Labour Output
April 2018 -
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Mfar Constructions Pvt. Ltd. 118839204.xlsx.
1.00 EARTH WORK EXCAVATION Output Per Day(8 Hours)
Description of item
Earth Work Excavation in all soils upto a depth of 3Mtr from the natural ground level using excavator and carting away the excavatred earth outside the site or dumping the excavated earth as directed by the Engineer in Charge.
Earth work Excavation Manually for Foundation Pits , and trenches in all soils up to a depth of 1.5M from the Ground level including a lift of 1.5M and lead of 30Mtrs
In ordinary Soil Trimming the pits excavated by excavator to required level in ordinary soil
Sand & jelly filling
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00 10. and column pededtrals Columns in all Shapes and all Levels Roof Beams at all levels Roof slabs at all levels and heights in any shapes Cum.3 2.00 5.13 Starter concreting for water tank 1. thick No Rmt 1. Cum.00 1.00 Page 2 of 11 .50 7. placement including cleaning.10 RCC Chajja / Lofts / Kitchen Platform / Counter slabs of 75mm Cum.2.2 2. Ltd.3.1 Laying cast.00 1. Plinth Beams .00 10. vibrating and finsihing of the concrete as per the directions including all lead and lift. Plinth beams Damp proof Course in specfied thicknesss Flooring . 118839204.2 2.2. Plinth Beams .00 4. 1.14 2.5 2. compacting.00 1. Ribs upto 150mm thick Cum. transportation. Cum.. manually using concrete mixer and chute including feeding to the mixer. 40mm and down size aggregate.00 4.00 15. Cum.7 2.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 2.00 1.00 150.Flagging concrete.(rate includes all labours and masons for finishing) 2.00 12. Footing bases of Coluimns .1.00 9. 1.1.2 2.2.3 2.00 1.2.1 2.1 2. Surkhi concrete and Screeding Concrete up to 100mm thickness Cum Cum Sqm 1. lift wall . Cum.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 2.2.2. transportation.(rate includes all labours and masons for finishing) 2.00 1.00 30.3.00 9.00 9.50 1. Cum.00 situ P.3 Laying Ready-mix concrete/concrete supplied by batching plant of any grade using concrete pump including placement.2. CONCRETE WORKS Output Per Day(8 Hours) Sl. Cum.00 4. rough finishing at the top surface etc. placement.11 Starter concrete 2.00 2.xlsx.Mfar Constructions Pvt.1. leveling.00 2.00 20.00 8.2. sub grade preparation.00 7. all leads and lifts.2. of specified thickness wherever specified using river sand. Pardi Gutter Beam Concrete Lintel at all levels Cill Concrete at all levels Staircase in all levels Retaining wall . Cum. Drops .ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB # 030 2.00 1.3 2.00 9. Foundation .00 12.00 25.50 5.3.1 2.00 1.2 Laying cast-in -situ Reinforced Cement concreting of any mix using concrete mixer and chute including feeding to the mixer. Cum.4 2.6 2.8 2.00 1. vibrating and finsihing of the concrete as per the directions including all lead and lift. Cum.00 8. Cum. at all heights and depths as instructed.9 Footing . Cum.3.00 1.2.00 7.00 1.C.2.00 1.2.4 Footing . and column pededtrals Columns in all Shapes and all Levels Roof Beams at all levels Roof slabs at all levels and heights in any shapes Sloped Chajja .00 30.C.00 7.00 1.
39 7.ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB # 030 74.Mfar Constructions Pvt. 118839204.xlsx.49 Page 3 of 11 .44 1. Ltd.
and placing in position 3.1 according to drawings. 1kg.00 0.00 2.Mfar Constructions Pvt.30 3.00 2.xlsx.00 20.00 . 3.ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB # 024 3.1. Cost to include supply and use of 18G black annealed binding wire double fold to tie the bars in position As per IS 786 for each 100kg of reinforcing bars of 100kg of rebar.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled Output Per Day(8 Hours) Fabricating and placing reinforcement steel of high yield strength ribbed bars of various diameters and grade conforming to IS 1786 for reinforced concrete work.1. bending. REINFORCEMENT WORKS Sl. of binding wires should be used.2 Above 12mm Dia Bar ( For Residential Buildings ) MT 1.1 Up to 12mm Dia Bar ( For Residential Buildings ) MT 1. fabricating.3 Unloading of steel receiving from suppliers at site and stacking at specified places MT 4. 118839204.28 3. The work includes cutting.1.00 0. Ltd.
xlsx.00 5. Sqm.2 4.3 4.00 1. heights and profiles for Footing . Sqm.1.1 Erecting form work at all levels and places wherever needed/specified as per drawing including striking with 12mm Plastic coated.13 Staging for Columns II nd lift 4.00 1.00 10. Sqm.00 4.1.00 1.00 1. No No Sqm.00 1.00 1.7 4.1.00 1.4. Sqm.shuttering 4.. S 4.4. and column pedestrals Columns in all Shapes and all Levels Sqm. Sqm. Sqm. 4.15 Scaffolding using horizontals and verticals pipes 4. marine resistant waterproof ply or M. Plinth Beams .00 1.S.00 1.00 10.3.1 Roof Beams at all levels .steel form work with adjustable steel props of acceptable Staging system and with sufficient bracing as approved by site engineer.14 Casurina Poles Scaffolding 4.1.00 20.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1. SHUTTERING / FORM WORKS Output Per Day(8 Hours) Sl.1.8 4.1 Roof slabs at all levels and heights in any shapes .1.6 4.2 4. Sqm.1.00 5.12 Staging for Columns Ist lift 4.00 1. Sqm.00 4.00 1.2.00 1. lift wall .shuttering 4.1.00 15.Mfar Constructions Pvt.1. Ribs upto 150mm thick Sqm.2 4.2.00 1.1.00 15. Drops .00 1.00 15. 1.00 1.00 2.00 1. deshuttering Sloped Chajja .00 1.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 4.00 1.1.00 5.00 10.10 RCC Chajja / Lofts / Kitchen Platform / Counter slabs of 75mm thick qm.ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB # 030 4.3.00 1.1.00 1.1.11 Column Starter 4.11 Column Starter .deshuttering 4. Sqm.1. Drops .00 2.00 50. Sqm.00 1.8 4. Deshuttering as the duration as approved by the site engineer etc.00 1.2.00 20.1. Sqm. 118839204. Sqm. Ribs upto 150mm thick Sqm.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 5. Sqm.00 10.2 4. Pardi Gutter Beam Concrete Lintel at all levels Cill Concrete at all levels Staircase in all levels Retaining wall .2.1 4. Ltd. Sqm.00 1.00 4.5 4.00 14.00 1.9 Making of Form Work as per the Design and Drawing Columns in all Shapes and all Levels Roof Beams at all levels Staircase in all levels Retaining wall .00 2.00 1. 1.00 4.00 1. Sqm. lift wall . complete at all levels.2 .00 8.
118839204.84 56.Mfar Constructions Pvt.xlsx.66 26.99 3.ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB # 030 683.63 .20 52.80 1053. Ltd.33 2.
8 5.2.11 5.00 5.5 5.00 1.Mfar Constructions Pvt.00 1.00 2.00 Design Work in 4" /6" Block for Elevation Treatment Shifting Blocks From Storage Area to Upper floors Sqm Per No.9 5.16 5.2 Providing and constructing OF PCC block work at all levels in specfied Mix including curing.ms_office Project : Ittina Abby Job No. scaffolding.00 40.00 1.2.00 15.00 1.70 8. Ltd.00 1.4 1.2 5.1 for rough dressing in both sides Cum Cum Cum Cum Sqm Cum Sqm Sqm Sqm Cum Cum Sqm Sqm No No 1.3 5.xlsx.00 1.4 5.00 1. staging.2.00 1.00 5.1 for rough dressing in one side Extra over 5.50 8.1 5.50 30.4 1.19 5.00 1.00 1.90 9.50 9.6 1.50 1.00 1.6 8" 6" 4" Full fine sand Full fine sand Page 7 of 11 .2.5 1.00 1.10 5.13 5. leads and lifts.2.00 Cement Cement Cement Ceiling Wall Ext wall 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.6 5.00 1.12 5. Granite / Size Stone Masonry in foundation Granite / Size Stone Masonry for plinth Laterite Stone Masonry 9" thick Burnt Brick Masonry 4 1/2" thick Burnt Brick Msonry 200mm thick Solid Block Masonry 100mm thick Solid Block Masonry 150mm thick Solid Block Masonry Size stone Masonry with Pointing Brick Tile Masonry (for Managlore zone only) 200mm thick Hollow Block Masonry 100mm thick Hollow Block Masonry 150mm thick Hollow Block Masonry Extra over 5.00 1.00 1.2. 30 5. 118839204.2.1m thick in every fifth coarse of Block work Rmt 5.2.00 1.18 Manually Mixing and placing Concrete approx.0.2.14 5.00 1.00 2. MASONRY WORKS Output Per Day(8 Hours) Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 5.2. 1.
50 6. 30 6. curing. finishing to line and level including lead and lift of materials. curing. Rough plastering in specfied Mixes as an undercoat (backing plaster 15mm) on walls for fixing tiles.7 RM 1.00 6. in specfied cement mortar mix up to 15mm thick.00 15. Providing Plastering Bands / Grooves / Window Fins to the line and level on External walls at all levels for a maximum width of 150mm including finishing to line and plumb. Sqm. complete.00 25. leads and lifts etc.xlsx.00 6. finishing to line and level with lime rendering at all levels & lifts.00 1. Sqm. including lead and lift of materials.00 1. complete. scaffolding. Finishing of triangular shaped parapet coping with plastering Rmt 1. scaffolding. etc. etc..ms_office Project : Ittina Abby Job No. either sand faced finish/ neeru finish as per requirement. curing.5 1. finishing to line and level including lead and lift of materials. leads and lifts etc.00 12. complete.00 7.1 Up to 12mm thick 6.Mfar Constructions Pvt. curing. scaffolding. scaffolding. scaffolding. welding to the main rods if required as per site conditions. Ltd.6. staging. CM 1:4 plastering. including Sqm.00 10. RCC exposed Areas including Beams etc in Specfied cement mortar Mix up to Sqm. 1.50 6. the cost of scaffolding.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 6.1 Plastering to ceilings.00 1. curing. 24 hours before starting of work. including lead and lift of materials.00 6.2 Above 12mm thick Fixing in position galvanised chicken/plaster mesh 24 guage/Expanded GI mesh at junctions of concrete and masonry and other locations as called for including fixing using adhesives/ cement paste/ nails as instructed by the project manager.00 6.00 1.00 7. RCC exposed Areas including Beams etc in Specfied cement mortar Mix up to 18mm Sqm. Plastering to External Walls Double Coat. complete. 1. Plastering to External Walls Single Coat.00 9.00 35.3 1. 25mm thick.00 1.. complete as per the instructions of the Project Manager. complete.00 1.00 6..8 Providing and laying Lath plaster at required places using 6mm dia MS rods with approved quality double layer 24 guage chicken mesh/Expanded GI mesh. thick.2 Plastering to Internal Walls. 118839204. rough finishing to line and plumb.. at all levels & lifts.00 1. work at all heights..00 1. RM RM 1.00 1.. etc.12 1. hydrating the lime 24 hours before starting of work. etc. curing. the cost of scaffolding.00 1. curing. complete.00 1.6. etc.00 Page 8 of 11 ..00 6.00 3.4 1. finishing to line and level with lime rendering at all levels & lifts. Plastering Works Output Per Day(8 Hours) Sl.00 35. hydrating the lime Sqm. RCC exposed Areas including Beams etc in Specfied cement mortar Mix up to 15mm thick.6 6.
00 B 8.2.3 Wall Dadooing Page 9 of 11 .00 10.2 8. complete.00 10. curing etc.No A Description of item Cement Concrete Flooring Providing & laying 40mm thick granolithic flooring laid in panels consisting of consolidating. Flooring & Finishing Works Sl.2.ms_office Project : Ittina Abby Job No.00 1. Ceramic / Vitrified Flooring Providing and laying Ceramic tile / Vitrified Tile / Glazed Tiles of Various Sizes with approved shade over minimum 20mm thick cement mortar bed of 1:4 mix including pointing with the matching colour pigment cement. etc.2 Skirting 8.2.00 1. 118839204.00 1.1 1.00 20.Mfar Constructions Pvt.00 1.00 1. sqm RM Sqm 1. Ltd.00 Unit Skilled Unskilled Output Per Day(8 Hours) 8.: 30 8.00 20.00 1. washing with dilute acid.xlsx.1 For Flooring 8. The rate also to include floor hardener of sqm approved make as per specifications and instructions.
3 Providing two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make and shade over one coat of primer for doors. The surface should be thoroughly cleaned and wetted before painting.00 9..32 36.2 Applying three coats of water proof cement base paint of approved make and colour (snowcem or equivalent).00 .2 9.1 Prepare the surface of ceiling. Sqm. applied with brushes and brought to approved uniform finish. complete.00 20.ms_office ITTINA ABBY JOB#030 9. 1. grills.5 Sqm. The painting and curing should be done as per the manufacturer's specification. and apply two coats acryllic distemper of approved make and shade over one coat of wall primer painting including necessary sand papering. column. column.00 all areas as called for. beams. gates. fins etc. Prepare the surface of ceiling. Sqm. Sqm. 1..3. ceiling.00 30.00 30.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 9. fully putty work. and structural steel work at all levels to give a uniform finish as approved. internal walls.60 9. scaffolding etc. etc.1 9. railings.xlsx. 1. beams.00 1. scaffolding etc.. windows. complete.4 Sqm.Mfar Constructions Pvt.. Sqm.3.Ltd 118839204.00 20.00 9. PAINTING WORKS Output Per Day(8 Hours) Sl. and apply two coats of Plastic Emulsion Paint of approved make and shade over one coat of wall primer painting including necessary sand papering. fully putty work. Wooden Surfaces steel Surfaces Providing three or more coats of white washing to walls. 1.00 15. fins etc. internal walls. 1.
19 Fixing of wooden beading on shutters 10.2 Ceiling Hacking 10.00 1.1.00 No No Sqm Sqm Sqm No No No No No Rmt 1.00 20.00 1.00 1. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS Output Per Day(8 Hours) Sl. Lock Fixing for Doors 10.1.15 Fixing of Door Bush 10.00 4.00 15.00 1.8 Grill Fixing for windows 10.00 4.7 Window Shutter Fixing 10.1 Door Frame Fixing 10.00 20.xlsx.4 Hacking Works With Tools 10.1 Column Hacking 10.1.00 1.16 Fixing of Curtain Rod 10.00 9.00 1.00 1.4.00 1.00 1.4.00 1.00 Page 11 of 11 .6 Door Shutter Fixing 10.00 1.00 1.00 14.1.1 Joinery Fixing 10.00 18.1.00 30.00 1.00 50.No Description of item Unit Skilled Unskilled 10.1. 118839204. Ltd.2 Single Panel Window Frame Fixing 10.00 1.15 5.00 30.1.18 Fixing of Door Handle 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.17 Fixing of Door Stopper 10.1.3 Beam Hacking Sqm Sqm Sqm 1.Mfar Constructions Pvt.00 75.ms_office Project : Ittina Abby Job No: 30 10.