HVAC Installation Qualification Protocol Protocol No.
Installation Qualification Protocol Title: HVAC Company X
$%%ecti"e ate !e"ision &
Locat Locatio ion n
Comp Company any X, X, Inc. Inc.,, Addr Addres esss
Protocol Prepared By:
Protocol !e"ie#ed By:
Protocol Tec(nical !e"ie#ed By:
Protocol Appro"ed By:
Protocol Tec(nical !e"ie#ed By:
Protocol Appro"ed By:
%.0 DE#INITIONS 10.0 $ENERA" DOCUMENTATION RE!UIREMENTS 11.0 DATA CO""ECTION AND DOCUMENTATION ROCEDURES 12.0 INSTA""ATION !UA"I#ICATION TEST RE!UIREMENT& RE!UIREMENT & 13.0 RE#ERENCES In'e( Of Attac)*ents ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 1 % 1 % e&'onnel I(enti)i*ation I(enti)i*ation "i't ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 2 % 2 % Te't E+,ipment I(enti)i*ation-Cali.&ation I(enti)i*ation-Cali.&ation ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 3 % 3 % Te't E+,ipment Ope&ation ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T % % E+,ipment - Component Ve&i)i*ation ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T ! % Utilitie' Ve&i)i*ation ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T " % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation / E+,ipment-Sy'tem Spe*i)i*ation' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T # % # % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation Do*,mentation / S,.mittal' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T $ % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation % ,&*0a'e O&(e&' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T % % % % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation % E+,ipment Man,al' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 10 % 10 % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation / E+,ipment-Sy'tem D&a1in2' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 11 % 11 % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation / E+,ipment-Sy'tem E+,ipment-Sy'tem Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 12 % 12 % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation Do*,mentation / E+,ipment-Sy'tem E+,ipment-Sy'tem Cali.&ation &o*e(,&e' ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 13 % 13 % S,ppo&t Do*,mentation / E+,ipment-Sy'tem Cali.&ation &o2&am ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 1 % 1 % Maintenan*e / Spa&e a&t' "i't ATTAC+,E-T ATTAC+,E-T 1! % 1! % Maintenan*e Maintenan*e / ",.&i*ant Ve&i)i*ation Ve&i)i*ation 1.0 &&TE, OVERVIE/ +istor T0e AHU/3 an( MAU/4 HVAC 'y'tem in*l,(e' Ai& Han(lin2 Unit 5AHU/36 an( Ma7e Up Ai& Unit 5MAU/468 AHU/3 1a' p,&*0a'e( )&om Yo&7 Inte&national in O*to.e& O*to.e& 4998 AHU/3 1a' (e'i2ne( (e'i2ne( an( in'talle( in'talle( to ',pply ',pply &e*i&*,latin2 &e*i&*,latin2 ai& to &oom': &oom': 4;<%4;=8 MAU/ 4 1a' p,&*0a'e( a' pa&t o) t0e .,il(in2 an( ope&ate( to ',pply ma7e ,p ai& to t0e AHU/ 3 an( &oom' 4;>/4;=? 444? 44 44? 44@? 44?an( .ot0 'e&i*e *o&&i(o&'8 escrition T0e mao& e+,ipment - *omponent' o) t0e AHU/3 an( MAU/4 HVAC 'y'tem in*l,(e Ai& Han(le& Unit AHU/3? Ma7e Up Ai& Unit MAU/4? H,mi(i)ie& H/4? t1ele 54;6 &e0eat *oil' RHC/4/RHC/9 an( RHC/49 % RHC/;4 an( )o,&teen 546 e0a,'t )an' E#/4 / E#/4;? an( E#/4= / E#/4@8 AHU%3 i' a &e*i&*,latin &e*i&*,latin2 2 ai& 0an(lin2 ,nit? 10i*0 10i*0 p&oi(e' a *on'tant *on'tant ol,me ol,me o) ai&)lo1 to &oom' 4;4;? an( 4;=8 It i' e+,ippe( 1it0 a &e Coolin2 *oil? &e0eat &e0eat *oil an( 3= e))i*ien*y ai& )ilte&'8 AHU/3 p&oi(e' ai&)lo1 ,'in2 o,t'i(e ai& )&om MAU/4 mie( 1it0 &et,&n ai&8
MAU/4 p&oi(e' *on(itione( *on(itione( ai& to &oom' 444? 44 44? 44@? 44? an( 4;>/4;= ,tiliFin2 4>> o,t'i(e ai&8 It i' e+,ippe( 1it0 one 546 &e0eat *oil *oil an( t1o 5;6 *oolin2 *oil'8 It 0a' <= e))i*ien*y p&e/)ilte&' an( 9= e))i*ien*y .a2 )ilte&'? it al'o ,tiliFe' eleen 5446 Va&ia.le Ai& Vol,me Vol,me *ont&olle&' *ont&olle&' VAV/A? VAV/A? B? C? D? E? #? $? H an( an( VAV/? G an( "8 "8 one 546 Steam H,mi(i)ie& H/4 lo*ate( in t0e ',pply ai& (,*t (o1n't&eam )&om MAU/4 p&oi(e' 0,mi(i)i*ation T0e 'y'tem i' (e'i2ne( to p&oi(e pe&'onnel *om)o&t8 *om)o&t8 e&)o&man*e *&ite&ia )o& t0e 'y'tem a&e: Tempe&at,&e: Tempe&at,&e: @># =# H,mi(ity: ;>/> R8H8 Rationale T0i' p&oto*ol 1ill .e pe&)o&me( ,tiliFin2 ,tiliFin2 ;4 C#R ;4> ;44? ICH !/@A $oo( Man,)a*t,&in2 &a*ti*e $,i(an*e )o& A*tie 0a&ma*e,ti*al In2&e(ient'? A,2,'t ;>>4?8 Upon )inal app&oal o) t0i' I! &oto*ol an( S,mma&y Repo&t it 1ill &epla*e t0e p&eio,' I! 't,(y an( &en(e& it o.'olete8 T0e 'y'tem 1ill al'o .e pla*e( ,n(e& )o&mal *0an2e *ont&ol in a**o&(an*e 1it0 Company XC0an2e Cont&ol &o2&am ',mma&iFe( in Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e DNA-!M->4; entitle( KC0an2e Cont&ol Sy'temL8 2.0 &&TE, O4-AR T0e 'y'tem .o,n(a&y i' (e)ine( a' t0e ',pply ,tility 'e&i*e )i&'t point o) *onta*t 1it0 t0e 'y'tem-e+,ipment .ein2 in'tallation +,ali)ie(8 In mo't *a'e' t0i' i' inte&p&ete( a' t0e )i&'t inlet man,al ale o& moto& *ont&ol-ele*t&i*al panel p&oi(in2 ',pply o) 'ai( ,tility8
Sup uppl pliied Uti Utiliti lities es
ID Numb Number er
Desc Descri ript ptiion
Compressed Instrument Air
Inlet at respecti"e "al"e
Supply air to all applica)le pneumatic "al"es on t(e A*+-
Compressed Instrument Air
Inlet at respecti"e "al"e
Supply air to all applica)le pneumatic "al"es on t(e A+'.
Lo# Pressure Steam
Inlet at respecti"e "al"e
Supply to appropriate inlets o% *'
Compressed Instrument Air
Inlet at respecti"e "al"e
Supply air to all applica)le pneumatic "al"es on all A )o0es: ' 1,'12'.
C(illed 3ater In A*+-
Supply to Cooling Coil
C(illed 3ater 5ut A*+-
!eturn %rom Cooling Coil
*ot 3ater InA*+-
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5utA*+- *3!2
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
Lo# Pressure Steam 5utA+'
To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom steam re(eat coil
Lo# Pressure Steam InA+'
To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to steam re(eat coil
C(illed 3ater 5ut A+'
To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom cooling coil
*ot 3ater In!*C'
To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C' To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C2
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C2 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C7
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C7 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C8
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C8 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C9
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C9 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C-
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C- To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C
To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C4
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C4 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C1
Supply to (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C1 To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater In!*C'1 To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C '1
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater In!*C2; To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C 2;
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
*ot 3ater In!*C2' To Be 6ield eri%ied
Supply to (ot #ater coil
*ot 3ater 5ut!*C 2'
To Be 6ield eri%ied
!eturn %rom (ot #ater coil
To Be 6ield eri%ied
5utlet to respecti"e al"e
To Be 6ield eri%ied
5utlet to respecti"e al"e
To Be 6ield eri%ied
5utlet to respecti"e al"e
*ot 3ater Boilers <=
To Be 6ield eri%ied
5utlet to respecti"e al"es
Lo# pressure Steam Boilers <';=
To Be 6ield eri%ied
5utlet to respecti"e al"es
ain Brea>er Supply to +nit
ain Brea>er Supply to +nit
3.0 O5ECTIVE T0e intent o) t0i' In'tallation !,ali)i*ation 5I!6 i' to p&oi(e a *omplete inento&y o) mao& e+,ipment an(-o& *omponent' in'talle( on t0e HVAC AHU/3 an( MAU/4 'y'tem an( to en',&e t0at: •
Mao& *omponent' a&e t0o'e a' 'pe*i)ie( in 'y'tem man,al'? *ont&a*to&' ',.mittal'? o&i2inal p,&*0a'e o&(e&' o& app&oe( e+,ialent'8 T0e'e mao& *omponent' 1ill .e e&i)ie( (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 All *&iti*al in't&,ment' a&e *ali.&ate( an( pla*e( 1it0in t0e *ali.&ation p&o2&am a' (e)ine( in M#-SO-4@8
Ope&ation man,al' )o& t0e 'y'tem o& e+,ipment a&e i(enti)ie( an( aaila.le8
Re+,i&e( 'pa&e pa&t' a&e i(enti)ie(
Sy'tem o& e+,ipment maintenan*e &e+,i&ement' a&e *lea&ly (e)ine( an( (o*,mente( an( a&e pla*e( in t0e &eentatie Maintenan*e &o2&am a' (e)ine( in M#-SO-4@98 Sy'tem o& e+,ipment *leanin2 p&o*e(,&e' a&e e''0e( an( *,&&ent8 ",.&i*ant' 1ill .e i(enti)ie( an( eal,ate( )o& a**epta.ility (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 A'/.,ilt (&a1in2' &e)le*t t0e a*t,al in'tallation o) t0e 'y'tem o& e+,ipment in'talle( on 5HVAC AHU/3 an( MAU/4 'y'tem68 .0 &COPE T0i' p&oto*ol 1ill .e limite( to t0e HVAC AHU/3 MAU/4 Sy'tem at Company X? In*8? A((&e'' !.0 Q4ALI6ICATIO- &T4 OVERVIE/ D,&in2 t0e ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol? (ete&mination o) t0e *ali.&ation )&e+,en*ie' an( )o&maliFe( p&o*e(,&e' 1ill .e p&oi(e( to AAC Con',ltin2 $&o,p? In*8 5AAC6 .y Company X? In*8 Company X 1ill *ali.&ate all in't&,mentation &e+,i&in2 *ali.&ation 1it0 t&a*ea.ility to NIST an( *e&ti)i*ate' o) *ali.&ation p&oi(e( to AAC )o& in*l,'ion in t0e appli*a.le 'e*tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 T0e ope&ation o) AHU/3 an( MAU/4 a&e *ont&olle( .y Jo0n'on Cont&ol' Meta'y' Ai& Han(lin2 Unit Cont&olle&' 1it0 'en'o&' monito&in2 ai&-1ate& tempe&at,&e? 0,mi(ity an( ai&-1ate& p&e'',&e8 T0e ope&ation i' monito&e( t0&o,20 t0e ,'e o) t0e Meta*omm 'y'tem a' a B,il(in2 Mana2ement Sy'tem 5BMS68 Meta'y' VAV Cont&olle&' a&e p&oi(e( )o& t0e *ont&ol o) ea*0 VAV .o8 T0e BMS *ont&ol 'y'tem 1ill .e +,ali)ie( in a 'epa&ate p&oto*ol? a' pa&t o) t0e Comp,te& Sy'tem Vali(ation 5CSV68 T0e Ope&ational !,ali)*ation o) t0i' 'y'tem 1ill .e pe&)o&me( in a**o&(an*e 1it0 p&oto*ol M#-VA"-O!->4<-RO entitle( KOpe&ational !,ali)i*ation o) HVAC AHU/3 an( MAU/4 Sy'tem8 ".0 RE&PO-&IILIT ".1 Vali'ation eart*ent7 38484 &epa&e an( ',.mit t0e p&oto*ol )o& app&oal in a**o&(an*e 1it0 *,&&ent in(,'t&y 'tan(a&('? &e2,lato&y &e+,i&ement'? an( app&oe( Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e'8
3848; e&)o&m an( *oo&(inate t0e ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol an( &e*o&(in2 o) all &a1 (ata8 3848< Reie1 (eiation' an( ',ppo&t t0e p&epa&ation o) all *o&&e*tie a*tion &epo&t' t0at may .e &e+,i&e( to &e'ole (i'*&epant 'it,ation'8 3848 &epa&e an(-o& *oo&(inate t0e p&epa&ation o) a )inal te't &epo&t analyFin2 an( ',mma&iFin2 t0e (ata an( ',.mit )o& &eie1 an( app&oal8 ".2 AAC Consultin8 Grou7 38;84 &oi(e te*0ni*al inp,t into t0e p&epa&ation o) t0e te't p&oto*ol in a**o&(an*e 1it0 *$M'? in(,'t&y? US#DA 'tan(a&(' an( 2,i(eline'? an( Company Xapp&oe( Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e'8 &oi(e epe&t &eie1 o) t0e )ini'0e( p&oto*ol an( p&o*e(,&e'8 38;8; A''i't in t0e pe&)o&man*e o) t0e ee*,tion o) t0e te't p&oto*ol an( &e*o&(in2-analy'i' o) t0e te't &e',lt'8 38;8< A''i't in t0e p&epa&ation o) (eiation &epo&t' an( &e*ommen( *o&&e*tie a*tion' to &e'ole (i'*&epant 'it,ation' t0at may a&i'e (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0e te't p&oto*ol8 38;8 A''i't in t0e p&epa&ation o) a )inal &epo&t an( p&oi(e inp,t a' to t0e *on*l,'ion' ',mma&iFin2 t0e 't,(y an( ',.mit to Company Xmana2ement )o& &eie1 an( app&oal8 ".3 ,anufacturin87 38<84 Reie1 an( app&oe t0e te't p&oto*ol8 38<8; &oi(e +,ali)ie( pe&'onnel to a''i't 1it0 t0e ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol an( t0e *olle*tion o) 'ample'8 38<8< A''i't in p&epa&ation o) (eiation &epo&t' an( &e*ommen( *o&&e*tie a*tion to &e'ole (i'*&epant 'it,ation' t0at may a&i'e (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol8 38<8 Reie1 an( app&oe t0e )inal &epo&t8 ". En8ineerin8 an'9or 6acilities eart*ent7 3884 Reie1 an( app&oe t0e te't p&oto*ol8 388; &oi(e (o*,mentation &e+,i&e( )o& t0e 2ene&ation an( ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol8 388< &oi(e e+,ipment t0at 0a' .een *ommi''ione( an( ),n*tional a' 'pe*i)ie( .y Site A**eptan*e Te't Repo&t8 388 &oi(e a''i'tan*e in eal,atin2 an( &e'olin2 e+,ipment mal),n*tion' t0at may .e en*o,nte&e( (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol8 ".! Qualit Assurance7
38=84 Reie1 an( app&oe t0e te't p&oto*ol in a**o&(an*e 1it0 t0e app&oe( SO'? *$M'? an( *,&&ent in(,'t&y 2,i(eline'8 38=8; Reie1 (eiation' an( ',ppo&t p&epa&ation o) *o&&e*tie a*tion &epo&t' t0at may .e &e+,i&e( to &e'ole (i'*&epant 'it,ation'8 38=8< Reie1 an( app&oe t0e )inal &epo&t8 #.0 PREREQ4&ITE& All Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e' &e+,i&e( )o& t0e ee*,tion o) t0i' I! ',*0 a' maintenan*e an( *ali.&ation o) t0e e+,ipment ,n(e&2oin2 I! m,'t .e app&oe( .e)o&e t0e I! #inal Repo&t *an .e app&oe(8 $.0 ACRO-,& A*+
Air *andling +nit
current ?ood anu%acturing Practice
C(anges per (our
Control Air olume Bo0es
$ntering 3ater Temperature
?allons Per inute
*ig( $%%iciency Particulate Air
*eating, entilating, and Air Conditioning
Inc(es o% 3ater ?age
Lea"ing Air Temperature
Lea"ing 3ater Temperature
a>e+p Air +nit
National $n"ironmental Balancing Bureau
Not Less T(an
Not ore T(an
Installation @uali%ication
Pound per Suare Inc(
Pre"enti"e aintenance
Piping and Instrumentation iagram
!e"olutions Per inute
Standard operating Procedures
!e *eat Coils
Testing, Adusting, and Balancing
aria)le Air olume <ampers or Bo0es=
!.0 E6I-ITIO-& A**eptan*e C&ite&ia T0e 'y'tem 'pe*i)i*ation' an( a**ept-&ee*t *&ite&ia t0at a&e ne*e''a&y )o& ma7in2 a (e*i'ion to a**ept o& &ee*t t0e 'y'tem an(-o& *omponent .ein2 +,ali)ie(8
S,mma&y o) Re',lt' A 1&itten ',mma&y o) t0e +,ali)i*ation poli*ie'? p&o*e(,&e'? an( &e',lt' t0at may in*l,(e 2&ap0' an( ta.le' to ',ppo&t *on*l,'ion' an( )inal a**eptan*e8 Al'o in*l,(e( in t0i' ',mma&y 1o,l( .e (o*,mentation o) (eiation'? t0ei& ine'ti2ation? an( )inal *o&&e*tie a*tion implemente( to p&oi(e )inal *lo',&e8 Sy'tem T0e te&m K'y'temL a' ,'e( in t0i' p&oto*ol &e)e&' to t0e 'e&ie' o) *omponent'? mea',&in2 o& *ont&ol (ei*e' an(-o& e+,ipment? t0at 10en 1o&7in2 to2et0e& pe&)o&m a ),n*tion *on'i(e&e( *&iti*al to t0e man,)a*t,&in2 o) a p&o(,*t inten(e( )o& me(i*inal ,'e8 Wit0in t0e '*ope o) t0i' p&o*e(,&e? t0e te&m K'y'temL e+,ally applie' to *omp,te&iFe( 'y'tem'? p&o*e'' *ont&ol 'y'tem'? ,tilitie'? 'e&i*e'? an( e+,ipment 'et/,p' 5e828? a &ea*to&/ *on(en'e&/moto&/a2itato& 'et/,p68 10.0 GE-ERAL OC4,E-TATIO- REQ4IRE,E-T& 4>84 e&'onnel I(enti)i*ation "i't 4>8484 All pe&'onnel inole( in t0e ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol m,'t &eie1 an( *omplete Atta*0ment 48 4>848; C,&&i*,l,m Vitae )o& all *ont&a*t pe&'onnel 0ae .een ',.mitte( to t0e Vali(ation Depa&tment? (o*,mente( in t0e App&oe( e&'onnel "i't maintaine( .y t0e Do*,ment Cont&ol Depa&tment at Company X? In*8 4>8; Te't E+,ipment I(enti)i*ation-Cali.&ation 4>8;84 Do*,ment on Atta*0ment ; t0e te't e+,ipment t0at i' ,'e( (,&in2 ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 4>8;8; All te't e+,ipment (e'*&iption' 0ae .een ',.mitte( to t0e Vali(ation Depa&tment? (o*,mente( in t0e app&oe( Te't In't&,ment "i't maintaine( .y t0e Do*,ment Cont&ol Depa&tment at Company X? In*8 4>8;8< All te't e+,ipment m,'t .e *ali.&ate( a2ain't 'tan(a&(' t0at a&e NIST t&a*ea.le8 Copie' o) all *ali.&ation *e&ti)i*ate' )o& t0e te't e+,ipment m,'t .e in*l,(e( in t0i' atta*0ment8 4>8< Te't E+,ipment Ope&ation 4>8<84 Do*,ment on Atta*0ment < t0e SO' an(-o& Ope&ation Man,al' t0at a&e &e+,i&e( )o& t0e te't e+,ipment ,'e( in t0e ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 4>8 &oto*ol Co&&e*tion' 4>884 &oto*ol *o&&e*tion' m,'t .e (o*,mente( .y t0e i'',an*e o) a p&oto*ol amen(ment p&oi(in2 t0e *o&&e*t in)o&mation8
4>8= Ra1 Data Co&&e*tion' 4>8=84 Co&&e*tion' to t0e &a1 (ata m,'t .e pe&)o&me( ,'in2 a 'in2le line *&o'' o,t an( eplanation 1it0 t0e pe&'on' initial' an( (ate8 4>83 &oto*ol Deiation' 4>8384 A p&oto*ol (eiation in(i*ate' t0e (i'*oe&y o) (i'*&epant &e',lt'? met0o('? in)o&mation? o& p&o*e(,&e' &e',ltin2 )&om t0e ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 4>838; A (i'*&epan*y in(i*ate' t0e (i'*oe&y o) (i'*&epant &e',lt'8 4>838< All p&oto*ol (eiation'? (i'*&epan*ie'? an( in*i(ent' m,'t .e (o*,mente( in a**o&(an*e 1it0 t0e *,&&ent Company X Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e M#-SO->9@? entitle( KSO )o& t0e Repo&tin2 an( Ine'ti2ation o) Ine'ti2ation on In*i(ent'? Di'*&epan*ie' an( Deiation'L8 4>8@ Wo&7'0eet' 4>8@84 Data? ot0e& t0an la.o&ato&y (ata? m,'t .e (o*,mente( on one o) t0e )ollo1in2 type' o) 1o&7'0eet' (,&in2 t0e ee*,tion o) t0e p&oto*ol: 4>8@8; &oto*ol 'pe*i)i* (ata 1o&7'0eet'? p&oi(e( in t0e atta*0ment'? a&e to .e ,'e( to &e*o&( (ata a' &e+,i&e(8 4>8@8< T0e $ene&al Data Wo&7'0eet p&oi(e( in t0e atta*0ment'? may .e *,'tomiFe( )o& a((itional (ata *olle*tion o& *la&i)i*ation8 4>8@8 Copie' o) &a1 (ata )&om note.oo7 pa2e' o& la.o&ato&y te't &e',lt' may .e atta*0e( to t0i' ',mma&y pa*7a2e8 11. ATA COLLECTIO- A- OC4,E-TATIO- PROCE4RE& 4484 In'tallation !,ali)i*ation Wo&7'0eet' 448484 Ea*0 I! 1o&7'0eet m,'t .e *omplete( a' (i&e*te( on t0e in(ii(,al 1o&7'0eet8 44848; T0e ee*,te( I! 1o&7'0eet &a1 (ata '0o,l( .e *ompa&e( a2ain't t0e a**eptan*e *&ite&ia? eal,ate(? an( initiale(-(ate(8 In t0e eent t0e a**eptan*e *&ite&ia a&e not met? a (eiation &epo&t m,'t .e p&epa&e(? &eie1e( an( app&oe(? an( &e*o&(e( on t0e (eiation &epo&t lo2 )o& ea*0 o**,&&en*e8 44848< All (ata an( &e',lt' a&e to .e &e*o&(e( on app&oe( *opie' o) I! 1o&7'0eet'8 44848 Initial an( (ate ea*0 ent&y an( 'i2n an( (ate ea*0 1o&7'0eet8 44848= Ea*0 pa2e o) any atta*0ment' to t0e p&oto*ol m,'t &e)e&en*e t0e p&oto*ol ? 'e*tion an( pa2e ? an( m,'t .e initiale( an( (ate(8
448483 A ',mma&y o) &e',lt' &e)le*tin2 *on*l,'ion' )o& all e&i)i*ation' '0o,l( .e p&epa&e( an( t0i' (o*,ment in'e&te( at t0e .e2innin2 o) t0e (ata pa*7a2e8 44848@ T0e a**eptan*e *&ite&ia a' in(i*ate( )o& ea*0 I! 1o&7'0eet m,'t .e met8 44848 All 'pe*i)ie( (ata aaila.le at t0e time o) p&oto*ol 2ene&ation '0o,l( .e ente&e( on ea*0 1o&7'0eet p&io& to app&oal o) t0e p&oto*ol8 T0e 'o,&*e o) ea*0 'pe*i)ie( al,e ente&e( '0o,l( .e &e)e&en*e( in t0e *omment 'e*tion o) ea*0 I! 1o&7'0eet8 All 'pe*i)ie( (ata t0at *annot .e (ete&mine( at t0e time o) p&oto*ol 2ene&ation 1ill .e &e*o&(e( a' KNot 'pe*i)ie(L an( t0e a*t,al al,e )&om )iel( e&i)i*ation 1ill .e &e*o&(e(8 In t0e eent a 'pe*i)ie( *annot .e )iel( e&i)ie( a &ea'on '0o,l( .e ente&e( in t0e *omment 'e*tion o) t0e )o&m8 12. I-&TALLATIO- Q4ALI6ICATIO- TE&T REQ4IRE,E-T& 4;84 O.e*tie 448484 To e&i)y t0at t0e HVAC 'y'tem an( it' *omponent' 0ae .een in'talle( in a**o&(an*e 1it0 t0e &e+,i&ement' a' in(i*ate( in t0e en2inee&in2 'pe*i)i*ation' an( 'y'tem (&a1in2'8 4;8; A**eptan*e C&ite&ia 448;84 T0e a**eptan*e *&ite&ia a' in(i*ate( on ea*0 p&oto*ol atta*0ment m,'t .e met o& 1&itten eplanation p&oi(in2 &e'ol,tion m,'t .e (o*,mente(8 4;8< &o*e(,&e 4;8<84 Complete ea*0 p&oto*ol atta*0ment a' (i&e*te( on t0e in(ii(,al atta*0ment ma7in2 ',&e all &e+,i&e( (ata i' p&ope&ly &e*o&(e(? initiale(? an( (ate(8 4;8 Met0o(' o) Data Analy'i' 4;884 Reie1 all *omplete( atta*0ment' an( *ompa&e a2ain't t0e a**eptan*e *&ite&ia to a'',&e t0at all *&ite&ia 0ae .een met8 13. RE6ERE-CE& 4<84 ISO-14644-1? Clean&oom' an( A''o*iate( Cont&olle( Eni&onment'? a&t 4: Cla''i)i*ation o) Ai& Cleanline''? #i&'t E(ition? 4999/>=/>48 4<8; ISO-14644/;? Clean&oom' an( A''o*iate( Cont&olle( Eni&onment'? a&t ;: Spe*i)i*ation' )o& Te'tin2 an( Monito&in2 to &oe Complian*e 1it0 ISO 43/4? #i&'t E(ition? ;>>>/>9/4=8 4<8< ISO-14644/? Clean&oom' an( A''o*iate( Cont&olle( Eni&onment'? a&t : De'i2n? Con't&,*tion? an( Sta&t/,p ? #i&'t E(ition? ;>>>/>/>48
4<8 ISO-14644/@? Clean&oom' an( A''o*iate( Cont&olle( Eni&onment'? a&t @: Sepa&atie En*lo',&e' 5Clean Ai& Hoo('? $loe.oe'? I'olato&'? Mini/Eni&onment'? D&a)t8 4<8= Title ;4? Co(e o) #e(e&al Re2,lation'? a&t' ;4> an( ;44 4<83 ICH? !@A $oo( Man,)a*t,&in2 &a*ti*e $,i(an*e )o& A*tie 0a&ma*e,ti*al In2&e(ient'? A,2,'t ;>>48 4<8@ Stan(a&( Ope&atin2 &o*e(,&e' )o& Repo&tin2 an( Ine'ti2ation o) Deiation'? Met&olo2y Se&i*e'? &eentie Maintenan*e? C0an2e Cont&ol Sy'temL8 General ata /or:s)eet Attac)*ent ;<< U'e t0i' 1o&7'0eet )o& a((itional (ata 2at0e&in2 o& (ata *la&i)i*ation8 In*l,(e in appli*a.le 'e*tion o) ',mma&y pa*7a2e8 NOTE: Make copies of this worksheet as necessary.
Completed )y: !e"ie#ed )y: @A Appro"al:
ate: ate: ate:
ATTAC+,E-T ;1 = Personnel I'entification List Ea*0 pe&'on 10o 1ill .e ee*,tin2 t0e p&oto*ol m,'t *omplete an ent&y on t0i' pa2e8 Si2nat,&e' 'i2ni)y t0at t0ey 0ae .een t&aine( in t0e p&oto*ol an( ,n(e&'tan( t0e p&oto*ol &e+,i&ement'8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary.
!e"ie#ed )y:
ate :
@A Appro"al:
ate :
ATTAC+,E-T 2 = Test E>ui*ent I'entification9Calibration Do*,ment te't e+,ipment not in'talle( on t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem .ein2 +,ali)ie( t0at a&e &e+,i&e( )o& ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary.
Test $uipment Cali)ration
odel Serial & Tag & &
Last Cal Initials Cal ue ate ate ate
Criteria etD Initials ui*ent Oeration Do*,ment SO' an(-o& Ope&ation Man,al' t0at a&e &e+,i&e( )o& ope&ation o) t0e te't e+,ipment ,'e( in t0e ee*,tion o) t0i' p&oto*ol an( e&i)y t0ey a&e *,&&ent8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary.
ocumen t&
Current and $%%ecti" ocumented Initial/at e ate D e ui*ent 9 Co*onent Verification 5one pe& ea*0 main *omponent in*l,(in2 in't&,mentation-Cont&ol'6
eFFanine a)o"e !oom '28
I &
anu%acture Eor> International r
odel &
AP4;6S6C'2X' 2
Serial &
Capacity !ating
78;; C6
Initial/at e
imensions '2-H0 97H0 87H en %rom #g & *;8re" 2, Comments P5 & 7;9-7;9, Eor> International I/5/ anual, ';;.;1nom'. '
Completed )y: !e"ie#ed )y: @A Appro"al:
ate: ate: ate:
ATTAC+,E-T ! = 4tilities Verification Do*,ment Hot Wate& &e+,i&ement' )o& t0e appli*a.le e+,ipment-'y'tem ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 Al'o (o*,ment 'pe*i)i* *onne*tion' to t0e )a*ility 'team ',pply8 "i't 'o,&*e' )o& any 'pe*i)ie( in)o&mation &e*o&(e( on t0i' pa2e in *omment'8 All in)o&mation &e*o&(e( a' a*t,al i' )&om )iel( e&i)i*ation ,nle'' &e*o&(e( a' ot0e&1i'e in *omment'8 NOTE: A*t,al in)o&mation? ',*0 a' p&e'',&e? '0o,l( .e mea',&e( 10e&e po''i.le8
escription / Type < X = Plant < = Clean Purpose
Boiler <= *ydroT(erm
!egulated Pressure
'4 PSI
'7 J6
et(od o% oining
To )e %ield "eri%ied
Acceptance Criteria
Actual "alues con%orm to speci%ied "alues.
usti%ications are pro"ided %or actual "alues t(at cannot )e %ield "eri%ied.
ielectric +nions are present )et#een piping o% dissimilar metals.
Criteria etD Initial/ ui*ent9&ste* &ecifications Do*,ment a''o*iate( e+,ipment-'y'tem 'pe*i)i*ation' in*l,(in2? man,)a*t,&in2 'pe*i)i*ation'? en(o& a,(it'? #a*to&y A**eptan*e Te'tin2? an( in'pe*tion &epo&t' )o& t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 Al'o? (o*,ment t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem lo2.oo7 e''0e( )o& t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary. NOTE: #o& *omp,te& &elate( 'y'tem'? (o*,ment a''o*iate( 'pe*i)i*ation' in*l,(in2 *omp,te& 'y'tem ali(ation plan? p&o*e'' (e'*&iption 5,'e& &e+,i&ement'6? ),n*tional &e+,i&ement'? (e'i2n 'pe*i)i*ation? 'o)t1a&e (e'*&iption an( *0an2e *ont&ol 0i'to&y8
oc. Location Initial/ate &
Acceptance Criteria
Copies o% t(e manu%acturing speci%ications %or t(e euipment/system are attac(ed.
Installed conditions (a"e )een "eri%ied to re%lect %unctional speci%ications.
$uipment/system log)oo> esta)lis(ed.
6ilter speci%ications and manu%acturing "alidation guides are a"aila)le.
*$PA %ilter speci%ications are a"aila)le.
Computer related systems (a"e speci%ications a"aila)le.
Criteria etD ui*ent ,anuals Ve&i)y t0at pe&tinent e+,ipment (o*,mentation ei't' an( &e)e&en*e t0e lo*ation 10e&e t0e (o*,ment i' 7ept8
Acceptance Criteria
T(e manu%acturers euipment manuals are descri)ed a)o"e and t(e location o% eac( manual is documented.
Criteria etD Initials/ate ui*ent9&ste* ra@in8s Do*,ment a''o*iate( p&o*e'' )lo1 (&a1in2'? ID'? layo,t (&a1in2'? '0op (&a1in2'? an( any ot0e& pe&tinent (&a1in2'? in*l,(in2 all a''o*iate( e+,ipment? )a*ility? an( ,tility (&a1in2' )o& t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 Ve&i)y t0at t0e (&a1in2' a&e a**,&ate an( ',))i*ient to *0a&a*te&iFe t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem8 Ve&i)y t0at *omponent' a&e p0y'i*ally la.ele( in a**o&(an*e 1it0 (&a1in2'8 Hi20li20t t0e e&i)ie( po&tion' o) t0e (&a1in2' an( &e(line *0an2e' a' ne*e''a&y8 All (&a1in2' m,'t .e e&i)ie(? 'i2ne(? an( (ate(8 S,.mit any &e(line( (&a1in2' to t0e Do*,ment Cont&ol $&o,p )o& &ei'ion8 In*l,(e *opie' o) t0e 0i20li20te(? e&i)ie( (&a1in2'? &e(line( *opie'? an( appli*a.le Do*,ment Cont&ol #o&m' 1it0 t0i' ',mma&y pa*7a2e8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary. NOTE: Cont&olle& (ia2&am' an( 1i&in2 (ia2&am' 1ill .e (o*,mente( on 'epa&ate atta*0ment'8
ra#ing &
!e". Initial/ate ate
Acceptance Criteria
ra#ing list includes associated euipment, %acility, and utility dra#ings.
ra#ings, #it( redlines i% applica)le, are su%%icient to c(aracteriFe euipment/system.
$uipment/system installation corresponds to dra#ings, #it( redlines i% applica)le.
Components including euipment, "al"es, and instruments are p(ysically la)eled and la)els correspond to dra#ings, #it( redlines i% applica)le.
Copies o% "eri%ied dra#ings and redline copies are included #it( t(is summary pac>age.
ra#ings (a"e )een "eri%ied, signed, and dated.
!edlined dra#ings su)mitted %or
Criteria etD Initial/ age.
T(e ocument Control ?roup controls original dra#ing %iles.
Completed )y: !e"ie#ed )y:
ate: ate:
@A Appro"al:
ATTAC+,E-T 11 = &uort ocu*entation ? E>ui*ent9&ste* &tan'ar' Oeratin8 Proce'ures Do*,ment ope&atin2 SO' 5e828 ope&ation? maintenan*e? *leanin2 an( 'anitiFation6 a''o*iate( 1it0 t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem? in*l,(in2 *ont&ol'? ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary. NOTE: #o& *omp,te& &elate( 'y'tem'? SO' '0o,l( in*l,(e )ail,&e-.a*7,p-&e*oe&y? 'e*,&ity? 'y'tem monito&in2 an( maintenan*e8
ocument &
Acceptance Criteria
!e". Initial/ate ate
Criteria etD Initial/ ui*ent9&ste* Calibration Proce'ures Pa8e <<<<<< of <<<<<<< Do*,ment t0e *ali.&ation SO' a''o*iate( 1it0 t0e *&iti*al in't&,ment' on e+,ipment-'y'tem? in*l,(in2 *ont&ol'? ,n(e&2oin2 I!8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary.
ocument &
!e". Initial/ate ate
Acceptance Criteria
All cali)ration procedures associated #it( t(e critical instruments on t(e euipment/system undergoing are appro"ed and current.
Criteria etD Initial/ ui*ent9&ste* Calibration Pro8ra* Pa8e <<<<<< of <<<<<<< Do*,ment t0e e+,ipment-'y'tem *omponent' 5e828? in't&,ment'? *ont&ollin2-monito&in2 '1it*0e'6 ,n(e&2oin2 I! t0at &e+,i&e *ali.&ation8 Ve&i)y t0at t0e'e *omponent' a&e ente&e( into *ali.&ation p&o2&am .y &eie1in2 *opie' o) t0e *ali.&ation &epo&t' o.taine( )&om t0e Met&olo2y Depa&tment8 En',&e t0at all *omponent' &e+,i&in2 *ali.&ation 0ae .een *ali.&ate( an( a&e t&a*ea.le to National In'tit,te o) Stan(a&(' an( Te*0nolo2y 5NIST6? t0e Ame&i*an So*iety o) Te'tin2 an( Mate&ial' 5ASTM6? o& ot0e& appli*a.le 'tan(a&(8 A((itionally? e&i)y t0at all *ali.&ate( in't&,ment' 0ae a *ali.&ation ta28 In*l,(e *opie' o) t0e *ali.&ation &epo&t' 1it0 t0i' ',mma&y pa*7a2e8 NOTE: Make copies of this attachment as necessary. NOTE: In't&,ment e&i)i*ation? p&o*e'' in't&,ment mate&ial' o) *on't&,*tion e&i)i*ation? an( (i2ital 'en'o&' an( *ont&ollin2-monito&in2 '1it*0e' li't 1ill .e (o*,mente( on 'epa&ate atta*0ment'8
Compone Las Associat Associat !e nt Asset & Cal t Initia ed Cal ed Cal !e ". and 6reuen Cal l/ Procedur Procedur ". at escripti cy at ate e& e Title e on e
Acceptance Criteria
Components t(at reuire cali)ration are entered into t(e cali)ration program.
Components are tracea)le to applica)le standard.
Components (a"e a tag indicating last cal date and cal due date.
Components are cali)rated )y t(e conclusion o% protocol e0ecution.
Copies o% t(e cali)ration reports are included #it( t(is summary pac>age.
Criteria etD International 5/ anual
8/9/19 ammot( 5/ anual
Initial/ ate
Acceptance Criteria
Criteria etD Initial/