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Ie399 Summer Training Report | Machining | Production And Manufacturing

Bilkent IE Summer training report




  Production Capacity Improvement within AirbusA400M Section 18 Production AreaTurkish Aerospace Industries Inc Seda !A #$!%# I%&''1()10)(011 Industrial EngineeringBilkent University06800 Ankara Abstract I had completed my summer training in Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc beteen! #06#$0!! % 08#0&#$0!!# The conte't o( my internship covers both the orientationthat e'plains the dynamics ithin the company through di((erent departmentsand disciplines and main )ro*ect description# I had conducted a modi(ication)ro*ect on Airbus +ection !8 Area in three stages ith my )ro*ect team thatcould be evaluated as multidisciplinary# The concept o( the stages include thematerial (olloup, cost analysis (or passing on to automi-ation and the production area layout modelling#!  I%&'' * Company Identity Card .ompany /ameTurkish Aerospace Industries, Inc 1TAI2)roducts3+ervices4!6 .35, ./$  cargo aircra(t, Agusta +4$6 trainingaircra(t,A+ $ .ougar Utility and .ombat7elicopters, A009, :IU 1Agricultural aircra(t2, Turna 1Target 5rone2, +$E 14ire 4ighting Aircra(t2, UA;<! 1Unmanned Aerial ;ehicle2, 75!=, +&6,E.! , AT>&$, .! 0,T 8, 7?>@U, TI7A, @T!ocation4ethiye 5istrict, 7avacClCk Avenue,  /o!&# @a-an3 Ankara#Tel 10 !$28!! !8 00, 4a' 10 !$28!! ! $5ate o( Establishment! 9ay !=8DnershipTurkish Armed 4orces +trengthening 4oundation 1T+@;2Undersecretaries (or 5e(ence Industries 1++92 Turkish Aeronautical Association 1T7@2Area 1m $ 2000000Dutdoors800000Indoors$00000 /umber o( Forkers000Fhite .ollar!=00Blue .ollar$!00 /umber o( IEs88Annual )roduction .apacity (or ma*or  products3servicesThe annual production capacity di((erentiates amongdi((erent types o( aircra(ts and aerostructures#9arket +hare!0 G in Forld 9arket, hereas the hole market inTurkey belongs to TAI#.ompetitorsThere is no competitor o( TAI in Turkey# .ompaniessuch as Boeing, ockheed 9artin, >aytheon, andeneral 5ynamics are competitors in abroad# $  Part+( In the scope o( (undamental business strategy, Turkish Aerospace Industries,Inc# 1TAI2 deals ith the moderni-ation, modi(ication and a(ter sales support o( military and commercial aircra(ts in Turkey# As an a(ter sales supportH maintenance,repair and overhaul services are given to customers by the company by utili-ation o( capabilities o( the Turkish Armed 4orces 9aintenance .enters# Fith a variousnumber o( civil and military pro*ects as ell as partnerships beteen highlydeveloped companies such as AI>BU+ and BDEI/, TAI reaches high level o( salesin the market ithout having any domestic competitors# 4!6, .argo aircra(t, Agusta+4$6 training aircra(t, .ougar Utility and .ombat 7elicopters and Airbus A009+ection !8 could be given as e'amples o( products that TAI manu(actures# By means o( relations beteen ma*or manu(acturing processes,manu(acturing system can di((erentiate among pro*ects that (ocused on distinctsections o( the (inal product# In the big picture, the relationships beteen thedepartments speci(y the mechanism o( production system that is already shon inAppendi' A# >elated to that, the organi-ation chart is attached as Appendi' B,indicating the hierarchy among directories# In order to be able to meet the demand,usage o( the components and subassemblies in the manu(acturing system shouldmatch ith the in(ormation that lies behind product trees and BD9Js 1Bill o( 9aterial2 as they are denoted in pro*ect speci(ications# In order to per(orm that,inventory control should act in coordination ith )roduction )lanning department# Inorder to achieve this E>), 9>) II, and )9+ are utili-ed through the company# The   overall (lo o( stages o( processes is indicated ith the corresponding (igure inAppendi' .#Under the (rame o( manu(acturing system, E>) model o( the company issrcinated and (ed upon the production schedules ith respect to the product BD9Jsthat are designated and coordinated by )roduction )lanning and .ontrol 5epartment#Fhen purchase order is received, ra material is involved in the process starting itsoperation cycle (rom customs# 5epending on the availability and adeKuacy o( the bu((er stock that is located nearby each subassembly line, incoming stock isdistributed to relevant stations bypassing inventory# By gathering the reKuiredin(ormation (rom detail production, subassembly is processed through di((erentassembly lines that are located in di((erent plants# .onseKuently, subassemblies and(inal assemblies are transmitted through consignment# The content o( the manu(acturing processes varies depending on thereKuirements o( the advanced manu(acturing technologies# In other ords,manu(acturing engineering covers basic manu(acturing processes that are composedo( tool manu(acturing, machining, composite and metal binding, sheet metal(abrication, chemical and metallurgical processes besides tubing and elding# Thecorrelations beteen di((erent manu(acturing processes had been represented inAppendi' 5# Fhen it comes to the classi(ication o( the manu(acturing system, manu(acturing processes such as Tool 9anu(acturing, .omposite and 9etal Bonding and .hemicaland 9etallurgical )rocesses are per(ormed in batches o( production units# As the si-eo( the batch increases, aiting time until the process is completed increases (or eachunit o( orkpiece or subassembly because o( the nonvalueadded time in process#+uch a situation is undesirable due to the increase in lead time (or delivering the 