Dispermat Dissolver Lc75
May 2018 -
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High Speed Dispersers
The Dispermat® CV product line offers the most
capability for your laboratory dispersing requirements.
Mill base quantities from less than 1 pint up to 2.5
gallons (10 liters) can be dispersed. The CV models
have a flexible design that can be converted by
accessory options to perform media milling, dispersing
under vacuum, or homogenization by a rotor-stator. The
most current safety device features can be added to the
CV models to maximize a safe operating environment.
The CV models have a compact design to save on
bench space. The motor design provides a quiet, low
maintenance operation. A temperature sensor with
automatic shutdown prevents the motor
from over-heating Note: Container must be ordered separately
• Precise constant speed control for repeatable re-
• Counter weight stand for easy up/down move-
ment of the motor
• Simple and quiet operation
• Optional mill base temperature measurement
• The Dispermat CV panel displays the important
dispersion parameters for a consistent result.
• Display of speed, %Torque, Product temperature, Comes complete with:
Timer • Dispermat®
• Adaptive turn sensitive speed control • Control box
• Timer function with display of pre-selected time • Operating Manual
or elapsed time • Impellers: 25, 30, 40, 50 mm
• Timer control to a second pre-programmed speed • (CV-4 will also include a 60 mm)
Cat. No. Description Motor Speed Torque Product Volume* Clamping Weight Stand Price
Power rpm system Base
MX-B1432 Dispermat 1.0 hp 0 - 20,000 0.8 0.05 - 5.3 quarts Safety 121 lbs BK1 $12,865.00
CV3 Plus, (0.75 kW) Nm (50 - 5,000 ml) Device (55 kg)
MX-B1433 Dispermat 1.0 hp 0 - 20,000 0.8 0.05 - 5.3 quarts Heavy 110 lbs BK1 11,072.00
CV3 Plus, (0.75 kW) Nm (50 - 5,000 ml) Duty (50 kg)
115V Clamps
MX-B1434 Dispermat 1.0 hp 0 - 20,000 0.8 0.05 - 5.3 quarts Safety 121 lbs BK1 12,517.00
CV3 Plus, (0.75 kW) Nm (50 - 5,000 ml) Device (55 kg)
MX-B1456 Dispermat 1.0 hp 0 - 20,000 0.8 0.05 - 5.3 quarts Heavy 110 lbs BK1 10,782.00
CV3 Plus, (0.75 kW) Nm (50 - 5,000 ml) Duty (50 kg)
220V Clamps
MX-B1279 Dispermat 2.0 hp 0 - 20,000 1.5 0.05 -10.6 quarts Safety 176 lbs BK2G 17,357.00
CV4, 115V (1.5 kW) Nm (50 - 10,000 ml) Device (80 kg)
MX-B1280 Dispermat 2.0 hp 0 - 20,000 1.5 0.05 -10.6 quarts Safety 176 lbs BK2G 16,409.00
CV4, 220V (1.5 kW) Nm (50 - 10,000 ml) Device (80 kg)
*Product volumes are based on mill base viscosity below 3,000 centipoise
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. • www.gardco.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 1
3.00 dispersion run time MX-B1418 Dispermat LC110-12. 220V. Gardner Co.0 hp (2.4 quarts (1.05 .000 ml) 25. A temperature sensor with automatic shutdown prevents the motor from over-heating.4 hp (4.6 .819.0 hp (3. 50 H1 42 lbs (19 kg) MX-B1442 0.000 ml) 25. The larger Dispermat® LC models have a safety stand that comply with the European machine law standard. 50 H1 42 lbs (19 kg) MX-B1441 0.00 • Timer function to track MX-B1417 Dispermat LC75. Cat.00 viscosity changes MX-B1416 Dispermat LC75. 13. 40. MX-B1293 Dispermat LC300.6. 115V. w/cont.2 quarts (50 . w/cont. w/cont.05 .000 ml) 25.000 ml) 60 BK2G 198 lbs (90 kg) MX-B1419 1.3.000 ml) 25.000 centipose Cat.0 hp (0.5 hp (1.0 kW) 0 . w/safety dev.000 ml) 80 BK2G 330 lbs (150 kg) MX-B1294 5.55 kW) 0 . w/safety dev.10.000 ml) 90 BK2G 374 lbs (170 kg) 2 Paul N.5.40. w/safety dev.55 kW) 0 .1.000 0.738.471.471.2 quarts (50 .1 quarts (50 .00 • Durable design for long-term operation MX-B1443 Dispermat LC55. 17.000 0.00 • Operating Manual.7 hp (0. 50 H1 77 lbs (35 kg) MX-B1445 0. 30.05 .000 ml) 60 BK2G 242 lbs (110 kg) MX-B1293 4.000 0.3. No.1 quarts (50 .5 hp (1.20.00 must be ordered separately.3. 400V. 18.30.2 kW) 0 .1 quarts (50 .000 ml) 25. 50 H1 77 lbs (35 kg) MX-B1443 0.000 0.1.55 kW) 0 . 50 H1 99 lbs (45 kg) MX-B1418 1. The motor design provides a quiet.500 .2 kW) 0 ..000 1. 9. w/cont. w/ safety dev. w/safety dev.000 0. 220V.00 • Simple and quiet operation MX-B1442 Dispermat LC55.2 quarts (50 . w/safety dev.028.1.20. 40.4 hp (0.42.6 .gardco.3.6.00 • Constant speed control for MX-B1444 Dispermat LC55. 40. 30.000 ml) 25.065. 30.155. 9. 30.7 hp (0.20.00 Comes complete with: MX-B1285 Dispermat LC220-6.274.916.7 hp (0. 220V. clamp 6.7 hp (0.471.000 ml) 25.000 ml) 60 BK2G 242 lbs (110 kg) MX-B1285 3.20. 30. low maintenance operation. 115V.00 repeatable results – Keeps a constant speed even when the MX-B1445 Dispermat LC55.15. 10.0 kW) 0 .00 • Dispermat®.000 0.3 quarts (50 .com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 . 30. 40.00 • Impellers *Product volumes are based on mill base viscosity below 3. The Dispermat design can accommodate accessories that can convert the LC model to a media mill or a vacuum dispersing system.3.6. • www.0 hp (2. 50 H1 66 lbs (30 kg) MX-B1444 0. 40. Inc.6.3 kW) 0 .6 quarts (50 .000 ml) 25.500 .05 . w/safety dev.2 quarts (1. 50 H1 93lbs (42 kg) MX-B1417 1.3. 40.75 kW) 0 . 30. 40.5. MX-B1441 Dispermat LC30.5.05 . 220V. Motor Power Speed Product Volume* Impellers (mm) Stand Weight (rpm) Base MX-B1440 0. w/safety dev. 11. 220V.000 0. clamp 8. No.5.000 0. 220V.55 kW) 0 .2 quarts (50 .0 hp (0.20.500 .3 quarts (50 .12. clamp 7. • Control box. The Dispermat® LC stand comes with a heavy-duty clamping system to firmly hold the container.05 .00 MX-B1281 Dispermat LC220- w/cont.00 MX-B1419 Dispermat LC110-6.12.05 . DISPERSION DISPERMAT LC High Speed Dispersers The Dispermat® LC Series offers an economical design for small laboratory volumes to pilot plant volumes up to 10 gallon capacity. 220V.05 .1 kW) 0 . 40.15. 50 H1 66 lbs (30 kg) MX-B1416 1. w/safety dev.918.7 quarts (1.6 .4 hp (0.6 .31.529. MX-B1294 Dispermat LC400.05 . 400V.25.000 1. 400V. 11.000 1.75 kW) 0 .628. 115V.1 kW) 0 . clamp 8.05 -10.3 kW) 0 . 13.000 0.000 ml) 60 BK2G 198 lbs (90 kg) MX-B1281 3.8 quarts (1. clamp $6.916.500 .21.20.000 1.20. 400V. Description Price Note: The container and shaft protection pipe MX-B1440 Dispermat LC30. 30.
Inc. Ideal for small volumes to minimize disposal cost NOTE: Container must be ordered separately Paul N.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 3 . Gardner Co. time and % torque Digital speed indicator Optional temperature readout with PT100 purchase Adaptive turn sensitive speed adjustment Timer function that can auto-adjust to a slower speed Timer function with auto-shutdown Dispermat® LC30 with APS system Dispermat® CV3 Plus with CDS system The APS accessory is a media milling system The CDS accessory is a vacuum system that prevents air Interchangeable with the vacuum accessory (CDS) entrapment during the dispersion process. DISPERSION Dispermat® CV3 Plus with safety device Dispermat® LC55 with safety device Digital speed indicator..gardco. • www.
. SS telescopic shaft protection pipe..no guesswork necessary ■ The conveniently located control box features the following: 1.. ■ Compact stand with safety device and electrical height ad- justment .... CN 20: typical performance of 20 kg (medium viscosity) to 10kg (high viscosity) of product Technical Specifications Model Power Voltage Speed Torque Impellers Stand Weight CN 10 1....0 .. Safety and error signal lights 3.00 Comes complete with: Dispermat....5 hp 230 VAC / 0 to 1.6 in Width 25.6 Nm 60 mm H2L 242 lbs (2....280.000 rpm and % torque 5. MX-B1650 Dispermat CN 10.. CN 10: typical performance of 10 kg (medium viscosity) to 6 kg (high viscosity) of product 2... Safety device...uses very little space ■ Compact drive unit contains the strong 3-phase motor along with a separately driven low noise ventilation system ..2 . ■ The central clamping system securely holds the container in place in the proper position and automatically centers it with the dissolver .......9 in (400 mm) 17.0 .........com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 .7 in (50 ......3 in (490 mm) 21...no separate power box...7 in 2. A dual display digital timer that enables the dispersion time to be pre-set with automatic shut-off ■ Choose from 2 models: 1...468.13....350 mm) (50 ........... Inc...gardco.........14................ The Dispersion CN is designed to give you maximum perfor- mance at a low price.....1 kw) 50 Hz 11.13.......2 in (640 mm) 19.15....... ON/OFF switch (all models) 2. A digital display of RPM that is infinitely variable from 0-11........8 Nm 60 mm H2L 220 lbs (1.350 mm) Height 15.......2 in Container H2G Container H2L Diameter 2...... Operating instructions. Impeller. any other voltage is available on request.50.1 hp 3-phase* 0 to 3.7 in * Standard 3-phase voltage is 400 VAC/50/60 Hz. It is an excellent dissolver for dispersing small to medium size quantities of varying viscosities.7 in Depth 19..000 rpm (100 kg) CN 20 3.DISPERSION DISPERMAT® CN HIGH SPEED DISSOLVERS Dispermat®CN is a New Dissolver with the Electronics Built into the Motor .2 in (1300 mm) 32...you hardly know it is running...... • www.......... Central clamping system. Gardner Co....2 kw) 11...... An emergency stop button 4..00 MX-B1651 Dispermat CN 20...000 rpm (110 kg) Instrument Dimensions Stand H2G Stand H2L Height 51.. 4 Paul N.. 2 safety limit switches...
for example during dispersing. They are available in many sizes and models. The 10 to 65 litres double wall containers are equipped with standard hose fittings to enable heating or cooling.301.00 MX-B1253 1000 ml 100 x 130 mm 2.615. Inc.00 MX-B1258* Quick Coupler for attaching tubing for 2000-5000ml vessels 134.151.782. The high-quality double wall temperature control containers are ideal for these and other ap- plications. DISPERSION STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE WALL TEMPERATURE CONTROL CONTAINERS In the laboratory and pilot plant it is often necessary to process material at defined tempera- tures. Other applications may require heat to be added. Self-Sealing valves on the coupling and hose prevent leakage.00 MX-B1252 500 ml 80 x 110 mm 1.762. Capacity Inside x height Price MX-B1259 50 ml 40 x 50 mm 1.085. MX-B1258 or MX-B1277) guaranteeing easy handling and time saving cleaning.00 MX-B1311 10 liter 24 x 24 cm 4.00 MX-B1256 5000 ml 180 x 200 mm 3. PRICE Cat No.00 MX-B1273 25 liter 32 x 32 cm 6. stirring and exothermic reactions it is often preferable to remove excess heat.545..00 MX-B1276 65 liter 44 x 44 cm 9. • www.00 MX-B1277* Hose Fittings for MX-B1270 to MX-B1276 50. Stainless steel covers or split covers are avail- able for all containers.627.00 * Please note 2 couplers/ fittings are needed per vessel Single wall containers & additional accessories available .233.876.079. The containers up to 5000 ml have self-sealing quick connect/disconnect fittings (ordered separatelty MX-B1257.00 MX-B1255 3000 ml 140 x 200 mm 3.gardco. The stainless steel containers can be cleaned very easily due to their polished surface.00 MX-B1250 125 ml 50 x 70 mm 1.Depending on application Please Call for Pricing Paul N.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 5 .00 MX-B1257* Quick Coupler for attaching tubing for 125-1000ml vessels 123.00 MX-B1251 250 ml 65 x 85 mm 1. Gardner Co.00 MX-B1254 2000 ml 120 x 180 mm 2.
55. MILLING AND DISPERSION IMPELLERS HEAVY DUTY DISPERSION PEARL MILL IMPELLER IMPELLERS MC 25 stainless steel. MILLING IMPELLER tor-System for dispersing made of polyamide. low viscosity substances available in 7 different sizes 6 Paul N. Height 17 mm 80. Gardner Co. 125 and 150 mm Ø 250 mm with thread hub and female screw. 50 and 60 mm Ø Impeller Ø 25 mm HEAVY DUTY MICRO PEARL MILL PROPELLER BLADES IMPELLER stainless steel Total Ø 28 mm Sizes available: 40.DISPERSION STIRRING. Sizes available: 70.gardco. 30. 100. 80. 90. 70 and available in 6 different 100 mm Ø sizes HOMOGENIZER DMS DOUBLE Stainless steel Strator-Ro.. LIGHTWEIGHT MINI PEARL MILL DISPERSION IMPELLERS: IMPELLER stainless steel Diameter Ø 40 mm sizes available: 20. • www. 90. 40. 25.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 . Sizes available: 50. 5mm hole and Height 42 mm thumb screw.50 and 60. Impeller Ø 40 mm Sizes available: 30. Height 30 mm 40. 105 and Impeller Ø 19 mm 125 mm Ø LIGHTWEIGHT PROPELLER EMS SINGLE BLADES TEFLON IMPELLERS stainless steel (fixing device required). Inc. with tooth Diameter Ø 60 mm profile.
00 * Not recommended for smaller Dispermats® (LC. F1.00 LIGHT-WEIGHT PROPELLER BLADES MX-B1226 50MM THUMB SCREW 90.CV.00 MX-B1208 100MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 360.00 MX-B1223 90MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 439.00 MX-B1227 70MM THUMB SCREW 129..00 MX-B1228 100MM THUMB SCREW 164.00 MX-B1198 40MM THUMB SCREW 125. DISPERSION PRICE HEAVY-DUTY DISPERSION IMPELLERS CAT.N1.00 MX-B1202 40MM THUMB SCREW 230.00 LIGHT-WEIGHT DISPERSION IMPELLERS MX-B1195 20MM THUMB SCREW $87. Gardner Co. • www.00 MX-B1200 60MM THUMB SCREW 136.00 MX-B1204 60MM THUMB SCREW 248.00 MX-B1225 125MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 575.00 MX-B1203 50MM THUMB SCREW 240. FE) • Attached to the Dispermat® by taking off the conical piece at the end of the shaft Paul N.00 MX-B1206 80MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 295.00 MX-B1209 125MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 654.00 MX-B1210 150MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 773. Inc. # DIAMETER ATTACHMENT PRICE MX-B1201 30MM THUMB SCREW $179.00 MX-B1196 25MM THUMB SCREW 103.00 MX-B1205 70MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 269.00 MX-B1199 50MM THUMB SCREW 126.00 MX-B1207 90MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 330.00 MX-B1330 250MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 905.00 MX-B1222 80MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 473.00 HEAVY-DUTY PROPELLER BLADES MX-B1220 40MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 177.00 MX-B1197 30MM THUMB SCREW 106.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 7 .gardco.00 MX-B1221 55MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 199.00 MX-B1224 105MM HUB WITH FEMALE SCREW*• 450.
00 MINI MX-B1230 40MM 30MM 25MM 250ML APPROX. # DESCRIPTION PRICE MX-B1217 ADAPTER FIXING DEVICE FOR MODELS EMS T20 .00 MX-B1214 EMS T45* 45MM 5MM 250ML APPROX. 100ML 295.00 MX-B1215 EMS T60* 60MM 5MM 500ML APPROX. 8 Paul N.00 MX-B1216 EMS T75* 75MM 5MM 1000ML APPROX. 400ML 175. 200ML 136.com • (954) 946-9454 • 1-800-762-2478 . 800ML 441. CAPACITY BEADS MC 25 MX-B1231 60MM 42MM 40MM 500ML APPROX.00 MX-B1247 DMS 100 100MM 95MM 3000ML APPROX. 800ML 216. 50ML 719.00 MICRO MX-B1229 28MM 17MM 19MM 125ML APPROX.00 MX-B1233 ZIRCONIA BEADS 1.DISPERSION PEARL MILL IMPELLERS CAT. 200ML $854.00 MX-B1316 DMS 32 32MM 30MM 125ML APPROX. 50ML 264.Need to be ordered separately CAT.gardco.6 TO 2. 100ML 129.00 MX-B1238 DMS 60 60MM 50MM 500ML APPROX.00 *Adapter fixing device needs to be ordered separately ADAPTER FIXING DEVICE CAT.00 MX-B1236 EMS T90 90MM 5MM 2000ML APPROX.00 MX-B1213 EMS T30* 30MM 5MM 125ML APPROX. # MODEL DIAMETER HEIGHT CONTAINER MILLING PRICE CAPACITY BEADS MX-B1212 EMS T20* 20MM 5MM 30ML APPROX. # MODEL DIAMETER HEIGHT CONTAINER MILLING PRICE CAPACITY BEADS MX-B1315 DMS 28 28MM 22MM 50ML APPROX. 100ML 756.00 DMS MILLING IMPELLERS CAT.00 BEADS . # DIAMETER HEIGHT DISC CONTAINER MILLING PRICE DIA.00 MX-B1237 DMS 45 45MM 38MM 250ML APPROX.00 EMS MILLING IMPELLERS CAT. 12ML $ 79.00 MX-B1239 DMS 70 70MM 58MM 1000ML APPROX. Inc. 200ML 313. 400ML 344. • www. 50ML 129. Gardner Co.1200ML 861.5MM Ø 1kg 176. 20ML $261.00 MX-B1249 DMS 80 80MM 85MM 2000ML APPROX.. # DESCRIPTION SIZE WEIGHT PRICE MX-B1232 GLASS BEADS 2MM Ø 1kg $ 73.T75 $171.00 Ask about other Dispermat products.