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Pipe Culvert 1000mm.xls




PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK YOJANA CONSTRUCTION OF SALAM ABAD-DARD KOTE ROAD S.No COST ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HUME PIPE CULVERTS (1000mm dia) Quantity Ra%+ &i% No. L&*% id% (M) D$%+ U&i% D!"#i$%io& O' I%m ( M) 1 Ti",&!! (M) R! 3 I& La"! Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures up to 3 depth as per drawin! and technical specifications clause 11"#$includin! settin! out % construction of shorin! nad bracin! % reoval of staps and other deleterious atter % drassin! of sides and botto and back fillin! with approved aterial $ 30 7.5 2.50 2.85 Cum 1575.00 Curtain wall 30 2.50 1.00 0.55 Cum 41.25 Drop Wall 30 2.5 1.0 0.55 Cum 41.25 Catch Pit 30 1.5 1.50 2 Cum Total 2 Amo&% N$ 135.00 1793.00 162.89 2.92 3656.41 5.91 Providin! & 'a(in! ceent )1" !rade !rade in levelin! course PCC !rade )*1" Foundation bed 30 7.50 1.30 0.10 cum 29.25 Cradle 30 7.50 2.20 0.15 cum 74.25 Catch Pit 30 5.40 2.0 0.15 cum 48.60 Parapet 30 1.0 (0.60+0.45) 2 0.60 cum 9.45 Total Pol(!onal& rando rubble asonr( uncoursed& brou!ht to course in ceent sand ortar 1+, ix with -uarr( stones in foundation and plinth includin! cost of bond stones and levelin! up at specified levels with )*. !rade usin! stone a!!re!ate 2" noinal si/e$ 161.55 # Curtain Wall 30 2.50 ( 1.0+0.60) 2 2.65 cum 159.00  Drop Wall 30 2.50 ( 1.0+0.60) 2 2.65 cum 159.00 Total: Providin! 5 la(in! of Ceent Concrete )*2" noinal ix for copin! $6#" thick 4rch$  Curtain Walll  Drop Wall 318.00 2876.18 9.15 268.32 0.40 47.05 0.19 679.50 300.00 2.04 Rm 225.00 6798.19 15.30 Cum 450.00 1161.3 5.23 30 2.50 Rm 30 2.50 Rm Total: .  Drop Wall 30 2.50 2.65 sm 198.75 30 2.50 2.65 sm 198.75 Total 0 75.00 150.00 Pointin! on stone work with ceent sand 1+3 ix$  Curtain Walll , 75.00 397.5 For work of ordi nar( ti ber Catch Pit 30 ! 4 1.50 2.00 sm 360.00 cradle 30! 2 7.50 0.55 sm 247.50 parapet 30 1.0 2.40 sm 72.00 Total: Providin! and la(in! of reinforeced ceent c oncrete pipes )P*3as per desi!n in sin!le row includin! fixin! collor with ceent ortar 1+2 but excludin! excavation %protection works%backfillin!% concrete asonar( work in head walls and parapets clause 11",$ a 1"""  dia 30 7.50  7uppl( and spreadin! 8hak 9a:ri 67 and( ;ranular )aterial 30 6.00  'oadin! of stone 4!!$ b( ech$ )eans a )*1" ceent concrete <= of 1,1$.. cu < 1#3$00 cu 2.50 1.00 b for copin! < 1." > ? "$"22cu & > < 3$3"Cu total Aaula!e of stone 4!!$ fro veerwan for .. k 4v lead < 1#0$"0 cu ? 1$" t & cu <2,#$02 t cum 147.07 1" a 7urface road6."8s t"m 13236.30 4.03 0.53 b ;ravel >oad6.$"8s t"m 1323.60 4.85 0.06 total Aaula!e of 7and fro Bohaa for 0" 8 4v 'ead < 2",$3, cu ? 1$,"t& cu < 33"$10t Cum 206.36 71.65 0.15 7urface road ,. ks ;ravel >oad . ks t"m 4.03 0.86 t"m 21461.44 1650.85 4.85 0.08 t 65.01 89.00 0.06 T"m 8451.3 4.03 0.34 43.27 0.06 'oadin! of 7and 9( )ech$ )eans$ For )*1" Ceent Concrete<#0= of 1,1$..Cu<0.$2Cu copin! < 1."> ? "$"11 cu & > < 1$,.Cu for 1+, 7tone asonr(<3=of 31$""Cu<12"$#Cu for pointin!<30$."7-?"$"2Cu&7-<0$. Cu 11 'oadin! of ceent b( anul eans  ) *1" ceent concrete < 1,1$ ? 2$2"& cu < < 3..$#1-t 1+, )asoner( < 31$"" cu ? "$3@ & cu <2,3$#-t pointin! 1+3 ortor < 30$."s- ? "$"10 -t & s- <,$0.-t copin! < 1."> ? "$"1,- & > <"$1,-t&><2#$""@t Total<,."$1"@t or ,.$"1t  Aaula!e of ceent fro 8hrew for 13. 8 4v 'ead 7urface road613"$"8s ;ravel >oad6.$"8s nloadin! of ceent 12 13 1# 'oadin! of >CC 7pan pipe < ,, no ? .$.# & o < "$## T"m 325.05 4.85 0.02 t 65.01 89.00 0.06 90 59.54 0.05 29250.00 1125.00 4.03 4.85 1.18 0.05 90 284.29 0.26 Total 44.90  #$ Aaula!e of >cc pipes for 13. k<" o ? 2$."t&o <22.$"t 7urface road613"$"8s ;ravel >oad6.$"8s nloadin! of >CC pipes b( anual eans < "o T"m T"m #$ Cost %o& on' uc *i*' cul'&t , 1.50 lacs -ssistant !'cuti' n/in''& !'cuti' n/in''&