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Certification Assessment Instrument For Schools





1 ESC (RE-) CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT Background and Rationale  A junior high school participating in the )$ucational Service !ontracting *)S!+ Progr a o the (epartent o )$ucatio ully coply coply ith ith the iniu iniu stan$ar$s stan$ar$s or secon$ary secon$ary e$ucational e$ucational institutio institutions. ns. It ust ust also also be coitte$ coitte$ to beco $elivering $elivering uality uality e$ucatio e$ucational nal progras progras an$ services. services. (ep)$ enjoins enjoins participa participating ting private private schools schools to to ensure ensure that that )S! )S! stu aca$eically challenging junior high school e$ucation in an environent environent o values, trust an$ loyalty. loyalty. )S! grantees alon alon high school school stu$ents stu$ents ill ill have acuire acuire$ $ the 0nole$g 0nole$ge e an$ $evelope$ $evelope$ the the s0ills s0ills necessary necessary or success success in higher higher e$ucatio e$ucatio range o careers. 'he (epartent o )$ucation *(ep)$+ has coissione$ coissione$ the Private )$ucation Assistance !oittee *P)A!+ *P)A!+ & throug to establish a uality assurance certiication echanis that oul$ conir )S! participating private junior high schools1 stan$ar$s stan$ar$s or recognitio recognition. n. A certii certiie$ e$ )S! school school thereore thereore is is one hich hich has coplie$ coplie$ ith ith all all (ep)$ (ep)$ stan$ar$s, stan$ar$s, a$he polici policies, es, an$ an$ eets eets the the reuir reuiree eents nts o the the sel& sel&stu$ stu$y y proce$ proce$ure ure presc prescrib ribe$ e$ by P)A P)A! ! %ation %ational al Secret Secretari ariat at )S! )S! !erti !ertiii assessent instruent, an )S! school is assiste$ to $eterine its strength an$ potentials or becoing a ore eective 'he governent governent through through the (epartent (epartent o )$ucation )$ucation has loo0e$ into the acilities acilities an$ physical physical resources resources o the scho recognition. 'hereore, this assessent instruent ocuses ore on the unctional use o these acilities an$ resources thereo. Framework and Standards  A basic raeor0 o a uality e$ucation syste is one that succee$s in eeting its on goals3 one that is relevant t counitie counities s an$ society3 society3 an$ one that osters osters the the ability ability o stu$ent stu$ents s to acuire acuire 0nole$g 0nole$ge e an$ critical critical learning learning s0ills. s0ills. 4u 0eeping 0eeping stu$ents stu$ents out o o school, school, but hen hen eectiv eective e learning learning is is not ta0ing ta0ing place place in schools, schools, parents parents are ore ore li0ely li0ely to ith$ ro school school early early or not to sen$ sen$ the at all. Iproving Iproving uality uality is is thereore thereore essential essential to achievi achieving ng the goal goal o universal universal acc basic e$ucation. 'his )S! School *5e&+ !ertiication Instruent is basically $esigne$ to assess the e-tent o copliance ith the Stan$ar$s as ell as to evaluate the school1s characteristics, its ualitative traits o e-cellence, an$ its level o pero assurance assurance tool aie$ aie$ at buil$in buil$ing g eective eective an$ high high peroring peroring junior junior high high schools schools through continu continuous ous ocuse$ ocuse$ iprove iprove the school an$ certiiers in evaluating the $ierent areas to achieve uality stu$ent perorance an$ organi6ational eecti  A. School Philosophy, Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals/Objectives B. Instructional Progra !. School Personnel" #aculty an$ %on&'eaching %on&'eaching Personnel (. Stu$ent Services ). A$inistration an$ Governance #. School Bu$get an$ #inances G. Institutional Planning an$ (evelopent Format of the Survey Instrument  )ach stan$ar$ area is intro$uce$ by an e-planatory paragraph on the basis o evaluation. 'he Area 'he Area Mean i Mean  is s the aver ite ites s in the the Area Area.. Assi Assign gne$ e$ ei eigh ghts ts o o the the Area Areas s as sho shon n bel belo o in$ in$ic icat ate e thei theirr rela relati tive ve ip ipor orta tance nce in rel relati ation on to to the the tota totall e 'he 7School Philosophy, Goals an$ Objectives8 Area serves as the philosophical raeor0 o the survey. It  It  $e $ ete gui$eposts in evaluating the school. Areas ESC F1 Weights Areas CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2  A. School Philosophy, Philosophy, Vision, Vision, Mission, (. Stu$ent Services Services ). A$inistration an$ Governance Goals/Objectives B. Instructional Progra !. School Personnel" !.: #aculty !.< %on&'eaching Personnel 9 #. School Bu$get an$ #inances ; G. Institutional Planning Planning an$ (evelopent 3  A general statistical suary or c oputation is provi$e$ in Anne- A. A Suary Suary o Best #eatures an$ 5ecoen$atio  Anne- B. Rating Scale and Compliance Status 'he rating o each stateent stateent ust ust be base$ on veriiable veriiable acts an$ evi$ences, evi$ences, intervies intervies ith concerne$ concerne$ sta0ehol$e sta0ehol$err obse observa rvati tion ons, s, asse assess sse ent nt an$ an$ eva evalu luat atio ion. n. )ach )ach sta state tee ent nt sha shall ll be be score score$ $ in in a scal scale e o @ to : ith ith 7@8 7@8 bei being ng the the ost ost $ being the least $esirable state. 'he 7=8 in$icates that the iniu stan$ar$ is not coplie$ ith at all. 'he 7!o 7!oent8 ent8 bo-es bo-es provi$ provi$e$ e$ in in the the instru instruen entt are to be use$ use$ to e-pl e-plain ain briel briely y the the ites ites rate$ rate$ 7=8 7=8 >iss >issing ing or no copl copl Rating Descriptin E"tent & C'p#iance ith DepE Mini'*' Stanars ! Appraching E"ce##ence Provision or con$ition is very e-tensive an$ unctioning e-cellently $ E"ceeing the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is e-tensive an$ unctioning very satisactorily3 provision or con$ition is very satisactory an$ unctioning e-tensively3 provision or con$ition is very satisactory an$ unctioning very satisactorily 2 +racticing the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is satisactorily et an$ unctioning satisactorily 1 Appraching the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is liite$ an$ airly  unctioning % Missing the Re,*ire Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is issing but necessary  An )S! school ith an overall rating o 2. an higher  is  is to be given a certiication status vali$ or three school years. An !. in$icates !. in$icates that the school ay be rea$y or voluntary accre$itation, a category hich is above the iniu stan$ar$s However, if an ESC school has an overall rating lower than "2" ! "2" ! t he he sc school is is gi given on one (1 (1) ye year to to im implement th the re recomm the school fail to get an overall rating of "2" after the revisit, the school shall atomatically !e disalified to participate in $epartment of Edcation. How to Compute :. 'he Area 'he Area Mean" Mean" A$$ all the ratings $ivi$e$ by the nuber o ites. <. 'he "verall Mean Multiply each area ean by the respective area eight *Please reer to the 7Areas8 ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2  A. School Philosophy, Philosophy, Vision, Vision, Mission, (. Stu$ent Services Services ). A$inistration an$ Governance Goals/Objectives B. Instructional Progra !. School Personnel" !.: #aculty !.< %on&'eaching Personnel 9 #. School Bu$get an$ #inances ; G. Institutional Planning Planning an$ (evelopent 3  A general statistical suary or c oputation is provi$e$ in Anne- A. A Suary Suary o Best #eatures an$ 5ecoen$atio  Anne- B. Rating Scale and Compliance Status 'he rating o each stateent stateent ust ust be base$ on veriiable veriiable acts an$ evi$ences, evi$ences, intervies intervies ith concerne$ concerne$ sta0ehol$e sta0ehol$err obse observa rvati tion ons, s, asse assess sse ent nt an$ an$ eva evalu luat atio ion. n. )ach )ach sta state tee ent nt sha shall ll be be score score$ $ in in a scal scale e o @ to : ith ith 7@8 7@8 bei being ng the the ost ost $ being the least $esirable state. 'he 7=8 in$icates that the iniu stan$ar$ is not coplie$ ith at all. 'he 7!o 7!oent8 ent8 bo-es bo-es provi$ provi$e$ e$ in in the the instru instruen entt are to be use$ use$ to e-pl e-plain ain briel briely y the the ites ites rate$ rate$ 7=8 7=8 >iss >issing ing or no copl copl Rating Descriptin E"tent & C'p#iance ith DepE Mini'*' Stanars ! Appraching E"ce##ence Provision or con$ition is very e-tensive an$ unctioning e-cellently $ E"ceeing the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is e-tensive an$ unctioning very satisactorily3 provision or con$ition is very satisactory an$ unctioning e-tensively3 provision or con$ition is very satisactory an$ unctioning very satisactorily 2 +racticing the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is satisactorily et an$ unctioning satisactorily 1 Appraching the Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is liite$ an$ airly  unctioning % Missing the Re,*ire Mini'*' Stanar Provision or con$ition is issing but necessary  An )S! school ith an overall rating o 2. an higher  is  is to be given a certiication status vali$ or three school years. An !. in$icates !. in$icates that the school ay be rea$y or voluntary accre$itation, a category hich is above the iniu stan$ar$s However, if an ESC school has an overall rating lower than "2" ! "2" ! t he he sc school is is gi given on one (1 (1) ye year to to im implement th the re recomm the school fail to get an overall rating of "2" after the revisit, the school shall atomatically !e disalified to participate in $epartment of Edcation. How to Compute :. 'he Area 'he Area Mean" Mean" A$$ all the ratings $ivi$e$ by the nuber o ites. <. 'he "verall Mean Multiply each area ean by the respective area eight *Please reer to the 7Areas8 ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $ an$ their euivalent 7eights8 in Anne- A+. A$$ up these pro$ucts an$ $ivi$e the su by @=, hich is the total eight value o the various areas. A/ Sch# +hi#sph +hi#sph 3isin Missin 4a#s5O67ecti8es 9asis & E8a#*atin 'he school school has clea clearly rly articul articulate ate$, $, ritt ritten, en, an$ active actively ly ipl iplee eente$ nte$ state stateent ents s o philos philosoph ophy y, visio vision, n, iss ission ion,, goals goals/ob /objj $escribe the school1s un$aental e$ucational purposes an$ the essence o hat it is see0ing to achieve as a counity as the the basis basis or $ail $aily y operat operation ional al an$ an$ inst instruct ruction ional al $eci $ecisio sion& n&a0in a0ing g as ell ell as strateg strategic ic or or long& long&rang range e plann planning ing.. 'he 'he stat stat $eterine the e-tent to hich policies, practices, resources, an$ curricular an$ other progra coponents or0 together an$ operati operationa onally lly to achie achieve ve state state$ $ e-pec e-pectati tations ons or or teach teaching ing an$ learn learning ing.. 'hrou 'hrough gh these these statee stateents nts the scho school1 ol1s s te personnel share an un$erstan$ing o an$ coitent to instructional goals, priorities, assessent proce$ures an$ acce accept pt res respo pons nsib ibil ilit ity y or or stu$ stu$en ents tsEE lear learni ning ng o o the the scho school olEs Es ess essen enti tial al cur curri ricu cula larr goal goals. s. 'hi 'his s phil philos osop ophy hy,, visi vision on,, iss issio ion, n, g aligne aligne$ $ ith ith the nati nationa onall $evelo $evelope pent nt goals goals,, the valu values es an$ an$ belie belies s o the the cou counity nity the schoo schooll serves3 serves3 an$ an$ is revi revi school1s sta0ehol$er representatives. #irections %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the appropriate item that descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard.  Sch# +hi#sph 3isin Missin 4a#s5O67ecti8es :. as the school establishe$ a clear, uniue, ell&aligne$, active an$ living living stateent o philosophy, vision, ission, goals an$ objectives C <. (oes the school involve the sta0ehol$ers in the orulation o the PVMGOC PVMGOC D. (oes the philosophy represent the school counityEs counityEs un$aental share$ values an$ belies about e$ucation an$ stu$ent learningC @. Are the school1s goals an$ objectives supportive o the basic policies o the Philippine e$ucation syste ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  ! consistent ith the national an$ global $evelopent goalsC ;. (oes the school have speciic, realistic, achievable an$ easurable goals an$ objectivesC F. (oes the school use ulti&e$ia ulti&e$ia *print, internet, etc.+ to ensure eective counication an$ un$erstan$ing o its vision, ission, goals an$ objectivesC . Are provisions a$e or the systeatic revie an$ revision hen appropriate, o the philosophy, vision, ission, goals/objectives at least every ; yearsC H. (oes the school provi$e opportunities or the personnel to ipleent the vision, ission ission an$ goals/objectives o the school in their respective assignentsC 9. Are there $eonstrate$ evi$ences that the school counity un$erstan$s the goals an$ objectives o the schoolC :=. (oes the school culture relect its vision&issionC Comments: $%hi&its'#ocuments School !atalogue/Prospectus" Brie istory Vision&Mission Stateent School Policy  A$inistrative Manual  Articles o Incorporation  By&Kas Perception Survey o Stu$ents  Parents on the School1s PVMGO Joint Stateent o the Sta0ehol$ers1 Share$ Visio o the School (ep)$ 5ecognition !ertiicate 9/ Instr*ctina# +rgra' 9asis & E8a#*atin 'he ual uality ity o o instruc instructio tion n in a scho school ol is is the sing single le ost ost ipo iportan rtantt actor actor aect aecting ing the ual uality ity o o stu$en stu$entt learni learning, ng, the the achie achiev v stu$ent learning, the $elivery o the curriculu, an$ the assessent o stu$ent progress. Instructional practices ust be ission ission an$ e-pectations e-pectations or stu$ent stu$ent learning learning,, supporte$ supporte$ by research in best best practice, practice, an$ reine$ reine$ an$ iprove iprove$ $ ba nee$s. Stu$en Stu$entt learni learning ng ay ay be ani aniest este$ e$ by the the stu$en stu$ents1 ts1 active active engag engagee eent nt in the the learni learning ng proces process s either either in$ivi in$ivi$ua $uall lly y or in gr transer transer o learning learning are the learners learners11 capacit capacity y to thin0 thin0 criticall critically y an$ creativel creatively y an$ articul articulate ate uestions uestions or e-pan$ e-pan$ the less less an$ relat relate$ e$ areas. areas. Other Other than than concrete concrete an$ an$ practica practicall applica applicatio tion, n, $evelop $evelopen entt or internal internali6a i6atio tion n o values values an$ attit attit stu$ents1 behavior all contribute to the stu$ents1 holistic learning.  Assessent o stu$ent learning is crucial in $eterining attainent o stan$ar$s an$ learning copetencies. 'eachers us assessent tools to evaluate stu$ent perorance. Instruc Instructio tional nal ateri aterials als,, techn technolo ology gy,, eui euipe pent, nt, supplie supplies, s, acilit acilities ies an$ the resource resources s o o the the libr library/ ary/e$ e$ia ia center center are s eective ipleentation o the curriculu an$ instructional etho$s that acilitate achieveent or all stu$ents. ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  : 4uantiiable an$ observable easures o stu$ent learning are use$ to evaluate an$ iprove curriculu eectivenes proessional $evelopent, an$ support services. Progress in stu$ent learning an$ perorance is e-pecte$ an$ is systeatically reporte$ to the school counity. #irections %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the nm!er (rate) that !est descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard. se Comment %o for items that w $%tent of Compliance *+  -pproaching Ecellence + Eceeding the /inimm Standard  2+  #racticing the /inimm Standard  1+  -pproaching the /inimm Standard 0+  /issing the eired /inimm Standard  B() Curriculum :. E"ten 'he school ipleents the curriculu prescribe$ by the (epartent o )$ucation *stan$ar$s, copetencies, instructional tie aong others+. @ D <. 'he school integrates its vision &ission across the curriculu. @ D D. !urriculu apping across gra$e levels is $one collaboratively to ensure @ D @ D that $esire$ learning outcoes are $eliberately articulate$. @. )ach subject has a curriculu gui$e an$/or syllabus hich speciies the tie rae, learning objectives, content an$ perorance stan$ar$s, teaching&learning strategies, assessent syste, reerences an$ instructional aterials. Comments B( * E"ten Assessments ;. 'he classroo assessent syste is stan$ar$s an$ copetency base$. @ D F. 'he stu$ents1 attainent o stan$ar$s an$ learning copetencies is evi$ent. @ D . 'he teachers give tiely an$ thoughtul ee$bac0s on the results o assessents. @ D H. 'he stu$ent perorance an$ assessent an$ gra$ing policy are ell&$eine$ @ D an$ a$e 0non to the stu$ents an$ their parents at the start o the school year. 9. 'he teachers utili6e stu$ent perorance $ata as basis or iproving instructional practices. @ D :=. Appropriate an$ varie$ assessent tools an$ techniues *ui66es, e-as, @ D @ D reports, portolios, ee$bac0, suative assessent, criterion&reerence$ tests, etc.+ are use$ to evaluate stu$ent learning an$ perorance ::. 'he school a$opts an intervention progra to help struggling stu$ents. Comments E"ten B(+( Instructional Materials and ,echnology  :<. 'he teaching&learning gui$es/learning plans are chec0e$ @ D @ D regularly an$ perio$ically up$ate$ an$ evaluate$. :D. ESC F1 )ach subject or learning area has a$euate an$ up$ate$ te-tboo0s, CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  ;  reerences or stu$ents. :@. Instructional aterials an$ resources both teacher&a$e an$ coercially @ D @ D @ D prepare$ are up$ate$, creative, challenging an$ appropriate to the level o  the stu$ents. :;. Kibrary, huan an$ counity resources are appropriately use$ to enrich classroo instruction. :F. 'here are a$euate instructional technologies *or0sheets, sli$es, vi$eotapes, coputer&base$ instructional aterials, etc..+ an$ the use o in$igenous aterials is purposive. Comments MEAN  B( - Student .earning and /erformance :. Average o classroo observation reports  AREA MEAN  #ocuments'$%hi&its School Crriclm 3earning 4ides5Sylla!i  6nventory 3ist of 6nstrctional Strategies /intes of /eetings on -rticlation among S!7ect and 4rade 3evel 8eachers Stdents -cademic -chievement and #erformance Sample 8est 9estions 3esson53earning #lans 3ist of 8et!oo&s per S!7ect53evel  3ist of 6nstrctional /aterials 3ist of Hman and Commnity esorces sed in Class 3ist of 6nstrctional 8echnologies and /aterials ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  < C/ SC=OO> +ERSONNE> 9asis & E8a#*atin 'he school shall aintain a$inistrative, instructional, an$ support sta ho are ualiie$, copetent, an$ suicient enable the school an$ the speciic e$ucational progras oere$ to accoplish their purposes. #aculty an$ sta assign the school personnel are able to carry out their $uties eectively. #aculty ebers shall have a$euate tie to prep instruction, a$vice an$ evaluate stu$ents, continue proessional groth, an$ participate in service activities e-pecte$ by aculty ratio ust be consistent ith the si6e, scope, goals, an$ the speciic purposes an$ reuireents o the pro ebers ust be able to gui$e stu$ent learning an$ to counicate personal 0nole$ge an$ e-perience eectiv con$ucts sta perorance appraisals, prootes the iproveent o the econoic status o all its personnel as  $evelopent opportunities that conor to its philosophy/vision/ ission. #irections %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the nm!er (rate) that !est descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard. se Comment %o for items that w $%tent of Compliance *+  -pproaching Ecellence + Eceeding the /inimm Standard  2+  #racticing the /inimm Standard  1+  -pproaching the /inimm Standard 0+  /issing the eired /inimm Standard  C/1 Fac*#t C()() ,eachers E"ten :. 'he teachers have vali$ P5! license. @ D <. 'he teachers are ualiie$/euippe$ to teach the subjects assigne$ to the. @ D D. 'he teachersE loa$s are as prescribe$ by (ep)$ * not ore than DF= inutes o  @ D actual teaching per $ay+. Comments C()(* ,eaching /erformance @. E"ten 'eachers possess proessional 0nole$ge, technical s0ills an$ @ D @ D $isposition necessary to acilitate learning. ;. 'eachers create a supportive learning environent hich encourages stu$ents1 active engageent in learning, sel&otivation an$ social interaction. F. 'eachers anage classroo ell an$ a-ii6e aca$eic learning tie. @ D . 'eachers oer relevant an$ coherent instruction base$ on 0nole$ge o  @ D @ D @ D subject atter, stu$ents an$ curriculu goals. H. 'eachers provi$e opportunities that support the stu$entsE assiilation o their  on learning, its application an$ transer to real lie situations. 9. 'eachers use a variety o proven instructional practices /strategies *interactive $iscussion, collaborative learning, action projects, creative ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  0 techniues, etc.+ to eet in$ivi$ual learning nee$s an$ to ensure that they learn at acceptable levels. :=. 'eachers are involve$ in the regular articulation across $isciplines an$ @ D @ D @ D across gra$e levels ocuse$ on eective teaching an$ learning. ::. 'here are evi$ences o continuing proessional $evelopent an$ groth hether personal or as a eber o learning counities. :<. 'here are evi$ences that the teachers transer the learnings gaine$ ro seinars an$ trainings through eective teaching an$ iprove$/increase$ stu$ent perorance. Comments E"ten C()(+ Faculty #evelopment /rogram :D. 'he school has a #aculty (evelopent Progra orulate$ @ D @ D @ D @ D base$ on nee$s assessent o teachers an$ the school in general. :@. 'he #aculty (evelopent Progra a$$resses the holistic $evelopent o teachers *psycho&spiritual, proessional, socio&cultural, etc.+ :;. In&house trainings are organi6e$ to suppleent the proessional preparation o the teachers. :F. 'he teachers are proessionally up$ate$ through atten$ance  to various seinars on curriculu, instruction an$ assessent. Comments  AR$A M$A0  C/2 Nn-Teaching +ersnne# E"ten C(*() ,he Registrar'Students1 Records "fficer  :. has at least a Bachelor1s $egree. @ D :H. has at least D years o training/e-perience in the aintenance o stu$ent aca$eic recor$s @ D :9. has proessional groth as evi$ence$ by his/her engageent in urther stu$ies an$ atten$ance to proessional trainings, seinar/or0shops. @ D <=. has ebership in or0&relate$ organi6ations. <:. issues stu$ents1 recor$s in accor$ance ith (ep)$ regulations @ @ D D an$ relate$ school or0. Comments C(*(* ,he .i&rarian <<. has proessional groth as evi$ence$ by his/her engageent in urther stu$ies an$ E"ten @ D @ @ D D  atten$ance to proessional trainings, seinar/or0shops. crriclar and etra>crriclar activities 3ist and schedle of Social -ction -ct  School Canteen and Spply concessionaire=s contracts Health Certificate of Canteen #erson E/ A'inistratin an 48ernance 9asis & E8a#*atin 'he school is $uly recogni6e$ by (ep)$ to oer junior high school e$ucation an$ to serve the public interest. 'he go ensure the integrity, eectiveness, an$ reputation o the school through the establishent o policies, provision o resou uality e$ucational progra. 'he school1s organi6ational structure an$ cliate acilitate achieveent o its core values as e-presse$ in the philos boar$ a$opts policies an$ proce$ures that provi$e or eective operation o the school. 'he school an$ governing boar sta0ehol$ers to iprove stu$ent learning by prooting a collaborative, result&oriente$ culture $e$icate$ to continuous i an$ preserves the e-ecutive, a$inistrative, an$ lea$ership prerogatives o the a$inistrative hea$ o the school. It p tea o the school to ipleent policies an$ proce$ures ithout intererence.  A$inistration also osters ongoing proessional $evelopent ithin the learning counity3 ipleents a ritten securit plan that provi$es appropriate training or sta an$ stu$ents. 'he school1s proessional culture is to be characteri6e$ by constructive $iscourse about $ecision&a0ing an$ practices hich support stu$ent learning an$ ell&being. School le environent or teaching an$ learning, tiely an$ open counication ith sta0ehol$ers, an$ the vision necessary or $ long&ter planning. 5elationships aong the sta an$ lea$ership are collegial an$ collaborative. 'he school sta aintain purposeul, active, positive relationships ith ailies o its stu$ents an$ ith the counit support stu$ent learning. 'he Principal as instructional lea$er coaches an$ entors the teachers to ensure that $esire$ learning outcoe perorance are attaine$. #irections( %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the nm!er (rate) that !est descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard. se Comment %o for items that w $%tent of Compliance *+  -pproaching Ecellence + Eceeding the /inimm Standard ESC F1 0ote "*"  Complies with the standard   "0"  ?on>compliance with the standard   CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  1: 2+  #racticing the /inimm Standard  1+  -pproaching the /inimm Standard 0+  /issing the eired /inimm Standard  $() 2overnance E"ten  :. 'he school is a legally&constitute$ corporation recogni6e$ by the (epartent o )$ucation. <. 'he school has a unctional Boar$ o 'rustees. @ @  D. 'he school regularly subits reportorial reuireents to Securities an$ )-change D @ !oission *S)!+ to ensure its continue$ corporate lie. @. 'he school1s a$inistrative an$ aculty or per sonnel anuals, hich $eine, @ D @ D @ D @ D appointents/contracts, job $escriptions an$ ters o eployent are printe$ an$ perio$ically reviee$. ;. 'he school1s organi6ational chart shos clear lines o relationships, responsibilities an$ accountabilities. F. 'he school has a$opte$ a copensation policy provi$ing suicient salaries to attract an$ hol$ copetent teachers, a$inistrators an$ other personnel. . 'he school provi$es beneits an$ate$ by la.   H. 'he school has a retireent plan or its school personnel ith peranent status. 9. 'he notari6e$ eployent contract speciies the $esignation, ualiication, salary rate, @ @ D @ D the perio$ an$ nature o services an$ its $ate o eectivity, an$ such other  ters an$ con$itions o eployent consistent ith las an$ the rules an$ regulations an$ stan$ar$s o the school. :=. 'he school1s Manageent Inoration Syste or $ata anageent syst e is or$erly, up&to&$ate, systeatic an$ has easily retrievable iles an$ coplete stu$ent recor$s. Comments $(* ,he /rincipal ' Instructional .eader  E"ten ::. has a asterEs $egree in )$ucation. @ D :<. onitors the conscious integration o the vision&ission in the instructional progra. :D. ipleents a coprehensive Supervisory Progra that assists all teachers @ @ D D @ D @ D :F. ensures the eectiveness o the #aculty (evelopent Progra through regular onitoring an$ evaluation. @ D :. orients the teachers on (ep)$ issuances concerning curriculu, instruction an$ assessents an$ onitors copliance thereo. @ D :H. intro$uces in close coor$ination ith the teachers ne an$ innovative o$es o instruction to achieve higher learning outcoe. @ D in iproving their instructional practices. :@. classroo observations *al0&throughs, pop&in, rate$, clinical+ an$ post conerences are $one regularly. :;. initiates the orulation o a soun$ #aculty (evelopent Progra that a$$resses the holistic oration o the teachers. ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  1; :9. con$ucts continuous ollo&up o trainings through coaching an$ onitoring. @ D <=. assists the teachers in preparing ell&$esigne$ curriculu aps, unit/learning plans an$ assessent tools. @ D <:. gui$es the teachers in anaging stu$entsE behavior insi$e the classroos aie$ at prooting a positive learning cliate. @ D <<. assists the teachers in anaging instructional support services eectively. Economic #rofile of the Commnity  ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  10 F/ Sch# 9*get an Finances 9asis & E8a#*atin #inancial resources are suicient to provi$e the e$ucational opportunities $eine$ in the school1s ission. )vi$ently a0ing authority in the areas o bu$get an$ uses that authority to create eaningul change in teaching an$ learning. ' the school proote coni$ence in the school1s ability to anage iscal an$ aterial resources in a responsible ann bu$geting an$ accounting principles. #inancial resources shall be a$euate in ters o" *:+ the purposes o the school an$ each o the speciic progras it o scope o the school. Bu$get allocations or personnel, space, euipent, an$ aterials ust be appropriate an$ suicien oere$ ro year to year. )vi$ence ust be provi$e$ $eonstrating that inancial support is suicient to ensure continue an$ its progras in accor$ance ith applicable (ep)$ stan$ar$s. 'he school shall publish all regulations an$ policies co other charges, an$ those concerning inancial ai$. I tuition is charge$, it shall $evelop a tuition reun$ policy that is euit an$ the stu$ent. 'he school shall aintain accurate inancial recor$s accor$ing to legal an$ ethical stan$ar$s o recogni6 #irections( %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the nm!er (rate) that !est descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard. se Comment %o for items that w $%tent of Compliance *+  -pproaching Ecellence + Eceeding the /inimm Standard 0ote "*"  Complies with the standard   "0"  ?on>compliance with the standard   2+  #racticing the /inimm Standard  1+  -pproaching the /inimm Standard 0+  /issing the eired /inimm Standard  F() Budget  E"ten  :. 'he school has an annual bu$get proposal. @ <. 'he schoolEs annual bu$get proposal is systeatically prepare$ in collaboration ith @ D D. 'he school1s annual bu$get proposal is base$ on its one&year operational plan. @ D @. 4uarterly bu$get perorance onitoring reports are prepare$ an$ $istribute$ @ D @ D F. 'he a$inistration engages in long&range bu$getary planning. @ D . 'he governing boar$ has establishe$ appropriate iscal an$ accounting policies an$ @ D 0ey personnel concerne$.  accor$ing to policy gui$elines. ;. 'he school appropriates a$euate bu$gets base$ on the School Iproveent Plan *SIP+ or instructional, aca$eic support progra, stu$ent services, an$ proessional $evelopent o the school personnel. systeatic proce$ures to ensure eicient an$ eective $elivery o services. Comments F(* Finances E"ten H. Projecte$ incoe ro tuition, iscellaneous ees, gits, en$oents, are a$euate @ D to support uality e$ucational progra an$ continuing iproveent plans. ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  1? 9. #ees collecte$ are allocate$ an$ spent or their inten$e$ purposes. @ D :=. 'he institution ensures that all inancial transactions are saeguar$e$ through proper @ D  ::. Overall inancial resources are suicient to assure the continuity an$ stability o services. @ D :<. 'he school1s inancial stateents are $uly certiie$ by a Boar$ o Accountancy *BOA+ @ D @ D bu$getary proce$ures an$ au$ite$ accounting practice. accre$ite$ accountant.  :D. 'he school has establishe$ or0able resource obili6ation strategies. Comments AREA MEAN $%hi&its'#ocuments  -nnal !dget  %dget #erformance eports School 6ncome and Epenses Statement (past  years)  -dited :inancial Statement  3ist and -monts of 4rants. 4ifts and $onations (past  years) Copy of $epEd>approved 8ition, /iscellaneos and other fees ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2% 4/ Instit*tina# +#anning an De8e#p'ent 9asis & E8a#*atin 'he institution systeatically evaluates an$ a0es the public 0no ho ell an$ in hat ays it is accoplishing its successul in eeting this stan$ar$ hen it ipleents a collaborative an$ ongoing process or iproveent that ali syste ith the e-pectations or stu$ent learning. 'he institution assesses progress toar$ achieving its state$ goa regar$ing iproveent through an ongoing an$ systeatic cycle o evaluation, integrate$ planning, resource allocation, evaluation. 'he school uses a collaborative process to $evelop an$ ipleent a ritten strategic or long&range plan t progra an$ services. Plans are aligne$ ith the school1s philosophy/vision/ission an$ its operational plans. 'he scho plans, an$ a0es projections consistent ith an$ supportive o its purposes an$ its si6e an$ scope. %e iproveent analysis o stu$ent perorance, syste eectiveness, an$ assessent o the iproveent process. #irections( %ased on docmentary analysis, interviews with concerned sta&eholders, and one's personal o!servations the nm!er (rate) that !est descri!es the etent of compliance with $epEd Standard. se Comment %o for items that w $%tent of Compliance *+  -pproaching Ecellence + Eceeding the /inimm Standard  2+  #racticing the /inimm Standard  1+  -pproaching the /inimm Standard 0+  /issing the eired /inimm Standard  2() /erformance Indicators :. 'he school prepares an$ uses appropriately the olloing $ata" ESC F1 E"ten @ D CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  21 a. Prootion 5ate NN . Overall average score in the national achieveent test NNNNNN  b. 5etention 5ate NNN g. Mean Percentage Score *MPS+" Stu$ent perorance in" c. (ropout 5ate NNNNNNN  Science AAAAAAA :ilipino AAAAAAAAAAAA $. !opletion 5ate NNNNNNN  /ath AAAAAAAAA Social Stdies AAAAAA e. !o&hort Survival 5ate NNNNNNNN  English AAAAAAA <. 'he school through an aluni survey an$ parents1 ee$bac0 assesses the school1s total ipact. @ D D. 'he school provi$es an eective syste o counication to report stu$ent perorance to all sta0ehol$ers. @ D Comments 2(* School Improvement /lanning 3SI/4 E"ten @. 'he school has a current School Iproveent Plan that integrates all school plans *enrollent, instructional $evelopent, aculty an$ sta proessional $evelopent, an$ physical acilities+ ith a$euate bu$get an$ realistic tietable or ipleentation. ;. 'he school prepares an Annual Operational Plan $ran ro the School Iproveent Plan or better ipleentation, onitoring an$ evaluation. F. 'he school ensures that the school1s School Iproveent Plan or continuous iproveent is aligne$ ith the vision&ission stateent an$ e-pectations or stu$ent learning. . 'he school ensures that all sta0ehol$ers are actively involve$ in the orulation/ipleentation o the School Iproveent Plan. H. 'he School Iproveent Plan is supporte$ ith a$euate resources *huan, physical, tie, an$ inancial+. @ D @ D @ D @ D @ D Comments AREA MEAN $%hi&its'#ocuments #erformance 6ndicators (past  years) School 6mprovement #lan with !dge School Statistical $ata and dly>accomplished %E6S eport on the 6mplementation and Ev AREA 9EST FEATURES RECOMMEND  A. School Philosophy, Vision, Mission,  Goals/Objectives ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  22 B. Instructional Progra !. School Personnel #aculty %on&'eaching Personnel (. Stu$ent Services ). A$inistration an$ Governance #. School Bu$get an$ #inances G. Institutional Planning an$ (evelopent Manageent Specialist  Aca$eic Specialist #ate ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2$ ANNE@ FOR RECERTIFICATION5RE3ISIT FOR Sch# I/ D/ N*'6er 4ENERA> STATISTICA> SUMMARB AREAS AREA MEAN WEI4=T  A. School Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals/Objectives B. Instructional Progra - 9 !.: #aculty - ; !.< %on&'eaching Personnel - D (. Stu$ent Services - ; ). A$inistration an$ Governance -  #. School Bu$get an$ #inances - F G. Institutional Planning an$ (evelopent - ; !. School Personnel   'O'AK !% S2M CERTIFICATION O3ERA>> MEAN +RE3IOUS RECOMMENDATIONS MEAN RECERTIFICATION FINA> RATIN4 Manageent Specialist  Aca$eic Specialist #ate ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2! *(ep)$+ is e-pecte$ to e an eective school in ent grantees are oere$ ith other private junior al pursuits an$ in a i$e h its %ational Secretariat copliance ith (ep)$1s res to applicable (ep)$ cation 2nit. 'hrough this e$ucational institution. l prior to the granting o rather than the provision o the nee$s o stu$ents, ality is not the only actor ra their sons/$aughters ess to an$ copletion o (ep)$ Miniu 4uality ance. 'his is a uality nt eorts. It gui$es both eness" ge rating scale o all the valuation. rines the clarity o the Weights ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2: ;  F ; ns by Area is provi$e$ in s, an$ a rater1s personal sirable con$ition an$ 7:8   iance?. overall rating o $/0. t o (ep)$. endations given. Shold the ESC #rogram of the ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2; ectives. Such stateents o learners. 'hese serve ents are to be use$ to conceptually, structur ally, ching an$ non&teaching ccountability as ell as al/objective $ocuent is ee$ perio$ically by the and evalation, encircle E"tent & C'p#iance ESC F1 es %o es %o es %o es %o CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2< es %o es %o es %o es %o es %o es %o n eent o e-pectations or roun$e$ on the school1s e$ on i$entiie$ stu$ent oups. Other evi$ences o ns presente$ to broa$er u$es easure$ through e appropriate an$ varie$ uicient to allo or the ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  20 , instructional practices, accurately, clearly, an$ and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  2? ESC F1 < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  %$in nuber to eectively ents shall be such that re an$ provi$e eective the school. 'he stu$ent& ras oere$. All aculty ly. 'he school regularly ll as oers proessional and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $1 < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < < : : = = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < < : : = = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $2 < : = < < : : = = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $$ s are ell $eine$ an$ velopent o pro$uctive ster intellectual, cultural, $ social interaction an$ ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $! n$ securely preserve$. riculu, its organi6ation, $ high school gra$uation uction. Kibrary hol$ings and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $: t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $; t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance   < : = < : = < : = < : = tdents ts ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $<   ivities el  ernance an$ lea$ership rces, an$ assurance o a ophy/vision/ission. 'he buil$ up the capacity o proveent. It recogni6es erits the a$inistrative y an$ crisis anageent houghtul, relective, an$ $ers oster a pro$uctive ay&to&$ay operations an$ y in hich it operates to an$ iprove$ stu$ent and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $0 t & C'p#iance = < : = = < : = < : = < : = < : = = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < < : : = = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  $? < : = < : = < : = < < : : = = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance ESC F1 < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !% < ESC F1 : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !1 he school has $ecision& he business practices o er an$ ollo prescribe$ ers3 an$ *<+ the si6e an$ t to sustain the progras $ operation o the school cerning tuition, ees, an$ ble to both the institution $ accounting practice. and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. t & C'p#iance = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = t & C'p#iance < ESC F1 : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !2 ESC F1 < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !$ purposes. 'he syste is igns the unctions o the ls an$ a0es $ecisions , ipleentation, an$ re& iprove its e$ucational ol perio$ically evaluates, eorts are $one through and evalation, encircle re rated 0+. t & C'p#iance < ESC F1 : = CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !! < : = < : = t & C'p#iance   < : = < : = < : = < : = < : = allocations lation of the S6#  ANNE@ TIONS ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017  !: ESC F1 CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT SY 2016-2017