BACKGROUND The Indonesian National Police When large large part partss of Indo Indonesi nesiaa was unde underr Dutch colonial occupation until 1940s , Polie duties were perfor!ed "# either !ilitar# esta"lish!ents or olonial polie $nown as the veldpolitie or the fields polie% &apanese &apane se o oupa upatio tion n dur during ing WW II "ro "rough ughtt ha hange ngess whe when n the &ap &apane anese se for! for!ed ed 'ar 'ariou iouss ar! ar!ed ed organi(ationss to support their war% organi(ation )his had led to the distri"ution of weapons to !ilitar# trained #ouths, whih were largel# onfisated fro! the Duth ar!our#% After the &apanese oupation, the national polie "ea!e an ar!ed organi(ation% )hee Indonesian police was established in 1946 , and )h and its its units fought in the Indonesian National Revolutio Revo lution n agai against nst the inva invading ding Dutch forc forces es Also partiipated in suppressing the 194! co""unist revolt in #adiun% In 1966, the polie was "rought under the control of $r"ed %orces &hief % police ice pla pla'ed 'ed a vi vital tal ro role le whe when n the' activel' activel' *ollowing *ollow ing the pro prola la!a !atio tion n of ind indepe epende ndene ne,, the pol supported the people(s "ove"ent to dis"antle the )apanese ar"'% And to strengthen the defence of the newl' created Republic of Indonesia
)he polie were not o!"atants who were re+uired to surrender their weapons to Allied fores% During th During thee re' re'olu olutio tion n of ind indepe epend nden ene, e, the pol polie ie gra gradua duall# ll# for for!ed !ed into wh what at is now $no $nown wn as *epolisian Negara Republic Indonesia +P,-RI. or the Indonesian National Police In /000, the polie fore offiiall# regained its independene and now is separate fro" the "ilitar' "ilitar'
-ist of &hiefs of Police +*apolri. R aid oe$anto )-o$rodiat!od )-o$rodiat!od-o -o oe$arno D-o-onegoro oet-ipto Danoe$oesoe!o oet-ipto &oedodihard-o ;oegeng I!a! antoso :oh% ;asan Widodo Widod o Budidar!o Awaluddin Aw aluddin D-a!in Anton ud-arwo :oh% anoesi Kunarto Banurus!an Astrose! Astrose!itro itro Di"#o Widodo
./0 epte!"er 1023412 Dee!"er 10305 .13 Dee!"er 10304/0 Dee!"er 10675 .78 Dee!"er 106749 :a# 10635 .0 :a# 106349 :a# 10695 .0 :a# 10694/ Oto"er 10<15 .7 Oto"er 10<1410<25 .10<24/3 epte!"er 10<95 ./6 epte!"e epte!"err 10<94109/ 10<94109/55 .109/410965 .1096410 *e"ruar# 10015 ./8 *e"ruar# 10014April 10075 .April 10074:arh 10065 .:arh 10064/9 &une 10095
Roes!anhadi Roesdihard-o uro#o Bi!antoro Da=I Bahtiar utanto Ba!"ang ;endarso Danuri
./0 &une 100947 &anuar# /8885 .2 &anuar# /8884// epte!"er /8885 ./7 epte!"er /8884/9 No'e!"er /8815 ./0 No'e!"er /8814< &ul# /8835 .9 &ul# /883478 epte!"er /8895 .78 epte!"er /889 > Oto"er /8185
Timur Pradopo Soetarman Badrodin Haiti Tito Karnavian
(October 2010 - October 2013) (October 2013 - Present ) (17 April 201 ! 13 "ul# 201$) (13 July 2016 — present)
Rans of Indonesian National Police At their earl# #ears, PO?RI used @uropean polie st#le ran$s li$e Inspetor and Co!!issioner% When the polie was inluded into the !ilitar# struture in 1068s, the ran$s hanged into !ilitar# st#le suh as aptain, !a-or and olonel% When PO?RI onduted the transition to "e full# independent out of ar!ed fores struture at /881, the# use British st#le polie ran$s li$e Inspetor and uperintendent% Now PO?RI return to Duth st#le ran$s -ust li$e earl# #ears%
The Philippine National Police )he o!!on histor# of the polie fores of the Philippines an "e traed "a$ to the reigns of the pre4 ;ispani la$ans, datus and sultans in the islands, where soldiers who ser'ed in the o!!unities where the people li'ed .and whih reported diretl# to loal leaders5 also enfored loal laws% All hanged with the arri'al of the panish rule and the introdution of Western law to the arhipelago% Until 1969, personnel of the panish ar!# and loal !ilitias were also tas$ed with poliing duties in loal o!!unities, together with the Island Cara"iniers .raised 1<69 and the olon#=s first e'er polie ser'ie5% In that #ear, the loal "ranh of the Ci'il Guard was offiiall# esta"lished "# order of then Go'ernor4 General Carlos :ara de la )orre # Na'a Cerrada% tarting fro! a single di'ision, during the Re'olutionar# period it grew into a orps of !ilitar# polie with detah!ents in ?u(on and the isa#as, and was notorious for its a"uses against *ilipinos% .)hese a"uses were !entioned in &os Ri(al=s two no'els, Noli :e )ngere and @l fili"usteris!o, "oth writing a"out se'eral ases of Ci'il Guards!en a"using the loal populae%5 With the "eginning of A!erian rule and the Philippine>A!erian War, the Philippine Consta"ular# .PC5 was raised in 1081 as a national gendar!erie fore for law enfore!ent, diretl# reporting to the A!erian go'ern!ent% At the sa!e ti!e, what is now the :anila Polie Distrit a!e into eEistene as the Philippines= first it# polie fore% ?ater polie fores "egan to !odel the U depart!ents%
)he PC was later integrated into the ran$s of the Ar!ed *ores of the Philippines in the late 1078s 4 first as a o!!and of the Ar!#, and later on its own after the tate Polie folded% .)he PC=s personnel would later "e fighting on "oth sides in the eond World War%5
Passed on Dee!"er 17, 1008, Repu"li At No% 60<3, the Depart!ent of the Interior and ?oal Go'ern!ent At of 1008, ordered the !erger of "oth the Philippine Consta"ular# and the Integrated National Polie and for!all# reated the Philippine National Polie% R%A% 60<3 was further a!ended "# R%A% 9331, the Philippine National Polie Refor! and Reorgani(ation At of 1009, and "# R%A% 0<89% )he R%A% 9331 en'isioned the PNP to "e a o!!unit#4 and ser'ie4oriented agen#%
-ist of &hiefs of the Philippine National Police
)he FDiretor GeneralF is head of the Philippine National Polie and the position is in'aria"l# held "# a four4star general%
%esar P& 'aareno /aul S& mperial mberto A& /odriue
(arc* 31+ 1,,1 ! Auust 2.+ 1,,2) (Auust 2.+ 1,,2 ! a# $+ 1,,3) (a# $+ 1,,3 ! "ul# .+ 1,,)
Rearedo A% ar!iento II antiago ?% Alino Ro"erto )% ?asti!oso @d!undo ?% ?arro(a Panfilo :% ?ason ?eandro :endo(a
.&ul# 9, 1002 > Dee!"er 13, 100<5 .Dee!"er 13, 100< > &ul# 10095 .&ul# 1009>10005 .1000 > No'e!"er 16, 10005 .No'e!"er 16, 1000 > &anuar# /8815 .:arh 16, /881 4 &ul# /88/5
;e!ogenes @% @"dane &r% @dgar B% Aglipa# Arturo ?o!i"ao Osar C% Calderon A'elino I% Ra(on &r% &esus A% er(osa Raul Baal(o Nianor Bartolo!e Alan Purisi!a ?eonardo @spina .OIC5 Riardo C% :ar+ue( Ronald Dela Rosa
.&ul# /88/ > August /7, /8825 .August /7, /882 > :arh 12, /8835 .:arh 12, /883 > August /0, /8865 .August /0, /886 > Oto"er 1, /88<5 .Oto"er 1, /88< > epte!"er /<, /8895 .epte!"er /<, /889 > epte!"er 12, /8185 .epte!"er 12, /818 > epte!"er 0, /8115 .epte!"er 0, /811 > Dee!"er 1<, /81/5 .Dee!"er 1<, /81/ > *e"ruar# 3, /8135 .*e"ruar# 3, /813 > &ul# 16, /8135 .&une 16, /813 > &une 78, /8165 +)ul' 1 /016 2 present.