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Ldm Aiesec





Leadership Development Model

Table of Contents 3 Parts of AIESEC’s LDM The Leadership Qualities The Defining Elements Inner & Outer Journey vs. Standard & Satisfactions SnS in Inner & Outer Journey LEAD How does LDM effect my ELD operations? How does LDM effect my EwA operations? How does LCM effect my membership? .

” ” ” the most from every experience. facilitate an Inner & Outer AIESEC Way. Journey for our customers. It consist of 4 qualities enabling young people to learn & Outer Journey happen in the and 12 defining elements. these leadership qualities AIESEC experience. 3 parts of AIESEC’s LDM 1 The Leadership Qualities 2 The Inner & Outer Journey 3 Standards and Satisfactions “ “ “ It’s a framework that AIESEC Key activities that need to be Describes the Leadership We provides in every experience. developed as the outcome. So how does AIESEC’s Leadership Development Model connects with the AIESEC Way? By end of each AIESEC A customer will go through an This is what an AIESECer experience. we want to see inner and our journey in an delivers on a daily basis. executed in order to make Inner Develop. . It is the required actions need This is the described as part of from AIESEC in order to This is described as the HOW in the WHAT in AIESEC Way. best way possible.

deliver fa c i li t a t e d e ve l o p . AIESEC facilitate an Inner & Outer Journey that develops the Leadership Qualities of our customers.By delivering SnS.

I am constantly exploring what I want to achieve in my life. I am flexible and I am always ready to take the necessary risks . and what I am passionate about.” .” SOLUTION ORIENTED: “I come up with solutions to challenges.Every time I fall I always stand back up.” SELF AWARE: “I know what I am good at.” EMPOWERING OTHERS: “I am able to communicate ideas clearly. engage in meaningful conversations with others. and co-create spaces of collaboration that empower people to take action.1 The Leadership Qualities WORLD CITIZEN: “I am aware of what is going on in the world and enjoy taking an active role in contributing towards making it a better place for everyone. what’s important to me.

Believes in their ability Enjoy taking World to make a difference in Interested in world responsibility for Citizen issues the world improving the world Self Understand and lives Focusing on strengths Explore one’s passions Aware personal values over weakness Adapts and shows Transmits positivity to Solution resilience in the face of move forward Takes risks when tis Oriented needed challenges throughout uncertainty Communicates Empowering effectively in diverse Develops & empower Engage with others to other people achieve a bigger purpose Others environments . The Defining Elements Each Leadership Quality consists of 3 defining elements as shown below.

. describes the activities of an the Outer Journey has to be facilitated AIESECer carries out on a daily basis. Standards & Satisfactions. Standards & Satisfactions 3 The inner journey is a personal journey of a customer. 2 Inner and Out Journey VS. These SnS are delivered by AIESECers so that a customer can go through a fulfilling Outer Journey. namely In order for an Inner Journey to happen. by AIESECers. SnS.

15 and 16. 5. 14. . 2. 13. 9. 11. 3. Challenging Role & Environments and Interaction with Multiple Stakeholders are facilitated by ensuring Standards number 4. Support System is facilitated by Standards number 1.SnS IN Outer Journey Individual Responsibility & Goals is facilitated by Standard number 8. 10. 12. 6 and 7.

The Opportunity.What happened with LEAD ? As we know. The Opportunity has to state what 16. As a minimum standard host delivered spaces have to correspond with the entity must offer one Incoming Preparation information provided. inside the 16 S&S. and before the internship starts. As a minimum standard Seminar/Meeting (or leadership development home entity must offer one Outgoing of EP and follow up on his/her personal goals Preparation Seminar/Meeting (including space set before traveling) once the EP arrives to the for personal goal setting) before EP leaves for host entity. The EP has been provided with leadership development spaces and information in written format on what opportunities are offered by AIESEC before. leadership development spaces and during and after the internship. internship. 15. . during and after the internship. respectively. The delivered opportunities are offered by the home entity spaces have to correspond with the before. Standard 15 and 16 are defined as Leadership Development Spaces delivered by the host and home. and one Re-integration Seminar/ Meeting at the end of the internship (when EP comes back).

we prepare content that can facilitate our What we aim to do is to CONTENT customers to go through an inner journey. Individual Team Conference Learning Virtual Discovery & One to One Experience & Seminars Circles Spaces Reflection . which are essentially LEAD. There are 6 different environments we generally come across. these Leadership Development Spaces.With that in mind. FACILITATION deliver. use LEAD to facilitate leadership development The facilitation of the LEAD content to our LEAD in the experiences we customers are called the LEAD facilitation. what is LEAD and What does LEAD include? where does it come in? Based on the leadership qualities & defining LEAD elements. LEAD In order to deliver the LEAD content. LEAD How we do that specifically is through ENVIRONMENT environment needs to be created.

Attraction Consideration Value Delivery Brand Advocacy While posting the All 16 Standards should be In reintegration. conscious leadership experience is developed By the end of the and documented for experience. 6. home opportunities. Since the customer flow describes how we interact with our customers. 5. value delivery phase both Standard 16. we need to ensure that 100% of the 16 Standards are executed. to conclude a 4.How does LDM affect my ELD operations? In each of the ELD products. we should advocating our brand of evaluate if all 16 Standards leadership development are properly executed. we can easily draw conclusion between the standards and how they are being executed in the customer flow. . by host and home entity.10 and 11. host entity 100% executed in the entity should also provide need to ensure Standards 2.

In the Operations level that means AIESEC needs to facilitate the Outer Journey in the EwA product by: EwA Product Check Box • Ensuring young person has individual responsibilities and goals ✓ One or More Leadership Quality • Creating challenging role and environment • Ensuring Interaction with multiple stakeholders ✓ Inner & Outer Journey • Provide support system ✓ Clear Call To Action Additionally during the Product AIESEC has to have: A Clear Call to Action ✓ Showcase More Opportunities • • And Showcase more opportunities .How does LDM affect my EwA operations? Recap AIESEC Experience Booklet The purpose of this phase is for a young person to get a z peak into the value proposition (Leadership Development) AIESEC should deliver for him/her.

.How does LDM affect membership? Team Standards: 
 Team Standards are the key activities we expect all Team Leaders to follow inside their teams to ensure all of our membership is going through Inner & Outer Journey.

. visa or work permits that may be required. Before realization the Host entity has provided written information to the EP on any domestic transportation required to arrive at this point of pickup. The Host entity has offered in written format information on how to depart from the country two weeks before the end of the internship.100% Appendix 1 Standards & Satisfactions 1. 3. The EP can legally enter and stay in the country/territory and perform the activities stated in the Opportunity. The host entity has provided EP or ensured EP knows individual responsibility and goals in a written format latest one week after the start of the internship. understood and accepted it. 6. The EP is picked up by a representative of AIESEC. The internship lasts from a minimum of 6 weeks to a maximum of 78 weeks from the first day to the last day of the internship. A representative of AIESEC accompanies the EP to the place/organization of work on the first day of the internship. and the EP acknowledges to have received. The Job Description executed by the EP has to correspond with the Job Description of the Opportunity. The Host entity will state in the Opportunity where the EP will be picked up/options on where will the EP be picked up. AIESEC has provided in written format all the information required to arrange for any documents. 2. 8. 4. 5. The activities related executing the Job Description are a minimum of 35 hours/week for GIP and 25 hours/week for GCDP 7.

conditions and costs during the internship correspond to the information provided on the Opportunity. . As a minimum standard host entity must offer one Incoming Preparation Seminar/Meeting (or leadership development of EP and follow up on his/her personal goals set before traveling) once the EP arrives to the host entity. The home entity has provided minimum information to the EP about AIESEC purpose. The delivered spaces have to correspond with the information provided. The delivered spaces have to correspond with the Opportunity. The home entity has provided with basic information regarding the country/territory of their internship in a written format including as a minimum information on culture. 11. The home entity ensures that the EP has a valid insurance policy to cover basic medical costs for the duration of the exchange. during and after the internship. political situation. The accommodation standard. The EP has been provided with information in written format on what leadership development spaces and opportunities are offered by the home entity before. The Opportunity has to state what leadership development spaces and opportunities are offered by AIESEC before. and one Re-integration Seminar/Meeting at the end of the internship (when EP comes back). living standards. understood and accepted them. 14. 12. 16. The Opportunity specifies if any financial or non-financial compensation would be provided during the internship and the actual conditions correspond with it. As a minimum standard home entity must offer one Outgoing Preparation Seminar/Meeting (including space for personal goal setting) before EP leaves for internship. during and after the internship. 13. The home entity has provided the AIESEC standards and the XPP in written format to the EP who acknowledges in a written format to have received. in a written format. safety. AIESEC arranges this accommodation for the EP. 10.100% Appendix 1 Standards & Satisfactions 9. and before the internship starts. inner and outer journey and role of exchange in it. home and host contacts (phone number and email) 15.

personal Reflection development plan. Teams are the basis of all individuals experiences in AIESEC since they join the organisation. knowledge and networks in a common sector or topic.Appendix 2 LEAD Environment Individual This is where you find the opportunity to build your own big-picture understanding in order to draw Discovery & conclusions about yourself. movies. or other opportunities and information available on the world wide web. The key to the process is to remove the individual from his/her comfort zone enough to help them gain objectivity over themselves but not to scare the individual off. interaction. Our teams need to be the place where Experience we create space for innovation and activity based on our individual interest. goal setting and dialogue. Learning circles are local learning communities formed by local and international AIESECers who share a common interest in gaining experience. Conference & Conference is an excellent platform especially when combined with hosted spaces. . Our virtual spaces also play the key role of tying together the entire learning environment. Our lives are spent in understanding ourselves and the coaching session or mentorship is very One to One important in this process. forums (virtual discussion and Spaces perspective sharing). etc. journaling. This process can be facilitated by a more experienced member and mixing different tools as books. magazines. Learning Learning circles can have different focuses and participants with different level of knowledge. individual reflection Seminars and one-to-one activities. Teams Team show us how to put in practice the principle of learning by doing. Elements in Virtual virtual spaces are communities (information and resource sharing). People Circles may be part of more than one and attendance is based in interest. People do this through exploration. blogs (personal reflection and experience sharing) and building & keeping networks.