title : Lexicography : An Introduction author : Jackson, Howard. publisher : Taylor & Francis outledge isbn10 | asin : print isbn13 : ! #$%$'( %#% ebook isbn13 : ! #$)#)'(%*' language : +nglish subject Lexicography. publication date : %$$% lcc : % .J %$$%e- ddc : '*.$%# subject : Lexicography.age i Lexicography This -ook is an accessi-le introduction to lexicography / the study o0 dictionaries. 1e rely on dictionaries to pro2ide us with de0initions o0 words, and to tell us how to spell the3. They are used at ho3e and at school, cited in law courts, ser3ons and parlia3ent, and re0erred to -y crossword addicts and scra--le players alike. 4ut why are dictionaries structured as they are5 1hat types o0 dictionary exist, and what purposes do they ser2e5 1ho uses a dictionary, and 0or what5 Lexicography: An Introduction pro2ides a detailed o2er2iew o0 the history, types and content o0 these essential re0erence works. Howard Jackson analyses a wide range o0 dictionaries, 0ro3 those 0or nati2e speakers to the3atic dictionaries and learners6 dictionaries, including those on 789;, to re2eal the ways in which dictionaries 0ul0il their dual 0unction o0 descri-ing the 2oca-ulary o0 +nglish and pro2iding a use0ul and accessi-le re0erence resource. 4eginning with an introduction to the ter3s used in lexicology to descri-e words and 2oca-ulary, and o00ering su33aries and suggestions 0or 0urther reading, Lexicography: An Introduction is concise and student90riendly. It is ideal 0or anyone with an interest in the de2elop3ent and use o0 dictionaries. Howard Jackson is ro0essor o0 +nglish Language and Linguistics at the <ni2ersity o0 7entral +ngland. His pu-lications include Grammar and Vocabulary =outledge, %$$%>, Words and their Meaning =Long3an, *!##>, and Words, Meaning and Vocabulary =7assell, %$$$>. age iiThis page intentionally le0t -lank.age iii Lexicography An introduction Howard Jackson London and ?ew @ork age i2First pu-lished %$$% -y outledge ** ?ew Fetter Lane, London +7' '++ i3ultaneously pu-lished in the <A and 7anada -y outledge %! 1est )th treet, ?ew @ork, ?@ *$$$* Routledge is an imprint of the aylor ! rancis Group This edition pu-lished in the Taylor & Francis e9Li-rary, %$$. B %$$% Howard Jackson All rights reser2ed. ?o part o0 this -ook 3ay -e reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any 0or3 or -y any electronic, 3echanical, or other 3eans, now known or herea0ter in2ented, including photocopying and recording, or in any in0or3ation storage or retrie2al syste3, without per3ission in writing 0ro3 the pu-lishers. #ritish Library $ataloguing in %ublication &ata A catalogue record 0or this -ook is a2aila-le 0ro3 the 4ritish Li-rary Library of $ongress $ataloging in %ublication &ata A catalog record has -een reCuested I4? $9%$9'( %#9$ ;aster e9-ook I4?I4? $9%$9%'(($9# =+4 For3at>I4? $9'*)9%* %9# =h-k> I4? $9'*)9%* 9( =p-k> age 2 Contents %reface 2ii &ictionaries cited ix*1ords*%Facts a-out words*$The dictionary%*'The -eginnings*) he 'e( )nglish &ictionary ' (<p to the present(* <sers and uses '#;eaning in dictionaries#(!4eyond de0inition*$**$+ty3ology** **8ictionaries 0or learners*%!*%A-andoning the alpha-et*')*7o3piling dictionaries*(**'7riticising dictionaries* References *#' Index *#!age 2iThis page intentionally le0t -lank.age 2ii re!ace ;uch has happened, -oth in respect o0 the 3aking o0 dictionaries and in respect o0 their acade3ic study, in the twel2e or so years since 3y pre2ious -ook on dictionaries = Words and heir Meaning , Long3an, *!##>. Then, the Dcorpus re2olution6 =undell and tock *!!%> had only Eust -egun / Words and heir Meaning Eust 3anaged to catch the 0irst =*!# > edition o0 the $ollins $*#+IL& )nglish &ictionary . ?ow 2irtually all dictionaries pu-lished in the < 3ake so3e clai3 to ha2e used a co3puter corpus in their co3pilation. ?ot only ha2e learners6 dictionaries de2eloped -y leaps and -ounds / the *xford Adanced Learner-s &ictionary was in its third edition then, now in its sixth, and the $ambridge International &ictionary of )nglish was still a long way o00 / -ut nati2e speaker dictionaries ha2e also seen signi0icant de2elop3ents / the pu-lication o0 the 'e( *xford &ictionary of )nglish in *!!#, as well as three editions o0 the $oncise *xford , not to 3ention the second edition o0 the great +8 in *!#! and the -eginning o0 the 3assi2e re2ision that will result in the third edition, planned 0or %$*$. 8ictionaries ha2e also appeared during the period in electronic 0or3at, nota-ly as 789;s, opening up new possi-ilities, not only in how dictionaries can -e used and exploited, -ut also in how dictionary 3aterial can -e organised and presented. 8ictionaries are also accessi-le online, through the internet, including the +8, ena-ling su-scri-ers to 2iew the re2isions that will constitute the third edition, as they are posted Cuarterly. The study o0 lexicography has also de2eloped and 0lourished during the last doGen years. They saw the launch o0 the highly success0ul International .ournal of Lexicography in *!##, 0or the 0irst ten years under the editorship o0 o-ert Ilson, and latterly that o0 Tony 7owie. The 3ighty three92olu3e )ncyclopedia of Lexicography =Haus3ann et al/ *!#!/ !*> delineated the state o0 the art, and the &ictionary of Lexicography =Hart3ann and Ja3es *!!#> 3apped the territory. ;ore recently, einhard Hart3ann6s eaching and