1) A beginner at the trade who usually serves for 3 to 5 yearsas helper to a journeyman. A. Apprentice plumber (Your Answer) B. Journeyman plumber C. Master plumber 2) This is the process by which small sediment particleswhich do not settle well combine together to form larger particles which can beremoved by sedimentation. A. Coagulation- Flocculation B. Filtration C. Aeration D. Sedimentation 3) It consists of a supply pipe leading to a fixture and a drain pipe taking the used water away from this fixture. A. Plumbing System (Your Answer) B. Drainage System C. Water Distribution System D. Waste Disposal System 4) Carries water from the water source, street main or a pump to the building and to various points in the buildingat which water is used. A. Water Supply and Water Distribution System (Your Answer) B. Drainage Pipes C. Water Supply Pipe D. Drainage System 5) Has served his apprenticeship and is competent to perform the tasks of installing and repairing plumbing. A. Journeyman plumber B. Master plumber C. Apprentice plumber 6) A person technically and legally qualified and licensed to practice the profession of master plumbing without limitations in accordance with Republic Act 1378, having passed the examinations conducted by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), has received a certificate of registration from the board of master plumbing and possesses the current license to practice. A. Master plumber (Your Answer) B. Journeyman plumber C. Apprentice plumber 7) Each family dwelling unit shall have at least1. __________________2. __________________3. __________________4. __________________to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene. 8) Who was the first Chief of the Division of Plumbing Construction and Inspection? A. John F.Haas (Your Answer) B. Francisco C. Geronimo C. John H. Jones D. Fortunato H. Amosco 9) ______________- water that had undergone a process where the pollutants areremoved or rendered harmless. 10) Water that contains one or more impurities that make the water unsuitable for a desired use. A. Polluted Water (Your Answer) B. Gray Water C. Black Water D. Storm Water 11) Water drained from lavatories, sink, laundry trays and showers;contains minor pollutants. A. Gray Water (Your Answer) B. Black Water C. Storm Water D. Polluted Water 12) Water drained from water closets and urinals. It carries body wastes and contains major pollutants. A. Polluted Water B. Black Water (Your Answer) C. Gray Water D. Storm Water 13) Refers to the rainwater drained from roof gutters and downspouts. A. Storm Water (Your Answer) B. Black Water C. Polluted Water D. Gray Water 14) Water quality problem caused by the presence of carbon dioxide in the water. A. Acidity (Your Answer) B. Hardness C. Color D. Turbidity 15) Which of the following is done to correct water acidity? A. Passing the water through a bed of crushed marble or limestone to achieve alkalinity, or adding sodium silicate. (Correct Answer) B. Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite C. Chlorination D. Filtration 16) Water problem associated by the presence of Iron and Manganese. A. Color (Your Answer) B. Hardness C. Turbidity D. Acidity 17) Water quality problem caused by silt or suspended matters picked up in surface or nearsurface flow. A. Turbidity (Your Answer) B. Acidity C. Hardness D. Pollution 18) Water quality problem caused by the presence of Magnesium and Calcium. A. Hardness (Your Answer) B. Acidity C. Turbidity D. Color 19) Organic matter or sewage contamination on water A. Pollution (Your Answer) B. Acidity C. Color D. Hardness 20) Which of the following is the effect of acidic water on the plumbing system? A. Corrosion of nonferrous pipes, rusting and clogging of steel pipes. (Your Answer) B. Clogging of pipes, Impaired laundering and foodpreparation. C. Discoloration of fixtures and Laundry D. Disease 21) Which of the following is the effect of hard water on the plumbing system? A. Clogging of pipes. Impaired laundering and food preparation. (Your Answer) B. Corrosion of nonferrous pipes, rusting and clogging of steel pipes. C. Discoloration and bad taste. D. Discoloration of fixtures and Laundry Correct 22) Which of the following is the effect of turbid water on the plumbing system? A. Discoloration and bad taste. (Your Answer) B. Discoloration of fixtures and Laundry C. Disease D. Corrosion of nonferrous pipes, rusting and clogging of steel pipes 23) Which of the following is the effect of polluted water? A. Disease (Your Answer) B. Discoloration of fixtures and Laundry C. Discoloration and bad taste. D. All of these. 24) Method use on treating polluted water. A. Chlorination (Your Answer) B. Filtration C. Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite D. None of these 25) How to correct hardness of water? A. Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite (Your Answer) B. Precipitation by filtration through manganese zeolite C. Passing the water through a bed of crushed marble or limestone to achieve alkalinity, or adding sodium silicate. D. Filtration 26) How to treat problems on the color of the water? A. Precipitation by filtration through manganese zeolite (Correct Answer) B. Chlorination C. Filtration D. Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite 27) Turbidity of water is treated through? A. Filtration (Correct Answer) B. Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite C. Chlorination D. Precipitation by filtration through manganese zeolite 28) The natural water includes all of these purification methods except _______________. A. Disinfection/Chlorination (Your Answer) B. Aeration C. Distillation D. Filtration E. Settling/Sedimentation F. Adsorption/ Flocculation-Coagulation 29) Water is sprayed into the air to release any trapped gases and absorb additional oxygen for better taste. Aeration 30) This is the process by which small sediment particles which do not settle well combine together to form larger particles which can be removed by sedimentation. Coagulation-Flocculation 31) This is the process by which suspended solids are removed fromthe water by gravity settling and deposition. Sedimentation 32) This is the passage of fluid through a porous medium suspendedmatter which did not settle by gravity. Filtration 33) This is the most important process used in theproduction of water of a safe and sanitary quality. Disinfection, Chlorination 34) What was added to coagulate organic particles on the water that undergoes treatment process. alum, tawas 35)_______________ is added to kill bacteria andput into a storage tank for distribution to concessionaires. Chlorine 36) Refers to the receptacles attached to a plumbing system other than a trap in which wateror waste may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge into the plumbing system. Fixtures 37) A plumbing fixture used to receive human excremental and todischarge it through a waste pipe, using water as a conveying medium. Water Closet 38) The least expensive but thenoisiest type of water closet. A. Siphon washdown B. Siphon jet C. Siphon Vortex D. Reverse trap 39) Type of water closet where the jet being submerged introduces itswater underwater so that its operation is entirely muffled.It has a large amount of standing water to prevent fouling.It is mechanically efficient but expensive. A. Siphon jet B. Siphon washdown C. Siphon Vortex D. Reverse trap 40) This type of bowl develops its flushingaction through the water entering through diagonal holesaround the rim which creates a swirling action which formsa vortex in the center. It is considered to be the mostquiet, most efficient and most sanitary water closet. A. Siphon Vortex (Your Answer) B. Siphon washdown C. Siphon jet D. Reverse trap 41) The type of water closet where the trap way is located at the rear ofthe water closet eliminated the buldge at the front. Thedesign and appearance of the bowl plus its large waterarea and quietness in operation, make it desirable thanone of the other type. A. Reverse trap (Your Answer) B. Siphon jet C. Siphon washdown D. Siphon Vortex