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============================================================================= Notes on the Synthesis of Methcathinone ============================================================================= Author: Anonymous Date: 1997/07/10 Oxidation of sec-alcohols to ketones using Sodium Hypochlorite (reprinted & edited from a former post to alt.drugs.chemistry) (I DID NOT DEVELOP THIS PROCEDURE NOR HAVE I TRIED IT. I HAVE MY OWN DOUBTS ABOUT IT, BUT DO TO SOME INTEREST I'VE DECIDED




  =============================================================================Notes on the Synthesis of Methcathinone=============================================================================Author: Anonymous <[email protected]>Date: 1997/07/10Oxidation of sec-alcohols to ketones using Sodium Hypochlorite(reprinted & edited from a former post to alt.drugs.chemistry)(I DID NOT DEVELOP THIS PROCEDURE NOR HAVE I TRIED IT. I HAVE MY OWN DOUBTSABOUT IT, BUT DO TO SOME INTEREST I'VE DECIDED TO REPOST THE INFORMATION.TRY IT AT YOUR OWN RISK AND $$. IF YOU GET IT TO WORK, PLEASE LET THE RESTOF US KNOW.)2.62 g of (pseudo)ephedrine HCl was dissolved in 11.6 g glacial acetic acidin a 100 ml beaker equipped with a magnetic stirrer. 20 g of 5.25% sodiumhypochlorite solution (Regular Chlorox) was added slowly with stirring. Themixture tested positive to starch iodide paper.Stirring was continued for 1 hour then sufficient saturated sodium sulfitesolution (9.6 g) was added to produce a negative starch iodide test. 50 mlof saturated sodium chloride solution and 15.5 g of ice was added and thesolution basified with 50% sodium hydroxide solution (16.7 g). At thispoint a white precipitate formed and a sweet odor indicative of ketone wasobserved.The slurry was extracted with 1x75 ml then 2x50 ml chloroform. The organicphase was dried over sodium sulfate, filtered, and evaporated to yield 2.51g of slightly yellowish waxy crystalline solid. This was dissolved in 100ml hot hexane and decanted from a small amount of insoluble material.[editor's note: the yellow color might be due to the hitherto discussed CATdimer byproduct]Excess HCl gas was bubbled through the hexane solution to form a whiteprecipitate. This was filtered, washed twice with ether and dried to yield2.25 g (86% yield) of slighly off-white powder with a MP of 161-171 C.The crude product was recrystallized from alcohol-ether, filtered andwashed with cold ether to yield a bitter white powder with a MP of 179-180C (final yield 74%).CONCLUSION:Melting point of the final product is consistent with methcathinone HCl(lit. 182-184 C). It appears that the oxidation of sec-alcohols to ketoneusing sodium hypochlorite srcinally reported in JOC 45 (1980): 2030ff canbe successfully applied to amines. This procedure is superior to the moretraditional chromate & permanganate oxidations in a number of ways,including cost of reagents, no hazardous waste generation, and the easierproduct isolation resulting from lack of unwanted precipitates in thereaction mixture.[editor's note: My reservations about the above post come from the factthat it looks almost exactly like a combination of the permanganate methodpublished by Zhingel et al. in J. Forensic Sci. 36 (1991): 915-20 (this isin the Methcathinone FAQ 2.2, towards the end of the FAQ.) and thehypochlorite method of oxidizing alcohols I've seen in a number of recent  organic chemistry laboratory textbooks. The srcinal poster may just havereplaced the steps in the permangante method, with those from thehypochlorite method. Of course, this may be exactly how the srcinal posterdeveloped a synthetic protocol that maybe does work.]=============================================================================Subject: (New) synthesis for cathinoneDate: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:14:53 +0200From: plop <[email protected]>Newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistryThe synthesies for cathinone and its derivates wich were presented inthese newsgroups, only uses (nor)ephedrine (I haven't read another one).But cathinone (and its N-derivates) were prepaired long before cathinonewas known as a natural product. Because of the cathinones chemicalinstability (and the plants, wich were extracted, weren't fresh. Thecathinone gave by the extaction for basic substances dimeric products,f.e. 2,5-dimethyl-3,6-diphenyl-pyrazine) it was discoverd in the secondhalf of this century.But cathinone was prepared completely synthetic by the german chemistSchmidt 1889 (synthesis: Chemische Berichte 22 (1889),3250-3253) andnobody has discriped these way.Methcathinone con be made in the same manner.Preperation:The outgoing stuff is propiophenone. This can be bought in a standardchemical-store. It can be made by Friedel-Crafts-Acylation from benzenewith propionic-acid-chloride or propione-acid-anhydride. To makestandard-(unsubstituted) propiophenone, this synthesis is notinteressting, but for ringsubstituted propiophenones it is veryinteressing, cause cathinone has nearly the same effects likeamphetamine. And so, the ring-substituted cathinones could have annearly equal effect like the ring-substituted amphetamine-derivates(f.e.: take 2,5-dimethoxy-benzene for making 2,5-dimethoxy-cathinone,the related amph. is 2,5-DMA).1)To brominate the propiophenone, put propiophenone in glacial acetic acidand drop equimolar parts bromine in the solution and shake (betterstirr) it. Now it must stand for half an hour. Hasn't the reaction takenplace (you can see it, if the sol. has the typical bromine-deep-redcolour) you can induce it by puting the beacer in warm water shortly.Then the solution produces slowly, then more intensive, H-Br and thecolour disappears. Then drop it under good stirring in much cold water.The bromoketone sinks as a colourless, heavy oil to bottom. To free itfrom H-Br wash the seperated layer with water and NaCO3-solution. Thebromoketone cristallizes by 0 grade (Celsius). It should berecristallized from ether.2)Equimolar amount of Phtalimido-postasium and bromoketone were heated inan oilbath. Up to 160-170 grades (C) the pieces of the postasiumsalt aredisappearing. It will be stirred by these temperature for a few moreminutes (perhaps 10 or so). Then you have a heavy yellow-brown mass wichgoes solid by cooling down to RT. The mass will be soluted with EtOH andthe unsolutible K-Br removed.Then the EtOH is removed by heating and the resulting substance istreated with water and heated to boiling to remove unreacted phtalimide.  The resulting melted product can be recritallized from alcohol (m.p. 85Grade (C)). This is phtalimidopropiophenone3)The phtalic acid can be removed by heating the cristalls from 2) withconc. H-Cl for 1-2h. The solution was allowed to cool to RT and thecrysts were filtered (phtalic acid). Then the water was removed and theresulting solid substance will be treated with a few cold water. Thenthe solution os filtered to remove the rest of phtalic acid. Then thesolution is evaporated to dryness. The resulting crysts arecathinone-H-Cl.(Before treating it with conc H-Cl the crysts from 2) can be treatedwith aq. postasiumhydroxide. The resulting substance is postasiumsalt ofthe phtalamin-acid. The sol. will be diluted with water and treated withdiluted H-Cl. Then it crystallized as fine nedles with a m.p. 140 grade(C). The crysts can used instead of phtalimidopropiophenone on the topof point 3)To make Methcathinone, 0.1 mole of bromoketone was added dropwise to0.25 mole of methylamine (30% solution in abs. alcohol) over a period ofone hour. The reactionflask was immersed in ice water during thereaction and stirring was continued for one-half hour after the additionof the bromoketone.Then cold, conc. H-Cl was added very slowly along with some finelycracked ice until the mixture was acidic. If it became warm the productturned very dark in color and a larger propartion of tar war produced.At this point the reaction mixture was orange or red dur to the presenceof some bromo ketone that hasn't reacted and to formation of certaintarry by-products. These were extracted with ether from the water layerand the bromo ketone recovered. The water layer was evaporated todryness in vacuo, treated with a little choroform and evaporated todryness again to assist in removing the moiture from the rather hardmass. After standing in the vaccuum execator for one day, the residuewas extracted several times with fresh portions of choroform and eachtime the insoluble cysts of methylamine hydrochloride were filtered. Thechoroform solution was then evaporated until it was very concentrated,and acetone was added to cause the crystallisation of the amine ketonehydrochloride. Recrystallisation was carried out by dissolving in asmall amount of alcohol, filtering, and adding about twice the vol. ofacetone in small protions(from Journal of chemical society, London 50 (1928), 2290)Perhaps it could be get in higher yields, when the bromo-propiophenonewas treated with the methylimine from benzaldehyde.Sorry for the bad english in the upper synthesis.=============================================================================Ok, this has got to be the easiest drug made at home (by far). This is verysimilar to methamphetamine in structure, effect, and use. Typical dosesstart at 20mg up to 60mg. Start low, go slow. Cat can be taken orally (add10 mg) or through mucous membranes (nasally).Ingredients:Diet pills, or bronchodilator pills (1000 ea) containing 25mg ephedrine.Potassium chromate, or dichromate (easily gotten from chem lab. orange/red)Conc. Sulfuric acid - it's up to you where you get this. Contact me if youneed help locating it.Hydrochloric acid or Muriatic acid - Pool supply stores, hardware stores, it  is used for cleaning concrete.Sodium Hydroxide - Hardware stores. AKA lye.Toluene - Hardware store, paint store.Lab equipment:1 liter, 3 neck flask - get it from school or Edmund's Scientific ($20.00)125 mL seperatory funnel - same as aboveglass tubing - same as aboveBuchner funnel - This is a hard to find item, but must schools have at leastone. They are usually white porcelain or plastic. They looklike a funnel with a flat disk in the bottom with lots ofholes in it. If you need one, arrangements can be made.Aspirator or vacuum pump - Any labware supply catalog, about $10.00Refrences to Edmund's Scientific Co, in NJ, are accurate. You have to goto their Lab Surplus/Mad Scientist room. The prices are incredible.This place is definitely a reccommended stopping sight for anybody goingthrough New Jersey. It is locat in Barrington , about 30 minutes fromcenter city Philadelphia.All of the above can be purchased from The Al-Chymist . Their number is(619)948-4150. Their address is: 17525 Alder #49Hesperia, Ca 92345Call and ask for a catalog.That's it. The body of this article is stolen from the third edition of Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture by Uncle Fester. This is a triedand proven method by many people. If you want a copy of this book, contactme.Good luck and keep away from the DEA,-The ProfessorCHAPTER 16M E T H C A T H I N O N EK I T C H E N I M P R O V I E S E D C R A N KThe latest designer variant upon the amphetamine molecule to gainpopularity and publicity is methcathinone, commonly called cat. Thissubstance is remarkably similar to the active ingredient found in theleaves of the khat tree which the loyal drug warriors on the network newsblame for turning peace loving Somalis into murderous psychopaths. Theactive ingredient in the khat leaves is cathinone, which has the samestructural relationship to methcathinone that amphetamine has tomethamphetamine. It is made by oxidizing ephedrine, while meth can bemade by reducing ephedrine.The high produced by methcathinone is in many ways similar tomethamphetamine. For something so easily made and purified, it isactually quite enjoyable. the main differences between the meth high andthe methcathinone high are length of action and body fell. Withmethcathinone, one can expect to still get to sleep about 8 hours after alarge dose. On the down side, it definitely gives me the impression thatthe substance raises the blood pressure quite markedly. This drug may notbe safe for people with weak hearts of blood vessels. Be warned!