1. Miss Avila is a high school teacher in Nanan NHS. She would like to monitor the learning progress progress of her students stu dents in in terms of feedback concerning learness successes and failures. What evaluation procedure will she use? a. lacement b. !ormative
c. Summative d. "iagnostic
#. Which statement below represents placement evaluation? a. Mr. See conducted an achievement test to certif$ pupil%s master$. b. Ms. &ega gave a ten'item test to determine her pupil%s learning progress. c. Mr. Mr. San edro edro gave a test at the beginning of a new topic. d. Algebra students took an arithmetic test on the (rst da$ of class. ). Miss *ernardo a teacher in +rade &, would like to (nd out if her pupils have alread$ mastered the ob-ectives of the planned instruction. What evaluation procedure procedure should she use? a. Summative valuation b. "iagnostic valuation
c. lacement valuation d. !ormative valuation
/. Mrs. Sanito wants to detect the learning di0culties of her pupils in Math. What evaluation procedure should she use? a. !ormative valuation b. "iagnostic valuation
c. Summative valuation d. lacement valuation
. Which describes norm'referenced grading? a. 2he students% past performance b. An absolute standard
c. 2he performance of the group d. What constitute a perfect
score 3. Which of the following phrases about wave motion de(nes period? a. knowledge b. 4omprehension
c. Anal$sis d. S$nthesis
5. Miss 2awa$ 2awa$ is a new grade four teacher. She overloaded her (rst 6uarter Math test items concerning additions. What kind of Math test did Miss 2awa$ prepare? a. Her Math test is not reliable b. ,t is not ob-ective
c. ,t is not valid d. All of the above
7. Which t$pe of test measures higher order thinking skills? a. numeration b. Matching
c. 4ompletion d. Analog$
8. Here is a performance ob-ective9 W,2H 2H A," :! A ;,:",4 4HA;2< 4HA;2< the students will the atomic weights of the (rst ten elements. 2he capitali=ed words are referred to as the a. erformance statement b. Mininum acceptable performance
c. *ehavior d. 4ondition
1>. Which one describes a multigrade class? a. A clas class s com compo pose sed d of thre three e grad grade e leve levels ls more grade levels b. A clas class s comp compos osed ed of of four four gra grasd sde e leve levels ls grade levels
c. A clas class s comp compos osed ed of of # or or d. A clas class s comp compos osed ed of of ) to to 3
!or items 11 to 15< refer to the table below SY
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Gradua te
#>>/'> #>>'>3 #>>3'>5 #>>5'>7 #>>7'>8 #>>8'1>
8<1#> 7<873 7<7/> 7<5#> 7<31> 7<>>
11. What is the cohort survival rate? a. 8).)># b. 8).#>#
c. 8#.)>) d. 8#.#>#
1#. +iven the same data< what is the graduation rate? a. 85.#7 b. 85.77
c. 85.7 d. 85.87
1). +iven the graduation rate in item no. 1#< how man$ pupils did not graduate? a. 17> b. 15>
c. 15 d. 13
1/. +iven the same data< what is the completion rate? a. 8>.#) b. 8>./)
c. 81.1) d. 81.#)
1. What is the promotion rate in +rade ) in S@ #>>3'>5? a. 87.> b. 87./7
c. 87.)7 d. 87.)>
13. What is the transition rate from +rade 1 to +rade # for S@ #>>'>3?
a. 87.) b. 87.3)
c. 87.5) d. 87.7)
15. what is the drop out rate from +rade to 3 in S@ #>>8'1>? a. 1.>8 b. 1.18
c. 1.#7 d. #.#7
17. ,n the 2eacher "eplo$ment Anal$sis Spectrum< which color coded school has generous teacher provision. a. *lue school b. +reen School
c. Sk$ *lue school d. @ellow school
18. ,n terms of priorit$ level< which of this is second priorit$ a. *lack school b. Multigrade school
c. ;ed school d. :range school
#>. Which school color'code< indicates moderate teacher shortage? a. @ellow b. +old
c. +reen d. :range
#1. When is the deadline for submission of SABNW to the Administrative or ersonnel unit of the o0ce? a. Cune )> b. Ma$ )>
c. April )> d. March )>
##. "eped :rder No. 31> provides the general guidelines in the collection of school contributions. When can voluntar$ contributions be collected? a. Second month of ever$ school $ear
c. !ourth month of ever$ school
b. 2hird month of ever$ school $ear
d. nd of the second month
$ear #). What is the minimum si=e of the school site of an elementar$ school with 3 classes? a. >. hectare b. 1.> hectare
c. #.> hectare d. ).> hectare
#/. What is the minimum si=e of the school site of an urban secondar$ school with enrolment of #>>1 to )>>>? a. >. hectare b. #.> hectare
c. 1.> hectare d. ).> hectare
#. What is the minimum si=e of the school site of an urban agricultural secondar$ school? a. 3.> hectare b. /.> hectare
c. .> hectare d. ).> hectare
#3. A school site ma$ also be ac6uired through donation or usufruct. Which kind of donation takes eDect during the lifetime of the donor? a. ,nta vivos b. mortis causa
c. simple d. conditional
#5. 2he displa$ of the hilippine National Eag is a re6uirement for all school. As a general rule< what should be the height of the Eagpole? a. As high as the roof of the main building c. Higher than the building b. SiF meters high d. seven meter high #7. A signboard indicating the name and location of the school building should be big enough to be easil$ readable from the street at a distance of? a. to 1> meters b. 1> to 1 meters
c. 1 to # meters d. 1> to #> meters
#8. 2he rincipal'Bed School *uilding rogram decentrali=es construction management through principal empowerment. Which of the following are responsibilities of the principal? ,. ,ssue the invitation to submit 6uotations ,,. :rgani=e the construction committee ,,,. Sign notices of Award and 4ontracts ,&. repare and submit monthl$ performance report a. ,,< ,,, and ,& b. ,< ,,, and ,&
c. ,< ,, and ,,, d. ,< ,,< ,,, and ,&
)>. 2he height of the chalkboard from the Eoor to its top'edge is determined b$ multipl$ing the mean standing height of the class b$ the constantGGG. a. 1.> b. 1.1
c. 1.# d. 1.)
)1. rivate schools re6uest for tution fees increase will onl$ be approved if GGG of this will go to the teachers salar$. a. > b. 5>
c. 3> d. 7>
)#. ;A 8#7< the +uidance and 4ounseling Act providesfor the creation of 4areer Advocates and eer !acilitators. Which of the following comprised the eer !acilitators? a. Homeroom Advisers 4ounselors b. 2rained High school students
c. Association of +uidance d. ":B personnel
)). 2he following are ke$ results areas in principalship< EXCEPT one9
a. b.
4urriculum development StaD development
c. BS* Management d. upil "evelopment
)/. 2his refers to a work related issue that causes emplo$ee dissatisfaction or discontentment. a. b.
+rievance machiner$ +rievance
c. robit$ d. Aggrieved art$
). Bearners should be allowed to evaluate their own work. 2his statement is9 a. b. c. d.
2rue< because it allows them to change their answers 2rue< because this prompts them to think about their learning !alse< it allows them to change their answer !alse< because it retards development of their thinking skills
)3. Which is not characteristics of authentic learning assessment? a. Students are re6uired to develop responses< not select the appropriate response from a list b. Students are re6uired to s$nthesi=e the information the$ have encountered and to evaluate their learning as well c. Students work on pro-ects and are allowed to create a conteFt for their learning and for appropriate evaluation d. Students are evaluated through a written multiple'choice t$pe of test )5. When can a donation or propert$ for school use be called mortis causa? a. When it takes eDect after the donor%s death which re6uire a last will b. when it takes eDect during the lifetime of the donor c. when it imposes a condition that such donation will be for school use onl$ d. when the piece of land was disposed gratuitousl$ b$ a d$ing person in his last will and testament
)7. A school building which has become unsuitable< dilapidated and whose repair or rehabilitation will cost > or more than the cost of the new building to replace< it should be9 a. replaced b$ a new school building b. recommend for condemnation and demolition c. reconstructed to a bid and further dilapidation d. left untouched until it is damaged completel$ )8. ,t is a method of ac6uiring a school site which capitali=es on the deed of eFchange to be eFecuted b$ both parties a. *arter roclamation b. +ratuitous conve$ance proceedings
c. residential d. Fpropriation
/>. 2he recommended orientation of a school building in the hilippines is a9 a. Northwest'west to southeast'east aFial direction< taking into consideration the direction of sunlight and the direction of prevailing bree=es. b. Southwest'east to northwest'west aFial direction< considering the direction of sunlight and the prevailing bree=es. c. West to east aFial direction. :bserving the direction where the sun shines. d. All of these /1. Section 88 of ;A 513> known as Bocal +overnment 4ode< provides that the local Sanggunian has the power to change the name of the school through the ordinance and9 a. pon the recommendation of the School *oard b. pon recommendation of the 2A c. pon the approval of the chief eFecutive d. pon the re6uest of the school site donor /#. *efore actual work on construction of a school building is authori=ed and commenced< this should be done (rst9 a. School site title or status of ac6uisition c. School Head approval b. &acant space d. *uilding ermit
/). As a general rule< the diDerent school buildings should be laid out according to functional groupings. 2he distances between buildings should be such that I429 a. b. c. d.
&entilation is not obstructed Natural illumination is not impeded Sounds in one building do not carr$ into the neFt building Minimi=e Eow of air currents or bree=e
//. 2he main building facing the front gate should be at least how man$ meters from the gate? a. 1> meters c. #> meters b. 1 meters d. None /. 2he recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is GGGGGGGGGGGGG meters to minimi=e intrusive sounds a. c. 1> b. 7 d. 1 /3. 2he signboard of a school building should be of appropriate length and width to accommodate the name and location of the school. 2he lettering in simple< black or roman st$le and big enough to be easil$ read in a distance of9 a. 1>m to #> m b. #> m to # m
c. m d. m to 1>m
/5. 2he following are characteristics of an eDective crisis manager I42 one9 a. He must be forward looking and must have broad view of the situation b. He must be EeFible and willing to deport from established rule if needed c. He has the abilit$ to keep cool under pressure d. He must wait and give more time to conEicting parties to report a dialogue /7. As a principal< if $ou have teacher with instructional needsproblems< the appropriate supervisor$ model is GGGGG. a. eer supervision b. 4ollaborative supervision
c. Self'directed supervision d. 4linical supervision
/8. As a principal< how much time do $ou devote for supervision? a. Sevent$ percent J5>K for instruction supervision and thirt$ percentJ)>K for other activities of administrative supervision. b. Sevent$ percent J5>K for administrative supervision and thirt$ percentJ)>K for administrative supervision. c. !ift$ percent J>K for instructional supervision and another (ft$ percent J>K for administrative supervision d. ight$ percent J7>K for instruction and twent$ percent J#>K for administrative supervision >. 2he following are considered vision killers I42 one9 a. 2radition b. !atigue leader
c. !ear or ridicule d. :pen'minded people
1. mplo$ee resist change because the$ feel vulnerable< fear the unknown< eFpress diDerences in how to achieve goals'hostilit$ erupts is best described as9 a. !orming b. Norming
c. Storming d. erforming
#. When the follower can do the -ob and is motivated to do it< then the leader can basicall$ leave them to it< largel$ trusting them to get on with the -ob although the$ also ma$ need to keep a relativel$ distant e$e on things to ensure ever$thing is going to plan is9 a. "irecting b. 4oaching
c. Supporting d. "elegating
). When the leader provides speci(c instructions and closel$ supervises task accomplishment is9 a. "irecting c. Supporting b. 4oaching d. "elegating /. When the leaders continues to direct and closel$ supervise task accomplishment< but also eFplains decisions< solicit suggestions< and support progress is9 a. "irecting c. Supporting b. 4oaching d. "elegating
. What will $ou do as school head if one of $our single lad$ teachers had an aDair with a married baranga$ captain in $our localit$ and later became pregnant? a. ;e6uire the baranga$ captain to marr$ the teacher b. 4harge the baranga$ captain with rape c. "ismiss the teacher from the service d. Advice the teacher to (le on leave of absence until she delivers her bab$. 3. 2he following are the activities that are eligible for the S*M grant I429 a. Supplies and materials c. 2ransportation eFpense of speaker b. Meals Jnot eFceeding 1> of total grantK d. urchase of 6uipment 5. nder 2eacher "eplo$ment Anal$sis< hot color Lgold means? a. Fcessive surplus teacher provision c. Manageable ratio b. Severe teacher shortage d. +enerous teacher provision 7. !or instructional rooms% deplo$ment anal$sis< red means9 a. ;atio is 3 plus c. ;atio is 1'.88 b. No classroom d. ;atio is below / 8. School furniture anal$sis shows that colored Lred means9 a. More than # pupils per seat c. Ade6uate in two'shifts b. No eFisting seats d. More than ) pupils per seat 3>. ublic o0cials and emplo$ees shall perform and discharge their duties with the highest degree of eFcellence< intelligence and skills< render public service with the outmost devotion and dedication to dut$. a. rofessionalism b. ;esponsibilit$
c. 4ommitment d. "evotion
31. ublic o0cials and emplo$ees shall remain true to the people at all times< shall not discriminate< shall respected at all times the right of others and refrain from doing acts contrar$ to law< good morals< public polic$< public safet$ and public interest. a. olitical neutralit$ c. 4ommitment b. Custness and sincerit$ d. rofessionalism 3#. ublic o0cials and emplo$ees shall be at all times lo$al to the ;epublic and to the !ilipino people and endeavour to maintain and defend the sovereignt$ against foreign intrusion. a. rofessionalism c. Nationalismpatriotism b. olitical neutralit$ d. 4ommitment to public trust 3). All public o0cials and emplo$ees shall respond within GGGGGGGGGGG da$s from receipt thereof< responds to letters< telegrams and other means of communication sent b$ the public. a. 1 working da$s c. Within 5 working da$s b. Within 1 da$s d. Within one week 3/. As a school principal< what are the characters of a teacher $ou recommend to serve during election? ,. rofessionalism ,,,. olitical neutralit$ ,,. Nationalism and patriotism ,&. 4ommitment to public interest c. , and ,,, c. ,< ,, and ,& d. ,, and ,& d. ,< ,,< ,,, and ,& 3. 2his act declares that seFual harassment is unlawful in the emplo$ment< education or training environment< and for other purpose. a. ;. A 5755 c. ;. A 7175 b. ;. A 35# d. ;. A 718> 33. 2his act further provides that this also applies if his spouse suDered a miscarriage and for the purpose of enabling him eDectivel$ lend support to his wife in her period of recover$ andor in the nursing of the newl$ born child. e. ;. A 5755 c. ;. A 7175 f. ;A 35# d. ;A 718> 35. 2his act grant priorit$ to resident of the baranga$< municipalit$ or cit$ where the school is located in the appointment or assignment of classroom public school teachers< provided that the teacher possesses all the minimum 6uali(cation for the position as re6uired b$ law.
a. ;. A 718> b. ;. A 7175
c. ;A 35# d. ;A 337)
37. "uring pre'observation conference< the principal sits with the teacher and determines the following I42 one9 a. 2he reason for and the purpose of the observation b. 2he focus of observation c. 2he method of teaching to be used b$ the teacher d. 2he time of observation 38. @our subordinate is becoming unresponsive to $our friendliness. His performance is below average. a. Stress the need to go b$ standard procedure and to show output. b. *e available for discussion but do not pressure for output c. 2alk with subordinate and then set ob-ectives d. *e careful not to intervene 5>. @our subordinate%s performance has been eFcellent and normall$ $ou leave him alone. *ut now he has some di0cult$ on a problem. a. b. c. d.
"iscuss the situation with him and help him solve the problem. Bet him work it out b$ himself. 2ell him what to do ncourage him to work on the problem and be supportive of his eDorts
51. @ou and $our subordinates recogni=e the need to change< $our subordinate have a (ne performance record and are ver$ reliable. a. Allow the group to participate in developing the change. "o not structure what is to be done. b. Simpl$ introduce the changes c. Bet the group set its own direction d. Ask the group for ideas but $ou direct the change eDort 5#. 2he productivit$ of $our subordinate has decreased. He has been missing deadlines and has not met his ob-ectives. a. Wait for the situation to correct itself b. Make friendl$ overtures and remind him of his eFpected output c. Spell out his tasks and supervise him carefull$ d. Show understanding of his problems. "o not structure his work 5). 2he following are true about the assessment in Oindergarten eFcept9
a. Assessment is done to monitor learning b. Assessment is essential to identif$ing child%s total development needs and does not determine academic achievement c. ;esults of the assessment of learning shall be known to the class< parents and teachers d. ;atings shall not onl$ be numerical but descriptive6ualitative 5/. ,n what $ear will the (rst cohort of O'1# +rade 3 and +rade 1# graduates a. #>1 b. #>13
c. #>15 d. #>17
5. An eFit eFamination and as readiness test for the Cunior High School a. +rade 3 NA2 b. 2 Assessment
c. A P test d. nd of +rade 3
53. Which curriculum uses the spiral progression? a. *asic ducation 4urriculum c. O'1# 4urriculum b. Secondar$ ducation 4urriculum d. ;*4 55. Which sub-ect in the O'1# curriculum is anchored on the tenet L Move to Bearn< Bearn to Move a. Mathematics b. Science
c. h$sical ducation d. Music and Arts
57. Which of the following features represents the new paradigm shift in education? a. 2raditional pedagogies b. Bifelong education for all c. ;igid sub-ect matter boundaries d. ;igid selection of students based on single and (Fed criteria 58. 2he basic value that is central to human rights education is 9 a. Sustainabilit$ of the planet b. Human dignit$
c. Custice for all d. Human solidarit$
7>. ;.A 5755 signed into Baw !ebruar$ 1/< 188 declares unlawful9
a. Ha=ing in fraternities c. 4utting of trees b. SeFual harassment in the workplace d. 2uition fee in basic education 71. 2he NS4: identi(ed four pillars of learning. Which pillar is given top priorit$ especiall$ due to the situation in Mindanao and threats of terrorists% attack? a. Bearning to live together b. Bearning to be
c. Bearning to do d. Bearning to know
7#. Which is the ma-or obstaclehindrance in the empowerment of !ilipino 2eachers? a. b. c. d.
Bocal o0cials interference on education values Authoritarian and hierarchical s$stem of "epd Bow government priorit$ on education and fearless 4ulture of silence of teachers
7). 2he main provision of ;. A 81 signed August #< #>>1 is 9 a. ,nstituting a new framework of governance for basic education b. roviding the abolition of ;:24 c. Making earl$ childhood education a part of basic education d. stablishing the ;4 board for teachers 7/. ,n what wa$s can social class variations in child rearing practices aDect higher achievement in school? a. Middle class parents tend to encourage curiosit$< initiative and independence while lower class families tend to promote obedience and subordination. b. *oth middle and lower class families emphasi=e competition within the famil$< hence children become competitive and higher achiever in school c. Middle class families tend emphasi=e discipline and obedience hence children tend to be more focused in school d. oor families emphasi=e the importance of earning livelihood hence children tend to perform poorl$ in school. 7. How does the notion of cultural relativit$ and variabilit$ aDect the teaching'learning rocesses in school? a. 2he student varied cultural background will in no wa$ aDect the wa$ the$ will learn the lesson in school.
b. 2he students can readil$ ad-ust to the wa$ the teacher initiates learning in school because children are adaptable being what matter what culture the$ come from. c. 2he child%s cultural background inEuences the children%s world view when teaching d. 2he teacher should be war$ of diDering cultural points of view and must make sure that students will see things the same wa$ 73. A class composed of students coming from several ethnic communities including Muslims and Bumads. 2he$ seem to have di0cult$ understanding each other%s behaviour and points of view. What should the teacher do? a. ,ntroduce multiculturalism in the class and provide activities for practice. b. 2hreaten the students that if there are students who do not behave and tolerant of their classmate< shehe will be dropped from class. c. ,nform students that the$ will all be learning new wa$s of thinking and behaving in this class< so the$ might as well leave their cultural idios$ncrasies at home. d. Assign bright students to monitor and control behaviour of poor students 75. Which of the following statement about +ender is correct? a. +ender is biologicall$ determined b. +ender is sociall$ and culturall$ constructed c. +ender roles are the same in all societies d. +ender is an ascribed status in societ$ 77. the provision of academic freedom is applicable for teacher in9 a. all level c. 4olleges and universities b. public school onl$ d. 2S"A supervised schools 78. Among the following is N:2 within the categor$ of teacher as provided for under Magna 4arta for ublic School 2eachers? a. +uidance counsellors c. School nurse b. School principal d. School Bibrarian 8>. Mr. re=a was diagnosed to have tuberculosis that re6uired rest for more than one $ear. Which leave should he appl$ for?
a. Sick leave b. ersonal leave
c. &acation leave d. ,nde(nite leave
81. Ms. Mariano tutors her students< who have di0cult$ coping with math< after class hours. ,s her act ethical? a. @es< provided she received -ust compensation b. @es< provided she does not re6uire a fee from the parent c. No< that is unfair to other students d. No< she should be free after her o0cial time 8#. 2he Magna 4arta for ublic School 2eachers recogni=es the following with the eFception of one. Which is the eFception? a. Qualit$ education depends primaril$ on the 6ualit$ of socio' economic status of the teachers. b. Advancement in education depends on teacher%s 6uali(cations and abilit$. c. ducation is an essential factor in the economic growth of the nation. d. ducation is development and vice'versa 8). 2he right of the students to receive relevant 6ualit$ education is primaril$ achieved through9 a. 4ompetent instruction c. School'communit$ relations b. Strong curriculum d. 4ompetent administrator 8/. What does Lteachers are persons in authorit$ mean? a. 2eachers cannot be charged b. 2eachers have immunit$ from arrest c. No person can assault a teacher d. "ecisions made b$ teachers are deemed right 8. Who is considered a professional teacher? a. An education graduate who received honors b. A teacher who has taught for at least siF $ears c. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching d. A teacher who 6uali(es for a permanent position under ;. A /35> 83. Mrs. ;amos wants to continue with her stud$ leave for another siF months after completing a school $ear. 4ould she be allowed? a. @es< if her grades are eFcellent b. @es< but without compensation
c. No< other teachers should have the chance d. No< stud$ leave should not eFceed one $ear 85. When a principal starts to eFercise hisher powers over making and promoting students is hisher action acceptable? a. @es< when the teacher cannot make decision on time. b. @es< when there is abuse of -udgement on the part of the teacher. c. No< teachers are more knowledgeable of their student%s performance. d. No< grading and promoting students are eFclusivel$ functions of teachers. 87. Which of the following is the main reason for the mandate for incoming freshmen high school students to undergo an earl$ registration in the public or private high schools of their choice? a. 2o assess the incoming (rst $ear students% academic capabilities b. 2o avoid overcrowding in public schools c. 2o increase the participation rate in basic education d. All of the above 88. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment? a. Mrs. 4orte= who is administering a test to her students. b. Mr.Maceda who is counting the scores obtained b$ the students in his test. c. Mr.:cbian who is computing the (nal grade of the students after completing all their re6uirements. d. rof. !errer who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students performs poorl$ in her test. 1>>. , f $ou have to use the most authentic method of assessment< which of these procedures should $ou consider? a. 2raditional 2est b. erformance'based Assessment assessment test
c. Written 2est d. :b-ective
1>1. Who among the teachers below performed diagnostic test? a. Ms. Santos who asked 6uestions when the discussion was going on to know who among her students understood what she tr$ing to stress. b. Mr. 4astro who gave a short 6ui= after discussing thoroughl$ the lesson to determine the outcome of instruction.
c. Ms. *anta who gave a ten'item test to (nd out speci(c lessons which the students failed to understand. d. Mrs. *elarde who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils. 1>#. @ou are assessing for learning. Which of these will $ou likel$ do? a. +iving grades to students b. ;eporting to parents the performance of their child c. ;ecommending for new policies in grading students. d. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students. 1>). Ms. Abad is planning to do an assessment of learning. Which of the following should she include in her plan considering her purpose for assessment? a. How to give immediate feedback to student%s strengths and weaknesses. b. How to determine the area of interest of learners. c. How to certif$ student%s achievement d. How to design one%s instruction 1>/. @ou targeted that after instruction< $our students should be able to show their abilit$ to solve problems with speed and accurac$. @ou then designed a tool to measure this abilit$. What principle of assessment did $ou consider in this situation? a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets ob-ectives. b. Assessment should have a positive conse6uence on student%s learning c. Assessment should be reliable d. Assessment should be fair 1>. Mr. *oromeo tasked her students to show how to pla$ basketball. What learning target is he assessing? a. Onowledge c. Skills b. ;easoning d. roducts 1>3. 2he following are the modes of deliver$ of instruction under ,nstructional Management b$ arents< 4ommunit$ and 2eachers J ,MA42 K eFcept9 a. rogrammed teaching b. ,ndividual stud$ learning
c. +roup stud$ d. eer group
1>5. An assessment done at the start of the deliver$ of instruction a. Assessment f or learning c. Assessment as learning b. Assessment of learning d. None of these 1>7. An assessment done after the deliver$ of instruction< measures students attainment of standards a. Assessment of learning learning b. Assessment of learning
c. Assessment as d. None of these
1>8. An assessment where students reEect on the result of the assessments a. Assessment of learning learning b. Assessment of learning
c. Assessment as d. None of these
11>. 2he anal$sis of the ,ndividual erformance 4ommitment ;eview !orm shall be submitted to9 a. School lanning o0ce o0ce b. School eDectiveness division
c. rincipal%s d. S*M o0ce
111. *eing assigned as principal< $ou noticed that conEicts arise in the team. What is an appropriate wa$ of handling conEicts? a. 4onEicts distract the team and distract the work rh$thm. @ou should alwa$s smooth them when the$ surface. b. A conEict should be handled in a meeting so that the entire team can participate in (nding a solution. c. 4onEicts should be addressed earl$ and usuall$ in private using a direct< collaborative approach. d. @ou should use $our coercive power to 6uickl$ resolve conEicts and then focus on goal achievement. 11#. As the school head< $ou decided to arrange a team meeting to identif$ and anal$=e lessons learned during the implementation of $our school'based program. What should $ou do with them? a. "ocument them and make them part of the historical database for the program and the performing organi=ation.
b. "iscuss them with superior and make sure that the$ remain otherwise con(dential. c. ublish them in the dail$ newsletter. d. !ollow $our strategic directions< independent from lessons learned. 2hese decisions have been made and should be implemented whatever the outcomes are.
11). How should change management be planned? a. 4hanges are generall$ not predictable< therefore planning for change management cannot be reasonable. b. lanning for change management should be done while the various change control processes are being applied. c. 4hange management can be planned in a set of management plans or a speci(c change management plan. d. 4hanges are sign of bad planning. :ne should avoid changes during a pro-ect< thus eliminating the need to manage them. 11/. A facilitator should... a. be in full control of the discussion and its outcomes. b. alwa$s take notes b$ herself. c. avoid a Eip chart parking lot d. give guidance as re6uired without interfering 11. At the beginning of a program implementation< $ou notice diDerent opinions between team members relating to program work and deliverables and to the level of overall compleFit$. What should $ou do right now? a. +ive $our team members some time to develop a common understanding of the program scope. pcoming interface problems ma$be resolved later. b. se the risk management processes to identif$ and assess risks caused b$ misunderstanding and develop a plan with measures in order to response to them. c. :rgani=e meetings to identif$ and resolve misunderstandings between team members in order to avoid interface problems< disintegration and costl$ rework earl$ in the program. d. se interviews in private with each individual team member to inform them of $our eFpectations and $our re6uirements in an atmosphere of con(dence.
113. @ou are in the process of planning a program and found that stakeholders often have var$ing ob-ectives and re6uirements. 2his makes it hard to come up with a plan with which all ob-ectives be met. What is probabl$ most helpful to ensure common understanding? a. Ask the program stakeholders to build focus groups in order to discuss and remed$ conEicting interests. b. 4reate an eFhaustive document describing $our point of view and ask stakeholders to review it. c. Bet each stakeholder write a statement of work< merge the documents to a program scope statement. d. use $our authori=ation as the program head to clearl$ prioriti=e the diDerent ob-ectives. 115. @ou schedule a kick'oD meeting in order to announce the star of $our program< present the plan and develop consensus on it. Another topic will be eFplanation of each team member%s role. ,n addition< $ou planned some time for discussions. Now< short term before the event< $ou receive various cancellations b$ team members< who sa$ that the$ cannot -oin the meeting. *ut the$ will be with $ou when the program work will star. a. 2he kick'oD meeting is secondar$< $ou are happ$ if the team members will do their -obs. b. @ou should insist on the presence of the team members to the appointed date. c. ,f $ou force team members% presence< the$ would an$wa$ be distracted b$ their current problems. d. ,t is probabl$ a good idea to reschedule the meeting to a da$< when all team members can attend. 117. "uring Human ;esource planning $ou identi(ed that $our team members are not su0cientl$ 6uali(ed for their tasks. Which ma$ be an appropriate solution to this problem? a. ;educe level of eDort b. "evelop a training plan inspections
c. lan 6ualit$ audits d. lan 6ualit$
118. When implementing a program as lead implementer< what should $ou focus on during the eFecution process? a. "oing program work accountabilit$ for errors
c. nsuring
b. 4oordinating people and resources inEuence
d. Avoid third'part$
1#>. A review of $our team member%s most recent performance reports shows a ma-or drop in output. Which is the best approach to raise team productivit$ in a program? a. ,ncrease the fre6uenc$ of team review meetings and status reports b. ,ncrease the pressure on each team member to adhere to deadlines c. ost a special reward for the best performing team member d. ,mprove feelings of trust and cohesiveness among team members. 1#1. Which statement describes best the meaning of leadership? a. nsuring predictabilit$ in an uncertain environment b. Sustaining an ongoing program over a long period of time c. Adhering to publici=ed standards and procedures d. "eveloping a vision and strateg$ and motivating people 1##. As a program implementer< $ou must demonstrate transparenc$ regarding... a. con(dential information b. propriet$ information c. distribution of unproven information and gossip d. $our decision'making processes 1#). As a leader< how should $ou deem ethical conduct? a. @ou should ensure ethical conduct throughout the team b$ use of means including recognition and awards and in tight cooperation with the team members. b. thical conduct is all right as long as it does not impact the achievement of ob-ectives and does not damage the performing organi=ation%s immediate options. c. @ou are the role model for the team. @our personal integrit$ demonstrates the desired skills< behaviours< and attitudes whose adoption ma$ bene(t team members. d. 2here are often dilemma situations in the organi=ation. 2hen $ou ma$ have to suspend $our integrit$ and do what is appropriate. 2here ma$ be long term negative eDects< but these are not $our responsibilit$.
1#/. ,n anal$=ing a problem< what is the (ve wh$s method used for? a. ;oot cause anal$sis special causes b. ,denti(cation of random causes of causes of conEicts
c. ,denti(cation of d. ,denti(cation
1#. "uring a post'mortem meeting< discussion arises about who has to take responsibilit$ for some ma-or failures. ,t has become obvious that the attendees of the meeting will not come to -ointl$ accepted conclusion. What is not an appropriate strateg$ for such a situation? a. Separate the people from a problem b. !ocus on interests< not positions c. ,nsist on ob-ective criteria and standard d. Suspend the discussion and schedule another meeting 1#3. 2he goals that have been articulated for an elementar$ school include ensuring that all students have e6uitable access to the curriculum. Which of the following approaches would best help the principal evaluate how well this goal is being achieved? a. interviewing students with varied backgrounds about their learning b. evaluating coverage of diverse perspective in curricular materials c. eFamining disaggregated results from recent assessments d. anal$=ing the cultural pro(le of the students in each classroom 1#5. A principal is working with staD to create and implement plans to achieve goals for improved student learning. ,n this conteFt< the principal would most appropriatel$ encourage staD members to conduct research into what other schools are doing as a wa$ to facilitate which of the following processes? a. incorporating a variet$ of diverse perspectives into school%s planning eDorts b. interpreting assessment results to determine strengths and needs in the school%s current program c. predicting likel$ impediments to achieving school goals and strategies for avoiding them
d. identif$ing eDective action steps to remed$ school issues identi(ed through data anal$sis 1#7. ,n a 'stor$ school building< science laboratories should be located at a. 1st Eoor of the school building b. #nd Eoor c. )rd Eoor d. th Eoor 1#8. Which is the last step in ac6uiring a donated lot for a public school a. validit$ of the donation b. registration in the ;egistr$ of "eeds c. acknowledgment of the donation in writing d. accomplish "eed of "onation 1)>. Which of the following strategies would best help the superintendent support and promote the progress schools are making in implementing their missions and goals? a. writing an article for the district newsletter commending school principals for their hard work b. re6uesting copies of all planning documents develop b$ the school planning team c. visiting the schools fre6uentl$ to meet and talk with facult$< staD< students and other stakeholders d. hosting reception to honor district and school leaders for their contribution 1)1. 2he principal of "on ablo Boren=o MHS ac6uired funds for the rubberi=ation of its athletic oval. What is the standard length of an athletic oval? a. #>> meters b. />> meters
c. 7>> meters d. 1#>> meters
1)#. Which of the following best de(nes a leadership model that broadens emplo$ee involvement in decision'making and focuses on mutual inEuence of others? a. "istributed leadership leadership b. 2ransactional leadership
c. Situational d. Servant leadership
1)). Which of the following strategies best engages stakeholders in the process of creating a shared vision? a. asking parents to draft a preliminar$ vision statement for the administrative leadership to review b. oDering parent meetings where the principal presents the developed vision and goals c. assessing the division%s readiness through input from emplo$ees earl$ in the development process d. involving emplo$ees and communit$ members directl$ in the process so each has a voice 1)/. Student'entrants in the :pen High School rogram are assessed of their reading abilit$ and classi(ed in the following eFcept9 a. not read$ b. most read$
c. read$ d. almost read$
1). Which of the following elements of the curriculum inEuence and control the content and organi=ation the curriculum a. 4urriculum content foundation b. 4urriculum evaluation
c. 4urriculum d. 4urriculum design
1)3. Which of the following practices implemented b$ school leadership in a division best promotes improving student performance? a. gathering evidence connected to individual school goals and using the data to drive future instructional decisions b. re6uiring each school to undergo an annual instructional program audit and ranking the division%s school based on the audit%s result c. :rgani=ing professional development around state assessment scores b$ teacher and monitoring the individual implementation of the strategies presented d. evaluating all district principals based on the passing rates of their students and the annual evaluation scores of the teachers in their school 1)5. A school guidance counsellors present the principal with a proposal for an innovative guidance program that has been used successfull$ in a number of schools around the region. ,n
making decision about the proposal< the principal%s (rst priorit$ should be to determine whether9 a. the new program would re6uire additional funds be$ond those alread$ available to the guidance program b. the new program would serve to reinforce and enhance the eFisting knowledge and skills of guidance staD c. the new program%s goals and activities are consistent with school%s current vision and goals d. the new program would promote increased collaboration between guidance staD and other school staD 1)7. A classroom adviser noticed that one of her students bullied his classmate. What must be the (rst that the adviser should do? a. refer the incident to the child protection committee b. call the parents of both students c. inform the principal d. suspend the students 1)8. ,n recent decades< which of the following factors has been most responsible for decisions to place greater emphasis on developing students% problem'solving and decision'making skills across the curriculum? a. an increase in media inEuence b. a change in occupational demands c. an increase in educational accountabilit$ d. a change in inclusion practices 1/>. ,n our erformance Management S$stem< which one is considered the heart9 a. performance planning and commitment b. performance monitoring and coaching c. performance review and evaluation d. performance rewarding and development planning 1/1. !or school'based personnel< which one is true about the ;esult'based erformance S$stem? a. basis for rating and ranking the performance for the ** b. to diagnose teachers in their deliver$ of instruction c. used as appraisal tool and serve as basis for training and development
d. basis for demotion and promotion 1/#. Schools can be converted into ducational !oundation. Who issue rules pertaining to the conversion? a. "epd c. "epartment of !inance b. -ointl$ issued b$ "epd and "ept of !inance d. 4H" 1/). A school with signi(cant funding and a severe shortage of highl$'6ualit$ technological tools wants to increase its access to technological resources for teaching and learning. 2he school%s leadership can best promote achievement of this goal b$ taking which of the following actions (rst? a. emplo$ing various strategies to network with educators in more aRuent and technologicall$ advanced schools b. eFploring potential partnerships with local business that ma$ have an interest in supporting the school c. identif$ing cuts in other areas of the instructional program to oDset eFpansion of funding for the technolog$ d. using newspapers and other local media to appeal to the public for assistance in raising funds for the school 1//. A principal will be leading a team in updating the school%s outdated emergenc$ response plan so that the members of the school communit$ will know what to do in case of natural disaster or a human'caused emergenc$ situation. Which of the following steps would be most useful to take (rst in this eDort? a. meeting with communit$ leaders to identif$ individuals and resources available to assist the school in various worst' case scenarios b. reviewing the emergenc$ plans of a sample of similar schools across the state and comparing them with the school%s current plan c. soliciting information from local police< (re< and public health personnel about potential school vulnerabilities and appropriate responses d. researching each element of the school%s current emergenc$ plan to assess compliance with relevant laws and regulations 1/. ,n a clinical supervision conteFt< the supervisor is most likel$ to9
a. use a teacher%s self'assessment of his or her needs to guide decisions about appropriate eFperiences b. create opportunities for a teacher to learn and grow in a collaborative team conteFt c. use observation and anal$sis to provide with feedback on aspects of performance needing improvement d. focus on motivation or other personal issues that are aDecting a teacher%s eDectiveness