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Franc3d V7 Training - Part 4 - Crack Insert

FRANC3D Crack Insertion




  3/28/2017 1 FRANC3D Training Workshop: Part IV   Drs. Bruce Carter, Paul “Wash” Wawrzynek, Tony Ingraffea, and Omar Ibrahim April - 2017 Fracture Analysis Consultants, Inc.   2 Workshop Agenda   ã Part I: Introduction to Fracture Mechanics Analysis ã Part II: Introduction to FRANC3D ã Part III: Finite Element (FE) Model Import ã Part IV: Crack Insertion ã Part V: Static Crack Analysis & SIF Computation ã Part VI: Crack Growth ã Part VII: Multiple/Variable DOF Approach to Fatigue Life ã Part VIII: SIF History & Fatigue Life ã Part IX: Session Log, Command Line and Python Interface ã Part X: Miscellaneous Part I  3/28/2017 2 3 Process of Inserting Flaw ã Select the flaw type  –  Zero volume crack  –  Ellipsoidal void ã Define the flaw dimension ã Locate position of the flaw in the model ã Define the crack front template mesh ã and then let FRANC3D insert and remesh Part IV 4 Flaw Type Panel ã Set the flaw type to be inserted:  –  Zero volume  –  Finite volume ã Contains options to save the flaw description:  –  default is to add the flaw to the model without saving to a (.crk) file  –  Save to file and add flaw: allows the user to save the flaw to a file and add it to the model  –  Save to file only: saves the flaw to a file without adding it to the model Part IV  3/28/2017 3 5 FRANC3D Crack Types ã Elliptical Crack ã Through-the-thickness  –  One crack front  –  Two crack fronts ã Long-shallow surface crack shape (use instead of long narrow ellipses) ã Elliptical crack shape with two fronts (use for circumferential cracks in bars)   ã Long-shallow interior crack shape ã User-defined crack Part IV ã User-mesh Crack Crack Insertion Wizard (Elliptical Flaw) Set crack size/shape  parameters. Set crack position and orientation. Set crack-front template mesh parameters. Anchor at Node 6 Part IV  3/28/2017 4 Crack Insertion Wizard - Elliptical Flaw 7 Part IV ã Define the semi-axes lengths (a and b) ã After entering the values of a and b the ellipse is displayed in the 3D view window ã The ellipse is displayed in its local orientation, which is in the  x-y  plane and centered at the global Cartesian srcin Crack Insertion Wizard (Elliptical Flaw) 8 ã Flaw Translation ã Translations move the local srcin of the flaw to a location in the Cartesian space of the body ã Anchor at Node  button allows the user to specify a node number where the crack center (or anchor) should  be located ã Flaw Rotation ã Specify sequence of rotations ã Orient with Vectors  button provides another way to specify the flaw orientation Part IV