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related to the penology.




Sir Hyder Ali Memon CRIMINOLOGY-2 PENOLOGY  may may relat relatee to alte alterna rnati tive ve meas measur ures es of diff differ eren ent, t, also also none"repressi&e forms forms of  (social pre pre&ent &ention) ion) and cont contro roll with within in soci social al orga organi ni#a #ati tion on as a whol wholee (social and othe other  r  axiologically similar alternative forms of resolving social conflicts within criminal  justice,  justic e, for fo r instance ins tance restorati rest orative ve justice ju stice or mediati me diation. on. %:;%DS Penology Penology is the branch of criminology concerned with government policies and  practi  pra ctices ces in dealin dea ling g with wit h pers p ersons ons convic con victed ted of crimes cri mes.. "ts etymolo ety mology, gy, from f rom the atin  poena  poe na , meaning  , meaning EpainF or Esuffering-F  reflects the early conception of punishment as the primary objective of state action toward criminals. %owever, in modern times interest in punishment has been largely replaced by concern with changing the abilities, interests, attitudes, and emotions of criminals. Accordingly, as we move fart farthe herr into into the the seco second nd half half of the the twen twenti tiet eth h cent centur ury y, we ofte often n find find the the term term EcorrectionsF being used instead of Epenology9F The treatment of criminals has always been motivated by 1) the feelings of hostility and desires for revenge that criminals arouse in their  victims and in those who sympathi#e with the victims+ 2) abstract philosophies, ideologies, and religious beliefs regarding punishment+ 3)  prevai  pre vailin ling g theor th eories ies of crime cri me causat cau sation ion.. 6sually all three of these motives and rationales operate simultaneously, but the