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Case Study On The Management




CASE STUDY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FOUR SELECTED RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN METRO MANILA _______ A Thesis Presented to The College of Communication Polytechnic University of the Philippines _______ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor in Communication Research _______ by Familaran, Shiela May M. Parrera, Maria Krisna B. Pineda, Althea Muriel L. March 2011 Polytechnic University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor in Communication Research this thesis entitled “CASE STUDY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FOUR SELECTED RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN METRO MANILA” has been prepared and submitted by Shiela May M. Familaran, Maria Krisna B. Parrera and Althea Muriel L. PIneda who are recommended for Oral Examination. ______________________ RACIDON P. BERNARTE Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the panel at the oral examination with the grade of ________. _______________________ ANGELINA E. BORICAN Chair ___________________ ___________________ KRIZTINE R. VIRAY CHERRY C. PEBRE Member Member Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor in Communication Research ________________________ __________________________ RACIDON P. BERNARTE ANGELINA E. BORICAN Chairperson Dean Department of Communication Research December 7, 2010 Date ii College of Communication ACKNOWLEDGMENTS An ocean is not enough to measure the gratefulness of the researchers to the people who helped in the success of this study. The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to: the Almighty God for his immediate rescue in times of hopelessness and weakness and for being the source of strength to make this research possible; the genius and research virtuoso, Professor Racidon Bernarte, for his patience in shaping the researchers’ minds throughout the research process. It has been a privilege to be given a chance to have him as a mentor and to work with him in this study; the researchers’ parents for their incomparable and unconditional love and support; Professor Mart Elias Marañon for providing helpful suggestions and offering the use of the RELO as well as the theses stored in there which had been very useful for the researchers; the informants, who provided the necessary information needed in the study, for lending their precious time in order to help us complete our research; and lastly, to the BCR 2007-2011 family for sharing those sleepless overnights and for being a great companion as they drown themselves in a sea of paper and burn the midnight oil. iii Republic of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS Department of English, Foreign Languages, and Linguistics Sta. Mesa, Manila CERTIFICATION This is to certify that I have reviewed this thesis, Case Study on the Management of Four Selected Research Organizations in Metro Manila by Shiela May M. Familaran, Maria Krisna B. Parrera, Althea Muriel L. Pineda, presented to the College of Communication, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree, Bachelor in Communication Research. I hereby verify that the language used in this report is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Ms. Marie Claire Duque Faculty, DEFLL iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ………………………………………………………………………………..i Approval Sheet ………………………………………………………………………..ii Acknowledgments ………………………………………………………………...... iii Editor’s Certificate ……………………………………………………………………iv Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………..v List of Matrices ………………………………………………………………………… vii List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………………viii List of Appendices ……………………………………………………………………. ix Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………… x Chapter I The Phenomenon The Introduction …………………………...………………………… 1 The Problem Statement …………………………………………….. 5 The Objectives ………………………………………………………...5 The Study Paradigm Theoretical Paradigm ……………………………………….6 Conceptual Paradigm …………………………………….. 9 The Research Postulates …………………………………………….11 Explication of Terms …………………………………………………..11 II Review of Related Literature Defining Research …………………………………………………….14 Types of Organization ………………………………………………..16 Structure of Organization ……………………………………….. … 16 Human Resource Management …..……………...………17 Finance Management …………………………………….. 26 Classification of Research Organizations Determined ……..…29 The Meaning of Management ….…………………………………30 Functions of Management …………………………………...…….32 Synthesis ……………………………………………………………….. 33 III Design and Procedure The Research Design …………….………………………………..…36 The Tradition of Inquiry ………………..……………………………...37 The Data Generation Method...…………………………………....38 Key Informants and Selection Technique ……………...………...39 Instrumentation …………..……………………………………………40 Data Generation Report …………………………..……………….. 43 v IV Results and Discussions Profile of Research Organizations ………...………………..…….. 49 Human Resource Management of Research Organizations... 70 Finance Management of Research Organizations……..…..… 83 Problems Encountered in the Research Organizations’ Departments……………………………………………………………93 Solutions Addressed to the Identified Problems ………………..101 The Cases ……………………………………………………………....109 V Summary of Results, Conclusions and Recommendations Summary of Results ……………………………………………. ….....118 Conclusions …………………………………………………………….129 Recommendations ………………………………………………….. 131 References ………………………………………………………………………………134 Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. Instrument Time Table Financial Statement Communications Transcriptions Curriculum Vitae vi LIST OF MATRICES Matrix 1: Profile of the Research Organizations Matrix 2: Human Resource Management of Research Organizations Matrix 3: Finance Management of Research Organizations Matrix 4.1: Problems Encountered in the Research Organizations’ Human Resource Department Matrix 4.2: Problems Encountered in the Research Organizations’ Finance Department Matrix 5.1: Solutions Addressed in the Problems Identified in the Human Resource Department Matrix 5.2: Solutions Addressed in the Problems Identified in the Finance Department vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. IPO Model Based from Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory Figure 2. IPO Model as Applied in the Study viii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Instrument Appendix B: Time Table Appendix C: Financial Statement Appendix D: Communications Appendix E: Transcriptions Appendix F: Researchers’ Curriculum Vitae ix Abstract Thesis Title: Case Study on the Management of Four Selected Research Organizations in Metro Manila Research Approach: Qualitative Research Researchers: Shiela May M. Familaran Maria Krisna B. Parrera Althea Muriel L. Pineda Curriculum Program: Bachelor in Communication Research Adviser: Prof. Racidon P. Bernarte In satisfying social needs for information, research is a way of giving solution to emerging questions requiring answers. It is also a way of dealing with new studies waiting for discoveries. Research may be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation for the purpose of establishing facts. (Encarta Encyclopedia, 2007) As providers of information to the society, research organizations play a vital role in our welfare. Research organizations are expected to formalize their goals, structures, and processes by grouping people according to their functions to operate the research business properly. Identifying the management operations of the four selected research organizations, namely the Institute for Popular Democracy, Institute for Studies in x Asian Church and Culture, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., and Statistical Research and Training Center is the main aim of this study. To answer the main problem, the following objectives were formulated: presenting the profile of the research organizations, determining the human resource and finance management of the research organizations, identifying the problems encountered by the Human Resource Department and Finance Department and lastly, identifying the solutions implemented to address the problems encountered by the aforementioned departments of the research organizations. The researchers adopted the IPO Model based on Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory which suggests that viewing any organization as a system of mutually dependent parts is the only meaningful way to study it and that an organization is a complicated arrangement of related parts interacting and changing to adapt to the environment. The model has three major concepts which are the input, process, and output. The input variables of the study are profiles of the research organizations which is subdivided to the following variably: the human resource management, finance management, problems encountered by the research organizations’ Human Resource and Finance Departments and the solutions implemented to the problems identified in the aforementioned departments. One the other hand, the analysis of the documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission and the collected company profiles, and the data generated through the use of in-depth interviews served as the study’s transformation process. The output that xi was yielded in the process is the management of the selected research organizations. The qualitative research approach was utilized by the researchers. As such, case study, as a mode of inquiry, was employed in order to give depth to the analysis of data. The informants were the different key personnel of the research organizations’ Human Resource and Finance Departments. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of the key informants. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the management of research organizations varies depending on their natures. It is strongly recommended to the college and the students, especially those enrolled under the Bachelor in Communication Research curriculum, to utilize the results of the study to acquire new knowledge and be familiarized with the operations of research organizations. xii 1 CHAPTER I THE PHENOMENON The Introduction “Organizations persist over time. But what really persist are the cooperative efforts of people, who maintain an ongoing pattern of relationships that can be labeled as ‘the organization’.” - William W. Neher Butler University This statement from William Neher (1997) in his book, Organizational Communication explains that as the operation of the organization continues, what really matters is the effort exerted by the members to achieve the common goal and maintain their group. Organizations are social systems that intend to formalize and achieve goals, structures, and processes. (Donald White, 1977) Social systems here pertain to groups of people having different functions to successfully bring about an end and reach a common goal. As etymologically defined by Bnet Business Dictionary (2010), the word organization came from the Latin word “organum” or “organizare”, which means instrument or organ, system or establishment. For further understanding, one must look not only at its definition and origin but also at its nature, structure and functions. People who run an organization should do these exhaustive methods to be able to manage it effectively. Such organizing, according to Neher, allows people to achieve joint outcomes together. The Phenomenon |2 Organization’s nature carries the notion of planning, arranging things in a sequence, and following some kind of systematic approach. This process is observable and entails joint outcomes from the tasks performed by each member. Because people within an organization are needed to communicate in order to achieve what they want to pursuit, organization is considered to be a product of social processes. (White, 1977) The structure of the organization is the designation of tasks and authority relationships in a company allowing managers to coordinate and motivate people. (McGraw-Hill & Irwin, 2007) Since an organization is a complex system made up of subsystems which do different tasks independently, those who manage it must ensure that they get the best people that will enhance their services, manage their money, and get the right clients for the services that they offer. The greater the complexity, the more differentiation in the structure of the organization is needed. (Bnet Business Library, 2005) This means that the structure of an organization depends on the needs of an organization in its operations. The function of an organization depends on its classification. An organization is classified as formal if it is designed to make information flow which is necessary for managers in making inputs and important decisions for the company. On the other hand, an organization becomes informal if it satisfies the individuals and their needs. Such groups may form in response to needs for friendship or prestige or to advance some common cause. (White, 1977) Another determinant of organization function is by identifying its types. According to Dr. Mark White (n.d), there are three types of organization: Static, Dynamic and Adaptive. Static Organizations have fixed size and fixed practices. Time doesn’t change them significantly and they persist until some new organization occupies their niche. Dynamic organizations however have fixed practices and variable size. This means that they vary in size over time though the underlying practices don’t change much. Unlike the first two mentioned, 2 The Phenomenon |3 Adaptive type of organization has variable size and practices. It seeks constant improvement that launches life cycle after life cycle, creating new products, services, and processes that hold on to clients generation after generation. By knowing the nature, structure and functions of organizations, it is now understandable that they are not just a building or a physical reality, such as campus, a plant, or a group of buildings but rather, a complex, independently acting structures created by people having collaborative efforts to achieve a goal. There are many organizations in the world. Some organizations exist to earn money, some to do charitable works, some to contribute to the ecosystem, and the likes. The existence of these organizations relies primarily on the goals that they set and the people within the group working as one and also to the needs of society. One of these is a research organization. Research organization aims to conduct researches about different fields in science. It employs professionals like social scientists in economics, political science, statistics, and other fields. Because of the increasing demand for information, researchers become important and greatly needed which later on became business to satisfy the people’s needs. (Roger Wimmer & Joseph Dominick, 1997) Research is a science. It undergoes scientific procedures and methodologies. In accordance with the nature of their job, research organizations also pass through a series of steps – planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, and controlling – for them to continue the supervision of their organization. These steps are needed by research organizations to reach desired goals and objectives. 3 The Phenomenon |4 Cited by Mangahas (2007), Professor Theodore Schultz, 1979 Nobel Prize winner in Economics explained that research is a venturesome business that involves allocating scarce resources available. He added that funds, organizations, and competent scientists are necessary but not sufficient for the business of research because it also requires entrepreneurship. Though their primary objective is to conduct researches for business firms, politicians, and other clients, they still have to manage themselves the same way other existing organizations do- their process in hiring people that would help them increase production rate, the way they manage these people, and their allocation of financial resources to maintain the stability of their organization. Because of this, the researchers find it interesting to study how the research organizations are being managed. This study is limited only to the management of the four selected research organizations namely: Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC), Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. (PAP), Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC), and Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD). The researchers focused on examining the management of the Human Resource and Finance Departments -- how they select, hire, motivate, promote, and train employees and how they handle the available resources at hand. The methods and processes of conducting researches and studies for their clients and the management of their other departments were no longer touched. Some of the needed information is classified by the informants as sensitive causing their responses to the researchers’ questions limited. Also, the researchers do not have the luxury of control of whomever the research organizations provided as informants, taken in consideration their availability; most especially that the study requires key personnel in their respective organizations. 4 The Phenomenon |5 Identifying the key to managing research organizations is essential to the communication students. The findings of this study may be useful in their future careers especially if they get employed in broadcasting companies, advertising agencies or research organizations. The Problem Statement The vitality of information and communication is growing within the society as it encounters many discoveries. This need for information is met by researches. Research organizations provide knowledge needed by the community, and like typical organizations; there are existing management rules behind it. The researchers aim to identify the internal operations of research organizations and the way they manage the system within. Thus, this research sought to answer the question: How are research organizations being managed? The Objectives This study sought to answer the problem by focusing on the following: 1. To present the profile of the research organizations; 2. To determine the human resource management of the research organizations in terms of: a. Hiring; b. Motivating; c. Promoting; and d. Training and development 5 The Phenomenon |6 3. To determine the finance management of the research organizations in terms of their: a. Income and b. Expenditure 4. To identify the problems encountered by the research organizations’: a. Human Resource Department; and b. Finance Department 5. To identify the ways the research organizations address the problems encountered in their: a. Human Resource Department and b. Finance Department The Study Framework Theoretical Paradigm The researchers utilized the Input-Process-Output model based on the General Systems Theory. Systems theory was proposed in 1936 by the biologist, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, and further developed by Ross Ashby. Bertalanffy was reacting against reductionism and attempting to revive the unity of science. He emphasized that real systems are open to, and interact with, their environments, and that they can acquire qualitatively new properties through emergence, resulting in continual evolution. 6 The Phenomenon |7 Rather than reducing an entity to the properties of its parts or elements, systems theory focuses on the arrangement of and relations between the parts that connect them into a whole. This particular organization determines a system, which is independent of the concrete substance of the elements. As he provided the groundwork for developing a systems perspective for organizations, Bertalanffy suggests that viewing an organization as a system of mutually dependent parts is the only meaningful way to study it. For him, an organization is a complicated arrangement of related parts interacting and changing to adapt to the environment (Byers, 1997). Thus, the same concepts and principles of organization underlie the different disciplines and provide a basis for their unification. Systems concepts include input, process, and output. The input refers to the elements coming into the system and can be the result of outside factors of the environment. Thus, the term is used in describing the environment wherein the system exists. It is something put into a system or expended in its operation to achieve an output or a result. The process, on the other hand, refers to the activities done to transform inputs into outputs. Lastly, the output refers to the information produced by a system or process from a specific input. 7 The Phenomenon |8 Figure 1 The IPO model based from Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory. 8 The Phenomenon |9 Conceptual Paradigm The conceptual paradigm was anchored on the IPO Model based on the General Systems Theory proposed by Ludwig von Bertanlaffy. The researchers found the model relevant to the variables being considered in the study. Each concept discussed in the theoretical framework has its counterpart in the variables of the study. Replacing input are the objectives of this study. These are the profiles of the research organizations, their human resource management, their finance management, their problems encountered within their managements, and the solutions addressed to the identified problems. The processes used in this study are document analysis employed to the General Information Sheets (GIS) of the research organizations from the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as their company profiles, and the analysis of the data obtained through the utilization of in-depth interviews. From the transformation process, the output yielded from the input was the Management of Research Organizations. 9 T h e P h e n o m e n o n | 10 INPUT PROCESS •Research Organization Profiles •Human Resource Management •Finance Management •Problems encountered in the Human Resource and Finance Management •Solutions implemented to address the identified problems •Document analysis of the General Information Sheets of the Research Organizations from the Securities and Exchange Commission and Company Profiles •Analysis of the data generated from the in-depth interviews OUTPUT Management of Research Organizations Figure 2 The IPO Model as applied to the study. 10 T h e P h e n o m e n o n | 11 The Research Postulates The following are the researchers’ postulates anchored on the aforementioned objectives of this study. It was assumed that: 1. Research organizations have different backgrounds and focus in conducting researches, either aiming for the benefit of the society or the organization itself. 2. The human resource management of the organizations is based on their need to maximize manpower through hiring, motivating, promoting, and training and development. 3. The finance management of the research organizations varies depending on their income and expenditures. 4. The departments of research organizations encounter problems depending on the nature of the work (department tasks). 5. Research organizations manage the departments within by introducing more innovations to address their weaknesses. The Explication of Terms The following terms are defined operationally as used in this study: Management refers to how research organizations run and manage the human resource and finance departments of their organizations. 11 T h e P h e n o m e n o n | 12 Research Organizations refer to the organizations conducting researches that are essential to the public and private sectors and to the society. In the study, it pertains to the selected research organizations, namely the Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC), Profiles Asia Pacific, Incorporated (PAP), Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) and Institute for Popular Democracy. Human Resource Management refers to the operations involved in handling the manpower of the research organizations. Hiring is the research organizations’ recruitment of needed personnel. Promoting pertains to the research organizations’ provision of advancement of position to its employees, based on their performance. Motivating is the research organizations’ act of boosting the goal-oriented behavior of their employees. Training and Development is the research organizations’ way of improving the skills and increasing the potential of their employees so that their enhanced performance will increase their productivity. Income is the consumption and savings opportunity expressed in monetary terms gained by the research organizations during a specific time frame. Expenditure includes all amounts of money being spent by the research organizations to support their operation needs. 12 T h e P h e n o m e n o n | 13 General Systems Theory was developed by Ludwig von Bertanlaffy. It views an organization as a complicated arrangement of related parts interacting and changing to adapt to the environment. Input-Process-Output Model is a model based on Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory. It contains the major concepts of the aforementioned theory, which are the input, process and the output. The name of the model is often abbreviated as IPO Model. 13 14 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE This chapter presents relevant literature that helped the researchers to have a deeper understanding of the concepts involved in the study pertaining to the management of research organizations. Defining Research Tracing the history of research is like tracing the beginning of science. Since science involves gathering facts, investigating, experimenting, proving, and discovering, a systematic process must be followed. This systematic process is what we commonly call research. Research, according to Arthur Asa Berger (2000), came from the combination of the Latin word re which means again and cercier, to search. Similarly, Encarta Encyclopedia (2007) defines research as the methodical investigation of a certain subject aimed at the discovery of facts, establishment or revision of a theory, or the development of action plan based on the facts discovered. Richard Weaver, a communication scholar, as cited by Wimmer and Dominick (1997), gives a unique description of research by attributing it with the terms ‘god’ and ‘devil.’ The first term connotes its being strong, good, and significant – all positive terms. The latter one represents negative images and connotes weakness, or an impending doom. Wimmer and Dominick also related these terms to research for it has effects that can be categorized as god and devil. According to them, research is god especially to institutions that get a lot of benefits from it. The work of these groups or institutions may entail a lot of data R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 15 gathering to improve their products or services. It is known that in the field of medicine, research is always used to develop new medicines, medical equipment, and to improve medical operations on patients. The two authors cited advertisers, in particular, for they maximize the function of research in their work. Research, however, is devil when a certain group of people find it as a hindrance in achieving their personal goals. Wimmer and Dominick (1997) referred to students who are inferior in statistics and find research an obstruction to receiving a college degree. In the same boat are those who have poor analytical and logical abilities and lack of interest in paper work and reviews. In the growing social needs for information, it is through research that the answers to the questions that we seek are addressed. Research might as well be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation for the purpose of establishing facts. Usually, applied research involves the discovery, interpretation, and development of methods and system for the growth in human knowledge. Scientific research, which is essentially the scientific method of searching, was motivated by curiosity and need for scientific information. It was also funded by government authorities, charitable organizations and private groups such as companies. Since research is a system, it follows processes or methods: formation of the topic, hypothesis, conceptual definitions, operational definitions, gathering of data, analysis, testing and revising of hypothesis and conclusion. With these methods, studies could prove something by the results. In historical researches, it follows techniques and guidelines and includes higher and textual criticisms. Usually, identification of the origin, evidence of localization, recognition of authorship, analysis of data, identification of integrity, and attribution of credibility are part of the most formal historical researches. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 16 Types of Organizations According to Dr. Mark White, there are three types of organizations. The first is the static organization. This type is fixed in size and in practices. It has no variable, which means time doesn’t change them significantly. The second type is the dynamic organization, which varies in size over time but its underlying practices doesn’t change much. This type passes through a cycle, which changes due to its growing competitors. The last type is the adaptive organization. It varies in practices and in size. Organizations of this type always seek for improvement in their work --creating new products, services, and processes that keep their hold on to clients generation after generation. Based on the given types, research organizations are considered dynamic organizations because of the competition in the industry. Primarily, this competition results in a growing number of innovations in the field of research. But the practices of the firms don’t change much. Structure of an Organization To achieve an organization’s goal, there must be a formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees. This is the structure of an organization. Bnet dictionary defines organization structure as the form of an organization that is evident in the way divisions, departments, functions, and people link together, interact, show vertical operational responsibilities, and horizontal linkages. Also according to the site, organization structure depends on the size and its geographic dispersal. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 17 Max Weber’s traditional organization structure is the bureaucracy, which was introduced in the 20th century. According to Weber as cited by A. M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons (n.d.), bureaucracy is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge. He classified organizations according to the nature of the authority, these are as follows: charismatic authority, which is based on the sacred or outstanding characteristic of the individual; traditional authority, which is a respect for custom; and rational legal authority, which is based on a code or set of rules. (Henderson & Parsons, n.d.) By the end of the 20th century, business management came to consist of six separate branches: Human Resource Management, Operations Management or Production Management, Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management and Information Technology Management. These branches are the departments formed in the organization, which function independently but linked by the common goal of the company. Human Resource Management Before, human resource function can be handled by one person. Today, the infamous “HR Lady” has now been replaced by a full staff of professionals with diverse functions related to any facet of employee relations and company culture. (Bhagria, 2010) Human resources’ function involves everything that has something to do with the employees. The handling of all these activities is called human resource management. This was stated by Boxall and Purcell (2003) and defined the term human resource management as “…all those activities associated with the management of the employment relationship in the firm." (“Defining Human Resource Management,” n.d.) In their book Human Resource Management in a Business Context, human resource management is elaborated further. It states that for an organization to gain competitive advancement, it must use its people R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 18 effectively and rely on their expertise to meet the desired objectives by doing human resource management. HRM is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible, and committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key competencies. In an article written by Carter McNamara, PhD of Authenticity Consulting, LLC, Human Resource Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities and key among them is deciding the necessities for staffing, employee’s recruiting and training, ensuring high performances and dealing with performance issues, and ensuring that personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Managing approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies are the activities involved. The human resource department deals with management of people within the organization. From the term itself, a number of responsibilities can be drawn. This department is in charge of the hiring of staff members, which involves attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Aside from that, the human resource department also clarifies and sets day-to-day goals involving people in the company. (Bhagria, 2010) Hiring In organizations, having the right people with the right capabilities is a crucial current HR concern when it comes to hiring (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). This view is also expounded by Martin Yate in 2006 in his book Hiring the Best, a Manager’s Guide to Hiring and Recruiting. He said that there are a lot of people who are looking for jobs but unfortunately, not all of them are qualified in an R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 19 organization because job openings are filled to have a positive effect on its productivity. For an organization to achieve this, it must stretch beyond the average approach. In the study conducted by Anastacio, (2009), “Wanted Researcher: A Case Study on the Hiring Requirements of Research Firms”, it is explained that the company’s productivity depends on its employees’ skills. Hence, hiring is of paramount significance. In their case, their informants are the research firms and found out that hiring procedures of research firms may be the same but the way they implement the procedures are different. This means that most of these firms are following almost the same guidelines and procedures in recruitment but the implementation and execution vary. When it comes to the qualifications, the study found out that these research firms do not just look at the applicant’s job experiences but also seeks the edge of their applicants based on their attitudes, morals, values, and competencies. These firms require employees or applicants to be highly competitive, equipped with the right attitude towards the environment, and efficient in performing their tasks and responsibilities. Recruitment is the most exhaustive task of the Human Resource Department. A ‘recruiter’ is the one responsible for attracting and recruiting employees, delivering facets of recruiting success throughout the organization. Through the development of local and national recruiting plans, employing traditional sourcing strategies and resources as well as developing new, creative recruiting ideas, the recruiter’s goal will be achieved. Primary Objectives of the Human Resources Recruiter:  Develop and execute recruiting plans.  Coordinate and implement college recruiting initiatives.  Administrative duties and recordkeeping. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 20  Work with hiring managers on recruiting planning meetings.  Create job descriptions.  Lead the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position.  Efficiently and effectively fill open positions.  Conduct regular follow-up with managers to determine the effectiveness of recruiting plans and implementation.  Develop a pool of qualified candidates in advance of need.  Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting.  Build networks to find qualified passive candidates.  Post openings in newspaper advertisements, with professional organizations, and in other position appropriate venues.  Utilize the Internet for recruitment. -- Post positions to appropriate Internet sources. -- Improve the company website recruiting page to assist in recruiting. -- Research new ways of using the Internet for recruitment. -- Use social and professional networking sites to identify and source candidates.  Network through industry contacts, association memberships, trade groups and employees. -- Locate and document where to find ideal candidates. -- Aid public relations in establishing a recognizable “employer of choice” reputation for the company, both internally and externally. -- Communicate with managers and employees regularly to establish rapport, gauge morale, and source new candidate leads. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 21 -- Create contacts within industry. -- Attend local professional meetings and membership development meetings. -- Maintain regular contact with possible future candidates.  Coordinate and Implement College Recruiting Initiatives -- Attend career fairs for recruiting and company recognition. -- Develop working relationships within colleges to aid in recruiting. -- Give presentations at colleges, attend student group meetings, and increase college awareness of the company before and after career fairs.  Perform administrative duties records keeping -- Manage the use of recruiters and headhunters. -- Review applicants to evaluate if they meet the position requirements. -- Conduct prescreening interviews. -- Maintain all pertinent applicant and interview data in the Human Resources Information System (HRIS). -- Assist in performing reference and background checks for potential employees. -- Assist in writing and forwarding rejection letters. -- Assist in interviewing and selecting employees onsite. -- Assist in preparing and sending offer packages. -- Assist in preparing and sending new employee orientation packages. -- Perform other special projects as assigned. Human resource recruiters play a critical role in ensuring that the company is getting the best possible talent. (Nourse, n.d.) Motivating R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 22 It is also the HR’s job to motivate the employees, to ensure that they are still willing to work for the company and that they are always in shape to face the everyday challenges given to them. In training, employees also acquire motivation since employees experience this extra boost of energy as they go through training. But again, it doesn’t necessarily mean that trainings can motivate all employees. There are different ways to motivate them and HR ensures that these motivating strategies are being applied to them. Motivating employees can be done through the giving of rewards, especially to those who have done well. Evaluating performance of the employees and compensating those who exceeded expectations are necessary for the HR department. Research has shown that a reward system for employees for good performance is the number one incentive for keeping up their performance. Making incentives continuously available will ensure that employees are satisfied with their company and this satisfaction will contribute toward good staff retention rates. This is crucial in increasing stability within the organization and makes its employees identify with the firm and instills a sense of loyalty. (Bhagria, 2010) In the University of Colorado, the Boulder’s Department of Human Resources Guide to Motivating Employees, which intends to provide effective ideas and tools for supporting employee motivation, different programs are being discussed. The following are the strategies or approaches being applied in motivating staff: • Know your staff. Ask what they value and what motivates them. • Give feedback. Specific, on-the-spot praise is good! “Praise in public/criticize in private” demonstrates respect and achieves results. • Partner with staff in achieving their goals. Ask employees about their career goals and offer related assignments whenever possible. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 23 • Use rewards that have mutual benefit, such as skill training and professional development. • Use monetary rewards sparingly, and always in conjunction with feedback, personal recognition, etc. In addition, effective motivation enhances the employee’s intrinsic sense of accomplishment, contribution, involvement, and satisfaction. Rewards that facilitate this usually relate to the mission and values of the organization. (“Guide to Motivating Employees,” n.d.) Promoting Organizations recognize promotion of competent employees as an important factor in maintaining the productivity of the company. In an article written by Ambrose Sanchez (2008) of Cebu Daily News, she said that it is necessary to promote because it ensures competent leadership at critical points of the organizational network, aside from the facts that it provides opportunities for the career growth of deserving employees and fills up vacancies, in line with the policy of promoting from within. The following are some ways and conditions in promoting employees, according to Sanchez: 1. Avoid the “Peter principle,” or promoting people to their level of incompetence. According to her, this happens when certain employees are promoted to ranks such as supervisory or managerial to reward their good performance. When these people are discovered to be good only at a certain area or field but not in management and supervision, they become incompetent. She suggested that companies should make good performers undergo training in effective supervision before promoting them. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 24 2. Do not create a new position or level just to reward or accommodate certain employees at higher levels. Such special accommodation may create problems later when those at lower ranks will demand to be elevated, too, to higher sub-ranks of the same position title. 3. Do not immediately promote employees to regular appointment without testing their capabilities for the higher positions. 4. Promotion from within. As much as possible, a policy of promoting from within should be adopted and practiced seriously in the company. It is a common complaint among more senior employees that they are not given the opportunity to apply for higher positions because outsiders are preferred for such vacancies. Even if it is accurately assessed by management that the employees within are not qualified, they must still be given the chance to compete for promotion. Or existing employees who may have the potential should be given training to qualify for promotion. 5. Notices of vacancy, stating minimum qualification requirements should therefore be announced within the company; and applicants from within should not be judged prematurely as unqualified without the standard evaluation. These are just some of the major considerations that an organization must observe in promoting competent employees. Sanchez still believes that all other considerations must be carefully studied in policy making and applying promotion standards and it is therefore important that standards are preestablished and communicated effectively to all employees for their guidance. Training and Development Performance change is needed for the progress of the organization. This change will be achieved through trainings that educate the employees. A candidate who did or showed good performance during the recruitment R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 25 exercise process doesn’t necessarily mean that he is the best in performing the organization’s functions. Aside from that, trainings are not limited only to newlyhired employees. They are also important for tenured ones. Trainings need not be restricted to improvement of skills but should include improvement of attitude as well. Newly-hired employees need to be oriented to the new surroundings or workplace that they will operate in. They should familiarize themselves with the company’s functions and seek improvement in skills, the lack of which may lead to inefficiency. Tenured employees should also undergo training to keep them updated with regards to advancement of technology, legal changes and changes in service delivery. This is important because an organization must keep up with industry trends; otherwise, it faces the danger of becoming obsolete, especially today that competition is tight. Aside from the improvement of skills, training also involves the improvement of attitude of the employees. This is normally characterized by attendance of workshops and other forms of talks. All these are assigned to the HR department because their personnel are the ones who assess if trainings are necessary for a certain group of employees. (Bhagria, 2010) Financial Management As a science of funds management, finance is concerned with the saving, lending, spending, and budgeting of money within the company. The field of finance that deals with the money circulating in the organization in order for its R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 26 operations work, also involves the concepts of time, money and risk, and their interrelation, which is also considered in making financial decisions. Finance is one of those significant fields or departments existing in an organization that ensure the effectiveness of business management. It also deals with the decisions related to use and acquisition of funds. Income and expenditure are important and taken into consideration in addressing financial management. Income is the amount of money or its equivalent received in exchange for all the labor or even services, or from the sales of goods or properties or simply, as profit from investments. On the other hand, expenditure deals with the money, materials or other resources that are used for consumptions. Income and expenditure are interrelated to each other; income varies with the expenditure and vice versa. In a situation wherein it overshoots its expenditure, a company may raise capital by borrowing or selling equity claims, both with the result of decreasing its expenses and increasing its income. The field of finance has three general areas: personal finance, public finance, and corporate finance. Personal finance, which is used by individuals, may involve money management regarding individual needs such as education, financing durable goods, insurance, paying for loans or debt obligations. Corporate finance, also known as a company’s capital structure, involves the total mix of financing schemes or techniques in funds sourcing. Included in those financing methods are debt financing, including bank loans and bond sales and equity financing, which concerns the sale of stocks by a company to investors. Among its tasks is to provide funds for a corporation’s activities. It is systematic financial management maintaining the balance on risk and R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 27 profitability while maximizing the company or organization’s wealth and value of stocks. Business decisions like investment or fund management are under this field. Public finance, which is used by governments, describes financial matters related to sovereign states and sub-national entities and public entities or agencies. It is concerned with the public sector entity’s expenditure, its revenue, budgeting process, and debt issuance. In achieving goals and effectiveness, traditional roles and responsibility are necessary for the: a) documentation and control of incoming and outgoing cash and its actual handling, b) payment of bills, wages and salaries, c) financial accounting, and d) budgeting and performance evaluation. (Yesilhark, 2000) In the process of financial management, three key elements are also to be considered: financial planning, such as availability of funds; financial control; and financial decision making. Financial planning, according to Robert Arffa (2001), entails preparing budget plan for spending and saving for future income. This plan allocates future income to various types of expenses, such as rent or utilities, and also reserves some income for short-term and long-term savings. A financial plan can also be an investment plan, which allocates savings to various assets or projects expected to produce future income, such as a new business or product line, shares in an existing business, or real estate. In business, a financial plan can refer to the three primary financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement) created within a business plan. A financial plan can also be an estimation of cash needs and a decision on how to raise the cash, such as through borrowing or issuing additional shares in a company. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 28 Marketing management pertains to the process of handling marketingrelated objects in implementing the company’s corporate mission or purpose through formulation of corporate objectives, corporate strategies (achieved through strategic planning), strategy implementation and evaluation, and control counterparts which would be marketing objectives, marketing strategies, marketing strategy implementation and marketing evaluation and control. Therefore, marketing management is a crucial function, especially in highly competitive marketing. Good and effective management can provide the much needed competitive advantage to an enterprise, irrespective of its size and products. For the company to be able to achieve its goals and objectives, strategic management is put into use. This branch of management is responsible for the development of plans and policies for the gain of the company and its work force. Thus, it is also responsible for the allocation of resources in order to implement the aforementioned plans and policies. Drafting and evaluating cross-functional decisions will help achieve the company’s long-term goals. This also involves the formulation of strategy as well as its evaluation. If one would look closely to strategic management and marketing management, it is impossible to miss that interconnection between the two since both branches of management employ the formulation of strategies. Production or operations management applies to those companies that produce products or goods and provide services. This department supervises the quality of the products and goods the company produces. Thus, it involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process of conversion of inputs into outputs. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 29 The sixth and last branch of business management is information technology management. Ever since the time information technology found its way into the business sector, it has led to the necessity of putting it under management. This branch is concerned with exploring and understanding information technology as a corporate resource that determines both the strategic and operational capabilities of the firm in designing and developing products and services for maximum customer satisfaction, corporate productivity, profitability and competitiveness. Classification of Research Organizations Determined Research organizations formalize their goals, structures and processes by grouping people according to their functions to be able to run their business of researching. This is what an organization is all about. According to Neher (1997), people think of an organization as a building or a physical reality, such as campus, a plant, or a group of buildings. This view of an organization is wrong. Neher said that these are not independently acting structures because in reality, these are done by people within an organization. Organizations, as discussed in Chapter 1, are rational, goal-oriented groups of persons trying to accomplish complex tasks. These tasks vary according to the needs of the company. An organization is larger, more institutionalized and more formalized than a group since rules and goals are being set. Organizations can be categorized as formal and informal organizations. (White & Vroman, 1977) Formal organizations are those that are designed to improve information flow so that managers will have the inputs needed to make important decisions. On the other hand, informal organizations arise within the R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 30 system to satisfy individual and organizational needs. Research organizations are classified as formal organizations. The Meaning of Management Management encompasses numerous things in handling organizations. It is hard to look for a perfect definition that incorporates all the ideas associated with it. Samuel Salvador, Estelito Bagunas and Ellinor Geronimo in their book Principles of Management and Organization (2008) have the following definitions of management summarized from different authors: 1. Management, according to Harold Koontz, is the art of getting things done with people and through formally organized groups. It is the art of creating an environment in which people can perform as individuals and yet cooperate toward attainment of group goals. It is the art of removing blocks for such a performance, a way of optimizing efficiency in reaching goals. 2. Management, as cited by Dalton E. McFarland, is the fundamental integrating and operating mechanism underlying organized effort. 3. George R. Terry believes that management is a diverse process that is performed to determine and accomplish the set objectives, utilizing human resources and material resources as well. 4. Harold Koontz and Cyrill O’ Donnell define management as the formation and handling of an organization where individuals who have various tasks are working together in order to perform efficiently and effectively to achieve the pre-set group goals. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 31 5. Walter Jack Duncan states that management is comprised of organizational activities that engage goal formation and accomplishment, performance appraisal and the development of an operating philosophy that ensures that the organization survive in the social system. 6. Kimball and Kimball see management as the art of application of economic principles that emphasize the organization of human resources and materials in the enterprise under consideration, by. 7. Edward Francis Leopold Brech defines management as a social process entailing responsibility for the effective planning and regulation of the operations of an enterprise. Such responsibility involves the installation and maintenance of proper procedures to ensure adherence to plans and the guidance, interpretation and supervision of the personnel comprising the enterprise and carrying out its operations. 8. According to E. Petersen and E. Grosvenor, management is a technique by means of which the purpose and objectives of a particular human group are determined, classified and effectuated. 9. Lastly, Louis Allen stated that management is a body of systematized knowledge, based in general principles which are verifiable in terms of business practice. These definitions of management are generally accepted at present for they emphasize one or another important aspect of the management activity. What is common among these definitions is the connection of management to organizational goals. These characterizations of management emphasize the need to have a set of objectives and goals that are compatible with the demands of the society within which an organization operates. R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 32 Functions of Management As cited by Katherine Miller (1995), classical management theorist Henri Fayol proposed the five functions of management. The five functions of management focus on the key relationships between personnel and its management and are as follows: 1. Planning pertains to drawing up plans of actions that combine unity, continuity, flexibility and precision, given the organization’s resources, type and significance of work and future trends. Creating a plan of action is the most difficult of the five tasks and requires the active participation of the entire organization. 2. Organizing is providing capital, personnel and raw materials for the dayto-day running of the business, and building a structure to match the work. Organizational structure depends entirely on the number of employees. An increase in the number of functions expands the organization horizontally and promotes additional layers of supervision. 3. Commanding refers to optimizing return from all employees in the interest of the entire enterprise. Successful managers have personal integrity, communicate clearly and base their judgments on regular audits. Their thorough knowledge of personnel creates unity, energy, initiative, and loyalty and eliminates incompetence. 4. Coordinating is unifying and harmonizing activities and efforts to maintain the balance between the activities of the organization as in sales to production and procurement to production 5. Controlling concerns identifying weaknesses and errors done in the work accomplished against plans and standards, and making adjustments or R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 33 corrections by controlling feedback, and making activities conform with plans, policies and instructions. This encompasses fixing standards, measurement of actual performance, comparing actual and planned performance; finding variances between the two and reasons for variance and taking corrective actions. These functions of management are said to weave together the various parts of an organization so that all factors will function properly and all employees will cooperate for the common purpose. Ever since these functions were proposed by Fayol, they served as a basis for all the organizations as to what a manager or an executive ought to do to get things moving. Synthesis In the literature and studies gathered and presented in this chapter, research was given a more comprehensive definition. This comprehensive definition leads to a deeper understanding of the meaning of research. The definition of research was not only given but research’s importance in our lives was implied, too – making this study significant because of the fact that research organizations serve as one of the information sources in our country by providing us studies that yield new information. The subjects of this study are research organizations. It was found out that research organizations are classified under the dynamic type of organization. This type is characterized by the existence of competitors in the research industry. Knowing the type of organization to which the research organizations belong gave the researchers an idea about what to expect regarding the nature of the research organizations. As for the literature reviews on the structure of organizations, the discussion of the six departments that any organization ought to have, as well as the R e v i e w o f R e l e v a n t L i t e r a t u r e | 34 detailed elaboration on the two departments that are being studied – namely, the human resource and finance – provided information not only to familiarize the researchers with the functions of the two departments but also to make them knowledgeable about their operations. This part also enlightened the researchers on the importance of each department, most especially in determining as to how an organization can be managed; specifically in the management of research organizations for the two departments that were set as parameters. Meanwhile, the definition of management, together with its functions, shed light on its complexity. Having known these things is necessary in the pursuit of the study for it justifies the importance of determining as to how research organizations are being managed. It was found out in reviews that one study was conducted last year regarding research organizations, too. What makes this study different is that it focuses on determining management with the parameters of their human resource management and financial management, as well as the problems encountered in the given departments and the solutions being addressed to the encountered problems. The other research focused on the research organizations’ hiring process and hiring requirements. With the amount of data accumulated by the researchers, it was justified that the pursuance of the study entitled “CASE STUDY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FOUR SELECTED RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN METRO MANILA” is significant most especially for the students enrolled under the Bachelor in Communication Research curriculum for it can provide a preview of the operations of the students’ future internship sites or employers. 36 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND PROCEDURE This chapter presents a brief discussion of the research design and techniques that the researchers employed in the study. It also includes the tradition of inquiry, data-generation method, the key informants and selection technique, the instrumentation, and the data-generation report. The Research Design The primary aim of the study is to identify how the four selected research organizations are being managed. Specifically, the study intends to determine the human resource management and financial management of the research organizations, the problems encountered by these departments and how they solve these problems. In order to address the objectives, the researchers used the qualitative research approach. The qualitative research approach, as defined by Michael Quinn Patton (2002), is an observation that yields a detailed, thick description. In addition, qualitative research, as cited by Creswell (1995), involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials – case study, personal experience, introspection, life story, interview, observations, history, interaction, and visual texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning in an individual’s life. The pursuit of this study is considered to be significant for it will add to the knowledge of communication students, most especially the ones majoring in communication research, on the nature of work of the research organizations that may become their employers in the future. D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 37 This study is a descriptive research. Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the survey describing the status quo, the correlation study investigating the relationship between variables, to developmental studies seeking to determine changes over time. With the purpose of generating the needed data to answer the main problem of the study, the researchers employed the interview method and also the document analysis in order to add and verify the accuracy of the generated data through the interview. The Tradition of Inquiry This study utilized a type of qualitative research called case study. Case study, as cited by Helen Simons (2009), is an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a single entity, phenomenon or social unit. It is particularistic, descriptive and heuristic, and relies heavily on inductive reasoning in handling multiple data sources. In addition, according to Ranjit Kumar (2005), it is an approach to studying a social phenomenon through a thorough analysis of an individual case. The case may be a person, group, episode, process, community, society or any other unit of social life. All data relevant to the case are gathered and organized in terms of the case. It provides an opportunity for the intensive analysis of many specific details often overlooked by other methods. A case study rests on the assumption that the case being studied is typical of cases of a certain type so that, through intensive analysis, generalizations may be made that will be applicable to other cases of the same type. There are four cases presented in this study, each case being the management of the four selected research organizations. In order to come up with the four cases, the researchers consolidated the generated data regarding D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 38 each organization’s profile, the human resource and finance department, the problems encountered in these fields, and the solutions implemented to the identified problems, and classified them under each organization. The Data-Generation Method This study employed the interview method in generating the needed data to answer the objectives. An interview, according to Patton (2002) is comprised of open-ended questions and probes yield in-depth responses about people’s experiences, perceptions, opinions, feelings, and knowledge. Data consist of verbatim quotations with sufficient context to be interpretable. An in-depth type of interview was utilized. An in-depth interview uses individuals as the point of departure for the research process and assumes that individuals have unique and important knowledge about the social world that is ascertainable through verbal communication. It is a way of gaining information and understanding from individuals on a focused topic (Biber and Leavy, 2006). In the study, in-depth interviews are conducted among the two representatives, one for the human resource and another for the finance, from the research organizations under study. The researchers also made use of document analysis in order to present the profiles of the four organizations through looking at the General Information Sheet (GIS) submitted by each of them to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the organizations’ respective company profiles, as well as their financial statements, provided by the same agency to validate certain responses from the interview. Document analysis includes the study of excerpts, quotations or entire passages from organizational, clinical or program records; memoranda and correspondence; official publications and reports, personal diaries; and open-ended written responses to questionnaires and surveys. (Patton, 2002) D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 39 Key Informants and Selection Technique Key informants are very crucial in this study. The researchers utilized the purposive sampling in order to select the informants. The primary consideration in purposive sampling, as cited by Kumar (2005), is the judgment of the researchers as to who can provide the information to achieve the objectives of the study. The researchers only go to those people who, in their opinion, are likely to have the required information. Purposive sampling is based on certain criteria laid down by the researchers. People who can satisfy the criteria are selected as informants. In this study, the following criteria were set by the researchers:  Informants must be working on the research organizations under study with a minimum of six months;  Informants must have the appropriate positions in the organizations to address the set of formulated questions by the researchers;  Informants must handle the operations of the departments under study. The informants’ length of service in the firm, their positions, and their firsthand experiences in handling the operations of the departments put under study were considered for people who qualified could provide valuable information needed by the researchers. As much as the researchers would like to know the management of sought-after research organizations in their respective fields, the availability of the possible informants hindered them from doing so. The research organizations that accommodated the researchers for an interview are the Statistical Research and Training Center, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture and Institute for Popular Democracy, each of which D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 40 represents a different type of organization – a private firm, a government or a non-stock agency, non-profit organization, and non-government organizations. Two representatives from each of the four selected research organizations served as the key informants for this study. This yielded a total of eight interviewees for the in-depth interviews conducted, one representative of which addressed the researchers’ queries about the organization’s human resource management, the other of which answered the questions with regard to the organization’s finance management. The key informants of the study are:  Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan Human Resources Management Officer, Statistical Research and Training Center Five years with SRTC  Mr. Orlando Chinilla Accountant and Officer in Charge of the Administrative and Finance Division, Statistical Research and Training Center Twenty years with SRTC  Ms. Jocelyn Pick Managing Director, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Six years with PAP  Ms. Jennifer Villanueva Chief Accountant, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Seven months with PAP  Ms. Aida Robles Administrative Officer, Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 41 Two years with ISACC  Ms. Adelaida Villegas Book Keeper, Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture One year and nine months with ISACC  Ms. Karlenma Tagala Assistant Administrative Officer, Institute for Popular Democracy Nine months with IPD  Ms. Gloria Igaya Administrative and Finance Officer, Institute for Popular Democracy Seven years with IPD The informants were all provided by the research organizations upon granting the request of the researchers for an interview. It was stated in the letter of request that interviewees must come from their human resource and finance department in order to solicit accurate data. Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan of SRTC, Ms. Jocelyn Pick of PAP, Ms. Aida Robles of ISACC and Ms. Karlenma Tagala of IPD have, in one way or another, handle the human resource matters of their respective organizations. Ms. Pick of PAP, despite the fact of being the Managing Director of the organization, is well knowledgeable when it comes to PAP’s human resource management. PAP utilizes the tools that they employ in their HR services offering in their own human resource management, which Ms. Pick is more than familiar with the procedures and the schemes being used. Whereas the informants from the finance departments of the research organizations, despite the varying titles that accompany their names, are the ones who are responsible for the finance management of their respective organizations. It is in fact, can be proven by the Financial Statements from the Securities and Exchange Commission wherein it is implied that the informants of this study are the ones who prepares the budgetary report making them D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 42 knowledgeable of their organization’s financial activities, most especially with their income and expenditures, considering that those two are the parameters used in determining the financial management of research organizations. Instrumentation With the purpose of knowing how the selected research firms manage their organizations, the researchers employed the in-depth interview method. This data-generation method is an unstructured interview for it allows the researchers to be flexible as to questions to be asked an informant. The unstructured interview serves as an asset for it can elicit rich information (Kumar, 2005). Accordingly, an interview guide was formulated. From time to time, elaboration and clarification probes were employed in order to solicit deeper responses. Two interview guides were formulated, one for each of the human resource department and finance department representatives. The interview guides were composed of questions anchored on the objectives of the study. Each interview guide contained questions about the informant’s profile – the name of the informant, his position in the firm, his length of service, and his educational attainment. The interview guide for the human resource representative consists of questions concerning the procedures and schemes in terms of hiring, motivating, promoting, and training and development. The problems encountered by the department regarding the aforementioned parameters and the solutions addressed to the problems identified were also included. As for the interview guide for the finance department representative, it is consisted with the inquiries as to how they manage their income and their D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 43 expenditures, as well as concerning the problems they have encountered and the solutions that they implemented to the identified problems. For the document analysis part, the following are considered in order to come up with an organizational profile for each: the type of organization, a brief history of the organization, the vision-mission-goal statement of the organization, the activities that the organization is engaged in and its organizational set-up. Data-Generation Report Prior to the interview, the researchers called the target research organizations to inquire whether they entertain interviews from the academe. And if they do, schedules for the interview are set. The researchers were advised to send letters to the respective research organizations and do follow-ups to know if the interview requests were granted. Statistical Research and Training Center The researchers called SRTC on September 23, 2010. Althea Muriel Pineda was able to talk with Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan and was advised to send the letter personally to their office located at Quezon City. It was a good thing that Althea lives near their office. So the next day, Althea went to SRTC and handed the letter of request for an interview. It was October 14 when the researchers received a response from SRTC through a text message from Ms. Labaddan. In the message was the date for an interview with her and Mr. Orlando Chinilla, the accountant of SRTC. She also informed the researchers that their organization doesn’t have a marketing department for they are a government agency. D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 44 October 22 was the set interview schedule at 2:00 in the afternoon and the place would be the SRTC office. The researchers arrived half an hour before the set time. Ms. Labaddan entertained the researchers and before the start of the interview, Mr. Chinilla approached the researchers. He apologized for he can’t attend the interview because of an urgent SRTC-related engagement. He gave another schedule, which was October 25, whatever time in the morning and even joked that the researchers could interview him the whole day. Ms. Labaddan answered all the questions of the researchers enthusiastically. The interview with her lasted for about 47 minutes. The researchers arrived at SRTC several minutes before 11:00 in the morning. Contrary to what Mr. Chinilla said during the first meeting that he could accommodate the researchers all day, he was busy that day because of a certain event on-going in their office. But still, he entertained the researchers’ questions. Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. As the researchers are advised to add several research organizations in order to improve the study, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. was contacted through the recommendation of Professor Bernarte. Professor Bernate gave the group Ms. Jocelyn Pick’s mobile number. The group wasted no time to be in touch with Ms. Pick who happens to be the Managing Director of the said company, the request for an interview is done through sending an e-mail to Ms. Pick and conducting follow-ups through phone. After two days, the group has received an e-mail from Ms. Pick containing the dates that she’ll be available for the interview as well as Ms. Jennifer, the one who’s going to address our finance-related questions. D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 45 The date was December 16, 2010 at 10:00 in the morning. The group arrived several minutes before 10:00 in the morning, was directed to the main office of the Profile’s Asia and was asked to wait for Ms. Jocelyn Pick is rather engaged at the moment. After waiting for a while, Ms. Jocelyn asked the group to come with her at the 16th floor, another office of PAP together with Ms. Jennifer. The first to be interviewed was Ms. Pick. She’s the one who answered the questions for the human resource concerns of the group. During the interview, Mr. Malcolm Pick, the Chairman of the company, Ms. Pick’s husband, joined the group and answered questions together with Ms. Pick. The interview lasted for a while as Ms. Pick also shares the group what their company really does and being a company specializing in human resources, Ms. Pick has a lot of things to say. After answering the questions for human resource, Mr. and Ms. Pick left the room. So the group went on with the interview with Ms. Jennifer Villanueva the Chief Accountant of PAP. Compared to the interview with Ms. Pick, the interview with Ms. Villanueva is shorter for she seemed reserved and she answered the questions as straight forward as she could. After the interview with PAP, the group decided to go to the Securities and Exchange Commission to acquire annual reports of the Statistical and Research Training Center and the Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture Seeing the urgent need to look for two other research organizations to fulfill the recommendation of the panelists, the group took advantage of one of the members’ internship site. Shiela May Familaran, who is currently an intern at ISACC do the honors of asking her bosses for permission to interview their Human Resource Officer and Finance Officer several hours prior to the intended D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 46 interview. Luckily, her bosses have seen the urgent need for informants and agreed to have the interview on the afternoon of March 9, 2011. There is no specified time for the meeting so Shiela May Familaran and Maria Krisna Parrera decided to meet at Robinson’s Galleria after lunch for ISACC is just a stone’s throw away from there. Upon arriving at ISACC, the group was asked to wait for a while because Ms. Aida and Ms. Dhel were engaged at the moment. Ms. Dhel, the book keeper of ISACC was the first to be available so the group interviewed her first. Ms. Dhel answered the questions about ISACC with financial reports and statements at one hand to ensure that what she answers to the group’s questions are accurate. The interview went smoothly and lasted for several minutes for Ms. Dhel is somewhat reserved but was able to fulfill the questions prepared. After the interview with Ms. Dhel, the interview with Ms. Aida followed immediately. Ms Aida is quite a chatter and bubbly so the duration of the interview with her is longer compared with the interview with Ms. Dhel. After the interview, the group went to SEC to retrieve the needed annual reports of ISACC for the document analysis part of the study. Institute for Popular Democracy Having spent 200-hours with the Ateneo School of Government’s Political Democracy and Reforms gave Krisna the opportunity to discover the existence of Institute for Popular Democracy for PODER has it listed to their directory under the non-government organizations that were usually invited to their events. The group searched for IPD’s contact number and address through the internet. On March 15, 2011, the group called IPD and was able to set an D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 47 interview with Ms. Gloria Igaya and Ms. Karlen Tagala. Interview guides were then forwarded to their e-mail addresses. The next day, the group met at 02:00 in the afternoon to go to SEC to get annual report of IPD. At 04:30 in the afternoon, the group headed to Quezon City for according to their Website, IPD is located at Matimtiman St, Teachers Village. When the group arrived at that address, they were surprised because a restaurant and a residential house were erected there. The researchers later found out that IPD transferred to another location five years ago. It’s a good thing that their new location is just a stone throw away from their old address. Arriving at IPD, the group was asked to wait for Ms. Igaya. When Ms. Igaya attended to the researchers, she said that a confirmation of an interview should have been done. Ms. Igaya is beating a deadline and cannot entertain the interviewers so the group was asked to come back two days after. On March 18, 2011, the interview with IPD pushed through. Ms. Karlenma Tagala was the first to be interviewed. She addressed some questions regarding the human resource of the organization and was advised to ask Igaya the other questions for Ms. Igaya functions as the Administrative and Finance Officer of IPD. After the interview with Ms. Karlenma, Ms. Igaya went out of the office to entertain the interviewers and addressed the remaining questions for HR and after that answered the questions with regard to their organization’s finances. Before having the data generation phase completed, the researchers have encountered several rejections. The International Data Company didn’t entertain the researchers because they do not provide qualitative classified information about their company. In the case of the Nielsen Company, the researchers were given the chance to interview the Client Services Manager of the Media (Marketing Manager), Ms. Kristina Estandarte, last September 29, 2010. Unfortunately, the D e s i g n a n d P r o c e d u r e | 48 researchers were discouraged because of the unwillingness of the Human Resources people to be interviewed because all of them are new at their jobs. As for Pulse Asia, the researchers received a text message from Ms. Liza Martinez, the Human Resources Manager, that they could not entertain an interview because their Marketing department manager is on sabbatical while their president was currently in Japan, studying. GfK Custom Research reasoned out that they were loaded at the moment. The TNS, who first showed interest in giving an interview at first by responding to the letter of request for an interview, declined after several follow ups. A letter of request was also sent to Ibon Foundation, Inc but wasn’t followed up immediately because of the upcoming yuletide season. The interviews with the Social Weather Stations as well as with the Asia Centre for Research were considered null and void because of the number of informants provided by the respective organizations. The group tried to solicit another informant from each of the organizations but unfortunately, the two can no longer provide for the group’s request. 49 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the results of the data generation, together with the researchers’ comprehensive analysis and interpretation. The discussions of the results are anchored on the study’s objectives. Profile of the research organizations The following narratives discuss the profile of the research organizations. These include the type of organization, vision-mission statements, a brief history of the organization, the activities they are engaged in, and number of officers and employees. Statistical Research and Training Center Legal Basis and Function The Statistical Research and Training Center was created by Executive Order (EO) No. 121 issued on January 30, 1987. Section 10 of the EO specifies the functions and responsibilities of SRTC: • Develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training program on theories, concepts, and methodologies for the promotion of the statistical program; • Undertake research on statistical concepts, definitions, and methods; • Promote collaborative research efforts among members of the academic community, data producers, and users; • Conduct non-degree training programs to upgrade the quality of statistical manpower base in support of the needs of the statistical system; and R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 50 • Provide financial and other forms of assistance to enhance statistical research and development. SRTC is the Philippine’s focal agency on statistical research and training and one of the five major statistical agencies in the highly decentralized Philippine Statistical System (PSS). It is placed under the administrative supervision and policy and program coordination of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) through Executive Order No. 149 since December 28, 1993, along with the National Statistics Office (NSO) and the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) accredited the SRTC as a research institution. It is also accredited as a training institution by the Civil Service Commission (CSC), the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC), the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Under the CHED accreditation, training courses conducted by SRTC may be granted graduate credits not exceeding six (6) units of elective courses, pursuant to the provisions contained in CHED Order No.7, Series of 1995. Services that SRTC Renders 6. Updates research agenda of the PSS based on emerging needs; 7. Conducts in-house and external research projects; 8. Conducts quarterly workshop on completed or on-going research undertakings; 9. Facilitates the conduct of the SRTC Annual Conference; 10. Provides financial grants to institutions or professional statisticians when research topics fall under major thrusts of research agenda; R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 51 11. Provides financial assistance, through its Thesis and Dissertation Fellowship Program, to students enrolled in masters or doctorate program of statistics and are pursuing thesis or dissertation papers; 12. Acts as Secretariat of PSS-wide Scientific Career Evaluation Committee (SCEC) of the Scientific Careers System for Statisticians (SCSS); 13. Monitoring of scholars under the RGSSP-Phase I; 14. Participates in inter-agency and technical committee activities within the PSS; 15. Maintains a comprehensive library collection of statistical books and journals and enhances the accessibility of statistical information; 16. Facilitates the archiving of research and training outputs/materials; and 17. Maintains SRTC Website and IT facilities. Activities and Programs The activities of SRTC are categorized into two, namely: statistical research and statistical training. The statistical research deals with the study of the processes involved in producing statistical information. Testing and/or experimentation on statistical theories, concepts, definitions, methods, and techniques are involved in it. The improving of the quality, reliability, completeness, and scope of statistical information, as well as cost effectiveness of producing and delivering statistical outputs are the company’s aim. SRTC conducts its research through the following schemes: 2. Research grant by SRTC to an institution on a priority research project or vice-versa; 3. Research fellowship where a bonafide researcher with substantive proposal for relevant statistical research is funded; R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 52 4. Thesis/Dissertation fellowship where a student in masters or dissertation program in statistics pursuing his thesis or dissertation work is funded; and 5. In-house research done by the research staff of the agency. SRTC is also guided by comprehensive and integrated research agenda. It is continuously updated to consider current and emerging needs of the Philippine Statistical System and carry out responsive and relevant research programs. The following are the major thrusts of the current research agenda: c. Improvement of methodologies, concepts, definitions, and statistical techniques; d. Rationalization and preparation of more cost-effective designs for censuses and surveys; and e. Development of relevant indicators responsive to emerging issues and concerns at the national and sub-national levels. Research and Information Technology Division of SRTC has conducted and/or coordinated 90 research projects mandated to develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training programs on the theories, concepts, and methodologies for the promotion of the Philippine Statistical Systems (PSS). On the other hand, statistical training refers to the design and conduct of non-formal statistical training programs intended to improve the government statistical personnel’s capability in handling their statistical work. It effectively complements efforts to improve the statistical services in the government. Statistical courses offered by the SRTC are geared toward capacity-building initiatives for understanding and appreciating statistics. Programs feature lectures, discussions and workshops, and computer applications designed to supply the needs of clients or participating agencies with facilities such as adequate training rooms, computer laboratory, and lodging quarters to R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 53 accommodate out-of-town participants. Training programs are also open to foreign participants. Organization Set Up The SRTC is headed by an Executive Director and is staffed by 25 regular and contractual personnel. The agency units are the Research and Information Technology Division (RITD), the Training Division (TD) and the Finance and Administrative Division (FAD), aside from the Office of the Executive Director. Policies for the operations and management are formulated by the governing board. The board is composed of the Secretary-General of NSCB as chair with the following as members: the Administrator of NSO, the Director of Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), the Director of National Planning, and Policy Staff of NEDA, the Dean of University of the Philippines. Mission, Vision, and Core Values The mission of SRTC is to improve the quality of statistical information generated by PSS through the conduct of high quality, objective and responsive statistical research, and training activities. SRTC’s vision statement: "We, members of the SRTC family, value our work of contributing to informed policy and decision-making processes through high quality research and training in statistics and related fields. We will be the leading edge in the conduct of research and training programs in statistics and allied fields, with the guidance of the Almighty, the support and commitment of our human resources, and the technologies made available to us." The following are the SRTC’s Core Values: The staff behind SRTC intends to pursue its agency vision. In so doing, we are committed to: R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 54 c. Ensure client satisfaction in all aspects of our mandated activities. d. Engage the services of highly competent resource persons/professionals for all our research and training activities. e. Put premium on our precious human capital by providing equal opportunities for growth and development. f. Work for the attainment of general well-being and realization of the selffulfillment of the individual, thereby affirming that their role in the SRTC is paramount. g. Work closely with the academe, data producers and users and be recognized as responsible and credible partners in the statistical system. h. And in all our undertakings, we will uphold integrity, professionalism, trustworthiness, teamwork, cooperation and mutual respect toward our clients, partners and co-workers at all times. (Statistical Research and Training Center brochure, 2009) Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc is a private stock company engaged in personnel testing and assessment service like giving examination for the benefit of the clients and conduct programs without operating as a school. Research projects typically are in the areas that involve employee engagements, client satisfaction, and leadership development, etc. (The people side of business). Some of the researches PAP undertakes make use of proprietary tools largely through the use of our instruments. However, they do undertake special research projects on social development issues, for clients like the World Bank, ECCD, DepEd, Dole, TESDA, DBP, GSIS, NYC. Profiles International, Inc. (PI) was established in 1991 in Texas, USA. It had amongst its stated objectives that of providing employers with current, valid and R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 55 easy to use employment assessment instruments, so that they could make better use of their human capital resources. It operated initially in North America, where it now has tens of thousands of clients, both large and small. It is the world's innovator and leader in the development and distribution of employment related assessments. Profiles now has affiliates in over one hundred countries. Assessments have been translated and validated in sixteen languages (and growing). Deficiencies with Current Testing Instruments Profiles noted when it was founded in 1991, that there were many deficiencies with the then available instruments, many of which are still in use. Amongst these deficiencies were:  Almost all instruments in use were developed for the purpose of diagnosing specific clinical conditions, NOT for the purpose of employment evaluation.  Most needed to be interpreted by a trained psychologist.  They had cultural and other biases, and did not fulfill the legal and labor codes for non-discrimination.  They were not updated. Neither were they representative of current personality theory, nor representative of the changing employment pool.  They had no available validation studies. In short, they possibly did a fine job in clinical diagnosis (for which they were developed), but were not only unreliable, but also invalid and in some cases illegal, when applied to the workplace. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 56 The Profile’s Solution To overcome these difficulties, Profiles has slowly developed a completely new set of employee-related assessment instruments, literally from the ground up, hence, making full use of prior research. Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. (PAP) is the Philippine affiliate of Profiles International. Launched in 1998, the corporation is registered with the SEC with 20% foreign ownership. Vision Profiles Asia Pacific wants to create a Philippine society –  Where individuals are empowered to realize their full potential, by maximizing their God-given talents and abilities; and  Where companies, government, the educational community, and organizations value all people and foster the creation of wealth and selffulfillment. Mission  We will provide HR services and assessment products of superior quality and value to serve the needs of business and organizations. We will achieve our purpose through an organization where the working environment attracts the finest people, fully challenges and develops their individual talents and encourages their free-spirited collaboration to drive our business forward.  We will at all times maintain our principles and integrity, honesty and quality. Through the successful pursuit of these commitments we will continue to R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 57 be known as “The Assessment Company” and a world’s innovator and leader in Human Resource services.  Our efforts bring prosperity to our business, our business associates and our clients and to the Philippine communities in which we live and serve. As exclusive distributor of PI products, Profiles Asia Pacific markets directly to client companies and has an established dealer network. PAP provides training and support to both dealers and end users alike. PAP’s office is located in the Ortigas Center area of Metro Manila. Skills Testing. In 2001, PAP took on a second affiliation, that of SkillCheck Inc., also from the USA. Computer-based “skills” oriented testing, nicely complements the psychometric assessments of PI. Literally hundreds of performances-based testing modules are available to our clients from using either computer or Internet delivery systems. Expansion: Based on the success and acceptance of the instruments offered, PAP has undergone a period of considerable expansion branching out into other assessment related activities including: a) assessment based recruitment b) assessment based coaching and training c) assessment based OD services including ODA a One Day "Assessment Center" service d) College and High School Entrance Testing/Assessment e) HR Consulting f) eLearning tools(with assessments) The use of assessments is the basis for all their services. They offer many products which may be purchased alone or integrated into our several services. For simplicity they have categorized these assessments by publisher. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 58 Profiling and OD Assessments Profiles International is a leader in the development and distribution of employment-related psychometric assessments. A pioneer in internet delivery and “job-fit”, Profiles offers a wide range of tools summarized below: 1. On-line Job Matching tools: o The Profile XT o The Customer Service Perspective o The Sales Indicator o The Call Center Survey 2. On-line Performance Management tools: o Performance Indicator o Team Analysis o CheckPoint (360 feedback) and Skillbuilder (eLearning) o Profiles Workforce Compatibility Assessment 3. Integrity Profiling: o Step One Survey II (integrity assessment) Pre-Screening Assessments Often with huge numbers to screen, it is not surprising that local companies often seek low cost screening tools. Skills Tests SkillCheck tests are of two forms- multiple choice “knowledge” tests and “performance” tests. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 59 TNA Tests Prior to offering a developmental program (training) it is wise to make an accurate diagnosis of the current state of learning. This is often achieved through a Training Needs Assessment program which can most efficiently be done utilizing one or more of our wide range of TNA assessments. ACE - Assessing Communications in English To provide for the increased need for assessing competency in English language communication, we provide for both written essay writing testing and spoken English testing (listening and speaking skills). In addition to traditional assessments in the areas of: grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension Testing Services Profiles (and its strategic business partners such as People Dynamics, the JFK Foundation and others) provide for many different types of testing needs. This could be: 1. on-line: testing administered under the control of the client, but “setup” by profiles; 2. on-line: testing administered by client using a “private” internet testing sites setup for exclusive use by the client; 3. on-site: testing administered by Profiles staff at the client’s site; and 4. outsourced testing: candidates are sent to the Profiles testing centres in Ortigas and elsewhere. (“Company Background,” 2008) Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., has five stockholders, one of which is a foreigner and the remaining are Filipinos. PAP is registered with SEC with a 20% ownership. Ms. Jocelyn Pick, the Managing Director has the most number of shares followed by Mr. John Pick. The remaining shares are evenly distributed to Ms. Lorna Kuan, R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 60 (corporate secretary) Ms. Jennifer Villanueva (treasurer) and Mr. Bruce Crumley (the Vice Chairman) which all serve as the board members of the company with Ms. Pick as the Chair. (SEC General Information Sheet, 2011) PAP is consisted of nine departments namely the Sales, Customer Service, Testing Center, IT, Recruitment, Administrative, Corporate Communications, Finance, and Human Resource. Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture The institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) is a non-stock, non-government organization with the primary purpose engaged in research and training. It was established in 1978 as a reflective arm of the church and a catalyst towards biblically-based responses to political, social, and cultural issues in the country. Through its 21 years of existence it has evolved from an initially marginal prophetic voice operating within a largely conservative church community into a major influence in the life and witness of the churches, with a reputation for committed and creative responses to issues of national concern among NGOs and other progressive elements in the country. ISACC maintains a considerable network of individuals and organizations with similar concerns. Its solidarity network ranges from secular NGOs like Freedom from Debt Coalition and Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates to ecumenical church bodies and, internationally, the World Association Commission, of Christian Partnership Communication, in Mission, World International Vision, Christian London Media Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Breakthrough in Hongkong, and friends in the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) network. Some of its main funding sources have been the Evangelische Missionwerk (EMW) of Germany, Tear Fund Australia and UK, Anglican Church of Canada, R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 61 ICCO of the Netherlands, the Uniting Churches of the Netherlands, and the Philippine government, like the Department of Education and other local sources. ISACC also maintains links with local organizations in media and the arts such as Far East Broadcasting Company and the Day by Day Christian Ministries. It is also a member of the Alliance of Christian Development Agencies (ACDA) and the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC). ISACC is a research and training organization specializing with the following core expertise within an Asian context  Development  Cross-cultural studies  Missiology ISACC’s mission is to creatively witness to the lordship of Jesus in all of life by penetrating culture with the values of the kingdom and engaging the powers towards social transformation. The gospel is for the whole person. Witness to it has both a verbal and visible dimension as expressed in prophetic proclamation of the Word as well as in the Spirit's work of transformation in the life of the individual and of nations. They believe that Christ is King, not just over the church, but over nations and peoples. His kingdom makes no distinction between the secular and the sacred; He rules over all of life. ISACC is engaged in the following activities:  Capacity building  Research in social development issues  Research and training in gospel and culture issues  Political advocacy R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 62 Capacity building in various areas of development work for churches, organizations, and grassroots communities through coaching, consultancy services, and such training seminars as • The Church as an Agent of Change: Basic and Advanced Skills in Community Development • Integrating Spirituality in Development Work • Project Proposal Making • Other experience-based learnings Research in social development issues as a contribution to the on-going search for fresh approaches, theories, and paradigms in social development practice. Complimenting this are professional training seminars meant to enhance social wellness, such as: • Winning work attitudes, a value-re-orientation seminar for employees in public and private sectors. This helps management and workers alike to develop a work ethic and style that makes for efficiency, excellence and competitiveness that is just and sensitive to culture and showcases native talent and ingenuity. Research and training in gospel and culture issues to enable the churches and mission organizations to more effectively witness to societies in Asia. A sample research is a groundbreaking study of the cross-cultural problems encountered by American Protestant missionaries in the early 1900's, the first study of its kind done by non-western scholars. Seminars range from the Gospel, Culture and the Filipino Church, which helps pastors and church workers to rediscover Filipino culture and root the gospel in it; and Making Filipino Culture Work For You, a cultural orientation seminar for missionaries, corporate and development executives and other R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 63 expatriates seeking to work more effectively by deepening appreciation of Filipino culture and how it can facilitate instead of hinder corporate efficiency. Political Advocacy through publications and various other media for reaching mass audiences. A long-term program under this is Popular Education for Good Governance, helping to create the social and cultural infrastructure necessary for good governance to flourish. Trainings offered by ISACC:  Making Filipino Culture Work for You - A cultural orientation seminar for corporate and development executives, missionaries and other expatriates seeking to work more effectively by deepening appreciation of Filipino culture and how one can facilitate instead of hinder corporate efficiency;  Gospel, Culture, and the Filipino Church - This seminar is a grassroots education service for the churches, highlighting contextualization as the key to relevant witness by stimulating the rediscovery and reaffirmation of Filipino culture;  The Church as an Agent of Change: Basic and Advanced Skills in Community Development - Enables practitioners to sharpen skills and perspectives in social development;  Integrating Spirituality in Development Work - Aimed at refreshing stressed development workers and other professionals through perspectives and survival tools for the journey;  Winning Work Attitudes - A value re-orientation seminar for employees in public and private sectors. This helps management and workers alike to develop a work ethic and style that makes for efficiency, excellence and competitiveness that is just and sensitive to culture and showcases native talent and ingenuity; R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 64  Disciplining the Mind - The course is designed to enhance theological literacy among professionals who wish to interact with issues they face in their work and academic disciplines; and  Writer's Courses - Course in technical writing and project-proposal-making, as well as basic and advanced creative writing, combining biblical perspectives and how-to's, with added sensitivity to culture, context and social relevance. (“Institutional Profile,” 2003) Based from the documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission, ISACC has seven employees consisting of three officers and four rank and file employees with MS. Melba Maggay as the Chairman, Ms. Anna Francisca Lacanilao as the Corporate Secretary, Mr. Noel Alcaide as the treasurer and Ms. Phebe Pendon, Felipe Jocan Jr., Joy Alvarex and Malcom Bradshaw as the members. (SEC General Information Sheet, 2010) ISACC has three departments namely the following: Administrative and Finance, Advocacy, and Training. Institute for Popular Democracy Institute for Popular Democracy is a non-stock corporation that undergoes political researches and having advocacies that serves the non-government organizations with the purpose of political transformation and development. The organization primarily engages with Research, Training and Advocacy. It started during 1986 when the organization aimed to widen the democratic space existing in the country by forming movements that’s actively concerning the crucial national issues. It specializes its works with their research and advocacy and began to introduce the education works that answers the questions on the local democracy. In ten years of its existence, it imparts progressive changes in the society whether it’s local, national, or international environment. Different groups are now emerging with the society and taking watchful eyes over political struggles, R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 65 the ways for participation within the national issues and the strength that they could get by existing on the arena of the community and open politics. At the present, the Institute for Popular Democracy deals with presenting and interpreting the realities on the Philippine Issues particularly when the national democracy is on the line. It shows the factors that would make democracy efficient and ineffective as well as the options for concerned individuals in the society for its development. The researches aimed to hit the new ideas or instruments for politics, thus, together with the IPD’s advocacy, it ranges as broad as local, national, and global perspectives. The organization had a commitment on democratization of the society. The transformation of the community to have political development is the focus of the organization. It centers on the local and foreign issues that seemed to be the factors on the society being economically backward and under freedom repression. Merging in the midst of the civil society, the economy, and the state, the organization widens its reach within those individuals, groups, or community that parallels to their view points about the national reformation. IPD has the agenda of making the poor and disadvantage sectors of the society to participate on the national political issues. The IPD engages with the researches that would help the local political reformers. The Local Public Finance Managemental has goals on building institutions that would help on proper allocation of public resources. They are also conducting researches about the Local Poverty Analysis that aims to measure the status of the societal poverty which also undermines the goals of the local reformers about the efficient allocation of public funds. Also included in their researches are the Macroeconomic Policy Advocacy which concerns the assessments and measures of the economic R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 66 trends; and also the Constitutional Reform which addresses the debates within the forms of government and the Electoral Reform which mainly about the COMELEC in order to monitor Philippine elections. The organization also conducts trainings on democratizing local governance. (“About IPD,” 2006) Provided by the Securities and Exchange are the list of the Directors or Officers of the Institute for Popular Democracy. The Chairman of the board is Patrick Patino together with the other Board Members including Mr. Jose Eliseo Rocamora who’s also the Chairperson. Miss Jennifer Albano is one of the Board Members and at the same time is the Vice Chairperson officer. Patrocinio Jude Esguerra III is the President of the Organization and Miss Rebecca Malay is the Treasurer. Atty. Alexes M. Enriquez handles the legal business of the IPD. The other members of the organization are as follows: Mr. Edicio dela Torre, Mr. Alexander Padilla, Ms. Marianita Villariba, Mr. Robert Francis Garcia, Ms. Ma. Cecilia Soriano, Mr. Diosdado Calmada, Mr. Florence Villanueva, Mr. Enrique Villanueva, Ms. Marie Stella Dela Cruz and Mr. David Andrade. (SEC General Information Sheet, 2009) Only the Administrative and Finance is the only constant department in IPD. As of now, it has two other departments namely the Local Governance and the Asia-Europe People’s Forum. The number of their departments varies depending on the number of their current projects. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 67 Matrix 1 Profile of the Research Organizations Research Organization Classification Statistical Research and Training Center Government Profiles Asia Pacific, Incorporated Vision, Mission, and Goal Statement Historical Background Types of Activities Engaged In  Vision Statement Was created by Executive  Statistical Research - value our work of Order (EO) No. 121 issued contributing to informed on January 30, 1987.  Statistical Training policy and decisionmaking processes Philippine’s focal agency through high quality on statistical research and research and training in training and one of the five statistics and related major statistical agencies in fields. We will be the the highly decentralized leading edge in the Philippine Statistical System conduct of research and (PSS). training programs in statistics and allied fields Placed under the administrative supervision and policy and program  Mission of the -To improve the quality coordination of statistical information National Economic and Authority through the conduct of Development high quality, objective (NEDA) through Executive No. 149 since and responsive statistical Order research and training December 28, 1993 activities Private, Stock  Vision corporation A Philippine society which maximizes the  Profiles International, Inc. (PI) was established in 1991 in Texas, USA with an objective of providing  Engaged in providing organizational development solutions, consulting Organization Set Up  Headed by Executive Director an  Staffed by 25 regular and contractual personnel.  Agency units: Research and Information Technology Division (RITD), Training Division (TD), Finance and Administrative Division (FAD), and Office of the Executive Director  Headed by a Chairman  Staffed by 30-regular staff  Composed of nine R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 68 talents and abilities of individuals and wherein institutions value all people and foster selffulfillment  Mission -to provide quality HR services addressing the needs of business and organizations -to maintain principles and integrity, honesty and quality in fulfilling its goal to be known as “The Assessment Company” at the same time bringing prosperity to its clients, the general public and the society. Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture Non-stock, nongovernment  Mission -To witness to the Lordship of Jesus by penetrating culture with the values of the Kingdom and engaging the powers towards social transformation. employers with current, valid and easy to use employment assessment instruments.  Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. (PAP) is the Philippine affiliate of PI, launched in 1998, with a 20% foreign ownership registered in SEC.  Established in 1978 as a reflective arm of the church and a catalyst towards biblically-based responses to political, social and cultural issues in the country.  Through its 21 years of existence it has evolved from an initially marginal prophetic voice into a major influence in the life and witness of the and training and development programs  Conducts research involving employee engagements, client satisfaction, and leadership development  Undertakes special research projects on social development issues.  Engaged in Capacity building  Research in social development issues  Research and training in gospel and culture issues  Political advocacy departments namely Sales, Customer Service, Testing Center, IT, Recruitment, Administrative, Corporate Communications Finance and Human Resource  Headed by an Executive Director, with 7 regular employees and indefinite number of project-based employees and volunteers.  Has 3 departments, The Administrative and Finance, Advocacy and Training R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 69 churches Institute for Popular Democracy Non-stock corporation  Commits on  Started during 1986 when democratization of the the organization aimed to society. widen the democratic space existing in the country  Focused on the political by forming development of the movements that’s actively country concerning the crucial national issues.  Has the agenda of making the poor and  In ten years of its disadvantage sectors of existence, it imparts the society to progressive changes in participate on the the society whether it’s national political issues. local, national, or international environment  Incorporated with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission on August 31, 1988  Research work  Chairman of the board with its board members  Policy studies  programs and projects  Departments of relevant to the Administrative and development and Finance promotion of popular  Office Staff and Project democracy Staff  Holding training seminars, symposia, for a and other related activities in the pursuit of its objectives R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 70 “Life-Sized Human Walls” Human Resource Management of Research Organizations The following narratives and analyses deal with the responses of the informants to the questions of the researchers about hiring procedures, motivating and promoting schemes, and training and development activities for their employees. An organization strongly relies on its Human Resource Department when it comes to manpower. The department’s main function includes various activities for staffing, recruiting, training, motivating, and ensuring that the personnel’s and the management’s practices conform to various regulations. (McNamara, n.d.) The Human Resource Department’s main concern is the recruitment or hiring process. The department must align company’s objectives and guidelines to the company’s goals. For organizations to achieve extraordinary performance from the people that they hire, they must stretch beyond their average in recruiting and hiring procedures. (Yate, 2006) The Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) follows the guidelines given by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) since it is a government research agency. But the agency also has internal guidelines, according to Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan. These internal guidelines include the fulfillment of the minimum qualifications set by the CSC, passing the examination, undergoing panel interview, and the assigning of points. For the minimum qualification, this depends on the position that the applicant wants. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 71 Ms. Labaddan cited an example taken from the CSC guidelines book: “So for example, let’s say statistician, we have many statistician 3s here. Statistician in the national government, these are the qualifications: bachelor’s degree relevant to the job, two years experience, eight hours training and career service profession ability. So, the moment the applicant does not fit these qualification standards, his application will not push through.” This means that all applicants must possess the qualifications set by the CSC before undergoing the screening process set by the SRTC. After the process, the Panel Selection Board will assign points based on the results of the examination and the interview. The points will then be submitted to the executive directors who are in charge of the evaluation and decision making. However, Ms. Labaddan said that it did not necessarily mean that an applicant who got the highest points would get the position. It still depends on the executive director’s decision on which one they will hire. Because Profiles Asia Pacific Inc. sells assessment tests in hiring employees, they made use of their products in order to get applicants fitted in their company. Ms. Jocelyn Pick, the Managing Director of the company, said it this way “we are the products of our product”. They hire employees through behavioral approaches. Through the use of their assessment techniques, they are able to know the competencies, the behavior, the personality, and the cognitive abilities of the applicants to be able to fit in our company. This is also what they call job matching. “First thing is you have to, first of all understand what types of people you want to attract in your company. So you have your employer branding, so to speak.” What Ms. Pick meant here is that there are different types of people and they have to see who fits in and who does not. For Ms. Pick, it is important to know the requirements for the job. They have basic guidelines but these are prior to change depending on the position an applicant wants. In hiring, part of the process involves the participation of the R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 72 manager of the department. When it comes to the qualities of the applicants, Ms. Pick said “We wanna find the right people, we do not discriminate, we do not care whether this person is old, male or female, third sex or whatever, how old is he, from what school he come from. What’s important to us is they are able to do the job because based on our own research, we find out that these factors are not important in job’s success. That’s why we are very strong proponents of nondiscriminatory hiring.” This means that they hire according to their capacity and capability in doing the work regardless of their age, sex, school, etc. Unlike the other organizations, the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) has a different way of selecting employees for the reason that they are Christian-based organization. Their Administrative Officer, Ms. Aida Robles supported this when she said, “First since this is a Christian organization, we want to check on their spiritual maturity, their loyalty to the scripture or the word. They should believe in God and the Bible.” According to her, having this foundation among the applicants is important in selecting. They are very particular when it comes to this qualification. Applicants should also finish college degree but not that necessarily. They are accepting undergrads or high school graduates as well. In hiring employees, applicants must submit their curriculum vitae which will later on be invited in an interview. “Most of the people who come in for hiring to be employed with ISACC are endorsed by other organizations... So when they try to bring in people or when they endorse them, they know that person is gifted in the area of what ISACC needs.” Having said this means that most of their applicants were just endorsed by the other companies who think that these people can do well in ISACC. For the Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD), their hiring process’ requirements are more on submission of documents. “There are requirements. Application letter, curriculum vitae, certificate of employment, transcript of R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 73 records, references, and application form provided by the IPD,” Ms. Karlenma Tabora-Tagala, the Administrative Assistant of the organization enumerated. These requirements are strictly followed when the applicant aims for the office staff position. “We also have screening. Then their documents are being reviewed if they are suited for the project. Once these are all done, you’ll forward these to the project head who will conduct the interview. There’s also written exams given.” These are the usual hiring process for their office staff. But when it comes to the project staff, these requirements are not necessary. “For project staff, it depends on the applicants’ background if they are qualified for the position” She added that it still depends on their project if they are qualified. Another role of the Human Resource department is to keep employees in shape to accomplish the organization’s tasks. Therefore, different schemes on motivating employees are being done to ensure that employees are satisfied with their company. Effective motivation of employees contributes to good staff retention rates. This is crucial in increasing stability within the organization and makes employees identify with the firm and instills a sense of loyalty. (Bhagria, 2010) For the SRTC, they give bonuses, terminal leave benefits, and leave credits. Tenured employees are also recognized by giving loyalty awards to those who already have ten, twenty and fifty years of service. There is also an increase in the employees’ salary. Ms. Labaddan said, “We have step increment: for every three years, there’s an increase in salary. And then there’s a loyalty award for every ten, twenty, fiftieth year.” This just shows that the longer the employee stays in the company, the higher the salary that he will receive. Mr. Malcolm Pick, the Chairman of Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. who is also the husband of Ms. Jocelyn Pick, first emphasized the company’s need for selfmotivated employees. He said “We need people in an organization like this that are self-motivated primarily, and ones with objectives and goals of their own that R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 74 we can try and help them satisfy.” Having these foundations from their employees are necessary for them in motivating their employees. Ms. Pick on the other hand mentioned that their personnel are motivated through benefits. “They are given health benefits… There are the usual benefits required by law, and there are a few other benefits that are given to them, like the certain departments enjoy bonuses depending on our sales.” Mr. Pick supported what Ms. Pick said and added “There’s a bonus based on the employees’ potentials. Sales people are largely paid by the sales they made.” Aside from those tangible benefits, Ms. Pick gave importance to the benefits in their workplace that motivates their employees. For instance the structure of their organization helps their employees too. “There are pros and cons for being a small company” he said. “In a little company like ours, you get to see the whole thing. From top to bottom and across all functions. That’s the big benefit to somebody who’s starting a career. You get to see what really goes on.” For him, its beneficial if the company is small because the employees will get to see the other operations happening from the other departments. Ms. Pick on the other hand also added that they are not that strict in the company, which makes her think that this can be considered as benefit. “What could be a benefit in the sense that the rules are more flexible.” Motivation schemes for ISACC and IPD have similarities. For them, employees are motivated by just having healthy relationships among their coworkers. By developing camaraderie, their employees will have their grace in working. But in ISACC, it’s important to have a deep level of spirituality to keep motivated. IPD on the other hand has their weekly running activity at UP every Thursday afternoons so that their employees will live a healthy life once a while. It motivates their employees too. Competent employees deserve recognition from the HR department. In an article written by Ambrose Sanchez (2008) of Cebu Daily News, she said that R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 75 the reason it is necessary to promote employees is it insures competent leadership at critical points of the organizational network, aside from the fact that it provides opportunities for the career growth of deserving employees and fills up vacancies, in line with the policy of promoting from within. For the SRTC, however, they specified thoroughly the ways of their promotion. Ms. Labaddan said that “for incoming personnel, let’s just say, is the same with how we do it in promotion”. This means that their hiring process is somewhat similar with their promotion procedures. “They are being assessed side by side” she said, to emphasize the fairness that they show to applicants for a position. A certain position needs to be vacant or open for promotion to happen. She will notify all those who are qualified among their employees. Those who are interested to apply for the position will automatically belong to the candidates. “I notify all those who are next in line. You inform me if you’re interested or not. So automatically, you will be included in the roster of candidates.” There are also outside applicants. The company assesses both the inside or internal applicants and the outside applicants fairly and then award points to them just like what they do in the recruitment process. “The more experienced, the higher the points,” she added. Not like the SRTC who has a very well-defined process in promotion, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. doesn’t follow a well-defined structure. For them, it’s always performance-based and based on experience. Ms. Pick said “If management feels this person deserves to get paid more, then we could opt to increase her salaries… It’s largely performance based.” This was agreed by Mr. Pick and added “Definitely performance based. But there’s no well established system.” He also said that they’re trying to make their promotion process as comprehensive as it can be. The thing is, it takes time. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 76 The two remaining non-stock, non-profit organizations, the ISACC and IPD are experiencing financial constraints- the reason why they don’t give much promotion on wages/salaries. However, when it comes to the promotion of the position, there should always be vacancy first for them to be able to promote. Now the last major activity that the Human Resource department conducts is the training. Training aims to improve the skills and attitudes of the employees to maintain high quality performance by all. HR is the one that decides if trainings are necessary for a certain group of employees at a certain point. For the SRTC, Ms. Labaddan said that sometimes, the employees are the ones who ask for training. She said once a year, they usually go on planning workshop and go out of town to conduct team building activities. She said: “I provide training in general: gender sensitivity training and workshop on stress management.” Through these trainings, employees will be able to cope with stress and interact well with their co-workers. SRTC looks for training designs that will be appropriate to their employees’ jobs. The firm also entertains trainings outside the country. Ms. Labaddan said: “We are also given invitations from, let’s say, JICA, TESDA for scholarship programs… We need to nominate a representative from our agency.” Profiles Asia and Pacific, Inc., the only mandatory trainings given to the employees are the ISO trainings. The rest are not required to take, but are offered anyway for the employees’ development. “There are training programs offered. A lot of them want to take it because for me it’s a privilege to be given training, we spend money on them. We spend for them, they go attend some seminars, anything that will benefit them, we are open to it. We send them to the US for training. Every year I probably take three people.” This means that trainings are seen as privilege since they are free for their employees and they can also get to visit different places. She cleared out that the trainings they offer are not R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 77 mandatory but are offered for the development of their personnel. “So it’s not mandatory, we do not even tie them up to a contract because we believe in people development. But I always tell people that if there are training programs that they are interested to take up, let us know because if we can partially subsidize it, if it is something that can benefit the company, why not?” The trainings they offer involves sales, the quick-books or their accounting software, effective productivity, and health-related issues, they also do trainings as general- those personality development trainings involving interaction with coworkers and goal setting. ISACC on the other hand expects their employees to have skills that the organization wants. Once they already have these, they will orient them accordingly through exposures. ISACC conducts trainings and seminars as well. The employees are required to attend these seminars and conferences that are related to what they’re doing. Ms. Robles said “In the manual, it is stated there that we require that all the members of our staff to go through or attend trainings and seminars, conferences related to what we are doing”. Through these activities, employees will be exposed to the nature of their work and also to other people that they’ll meet. Again, due to IPD’s financial constraints, trainings are no longer included in their budget. What they do is they encourage everyone to learn on their own, or attend seminars that are given by their funders. R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 78 Matrix 2 Human Resource Management of Research Organizations Research Organization SRTC Hiring Motivating Promoting Training and Development “…for incoming “We do the normal “But usually once a year “We have step personnel let’s just say is we would go a planning process. The general increment for every the same with the how workshop.” procedures which is three years, there’s an we do it, the sometimes increase in salary. And “We go out of town and promotion.” implemented by the then there’s a loyalty department of labor. We award for every ten, we conduct team “They are being do the hiring depending twenty, fiftieth year, building activities.” on the different positions perhaps the trainings…” assessed side by side.” that we need.” “I provide training in “…a certain position…is general(gender “We also give bonuses, vacant…I know all incentive bonuses, “take the exam, look at sensitivity training and terminal leave benefits.” those who are to qualify workshop on stress the resume, if they next in line…you inform management.” passed the exam then “And your leave me if you’re interested we will interview them credits…” or not…” but if they didn’t, then “…on one man unit, we bye-bye.” try to find or each “…when we assess the employee will find a internal applicants, we training that will fit “Selecting and hiring is also assess the Of course based on his/her kind of job.” outsiders.” qualifications , at least “We are also given college level on any “We assign points, the invitations from let’s say positions.” more experience, the JICA, TESDA for higher the points.” scholarship program… we need to nominate a representative from our R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 79 agency.” “We need people in an “Of course its organization like this that performance based.” are self-motivated primarily, and ones with “If management feels objectives and goals of this person deserves to get paid more, then we their own that we can could opt to increase her try and help them “If you’re able to probe satisfy.” salaries… It’s largely and find out that they performance based.” have competencies, the “they are given health behavior, the personality benefits… There are the “If the person from the and the cognitive usual benefits required inside wants to apply, abilities to be able to fit by law, and there are a she’s welcome to…” in our company as well few other benefits that “So it’s performanceas the other companies are given to them, like that we hire for, then the certain departments based, based on the experience and that’s one of the enjoy bonuses process” depending on our sales.” performance and we’re trying to establish a well “we are the products of “There’s a bonus based defined structure.” our product. We sell on the employees’ behavioral test, potentials. Sales people personality assessments, are largely paid by the sales they made.” job-matching assessments which is “That’s the big benefit to called the profile XT.” somebody who’s starting “part of the process a career. You get to see involves the involvement what really goes on. As it of the manager who’s goes to what we think in-charge of the should go on, what we really believe goes with department” the other companies. “we are very strong We have all the same “to first of all understand what types of people you want to attract in your company. So you have your employer branding, so to speak.” Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. “They are not mandatory. But there are training programs offered.” “A lot of them want to take it because for me it’s a privilege to be given training, we spend money on them. We spend for them, they go attend some seminars, anything that will benefit them, we are open to it.” “ISO is a mandatory for everybody” “We’ve undergone training on quick-books, which is accounting software, so there are training programs available.” “A lot of them, especially sales and marketing undergo training on sales.” “First aid. And we probably going to have a lot of health related issues that we are going to undergo training.” R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 80 proponents of non- problems with the big discriminatory hiring.” company, we all have the same functions to “Yes we make use of fulfill, but we do it in a technical test, and uh, it much smaller scale.” depends on the position.” “what could be a benefit in the sense that “Sometimes it’s a plus if the rules are more you do have the flexible.” technical skills and you cannot wait to train them.” “. But for us, the most important are the soft skills. Because technical skills, they’re hard skills and you can learn that.” “Effective productivity. Because we want our people to be effective, to set their goals, so they can be successful.” “probably outings, that’s not every month but maybe in the summer… there is a training” “They are also encouraged to join associations because that’s one way of developing yourself, developing your career” “The training that we’ve been giving is a general training about design to be more systematic and organized in the kind of work that they’re doing.” ISACC “check on their spiritual “I think it’s more on “So normally, there’s a maturity, their loyalty to getting down to the level vacancy” the scripture or the word” of the employees… to “Of course in our create a relationship manual, it should be “We do background amongst them.” internal first, within the checks” organization” “you create “They don’t have to be camaraderie amongst college graduate. They “Those qualified are your employees and “More of orientation. We get our training through exposure… Since we hired you according to the skills that are in your CVs, then we believe that you’d be able to grasp whatever the organization wants” R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 81 can be high school graduates only” “We ask them to submit their CVS and then we ask them to come for interview” “. Most of the people who come in for hiring to be employed with ISACC are endorsed by other organizations... So when they try to bring in people or when they endorse them, they know that person is gifted in the area of what ISACC needs.” IPD “There are requirements. Application, letter, curriculum vitae, certificate of employment, transcript of records, and references, and application form provided by the IPD.” “For project staff, it depends on the applicants’ look on them not on the mistakes that they made but more on their achievements. That way, they’ll feel that you appreciate them.” “money is not really a prime factor as long as, again like what I said in the guidelines for hiring. You have to be, you have to have that deep level of spirituality.” being tapped and given Contract of Employment indicating that this will be their current position effective on a given date. There’s no need to apply.” “In the manual, it is stated there that we require that all the members of our staff to go through or attend trainings and seminars, conferences related to what we are doing” “So they are exposed not only to the learning but also to the social area, because you get to know the people who are of the same mission and vision as ISACC.” “Training is the exact training that we offer” “It’s not required, but its “Unless the person involved resigned, then encouraged.” there would be “We’re not giving trainings “They’re into physical promotion.” anymore. Only seminars fitness. They have “We get outside if there’s from invitations outside or running club. Every nobody interested to given by the funders.” Thursday afternoon, around five o’clock, we take over from the “You’re encouraged to inside.” go to UP and run.” learn on your own. We “If somebody wants the have library if you want to learn from books.” vacant position, the normal process will take place which is “Staff development is no “Love for the cause and camaraderie.” R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 82 background if they are qualified for the position” “We also have screening. Then their documents are being reviewed if they are suited for the project. Once these are all done, you’ll forward these to the project head who will conduct the interview. There’s also written exams given.” evaluation. The longer budgetary due to Executive Director, financial constraints.” Chairman of the Board, Treasurer, and one or two Senior Managers, and some members of the board. They will do the evaluation.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 83 “When Money Talks” Finance Management of the Research Firms What follows are the narrative and analyses on the informants’ answers to the inquiries of the researchers on the organizations’ finance management. Also included here is the validation from the financial statements of the organizations from the Securities and Exchange Commission. An organization would result into deviation without a particular management that would deal with its financial matters. Handling the organization’s finances often includes saving and lending money, and how the money is being spent and budgeted to address the company needs. The Finance Department primarily deals with the organization’s income and expenditures. Income is the amount of money or in exchange of labors, materials, services, etc. Expenditures are the materials being used to achieve the desired output. In the Review of Related Literature, Yesilhark (2000) had pointed common functions of the finance departments as follows; documentation, controlling and handling of incoming and outgoing of cash flows. Statistical Research and Training Center is a government agency which focuses on the statistical research and training in the Philippines and is one of the major statistical agencies in the decentralized Philippine Statistical System (PSS). In addressing the questions regarding its financial management, Mr. Orlando Chinilla, the accountant of the said firm bestowed as their annual income for their trust ready and training receipts. On the trust ready receipts which he described as the receipts coming from the agencies, he said that they’re getting 5 million from it yearly as he claimed, “At times, on a project, they will be allotting around two million, maybe in average, around five million yearly.” By what he had said about the training receipts, the firm also gets their income from other agencies as he explained, “…two agencies to undertake a certain project…they will be giving us the budget for the project.” The accountant also added, “Those R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 84 are the receipts from other agencies,” explaining what trust-ready receipts is. While on the training receipts, according to him, it reaches to 10 million pesos a year as he estimated it on saying, “Around six million on the average, ten million a year...” Giving more explanations on the other receipts, he said that these are the receipts coming from the participants who undergo training on the SRTC as he mentioned, “We have what we call participants who will give payment on the SRTC in return of their service, it could be individual or customize. The ‘customize’ are what we call agency to agency.” As for SRTC’s sources of income, he informed us that it is usually from training fees or seminar fees, research management fee which is 10% of the project cost and is usually spent on operations. Budget proposals are of great importance in every finance department for it serves as their Bibles in terms of allocating the funds of the organization. Mr. Chinilla, when asked about as to how budget proposals are being framed, said that each division prepares its own budget proposal. These proposals will be submitted to him, and then he’ll have to consolidate it and the final proposal yielded from such process will constitute the budget of SRTC for a specific year. “Each division prepares budget proposals... they submit it to me… I’ll work on it and then that will be the budget proposal of the entire SRTC for that particular year.” As for the finances management of Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., a private company which primarily offers services of providing organizational development solutions, consulting and training and development programs for their clients, when asked regarding the company’s annual income, Ms. Jennifer Villanueva, the Chief Accountant gave the amount of 30 million by stating, “It’s gross sales, 30 million a year.” This can be validated with the Annual Financial Statement of this company that was submitted to SEC that bears the figures of Php 23, 773,940.02 for the year 2009 as their service income. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 85 In adherence to the services that this company provides, the primary source of its income is the sales made from selling their assessments, which is basically the end product of the company, “selling testing assessments…our products,” as to how Ms. Villanueva framed it. Budget proposals in Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. are being prepared annually. Every department is being asked to list down the expenses that will be incurred by their operations. Each proposal will be then submitted to their accountant. The accountant, which would be Ms. Villanueva, would check if every variable listed down is really needed, if a variable isn’t greatly needed, then it’ll be crossed out from the list. Additional comments will be placed on the proposals. After consolidating each proposal, Ms. Villanueva will pass it to Ms. Jocelyn and Mr. Malcolm. Then it would be Ms. Jocelyn and Mr. Malcolm’s discretion if they would approve of the budget prepared, as Ms. Villanueva said, “let every department state their own expenses then we’ll see if what they listed down are favorable… that’s where we base our budget… if we don’t think we need those, we’ll cross it out… I check the proposals and put comments before passing it to Ms. Jocelyn and Mr. Malcolm, and they’re the ones to approve the budget.” The Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture, being a nongovernment organization, has an income that is dependent with the projects. The estimation of their annual income the previous year would be 1.5 million for a six-month project and 30,000 for their publications. Ms. Adelaida Villegas, ISACC’s book keeper when asked for the organization’s annual income answered, “It depends on the projects that we have, with last year, it would be 1.5M which is good for 6 months, and then the publications which gives 30,000 annually.” This data provided by Ms. Villegas is somewhat in contrast with the Financial Statement available in SEC which shows that the grants and donations amounted to Php 3.3 million and the publications sales reached Php 123, 096. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 86 ISACC provides research and training services. What help this organization to keep on moving are grants, donations (either from individuals or churches), fees from its members and the sales from their publications. Ms Villegas said, “Grants, donations, membership fees… donations from individuals and churches, publications.” In ISACC’s annual budget, it is set that the Administrative and Finance Department gets the 1/3 of the total fund allocation of the organization. The remaining would be for the Advocacy and the Training Department. “1/3 of the funds goes to Admin and finance, the rest goes for the operations which would be Advocacy and Training.” The same income management goes for the Institute for Popular Democracy, another non-government organization. Since the organization lost its institutional funding, their revenue became dependent of the project flow. Ms. Gloria Igaya, the organization’s Finance Officer declined to give an estimation of their income, as she said, “I doubt if anyone answers this, I cannot say this.” It was found out later that the total revenue of IPD in their latest Financial Statement reached the amount of Php 16,248,321. The organization is highly dependent on funders as they are the ones who provide for their income. A large part of their income comes from foreign funders and the remainder would be from local funders and the sales from their publications. Grants from employees and people with related interests with this organization are considered to help in the maintenance of IPD. Ms. Igaya said, “more on funders… 85 – 90% foreign funders… remaining percent from local or we have the publications, we also have donations from employees and those with related interests. “ Ms. Igaya when asked about as to how they do the preparation of the budget proposal remarked that it is something that is difficult for them because of their budget’s fluidity, as she said, “It’s very fluid. It’s difficult. Difficult. Ideally I R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 87 would require each of the departments to submit their cash flows, but that never happened.” Ms. Igaya prepares the program based-budget proposal. She already has the general fund, which is constituted by the overhead expenses and that are not usually covered by the program-based funds, prepared with no specific source for payment. It is only after a project when Ms. Igaya could tell where to outsource the funds for the overhead expenses and that is if there would be surplus from the program-based funds. She said, “For now, it’s projectbased, and then that’s when I straw the overhead expenses.” The researchers also set inquiries concerning the expenditures of the research firms. Expenditures are the materials and other expenses of the research firms. Based on the study’s Review of Relevant Literature, when income exceeds its expenditure, the excess income can be used for lending or investment, when income is less than its expenditures, a company may raise capital borrowing or selling equity claims, both will end up decreasing its expenses and decreasing its income. The two terms are apparently interrelated with each other. For SRTC’s annual expenditure, Mr. Chinilla answered that it’s just the same with the firm’s income and said that the nature of the firm is actually more on service as he added “Cause in our nature of business, our main function is more on services so we are not focusing on profit.” Concerning the questions with their expenses, he said that it is fixed and mandatory for the organization’s rent, electricity, water, communications, travel expenses, transportations and meetings. According to him, on the SRTC’s budget proposal, there’s already an allocation for its different divisions when the interviewers asked about its distribution scheme as he mentioned, “Each division has their allocation of budget…they do budget proposals.” Mr. Chinilla also said that the research division got the largest budget allocation among the departments. Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., when asked the question about how much the organization spends annually, Ms. Villanueva gave two amounts, 4-5 million for R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 88 the operations and 12 million for the administrative and marketing, she said, “For the cost of sales, it’s around 4 to 5 million… for the administrative and the marketing expenses around 12 million.” The given figures are closely aligned with the operating costs and costs of services written in the financial statement which would be Php 20, 453, 079.64. Profiles Asia Pacific Inc.’s primary expenditures would be the testing materials that they use in producing assessments that they sell. Ms. Villanueva said, “so we are buying that from our affiliate, from Profiles international… the testing itself…” when asked for other sources of expenditures of the company it was said that it is constitute by overhead expenses which, according to Ms. Villanueva would be, “the marketing, administrative and selling expenses, advertisements salaries and wages of employees and office supplies and office equipments that we need.” The administrative department, the IT department and the sales department, receive the largest allocation of funds among the nine departments existing in Profiles Asia. As it was enumerated and further justified by Ms. Villanueva by saying, “Administrative, because it’s the one responsible for requesting the supplies, then IT for the purchase of computers (for testing) and then sales for the advertisements.” Meanwhile, ISACC provided an estimation of their annual expenditure constituting its overhead expenses which basically covers utilities and salaries of employees. Ms. Villegas answered, “Overhead expenses, utilities and salaries… 1.2M would be the estimation.” This is found out true for ISACC’s overhead expenses amounted to 1.162 million, a close estimation. The primary expenditures of ISACC, is divided into two, the aforementioned overhead expenses and the program-based expenses which cover the salaries for the program-based employees, supplies, transportation, R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 89 meetings, food, recording, equipments and printing expenses: “Without considering the program activities, the utilities and the salaries… for the expenses in program activities, the salaries of the project manager, program director, research person, supplies, transportation, meetings, food,.. for advocacy, they have recordings and budget for equipments and printing of materials.” The Advocacy and Training Department of ISACC receive the largest part of the allocation of budget for both entail the operations of the organization. Ms. Villegas said, “Both Advocacy and the Training receive most part of the funds.” The Institute of Popular Democracy, like with the estimation of their annual income, didn’t provide figures for their expenditures yearly for Ms. Igaya find it rather sensitive. Based on the financial statement acquired through SEC, IPD has the total of Php 18,343,058 as their expenses which basically cover their projects and overhead expenses. The organization’s expenditures are composed of the program activities in which they spend the most as for the remaining parts are allotted for the personnel and overhead expenses. Ms. Igaya when asked with regards to what makes up their expenditures said, “program activities, it’s like 60-70% of the expenditures. Program activities are the research and the pilot (trainings)… remaining percent would be for the personnel and the overhead expenses” IPD, without having a definite number of department for it can be only determined by the number of research and training projects that they currently have and the Administrative and Finance Department being the only constant, when asked whether what department receive the largest allocation of funds answered, “That’s variable, for now, it’s the two major departments (Local Governance and Asia Europe People’s Forum).” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 90 The variables given by the research organizations that are included in their income source and expenditures lists are in line with the documents that they have submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is a competitive world of an organization particularly in the research field that it is a necessity that its finance department is functioning effectively. As mentioned on the study’s Review of Relevant Literature, finance also deals with the concept of time, money and risk and the affiliation of the terms with each other. In the research organizations’ income and expenditures that vary depending on the amount of the output and input, an organization should be having strategic measures on handling the money that goes in and out of it. Prior to the three general areas of finance; the business/corporate, personal and public finance, the research firm’s financial management is described by the corporate finance wherein they perform a total mix of financing methods in order to raise funds or budget. There’s always a need for every organization to maximize its output while managing the risks on the expenses. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 91 Matrix 3 Financial Management of Research Organizations Research Organization SRTC Income “There are two types.. We have receipts that are trust-ready… per year, its five million… and then customized, meaning agency to agency… so around eight million.” “Training fees or seminar fees… management fee… 10% of the total project cost” “Each division prepares budget proposals... they submit it to me… I’ll work on it and then that will be the budget proposal of the entire SRTC for that particular year.” “it’s a gross sales, 30 million a year.” “selling testing assessments… our products.” Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. “let every department state their own expenses then we’ll see if what they listed down are favorable… that’s where we base our budget… if we don’t think we need those, we’ll cross it out… I check the proposals and put comments before passing it to Ms. Jocelyn and Mr. Malcolm, and they’re the ones to approve the budget. Expenditure “Expenditures, almost the same with the income.” “Fixed and mandatory expenses. Like electricity, water, communications… travel expenses, transportations, meetings.” “Each division has their allocation of budget… they do budget proposals.” “Research… totally the budget is for research.” “For the cost of sales, it’s around 4 to 5 million… for the administrative and the marketing expenses around 12 million.” “so we are buying that from our affiliate, from Profiles international… the testing itself…the utilities, the marketing, administrative and selling expenses advertisements salaries and wages of employees and office supplies and office equipments that we need. “Admin, because it’s the one responsible for R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 92 requesting the supplies, then IT for the purchase of computers (for testing) and then sales for the advertisements.” ISACC “it depends on the projects that we have, with last year, it would be 1.5M which is good for 6 months, and then the publications which gives 30,000 annually.” “Grants, donations, membership fees… donations from individuals and churches, publications” “1/3 of the funds goes to Admin and finance, the rest goes for the operations which would be Advocacy and Training. IPD Overhead expenses, utilities and salaries… 1.2M would be the estimation “without considering the program activities, the utilities and the salaries… for the expenses in program activities, the salaries of the project manager, program director, research person, supplies, transportation, meetings, food,.. for advocacy, they have recordings and budget for equipments and printing of materials.” “Both Advocacy and the Training receive most part of the funds” “I doubt if anyone answers this, I cannot say this.” “I doubt if anyone answers this, I cannot say this.” “more on funders… 85 – 90% foreign funders… remaining percent from local or we have the publications, we also have donations from employees and those with related interests. “ “program activities, it’s like 60-70% of the expenditures. program activities are the research and the pilot (trainings)… remaining percent would be for the personnel and the overhead expenses” “For now, it’s project-based, and then that’s when I straw the overhead expenses.” “That’s variable, for now, it’s the two major departments.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 93 “Human Resource Department Waves” Problems encountered by the Research Organizations’ Human Resource Department The different departments of research organizations are always subjected to problems that could affect their function executions. These problems could either be internal or external in nature. Internal, meaning the problems are coming from within the organization and external are those brought about by the clients as well as the dynamic environment. The human resource department of research organizations, with its function in hiring encounters problems. For SRTC, one of the problems given by Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan is that there are times that no one would apply in their firm. “It is a problem when no one would apply, no one will be assessed,” Ms. Labaddan said. When further asked about what she thinks about the reason why no one would apply to the post, she answered, “I cannot speculate on what really happened. I do believe in providence. Sometimes things happen and don’t happen and you cannot understand as of that moment why. But later on while you understand, the timing is, it’s actually perfect.” It is clearly evident by this answer as well as her other statements during the interview that Ms. Labaddan’s perspective with regards to her job matters are being influenced by her religion. Another notable problem cited is that when the applicants are not qualified. As what Ms. Labaddan stated, “Problem with hiring arises when the applicants are not qualified for the post. For sometimes, they were able to reach the minimum qualifications, but then, when it comes with the panel interview, the Personnel Selection Board looks for an x-factor, personal preference as we call it.” When it comes on the problems encountered by the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture’s Human Resource Department, Miss Aida Robles R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 94 pointed the financial constraints pressing over their organization. The ISACC is a faith-based organization that depends their funds based on the projects. They just have few employees in their institution that functions multi-tasking efforts. She said the problem when it comes to hiring as “The capacity of the organization to pay for the opening.” Miss Jocelyn Pick of Profiles Asia found problems in hiring when someone who’s not fit for the job would be hired. Profiles Asia enforces probation periods in order to ensure that employees are fit for their respective positions, “sometimes, you might hire somebody and then find out that the person does not… that’s why you have the probation period.” The Institute for Popular Democracy, on the other hand, said that the Project Coordinator had the influence over who should be hired. They also mentioned another problem they shared with the ISACC as the Ms. Gloria Igaya claimed, “The project coordinator has the great control on who should be hired, and that’s the first problem. The second is, you cannot pay that much.” Both IPD and ISACC got problems on paying the hired ones. In SRTC’s case, Ms. Labaddan, pointed out in her statement, “There are employees who do not want to go to training. But there are other employees who want to attend all the trainings.” that problems arise in terms of their training and development activities when some of their employees do not want to attend trainings while there are some who would like to attend the trainings that they could get. Miss Robles of ISACC said that the lack of self-esteem of the employees is the problem on their training and development. Employees seemed to level themselves with the training that they’ll be attending as she said, “Sometimes, it’s a problem of self-esteem.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 95 The IPD and Profiles Asia said that they don’t encounter problems related to the training and development of the employees. Lack of motivation among employees could pose problems for the organization for it could affect the employees’ quality of work. For SRTC’s case, their organization’s problems with motivation are: the discontentment of some of their employees, their attitude towards work and their responses to the motivations given by the company. According to Ms. Labaddan, “Some people believe that they deserve more than what they receive,” She also added, “There are times that I noticed, they are sluggish and irritable. Not all the employees respond to a certain motivation because the motivations given by the company are general.” ISACC, according to Ms. Robles encounters problem when people from outside the company are being empowered by the leadership to meddle with their organization’s issue. Incidents such as this could ruin the relationship among members of the organization which serves as the sole motivation scheme of ISACC. “When there’s someone from the outside who’ll took control over us and were given the power of leadership.” While on the other hand, “If the employee is just focused on her remuneration, there’s no motivation to see,” said by the Institute for Popular Democracy. Promoting employees doesn’t only encompass the title but it would also mean an increase with the employee’s compensation. In SRTC’s case, the pressure being brought about by the promotion process is the only problem that Ms. Labaddan has provided. This pressure is caused by as what Ms. Labadaan tells us, “There are lots of employees who are qualified to be promoted.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 96 Profiles Asia, having the resources needed for promoting employees and the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture and Institute for Popular Democracy who have small and less complex organizational structures didn’t encounter problems in terms of promotion. From the aforementioned responses provided by the research firms, it is noticeable that their Human Resource departments encountered problems in terms of hiring, motivating, promoting and training and development when it comes to money matters and the employees’ attitudes towards work and their personalities. R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 97 Matrix 4.1 Problems Encountered by the Human Resource Department Research Hiring Motivating Promoting Training and Development Organizations SRTC Profiles Asia ISACC IPD “If no one’s applying.” “If there’s no qualified applicants.” “sometimes, you might hire somebody and then find out that the person does not… that’s why you have the probation period.” “The capacity of the organization to pay for the opening.” “Some people believe that they “There are many employees deserve more than what they who are qualified to be receive.” promoted.” “All times I notice that they are sluggish or becoming irritable.” “Not all employees respond to a certain motivation.” No problems encountered “When there’s someone from the outside who’ll took control over us and were given the power of leadership.” “The project coordinator has “No program of yearly the great control on who increase. If the employee is just should be hired, that’s the first focused on her remuneration, problem.” there’s no motivation to see.” “The second is, you cannot pay that much.” No problems encountered “I have some experience with employees who do not want to…undergo trainings.” No problems encountered No problems encountered “Sometimes, it’s a problem of self-esteem.” No problems encountered “We can’t do anything about it if there’s no budget.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 98 “Finance Department Waves” Problems encountered by the Research Organizations’ Finance Department Finance management serves as the bread and butter of every organization for their operations would always depend on it. Finance departments of research firms do encounter problems, too. As a matter of fact, this department is always susceptible to problems for this depends with the economic status of our country that as we all know, fluctuates every time. SRTC, being a government agency encounters problems with their income when our country is being affected by economic crisis. When such times come the government imposes economic measures like cutting the budget of every agency’s trainings which would have an impact on the firm because training services that they render to other government agencies serve as a source of their income. “When the government imposes economic measures like cutting the budget of every agency’s trainings, which would have an impact on us because other government agencies will not have a budget to avail our training services,” answered by Mr. Orlando Chinilla when asked about the problems encountered with their income. In terms of the ISACC’s income, Miss Adelaida Villegas said that they encountered problems when there are no coming projects. Institute for Studies in Asian Churches and Culture is a project-based organization where it has its income gained from the projects existing at the time. Profiles Asia got problems with their collections. There where instances when their clients didn’t pay them as Ms. Jennifer Villanueva pointed, “Receivables from clients, when they didn’t pay our products.” IPD, as to how Ms. Gloria Igaya frames it, said that the fluidity of their budget and their projects’ time frames pose problems to their income as well as their expenditures. “It’s very fluid. The fluidity of projects or time is fast that a sudden change on the time frame and structure occurs.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 99 Financial management doesn’t only encompass income; it deals with the handling of the company’s expenditures, too. Mr. Chinilla of SRTC finds it a problem when their expenses exceeds what is being set be the basis provided by the Accounting and Auditing Rules and Regulations of the government. “As an accountant, whenever our expenses would exceed what is being set, I’m bothered that the budget will be disallowed,” Mr. Chinilla said. Disallowing the budget could also entail problems with other things too aside from the firm’s finances. The ISACC got the same problem both on its finance and expenditure. According to the organization’s accountant, they needed fund which basically comes from the projects in order to address the needed expenses. The excessive consumption of electricity and the unexpected and sudden expenses put a dent on the budget plans of the Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Ms Villanueva said, “The time when the company experienced excessive use of electricity/power…and also those immediate expenses that weren’t included in the budget.” Based from the solicited answers, it is quite evident that research firms encounter problems with their income’s sources. SRTC and Profiles Asia both encounter problems in their expenditure when they exceeded on the planned budgeted. While the ISACC answered a problem regarding with their source to manage the expenses saying that they needed funds for it. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 100 Matrix 4.2 Problems Encountered by the Finance Department Research Organization Income Expenditure SRTC “When the government imposes economic measures like cutting the budget of every agency’s trainings, which would have an impact on us because other government agencies will not have a budget to avail our training services.” “Our budget exceeds what is set by the government… As an accountant, all I can think of when we exceed what is being set by the Accounting and Auditing Rules and Regulations is that our budget will be disallowed.” Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. “Receivables from clients, when they didn’t pay our products.” “The time when the company experienced excessive use of electricity/power…and also those immediate expenses that weren’t included in the budget. “When there are no coming projects.” “If there are no funds.” “It’s very fluid. The fluidity of projects or time is fast that a sudden change on the time frame and structure occurs.” “It’s very fluid. The fluidity of projects or time is fast that a sudden change on the time frame and structure occurs.” ISACC IPD R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 101 “Surpassing the Struggles in the Human Resource Department” Solutions applied by the Research Organizations’ Human Resource Department For all the problems encountered by every department in an organization, there must be a solution applied to it in order to avoid delay in operations. In the Human Resource Departments of SRTC, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., Institute of Studies for Asian Church and Culture, and Institute for Popular Democracy, they encounter problems that are sometimes similar to one another. Solutions however define the company’s own ways of addressing these issues. Lack of applicants and underqualified ones for vacant positions are the SRTC’s problems in hiring. Through outsourcing the company can resolve this issue. Ms. Labaddan said “it’s almost tempting to pirate” because they also encounter applicants from other research firms. newspaper,” she also added. “We post vacancies in a In case there’s still no response to their announcements, they will repeat the recruitment process until they get applicants. Unlike SRTC, the Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., receives large number of applicants. However, most of them don’t fit in. This is not a serious problem though. But since they sell assessment examination software, they use it as well to filter their applicants. Addressing this problem is easy for them for this is their line of expertise and their business- to manage people. In hiring, ISACC’s problem is that their organization is incapable to pay. They open their organization for applicants but once the applicants ask for their amount of salary, they will no longer show interest. To be able to address this problem, Ms. Robles said “We’ll explain to the applicants that this is an NGO, non-stock, non-profit. We can only pay this amount and ask them if they are still willing to work with us. We challenge them”. Aside from keeping their strong faith to God, another thing that they do is multi-tasking in their work. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 102 IPD’s problem in hiring is that they don’t have a well defined structure of process when it comes to hiring project staff. The solution that Ms. Igaya sees is to form a committee and proper planning. “Supposed to be, form a committee.” she said. “Hiring should be more systematic for project staffs because that’s where the guidelines are not implemented fully.” Profiles Asia Pacific doesn’t seem to have problems when it comes to motivation. But in SRTC, Ms. Labaddan addresses motivation problems, such as discontent, sluggishness and irritability of employees, by understanding each of them. “I try to get to know each staff personally,” she said. Whenever her employees are depressed or stressed, she comforts them in her own way. “I just drop a line of encouragement.” She also added, “I try to mention to our chief administration officer the basic motivation of our staff, based on my observation.” She said that she has personality profiling of her employees for references because there are employees who respond to certain types of motivation. In terms of addressing ISACC’s problem with regards to the relationship between higher officers and members of the organization which affects the motivation, Ms. Robles said “What we do, like we call for a meeting. It’s also a SEC requirement, we have to meet before the corporation. We’ll tell them that telling foul words and spreading wrong information against a person is not tolerated, with proper documentation.” This way, they’d be able to fix the misunderstandings among the organization staff. IPD suggests that they should maintain the good relationship established and encourage one another to have extracurricular activities aside from work. For the promotion, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., ISACC and IPD do not have problems encountered. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 103 Ms. Labaddan of SRTC however said that no matter how great the number of candidates for promotion, it is still the hiring authorities who are responsible in deciding. ACRE on, the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a problem in promoting employees. Its employees receive what they deserve from the company. For training and development, Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Managing Director Ms. Pick said that their employees are always willing to participate so they don’t have problems when it comes to this matter. This is opposite to what Ms. Labaddan experiences when it comes to SRTC’s employees because according to her, some don’t seem to show any interest in participating in their training sessions. What she does is she never stops inviting them until they agree. She even cited a situation that happened to her when an employee rejected her invitation because of lack of interest. “What I did was invite the neighboring cubicle,” she said. Regarding the solution applied to the problem concerning the training and development of ISACC which is the self-esteem issue, Ms. Robles said “People or positions concerned must be more aggressive to the new paradigm we want” For her, it will minimize those kind of attitudes from their workmates who only select trainings that they think are not important. She also added “What we’re offering I think to the outside world, in the market place we should offer it to ourselves also. Go out and have a retreat, a RNR, everybody needs that”. As much as the IPD wants to do trainings for the development of employees, they can’t because the problem is budgetary. So Ms. Igaya’s solution is “Encourage them to get opportunities outside, if you cannot provide one for them.” R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 104 Matrix 5.1 Solutions Applied to the Problems Encountered in Human Resource Department Research Organization SRTC Hiring “…outsource a lot of applicants.” “we post our vacancy in…a newspaper.” “Another round of recruitment.” Motivating “I try to get to know each staff personally.” Promoting “…it’s not on my hands, the judgment lies on the hiring authority.” Training and Development “…but I just invite and invite or inform them.” “What I do is invite the…neighboring cubicle.” “I just drop…a line of encouragement.” “I also mention to our chief administration officer the basic motivation of our staff base on my observation.” “I use personality profiling.” Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. “we usually filter them, let them take our assessments” No problems encountered No problems encountered No problems encountered ISACC “Of course if you then have the, you pray for it.” “What we do, like we call for a meeting. It’s also a SEC requirement, we have to meet before the corporation. We’ll “No problems encountered” “people or positions concerned must be more aggressive to the new paradigm we want” “we’ll explain to the applicants that this is R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 105 an NGO, non-stock, non-profit. We can only pay this amount and ask them if they are still willing to work with us. We challenge them” IPD “Supposed to be, form a committee.” “Hiring should be more systematic for project staffs because that’s where the guidelines are not implemented fully.” tell them that telling foul words and spreading wrong information against a person is not tolerated, with proper documentation.” “the informal type of gatherings is the best.” “Just maintain, “No problems maintain camaraderie encountered” and encourage extracurricular activities aside from work. Have meals with your workmates more often.” “Encourage them to get opportunities outside, if you cannot provide one for them.” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 106 “Surpassing the Struggles on the Finance Department” Solutions applied by the Research Organizations’ Finance Department Money matters in an organization are very crucial and sensitive to deal with. Without this resource, all company operations, transactions and their employees will be affected. That is why each money problem needs to be solved and addressed to avoid delay and much bigger problems. When it comes to SRTC’s problem about the budget cut on their income, Mr. Chinilla pointed out that the private sector has been a great help by getting service from SRTC. He said, “We resolve from private sector, those that are willing to participate. We give through website. We also cover the private sector especially San Miguel, Globe telecoms, ABS-CBN, those that need statistics”. According to Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc.’s Chief Accountant Ms. Jennifer Villanueva, they experienced excessive use of electricity which affected their expenditures. They also encounter clients that are unwilling to pay the balance for their purchased product. The company addresses this problem by having an agreement they will limit the use of electricity. She said “We had an agreement that we’ll minimize the electricity expenses by turning off the air conditioner every lunch break. Usage of it will should be up to 5pm only.” The other problem was addressed by tapping these clients spontaneously. Ms. Villanueva explained this procedure very well. She said, “First informing them that they have an overdue account with us verbally, over the phone, or we go to their office and talk to them. If they still haven’t paid, we send them a demand letter reminding them that they have a payable to us. If the letters are not effective to them, it’s the managing board who’ll decide what to do.” The ISACC on the other hand seems to rely mostly on the divine providence. Ms. Villegas thinks that she’s not the one responsible for the problem, which is not having projects that affects both their income and R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 107 expenditures. She said, “I ask for advice from the management. If received nothing, I pray. Then we wait for donations. Our Executive Director tries to submit proposals for projects. We only pray that we’ll receive donations.” For IPD’s problem in income and expenditure is the same, which is the time frame for their projects and budget is too short and very fluid, making them hard to monitor. The solution to that according to Ms. Igaya is through planning and constant monitoring. Mr. Chinilla of SRTC believes that the only way to avoid the problem in expenditures, which is exceeding their budget, is for everybody to simply abide by what has been ordered. He said that they just follow the rules and regulations and that is a solution to the problem. “Because if you don’t, chances are they might disallow it. It will just cause another problem if you’ll not obey,” Mr. Chinilla added. Ms. Villanueva of Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. identified that the problem they encounter with regards to expenditures is the unexpected expenses. “Ofcourse, its always unavoidable, the unexpected expenses. What I do is I re-align the budget until everything will be accommodated.” According to her, it’s not that hard because the organization is just small. From the responses given by the department heads of SRTC, Profiles Asia Pacific Inc., ISACC and IDP, a lot of ways on how to find other resources are discussed. Different methods are necessary (from the simple ones to the grandiose) and must be implemented carefully because the flow of money in an organization should not encounter delay. R e s u l t a n d D i s c u s s i o n | 108 Matrix 5.2 Solutions Applied to the Problems Encountered by Finance Department Research Organization SRTC Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. ISACC IPD Income Expenditure “We resort to the private sector. We cover the private sector especially San Miguel, Globe telecoms, ABS-CBN,…” “We strictly follow the rules and regulations to avoid problems.” “First informing them that they have an overdue account with us verbally, over the phone, or we go to their office and talk to them. If they still haven’t paid, we send them a demand letter reminding them that they have a payable to us. If the letters are not effective to them, it’s the managing board who’ll decide what to do.” “We had an agreement that we’ll minimize the electricity expenses by turning off the air conditioner every lunch break. Usage of it will should be up to 5pm only.” “I ask for advice from the management. If received nothing, I pray. Then we wait for donations. Our Executive Director tries to submit proposals for projects. We only pray that we’ll receive donations.” “I ask for advice from the management. If received nothing, I pray. Then we wait for donations. Our Executive Director tries to submit proposals for projects. We only pray that we’ll receive donations.” “Planning should be more constant and flexible” “We can’t avoid unexpected expenses. What I do, I re-align the budget until the unexpected expenses will be accommodated.” “Constant monitoring” R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 109 CASES “When Statistics Defines Data” The Case of Statistical Research and Training Center Having a widespread good reputation for its expertise in statistical trainings, the Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) is a government agency that is also known for its excellence in researches on statistical concepts, definitions, and methods. SRTC also promotes collaborative research efforts to the academe world, data producers and data users. SRTC hires people that are knowledgeable in the field that it is into. Since it is a government company, recruitment processes should be based on the Civil Service Commission and applicants must satisfy all the minimum qualifications the Commission requires. Aside from the CSC regulations, SRTC also implements internal guidelines. Examinations and panel interviews are being conducted by the firm’s Personnel Board Selection. Points based on applicants’ qualifications and their performance in the hiring process are submitted to the Executive Directors, who are in charge of deciding which among the applicants should be hired. Employees, whether newly-hired or tenured, have to undergo trainings that will enhance their skills and abilities. Motivations are also done in order to ensure that employees are productive and are satisfied with the company. Planning workshops, team- building activities, and stress management are some examples of trainings made available in general. Of course, the most important consideration is for training to be suited for the employees’ jobs. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 110 The firm nominates candidates for JICA or TESDA scholarship programs. In SRTC’s promotion process, those who are qualified next in line are notified whenever there are job vacancies. Those who confirm their interest, whether internal employees or external, will automatically be included in the roster of candidates. As in the hiring process, assigning of points will be done, based onr assessments. However, there are times when nobody seems to apply whenever they have job openings. Others may show-up but they fail to meet the qualifications that are set by the firm. One option the company sometimes resort to is outsourcing certain tasks. SRTC posts job vacancies not only in its website but also in newspapers. Even in their trainings, some employees lack interest in participating. A lot of effort is exerted just to encourage them to join and participate. Some are also discontented, sluggish and irritated that they even find it hard to be motivated. What the HR officer does is try to personally know each employee and gives words of encouragement. A record of employees’ personalities, obtained through personality profiling, is kept. Observations regarding employees are reported to the chief administration officer. When it comes to promotion, a great number of employees are qualified but then there are only limited positions available. Promotion lies in the hiring authority. The annual income of SRTC is divided into two: the trust ready receipts and agency-to-agency receipts. Combined receipts total around 8 million pesos. Sources of income are payments that they get from their trainings and seminars and the research or management fees. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 111 SRTC’s budget proposal is prepared per department. The firm’s expenditures are almost the same as its income. The firm incurs fixed expenses and mandatory expenses for the rent, electricity, water communications, travel expenses, transportations, and meetings. Each department already has its own budget allocation even while budget proposals are prepared for the distribution schemes. The Research Division gets the largest allocation. SRTC’s budget in training is always affected by the unstable economy. Whenever the government encounters economic crisis and imposes economic measures, there is no way but to follow the rules and regulations and rely instead on the private sector. “Talking About People and their Profiles” The Case of Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. is a private, stock company which services are not limited to research as they are primarily an “assessment company”, providing organizational development solutions, consulting and training and development programs for their clients. Research projects typically are in the areas that involve employee engagements, client satisfaction, and leadership development, etc. Some of the researches that this company undertakes make use of proprietary tools largely through the use of their instruments. However, they do undertake special research projects on social development issues, for clients like the World Bank, ECCD, DepEd, Dole, TESDA, DBP, GSIS, NYC, etc. Given the primary line of work of this company, they are given the privilege of being a product of its own services. Profiles Asia Pacific, in hiring employees utilizes their assessment techniques including behavioral tests, personality tests and job matching tests. They follow the basic guidelines, which would be consisted of the submitting of curriculum vitae, technical exams and R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 112 the interview but a lot happens in the course of that guidelines. The involvement of the department manager in search for a new team member is required in the process. Technical exams vary as to what position is being applied upon. Profiles Asia also believes in non-discriminatory hiring which basically is being after someone’s capacity and capabilities to do the work instead of considering the age, sex, and the school where the applicant graduated. Profiles Asia is in search for self-motivated employees which is primarily easy for them given that they have the luxury of determining the personality and behavior of the aspirants to be part of their dynamic company. Health and other benefits required by the law to be given to company employees serve as the motivating scheme of PAP. They also give bonuses depending on the sales that they have made or commission bonuses. As for the promoting practices of the company, there is no existing structure yet, though the company intends to develop one. And it would of course take time. What they do is based the promotion on the performance of the employees. Being a private company, training and development doesn’t pose a problem to Profiles Asia. As a matter of fact, this company gives required trainings especially the ISO mandated trainings. Training and development programs for their employees’ welfare are very much encouraged in this company. They even send employees to the United States whenever there are available trainings there that are in line with the employee’s job descriptions. Some of the trainings depending on the job they give are on sales, quick books, effective productivity. As for the general trainings for the employees, personality trainings and trainings on health related issues are given. Problems in terms of the human resources in this company is somewhat limited which can be attributed to the fact that Profiles Asia specializes in human R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 113 resources. The only problem encountered is when they hire an applicant which is not fir for the job. What they do is filter the applicants thoroughly to ensure that everyone who are being hired are of great quality. Looking at the activities that Profiles Asia are engaged in, it is not surprising that their estimated annual gross sales amounted to 30 million. This basically comes from the assessments they conduct that are usually sold to companies. Budget proposals are made through the consolidation of expenses submitted by its nine departments to the chief accountant, who is responsible in checking whether each variable would be needed. The final output of the budget proposal is for approval of Mr. Malcolm Pick, the Chairman of PAP and Mr. Jocelyn Pick, the Managing Director. A problem encountered in Profiles Asia’s income is the collection or overdue payments from the clients that they have rendered services for. What they do is conduct series of follow ups. First is to inform the client of their overdue account through phone or one would go to their office. If it seems ineffective, a demand letter would be sent to the client. If still, the client failed to pay, then that’s the time when the managing board will have to decide what to do to that receivable. Its annual expenditure has two main contributors which would be the administrative and marketing costs and the cost of sales. If taken together, it usually sums up to 16 million a year. The primary source of its expenses is the testing tools that they purchase from their international affiliate, the Profiles International, which implies that majority of their fund goes to their operations whereas the secondary expenses covered are the overhead: utilities, office supplies and equipments, salaries and administrative and marketing costs. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 114 Unexpected expenses pose problem to Profiles Asia. To address such glitch in the budget, the Chief Accountant re-aligns the prepared budget proposals. “Bound by Faith” The Case of Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture A non-stock, non-government organization, Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) was established to stand as a faith-based organization, an arm of the church with its purpose to have a biblically-based responses towards political, cultural and social issues in the country. It primarily engages with research and training specializing with the following core of expertise within an Asian Context: Development, Cross- cultural Studies and Missiology. ISACC selects applicants by ensuring that the applicant, aside from the skills needed for the company, has a strong foundation of faith for God and believes Bible. They check on their spiritual maturity and loyalty to the scriptures. When it comes to educational attainment, it is not necessary if the degree holder is a college graduate but they are required to submit their CVS in applying and undergo interviews. In motivating, it is encouraged among their employees to have friends and develop camaraderie. They also consider the strong faith a personnel possess in order to be motivated. Promotion in the company happens if there are vacancies. Those who are capable of taking over the positions vacant in the organization are being tapped, being given Contract of Employment indicating that this will be their current position effective on a given date. There’s no need to apply. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 115 The organization requires their employees to undergo trainings and conferences that are related to what they are doing. It is clearly stated in the organization’s manual. They orient their employee about the nature of their job, expose them to people that they’ll meet outside the organization at the same time, and learn about the routines that cover the mission and vision of the organization. The ISACC is a faith-based organization that depends their funds on their projects. The problem about this is if there are no projects, they won’t have income. They will be incapable in paying or assure their applicants that they will receive the right compensation from them. What they do to address it is they explain to their applicants the nature of the company, that it is a non-stock, nongovernment organization. They challenge them if they are still willing to work even the situation is like that. Motivation is another important factor in ISACC. But since there are different types of people within their organizations, attitudes, ideas and principles may clash. This is a problem considered by ISACC. However, the meetings and open forums that they conduct seems to be helpful in solving this issue within their organization. Though ISACC does not find any problems in promotion, they encounter some when it comes to training and development. Some of their employees are being selective in the seminars that they were asked to attend to. But by being aggressive to the organizations’ paradigm, this issue might be resolved. The more they participate in the trainings that they conduct, the more they will benefit. They need much support in their projects as well. Again, being a non-government, non-stock organization, ISACC is very dependent on their projects when it comes to income. Estimation of their income in the previous years is 1.5Mphp for a six-month project while for their R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 116 publications, 30,000php. The sources of their income are from grants, donations (either from individuals or churches), fees from its members and the sales from their publications. 1/3 of their total fund is allocated to the Administrative and Finance Department. The only problem that ISACC encounter when it comes to their finances is when they don’t have projects. What they do is they ask for advice from the higher positions, submit as many project proposals as they can, and wait for the donations from outside the company. Above all, ISACC believes that the company wouldn’t last if not because of their strong faith to God. They manage their organization and accompany it with praying. “Behind the Calls for Democratic Transformation” The Case of Institution for Popular Democracy Institution for Popular Democracy is a non-stock organization engaging on the political researches, training and advocacies. It serves non-government organizations and movement groups that aim for political development. The IPD had its qualifications and requirements when it comes on hiring their employees. The organization must also ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s human resources. In keeping its employees motivated, the organization keeps that the good camaraderie exists within the personnel. Physical fitness is their way of keeping the relationship and also the cause of why they are working. When it comes on promotions, the organization evaluates the subjected employees. R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n s | 117 Though the trainings for the development of the employees are not included in the budget, IPD encourages its manpower persons to attend with the invitations of seminars and trainings from the outside. The problem encountered by the organization when it comes on hiring is having the project coordinator with great control on who will be the hired employees. They seem to aid this with forming committees and making the hiring procedures more systematic for the project staffs. The only problem that the organization encounters is that the lost of motivation within the employees if they’re just focusing with their wages. In addressing this, they maintain the camaraderie among them. IPD didn’t encounter any problem with promoting its employees. When it comes on the income of the organization, IPD is a project-based institution and usually the 85% to 90% of its money comes from the foreign funders, the remaining part is provided by the local sources. The program activities occupied 60% to 70% of its expenditures. Program activities are the researches and the Pilot trainings while the other percent lends to the personnel and overhead expenses. Preparing the organization’s budget is harder because of the fluidity of the cash flows. IPD address this by being flexible with their plans and also with constant monitoring of the cash flows. 118 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY OF RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter contains the summary of the results based on the data generated and analyzed by the researchers, the conclusions anchored on the objectives, and the recommendations for further action in accordance with the study’s conclusions. Summary of Results The following are the findings based on the analysis of the generated data: 18. Profile of the Research Organizations The study focused on the management of four research organizations in Metro Manila. These are the Statistical Research and Training Center, the Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture and the Institute for Popular Democracy. The Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) is a government agency known for its premium service in training in statistics and its researches. Its functions and responsibilities according to Section 10 of the Executive Order 121 are: a.) Develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training program on theories, concepts and methodologies for the promotion of the statistical program; b.) Undertake research on statistical concepts, definitions and methods; c.) Promote collaborative research efforts among members of the academic community, data producers and users; d.) Conduct non-degree training programs to upgrade the quality of statistical manpower base in support Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 119 of the needs of the statistical system and; e.) Provide financial and other forms of assistance to enhance statistical research and development. The SRTC is headed by an Executive Director and is staffed by 25 regular and contractual personnel. They are based at Quezon City. The Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. (PAP) is a private stock company engaged in personnel testing and assessment service like giving examination for the benefit of the clients and conduct programs without operating as a school. It is the Philippine affiliate of Profiles International. Launched in 1998, the corporation is registered with the SEC with 20% foreign ownership and a member of International Organization of Standardization. They have research projects focused on employee engagements, client satisfaction, and leadership development, etc. PAP’s office is located at Ortigas Center, Pasig City. The institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) is a non-stock, non-government organization with the primary purpose engaged in research and training. ISACC is reflective arm of the church and a catalyst towards biblically-based responses to political, social, and cultural issues in the country. ISACC is a research and training organization specializing with the following core expertise within an Asian context: a.) Development; b.) Cross-cultural studies; c.) Missiology. It is engaged in capacity building, research in social development issues, research and training in gospel and culture issues; and political advocacy. Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD) is a non-stock corporation that undergoes political researches and has advocacies that serves the non-government organizations with the purpose of political transformation and development. The organization primarily engages with research, training and advocacy. It specializes in research and Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 120 advocacy works and began to introduce the education works that answers the questions on the local democracy. At the present, the Institute for Popular Democracy deals with presenting and interpreting the realities on the Philippine Issues particularly when the national democracy is on the line. It shows the factors that would make democracy efficient and ineffective as well as the options for concerned individuals in the society for its development. 19. Human Resources Management of Research Organizations In terms of hiring, SRTC follows the guidelines set by the Civil Service Commission. Applicants must have fulfilled the minimum qualifications set by the CSC. In addition, SRTC has internal guidelines that it follows. The Personal Selection Board will then conduct the examinations and then subject applicants to panel interview. Assigning of points will be done and results are submitted to the executive directors, who will then decide which among the applicants will be hired. Since Profiles Asia Pacific Inc.’s business involves people assessments that will help other companies hire the right people, they make use of their products in selecting and hiring. PAP sticks to employer branding by identifying the type of people they want to attract in their company. Then they will let the applicants take their assessment examinations. They are strong proponents of non-discriminatory hiring which means that they don’t look at the qualities of the applicants such as age, school, sex, etc. As long as they have the soft skills and willing to work, they hire them. ISACC ensures that they hire those that are spiritually matured and has loyalty to the scriptures because of their faith-based type of Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 121 organization. However, for the normal process in hiring, they require applicants to submit curriculum vitae and undergo interviews. For IPD, they identified the requirements that an applicant must submit. Application letter, curriculum vitae, certificate of employment, transcript of records, references, and a duly accomplished application form provided by the IPD are those identified. This only entails for the Office staff positions. But if the applicant is aiming for only Project Staff (contractual), the organization will do background check to assure that they fit the project. Documents are being reviewed in the screening process until they undergo the interview process. The motivation schemes of the SRTC include its salary step increments, which happens every three years and loyalty awards for employees serving the firm for ten, twenty and fifty years. The company also gives trainings, bonuses, incentive bonuses, terminal leave benefits, and leave credits. Self-motivated employees are important for PAP. They also motivate their employees through benefits, bonuses, and the nontangible benefits that they get for working in a small company with flexible rules. Love for the cause and camaraderie are the motivation schemes followed by ISACC and IPD since benefits and bonuses are not prioritized for they have financial constraints experienced in their organizations. Also, ISACC believes that if an employee has this strong faith in the Divine providence, he will never lose his motivation. On the other hand, IPD chooses to be motivated through engaging in athletic sports such as running once a week. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 122 In SRTC’s promotion process, those who are next in line are notified whenever there are job vacancies. There will be confirmation if those next in line are interested or not. Those interested are automatically included in the roster of candidates. Internal and external applicants are assessed fairly. Assigning of points will be made based on the assessments. PAP’s promotion is performance-based. However, there is no welldefined structure in the process of promotion yet. In their case, if the management feels that an employee deserves an increase in salary, they will give it to them. When it comes to the promotion in position, there’s no need for vacancy as long as the employee deserves to be promoted. Vacancy is important for promotion when it comes to ISACC and IPD. For ISACC, the potential replacement from the inside will be tapped and given a Contract of Employment stating that he will now be promoted to a certain position effective on a given date. IPD’s process involves evaluation. SRTC trains and motivates employees through having planning workshops, team building activities, trainings that involve gender sensitivity and workshops on stress management. At one-man units, SRTC tries to find trainings that would fit that kind of job. The firm also nominates candidates for JAICA or TESDA scholarship programs. Employees from PAP are eager to join trainings because it serves as a privilege to them. Their trainings involve the ISO training which is mandatory to all, general trainings, training according to the employee’s position, health-related issues trainings, effective productivity and outings during summer season. They are also encouraged to join other associations that will help develop their skills more. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 123 The ISACC sees to it that their employees will attend the trainings and conferences that they conduct. Exposure of employees from the activities of ISACC is beneficial for them. IPD does not conduct training because of lack of budget. Somehow, their funders give seminars to their employees. But most of the time, they encourage their employees to have self-trainings, make use of their resources in their library and have involvement in extracurricular activities. 20. Finance Management of Research Organizations In SRTC’s case, the annual income is divided into two: the trust ready receipts and agency-to-agency receipts. Combined receipts total around 8 million pesos. Sources of income are payments that they get from their trainings and seminars and the research or management fees. Budget proposals are prepared per department. For PAP’s gross sale, their income is 30 million a year. Their source of income is from selling their products which are testing assessments. For the allocation of budget, they let the other departments state their expenses and check if those listed are favorable. There will be comments in the list to be submitted for the approval of the managing directors. The income of ISACC depends strongly on their project. For the 6 month duration of a project, their income is 1.5 million. Their publication on the other hand gives the company an income of 30, 000 PhP. Their sources of income are from grants, membership fees, donations from other churches and individuals, and their publications. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 124 Different from the first three organizations, IPD chose not to disclose their income in the interview. Their source of income comes from 85%-90% foreign funders. They also get money from their publications, donations from employees, and those with related interest. The expenditures of SRTC every year is almost the same as the income. Their expenses are fixed and mandatory for rent, electricity, water, communications, travel expenses, transportations and meetings. Each division has already its own budget allocation even while preparing the budget proposals for distribution schemes. The research division gets the largest allocation of budget. The cost of sales of PAP is around four to five million. Marketing expenses and administrative expenses cost 12 million. The organization spends for the testing tools from Profiles International, utilities, the marketing, administrative and selling expenses, advertisement salaries and wages of employees, office supplies and the office equipments. When it comes to the department that gets the largest allocation of budget, it is their Administrative department who’s in-charged with the requesting of supplies, their IT department for the purchase of advanced computers, and then their sales for their advertisements. The overhead expenses, utilities and salaries have an estimation of 1.2million for the expenditures of ISACC. Aside from those, their other expenses are program activities, the salaries of the project manager, program director, research person, supplies, transportation, meetings, food, for their advocacy which has recordings and budget for equipments and printing of materials. Because of these, both the advocacy and training department gets the largest allocation of budget. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 125 Again, IPD doesn’t want to disclose the expenses of their organization. But 60%-70% of their expenses are from their program activities. These are their research and pilot (trainings). The remaining are for their personnel and overhead expenses. 21. Problems Encountered by Research Organizations’ Human Resource and Finance Department A. Human Resource Department SRTC stated that the absence of applicants or inadequacies of applicants’ qualifications are problems they sometimes encounter. PAP’s minor problem is that there are a lot of applicants but nobody seems to fit. ISACC’s problem is when the applicants found out that their organization can’t pay them enough; they don’t show any interest anymore. IPD thinks that the problem when it comes to hiring is the lack of implementation of well-defined structure of process for their project staff. SRTC cited as problems the discontent of a number of employees, their sluggishness and irritability, as well as their lack of positive responses to certain motivations. PAP didn’t encounter any problem in motivation, same as with their promotion and training and development. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 126 ISACC and IPD don’t experience problems with promotion as well except from their budget which is already given that they can’t provide increase in salaries. SRTC mentioned those employees who don’t want to attend trainings. This is similar with the ISACC wherein the employees only choose the trainings they want. Again, IPD said that they can’t provide trainings because of their financial constraints. B. Finance Department In the Finance Departments of the firms, the firms identified problems regarding their incomes. The imposition of economic measures by the government that could affect budget trainings is the problem given by SRTC while for the PAP, their clients don’t pay them properly. ISACC’s problem for both income and expenditures is if there’s no project while IPD’s income and expenditures’ encountered problem is when the time frame is short and fast. Exceeding the allotted budget is the problem of SRTC while PAP exceeds budget because of the excessive use of electricity is their problems in expenditures. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 127 22. Solutions Addressed to the Problems Encountered by the Research Organizations’ Human Resource and Finance Departments A. Human Resource Department SRTC sometimes outsource tasks and post job vacancies in the newspapers. PAP makes use of their tools. They let the applicants take the assessment exams so that they’d be able to fit them. ISACC will explain to the applicants the nature of their organization which is a non-stock non-government organization. They will challenge their applicants as well if they are willing to work still. IPD thinks that by having a more systematic procedure in hiring, they’d be able to address the problem in project staff. Problems in motivating employees are dealt by SRTC by trying to know each employee on a personal level. The HR officer gives words of encouragement to employees to keep them in shape. The company also performs personality profiling and monitors basic motivation of employees, based on observation of the chief administration officer. No problems are encountered by PAP when it comes to motivating, promoting and training and development. ISACC sees to it that they’ll solve their problems through meetings and opening up the problem among the members. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 128 IPD believes that it’s still best to maintain the good relationships with workmates and encourage the employees to be involved in the extra-curricular activities. Promotion decisions in SRTC lie in the hiring authority. IPD and ISACC don’t encounter problems in promoting. In training and development, inviting the employees spontaneously and encouraging them is the only way of SRTC in solving the problem. Opportunities outside is encouraged to IPD’s employees while ISACC thought that it’s good to participate in the seminars that they conduct outside the office as well. B. Finance Department SRTC resorts to the private sector. We cover the private sector such as to San Miguel, Globe telecoms, ABS-CBN. The PAP on the other hand enumerated the steps that they do. Different forms of medium are being used to reach their clients. The final stage would be sending of demand letters then if the client still persists on not paying, the board members will discuss the matters. What ISACC do is they ask for advices when it comes to addressing their problem in income and expenditure. More project proposals are being made and submitted. But if nothing works, they rely on praying and believing that there will be donations coming for them. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 129 IPD thinks that the problems for their income and expenditures will be solved if there would be more constant and flexible planning and then constant monitoring. The only solution for the problem of SRTC when it comes to expenditure is to follow the rules and regulations. PAP do cost cutting as well when it comes to electricity bills and have the budget realigned so that everything will be allocated. Conclusions Based on the results yielded in the data generation, it can be concluded that the management of research organizations vary depending on the nature of their respective organizations. Anchored on the objectives, the researchers conclude that: 1. The research organizations cover a wide range of fields in the researches that they conduct which vary depending on their goals and the nature of their respective organizations. 2. The Human Resource Management strategies of research organizations have certain similarities and differences.  In terms of hiring, the four organizations, IPD, ISACC, PAP and SRTC follow different guidelines ranging from the traditional process which would be the passing out of resume and interview (employed by ISACC, IPD and SRTC) to a dynamic process (PAP) which entails various types of assessments. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 130  In motivating their employees, the organizations with the ability to provide fund for such activity give out benefits in various types, as for the nongovernment organizations solely depend on good relationship and camaraderie among the members.  The promotion schemes of the research organizations vary depending upon the ability of their respective organizations to sustain the compensation of their employees and are more of after the capability of the employees to do the work and are highly performance-based.  All the research organizations provide trainings for the development of their employees, depending on their kind of work given the needed allocation of funds. 3. The finance management of the research organizations encompasses:  Research organizations’ income depends on the services that they render and the type of the researches conducted or the type of projects they have.  All research organizations have similar fixed expenses and the largest allocated budget goes to those that are in charge of the researches or the operations that their respective organizations have. 4. The two departments of research organizations encountered various problems while performing their functions. A. In the human resource departments, budget is the common problem. Other problems reside in the qualifications of the applicants and the personalities of the employees. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 131 B. The finance departments encounter problems in the sources of their organizations’ income (collection or receivables, the absence of projects to work on or lack of funders), which are essential to the survival of the companies. Unexpected expenditures are also considered problems. 5. In order to address the problems identified in the research organizations’ different departments, various solutions are implemented. A. The human resource departments filter applicants rigorously to avoid underqualified employees and wastage of budget. Also, profiling of the personalities of employees is being employed. B. The common solutions provided by the organizations are paying for the unexpected expenditures and outsourcing ways to provide for the money. Strictly following the government rules and regulations was also singled out. Recommendations With the results of the study conducted in hand, the researchers were able to come up with the following recommendations: To the Communication Research students This study can be utilized because it will be helpful in understanding and familiarizing with the functions of each department of research organizations since they will be involved in them when they take their internships and enter the real world that is related to their field. Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 132 It can also be used as a reference to their course especially in a proposed new subject offering, “Research Management.” To the College of Communication The College can utilize the findings of the study by disseminating it to students for them to gain knowledge as to how organizations, specifically research organizations handle tasks with different natures. The college can also use this study as a basis for a proposed new subject offering, “Research Management.” The College can also encourage other communication students majoring in other courses to do the same type or study for them to have a preview of their future employers’ different operations. To the Research Organizations This study can help them improve their management styles in their human resource, and finance department especially when it comes to the problems encountered and the solutions being applied. If possible, these organizations can also consider adding other departments in order to achieve maximum performance in doing a variety of functions in their organizations so that each department can fully focus on the tasks assigned to it. To future researchers Summary of Results, Conclusions and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s | 133 For students who will conduct further studies with regard to the management of research organizations, it is recommended that they determine how the other existing departments in the research organizations, which are not covered in our study, are being managed to be able to come up with a new set of information. Students who will conduct studies regarding research organizations can also utilize this study as a component for their review of relevant literature. References Books: Biber, S. & Leavy, P. (2006). The practice of qualitative research. California: Sage Publications Ltd. Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (2005). The Sage handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed.). California: Sage Publications Ltd. Kumar, R. (2005). Research Methodology: A step by step guide for beginners ( 2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications. Allyn, B. and Arlington, B. (n.d.). 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APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Instruments Interview Guide for the Human Resource Department Representative: Organization: Date and Time of Interview: Place of Interview: Name: Length of service in the firm: Position: Educational Attainment: 1. What are the guidelines being followed by your department in selecting and hiring company employees? 2. Are employees required to undergo trainings? What trainings in particular do your employees need to undergo? 3. What are the programs and activities of your firm for your employees’ development? 4. What are the motivating schemes of your department in order to enhance your employees’ quality of work? 5. What are your schemes in promotion? 6. What are the problems encountered by your department in terms of: a. Hiring; b. Motivating; and c. Training and Development? 7. What are the measures being implemented to address the identified problems on the following: a. Hiring; b. Motivating; and c. Training and Development? Interview Guide for the Finance Department Representative: Organization: Date and Time of Interview: Place of interview: Name: Length of service in the firm: Position: Educational Attainment: 1. What is the estimation of your firm’s income and expenditure yearly? 2. What are the sources of your firm’s income? 3. What are the primary expenses of your company? 4. What are the factors affecting the growth of your income and expenditure? 5. What distribution schemes are being followed by your department in the allocation of budget? 6. Which department/s receive/s the largest allocation of budget? 7. What are the problems encountered in your department in terms of the firm’s income and expenditure? 8. What solutions were implemented to address the identified problems? Guide Questions for the Document Analysis: 1. What is the classification of the organization? Is it private, government, NGO? 2. What are the organizations’ vision mission goal statements? 3. When and how did the organizations started? (brief history) 4. What types of activities are the organizations engaged in? 5. Who leads the organizations, how many total manpower complement and departments do they have? APPENDIX B: Time Table June Activities 25 First meeting, discussion of what happened during the mock defense July 2 Editing the Objectives and Postulates 8 Finalization of Objectives and Postulates 12 Consultation with Professor Bernarte 13 Editing the objectives according to Professor Bernarte’s suggestions 21 Revising the interview guides 22 Consultation with Professor Bernarte August 2 Formulation of letter of request for interviews 3 Assigning of RRL tasks 4-19 Calling Research Firms 20-30 Working on Chapters II and III September 2 Dissemination of letter through e-mail 18 Meeting with Professor Bernarte about the Research Colloquium and thesis concerns 23 Follow up with research firms 24 Sending letters to SRTC and GFK Custom Research personally 29 Interview with Ms. Maria Kristina Estandarte 30 Transcription of Interview October 9 Follow up with research firms 11 Interview with Mr. Rommel Tabije (SWS) 12 Transcription of interview 13 Meeting about what happened in the interview 14 Consultation with Professor Bernarte 22 Interview with Ms. Elizabeth Labaddan (SRTC), follow up – TNS 23-24 Transcription of interview 25 Interview with Mr. Orlando Chinilla (SRTC) follow up – TNS 26 Transcriptions 29 Meeting with Professor Bernarte about Chapters 4 and 5 November 7 Meeting with the group 9 Follow up ACRE, Meeting with Professor Bernarte, rescheduling of oral defense 11 Interview with Mr. Nepomuceno, transcription of interview 12-14 Making the Matrices 15 Working on the Narratives 16 Chapter 5 17 Editing the paper 18 Consultation with Professor Bernarte 19 Editing the paper according to Professor Bernarte’s comments 22 Final Consultation with Professor Bernarte 24-29 Thesis Editing (by editor) December 2 Reproduction of Manuscripts and Production of Powerpoint presentation 3 Submission of Manuscripts 4 Preparation for the Defense 7 Oral Defense 16 Interview with Profiles Asia, SEC 17 Transcription of Interviews March 10 Interview with ISACC, SEC 16 Supposed interview with IPD, SEC 17 Transcription of Interviews 18 Interview with IPD, Transcription of Interviews 19 Revising Chapter 4 20 Revising Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 5 21 Finalizing the paper 22 Setting schedule with the panelists, Reproduction of manuscripts 23 Supposed re-presentation 24 - 25 Revising the paper April 1 - 11 Editing of the paper by the editor 12 Editing the paper as suggested by the editor 14 Reproduction and Book binding APPENDIX C: Financial Statement POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION Bachelor in Communication Research NDC Compound Sta. Mesa, City of Manila NATIONAL BUDGET FOR THESIS WRITING In adherence to University rules, we, the student researchers from the Bachelor in Communication Research hereby submit the estimated budget for our Thesis and Oral Defense. Our study entitled “CASE CASE STUDY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FOUR SELECTED RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN METRO MANILA” is scheduled for Oral Defense on December 7, 2010. Activities/Items Data Gathering  Writing    Oral Defense Representation           Printing of Final Copy   Particulars Transportation  SRTC  PAP  ISACC  IPD Tokens Computer Rental Printing for Consultation purposes Honorarium for Panel Food LCD Rental Bond Paper Ink Acetate Board Token for Panel Reproduction of manuscripts Printing of manuscript for approval sheet Editor’s fee Reproduction of Quantity 3 students Unit Cost Amount 48 20 30 36 8 informants 2 hours 40 144 60 90 108 630 40 240 pages 1 240 3 students 980 2,940 972 pcs. 972 pages 4 pcs. 4 pcs. 3 students .346 .519 6.75 4 135 336.312 504.468 27.00 16.00 405 4 copies 285 855 1 copy 135 135 1, 500 Other requirements  final manuscripts Bookbinding 5 copies 5 copies 204.18 120 1,020 600    Documentation Executive Summary CD 1 copy 2 copies 2 pcs 100 20 12 200 40 Php 9,902.78 Total Cost Prepared by: Familaran Shiela May M. Parrera, Maria Krisna B. Pineda, Althea Muriel L. Approved by: Racidon Bernarte, MA Thesis Adviser Submitted to: Angelina Borican, MBA Dean APPENDIX D: Communications APPENDIX E: Transcriptions INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Statistical Research and Training Center, Personnel Department Interviewee: Ms. Beth Labaddan, HR Officer Place of Interview: 104 J&S Building, Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Date and Time of Interview: October 22, 2010, 2:00pm Ms. Labaddan: I am Elizabeth DJ. Labaddan Interviewer1: Okay Ma’am. And what’s your position in SRTC? Ms. Labaddan: I am the lone human resource management officer here, Administrative officer 2, HRM 01 Interviewer1: Uhm. How many years have you worked here ma’am or length of service in this firm? Ms. Labaddan: I’ve been here for five years. Uhm, first two years clerk, in administrative aid 4, research division and then when the position was vacant in HR right, I applied in instance. My previous experience is related to HR and I was asked to apply. *laughs* parang ganon noh? Interviewer1: So ma’am yon. Basically, what to you do in that department or what is the nature of your work there? Ms. Labaddan: Being the lone HR officer, I handle all the HR concerns. Uh, we have the recruitment, leave administration, personal records, uh benefits, salaries; I also do the work, the GSIS, PAG-IBIG and the civil service commission. So ma’am educational attainment niyo po? Ms. Labaddan: Uh, I graduated from the Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation, Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology. I also took units in Education, cause I’m interested in Training. I also had, in- house trainings for all the employees. Right now I’m taking Masters in Counseling in a seminary. *laughs* Parang chaplain na rin ako e noh? Interviewer1: So ma’am let’s proceed to the questions about HR. So what are the guidelines being followed by your department in selecting and hiring company employees? Ms. Labaddan: Guidelines. Uhm. We are following the guidelines uh given by the civil service commission. The very important thing here is uh the applicants must be.. they must have uhh fulfilled the minimum qualification. Oo, merong libro niyan eh. *leaves the room to get the book* *re-enters the room with the book* Ms. Labaddan: Ito yun oh. So these are the qualification standards set by the civil service commission. So it’s very important that when the applicants come, based on the documents that they submit to me they show me the original ones. And I ano noh, I really see to it that they are real, for example transcript. So for example we have here the.. most of our staff here statisticians.. *flips the book* yan. This applies for the whole government system. So for example, let’s say statistician, we have many statistician 3s here. Statistician in the national government.. these are the qualifications, bachelor’s degree relevant to the job, two years *** experience, eight hours training and career service profession ability. Second level *****. So, the moment the applicant does not fit these qualification standards, they’re not.. they will not be… they will not push through na. Interviewer1: Interviewed? Ms. Labaddan: Oo, no more. Uh. And then uh another important guideline by the CSC is we have to publish it. Either we we post it uh in their office, National Capital Region or we are also allowed to post it in our website. Interviewer1: The qualifications that you require for those… Ms. Labaddan: Vacancies. Uh. Wait lang. In our office, we have our internal guidelines. So we believe that although we are a lean agency, we are mean. That means each one of us, we are really performers in our own right. So uh, so long as we follow the the posting of the vacancy, and the the minimum qualification.. That’s okay. Uh we are given a leeway to to uhm be a little bit having more additional points for those who have. For those applicants who have.. who have more than what is being required. For example we give additional points for those who have master units. If you are only applying for statistician 3, and you already have bachelors degree, you are already taking up your masters, we put additional points. So there are points. Uhm. And we also conduct exam. We have our own technical exams and of course the panel interview. And that’s it. Basically our personnel selection board, ang it’s goal is to assess the applicants, to assign points to each one of them. But the hiring authority, the executive director, is the one who will be deciding. Interviewer1: So it’s their call and not yours ma’am? The executive board’s call? Ms. Labaddan: Yes. The one who will sign the appointment paper. He is the one who will choose which one among the qualified applicants. Interviewer1: So it’s your job to filter those who apply? Ms. Labaddan: It’s the HR’s, to validate the documents. Interviewer1: Ooh. Ms. Labaddan: So long as qualified yan sa roster of candidates. Interviewer1: Okay po. Ms. Labaddan: And the personnel selection board will conduct exam, will conduct panel interview, then they assign points. We just submit the executive directors all the observations, all the points, he’s the one who will decide. Interviewer1: Okay ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: But it does not necessarily means that the highest pointer will have the.. Interviewer1: Job? Ms. Labaddan: The job. What if, what else? Interviewer1: Uh… Ms. Labaddan: Of course we do not… want naman na uh, according to the civil service commission, the hiring authority cannot appoint his relatives. Upto the fourth degree of affinity or consanguinity. But we refined it, noh? Here in our office, since uh our agency is very lean uhm. Even if it’s not a relative of uh the executive director, uhm sinama na rin pati sa mga employees. Halimbawa relative lang bi ano.. Interviewer1: Ahh. Okay po ma’am. Hindi lang po yung.. Ms. Labaddan: Cause we’re very small. We are only 25. So we would like to avoid ano, conflict of yung sinasabi nating… may guideline sa civil service, may guideline sa ahensya. So long as hindi countering. Interviewer1: Okay po ma’am Ms. Labaddan: Ayos ba yan? Interviewer1: Opo ma’am. So are your employees required to under go trainings? Ms. Labaddan: Uhm, it’s a given that the employees, ano eh. Application pa lang diba may required nang ano number of trainings, di naman sa nirerequire. Actually, ine-encourage, Employees pa nga ang humihingi ng trainings. So what kinds of trainings? Depende yan sa.. depende yan sa position nila, statistician 3, statistical report writing. But uh, I provide trainings in general. For example, employees need gender sensitivity training or workshop on stress management. Cause usually, on one unit, we try to find or each employee will find a training that will fit his/her kind of job. Interviewer1: What are the programs/activities of your firm for employee’s development? Ms. Labaddan: Uh, we have already mentioned about a little bit of ano. But usually once a year we would go a planning workshop. Interviewer1: Planning workshop? Ms. Labaddan: We go out of town and we conduct team building activities. And also of course, we also are given invitations from let’s say JICA, TESDA for scholarship program invitations. So we.. ah, another one of my role, the scholarship. Yeah, hmm so when we need to nominate a representative from our agency, uh I also do that. We have employees that went already to Japan, Japan lang yata. Interviewer1: Ahh. Kasi po JICA po, kasi po yung JICA po e Japan. Ms. Labaddan: Japan.. uh but not ano. Uh yung dati pa Netherlands ata yun. Basta, iba-iba. Interviewer1: For training po yun? Ms. Labaddan: In exchange for that naman, they give service obligations. Interviewer1: Ano pong service obligation? Ms. Labaddan: They would have to stay with us. Or any Philippine government agencies. Interviewer1: Yung mga pinadala niyo po ibang bansa? Ms. Labaddan: Yes. For example they studied there for two years, they will work with us, five years. They will stay. Interviewer1: So what are the motivating schemes of your department in order to enhance your employees’ quality of work? Ms. Labaddan: Uh recently, I have proposed uh regarding the punctuality. *laughs* I have proposed rewards program for those who are.. for those who have punctuality and attendance. Interviewer1: That’s good ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: That’s still on process. I’ve been proposing it every general assembly. Uh but for now, we have step increment for every three years, there’s an increase in salary. And then there’s also a loyalty award for every ten, twenty, fiftieth year, perhaps the trainings especially the sa mga regions or.. kasama rin yun eh. Sa motivation. I’ve been noticing that its easier to to ask for the approval if the employees really performing. We also have, we also give bonuses, incentive bonuses and uhm for those who have very satisfactory performance, evaluations for two semesters, pag kaano e every year, two semesters in a year, meron din yan. Tawag dun? Performance.. incentive bonus nga. Uh upon retirement and separation, so the computation of terminal leave benefits. And everytime that the government or the department of budget management announces that there will be salary adjustment, I notify the staff and effect this is our payroll. There’s some staff that want to go on a study privilege leave that means for example you finish accountancy and you want to take the exam, cpa board exam, you can file for a leave, for you to focus on your study, uh your position is. Interviewer1: Still not ano. Ms. Labaddan: Still, it’s not.. it’ll not be declared vacant, it’s still yours. Your salary is yours… Interviewer1: Wow. Leave with pay ma’am? Ms. Labaddan: Yes and your leave credits, you will still accumulate, but there is a corresponding, again service obligation. And of course a report on how.. you know, how’s your study *laughs* and uh inform the office if you already have passed. That’s it. Interviewer1: What are your schemes in promotion? Ms. Labaddan: Ah! In Promotion, actually out recruitment process, that’s what I meant during the first question, the recruitment process or the incoming… for incoming personnel let’s just say is the same with the how we do it, the promotion. Uhm. For example, a certain position, a statistician 5 is vacant. Uhm. I notify all those who are to qualify next in line, so all the statistician 4s will be given a note. I will, I will give them each kasi ano yun eh, dalawang posisyon yun I will give each uh a notification na statistician 5 is vacant, and he/she’s qualified and you inform me if you’re interested or not. If you’re not interested so inform me. Iyong ganon. So automatic na masasama siya sa roster ng mga candidates. Interviewer1: Okay po. Ms. Labaddan: However, he/she will have to submit the required documents and will have to be uhm.. will have to be qualified for the next position. For the statistician 4, a master’s degree is not required. For a statistician 5, it is required. So that’s how it is. Uh. The statistician 4 will be really qualified for the promotion for stat 5 must have a master’s degree and all the other requirements. And then the recruit, the when we assess the internal applicants, we also assess the outsiders. They are being assessed side by side. Sabay. In fairness, in the name of fairness. That’s it. So, whether you’re from within or you’re an outside applicant , uh you have the same level. Interviewer1: Ma’am, I have a question about for those.. Ma’am you do the promotion without vacant, vacant position? I mean, promotion is only necessary for example , statistician 5 is vacant and then you have to promote a statistician 4. How about for those… I mean. Ms. Labaddan: Yung mga, nag-aaplply? Interviewer1: Yes ma’am. Ay, paano ba? Interviewer1: For those who are not statistician 4? Statisticians 3 who are qualified? No Ma’am, para pong nagpo-promote lang po kayo pag may available, pag may vacancy? Or nagpo-promote po kayo without vacancy pero nakita niyo po na promising yung trabaho niya? Ms. Labaddan: Ooh. In a government, we have a status. Employment status we call it. permanent ang status and tawag sa mga, yung mga may item na, item ba kinikilala ng DBM ba Siguradong may sweldo. Interviewer2: Ma’am ano po yung DBM? Ms. Labaddan: Department of Budget Management. Kapag contractual, waLang item. Uh. Hindi basta basta tayong… unless w create a position before noh? Interviewer1: Okay po Ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: Ayon e dadaan pa sa kinauukulan noh? So hindi tayo pwede basta basta instant, pagka go, instatnt uhh yung stat 1 gagawing stat 2, unless yung position na yun e may item. So just the same. Must be vacant or it must be a new item that has been approved by the Department of Budget Management. Interviewer1: Ooh. Binebase niyo po ba yung pagpromote, yung sa number of experoe, sa number of uears na tinagal niya rito? Ms. Labaddan: We assign points, the more experienced, the higher the points. Interviewer1: Siya yung mas lamang? Ms. Labaddan: The older, the better. For technical positions, the older the better. Pero kung sa showbiz, the younger the better. Interviewer1: So iyon po ma’am, what are the problems encountered by your department in terms of hiring? Ms. Labaddan: In terms of hiring? Kapag walang nag-aapply problema yun. Interviewer1: Ayon po ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: Uh-huh. Interviewer1: Pero more than… Ms. Labaddan: Wala akong ma-aassess. Interviewer1: Pero more than that po ma’am wala na po kayong ibang nagiging problema kapag hiring process niyo po? Ms. Labaddan: Uh. Wala naman. So long as qualified, walang problema. Ang nagiging problema lang, kapag walang qualified dun sa mga applicants. For sometimes, naaabot nila yung minimum qualification, kaya lang pagdating na sa panel interview, may hinahanap na xfactor na ano. Ang tawag dun, personal preference. Hindi naman sa biased noh? Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Pero, aah merong ganun na hindi mo siya, you can’t really describe it on words. But there’s something I’ve noticed with the the supervisor for the vacant, for the vacancy is. May hinahanap siya na personality or something like that. Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Preference yun. Personal preference. Minsan may ganun tapos kahit qualified siya, uulit siya ng isang round. Minsan umaabot ng tatlong round, ganon. Ano pa ba yung ano natin? Nahihirapan ak sa applicants na hindi sususunod sa instruction. Kasi may detalye na ano. May mga documents akong hinihingi na di agad… Interviewer1: Nabibigay? Ms. Labaddan: Nabibigay. Walng explanation kung bakit. Minsan talagang delayed. Minsan, na-hire na. Interviewer1: kulang kulang pa yung requirements? Ms. Labaddan: Pina-follow up. Mga ganun. There are times naman na kapag magse-set ako ng schedule for exam, pero hindi siya pwede, mga ganun. Uh, yun lang siguro, personality na rin yun ng applicant eh. Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Pag-araw na ng ano niya, ng interview, wala pa siya di pa rin siya dumarating. So most of the time, I just jot down my observatiobs, I put them down on my report. Interviewer1: Opo. Auon po ma’am. Since namention niyo na yung mga problema niyo sa hiring, Ma’am ano po yung solutions na ginagawa niyo po? Or paano niyo po ina-address yung mga ngaiging problema niyo po sa hiring? Interviewer2: Ayon, for example, walang nag-apply or… Ms. Labaddan: Ay nako, when I encounter that I really outsource a lot of applicants. I did a lot of sourcing. May final re… at first I put it on other, many other government agencies. Interviewer1: Tulad po.. Ms. Labaddan: It’s almost tempting to ano.. to pirate. Interviewer1: Opo, pirate. Ms. Labaddan: Other personnel from other offices but uh, later I’ve found out that they, they have more salaries. So they would rather stay. Interviewer1: Opo, ayon. Ms. Labaddan: When I just, no I don’t do direct pirating. I juts, I just make kwento na, “Uy, there’s a vacancy.” Ganon I do that. I just “inform” them. Interviewer2: Ma’am matanong ko lang po.. Ms. Labaddan: They just smile, and then later on I found out “Ooh, it’s very sikat ano ngayon eh, ay it’s a GOCC pala” Yun. Interviewer2: Okay po, yun po. Matanong ko lang po. ano po ba yung reasons bakit walang nag-aapply? Yung mga nakikita niyo or sa palagay niyo, nung mga time na yun bakit walang nag-aapply nung nag-post kayo? Ms. Labaddan: Ay hindi ko alam kung anong dahilan. Pero on our end, kami nagkukwento rin kami sa mga kakilala namin. Yung kasi lalo na yung mga technical position. Yung mga statistician, nagkukwento rin naman yung mga nakakaaLam. Ine-email nila sa mga kaibigan nila, nag-post ako sa website, nagpo-post ako sa mga ano ganyan. Pero kwento ko na lang, halimbawa yung vacancy namin sa chief admin officer, may time na unang round wala talagang applicant. Nung second round, may nag-apply pero masyadong naming kapatid na ahensya, nakakahiya. Nakakahiya sa kabila, baka sabihin nila kinukuha namin. Pero hindi ko sila ano, hindi ko sila pinirate. Di ko sila pinirate, pareho pa silang same agency rin. So another round na namain. Uh, what I did was convinced our head that we post our vacancy in uh, on a newspaper. Yon. Interviewer1: Dun po nagkaroon ng ano? Ms. Labaddan: Oo, most of then are from the private sector. Actually, our new chief officer is from a private sector. Interviewer2: So most probably po ma’am ang reason lang po is di nakakarating din po sa kaalaman nung iba na may vacancy, open po yung post, ganon? Ms. Labaddan: Uh. I cannot speculate on what really happened. I do believe in providence. Sometimes things happen and don’t happen and you cannot understand as of that moment why. But later on while you understand, the timing is, it’s actually perfect. *laughs* and it’s for everybody’s good naman. Interviewer2: Aah. Sa bagay po. Interviewer1: Ayon po ma’am. Paano niyo po maadress yun ma’am? yung pag sa exam po qualified siya pero sa interview, medyo sumasablay po. Interviewer2: Nahi-hire pa rin po ba o uulit ulit? Ms. Labaddan: I cannot force that if they don’t like and if the hiring authority doesn’t want to hire that moment or doesn’t. Interviewer1: Approved of the… Ms. Labaddan: Diba? Approved of the person at the moment. So what can I do is do another round. *laughs* Another round of recruitment. Oo And add that person to the list of applicants. Interviewer1: Ayon po. So ano naman po tayo ma’am, problems naman po na nae-encounter niyo when it comes to motivating your employees? Sama na rin, ay dito po sa motivating yung promotion. Yung problems niyo po sa pagmo-motivate and yung pagpo-promote ng employees? Ms. Labaddan: Magkaiba ata yan. Interviewer1: Ah, okay po ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: It’s like you’re thinking na nakakamotivate ang promotion. *laughs* Uh, there are other things that motivate the staff, not only promotion. Interviewer1: Okay po ma’am. Ms. Labaddan: Some are happy enough to be recognized. Uh. Money is a very good motivation also. *laughs* Interviewer1: So may problem po ba sa motivation? Meron po ba kayong na-encounter na problem when it comes to motivation po. Ms. Labaddan: There’s some people who think that they are… ano bang tawag dun? Interviewer1: Di niyo po sila nare-recognize? Ms. Labaddan: *nods* Some people believe that they deserve more than what they receive. When employees compare with one another. That’s the problem with motivation. Ma’am yun lang po? IMs. Labaddan: I believe that you know, your agency can motivate you. It, it depends on you perspective, perception. Is it, is it the responsibility of your boss to motivate you? Or is it just an add on? Kasi I believe that employees also have their innate capacity to motivate themselves. Diba? SO they, each of us have our personal motivations. Perhaps, what I do, ngayon ko lang naisip. I try to get to know each staff personally. On personal level, and try to see on personal level, what motivates them to go to work. Interviewer1: Ano pong ginagawa niyo? Ms. Labaddan: And at times, when kasi masyado kasing unique noh? Hindi ko naman, confidential eh, hindi ko pwedeng ikwento. Interviewer1: You’re just observing? Ms. Labaddan: At times I notice that they are sluggish or they are becoming irritable. Parang losing focus on the job. I just drop, uh a line of encouragement. And for example, there’s a staff na ang motivation niya e family, kaya siya nagwo-work para sa anak niya. Yung mga ganun, so I just “ Oh hey, kamusta na yung anak mo?” Interviewer2: Aah, through chit chat lang po? Ms. Labaddan: *nods* Interviewer1: Para malaman niyo kung anong problema nila. Ms. Labaddan: Uh uh. I just gather this information. At the end of the year or the start of the year when we have our stress management training, gender sensitivity training, I do briefing with the resource person. If uh we can customize it with the.. when we do the training needs analysis and if I would be able to help the resource person to customize his/her training for us, I inform na, I tell the, “most of our staff are like this” “we have a staff “, but I don’t mention the name. Interviewer1: Opo Ms. Labaddan: I have a staff who’s like this. Ito yung motivation niya. Ito yung ganyan ganyan. Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: I also mention to our chief administration officer the basic motivation of our staff base on my observation. Sa promotion naman, sa kasaysayan ng recruitment ang pinaka… pinkamaintriga ang promotion, lalo na kung marami ang qualified na mapromote. Alam mo na yun. Interviewer1: Opo, parang politics na lang po sa... Ms. Labaddan: Hindi naman. Hindi ko rin kasi ano eh. Wala namang nakakabasa ng isip ng tao diba. Ma-ano lang talaga siya, mapressure. Oo, kasi ano ehm here we arem who we really have to, we really have to see to it that we, the members of the BSB are fair in them with applicant A, or B or c. Whether taga-loob ba siya o labas. Mas lalo na kung taga-loob, pareho lang ang trato ko diyan. Sa ano, so hindi ko na hawak yung judgment nung hiring authority. Siya pa rin kasi ang… Interviewer1: Nagpo-promote? Ms. Labaddan: Oo, ang pipili. Hindi ko rin naman mababasa ang isip niya. *laughs* Medyo maano lang siya, mapressure. Interviewer1: Ayon po ma’am. So sa problems niyo po ma’am with motivating, paano niyo pa ba ina-address yung niyo po kanina na you do chit chats tapos sinasabi niyo po na nire-report, nagbibigay po kayo ng report sa.. ano pong ginagawa niyo? Ms. Labaddan: I don’t do it in a regular basis., hm, I just keep the details. Sa akin lang yun. When the need would arise, when the situation arise, uhm, kumbaga meron akong personality profiling. Part ng personality yan eh, motivation. When the situation arise na kailangan yung impormasyon nay un, atsaka ko siya pinu-pull out. Para akong may drawer. I have a drawer for each staff , kilala ko kasi sila eh. So kung kailangan atsaka lang natin ano. Interviewer1: Ano pong ginagwa niyo, halimbawa nandiyan nap o yung sitwasyon tapos parang kinakailangan niyo nang kumilos kasi parang nagkakaroon na ng conflict dun sa mismong pagmo-motivate sa mga staff? Ano pong ginagawa niyo? Diba po gumagawa din po kayo ng reports, sina-submit niyo tapos and ten… Ms. Labaddan: No, no. I don’t do the reports. Interviewer1: Sinasabi niyo lang po? Ms. Labaddan: Or the profiling on a regular basis. Interviewer1: Ahh. Opo. Ms. Labaddan: And I do not broadcast, it’s me. It’s it’s a pers… on a personal level and it’s not in my JD, you know? It’s just an ano, an add on. Interviewer1: Ahh. Ms. Labaddan: Additional ano lang yan. Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Ang ibig kong sabihin, uh inaalam ko ang motivation ng staff on a personal level kasi yung motivation na binibigay ng opisina, general yun. Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Not all the employees respond to a certain motivation… Interviewer1: That was given by the company. Ms. Labaddan: At the same style. For example, money, it may motivate uhm a mommy but it will not really motivate a single lady like me. So really, it’s different. So ganun, iba-iba eh. Uh, aalamin mo rin eh. Depende nay un sa ano ng staff, sa age, sa status, background. There are staff who are intellectuals. All they want to be motivated at work is to be allowed to study more. *laughs* Uh. I know a story of a… ay huwag na lang. Basta ganun. So payagan mo lang magano. Ano ba, gusto niyang mag-masters, gusto niyang mag-ano. For me, ako nagpaalam ako kay Sir eh. When he allowed me, natutuwa. Natutuwa naman ako. *laughs* nakaka-moti.. nakakamotivate. That’s what I did when employees are bored, I gave then the idea, “oh, pwede kang mag- PhD” “O, anong plano mo?” Interviewer1: So kina-categorize niyo lang po? Parang halimbawa nakakapagpamotivate sa ibang tao dun, ina-address niyo po kung yung problema niyo po ba dun sa motivation, meron silang kanyang sarili niyan pag-ano, pagbigay ng solusyon. Ms. Labaddan: Kasi bawat ano, bawat isa sa atin, ano eh may kanya kanyang ano eh, gusto. Aspiration sa buhay. But for some employees, they don’t want to study anymore. So it will not work if I will tell them, “Uy, mag-masters ka” *laughs* you know? Up to undergrad lang. Okay na sa kanila yun. O kaya hanggang elementary, high school level lang, huwag mong pipiliting mag-aral. Meron naman gustong mag-abroad. May iba- iba eh. Iba-ibang motivation yan. Meron naming iba, gusto mapansin. Huwag mong papansinin, iiyak yan. Interviewer1: May ganun pong instance? Ms. Labaddan: Tatamaring mag- ano, trabaho kapag di mo pinapansin. Papansinin mo, ganun lang naman yun. Interviewer1: Okay po. Ms. Labaddan: Bigay mo yung ano... Interviewer1: So effective naman po? Kapag binibigyan ng advice? Ms. Labaddan: Very ano noh, very personalized ang aking pagbibigay ng serbisyo. *laughs* Interviewer1: Opo. Ms. Labaddan: Ngayon ko lang narealize. *laughs* Interviewer1: Ayon po ma’am. Let’s proceed to the problems you have encountered in terms of your employees’ training and development. Ms. Labaddan: Aay. I have no problem with employees who acknowledge with themselves that they , their training or education is… If you give them the idea that they need training or invite them for training, it’s not difficult for me to convince them that they have to. I have some experiences with employees who do not want to.. Interviewer1: Undergo training? Ms. Labaddan: *nods* Undergo training. Interviewer1: Required po ba? Sila? Nung mga time po na… Ms. Labaddan: There are trainings that are required. There are trainings that you know, you cannot force the person, the body, yung hihilahin mo siya, “Umupo ka diyan, mag-training ka” Interviewer1: Opo Ms. Labaddan: Hindi. Attend siya, maliligo, magbibihis, uupo dun, makikinig. There are employees who do not want to go to training. But there are other employees who want to attend all the trainings. *laughs* E diba, halinhinan dapat diba. Yun. Interviewer1: Ano po kayang dahilan kumbakit ayaw nilang mag-training? Mag-undergo sa… Ms. Labaddan: Like what I said, iba-iba kasi ang tao. May mga… uh iba-iba tayo nang uh, ano bay un, ng pagiging smart. May book smart.. Interviewer1: Opo. Perspective. Ms. Labaddan: May word smart. Iba-iba ng smart smart yan. SO kung yung pagiging smart niya e hindi nagma-manifest sa mga libro, mga theories. Ayaw nila nun. Siguro ang gusto nila mga ano, mga workshop talaga ano. Interviewer1: Hands on po? Ms. Labaddan: *nods* ano pa ba? Training and development… I also facilitate the program for the OJT. *laughs* problema lang naming ditto, di namna kayang mag-accommodate ng marami. Dahil maliit lang kami na agency. Yun lang, yun lang siguro. Interviewer1: Ma’am, solutions po dun sa mga ayaw um-attend ng trainings? Ms. Labaddan: Yung in-house training, may office order naman eh. Required talaga yun. Pero yung mga training na for one man unit, may mga gustong umattend pero gusto nila, pati lahat ng paghahanap, pati yun akin. Interviewer1: Ah, Kumbaga gusto nila, nandun na. Ready na agad dun. Ms. Labaddan: Oo na akin na lahat. Medyo, uh alam niyo naman eh, marami akong hawak. Siguro kapag marami akong spare time, for those who really don’t want to, wala aking magagawa eh. I cannot force them to, but I just invite and invite or inform them that there’s a certain training on this one. And importante, na-iinform sila. Naiinform sla, alam nilang pwedeng sagutin ng office. Pag pangatlong attempt na ayaw pa rin, what I do is invite the neighbor, the neighboring cubicle who is more interested in training and I congratulate the person, “Very well”, “Ay, exciting ba?” It’s like luring the other person. Interviewer1: Yung tumatanggi. Ms. Labaddan: “That training is kinda exciting, there’e libreng food, there’s other people. You will see other people from other places, you will learn new concepts.” Interviewer1: Kumbaga hinahayaan niyo na lang pong tumanggi, tapos naghahanap parin po... Ms. Labaddan: May demo. Makikita niya yung neighbor niya. Sasabihin niya sa grupo mga experience ng neighbor niya, sasabihin niya, “Ay mahangda pala.” Edi next time, pupunta na siya. Interviewer1: Nacoconvince din po… Ms. Labaddan: Maiinggit pa. Sasabihin pa, “Bakit ako walang training?” Interviewer1: *laughs* Ms. Labaddan: So hahanap na rin siya ng training niya, It takes partience really, to be a HR officer. You cannot force people eh. “Oh, ano ah. You are required to attend. If you do not attent, I will give you failing grade, I’ll withhold your salary.” Interviewer1: Ah, walang mga ganung sanctions. Ms. Labaddan: *shakes head* Interviewer1: Okay po, So yun po ma’am nacover naman na po natin lahat nung sa HR. So yun lang naman po, marami pong salamat. Ms. Labaddan: Di ko nabanggit yung payroll noh? Gumagawa din ako ng payroll. *Laughs* Pati evaluation ng staff. Interviewer1: Okay po. Thank you po. Ms. Labaddan: Salamat din. Sana mapagtagumpayan niyo ang college life. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., Human Resource Department Interviewee: Ms. Jocelyn Pick, Managing Director Place of Interview: LG 102, OMM-CITRA Bldg. Ortigas Center, Pasig City Date and Time of Interview: December 16, 2010, 10:00am Interviewer: The parameters in our study research management is through knowing your human resources management and finance management. Ms. Pick: What made you decide to do so, these particular areas? Interviewer: Professor Bernarte, Ms. Pick: Suggested? Interviewer: Yeah. Ms. Pick: Okay. Interviewer: Okay Ma’am lets now proceed. What’s your name, please? Ms. Pick: My name is Jocelyn Pick and I am actually the managing director of this company. So why am I answering for HR? Because probably, like the other company that you talk to earlier, we are also in the process of growth in HR, we had no specific HR person last time but now I would say that we do have an HR person but I guess I did not told her to be interviewed because she’s also busy within somebody else at the 5th floor Interviewer: So how many yearsMs. Pick: This company has been… How many years does the company been? Okay the company has been around for 12 years. In fact it is our 12th year anniversary last December 8. It was Wednesday last week, is that Wednesday last week? It was actually our 12th year anniversary. So we are old. Interviewer: So how many years have you been working here ma’am? Ms. Pick: I’ve been working in here since 2004, on a full-time basis, which make it six years. Interviewer: Ma’am, what is your educational attainment? Ms. Pick: I have a masters in Business Administration and masters in Statistics, and currently pursuing Educational Management in PUP, which is the reason why I know Don Bernarte, who is your thesis adviser. Interviewer: Opo. So let’s proceed pos a HR concerns. Ms. Pick: Okay. Interviewer: What are the guidelines being followed by your department in selecting and hiring company employees? Ms. Pick: Normally, what we do is, I don’t know if you’re aware of what our business is ____ assessments. And, what do you mean by assessments, its not academic assessments, although we are getting into that. And we have formed another company which is Gold Academic Assessments, catering to the schools. 90% of our business is with corporate. And when I say assessments, this has something to do with HR. We train people how to select, how to motivate, how to promote, and how to develop succession planning. So it is HR. We are like the HR consultants for other companies. And what we train them on is exactly the same process that we are following ourselves. We are a product of our product. Let’s put it that way. So, what are the guidelines being followed by your department… It’s the usual, you know, there are many things to think of but the first thing is you have to first of all understand what types of people you want to attract in your company. So you have your employer branding, so to speak. There are certain types of people that we want to attract and those people that don’t fit in. We are not saying that they are not good, but they don’t just fit in. So our thing is about job matching. There’s no such thing as a bad applicant but if you don’t the job match of our company, as well as the other companies who are using our tools, then they will not be hired. So that’s in the hiring process. So largely this is to their use of techniques such as assessments that we own and we sell in the market place as well as interviews. Basically that. If you’re able to probe and find out that they have competencies, the behavior, the personality and the cognitive abilities to be able to fit in our company as well as the other companies that we hire for, then that’s one of the process. So what does it mean when you talk about job matching? It means that you are actually understanding what the job is. When I say you want to attract the types of people, it’s actually because you understand the requirement of the job. You cannot get somebody unless you understand what the requirement of the job is. Because of you don’t, how will you select? So first of all you understand what the requirement of the job is, and then you find people who fit in the requirements of the job. That’s, in a nutshell, is in a very basic guideline that’s being followed but of course, all through-out, there are… Those are the basic guidelines, but in between those guidelines, a lot of things can happen. Because there are certain positions that are very delicate, there are certain positions that’s very high level, so if you talk of selection and hiring, it depends on the position, it depends on the industry. But our particular company is very straight forward, we are I would say provider of assessment tools, so basically, people who can sell largely, it depends on the department that they are sent to, if its in finance, Jenny is usually involved in the selection of people. I ask her if she is, thinks if this person will work well. So part of the process involves the involvement of the manager who’s in-charge of the department. That’s it. Basically, it’s very straight-forward. It’s matching. We wanna find the right people, we do not discriminate, we do not care whether this person is old, male or female, third sex or whatever, how old is he, from what school he come from. What’s important to us is they are able to do the job because based on our own research, we find out that these factors are not important in job’s success. That’s why we are very strong proponents of non-discriminatory hiring. Interviewer: Uhh, ma’am. You mentioned about job-matching, ano po? Ms. Pick: Yes. Interviewer: Do you do technical exams, interviews… Ms. Pick: That’s what we sell. We sell them, as I said, we are the products of our product. We sell behavioral test, personality assessments, job-matching assessments which is called the profile XT. A lot of the businesses use it because of its usefulness (paused to distribute the coffee for the interviewers). Yes we make use of technical test, and uh, it depends on the position. There are certain positions that we don’t make use of technical test but if you’re hiring IT people and you want to know whether they have the technical skills, right? If you’re hiring call center, we don’t have a call center here. I get a little bit confused here, not confused but my mind set, you see my mind set is I’m the HR of the companies in the Philippines. I know you’re asking me about our own HR. Uh, technical skills, we have very used technical skills test: Office, accounting… Did you take our accounting test? (Asked the Chief Accountant beside her). So it depends if you’re into finance, there is a very very specific finance test. Uhmm, so yeah we do that one. But our take on that is yes. If a company has a good feed in terms of cognitive abilities, behavioral skills, and interest, the technical skills can be developed. So if you liked a person because that person fits our culture, then the technical skills are something that we can train them on. Sometimes it’s a plus if you do have the technical skills and you cannot wait to train them, for example recently we hired somebody who is a graphic artist, communication specialist, of course she has to have the skills in design, in adobe, and you know, desktop publishing. You cannot hire someone who does not have the skill because there’s a lot of work in there. But for us, the most important are the soft skills. Because technical skills, they’re hard skills and you can learn that. But if you’re attitude is bad, you know, that’s the point. One of our guiding principle is you hire for attitude, you train for skills. You can quote me on that. We have lots of articles about it. Interviewer: Okay, next question po. Are employees required to undergo trainings? Ms. Pick: Uh, what do you mean by required? Interviewer: Do you give trainings to your employees, and you know ma’am, are trainings mandatory for your employees? Ms. Pick: They are not mandatory. But there are training programs offered. A lot of them want to take it because for me it’s a privilege to be given training, we spend money on them. We spend for them, they go attend some seminars, anything that will benefit them, we are open to it. We send them to the US for training, every year I probably take uh, unfortunately we have not done that in the area of finance but more in the area of human resources and the marketing, client service, we take about three people every year. In the US, so its not mandatory, we do not even tie them up to a contract because we believe in people development. But I always tell people that if there are training programs that they are interested to take up, let us know because if we can partially subsidize it, if it is something that can benefit the company, why not? So yes, we do have a very liberal program on trainings. Interviewer: So ma’am, what trainings in particular do your employees need to undergo? Ms. Pick: It depends on what department they are, uhh, just last week we have a bunch of people undergo leadership training (paused). So we have some employees, uh they went for a leadership training, they were in client service, one was in a technical position, again it was in a training on leadership. A lot of them, especially sales and marketing undergo training on sales. I don’t know about finance, have we sent some people in training in finance? Not yet? Well Jennifer is relatively new but we’ve supported somebody who’s taking the CPA review. We’ve undergone training on quick-books, which is accounting software, so there are training programs available. So, what was your question again? Interviewer: What trainings- Ms. Pick: Ah! Yeah, yeah. It really depends, like I’ve been uhm, requesting our provider for our payroll to give us training because we found errors on… So that one is going to be a required training. Interviewer: Ma’am pero po in general, yung lahat ng employees niyo? Ms. Pick: Ah, all of them. Oh yeah. The ISO. The ISO is a mandatory for everybody. And we also have a training on, what’s our training few weeks ago, that’s our first aid. First aid. And we probably going to have a lot of health related issues that we are going to undergo training. I’m conducting a training next week, its not required, but everybody’s encouraged to attend. And it is on personal effective… Effective productivity. Because we want our people to be effective, to set their goals, so they can be successful. Interviewer: What are the programs and activities for your firm for your employees’ development? Ma’am aside po ron sa trainings before… Ms. Pick: For, what is that again? Interviewer: For your employees’ development po. Ms. Pick: First of all, I think the jobs being given to them is, the way I look at it, and I hope you’ll also gonna be, pretty soon you will be out of your school, you will be working. When you are given jobs, its an occasion for you to develop yourselves. Because you learn things. So that’s one. Uh, secondly, its an interaction with the people. You have to learn to work with people. People who cannot work with people, they will be misfits. And they will be miserable, they will be lonely because they won’t have friends. They cannot get things done. So that is a training by itself. So that is development. So what we do as a company is we try to develop a positive atmosphere so that people will be able to work congenially and how do we do that? We have activities, like we have uhm usually, probably outings, that’s not every month but maybe in the summer, like we went to Corregidor last time. And when we go out, its always, there is a training. Last time, when we went to Corregidor, I think we talk about key result areas. So those are, its fun at the same time, its developmental. Interviewer: Yes Ma’am. Ms. Pick: A lot of it has to do on the job. These are not the formal structures that you learn in school. Its largely on the job. And they are also encouraged to join associations because that’s one way of developing yourself, developing your career. And Malcolm and I are very open about that. If you feel that by joining this association, I mean, a typical example is one of our person who used to be very very shy. She joined the toast masters, and we encourage everybody to join the toast masters because it makes you be able to communicate. The program trains you how to be able to speak in public. So that’s what we’re looking at. Interviewer: And, what are the motivating schemes of your department in order to enhance your employees’ quality of work? Ms. Pick: Motivating schemes… Malcolm does a lot of that. What are the motivating schemes? (to her husband Malcolm) *laughs* Uhm, you know we are a very… Mr. Pick: We’re small company. We don’t have the resources of the Ayala Group or the San Miguel Corporation across the road. So we need people here who are… We need people in an organization like this that are self-motivated primarily, and ones with objectives and goals of their own that we can try and help them satisfy. And its not through training, it’s a lot on the work that they do, they have to be interested with the work that they’re doing, they have to enjoy that work. If they don’t, we probably don’t want them. The training that we’ve been giving is a general training about design to be more systematic and organized in the kind of work that they’re doing. We’ve been trying to follow or trying to establish a standard which will satisfy the ISO organization. And we’ve been doing that for almost 2 years now so it’s kind of a delayed project. That requires a certain amount of training. Our IT staff require always to have a look of what’s going on. For the skills, there should be initiative, self-motivated and leadership. Interviewer: Ma’am pero po yung company niyo uhm, pano po yung motivating schemes, do you give incentives, benefits… to your employees? Ms. Pick: Well, they are given health benefits… There are benefits given. There’s the usual benefits required by law, and there are a few other benefits that are given to them, like the certain departments enjoy bonuses depending on our sales. Mr. Pick: There’s a bonus based on the clients potentials. Sales people are largely paid by the sales they made. There’s pros and cons for being a small company. In a large company, maybe lots of things were already well organized. Maybe there’s lots of additional staff benefits. But you see in a micro ___ of what goes on, if you’re in an accounting department, you only see what’s happening in the accounting. You don’t see what’s going on in the production, you don’t see what goes on in the marketing. In a little company like ours, you get to see the whole thing. From top to bottom and across all functions. That’s the big benefit to somebody who’s starting a career. You get to see what really goes on. As it goes to what we think should go on, what we really believe goes with the other companies. We have all the same problems with the big company, we all have the same functions to fulfill, but we do it in a much smaller scale. And somebody within a company sees that, they see everything. Ms. Pick: Some other companies are also being, when we do our learning sessions, we ask them “Okay, what you think good about this company?”, it could be “oh because here we don’t have to wear our formal clothes on Saturday” or “we can bring our kids on Saturday”, something like that. Well in our company, we understand, sometimes we have occasions where somebody had lost a yaya, for example, and nobody would look after the baby, or not really a baby, a toddler maybe, and then you know the person brings that in the office but in some other companies, you can’t really do that so what could be a benefit in the sense that the rules are more flexible. And again it’s a self-disciplining process because sometimes when the rules are flexible, we don’t want it abused, and so we’re always saying our wins are like this because we do not want to be a bureaucratic company but if its gonna be abused, we will have to be more rigid. Which is again another benefit if you are working for a flexible company ‘cause some companies are regimented- the moment you get in the door, your backpacks are inspected, you put them in a locker, you can’t take anything with you. You can’t take pictures… Mr. Pick: When you’re absent without notice or if you’re late, you’re disciplined. Here I threatened a month ago if you’re late three times in a week, you’re disciplined. That’s not just late once, but late three times in the same week. Ms. Pick: Okay, anymore questions? Interviewer: Ayun po ma’am. Mr. Pick: Benefits, they have almost unlimited free internet access. *Interviewer laughs* Mr. Pick: Right? Ms. Pick: Yeah! Some companies, they are not giving that. Mr. Pick: Any abuse to the use of the computer or the internet for example will be grounds to discipline. That is monitored from Chicago, its not even monitored locally so… I know instances when several months later, have been disciplined because of using the company resource for personal use. Interviewer: Okay. So what are your schemes in promotion? Ms. Pick: Of course its performance based. It doesn’t even happen quite, you know, this time is promotion time or what. If management feels this person deserves to get paid more, then we could opt to increase her salaries… Its largely performance based. Mr. Pick: Definitely performance based. But there’s no well established system. Interviewer: So ma’am there’s no need for you to have vacancy first before you promote an employee to fill-up the position that was vacant? Ms. Pick: Uhmm. No. We don’t really do that one. If the person from the inside wants to apply, she’s welcome to… Mr. Pick: Just like what happened last time, we made a supervisor of one group, manager of two groups, still a relatively new to the company, a recruiter, supervisor of the recruiter group. So its performance-based, based on the experience and performance and we’re trying to establish a well defined structure. But it takes time. But as I say, we all have the same problems and functions of a large company, except we do it in a smaller scale. You might wanna show them our organization chart (to Ms. Pick) Ms. Pick: Yeah! I think that’s one of the things that you should be looking for (to the interviewers) because they’re interviewing two research organizations (to Mr. Pick). Interviewer: Ma’am do you consider the length of service in your firm in promotion ma’am? Ms. Pick: No. Interviewer: So yun po. What are the problems encountered by your firm in terms of hiring? Ms. Pick: In terms of hiring, I think we do find a… people who are actually competing with the… people who want to go overseas? Which is not common to us, which is common to all. Somehow, our applicant pool, they seem to be thrilled with going abroad. And then probably they come back to realize that its not rosy abroad, so that’s one. And uhm, what would be our hiring problems? (to Mr. Pick) We have our recruiting department. They are recruiting for other companies but they also recruiting for our own needs. Actually they screen them and when they come to us, I don’t really see a lot of problems. Unlike probably in the call centers wherein you would demand, very good command in English for example, you could only hire five out of onehundred that they talk to. That situation is not necessarily to us, right Malcolm? We do filter like, you’ll be surprised out there when you post, there’s a lot of applicants. A LOT. And we usually filter them, let them take our assessments ‘cause that’s what we’re usually selling. Interviewer: In terms of motivating naman po, ano yung mga naeencounter niyong problems? Ms. Pick: What problems have we encountered for motivation? I think it’s a self-claiming process. We like motivated people. If they are no longer motivated, they leave. So the decision is mutual. They leave because they want to leave. And we also want them to leave. They have no place with us if they cannot, you know, if they’re not motivated to work. That’s one reason, in fact, when we sent them to overseas training, a lot of companies asked them to have a contract, granted they have a contract, if they cannot perform, if they are not motivated, they go. On the other hand, we have a lot people who left because they want to see what is out there, they come back. And one would ask, “why would you take them back?” It’s because they have additional skills to give. If they have additional skills to give, they’re better than what they were before when they left, they’re welcome. ‘Cause they have something to add. Otherwise we don’t hold grudges that they left. Interviewer: So basically, you don’t encounter problems with motivating naman po? Ms. Pick: Do you have? Malcolm? Mr. Pick: I mean, this generally, we got a group of people, somebody who is uhm, for whatever reason lost her grace in her work. Could it be boyfriend/girlfriend problems? It affects the work. At some point in time you have to tell her its time to move on. Interviewer: Other than that, wala naman na po? Ms. Pick: Wala. Coz you know, usually naman there are reasons why there are some people who lost their motivation. It may not be necessarily work related, it could be family problems, it could be health issues, uhh, I cannot see anything that is really directly work related. It could be relationships with colleagues… Interviewer: Ma’am do you encounter problems when it comes to training and development? Ms. Pick: What is that question? You mean, they don’t attend the training? Interviewer: Do you encounter some instances ma’am? Ms. Pick: Like I said, the training is not mandatory. As long as the training is not mandatory, I don’t think it’s a, you know, we can suggest if this training is good for you. Probably, the only mandatory training we have is ISO because that’s mandatory by ISO. Uhm, all the other training is not exactly mandatory because for me you know, training, if the company is good in training, I take it. Unfortunately, maybe you wanna train and then you don’t want to train, still I wouldn’t look at that as a problem. Interviewer: So basically po, you haven’t encountered problems with these three areas po in hiring, motivating, training and development? Ms. Pick: Well hiring of course, because there’s turn-over. Because sometimes, you might hire somebody and then find out that the person does not, that’s why you have the probation period. We find out maybe that person doesn’t quite fit for the company. But I don’t consider that as serious problems. Interviewer: Okay, you have follow-up questions for ma’am? (to the other interviewers) Ayun po. Ms. Pick: Have your coffee ladies! Interviewers: *laughed* So we’re through with the human resource department. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Institute for Studies of Asian Church and Culture, Human Resource Dept. Interviewee: Ms. Aida Robles, Administrative Officer Place of Interview: Units 307 & 205 Corinthian Executive Regency Ortigas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig Date and Time of Interview: March 9, 2011 03:00 pm Interviewer: Good afternoon po ma’am. We’re fourth year students from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, currently taking up Bachelors in Communication Research and yung purpose po nung interview na ‘to is for data generation po for our thesis. Yung thesis po kasi namin is about the management of research organizations. So ang gagamitin po naming parameters para maidentify po yung organization management is through looking at your finances management po at human resources management. So yun po ma’am, first po ma’am, gusto po naming mag-thank you sa inyo, kami ni Shels… Ms. Robles: You’re welcome Interviewer: And in behalf po sa isa naming kagroup na di nakapunta dito dahil nasa OJT po siya. Ms. Robles: So group thesis kayo? Interviewer: Yes ma’am, tatlo po kami sa group. Ms. Robles: Ah. Okay Interviewer: Kasi po napagbigyan niyo yung interview namin kahit super short notice, Interviewer2: Kahit kanina ko lang po sinabi na.. Ms. Robles: *laughs* Interviewer: Kasi po with other research organizations, ang tagal po ng feedback. Ms. Robles: That’s right. Interviewer: So nagkaroon po kami ng problema sa thesis dahil sa informants po, Ms. Robles: Ooh. Interviewer: Ayon po, scarce po. Ang hirap po. Ms. Robles: Nagpapahabol habol? Interviewer: Yes ma’am, tas “Can you please call back again later?” Yung mga ganun po, so super thankful po kami ma’am. Ayon po. So ma’am let’s start po? Ma’am can I have your name po? Ms. Robles: I’m Aida Robles. Interviewer: And what’s your position here in ISACC po? Ms. Robles: I’m the administrative officer Interviewer: Gano katagal na po kayo dito sa ISACC? Ms. Robles: I started 2009. Interviewer: 2009 po. Ms. Robles: So almost 2 years na. Interviewer: Pero yung position niyo po. Yun na po talaga? Pagdating niyo po, admin na po? Ms. Robles: Yes Interviewer: Ma’am yung educational attainment niyo po? Ms. Robles: AB Psychology Interviewer: AB Pscyhology po. Okay po. Ma’am let’s proceed na po dun sa human resources matters po ng ISACC. What are the guidelines being followed by your department in hiring and selecting company employees? Ms. Robles: Hiring, first nakita namin dito, this is an organization, it is not actually a company. It’s an NGO so yung basis o guidelines in hiring and selecting employees are according to. First since this is a Christian organization, we want to check on their spiritual maturity, their loyalty to the scripture or the word, so yun yung primary basis of hiring since we are trying, that our mission is to teach the world or other organizations about the good news, about the lordship of Jesus Christ, so kailngan e naniniwala ka sa Panginoon and the Bible, so importante yun. Tapos, of course yung, since this is a training and research organization, tinitignan din namin yung background. Not actually, kasi there are some other people who are graduates with certain courses not related to research and training but they have the gift of writing and research. So we believe that they can be trained through proper orientation. Interviewer: Okay po. Ma’am, it’s a must na graduate ng college? Ms. Robles: Yes, although there are what we call trainees. They don’t have to be college graduate. Pwedeng high school graduate lang muna. Trainees noh? Volunteer workers who can help us. Like there are so many children na magaling sa IT, so technologies, they can help us. It is a must for us to produce videos. So pwede namang hindi graduate, but now part of the core team. So hindi sila hired. Meron kaming tinatawag na, different stages of, kahit na maliit na organization lang kami, we have the regular employees, we have the project people, projectbased and then we have the volunteers. Interviewer: Okay po. Ma’am what procedures do you have po in hiring? Parang do you have technical exams? Interview? Yung mga ganun po. Ms. Robles: Actually, we only have interviews. We ask them to submit their CVS and then we ask them to come for interview. Most of the people kasi who come in for hiring to be employed with ISACC are endorsed by other organizations. So we believe that these people who endorsed this individual must probably know that person better. Also, they know what standards that ISACC wants to maintain. So when they try to bring in people or when they endorse them, they know that person is gifted in the area of what ISACC needs. Interviewer: Next question po, are employees required to undergo trainings? Ms. Robles: More of orientation. We get our training through exposure. So di naman yung parang sa call center na you have one month for certain training. No. pag na-hire ka na, you get in to the organization, sabak ka na. Since we hired you according to the skills that are in your CVs, then we believe that you’d be able to grasp whatever the organization wants. But also yung orientation na yun is to bring them in to events, to special events, o yun nga, on the spot o field. Makikita mo, so just observe. Dun namin makikita kung that person is a fast learner. Interviewer: So ma’am basically, wala po kayong required training ma’am? Or yung orientation na lang po yung nagse-serve as training? Ms. Robles: Oo. Interviewer: What are the programs for your employees’ development? Ms. Robles: Employees development. Since we’re a small organization, we also have our HR manual. In the manual, it is stated there that we require that all the members of our staff to go through or attend trainings and seminars, conferences related to what we are doing. Like kunwari the global leadership summit. So some of us, or half of the staff go and attend, they’re going to be sponsored. They have to attend a conference and we have a debriefing or a reflection on they have learned. Parang ganun lang. So they are exposed not only to the learning but also to kumbaga the social area, because you get to know the people who are of the same mission and vision as ISACC. So nae-expose ka dun. Marami kasing evangelical organizations. So yun. Interviewer: Ma’am na-mention niyo po na nagre-require din po kayo ng trainings and seminar, what type of trainings and seminars po ba yung nire-require niyo? Ms. Robles: Training, for the staff? Interviewer: Yes ma’am. Ms. Robles: Yung training is the exact training that we offer. So kunware, we conduct, we have a corporate seminars, we call them corporate retreats. So that corporate retreats sometimes is the tawag nung iba, lectio de vina. So while you are being exposed to this, helping and supporting this type of training. Every Mondays, we have this lectio de vina every Monday yan before our afternoon meeting. So we have a half day lectio de vina. So what is a lection de vina? When I first came here, I didn’t know what it was. So it’s more on the reflection of the word. You’re trying to get to just read the word, the Bible and be able to express on what you understand from the passage that was read. So this is what we also conduct to corporate people, managers, and directors. So we have a firsthand experience of what we are asking for people to do or what we conduct amongst ourselves. So may integration din yung aming president. We have the same integration. Ay, ganito pala yung ginagawa namin. This is what we’re doing. So yun. Interviewer: Ah, okay po ma’am. Next po, motivating schemes of your department? Ms. Robles: So you’re talking about me noh? In our department, there are actually 3 departments, small as we are, we have the administrative and the finance, advocacy, we have the training, so I would say that basically, hindi naman kami divided. Kasi yun lang, we have 2 in the administrative and finance, 2 in the advocacy and 3 in the cmt. But we have volunteers and we have fellows. Yung mga fellows namin whom we ask for other things. So yung motivating factor, I think yung sa amin, I think it’s more on getting down to the level of the employees. It’s important to create a relationship amongst them. Kasi pag detached ka with the employees, parang hirap abutin na because of the position, ang hirap kausapin, ang hirap i-approach ang hirap siyang, ano yun makipag-appointment. Ano yun simple matters, mahirap yun. I think the organization will be a success, any organization will be a success if it will focus on the relationship. So you create camaraderie amongst your employees and look on them not on the mistakes that they made but on the more on the, bantayan mo kung ano ang ginagawa niya, or parang reward sa kanila yung appreciation. Yung parang, “Ang galing mo naman. Di ko kaya to.” something and it builds the self esteem. And I think it is the best. Kung ako ang tatanungin, I don’t know with the Executive Director and the president, pero sa akin, iyon. First and foremost is the relationship. Like what is happening now in our organization, kasi we are funded by foreign organizations. It so happened that we are in the phasing out stage. Ibig sabihin phasing out this is the last, the last straw that you may get from us because of what’s happening dito sa ating financial conditions, sa US. So parang sa lahat din sila, hirap not only in the Philippines. So ang nangyari, we are now, we are on the red. Like in one and a half month, pasok ka, mamasahe ka, magbaon ka, wala kang sweldo, What makes us come to work? I believe that because of the relationship that was established. Kasi importante yun eh. Interviewer: Opo. Ms. Robles: Para bang yung sa kape noh? Bakit ka gumigising? Interviewer: Ah, para kanino ka bumabangon? Ms. Robles: So kasi there’s no use at coming to work at wala ka nang bayad tapos wala ka pang makasundo. I think that is, yung relationship area or segment of our organization is important. Kasi sama-sama kayo, pare-pareho naman kayong hindi sumusweldo, noh? So you just, atsaka the openess to air, on what is burdening to them. Like yung very personal na problem sa bahay. Sa anak, noh. Ganun yun. So you become one family. I think it is the best. Yung libro nga ni Dr. Scott, yung One Minute Manger, pag nabasa niyo yun, isang upuan lang e mababasa niyo yun, that’s the best that you can give to a corporate manager, he visits his factory or whatever it is, he doesn’t go there to look for mistakes that employees have done. He tries to look for, kahit na ang daming mistakes na nagawa nung employee, hinahahap niya yung positive, the best or one good thing that the person has done. Interviewer: Ma’am ano parang you don’t depend on monetary means since low din po kayo on funds? Ms. Robles: Actually, oo. Although we need to exist as individuals kasi may mga pamilya, may mga ginagastusan, we believe that yun nga, money is not really a prime factor as long as, again babalik tayo dun sa guidelines of hiring. You have to be, you have to have that deep level of spirituality. The belief that you have a God that has the control to provide for all your needs. Kahit na kung minsan syempre, tao ano? Parang ano ba yan, parang ayoko na. Wala na tayong sahod. Ganun. But then again, it all goes down to bakit tayo magrereklamo, parang we are questioning the faithfulness of our God, parang ganun. Interviewer: Okay po. What are your schemes in promotion? Ms. Robles: Promotions on what? How do we promote? I don’t know if we have other positions to be promoted like kunware ako, what position will I be promoted for? Can I be the Executive Director? I won’t even want to become an Executive Director knowing the responsibilities that it entails. I would rather, especially na alam mo yung gift mo, if you’re challenged, parang sasabihin nila sayo, “Ay ang galing mo. Pwede ka nang maging President.” Sino ba namang susunod? At kunware na-promote si Cathy o Del sa position, yun yung problema ng small organization. Parang there’s no other position where in you can be promoted na kasi. Ano e parang more of added benefits na lang, or added income, or upraise ng salary, ganun. Interviewer: Ma’am kailangan niyo po ng vacancy sa position po para mag-promote? Ms. Robles: Vacancy? Para makapag-promote? Interviewer: Opo. Ms. Robles: Parang the internal na sinasabi mo? Since wala na tayong Executive Director, let’s look within the organization first. Interviewer: Ma’am ganun po ba kayo o parang humahanap po kayo sa labas or parang “The executive Director post is vacant, if you want to apply.” Ganun po ma’am sa labas? Or sa loob? Ms. Robles: Of course in our manual, it should be internal first, within the organization. If they have the capacity or they have the know-how, pwede. Kasi ikaw na mismo ang magchachallenge. “I’m resigning, I’m tired, I’m done, so I believe in your capacity to do this work.” So icha-challenge mo, of course you do that. Pero knowing ourselves, parang sasabihin ko, “Ayaw ko po, gusto ko dito na lang ako.” Comfortable na ano? Comfort zone, parang gusto mo ba lang dun, kasi you applied for a position, a position because you know that is your expertise. Kunware si Rey. I will ask him to, di’ba siya ang pinaka-senior amongst us in the managerial. I doubt if Rey would even accept. So normally, kapag may vacancy. Like, it use to be our President, she is the President and the CEO until they believe that we need somebody to do that work regularly. So if it is not within the organization, it must be within in the sphere of daughter organizations. Kunware we have fellow, we have boards of trustees who works as parang volunteer. Ano board of trustees namin, so we challenge them, Interviewer: Okay po ma’am. Pero po basically, pano po yung siste nung promotion? Parang kunware po, kayo po ma’am, parang legible naman po kayo for that position, do you apply? Or do you need to apply? Ms. Robles: I believe you would be challenged and then… Interviewer: Ah, parang ita-tap po kayo nung aalis? Ms. Robles: Oo. tapos parang bibigyan ka na ng Contract of Employment. Papalitan nung currently, isi-signify na yung parang from this date, she will become whatever the position is, tapos with the compensation of this and this and this and then the conform. So di mo na kailangan mag-apply. Interviewer: Ah. Okay po. Next question po, what are the problems that your department has encountered in hiring. Ms. Robles: Hiring, first ang alam ko, visible amongst us is the capacity of the organization to pay. Like we need kunware a writer, a full time writer to assist kunware or Executive Assistant for our President. Wala na kasi yung ano un eh. Tinanggal na namin kasi, it used to be that the administrative officer also serves as the Executive Assistant. So when I came, I told Miss Alice I will accept. I was invited, I didn’t apply. So I told her, I am tired of being an Executive Assistant already. Kasi alam ko na yun eh. I am more comfortable with administrative matters, so natanggal yun. So wala ng Executive Assistant ang aming President. So we have one, who is a volunteer and we opened the position and even promoted it over the radio, amongst our daughter organizations and partners. Binigay namin yun, yung parang flyer namin, the requirements, etc. E ‘pag naman tinanong how much yung salary, parang yun, number one is the capacity of the organization to pay for the opening. Yun yung number one. Interviewer: Apart from that po ma’am, ano pa po yung.. Ms. Robles: Apart from that… Teka wala naman eh. Yun lang capacity of the organization to pay eh. Interviewer: Opo, yun lang po yung na-encounter niyo na problem? Ms. Robles: Oo, yun lang ang na-encounter namin. Interviewer: E ma’am, pano niyo po ina-address yung ganung problema na nae-encounter niyo with hiring? Ms. Robles: Hiring? Of course if you then have the, you pray for it. Of course and then if the Lord allows it, I mean if we have projects, so we needed more people for the project, we need documenter, so if the budget allows, then we could get one. Pero kung hindi talaga we’ll explain to them that this is an NGO, non-stock, non-profit. We can only pay this amount, pakita namin, ayan open. Are you willing to stay with us for a month or two? Ganun lang noh? Ilalagay kasi namin yung duration nung stay, you finish this project within a month and will give you this much. Okay yun noh? So, ano pa ba? Wala na. Parang ganun lang, oo. Wala naman kaming, kasi we are funded by organizations lang. Pag walang fund, so wala kayong… Interviewer: Ma’am, parang you resort to multi-tasking? Parang ganun na lang po? Ms. Robles: We are actually multi-tasking. Kayo na rin yung janitor, yung tubero, yung electrician and it’s no big deal with us. Ang maganda kasi dun, again is because of the relationship. Babalik ulit tayo dun eh. Kasi we do this because we are a family. O sige we even go to the extent of inaabonohan mo, or you’re helping the organization to be up to its feet through your own resources na rin minsan. Kasi di ka na nga sumusweldo. “So ay wala tayong ink, ay wala na tayong paper.” Sige. Interviewer: Ma’am what if po, there’s a great need dun sa position tas wala po kayong ibibigay as salary, ano pong gagawin niyo? Ms. Robles: We challenge our partner, parang yung mga fellows namin to help us. Interviewer: Ah, parang tina-tap niyo po sila for help? Ms. Robles: Oo. Interviewer: Ah, okay po. Ms. Robles: We challenge them. Interviewer: Uh. Next po, what are the problems encountered by your department in motivating your staff? Ms. Robles: In terms of motivating sa isang organization, hindi mawawala yung smart ___ o yung nakikialam. Like in our small organization, it has been present since time in memoriam. Sabihin na lang natin na kasi ISACC has been in its position for as an organization for 33 years. We will be celebrating our 33rd anniversary on July and the same problem they’ve encountered before is the same problem that we’re encountering. Pag merong nakialam na hindi naman taga-loob or not a staff but you’re given, parang you’re empowered by the leadership, kunwari the president or the Executive Director, you are being empowered, tiklop kaming lahat. Parang ganun. Kasi, di mo naman. Kasi we try naman to communicate with the leadership na this certain person is becoming a problem to us. We just tell the leadership that this is your problem, and it’s our problem. So what can we do? Pag empowered kasi yun, yun yung palakasan, yung parang ganun. Pag empowered, nanggugulo talaga, so that’s what hinders… Interviewer: Hinders the camaraderie… Ms. Robles: Like we’re having our board of trustees meeting on Saturday and we’re planning to debouch (?), express or open up this problems. Siyempre you have to be transparent, amongst ourselves. Tapos sinabi na namin kunwari sa Execuitve Direcor, sinabi na naming kunwari sa President na problema kasi to pero they don’t see the same perspective that you all have, kayo yung nagtatrabaho dito sa baba, so pagka di nila matanaw yung tinatanaw mo, problema talaga. What we do, like we call for a meeting. It’s also parang a SEC requirement, we have to meet before the corporation. Sasabihin namin na di pwedeng itago o siraan mo yung tao, sabihin mo na lang with proper documentation. O kunwari may tinext siyang ganito, don’t erase the source noh? Papakita mo, this is what she’s saying. Na parang pag-sinabi sa’yo ‘to, how would you feel? So we just want them to open their eyes and see what is happening na di nila nakikita sometimes. Di ka naman yung sumbung ng sumbong noh, parang napaka-childish. So when you go to a proper venue, kasi nga that is a proper venue, it’s not chismis, it’s not gossip, you have to open up, everybody hear it including the person na kailangan o concerned I think that’s the proper venue. Interviewer: So yun lang po yung problema po sa? Ms. Robles: I think. I believe. Aside from the financial cost. Kasi pag the Lord allows you to, if He wants you to continue what you’re doing, kung gusto niya yung mission vision niyo, kasi it would have not lasted 33 years pero always nawawala yung mga dati, I didn’t even come and intend to work with ISACC, I’m not a writer, I’m not a parang ganun. I’ve been doing the work in the church, 16 years ako dun doing administrative work tapos nag-resign ako. Tas nung malamang nag-resign ako, I was invited, I was challenged na tutulong. It is not after a monetary reward, but more of a….. diba? Ayon. Interviewer: How about po ma’am problems with promotion po? Ms. Robles: Problems with promotion? I’ll speak for myself. I do not have any problems with promotions. If they, if people recognizes your position, because they see you every time that they come to an event, because you are organizing and they came in early and they say you hanging all these tarpaulins, which a manager should be doing, they see you, nakaapak ka, and trying to clean ano, that’s part of an admin ano. Sabi ko nga I am a “we” person. I don’t like to use the word “I” or “You do this, you do that.” Di ako ganun eh. Parang “Let’s do this.” I am a “we” person. We are at work, we are, parang anun. I always include myself. Interviewer: So wala naman po kayong na-encounter? Ms. Robles: No, there’s none. Even with sa mga kasamahan ko, wala silang nakikitang ganung probelma. Interviewer: Next po, yung problems po when it comes to training and development? Ms. Robles: *nods* Interviewer: Ano pong problems ang na-encounter niyo? Ms. Robles: Employees’ training and development. Most of the trainings kasi and the conferences kasi na we need to attend to are sponsored or you are invited or yun. Wala namang problema dun. Because we are a small organization, the leadership sees to it that they encourage all of us: would you like to attend this kind of conference? And if you say yes and you believe that you’re hands are free, you can finish your work even if you go to a two-day seminar, then go. Ganun naman sila eh. Go, our president naman is very open to that. See to it that the staff attend this. Parang ganun even if nobody stays in the office as long as he sees it is important for, not only for your growth but also for the growth of the, hindi ka lang naman basta parang a-attend ka ba ng seminar like on gender seminar ba or about sexuality, eh feeling mo, I know my gender, I believe I’m a man, parang ganun noh? So feeling mo, ayaw ko. But for the sake of getting to gain more knowledge about this because we have a seminar that talks about gender noh. I think kaya namin ine-encourage to attend that is because of what it will bring to the organization to make us an expert. You don’t become an expert b noty involving yourself, so pag open ka dun, pag na-expose ka dun so it adds expertise to what you have. Interviewer: Ma’am have you experienced po na parang may required training/seminar/conference yung ISACC tapos may ayaw umattend, yung ganun po? Ms. Robles: Yeah. Oo. Merong namang mga, like uh, sometimes it’s a problem of self esteem, some people, yung nasa baba kasi pag feeling nila, masyadong ano diyan eh, parang I don’t think I need that siguro padala mo na lang ako dun sa trainings and conferences regarding numbers and about finances, I will go, pero pag dito, parang kayo na lang po so no problem with that. Kasi even in the church where in I was employed for 16 years, yun din ang nakita ko, every time na sasabihin naming na let’s go, let’s attend this you know who the speaker would be, its Francis Khong or Dj Sebastian, you’ll gain so much knowledge, di ko naman type yan eh. So parang it’s personality again. Yung ano, yung personality fit, yung ano mo lang and siguro pag chinallenge mo naman na you go you go tas nakita mo naman na after the seminar, during the debriefing e nag-share, o see, kahit na di mo gifting you’ll learn something. So yun siguro more of motivating the person. Interviewer: Ma’am may instances po ba na yung employees niyo po yung nag-aask for trainings and seminars? Ms. Robles: Dito, wala. Interviewer: So yung mga pino-provide niyo lang po na ano? Ms. Robles: It’s our partner organizations who email us their parang meron silang kunwari the Bella, you know what the Bella seminar is? It is a personality enhancement program, you pay for 4k ay yung boss namin, ay sige papuntahin mo si ano, kasi nakita niya na o kailangang niyang ma-train sa ganito to talk to people kasi ito yung trabaho nila, ganyan ganyan, nagkasakit naman, so wala kaming nakita na problem. So other organization at the, they’ll invite us, come attend a 3-day seminar at Belle ganyan tapos nandun na yung requirements what are the topics to be discussed, yun. We get also from other partner organizations. Interviewer: May tanong ka pa ba kay ma’am? Solutions? Ms. Robles: Solutions. One plus one, two. Solutions, I think yung nakikita lang namin, people or positions concerned must be more aggressive to the new paradigm we want know like we are slowly going in to the, kasi dati grants lang kami nabubuhay, e we will, we should be more aggressive to the, parang training, the offering of the services that we are expert in like sina Rey, are expert in transformation development, integral mission, the GCFC that we have parang ganun so we have to be aggressive at offering this services to the organizations or other organizations not necessarily in the evangelical circles who we believe needs this, kasi we do it, we title it, kasi yung mga tao they want corporate retreat. Pag nakikita nilang retreat, may kasamang RNT and activities parang team buildings noh. Although there are incorporated in the trainings parang team building things noh and spirituality na ayaw naming masyadong iano kasi “napakarelihiyoso niyo naman,” kasi we’re not a church parang more of looking into ourselves and parang according to, if in-attendan mo yung seminars and retreats namin you will be able to explore on who you are, ah. Pwede para along ganun. Ah, oo pala, kaya ko pala. Parang mga retreat sa ng mga kolehiyala after a while, parang I love you three times a day, parang maya’t maya parang ganun din. We have those kinds of retreats that we offer. So parang yun lang naman. Solutions siguro we also, yun we’re overworked and underpaid because of again financial constraints what we’re offering I think to the outside world, in the market place we should offer it to ourselves also. Go out and have a retreat, a RNR, everybody needs that, yung talagang di ka, wala kang iisipin, basta tutulog muna ako, parang mamaya tayo mag games. Ganun noh? Something very informal. That’s one of the solutions for us not to be burned out. Sabi nga. Minsan parang sasabihin mo, ayaw ko na, parang pagod na ako. Actually sina Rey matutulog yan ala-una, alas-dos tapos gigisng ng maaga because they’re preparing for certain conferences. I think what we need for a solution is an RNR yung retreat talaga na very informal. Rest. Interviewer: Yung solutions po sa problems sa self esteem ng mga ano… Ms. Robles: Oo. kasi through mga ganun, the informal type of gatherings is the best. Kasi, lalabas lang tara palipad tayo ng saranggola, I do that ano, even if with my age. Pag I go to a beach, tara saranggola tayo. Tapos kausap mo siya and you talk about many things, about many matters na you get to know the person and you get to know me. Ay, ayaw ko pala na parang ako ay binabatukan, I hate that ano. So you get to know the person. Hindi ka yung basta lang you sit there and listen to a resource person na parang aantok antok ka na. no, it has to be something very informal. Interviewer: May tanong ka pa ba kay ma’am? Wala naman na. Ayon po, so so far na-address naman na po lahat ng… Ms. Robles: Ay. Isang solution pa pala, Interviewer: Sige po ma’am. Ms. Robles: Kailangan namin ng donors, ng supporters. Ayon. We have to be asking people for support. Interviewer: Salamat po. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Institute for Popular Democracy, Administrative Department/Human Resource Department Interviewee: Ms. Karlenma Tabora- Tagala, Administrative Assistant Place of Interview: 28 Mapagkawanggawa cor Magiting Street, Teachers Village UP Diliman, QC Date and Time of Interview: March 18, 2011, 3:30pm Interviewer: Ayun, kame po yung students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Ako po si Thea at siya naman po si Krisna. Meron pa po kaming isang kasama, si Shiela kaso wala po siya rito. Di na po makararating kasi malelate na po. Ayun po. Meron po kasi kaming study na ginagawa about management of research organizations po. Tapos iccover po niya yung management ng finance department tsaka HR department po ng research organization. So napili po namin itong organization niyo para maging informant. Yung research po kasi naming, under revision siya so ito po yung last na informant na organization namen na nakuha, para matapos na po yung thesis namen. So proceed na po? So uhm, what are the guidelines being followed by your department in selecting and hiring company employees? Ms. Tagala: Actually meron kaming dalawang ano ng staff, isang project staff tsaka yung staff talaga ng office. Bale yung project staff, pag natapos talaga yung project, end narin yung contract nila. While yung sa staff, continuous lang siya hanggang nandun yung regular, hanggang maging institution. Interviewer: So yun po, pano niyo po ba pinipili yung mga nagaapply? Ms. Tagala: Katulad ng sa ano, may mga requirements. Sa ano muna, office staff. Usually, parehas lang naman eh. Application, letter, curriculum vitae, certificate ng employment, transcript of records, tsaka references, tsaka yung application form na galing sa IPD. Interviewer: Binibigay niyo po ng libre? Ms. Tagala: Oo. Kapag nagapply. Tapos kapag sa project staff, depende rin siguro ron sa kung ano ang background nila. Depende ron sa project kung qualified sila ron sa position. Interviewer: Ano po ba yung mga posisyon na madalas niyong inaapplyan? Ms. Tagala: Research. Yung mga nagsusulat ng mga projects. Tapos meron kaming screening. Ang unang screening ay, yung mga pinasa niyang documents ay nirereview kung pwede rin sya sa project. Usually sa admin palang yon. Tapos tsaka mo palang ipapasa sa project head. Tapos dun palang, nagkakaron palang ng interview dun sa nagapply. Kung sa project, ang magiinterview sayo yung nasa project head, nasa admin, at most probably, yung sa ED. Tapos meron silang written exam, para dun sa project. Tapos tsaka palang siya ipapasa sa Executive Director, na hired na sya, kung pumasa na siya sa lahat. Tapos nagkakaron siya, yun nga katulad ng una kong sinabi, kapag sa project staff, meron siyang ano eh, kumbaga di siya naaapply sa probationary. Basta’t may project, nandun siya. Tapos ganun din yung sa office staff, merong three months to six months na probationary. May evaluation yon galing sa ED kung mareregular ka ba o hindi. Interviewer: Ano pong mangyayari halimbawa di po sya mareregular? Sinusulatan niyo po ba or understood na na dip o sya… Ms. Tagala: Uh di pa kasi namen naeexperience yan eh. Usually, nag-end lang ang project. Pero sa staff, kasi dati malaki silang institute, ako yung pinaka huling huling na-hire as office staff. So nagtuloy-tuloy naman. Interviewer: Ah. Gano na po ba kayo katagal sa organization? Ms. Tagala: Mga 9 months. Kasi ilan nalang kami rito, ang regular staff nalang namen kasi. Tapos halos lahat na halos project based. Interviewer: Okay po. Next, are employees required to undergo trainings? Ms. Tagala: Ahm, ano kasi eh. Parang di na nagbibigay ng trainings dito. Seminars nalang. Pero mas makakasagot sa inyo si Ate Glo. Interviewer: Ano po ba yung mga seminars? Kayo po ba yung nagbibigay or hindi? Ms. Tagala: Meron kaming, kunwari sa mga funders, meron silang required na attendan na seminars, kunwari may magbabayad, yung ganun. Sa finance nila, yung mga ganun. May mga pinapaattend. Pero kung kami magpapagawa ng mga seminars, wala naman. Usually puro meeting lang. Interviewer: Pero nirerequire po sila? Ms. Tagala: Depende kung sa kanila ibibigay yun ano… Interviewer: Ah parang inaassign? Ms. Tagala: Oo. Interviewer: Eh tungkol san po ba yung mga seminars na inaattendan? Ms. Tagala: Kasi, ang usually na nagcconduct ng seminar samin ay yung funders. Sila yung nagbibigay ng guidelines kapag ano ang kailangan naming gawin, kapag magpapasa ng financial report. Interviewer: So what are the programs or activities in your firm for your employments’ development? Ms. Tagala: Kay Ate Glo na ang sasagot. Kasi siya yung may alam eh. Usually kasi support lang talaga ako sa kanila eh. Interviewer: What are the motivating schemes of your department in order to enhance your employees’ quality of work? Ms. Tagala: Kasi nagkakaron kame ng ano eh, medyo athletic yung mga tao rito. After mga ano, five o’clock, every week yun, tumatakbo kame. Parang bonding. Interviewer: Tuwing kelan po yon? Ms. Tagala: Tuwing Thursday. Tumatakbo kame sa UP. Interviewer: Kaya pala di kayo pwede kahapon. Ms. Tagala: Yun yung nakapagpagaan sa work. Tapos pagkabalik dito, yung iba back to work ulet. Interviewer: Nako, napaka healthy naman po pala ng lifestyle niyo. Ms. Tagala: *Laughs* Tsaka may tulungan din. Pag kakain, madalas sharing, yung ganun. Interviewer: Aside po ba ron sa mga nabanggit niyo, meron pa po ba? Ms. Tagala: Usually, ano kasi e, katulad ngayon, bago yung ED naming… Interviewer: Ano po yung ED? Ms. Tagala: Executive director. Ayon, ngayong March lang siya. Parang nangangapa palang kami sa kanya. Parang kinakausap niya kami isa-isa kung pano ang dapat gawin sa trabaho, sakin, bawasan ang FB…*laughs* Interviewers: *Laughs* Ms. Tagala: Basta, kung ano yung tumutulong tsaka kung ano yung ginagalawan ng IPD. Interviewer: Tapos, what are the schemes in promoting? Ms. Tagala: Sa promotion kasi, parang wala pa namang nappromote simula nong pumasok ako rito. Parang may standard din siya kung papasa ka ron. Yun, si ate Glo, siya ang tumatayo ngayon as Admin and Finance. Dati ang ano niya lang, finance officer lang sya. Merong, binibigyan niya kami ng ano, may pagmmeetingan namen yung mga argument, merong TOR yun, Terms of Reference, merong nakalagay kung gano katagal yung effectivity niya. Ganun din sa mga projects kapag maghhire ka, laging may TOR na kasama. Lahat ng job description, lahat ng coverage, kung magkano sahod niya… Interviewer: Usually po ba, yung projects, gaano nagtatagal? Ms. Tagala: Depende sa funders eh. Depende kung gano kalaki yung pondo na ibibigay sa kanila. Kung gano katagal sa pinropose, pati yung project nandun na. Minsan 6 months. Pero pag magrerenew ng contract kung tatakbo pa, yon. Interviewer: So next po, meron po ba kayong mga problems na naeencounter when it comes to hiring? Ms. Tagala: Ayun katulad ng sinabi ko, ako palang yung last na na-hire. So wala pa naman akong naeencounter na problem sa project staff. Kasi di pa kame naghhire eh. Interviewer: Eh sa motivating po? Ms. Tagala: Parang wala pa naman. Interviewer: Training and development? Ms. Tagala: Wala pa rin. Interviewer: So yun po. _____________________________________________________________________________________ INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Institute for Popular Democracy, Administrative Department/Human Resource Department Interviewee: Ms. Gloria Igaya, Finance and Administrative head Place of Interview: 28 Mapagkawanggawa cor Magiting Street, Teachers Village UP Diliman, QC Date and Time of Interview: March 18, 2011, 4:00pm Interviewer: Let’s start na po ba? Ano po ang full name? Ms. Igaya: Gloria Igaya. Interviewer: Educational Attainment po? Ms. Igaya: College degree. MBA Units. Interviewer: Ano pong position nila sa IPD? Ms. Igaya: Finance officer ako talaga. But since nagresign yung admin officer ng walang replacement, I have to take over kung ano man yung ginagawa niya. To the best of my knowledge. Interviewer: Okay po. Let’s proceed na po sa first question. Ms. Igaya: Yung first question dapat nacover na ni Karen eh. Interviewer: Opo. Pero sabi nya po kasi itanong pa raw po namen sa inyo eh. Ms. Igaya: Hindi, yun na yon. I don’t need to be as detailed as that. Diba? Interviewer: Okay po. Dun na po sa no.2. Are employees required to undergo trainings? Ms. Igaya: Hindi sila required, but its encouraged. Actually, more yung educational improvement, kasi may premium yung additional degree. Sa page. Dito sa research organization. Plus kasi if you’re an MA or a PHD. So you get more paid. Interviewer: So uh, gano po ba kadalas yung seminars or trainings? Ms. Igaya: Wala kasi kaming that’s provided by us. Its very, ah outside opportunity na minsan yung employee yung mismo yung nag-aano na “I insist doing this”, and uhm, ang last time na alam ko kasi ay yung communications officer namen na nagresign na ngayon, pero dati, she found a training in Indonesia. Parang, camp siya eh, parang summer, parang ganon, yung summer camp pero for photographer, multi-media professionals. Interviwer: Tapos anu-ano pa po ba yung trainings na… Ms. Igaya: Walang formal. Wala, walang… Interviewer: Kung ano lang po yung opportunities? Ms. Igaya: Yes. Usually kasi, people are, lalo na now. Ang konti na ng people here, compared dati 30 eh. Now we’re down to, like 8? No time na for uhm, trainings. Interviewer: Okay po. No. 3. What are the programs and activities in your firm for your employees’ development? Ms. Igaya: Yon, same. You’re encouraged lang to learn on your own. There’s supposed to be uh, may library jan na if you want to read yung books. Dati mas active yung acquisition ng books. Now not so much dahil limited narin yung budget. Dati kasi may institutional budget for books. But since nagddwindle na yung institutional funding, halos wala narin yung budget for books. And, yung mismong staff development. Hindi na siya, mejo budgetary due to financial constraints. Interviewer: So parang kusa nalang po sila? Ms. Igaya: Oo. Or if you have time for, to develop yourself. Aside from nga yung, ang formal educational attainment. Interviewer: Okay po. So what are the motivating schemes of your department in order to enhance your employees’ quality of work? Ms. Igaya: Before meron kasi silang Staff Performance Review. Pero that was clashed for some reason or other kasi, basta may unfairness na na-notice. So, so ngayon, although may imperative to develop a new, kasi nag-change na yung organization di na siya purely research eh. Merong pilot on the ground program. So hindi na siya mag-aapply yung research. Kasi dati output, kailangang may lalabas kang article for your publication. Wala na ngayon yon kasi onthe-ground yung trabaho nila eh. May imperative to develop pero wala pa. In effect, wala pa kaming salary increases for the last, so many years kasi wala pang manner. Interviewer: So aside po ron, pano niyo pa po nammotivate yung mga employees niyo? Ms. Igaya: Love for the ano nalang, yung love for the cause. And, yung camaraderie, yun nalang. Dati kasi, may budget din for, may outing sila yearly. Under institutional, nakaabot sila sa Palawan, sa Boracay. Ngayon, wala na. This is, this is the venue. Kahit inuman nalang, ganyan. Venue for ano. Or minsan, like they’re into naman, physical fitness ano. May running club na sila. Interviewer: Ay, nabanggit nga po ni Ms. Karen kanina. Ms. Igaya: Its more… Interviewer: Healthy pa nga po eh. Ms. Igaya: Oh yon, Its more-ly small things na encourage you to befriend outside of, yung office environment. Interviewer: Ah okay po. Interviewer 2: So its more of the relationship po Ma’am? Ms. Igaya: Yun nalang, yun nalang tayo. You better get along, ‘di ba? Interviewer: Okay po. What are your schemes in promotion? Ms. Igaya: Wala. *Laughs*. Hindi. Kasi it’s a flat, relatively flat organization eh. So may Executive Director, dati may Deputy Director pa. Supposedly sa plantilya, but budget constraints, you cannot hire na. So yung Executive Director, both ang direct ano niya is yung Program Coordinator. Or ______ na ano, to be ED. And yung program coordinator, yung staff nya, supposedly ang next in line, dun sa… But since it’s a relatively young organization, unless mag resign yung person involved. Actually yung ED namen kareresign lang, but they got from the outside. There’s nobody inside who wants to be promoted to the executive position. Interviewer2: Ma’am pero po kung sakaling meron po na nag-ano rito from the inside, pano po yung magiging sistema po ng promotion niyo ma’am? Ms. Igaya: Uhm, yung formal process nun edi siyempre evaluation ng, fluid parin kasi yung composition ng management committee ngayon eh. Mostly yung Executive Director, yung Chairman of the Board, yung Treasurer, and siguro one or two Senior Managers, hindi pa yon… Yung tatlo lang usually and some members of the Board pero hindi rin fixed yon. Yun yung mageevaluate. Like yung Executive Director, sila yung mageevaluate kung sino yung... Wala namang takers eh. Parang naging research committee sila, lead by chairman and treasurer. Interviewer2: So basically po, yung inemploy lang po nong nasscreen ng Executive Director is yung guidelines po na diniscuss ni Ms. Karlen? Ms. Igaya: Its more, kasi ang dami namang qualified ___ eh. Its more on kung magffit ka ba sa organization for that. ‘Cause its more nga eh, and very intimate na yung ano… Interviewer: Ah opo. Meron po bang problems, or what are the problems encountered by your department encountered by your department in terms of hiring? Ms. Igaya: Sa Hiring? Ano kasi eh, since its project based mostly, minsan mas malaking say yung project coordinator as to who should be hired. Parang sinabi niya, “eto kukunin ko si X.” As of now wala pa kasing controlled and balanced na, its either more, yung sa kanya sometimes its comforting to be working with X. Walang nagsasabing, “Bakit di pwede si Y? Diba mas qualified si Z?” Ganon. Walang formal na ganun. Yun yung problem. Second is you cannot pay that much. Syempre kahit gusto mo ng quality, quality people from UP, Ateneo, La Salle, you cannot, mas mababa pa sa call center yung bayad mo. Interviewer: Ayun po. In terms of motivating naman po? Ms. Igaya: Yun ang, ang ano naman kasi, since na walang program na yearly increase eh. If an employee is just focused on remuneration niya, there’s no motivation to see. Kasi isang taon na ganito parin ang salary ko. Dun magkakaproblema. Pero since, sa NGO, iba yung culture… Interviewer2: Iba po yung orientation. Ms. Igaya: Oo, iba yung orientation. Ako personally, ako yung work hours ko here are flexible. That what makes me stay. ‘Cause I certainly can get higher pay outside. But I don’t want to go to the office at 8 in the morning. So I figure, yun. You have to find kasi, yung quirks kasi we tolerate eh. Yun yung pay-off. That’s how we motivate. Sige okay lang kung medyo sintu-sinto, mejo sintu-sinto ka jan sa tabi. As long as yung output is okay. Its fine with that. Mas, ano, diversification, ay diversity based tsaka mas tolerant. Interviewer: Sa training and development po? Ms. Igaya: Training and development. Ayon budgetary most na yan ron. ‘Cause siyempre, you want, yung people mo to be the best that they can be but your priority is the salary, more than their training. Interviewer: Ma’am pano niyo naman po inaaddress yung problems, punta po tayo sa hiring, yung about sa project director. Ms. Igaya: Uhm, supposed to be magfform ng committee. Yun yung suggestion ko. Wala pa namang ano eh, dapat may hiring ano talaga, may hiring… Naiimplement siya sa regular staff. Pero sa project staff, di sya naiimplement fully. Interviewer: Sa motivating naman po? Ms. Igaya: Wala. Just maintain, maintain camaraderie and encourage yung extracurricular activities aside from work. Damihan yung kainan. Alam niyo naman yung mga pinoy, basta may kainan, diba? *Laughs* The company that eats together, stays together. *Laughs again*. Yung nga yung, yun lang kumain na kayo dyan oh. Interviewer: So namomotivate po sila ganung paraan? Ms. Igaya: It helps. Kasi nallighten yung mood. Interviewer: Tapos sa training and development naman po? Ms. Igaya: *Laughs* Walang magagawa dyan kung walang budget eh. Wala eh. Encourage them nalang to get opportunities outside, if you cannot provide one for them. Dito kasi pag study leave, hindi siya paid pero you’re allowed to go on sabbatical and when you come back, you still have your job. Di katulad sa ano, pag nagleave ka ng two years, sorry. Goodbye. Dito, meron ka paring ano. Interviewer: So yun lang po yung mga tanong sa human resource department. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organizaion: Statistical Research and Training Center, Finance Interviewee: Mr. Orlando Chinilla, Chief Accountant Place of Interview: 104 J&S Building, Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Date and Time of Interview: October 26, 2010, 11am Interviewer1: Thank you po sir for agreeing to enlighten us about this topic. And then sir, yun nga po sir, we’re fourth year students. I’m Krisna, *points to groupmates* Thea and Shiela. Yung thesis po naman is about the research management of research firms. So basically po, kung paano niyo ino-operate ang research firm niyo. And what we are about to talk about here is the finance. Yung tungkol pos a finances po ng firm. Mr. Chinilla: Pero aware kayo na government office ‘to? Interviewer1: Opo. Yun po sir, let’s start po sir? Okay nap o kayo? Sir ayin po, name niyo po sir? Mr. Chinilla: I’m Orlando Chinilla. Interviewer1: Orlando Chinilla Mr. Chinilla: Chinilla, ako yung accountant sa office. Interviewer1: Educational attainment niyo po sir? Mr. Chinilla: Educational attainment, I’m a certified public accountant. Ano lang, BSC lang. Bachelor of Science in Commerce. Interviewer1: Okay po sir. Gaano katagal nap o sila ditto sa SRTC? Mr. Chinilla: Twenty years. Interviewer1:Twenty years nap o kayo sir? And then yung nature of work niyo po sir? Mr. Chinilla: Sa accounting. Interviewer1: Accounting po. Okay po. Sir, religion niyo po? Mr. Chinilla: Catholic. Interviewer1: Ayon po sir. Let’s start po sa proper. What is the estimation of your firm’s income, yearly? Mr. Chinilla: Ah. Usually kasi, ang income ng SRTC since it’s a government office, bale nagdedepende lang sa sa mga, hindi incomes yan. Pwede nating sabihin na receipts, annual receipts no? Depende sa sa ano sa mga participants o kaya sa mga customized training. Basta hindi sa, sa kanila depende. Sa ano, magti-training. Interviewer1: Sir, ano po sir, yung rough estimation lang po sir. Mr. Chinilla: Rough estimate, dalawang klase kasi yan eh. Yung meron tayong receipts na tinatawag na trust ready. Mga trust ready, ibig sabihin two agencies na to undertake a certain project. Bale sila ang magbibigay sa amin ng budget para dun sa project. Kami lang ang magiimplement sila ang source, e. So bale, ang nangyari minsan sa isang project, mag-aalot sila ng around two million on the average siguro a year mga around five million. Interviewer1: Five million po? Mr. Chinilla: Oo. Sa ano yan, yung mga tinatawag na sa training naman, merong tinatawag kaming mga participants na sila mismo ang nagbabayad sa SRTC. Merong, merong individual, meron ding customized. At yung customized, ibig sabihin ay agency to agency. So mga around eight million. On the average siguro mga ten million a year. Interviewer1: Okay po sir. Ano naman po, let’s go to the expenditures naman po. Mr. Chinilla: Expenditures, almost ganun din. Interviewer1: Ganun din po? Mr. Chinilla: Kasi ang nature ng business. Ang nature ng function namin is services. So hindi kami more on profit, hindi. Kung ano lang ang masi-serve mo sa public. Interviewer1: Okay po. Ayun po sir. Punta naman tayo sa second question. What are the sources of your firm’s income? Mr. Chinilla: Yun nga, training fees. Interviewer1: Training fees. Mr. Chinilla: Traning fees or seminar fees. Interviewer1: Yun lang po sir? Mr. Chinilla: Plus research. Kasi minsan meron kaming tinatawag na, meron kaming management fee… 10% of the total project cost pero yung management fee na yun, bale nagagastos din naming sa aming operation. Interviewer1: What are the primary expenses of your company naman po? Mr. Chinilla: Primary expenses. Ah usually mga fixed ang mandatory expenses. Like rest, mga electricity, water, communications. Kasi nga service income lang kami. Tapos yung mga travel expenses, transportations, meetings, ano pa? Usually yun yung mga variables. Interviewer1: Ah. Next question po. What are the factors affecting the growth of your income and expenditures? Mr. Chinilla: Depende sa approved budget ng ng kumbaga yung entire budget ng bureaucracy. Pagka-ano siya, pagka walang problema, tuloy yung aming training. Kumbaga, a anong tawag dun? Nagiging smooth yung aming training kasi may mga participants na na magti-training, no. Kasi pag minsan pagka ang economy is nagkaroon ng economic crisism bagkakaroon ang government ng restrictions din. Usually ang tinatamaan yung budget para sa trainings. So walang gaanong magti-trainings sa amin kasi walang budget na ibibigay yung government agencies, nakakaapekto sa amin yun. Interviewer1: Ayon po sir. Aside po from the economic crisis, wala naman nap o sir? Mr. Chinilla: Wala naman. Kasi nga usually ang pondo, ang budget naman ng SRTC is coming from the general appropriation sa Department of Budget Management. So regular naman yun. Interviewer1: What distribution schemes are being followed by the department in the allocation of budget? Mr. Chinilla: Usually sa ano pa lang, sa budget proposal pa lang, may kanya-kanya ng allocation yung bawat division. Actually di siya department, ang tawag naming, division. So sa tranings, merong mga may budget para sa tranings, may sa research, meron sa admin. Kanya kanya na sila. Interviewer1: So sir, paano niyo po dini-determine kung alin po dun yung may pinakamaraming budget or yung appropriation ng budget niyo sir. Paano niyo po dini-determine kung ano po yun… Mr. Chinilla: Yung ano, yung bawat division yung kanilang.. nagbibigay sila ng, nagsa-submit sila ng proposed budget nila. So dun naman bine-base at yun yung sina-submit naming sa congress. So ganun nga, bale yun ang ano, ang distribution ng budget. SIla mismo ang.. manggagaling sa kanila yung proposal. Sa bawat division, isa-submit kung baga, ah, isa-submit sa akin nung nudget officer. Yun yung gagawan nila ng proposed budget for the entire SRTC for that particular year. Interviewer 1: Ayun po. Which department receives the largest allocation of budget? Mr. Chinilla: Usually, research. Interviewer1: Sa research division po? Mr. Chinilla: Kasi ang aming training division, meron siyang counter part nga, dun sa mga collection na nakukuha sa mga traning participants. Ang research, wala. So totally nandun yung budget. Interviewer1: Okay po sir, what are the problems encountered in your division of terms of your firm’s income? Mr. Chinilla: Program? Come again. Interviewer1: What are the problems encountered Mr. Chinilla: Problems, yun nga. Pagka nagkakaroon ng.. nagkakaroon ang government ng.. anong tawag dun? Economy measures, like yung nag-aano sila, nagka-cut sila ng budget para sa… sa training ng bawat.. bawat agency. So pag nawala, pag na-cut yun. Ibig sabihin wala silang budget para mag-traning sa amin. Interviewer1: Ah, sir paano niyo po ina-address yung problems niyo when it comes to your income? Mr. Chinilla: Problems? Ano bale pano pa yan. kasi wala sa akin yung ano eh. Yung control niyan, kami lang yung nagma-manage niyan pero ang control talaga niyan is nasa bawat, coming from the ano, other agencies na magti-training sa amin. Minsan din, sa research, ganun din. Hindi sila… kung walang budget, hindi rin sila magbibigay sa amin ng pondo para sa research kasi langing undertaken yan. So yung ganung case, paano natin ma-aaddress yan. Minsan, nagre-resolve kami saprivate sector. Yung gustong magparticipate. So nag-aano kami, nagbibigay kami ng through website. Parang marketing… yung aming marketing strategy na kung baga naco-cover pati yung private sector especially yung San Miguel, Globe telecoms, ABS-CBN.. Yung mga ano, nangangailangan ng statistics. Interviewer1: Ayun naman po. What are the problems encountered in your division in terms of your firm’s expenditures naman po? Mr. Chinilla: Ah, usually kasi. Pagka government kasi, ano yan eh. Lahat ng expenses mo, meron kaming sinusunod na basis. Mga government rules and regulations. Minsan diba, pag nagkakaroon ng problem kasi nagiging flexible. Kailangan ong sumunod kung ano yung nasa batas. So minsan, as accountant, hindi naaalis yung… hindi naaalis yung iisipin mo nab aka madis-allow yan kasi medyo lumihis ka ng konti sa rules and regulations about accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Kumbaga may existing rules and regulations na dapat mong tigana. Interviewer1: Ah. Sir, ayun naman po. Tungkol dun sa problem na nagbanggit niyo, paano niyo po iyon ina-address sir? Mr. Chinilla: Saan? Tungkol sa mga expenses? Ayon, kailangan mong ah, kailangan mong.. kailangan mo talagang sundin. Follow the rules and regulations, para ma-address mo yung ano… yung mga problems na na-encounter mo sa.. kasi yung hindi, maaaring madis-allow yan. Magiging problema mo pa yun kung di mo susundin. Whereas, pagka sa private ka, kung anuano, ma-flexible yung ano nun e, Yung kanilang pagdi-disperese ng expenses. Pwedeng kung ano lang yung merong company rules and regulations, pero hanggang doon lang. sa ano kasi, sa government office buong bureaucracy yan kailangang sundin, para hindi ka magkaroon ng problems. Interviewer2: Sir. Di ba nabanggit niyo po kanina na, may times na nagkakaproblema po kayo kapag hindi po flexible yung mismong sinusundan niyo sa government rules. Ano po yung example nung halimbawa hindi siya flexible? Ano pong halimbawa yung sitwasyon? Mr. Chinilla: Minsan gaya nung pag-procuremnt of supplies and materials, noh. Sa private kasi, mamimili ka lang kung sino yung gusto mo. Kung sino yung, kumbaga, sa advantage ng isang company and private company. Sa government, may susundin kang mga.. mga batas. Bago ka makapag- makabili ng mnga… halimbawa, supplies sa labas. Kailangan munang dumann sa me-meron rin kasing procurement service ang government. So dadaan ka muna doon. Minsan, hassle din kasi, bago ka makakuha ng kanilang certification na wala silang supplies ngayon. Mag-aantay ka muna. And it takes days, minsan months pa bago ka maano. E pano kung emergency na yung ano, yung mga supplies, dib a? Or dadaan pa sa bidding, ganun. Pag daan mo ng bidding, it takes time din, e kasi mag-aano ka muna, mag-aadvertise ka muna. Hindi lang isa, tatlong bese ka pang mag-aadvertise. Tapos, saka ka pagkatapos mong iadvertise yun at walang takers, dadaan ka pa sa procurement service ng government, yung tinatawag na PhilGeps. Mag-aantay ka pa ng, ano dun. Ng kanilang response, noh? And then kapag wala, pagka wala naman silang ganun, saka ka magsa-shopping. Mag-aano ka pa, kumbaga, mag-mamimili ka pa ng atlesat three na pwde mong bilhan. Tapos, yan. Kumbaga ma-ano sia. Maraming documents na pagdaraanan bago ka makabili ng gusto mong bilhin. Meron pa? Interviewer1: Ay sir, how about- may core values po ba yung SRTC? Mr. Chinilla: Core values? Interviewer1: Mga visions, missions… Mr. Chinilla: Ah. Meron. Nasa.. hindi sinabi ni Beth sa’yo? Meron. Andun sa.. kailangan niyo yun? Yung mission? Mission and yun? Interviewer1: Mission, vision, goals? Mr. Chinilla: Meron yun kami. Hingin niyo na lang kay ano.. kay Beth or yung nakadikit sa ano.. pwede niyong kopyahin. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc., Finance Department Interviewee: Ms. Jennifer Villanueva, Chief Accountant Place of Interview: LG 102, OMM-CITRA Bldg. Ortigas Center, Pasig City Date and Time of Interview: December 16, 2010, 11:00am Ms. Villanueva: I’m Jennifer Villanueva, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy; I’m staying with the company for almost seven months. And I’m the Chief Accountant here in Profiles Asia. Interviewer: What is the estimation of your firm’s income yearly? Ms. Villanueva: Uh. Yearly? For the company’s income yearly, approximately, it’s a gross sales, 30 million a year. Interviewer: And how about your expenditures yearly? Ms. Villanueva: Expenditures, meaning expenses for the year? Interviewer: Yes ma’am Ms. Villanueva: For the cost of sales, it’s around 4 to 5 million a year and then for the administrative and the marketing expenses around 12 million a year. Interviewer: 12 million? So ma’am basically, 16 million po all in all? Ms. Villanueva: Yes. Interviewer: What are the sources of your firm’s income? Ms. Villanueva: The sources of our company’s income, since our company’s income is selling testing assessments, just like what Ma’am Pick told you before. That’s it. Our products, that’s the main source of our income. Interviewer: Other than that po? Ms. Villanueva: Other than that, wala na. Interviewer: Yung primary expenses of your company naman po? Ms. Villanueva: Primary expenses of the company, of course the product that we sell, so we are buying that _____ form our affiliate, from Profiles international, so that is the primary expenses that we are paying for every year. The testing itself, the test itself. Interviewer: Other than that po? Ms. Villanueva: Other than that the utilities, the marketing, administrative and selling expenses advertisements salaries and wages of employees and office supplies and then yung office equipments na kailangan. Ayon Interviewer: What are the factors affecting the growth of your income and expenditures? Ms. Villanueva: Of course, factors, the first factor that affects our income is that kasi kung minsan depened yun sa sales eh, kung malaki yung benta mas malaki yung income. Ako kung di namin na-meet yung quota namin for the sales, expect na maliit din yung income. Yun yung pinaka major na factor na nakakaapekto when in comes to sales, income. And then or the expense, let’s say for the salary and wages, pag dumami yung employees so mas malaki ang expenses namin for that. So kung may mga umalis naman o madaming ang nagresign, so liliit diba? And another thing, yung sa utilities, may time kasi na na-experience ng company na excessive use of electricity, power ganyan. So open lahat kahit walang gumagamit , pati aircon, walong oras, so tumaas yung expenses naming when it comes to electricity. As in biglang tumaas so para maminimize yung ganung klaseng expenses, nagkaroon kami ng agreement na kapag yung aircon kailangang patayin ng every lunch time. Patayin yung aircon, hanggang 5pm in the afternoon lang and then patayin. So yun, na-minimize naming yung electricity expense naming. So mga ganung bagay. Interviewer: What distributing schemes are being followed by your department in the allocation of funds? Ms. Villanueva: Actually, sa ngayon wala pa naman kaming scheme or directions na sinusunod ng bawat department when it comes to allocating their budget, so ang ginagwa namin is that let every department state their own expenses let say for the month, makikita naman namin dun kung ano yung nilista nilang expenses favorable naman diba? From their dun lang kami nagbebase ng budget namin, kung meron kaming nakita dun na hindi naman dapat o kailangan, so cross it out kung di na siya kailangang include sa budget. Interviewer: So kayo po yung nag-aaprove kung kailangan niyo po yun? Ms. Villanueva: Sila, si Ms. Jocelyn Pick o si Mr. Malcolm Pick, pero dadaan muna sa akin para makita ko, tas may comment dun na ganito so, it’s up to them na na mag-decide kung isasama nila yun o hindi? Interviewer: Ah. So it’s for approval pa by Ms. Jocelyn and Sir Malcolm. Ms. Villanueva: Yes Interviewer: So which department receives the largest allocation of budget? Ms. Villanueva: Uhm. For now, since admin ang siyang nagre-request ng office supplies and IT, I think IT actually, IT kasi for the purchase of computers, almost every month or in a year e madalas silang bumili ng computers dahil basically yung application ni ma’am kanina diba, online yung mga exams namin so kailangan namin ng, yung medyo ano naman, __ kasi kung hindi, mahihirapan yung mag-eexam, so basically, IT and then yung sa sales, kasi for the advertisement, malaki yung expenses namin dun, advertisements, sa mga magazines like yung PMAP ata yun? Interviewer: Peoples’ Management Agency of the Philippines? Ms. Villanueva: Uh, yeah. Ang yung sa jobstreet, jobdb, so dun kami nagpe-place nung ads. Interviewer: So how many departments do you have here po pala? Ms. Villanueva: We have the sales, we have the customer service, the testing center, we have the IT department and the recruitment department and then the admin, the corporate communications And the finance and we’re working on HR, we have only one personnel kasi sa HR eh, so we have a personnel there, so it can be considered as department na rin, Interviewer: So you have nine departments po? Ms. Villanueva: Yes Interviewer: Problems in terms of your firms income? Ms. Villanueva: In my department only, or as a whole? Interviewer: As a whole po Ms. Villanueva: Uhm. I think the only thing that will affect our income is that when receivables from clients, for example ano, a certain client, hindi siya nagbayad yung product namin, so yun lang naman yung alam kong nae-encounter ko palang na problema, so yun. Interviewer: So sa collection po ma’am? Ms. Villanueva: Oo, sa collection, kapag di kami naka-collect at ayaw ng magbayad, wala kaming magagawa. Interviewer: Ma’am pano niyo po ina-adress yung problem niyo when it comes to collection from the clients of the firm? Ms. Villanueva: Actually, there are many steps na ginagawa namin like, first informing them that they have an overdue account with us verbally, over the phone, or we go to their office and talk to them na ganito. And then after that, kung wala pa din, we send them a demand letter reminding them that they have a payable to us then kapag hindi pa rin, another letter ulit. Maybe mas mabigat na yung dating nung letter hanggang sa magsabi na yung company na hindi na nila mababayaran, o walang payment talaga na mare-receive galling sa kanila. So it’s, the board na, sina Ms. Jocelyn na ang magde-decide through board meeting kung macoconsider as cannot be collected na talaga. Interviewer: So you do series of follow ups po? Ms. Villanueva: *nods* Interviewer: How about the problems encountered with expenditures naman po? Ms. Villanueva: Minsan kasi di maiwasn yung biglang expenses na di naman kasama sa budget na, may babayaran tayong ganito, may biniling item na ganito with this amount, parang ganun, so siyempre kung hindi siya budgeted. Saan ako maghahagilap nagyon ng pambabayad ko dun? So yung budget ko for the month, medyo magugulo siya, may re-alignment so ire-realign mo ulit yung budget na ginawa mo for this month para ma-accommodate mo yung unexpected expenditure nay un. Ganun. So ganun, lang. Since yung company kasi e maliit lang naman, di ganung ka-complicated yung mga payables and expenses namin. Interviewer: So yun po ma’am, na-mention niyo nga po na ina-address niyo lang through realignment of your budget, ma’am monthly po kayo gumagawa ng budget? Ms. Villanueva: Actually, gawa na siya, ideally every year ang budget, but it should be on a monthly basis. So for a whole year. For the whole year 2011, meron na akong prepared budget for that. So it was prepared by months. Interviewer: Ah, so naka-breakdown na po siya per months? Ms. Villanueva: *nods* Interviewer: Ma’am, thank you po. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Institute for Studies of Asian Church and Culture, Finance Department Interviewee: Ms. Adelaida Villegas, Book Keeper Place of Interview: Units 307 & 205 Corinthian Executive Regency Ortigas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig Date and Time of Interview: March 9, 2011 02:00pm Interviewer: Thank you po sa pagpaunlak po a interview naming kahit super short notice na. Ako po si Krisna, si Shiela po, graduating students po kami from PUP undertaking Bachelor in Communication Research. Yung purpose po ng interview nato is for data generation po naming for thesis writing. Ayun po mam. So basically po yung thesis naming is about Research Management ng Research Firms is through identification of finance management. So kayo po ni Miss Dhel po yung iinterview-hin- Ms. Villegas: Ako yung Dhel. Interviewer: Ay baligtad sorry po. So kayo po. So kayo pong dalawa ni Miss Ayds ang iinterviewhin po naming. So, ayun po. First, start po tayo mam sa name niyo po. Ms. Villegas: Full name? Interviewer: Yes mam. Ms. Villegas: Adelaida Interviewer: Miss Adelaida- Ms. Villegas: Villegas. Interviewer: Villegas. Mam ano po yung position niyo sa ISACC? Ms. Villegas: Book Keeper. Interviewer: Book Keeper. Mam, gaano na po katagal kayo ditto sa ISACC? Ms. Villegas: One year and nine months? Interviewer: One year and nine months. And then mam yung- Ms. Villegas: Nine nga ba? Kasi July yun,e. Interviewer: Mag-i-eight. okay po. Mam, yung educational attainment niyo po? Ms. Villegas: Graduate ako ng Accounting. Nung time na yun BSBA major in Accounting. Interviewer: Let’s proceed na po dun sa finances natin. What is the estimation of your firm’s income yearly? Ms. Villegas: Yearly, dun sa inabutan ko, tulad ng sinabi ko hindi ano- based on projects, nasa 1.5 yung project na inabutan ko. Kaya lang good for 6 months yung project naming. So yun yung basically masasabi kong income plus yung sa publication na nasa 30,000 lang yearly. Pero depende pa rin kasi yun,e. Kung meron kasing mas maraming project, mas maraming ano- Interviewer: Income po kayong maituturing. Mam, how about your expenditure yearly po? Ms. Villegas: Yung expenditure kasi most- Kasi yung mga- pag may project kasi funded yun. Yung parang pinaka-expense namin kahit walang project is yung salaries tsaka utilities. Nageestimate ako ng 1.2 a year. Interviewer: 1.2 million a year. Okay po. Yung next question po, ano po yung sources ng income nung ISACC po? Ms. Villegas: Tulad ng sabi ko based on grants and donation tapos- kung masasabi din na yungkasi ang ISACC, organization may mga miyembro yan. So merong membership fee. So hindi naman umabot ng 20 thousand a month yun kasi sa fee lang yun. Tapos mga donations pang individuals sa mga churches yun. Mga part ng ISACC… Interviewer: Mam kayo po yung mga iba pang nagdodonate. Di ba po yung iba po parang nagsi-serve sila as funder nung researches niyo. May nagdodonate po ba mam yung out of good will lang po? Ms. Villegas: Meron. Interviewer: Ah, sige po. Next question po. Ano naman po yung primary expenses ng ISACC? Ms. Villegas: Kapag walang projects yung salaries and utilities. Katulad ngayon para makagawa kami ng mga plans, para makapagpatuloy pa rin yung mga pino-project na mga projects, ganun. So yun yung basic na ano ng organization, yung salaries and ano… Interviewer: Mam how about yung expenses niyo po pag may projects? Most likely ano po ba yung kino-cover? Ms. Villegas: Kino-cover doon, kasama doon yung salaries namin. Sa admin, may project manager, may project director, research person, yung mga supplies, yung transpo, tapos kapag may mga meetings, yung pagkain ganyan. Tapos may mga- tulad ng sa advocacies, halimbawa nagbibigay sila ng budget for- kasi recording yun,e. Budget for equipment, yung mga ganyan. Kung kailangang i-print yung materials, halimbawa book ano, yun may budget din yan. Interviewer: Mam, nagpi-print din po kayo ng books po, noh? Ms. Villegas: Actually yung-hindi. Yung mga books na yan is parang ano lang din kay Madam Melba. Halimbawa katulad ng MICA, another project yan ng ISACC, so may nasulat na books si Madam tapos merong nagfund doon para i-print yung books. Usually yun pini-print yun sa ibang bansa. UK, mga ganun. Hindi ko alam kung saan pa yun. Hindi ISACC talaga yung- Interviewer: Mam, ito pong office place niyo po Mam, nire-rent niyo lang po? Ms. Villegas: Sa ngayon, Oo. Interviewer: So mam, they’re part of expenditure po yung office niyo. Ms. Villegas: Kasama yun sa- Interviewer: Utilities po mam. Okay po mam. Next na po. Ano po yung factors na nakakaaffect dun po sa income niyo po? Ms. Villegas: Nakaka-affect, ano yung naiisip ko kung pano nakakaapekto siguro- Nakakaapekto dahil wala kaming income or nakaka-affect para- Interviewer: Nakaka-apekto po para magka-income po kayo. Ms. Villegas: Usually, yung- ang gumagawa kasi ng proposals yung E.D. namin, so siya yung naggagawa ng proposals para maka-ano kami ng project, ganun yung ano… kami, ako sa part ko ang ginagawa ko costing. Nagbibigay sila listing tapos ako lalagyan ko ng costing. Tapos yung E.D. namin nag-aano talaga ng mga proposals. Interviewer: Mam how about po yung factors po na nakaka-affect sa expenditure? Same rin po? Ms. Villegas: Oo. Tulad niyan. Pag may project kami, meron kaming suweldo. Pag walang project, wala ring suweldo. Interviewer: So basically po mam ang main factor po talaga is yung dating po ng projects sa ISACC po? Ms. Villegas: Yun talaga ang bumubuhay talaga sa ISACC. Interviewer: What distribution schemes are being followed by your department in the allocation of budget? Ms. Villegas: Distribution scheme kasi konti lang naman kami, nakita mo naman. Ang malaki talaga yung ano- yung project talaga. Interviewer: Yung parang operations po mam? Ms. Villegas: Oo. Operations nung project. Pero siyempre kasama kami pero hindi ganunKumbaga siguro mga 1/3 yung budget ng Admin or part ng Finance. Dun lang sa projects- ang mas nakakaano yung projects mismo, dun talaga mas malaki yung ano- Interviewer: Mam, matanong ko lang po, ilan po ba yung departments dito sa ISACC? Ms. Villegas: Parang- kasi ano lang kami Admin and Finance, tatlo kami, tapos yung TNP, yung sa atraining dalawa. Interviewer: So tatlo lang po. Ms. Villegas: Yung Research, yung Advocacy. Interviewer: Yung Advocacy po nandoon po yung research? Ms. Villegas: Oo nandoon. Tapos yung sa training, yung mga seminars. Interviewer: Yung Admin and Finance po magkasama saisa? Okay po. So ano pong department yung nakaka-receive-parang nasagot niyo na nga po, yung Advocacy Department po. Sila po yung may largest part of fund niyo po? Ms. Villegas: Depende kasi yun sa project,e. Pero kung in terms of- pano ba yun, in terms of salary or in terms of pagkakagasta? Interviewer: Pagkaka-yung pinagkakagastusan. Yung parang sa kanila po napupunta yung karamihan nung budget sa buwan po, para pong ganun. Ms. Villegas: Kasi parang sa training din meron din naman kaya lang… Actually parang pareho naman sila. Interviewer: Yung training po atsaka Advocacy? Ms. Villegas: Depende lang sa kung kelan sila magkaka-training, kung kelan- yung advocacy kasi patuloy yan,e. Hindi pwedeng mag-pass. Tuloy-tuloy yan. Interviewer: So meron po kayo mam. Ayun nga po. Yung pinupursue po ng ISACC kahit walang Donors. Meron po kayo mam? Ms. Villegas: Sa ngayon yung Advocacy. Interviewer: Ano po yung problems na na-encounter ng Finance pagdating po sa firm’s income? Ms. Villegas: kapag walang dumarating na- Interviewer: Na projects po? Ms. Villegas: Oo, yun talaga. Interviewer: Pero apart from that naman po, wala naman po kayong na-encounter? Ms. Villegas: Wala naman. Kasi tulad nga ng sinabi ko, pag may projects madali lang- Interviewer: Mam ano naman po in terms of your expenditure ano naman po yung problems na na-encounter ng ISACC? Ms. Villegas: Pareho din. Pag walang funds, pag walang ano, talagang mas… Interviewer: Ah, talagang projects po. Both income and expenditure. Ms. Villegas: Kasi Faith-based kasi,e. So kung talagang income generating may inaasahan. So halimbawa pag nagtrabaho ka sa – pag 15 may inaasahan. So sana ganun din, part ng ISACC na pag 15 may ano… Interviewer: Ano po yung solutions na ini-implement niyo po san a-identify niyo pong problems when it comes to finance? Ms. Villegas: When it comes to finance. Solution. Kasi sa part ko as book keeper, parang hindi naman ako yung responsible. Meron akong kino-consult na tao halimbawa katulad ni Mam Ayds Sa kanila ako nagsasabi na walang ano sa ganun… . kulang sa utilities… so pray. Interviewer: Mam parang ano po ba yung madalas na ina-advice nila sa inyo na gawin kapag lumalapit po kayo sa kanila na wala nga po kayong pang-ano. Ms. Villegas: Actually, wala naman kaming, kasi hindi naman kami puwedeng manghiram. Wala kaming ibabayad dun. So naghihintay ng- sa part ko kasi hindi ako yung- kasi wala naman akong hawak na pera,e. Sinasabi nila saaken, wala, nagpi-pray lang kami na may dumating. Interviewer: So basically naghihintay lang po kayo ng donations po. Ms. Villegas: Oo donations… Interviewer: Mam, do you think ano po, sa tingin niyo po mam, nag-a-outsource- parang naghahanap po ng ibang means yung E.D. niyo para makapag-produce ng pera? Or wala naman pong- Ms. Villegas: Meron naman. Nag-aano naman siya. Parang halos lahat na nga inanuhan,e, ginawan ng sa proposal,e. Parang halos lahat tinry na. Kaya lang siguro talagang hindi- baka merong hindi nagfi-fit. Yung iba naman na napadalhan, yung iba katulad ng sa DPWH, cost- cutting sila, hindi nila priority. Yung mga kung bakit nagde-decline. Yung iba naman mas prefer nila na magprepare sila ng sarili nilang program. Interviewer: Okay po. Mam, parang ang bottomline po, kapag kulang kayo sa fund, nagpiprepare po kayo ng maraming proposals para may makuha po kayong- Mam wala na po dito yung sunod na question pero basically naman po, masasagot niyo. Mam, pano po kayo nagpiprepare ng budget ng ISACC? Ms. Villegas: Budget for the expense ng ISACC or sa project? Interviewer: Same, ay both po. Ms. Villegas: Kasi yung sa expense ng ISACC… Alam ko namn yung need ng ISACC. Yung mga kailangan. Yung utilities, yung salaries. Yung sina-sum ko siya lahat for the whole year. Katulad nitong ginawa ko. So sa part naman ng projects, depende kasi sa… atsaka sa gusto nilang ipagawa. So ang karaniwan sa projects, ang nanyayari merong format. Tapos papalagyan lang nila saakin ng costing. Tapos halimbawa may travel-travel. Magkano ba yung ticket papunta dun, yung ganun. So yung final ano, si Miss Alice pa din. Sasabihin eto medyo mataas to, bababaan ko. Kasi sa training mas mataas. Interviewer: E mam yung pagpi-prepare po ng budget po for ISACC lang po. Nagcoconsult po ba kayo mam sa ibang departments? Or kayo nalang po ba talaga mam. From your knowledge po. Ms. Villegas: Ina-ano ko lang kay Miss Ayds yung sa E.D. Interviewer: Parang for Approval Ms. Villegas: Bago naming ilabas yun, reviewhin ko muna. Tapos kung ano yung mga projected na pwede naming isama Interviewer: E mam yung sinabi po ni Mam Ayds kanina, parang solution din po yung pagreresign po. Ms. Villegas: Nung time kasi nila nay un. 2008 ba yun Cathy? 2008 yata yun. Wala na talaga silang projects so ang dinecide yata nung President naming si Madam ay pag-resignin na lang sila para- siguro para magkaroon din sila ng ibang ano. Yung iba, nagresign talaga. Pero nung 2009, pumasok kami nandito pa si Cathy. Nung time na yun may dumating na isang project. Interviewer: A, pano ba, last na po to. Yung mga donors niyo po na nagpapagawa sa inyo ng projects. Usually from government, individual or private? Ms. Villegas: Usually mga NGO din sila,eh Interviewer: Yung nagpapagawa po sainyo? Ms. Villegas: Tulad ng… alam ko NGO din yun,eh. Interviewer: Okay po. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION Organization: Institute for Popular Democracy, Finance Department Interviewee: Ms. Gloria Igaya, Finance and Administrative Head Place of Interview: 28 Mapagkawanggawa cor Magiting Street, Teachers Village UP Diliman, QC Date and Time of Interview: March 18, 2011, 4:15pm Ms. Igaya: I doubt, meron bang sumasagot sa inyo niyan (referring to the first question)? Interviewers: Meron po. Ms. Igaya: Bahala siya, ako I cannot say this. Sources of income, more on funders yan. Mostly, siguro 85-90% yan. 85 – 90% foreign funders yan. Interviewer2: Eh man’am yung remaining percent po? Ms. Igaya: Local or yung, meron kasi kaming publications eh. Meron kaming donations donations din. Employees din, tawag dun? Related interests. Interviewer2: Ah, so ano lang po ma’am, donors po? Ms. Igaya: Donors lang talaga, grants. Mga ganun. Interviewer: Ah. Okay po. Next po, what are the primary expenses of your organization? Ms. Igaya: Yan ang mahirap i-ano eh. I-fluid. Yung mga project activities siguro. It’s like 60%-70% program activities yan. Interviewer: Yung remaining 30-40% po? Ms. Igaya: Eh siyempre, personnel atsaka overhead. Interviewer2: Ma’am yung mga program activities po, ano po ba basically ang kino-cover nun? Ms. Igaya: Kasama na yung research. Mostly, if you want to break it down, research atsaka pilot activities. Interviewer: Tapos what are the factors affecting the growth of the income and expenditures of your organizations po? Ms. Igaya: Growth of both income and expenditures? Interviewer: Opo. Ms. Igaya: With income kasi, siyempre laging dependent siya sa ano. Kasi the process is, magapapasa ka ng proposal sa funder, they have to approve it. So number one, depende kung magugustuhan nila ang proposal mo, next, if your proposal is in line with their own organizational thrust. For example, yung AUSAID ngayon, sabi nila we’re not doing Philippines ngayon except Mindanao. E wala naman kaming engagement sa Mindanao in a deep scale. So wala kami sa ano nila. Ganun yung factors na ano. And then second, wala nang nagfu-fund institutionally now, unlike before na, ang fina-fund niya is whatever you want to do, we will fund it. Ganun ang framing eh. Now, per project siya. With a specific output per project. Hindi yung, for one year, fu-fundan kita ganun yung institutional funding. Parang, for one year, susustentuhan kita. Ito, it can be three months or six months. Interviewer2: Ma’am before po institutional funding po kayo? Ms. Igaya: Until 2008. Tapos nawala na yung institutional funding. Actually delayed pa nga kami eh. Yung iba, matagal nang walang institutional funding. Kaya nagdu-dwindle na rin ang NGO. Expenditures, dapat nga di nago-grow ang expenditures. Kino-control lang talaga yan. Like uh sabi ko nga sa inyo, from 30 na tao, naging 9. You can imagine na katakot-takot na retrenchment ang ginawa o nagresign na yung karamihin dahil sa mga nangyaring adjustment. Tapos yung office naming dati, would you believe na 80k ang rent. Parang can’t afford. Mas mahal pa yan kesa sa restaurant rate. We have to move into a small, you know. Interviewer: Ma’am dun po kami pumunta nung isang araw. Ms. Igaya: Pero diba hinati-hati na nila yung unit? Dati dalawang unit yung isang… Interviewer: Buti na lang po dinirect kami nung may-ari dito. Ms. Igaya: Saan niyo po ba nakuha yung address? Interviewers: Sa website niyo po. Ms. Igaya: Oh? Di ba updated yun? Interviewer2: Nagulat nga po kami. Akala po naming, malayu-layo pa po ang nilipatan niyo. Ang sabi pa po sa amin, wala na sila rito five years ago pa. Nawindang po kami. Buti na lng po stone’s throw lang. Ms. Igaya: Wala pa namang five years. 2007 lang. Interviewer: Eh, sabi po ni kuyang ano. Ms. Igaya: Ay, four years nap ala. Tumawad pa e noh? Distribution schemes? Interviewer: What are the distribution schemes being followed by your department in terms of allocation of funds. Ms. Igaya: Ano kasi yan eh. As much as I would like na may specific distribution scheme na, o 20% dito sa team na ‘to. Dati kasi we’re five teams eh, so divide ko lang yung rent by five. Hati kayo, one, two, three, four, five. Ngayon, it’s project-based eh. So, is-straw ko lang ayon dun sa budget sa overhead expenses. And if they don’t allocate at all, wala akong makukuha sa project nay un at all. Yun yung problem sa ano. It can’t be fixed, every year, minsan pa nga every quarter you have to adjust. Kung may papasok nab ago, plus bay un sa aking budget allocation? Ayon. Interviewer2: So ma’am paano po kayo gumagawa ng budget plans? Ms. Igaya: *laughs* oo nga, dun nga ako naloloka eh. Ang nangyayari eh meron akong general fund where I have the overhead expenses na hindi apparently maco-cover ng project-based. Saka ko makikita after ng project kung may sosobra na pwedeng magcover dun. Dun ko lang makukuha. Tas minsan, midyear magrere-align pa ako. May bagong project, o di natuloy tong project na ‘to. It’s very fluid. Ang hirap. Mahirap. Ideally kasi, nire-require ko sila na magsubmit ng cash flow statements. Pero hindi pa nangyayari. Interviewer: Ah, so di pa po naiimplement? Ms. Igaya: Ang tagal ko nang hinihingi sa kanila pero wala pa rin. Ewan ko sa kanila kung bakit di pa rin nila binibigay sa akin. Maybe I should go hold their budget. *laughs* Interviewer2: Ma’am segway lang po, how many departments nga po ba meron ang IPD? Ms. Igaya: Kasi for now, there’s no such thing na as a department eh, It’s all project-based na. so ang dalawng major projects as of now, is yung Local Governance and yung Asia, AEPF, Asia Europe People’s Forum. Yung iba, malilit na lang na projects. Interviewer2: Ah, so ma’am para pong… Ms. Igaya: And then siyempre yung admin and finance. Interviewer2: Ah, so ma’am parang yung division niyo po, yung projects niyo na lang po yung nagigiging division niyo. Ms. Igaya: Ganun ang nangyayari. So every year, iba iba yung departments namin. Interviewer2: So ma’am, yung constant lang po e yung admin and finance? Ms. Igaya: Oo. Interviewer2: Okay po. Ms. Igaya: Yung Local Governance kasi, three years siya. Three-year project so… Interviewer: Ah, okay po. Ms. Igaya: So after three years, di mo naman alam kung ano pero as long as project namin siya, kasama siya sa departments. Interviewer: Tapos, which department receives the largest allocation of funds? Ms. Igaya: Ah, that’s variable eh. As of now, yung dalawa ngang yun. Yung sinabi kong major projects. Interviewer: Ah so ma’am yung sa operations po, dun po napupunta yung budget niyo talaga? Ms. Igaya: Dun talaga. Interviewer: Uh. Problems na po encountered in terms of the income Ms. Igaya: Ayon, yung sinabi ko na sa inyo. It’s very fluid. Masyado siyang fluid. Misnan masyadong, ambilis ng project, ambilis nung time, anong tawag dun? Halimbawa three months lang… Interviewer: Time frame po? Ms. Igaya: Pano ko siya ipa-plano ng three months. Dumating yung pera tapos lumabas, ah ganun? Hindi ko siya ma-monitor kung paano gagamitin kasi dumating lumabas, ganun. Yung time frame, yung fluidity nung ano, yung structure. Minsan yung timing nung pagpasok nung ano, some will advance. Some will say, gumawa muna kayo ng reimbursement report saka naming kayo i-aano. So yung pagmanage nung cash nun, madugo. Interviewer: Opo. Ms. Igaya: Kasi minsan, kailangan 1M ang gagastusin. Saan ako kukuha ng 1M na pang abono? Minsan you have to juggle. You have to juggle funds among the projects. Interviewer2: Sa solutions naman po na inaa-apply? Ms. Igaya: More planning, yun ang ano. Constant and flexible dapat ang planning. Kasi sometimes, magpe-prepare ako ng cash flows, sometimes it can be followed pero you have to be flexible para kapag mag-aadjust, Second, constant monitoring. Kasi minsan, “Bakit hindi gumagalaw ‘tong project na ‘to”? we don’t know until it’s too late that the project was mismanaged. Yung mga three months, three months nay an, halimbawa ngayon March, April, May. Bakit April na wala pang disbursement sa project na yan? Minsan too late mo na siya makikita. May. Ang hirap mag-adjust, ayon. Interviewer: Okay po. Ms. Igaya: So, may tanong pa ba kayo? Interviewer: Ma’am yung sinabi niyo pong pagiging flexible, yun din po ba yung sinasabi niyo na pagre-realign ng budget? Tama po ba? Ms. Igaya: Ang daming levels niyan eh. Kasi yung budget sometimes, you can’t re-align it anymore because that’s what you submitted it to the funders eh. More yung, siguro yung classifications ng accounts, dun ka lang nag-aano. Or, you have to spot early on kung magrerealign ka sa budget kasi ipagpapalam mo pa sa funder yun. So kung one year ang project mo, dapat magpapalam ka ng June, huwag kang magpapaalam ng November na mgare-reaalign ka ng budget dahil mahahalatang hindi mo siya ginawa ng tama. Ay isa pa pala yun, aside from monitoring, dapat mabilis ang aksyon. Yun kasi ang sakit ng NGO, isang katerba ang meeting, walang action action. Mahilig magmeeting ang NGOs. Interviewer: So yun po, ilang taon na po ba sila sa company po? Ms. Igaya: Ah, sa company akala ko ako ang tinatanong. Kasi nagstart ako as project accountant lang, for 2004 – 2008. 2008 lang ako nagstart as regular finance officer. Interviewer: Pero po ngayon maam, hina-handle niyo na nga po ang admin and finance? Ms. Igaya: Oo. Interviewer: Yun po. Ms. Igaya: Padalhan niyo ako ng copy. Pag di niyo ako pinadalhan, mumultuhin ko kayo. Interviewer: Opo. APPENDIX F: Researchers’ Curriculum Vitae Shiela May Familaran A silent lip with a talkative pen is the natural picture of this young lass. With her ink giving her thoughts, she has the sea for stories and the land for the reality. Which is, making the 19-year-old girl have a passionate interest in story-telling more than writing the complicated technical scenes. But since it is about holding a pen, she will survive both. Shiela May Familaran graduated her high school studies in Naujan Municipal High School wherein she represented her school on some poster making and writing competitions. She also became the Feature and Literacy Editor of her school publication during her secondary education. The girl is also a Dean’s Lister while taking up her course in college. Trying her writing skills in tertiary level, she joined the writing competition on PUP National Book Week Celebration last November 2008 and got the 1st place on the Essay Writing Contest. A far-fetched from what kind or person she is when writing, she remained modest and calm. She’s always at her best on performing tasks on her shoulders. She keeps her enthusiasm and positive disposition while dealing on certain things. Judging a man’s wisdom by hope is the thought she always wear to keep things possible. She loves fiction books such as the works of Stephenie Meyer, Richelle Mead, Sidney Sheldon, Robert Harris and other authors’; such a better escape from the stressful reality. Watching adventure and horror movies and listening to the poetic lyrics of A Rocket to the Moon, Amber Pacific, Mayday Parade and other awesome musicians seemed to be her stress reliever, leaving no seconds to waste. She’s also posting her blogs and stuff on her Live Journal and Tumblr accounts. The young girl also loves cosplaying anime characters, brining fictional figures in the real world in a creative way. Maria Krisna Parrera “With God, nothing is impossible.” – This five-word thought serves as an engine to help her keep the regular flow in her life. She is living that way that’s why she believed that she’s tracking the right path towards her distant career. Behind her glasses, Maria Krisna Parrera is not a nerd weirdo in that fashion degree. But with or without those lenses, intellectuality and personality could always be distinguished in her character. The 20- year old young lady from Bataan National High School is the name that was accompanied by the word “wow” due to her number one rank in the entire College of Communication during the 2010 Recognition Ceremony. In the middle of the ringing applauses, she’s still humble and she maintained her normal approach towards her comrades; without flaunting air or boasting presence. At times, she’s arrogant on the situations where she needed to be one, adding points to her impressive personality. Having a mild obsessive compulsive personality disorder isn’t a bad part for her profile. Apparently, it helped her to become well-organized and focused on things. She’s also reachable for those who needed her and understanding as well with the things she encountered. Active and responsible on the tasks requiring her full mind efforts, she’s quite responsive on the concentration calls to the extent of deactivating her social networking accounts or putting aside things that are less serious to be taken. She loves the color of blue and having stars on her stuff gives her delight. She has a hobby of collecting notebooks, organizing things as she writes on its pages. She also loves movies, watching numbers of it to fill her vacant times. She also takes pleasure in posting blogs and stuff on her Tumblr account. With the combination of intelligence, stunning looks and well-mannered personality, in a profile basis, that would be a lethal asset. It’s not hers to foresee what would she become on the coming days but she already had a clue. And with God she always keeps in her heart, the horizon is definitely a better view. Althea Muriel Pineda Hitting the right note, Althea Muriel Pineda is indeed a package of artistic abilities. Art is the exact word you can connect with her name if you are going to list down things about this damsel. Describing how talented she is, she can dwell into music while lingering on her artworks. As simple as playing a guitar with a smudge of pastel colors in her hands. This girl is cut for every creative works she could furnish or simply saying, she’s at her best in every piece. She had marched off her secondary studies as an honor student in Quezon City High School. And during those high school years, she had been a placer in “Pagsulat ng Balita”, grabbing it consistently up to the regional level. She’s also a President’s Lister while proceeding her stepping years in her Communication Research course. A person of strong courage, no problems could displace her joy for living. Her sense of humor turned out to be what-her-friends-so-loved-about-her. She is an exceptional person with her talents. Having a tough nature, she’s a hard working girl managing stress by giving a proper reaction towards a situation. She patronized her responsibilities with a clear idea of what needs to be done and work on problems with creative thinking. She usually kills her free hours by surfing the internet, posting blog and texting. Giving details with her artistic character, she loves writing, singing and drawing. Reading fiction books, playing guitar and listening to rock music are considered to be her best companions during those times when sanity meets imagination and creativity. Looking through her abilities, a promise of achievement would be envisioned after finishing up her course. Having her mind as a source of her dreams would be like a limitless tank she could pull all the strength and the courage from. With her spirit, confidence and Faith in God, such completion would be seized undoubtedly that would meet the world in her own terms.