Metaphors of Globalization Mirrors, Magicians, and Mutinies Edited byMarkus Kornprobst, Vincent Pouliot, Nisha Shah, and Ruben Zaiotti i ii Table of Contents pageList of ables and !igures vii Foreword viii "an #art Scholte#ckno$ledge%ents xi Notes on &ontributors xiii Introduction: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies of Globalization 1 Markus Kornprobst, Vincent Pouliot, Nisha Shah andRuben Zaiotti PART I: MIRRR! 27 "# Closed Fist, $%pt& 'and, or pen 'and( Globalization and 'istorical Analogies 29 Markus Kornprobst )# Refle*i+e Mirror: $+er&thing Taes Place as if Threats were Going Global 53 Vincent Pouliot -# Mutin& or Mirror( Politicizing the .i%it/$thics of the Tobin Ta* 77 "a%es 'rassett 0# 1ridging Co%%onsense: Prag%atic Metaphors and the 2!chengen .aborator&3 103 Ruben Zaiotti PART II: MAGICIA4! 129 5# 6o Metaphors of Globalization 6estro& the Public !er+ice( 131 #ndr( Spicer iii 7# In Paradise: Metaphors of Mone&8.aundering 1righten 9p the 6ar !ide of Globalization 153 Rainer )*lsse # ;aging ;ars in Ira<: The Metaphoric Constitution of ;ars and $ne%ies 179 +aid Muti%er =# Technolog& as Metaphor: Tropes of Construction, 6estruction, and Instruction in Globalization 205 i%othy Luke PART III: M9TI4I$! 231 ># Conceptualizing Glocal rganization: Fro% Rhizo%es to $?%c ) in 1eco%ing Post8'u%an 233 Sian Sullian "@# I%agining the Future: Globalization, Post8Modernis% and Criticis% 259 -%re S.e%an ""# 1e&ond !o+ereignt& and the !tate of 4ature: Metaphorical Readings of Global rder 285 Nisha Shah ")# ;here is 2The For in the Road3( +er the 'orizon An In<uir& Into the Failure of 94 Refor% 315 Richard !alk PART IB: C4C.9!I4! 343 "-# Co%%entar& 345 K/M/ !ierke "0# Conclusions: Metaphors ;e Globalize 1& 367 Markus Kornprobst, Vincent Pouliot, Nisha Shah andRuben Zaiotti'ibliography 391 i .ist of Tables and Figures page .ist of Tables Table 1 Metaphorical Visions of 0lobali.ation 312 .ist of Figures Figure 1 he 1inding Road #head 22 Figure 2 Line +ra$ing of the Rhi.o%atous 0rass Species 256 Cynodon dactylon