D&D FINAL EXAM #NOTE: when asked to = - List = 1 word points - Explain = why? - Describe = general information RESPIRATORY D #NOTE = questions will be to pick what disease it is COLD INFLUENZA - Inflammation of airways - nose - Localised - Lacrimation (tearing of eyes) - HA/ malaise - Afebrile (no fever) - Excessive mucous - Hoarse sore throat - Inflammation of respiratory mucosa - Systemic – self limiting - HA/myalgia (muscle soreness) - Pyrexia (fever) - Chilliness - Mild sore throat - Predisposed to 2ndry infection - pneumonia MASSAGE Sub-acute stage Inform client massage may temporarily exacerbate symptoms – due to detoxification/flushing of system CONTRINDICATED IF FEVER PRESENT PHARYNGITIS – sore throat LARYNGITUS – muscles swollen - Sore throat - Fever - ↑ WBC - Swelling in lymph nodes, head & neck - Pus – purulent exudate MASSAGE - CONTRAINDICATED if infection present - Inflammation of vocal cord oedema Voice hoarseness/loss - Cough - Scratchy/ painful throat ACUTE = due to cold, sudden temp change CHRONIC = excessive use of voice/heavy smoking MASSAGE - perfectly fine as there is no fever or infection SINUSITIS CHRONIC SINUSITIS - Allergic rhinitis – Hay fever - Nasal polyps – block sinus openings - Self-perpetuating - Barotrauma ACUTE = facial pain & HA - Purulent nasal discharge - ↓ smell, malaise - Nasal obstruction - Post nasal drip - Chronic cough - Loss of smell/unpleasant breath - NO sinus pain – dull constant HA - #difficult to differentiate from common cold/allergy - Antihistamines make cough worse MASSAGE - Allergic – fine ACUTE/CHRONIC – caution if painful/purulent discharge - CONTRA in fever - Helpful in mechanically moving blockages TONSILITIS - infection/inflammation of tonsils - strep infection - sever sore throat, fever, HA, malaise - difficulty in swallowing - earache, enlarged lymph nodes of neck MASSAGE = CONTRA in ACUTE stage DYSPENEA Shortness of breath DYSPHONIA Loss of voice DYSPHAGIA Difficulty in swallowing #NOTE: Self-limiting D = a disease that follows a temporary course & usually resolve or come to an end on their own without medical intervention SKIN DISORDERS # NOTE = questions will be match/match skin disorders TINEA - Ringworm Infection due to direct contact with infected - person - animal - clothes - shower floor Moist conditions (fungus) CLASSIFIED BY LOCATION ON THE BODY TINEA CORPIS Body, skin (not the face, scalp etc.) - spread by scratching - cats, dogs CIRCULER RINGWORM LESIONS TINEA CRURIS – Jock itch Hot humid weather - vesicular patches – red line demarcation TINEA PEDIS – athletes foot Between the toes → nails, soles of feet - 2 nd bacterial infection common Fissured vesicles TINEA CAPITIS Scalp & hair - Scaly, itchy scalp, bald spots TINEA UNGUIM Nails - Yellow brown accumulations TINEA MANUS Hand - Clusters of itchy dry scaling lesions or clear vesicles TINEA BARBAE Beard, moustache Tx: topical antifungals (tea tree) for long period – as infections commonly reoccur MASSAGE Locally contraindicated – infection spreads by contact HERPES Spread by contact with skin - Establishes itself in sensory nerve ganglion - Remains latent between episodes of lesions - Reoccurrence may be due to stress, ↓ immune response - Infection in 1 area does not result in immunity in others - 6 types = HSV-1, HSV-2, HHV-6 Cytomegalovirus (cold like symptoms) Varicella-Zoster (shingles/chicken pox) Epstein-Barr (glandular fever) HERPES SIMPLEX 1 (Oral Herpes) Oral herpes – cold sores - HVS 1 - Around the mouth - ↑ sensitivity, mild burning before onset MASSAGE = CONTRAINDICATED HERPES SIMPLEX 2 (Genital Herpes) Genital herpes - Microbe - Painful itchy weeping blisters on genitals - Extremely contagious – ACTIVE - Sexually transmitted - Systemic – fever, enlarged lymph glands in groin HERPES WHITLOW Outbreak of painful vesicles around nail bed - Health workers susceptible i.e. hairdressers MASSAGE = if client has localised infection avoid the area HERPES ZOSTER (Shingles) Shingles - Remains dormant in a person exposed to the chicken pox - Reactivates along dermatomes (area of skin supplied by single spinal nerve) - Itchy painful vesicles - Contact with contagious fluid in vesicles may cause chicken pox MASSAGE = avoid massage during ACUTE stage, be aware they may be on pain killers (see contras for pain medication)