W e ’r e s till v efy u n s ui rr e o f to 53 1 .1 9 o n re 'c p jo r t s i t s s h o ^ te«c h n o lo g y stocks going in to ■ to th e ping o rd e r volum< u m e n e a rly dcQC 6e n d o f th e y e a r ," s a i d B Bir ia n \ bled d u rin g t h ei h o lid a y p e rio d :^ Tj-I B elsk i; a m a rk e t stra te g istt iw ith / B ut o t h e r te!ch c h lo s s e s o ffsM U S B an c o rp P ip e r J a ffra y .. “ B u t those ga in s. C iena iena feU 5 2 .8 1 3Z yoi y o u c a n ’t re a lly c o u n t to 'd d ;a y ’s S74.19, as d id Cisc. :isco, o ff 75 ceijtS a c t i v i t y a s a d e f in a b le tri tre n d a t 540.75. IB M d ro p p e d 54.19JO DGl b e c a u s e tr a d in g v o lu m ei 'w a s $84.81. :E I S :iis ... ..18 2235 2j:i5 r i s 22:1? 22:17 1:11 .... ::::: I II ? MS ................ 2i:«» t:i6 ::::: llV ? MS & :: Ok 21 40 2114 40b 21-20 I I 2I M S -.65 . Dk ................... ................ 2103 ..IB - 10 Dk - 60 DK .. . ::: MS .... Dk ................ 20 53 ..IB 46.UP2.474 UJ»]gi*dlor rStUr,^ Jui 6625 6800 :ss s s s n : r ;s Lonoonrtwn.ngl'.«ig Clottfl lorftoi«Uy Uryjon iiR*rr«or>lii.r>g Cio»»0lor hoiH2ay, U K MM :j.S lonoon Itit. ClOMdlor hoi«tv Oci P*n» ARs.noonlamg Clc^ forhobtlay< N ov 7050 70 50 I7uncn .69 88 «945 tj35 lti« an«mo<>ri. ClotMky hol ;s-“ 65 6925 6925 .240 N Engtmtrd. *276 00 w M25 sYEngsmtro >.•«> 47 65 67.85 .85 67 25 47 25 .2 40 -O Jrt t»t>..c*ted Nol A.tMM 45JO .2,40 W NYMtrc.lJotdtoolrTonth.Tu* J274.10up NYMS0CUar\kUSA4pm Tu* J274 30I. S '■ 62 55 l2 « ^ bh. Fn I tata, 31.890 ’ NEWYORK(API 1.«dirnrded . And J.C. P en nleeyy is on tra c k 'to . • Jan 74.50 7825 M 7345 75^ **63 SOll la l e s m e s s a g e w as d e l a jy e d 74 10 .40 Frt 7400 7600 m e e t p r o j e c t iio o nn s b u t o n lS Jtn27500 275 00 27440 274, ru e sd a y m om ing by icy w e a th t er beca u se g o a ls w w er ere s e t so lo )^ F«0 275 70 278 50 275 80 2751 -’?S Ap. 27B80 27910 27B20 27B.. 00 79 30 79J0 .1.14 lhal h a t slow ed em ployees g e ttin j (0 Jig S a les in th e la te t essit w e e k w e r e Jun 280 40 241.00 26080 2001 00 90 . 40 •''' ™ 15 ■ Am b e tte r th a n e x p esct te e d , p u ttin g tiw ■ wvork. or A ug ... . ... . 2811 8300 .40 Y nS Oa j Ij L a w re n c e said th e c o m p a nr y ’s c o m p a n y in pp o js itio n fo rT i* 0* Dk 286.50 204 M 24450 284.1 SS ^ n-30 F»t planned sales declij ... ............... .... 288.. siip u pe rc e n te rs, m any of w h ic h ;a r e 58.40 .40 ga ................... ecUne o f a b o u t S AFrt o. eJa tiv e ly rem ote, are p articu: nilar* percent fo r th e mnonth. on Jur :::: S S :i:s ggs :fo ^ '■■■■ A u( ... »90 . 40 Fn.'»ia<*.19,315 y s u s c e p tib le to w e a th e r wc v o e s. S hares o f Wal-M; *«0 ............... 2831 l-M art feU $1.88' Qq UP3.482 «'P p ee o p l e h a v e to g e t o u t a n d Dk T u e sd a y to 550.63 ).63. F e d e r a t e d SS ::::: :::': | ! l | Fn'»uMt 7.244 1CM»Qinnt«/(.tp«mr driv Irive,” h e said. slipped 13 c e n ts5 to 531.00, a n d ^Fn^ n . l 100,082 Jan 9450 9950 8t In d e e d , though som e in v e st s to rs J.C. P e n n e y Co.. In c . g a in e d 3.1 F.0 0150 8250 ajX a^»yci.:oM p.ftn,yoi. Utr 7.050 8000 nay b e h olding out hope, s a lv l acents 59.50. 0« 1423 .1 2 *«' 8900 6080w sss Jtn 461.8 4837>81 5 4M 1637 .12 «4» 5360 1 400X) I w •.sS S tion ion w on’t b e found in sa le si tth is K ey s a le s u pid d aait e s a r e s t i l l Frt .... ... , , 468 1482 .1.2 Jun 5.250 534616 5 250 5 346 .114 w/ee ee k . W ith s te e p , s t e e p d i s exp ected fro m oth< o th e r b ig retaJl-, Ut. 447.0 47054470 488 188.7 .12 Jui 5217 5J31 Wn 471.0 471.0 470 9 472 :720 .1 2 Aug 5200 5.31414 5200 53?4 I!!4 COUI o u n ts a n d a b o u t 10 to 15 p e r ers, in clu d in g Targi a rg e t C orp. arid ,77.3 .12 Srt 8200 5279 e n t o e m onth’s sales e x p e pect------ K m art-C orp.-T arget r g e t fe li-6 c e n » — 81:6—0.2---- On-5160— 8264u s D ^*c 400.0 400 0 482 0 485 45.B .1.2 Nov 5 270 534414 5.240 8.344 .109 e d in t h i s f if th w e e k: o f to 5 3 0 .6 3 , a n d K Krm a r t ed g < ffi Jtn Jin 404 2 484 2 4642 464 642 .12 Dk 5 370 5424'4 5.3JO 8424 .109 jw , Utr 01.0 .12 Jtn 53t0 54144 5J10 >ecem ber, perform ance is rie le a r - ' down 13 c e n ts to 55.: 55.13. s : 8 414 .109 Uty 936 .1.2 Frt ,1-set. Even if tra ffic pici p icks u p , d o U w 96.1 .12 Ml. S“ .B I : i ; I 99.6 .1.2 Aor A :::: J.SS rISS Ain d a n y c h a n g e m a y b ei 1f o r p er m in sac tio n will will re m a in w S C DD kk 511.0 515.0 5020 502' JiJl 1 JU ; • '« I hlee iw orse, n o t th e b etter. O n1 tto p below p re -h o lid aay y e sto lies. ^ to r e ow an u ptick in sales NEWvonx (AP) - Kaycuntncy tuhtrtgaartiii rt ... sales to 2 “T he b ig g e r q uuestio esi n is: How. J e s a r e n ow seen growing 1 tc Tmtday. compa.*d 10UI*FnOa> ^ OcS OoltrvK E«(«no*nM 1 4,044 .94 perci :umprom otional d id you h a v e to i r c e n t from la st y ear - ossuj Y*n 11343 ... Fli^'.u... 25.525 e I) ing >k to g e t th o s e sal g rre a s o n a b le sales this w eek s a l e s ? ” s£-Sv9«rlutu.«( onlh* Nlw Yo'VCon«., Sug*. ug*. tno Coco4 Eicruings Tu*: Lew S«(M Q«. 81XIAR.W0niD T112.000«»;oM» «»P»f6, Mar gjO 9 80 11005 OBO 000 .,17 940 0 30 9 51 .09 Jxi 4»4 903 4 44 BBS .12 444 4.55 840 .,12 S?. 445 4 30 4 45 . 12 4 40 . 12 ................ 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S«II CKfl lost ;05t -01 ■}’: -0» lli.1u*l A r!.l^’.rlr. '355 ’395 -04 * **,. '.piiTj;;*! ftH U .Jt «u ■395 .25 ...............-. M■ , . -r-C-.gin IO M :S SS iCS.30 «1M B.uii»rw0.1-31 1045 .. N*Uf J372 .01 SiritA 32 44 . 32 nrtl wiFundaT- " 34 47 . 64 « uU«lona«ll07£||j; 4 70 .. STO Fn Tt> " ClE&Sl -2005 -Il r.MQ10 D1i 2234 . 22 H.I080A 851 ... IncT .S.S IB24 -01 SmiC(iS.nlJ02 .04 ( - 09 ESmn l |n . » i *2 u w wivtaOA.□1^54 Qra kT CIW-.1 77 79-948 OlonVVtnc«CIC: M). inaEoA 2229 .12 Inct.l '' » HJlm|.Tn 11.79 s s S' VA nuOCp .Cp 21 44 . 22 IfxOiA 9 75 .05 WJii'. Wei MLU„lo.lD iVii*l“'' .4. -04 C<»«"*81..n; . KTnHTnltlOtau. 984 - 02 iKrdn 4097 . 52 ns,Stv»n4347 .04 CnlMM M JtMO^ IWM.A 722 .02 Innnca 5 "21 .? »>2 .D1 5a«c9 21.13 21 OS On»«n 24M 0 9 iKop «~SSP 9M.02 USBin 10« .,01 g PAJn«.TrH1J5 JiJJJJ 6^ .07 Colun*l«fwnd»; C40AAi> kFurtda: OrtHn 2424 .J3 vitU OUOTniallV: Jehn HancockO IM.JO ii»uncen 23 to . 13 £e-./ttAo i ': ' ” c S a r r . r . ; , ' 7.93 .. 4«J ... V oy . a . i . « ft USCorii14M-1.l8 FniivO p I987'. J ftElTrJ11.40-® |W £ .P '«I.* .” Onr.n 39 71 . 15 £?iS.B 7 .29 IndCQS 1467 . 09 0«,0«coi**B 2545 .K lSS^P ?*77 uS»£ STAfln 1747 JJT -CS Soocin 2557 .30 GWnAo K ”.' I S : : ^ s K r s i . - . ,1 STCorpn I «7l .01 CortKoFdOfp: Q.Si^Ap 1048«V ^ * 1213 ’ ^ uulif 9M ..: ^ 's s i i T J ' . j i , s a i . .:I Si s . . ijM Io7 c ^ ; " o - i n 0|0r*rtnn2l.?2 i .05 KanparFurtdaA: OnalAp 1105 . 04 GlncAp 5 STFaOn IOU**. Ifl.5.12 Cn.SocApltSa gS.S :-JS J • 14 ComAg f . i . K S K l i '? • " ”, 2 STTuyn 102a-M» tiiiifs s r OV .U Con.ScO.1l 52 • 13 HVDaA Ap 9 ^ -ol HmM 10^ 9 Snit:qrni424-«kt« - Foodr 4462 .37 C 3^ Cn.S® ev .11i8 .13 lm.rnU B :AdiS35-X N C U uaA 1047 . V$Kl j i S K f i s : ! ! S S . I S ' T.UCAprnX44?W g«Sl M .05 Gold. 1107 .07 *I 1 ^ * ^ 5 0 02 S Z - ;■ |‘ “ -01 Ei;t,Ap982 . tl iiwQ.Ap ip 1797 . 12 PAMuA 1123 flM " ... OlAIAt 1293 . 12 LpOrln IO UgW o 19 n-05 3]S *19 0u«tf » T.U0lr«2B6I.M ii?? *S '*'07.227 0 14' *02 CqtjT 991 .11 IntrrrnA^p p 572 . 04 SCtpSlA 1401 .1} j USOron 2 7 6 4 ^ 'SSI -C'l P.iincAp997 -Ot Uinga* IA 794 .07 SmA 830 . 01 UuCc! ns:',' “ « ; « ^J ^ ; ^ r 3 7 . UtUyn 1547 |»dA M2 fmney 1001-01 U^CpAApp 953 - 01 USa^A 7 75 - 01 MdC tp4P1 1716 .10 u S ,, iSig 12? 'I Ml ' ■5C ( Wal»rn 2100M.M w ? 8 i:! >11.C4 ..,Yi0Ap8 20 SmCoOA:0A295J.31 UUFdA. 1019 .23 U«C« 1 12 65 . 17 S ^ n 1469 Io9 > Waimn 24O2W0 '05.01 ..,»IC0D817 SmvuAp 0 “ I 193 .21 i.iYUT .824 lElfCAp r S S ,J ? “ ' “ S ' i f f l ’^ ^ ^ “^78 .: ' '''' ' « , ,! ! • £ " . S S : S ^ CaoO.A 2343 ^13 T*c«M “ t? !] sav , ss:s ' a ' s s ? ;;g;s; ise ' 2 “ “ *w V. fe S i n TrfrHn 1 1J 1 :' QTCi!' -n 17ja - a Ton.,. MBS . IS sO ifttEqA 10D8 . 2J Laiardlnrt: WPCO 8 22 . 05 S«U«3 : “ v**-" ' i n . i i S m S ! ; ; ! ! : § a s IAB31S4.12 ,« 471 .02 A s ' s i s s39.“ on? ri; T»**<7»#f0>iim*; n. Q”pB OondB 4 73 - 01 Stod>T> 10 74 . 02 ftm^h.Ce S ^ n 1874a * " ..- - . 1 ■18 -W MT/.OA 2404 . 25 WtowiSQ 549 . 06 OSutiO 3094 .X K9aC4/T , .■ -n Am.,le»nFg.yli* H or Utn 2048 . 21 In O Z 2317 . t vli* D*>l|Fun4«0: M4ngi;0p Op 785 .07 ^kinODl 4 50 . 01 TtcnT ,, .f-J AU**» -sja 28 . 10 flYVnr\0 2723 . 25 UsCcOpIp 044-01 InnEsO 2099 .11 FIdrtyJ ICAPFur>di: IRMrtrBWn Aoa: ‘l l ' i p ....... ■ . U) i,’o41 .•«< DotiFvndiCaV: SmCoOU i; J1p; 3b2;78.3I woo 042 .04 Eqo3n f f l ." ;? ? , ';.. ' rSttn" 2BJ7-S ImOuttt: 11»-01 L O ^ ... ...........- .11 • 55..’5 NYVenY 24 33 . 24 SmVuO3B p 730 - 01 MHO 7 22 . 02 OiOoia Vaun 22 8 1 .3 2 Vil»n19.15 .J4 V^faJuJia V, , ■ , t., I?f9 '9 N»v«nC 27» .24 lmwpri»»C ih18.35 CiOApCa] S S 5 i... 32U .31 AfflOyAp 471 ... SmCOr. All.l f: . OtUwudnvMtA: '»*24 0«£[Ao '7 55 .24 Ecwf^p £ i S .07 '‘ ”~ : s ! .a .» 53-20 Ap 27 09 . 43 .0-inrt;B.} , ' ' ’ S.t'CV 73-.21 D«ln.*raln»n..n1fima» C-lf-Ap .'tii . OlKl>«A»MtUllW; . InOOrCp:pls24 « .t3 I17U .13 PMUIp 1123 JS S ; :s ; ™ 47.38 .24 DnlnAp 9J0 .01 ICOOirw r .• •- .- .01 UIO'0- -C2 im:£q 2480 .13 “WCpP : : a 4 |;.s I ? P 785 . 07 5fflC»S(E3 1544 .11 0.OC 0T i i i i S H - ” s , , .1 W.u*il I5MU. .I2 DltctMA*M'U Pmn vi: |g * P *.1 # .P '945.01 SaiOdO 18.14.10 wrSt ffl «j. .01 ."J i; • •. inin,:*a U43O. -0? tiniEqiutS'3' .40 SmCOCpS .p 2407 .31 Smo 430 .01 UoCpTi X^To31s7 .M ForUaFur^ If U ; J« a „„ «« SA jirV aarJS f 41,?7 r S ?!!«*% *1.43 MJ S*P8tl II'■ .■■ .( ;CMI. »7f'f. -26 S«V»Cp oSSfipn'SIl ! " ‘f3S7"^07 .. 1 . •P 748 -01 USOrOI 7.75 -01 SiV ?l;?8 :.Ts c«w e ' f ' o s g 3459.27 I"t»rprtM C it«CIY: UUFoOi 1020 .24 nMnF r]r'n.4(i jj M'M ;j ! 73.19 USlnV«o'645 . 19 O^Y ? •-02 MomBlAuWlnat: '“ C O < AUi.. Furt.u* ?tU s : is ! :3 . S i i i i ” ^ « *•'2 USSmln 9 20 . 02 IwO'Y , '1SS -“ S i : 3 r : s ; i-o.' s-^CcAu roa? . US4.'0V«I7«4 .10 «»WY , SSffS;:S:S SS3!!:?; :V7 S r J i ? *•’' ^ tii S2-22 U,- ,<,» .1 . O'l T.rup 11}» » O tvKUTM Funtfa: iSSfp I m *"'" '40 . 0*. 58J7 » S 5 . r ,•'> .ssrvu^'sr"^ ^ ;2 - 4 Cor.ln«A-7J».'a e . f ',W !i 2IC«1ISI 441.0) H(Yld 9.7 •tai 11.44 -.02 ineom A p 234 .03 '.'I .'.I IllionFur>d>' EOmn 3507X8 a s :!-!! S SociEQ 3440 .18 Om.gOl J4 ..n HaOtntPindiPiiAi 9.« "ni TjEaAp 173 _ CotmjnO .SCA 24M .,10 >^TFAb 11.95 ., ^ S S T K . . . K .nTT JpSmCopn2.3}^ fSS;::S *-* Di»»do«fncH: lirtmfnli « 15.81 .,10 'JO .01 .£ Janua: UFBFundaB: *•'* S S ! 5 '’iSS::g! dt: iryi UM .04 CaSil fl 1^?: E S J .ia .d ; £ S S 17 .04 UB»'Ovp; M S '? s s m Drrrfut: CorOol 10 » s .. ! » . l i . S : 3 i S . ' A'l'Jf. iCiplt Otlr-^D" ues . I »ConOrn » 27.49J W S S S J « li;S ! | '.'.-I'i ■)! 0'u»triDni2J9 ^ -C • 02 D t^P r 27 M ^lo Ii1039 .10 AnU»fJ4JT .24 Eqkcn Uo-Cion 4M C T a ," S S S ! S 4 CMTi. 1490 .. SOS«(Y 19 1597 .13 BonsF8.73 -02 ^ In H s .- s H ::S cnee 3873 . I t IimIMmFi* tFwtdc Egnc^i 14.73 *01 Cm« 0IUMSCIi<»B2.31 TlXRBi 1UI ..16 S iil’ fs lf. a»27 ..24 0«l> L72-,01 ^ U3Ti^n1J.4*».tne*CipC: TiUgirtv 1117 7 .. 1I4 EmgW 3709 .42 19 ^ S i!S "rOirCl }403 . tJ i/>IV»3 IflH •! 225." ’««! •» «*t#lfsBd« ri’” *” S" f •'« QntCi 730 - 01 Olictnechlmtl: pwvii. a i .e a ^ Mo »!?**»£*« 1374 -,B1 O M ? 1IJ0 - oIm i < H r S i iflis ■T»-.r.CI 93Sr .63 Co-itWi 944 -0 Vim 38.7 3 ^ K . ' i s , ' , ' j K 7 ; a 7 . i . a Amti C«nlii7 Adv. IffCcO'l tgM.Q j'S S 'f . i l l ” oS^is s u r is .n :s i x ? " 'X0.upnrf»4 .2J ’ loCflVJ t4 77 .J JSSpU W AalAIA Sl.72>>n t r w t , . S S .M S S S 1 H Am«'Cwi1u^ln< ; :J! S ,'l ill? .,10 ' i s r - r i i _ wn 7.1B -.01 WgrUAp 821 ..12 So E3I5" i f f l a s a r <>r 22.44 .11 rnnk/TmTrM bS ry'''ci‘n'',ji” . u s«ica'' ? jn !* •m 11173 .,73 UC: T» iH iri! iw r ls - s B rs s s s B50 . 07 SCtflO'i 19«0 .Jl .J Tc«JroA.38lI -31 DsnoA 1l ! i ; l » S aS '^ S ^ ! ™ ::S » Uen OM .,42 FprpnCp t(lO» .0* V sMs a f t S f i 'S J i r S S l 7,07 ^ LTTmn 1094 -03 m tneC i g» i i i - s - J: 'SeSS cC4i 4ubSu a"» ;;.is..i-i « a - j j i vmsi U4J.J5* w « Bl it ‘ 14.18 *.14 Uer^ 18.93 ^ i«ci>0fi m i-j S ■ ~ kEZ S l i l i i B I S* s i is S i i i i s .iss.i, o ^HTbS^C’'^ S . 2. X SS sss.i. : S T ssiii : s-g;-s » . sffi S J liH isi is i s “ StZ ST-” s;; tr""i!s- 1 SE' TS SSfriiS -J CJ:.'ll«aH“•• SSE'.'S?:!! S ?' SS:S W i hit V e® ,sg S 's r i; & a il so -; :: KcJS:UB^r.ts:s ' Effi”." s :: £ fr." isis.-j; 'isr'i l # i a 'S s ii! £ . I I S i s i'l S S 'T H H s illiii "tri-,- Si.'"'” '" Si. K" gs:s -Sy'S;?' IE SJ? gji:-,'! SSSf'ii!:S s ti '■■ 'jssnisr.; s S srs iiis g iis iS Z S ' a ? i s ; s j ’XS m m !SS.i SaSSlfJ!:?! £ SSi “t --------L_. i' ... . .. ! . - \ ^ E s r ir w T he Tim es-N N ew Wednesday, Dece xernber 27, 2000 s­ T ry I n sS i I D E s o m li e t h i n g I uiiimIIHI Section E H m iman \will sk]dp thnough life I The A tso clsted PfM»___________ __ . r T T C --------- c— good o f k id s,” Cook s a i d . “ W e ’re pro m o tin g th e n eed for k i d s t o b e a c tiv e . B ut w h e t h e r you’re 7 o r 7 5 y o u need to b e a c tiv e .” T h e o rg a n iz a tio n r e a c h e s a b o u t 320 school sy ste m s in 38 s t - 't e s . C o o k is h o p e fu l C o rb in will p e r s u a d e thousands o f c h ild r e n an d pare n t s to e x e r c is e to g e th e r b y touring t h e c o u n t r y in a W e b c a m - e q u ip p e d R V i n t h e f a ll o f 2002. C o r b i n a ls o is w ritin g a book, “ C a l l e d t o S k ip ." A nd on S unday a fte rn o o n s , her e n to u ra g e s k ip s th r o u g h G o ld e n G a te P a r k , encoura g in g a n y o n e w ho d i^ e s to jo in them . “ I t h i n k th is is a l Ci c a l l i n g . I t 's b e e n q u ite a n inte restin g s p i r itu a l jo u rn e y fc for m e ,” s h e said. “I m a k e i t in to a g a m e . J u s t sneak in gi fi e s te p s w herever fiv yi you a r e a n d no one is is e v e n g o in g to n o tic e it. Y our iirn n e r k i d ' g o e s, ’I e e ! H e e ! H e e !' ’H llii k e y o u g o t aw ay w vrith so m e th in g .” ~ p r i ---------' " T ' :is- SA N F R A N C I S i f e , . CO - S h e ’s a c ro ros:ss .• b e tw e e n t h e C a tt in ir V B th e H at aanncd • H t liltite tfflL Superw o m an a s ssh( he . ir' bo u n c e s a m o n g tthh ie dow ntow n s u its aanc nd s k irls , s h o u tin f “ S kippers, s k ip omn l’ l” th r o u g h a m e 'Sa* ga phone. H er “ m a g ic ’ ro y a l b l u e v e l v e i c a p e fla p s b e h in c h e r a n d a recJ, w hite a n d b lu e to p hai f lo u n c e s a t o p h e ir h e a d a s sh e l e a dIss ai h a n d f u l o f f e lloiow w s k ip p e r s d o w n tthe he s id e w a lk . P a s s e r s b y do d o u b le ta kkeess a n d s c o o t o u t ol th e ir w ay. Som e s m i le i n d e l i g h t , o th e r s r o ll th e ir eyes. H o m eless, p e o pp le ie a s k h e r fo r m o h eeyyj; s h e m a k e s th e m ®on Kim Corbin, le ft, Bol)>P) Pennypacker a n d V ictoria Stollnsl llnski sk ip In dow ntow n San Fran s k ip f o r it. K id s on inclscD D ec. 1 9 . CorUn quit he r J o b .a t» bookk ppublishing c o m p an y an d plansI to skip a ro u n d th e UnKed S tats b icy c le s m o c k hieerr;; r t t i to prom ote f ltn e s t s h e t e l l s t h e m to to snd a e e n tle rebellionn aag ain st conform ity. “ skip off.” Even in an y th iniig g -. g e n t l e r e b e l l i oDn n S h e s o o n fo u n d sk ip s th ro u g h dow n­ A m e ric a n E x p r e s s goes S an F ra n c isc m:oo,, a g a in s t c o n f o r m ity ty s h e w a s n ’t a lo n e . tow n. check th in g s.” - a m e s s a g e s h e ’11 ’ll K im C o r b in i s a n T h e re a r e n o w h e ad “ I h a v e fo u n d T hen, in s o o n t a k e n a t i o nn-sk ip p ers in 3 2 cities a tten iio n -g e tte r. p a s s io n i n m y life. S e p te m b e r, sh e d id me w id e a s s h e p r o0 -­ “ T h e r e ’s s o m w ho s ta y co n n ec ted I'm so m u c h happi* a n I n te r n e t s e a r c h u n w r itte n la w t hhaa t m o te s f i t n e s s iinn to C o rb in , th e selfe r, s tro n g e r and fo r n o n p r o f its a n d A m erica’s schools. say s, ’A d u lts d oin’t n ’t p ro c la im e d m o re c o n te n t," found h e r f u tu re a t ■ sk ip ," ’ sh e s a y s. “ If A n a tiv e of S k ip p in g Q u e e n , C o rb in s aid . N o v a to -b a s e d s o m e o n e w a n t s to I n d i a n a p o l i ss ,, th ro u g h e -m a il a n d “ I s k i p to th e P ro je c t F it i e y C o r b in m o v e d to s k ip , t h e n t h e y to W eb p o stin g s, g y m , I s k i p o n th e A m erica, w h ich proA shou ld be a b le t o do do San F r a n c is c o fo u r S till, C o r b in t r e a d m i l l . I t ’s so m o te s f i t n e s s in y e a rs a g o i n s e a rcch h th a t. 1 f e e l t h a t n eegg­ fu n , e s p e c ia lly a d m its t h e firs t public schools. a tiv ity h a s b e e n rrulu l­ o f h e r s e l f . O nl e ti m e w a s h a r d , w h e n t h e r e ’s tw o She and execu­ nig h t a f te r b re a k inng g in g th e ro o st f o r a n r u n n e r s o n b o th W h ile s k ip p in g tiv e d ir e c to r S ta c y aw ful long tim e .” in to a s k i p w i t h a dow n th e s tre e t sides o f y o u .” C ook im m e d ia te ly Corbin, 31, is n o w frien d on t h e s tre eJt, t, T im es g o t h a r d in fro m h e r N o b H ill h it it o ff a n d com-) it_ h A t_ h e r: T h i s j iss,, ___a p a r tm e n t, s h e f e lt ___ _______ a p ro fe ssio n al sk:ip:___ ip ------ ,\u g u st,.th o u g h .-A ll——b in e d t h e i r v isio n sj hap p in ess, p e r. R eally. e m b a rra sse d as peoof h e r fre e la n c e to fo rm th e H er im m e d ia te Since q u ittin g hi e r p ie s h o t f u n n y o r p u b l i s h i n g w o rk N a tio n a l F it n e s s j o b a t a b o o k p ui bb-­ g o a l w a s t o g e t in fe a rfu l lo o k s h e r d r i e d u p , a n d no S w e e p s t a k e s fo r s h a p e . T h i s b e i nig g lis h i n g c o m p a nn y way. c o m p a n ie s w e re b it­ Kids. San F ra n c is c o * shl e -this y e a r, th e blcmnddN ow 2 5 p o u n d s in g o n th e sp o n so r­ “W ith h e r m e d ia also w a n te d to s tairt rt I h a i r e d , b lu e > e y c d lig h te r a n d im m eas h ip p a c k e t s s h e a t t e n t i o n a n d th e a m o v e m e n t, a nid d fo rm e r e l e m e n t ai r y s u ra b ly h a p p ie r , m a ile d o u t. f o r h e r th o u sa n d s a n d thou­ n a tu r a lly , h e r f ir s t te a c h in g a s s i s t amn t C o r b in n o l o n g e r W eb s ite . sands o f p e o p le fol­ move w as to la u n c::h h h a s lin e d u p fu nid df e e ls a s h a m e d of “In th e su m m e r it lo w in g h e r , w e a W eb s i t ee , .in g fro m a f i t n e;ss s h e r in n e r ch ild . She g ot sc a ry ,” sh e said. w an ted to t u m th e h ttp ://w w w .isk ip .c;o o o rganization. im le a sh e s c h a t spir­ “I w as p a y in g my s p o t l i g h t o n to m. S h e c a ll s i t hiee r it e v e r y d a y a s she r e n t w i t h th o s e P ro je c t F i t f o r th e I Do»ll»Yonni>tr IHpa< I i Ribbon E m broidery A lph>beu ! 1 I S Ulbbon cmbrnidcry it ihc mo»l elc|»nt *ty topefwxiitIm oto'Wn* from clothing 10bot Imtn., V.'iih»57-p»g« ^ fuldelvook. -Ribbon Embrolder> AIph»bet»." •r j-ogni be puninf jour o*n nniOilfli icMch on ju.i aboul «n>lhlng)i>uchoo«. IKibten Embn>Mfr> I Alphibtti (uldeboob (No. ANW061,., $10.95 . h ^ R I T 'S V O U R N [ U • l ||^ |V l H jPS S p 'i ' f < l| , VC jk' » B'l' r - r .* K a U 9^ 5 ^ I v/ I S iu Y O F C H S IjW '" ■ ■ I'fi IJ t' [ s to c k # 1 0 13 3 2 I p T H E V E R Y B E S T jlH H i 4 8 mo, lease- pffyments pl p lu s ta x $1415.00. IX e a t lease J« $« srgnins. 12,000 miles yr., r , O A C . $1?,163 00 Residual,. ‘ JCKY LUCK PE O P L E ' 2 ,0 0 0 . H Hurry In Forr Details! Buy Now! ______ T H E ooo N I S S A I V 2 0 ' S E IN T PiTRA .• XE t:iu.\TS2.000:Ji lUM.N S 7 ^ £ 7 7 .' 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Y EM 4 a A N O P l e a s o c h e c k y o u r a d. fo r c o r r e c tn e s s o n t h e ' first d a y th a t It r u n s , a s T h e T im e s - N e w s Is Amrd CMc n o t r e s p o n s ib le fo r --------- e r r o r s a fte r th a t tlm o .— - ............' ----------- ------ — • 7 208>734-5538 r nm e I ■93 S U M SMOCK 4X4 « 7 JH TtfVlES CLA SSIFIED DEPAR'TM EN f I H d R r " $29i HV iK ^ ’2 i s i c N " JuP rT O • B J r . ' FEST D R I V E LMUoMbT>na^ O A C ^^ D EVEENT U t S T H i v e D AI lVK S M B W C E T O M M I E r 1T H Attn Iimilnhlf Ribbon Enbroldtr; In Om D*7 (ulckbook I (NaA.MiW>,,.ta.»5 To order, dale iiemlil. clipp ■nd unti with chcck to: U-DDd. P.O. Bos 2JS3. V'wNoyi.CA 91409. Include j-our name. ■ml Iht ruiTweftht. ■>»»>. BUtL Pricct Include P0>la|c. 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For . ■Accspdns fre e in I fo rm atio ? a b o u t ovoWi >Wing emptoyment eer* C no nn s t n ic t io n ' C vice9 scam i s, write lo the Fodoi Joral Trode Com m isC le r ic a l ■ ( • C slon. n. W ashington. O .C.. - j., 20S8( >80. or call Ihe NaUon* rOtlQI ir id lf t C e r t i f i ^ a lF‘raud rs InformaUon CenHm P r o d u c tio n tor. 1. 1•800-876-7060. A D VE»H TisiN a H a c;li h ln e O p e r a t o r s hrertlslng D eelgner | M a id s The Tir nm os-N ew s Is tooking u /a W for oraniodlvkjualwith " 8a r e h o u s e graph! phlc design oxpertonce R ant ■ e n e ra l L a b o r towwork o m oor Twin Falls offk*. » . Qualified applkants ASs s e m b ly A wUlt il havo oxporienco in . , O. QuarkXPress. Tho ApfHy pply in'person at succc xosslul candidate witl b e (designing croalivo vertisomonis on tight | K mi^ doi joadlinos. This Is a lullposit> jition with mo volley's bost& t&biggostnow spaper. 401K IK. hoallh insurar)ce. poidv: 1 vacation. & a monthly DAIRY bonu! IUS Incontwo. Serious W antod. re d. relief m ilk o r.2 to 3 candic didatos sond rosumos shifts; pe perr wk. Filor area, lc lo: Koni Schmicti Needs seox| x p . Coll 32^4278. Th The Timos-Nows nSTnv----- -I i I ' ouna wortior dairy & . M ust sp e a k som o sh. homo providod. >973 or B45-2085 .■ n u r r a RY ovV' ‘Otis Caro Contor is f. ig 'to r on A.M. dishler. Ihls p o sitio n is Tn ® axim atoly 30 hou rs v oo k. 8 A .M ,-3 :3 0 £ ‘V ,‘V h . T h u rsd a y Ihrough f a y . o n e o v o n in g This is 0 fast paced on. Must bo doponda n d h a rd w orking d u a l. P lo aso apply K211‘X in S 'lFalls Care Contor : Dnve or call f l i , “iastland 5'^ 4 2 6 4 a n d a s k lo r in Dietary. EOE, ^ DISPATCH TCHER AT&T B Bro ro a d b an d is lookmg lor )r aarn onorgotic, lull time dd>sp isp a tc h e r in Twin ' Fnia. Duties Duti inciuoo radio .tch of tiQld porsondispatch^ h o u2tb “ o u n d a n d ind ccu ustom er contact bound hone PER •RSONNEL PLUS ''‘® and operotion ------ ---------------------of compul npulor to roviow and CLERIC “ CAL Input su subs b sc n b o ra aia, RaWanlod }dsoll-motrvatoddata oio & ddaata t o n t./ oxponproco: M ssor wilh invontory o n c o aa pplu s . E x c o lle n t and compuior CO oxperionco >vork rocord. roco commun>calorT r Trucking Industry. tion skills kllls a n d a b ility to S( Sono fosumo to: w ork uune n d e r p rea au ra a 5 00: 0 South 376 Wost m u . t. Shift SI Irom 11amJorom >mo, Idaho B3338.B 0pm Tuos fuos.-Fri, 8-5pm on STRUCTION Sat. Appli applications a t AT&T CONST iband 261 E astland Curron ontly accepting appliBroadbani caiion sn s lor jo u rn ey m an Drive.. N Nco p h o n a c a lla a .. EOE mtb e re a nd jo u n e y ple ase El p lu m _ fn en p Lo.aarO?. D RIV ER-_ R____________ •-------------projdcl E»cts In Nonh oasiom pQopFgon assiste d tnjck. CONST n'RUCTION Caall7 ll?3 4 -0 5 8 6 « Tompoi jorary dairy construct- --------------DOE No MANAGE! ion1, S7-$9Atr. S KGER I oxp. nocossary. n< 324-4448 SOCIAL SERVICES ; CUSTO. OMER SERVICE ° q r ^q a n iz a t i o n i s ' Immodi. idiato oponing (or (2) g•XPANOINGI ^Pi • Cusioi .tomor Sorvico flops, Clor loncal. com putor&. vVo a rroe ro rc ally o x c lla d cu: customer sorvico abolut u t th tl e oxpanston oxpom jnonco required. P a y of our C )ur Oevolopmernal ......... DOI >0E. Greot caroor Disabilit ability A goncies & oppor wnunity, Bonoflts & Support, iportod Living Proholiday ay pay after dO days. g ra m to tc Tw in F a lls , d work onvironmont. Wo aaro 1 n eed of a: G ood\ re in Appt a nch M anager 3pty en porson wim Branch FFo o r The rosumi imoot: 1162N, Bluo a velo p m e n ta l Lakos os Blvd, Twin Foils, Devel D isability CU STO rO M ER S E R V IC E Da• rese r rv e s the rtght to reject tor ID B33S0. until W e d n as* e s ­ ceivod by a rspresentsttve I any c o r all bkls. llkowlse. to d a y . Ja n u ary 10, 2001 a t of the Board of T rustees ot I roject a n y Ilom or Korns In - pE*MA1L j r your tiasslftod ad 5 :00 p.m ., local prevailing Ing S c h oo l D isirict No. 4 1 1 . . sui c h bid. a n d the right to lo u so t ' tlm o, for five (B) o r m o>ra ra Twin Falls County, Idaho, , waive ony technicality. , v . 7 1 > p a a s e n o e r a c h o•ooll a t 201 Main Avenue W est. , /s/R ___Itw lnadO m t / o se Steffens FOUND * Blucx Border Col* T •IM l^ E S C L A S S I F I E D - b u a a a for th a 2001-2002 of tho Board FOl 0 2 Twin f a l l s j d a h o 8 3301, , Clerk ( lie lie X, long curly halr.'dlsI a c h o o l year. unta 2:00 pJH. on Januaryf D EPA RTM EN T tln c l while m arking, o n « S p ecifications a n d bid tir Did 4 ,2 0 0 1 for a S tru c tu ra l I PU F B LISH : D ecem ber 2 0 2 7 0 0 E a s t by r a il r o a d ^2 0 8 - 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8 r d o c u m e n t s m a y b a E n tiln ssr to o v e rse e a n d I ond 2< ( 2 7 ,2 0 0 0 tracks. Call 734-S449 • o b ta in e d a t Ihe Minidoka trt ika b a r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a ll I ------------------------------------V .C o u n t v S c h o o l D ls tr lc l I PU B U C NOTICE Ic p h a ses of ptanntnjj. prolect 2 0 8 -6 7 7 -4 5 4 3 O HIca D stw osn th s h o uJra rs, bidding, contracts, monitor* T h e Twin Falls Housing t f ~ .......^ o 4 1 (B U R L E Y ) o t 8:0 0 a.m . ond 5:00 p m an d the Housing ■ in.,, in g w o rk a n d p a y m e n t I Authority / PE R SO N A LS I -----local provalllna time, Mon* J |L x>* approvale for the replace* . A/ u th o r ity o f th o City o l d a y thro u g h Friday. B ids Ida m a n t o r r e p a i r o f t h e I J Jo r o m e h a s d e v o lo p o d - m u s t b a sub m lltsd o n o r Perrine Elementary rool. t ht o i r A d m i s s i o n s a n d I LOST40LBSI . before 5:00 p.m., W ednes* IS* T h e r e will b e a w alk*• OC c c u p a n c y P o l ic y In ‘ ln 2 m o e l :i.; ■ dav. Jan uary 10,2001 with rith th r o u g h in e p o c ti o n o f I c co m p l i a n c e w ith t h o 'C dlM -888-571-5463 :;i ;• bid opsn ln o on T hursday. ly . th e b u ild in g a t P e r rin e I Ouallly C Housing orxl Work Ja n u a r y 11, 20 0 t a t 0:00 0 0 Elomontary on D ecem ber ' RFe sp o rw lb lllty to o t 199B. 1; o.m .. lo c a L p r e v a l^ time. ■> 0 . 27. 2 0 00 a t 3 :00 p.m . to I It11Is available lor review al / B ld a r e c e iv e d B f te r i hh a a cquaint the Bidders with I 220 0 Elm St. N.. TVin Falls. 1 '' s ta te d d a le a n d tirha will vlll o a ch individual a sp e c t o l ' Ihd a h o . T h o A u th o rity 's . not b o conskjored. ol operaUon sra 0:00 tho project. A ccess to th e houra h N o WdcJer m ay withdraw BW b u ild in g lo r in s p e c t io n A.M. A to 5:00 P.M. In addi­ th e ir bkl a ^ e r the opening a public hearing will ng an d measurements will b a tion. li o l s u c h b id s u n le s s thh e v e ry difficult to o btain a t : bbe h e ld o n F e b ru a ry 6 , Tl T IM E S C U S S I F I E D ■ ____ ._ - a w n r d ln g - a f J h a _ b ld J& J a -_ A n y i£ th a L ih a a ih a .lim_a2^Q £ L L iiU h a J .w iii£ a lla _______ d e ia y e d for a p e rio d ox< IX* provldsd. T he Contractor HHousing Authority Otlice ------ D EPA RTM EN T----------‘ c a e d b a sixty (W) day«.The sd o t 200 B m SI. N.. 2 h a shQukl bo prepared to take locU k 2 0 8 -7 3 4 -S 5 3 8 IH : B e a rd o fT ru stee sre serv •a a a n y re q u ir e d m e a s u r e * aat 2 :0 0 P.M . Everyone ie th e rlghl to accept o r reject >ct m ents or d a ta that ha m ay invlled. ir OR k o r lo s e le c t a n y (fo rtloon n n e e d In .order to bid Ihls >. thsroof any or all bWs and PU ^2 0 8 - 6 7 7 - 4 5 4 3 nd prolect a t that time. P B LISH: D ocem ber 20 *■ tow ahw onytechnlcallly. Additional Intomtttkjn win an m d 2 7 .2 0 0 0 I I" FAX YOUR AD I F A X Y O U R AD . I RF E M E M B E R T hlatblrthdayadyou att placed so e timo ogo In JTie som Vm nmo3-Nowg7 Now is tho mo to como pick up your lime pictures. Slop by Tho P ' Cuslomor Service Dopt ■ ■ I— 107— I ABORTION I ALTERN ATIV ES | •MAGICVALLEY m COUNTERTOPS C w o old kilchon counior Hovo tops ropiacod or profabncaiod cabinots praf istoilod. 208-675-8377 tnsto forIreo ostimatos ■ for 3 ^ e fimBS-NBws g u airfea n lE e s to s s ll I ----d 113 C‘ H IL D C A R E I I AOAF 3A PE Child Cere n a s .oponli tonings lor ages 3 y o a rs iroygt\6ih grado. Fun, '"row BANKRUPTCY Com p mpouttvo ratos on C hoptor 7 bankruDtdosfCail loff Stokor ot 734-8452. HOUSE c l e a n I ^ im o o a so y o u rb u sy lifo . Joann. 735-0677. —— — ^71------ valuos taught. ICCP . ’h ' Ij occoptod Morrison SL 734-3693. 1®' AUNT NT SUSIE'S Day C a ro opt.ICCP. Mothor of 2. Accept, s o cl TLC V fo r y o u r l otts ildron. Lunch & sr^acks chiidrt provkJ' JvkJod, 208-734-8657,* L s s :? s r STEP AHEAD .EARNING CENTER 736-2000 m en s r c h a n d is e o r m otiv e autOITI Ite m s in d a y s a n d real In 15 d a y s o r (ill re ru n th e a d w e wil a n a dIditional di 7 d a y s, jl , - , . re is a S3 e x ira ■ 'n e ie la rg e lo r the Q u a ra innte e d p a ck ag e. ‘ . J \ dds m ay b e A ,, . , CaiK n celled early Dr c u s to m e r ’0*^ cOflV iv e n ie n c e b u t e s t a tte e 14-7472 •• 800-371 -7472 —^ 108 PR O F E S S IO N A L SE R V IC E S r SELLIT! BlU l YIT! I 3 BuV th tfl e G u ara n tee d . _ , , r’aa c k a g e a n d • jh p " tH e IHANDYMAN CAN HE epaIr, F^o&uiid, R oplaco r xRomovo. Jim 326-4150. CRISIS CENTER I - lECNANCY ffle e iE S T iN Q I ____ if A T im es-N ew s C lassified I Will Fill E v e ry ry N e e d I 7 (BURLEY) GUA ARANTEED ' e c' h arg e will r e mlain a i th e s a m e . . % ff ™ rH ch M B ranch h anager For R Rei e sidential . illltatlon Program Habiiita' Responsib nsible for tho devoiopmo ipmeni ond day to manogomont ol a lo u r . S u p p o r lo d m g proq^rom for Its with DovolopItal Oisabiiitios, Ires lour-year BS d o aroo ro o in 0 S orvico 3 and past superS o r/managomont n™ Qxance in tho fields! 5 o T. (oo“ l o p m o n t a l bilitios. ; a.j«ti.iii.( iiy o u -ro ro .. in to r o s to d in ng on innovative, ISJim g" lino-odgod com y tn a t p r o m o te s o ssio n o l grow th, n il a co v er letter rosumo. W e olfer impotitivo sa lary a com pc ond on o n oxcollont e bonofitp 5fit package, ; A seo c ia tM , s . l stasrt rt &i Inc. ^ 1323 Sshh ee rm a n Aval S u ite 2 Idah o 83814. * S oV,{onoytopay -----sorvico solons. G uaran- MECHANICAL---------------^ * CDL Drivors NEWSPAPER bas< fc fo r c o ilo g o ? If you a n ­ >asod out ol its W oslom tood wago. lloxiblo hours, S a r v fc o c le r k for equip, * Mechanic CIRCULATION Sloe doalorship. oxp. proforred. sv sw ered y o s td any of ttio slockmon'9 (WSI) facility p a r t lim o o r lu ll tim o . ^ * Woidors In C Call 324-8600 or sond roaalb o v o . th o Id ah o Army n Caldw ell, Idaho. T h e G ra d u a te d c o m m issio n ^ TOB PAY ~ NO FEE h a Tlm ta-Nawa Is a c posH s u m o to 2 6 E. 300 S , N atio n al G u a rd m ay bo Tha wsHion Witt promolo u l o s -,H scalo. Call n 3 -7 7 7 7 a t k ® 111 Filer Avo, 735 Ovortand copting appllcatksns for a oitl W V^SI pro d u cts an d /o r al a b lo to h o lp . C oll § F C cop lo r JR . J Jerom o. ID. 83338, 7 33-7300 67S-4040I fulHlmo District Managor. spoc B a r l o w 7 3 4 9 1 7 1 o r 'ullipodalty products Ihroogh MEOICAL----------------------B f MAINTENANCE CLERK T?io succossful candidate conl 1-800-GO-GUARD, ronllnuod service to oxCNA'a. LPN's ond RN's, ^ Longviow Fibro C om p an y m u s t b o a b lo lo w o r k isUn; sting customor# & oxploolso homo health nursos, 1— h a s a n o p o n ln g fo ro w o o konds. bo d o p o n d roliOi otion of now markol arFloxibio schodulo, you M ainlonanco Clork, This owl able, havo oxcolloni timooaa ss In i ordor to e n h an c e _ p o r s o n m u s t p o s s e s s determine your own hours. mai Tianogomont skills, a n d ovon ivorall profitability. Posl------------------------------------Top pay. Jo b s through siro n g m a th , com p u to r, Dnjoy vrorVlng with youth. tion i on roqulromonts Indudo out Magic Volloy. Al an d communication skills, ^n outgoing personality is high m e d ic a l igh s c h o o l diplom a o r Personnel Plua. I] A p p ly in p e r s o n : 3 4 0 ip lu s . GEO G o o d in g R e h ab & Livingg iE D iA M O dales Dogroe. 733-7300 ^ “ SOUTH PARK AVENUE lis onlry lovol m a n a g e Vol 1 Contor '01 Toch training: or 000 67B-4400 W E S T , TW IN F A L L S . _ non! position includos roto) throo thr yoars ralaiod oxp. >s looking tor; MEDICAL----------------------IS IDAHO, EO EM /FM D ME iponslbllitios In m anaging and/c LPN/RN 10 work 3 ovonmgs ' sp o nd/or training: or equlvaHolp! Im m odialo oponing lonl i & 2 nigm shitis m l combination of oduy'oouu th & a d u lt c a r rio rs . MANAGER L&D-RN, night shift, lullq GREAT SCHEDULE lolos promotions, & procaU a n i oxportonce. Must a tto M e n ta l H o a llh C a s o tit timo bonolits. 36 hrs, por oL Buy th e G u a ran tee d S'Iding oxcollent custom or poossss o s s excollonl o ral, & SIGN ON BONUS M a n a g o r. M ust h a v o a w wook. P le a to M n d lorvico. If you oro Intorwrltti CNA/NA’S noodod lor all' 'ritten & Intorp o rso n a l BS d o g ro o in a h u m a n P ackage and 8or\ ro su m e o r coQ tact: istod, fill oul on appiicac oom shitis m im u n ic a llo n s k ills. son/ices liold plus 1 yoar Q{; Connio. Nursing Recruiter / io nr b y D o c o m b o r 2 6 . Must SSOO S ig n o n B o n u t lust p o sse ss prtor domThe Times-News tio o l o x p o rio n c o w ilh tn o Humon Rosourcos. IOOO. onstn S ocial Sorvico deslgnoo nstratod rnarketing & inm o n ta lly c h a l l o n g o d P.O . Box 409 Q g u a r a n te e s to sell ^ 77io T7mos*/VaNr» 10 work on our Behavior , . populaiton.-C cnlociJulio - jw torpo irporsonal com m unica-Twtn Fans; ID 83303-0400 ' , A ttn: Oan W alock tion t Unil an skills. Musl p o sse ss a i 7 3 4 - 7 7 3 0 B -----------------Tolophono Tot - m e r c h a n d is e o r ^ P.O . Box S48 (208)737-2000 Full limo. bonofits ovaiiabio. pHor rior dom onstratod marFAX; (200) 737-2741 aU I compolilivowogos, sign!' MECHANIC Tw in Falls, 10 83303. kotin< Jtlng & sa les exportonco lu to m o tiv e ite m s in iw E-Mail: J o h n O e o ro d o a lo rs h ip •A DRUG FREE wlthlr o n bonus Ithln the livostock InduswondyaOmvrmc,gon, looking lor oxp. mechanic '*'0’ 7 d a y s a n d real WORKPLACE-M try W;/an in-dopth knowlFull Umo co o k . y w ggl & lubo sorvico man. Pay sign on bonus odgo 3go ol anim al hoalth & js ta te in 1 5 d a y s o r —---------------------------------D O E . m u sl h a v o ow n jlrttion, Musl havo abili.TTSIDE SALES nmrtti ‘Poopio Unilod To Caro* VV6 lools. Fill oul application Call RhOfxIa (2O0)334«O11 time & work Itional organization se ek sty to organize < ve will re r u n th e ad SatiS r Qt 2 6 E, 300 S, Jorom o. conditions & In R o p fo r S o u t h e r n in unusual um 311 ID., o r sond rosumo. ^ MAGIC VALLEY n a d d itio n a l 7 d ay s. {JjJ, la h o . Ucappod Incom o a jv d voor s o w ea th o r. M ust REGIONAL MEOICAL tk a ss e s s good com pulor 'o t o n l l a l - 5 6 0 ,0 0 0 to po#8( p o «' CENTER • T' ' h ere is a $ 3 extra (ills. T ho J.R . Sim plot 80,000 First Yoar Polonshills al - Commlsston * C a sh Com om fpany olfers a com c h a rg e fo rth e Equal Opportunity >tltivo salary & benefits ic o n tiv o s ‘+ C osh S u p potltiv Employor QUE u a r a n te e d pack ag e . J lomonts " + Full B enefits pacito idtago. Sond rosumo or Drug Froo Environment >ply in person to: Bbc onuses + RoskJuals + ' apply A d s m a y b e * MEDICAL----------------------Human Rosouroo :aroor A dvoncom ont & Hi Billing S p o c ia lis t , M on, Doparttnont c( a n c e lle d early uloro, la Excollont Troining. -iH rough .Fri^Com potillvo----------------------------------------------Simpit r p lo lL an d S 'U v o sio ck wa wago. Must havo exp, bill­ — fo r custom ei^ 1223 e a s e fox or o-mall ro12 Rodoo Ave, iK \ JCompolitivo o salary •• Tornlic To bonofits packago Including PTO he p a tie n t comes fir s (t." ''WJtere the •" ' A job wtw ro you c an mako jy. W M W ro W B ItiM *Aj< NURSiNG a dilforonco in som oono's Ipm Jhlft. Musl be ACLS artllk 'd , ^ hlo RN needed In ICU for 3am-,lpn N u m b er o f Pav5 IC. Full-time for day shift ly.s - 3 lines 'S h ilt dilferenilal. C o st »Shi RN needed for lloiplial Floor, F night shift. Slop by for an LPN necdi-d for evening and1nl; ipplicalion and/or interview. 1-3 d a y s .................... C.N.A. needed for day sh ift.' ■ SI6.70 Twin F alls C u ra C e n te r JN (ABO R ATO R Y 674 E sstla n d Drivo ;lst. Must be /\SCP or equivalent,t. 4 -7 days .................... Full-time Mcdical TcchnobglJt. ...................$23.80 ® EOE cd for Full-time Lab A uhtant needed I evening jhKt. •lEOlCAL CJ 5 - I 5 days .................. CUNIC ................... S42.00 H ouso M anagor. PR N oi irology rhyslcian'j a i n i c Offlcc. Full-ilme nurjc needed for Uroli Walker Com er in • bj 1 6 -3 0 days .7.“ ... RAD IO LO G Y.............$78.50 G Qooding, Coll Tem or x h . Full-time M-F day shift.' Cathy a t 208-934-6461. - - Mammography/Radlology Tech. ( I n d u d c s MlasicValuc.s, as A}»'Wci;kly an and I n t e r n e t ) ^*1EqualOpporiunity W RGERY '**■ shift In sa m i^ ay surgvr)'. Employor. , Full-time RN needed for day slil DRIVERS FT/PT noodod OTR. fiofofs. W oslom S tales. IOS. Canada. $500 « lg n o n b o n u i. Fuol & saloty *y bonus possible. Homo "0 Ifpquonify, 08e-865-76OO. >00— DRIVERS ' Owner O p o ra to rs Aro yoo looking for a now now Momo (Of your TRUCK? VVoarooxpanaing S w am O ualiliod O T R d r iv o r s w/lyf, oxp.. a c lo a n MVR i tno dosiro to succood, Wo hnvo an OKCOlKmt pro­ jrogram that inc!udos-M8/16 1/16 ign) W ostom siatos, diScouni i/atiros & luol, extra picKa'drop pay & ALL flispatchod m it o s p a td , A G r o>aatt O p p o rtu n ily . F o r m oro m iocailJay; , IDEAL. Inc. I 20S-442-5114 0OO^1*71B2 oxt. 1144 __ EllECTRONICS High School ju n io rs am n dd lari seniors, got a h o a d sian jcr on an oloctronics c areer ICS now. Basic c le c tfo n ic s ojlorod at me C ollege o( ol n . S o u lh o rn I d a h o M Wod. allom oons starting J a n . 2 2 n d . G o t h i ggnn lOii s ih c * ' and coilogo credit a l th < sa m e lim o. C all Jm Ben Banloll. 733-9554m ext. 2324N ' S PERSONNEL PLUS A 5UAHANTEED Hi AD ™ n m esN ew s w \S S 1 KIE D i t li e e P ( < lICAL MEDIC M( MOUKTTANVIEW C CARE CENTER * H as BwloOowlng Bv oponings. ♦ RN(ocrU H N H M S W n C all or como in and visllwtth1 Cindy C RIodal. Admin, o r Coi k>nnioStoooal • SOOI p p a 'c_________________ cpe OFRCER T cm :ity o l Wandoll isac- tS ling oppilcaiions for pLo slllon ol P e a c e o , « cer. . ^ Applicaiion may h .; oS abtalnod at the City u . u , 157 < W. Main, WonS S ’ID . 83355. Tho ck»m a ddato o is January Slh. 1. Applicants will bo ulrod lo undergo a ;> ,i.ln^i vp.iit'N.) R e s o lu tio n s #1 --------------------------4- Adi A d d itio n a l lin e s e x tr a ciiaruK ccs s 4 I I I I I I I a Job that offers 'G uaranleed Hours, Regular Raises, Benefits & a Fun Atmosphere. Q Q (u a l i f i c a t i o n s : d S _________ Must be Ambitious, Energetic, Enlliusiqslic ond. •card I I A m e ric a n Expre.' ress ZJ D iscover R un my ad in classil i h c r ________________________ ----------------------------A m o u n t E n clo se d 5 TRANSCRIPTION Ipllonljt. Medical term inology required, fcqi Full-time position for Iranjcrlpil X-SI Jr. £., Tktln rath. I J ^ orfWoutepfll Setul mumt tfix IIK. 660Shoihone «pptkaffc»«f7iaf, v?Contatt\S'mfyatexl.l230. ,___________ Quotlofu?! cO btain ssification ^ __________ .for_________ foi days. to: 1clctk. Payroll experience required. red, „ Part-time opening for payroll cl( w W illing H “ rl™ ^ I N a m e _________________ C to learn. _____________________ T Too lb e g in y o u r P a id Tre T ro in in g P r o g r a m C A U TODAYI C ity /S tm c /Z ip _________ _______ m :732-5259 — j- N e w s U i H tc temporacv posilion.4 now availal ailable with various snitts in our Long Term crm Care Unit. O Current licensc trquircd. Pc Performance Improvement Coor -oordlnalorPr Principal responsibilities of the Ihe fposilion in> inclucfe: coorainaling all medical dical ccnter performance improvement activi idivilies; P* sc serving as resource lo manager n su supervisors In developing and S ' lrt^ n l n s f l monitors; providing educalion It on lo fn' employees and ohyslcians; overs tvcrscclng dc development of policies and pn> procedures: dc developing formats for reporting rling to the Be Board of Directors. Thc position lion reports to the Hospital Administrator. Qual Qualifications: familiarity wilh performance! improvement imj methods ond tecmiiques, knowl< owledge of sir simple slalislics. com puter comp ompctency ' (including Excell spread sheets), {ir demonstrated success in facllibll process, experience in a hospital ikills in problem solving, andd abi ability to Function without do se supcrvtsic vision. Is Knowledge pf and cxpcrience wiiih jc A H o cw standards and HCRA regulations lonsdeslitd. I I Com impcdtive wages: benefits inciud iclude m ed cdlcaL vacation, holidays andd retirement. rel 8 ^ 8 1 o M J im -------- ' M]> M ----------' W. A p p l y a t 6 5510 A d d i s o n A v e . w H u m l aa n R e s o u r c e s T W I n F a l lI fs,, I D 8 3 3 0 » > 0 4 0 99 -: (2 0 a j7 3 7 -2 1 1 3I o c r F A X ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 77-2741 7 ----------E m p l o y m e n t --LU n « : < { 2 0 8 ) - 7 3 7 - 22775------- I I E " H & C S I m i vi t t e y o u to Learn and Elar am C N ^ rA C la s s e s to be >e I h e ld a MDMH l 6 Week Coui m rs e to Start Jan. 15,200 ;0 0 1 • C e rtlfle di S 2 u r g ld il T e c h n ic ia n» e d N u rse ■ C lin ic a l E d u c a t io n S p e c ia lis t R e g is te rred C M W “ _ I ro • Ufe/AD&D/LTD • Tuition Reim bun iursem ent sn d m u c h m ore • Infant Care Center ani nvrTTte.com_________ Drug-fre Z 9 N ^ iw o li^ ^ ro m c j^ ^ • R etirem ent " P E O P L E WI N I T E t ) T O J; ............................ Bcnc nedicts FamllyM cdlcd Center/ >n • Healih/Der)talA/islon - Connie, RN. N, BSN J* Druc screening aiui prfr preX ist-Offer iploymcnt physical required.. Apply Ap at Sl. i : t ~ : ; •uare hired by MMH ) will ; Hyou benreimbursedfor Ihe training., tra, - ffy o “ B H H H gP H V o llc ln iW e lc o m t ,T199fillnm8ultil]03 4' W T Ii ■ RN or LPN w /charge courscc - Want V some • extra S hours before the holidays? ays? Several - - 1 1 O u r c o m p e t i t i vI ve e s a l a r y a n d e x c e« liji e n t F l e x i b l e b e n e ff l t p a c k a g e l n c l u dI d« e s : c o n n le b e ® m v n n .g heTimes- pi preferred. C unrnt RN license re sc required. •“ ;xperienced RNS for full/pa W e a re looking for exf ' e IS < o n evening & nig h t shift lif ts . & PRN positions in ■ various units available, O penings on ing/night & w eek en d diffe Iffe re n tia ll W e Offer great cveninc 7ve t>ase • Paid Tim e O fff--‘ -PRN up to 20% sbovi --------------------------------^ A ildrcs-. P h d n c N u m k -r t A min, hrs. r e q u ir e d ) ..................... C rcd it C ard N u tn h c E xpiration D a te ___ v RN/Aculc Core - Several positic Hllions now available in hospital. PRN td'ful 3'full-timc, dl depending on shift sclcctcd., OB experience GICVAL LLEY I R E G II S T E R E ID N UJ R S E S S $$ 6 . 5 0 / h r (C (G uaranleed wage, ■ i J organi sitizalion providing patienl-focu focuscd carc, We looking for caring professionals ials \who want to k for a lop quality hcallh care pr re provider. INAL M EDICAL CENTER C REGION O r charge m y ad to: □ Visa J M a»tcrcai ^ ^ ^ ^ = m i S I Sl. B« Bvnedlcis is a miMion-driven ven health care • PHARMACY n. Experienced preferred aiCCOVNTING (Pharm acy Tech position open. E ------------rrswRiTEn 8P0RTSV Imes-News needs a Tho Tlmei taloniod itod sports junkie to c o vsoro rov o ry th ln o th a i runs,. fumps, furr or tacwes bi-.l-Cassla. Tho sue**" Mlnl-Ca cossfuiai ful apptkam will hav* : a four-y« iir-year colloge de*-'I, excollont verbal.'., flroo, ox * eUllsandabadcgroundln and ng and writing ai photograph, or publication. Y o u ting for pt 10 sole be tho so sports roport<>' ihI our eui B urley n e w s bureau. > BU. You’ll produce's Kigh local sports re* thorough porl. soonor soa and b a ttw the competition. We than the i an oxcollent starting plus full bonofits. | * 'y M I your resume, best and a list of referoncoss tloo 'Clork Walworth, M anagir aging Edilor, T he Timos-Ni is-Nows, P.O. Box 548, Twin Twin Fans. 10 83303. W e aa rreo a n e q u a l opportunH rtunlty em plo^r and a dojo-fro g-froo worttplace. -------------8TUDEMI1 bm 7 ^ __ laho Army Nailonaf tf haa a pan-llme job ou. Join now a n d send you lo training fi™ ummerwlthfuapay. xjt moro. CALL SFC ow 734*9171 o r . ^<«MUARD. 1-BOO-OO B w w d le tilM ly li^ i P rin t Ad Copy in Spaces £Below ORTAQE OEUVER DRIVER ThoTlmoi Hmos Is Acceptlno stion# for shoftaoed^ ry drivor. Hours a re Iday through Friday } am. Applicants m u s t' jopondable, have n L rf d driving record. k won with o t h e r s . ” MuMlmv thaveroaabtoveM de.Irtlerested re st a p p lic a n ts * " ahovkia iU fitr oul sn appOcatio oat a tT Tho Times-News, 1323rd 3rd81. Wost. Twin Falls. 1C. A»n: O anleL s^ ip /• p n I C a in ' Keri or Karmen-at 43i 436-8124 t ; W e d n » « f * y , o « « i i b «f :2 7 .2 0 0 0 , T l t n e t - N m , T w int n F ^ l o a h o e C l I w w w . m a g] ii c v a l l e y . c o3 m ^ clie/i 0OH. “ H O M E ■SELLER” S I 2 Q e ■ J w t SSSSS EkK tronles badcQrou iround > proforrod bu l not ■■ B ocosufy. Q roal caroor carc ^ r t u n i w . Full benel enefits jf avail, a n e r 9 0 days. IP IooM apply 1182 N B lu e U k e s Btvd..Twi T w in I F a te wtth reaum e. ___ k » M « irto ad v w iiM T in — dM«m>d J u g call 73:m o 3 TWINFALLS (7) 1 i — L j?;; . , s s » x S’ route C an le ra In tho reas. Burloy an d Ruport Aroa k R O U T E 718 k 'k i t 'A I ^ i p m •m A A A A i W SS T ^ E T IM E S -N E W C U R R E N T L Y HAJ [NG T H E F O L L O W IN G . I N D E P E N D E NJ Tr u N EW SPA PER T O U T E S I N BUIHHLL ROUTE 546 200 BIK. 3rd A v e . N. if' JOO Bik. B ro o k Dr. 200-800 Btk. M ain,Qf St. 1QP Bik R a in b o w Circl. _ _ tfy o u lln ln B u h ia M r t InlMMtad in M n a a Im hfitndpnt n m n p a p i y conrfer._ Erirt' contact DMrlet 7 U snag^r ■^733-0831. e x t 3477 1 A A A A A A TAK I fy o u l l n l n B u h U.are M i^nttrvstod In tMlng g aa I m p u d e n t nowwpapt «per !■ c«rrtor—' P t e M contact Dlatrlet 6 Manager ■ 7 3 3 ^ ; , e x t 347 ' i ^ r i H ^ R ( 8) ROUTE 729 1100 Bik 4 th A ve.E 1100-1400Blk5thAve. East 1100-1400 Bik 6th Avo. East 100-600 Bik ol Ash 400-700 Bik Of Blue Lakes ROUTE 8 1 5 I 2 0 0 ^ 4th A ve. N. 200-500 Sth Avo. N.J. r k i r ^k ^ . I ^ A A A A A IAT fO cS o o S S S . £ tOO-300 8th Ave. E.I 100-200 9th A ve.E . 11 R 0 L fT E 5 € 9 I Midway W e s t 1000 Bik. Sth S t. W est II 400-500 C antle 3(10-600 G olden Spur '900-200 S tinrp St. I ^ B U C SERVICE 1 shares, corrals & posturo, si Nico brick homo "outbkJgs. ha s u p g rad e d w indow s, sopor « offidont hoal pump, Pergo flooring 4 o 2 car S garago. Coil TOM UOYD 737-3924 o r 420 -3 3 5 8 . li 193066 'I Buy the G uaranteed p ackage and The tim e s News guar­ a n te es to sell mer­ c h andise or autom othre items /n 7 d a y s and real e s ta te ^ n lS d a y s or w e will rerun the ad an additional 7 day s. There is a S3 extra charge for the guaranteed package. Ads m a y b e can c elled earfy for custom er convenience but the c h a rg e will remain th e sam e. 600-700 O-Leary Way ’ “ C o m ln .n « ,L c » „ . . B S iO E S ^ 100-400 Crostviow 900 Bik. Sparks B Q W S S iS - 500-600 Adams SOO Bik Madison 600 Bik Manon 100-200 f^oreland ROUTE 846 100-200 31k Caswell 500-600 Bik Monroo 500-600 Bik Quincy B Q iO E S M - 400 Bik Altair 500-600 Bik Jackson ■ 300-400 Meadows Lano Independent newepeper 700 Bik Newport carrier... Pheae contact DIatrlct Uanager 7330931, e x t 347 SIOO-5 5 0 0 Phono opplications wolcomo Call T o d a y -7 35-0892. ROUTE 841 100-400 Bik Buchanan » 1000-1100 Parte Meadows Dtfvo Parkway Cirde 1000-1100-M nParksD f I II _______3 0 4 ........... 1 !I IN V E ^ E N T S g PUBUC SERVICE MESSAGE Big p ro lits u su o lly m oon big risk. B oloro y o u d o businoss with a company, chock it out wim tho Bet­ tor Businoss Buroou. For froo in fo rm a tio n a b o u t a v o id in g I n v o s t m o n t scams, wnio lo m o Fodora l T ro d o C o m m is s io n , Washingion. D.C., 20580, orcall m o Noiionol Fraud In fo r m a tio n C o n io r, d 1-80^676-7060. ttyou litre on the EAST a kieofT M nF alleSsn ■ Intereated In being an ■ 305 I CONTRACTS & perwrler... ^ ~~ M O R T O A O E S Plaaae eontect DIatrlct p, Uanager a t 733-0931 ) s T c A s i T N O w n For Contracts 4 Mortgages. — ext 343 A A A A A A AL^ ^AAAAAA - Nomstt»ceted b y O ffice Max. S N D m o N iN G Z E L C SAWTOOTH SH EET METAL latlnjyAG Rofrlgoralioo m m ordalandreskJonllal - (206)733-8548------ I R E A L ^ IsT A T E W ANTED ^ = I = = E = 5 FAX W TO M EPRO PERP^ y TIM E; A YOUR M = = D ______ DE n nIEt S C L A SSIFIE D 515 , COMMERCIAL PROPERTY D EPA R TM EN T 2 0D( 8 -7 3 « 5 3 8 ■ gREAT rc] o p p o rtu n ity ju s t li> tim e fo r th e c^ C h ristm a s s e a s o n : nn GOURMET COFFEE iHOP In tho Magic Volloy SHO Moll ^oll. Mall loaso in pioco. Invor ivonlory 4 oquipmonl inclue cludod olong w/irainod orr omployoos walling 4 roag ready to go. S a lo s prico S40.C 40.000.CO II731-7451.B i I s ii ^ UANl [ANUFACTURED ' HOMES W E AJtE R eiH £ftE TO STAY W eaet-up ft-up& deH vef Inrain,: sie«eto t oir sn o w . Nottiing -----------------------stopsyou us ; s u s fram 0 ettlng Inyoi 1 y our rtew hom e. r e s t W M H oraee 208-732-5710 1-88»-310-e037 . • S lR M lE a tu R ecaal 601 FURNISHEO H OUSES I ire * !-• U SH E D H O M E - 3 JEROME I. 2 b a th tow nhom eFURN1S»I e ro m e g o lf co u rse . bdrm 2 o . In clu d e s all0 0. /m 2? I le s . b a s e p h o n e ,>TV. yard care. Short » •500^" 1 o k . C a tl K en t or y a t 73 3 -5 3 3 6 days, M -6104. ovw iings & conds. I m m M FALLS mi 1n e w 3 bdrm . 2 bath-« TwiNFAL Jc en rld g e fu rnished t I. R e n t IncL an utSs. w f ficare.*190(V nxrth J ( n t o r C indy CoO ins* 3-5336 o r 734-6104. ; F A L L S -C o m p to te fy J_______ al73 3 -5 3 C o n d o w /c « ra g e . p TWINFAL 0 p e r m o . In dudes. J : p h o n e , c a b le , all ■ sT i m&' Sy a rd c a r e . S h o rt * b a sicopkh. K en t o r C In d y T »336 Of 734-6104 - Zn.M" u tti* apocw»g aort? the equlpmant you > lnd»aa«»d ^ ( 08-677.4543 (B U R L E Y ) naadlnci P le a se for r n r ISO c h o c k y o u r a d o r r e c i n e s s o n th e a s The d sa y th a t it ru n s, no t ro e r r o rhs a. T i m » s - N s » s i s o s p o n s ib ie for s a lte r th a l tim e. sS I-: INFURNISHED I r H O U ^S I UNFI J 2H bdrm , 2 bam . -98 I ' Io h o m o . N o p e ts. '• i/r - o ♦ d o p . L o n a J ' Mi>e. in Buhl Mobik»4. S 4 5 0M. /r- cCan 543-8342 ^ torni kMi»< E states. < I c & Ca 73j.09jr r08) 727-1267 con, ----„ ™ iOQFING lOFESStONAL FING 4 COATINGS 722t Of 326-5857 lorcial. residential. s?. Ip roofs. Most minor RQ I ropairod in 24 hrs. mwdols. drywall. Wo. r A “ Jail Bruco 733-7543 BS g -Q P ^ G I ^ lo r a te s l IY'S HOME REPAIRS 7aslim 3s o nates. financing 4&U n d sc a p in g HOME rywall Ropalrs’ Faucots r37-0000 *Orywi ibllng •Rom odols. etc.. •Pohllr ‘ W/oe dd o w tu ty o u a tn t TTo ony-7 3 4 -3 3 a 2 73 — > : 677.4041 h i rr CARPENTRY. Q l -ROW ff l E T O - ! S E R V I C I '37^)000 AM E R IC A N d“ REAL ESTATE '■ 1 I E Y . N ew M ooring, out. jn i lo r s , sin k s, insula1. new p aint through°5X1 . $4000 o r bost ofler. 1 bdrm . 1 balh. R E <10, ^ 1-823-4455. anytlme.fl Sovorn ° ''d odi T irni 14wUe. 16' wide *0* I doubles, som e on our BrocI and som e in Darks.. x k m a n s b y W olmsrt >«t>ma. 1-800«78-<380 tj- stt 0 f3 2 4 < 6 2 2 2 ^ !fl. up oorf? Ao v m m your" - = ^b a to ra a h iw m .to w ^ VIN F A L tS - 'Tired o t pfoc**7.*.C hD ck.roturn •n now 4 plox. C an Chuck 733., ■33-8207* A ----| 514 )r m o re Inform ation. C COMPUTER — CA RE ____________________ 2 » r ST; STATE REALTY. INC. 734 -0 4 0 6 — COU COUNTRY CLEANERS call1-800-540-4061. call Buslj lujinossos, rosidonlial. & ---------. constnictton _ — HOME------cloon up. sSpodatoo ; In corpoiCONi )NSTRUCTION dOOl Joonlng. Froe ostim atea. ---------JJoromo 324-3299 ---- — ir -6 4 4 -9 6 4 1 i REALTY lEATfNQ'& AIR in s tJ b te d M p a tld n g -m i2 i • A P PR A ISA L TWIN WIN FALLS g. 5 -1 0 A C R E S . City r . Wotor . Natural fJl G as W ator • Irrigation Irr * Wost W Filor Avonuo 731 731-5030 o r 837-6313 WIN FALLS » 29,900 og Groat canyon viow Suikling sito lor ^ r now hom ’tome. 3.24 oc ro s. k)catod in tr o C h in a R ld g o E sn th ta i~ a lo s, a ga ted community. pn,^ ^ ord iro c tio n a rx Jd e ta ils1%; : oll THE H E S S TEAM W A L T 0 7 3 7 -3 9 3 9 o r r A M I0737.3940.197029 — ALES/SERVICE ^ x>m. 2 bath home in ' den\ M orm gside a r a . S o n u s rot A kitchen, split Uoori oHc$ or 0 ! bedw cm . Oak jarage is heated&r 1.) ^JU S T U S T E W 2 0 88 TWIN FALLS ^ U R G E FAMILY HOME Juji listed, now or 5 bdrm, 3 bo hom o, offico. largo bom toi famlly/ployroom, lo ts of sit slorogo. lully foncod wfith gn groal landscaping, lovoly m a s io r s u i t o , l o t s o l amonilios. Call Ja n n lor dfl d e ta ils. P r ic o d right a t $165,900. I , OPPORTUNITY * rM « ( M Al k) M t n«rtpap«r 1* l u t ^ to th* « Fair Hoink» AaWleft makM ■ B*gd b athwllM £| na e s s i ' s s s " . ' ; H O M E S A IRFIELD. F o r s a le by 517 I ownor. 40 oc. 6 m ik» W ■ ol city. Grool viow of Sol- B CONDOMINIUMS C( dlor Mtn. Noor Goll 4 SkiIng. $32K. 934-8104. msg CONC “ JD O : 1 /3 I n te r e s t In J2H ; twm. 2 bdrm. 2 bath* E BO M B ,2.B 5iioi!i,nuoo S ' I. JF u rn ish e d . P le a s e ^ h o p , m o b ilo h o m o . laftor6pm 734-1861 reW /aak>.S600.733-1359. = KfMG IMBERLY, 2V4 acros. all A utiliiios on sHo, ownor will I ui „ lii a n y■. Call 42 3 -4 8 8 1.M UmSm tw TWIN FA L L S - N ow or 3 be 2 both hom o, w/2 bdmi, c«o r g a r a g o , M o rn in g side/O f‘‘ 'L eary school districi, ^ a s k in g 5 1 0 1 ,5 0 0 . Motivalod. 734-2097. t it : INV ESTM EN T C O R P . M oftM gos? Contracts? Doods of Imsr? You warn lo sell? ^ Wo want to buy. , Prompi & c a sh offers. W e oro local & compoiitivo. Coll 206-733-3821. R. Todd B lass, PresWont Richard B .Sljvors, V.P. T.W. Slivora. SocyT reas. m K M A G K[ C B U S I KN E S S e s - ^ t \ ' (Nonh oiff lPeiro 2 orr In icn u ic ft4) js — rwIN FA L L S , W a n t th e TWi fool of a now hom o a l an a llo rd a b lo p r ic o ? N ow »•' roof, f « vinyl windows, paint in & out. carpot & virryl. 2 bd' bdmi. lust $48,900. Call No Noison Roalty 734-3930« -= 5 TWIN FALLS. 3 bdrm. 1 —^ “ b\ a lh rie 0O sQ .ft.N ow windows, point, vinyl. J mainlonanco Iroo OKtorior. ™ qulot neighborhood. $67,600. Call 734-8727.B S6; ” TWIN FALLS. Nood 6 bdrms. * 2 ba lh s?? . Vt block Irom school. _HAGERMAN. Ownor ha s 2nd homo In b ack brings In Invostod o vor $6,000 to 2nd $320/m o. $89,600. rolurtiish this 3 bdrm. Noison Roolty 734-3930. "homo. Daylight basomont K w/famlly room . Surround- ^ — -------------^ -------------- 1 J;od by lots ol maturo troos I 513 *on a Ig. k>t. Only S79.500. IAA(C R E A G E S & L O T S ® Call R e a lto r Bob a t * ^ 733-1829 o r 733-5336: • BUS ILISS. L ond in v o slm o n i .... opportunlty, 1 group ol 9 ifA G E R M A N . 3 b d rm . 2 _ undovolopod rosldontial ’ b a th , a a e r o lol in now kils. Call20a-362-6201.B su b d iv isio n, $ 9 9 ,5 0 0 o r _ ^ b, irado.CaB208-73fr0142.» ----SI '*m* * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ JERO M E O w rtera Soiling ______ Fam ily H om ell »♦ *3 B ednw m s • « 2 B a lh s ^ * Custom * ook kilchon with * tots of work spaco ^ induding built In d o s k . » • Fsmiyroom ►♦ Gorago A .i ft-COUS-TI-CAL ** Moluro landscaping wim ' ** fruit troos, foncod yard ' & fi DRYWALL an d MORE $ 9 7,50 0 B ' S ob'* e e s f D ryw all 601 I IU i A v e .E . Bosi 3ost Ouoiity • B ost Ralos 324-4320 le a v e m s s . < Cusiom Toxturos 731-0786 (TF) ** .................. , (678-0991 (Burloy) Insu u u r e d - F re e E stim a te s l~ Slews T h ^? T i m v oted M anufa facturer o f the Year 22000 0 , by the N ational M[anufactured a Housing ] lg Institute 5475 US HW^ ^ 93 • JE R O M E . ID A H10 O TWIN FALLS - 6 bdrm . 2 bbia th . 2 lo v o l b r i c k . 2 ti blocks from high school $99,900. Call 734-1021. a I I j GEM I • A ve. 600-1000 Aspenwood ■ i ^ 700-800Btk. S p a rk s SI. Sl. 700BlkGroontreeWay I M O N E Y T O L O A N Must seee to a p p re c iaite! tt ^ e STATE REALTY. INC. 73 4 -0 4 0 0 B U S IN E S S ________________________ _ ^ P P O R T l J N r nBUY K THIS H OUE FOR 200-500 Sth A ve.E . CHRISTMASI 200-400 6th Avo. E Doublowido, 4 bdnn. 2 BEST ROUTE W TOWN bath, family room, dining &3,000/mo (nMllstk:) room, g a njon tub. This ROUTE 853 V 19 Vending sites, i ROUTE 746 homo h a s SIO.OOO worm 700-800 Meadows Dr. no compoiltion. 6 hrs/mo.. „ 1800 bik o f 4th Ave E 1 59.785 cash roqulrod. 700 Bik. Washington N. i o fex tra s. 176 0 5 q lt of boauty, 400-500 bik o f Madrona (1-600-268-6601(24hrs.)B 200-400 Momingside Dr W eatW lnd H om es B Q IO E S S ! O PPO RTU NITY 20S-732-5710 400 bik o f Wakefield Jr GREAT 100-600 H eybum Ave.,W n Mrs. Soastoy's Auto/Truck 1 -« 8 e0 1 0 -9 0 3 7 Detail. Buy out invoniory ROUTE 750 ROUTE 860 & ta k e o v o r lo a s o . All CHRISTMAS PACKAGES 100-400 Borah W est;t 2000-2100 Bizabeth- . roady ostablishod clionto- — Wo havo landrnomo II 100-300 Vi/Iseman lo. Evos. 735 -e2 6 3 .» p a c k a g es; ---------------- R O U T E 7 S 2 -------------INSURANCE ADJUSTING. — Finandno avaiiabio-----W estW Ind H onw a 1300-1400 4th A ve.E - -N a tio n a l franchlso-oU en. . 208-732-5710 900 ^ S ^ e ^ North Ing ostablishod b usinoss irth 100-400 bik B m S t 1-8 eft010-9C 37. In Elko. Proven oam ings, 200-300Blk. B aJneA ve. ve. 100-500 bik Locust 200-400 Bik. Falls Ave. ve. 100-400 bik Walnut - support. Call Mika o t 775- E-MAIL your ciasaiflod od 323-5077. ■ ___________ _ W e sf lo u s a t 100-400 Bik. Robbins tw ln a d O m lc ro a n e t w ROUTE 770 I It ; ^ u live In thla area A REM EM BER < 9 Intoreatad In being a rtfn p a p e r carrier .That blnhciay Bd you ptacod1 Pl* ib A R R IE R S F O R aide o f TWn Falla S a "t t - i ^ E F I L E R A R ElA A .. Intereated In being a '^ a t k l n g R o u t e s3 ;! A v a iia b la i '^ A GUARANTEED M IS C E L L A N E A --------- ^ The Tlmoe-Now* b acceptIng a p p lic a tio n s for (he position of A ssbtanl Mallro o m S u p e r v is o r . M e­ chanical ^ t u d e & man­ agerial a b l i ^ a ro ossentfai. Must b o abk> to lift 50 lbs. an d work nights and I oftomoons. If im ersstod. p leaso fill out a n a p p lic a tio n a t T h e Timos-Nows offico: 132 3rd SL W: Twin Falls, 10. orcall Dan Wotock a t 7330931 oxt. 252. T O O ^ O O ^ I^ te S L 1800-1900 Granada 1800-1900 San LMnte 600 Bik Sunrise ROUTE 814 200^6002nd Ave. N. J 200-500 3 n l Avo. N. I ! T he T im es-N ew s Burloy o tn c « s t3 2 5 1 /2 E 5 th N orth ( n o it to W aM lart) a n d flU o u t a c o n ta c t • b o tto f c a a « 7 7 -4 0 4 2 E x tm . ★ ★ ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ ★ } . • ir SAVE THOUSANDS E Q fll r = CHRISTMAS • , 8{ ln g l« » l d e - 3 b d n n .2 * bam, dining room . 1012 sq fl. $41,500. 0Double w id e - 3 bdrni, 2 bath. ^ ' :s o 2 . ^ JW M E S T O B S A IE I----- » ' R 0 ifT E 722 2600-2900 9th Ave.E 2800 Blzabeth Ave. : 900 QaJlup Drive 700-900 Hankins 800-1100 Trotter Drive T H E T I M E S - N E Wv SS C U R R E N T L Y H AASS T H E F O L L O W I N•iQ G I N D E P E N D E N TT N EW SPA PER ROUTES O N THE W E S T S ID E O F ^ T W IN F A L L S ^ M inhC assla M otor R o u te s 1100-1400 m Ave. £.■ -1100-1400 Bth Ave.E. 1100-1400 9th A ve.E 700-600 Ash S t t @ 2 j MESSAGE The Times-News Is Solflng proporty? Don't pay accepting applications . < ■any fiMja until It's sow. For W estW Ind H ome* for subsftule Motor ' fro e In fo rm a tio n a b o u t 208-732-6710 route carriers In the ' avoiding tim o sh aro a nd 1 -8 8 M 10-9037 reai e s ta te ecartts, vntio Mlnl-Cassla area. If lo t h a F e d e r a l T r a d o tm TWIN FA L L S 9 b d rm s, you are Interested C o m m issio n , W ashingp Caro Centor/K ome. AcreIn behg a independent ton. D .C., 20S80, o r call ^sgo Rent/Sell 733-1359 mo r^ational Fraud InforMotor Route carrier m a i l o n C o n t e r . ITWINFALLS S or subsitute plea se $90,000 Homo & Acroagol 1 -600^76-7060. stop by 2 .S a c r o s w ith w o t e r BO U TE701 2400-2500 9th Ave. E. 600-1000 Cypress Way a i R e a l ty • Irvrin R ealty a lty ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ TH E T IM E S -N E W S C U R R E N T L Y HAS< T H E F O L L O W IN GB IN D E P E N D E N T 3 ! N EW SPA PER R O U T E S ON T H E E A S T S ID E O F I TW IN F A L L S -f^e Tlrnoo-Newa Is >• 'k k ^ » MINI-CASSIA " you “w i n th e Burloy c L v k l n g r o r q u a l lllf f ilo d •yo' Rupert Aroo a n d aro tfld e ra . Cortinod aa opllu L Dll f o r Intereated In boinflHa w o d b e n o f li a , C all 248i ^ N ew sp a p o fC a r^ r. ^p o in tm e n t. 43a.624f — •* p laaso contact th e Burle urfey **** Timee'Nows officeat at W®E FEED WELDER »R 677:4042 Of sto p by[ttw th( W w lo d Im m odlatoly. ly. tth o Offico a t 3251/2 6 .5 lh tfl ^N. rrvMt exportoncod exp expert (next to W a lm a '> rt).. wifo fee d er w elderrfa ialb rt. CAtor m o n o y e o n b l m anaoom ont. oi I. oxp. ^ ----h ^ o flc la l. T o p w a g oi a , TWIN FALLS (8) drug fn:o. 2 08-3 2 4 -U 5 ^ 1 7 f fTf -E M P L O Y M E N J O P P O R T U N T TIEESS — J > U 8 U C SERVICE :e M ESSA Q E. Fwjoral omploym oni Infor. Inft m allon Is fro o . Rom ei S ber, no ooo c o n promL you a federal tob.F oyrfn frw f o rm a tio n a b o u t fedei ederal )dJ)s. call C a reo r Amerli nerica OannecUon. 912-7S 7< » ’•3000 -------- i n Canyonside Rea 9alty/QMAC Real Estate *001 9 1 C o n t u 7 2 1 . G r e a t e r V alley P P nr o p e r t ie s • C e n tu r y 2 1 . Rivei /erside • Qem State R e• a lty ^ » Coldwell • Banker e r Nannini Realty • D.R. CurtI u itls C o . • S i lv e r S a g e R e alty alty • B ra v rle y R e a lty * Liz Giuldi ui Real Estate* Pmdentlal, llal. Idaho Homes • Magic • Valley Really • Rob€ obert J o n e s R e a lty • StrlcW aanc n d R e a l E s t a l e • W ills R e alty Ity • Coldwell Banker Curtis • - ARPENING SERVICE SHAR - I'S SHARPENING , r t u w eSERVICE e ploto S S sharpening, _ ' lido 4 stool saw s. ,> 1 Brocken S t S 50*1-800-471-4050 ;r ICES': 7 3 4 ^ 0E 5 0SERV TR EPREES-R-US ES ‘i; ) Mini-Cassia 4 MV I'M TREI 1Troo Caro ‘Stump »Sorw igval Mir • Total U ndscap-!!' ‘TotalFirew Tro ood eoM by * Removal te c •o rd sp ilt 4 in g . ired R re • Froo Eslimale • • th91 e c-t 6 7 8-4182evas:,: delivered 5 TRIMMING-^ 431-5391 ---------— — I H I EQrqI Rosourcos. Inc. ^ fortified Arborisis m ing f specialists Iroo rcluvonalion 'f iSOUAUTY S; COUNTS FniltQ49 IrooOf 788-1811 WHENCKJA TREE 471-0240 ------------= d im m in g Tl T R: Troo IK i I B l S i Trimming n caro . Shm bbery I b ush trtmming. freo E stim ates a ndaU bus 735 -0 5 5 3 — For freo - C eHCpTrBBTsnr U 7 r«oal ..... .,n „ way . . . «»Bl Id. 733^)931 J ^ t ;; : : - I • 1 - j 5 > JUM ^ SALESi VACIII1 1 >SERVICE i ANDS ECTROLUX K m ffn d o an o rs. R ELECT soots, central vacs. 6 Vacuum lorvlce a n d repair. ^ shampooon 3 9 D u 8 o to tm Sales, servk if lT S M S I S ^ 239 C Csfl 7: ’ODING & r 1 W E >iSfiVUDS D I R P in c i M K N Q SH O P O ro «9esS 2M 40(i: : WEDDO^ u U -R e n to rB u y . -> w llp e -S h o e s-8 ra s “ « itbiceaneta Cniiso w a a - 2 i 0 B . i i e i n “? ^ I ' ' 1 k - E6 ■ n m « » -N e wn i,, T • w in F a lli , I d a h o W e d nle e aa d a y , D a c a m b a r ^ T , 2 0 0 0 - BU SS. Lg. 3 bdrm. Imi. trallor E*MAILyourc!n83in< Sinod ad JEROME. 1 bdm i. 1 bat bam. In lown. 3 0 0 41h / Ih Ave S, to u s a t • S3 2 0 /m o n th * d a p o tl 5375*aop. Coll 7738 3 8 ^ 2 2 . . tw ln a d O m lero'"n".r• t Cas 324-3430.420-1669. 669-* bom. Soo QOOOINQ. 2 bdmi. F< • B U H L .2tx }m 1 bol I. Foncod T W IN F A L L S 2 b d rrm n . y a r d . 3 0 1 6 th Av : ol7 1 7 7 lh A v o NN.. 3$ 4 5 0 -f lancod yord, garo g o , W/D W/ » -e 6 9 0 .B » S 0 fd o p .C a lI7 3 6 dop. CaII20S-733-e /o. E. hookup, 1429 8 lh Avo. E .6694 2 b d r m . HAZELTON. Nlco 2 1 2 barm . $47S/mo * d o p . 734-669 B U H L .C I o a n b ------ll. n o w . o 'o c - oppls.. carpon w /g a ro g o . a v a il. TWINFALLS 3 bdrnis. ms. 1 dop. 421 pioco, no po ts. 423-; • $450Ano.+$200 doi L iilS i b o ih . S I n g lo t o r pOoort. r lltfiA vo. N. 734.K 4*1465.« JEH O M E • Immoculi c uialo 3 Foncod yard. $575/m o + mo lum cnn. ^dm i, 2 bath on 2 i . tJop. (206) 393-2051 ' •. FILER fum 7 unlum 2 w/cofrals.5eOO. 539■S^-OBOS w oflkdaya o n ly . yon vlow farm houoo hoi . bdrm.. 1 both, gars jarag o . & JE R O M E , r o m o d o l rr;^ TWINFAtXS A nico hom $500 mo. bdrm . n o sm oking/| . corml oplional. $50 BlnM family rm.. b sm t. firoplac s. g a s hoat. S 4 7 5 .324loaso. Rolroncos. oxtfas, 5 6 2 5 .7 3 4 -3 1 % 10 Coll 32&-4729.I ------JE R O M E . ExIfO nic TWINFALLS baiti 2 b om . dbl. v HAGERMAN 2 bdrm bdn m na h 3 M n ti. 2 ball /w o o d “ roo- S475/moi b o th . F i ro p la c:o o /* cn o T L B r o c k o n r id g o h o ,m m oo . a co . now No pots. rals. 326-56 slovo. Now fumaco jd o s SlSO O /m onih. Includo: blinds.carpoi 4 vinyl -Inyl. W/D M.V..MafllcAd* Sofvli tios T vlcea lawn caro A a m o n itio hookup. F ro o cab :a bilo .N o . moglca3s-mall.eom/r m/roni short lorm OK. Call Kon Koni pots. S450/mo Apt. S Homo Ronta •ntalM or DncJy C ollins a t 733733 S37-6204 a n «trr tp T| m 1243 Lynwood Mall T. IIT.F.B 5336or 734-6104, •• • TWIN FALLS Cl«an, nav |« « carpot. 3 bdrm*. C lota u W schools. S575/mo. + $40( dep. 611 2 n d . Ava. N.• , Culo, newfy romodaled, ]■)1 M n n . possibly 2. $375/ m o + $ 3 0 0 d a p . B11V1 >7 2 n d . A v * . N. 735-0631 ‘3 ’ or3 2 0 -1 6 9 4 B ________________________ TWIN FALLS - Lcvoly sp“a­ cious. 2 bdm i, 2 bath, all a p p ls , A C . a p rln k lo rs, ' lawn mowing, wator and w n lto lio n lurnishod. No 00 p o ts, n o sm oking. $600 mo. -f dop. Applicalions Coll 732-6366.B _ t w i n FA L L S 3 b d rm . 1 b a l h , l a r g o d u p l e xX., 5 5 5 0 / m o . -f d o p . No Io smoklng/pots. Coll Nell Ql ol M 734-^500-day3.734-1329 ovos. PAUL • H om a In oourmy, 33 bdrm. Call 438-9 2 3 4 ji T W N F A L L d, 3bdnn.,2HJ - b a i h , g a r a g a , ta n c a di yard, $700.733-1350, *rWN FALLS, 161 f>0Jk8L,2 0 0 0 a q . lt., 3 bdrm ., 1t b a th , f e n c e d ya rd , dog run, $500 d e p . $700 mo? 2 0 8 -5 7 8 -9 5 0 1 for mora> lnfo.A vaU .Fab. 1,2001.1 TWINFALLS 6 1 0 -3 rd 8 L N. 1 bdrni, ,t bath. $350 * dap. 1 9 7 3 M apla2bdm i.2batfi, », $550 + dap. • 318 J a f f a r a o n 3 .b d r m , 22 bath. $700 + dep. . 1134 M o n a c o 3 bdrm , 22 bath. $850 + dop. ^ 1 7 6 6 M a p l a w o o d (n'0 o !]• 2™ » | p % ! TWIN FALLS, auper d ean.. H E flE I I $ 8 5 0 + d o p ..., B R A W L E Y RE A L T Y . .all a la c t., 2 bdrm ., mosiI pota. 733-8234.. 7 3 4 .5 8 5 8 .. - TW IN FA L L 8. v o ty n ic a,4 TWINFALLS bdrm ., 2 bo th , no smok-■ Vory nlco. 5 bdrni. 2W balh ft Ing4»eta.$876m o. + dop. homo with 2 c a r garago. ). Call Neil 734-6500 days> N o x t t o C S I c a m p u aI.. or 734-1328 ovos. $1,000'm o. plus doposil. ]: T W IN F A L L S - d u p l ^ No smoking, no pets. Call r w / g a r a g a . 1 9 4 9 A lla , Noll a t 734-6500 d ays & Nowly ro n o v alo d . S535. 734-1329 ovonings. Call 733-1359. 1T W IN PALlia. 2 b d r m . F r a a o a b la , n o p a ta , $ 4 2 s ^ w .+ d a p .m - a i 6 0 1fw iN FALLS. 2 b d r m . w /appla. a t 230 Lola. No p e ta.$ 2 5 0 d a p .$ 5 0 Q m o . l ^ a a a caU 206-734-2664. i ba th , $ 5 3 5 /m o ^ * d a ^a it. P lea sa cau 206-733^)669. ^ TWIN FALLS. 3 bdrm . 2 bam . flreplaoa, r » amok* Ing, $ 8 0 0 p e r m o.+dap. .Ptottsa call 208-324-2169. " bath, triple garaga, hoimo lnC andler(dg0.N 0 ', 8m o W n g ,n o p els.$ 1200/mo. Coll Kent or Cindy a t 733-5336or734-61M . fTWIN FALLS. 3 bdrm. Big lot, 810V0 & rofilfl. $ 4 9 ^ ,m o.+$250 do p .7 3 M 8 1 1 • ilr/3 J /7 7 I3 3 7 3 In te m a tio n a l Travd A rdM4x4tXi39823e-: • s a »a ■83AMC Concord cord *P2043B ■86 Dodge D50PU P U .tNA864S8D r n n iii IH \ 1i V i W li m *86 Q icvy G)nversion A onVan#iC27iM7C > • a a iaf f '> ‘86 FordAerostarVai ■VantFI42}7tD -1 P a y f o r v o inn r h o l i d a y s V W i t h G A S H IB A G K f r o m CG o n P a u l o s a. .■ a 7 0 GM C 1500 PU P U IPI77IF H u rry ....O ft4 Dla y s le fft! ‘88 Dodge D akota? ta?\Jp2I24A 'S • a a a C yH h a n n e e • t . a a I af f ‘93 M ercury Topaa ) p a z w ;/2 • t , 6 a t aa i i n i ‘86 Mazda B2000 PU P U fUB4SS40B * i a a t aa 1^ n La s t ^ • a a faf I I - * 5 S »S ■ C o n PP a u l o s i n Jm e r o m e - — •» • S 8 8 '83 Ford Conrers/onn Vk V an pa7644m • i,a a a ‘89 Dodge Caravan» an >E£S4462E • 2 , a a t aa ‘90 Dodge Dynasty is\Y»P2im a V e .. 1 * 2 , 9 8 t 8a ■ ■ ■ \X4 n^^36066C ‘92G M C K 15004I4. • 3 , 9 a t aa '92 Foni F-150 4x4, X4 »P2I63D • 5 . a a t aa '93 Toyoia PU 4x , X44 »P212Q A H IS 4 poHTui MC BONNEVIIU S SLE • s , a a t aa SLE P l« , Sunroof,AkmADo ADoy Wheels, Buckst Seats, Pow Seel Seets, Remote Entrys, PowrWindow8,PowerLocla, As, Cruise Control, A tm i dVCssette K tte P !^,R ea rS p o ae r . '92 Ford F-250 S .C 44x4 x A»EE300I9B • G . a a wa ‘98 Ford EscortI m •P2037A • 7 , a a »a '92 GMC Ext Cab 4x4. 1x4 11097438 • a , a a 8a swouni * Y i m m CHOH fCf... OURB]lESTDEEAL JH O e c Ti U t B I BMC tsoo BIT.:CAB I 4i4. Extended d Cl Csb. 5J VS, Auto Tn«nissioa TralerPkt r^ uTw Tone Paint S l f P k ^ A Umn ii CO Player. Power Wndows, Powe )werLods,CfuiseConliot, Pow Powv Seats, Z71 Off Road P k ^ Spray rayhBedDner i U M * 0 , 8 8 88 '9 5 Ford Bronco XLT'4x4MEa689B 4x< * 9 , 8 8 a8 ‘00 Dod^e Neonn •P2099 tp. u • 9 ,a a a H ill ‘96 GM CS15 Jimmy/44x x 4 # p ;s 5 J f l mmm mfwmm t __ a s j b r d B ronco XIX4x4 A x 4*ED9I9?4G-------------- P ■. • w ^ a a t aa ‘00 Ford Focus/P.:, ■ '*P2!07 * f f , 9 8 88 ‘00 Mitsubishi Galant E •Pi96i nt ES — * 0 , 9 f 8 88 ' ‘96 ChevySlO Blazer 4x4 4X4 •VD2S97iA ' * f f « 9 8 88 ‘9 9 Ford W indstar •LCD70S9A »i q -I • i s ,a a a ‘97 GMC Ext Cab 4x4 »£ : 4 $£A23SiSA * f C ,8 8 a8 p j|B : '9 9 Ford Ranger S.C. 4x4 * 1x4 *F.056664A • r r .a a a ‘98 Ford F-150 S.C4x4 4x 4 i P2I5S • t 7 . a a aa ‘00 Toyota Tacoma SRS 4x4 ISA23532A * r« 8 8 8a ‘97 Ford F-250 S .C 4x4 « C4 »EAB5824A u'mteo - • t a . a a a8 g t v a - ‘97 Ford F-150 S.C 4x4 4x4 IP2066 GMC JIM MMY B • ta .a a a SLEPkfcTWi>-ToneP8inl,AIOTICOF » K m r, (tenofc Erttyi, Pom W W iitoo m , w b d a ,C n j to Control, 4.3 Vortoc, «, \V6 E n ^ Aiito I t s m t a I ■97 Chevy E x t a b 4x4, 1x4 tP2064 ' • i B . a a a8 w . ‘99 Ford F-150 S.C 4x4. 1x4 fP2l65 B • t 9 .a a a ^ m a e iV k O U R m B E S T a ‘99 GMC Ext Cab 4x4I iKBiaSOtA *w D) EE A l * 1 9 , 8 8 83 p ‘9 9 GMC Yukon 4x4 tia64l2A .IG m u i * 2 % m 8 S 83 .n '9 9 F b id F 2 5 0 S .C 4 x 4If& •EA23S67A ■ B .......... .... * * 4 ,8 8 8 SW iQias OIZ 'y ' IB M 9 0 1 C . L i n c o l n • J lBE R O M E e00-287-70i 700 324-39i w w w . c o n p ao iu t o s . o o m JUSTA SHORT mm m s IN THEm a icTVALLEY! ' E F R O M J tiiY W m ^ ^ e.C hevroler. i b PBOfeastot. ^ PRiCE/P Eff>AYMEHrPU)3 TAX, TTTLE& DEAI )E A E B IK IC F E E 0 F I1 2 1 « .6 * CC.. AD EXPIRES JAHUABY 3, a)0,1;' o,t. f ; - ■■ ■ a s '' T - ;.P C N T iA jj 8 , • B K M B K T rB N ____________ _ 't ' > ■I • ' W td iiM d a y , O e c « n b e r 2 7 .2 0 0 0 , T Im e * -N « w a , T w w in F a llt , I d a h o E 7 .TWIN FALLS. 6 bdrm. rm . 2 ; bam, liko new. fencody 9d y d . . N o p a is . $695 + ddoi op. 1 423-5670. after e p jn tnJ.a r rw iN FALLS. For ront 5H T 3 • M rm . 1 both houso w/yd. w/y : a g o r a g o . N o d rri innIk ' I n g / s m o k l n g / p oo ttis . ; $650*S700 damagoI do dop. 734-4S53.a»kforFem » mJ.« 'Y w i N F A i i A N c I K T 5^n » wfth canyon rtm views, 3 bdrm. 2 balh on 1 acr acro. $t40QAno. ' C aU K w rtorC tmKfy fy ; 733-6336 Of 734-8t(H 1104 , { j. • f 1 ----- IW IN ^A L L S ^ 6 3 8 M o n r o « .n to o 2 b dflnn. m I H bam with privalo' po pat i o , c o v o ro d p a r k in g Ing$ 4 9 5 * dop. BR A W L E Y RE A L T Y ^ 734-SA58 _ TWIN FA IL S A 1 2 0 .i6 5 0 h twin FAUS . READYTO UOVE MTO ^ 1660 •Q.ft ome* on North Fillmore near Polellne [0 Road. Prfce negotiable lo term. Conlacl WALT T HESS 737-3939. Qem m State Realty w TWIN FALLS, Just-A-More Inn. 2separate officM on S tho main fkMr wKh use o( V conference room. $650 or t $550. Can Kent or Cindy it Collins at 733-5336 or 734-6104. - —_ rv 603 FURNISHED APTS TS/ ^^^U P L a avail, according tjg t o incom o. Playgrounds, s , aen k itc h e n a p p ls. la u n d rry m ts. No pots. 324-3464. 164. JE R O M E - 2 b d rm ..-TTT II ^ ba lh . potto. W/D. $485 nam 324-38H Of 324-84g9J JE R O H & Upstairs o p t ; 3 bdrm . 2 bath4S00/mo. ■Nopots/smoUng 324-333 ^ • y— PO PLAR OflOVE APTS JS . Cloan, Cozyt Bdrm opts. Availoblo now nntU F or Soniora/Handicappod Disabled persons. Somo with AC ; Ront Based on Incomo •no Contact Office al , : 73 3 £ 22nd St. Burloy ''’y ; 208-676-9429 -----RUPERT ' Taking appiicattons for waiting list 1 & 2 bdrm. . a p ts. Valloy Park Apts. 436-5882 ____ W JP E R T ----------------------.T a k in g a p p lic a tio n sI ffoo r ' waiting Ost 1.2. & 3 bdrm drm. a p a rtm e n ts. Southwoo< Apartments 43^0226 1— I ™* .dw a ato d , Ju«t edi 73»0C31. uc HORSE. 9 yr. old sorrel OH qgolding, 15 h a n d s. 1200 IIbs. C ^ , b een kn arena, b r u s h , t r o lls , f e e d l o t . $3000.423-4102, e v e s * ED EN 1 05 a c r e s u n d e r p iv o t. P r e f e r a b l y f o r potatoes. 825-5234 ■ ---------------------- TW IN F A U S , F o r R o n t: Com m ercial office /re ta il a p a c e , com er lo c alio n a. I g . w in d o w a . a p p r o x . 2 ,1 0 Q sq .fL :h o ai& w a to r p d ., a ls o h a s off a i r e o t p ark in g , avail, now . L o c a te d e t 338 3nd S t. E .. Twin Falld. CaD 733-4747. J I I L j iJ v ^ S £ iL J CATTLE. Dairy herd, 130 cows lor sale. 537-6579. HORSE. AOHA1998 sorrel riDy, Doc Bar and Skippor W B ro o d iy ^ 734-7955, H O R S E S -M u s t S' s o lll P a in ts a n d Q H 's. c o lts, [! reining cow h o rse , also, „nk » gray m ara. 934-5733. TWINFALLS--------------- €> . . m CASE International 3 3 9 4 *^tra trac to f 4x4, $23,000. 37 iini eolkf se t pipe, good imos coi condition. $1100 a line. Co 366-2574J i Con ! ■ ♦ W M U H IB S A ilS5ttlfl)]UU)EQUIPMBn B IT»VIIEW[EmDE.|NS IS JW . l z o o mFOBOFISOSOPffleBE 8EW 2000 TOYOI OniM OIUSB5 4 l44 SMI1$«&.WAulxa Wi io.aiIkidPidagi;Siim cl 21!000 1 CHEVROIETMJU iU BU IB S9JS1M77U 7SA-.VI A ti; R i Pow ; LoRU o , Lool Tia k a iT ................. VE,Ad9,C0(Hy1(Ua)lles Jx m s Only- * 2 2 , 8 &! = = = = ^ | _________ m g ... r 2000 i O nly... f f i o x L xri I M PilattQAftlM i tanCMiorlMOgai ■ I_________ no. i? ^ fil5650M.......... .........'„,jnini*3,!1,988 i 9 i 9 n u n s i«4 » ■LY “ m e t... ................................W # IC 3 4 3 A ................... I nSDIDIBM4I4 1991 HEIBOLn t! ,h M I t ..................... ............. ...................., o « i i ‘ . 1994FOBDF15Gi 0 SD PEBe Simdo,M Pow% er, W , k l s , 1 8 .9 8 8 ................... o«iiM8, i 1i ,1 , 8 8 0 u U 198‘ )9 .................. .okbMZ, 1 2 .8 8 8 1 9 9 in U U IBIB !EB4I4 fl(M 13348A ............ * 1 9 .8 8 8 ............... E neu I G 1 ,0 . 9 8 8 ■ nMSIunld , 1 6 .9 8 8 $1(995........... 0«1I 16, 1997 CHmOlEI lE T ^ 1 6 . 9 8 8O r m ,lm H 3 e s gEETlE bmel,..Loal Irade . 16 l l 888] L e ft 1991 lOLBSWII lU E B '°L 1^ yERAOO.Vg.AUTO SlUfER F JP o « tU « M e .F « « ry W rs«i tf y ------------------------- POHTIAC MOHnNII 1 9 9 9 P( Ul 1997BIZBI 626 1997 GHEVB IB01ETEneilB4K44 2000 CHEVBOIHBUUER UE A...V #D 356429A .. 6,_FuII Power, Alloy W h re l ,,988 f f l l J l o l . ................................... 010*4,! ___ f— ^ N FALLS^:apn Moiol, 1341 Ktmborly Rd. S^OO/■ $385/mo. 733-6452. TWIN FALLS. H O TEL 3 $100M k.& $360/m onth. 2 ^ 2nd Avo W. 733-5630 |B # 0 3 4 3 5i3 3 66 A .. .V ^ Aulo, CD O ia n g e r' JU M m X rm 1 9 9 9 FO FORD W INDSnR UU 414 im n u H S iu ^ I ------- I------------------ — ^ ~ JE R O U E HoUdoy M otoT $100& upw W y. 401 W. M ain.C an 324-2361 ‘^ N F A I ^ $85ftvk$325- ^ K rm o . BEST PL c aUVBOUreJVNUERS n Oh0 0 Rod . i - .- i . 4 = ^ . . ,- i f c m ............. ..,.0lll‘13, 1 3 .8 8 8 l E E P W R A N 6 1 E R1 EED, LOWMILES, LOCALISADE 4 SPEE ffitf5,988 #AU( ..# iff2 2 8 4 .................. ^ iH iu cm n r • -------------- fiJ S u M ftw . .................. j i b * 6 ,!,988 1991 n i i Hni'Di i n u lar,iC;a),liiM ? S m i s s - m s 521,995 t i ,988 ....................... ............................ on n l o v 1998 TO o n « 2 8 3 .......... “ . I / u 6 i 9 3 - w «s $ i v • #KH2078BA IxJeJ 5 _____’ C tV , t4 C n u g , .w . C lO B ^ m M ^ ^ /c im c n T *»«•• le L ak es Blvd. N. 1 5 3 4 Blue T W I BI N F A I . I . S >-233-2954 800- 7355 - 3 9 0 0 la c o f b S a v e O n r.c o n p a u lo s .c o m w w w .< m " ’" i S ef B o u t e v a r d ! HK M AR ieASIS.U Iirm iW A RRim A) UnYFOBtOMPKOfKTIOH.APBEXPIRES C JANUARY 3,2001. , n a E > D a a D i i c F s o FF ))in.O O . OAC.'EXCLUDES VBflClG A n y w f Ma fmi I n m OME JEROMI A L L S................................ V " * ^ | - . ^ T W tN F FAL 18,495:,.,., ,.'..0«d‘15, 5 .9 8 8 oimicB n # 1 1 0 1 8 6 - WAS $18, 1991 s 'AULOS COHPA "" ____ »901 s. Uncoln JJ E R O M E 800-287-7000 8 ( 3 22 4 - 3 9 0 0 J tfSrtilSftartlMwFtani ti •y l ■ PRlCEPUiSI u s iM ts s a 3 .8 8 8 15,995 ........... OBd’13, ................. .oib*15, 5 .9 8 8 \ , - . ................ O K U ’ 22 11 ,. 9 8 8 ....................... fil1 0 2 8 0 2 A ............... V . SOLD D ta h r J m M ik ,k 2991 BOIH BEU Ul T W N n L L S .,.H EDDIE BIO EB ...............................................S I 1996 CHEKY SOI DBDBBU .^ 2 1 .8 8 8 2 ii iH iim e tB CBUDU U M R V TON C B E N e u bxtl,sr,VS,FvllPm s |[ y BA g u D O , LOW M IIB , AUTO ■ R E «T H jaK O m ,lO C A L T IIA D I 4D «,fU LlP0W EB G ,aiE “ y « ,» t3 .9 8 B 1996 CBHBOIEI lE F I 1998 FOBD EIFE PEOmON 1998 GHIEVB01ETEXTGIIB4X EI '•M p 3 0 0 n , 1 8 .9 8 8 .....,,.,.01111*18, 1 9 ,8 8 8 * ................o«»M9. 1992 c u n i i n 1/1 1/4 rai 01 cu # , .............................. t o o i e i i n B O UU I U I B O m D ■ ■ mm k ti,fiS F im f' ■■ UT posted] V ALUES 0 U U 1 D f O B O B N O Tf I ^ 1 - '' . II p Som o DW & WD hookups jp s Spoctous and d oan =1 607 '• No pols 734-6600 O F F IC E * T W IN F A L L S - . a r « n d RETAILSPACE Mont* • 3 bdrm . 2 b a th , g a ra g o . $650 u p .379 * * TWINFALLS * *♦ Lonoro. Call 733-6207H — * * JEROME * * TWIN FALLS • 2 bdrm. 1 *. 1 S o s f R alos S Locollons; b a th . Stovo. rolrig. DW. & RETAIL a OFHCE S p a c e W D.'Nopots..737-0067*. 2 ; S h o p * ( e v e r t» a d d o o r « ) TWIN FALLS - 3 bdrm..., 2 T o m a n y a tz e a & . bom .377M om lngsW oD r. Dr. lo c a tio n s to l i s t ‘ O os/A C . Main floor unit jnit Noed a spaco to loaso?? ! w /g a ra g o . S605 * 5 5■00 00 W e will find II for youl : dop. Coil T rB coy736«03. ^ T ID W E L L J E N K S T W IN FALLS - BEAUTlF U L N E W 2 b d tm .2 b am . Z o r o lo i duplox. ro frlg . S ’ jEROME-12<» on an r a n g o . microwavo, DW. N. Lincoln. O o se lo Court d is p o s a l. W/O hook-up. f j jl H ouse. Can 3^4^S66^ ■ g a s fir o p la c o , c o n tro oir/hoot. patio. 2 c ar ggaa ­ TW lNFA LLS-oHlcospaco ro g o . desirable location, Sn, avail. 1/15. 1430 & 1440 Filer Avo. E a s t Call 734n o iim o k ln g . n o p o t s . $ 8 5 0 . Call 734-6360JI S360. Roosonablo roritl ■ m o TWIN IFALLS : N ow 2 bodroom. Rango. go, Olfico L eases Avaiiablo • rofrlg. Microwavo. diahah- ■ Bluo Lakos Blvd.' ' w a s h o r . W/O. O as firoro KImborty Rd, Eastland Dr. ptoco.AC.WotortSantatk5n ion Various Sizes & R atosi paid, N oar school & park. rk. Call Slovo 734-4334 ELWOOD & EVANS H allow a Property 734-1401 M anagem ent v ’ ' “ f e ") - , g JUNnE • AWJUffiWIM • MONET UCKGUiUU INNING s u n d • BLUE EBOOK jjlL : I------- J ' I S U P P U E S g O lW H I T W W FA L L S. L arg o 2 b d r m . 2 b a th d u p lo x w/appl., gorago. No pets. $525 + dop. C al 733-1804. U u re lP a i1 ( A p a itm eK n ts its TWIN FALLS. Lg. 2 bdrm. 176 Maurico Sirool Firoplaco, all appls. W/D Twin Fan* ho o k u p , so m e utils, p d . _________734-4195 $47&+dop. Call 734-1556. TWIN FALLS Studio. $28i '<2as t w i n f a l l s . Oulol 2 . + dop. Util, pd, 761 Moir M rm . 2 bath doluxe • W .N opots.Cdn326-M^^77 77 onorgy offideni opt. T w i n f a l l s (Z) i bdrm Jrm. S560/m o.-1 bdmi, o p t a p t s . A p p ls . i n c . Nc N0 $425. Elevator, socuro pots/smoking. S350/mo-t no+ undorgroond porking,I$150 dop. 734-3303M■ now or buikJing. 734-2556. 56. ------ T W IN f a l l s . S U P £SB A ; D E A U 2 bdrm. 2 ba m . in A FFO RD AB LE ^ now 4-plox. $450/mo. No N o w e ri. 2 4 3bdnn. ^ smoking or pots. Call 734apartm ents with 2 boths. 64S 2 o r7 3 4 -8 5 2 2 .a All oppUancos. spadous. C all Now 734-1600i ■ TWIN FALLS. Taking ap plicattons for a s e c u re 2 T W IN F A L I s C o z y 1 I J - bdrm . 1 bath opi. $399Aix> ' bdrm . opts. Kitchon appls. ^ $ 1 5 0 dep. Located n o a r No pots/smoUflg. $350i<73 dow ntow n, crodit c hock .c k ■ d o p . ind. uliis. 735^)473, — roq.733-2218,Tow nC n»t TWINFALLS ^ jll, T W N FALLS. Vory nto? 2 Excoltent 3 bdrm. 2 balh. 3 ■ M m i. duplox. cuW o-sac. ac. Spactous largo closots, J' G ro a t location. O a ra g e , prWato patto and parking. I rg y r d .A C .D W .W D WINTER SPECtAUI Movo -t„_ hookups, lawn coro, $560 In beloro 1-31 and rocolvo + dop. Call Tom 737-3924. $420 oft roni. Coll Now a t 206-734-1600. I 605 I T W lN F A llS -----------------5, _ J R O O M S F O R R ^ « Q u a ]IC rM k A p ts« ■ •H oliday Special*I* 1,2,3 Bdrms $335-495 ^95 ■ ^ FA RW RANCH " ~BEET bE SHARES 150 a c . gp SRSC. Shares for ram for m 2001.670-2480 BEET STOCK S nake r R tvorS o9ar155acros. For rent or salo. Call 5 532-<266.or 431-0555 BUNKS, free stand- TRAkCTO CT) R, 1 9 6 7 1-806 jn gg , lo r g o a t s , s h e e p , eatiand w/»ve hydrauWheatiJ! ho rs >rses. D iffereni s iz e s . Ues & ig. ig hoavy duty Dual de r. DISK. IHC (1 )1 0 ive feed, bottor anim al loader, Save v/Ram. Can 734-7608. ■alth; less d e an -u p . Can iLw/Rai Iwan 543-: ____________ t r a cCTOR, to 1980 JD 4440. 30 h o u r s , r a t e d 130 M SETS, 15KW to 400 /V, u so d , g a s , d ie s e l . HP,. 125 12. D yno. A C /cab. aJ rl pI l i l S . 9 0 0 . J Sopp a n e. Big s e le c tio n , ho n y 0 9 3 4 -6 6 6 3 .ev o . , CaDi iD867-1919.*» ' fTEO TO BUY 25000RSE TRA ILER . 1996 )00 b u sh o l g r a in bin. • ^ 9 ,^^ indownor Exocutivo, 3 rago. Loaso to buy or chase. Purc h ase to inJlSIf ml dressing n » m , oxc! e l ud o^ la n d & b ln . P a u l cond od.$64 0 0 ,9 3 4 -9 0 6 8 .» 0.436-6666.438-5546 , ^ miEVER, New Holland W AN TE t o b u y o ld e r MTED i52,vorygoM cortd.O n small 111 m manuro sproadors, «2Chovy tnick. $8000. PTC 0 o01r g r o u n d d r iv e , ptonj oaso can 206-788-3348. working rking o r non-w orklng -------drtioo. 324-5858. 3DLE, usod, B on Tor“ ndrtio. SAOO rel, I, oxc, e cond. 539-6663, I t7 ~ i to «tOv«niM in • Mty Grea ja«d,JuW o n 73^0931. oat Christmas id o a .* etMi4a«d, f e eJO d H l i l i m iH H ifi B o ttar look a t th is ocMlI Nowor 3 bdmi, 2 bam . W/D hookup, g arag e. AC, dishwasher. Cloor Springs Apartn>om9 ws. Coll M id ^ . 734-4334 Hallow* P r o tm ty U anagem w it ‘f W H F i O I S ----------------S r > 1 T £ A P T S . 2 3 2 22nnd ( A v e. N. $300. -$ 3 5 0 . h d o p . Complimontary laun d ry fadlities. C O L O N U L A P T 3 ,S tu a o i a v o ila b lo Im m e d iately $ 2 6 5 + dop. in d u d o s h o a 8. w ater. B R A W L E Y R EA LTY ■Y 734-5858 TWIN FALLS. (2) 1 bdm i a p t a . $ 3 5 0 /m o .+ $ 2 0 C d e p . Can 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 ^ 9 J TWIN FALLS. I b d m T i p t N opots. Call 733-5374.B TWIN FALLS. 1 bodroom, wim stovo & refrigorator $260. Can 208-734-5325. T W IN F A L L S . C l e a n . 1 M rm duplex, $295. Rofrig Ifrig sto v e & part util. 734-5483 TWIN FALLS. Duplox foi r o n t, 3 b d rm . 1 b a th , OM garago. $500.733-5590.1 T W IN F A L L S . E X C E P T tO N A L : 2 bdrm . D/W , rofrig., ran g e , d isp o sa l, }al, p riv a lo util. rm . w /WJIO /D h o o k - u p , A C, 2 s p aICO co p a r k in g . No p o ts or sm oking.«475.734-6360. ^ ‘H ear th e quiet! et! Oualily ccfnforts. Alfordablo prkas. 2 b d m i units avaiioblo.®Call 735-0473 _ T W 1 N F A I.L S S lu d io 2 bdrm..foncod yard. Idaho H ousing approved. $395 + dop. Call 734-6694.H TWINFALLS------------------ E-4 E-MAIL your dassifled a d ^ to u s a t t tn a d O m lcro a n et tw HORSES. Several C hristHOI mmai s k id s b o r s e s . C a n doBvor.C all734-3507.* do ^ ~ TW — I Conn Paulos in« Jerom e Si & TWin Fallf I s -------- — UNFURNISHED A P T S ffiU PL E XSE sS CIRCLE J , 2 horse traitor, J fully enckMod, new tires, ” $2 1 0 0 .324-6 9 4 5 Ji _* o CNB, *95, 2 horse slant, w/ f, . l a c k r o o m , l o t e o l ig c h ro m e , e x c . c o n d . $3,600. CaOe37-6614.B TWW FALLS P m o M m l Office a p a c e fo r le a a e . .65« sq . f t plus utUlttes. 3 5 0 0 a q .f l . a v a ila b le , 734-5633736-7302 T W W F A iiS Shpp«W are(touM /O rnc« E astfandD r.,Paf1cAva.. • KlmberiyRoad V a r io u s s ^ f r o m 3 0 0 -1 1 W 0 e q .ft. CaB Stove 7 3 4 ^ 3 3 4 H sU owt P ro p e rty M anaow nent H t g l o V a l l ti _ y I --------------- - E 8 T lm o 8 - N e w rs, 8 .1T w in F a lls , I d a h o W ed n es< e s d a y , O o c « m b « r2 7 ,2 0 0 0 ^ ■ THACTOR. 1051 105 : Forfluson. TO 30.Mn In oxcol. lont cond. Dili 734- WOOD STOVE - (3) 3) 1■ Asp o n . 1 -T lm b o rlln lln o lbullor. Coll &44-25tE 519. I i ^j^^JRRIGATTOh lO N ^ I . : : : P IV O T , '9 6 Zimma im a tlc .'a to w o r.6 S 0 ll.C o'ofT m p lo lo w /p u m p . ponol.I. bbiu b b lo s c r o o n & draooon n liltor. F ilar, $16,000,734W H E ^L U N E S. (2)^ 2) M milo Thundorbtrd whool ool linos. • S 2 7 0 0 o o c h , Call ; a ll 7 3 1 1637 Of 825-5203.1 ^ W H E E t LINES. (3)" o n d m ovo. G ood c S 2750 oach. 989-50: n s i 817 M ISC FO R SAAL, c 708 HAY, GRAIN ^ FEED U A D ‘ R R T I M E S C U S S I FFIIE i D A L FA L FA hay soco ocond & D E P A R T M EiN N IT Ihird cutting approx. i38 208-734-553J t o n s tn la rg o h"Sli a ll i'o°S s q u a r e b a les. Eaa; “s^ar^o'=a' 208-677^542 c o s s C loar'L aK=oos lin g s o r (B U R L E Y ) 5 4 3 - 4 6 1 6 ovoninc loavo mossago.B!_______ “ g o c a r t 6 hp. 6 yoo G R A S S HAY MIX, 1: i f o r !, is old. C all644-1730.1 ^ / h orso s. Sfd&^lihcu * * ★ * * * * * * * * *t *<* * d a iry hay. 731-074 0741 o r DIABETICS 326-42 70 ovos. only S u p p lie s m allod toi yi your HAY • 3fd & 4ih, 2-strmg 2-S hom o a t no cost. Wo fio bill 1 10 Ib. O alos. IVilf iVill so li M odicaro/socond insi, n sura; small amounts, 324-5C 4-5082* nco. Call 1-800-762-77 1-7704. *************1 ; HAV • 3rd culling. 5. • D a l e s , a n y a mn o iu n l . MICROWAVE OVEN approx. 23 tons. 543-5 43-5776. S h a r p C a ro u so l. S; op diary R o c k o r , g lid o r. jr gro H A Y - 8 0 ton 3rd crop ( oon h a y in ton balos. os. Call w/matching ottornan. $ U sod 6 mos, 733-059( 544-2519. HAY - A pprox. 200 1 n .’ MISC.. Now U K or'e co 00 to . sm all balos. $90 por lon. m o n 's M. $ 7 5 . L ltl : Call afiomoons 326~<2 5-4247M TykOB c a r b e d w/ m. m atlor, o a i tross. $125.326-8626. ' HAY d a iry & (oodor. h ay 4 straw, l.ntgo balos. bai PLAY STATION II (or so • Calt 731-3471 days. /s. S460 or bosi o((or, Ploa 'loaso 734-3509 oves.B call 208-736-6266. : HAY QUALITY 1st crop C,OP50 rem em ber tons. 60 Ions 3rd& 4ir >lacod ■ 1 H C crop 75 Ib balos. 678-2i ■ I ' H A Y - W o n tin g too bbiu y , Tim, A/oivs? Nowtetho is th ^81 i > q u a lity 4lh cullingg dairy di time to como pick up)yyo our ^ : hay. 736-7630 loavo ■'0 IT picturos. Slop by rho Tho ■ _ : H A Y. (1 2 1 ) 1 lon bbal a lo s. Cuslomor Son/ice Dop - (40) sm . balos, Ig.. & sm. ■ todayl • Quaniiios, CalI324-215' 2^S7.» s m it h CoronaPW P,4l5 ; h a y . 4 ifi & 5th cutlii jllm g , w o rd procetfto r, usm ised - c a m stored or larpod. ed. ftost vory litilo, $200.423-137 : (rom 200-240 RFV.^SSi1 2 0 T H A C T O H S ,JD B s.teiii ^udelivcrod.Call324-714{ * titu lly ro sto ro d . Wool ould • HAV.-5 Ion covorod1 gr; g rass m o k e s u p o r Christm a ^mas n .................... a g f h a y . S 8 0 p e r io n1.. A ny p ro so n t.C aII73 M 6 9 I.I qijantity. Call 324-7401 !5£U E W A N T E D 10 O u y oIld d oc r g HAY. Approx, 55 lont quailqu sm all manure sproadon Iy aKalla (ecdor hay, ly, G 800 P T O o r g ro u n d d rIv t lb. b a le s. 3rd & 4ih1 crop. cn w orking or non-workln 580/lon. 934-810-l.mss msg.B condilion. 324-5858. HAY. Now seeding, cJatr^ , tocdor, 1st, 50 ion xXS^^a ^ iii 2 n d . 220F1FV. 20 ion to n x lUUSiCALINSTmiUENTS S95. Call 2O0-934.5443 »4 3 ■ ■ , I, ELEC I k IC GUrTAR, Fonc ST R A W / to r s a lo . sm ; O fSquiro.6stnngw/G X1: b a le s, any amount. 62 C ralo amp. Ind. carryini •________ 4115. 420-3452.B _____ b o g. sIrap & vidoo, nov cond,S275/o(Jor. 5 4W ^20 /• ' l j r S : * PIANO KimCallSpinoi, SIOOO. - --------- Call 324-5598.------- “ — s m ----------PIANO m o v in g ANTIQUES & ‘ 733*1293 COLLECTIBLES USED G rand Digital Con ____ solo, Spinoi 4 Old Uprigh Ikp ianos. Call 734-811S.B BENCH -D cocon Oak!?,= w 'h y ' B U Y A P I A N O llip top. Early 1900 5. •i___ WHEN YOU CAN RENT'. SlOOO/otfer. 934-0124 C a ll K o ith J o r g o n s o r HUMMEL. 3 school boys. boy 1100. 733-1298. I f . app ra ise d ai SiiOi 5.CV0 ■ ■— ■— : Now S950. 733-8363. ev ; ' H W A H i m T O B U YJ I PALLETS - 4 0 'x 4 « * . will III p a y t o p d o l l a r . C a lfll 2 0 8 ^ -2 7 2 6 \ WANTED 7 0 0 0 b u slw ls of thon com . C a n B2S-S667 g io b o s ( o r g f o b o ^ b b c ^! ^ -TV8A TEU JTES cHA lfidA W dSuhi, Musky, losA onsu). G a s &' on por-' 20* l™* ber, 00^ co oid. d . U so d dlroct T V 8 0 t« lllla« calaM signs, V aftex signs, 4 3 6 -3 0 6 8 0 1 4 5 6 ^ aystoma. Can 734-6852. S icunhorS tlnksfO iiquail« ;?! WANT TO BUY Straw oil c a n s . W ill p a y u p to M tobaJ«for2001. CaD $ 5 0 0 ( o r u n r t e d 0 l l .* w S^I^Sm slm odoI*!** 7 3 1 - 5 4 ^ orB25-5463 Husky, Booline, o r Roadj King d a s p u m p g lo b e s ., W A N T T O B U Y : C o l lI 678-3114 _ pylhoo etalnlosa stool 6 '. C all S lo v o L y n c h 6 7 f l. F U tr u pper itouso in Twm in 1201in Burloy Ptoaso call 20a-733>a7BI.. Falls. Cheap prtco,. havo J?. WANTED Com T op for a cash. 423-5670 aflor 6pm ■ g-A nrE 6 M . n r . . . ; a . .; -J sman PU. 6' box. " h u n tin (^ h 6 u n o s , springs, full; g o o d ,c lo an ; Call423-6291 • BkxxJ,W alkof8.Bluo biko b o sk e ts; TTho W ay WANTED • Pop a n d C andy* tides. 436-3068 o r LMng With. Lovo*: horso machino a n d sm all ^ 436-6257 docorativo Kama; c o n l la, eoftcossion trailer. bkl covor. CaiJ 735^X)37 Cod 6780477 o r 678-7723. : uood ptarw? Wo pay ca sh ; W jO fTED TOBUY Bladt^ foryour usodplano. W ANTED 16’ a lu m in u m1 smith lools, trip h a n v n o rs Keith JofB#n»«n b o a t w /trailor. W ilh o rr etc. CoU Lauron a i 733-1296 I withoui motor. 544-2662 | 208-543-4579 i____ HAND BRAKE <8 - SSOO ,3 0 0 LattM* starting a l $1301 4 up. M ills $ 3 5 0 0 4I up. up Now 4 usod oquiomonL inL Call U u ro n a t 643-5698 698 — SH O P S U rm Mark V (Mocfol 510) w /stranor^ kit ro uter, b a n d sa w . w orl s h o p a c c o e s o r y p kk gp. p r o jo c ts 4 v id o o . ALL B R A N D N E W . n o vvooir boon out ol boxos. S2500/olfor. 5 8 7 -6 435 3 5Bi ~E-MAILyourclassl(io( Iliod ad to us at tw in dO mlcron.n* t-net ----------7 -------- F A X ( r mr AIR AMERICA, a i r co p rtM o r, e,S h.p.. 6 0?3 0rS ga« "220 Blntllo stago. h iiir CAR ROOF RACK- fTt w /occ. & Irg. rockot $ 3 5 0 . W o o d « to w/pipo. $175.734-93! Y O "I I W2 | T 0 0 1 5 « A C H W3 ^ \WANTED T O BU V 16 ft. travel trailer in lo p cond. Ploasa can 20e-734-7fl08. r 'W a n t e d io b u y > u s e d foosball (abla a n d u so d - y ^ p la n o .C a ll , ■ W AHTCDTOBUY: W ooden Vanity. Can 734-5731. . V in g m a to i^ ^ x e , m ^ sMing, plyw ood, p a rtld a board, chain .link fen c e , Ploasa caD 2 0 8 -733-065a " W A N T E D tobuy; U sed S n o w b o a rd . In good VANTED: U m OUciocfcs. Also cond. C 0B 324-6458 ol oldor w ood ffle c ab in e ts. hMivomsg. | Can C 736-6210. - Coitffauu l o s i n J W vi m L ow est !lnterest..liL o w e s t P a yur n e n t O f T h e Hiu I ■■4 GE. ................ W ASHER & DRYER., GE 1 yoa r old. S400 for pair, pan 2208 C ash. Call 208-320-220. BOS or d a y s 208-324-2805 W A S H "E R /b R Y E R s e i K e n m o r o o x c . c oo'nd.’ nd S 2 5 0 . S i n g le w a shhoorr. 4805 S125. W arranty. 736-480: ; W ASH ER /D RY ER, slaci , set. S200. Small 5 cub» :ubic II F R E E Z E R ,S I O0O0 . i87i. Pleaso call 208-326-6871 -----f~ ' ~ 804 . g BUILDING MATERIALS GRAN'I t E s h e e t s , tin isned. 6 'v tt.X9’-3 (i.X r gt a,'g lo rS 4000 Call 867.1919. : i 809 ; |_ ^ O M P U T E R S p ^A U S T R A L IAN S H E• P ow. ' HERD pups, roady nowT ars Christm as or Now Yoors uli• p u p s. Intolligoni. boaulilully mftrkod. 6 wooks. $75. Call 645-2235. B O R D E R CO LLIE AKC R eg. puppios, Award winning paronis. Good workmg animals. Call 024-5586 C H IN E S E PUG pupplos. AKC. (awn. 2 malos, 1st s h o ts , dow claw s, $350. 208-654-2433, kiavo msg ;rgFIR E W O O D • hardw ood, mixod. & pino. will dolwer. ■ .. Call2O0-735-O553. •I FIR E W O O D Clack locusi ,. lor salo. Call 324-0422joor 324-3033 JP5: FIREWOOD Cul/sphi tiord,20 • wood S90/PU load. S120 71 •. cofd. Y6 u P U .324-7C97.H — ' FIREW OOD. Mixed, up to 4 cords a t S125 por cord 581 split & dolivorod. 324-3681 iii I FUHNrrURE i CARPET ^ S! BED • King size Liko now. E n g la n d o r L alox. S500 w/(ramo. 9343-0124 DAY B E D . o x c . c o n d .. b r a n d n o w m a ttr o s?s,• Si75/oflor. 324-8425. _ “ q u e e n SIZE PILLOW' TOP MATTRESS SET T Shli in plastic, S260.00, 734-8001 ^ RE C LIN E H S • 2 Irg size! good cond. noutral color • S200/Otter. 324-6002. _ iir, : ^ F A •lo u o so a l & cMair. light b lu o .t oak coKoo ta­ blo, 2 o ak ond tablos & 2 ■ tablo lig h ls. S4no. 733; 2130 or 734-2 7 3 1 /Lynn a tT M n F a ls C o u M /^ O reunda < Ja(k M t)A 7l h - '- ‘ Ven d o tsW a m ad V 63M4 1^4430- R M A d m l e ^ Y e a r! " 1 F f f i H B s t (C h a n Ic e T To Saa w e . . I. ■ NEW' Hlazda a P ro te g e FulyLoada xfed, Po«« W h k m , Po«er Lodo, /£ A *■ A C.Cruise,A ulo,CO _____ _ i' p ll s k iS P --------------------------J I W S4! m ^ aMVP j i j g R i y L oad e d l2 S U x i Doon n.«C ;tiioL ftM rLixta, , f o m W n S m ,o m m cn A fc y W tirti _ < m fly ip p iu . .r. m M a id a 6 2 8 R d y Loaded, Auto, AC, P o « r W Ifxiows,,Pow Lodes, AloyW heeh / ■ ;//...M l i / ------------ . _ .. / • ^ I ;NS«Maida B-1 rSeiles • • - . S ;:^ f t^ L o a d K l,A u k v A C ,P t» w l M oM ^tanrL ati^ irV Cnrin;4iiQu Q udU IT / c GERMAN Shorthalr. AKC. show winners, fomalo. 6 wks, $350. Can 32-:-50e2« GERMAN SHORTHAIRS, C alifornia bloodlines, 5 m alos. Call 536-I526.H G O L D E N R ET R IE V E R P u ppios AKC. Boautilul, oxc, com panions. S275. 436-5627 or431-7223 H E E LE R p u p p ie s S75. S o m Oct 3rd. 1 malo, 1 fomalos. Call 732-5450M L A B S , A K C ,C h o c o lo to pops, strong champ Imos. OFA hips. $300,324-2654 mm P fm H hmmmrm mm ME U S250.423-4411JI ‘ LABS, Chocolato, AKC. shots, dowclaws, hip 4 oyo gUarantoeiJ, G rand Siro is 1996 National Field Champion. Excopiional bloodlinos. Malos $300. Fomakis $350. 206-463-03Z3. N smpoB L O S T B la c k .A u s tra lla n S h o p a r d w/whlto pa tch and rod collar, 678-4004 MINIATURE D a c h sh u n d p u pplos. (2) $200 oach. Coll 543-8122. ■ ~ P O O D L E S - A K C TINY TOY 1 malo- $300 ond 1 812 I lomalo. $ 500.423-5935.B H E A T IN G & i ■ ..H E D JlaolatpuppJos-oulof. ■AIB-C,QNDIT1QNING ml working paronts. Call 733-7191,■ i'U O A L LU M P& b'lU K E TT R UHM I J U . i lh wook old Mooro'o Inc. Hanson malo. $200 or bosi offor. 423-5533 _ Call ovonings. 536-5727J l . R A ^ S A I^ = = O O D H FUor F l s « U a i ta l *®9? -J: Irli DALMATIAN - purobrod puppios. 9 wks old. SI 50. ■ 324-1414 leave msg. ■ FREE HuKios puppios. 5 m ales 4 2 fomalos. Call 324-4101 . FREE to a good Home. 12 12 w k. o ld fo m a lo c a licCO o k itt o n . V ory p la y fu l 44 loving. Call 676-7865 I . P E P m ^ o S h !^ ■ . . om A M[ m ays tenII 11JIST M iflflRSTl “ I Wined COMPAQ Pontlum1. j. WIN98. 56 K modem. CD FREE, fem ale Hooler X. 1 <■ -ROM. sp e ak e rs, moniior yr. old. spayod & dockod. Jh $349. C all 733-1110. SJw o d o n 't h a v o e n o u g h — lim e to w ork w ith h o r. i 's i o 1 P lo aso call 536-6639 or . I FIR E W O O D I 324-2741. I . . WOU SAL SALTA tion P E T S & SU P P L IE S I 802 APPLIANCES i 1970. I n t e r a s t a d In a t totes a n d c o la c tio n a .'M 733-1322 o r7 3 3 < 6 8 ^ P* HnjjRl I Ja 3 WAN VANTED: V k ita o t B a itia doli do le an d doCMna. 19S&* r n r . . il M i f 4 D a I iio ^Pa^W utM no733»1ffl1^ i ; i W AK WANTED; O ld m ilita ry mad ty la ii.ty lo > a .p r ta i^ ddoa o c u n an is, u n i t o r m i . ^ F a lls — i^ Bml l ^ W ANTED'AKCHInlS o ti n a u ia r l o r a tu d aivfea. CaD734-^12. ■ WAKTED; Boat, tmiof mo. tor. wflt trade .for a campb ind trtfer, Cal 324-1374. ~ WANTED: Deoorallona. aerv * 1c«Acwnpaignmedall. premium p r l ^ (or • nam ed o rn u m b erad pieces. Pleaea call Paul R Nu^733-t6Q1. =7 fixer upper 4 '"WANTED: J •heeler* for Chrtsttno*. Any condWoa 733-6471. WANTED: Full alza matWi trees tr &box sprina wtth or without frame. Must ba « d o a a Can 329-4043. _ J - z - r \ — .— S 3 4 B l u e L a k o s B3 hM . U . T W IN F A L L S ^ B O O S 3 3 -a s t w w w .c o n p a u loo s .c o n ^ J _ _ _ _ 7- 3 5 - 3 9 C ^0 0 ----------------- ■ye P L A C E T OO S A V E O N TH f E B O U L E \VV A R D ! e * i |V J ^i r a z D B G e th k M u I48UONTHS.OAC.BSERBPICI ICKUPO%24UON1tiSPRiCE/PAY >AyilillTPijisTAX,miflDEAl IEAERD0CFEE0Ft12liia0AC./ ^ADBFIBMillUIiy 3,20111. — -------------- - r - ------ ;— , I W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 22)7 ,2 0 0 0 , T lm w - K e w s , T wrin in F a ils , ( d a h o E 9 ^ t H E A C 8 1 0 0 0 0 . *99. 670 eummtt Fl F O R D - 1 9 8 5 » to n PU . DOI K)D (; e . '‘98. quad cab, H X. 42 5 milo*, cover. boK. r now starter, tiros and mT., T .,S L T pko..w /nborglass pluO *.<5000.837-461SJi ( dlo,’ AT. tran* robuilt, bod cai c ap. a o tho candy, immaliner. $ 3 2 5 0 .734-2393JI ^ fc e. $22,000.3 2 M 1 7 Z eu I SN O W P L O W 7 h ft. w / * I m o o rt Honda 6 J h p snow FORD F< - 1994 F J50, OKC. FO f =ORD • 2001 F160 XLT. ^ G E ^ 'B o b l y W o i f f btow #r$7S5.324<»011. ct o n d itio n . OOK m ilos, 6 oxt e x t c a b . 5.4 Wor V8. PL. cylinder, 5 sp d . .CD. tool PV III 5^ W RIDER snowmobUo PW . p o w o r m irrors, lilt, « box. p o sh bar. $6500. Can .AV s u it. B ra n d n e w . n e v e r J AM/FM. C D , roar slidor. . NORTH . 1M7.A 5£ 4 3 ^ 1 or 543-4372. worn. 2 ploco. XXL Now uum n d o r 3 5 0 0 mllos. P265 A Q 6 tiros. $ 3 5 0 . will soli for $150. FO FC R D -07 F250 XLT U rtat UlS $24,999/offor. 543V J 6 2 7 3 5 ^ 1 6 8 o r 732-6064. 4368.R otaiipricoS30,t15 ocx t. c a b . 4 6 0 w /4 s p d . ^ ♦ A K Q JO S cSNOWMOBILE RENTALS JTow packogo. 677-4897 FOF •O RD ’7 0 E x te n siv e ly ♦ K 6 • • R ru lly , S n o w i t H treli GGlU C, Sierra. 1995, 105K fW modified, oft road vohick). Classto PU . Now engine. Coll Z Boys 734-7552 r m llos. S 8 500/bost offer. Cla WESX < . .EAST = $5500. Coil 7 3 ^ «279 $5i SNOWMOBILE Ult tr ir . 2 ^ 539-2925 or 536-6346JI a K J 99.3 .'-AA42 ^ placo 8 'x lO ', so o a t tho VIN O RD *96& fptorefX I.T n T E R N A T IO N A L '9 8 FOR V A 7 5.5 ■ V 10 8 3 RV B a r n . 4 1 2 A d d iso n 4 4700 tow profile w/flatbwJ AT. M . A C.78K m i*.Sl5.000. ¥ i-i'" ♦ 109 Avo. W. $ 4 7 6 .733Pa»». 1 V '- - Pa** ORD. 1980, F-150. short V ico b o d & r a c k . Now 3N T ^ A apaii*', j box. e xtra tiros & wheels, l i r e s . $ 3 7 0 0 . C a ll ^ Pj DOOd 1002 H r736-9997 S « m e cha nica l cond.. Openinffle 5 25 00.C alI733-1906.« AUTO PARTS & == {lead: Club q ueen I TOYOTA. 1987, p/u. Runs =,;=• ACCESSORIES ™ O RD. 1 9 8 9 . F250. 4x4. g ro at, 2 7 m .p.g. S2500. ------- n in D xt.cob.5spd.'.vorygood Caii42l!back to W e s t’s king ing. H o w e v e r,; I T::^iien W est cashedlhhiis ja c k .n o 10 t;; feli, a n d th e defcns( n se collaj, ed . tl; W ishing fo r th e spai ipade ac e w ith E ast w as n o t e n o ug ^h '- W e s t a l M ; needed E a s t to have ive four spades ;: o r t h e spade 10. How cad W ^ ’s ho hopes be reaP ized in today's layout' 3Ut? He should S ! T:;Grst lead th e king insi instead of lead- North £ o u th 1‘ A s ing his trey. When it nwins, he con- \ ♦ i- tinues with th e treyy to tc East’s ace, ^ A ?• '^ an d a tiiird spade back bac gives th e iR : Two n o -tro m p . Issu e >: defenders th e entiree ss]p a ite s u it ANSWER; lu lo g a m e w hile denyWhat a cruel Jokei W n e r t ih l l ic t e d a n in v itaation e-card sp a d e s u i t ! ;on him self] His wish Ish cam e tru e , mgaGve-c ; b u t S o u th s till m ade id e his g a m e , , ;• Leading the king woul 'Duld iiave cost ^ :a tric k if E a d t didn' d n ’t h av e th e • 's p a d e ace. However, — ■er, this w a s a qacMloi* to TIM Da DIML >;sm all p rice to pay'tto o defeat th e X 7 M leB dotlti|iN o.ididleitt*< ’^garne w itenever E^ost u l h eld “o n ly " BbptliirtTp^. t : the A-x-x of spades. ■l]CM.Uciitairatat«S7i>&*(c.lK. ■■ KO HONDA 5 0 R . Mt bOui. llko • now ,$ 750.C all644-1541. 1. 3 926 I ______________ , io o i S E w am calbed r% Q u e a n s iz e , o x c . cond . ; . •.MTStoffOf- 324-2037B ^ nd. ■ i 5 904 FIR E B A L L . 1 9 7 3 . 2 3 ll. m otortw mo. tow miloaoo, good cond. Can 734-2027. W IL D E R N E SS . 2000, 2 7 fl., Q u o e n / b u n k b o d s , u se d th ro e limos, stored undor shod, can 73&0989. miI I C A M P E R S /S H E L L SS fc — — USED CAMPER SHELLS o u a o ty condition. M any 0izos/modol3. M ust son. 678-0103 - | ■ I ANTIQUE AUTOS & COLLECTIBLES 9 0 5 ______I J ^ G U N S m iF L E S C d u NE B U G Q Y C u sto3m *1^ tu b a fm m o .1 l0 h p 1 8 3 S cc Dm VW o n gino. B u s Irans. Z b r o w n i n g b p s 10 on. ■ S h a d o w G m ss. 26* Barrol.$450.C ftn 324-7681B S L o b of oxtras. Roacly for ']®r> p a in t. $ 6 0 0 0 InvoB tod, s a c r i f i c e f o r $ 3 5 0 tor 0. 788-<573« 4 you want to' exchanoo “ I E-MAIL your dassiflod ad unuw daom slorciun. 1 ' . to u sa t I tw ln a d O m lcro n .n e t ^906 •8 7 F -I5 0 4 I4 - ( CHEVY. S-10. V8. conversion outo flborgloss tonnoau covor, Iroe whools. D ays 733-1128. ~ ovonings 734-4793. C^H RY SLER 7 5 Imporlal LoBaron. Llko new. 48k itm b . Must #00 to opproc­ iato. $ 3000. 734-6915 K FORD h Ton . 1965. 352. 4 4S spd.. now brakos & olc. ~ES1500/offor. 734-9743. FORD 1960. FoJcon Woo° o n . w h ile , low origlrtal J milos. runs & tooks good. $ 1200. Call 543-6099.B FC FORD. -63. Thunder Bird. 4 49K orig. mis., oxc. cond. *$9.000. Can 837-6614.M 1006 SEMI & HEAVY EQUIPMENT ■ "SO M SO aC D ually ' ■ S ■ 9 6 F - 2 5 0 S .C MeoDia-i *14,995 ------------------------------- *97 F-150 l/2Ton S .C 4 X 4 • J 6 .9 9 5 _ *99 < < Jeep W r a n g le r nunm *17,995 I ------------------------------*99 C h e v y 1 /2 T o n *! S .C 4 X 4 . 1II0IU.I '»J ISUZU, FS R , 1990. turbo i dktsei. 6cy1. 6 spd. Rofrig. q 16 tt. 2 4 gvr, looks & runs gn»U $9.995.S39-1441Ji *23,995 ------------------------------^ •9915-2505.04x4 JO H N DEERE 544 G 94 Kaop an eyo on daMtSoT ”_lo yio d o r, cab,.rkk>.comrol..4.. __ Voul find oxcoptional twr. $yd.. 70% tiros, oxc. cond., $48,500. Call 539-5839. z ii ZIEM AN , 2 4 ' e q u ip m en t ^ I 908 n Itrir. 24K GVW, pintoo airy p I SNOW VEHICLES ubm kos, c an 1 toil it's boon l> I & EQUIPMENT ^ .usod, $ 5 9 0 0 .867-1919.M 'I f i « T Y S M ^ R C V C 1 £" 5I | I < 1 i 90 7 ^ =j I MOTOR HOMES&RVS I | gpgP IC A LSU PPLtESl i I ■ • 1007 I I H E :IS E M JD EV E=N T A R - E NMVS OP THB VBA Y E P IT'S THB , B u : v o u a eH M 3 A R / i m THB UBKV B B^ST S D BAIS/ o g a tS T m m M fC C T O M A K m 1^ D. m W S rn MO A M P E I ^ mm ““ ^ | T E K r a i l W m mm \ S E N m n tn ra n Y E A R R - f - I - 1 - U W M O . % 995 97 Dodge Caravan V jiS s 98 R jid Windstar i ; Wk. .. ______ IS iS S S S |L J „ N C O L *98Nissan Pathfinder — i i • C o m p r e h a t s i v e 141 Foin s tO ilQ ia i^ - I r -L ^ l : 701 M a th A ve E. '■T w in Fallst Idahc I 'o ^ O O ^ 8 0 0 - S o r l- l t 6 - *15,995 _ ^ E N Tf I f c L - r .T .W . H sioCK 3 I I Mnxii») a I f / Jiiiiiisijjjiiim B B w B i B *98 M e ta ry M ountain x r I I V i a a i M .s t ix :k f4NUit> ' liiN-lli-i ^ Ij] MOM *18,99.' -------------------------- -- T B Odyssey DC ___ C U ^ p 9 S i S H o n iia [jnmCar_______ \) in t In spection • Service Loancr/$500 THp VipCIntem iption • Gomplimentaiy R rst ’I ' l f . i mmm P *1^995 ) cap ftductw n a n d tax-thle-doc Ex SI nth. I2JXI0 m il q p ig year. S5 JOO cai • 24HourRcMU kiilcPowcrtnun Warranty ^ • Spedalioadside In Asastahce IlntCTCstRates ' .----- .. V ry r jM - e Y e o r o r 7 5 ,0 0 0 M ill J % ^5 r o e ; E ^ *93 GMC Conversion ' StarcraitV an m ^ 9 «ak < D *94 Nissan Quest |d tu ji l! ^ o c f tc S l t9 ^ ^ ^ |M m onth. N ■ 9 0 Je ep W ^ g lc r p e r > 2 J i S 3 j0 0 0 a p r c d |^ ^ ^ E IT’S THE tn s\ST - PIVB OJtVS aOF THE VEJUt ai a N D V VaUK CIMNeE_ S TO MAKE THE=VERY BEST DE lEaLS! 3DGE '9 9 Durango 5.9 lor SLT. Loathor Inlorior- s 'utiytoododii $26,250. Call 734-g377a ‘3,995 p H 5)M erc:ury I 0 9 1 m 3 6 i j » n l l |j l W m t o g r : erent h ■ ■ ■ HEVY. 1 9 9 5 .? iT .P U . I C . m a n u a l . 7 5 .0 0 0 niles. tots of accossorios. :an 736-0 9 8 9.1 . I I 'O U R AD i ilq per trar. $ 4 3 0 0 a p rriuofcin an d i u id tx c -litk -d o cfix S n ?. 3 6 m o n ih .l 2 ^ m i lq ? ” 1099 HEVY TAHOE '97 4 dr. tow tiros, toadod. $19,500 136-111SorS3t-5119 HEVY. '91.SllvoroOostop lido. 3 5 0 . low m is.. '69 Jh ev y lon Silvorado. 150, AT. sholl, 326-4845. ^ I N (C^O L s 3:URA, ^ / Integra, LS, 1987. d r. W oll m o in to ln o d . 17K.S1K/offor.76S-2632 fOI A6 O uattro, (4WDJ /o g o n . 1 9 9 6 . G ro a t Mid., fulfy loadod. silvor. s s5km ^ n i.,$21.000/offor,ln. • dudo udos warranty. Coil 208345-C H [[Q2SI9^ur'^ M M V no i « S ' s I ' Accord. '9 2. EX. *L *15.^5 c oupo DO, 2 dr. Black, AT. — ------121K 1 iles, a ll p o w er, Km ^ S Suu bb a r u Legacy sunroo oof. oxc. Runs grooti O) uutb tb a d c L t i $4850. iO. C a ll5 3 9 -1 4 4 lj| hyU NIDAI D -'9 6 A ccom , 4 V*11 g ,S l9 5 dr good go sh opo, docont ------------0 R D .F - .5 0 .'9 6 .X L T . mjios n J altordabio, $4300/*95 '5 BB;M W M3 117k m i., o x c . c o n d ., 0},”•• ® Call 737-0904 or •„MVU.->, 5 1 0 .9 9 5 . 7 3 3 - 0 8 6 2 o r 731-73 7359. Joff '3I-0832. ■ M ust See! :U RY S a b le . 1988. f iORD. s F.250, 1996. XLT, --------- S o m a t ic I shapo. runs groot. Powor stroke. S19.500/ Tl TRANSMISSIONS 10 or bost offor. Call M Cali 934-9107.a olfor. Soo Spociol $359,95. Most ^ 4^30 3947 ovonings,! moftean vohicios. parts. _______ )RD, F -250. Larial, 1990. Amor :URY TOPAZ Sodan. ! 9 | | labor & installatton MERCUi lal I iSspd. $2800 R oaso call inctodod. Well ca cared tor 24-28 mpg .VCTrii n ' 208-733-6635.1 438-6184 V ir .- i li. « n o m y T ra n sm itaio n $ 2 5 000 lirm. 1 S UC m c • 1991 Sonom a ExCall 324^760 lor qL D S «CU TLA SS S ierra Cabi ■ LiJJL" labina. 4x4. 5 spd, 87K “ 1991.'v .V 6.PW .PL.cru>so. mics. $6300.736-7271 .■ ______ MtlmMtes.m _2!l£ 30K milos. $4200/o(f t U Bi Sr f l B i - T l ICK '0 0 Century LoodAC. 901 GMC MC Y u k o n SLT '9 8 V8 ;ali 208-735-6502JI . ^ 1_and nico. $1 2 .9 7 5 .______ tor. Call ^1.7 7 lltor, ' tan leolhor, white 1II324W.552.324.2724a p o S f w i 1997 Bonnoviiio 1 . . . „ J , lAC tx to r io r . lo o d o d w ith O _I D E A L £ R ^ ICK C e n tu ry L uxury. $7500, ivorythlng, 50k S20.OOO. BUICH 3, CO, olk>y whools, 1 A UTTO 109, 4 door. rod. doluxo Call 32‘ 324-2724,B ^ 70-9791 days677-2908 1909. ^ sido & ouf. ali receipts p n v n T i G rand Am. ’93. lAC WC. 1 9 9 7 . H. ton SLE. I"?'?.? r all work done. S2950. F*F ,*A ) r ~ AT. PW. PL. crutso, x4. E x l. c a b w /3 d r .. r n iiA v'oo rr l o c V - 8 . L o o d o d n o i l liro * s. $ 3 9 5 0 . C all S16; BUICK, Rtviora. ’97. 733-86: 16.900. Cal! 326-2220. 3676or420-l972,H Y i . ad o d . 20K milos, must Glia fTIAC. Grand HC. 1 9 9 9 . 4 x 4 , S ie rra mH HIS I $16,000.734-5823,B Z71. 7 1 .3 dr. oxt. cab, bucket s - s - R n 9.3 9 ,3 1 7 milos. oil A D ° n‘: L A C ' 9 1 S . a i . n 3wor. Qfoal cond, / “^ see ooii s . l o a th o r . p o w e r iv ille . w h ilo . lo o d o d o . u k r i o a lo rs. R a id e r cam por ‘■'ovii hoai sun t i m b 3s C cL ] A S S IF IE D holi. running board, 55K. ''''su ri roof. 66.400 ongishall .1 n-ilos. $8000, Coli Bill r ^ IIn T o r t 736-2009. ■PARTMENT U tll-A I Call536.2S23.B J i23.980. i; ;l-'-30a _ rfiu J-7 ^ 5 5 3 8 lAC- Sunbird. 1986. 208-7< GMC, «C, diosol. 1985. w/cam- o u s=’/Y r .v - 1998 Suburtjon. ___ or sh o ll & n e w e r tiros. milos. (ront and roar „ ' ’S. 4 dr.. good stortP?/,; loaso call 208.734-7608. r. tooks & njns groot, ^ U l >►- 0-/6 7 7 - 4 5 4 3 . 9 passenger, earmino ..Coll 325rp647____________ (BBURLEY)___________ U( J2U -'fl7.Rodoo-----------------r o dd -;- S 2 4 T 9 9 5 T E T rc - r — po w o r. AM/FM c a scondili ndilion. Cali 733-7579. j------ T T . ZUl o tlt o - f 6 d i s k p lo y o r. ^ ..e i > n e l a s t c h a n c e t o iim n d u lg e HEVY. Mfllibu, 1999, , 37kn Tkmis $15,000,736-1661 5, ^ tooo milos. groot cond. 0 6 1t0o r e t h e r e s o l u t i o nIS s k1 i c k i n . EP • '9 6 Chorokoo 4x4. BANK I AK REPO: Taking bid* Dry c lo a n . 1 ownor.90K thi th ro u g h 12-31-00 ils.S1S.000.788-3056.B Call Tarri 736-2009. Cali E P '9 5 W ra n g lo r Rio E-MAIl IAIL your ctassifiod od rand. C u sto m loltoring to u sa t stripes, c ustom wheels, twtn. w fnadO w icronn w t 0 . soft a n d bikini top. 4 p oR)D, D ~ Taurus. 1996, now ^1. 5 a p d .. c o rp o i kil, styio’ l lo. toadod, tooks good s 1I0.900/offor. i O.£ 679-5769 injlido, ido 4 out. soots 6. 57K. YOTA '6 0 PU S750/ott. $5700, 7 0 0 .C on736-l8 42.B T \^ ■. N oods wfork. body & g MC D i f f e * ~ • 9~9'7' Y ukon, oxc, J L ^l0-6094 d a ys. 539-7'’ ?-7388,* I ^ S e c to d n y s n d in t h e M a iniSS e«c tio iL ho Rd S 3A, aTm Td I------------------ "^oTr H mmmm T *28,495 IL BTTSTTTV m cH CHi EV Y '83 4door..V-8. ■ S W -O O O ’9 7 T oo b io lor ,R Run* good. $2200. B tho wife. 67 0 Summll. 890 Cali 886-7623 ^ mis. 1%’ tm ck. Will tn d a oG 1 forSOOSW-Ooo. ^DO D G E • '9 3 2 WD wllh IM 4X4~S I - 7 3 3 -3 2 9 2 o r 3Ji6-4470« flr a u to m a t ic . P o s s ib lo l _ financing. 734-8593.- - ' * HEVY S u b u rb a n , 1998, /a . loolhor. loadod with )V0iythlng. 50h. 525,000. t^ust soil. Coil 543-4497 X 539-2947.B . JI ;;H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N _ Ih o ttu b ^ o ls I ROAD KINQ, 1997, 10K V mUes. rilcaJy broko In. An SPAS a p o o l s m a i n t . p e r f o r m e d oOK n An , Provkxjsfy ownod ------acftodui?^8^93«104 on 734-0103 04 : - S n a k e River P o o l& 8 p a s 1 JEEEP E P *92 Chorokoe. now f ~ I VOUCSWi 3W AGEN, •90, turbo tirei lire*, m uffler & s h o c k s. diosol, at powor, 45 mpg, of, aO Leal L i ^ r $6800 735-1950 m ile*, b la c k , e x c . rey j 731-7474 UARANTEED S d .L$ $15,600. ii a iu o .r u n a g o o d , lo o k s Blu« 9 2 Fox, low mi*.. ADS V W 'e,7 -92 ]o o d . N ow c lu tc h , CD . fl°o run*I ggre re a t. $1 ,3 0 0 . '71 ^CC.. 5 #pd . $ 4 2 5 0 . C a ll _ .A KombI Campor. runs T hhe e Times News . 131-1677______________ 431t.$ 1 .2 0 a 324-S288. T 5 y< lu ara n teesto sell . Sw e fun tni6 ( . " ^ ^ t t merctiandfse. K JIN W Sweot ^ 00 737-9587 7; toavo m so .B ai automotfve in 7 . I I M IS miiiB t'ift'iih l TOY? 3YOTA, 1987 4)^4. exL C days an d real c:aa b ,. 4 c y lin d e r. 5 s p d . es< jstate I n i s days ‘8r® 8 H onda' :CO. d . SmWy Buirt a c c c sso o rr rerun t the ad an rios. lo s . ru n s g re a l. $ 4 1 0 0 / 0 ^, idditlonal 7 days. ^A cam iL X >ffor. Call G ooding 934.2?* here Is a $3 extra i951 or 539-9998J i ' fee 56 for the guaran_____*2,995 ^ ----1010 tee Be package. Ads *97 ^ its u b i s h i ’ )7 M I v VAN A B U SE S mnay a be cancelled E K h E dipse arfy (or custom er “ o^oDDG E , Caravan, 1995, 102,000 mitos. “»nv en ie n ceb u t *10,995 the charge will ______ Good cond. BANK VNK REPO: Taking b id s ren Bmain the sam e. ‘9 9N ' N is is s a n A ltim a thro th u g h 12-26^ » Call Amy 678-6089 '--------^ * *I ' i T ^ p l.YMOUTH ym -88 Voyogor Van O A -C M C -91.4 dr.. 5 IZ T T 'a n. Noods a fow minor 7 A a u a 3 .0 C L 1.. LX, 8 4 K, C leon. rooa opairs. $2,842. Will fl95. '91 C iv ic h a tc h nanc anco OAC 734-817915 k, S sp d , n to e .$ 3 l9 5 , *l *14,995 ^ 732-5886 -----------i IM O *97 *97H o n d a FOR SALE «O NDA D j A c c o rd . 1 990. 1 AUTOS AU giayin AAiX 'ih sld o S o u t.A T . 118 a o n lS E I K mi.. 11.. EX. 4 dr.. $3750. 731-24641 t f. ioaio chock your a d lor P'oas corroctnoss on tho llmt HOND/» M ACCORD, 1993, _ 5av thot il njns. o s T ho day low mmilos, g o o d c o n d ., tli its ts u b is h i 3 0 0 0 '5 M Timos-Npws is nol roone ow o\ ner. $7500/offor GG T S .L .oo, sponsible for errors of36^74 7413of3 6 6 -2 5 0 5 .» — A ii f e & Coucar_________ 5 _____ » 6 Year o r 75,000 M ile Pbwcn »6 vertrain W arra n ty • Com im prdiensive 115 P oint Inspec spection • 2 4 H o u r R oadside: As Assistance • Scrvicc Loaner First O il C hange han __________» Spedal Interestit R Rates_________ ________• CIx>mplimentary o T l M e rc u ry y 701 M a in Ave E. © j. ''win Falls, Idaho F S S - 7 7 0 0^ o T 1 - a o SI■ > 0 -S 1 6 -7 7 0 3 1 ■ M O n m w ^ T wMiF«Qi,l l y N ' p r a i , O iji S (i r ' i r ® 9 * i'' 9 h | Dov w n A_ O f tir d o y Paymment e m fc e r^ 30 [I AC „ P 9 fio f T » ^ | 9 I h ^ i i “^M O . ^ 2 “ ’ « » .' 2 ^ H ^ E S |E ■ '•.• •_____ PliS^S ■ 2 8 8 ^ ® I • ,: ■ IB SlU g p i H i F ?1 T h ^ ] ; i ^ ® ] j| p l j¥ T i M p ig I J ||M f l m H B S im ^ w P ^ ! ir ri B f m ^ M M f :r> ;,jw i r ■jb T i T U R N k m u o y ii W M C M S 'S i S m lyiim \ MMm ;i a I 6 6» 3 M i I ^ 2 ® 2 £ waa^ii | A I N 9a-WHII m - •• •.-!^.:-V.-6 . ',' II iUMM : ^ -1}. ■ AiTEl o iA iii ^ i i i ^ 8 0 0 J ^^ S M r 7 3 3 f |j « | j |o ' :.•'r.VJvH:':' i i i i iiii i i i i W a b lk E a p a A o i ID S * M O M '^ S A T OmA . • * / u f * - '^ ^ * , ^ ' ' • J IW lg q in h ' -■ /,. - .r‘- ''- r - r = = = 1=