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Hello My Baby

Sheet music




   bbCC TenorLeadBaritoneBass œ Hel - œ 1 .j.jJ.J lo, hel - lo, hel - .j.jJ.J 2 ˙œ‰jœœ‰J lo! I've ˙œ‰jœ‰J 3 .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ got a lit - tle ba - by, but she's .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ bb 4 œœœŒœœ‰J out of sight, I œœœŒœœŒ 5 ..r..r talk a - cross, a - .œ.œ.œ.œ talk to her a - cross the tel - e - ..r..r talk a - cross a - ..R..R HELLO! MY BABY © 1988 SPEBSQSA, Inc.  INTRO: VERSE: By JOE HOWARD and IDA EMERSON(1878-1961 ( - ) 1899  The popular entertainer Joe Howard, at the ripe old age of 21, and his wife, Ida Emerson, a star in her own right, created the first telephone song that became a hit, and it was amagnificent kind of spoof on that new miracle. It is also probably the best of many songs about that inention. !nly a cleer wordsmith could think of the problems affecting a romance described in the second erse. e hope it all turned out well and the fellow married his #ess. It is also one of the first real ragtime songs published. $isteners thought the highly syncopatedrhythm of this new music sounded %ragged% and the style soon came to be known as ragtime.1&'' also saw the publication of the most famous ragtime composition of all time, %(aple $eaf )ag,% by *cott Joplin.   bb 6 .œ.œœ‰j cross the tel - e-phone; ˙œ‰J phone; I've .œ.œœ‰j cross the tel - e-phone; .œ.œœ‰J 7 .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ nev - er seen my hon - ey but she's .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ bb 8 œœœ‰jœœ‰J mine, all right; So œœœ‰jœœ‰J So 9 .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ take my tip and leave this gal a - .œ.œ.œ.œ..R..R take and leave, so -  bb 10 œ.œ.‰ all a-lone. ˙.‰ lone. œ.œ.‰ all a-lone. .œ.œ.‰ leave her all a-lone. 11 .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ Ev - 'ry sin - gle mourn - ing you will .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ bb 12 œœœ‰jœœ‰J hear me yell, Hey œœœ‰jœœ‰J 13 .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ Cen - tral! fix me up a - long the .œ.œ.œ.œœ.œ.œ.œ bb 14 œœœœœœUœœ line . He con - œœœœœœœuœœ 15 œœœœœ.œœœœœœ.œœ nects me with my hon-ey, then I œœœœœ.œœœœœœ.œœ - 2 -   bb 16 œœœ‰jœœ‰J ring the bell, And œœœ‰jœœ‰J 17 œœœœ.‰œœœœ.œœœ this is what I say to ba - by œœœœ.‰œœœ.‰ bb 18 ‰j.œ.‰ to ba - by mine: ˙.‰ mine: ‰j.œ.‰ to ba - by mine: ‰J.œ.‰ 19  jœjœœJœJœœ Hel-lo! my ba - by, jœjœœœJœœ 20  jœjœœJœJœœ Hel-lo! my hon - ey, jœjœœJœJœœ bb 21  jœjœœJœJœœ Hel- lo! my rag time jœjœœJœJœœ 22 .ŒŒ gal; .ŒŒ 23  jœjœŒJœJœœ Send me a kiss by jœjœŒœJœŒ bb 24 Œœj. by wire, ˙˙ wire Œœj. by wire, ŒœJ. 25 jœjœœJœJœœ Ba - by, my heart's on jœjœœœJœœ 26 œœœŒœŒ fire! ˙œŒœœŒ bb 27  jœjœœJœJœœ If you re-fuse me, jœjœœœJœœ 28  jœjœœJœJœœ Hon - ey, you'll lose me, jœjœœJœJœœ 29  jœjœœJœJœœ then you'll be all a - jœjœœJœJœœ - 3 - CHORUS:   bb 30 .‰œœ‰œœ lone; Ba - by, .‰œœ.‰œœ 31 œœ˙œœ˙œ Tel - e-phone and œœ˙œœ˙œ 32 œœœœœœœ tell me I'm your œœœœœœœ bb 33 .œœ own, your .œœ 34 w˙˙ own; w˙ 35 .jœœJœœ Tel - e - phone and .jœœJœœ bb 36 œœj.œJ. tell me I'm your œœj.œJ. 37 œ˙œ˙œ own, your ˙œœ own, I'm your w own! 38 w own! w own! w - 4 - TAG:  Additional verse: This morning through the +phone she said her name was #ess,nd now I kind of know where I am at-I+m satisfied because I+e got my babe+s addressHere pasted in the lining of my hat.I am mighty scared +cause if the wire get crossed,+Twill separate me from my baby mine-Then some other guy will win her and my game is lost-nd so each day I shout along the line