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Explain How The Following Have Influenced The Growth Of New Religious Expressions And Spiritualities

Explain How the Following Have Influenced the Growth of New Religious Expressions and Spiritualities




• Explain how the following have inuenced the growth of new religious expressions and spiritualities: -the rise of materialism -scientic progress -growth of ecological awareness -disenchantment with ‘traditional’ religious practice and guidance Contribute to social/r social/religious eligious dissatisfaction  The rise of materialism •  Today,  Today, Aus’ns are experiencing experiencing greater auence  owning more material things! Provide support for new religious expressions/spiritualities • • • • • *cienti)c progress • • • • rowth of ecological awareness • • • "enial of the spiritual dimension #ealth! Possessions not satisfying for many people, are a priority over the spiritual "isintegration "isintegration of traditional values$family, marriage% marriage% +ave no place of a spiritual explanation  Technologies  Technologies have endangered species *ome results of science seen to be a threat to humanity $genetic engineering% engineering% Pure science dicult to understand, understand, not accessible accessible for many people Abuse of natural resources  Threat of pollution, global global warming, lac' of water Conse.uences of over population in some geographic regions • • • • • • • • • • &ealising that owning a lot of things is not satisfying A return to organised religious traditions, for many others this means loo'ing at (ew Age options! &ecognise that material prosperity is not necessary for personal ful)lment Appreciating values of the human person -ncourage followers to see' holistic health techni.ues +umanity needs to remain independent from technologies Ac'nowledging the limitation of science and the existence of a supernatural realm Acceptance of co0dependency between humans and nature "eveloping lifestyles that avoid pollution and environmental damage Acceptance of responsible stewardship (ew Age movement put much importance on ta'ing care of the earth! -mphasise the naturalism $attachment to what is natural% "isenchantme nt with traditional religions • • •  Traditional ethical ideas are seen as restrictive &ituals 1ac'ing inclusiveness $youth, ethnic minorities, women • • • o  Traditional ethical systems that gave rules instead of allowing individual responsibility  choice  disenchanting$disappointing% to an Aus’n public that was increasingly educated  articulate! • •  Today, there is still little room for women in the Catholic  2rthodox hierarchy, while (ew Age spiritualities value feminism  the contribution of women! (ew ethical responses Creation of rituals that are seen to complement modern views/lifestyles 3nclusiveness (ew Age spiritualities began to grow in popularity in Aus in the 4567s, partly because of the growing tolerance of di8erences! Adherents were also disillusioned by the western establishment, secular humanism  Christianity! The media have also played a part in the spread of info about (ew Age practices 9 such as the internet! The increasing no: of +indus  ;uddhists settling into Aus is also an inected having one particular construction or form or religion people perceived hypocrisy in the church more socially acceptable ?aterialism meant that people were less interested in religion because they were more interested in earning money  buying material goods! Discuss how Agnosticism, Atheism and umanism determine the aspirations and !ehaviour of individuals • "iscuss0 identify issues, points for/against ;ehaviour &eligious people thin' agnostics have no morals or guidance in their lives! Agnostics believe it is up to people to repair, ma'e up for any harm they do to other people or the environment A non0believer believes that the following guides their behaviour: 4! Conscience persons ideas about pleasure and pain, how they want to be treated @! 1ogic =common sense’, guide a person to what is the right thing to do ! 1aw #ith no direct assistance from a god/supernatural source, the individual use their own resources to achieve their own goals -thical behaviour: 0 determined by individuals own understanding of what is good/bad 0 ;ased not on reward or punishment by a higher being but on the individual’s own reasons for their actions -thical assistance and guidance will be sought outside of religious traditions and may be baced on the 'nowledge brought by science 3n lac'ing a belief in a life after death a person will view the present life as the best and only opportunity to achieve their goals • • • • Aspirations0ambitions, desires to achieve something Bor a peaceful, fair, environmentally sustainable world  important not to be too materialistic @ aspects to ta'e into account: the outcomes desired for oneself and the desires for the 'ind of the world one wants to live in! (on0believers say that for the sa'e of a peaceful, fair and environmentally sustainable world, it is important not to be too materialistic! Di"erentiations !etween atheists, agnostics # humanists are: • Agnostic believes there might be a god  live their life in the best way >ust in case there is a god to >udge them after they die! • • •  reasons to do good things to other people  the environment atheist  no god, want to do some good things for other people  for the planet +umanists most emphasis on doing good things for people  planet! believe humans are the highest life form00:have a responsibility to each other