LITE REVIEW CENTER Nel Ars Bldg., Dagupan City Pangasinan
Part II. Directions Directions Read, understand and analy!e t"e sentences care#ully care#ully.. T"en $rite t"e letter o# your ans$er on t"e space pro%ided #or. &&&&& '. W"ic" o# t"e t"e #ollo$ing is TR(E under t"e declaration declaration policy policy o# RA )'**+ )'**+ I. T"e T"e ta tate te prot protec ects ts and and pro pro-o -ote tes s t"e t"e rig" rig"tt o# o# all all citi citi!e !ens ns to ual ualit ity y /asic education. II. II. Pro% Pro%id idin ing g 0il 0ilip ipino ino c"il c"ildr dren en #re #ree e and and co-p co-pul ulso sory ry edu educa cati tion on in in t"e t"e ele-entary le%el. III. III. 0ree educ educat atio ion n in in t"e t"e "ig" "ig" sc"o sc"ool ol le%e le%el. l. IV. IV. Incl Includ udes es t"e t"e AL AL #or #or out out1o# 1o#1sc 1sc"o "ool ol you yout" t"s s and and adul adultt lear learne ners rs.. a. I and II only c. II and IV only /. II and III only d. I, II, III and IV2 &&&&& 3. In $"at Repu/lic Repu/lic Act rena-ed rena-ed t"e DEC into DepEd+ DepEd+ a. RA 4567 c. RA 5684 /. RA )'**2 d. RA )7*4 &&&&& 8. A-ong t"e t"e ter-s used to de9ne uality uality education, $"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing does N:T /elong to t"e group+ a. t tandard2 c. Appropriateness /. Rele%ance d. E;cellence &&&&& 4. W"ic" o# t"e t"e #ollo$ing is used in in t"e selection o# ono$n as t"e t"e =erit election Plan o# DepEd+ a. DepEd :rder No. 3), s. 37732 c. DepEd :rder No. 3), s. 3778
/. DepEd :rder No. 8), s. 3773 d. DepEd :rder No. 8), s. 3778 &&&&& 6. It contains t"e /asic regulations, institutions and in#or-ation $"ic" guide DepEd Central :ills $"ic" pro%ided an orderly, e as sc"ool principal, t"e PTA President ca-e to "is o o# #unds to -a>e a rip1rap o# t"e sc"ool pre-ise, "e -ade colla/oration a-ong t"e internal and e;ternal sta>e"olders. W"at co-petency is /eing s"o$n /y =r. + a. Political Co-petency2 c. Leaders"ip Co-petency /. Arc"itectural Co-petency d. =anagerial Co-petency &&&&&'8. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is N:T under t"e situational analysis o# t"e c"ool I-pro%e-ent Plan+ I. Per#or-ance Indicators III. Pro/leIdenti9cation II. Lin>age =anage-ent IV. P"ysical 0acilities a. I c. III
/. II2 d. IV &&&&&'4. =r. A used t"e #or-ula, FEnrol-ent in rade VI F37'3G H Enrol-ent in rade I F3775G ; '77. W"at is /eing co-puted /y =r. A+ a. Pro-otion Rate c. Co"ort ur%i%al Rate2 /. Participation Rate d. Retention Rate &&&&&'*. T"e sc"ool o# =r. B $as gi%en a ELL:W C:L:R in t"e Pupil1Teac"er Ratio. W"at does t"is -ean+ a. T"e sc"ool "as 3*' pupil1teac"er ratio. /. T"e sc"ool "as 87 J 84.))' pupil1teac"er ratio. c. T"e sc"ool "as 8* J 8).))' pupil1teac"er ratio.2 d. T"e sc"ool "as 4* J 4).))' pupil1teac"er ratio. &&&&&'5. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is N:T a >ey re#or- t"rust o# BERA+ I. c"ools III. ocial support to learning V. DepEdKs institutional culture II. Teac"ers IV. Co-ple-entary Inter%entions a. I and II c. III, IV and V /. All o# t"e c"oices. d. None o# t"e c"oices.2 &&&&&'6. (nder Repu/lic Act 56'8, $"at is /eing s"o$n $"en M =r. = did not did not #a%or "is nep"e$ to /e "ired or appointed to a certain positionM.+ a. Co--it-ent to pu/lic interest. c. ustness and sincerity2 /. Pro#essionalisd. Political neutrality &&&&&'?. o$ -any days do an e-ployee or a pu/lic ono$n as LEVEL 8 standards+ a. Esta/lis"ed and de%eloped structures and -ec"anis-s. /. Introduced and sustained continuous i-pro%e-ent process. c. Ensured t"e production o# intended outputs.2 d. ecured and -anaged outputs. &&&&&33. It creates a sa#e, euita/le and a Oe;i/le en%iron-ent /ased on t"e needs o# t"e students, teac"ers and t"e co--unity. a. c"ool1Based =anage-ent c. c"ool o%erning Council2 /. c"ools 0irst Initiati%e d. IPPD
&&&&&38. Teac"er is assigned in one o# t"e #ar Oung sc"ools o# =aguindanao. e is rendering -ore t"an 5 "ours o# actual classroo- teac"ing. By "o$ -any percent o# renu-eration s"ould /e paid /y t"e go%ern-ent+ a. At least 3* o# "is /asic pay.2 C. At least P"p * 777.77 -ont"ly. /. Additional '* o# "is /asic pay. d. None o# t"e c"oices. &&&&&34. In ection '5 o# RA 4567 states t"atMt"e progression #ro- t"e -ini-uto t"e -a;i-u- o# t"e salary scale s"all not e;tend o%er a period o# &&&& yearsM. a. * c. '* /. '72 d. 37 &&&&&3*. W"at is /eing re#erred to as a teac"er1-e-/er o# t"e PTA+ a. o-eroo- ad%isers c. non1teac"ing personnel /. u/Qects teac"ers d. All o# t"e c"oices2 &&&&&35. une ' is t"e start o# t"e sc"ool year. =r. P, t"e ead Teac"er III o# Tali/ae$ Ele-entary c"ool designate une '* as t"e election o# t"e "o-eroo- PTA oy BL(E and REEN in a sc"ool color code -ean+ a. No nationally #unded teac"er. c. c"ool $it" e;cess teac"ers.2 /. c"ool $it" teac"er needs. d. None o# t"e c"oices &&&&&83. It re#ers to t"e secondary sc"ools t"at -aintain separate Boo> o# Accounts.
a. I-ple-enting (nits2 c. uali9ed Recipient c"ools /. Non1i-ple-enting (nits d. ig" Priority c"ools &&&&&88. Di%ision @ $as regarded as a "ig" priority di%isionM last sc"ool year 37'31 37'8. W"at does t"is indicate+ a. ig" Per#or-ing Di%ision c. Di%ision o# E;cellence /. Belo$1standard Per#or-ing Di%ision2 d. ot pot Di%ision &&&&&84. In gi%ing t"e a-ount o# sc"ool grant $"ic" ranges #ro- P"p *7 777 to P"p 377 777, $"at is N:T a priority+ a. c"ools $it" t"e "ig"est nu-/er o# drop1outs. /. Appro%ed c"ool rant Proposals as reOected in t"e IPHAIP. c. Belo$ standard in t"e NAT result. d. c"ools $"o are per#or-ing $ay a/o%e t"e national -ean per#or-ance.2 &&&&&8*. W"at is >no$n as t"e '7 o# t"e B= rant Installation and upport 0unds distri/uted a-ong t"e dierent le%els o# depart-ents+ a. Progra- upport 0und2 /. =::E c. Tec"nical upport 0und d. Depart-entKs Re%ol%ing 0und &&&&&85. =alaya National ig" c"ool "as *5 and a/o%e pupils per classroo-. In t"e list o# DepEdKs priority in t"e construction o# classroo- /uildings, $"at is its color code+ a. ello$ c. Blac> /. old d. Red2 &&&&&86. In preparing t"e 9nal list o# sc"ool /uilding proQects, $"at is N:T included in t"e list o# priorities+ a. *7 Based on c"ool1Age Population c. '7 Reser%ed 0unds /. 47 Classroo- "ortage d. * Re%ol%ing 0unds2 &&&&&8?. I# t"e '7 Reser%ed 0unds is P"p '77 777.77 "ypot"etically, /y "o$ -uc" $ill /e allocated #or c"ool 0urniture+ a. P"p 57 7772 c. P"p 3* 777 /. P"p *7 777 d. P"p '7 777 &&&&&8). W"at is t"e con%entional classroo- si!e in all pu/lic ele-entary and secondary sc"ools+ a. ?- ; 6c. ?- ; )/. 6- ; )-2 d. 6- ; ? &&&&&47. W"o cannot seat as a -e-/er o# t"e c"ool rie%ance Co--ittee+ a. PrincipalHead Teac"er c. A teac"er /ot" accepted /y parties in%ol%ed /. President o# t"e Teac"erKsH0aculty Clu/ d. District uper%isor2 &&&&&4'. Pursuant t*o DEC :rder No. 86, s. 377', t"e ear Le%el Representati%eHs s"all /e elected depending on t"e nu-/er o# enrollees+ a. True2 c. =ay/e /. 0alse d. None o# t"e c"oices. &&&&&43. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing isHare t"e #unctions o# t"e +
0or-ulate and reco--end progra-s t"at $ill address rele%ant issuesHconcerns o# t"e studentry. II. Create co--ittees necessary to address t"e needs o# t"e students. III. pear"ead Brigada Es>$ela Progra- in t"e sc"ool. IV. Participate in t"e cra#tingH#or-ulation o# t"e c"ool I-pro%e-ent Plan. a. I and only c. I, II and IV only /. II, III and IV only d. I, II, III and IV2 &&&&&48. elections s"all /e conducted on $"at -ont" o# t"e sc"ool year+ a. une c. 0e/ruary2 /. uly d. anuary &&&&&44. In t"e allocation o# t"e /udget #ro- t"e c"ool :rgani!ation 0ee, /y "o$ -uc" s"ould /e gi%en to t"e + a. 3* /. 47 /. *72 d. 8* &&&&&4*. Based on DepEd :rder No. 48, s. 3773, t"e ad%isors"ip in t"e s"all /e eui%alent to "o$ -any teac"ing load+ a. '2 c. 8 /. 3 d. 4 &&&&&45. W"at is not TR(E on t"e uidelines on t"e Preparation o# Daily Lesson Plans as stipulated in t"e DepEd :rder no. 67, s. 37'3+ a. Teac"ers $"o "a%e /een in t"e ser%ice #or -ore t"an 3 years, pri%ate sc"ools not included, s"all not /e reuired to prepare detailed lesson plans.2 /. Teac"ers $"o "a%e /een in t"e ser%ice #or -ore t"an 3 years, pri%ate sc"ools included, s"all not /e reuired to prepare detailed lesson plans.2 c. Teac"ers $it" less t"an 3 years teac"ing e;perience s"all /e reuired to prepare DLPs $"ic" include t"e o/Qecti%es, su/Qect -atter, procedure, assess-ent and assign-ent. d. N:NE o# t"e c"oices. &&&&&46. As an Editor1in1C"ie# o# t"e sc"ool organ, "o$ -any points $ill /e a$arded in t"e co-putation o# co1curricular per#or-ance+ a. '7 c. 52 /. * d. ? &&&&&4?. Da%idlee attended a National E1: Ca-p, "o$ -any points $ill /e gi%en to "i- as "is credit on "is co1curricular acti%ities+ a. ? c. 52 /. 4 d. '7 &&&&&4). In t"e e%aluation and selection process o# teac"er applicants, t"e c"ool election Co--ittee s"all /e co-posed o# t"e sc"ool "ead as t"e c"air and &&&& as -e-/ers as stipulated in DepEd :rder No. '3, s. 37'3. a. 4 =aster Teac"ers2 c. PTA President /. :ills o# t"e teac"er1applicant, "o$ -uc" is t"e $eig"t credited to t"e READIN SILL+ a. 37 c. '* /. 3*2 d. 87 &&&&&*8. W"at is t"e pri-ary consideration in t"e 9lling up o# %acancy in rade V1VI #or ele-entary sc"ools+ a. u/Qect area speciali!ation2 c. co--unication s>ills /. Residence o# t"e uali9ed applicant d. None o# t"e c"oices &&&&&*4. In putting up a cordon on a sc"ool /uilding percei%ed to /e "a!ardous, $"at is t"e -ini-u- distance #ro- t"e /uilding line+ a. 'c. 8/. 3d. 4-2 &&&&&**. =r. = #ound out t"at t"e o-e Econo-ics /uilding is /eyond repair. e $anted to conde-n it in order to protect t"e sc"ool c"ildren #ro- any unto$ard incident. W"at #or- $ill "e acco-plis"+ a. eneral 0or- '61FAG2 c. eneral 0or- ')1FAG /. eneral 0or- '?1FAG d. eneral 0or- 371FAG &&&&&*5. It is t"e po$er %ested upon one F'G person in an o+ a. 47 -ins c. 67 -ins /. 57 -ins d. ?7 -ins2 &&&&&63. Is it possi/le to per-it a graduating "ig" sc"ool student to "a%e an additional su/Qect load in e;cess o# nor-al load+ a. es2 c. =ay/e /. No d. N:NE o# t"e c"oices &&&&&68. In t"e locali!ed suspension o# t"e classes, $"o can suspend classes in a speci9c sc"ool only+ a. c"ool eadHPrincipal2 c. Di%ision uperintendent /. District uper%isor d. ecretary &&&&&64. u--er classes is oered to students $"o "a%e #ailed at -ost "o$ -any su/Qects+ a. 32 c. 4 /. 8 d. * &&&&&6*. o$ -any percent o# t"e teac"erKs /asic pay $ill /e gi%en to teac"ers $"o are rendering -ore t"an 5 "ours /ut not e;ceeding ? "ours o# actual classrooteac"ing a day+ a. '* c. 3* /. 37 d. 87 &&&&&65. Nepotis- as an ad-inistrati%e oense is penali!ed $it" a &&&&&&&& #or t"e 9rst oense. a. Repri-and c. Dis-issal2 /. uspension d. N:NE o# t"e c"oices. &&&&&66. W"o can a%ail a study lea%e+ a. A teac"er $"o "a%e at least 9%e F*G years o# continuous ser%ice. /. A teac"er $"o "a%e at least si; F5G years o# continuous ser%ice. c. A teac"er $"o "a%e at least se%en F6G years o# continuous ser%ice.2 d. A teac"er $"o "a%e at least eig"t F?G years o# continuous ser%ice. &&&&&6?. W"at is N:T TR(E on t"e use and grant o# ser%ice credits+ a. :ne $or> day o# %acation ser%ice credit is granted #or one F'G day eig"t "ours o# ser%ice. /. T"e nu-/er o# days o# %acation ser%ice credits granted to a teac"er s"all not e;ceed t"irty F87G $or> days in one year.2 c. Vacation ser%ice credits s"all not /e granted #or ser%ices rendered $it"out pre%ious aut"ority.
d. Teac"ers on detail in o lea%e /asis. &&&&&6). In $"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing situations $"erein ser%ice credits are granted+ a. er%ices rendered in connection $it" t"e conduct o# re-edial classes during su--er or C"rist-as %acation or outside o# regular sc"ool days.2 /. In ser%ice training progra-s #ully #unded /y t"e go%ern-ent. c. Assigned to c"ec>ing o# #or-s and 9nis"ing reports reuired in connection $it" t"e opening and closing o# classes. d. Assign-ent in connection $it" e;"i/its at #air. &&&&&?7. W"at is N:T a criteria #or t"e selection o# -entorHcooperating teac"ers+ a. At least 9%e F*G years o# teac"ing e;perience.2 /. as at least a per#or-ance rating o# V #or t"e last t"ree F8G years. c. Is a -aQor o# t"e learning area t"e student teac"ers $ill practice #or secondary le%el. d. Been a de-onstration teac"er at least on t"e sc"ool le%el. &&&&&?'. Is it possi/le t"at a teac"er -ay/e trans#erred e%en $it"out "er consent in t"e e;igency o# t"e ser%ice.M, $it" %alid reasons+ a. es2 c. =ay/e /. No d. N:NE o# t"e c"oices &&&&&?3. W"at is t"e teac"er pupil ratio #or t"e gi#tedH#ast learners in e%ery classroo-+ a. '87H'8*2 c. '3*H'3) /. '85H'47 d. '47H'4* &&&&&?8. W"at is t"e ideal teac"er pupil ratio as stipulated in t"e E;ecuti%e :rder No. 84)+ a. '37 c. '87 /. '3*2 d. '8* &&&&&?4. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is a stress tolerance psyc"ological attri/utes+ a. (ses coping -ec"anis-s to "andle creati%ely.2 /. Internali!e $or> c"anges $it" ease and %igor. c. i%es con%incing reco--endations. d. T"in>s logically and acts accordingly. &&&&&?*. E;ercising Oe;i/ilityM is under $"at psyc"ological attri/utes and personality traits o# a teac"er1applicant+ a. u-an relations c. tress tolerance /. Decisi%eness2 d. Leaders"ip s>ills &&&&&?5. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is gi%en nine F)G points under educational attain-entM o# a teac"er+ a. Co-plete acade-ic reuire-ents #or =asterKs Degree /. =asterKs Degree c. Acade-ic units Doctoral Degree d. Co-plete acade-ic reuire-ents #or Doctoral Degree2 &&&&&?6. An inno%ation $as de%eloped /y =r. 0. It $as adopted already in "is district #or t$o F3G years. o$ -any points $ill /e credited #or "i- in t"e ran>ing #or pro-otion+
a. 3 points c. * points /. 4 points2 d. 8 points &&&&&??. =r. T, $ants to /e pro-oted as ead Teac"er III. e o/tained a general a%erage o# "is per#or-ance rating #or t"e last t"ree F8G $it" ).3*. o$ -any points $ill /e credited #or "i-+ a. 87 points c. 37 points /. 3* points2 d. '* points &&&&&?). W"at is N:T included in t"e #easi/ility study on t"e opening o# sc"ool anne;es+ a. Petition /y t"e -aQority o# t"e parents o# prospecti%e enrollees. /. Title o# sc"ool site o# t$o F3G "ectares or deed o# donation in #a%or o# t"e Depart-ent.2 c. Certi9cation o# t"e a%aila/ility o# #unds #or t"e construction o# t classroo-s and ot"er #acilities. d. A copy o# t"e /udget o# t"e -ot"er sc"ool and t"e proposed /udget #or t"e anne;. &&&&&)7. Does t"e regional director "a%e t"e aut"ority to "ire a pu/lic sc"ool teac"er in "is region+ a. es c. =ay/e /. No2 d. N:NE o# t"e c"oices. &&&&&)'. It is a principle $"ic" recogni!es t"at e%ery unit in t"e education Bureaucracy "as a particular role, tas> and responsi/ilities in"erent in t"e oed to de%elop a su--ary o# t"e teac"ersK acco-plis"-ents and t"eir i-plications to t"e sc"oolKs priority i-pro%e-ent areas as indicated in t"e AIP+ a. c"ool IT Coordinator c. c"ool NCBT Coordinator2 /. c"ool Records Coordinator d. Assistant Principal &&&&&'7*. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing institution in $"ic" t"e P"ilippine 0lag s"ould N:T /e "oisted day and nig"t+ a. Ri!al =onu-ent c. upre-e Court and ot"er Courts2 /. Barasaoin C"urc" d. enate o# t"e P"ilippines Building &&&&&'75. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is N:T TR(E a/out t"e P"ilippine Oag+ a. T"e P"ilippine 0lag could /e >notted to signal t"at assistance is /adly needed.
/. T"e Oagpole could /e eual in "eig"t or "ig"er t"an t"e Independence 0lagpole.2 c. T"e /lue color s"ould /e on t"e le#t i# in a "anging position in ti-e o# peace. d. It is "anged day and nig"t at t"e Congress o# t"e P"ilippines Buidling. &&&&&'76. ypot"etically, t"e pea>er o# t"e ouse died, "o$ -any days s"ould t"e P"ilippine 0lag is on a "al#1-ast+ a. '7 days c. '* days /. 6 days2 d. * days &&&&&'7?. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is a pro"i/ited act on t"e use o# t"e National 0lag+ I. To dip t"e National 0lag to any person or o/Qect /y $ay o# co-pli-ent or salute. II. To display t"e National 0lag "ori!ontally. III. To print, paint or attac" representation o# t"e National 0lag on "and>erc"ie#s, nap>ins, cus"ions and articles o# -erc"andise. IV. To use or display or /e a part o# any ad%ertise-ents or in#or-ercial. a. I and II c. I II and III only /. III and IV d. I, II, III and IV2 &&&&&'7). In t"e Pledge o# Allegiance to t"e National 0lag, $"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is t"e t"ird order /eing -entioned+ a. =a>a/ansa c. =a>a>ali>asan2 /. =a>a1tao d. =a>a1Diyos &&&&&''7. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is N:T t"e core principle in sc"ool i-pro%e-ent+ a. It is /ased on standards. c. It is continuous. /. It is syste-atic. d. It is e;clusi%e and integrati%e.2 &&&&&'''. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing $ords /est descri/es t"e c"ool I-pro%e-ent Plan+ I. It is a road-ap. II. A co-pre"ensi%e o%er%ie$ o# -aQor priorities. III. It is a docu-ent $"ic" e-/odies t"e sc"ool. IV. It is an instru-ent /y $"ic" t"e co--unity can "old a certain sc"ool accounta/le #or studentsK per#or-ance. a. I and IV only. C. I, III and IV only. /. I, II, and IV only. D. I, II, III and IV2 &&&&&''3. W"ic" o# t"e #ollo$ing is t"e LAT TEP in t"e IP Planning Cycle+ a. Deter-ining t"e sc"oolKs goals and o/Qecti%es. /. I-ple-entation start1up.2 c. Co--unicating t"e plan. d. :rgani!ing #or I-ple-entation. &&&&&''8. T"is ena/les t"e leader to re$ard #ollo$ers $"o ser%e t"e purpose as suc" "e deri%es instru-ental co-pliance. a. Re#erent Po$er c. Coerci%e Po$er /. Re$ards Po$er2 d. E;pert Po$er
&&&&&''4. W"at is s"o$n $"en t"e principal issues a -e-orandu- to$ards a teac"er $"o al$ays a/sent $it"out notice to t"e principalKs o en%iron-ent $it" clear o/Qecti%es and responsi/ilities and gets t"e Qo/ to /e done /y -oti%ating and -anaging indi%iduals and groups to use t"eir #ull potential. W"at leaders"ip style is /eing s"o$n+ a. Laisse! 0aire Leader c. De-ocratic Leader2 /. Autocratic Leader d. u-an Relations Leader &&&&&'37. Principal puts lo$ e-p"asis on per#or-ance and on people. W"at leaders"ip style is /eing s"o$n+ a. Autocratic Leader c. Laisse! 0aire Leader2 /. u-an Relations Leader d. Autocratic Leader &&&&&'3'. Principal = $ants e%eryt"ing to /e in order in t"e sc"ool at all cost. e $ants al$ays $ant to set "is /est #oot #or$ard. e puts o%er e-p"asis on per#or-ance /ut lo$ e-p"asis on people. WQat leaders"ip style is /eing s"o$n+ a. De-ocratic Leader c. Autocratic Leader2 /. Laisse! 0aire Leader d. u-an Relations Leader &&&&&'33. It is ai-ed at ena/ling t"e acuisition o# Basic Education co-petencies #or all 0ilipinos. a. c"ools 0irst Initiati%es2 c. Education #or All /. Alternati%e Learning ysted. c"ool I-pro%e-ent Plan &&&&&'38. W"en $as E%ery1C"ild1a1Reader1Progra- FECARPG launc"ed+ a. 377'2 c. 3778 /. 3773 d. 3774
&&&&&'34. o$ -any days does a receipt o# reuest /y t"e sc"ool to t"e issuance o# oilled, se-i1s>illed or under s>illed are grouped under $"at category+ a. Clerical er%ice c. Custodial er%ice /. Non1career er%ice2 d. Career er%ice &&&&&'84. T"e career ser%ice is c"aracteri!ed /y t"e #ollo$ing E@CEPT $"at+ a. ecurity o# tenure. /. :pportunity #or ad%ance-ent to "ig"er positions.2 c. Entrance /ased on uali9cations alone.
d. Entrance /ased on -erit and 9tness or on "ig"ly tec"nical uali9cation. &&&&&'8*. A Pu/lic c"ool Teac"er is classi9ed under $"at le%el o# position+ a. 4t" le%el position c. 3 nd le%el position2 /. 8rd le%el position d. ' st le%el position &&&&&'85. T"e passing grade #or all CC $ritten e;a-inations e;cept #or e;a-inations co%ered /y special la$s is at least+ a. 6* c. ?* /. ?72 d. )7 &&&&&'86. o"anne graduated as =agna cu- Laude in one o# t"e prestigious uni%ersity in t"e country. (nder $"at la$ allo$s "i- to teac" in t"e pu/lic sc"ool+ a. PD )762 c. RA 5?*7 /. PD ))6 d. PD '47? &&&&&'8?. T"e Brig"test #or t"e Bureaucracy Progra- FBBPG o# t"e CC, $"o are N:T uali9ed Qoin t"e progra-+ a. Topnotc"ers o# CC and BoardHBar E;a-inations /. PD )76 Eligi/ility older c. Indi%iduals o# e;ceptional uali9cations d. Ci%il er%ice Eligi/les $"o co-e #ro- t"e Top '* o# t"e graduating class.2 &&&&&'8). Regular pu/lications o# e;isting %acant positions in go%ern-ent ono$n as an output process+ a. A docu-ent /eing encoded. c. A =icroso#t e;cel progra/. A docu-ent /eing printed.2 d. P &&&&&'5?. W"at la$ is ot"er$ise >no$n as t"e 0lag and eraldic Code o# t"e P"ilippines+ a. RA ?4)'2 c. RA '7'*6 /. RA ?*3* d. RA 4657 &&&&&'5). W"at is t"e start o# t"e ter- o# o