Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV – MIMAROPA Division of Puerto Princesa Cit Bahile National High School !ahile" Puerto Princesa Cit
FESTIVAL DANCES PE – GRADE 9 Why Festival Dances? •
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are cultural dance4s performed to the strong beats of percussion percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a Patron Patron Saint ot in thanks giing of a bountiful !arest may be religious or secular in nature the best thing about festial dances is that they add to the merry making and festiities "here they are celebrated #reason "hy they are called festial dances after all$ dra" the people%s culture by portraying the people%s "ays of life through moements& costumes and implements inherent to their place of origin 'ilipinos do festials primarily to celebrate (here are a multitude of reasons reasons for this reason reason )e celebrate celebrate our unity amidst the diersity of cultures and "e celebrate our industry bringing about a bountiful harest 'estials 'estials hae been a consistent cro"d*producing cro"d*producing actiity leading to upliftment of a community%s economy due to its tourism and entertainment alue Are form of entertainment that attract fo reign and domestic tourist to isit a place eentually leading to the eleation of the 'ilipino%s +uality of life Are done to honor a religious icon or celebrate our industry Are a re,ection of the unity of the 'ilipinos 'ilipinos community that despite the economic& social& enironment& cultural and political challenges "e face eery day& there can be no other race more resilient than ours
Religious and Secular Festivals A Na!e o" Festival
Sinulog 'estial Dinagyang 'estial Ati*Atihan 'estial Pe0afrancia !igantes 'estial 7ongganisa 'estial 3inabayo 'estial Pintados de Pasi Pattarradday Sangya" 'estial
Religious Festivals #lace o" $rigin Religious Figure %onoured -ebu -ity Sto. /i0o 2loilo -ity Sto. /i0o 3alibo& Aklan Sto. /i0o /aga -ity itgin 5ary Angono& Ri6al Saint -lement iga -ity& 2locos Sur Saint Paul Dapitan -ity 1ames the Great Passi -ity& 2loilo Sto. /i0o Santiago -ity Se0or San (iago (acloban -ity Sto. /i0o
&onth Cele'rated
1anuary 1anuary 1anuary September /oember 1anuary 1uly 5arch 5ay 1uly
( Name of Festival 8angus 'estial
8ambanti 'estial 5ammangui 'estial 5ango 'estial Panagbenga festial 2bon Ebon 'estial 5asskara (%nalak Ammungan 'estial 8inatbatan 'estial
Secular)Non*Religious Secular)Non*Religious Festivals Place of Origin Industry Dagupan& 5ilksh 2ndustry Pangasinan 2sabela Scarecro" #farming$ -ity of 2ligan -prn industry 2ba& :ambales 5ango industry 8aguio -ity 'lo"er industry Pampanga 5igratory birds Egg industry 8acolod -ity 5ask #sugar industry$ South -otabato -olourful abaca /uea i6caya Gathering of of tribal industries igan& 2locos Sur )eaing industry
Month Celebrated April to 5ay
1anuary 5ay April 'ebruary 'ebruary ;ctober 1uly 5ay 5ay
L$C$&$T$R &$VE&ENTS • •
Are moements that alolo" you to moe from one point in space to another -anned from t"o "ords% . Step the basis of all locomotor moements prepares you to moe in any direction you "ish to go dened as transfer of "eight from one foot to another ?. "alk series of steps e@ecuted by both of your feet alternately in any direction #in e@ecuting$ there%s this moment "hen both feet are in contact "ith the ground "hile one foot supports the "eight and transfers it to the other . Run Series of "alks e@ecuted +uickly in any direction "herein only one foot stays on the ground "hile the other is oB the ground 4. 1ump 2s simply described by haing both feet lose its contact "ith the ground. 'ie "ays to doC take oB from a. one foot and land on the same b. one foot and land on the other c. one foot and land on both feet d. both feet and land on one foot e. take oB from both feet and land on both • • •