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Property Reviewer Complete
property reviewer
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam PROPERTY NOTES PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Art 414 All things which are or may e the o!ect o" a##ro#riation are consi$ere$ either% 1& Immo'ale or re al # ro#erty( o r )& Mo'ale or # ersonal #ro #erty& What’s a thing? any object that exists and is capable of satisfying some human needs includes both objects that are already possessed or owned and those that are susceptible of appropriation more comprehensie term !than property"# as there are things which are not susceptible of appropriation and they are not included in the concept of property $ights as property 0property1 is sometimes used to denote the thing with respect to which legal relations between persons exist 2 the res oer which rights !particularly ownership" may be exercised 2 and sometimes to the rights with respect to the thing either real or property • • • • • What is a real right? $ight or interest belong to a person oer a specific thing Without a definite passie subject against whom such right may be personally enforced Jus in re /he res of a real right may be 3ersonal property !as in pledge and chattel mortgage" o $eal property !easement# real mortgage" o .ither personal or real !as in ownership# possession# usufruct" o • • • • What’s property? refers to any thing which is already the object of appropriation or found in the possession of man • $e%uisites of property &' (tility )apacity to satisfy some human wants *' ubstantiity ,uality of haing existence apart from any other thing -' Appropriability usceptibility of being possessed by man Res communes or common things are not capable of appropriation in their entirety# although they may be appropriated under certain conditions in a limited way# and thereby become property in law .lectricity# oxygen# etc o Res nullius or a thing may hae no owner because it has not yet been appropriated# or because it has been lost or abandoned by the owner' it constitutes property as long as it is susceptible of being possessed for the use of man Wild animals# hidden treasure o /hings cannot be considered as property when they are not susceptible of appropriation because of legal impossibility !you can’t sell your body while you’re alive, o at least not legally) or physical impossibility !you can’t own the moon, at least not yet) o • • • • • • Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please> • 4f the res ofit a right is real property# the right itself is real property5 otherwise is real personal property )lassification of real rights based upon dominion &' Domino pleno 2 powers to enjoy and to dispose are united a' Dominion# ciil possession# hereditary right *' Domino menos pleno 2 powers to enjoy and dispose are separated a' urface right# usufruct -' Domino limitado 2 powers to enjoy and to dispose# though united# are limited a' 6y a guaranty !mortgage# pledge" b' 6y a charge !easement" c' 6y a priilege !pre7emption# redemption" What is a personal right? $ight or power of a person /o demand from another as a definite subject /he fulfillment of the latter’s obligation' Jus in personam or jus ad rem 3ersonal right# or right of obligation# has the following elements8 &' Actie subject !person in whom the right resides" *' 3assie subject !person against whom the right is aailable" • • • • • 1 + Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam PROPERTY NOTES -' @' bject or prestation or the conduct !to gie# to do# or not to do" uridical or legal tie which binds the parties to the obligation Cor prescription !@ and years for moables5 &; and -; years for immoables" /ransactions inoling real property must be recorded in the $egistry of property to affect -rd parties' =ot re%uired with personal property# except for chattel mortgage cases' Art 41* The "ollowing are immo'ale #ro#erty% 1& Lan$+ ,il$in gs+ roa$s+ an$ cons tr,ctions o" all -in $s a$he re$ to the soil( )& Trees+ #lant s+ an$ gr owing "r,its+ while th ey are att ache$ to the lan$ or "orm an integral #art o" an immo'ale( .& E'erything attach e$ to an imm o'ale in a "i/e$ m anner+ in s,ch a way that it cannot e se#arate$ there"rom witho,t rea-ing the material or $eterioration o" the o!ect( 4& Stat,es+ reli e"s+ #aintin gs or ot her o!ects " or ,se or ornamentation+ #lace$ in ,il$ings or on lan$s y the owner o" the immo'ale in s,ch a manner that it re'eals the intention to attach them #ermanently to the tenements( *& Machinery+ rece#ta cles+ instr,m ents or im# lements inten$ e$ y • • • • • • • $eal $ight Definite actie subject who has a right against all persons generally as an indefinite passie subject bject is generally a corporeal thing )reated by Bmode’ and Btitle’ .xtinguished by the loss or destruction of the thing which it is exercised Directed against the whole world !actio in rem against -rd persons" • • • • • 3ersonal $ight Definite actie subject and a definite passie subject bject always an incorporeal thing )reated by Btitle’ 3ersonal right suries the subject matter Directed against a particular person !actio in personam" What’s the importance of the classification into moables or immoables? 4n priate international law# general rule is that immoables are goerned by the law of the country in which they are located# whereas moables are goerned by the personal law of the owner which in cases is the law of his nationality or his domicile 4n criminal law# usurpation of property can ta9e place only with real property' n the other hand# robbery and theft can be committed only against personal property 4n procedural law# actions concerning real property are brought in the $/) where the property is located# whereas actions inoling personal property are brought in the court where either the defendant or plaintiff resides' Corcible entry and unlawful detainer for $.A: property o $eplein or manual deliery for 3.$=A: o 4n contracts# only real property can be the subject matter of real mortgage and antichresis# while only personal property can be the subject matter of mutuum# oluntary deposit# pledge 4n order that the donation of an immoable may be alid# it must be made in a public instrument' Cor moables# may be oral or in writing !if more than 3<;;;# need only to be in a priate instrument" • • • • • Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please> the owner o" the tenement "or an in$,stry or wor-s which may e carrie$ on ina ,il$ing or on a #iece o" lan$+ an$ which ten$ $irectly to meet the nee$s o" sai$ in$,stry or wor-s( Animal ho,ses+ #ige onho,ses+ eeh i'es+ "is h #on$s or r ee$ing #laces o" similar nat,re+ in cases their owner has #lace$ htem or #reser'es them with the intention to ha'e them #ermanently attache$ to the lan$+ an$ "orming a #ermanent #art o" it( the animals in these #laces are incl,$e$( 2& 3erti lier act,ally ,se$ on a #iece o" lan$( 5& Mines+ 6,arr ies+ an$ s lag $,m #s+ wh ile the ma tter the reo" "o rms #art o" the e$+ an$ waters either r,nning or stagnant( 7& 8oc-s an$ str,c t,res w hich+ tho,gh "lo ating+ are inten$ e$ y their nat,re an$ o!ect to remain at a "i/e$ #lace on a ri'er+ la-e+ or coast( 19& :ontracts "or #,lic wor-s+ an$ ser'it,$es an$ other real rights o'er immo'ale #ro#erty& 0& )lasses of immoable or real property !=4DA" &' 6y nature !cannot be carried from place to place" *' 6y incorporation !attached to an immoab le in a fixed man ner to be an integral part thereof" -' 6y destination !placed in an immoa ble for the util ity it gies" @' 6y analogy !by express proision of law beca use it is rega rded as 2 + Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam PROPERTY NOTES united to the immoable property" :ands# buildings# roads and constructions of all 9inds Must adhere to the soil 6uildings must be more or less of a permanent structure independent of and regardless of the ownership of the land on which it is erected since the law ma9es no distinction !so possible to mortgage building een if in the land of another# since it’s separate from the land $oads# whether public or priate# are immoable $eal property treated by the parties as personal property A building is by itself an immoable property irrespectie of o whether or not said structure and the land on which it is adhere to belong to the same owner A alid real estate mortgate can be constituted only on the o building erected on the land belonging to another /he parties to a contract of chattel mortgage may# by agreement# o treat as personal property that which by nature would be real property !estopped> o they can be subject to a writ of replein between parties" Eoweer# the chattel mortgage is not binding on third persons' • • • 4f temporarily separated# will still be regarded as immoable if there is an intent to put them bac9 !but there are different opinions to this" 4ntent to attach permanently is essential 2 objects placed by humans with intention to permanent annexation lose their identity as moables • • • /rees# plants and growing fruits 4mmoable while they are8 Attached to the land# or o Corm an integral part of an immoable o nce cut or uprooted# they become moable Growing crops or fruits# or ungathered products or fruits# may be treated as personal property for the purposes of attachment# execution and the chattel mortgage law !ibal Falde" When growing crops are sold and before they are een harested# the transaction is considered as sale of moables because it is a gien that they are to be gathered or harested for deliery • • • • .erything attached to an immoable in a fixed manner Attachment must be such that 4t cannot be separated from the immoable o Without brea9ing the material# or o Deterioration of the object o • Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please> tatues# reliefs# paintings# or other objects for use or ornamentation 4mmoable when8 3laced on the immoable by the owner of the latter# and o 4n such a manner that it reeals the intention to attach t hem o permanently to the tenements =ot necessarily by him personally# can be by his agent 4f placed by a person not the owner li9e a lessee# the object will not attain the character of immoable unless such person acts as an agent of the owner • • • Machinery# receptacles# instruments# or implements for an industry or wor9s 4mmoable only when8 3laced by the owner of the tenement or his agent o 4ndustry or wor9s must be carried on in a building or on a piece o of land Machinery# etc must tend directly to meet the needs of the said o industry or wor9s Machinery which is moable in its nature only becomes immobilied when placed in plant by the owner of the property or plant# but not when so placed by a tenant# a usufructuary# or any person haing only a temporary right !Davao Saw Mill v Castillo) .xception !becomes immoable"8 o &' uch person acted as the agent of the owner# or *' :ease agreement states that the machines will pass oer to the lessor after the expiration of the lease agreement !S !alde" case" Must be essential and be principal elements of an industry or wor9s to the business# not merely incidental to business !Mindanao #us Company v City $ssessor" )ash registers# typewriters for hotels# restaurants# theaters are o merely incidental# these businesses can continue on without them Machineries of breweries used in the manufacture of li%uor# o though moable by nature# are immobilied because they are essential to said industries • • • 3 + Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam PROPERTY NOTES • • Cor purposes of taxation# it doesn’t matter who placed the machines 2 the owner or mere lessee# as long as it is essential and principal elements of an industry' /he term Breal property’ may include things which should generally as personal property' 4t is a familiar phenomenon to see things classified as real property for purposes of taxation which on general principle might be considered personal property' !Meralco v Central #oard o% $ssessment $ppeals & in this case, the storage tan's were placed by Meralco, who wasn’t the owner o% the land, but it was still considered immovable) Attachment or incorporation to immoable not essential# since they become immoable because of destination# what is essential is their utility Animal houses# pigeon houses# beehies# fish ponds or breeding places of similar nature )onsidered immoable8 4n case their owner has placed them or preseres them o With the intention to hae them permanently attached to the o • land And forming a permanent part of it' /he animals in these places are included' Must permanently form part of the land and so intended by the owner o o • Certiliers actually used on a piece of land 4mmoable when Actually used on a piece of land o Certiliers 9ept in a barn are not immoable • • Mines# %uarries and slag dumps 4mmoable when While the matter thereof forms part of the bed o Meaning# the matter thereof remains unseered from the soil o Waters# either running or stagnant# are classified as immoables • • Doc9s and structures# though floating 4mmoable if 4ntended by their nature and object o /o remain at a fixed place on o A rier# la9e or coasts o • Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please> )ontracts for public wor9s and seritudes and other real rights oer immoables Where the res of a real right is real property# the right itself is real property' o ownership is real property if the thing owned is immoable :oan is real property by analogy if secured by a real estate o mortgage Where it is personal property# the right itself is personal property .xception8 case of contracts for public wor9s which are o considered real property • • • :;APTER T • owner but he is bound to reimburse the usufructuary the ordinary cultiation expenses out of the fruits receied' Manresa opines that if at the termination of the usufruct# force majeure should preent the usufructuary from gathering the fruits# said fruits shall belong to him and not the na9ed owner' Art& *05& I" the ,s,"r,ct,ary has lease$ the lan$s or tenements gi'en in ,s,"r,ct+ an$ the ,s,"r,ct sho,l$ e/#ire e"ore the termination o" the lease+ he or his heirs an$ s,ccessors shall recei'e only the #ro#ortionate share o" the rent that m,st e #ai$ y the l essee& H42. Art& *07& :i'il "r,its are $eeme$ to accr,e $aily+ an$ elong to the ,s,"r,ct,ary in #ro#ortion to the time the ,s,"r,ct may last& H424 :ease by the usufrucutary /he usufructuary may lease the property in usufruct to another' 4f the usufrcut should expire before the termination of the lease# the usufructuary or his heirs and successors are entitled only to the rents • • corresponding to the duration of the usufruct' /he rents for the remaining period of the lease belong to the owner' Art& *29&
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
the thing' •
Art& *24&
Art& *25& The ,s,"r,ct,ary o" an action to reco'er real #ro#erty or a real right+ or any mo'ale #ro#erty+ has the right to ring the action an$ to olige the owner thereo" to gi'e him the a,thority "or this #,r#ose an$
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
to ",rnish him whate'er #roo" he may ha'e& I" in conse6,ence o" the en"orcement o" the action he ac6,ires the thing claime$+ the ,s,"r,ct shall e limite$ to the "r,its+ the $ominion remaining with the owner& H450
H' I' '
(sufruct of judicial action to recoer /his article applies if the purpose of the action is to recoer real property or personal property or real right oer real or personal property /he action may be instituted in the name of the usufructuary !s an agent who institutes the action in the name of the principal" /he usufructuary may oblige the owner to gie him the necessary authority to bring the action 4n case of faorable judgment# the usufruct shall be limited to the fruits# with the na9ed ownership belonging to the owner' With the termination of the case# the usufruct of the action comes to an end' •
4f the usufructuary wishes to exercise his right of remoal# the owner cannot preent him by offering to reimburse him /he usufructuary’s right to remoe the improements includes the right to destroy them proided no damage is caused to the property /he right to remoe is enforceable only against the owner# but not against a purchaser in good faith to whom a clean title has been issued $ight to remoe the improements should be annotated o on the certificate of title# so that it can be enforced against third parties
)ase doctrines 6y express proision of law# the usufructuaries do not hae the right to reimbursement for improements they may hae introduced on the property' 4f the rule on reimbursement or indemnity were otherwise# then the usufructuary might improe the owner out of his property' !Moralidad 3ernes" •
Art& *27& The ,s,"r,ct,ary may ma-e on the #ro#erty hel$ in ,s,"r,ct s,ch ,se",l im#ro'ements or e/#enses "or mere #leas,re as he may $eem #ro#er+ #ro'i$e$ he $oes not alter its "orm or s,stance( ,t he shall ha'e no right to e i n$emni"ie$ there"or& ;e may+ howe'er+ remo'e s,ch im#ro'ements+ sho,l$ it e #ossile to $o so witho,t $amage to the #ro#erty& H452 What happens when a usufructuary ma9es useful or luxurious expenses? /he usufructuary has the right to ma9e improements# useful or luxurious# as he may deem proper' What are the rules? &' Ee must not alter the form or substance of the property# *' Ee may remoe the improements only if it is possible to do so without damage to the property -' Ee has no right to be indemnified for the improements if he does not exercise his right to remoe o Ee cannot ino9e the rights of a possessor in good faith in the concept of owner @' 4f the improements cannot be remoed without damage# he may set7off the same against any damage caused by him t o the property !Art <;" <' 4f the usufructuary does not wish to exercise his right of remoal# the owner cannot compel him to remoe the improements •
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>
Art& *59& The ,s,"r,ct,ary may set o"" the im#ro'ements he may ha'e ma$e on the #ro#erty against any $amage to the same& H455 $ight to set7off improements /his article presupposes that the improements hae increased the alue of the property o and the damage to the same was caused t hrough the fault of the o usufructuary' 4f the damage exceeds the alue of the improements# the usufructuary is liable for the difference as indemnity 4f the alue of the improements exceeds the damage# he may remoe the portion of the improements representing the excess in alue if this can be done without injury to the property# otherwise# the excess in alue accrues to the owner' •
Art& *51& The owner o" #ro#erty the ,s,"r,ct o" which is hel$ y another+ may alienate it+ ,t he cannot alter its "orm or s,stance+ or $o anything thereon which may e #re!,$icial t o the ,s,"r,ct,ary& H457
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
$ights and obligations of the na9ed owner /he na9ed owner may alienate the property in usufruct because the title !dominium directum) remains ested in him' Ee may construct wor9s# ma9e improements# or ma9e new plantings on the property in usufruct' /he alienation by the na9ed owner cannot affect the usufruct which is registered or 9nown to the transferee' /he na9ed owner# howeer# cannot8 alter the form or substance of the property# or o do anything thereon which may cause a diminution in the alue o of the usufruct# or be prejudicial to the rights of the usufructuary# o otherwise# he shall be liable for damages' /he na9ed owner must8 $espect leases of rural lands by the usufructuary for the o balance of the agricultural year !Art ATIONS O3 T;E CSC3RC:TCARY Art& *5.& The ,s,"r,ct,ary+ e"ore entering ,#on the en!oyment o" the #ro#erty+ is olige$% H1 To ma-e+ a"ter notice to the owner or his legitimate re#resentati'e+ an in'entory o" all the #ro#erty+ which shall contain an a##raisal o" the mo'ales an$ a $escri#tion o" the con$ition o" the immo'ales( H) To gi'e sec,rity+ in$ing himsel" to ",l"ill the oligations im#ose$ ,#on him in accor$ance with this :ha#ter& H471
$eimburse him for adances made for extraordinary repairs !Art
)lassifications of obligations of the usufructuary &' /hose be%ore the usufruct begins a' Ma9e an inentory of the property# which shall contain an appraisal of the moables and a description of the immoables b' Gie security *' /hose during the usufruct a' /a9e care of the property !Art <K" b' /o replace with the young thereof animals that die or are lost in certain cases when the usufruct is constituted on floc9 or herd of liestoc9 !Art
When obligation to ma9e inentory or to gie security excused /he usufructuary may be excused from the obligation in the following cases8 &' Where the na9ed owner renounces or waies his right to the inentory or security *' Where the title con stituting the usufruct reliees the usufructuary from the obligation5 4s fre%uently true in usufructs constituted by a last will and o testament or by a deed of donation in iew of the trust which the testator or donor has in the usufructuary -' Where the usufructuary as9s that he be exempted from the obligation and no one will be injured thereby' /he usufructuary may apply to the courts for relief in case o the na9ed owner refuses to grant the exemption where# for •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
example# the usufruct is oer the right to receie a periodic income or pension Art& *50& Sho,l$ the ,s,"r,ct,ary "ail to gi'e sec,rity in the cases in which he is o,n$ to gi'e it+ the owner may $eman$ that the immo'ales e #lace$ ,n$er a$ministration+ that the mo'ales e sol$+ that the #,lic on$s+ instr,ments o" cre$it #ayale to or$er or to earer e con'erte$ into registere$ certi"icates or $e#osite$ in a anor #,lic instit,tion+ an$ that the ca#ital or s,ms in cash an$ the #rocee$s o" the sale o" the mo'ale #ro#erty e in'este$ in sa"e sec,rities& The interest on the #rocee$s o" the sale o" the mo'ales an$ that on #,lic sec,rities an$ on$s+ an$ the #rocee$s o" the #ro#erty #lace$ ,n$er a$ministration+ shall elong to the ,s,"r,ct,ary& 3,rthermore+ the owner may+ i" he so #re"ers+ ,ntil the ,s,"r,ct,ary gi'es sec,rity or is e/c,se$ "rom so $oing+ retain in his #ossession the #ro#erty in ,s,"r,ct as a$ministrator+ s,!ect to the oligation to $eli'er to the ,s,"r,ct,ary the net #rocee$s thereo"+ a"ter $e$,cting the s,ms which may e agree$ ,#on or !,$icially allowe$ him "or s,ch a$ministration& H474 .ffects of failure to gie security# when re%uired n rights of owners8 Where the obligation to gie security or to file a bond is not excused or exempted# the failure of the usufructuary to comply with the same entitle the na9ed owner for his protection to demand that immoables be placed under administration or o receiership# moables be sold# o instruments of credit be registered or deposited in a ban9 or o public institution capital or sums in cash and the proceeds of the sale of the o moable be inested in safe securities' n rights of usufructuary8 (ntil he gies the proper security# the usufructuary cannot enter upon the possession and enjoyment of the property' Ee may not collect any matured credits nor inest capital in usufruct without the consent of the owner or judicial authoriation' /he failure to gie security does not extinguish the right of usufruct' Eence# the usufructuary may alienate his right to the usufruct /his article only spea9s of security !it would seem that the failure of the usufructuary to ma9e an inentory# when not excused# does not hae
the same effect as when security is not gien'" Art& *52& I" the ,s,"r,ct,ary who has not gi'en sec,rity claims+ y 'irt,e o" a #romise ,n$er oath+ the $eli'ery o" the ",rnit,re necessary "or his ,se+ an$ that he an$ his "amily e allowe$ to li'e in a ho,se incl,$e$ in the ,s,"r,ct+ the co,rt may grant this #etition+ a"ter $,e consi$eration o" the "acts o" the case& The same r,le shall e oser'e$ with res#ect to im#lements+ tools an$ other mo'ale #ro#erty necessary "or an in$,stry or 'ocation in which he is engage$& I" the owner $oes not wish that certain articles e sol$ eca,se o" their artistic worth or eca,se they ha'e a sentimental 'al,e+ he may $eman$ their $eli'ery to him ,#on his gi'ing sec,rity "or the #ayment o" the legal interest on their a##raise$ 'al,e& H47* worn underta9ing in lieu of security !caucion juratoria" /his article applies when the usufructuary who is under obligation to gie security cannot afford to do so and no one is willing to gie security •
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>
for them Cor humanitarian considerations# the court may allow the usufructuary to enjoy the property upon ta9ing an oath to ta9e care of the property and retain it until the termination of the usufruct in lieu of giing the security /he usufructuary must first as9 the na9ed owner to grant him the rights mentioned# and should the latter refuse# he may resort to the courts Articles with artistic or sentimental alue may not be sold' /he owner may demand their deliery to him if he gies security to the usufructuary for the payment of t he legal interest on their appraised alue'
Art& *55& A"ter the sec,rity has een gi'en y the ,s,"r,ct,ary+ he shall ha'e a right to all the #rocee$s an$ ene"its "rom the $ay on which+ in accor$ance with the title constit,ting the ,s,"r,ct+ he sho,l$ ha'e commence$ to recei'e them& H470 $etroactie effect of giing security /his article applies where the usufructuary who is re%uired to gie security gies the security after the commencement of the usufruct Cailure to gie the needed security may deprie the usufructuary of the right to enjoy the possession of the property in usufruct •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Eoweer# once the security is gie# he is entitled to all the proceeds and benefits of the usufruct accruing from the day on which he should hae commenced to receie them# from the day the usufruct commenced according to its title'
Sho,l$ the ,s,"r,ct e on sterile animals+ it shall e consi$ere$+ with res#ect to its e""ects+ as tho,gh constit,te$ on ",ngile things& H477a (sufruct on a floc9 or herd of liestoc9 /he usufructuary has the duty to ma9e replacement although the death of the animals is due to natural causes' 6ut the replacement is to be made only from the young produced so that if there are no young or the number of the young is less than that of the animals that died# the usufructuary has no duty to replace or to fill up the difference' =o duty to replace proided the usufructuary is without fault !*nd and -rd paragraphs"' .en if the partial loss is due to the fault of the usufructuary# the usufruct continues with the remainder' 6ad use does not extinguish the usufruct !Art H;-"# but the owner may bring the necessary action for the protection of his rights' 4f the animals are sterile# and they cannot be replaced by the young thereof# the usufruct shall be treated as constituted on fungible things' 4n such case Art
Art& *7)& The ,s,"r,ct,ary is olige$ to ma-e the or$inary re#airs nee$e$ y the thing gi'en in ,s,"r,ct& =y or$inary re#airs are ,n$erstoo$ s,ch as are re6,ire$ y the wear an$ tear $,e to the nat,ral ,se o" the thing an$ are in$is#ensale "or its #reser'ation& Sho,l$ the ,s,"r,ct,ary "ail to ma-e them a"ter $eman$ y the owner+ the latter may ma-e them at the e/#ense o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary& H*99 bligation to ma9e ordinary repairs /he usufructuary is bound to ma9e the repairs referred to without the necessity of demand from the owner /he owner may ma9e them at the expense of the usufructuary# o only should the latter fail to ma9e t hem after demand has been made upon him' o /he defects re%uiring ordinary repairs must hae occurred during the usufruct# whether with or without the fault of the usufructuary' /he usufructuary is not liable for deterioration resulting from wear and tear not due to his fraud or negligence# unless the deterioration could hae been preented or arrested by ordinary repairs and he f ailed to ma9e them without alid reason' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& *7.& E/traor$inary re#airs shall e at the e/#ense o" the owner& The ,s,"r,ct,ary is olige$ to noti"y the owner when the nee$ "or s,ch re#airs is ,rgent& H*91 Art& *74& I" the owner sho,l$ ma-e the e/traor$inary re#airs+ he shall ha'e a right to $eman$ o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary the legal interest on the amo,nt e/#en$e$ "or the time that the ,s,"r,ct lasts& Sho,l$ he not ma-e them when they are in$is#ensale "or the #reser'ation o" the thing+ the ,s,"r,ct,ary may ma-e them( ,t he shall ha'e a right to $eman$ o" the owner+ at the termination o" the ,s,"r,ct+ the increase in 'al,e which the immo'ale may ha'e ac6,ire$ y reason o" the re#airs& H*9)a Duty of owner to pay f or extraordinary repairs :aw does not impose an obligation on the na9ed owner or the usufructuary to ma9e extraordinary repairs on the property in usufruct' 4t is optional for them to ma9e sure repairs or not' 3ayment for extraordinary repairs8 /hose re%uired by the wear and tear due to the natural use of o •
the thing but not indispensable for its preseration $ those re%uired by the deterioration of or damage the thing caused by the exceptional circumstances but not indispensable for its preseration8 /he owner cannot be compelled to ma9e them' 4f he should ma9e them# they shall be at his expense since they are made on his property but he shall a right to demand of the usufructuary who is benefited by the repairs# legal interest on the amount expended during the duration of the usufruct' /he usufructuary may ma9e them but he is not entitled to indemnity because they are not needed for the preseration of the thing' /hose re%uired by the deterioration of or damage to the thing caused by exceptional circumstances and are indispensable for its preseration8 4t is also optional upon the owner or the usufructuary to ma9e the repairs or not' 4f the owner should ma9e the repairs# they shall be at his expense' 4f made by the usufructuary# he shall hae the right to demand of the owner the payment of the increase in alue of the immoable by reason of the repairs at the termination of the usufruct proided the following are
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present8 Ee notified the owner of the urgency of the repairs /he owner failed to ma9e the repairs /he repair is necessary for the preseration of the property /he usufructuary has the right of retention een after the termination of the usufruct until he is reimbursed for the increase in alue of the property caused by extraordinary repairs for preseration !Art H&*" 4ncrease in alue is the difference between the alue of the o property before the repairs were made and the alue after the repairs were completed •
• •
Art& *7*& The owner may constr,ct any wor-s an$ ma-e any im#ro'ements o" which the immo'ale in ,s,"r,ct is s,sce#tile+ or ma-e new #lantings thereon i" it e r,ral+ #ro'i$e$ that s,ch acts $o not ca,se a $imin,tion in the 'al,e o" the ,s,"r,ct or #re!,$ice the right o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary& H*9. )onstruction# improements and plantings by owner /he owner has the right to do the wor9s mentioned proided the alue of the usufruct is not prejudiced Any increase in the alue of the usufruct due to the improements will inure to the benefit of the usufructuary for he is entitled to the use and fruits of the property /he owner has no right to demand legal interest on his expenses because they were oluntarily incurred by him /he owner may een alienate his property or ma9e changes thereon as long as he doesn’t impair the right of the usufructuary' •
)ase doctrine 4n a case where the usufruct was oer the land# and the owner built buildings on the land# and the usufructuary was demanding the rents of the buildings as part of the usufruct# the )ourt held that the usufructuary was not entitled to the rents of the building' /he usufructuary’s argument that Article
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
na9ed owner but the usufructuary has the right to use and inest them# and to receie the interest therefrom' 4n eery case# the inestment of the capital must be with sufficient security to presere its integrity
Art& 099& The ,s,"r,ct,ary o" a mortgage$ immo'ale shall not e olige$ to #ay the $et "or the sec,rity o" which the mortgage was constit,te$& Sho,l$ the immo'ale e attache$ or sol$ !,$icially "or the #ayment o" the $et+ the owner shall e liale to the ,s,"r,ct,ary "or whate'er the latter may lose y reason thereo"& H*97 (sufruct of mortgaged immoables /he usufruct is particular# constituted by will or by acts inter ios# whether by onerous or gratuitous title 4f the usufruct is uniersal# the liability of the usufructuary to pay for the mortgage is goerned by Art CIS;MENT O3 CSC3RC:T
/he debt must be paid by the owner' /he usufructuary may mortgage his right of usufruct which is a real right
Art& 091& The ,s,"r,ct,ary shall e olige$ to noti"y the owner o" any act o" a thir$ #erson+ o" which he may ha'e -nowle$ge+ that may e #re!,$icial to the rights o" ownershi#+ an$ he shall e liale sho,l$ he not $o so+ "or $amages+ as i" they ha$ een ca,se$ thro,gh his own "a,lt& H*11 bligation to notify owner of prejudicial acts by third persons Art H;& spea9s of any act which may be prejudicial to the Brights of ownership’# not merely of the Bna9ed ownership’ A usufructuary has the duty to protect the owner’s interest Eoweer# where the act affects possession# although this is in the usufructuary# he should notify the owner because the latter has an interest in defending it' /he usufructuary is also obliged to notify the owner before ma9ing an inentory of the property and of the need of urgent repairs' •
• •
)ase doctrine A usufructuary has the duty to protect the owner’s interests 2 a usufruct gies a right to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of •
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Art& 09.& Cs,"r,ct is e/ting,ishe$% H1 =y the $eath o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary+ ,nless a contrary intention clearly a##ears( H) =y the e/#iration o" the #erio$ "or which it was constit,te$+ or y the ",l"illment o" any resol,tory con$ition #ro'i$e$ in the title creating the ,s,"r,ct( H. =y merger o" the ,s,"r,ct an$ ownershi# in the same #erson( H4 =y ren,nciation o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary( H* =y the total loss o" the thing in ,s,"r,ct( H0 =y the termination o" the right o" the #erson constit,ting the ,s,"r,ct( H2 =y #rescri#tion& H*1.a Eow is a usufruct extinguished? &' Death of the usufruc tuary !unless contrary intention clearly appears" *' .xpiration of period or fulfillment of condition -' 6y merger of the usufruct and ownership in the same person @' 6y renunciation of the usu fructuary <' 6y the total loss of the thing H' /ermination of right of owner !refers to the right of the person constituting the usufruct# not to a condition imposed upon the usufruct itself" I' 6y prescription !ac%uisitie prescription by the use of a third pe rson# not the use by the usufructuary"
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
ther causes !annulment or rescission of the contract"
)ase doctrines Although the owner expressly authoried the usufructuaries to occupy a portion of her property 0as long as they li9e1# the usufruct may be considered terminated by other modes or instances of extinguishment# such as the fulfillment of any resolutory condition proided in the document creating the usufruct' !Moralidad pouses 3erne" /he -;7year limitation on usufruct under the ld panish )iil )ode does not apply to trusts' !3alad Goernor of ,ueon 3roince" •
Art& 094& I" the thing gi'en in ,s,"r,ct sho,l$ e lost only in #art+ the right shall contin,e on the remaining #art& H*14
Art& 092& I" the ,s,"r,ct is constit,te$ on immo'ale #ro#erty o" which a ,il$ing "orms #art+ an$ the latter sho,l$ e $estroye$ in any manner whatsoe'er+ the ,s,"r,ct,ary shall ha'e a right to ma-e ,se o" the lan$ an$ the materials& The same r,le shall e a##lie$ i" the ,s,"r,ct is constit,te$ on a ,il$ing only an$ the same sho,l$ e $estroye$& =,t in s,ch a case+ i" the owner sho,l$ wish to constr,ct another ,il$ing+ he shall ha'e a right to occ,#y the lan$ an$ to ma-e ,se o" the materials+ eing olige$ to #ay to the ,s,"r,ct,ary+ $,ring the contin,ance o" the ,s,"r,ct+ the interest ,#on the s,m e6,i'alent to the 'al,e o" the l an$ an$ o" the materials& H*12 Where usufruct of land and building# and building destroyed /he destruction of the building terminates the usufruct on the building but no the usufruct on the land /he usufructuary is still entitled to use the land and in place of the building# the materials thereof' !3artial loss" /he usufructuary can insist on the use of the land and the materials for •
/o extinguish a usufruct# the loss must be total# except as proided in Art H;I to H;K 4f the loss in only partial# the usufruct continues with the remaining part' 6ut if the partial loss may be so important as to be considered total loss#
the courts shall determine' Art& 09*& Cs,"r,ct cannot e constit,te$ in "a'or o" a town+ cor#oration+ or association "or more than "i"ty years& I" it has een constit,te$+ an$ e"ore the e/#iration o" s,ch #erio$ the town is aan$one$+ or the cor#oration or association is $issol'e$+ the ,s,"r,ct shall e e/ting,ishe$ y reason thereo"& H*1*a •
/he ordinary life of a corporation is <; years' (nli9e a natural person# a corporation or association may be extended indefinitely' 3ublic policy frowns upon perpetual usufruct' /he fifty7year limitation does not apply to trusts'
Art& 090& A ,s,"r,ct grante$ "or the time that may ela#se e"ore a thir$ #erson attains a certain age+ shall s,sist "or the n,mer o" years s#eci"ie$+ e'en i" the thir$ #erson sho,l$ $ie e"ore the #erio$ e/#ires+ ,nless s,ch ,s,"r,ct has een e/#ressly grante$ only i n consi$eration o" the e/istence o" s,ch #erson& H*10 •
.xception here is when the usufruct has been expressly granted only in consideration of the existence of the third person
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the remainder of the term of the usufruct as the right is granted him by law as against the wish of the owner to construct another building' While the usufruct on a building does not expressly include the land on which it is constructed# the land should be deemed included# for while there can be land without a building# there can be no building without land' /he na9ed owner shall pay legal interest on insurance receied if it has not been used in the construction of another building during the whole period of the usufruct' 6ut he may# if he desires# reliee himself of this encumbrance by turning oer the money to the usufructuary so that he may use it subject to the obligation to return the amount to the na9ed owner after his death as proided in article H&*'
Where usufruct on building only and it is destroyed ame rule applies although the usufruct does not coer the land for the simple reason that the use of t he building necessarily inoles the use of the land 6ut# the owner is gien the preferential right to construct another building# occupy the land and ma9e use of the material een against the objection of the usufructuary /he only right of the usufructuary is to receie during the continuance of the usufruct# legal interest on the alue of the land of the materials' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
)ase doctrines A life usufruct constituted on the rentals of the%incas situadas located at a certain place includes the rentals both on the building and the land on which it is erected# because the building can not exist without the land' Eence# the usufruct is not extinguished by the destruction of the building# for under the law usufruct is extinguished only by the total loss of the thing subject of the encumbrance' !Fda de Albar )arandang"
sec,rity "or the #ayment o" the interest& H*17
Art& 095& I" the ,s,"r,ct,ary shares with the owner the ins,rance o" the tenement gi'en in ,s,"r,ct+ the "ormer shall+ in case o" loss+ contin,e in the en!oyment o" the new ,il$ing+ sho,l$ one e constr,cte$+ or shall recei'e the interest on the ins,rance in$emnity i" the owner $oes not wish to re,il$& Sho,l$ the ,s,"r,ct,ary ha'e re",se$ to contri,te to the ins,rance+ the owner ins,ring the tenement alone+ the latter shall recei'e the ",ll amo,nt o" the ins,rance in$emnity in case o" loss+ sa'ing always the right grante$ to the ,s,"r,ct,ary in the #rece$ing article& H*15a 3ayment of cost of insurance =either the owners nor the usufructuary is under obligation to insure the property in usufruct' hould they do so# and 2 /he usufructuary shares with the owner in insuring the o property# the usufructuary shall continue to enjoy the new building to be constructed# or if the owner does not wish to rebuild# the usufructuary shall receie the legal interest on the insurance proceeds which will go to the owner' /he usufructuary refuses to contribute to the insurance# and so o the owner pays it alone# the owner gets the full insurance indemnity in case of loss# the right of the usufructuary being limited to the legal interest on the alue of the land and of the materials' /he article is silent where the usufructuary alone pays the insurance# or where both share in the payment thereof# as to the proportion of their contribution to the insurance'
Art& 019& A ,s,"r,ct is not e/ting,ishe$ y a$ ,se o" the thing in ,s,"r,ct( ,t i" the a,se sho,l$ ca,se consi$erale in!,ry to the owner+ the latter may $eman$ that the thing e $eli'ere$ to him+ in$ing himsel" to #ay ann,ally to the ,s,"r,ct,ary the net #rocee$s o" the same+ a"ter $e$,cting the e/#enses an$ the com#ensation which may e allowe$ him "or its a$ministration& H*)9 .xpropriation of thing in usufruct /he expropriation of the thing does not extinguish the usufruct' Article H;K allows the substitution of the thing by an e%uialent thing' 4f the thing in usufruct is expropriated for public use# the na9ed owner is gien the option8 to replace it with another thing of the same alue and of o similar conditions# or o to pay to the usufructuary the legal interest on the amount of indemnity for the whole period of the usufruct' • • •
Art& 097& Sho,l$ the thing in ,s,"r,ct e e/#ro#riate$ "or #,lic ,se+ the owner shall e olige$ either to re#lace it with another thing o" the same 'al,e an$ o" similar con$itions+ or to #ay the ,s,"r,ct,ary the legal interest on the amo,nt o" the in$emnity "or t he whole #erio$ o" the ,s,"r,ct& I" the owner chooses the latter alternati'e+ he shall gi'e
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4n the latter case# the owner shall gie security for the payment of the interest'
.ffect of bad use 6ad use of the thing in usufruct does not extinguish the right of t he usufructuary whether there is security or not' /he usufruct continues' 6ut if the bad use causes considerable injury to the owner# not to the thing itself# the owner is gien the right to demand that the thing be deliered to him# binding himself to pay annually to the usufructuary the net proceeds of the same# after deducting the expenses and the compensation which may be allowed him for its administration' /his is true where the usufructuary has not gien any security or the security gien is insufficient especially if the owner has no property' /he second part of the proision can hardly apply where there is sufficient security for 0no considerable injury1 could possible be caused to the owner' •
Art& 011& A ,s,"r,ct constit,te$ in "a'or o" se'eral #ersons li'ing at the time o" its constit,tion shall not e e/ting,ishe$ ,ntil $eath o" the last s,r'i'or& H*)1 (sufruct in faor of seeral persons
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
(sufruct is extinguished by the death of the usufructuary unless a contrary intention appears' /he usufruct is not extinguished until the death of the last surior' As the usufruct continues# the rights of any usufructuary who dies shall accrue to the suriing usufructuaries' /he only exception is when the title constituting the usufruct o proides otherwise as where the usufruct is constituted in a list and will and testament and the testator ma9es a contrary proision'
Art& 01)& C#on the termination o" the ,s,"r,ct+ the thing in ,s,"r,ct shall e $eli'ere$ to the owner+ witho,t #re!,$ice to the right o" retention #ertaining to the ,s,"r,ct,ary or his heirs "or ta/es an$ e/traor$inary e/#enses which sho,l$ e reim,rse$& A"ter the $eli'ery has een ma$e+ the sec,rity or mortgage shall e cancelle$& H*))a bligation of usufructuary to return the thing upon termination of the usufruct (pon the termination of the usufruct# it is the duty of t he usufructuary to •
return the property to the na9ed owner' /he usufructuary is expressly granted the right of retention until he is reimbursed for the amount of taxes leied on the capital and for the increase in alue caused by extraordinary repairs' Ee has no right to r eimbursement for useful improements'
TITLE VII EASEMENTS OR SERVITC8ES :;APTER ONE EASEMENTS IN >ENERAL .)/4= =. 2 D4CC.$.=/ N4=D C .A.M.=/ Art& 01.& An easement or ser'it,$e is an enc,mrance im#ose$ ,#on an immo'ale "or the ene"it o" another immo'ale elonging to a $i""erent owner& The immo'ale in "a'or o" which the easement is estalishe$ is calle$ the $ominant estate( that which is s,!ect thereto+ the ser'ient estate& H*.9 .asement or seritude defined
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.asement or seritude has been defined as a 0real right constituted on another’s property# corporeal and immoable# by irtue of which the owner of the same has to abstain from doing or to allow somebody else to do something on his property for the benefit of another thing or person'1 /he definition in this article is not complete# being limited to real easement' 4n iew of the next article which refers to personal easement# the term may be defined as an encumbrance imposed upon an immoable for the benefit of another immoable belonging to a different owner or for the benefit of a community or one or more persons to whom t he encumbered estate does not belong by irtue of which the owner is obliged to abstain from doing or to permit a certain thing to be done on his estate !whew'"
.asement and seritude distinguished &' 4t is said that easement refers to the right enjoyed by one# and seritude# the burden imposed upon another' *'
/he two terms are used synonymously in the )iil )ode although it is more partial to easement'
)haracteristics of easement &' 4t is a real rig ht but will affect third persons only when duly registered5 *' 4t is enjoyed oer another immoable# neer on one’s own property5 -' 4t inoles two neighboring estates# the dominant to which a ri ght belongs and the serient upon which an obligation rests5 @' 4t is inseparable from the estate to which it is attached and# therefore# cannot be alienated independently of the estate !Art H&I" <' 4t is indiisible for it is n ot affected by the diision of the estate between two or more persons !Art H&" H' 4t is a right li mited by the needs of the dominant owner or estate# without possession5 I' 4t cannot consist in the doing of an act unl ess the act is accessory in relation to a real easement5 and ' 4t is a limitation on the serient owner’s rights of ownership for the benefit of the dominant owner5 and therefore# it is not presumed' •
.asement gies the holder an incorporeal right on the land but grants no title thereto' /herefore# an ac9nowledgment of the easement is an admission that the property belongs to another'
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
.asement established only on immoable .asements cannot be imposed on personal property but only on immoable !which must be understood in its common and not in its legal sense"' What the law treats of are not immoables as defined by the )iil )ode but only those which are so by their nature !are really incapable of being moed" such as lands# roads# buildings# and constructions adhering to the soil' •
=ature of benefit to dominant estate .asement can exist only when the serient and dominant estates belong to different owners' /here can be no easement without a burden on an estate for the benefit of another immoable belonging to a different owner or of a person or group of persons' /he dominant estate cannot be the serient estate at t he same time' 4t is not essential that the benefit be ery great# it being sufficient that there is a determinate use or utility in faor of a dominant estate oer an estate belonging to another' /he important thing is that it exists and can be exercised' n the other hand# the benefit should not be so great as to be inconsistent with the general right of ownership of a person# amounting to a ta9ing of his property' •
immoable ormoable =ot extinguished by the death of the As a rule# extinguished by the death dominant owner of the usufructuary 6oth usufruct and easement are real rights# whether registered or not# and are transmissible' •
)ase doctrines /he power of eminent omain encompasses not only the ta9ing of title to and possession of the expropriated property but li9ewise coers een the imposition of a mere burden upon the owner of the condemned property' Where the nature of the easement practically depries the owners of the property’s normal beneficial use# notwithstanding the fact that the expropriator only occupies the sub7terrain portion# it is liable to pay not merely an easement fee but rather the full compensation for land' !=3) 4brahim" •
• •
• •
.asement $eal right# whether registered or not# and whether it is real or personal 4mposed only on real property :imited right to the use of real property of another but without the right of possession !0without any exclusie possession or occupation1" .asement 4mposed only on real property :imited to a particular or specific use of the serient estate =on7possessory right oer an
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:ease $eal right only when it is registered# or when its subject is real property and the duration exceeds one year May inole real or personal property :imited right to both the possession and use of another’s property !0exclusie possession1"
(sufruct May inole real or personal property 4ncludes all the uses and fruits of t he property $ight of possession in an immoable
Art& 014& Ser'it,$es may also e estalishe$ "or the ene"it o" a comm,nity+ or o" one or more #ersons to whom the enc,mere$ estate $oes not elong& H*.1 )lassifications of easement &' As to recipient of benefit a' $eal 2 when the easement is in faor of another immoable !Art H&-"5 or b' 3ersonal 2 when it is in faor of a community or of one more persons !Art H&@"' /hus# it maybe public or priate' *' As to its source a' Foluntary 2 when the easement is established by the will or agreement of the parties or by a testator !Art H&K"5 b' :egal 2 when it is imposed by law either for public use or in the interest of priate persons !Art H-I7HI"5 or c' Mixed 2 when it is created partly by will or agreement and partly by law' -' As to its exercise a' )ontinuous 2 see Article H&<5 or b' Discontinuous @' As to whether or not its existence is indicated a' Apparent5 or b' =on7apparent <' As to the duty of serient owner a' 3ositie 2 see Article H&H5 or
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
$eal and personal seritudes A seritude may be established for the benefit8 &' of a particular estate and conse%uently# for its o wner5 !real or predial" *' of a person or group of persons without being the owner or owners of a dominant estate' !personal" (nli9e a real easement# personal easement does not re%uire two immoables' An example of a personal easement is a right of way granted to certain persons and their family# friends# serants# and jeeps' /he seritude is for the benefit alone of the persons enumerated and not a predial seritude that inures to the benefit of whoeer owns the dominant estate' Eence# the owner of the serient estate may refuse to extend the said easement to the successors7in7interest of the persons for whose benefit the seritude exists' !abonete Monteerde"
in$ication o" their e/istence& H*.)
)ase doctrines When a person is allowed to construct his house on the land of another to facilitate his gathering of fruits# this would be in the nature of a personal easement under Article H&@' !Alcantara $eta"
)ontinuous and discontinuous easements Cor an easement to be continuous# it is not necessary that the use be incessant5 it is sufficient that the use may be so' .xamples are the right to support a beam on another’s wall o which really exists continuously and the right of a%ueduct which may be used only on certain days depending on the need for water but which is continuous since its use does not depend upon the interention of man' An example of discontinuous seritude is the right of way which is used at interals because it is physically impossible that man shall continually poass oer the way' /he easement itself# whether continuous or discontinuous# exists continuously whether it is being used or not# but its exercise may be continuous or discontinuous# or there may be no exercise at all' /he distinction lies in the fact that in continuous easements# the exercise or enjoyment can be had without the interention of man while in discontinuous easements# such exercise or enjoyment re%uires the interention of man' 4n both easements# the benefit and burden exists from the moment the easements are created' )ase doctrine .asements are either continuous or discontinuous according to the manner they are exercisd# not according to the presence of apparent signs or physical indications of the existence of such easements' /hus# an easement is continuous if its use is# or may be# incessant without the interention of any act of man# li9e the easement of drainage5 and it is discontinuous if it is used at interals and depends on the act of man# li9e the easement of right of way' !6ogo7Medellin )A"
Art& 01*& Easements may e contin,o,s or $iscontin,o,s+ a##arent or nona##arent& :ontin,o,s easements are those the ,se o" which is or may e incessant+ witho,t the inter'ention o" any act o" man& 8iscontin,o,s easements are those which are ,se$ at inter'als an$ $e#en$ ,#on the acts o" man& A##arent easements are those which are ma$e -nown an$ are contin,ally -e#t in 'iew y e/ternal signs that re'eal the ,se an$ en!oyment o" the same& Nona##arent easements are those which show no e/ternal
Apparent and non7apparent easements Cor an apparent easement# it is not necessary that its sign be seen5 it is sufficient if it may be seen or 9nown on inspection' /he sign or signs may be encountered in the dominant or o serient estate# according to t he circumstances' An example of a non7apparent easement is a right of way when there is no indication of its existence' A right of way is apparent when there is a isible road or path to show its exercise'
3ublic and priate easements •
3ersonal easements may be8 &' 3ublic# if it is ested in the public at large or in some class of indeterminate indiiduals !li9e the right of t he public to a highway oer a land of priate ownership" *' 3riate# if it is e sted in a determinate indiidual or certain persons !li9e a right of way ested in the owner of one parcel of land oer an adjoining parcel of land"
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
4n general# negatie easements are non7apparent'
Art& 010& Easements are also #ositi'e or negati'e& A #ositi'e easement is one which im#oses ,#on the owner o" the ser'ient estate the oligation o" allowing something to e $one or o" $oing it himsel"+ an$ a negati'e easement+ that which #rohiits the owner o" the ser'ient estate "rom $oing something which he co,l$ law",lly $o i" the easement $i$ not e/ist& H*.. 3ositie and negatie easements A positie easement is one which imposes upon the owner of the serient estate the obligation of allowing something to be done or of doing it himself' .xample8 the easement of which the right of way which o imposes upon the owner of the serient estate the duty to allow the use of said way' A negatie easement is that which prohibits the owner of the serient estate from doing something which he could lawfully do if the easement
restraint of trade' 4f the coenant aims to promote aesthetics# health# and priacy or to preent oercrowding# then the coenant must be sustained' A suit for e%uitable enforcement of a restrictie coenant can only be made by one for whose benefit it is intended' 4t is thus not normally enforceable by one who has no right nor interest in the land for the benefit of which the restriction has been imposed' /hus# deeloper of a subdiision can enforce restrictions# een as against remote grantees of lots# only if he retains part of the land' !Cajardo Creedom"
did not exist' .xample8 easement of light and iew whereby the owner of the o serient estate is prohibited from obstructing the passage of light' 4t may also be positie depending upon the manner by which it is exercised' When the opening or window is made on another’s wall !wall of serient estate" or on a party wall# the easement ac%uired is positie because the owner of the wall allows the seritude to burden his wall' 4f the window is through one’s own wall !wall of the dominant estate" which does not extend oer another’s property !serient estate"# the easement is negatie'
)ase doctrines $estrictie coenants are not# strictly spea9ing synonymous with easements# but a case of seritudes or burdens# sometimes characteried to be negatie easements or reciprocal negatie easements' =egatie easement is the most common easement created by coenant or agreement whose effect is to preclude the owner of the land from doing an act# which# if no easement existed# he would be entitled to do' !Cajardo Creedom to 6uild" )ourts generally iew restrictie coenants with disfaor# but still sustain them where the coenants are reasonable# not contrary to law# or not in
Art& 012& Easements are inse#arale "rom the estate to which they acti'ely or #assi'ely elong& H*.4 ,uality of inherence or inseparability eritudes are inseparable from the estate to which they actiely or passiely belong# being accessory things whose ery existence depends upon the principal thing !immoable"' •
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Eence# they are intransmissible in the sense that they cannot be alienated or mortgaged independently of the estate' An easement cannot be the object of usufruct because it has no existence independent of the immoable to which it attaches' 4f the dominant estate is alienated# such alienation carries with it also the easements established in its faor een if they are not annotated as an encumbrance on the certificate of title' An easement is extinguished or cut7off# howeer# by the registration of the serient estate under the /orrens system without the easement being annotated on the corresponding certificate of title' A registered owner or subse%uent purchaser of registered land holds his certificate of title free from all encumbrances except only those noted in said certificate and the statutory liens' 6ut if the existence of an easement was 9nown to the o transferee or grantee of the serient estate# such 9nowledge is e%uialent to registration'
)ase doctrines A endee on real property on which a seritude or an easement of right of way exists does not ac%uire the right to close that seritude to preent the neighboring estates from using it' !olid Manila 6io Eong" •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& 015& Easements are in$i'isile& I" the ser'ient estate i s $i'i$e$ etween two or more #ersons+ the easement is not mo$i"ie$+ an$ each o" them m,st ear it on the #art which corres#on$s to him& I" it is the $ominant estate that is $i'i$e$ etween two or more #ersons+ each o" them may ,se the easement in its entirety+ witho,t changing the #lace o" its ,se+ or ma-ing it more ,r$ensome in any other way& H*.* ,uality of indiisibility .asement as a right is indiisible' Accordingly# the partition between two or more persons of either the serient or dominant estate does not affect the existence of the seritude which continues in its entirety' 4f the serient estate is diided# each new owner must bear the easement but only with respect to the part corresponding to him' 4f the dominant estate is diided# each owner can exercise the whole easement oer each of the serient estates subject to the condition that the place of easement shall not be changed and the easement shall not • •
be more burdensome' A person entitled to a right of way may do whateer is o necessary to ma9e it conenient for his use but he cannot deiate therefrom' /he easement is not considered made more burdensome by the mere increase in the owners of the dominant estates'
Art& 0)9& :ontin,o,s an$ a##arent easements are ac6,ire$ either y 'irt,e o" a title or y #rescri#tion o" ten years& H*.2a Modes of ac%uiring easements &' 6y title' All easements' a' )ontinuous and apparent easements !Art H*;" b' )ontinuous and non7apparent easements !Art H**" c' Discontinuous easements# whether apparent or non7 apparent *' 6y prescription of ten years 2 only continuous and apparent easements -' 6y deed of recognition !Art H*-" @' 6y final judgment <' 6y apparent sign established by the ow ner of two adjo ining estates !Art H*@" Ac%uisition by title or prescription nly continuous and apparent easements may be ac%uired either by •
Art& 017& Easements are estalishe$ either y law or y the will o" the owners& The "ormer are calle$ legal an$ the latter 'ol,ntary easements& H*.0
irtue ofitarefers title ort obythe prescription in which &; years' 6y title# juridical act gies birth to the easement# such as law# donation# contract and will of the testator' /his article fixes ten years as the period of prescription# regardless of good faith or bad faith of the possessor and whether or not he has just title' /he general rules on prescription do not apply# the only re%uirement being that there be aderse possession of the easement for ten years'
)ase doctrines 3rescription as a mode of ac%uisition re%uires the existence of the following8 *' )apacity to ac %uire by pre scription -' /hing capable of ac%uisition by prescription @' 3ossession of the thing under certain conditions (nder claim of title !en concepto de dueno" 3ossession not merely tolerated by owner <' :apse of time proided by law !=ational 3ower )orp )ampos" •
:egal and oluntary easements /his article gies the two 9inds of easements according to source' /he courts cannot impose or constitute any seritude where none existed' /hey can only declare its existence if in reality it exists by law or by the will of the owners' /here are no judicial easements' Foluntary easements must be recorded in the $egistry of 3roperty in order not to prejudice third persons' • •
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.)/4= /W 7 MD. C A),(4$4=G .A.M.=/
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Art& 0)1& In or$er to ac6,ire y #rescri#tion the easements re"erre$ to in the #rece$ing article+ the time o" #ossession shall e com#,te$
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
th,s% in #ositi'e easements+ "rom the $ay on which the owner o" the $ominant estate+ or the #erson who may ha'e ma$e ,se o" the easement+ commence$ to e/ercise it ,#on the ser'ient estate( an$ in negati'e easements+ "rom the $ay on which the owner o" the $ominant estate "ora$e+ y an instr,ment ac-nowle$ge$ e"ore a notary #,lic+ the owner o" the ser'ient estate+ "rom e/ec,ting an act which wo,l$ e law",l witho,t the easement& H*.5a )omputation of the prescriptie period 4f the easement is positie# the period is counted from the day on which the owner of the dominant estate began to exercise it Crom the day a window was built in a party wall o 4f the easement is negatie# from the day on which a notarial prohibition was made on the serient estate (nder article H**# non7apparent easements may not be ac%uired by prescription' =egatie easements are essentially non7apparent' Eoweer# article H*& proides the prescriptie period for negatie easements' /he notarial prohibition may be ta9en as ma9ing the •
easement apparent# and therefore# prescriptible' )omputation in case of easement of light and iew 4f made on one’s own wall and the wall does not extend oer the property of another# the easement is negatie because the owner is merely exercising his inherent right of dominion and not an easement' /he serient owner cannot close it up5 otherwise he will be o liable for trespass' 6ut the negatie easement is not automatically ested' /he o owner must ma9e the prohibition re%uired upon the proprietor of the adjoining land or tenement to preent him f rom obstructing the light and iew' 4f the latter consents to such prohibition and the period fixed by o law expires# the easement will be ac%uired by prescription' /here is no true easement for as long as the right to prohibit its exercise exists' 4f made through a party wall or on one’s own wall which extends oer the neighboring estate# the easement ac%uired is positie because the owner of the latter estate who has a right to close it up allows an encumbrance on the property' /he period of prescription shall be counted from the time of the o opening of the window' •
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Art& 0))& :ontin,o,s nona##arent easements+ an$ $iscontin,o,s ones+ whether a##arent or not+ may e ac6,ire$ only y 'irt,e o" a ti tle& H*.7 Ac%uisition only by title )ontinuous and apparent easements are the only easements that can be ac%uired by prescription because they are the only ones the possession of which fulfills two important re%uisites re%uired by law for prescription 2 possession be public and continuous' /he easements mentioned in Art H** may be ac%uired by title# not by prescription because their possession or exercise is either not public !non7apparent" such as easement of lateral and subjacent support# or it is public but not continuous or uninterrupted !discontinuous"# li9e a right of way if there is a isible path' Eoweer# for legal purposes# the easement of a%ueduct shall be considered as continuous and apparent# although it is not really so' •
Art& 0).& The asence o" a $oc,ment or #roo" showing the srcin o" an easement which cannot e ac6,ire$ y #rescri#tion may e c,re$ y a $ee$ o" recognition y the owner o" the ser'ient estate or y a "inal !,$gment& H*49a Art& 0)4& The e/istence o" an a##arent sign o" easement etween two estates+ estalishe$ or maintaine$ y the owner o" oth+ shall e consi$ere$+ sho,l$ either o" them e alienate$+ as a title in or$er that the easement may contin,e acti'ely an$ #assi'ely+ ,nless+ at the time the ownershi# o" the two estates is $i'i$e$+ the contrary sho,l$ e #ro'i$e$ in the title o" con'eyance o" either o" them+ or the sign a"oresai$ sho,l$ e remo'e$ e"ore the e/ec,tion o" the $ee$& This #ro'ision shall also a##ly in case o" the $i'ision o" a thing owne$ in common y two or more #ersons& H*41a Alienation by same owner of two estates with sign of existence of seritude /his contemplates a situation where two estates between which there exists an apparent sign !li9e a window or road" of an easement belong to the same owner' What the law re%uires is that the sign indicates the existence of a seritude although there is no true seritude there being only one owner 4n case the owner alienates either of them or both with the result t hat •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
the ownership thereof is diided# t he easement shall 0continue1 unless the contrary has been stipulated in the title of coneyance of either of them or the sign remoed before the execution of the deed /he existence of the apparent sign is e%uialent to a title if no o objection has been made by the serient owner for an implied contract that the easement should be constituted is deemed to exist between the new owners /he dominant owner can oppose the owner of the serient o estate from doing anything which would be inconsistent with his obligation to respect the easement 4f the lots are owned by two different owners# a notarial prohibition should be effected !Atty Abrenica" /his article applies in case of the diision of a common property by the co7owners as the effect is the same as an alienation# or there is only one estate and a part thereof is alienated' /his article is not applicable in case the two estates or portions of the same estate remain or continue to be in the same owner after alienation or partition
)ase doctrine Where two adjoining estates were formerly owner by just one person who introduced improements on both# such that the wall of the house constructed on the first estate extends to the wall of thecamarin on the second estate5 and at the time of the sale of the first estate# there existed on the wall of the house# doors and windows !which sere as passages for light and iew"# there being no proision in the deed of sale that the easement of light and iew will not be established# the case is coered by H*@' /he existence of doors and windows on the aforesaid wall of the house is e%uialent to a title that characteries its existence' 6ut while the law declares that the easement is to 0continue1# the easement actually arises for the first time only upon alienation of another estate# inasmuch as before that time there is no easement to spea9 of# there being but one owner of both estates' !Gargantos /an anon" •
Art& 0)*& C#on the estalishment o" an easement+ all the rights necessary "or its ,se are consi$ere$ grante$& H*4) $ights granted by easement
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All easements carry with them all the rights necessary for their use and exercise ince these accessory rights or accessory easements exist solely by irtue of and for the use of the seritude which can be considered as the principal one# they cease upon the termination of the seritude
Art& 0)0& The owner o" the $ominant estate cannot ,se the easement e/ce#t "or the ene"it o" the immo'ale srcinally contem#late$& Neither can he e/ercise the easement in any other manner than that #re'io,sly estalishe$& Hn 4mmoable to be benefited by easement# and manner of its exercise /he rule in the first sentence is just because if the owner of the dominant estate is allowed to use the seritude for the benefit of other adjoining lands subse%uently ac%uired# or for others# that would ma9e the easement more onerous and beyond the intention of the parties 4f the easement has been constituted in general terms# only the rights which are reasonably necessary and conenient for the use •
contemplated and would case the least burden to the serient estate are granted' Where the purpose of the easement or the manner of its exercise is defined by the title creating it# the exercise of the easement must be consistent with such purpose or manner
.)/4= /E$.. 2 $4GE/ A=D 6:4GA/4= C /E. W=.$ C /E. DM4=A=/ A=D .$F4.=/ ./A/. Art& 0)2& The owner o" the $ominant estate may ma-e+ at his own e/#ense+ on the ser'ient state any wor-s necessary "or the ,se an$ #reser'ation o" the ser'it,$e+ ,t witho,t altering it or ren$ering it more ,r$ensome& 3or this #,r#ose he shall noti"y the owner o" the ser'ient estate+ an$ shall choose the most con'enient time an$ manner so as to ca,se the least incon'enience to the owner o" the ser'ient estate& H*4.a What are the rights of the dominant owner? &' .xercise all the rights necessary for the use of the easement *' Ma9e on the serient estate all wor9s necessary for the use and preseration of the seritude -' $enounce the easement if he desires to exempt himself from the
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
contribution to necessary expenses As9 for mandatory injunction to preent impairment of his of the easement
What are the obligations of the dominant owner? &' )annot alter the easement or render it more burdensome *' =otify the serient owner of wor9s necessary for the use and preseration of the seritude -' )hoose the most conenient time and ma nner in ma9ing the necessary wor9s as to cause the least inconenience to the serient owner @' )ontribute to the necessary expenses if there are seeral dominant estates in proportion to the benefits deried from the wor9s What are the rights of the serient owner? &' $etain the ownership of the portion of the estate on which the easement is established *' Ma9e use of the easement# unless there is an agreement to the cont rary -' )hange the place or manner of the use of the easement# proided it be e%ually conenient What are the obligations of the serient owner? &' )annot impair the use of the easement *' )ontribute to the necessary expenses in case he uses the easement# unless there is an agreement to the contrary $ight of the dominant owner to ma9e necessary wor9s $ight granted by H*I is subject to the following conditions8 &' Wor9s shall be at his expense and are necessary for the use and preseration of the seritude *' /hey do not alter or render the seritude more burdensome5 -' /he dominant owner# before ma9ing the wor9s# must notify the serient owner# and @' /hey shall be done at the most conenient time and manner as to cause the lease inconenience to the serient owner •
)ase doctrine !Goldcrest )ypress Gardens" •
Art& 0)5& Sho,l$ there e se'eral $ominant estates+ the owners o" all o" them shall e olige$ to contri,te to the e/#enses re"erre$ to in the #rece$ing article+ in #ro#ortion to the ene"its which each may $eri'e
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"rom the wor-& Any one who $oes not wish to contri,te may e/em#t himsel" y reno,ncing the easement "or the ene"it o" the others& I" the owner o" the ser'ient estate sho,l$ ma-e ,se o" the easement in any manner whatsoe'er+ he shall also e olige$ to contri,te to the e/#enses in t he #ro#ortion state$+ sa'ing an agreement to the contrary& H*44 bligation to contribute to expenses of necessary wor9s /his article contemplates seeral dominant estates' All the owners shall share the expenses in proportion to the benefits deried by each estate from the wor9s and not in proportion to their respectie interests' /he benefits shall be presumed e%ual in the absence of any agreement or proof to the contrary' /he easement of right of way ordinarily gies the same benefit An owner may exempt himself from contributing to the expenses by renouncing the easement in faor of the others' What about the serient owner? Well# he shall be obliged to contribute to the expense except when there is a stipulation to the contrary# should •
he ma9e use of the easement in any manner whatsoeer' 4f he bound himself to bear the cost of the wor9# he may free himself form the obligation by renouncing his property to the dominant owner !Art HK-" Art& 0)7& The owner o" the ser'ient estate cannot im#air+ in any manner whatsoe'er+ the ,se o" the ser'it,$e& Ne'ertheless+ i" y reason o" the #lace srcinally assigne$+ or o" the manner estalishe$ "or the ,se o" the easement+ the same sho,l$ ecome 'ery incon'enient to the owner o" the ser'ient estate+ or sho,l$ #re'ent him "rom ma-ing any im#ortant wor-s+ re#airs or im#ro'ements thereon+ it may e change$ at his e/#ense+ #ro'i$e$ he o""ers another #lace or manner e6,ally con'enient an$ in s,ch a way that no in!,ry is ca,se$ therey to the owner o" the $ominant estate or to those who may ha'e a right to the ,se o" the easement& H*4* bligation of serient owner not to impair seritude /he serient owner may abstain from constructing wor9s or performing any act which will impair# in any manner whatsoeer# the use of the seritude' An injunction lies at the instance of the dominant owner to prohibit the serient owner from impairing the use of the seritude •
$ight of serient owner to change place or manner of easement
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
While the serient estate cannot impair the use of the seritude# he may change at his expense the place or manner for its use proided the following re%uisites are present8 &' /he place or manner has become ery inconenient to him or preents him from ma9ing important wor9s thereon5 *' Ee offers another place or manner e%ually conenient5 and -' =o injury is caused by the chance to the dominant owner or to whoeer may hae a right to the use of the easement'
Art& 0.9& The owner o" the ser'ient estate retains the ownershi# o" the #ortion on which the easement is estalishe$+ an$ may ,se the same in s,ch a manner as not to a""ect the e/ercise o" the easement& Hn $ight of serient owner to use easement /he serient owner preseres his dominion oer the portion of his estate on which the easement is established /his is true although the indemnity consists of the alue of the land occupied and the amount of the damage to the serient estate !Art H@K" •
,nless when the ,se ecomes #ossile+ s,""icient time "or #rescri#tion has ela#se$+ in accor$ance with the #ro'isions o" the #rece$ing n,mer( H4 =y the e/#iration o" the term or the ",l"illment o" the con$ition+ i" the easement is tem#orary or con$itional( H* =y the ren,nciation o" the owner o" the $ominant estate( H0 =y the re$em#tion agree$ ,#on etween the owners o" the $ominant an$ ser'ient estates& H*40a What are the modes of extinguishment of easements? &' 6y merger 4t is not necessary that it be with respect to the full extent of the tenement but only with respect to that part affected by the seritude or that part for the benefit of which the seritude was established /he merger must be absolute and complete in one and t he same person and not by irtue of other real rights less than full ownership' !where the merger is temporary# as when it is subject to a resolutory condition# there is only a suspension but not an •
Ee may use the easement subject to the condition that he does not impair the rights of the dominant owner'
)ase doctrine When the trial court found that the person’s right to continue to use the septic tan9 ceased upon the subdiision of the land and its subse%uent sale to different owners who do not hae t he same interest# the upreme )ourt said that this is contrary to law' !/anedo 6ernad"
.)/4= C($ 2 MD. C .Q/4=G(4EM.=/ C .A.M.=/ Art& 0.1& Easements are e/ting,ishe$% H1 =y merger in the same #erson o" the ownershi# o" the $ominant an$ ser'ient estates( H) =y non,ser "or ten years( with res#ect to $iscontin,o,s easements+ this #erio$ shall e com#,te$ "rom the $ay on which they cease$ to e ,se$( an$+ with res#ect to contin,o,s easements+ "rom the $ay on which an act contrary to the same too- #lace( H.
extinguishment of the seritude'" 4f the serient owner becomes a co7owner of the dominant estate# there is no merger for he has ac%uired only a part interest therein' 4f the dominant sells a retro the whole immoable to the serient# the easement is not extinguished but only suspended' /he seritude is reied when the dominant redeems the property' What if the dominant sells absolutely to the seritude# buys it bac9# then sells it to a third person' /here is no reial here because it was already unconditionally extinguished by the sale of the property to the serient' 6ut if the sale to serient by dominant was rescinded or annulled# there is no extinguishment by merger' 6y non7user for ten years /his mode is applicable only to easements that hae been in use and later abandoned# for one cannot discontinue using what one has neer used ome legal easements !natural drainage" may be extinguished by non7user# but only with respect to the actual form or manner in which they had been exercised# and the right or the power to claim the exercise of legal easements does not prescribe# as occurs especially in the case of the right of way and easement of a%ueduct' !Crancisco 3ae" 4f the easement is discontinuous !right of way"# the period of ten
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
years shall be computed from the day it ceased to be used' 4f continuous !natural drainage"# from the day on which an act contrary to the same too9 place !li9e construction of a dam which bloc9s natural drainage" /he non7use must be oluntary on the part of the dominant owner and not due to fortuitous eents beyond his control unless the non7 use is due to the impossibility of use under no What’s the basis? Well# it’s presumptie renunciation' o# the proof of non7user must be undubitable particularly o where the easement is perpetual in character because of its annotation in the /orrens title' /hus# the mere non7use of a passageway by the dominant owner who has gained direct access to another way does not extinguish the easement of right of way' 4n the absence of any eidence that could point to mutual agreement to the discontinuance of the easement annotated on the title# its continued existence must be upheld /he use by a co7owner of the dominant estate benefits all the other
co7owners and preents prescription as to them' 4mpossibility of use When the condition of either or both of the estates which ma9es impossible the use of the easement is irreparable# whether caused by fortuitous eents or not# the seritude is absolutely extinguished therwise# the impossibility of use merely suspends the o seritude until such time when it can be used again
@' <'
6y expiration of term or fulfillment of resolutory condition 6y renunciation /he renunciation or waier must be specific# clear and express' /his is particularly true for discontinuous easements such as right of way' /he waier must be at least such as may be obiously gathered from positie acts 2 if not formal and solemn' /he mere refraining from claiming the right# without any positie acts imply a real waier# is not sufficient for the purpose although it may constitute non7use' A clear case of implied waier is the act of coering up a window by the dominant owner and yet this act does not ipso %acto extinguish the easement# but only seres to ma9e the starting point for prescription' !Crancisco 3ae" Where the easement is in faor of a particular group of persons# the
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oluntary renunciation thereof by some of them will not affect the right of the others' 6y redemption it must be by irtue of an agreement between the owners of the dominant and serient estates under which the seritude would be extinguished 6y other causes Annulment# rescission# abandonment# etc $egistration of the serient estate under the /orrens system without the easement being annotated in the title •
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ome case doctrines Alienation of the dominant and serient estates to different persons is not one of the grounds for extinguishment of the easement' !/anedo 6ernad" Absent a statement abolishing or extinguishing the easement# then the easement is continued by operation of law' !/anedo 6ernad" An easement is perpetual in character when it is annotated on all the transfer certificates of title issued' ince there is no eidence that would point to a mutual agreement between any of the parties with respect to the discontinuance or obliteration of the easement annotated on the titles# the continued existence of the easement must be upheld and respected' !6enedicto )A" =68 When the easement is a legal easement# it need not be annotated in the title' A legal easement is one mandated by law# constituted for public use or for priate interest and becomes a continuing property right' 4t is inseparable from the estate to which it belongs' o# there’s no need to annotate in the title' !Fillanuea Felasco" A oluntary easement of right of way# li9e any other contract# could be extinguished only by mutual agreement or by renunciation of the owner of the dominant estate' As it is li9e any other contract# it is generally effectie between the parties# their heirs and assigns# except in case where the rights and obligations arising from the contract are not transmissible by their nature# or by stipulation# or by proision of law' !(nisource )hung# *;;K" 4f there are easement or other rights appurtenant to a parcel of registered land which for any reason hae failed to be registered# such easement or rights shall remain so appurtenant notwithstanding such failure# and shall be held to pass with the land until cut off or extinguished by the registration of the serient estate or in any other •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
manner' An easement is cut off or extinguished by the registration of the serient estate under the /orrens system without the easement being annotated on the corresponding certificate of title# pursuant to ec -K of Act @KH !3urugganan 3aredes" .Q).3/4=8 When the person who registers the serient o estate has A)/(A: 9nowledge that an easement exists' !ne can’t rely on the face of the title if one has actual 9nowledge of facts which should compel him to do further inestigation" Art& 0.)& The "orm or manner o" ,sing the easement may #rescrie as the easement itsel"+ an$ in the same way& H*42a 3rescription of form or manner of using easement /he form or manner !or mode" of using the easement is different from the easement itself or the right to exercise it 6oth may be lost by prescription ome legal easements# howeer# do not prescribe but the form or •
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What is legal easement? :egal easements are easements imposed or mandated by law# and which hae for their object8 either public use or o the interest of priate properties o /hey become a continuing property right •
Ninds of legal easements &' 3ublic legal easements or those for public or communal use *' 3riate legal easements or those for the interest of priate persons or for priate use# which include those relating to a' Waters b' $ight of way c' 3arty wall d' :ight and iew e' Drainage f' 4ntermediate distances
manner of using all easements including legal easements may be lost or ac%uired by prescription
g' h'
Against nuisance :ateral and subject support
Art& 0..& I" the $ominant estate elongs to se'eral #ersons in common+ the ,se o" the easement y any one o" them #re'ents #rescri#tion with res#ect to the others& H*45
)ase doctrine ee Fillanuea Felasco cited in Art H-&
Where dominant estate owned in common .asements are indiisible Eence# the use by a co7owner inures to the benefit of all the other co7 owners and preents prescription as to shares of the latter 4n other words# the use by a co7owner is deemed to be used by each and all the co7owners
Art& 0.*& All matters concerning easements estalishe$ "or #,lic or comm,nal ,se shall e go'erne$ y the s#ecial laws an$ reg,lations relating thereto+ an$+ in the asence thereo"+ y the #ro'isions o" this Title& H**9
• •
:;APTER ) LE>AL EASEMENTS .)/4= =. 2 G.=.$A: 3$F44= Art& 0.4& Easements im#ose$ y law ha'e "or their o!ect either #,lic ,se or the interest o" #ri'ate #ersons& H*47
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Art& 0.0& Easements estalishe$ y law in the interest o" #ri'ate #ersons or "or #ri'ate ,se shall e go'erne$ y the #ro'isions o" this Title+ witho,t #re!,$ice to the #ro'isions o" general or local laws an$ or$inances "or the general wel"are& These easements may e mo$i"ie$ y agreement o" the intereste$ #arties+ whene'er the law $oes not #rohiit it or no in!,ry is s,""ere$ y a thir$ #erson& H**1a Goerning laws &' 3ublic legal easements 2 they are goe rned primarily by the speci al laws and regulations relating thereto# and by the )iil )ode !H-@7HI"#
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
inclusie' 3riate legal easements a' 6y agreement of the interested parties proided it is not prohibited by law or injurious to a third person b' 4n the absence of agreement# by the proisions of general and local laws and ordinances for the general welfare5 and c' 4n default of a and b# by articles H-@ to HI# inclusie of the )iil )ode'
)ase doctrine Where the land was srcinally public land# and awarded by free patent with a reseration for a legal easement of a right7of7way in faor of the goernment# just compensation need not be paid for the ta9ing of a part thereof for public use as an easement of a right of way# unli9e if the land were srcinally priate property' !=4A )A"
.)/4= /W 2 .A.M.=/ $.:A/4=G / WA/.$ Art& 0.2& Lower estates are olige$ to recei'e the waters which nat,rally an$ witho,t the inter'ention o" man $escen$ "rom the higher estates+ as well as the stones or earth which they carry with them& The owner o" the lower estate cannot constr,ct wor-s which will im#e$e this easement( neither can the owner o" the higher estate ma-e wor-s which will increase the ,r$en& H**) :egal easements relating to waters &' =atural dra inage !H-I" *' Drainage of buildings !HI@" -' .asement on ripa rian ban9s for naigation# floatage# fishing# salage# and towpath !H-" @' .asement of a dam !H-K# H@I" <' .asement for drawing water or for watering animals !H@;7H@&" H' .asement of a%ueduct !H@*7H@H" I' .asement for the construction of a stop loc9 or sluice gate !H@I" =atural drainage of lands /his article imposes a natural easement upon the lower estates which are obliged to receie the waters which naturally and without the interention of man descend from the higher estates# as well as the stones or earth carried by the waters' /his easement is a continuous one and may be extinguished by non7 •
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user for the period of &; years re%uired by law' /hus# if a di9e was constructed by the serient owner !an act contrary to the easement"# the action to destroy the di9e is barred if brought only after & years' Duty of serient owner 2 the owner of the lower estate cannot construct wor9s which will impede this easement# such as walls# ditches or fences# or a dam which bloc9s the natural flow of the waters' /he dominant owner may demand their remoal or destruction and recoer damages' /he serient owner may construct wor9s to regulate the flow of waters# but not those which will impede the easement' Duty of dominant owner 2 the owner of the higher tenement cannot ma9e wor9s which will increase the burden' 4f the waters are the result of artificial deelopment# or are the oerflow from irrigation dams# or proceed from industrial establishments recently set up# the owner of the lower estate shall be entitled to compensation for his loss or damage' 6ut the dominant owner is not prohibited from cultiating o his land or constructing wor9s to regulate the descent of the waters to preent erosion to his land and as long as he does not impede the natural flow of the waters and increase the burden of the lower estate# he is not liable for damages'
$emember $emman )A? /he case with the pig shit? 4t also said that tax returns per se could not reflect the total amount of damages suffered by a party# as income losses from a portion of his property could be offset by any profit deried from the rest of said property or from other sources of income' Art& 0.5& The an-s o" ri'ers an$ streams+ e'en in case they are o" #ri'ate ownershi#+ are s,!ect thro,gho,t their entire length an$ within a one o" three meters along their margins+ to the easement o" #,lic ,se in the general interest o" na'igation+ "loatage+ "ishing an$ sal'age& Estates a$!oining the an-s o" na'igale or "loatale ri'ers are+ ",rthermore+ s,!ect to the easement o" tow#ath "or the e/cl,si'e ser'ice o" ri'er na'igation an$ "loatage& I" it e necessary "or s,ch #,r#ose to occ,#y lan$s o" #ri'ate ownershi#+ the #ro#er in$emnity shall "irst e #ai$& H**.a 3ublic easements on ban9s of rier 6an9s of riers and streams# whether they are of public or priate ownership# are subject to easement of public use for8 &' =aigation *' Cloatage •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
-' @' <' •
Cishing alage With respect to estates a djourning ban9s of naigable riers# also to easement of towpath' 4f the land is of public ownership# there is no indemnity5 if of priate ownership# the proper indemnity shall first be paid before it may be occupied' $iparian owners cannot be re%uired to subject their property to the easement for the benefit of the public without prior indemnity' /he width of the one subject to the easement is - meters throughout the entire length of the ban9 along its margin' /he easement established by Article H- does not apply to canals or esteros'
Art& 0.7&
Art& 04)& Any #erson who may wish to ,se ,#on his own estate any water o" which he can $is#ose shall ha'e the right to ma-e it "low thro,gh the inter'ening estates+ with the oligation to in$emni"y their owners+ as well as the owners o" the lower estates ,#on which the waters may "ilter or $escen$& H**2 Art& 04.& One $esiring to ma-e ,se o" the right grante$ in the #rece$ing article is olige$% H1 To #ro'e that he can $is#ose o" the water an$ that it is s,""icient "or the ,se "or which it is inten$e$( H) To show that the #ro#ose$ right o" way is the most con'enient an$ the least onero,s to t hir$ #ersons( H. To in$emni"y the owner o" the ser'ient estate in the manner $etermine$ y the laws an$ reg,lations& H**5 Art& 044& The easement o" a6,e$,ct "or #ri'ate interest cannot e im#ose$ on ,il$ings+ co,rtyar$s+ anne/es+ or o,tho,ses+ or on orchar$s or gar$ens alrea$y e/isting& H**7
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
.asement of a%ueductJ what is it?> .asement of a%ueduct is the right arising from a forced easement by irtue of which the owner of an estate who desires to aail himself of water for the use of said estate may ma9e such waters pass through the intermediate estate with the obligation of indemnifying the owner of the same and also the owner of the estate to which the water may filter or flow' /he easement is proided in Article H@*' 4t gies the r ight to ma9e water flow through or under interening or lower estates'
allowed it to continue for *H years after they ac%uired title' !alaar Gutierre"
Art& 04*& The easement o" a6,e$,ct $oes not #re'ent the owner o" the ser'ient estate "rom closing or "encing it+ or "rom ,il$ing o'er the a6,e$,ct in s,ch manner as not to ca,se the latter any $amage+ or ren$er necessary re#airs an$ cleanings im#ossile& H*09
$ight of owner of serient estate /he serient owner may close or fence his estate# or build oer the a%ueduct so long as no damage is caused to the a%ueduct or the necessary repairs and cleaning of the same are not rendered impossible' Ee can construct wor9s he may deem necessary to preent damage to himself proided he does not impede or impair# in any manner whatsoeer# the use of the easement 2 just li9e the owner of the lower estate on which an easement of natural drainage has been established' 4f he does impair# the dominant owner may as9 for the remoal or •
$e%uisites? /he person desiring to ma9e use of the easement must8 &' 3roe that he has the capacity to dispose of the water5 *' 3roe that the water is sufficient for the use intended5 -' how that the proposed right of way is the most conenient and the least onerous to third persons5 and @' 3ay indemnity to the owner of the serient estate' 6ut where the number of years that hae elapsed since the •
easement had first come into existence and the subse%uent changes in ownership of lots inoled would ma9e it impossible to present proof of indemnity to the owner of the serient estate# this re%uisite has been deemed to be complied with' !alaar Gutierre" •
/he easement cannot be imposed oer buildings# courtyards# annexes or gardens if the easement is for priate interest'
destruction of such wor9s with a right to indemnity for damages' Art& 040& 3or legal #,r#oses+ the easement o" a6,e$,ct shall e consi$ere$ as contin,o,s an$ a##arent+ e'en tho,gh the "low o" the water may not e contin,o,s+ or its ,se $e#en$s ,#on the nee$s o" the $ominant estate+ or ,#on a sche$,le o" alternate $ays or ho,rs& H*01 .asement considered as continuous and apparent Cor legal purposes# the easement is considered continuous and apparent and therefore# may be susceptible of ac%uisitie prescription' •
)ase doctrines /he panish :aw of Waters allows the creation of a compulsory easement of a%ueduct for the purpose of establishing or extending an irrigation system# and there is nothing to the contrary in the )iil )ode' /he registration of the serient lot without the corresponding registration of the easement of a%ueduct on the title cannot summarily terminate it -; years thereafter where the srcinal registered owner of the serient lot allowed the easement to continue in spite of such non7registration' /he least that can be said is that he either recognied its existence as a compulsory seritude on his estate or oluntarily agreed to its establishment and continuance' And subse%uent purchasers of the serient estate cannot capitalie on the absence of annotation on the title where they are aware of the existence of the easement and li9ewise •
Art& 042& One who "or the #,r#ose o" irrigating or i m#ro'ing his estate+ has to constr,ct a sto# loc- or sl,ice gate i n the e$ o" the stream "rom which the water is to e ta-en+ may $eman$ that the owners o" the an-s #ermit its constr,ction+ a"ter #ayment o" $amages+ incl,$ing those ca,se$ y the new easement to s,ch owners an$ to the other irrigators& H*0) )onstruction of a stop loc9 or sluice gate 4n Article H-K# the purpose of building a dam is to diert water from a rier or broo9' Eere# the purpose of the construction is to ta9e water for irrigation# or to improe an estate' 4n both cases# the construction is on the estate of another and proper •
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
indemnity has to be paid' Curthermore# no damage must be caused to third persons' Art& 045& The estalishment+ e/tent+ "orm an$ con$itions o" the ser'it,$es o" waters+ to which this section re"ers+ shall e go'erne$ y the s#ecial laws relating thereto inso"ar as no #ro'ision there"or is ma$e in this :o$e& H*0.a
.)/4= /E$.. 2 .A.M.=/ C $4GE/ C WA Art& 047& The owner+ or any #erson who y 'irt,e o" a real right may c,lti'ate or ,se any immo'ale+ which is s,rro,n$e$ y other immo'ales #ertaining to other #ersons an$ witho,t a$e6,ate o,tlet to a #,lic highway+ is entitle$ to $eman$ a right o" way thro,gh the neighoring estates+ a"ter #ayment o" the #ro#er in$emnity& Sho,l$ this easement e estalishe$ in s,ch a manner that its ,se may e contin,o,s "or all the nee$s o" the $ominant estate+ estalishing a #ermanent #assage+ the in$emnity shall consist o" the 'al,e o" the lan$ occ,#ie$ an$ the amo,nt o" the $amage ca,se$ to the ser'ient estate& In case the right o" way is limite$ to the necessary #assage "or the c,lti'ation o" the estate s,rro,n$e$ y others an$ "or the gathering o" its cro#s thro,gh the ser'ient estate witho,t a #ermanent way+ the in$emnity shall consist in the #ayment o" the $amage ca,se$ y s,ch enc,mrance& This easement is not com#,lsory i" the isolation o" the immo'ale is $,e to the #ro#rietorJs own acts& H*04a Art& 0*9& The easement o" right o" way shall e estalishe$ at the #oint least #re!,$icial to the ser'ient estate+ an$+ inso"ar as consistent with this r,le+ where the $istance "rom the $ominant estate to a #,lic highway may e the shortest& H*0* .asement of right of wayJ D.C4=.D> .asement of right of way is the right granted by law to the owner of an estate which is surrounded by other estates belonging to other persons and without an ade%uate outlet to a public highway to demand that he be allowed a passageway throughout such neighboring estates after payment of the proper indemnity' •
$e%uisites of the easment !based on de :eon" &' )laimant must be an owner of enclosed immoable or one with real
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*' -' @' <' H'
right =o ade%uate outlet to a public highway $ight of way must be absolutely necessary /he isolation must not be due to the claimant’s own act /he easement must be esta blished at the point least prejudicial /here must be payment of proper indemnity
)laimant must be an owner of enclosed immoable or one with real right =ot only the owner but any person who by irtue of a real right may cultiate or use an immoable# may demand a right of way' A usufructuary may demand a right of way' &' A mortgagee is not entitled to demand because it is necessary that the land be cultiated or used by irtue of a right li9e that of a usufruct *' A mere lessee cannot demand the legal seritude of way because his action is against the lessor who is bound to maintain him in the enjoyment of the lease' Eoweer# if the lessee registers the lease in •
the $egistry ofentitled 3roperty# becomes real of right# and the lessee would then be to itdemand thearight way' =o ade%uate outlet to a public highway )oers cases when there is absolutely no outlet or access# or een when there is one# the same is not ade%uate !li9e when it’s dangerous# ery costly# etc" /he owner of the serient estate cannot obstruct the use of the easement if the proposed new location for it is farther and is not as conenient' •
$ight of way must be absolutely necessary /he right cannot be claimed merely for the conenience of the owner of the enclosed estate' wner must show that the compulsory easement is absolutely necessary for the normal enjoyment of his property' .en if necessary but it can be satisfied without imposing the seritude# the same should not be imposed' /he easement can be established for the benefit of a tenement with an inade%uate outlet# but not when the outlet is merely inconenient' •
4solation must not be due to t he claimant’s own act
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
4f he constructs a permanent structure and effectiely bloc9s himself out from the pubic highway# then he is stupid and he will not be granted an easement'
/he easement must be established at the point least prejudicial to the serient estate /he shortest is not always the least prejudicial' /he criterion of least prejudicial shall be obsered although the distance may not be the shortest or is een the longest' 4n other words# this is the /./ 7 the one where the way is shortest and will cause the least damage should be chosen' 6ut if these two circumstances do not concur in a single o tenement# the way which will cause the least damage should be used# een if it would not be the shortest' 6etween a right of way that will demolish a house and another one which will merely cut down a tree !yet is a longer route to the highway"# the latter shall preail' /he rule is different in eminent domain proceedings wherein the grantee of the power of eminent domain can choose as he pleases# as long as it is not capricious and wantonly injurious' • •
3roper indemnity /he right can be ac%uired only after the proper indemnity has been paid' 4f the passage is of continuous and permanent nature !continuous for all the needs of the dominant estate"# the indemnity consists of the alue of the land occupied plus amount of damages caused to the serient estate5 and 4f it is temporary ! limited to the necessary passage for the cultiation of the enclosed estate and for the gathering of its crops through the serient estate"# indemnity consists in the payment of the damage caused to the serient estate' .en if the easement is for a laudable purpose# there is still a need for compensation' 6(/J Where the land was srcinally public land# and awarded by free o patent and was registered with an )/ and /)/ with a reseration for a legal easement of a right7of7way in faor of the goernment# just compensation need not be paid for the ta9ing of a part thereof for public use as an easement of a right of way# unli9e if the land were srcinally priate property' !=4A
)A" What are the 9inds of easements of right of way? &' 3riate# when it is esta blished in faor of a priate person# such as the right granted in Article H@K5 or *' 3ublic# when it is aailable in faor of the community or the public at large' Ac%uisition and extinguishment by prescription /he easement of right of way# being discontinuous# cannot be ac%uired ny prescription' 4t may be apparent# but it is not a continuous easement' De :eon gies some reasons why the easement of right of way should be considered as continuous in page @; of his boo9' •
)ase doctrines $e%uisites of the easement !based on Falde /abisula5 :ee# Fillanuea5 etc" &' )laimant must be an owner of enclosed immoable or one with real •
-' @'
• •
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right 3roperty is surrounded by other immoables and has no ade%uate outlet to a public highway 3roper indemnity must be paid /he isolation is not the re sult of the owner of the dominant estate’s own acts <' /he right of way claimed is at the lea st prejudicial to the serient estate H' /o the extent consistent with the foregoing rule# the distance from the dominant estate to a public highway may be the shortest' /he onus of proing the existence of these re%uisites lies on the owner of the dominant estate' $e%uisites na naman7 !based on Mejorada Fertudao" &' /he estate is surrounded by other immoables and is without ade%uate outlet to a public highway5 *' After payment of th e proper indemnity -' /he isolation was not due to the proprietor’s acts5 and @' /he right of way claimed is at a point least prejudicial to the serient estate' ne whose land is enclosed by the lands of others at one ac%uires the right to demand an easement of way to the nearest street or road# but his failure to do so does not constitute a renunciation of his right nor *'
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
does the right to demand such easement prescribe under Article H-&' /he right to demand a right of way is imprescriptible' !Crancisco 3ae"
Art& 0*1& The wi$th o" the easement o" right o" way shall e that which is s,""icient "or the nee$s o" t he $ominant estate+ an$ may accor$ingly e change$ "rom time to time& H*00a Width of the passage 4t is the needs of the dominant property which ultimately determine the width of the passage# and these needs may ary from time to time' /he easement established may thus be changed or modified from time to time as the subse%uent needs of the dominant estate may demand' •
tacit condition of the donation' Art& 0*4& I" the right o" way is #ermanent+ the necessary re#airs shall e ma$e y the owner o" the $ominant estate& A #ro#ortionate share o" the ta/es shall e reim,rse$ y sai$ owner to the #ro#rietor o" the ser'ient estate& Hn $esponsibility for repairs and taxes /his applies if the right of way is permanent' /he serient owner retains ownership of the passageway5 hence# he pays all the taxes' /he dominant owner is liable for the necessary repairs and the proportionate share of the taxes paid by the serient owner# meaning the amount of taxes corresponding to the portion on which the easement is established' • •
Art& 0*)&
#,lic roa$+ the owner o" the ser'ient estate may $eman$ that the easement e e/ting,ishe$+ ret,rning what he may ha'e recei'e$ y way o" in$emnity& The interest on the in$emnity shall e $eeme$ to e in #ayment o" rent "or the ,se o" the easement& The same r,le shall e a##lie$ in case a new roa$ is o#ene$ gi'ing access to the isolate$ estate& In oth cases+ the #,lic highway m,st s,stantially meet the nee$s o" the $ominant estate in or$er that the easement may e e/ting,ishe$& H*05a .xtinguishment of compulsory easement of right of way /his applies to compulsory easement of right of way' /he two causes of extinguishment are8 &' /he joining of the isolated estate to another abutting a public road# and *' pening a new road which gies access to the estate' /he new outlet must be ade%uate' /he extinguishment is not automatic because the law says that the owner of the serient estate may demand that the easement be extinguished# if he so desires' o# the dominant owner cannot as9 for the return of the indemnity# if the serient owner chooses to allow the continuation of the easement' • •
• •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
/he serient owner is not liable to pay interest on the indemnity as the interest is deemed to be payment for the use of the easement'
Art& 0*0& I" i t e in$is#ensale "or the constr,ction+ re#air+ im#ro'ement+ alteration or ea,ti"ication o" a ,il$ing+ to carry materials thro,gh the estate o" another+ or to raise therein sca""ol$ing or other o!ects necessary "or the wor-+ the owner o" s,ch estate shall e olige$ to #ermit the act+ a"ter recei'ing #ayment o" the #ro#er in$emnity "or the $amage ca,se$ him& H*07a /emporary easement of right of way /his applies to a right of way which is essentially temporary or transitory' 4t is sufficient that great inconenience# difficulty# or expense would be encountered if the easement was not granted' /emporary easement is allowed only after the payment of the proper indemnity' •
)ase doctrine /he installation of electric power lines is a permanent easement not coered by Article H
• •
Animal trail max width8 -I'< meters Cor drawing waters and for watering animals max width8 &; meters 4n the last case# t hey can be imposed only for reasons of public o use in faor of a town or barrio and only after payment of the proper indemnity'
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Again# this is rebuttable'
Art& 00)& The cost o" re#airs an$ constr,ction o" #arty walls an$ the maintenance o" "ences+ li'e he$ges+ $itches+ an$ $rains owne$ in common+ shall e orne y all the owners o" the lan$s or tenements ha'ing the #arty wall in their "a'or+ in #ro#ortion to the right o" each& Ne'ertheless+ any owner may e/em#t himsel" "rom contri,ting to this charge y reno,ncing his #artownershi#+ e/ce#t when the #arty wall s,##orts a ,il$ing elonging to him& H*2* )ontribution to cost of repairs and construction of party walls /he part7owners of the party wall shall contribute to the cost in the proportion to their respectie interests' 6ut if the cause of the repairs is due to the fault of just one# o then he alone shall bear the costs' Any owner may free himself from contributing to the charge by renouncing his rights in the party wall unless it actually supports his
necessary "or the #reser'ation o" the #arty wall y reason o" the greater height or $e#th which has een gi'en it& I" the #arty wall cannot ear the i ncrease$ height+ the owner $esiring to raise it shall e olige$ to reconstr,ct it at his own e/#ense an$+ i" "or this #,r#ose it e necessary to ma-e it thic-er+ he shall gi'e the s#ace re6,ire$ "rom his own lan$& H*22 Art& 00*& The other owners who ha'e not contri,te$ in gi'ing increase$ height+ $e#th or thic-ness to the wall may+ ne'ertheless+ ac6,ire the right o" #artownershi# therein+ y #aying #ro#ortionally the 'al,e o" the wor- at the time o" the ac6,isition an$ o" the lan$ ,se$ "or its increase$ thic-ness& H*25a
building' /he renunciation will include the land on which the party wall is constructed'
Art& 00.& I" the owner o" a ,il$ing+ s,##orte$ y a #arty wall $esires to $emolish the ,il$ing+ he may also reno,nce his #artownershi# o" the wall+ ,t the cost o" all re#airs an$ wor- necessary to #re'ent any $amage which the $emolition may ca,se to the #arty wall+ on this occasion only+ shall e orne y him& H*20
4ncrease the height of party wall> An owner is gien the right to increase the height of a party wall subject to the following conditions8 &' Ee must do so at his own expense5 *' Ee must pay for any damage which may be caused thereby een if •
Demolish that building> Demolish> An owner may also renounce his part ownership of a party wall if he desires to demolish his building supported by the wall' Ee shall bear all the expenses of repairs and wor9 necessary to preent any damage which the demolition may cause to the party wall' •
Art& 004& E'ery owner may increase the height o" the #arty wall+ $oing at his own e/#ense an$ #aying "or any $amage which may e ca,se$ y the wor-+ e'en tho,gh s,ch $amage e tem#orary& The e/#enses o" maintaining the wall in the #art newly raise$ or $ee#ene$ at its "o,n$ation shall also e #ai$ "or y him( an$+ in a$$ition+ the in$emnity "or t he increase$ e/#enses which may e
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is temporary5 -' damage Ee must bear the cost of maintaining the portion added5 and @' Ee must pay the increased cost of preseration of the wall' Ee shall be obliged to reconstruct the wall at his expense if it is necessary so that the wall can bear the increased height# and if additional thic9ness is re%uired# he shall proide the space therefore from his own land' /he other owners cannot object to the wor9 as long as the aboe conditions are complied with' /he owner who ma9es the addition ac%uires ownership unless the other owners pay proportionately the alue of the wor9 at the time of the ac%uisition !not the construction" and of the land used for the wall’s increased thic9ness'
Art& 000& E'ery #artowner o" a #arty wall may ,se it in #ro#ortion to the right he may ha'e in the coownershi#+ witho,t inter"ering with the common an$ res#ecti'e ,ses y the other coowners& H*27a 3roportional use of party wall 4f /weet owns *L- of the party wall and 3lur9 owns &L-# /weet may use the wall !li9e inserting a beam" up to *L- of its thic9ness# and 3lur9 can do the same up to &L-' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
SE:TION 3IVE EASEMENT O3 LI>;T AN8 VIE< Art& 002& No #artowner may+ witho,t the consent o" the others+ o#en thro,gh the #arty wall any win$ow or a#ert,re o" any -in$& H*59 WEA/ 4 A= .A.M.=/ C :4GE/?>?> .asement of light !jus luminum) is the right to admit light from the neighboring estate by irtue of the opening of a window or the ma9ing of certain openings'
WEA/ 4 A= .A.M.=/ C F4.W?>?> .asement of iew !jus prospectus" is the right to ma9e openings or windows# to enjoy the iew through the estate of another and the power to preent all constructions or wor9s which would obstruct such iew or ma9e the same difficult' 4t necessarily includes the easement of light' •
Ma9ing of opening through a party wall A part7owner cannot exercise an act which implies full ownership of the wall by ma9ing use of all its thic9ness' $emember# a window in the diiding wall of buildings is an exterior sign which rebuts the presumption that the wall is a party wall' ne part7 owner may not# therefore# ma9e any window or opening of any 9ind thru a party wall without the consent of the others'
obstruct the iew only in &KK@# eeyoo may still demand the closure of the window in *;;&'
Art& 005& The #erio$ o" #rescri#tion "or the ac6,isition o" an easement o" light an$ 'iew shall e co,nte$% H1 3rom the time o" the o#ening o" the win$ow+ i" it is thro,gh a #arty wall( or H) 3rom the time o" the "ormal #rohiition ,#on the #ro#rietor o" the a$!oining lan$ or tenement+ i" the win$ow is thro,gh a wall on the $ominant estate& Hn 3rescriptie period for ac%uisition of easement of light and iew /he easement of light and iew is either positie or negatie' When is it positie? 4t is considered positie if made through a party wall or een if o made on one’s own wall# if the window is on a balcony or projection extending oer the adjoining property' When a window is opened through a party wall# an apparent o
and continuous easement is created from the time of such opening' 6ut there is no true easement as long as the right to preent its use exists' /he adjoining owner can order the window closed within &; o years from the time of the opening of the window' When is it negatie? 4t is considered negatie if the window is made through a wall o on the dominant estate' /he &;7year period of prescription commences from the time of o the formal prohibition !instrument ac9nowledged by a notary public" upon the adjoining owner' 6efore the expiration of the prescriptie period# the window o exists by mere tolerance of the adjoining owner who always retains the right to hae it closed or to build an obstruction# although the opening was made more than &; years after he decided to exercise his right' /he opening by Qyal was made in &KK; but he made a formal notarial demand prohibiting eeyoo to
)ase doctrines When the construction of windows and balconies does not constitute an actual inasion of the rights of another# but is a lawful exercise of an inherent right# the easement of light and iew is negatie' !Cabie :ichauco" When a window is opened in a party wall# the express or implied consent of the part owner affords a basis for the ac%uisition of a prescriptie title' When a window is opened in the wall of a neighbor# prescription commences to run from the date of the opening of the windows and ripens into title when the specified time has elapsed without opoosition on the part of the owner of the wall' !)ortes u /ibo" •
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Art& 007&
o Cor obli%ue iew 2 from the diiding line An owner can build within the minimum distance or een up to the diiding line proided no window is opened except as proided in Article HHK' When windows are opened# without obsering the re%uired legal distances# the adjoining owner has a right to hae them closed' /he non7obserance of the distances does not gie rise to prescription' /he mere opening of the windows in iolation of Article II; o does not gie rise to the seritude by prescription' 4t’s a negatie easement because the window is through a wall o of the dominant estate and so prescription may still be ac%uired after &; years from the time of notarial prohibition'
Art& 02)& The #ro'isions o" Article 029 are not a##licale to ,il$ings se#arate$ y a #,lic way or alley+ which is not less than three meters wi$e+ s,!ect to s#ecial reg,lations an$ l ocal or$inances& H*54a Where buildings separated by a public way or alley /he distance in HI; is not compulsory where there is a public way or alley proided that it is not less than - meters wide' •
)ase doctrine
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
A priate alley opened to the use of the general public falls within the proision of Article HI*' •
Art& 02.& E O3 =CIL8IN>S
Art& 020&
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& 022& No constr,ctions can e ,ilt or #lantings ma$e near "orti"ie$ #laces or "ortresses witho,t com#liance with the con$itions re6,ire$ in s#ecial laws+ or$inances+ an$ reg,lations relating thereto& H*57 )onstructions and plantings near fortified places /his article establishes an easement in faor of the tate' •
Art& 025& No #erson shall ,il$ any a6,e$,ct+ well+ sewer+ ",rnace+ "orge+ chimney+ stale+ $e#ository o" corrosi'e s,stances+ machinery+ or "actory which y reason o" its nat,re or #ro$,cts is $angero,s or no/io,s+ witho,t oser'ing the $istances #rescrie$ y the reg,lations an$ c,stoms o" the #lace+ an$ witho,t ma-ing the necessary #rotecti'e wor-s+ s,!ect+ in regar$ to the manner thereo"+ to the con$itions #rescrie$ y s,ch reg,lations& These #rohiitions cannot e altere$ or reno,nce$ y sti#,lation on the #art o" the a$!oining #ro#rietors& In the asence o" reg,lations+ s,ch #reca,tions shall e ta-en as may e consi$ere$ necessary+ in or$er to a'oi$ any $amage to the neighoring lan$s or tenements& H*79a )onstruction of a%ueduct# well# sewer# etc )onstructions which by reason of their nature or products are dangerous or noxious must comply with the distances prescribed by local regulations and customs of the place' =ecessary protectie wor9s must also be builtLdone by the owner to aoid damage to neighbors' /he prohibitions cannot be altered by stipulations because of the underlying public policy of safety' Whut up# ang layo mo na7 AINST NCISAN:E Art& 05)& E'ery ,il$ing or #iece o" lan$ is s,!ect to the easement which #rohiits the #ro#rietor or #ossessor "rom committing n,isance thro,gh noise+ !arring+ o""ensi'e o$or+ smo-e+ heat+ $,st+ water+ glare an$ other ca,ses&
3lanting of trees !wow>"
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& 05.& S,!ect to oning+ health+ #olice an$ other laws an$ reg,lations+ "actories an$ sho#s may e maintaine$ #ro'i$e$ the least #ossile annoyance is ca,se$ to the neighorhoo$& •
/he )ode considers the easement against nuisance as negatie because the proprietor or possessor is prohibited to do something which he could lawfully do were it not for the existence of the easement' Eoweer# a nuisance inoles any act of ormission which is unlawful' o# these two articles are more of a restriction on the right of ownership than a true easement'
SE:TION 7& Lateral an$ S,!acent S,##ort Hn Art& 054& No #ro#rietor shall ma-e s,ch e/ca'ations ,#on his lan$ as to $e#ri'e any a$!acent lan$ or ,il$ing o" s,""icient lateral or s,!acent s,##ort& Art& 05*& Any sti#,lation or testamentary #ro'ision allowing
/he notice re%uired in Article HI is mandatory except where there is actual 9nowledge of the proposed excaation' /he adjacent owner is entitled to injunctie relief and to damages for iolation of the proisions'
:;APTER . VOLCNTARY EASEMENTS Art& 055& E'ery owner o" a tenement or #iece o" lan$ may estalish thereon the easements which he may $eem s,itale+ an$ in the manner an$ "orm which he may $eem est+ #ro'i$e$ he $oes not contra'ene the laws+ #,lic #olicy or #,lic or$er& H*74 wner of land may constitute easement ince easement inoles an act of strict dominium# only the owner or at least one acting in his name and under his authority# may establish a oluntary easement' Eoweer# a beneficial owner may establish a temporary easement consistent with his right as such and subject to termination upon the extinguishment of the usufruct' •
e/ca'ations that ca,se $anger to an a$!acent lan$ or ,il$ing shall e 'oi$& Art& 050& The legal easement o" lateral an$ s,!acent s,##ort is not only "or ,il$ings stan$ing at the time the e/ca'ations are ma$e ,t also "or constr,ctions that may e erecte$& Art& 052& Any #ro#rietor inten$ing to ma-e any e/ca'ation contem#late$ in the three #rece$ing articles shall noti"y all owners o" a$!acent lan$s& 3roprietor prohibited from ma9ing dangerous excaations upport is lateral when the supported and the supporting lands are diided by a ertical plane' upport is subjacent when the supported land is aboe and the supporting land is beneath it' An owner# by irtue of his surface right# may ma9e excaations on his land# but his right is subject to the limitation in Article H@ that he shall not deprie any adjacent land or building of sufficient lateral or subjacent support' Any stipulation or testamentary proision allowing excaations that iolate Article H@ is oid' /he limitation applies not only to existing buildings but also to future constructions'
Foluntary easements not contractual Foluntary easements are not contractual in nature# they constitute the act of the owner' •
Art& 057& The owner o" a tenement or #iece o" lan$+ the ,s,"r,ct o" which elongs to another+ may im#ose thereon+ witho,t the consent o" the ,s,"r,ct,ary+ any ser'it,$es which will not in!,re the right o" ,s,"r,ct& H*7*
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Where property held in usufruct /he owner of property in usufruct may create easements thereon without the consent of the usufructuary proided the rights of the latter are not impaired' •
Art& 079&
TITLE EI>;T NCISAN:E Art& 074& A n,isance is any act+ omission+ estalishment+ ,siness+ con$ition o" #ro#erty+ or anything else which% H1 In!,res or en$angers the health or sa"ety o" others( or H) Annoys or o""en$s the senses( or H. Shoc-s+ $e"ies or $isregar$s $ecency or morality( or H4 Ostr,cts or inter"eres with the "ree #assage o" any #,lic highway or street+ or any o$y o" water( or H* ;in$ers or im#airs the ,se o" #ro#erty& What is the statutory definition of nuisance?
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
=uisance is used to refer either to the harm caused or that which causes harm# or both =egligence is not an essential ingredient of a nuisance but to be liable for a nuisance# there must be resulting injury to another in the enjoyment of his legal rights' Anything which8 !4AE" &' 4njures or endangers the health or safety of others *' Annoys or offends the senses -' hoc9s# defies or disregards decency or morality @' bstructs or interferes with the free passage of any public highway or street# or any body of water <' Einders or impairs the use of property'
Distinguish nuisance from trespass =uisance consists of a use of one’s own property in such a manner as to cause injury to the property or other right or interest of another# and generally results from the commission of an act beyond the limits of the property affected •
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/respass is a direct infringement of another’s right of property Where there is no actual physical inasion of the plaintiff’s property# the cause of action is for nuisance rather than trespass' An encroachment upon the space about another’s land but not upon the land itself is a nuisance# and not a trespass' 4n trespass# the injury is direct and immediate5 in nuisance# it is conse%uential'
Distinguish nuisance from negligence =uisance 6asis of $egardless of the breach of duty degree of care or s9ill Fiolation of An absolute duty# the doing of an act which is wrongful in itself
=egligence Want of care
A relatie duty# the failure to use the degree of care re%uired under particular circumstances in connection with an act or omission which is not of itself wrongful Where the damage is the necessary conse%uence of what the defendant is doing# or is incident to the business itself or the manner in which it is conducted# the law of negligence has no application# and the law of nuisance applies'
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4n fine# nuisance is wrongful in itself because of the injury caused regardless of the presence or absence of care# while negligence creates liability because of want of proper care resulting to another’s injury'
)ase doctrines =oise becomes actionable only when it passes t he limits of r easonable adjustment to the conditions of the locality and of the needs of the ma9er to the needs of the listener' 4njury to a particular person in a peculiar position will not render the noise an actionable nuisance 2 in the condition of present liing# noise seems inseparable from the conduct of many necessary occupations' /he test to determine noise as nuisance is whether rights of property# health or comfort are so injuriously affected by the noise that the sufferer is subjected to a loss which goes beyond the reasonable limit imposed upon him by the condition of liing' /he determining factor when noise alone is the cause of complaint is not its intensity or olume# but it is that the noise is of such character as to produce actual physical discomfort and annoyance to a person of •
ordinary sensibilities# rendering adjacent property less comfortable and aluable' !A) .nterprises Crabelle" A negligent or intentional act may constitute a nuisance' Where# after complaint and notice of damage# the defendant continues to offend and refuses to correct or discontinue the nuisance# it is intentional'
Art& 07*& N,isance is either #,lic or #ri'ate& A #,lic n,isance a""ects a comm,nity or neighorhoo$ or any consi$erale n,mer o" #ersons+ altho,gh the e/tent o" the annoyance+ $anger or $amage ,#on in$i'i$,als may e ,ne6,al& A #ri'ate n,isance is one that is not incl,$e$ in the "oregoing $e"inition& What is a public nuisance? A public nuisance has been defined as the doing of or the failure to do something that injuriously o affects safety# health or morals of the public# or wor9s some substantial annoyance# inconenience# or injury to o the public' •
What is a priate nuisance? A priate nuisance has been defined as one which iolates only priate rights and produces damage to but one or a few personas# and cannot •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
be said to be public' Affects
3ublic 3ublic at large# or such of them as may come in contact with it 4ndictable
3riate /he indiidual or a limited number of indiiduals only
Actionable#eitherfortheir abatement or for damages# or both A nuisance may be both public and priate in character' Eence# there are mixed nuisances' 4t may iolate public rights to the injury of many# while producing special injury to priate rights to any extent beyond the injury to the public'
What is a nuisance per se? uisance per se is an act# occupation# or structure which un%uestionably is a nuisance at all times and under any circumstances# regardless of location or surroundings' 4t is that which affects the immediate safety of persons and property' •
4n terms of action
!/elmo 6ustamante" 4t is a nuisance of itself because of its inherent %ualities# productie of injury or dangerous to life or property without regard to circumstance' .xample8 A house of prostitution'
What is a nuisance per accidens? 4t is an act# occupation# or structure# not a nuisance per se# but which may become a nuisance by reason of circumstances# location# or surroundings' .xample8 raising of pigs in a house within city limits' •
4n terms of proof
=uisance per se /he thing becomes a nuisance as a matter of law 4ts existence need only be proed in any locatlity# without showing specific damages# and the right to relief is established by aerment and proof of the mere act'
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=uisance per accidens Depends upon its location and surroundings# the manner of its conduct or other circumstances' 3roof of the act and its conse%uences is necessary' 4t must be shown by eidence to be a nuisance under the law'
May be summarily abated under the undefined law of necessity
.en the municipal authorities# under their power to declare and abate nuisances# would not hae the right to compel the abatement of a particular thing or act as a nuisance without reasonable notice to the person alleged to be maintaining or doing the same at the time and place of hearing before a tribunal whether such a thing constitutes a nuisance
)ase doctrines /he operation of bus terminals is a legitimate business which# by itself# cannot be said to be injurious to t he rights of property# health# or comfort of the community' (nless a thing is nuisance per se# it may not be •
abated ia an ordinance# without judicial proceedings' !:ucena A) :iner" /he abatement of a nuisance without judicial proceedings is possible only if it is a nuisance per se' A gas station is not a nuisance per se or one affecting the immediate safety of persons and property' Eence# it cannot be closed down or transferred summarily to another location' !3arayno oellanos" 4njury must not be merely perceied# but must be factual' !3arayno"
What is the doctrine of attractie nuisance? ne who maintains on his premises dangerous instrumentalities or appliances of a character li9ely to attract children in play# and who fails to exercise ordinary care to preent children from playing therewith or resorting thereto# is liable to a child of tender years who is injured thereby# een if the child is technically a trespasser in the premises' /he reason is that the condition or appliance in %uestion although its danger is apparent# is so enticing to children of t ender years as to induce them to approach or use it' /he attractieness is an implied initation to such children .Q).3/4=8 is not applicable to bodies of water# artificial or natural in the absence of some unusual condition or artificial feature other than the mere water and its location' •
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
o o
A swimming pool is not a nuisance' A tan9 of water from an ice plant is not a nuisance as well' !Eidalgo case" What if ollibee is in the middle of the swimming pool?> .xercise due diligence' :anggalin yung bubuyog na yan7
Art& 070& E'ery s,ccessi'e owner or #ossessor o" #ro#erty who "ails or re",ses to aate a n,isance in that #ro#erty starte$ y a "ormer owner or #ossessor is liale there"or in the same manner as the one who create$ it& •
Generally# only the creator of a nuisance is liable for the damge resulting therefrom' Eoweer# since the injurious effect of a nuisance is a continuing one# eery successie owner or possessor of property constituting a nuisance who fails or refuses to abate it# has the same liability as the srcinal owner'
Are the remedies exclusie? =o' /he action to abate nuisance and the action to recoer damages are distinct remedies either or both of which the plaintiff may pursue at his election' /he two remedies are concurrent and not exclusie' /he owner of property abated as a nuisance is not entitled to compensation unless he can show that the abatement is unjustified' • •
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Art& 075& La#se o" time cannot legalie any n,isance+ whether #,lic or #ri'ate&
Art& 077& The reme$ies against a #,lic n,isance are% H1 A #rosec,tion ,n$er the Penal :o$e or any local or$inance% or H) A ci'il action( or H. Aatement+ witho,t !,$icial #rocee$ings& What are the remedies against a public nuisance? &' 3rosecution under the 3enal )ode or any local ordinance *' A ciil action -' Abatement# without judicial proceedings' /hese are not exclusie but cumulatie' All of them may be aailed of by public officers# and the last two# by priate persons# if the nuisance is especially injurious to the latter' • •
Abatement without judicial proceedings /he summary abatement of nuisance without judicial proceedings is •
6ut of course# the new owenr must hae actual 9nowledge of the nuisance'
Art& 072& The aatement o" a n,isance $oes not #recl,$e the right o" any #erson in!,re$ to reco'er $amages "or its #ast e/istence&
are extinguished by obstruction and non7use for ten years' !chec9 boo9#3<<"
General rule8 /he right to bring an action to abate a public or priate nuisance is not extinguished by prescription' :apse of time cannot be relied upon to legalie a nuisance# whether public or priate' .xception8 ee Art H-& !*" which expressly prescribes that easements
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recognied and established een in the absence of statute on the ground that the re%uirement of preliminary formal legal proceedings and a judicial trial would result in defeating the beneficial object sought to be obtained' 3olice power of the state includes the right to destroy or abate by a summary proceeding whateer may be regarded as a public nuisance# subject to constitutional limitations' 3roperty ta9en or destroyed for the purpose of abating a nuisance is not ta9en for public use# and there is accordingly no obligation to ma9e compensation for such ta9ing'
Art& 299& The $istrict health o""icer shall ta-e care that one or all o" the reme$ies against a #,lic n,isance are a'aile$ o"& Art& 291& I" a ci'il action is ro,ght y reason o" the maintenance o" a #,lic n,isance+ s,ch action shall e commence$ y the city or m,nici#al mayor& Art& 29)& The $istrict health o""icer shall $etermine whether or not aatement+ witho,t !,$icial #rocee$ings+ is the est reme$y against a #,lic n,isance& What is the role of the district health officer and others with respect to public
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
nuisance? /he district health officer is charged with the duty to see to it that one or all of the remedies against a public nuisance are aailed of' Article I;* does not empower the district health officer to abate a public nuisance to the exclusion of all other authorities' Eis power is simply to determine whether or not abatement# without judicial proceedings# is the best remedy against a public nuisance' /he action must be commenced by the city or municipal mayor' 6ut a priate person may also file an action if the public nuisance is especially injurious to him' •
Art& 29.& A #ri'ate #erson may "ile an action on acco,nt o" a #,lic n,isance+ i" it is s#ecially in!,rio,s to himsel"& Does a priate person hae a right to file action on account of a public nuisance? )ertainly> A priate person may also file a ciil action if the public nuisance is especially injurious to himself' 4n other words# the nuisance becomes as to him a priate nuisance affecting him in a special way different from that sustained by the public in general' 4n the absence of a showing of special or unusual damages# differing from those suffered by the general public# a cause of action does not arise in faor of a priate indiidual An action may be maintained by one who is not the sole or een a peculiar sufferer# if his grieance is not common to the whole public# but is a common misfortune of a number or een a class of persons' • •
Art& 294& Any #ri'ate #erson may aate a #,lic n,isance which is s#ecially in!,rio,s to him y remo'ing+ or i" necessary+ y $estroying the thing which constit,tes the same+ witho,t committing a reach o" the #eace+ or $oing ,nnecessary in!,ry& =,t it is necessary% H1 That $eman$ e "irst ma$e ,#on the owner or #ossessor o" the #ro#erty to aate the n,isance( H) That s,ch $eman$ has een re!ecte$( H. That the aatement e a##ro'e$ y the $istrict health o""icer an$ e/ec,te$ with the assistance o" the local #olice( an$ H4 That the 'al,e o" the $estr,ction $oes not e/cee$ three tho,san$ #esos&
What are the conditions for extrajudicial abatement of a public nuisance? /he party injured may remoe# and if necessary# destroy thing which constitutes the nuisance without committing a breach of the peace# or doing unnecessary damage' What should be done? &' Demand be first made upon the owner or possessor of the nuisance *' Demand must hae been rejected -' Abatement be approed by the district health officer and executed with the assistance of the local police @' /he alue of the destruction does not exceed 3-;;;' •
Art& 29*& The reme$ies against a #ri'ate n,isance are% H1 A ci'il action( or H) Aatement+ witho,t !,$icial #rocee$ings& Art& 290& Any #erson in!,re$ y a #ri'ate n,isance may aate it y remo'ing+ or i" necessary+ y $estroying the thing which constit,tes the n,isance+ witho,t committing a reach o" the #eace or $oing ,nnecessary in!,ry& ;owe'er+ it is in$is#ensale that the #roce$,re "or e/tra!,$icial aatement o" a #,lic n,isance y a #ri'ate #erson e "ollowe$& What are the remedies against a priate nuisance? &' )iil ac tion *' Abatement# without judicial proceedings' •
4n abating a nuisance# a person may een go to the extent of destroying the damn thing which constitutes the nusicance proided8 a' Ee commits no breach of the peace nor causes unnecessary injury# and b' /he procedure for extrajudicial abatement of public nuisance prescribed in I;@ is complied with
Art& 292& A #ri'ate #erson or a #,lic o""icial e/tra!,$icially aating a n,isance shall e liale "or $amages% H1 I" he ca,ses ,nnecessary in!,ry( or H) I" an allege$ n,isance is later $eclare$ y the co,rts to e not a real n,isance& 4s there liability for damages in case of extrajudicial abatement?
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
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eeeeeeees> A priate or public officer may be held liable for damages' /he two grounds of which are8 a' (nnecessary injury b' /he alleged nuisance is later declared by the courts to be not a real nuisance'
/he deriatie modes are modes both for the ac%uisition and transmission of ownership and other real rights' /he transmission may inole a right in its entirety# or only a part thereof !pledge# mortgage# usufruct"' $egistration is not a mode of ac%uiring ownership# and other real rights but only a means of confirming the fact of their legal existence with notice to the world at large'
:aw as a mode of ac%uisition? When the )iil )ode spea9s of law as a mode of ac%uisition# it refers to it as a distinct mode or to those cases where the law# independent of the other modes# directly est ownership of a thing in a person once the prescribed conditions or re%uisites are present or complied with' .xamples8 &' Eidden t reasure *' Art @@< -' $ier beds !Art @H&" @' Art @HH •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
<' H' I'
Art H& Art &@-@ Art &@
)ase doctrines A stranger to the succession of a dead person cannot conclusiely claim ownership oer the subject lot on the sole basis of the waier document which neither recites the elements of either a sale# or a donation# or any other deriatie mode of ac%uiring ownership' !Acap )A" An affidait not accompanied by any instrument showing the sale between a purported endor and endee is not a basis of ownership' !Eeirs of dela )ru Eeirs of ,uintos" Cor lands of public domain# in order to ac%uire it by prescription# there must be a declaration of the tate that it’s alienable and disposableand a positie act that states that it is no longer needed for public use' nly at that point will the counting for prescription start' !Eeirs of Malabanan" •
TITLE ONE O::CPATION Art& 21.& Things a##ro#riale y nat,re which are witho,t an owner+ s,ch as animals that are the o!ect o" h,nting an$ "ishing+ hi$$en treas,re an$ aan$one$ mo'ales+ are ac6,ire$ y occ,#ation& H019 What is the concept of occupation? &' Defined as the appr opriation of things appropriable by nature which are without an owner' *' /he seiure of things corporeal which hae no ow ner with the intention of ac%uiring the ownership thereof' What are the re%uisites of occupation? &' eiure of a thing *' Must be corp oreal personal property -' Must be susceptible of appropriation by nature @' Must be without an owner <' Must be an in tention to appropriate H' $e%uisites or conditions laid down by law must be complied with What constitutes seiure? 4t is sufficient that there is an act of ta9ing possession# material holding not being essential as long as the possessor considers the thing as subjected to his control or disposition /he thing must be corporeal personal property without 9nown owner !res nullius" or abandoned by the owner' res communes are not appropriable by nature' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
/he must be an intent to ac%uire ownership# otherwise# the seiure would not be appropriation in the legal sense# but mere material holding' •
ccupation Mode of ac%uiring ownership
)orporeal personal property $e%uires that the object be without an owner $e%uires an intent to ac%uire ownership May not ta9e place without some form of possession hortduration 6y itself# cannot lead to another mode of ac%uisition
3ossession Merely raises the presumption of ownership when it is exercised in the concept of owner Any property May refer to property owned by somebody )oncept of mere holder May exist without occupation Generallyoflongerduration May lead to another mode# which is prescription
What are the ways by which occupation may be effected? &' 6y hunting and fishing *' 6y finding of moables which neer had any owner -' 6y finding of moables which hae been abandoned by the owner# and @' 6y finding of hidden treasure What about wild animals? /hey are possessed only while they are under one’s control' •
When is a thing abandoned# lost or ta9en by force? A thing is considered abandoned when thespes recuperandi !expectation to recoer" is gone and the animo revertendi !intention to hae it returned" is finally gien up by the owner' A thing has been lost or ta9en by force is notipso %acto conerted into a res nullius so as to belong to the first person who ta9es possession of the same without the necessity of proing the mode of his ac%uisition and it may thus be recoered by the srcinal owner' •
Art& 214& The ownershi# o" a #iece o" lan$ cannot e ac6,ire$ y occ,#ation& Hn •
:and is not included among things that can be the object of occupation
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the reason is that when the land is without an owner# it pertains to the state' 6ut# what about abandoned priate land?
Art& 21*& The right to h,nt an$ to "ish is reg,late$ y s#ecial laws& H011 Do 4 hae a right to hunt and fish? =o' trictly spea9ing# no one has a right to hunt or fish' /he priilege to hunt or fish# howeer# may be granted and regulated by law' • • •
Art& 210& The owner o" a swarm o" ees shall ha'e a right to #,rs,e them to anotherJs lan$+ in$emni"ying the #ossessor o" the latter "or the $amage& I" the owner has not #,rs,e$ the swarm+ or ceases to $o so within two consec,ti'e $ays+ the #ossessor o" the lan$ may occ,#y or retain the same& The owner o" $omesticate$ animals may also claim them within twenty $ays to e co,nte$ "rom their occ,#ation y another #erson& This #erio$ ha'ing e/#ire$+ they shall #ertain to him who has ca,ght an$ -e#t them& H01)a • •
/his article tal9s of domesticated# not domestic animals' With respect to domestic animals# he can claim them een beyond twenty days from their occupation unless there is abandonment on his part' /his article does not apply to a case where a person has found a domestic animal and 9ept it for a number of years not 9nowing its owner' A domesticated animal which has not strayed or been abandoned cannot be ac%uired by occupation by a person to whose custody it was entrusted /he periods of two days and twenty days are not periods of limitation# but conditions precedent to recoery'
Art& 212& Pigeons an$ "ish which "rom their res#ecti'e ree$ing #laces #ass to another #ertaining to a $i""erent owner shall elong to the latter+ #ro'i$e$ they ha'e not een entice$ y some article o" "ra,$& H01.a •
/his article does not refer to wild pigeons and fish in a state of liberty or
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
that lie naturally independent of man' /heir occupation is regulated by Art I&<' What is contemplated here are pigeons and fish considered as domesticated animals subject to the control of man in priate breeding places' /he pigeons and fish must change their breeding place to another belonging to a different owner' (nless enticed by some artifice or fraud# the shall belong to t he owner of the breeding place to which they shall hae transferred'
Art& 2)1& =y intellect,al creation+ the "ollowing #ersons ac6,ire ownershi#% H1 The a,thor with regar$ to his literary+ $ramatic+ historical+ legal+ #hiloso#hical+ scienti"ic or other wor-( H) The com#oser( as to his m,sical com#osition( H. The #ainter+ sc,l#tor+ or other artist+ with res#ect to the #ro$,ct o" his art( H4 The scientist or technologist or any other #erson with regar$ to his $isco'ery or in'ention& Hn
Art& 2))& The a,thor an$ the com#oser+ mentione$ in Nos& 1 an$ ) o" the #rece$ing article+ shall ha'e the ownershi# o" their creations e'en e"ore the #,lication o" the same& Once their wor-s are #,lishe$+ their rights are go'erne$ y the :o#yright laws& The #ainter+ sc,l#tor or other artist shall ha'e $ominion o'er Art& 217&
Art& 2)4& S#ecial laws go'ern co#yright an$ #atent& H4)7a
:;APTER ONE NATCRE O3 8ONATIONS Art& 2)*& 8onation is an act o" lierality wherey a #erson $is#oses grat,ito,sly o" a thing or right in "a'or o" another+ who acce#ts it& H015a )oncept of donation 4n its generic sense# the term donation includes all forms of gratuitous dispositions' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
/he donation the article spea9s of and which is goerned by /itle /hree is the donation proper or the t rue !or real" donation# or ordinary donation'
What is the nature and effect of donation? Although Art I*< defines donation as an act# it is really a contract# with all the essential re%uisites of a contract' 4t falls under contracts of pure beneficence# the consideration being the mere liberality of the benefactor' /he )iil )ode considers donation not among the contracts that transfer ownership but as a particular mode of ac%uiring and transmitting ownership' As a mode of ac%uiring ownership# donation results in an effectie transfer of title oer the property from the moment the donor is made aware of the acceptance by the donee# proided that the donee is not dis%ualified or prohibited by law from accepting the donation' nce accepted# it is generally considered irreocable# and the donee becomes owner of property# except8 &' on account of officiousness# *' failure of the donee to comply with the charge imposed on the donation# -' or in gratitude' /he effect of donation is to reduce the patrimony or asset of the donor and to increase that of the donee' Eence# the giing of a mortgage or any other security does not constitute a donation' •
$e%uisites of donation &' Donor must hae capacity to ma9e the donation of a thing or right *' Donatie intent !animus donandi" or intent to ma9e the donation out of liberality to benefit the donee -' /here must be deliery# whether actual or constructie @' Donee must accept or consent to the donation' •
4n certain donations# the form prescribed by law must be followed !ee Art I@7I@K" /he subject matter of a donation may be a thing or right' A person may be a donee although he is incapacitated to enter into a contract if he is not specially dis%ualified by law to accept donations' =ot enough that the act is gratuitous# there must be an intent to benefit the donee'
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/he acceptance or consent of the donee is re%uired because no once can be obliged to receie a benefit against his will'
)ase doctrines /he essential elements of donation are as follows8 .ssential reduction of the patrimony of the donor o 4ncrease in the patrimony of the donee o /he intent to do an act of liberality oranimus donandi !Eeirs of o Clorencio Eeirs of de :eon" 4n order that the donation of an immoable property may be alid# the deed of donation must be made in a public document' /he acceptance must be in a public document as well' !Eeirs of Clorencio" $egistration of the deed in the ffice of the $D or in the Assessor’s ffice is not necessary for it to be considered alid and official' $egistration does not est title' /he necessity of registration comes into play only when the rights of third persons are affected' Curthermore# the heirs are bound by the deed of contracts executed by their predecessors7in7interest' !Eeirs of Clorencio" A %uitclaim is not a donation where those who executed the same merely ac9nowledged the ownership of and better right oer the lot by other persons' !Eeirs of $eyes )alumpang" Acceptance is necessary in a donation' /his applies to all 9inds of donations because the law does not ma9e any distinction' A donation mortis causa ta9es effect only after the death of the donor# conse%uently it is only after t he latter’s death that its acceptance maybe made' !Fita Montanano" 3rudent thing to do when drafting deeds of donation8 3lace an acceptance clause' o# if court considers itinter vivos# then it would hae been accepted' 4f court considers it mortis causa# then the clause would be a mere superfluity# still open to the acceptance of the donee upon the death of the donor' !Atty Abrenica" /he purpose of the formal re%uirement for acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such acceptance is duly communicated to the donor' /he actual 9nowledge by the donor of the construction and existence of the school building pursuant to the condition of the donation fulfills the legal re%uirement that the acceptance of the donation by the donee be communicated to the donor' !$epublic ilim" •
Art& 2)0&
/ell me more about modal donations 4n a modal donation# a burden !which is necessarily future" less than the alue of the gift is imposed upon the donee' 4f the burden is considered the e%uialent of the thing or right gien# then it’s an onerous donation' /he burden may consist in a real or personal charge which is capable of being alued in terms of money' •
What are donations with mixed features? trictly spea9ing# remuneratory donations are those which are gien on account of serices rendered by the donee to t he donor' Modal donations are conditional only in the sense that a burden# charge# condition or limitation is imposed y the donor but the burden is not technically a condition in the sense of an uncertain eent upon which the effectitiy or extinguishment of donation is made to depend for it is really a mere obligation imposed by the donor upon the donee as a consideration Actually# a modal donation has dual nature# it is partly onerous and partly simple 2 the portion e%uialent to the burden is onerous and is goerned by the rules on obligations and contracts# while the portion exceeding the alue of the burdens imposed# is simple and must follow the form of donations' •
Earry donates to $on a parcel of land worth -;; galleons* but $on has to gie another parcel of land or perform some serice worth &;; galleons# the transaction is onerous as the &;; galleons which must be in the form of a contract of barter or exchange# and simple as to the *;; galleons which must follow the form of donations' )ase doctrines 2
As of uly *;;H# the galleon7dollar exchange rate was &8&H'I*' 4t hasn’t gone below &8&< eer since' Wala lang# boring ng property eh' Earry 3otter na lang'
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
An onerous donation is that which imposes upon the donee a reciprocal obligation# or to be precise# this is the 9ind of donation made for a aluable consideration# the cost of which is e%ual to or more than the thing donated' !) ulo $oman )atholic 6ishop of an 3ablo" ince onerous donations are goerned by the rules of contracts# the prescription period is &; years !based on a written contract"# and not the @7year period based on Article IH@ !reocation must be brought within @ years from the non7compliance of the conditions of the donation"' !De :una Abrigo" $emuneratory donation is one where the donee gies something to reward past or future serices or because of future charges or burdens# when the alue of said serices# burdens or charges is less than the alue of the donation' !De :una 7R t his definition seems wrong as it includes future charges# which are necessarily modal"
Art& 2)2& Illegal or im#ossile con$itions in sim#le an$ rem,neratory $onations shall e consi$ere$ as not im#ose$& Hn What’s the effect of illegal or impossible conditions? (nder Article I*I# the illegal or impossible condition in a simple or remuneratory donation would be deemed not imposed following the rule on testamentary dispositions' /he donation will be considered as simiple' 4f the donation is onerous !or modal# as to its onerous portion"# the illegal or impossible condition shall render it oid' 6eing contractual in nature# the rule applicable would be that found in Article &&- !chec9 codal# if diisible# only condition will be oid" •
)ase doctrine /he prohibition in the deed of donation against the alienation of the property for &;; years should be declared as an illegal or impossible condition within the contemplation of Article I*I' )onse%uently# such condition shall be considered as not imposed' =o reliance may accordingly be placed on said prohibitory paragraph in the deed of donation' !Archbishop of Manila )A" •
Art& 2)5& 8onations which are to ta-e e""ect ,#on the $eath o" the $onor #arta-e o" the nat,re o" testamentary #ro'isions+ an$ shall e go'erne$ y the r,les estalishe$ in the Title on S,ccession& H0)9
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Art& 2)7&
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& 2.9& The "i/ing o" an e'ent or the im#osition o" a s,s#ensi'e con$ition+ which may ta-e #lace eyon$ the nat,ral e/#ectation o" li"e o" the $onor+ $oes not $estroy the nat,re o" the act as a $onation inter 'i'os+ ,nless a contrary intention a##ears& Hn Donation inter vivos subject to suspensie condition /his article contemplates a situtation where the donor intends the donation to ta9e effect during his lifetime but he imposes suspensie condition which may or may not ta9e place beyond his lifetime' /he fact that the eent happens or the condition is fulfilled after the donor’s death does not change the nature of the act as a donationinter vivos' /he effect of the fulfillment of the suspensie condition is retroactie to the ma9ing of the donation' .Q).3/4=8 when the donor really intended that the donation should ta9e effect after his death' /hus# mortis causa' •
Art& 2.1&
)ase doctrines As onerous donations are goerned by the rules on contracts# for there to warrant a reocation of the donation# there must be a substantial breach of the conditions in the deed' Mere casual breaches will not warrant reocations' !) ulo $) 6ishop" )onsidering that the donee’s acts did not detract from the ery purpose for which the donation was made but precisely to achiee such purpose !of the donation"# a lac9 of prior written consent of the donor !which was a condition of the donation" would only constitute casual breach of the deed' !) ulo" •
Art& 2.4& The $onation is #er"ecte$ "rom the moment the $onor -nows o" the acce#tance y the $onee& H0). 3erfection of donation
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
• •
• •
/here is no donation without acceptance by the donee' Acceptance is indispensable because nobody is obliged to receie a benefit against his will' 4ts absence ma9es the donation null and oid' /he acceptance must be made during the lifetime of the donor and the donee' 3erfection ta9es place# not from the time of acceptance by the donee# but from the time it is made 9nown# actual or constructiely# to the donor' 4f the donation and acceptance are in the same public instrument# signed by both and in the presence of witnesses# the donation is deemed already perfected inasmuch as 9nowledge of the acceptance is established by the instrument itself' 4f acceptance was made in a separate instrument# there must be proof that a formal notice of such acceptance was receied by the donor# and in case the donation inoles immoable property# noted in both the deed of donation and the separate instrument embodying the acceptance' !ee Art I@K"
re%uirement that the acceptance of the donation by the donee be communicated to the donor' !$epublic ilim"
:;APTER ) PERSONS <;O MAY >IVE OR RE:EIVE A 8ONATION Art& 2.*& All #ersons who may contract an$ $is#ose o" their #ro#erty may ma-e a $onation& H0)4 )apacity of donor to contract and dispose of property /he donor must hae both the capacity to contract and the capacity to dispose of his property in order that he may ma9e a donation' /hose who cannot gie consent to a contract cannot be donors5 and donation made by one who does not hae the free disposal of the thing donated and to alienate it shall not be alid' 4t is possible# howeer# for a person to hae capacity to contract but not the capacity to dispose of property' •
What if there is reocation? 4f the donor reo9es the donation before learning of the acceptance by the donee# there is no donation' 6ut once it is perfected# it cannot be reo9ed without the consent of the donee except8 &' 4nofficiousness !Art IH;" *' Cailure of the donee to comply with the charges imposed in the donation !Art IH@" -' 4ngratitude !Art IH<" •
4s registration necessary? As between the parties to the donation and their assigns# it is not needed for its alidity and efficacy' !6ut it must be in a public document for immoables>" 6ut for third parties to be bound# there must be registration' •
)ase doctrines /he purpose of the formal re%uirement for acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such acceptance is duly communicated to the donor' /he actual 9nowledge by the donor of the construction and existence of the school building pursuant to the condition of the donation fulfills the legal •
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(nder the Camily )ode# eery donation between spouses during the marriage shall be oid except moderate gifts on the occasion of any family rejoicing' /he prohibition applies also to persons liing together as husband and wife without a alid marriage# or in illicit relations' =either spouse may donate any community property nor conjugal partnership property without the consent of the other# except moderate donations for charity or on occasion of family rejoicing or family distress'
)an corporations ma9e donations? es' 6ut they can’t gie donations to aid any political party or candidate or for purposes of partisan political actiity' •
Who are incapacitated to donate? &' Minors *' 4nsane or demented persons -' Deaf7mutes who do not 9now how to write @' )orporations !with regard to gi ing donations to aid any pol itical party" <' Guardians and trustees !with regard to property entrusted to them" H' pouses !to each other# except moderate gifts" I' A spouse !to others without the consent of the ot her spouse# except moderate donations"
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
• •
Art& 2.0& >,ar$ians an$ tr,stees cannot $onate the #ro#erty entr,ste$ to them& Hn Donation by a guardian or trustee of ward’s property Generally# guardians and trustees cannot be donors of their ward’s properties for the simple reason that they are not the owners of the same' .xception8 With respect to the trustee# donation is permitted notwithstanding that the trustee receies nothing in exchange directly# if the donation is onerous and is beneficial to the beneficiary' •
Generally# all persons# whether natural or artificial# may be donees' A donee need not be sui juris# with complete legal capacity to bind himself by contract' As long as he is 0not specially dis%ualified by law1# he may accept donations' o# donations may be made to8 &' 4ncapacitated persons such as minors and others who cannot enter into a contract# *' and also to conceied and unborn children'
Art& 2.2& The $onorJs ca#acity shall e $etermine$ as o" the time o" the ma-ing o" the $onation& Hn )apacity of donor at time of ma9ing the donation /he donation is perfected from the moment the donor 9nows of the •
acceptance by the donee' Eoweer# this article seems to imply that the donor’s capacity must exist at the time of ma9ing the donation and not from the time of 9nowledge by the donor of the acceptance# that is# at the perfection of the act A juridical absurdity arises in case the donor has no capacity to act at the time the acceptance is coneyed to him' ince legally# the donor cannot be said to hae 9nowledge of the acceptance# there can be no perfection of the donation which presupposes a meeting of the minds between the donor and the donee who are both capacitated' /o aoid the apparent contradiction# the phrase 0ma9ing of the donation1 should be construed to mean 0perfection of the donation1 Eence# the donation would be alid# although the donor was insane at the time he signs the deed of donation or informs the donee of the donation but sane when he learns of the acceptance' /he donor may as9 for annulment of the donation if he so desires /he subse%uent incapacity of the donor does not affect the alidity of the donation' /his is similar to the rule in succession'
Art& 2.5& Al those who are not s#ecially $is6,ali"ie$ y law there"or may acce#t $onations& H0)* )apacity of the donee
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Art& 2.7& The "ollowing $onations shall e 'oi$% H1 Those ma$e etween #ersons who were g,ilty o" a$,ltery or conc,inage at the time o" the $onation( H) Those ma$e etween #ersons "o,n$ g,ilty o" the same criminal o""ense+ in consi$eration thereo"( H. Those ma$e to a #,lic o""icer or his wi"e+ $escen$ants an$ ascen$ants+ y reason o" his o""ice& In the case re"erre$ to in No& 1+ the action "or $eclaration o" n,llity may e ro,ght y the s#o,se o" the $onor or $onee( an$ the g,ilt o" the $onor an$ $onee may e #ro'e$ y #re#on$erance o" e'i$ence in the same action& Hn Donations oid on moral grounds /his article declares null and oid ab initio the donations referred to' •
What are the different oid donations? &' 6etween persons who were guilty of adultery and concubinage at the time of the donation *' 6etween persons found guilty of the same c riminal offense# in consideration thereof -' Made to a public officer or his wife# descendants and ascendants# by reason of his office @' 6etween spouses during the marriage# except moderate gifts which they may gie each other on the occasion of any family rejoicing !Art I# Camily )ode" <' Donations of community property by a spouse without the consent of the other# except moderate donations !Art K# Camily )ode" H' Donations of conjugal partnership property by a spouse without the consent of the other# except moderate donations !Art &*<# Camily )ode" I' Donations to those proided for in Article I@;# in cross reference to
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
' K'
Art &;*I and &;-*' Donations accepted by agents without special authority to do so !Art I@<" Donations of immoables which don’t conform to the form prescribed in Art I@K
Donations between persons guilty of adultery and concubinage /he ciil action for declaration of nullity may be brought after the persons inoled hae been found guilty by final judgment in a criminal proceeding of adultery or concubinage' 4n iew of the last paragraph# coniction for adultery or concubinage in a criminal action is not essential' /he guilt of the donor and the donee may be proed by a mere preponderance of eidence in a ciil proceeding to nullify the donation# alleging the adultery or concubinage as the cause of action for the declaration of nullity' /he donation is oid# whether made before or after the illicit relations# if gien in consideration thereof# either as inducement or compensation' •
an unlawful cause' Donations made to a pubic officer# by reason of his office 4ndirect bribery> /he guilt need not be established by proof beyond reasonable doubt in a criminal proceeding for bribery' A ciil action to declare the donation oid may be maintained by the proper party in interest' Donations made to persons other than those mentioned are alid# unless# of course# they are intended for the public officer' •
What if the donation is gien in contemplation of the termination of the relationship# is the donation still oid? ince the purpose is praiseworthy# good for all concerned# it should o be considered alid' /his is particularly true when the woman !donee" was a ictim of o deceit by the man' o Eoweer# where the illicit relation was oluntary# and the donation was demanded by the woman as a price of the termination of their relationship# the donation is oid' What if the concubine did not 9now that the man she lied with was actually married? /hen she is not guilty of concubinage and not dis%ualified from the o donation'
Donations between persons found guilty of t he same criminal offense /his rules presupposes prior criminal coniction in a criminal action5 hence proof of guilty by mere preponderance of eidence is not sufficient' /he donation here is remuneratory or onerous' 4t is oid whether made before or after the commission of the crime if it is in consideration thereof' 4t is still oid although the crime is not carried out because it is based on •
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Art& 249& Inca#acity to s,ccee$ y will shall e a##licale to $onations inter 'i'os& Hn 4ncapacity to succeed by will /his article expressly ma9es the proisions on incapacity to succeed by will applicable to donations inter vivos f course# they are also applicable to donationsmortis causa which are goerned by the law on succession According to Art &;*I# the following are incapable of becoming donees8 &' /he priest who heard the confession of the donor during his last illness# or the minister of the gospel who extended spiritual aid to him during the same period *' /he relaties of such priest or minister of the gospel within the fourth degree# the church# order# chapter# community# organiation# or institution to which such priest or minister may belong -' A guardian with respect to donations gien by a ward in his faor before the final accounts of the guardianship hae been approed# een if the donor should die after the approal thereof5 neertheless# any proision made by the ward in faor of the guardian when the latter is his ascendant# descendant# brother# sister# or spouse# shall be alid @' Any physician# surgeon# nurse# health officer or druggist who too9 care of the donor during his last illness <' 4ndiiduals# associations# and corporations not permitted by law to inherit' According to Art &;-*# there are certain people who are deemed incapable to inherit by reason of unworthiness' /he donation made to a person who falls under any of its proisions is alid if the donor had 9nowledge of the act of unworthiness or haing 9nown it subse%uently# •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
he should condone the same in writing' .en in the absence of pardon# the donation is not subject to reocation because donations may be reo9ed only for causes mentioned in Articles IH;# IH@ and IH<' o# who are these people? &' 3arents who hae abandoned their children or induced their daughters to lead a corrupt or immoral life# or attempted against their irtue5 *' Any person who has been conicted of an attempt against the life of the testator# his or her spouse# descendants# or ascendants5 -' Any person who has accused the testator of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six years or more# if t he accusation has been found groundless5 @' Any heir of full age w ho# haing 9nowledge of the iolent death of the testator# should fail to report it to an officer of the law within a month# unless the authorities hae already ta9en action5 this prohibition shall not apply to cases wherein# according to law# there is no obligation to ma9e an accusation5 <' Any person conicted of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator5 H' Any person who by fraud # iolence# intimidation# or undue influence should cause the testator to ma9e a will or to change one already made5 I' Any person who by the same means preents another from ma9ing a will# or from reo9ing one already made# or who supplants# conceals# or alters the latterSs will5 ' Any person who falsifies or forges a supposed will of the decedent'
9# tell me more about donations to minors and others without capacity to contact Donation re%uires acceptance by the donee' 4f the donee is a minor or without capacity to enter into a contract# the acceptance must be made by the parents or legal representatie of the donee' /his is especially true if the donation is onerous or imposes a charge or burden' 4t is clear that the donee may not alidly accept a donation although it imposes no burden' 4n any case# when a formal or written acceptance is re%uired by the donor# such acceptance must be made by the parents or legal representatie' • •
Art& 24)& 8onations ma$e to concei'e$ an$ ,norn chil$ren may e acce#te$ y those #ersons who wo,l$ legally re#resent them i " they were alrea$y orn& H0)2 )an you donate to conceied and unborn children? es> De :eon once again states the obious by saying# 0A conceied and unborn child cannot accept a donation because it is not yet a natural person'1 /he acceptance must be made by those persons who would legally represent them if they were already born' • •
Who are incapable of becoming donees? &' 3ersons guilty of concubinage or adultery at the time o f donation !but only between them" *' 3ersons found guilty of the sa me criminal offense# in consideration thereof !but only between them" -' 3ublic officers# etc by reason of their office @' /hose mentioned in Art &;*I <' /hose mentioned in Art &;-* !unworthy people"
Art& 24.& 8onations ma$e to inca#acitate$ #ersons shall e 'oi$+ tho,gh sim,late$ ,n$er the g,ise o" another contract or thro,gh a #erson who is inter#ose$& H0)5
Art& 241& Minors an$ others who cannot enter into a contract may ecome $onees ,t acce#tance shall e $one thro,gh their #arents or legal re#resentati'es& H0)0a
Art& 244& 8onations o" the same thing to two or more $i""erent $onees shall e go'erne$ y the #ro'isions concerning the sale o" the same thing to two or more $i""erent #ersons& Hn
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Who are the incapacitated persons referred to here? /hey are those specially dis%ualified by law t o become donees# such as those in Articles I-K and I@;' Donations to such persons are oid een if simulated under the guise of another contract or through an intermediary' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Donations of the same thing to different donees •
/his article expressly ma9es applicable by analogy the rules on salesof the same thing to two ore more different endees' Eoweer# this article has had its sure of criticism' ee boo9'
Art& 24*& The $onee m,st acce#t the $onation #ersonally+ or thro,gh an a,thorie$ #erson with a s#ecial #ower "or the #,r#ose+ or with a general an$ s,""icient #ower( otherwise+ the $onation shall e 'oi$& H0.9
perfected' Eow about for mortis causa5 Donations mortis causa are accepted only after the donor’s death because they parta9e of a will# and are goerned by the rules on succession' 4f the acceptance was made before the donor’s death# the donation mortis causa although alidly executed# cannot be gien force and effect' uch acceptance is oid' !6ut is the donation oid? )an there be a subse%uent acceptance after the death of the donor?" •
Who must accept the donation? &' /he donee personally# or *' An authoried person or an agent# with a special power for the purpose# or with a general and sufficient power
Art& 242& Persons who acce#t $onations in re#resentation o" others who may not $o so y themsel'es+ shall e olige$ to ma-e t he noti"ication an$ notation o" which Article 247 s#ea-s& H0.1
4f not? /hen# the donation is oid'
When does this article apply? &' When acceptance is made th rough the parents# legal representatie# or authoried agent of the donee5
Does the parent o% a minor need a special power %or the purpose o% accepting a donation5 3robably not# a parent is not considered an agent of a minor' /hey are considered legal guardians' !6ut 4’m not sure'"
*' -'
Art& 240& Acce#tance m,st e ma$e $,ring the li"etime o" the $onor an$ o" the $onee& Hn When should acceptance be made for inter vivos? A donation inter vivos ta9es effect during the lifetime of the donor and the donee# and to ta9e effect# it must be accepted by the donee' Eence# acceptance by the donee !or his representatie" must be made during his lifetime and that of the donor' .en if the donation is made during their lifetime# but t he donor dies before the acceptance is communicated to him# the donation is not •
0Art' &<@@' 4f the same thing should hae beendonated to differentdonees# the ownership shall be transferred to the person who may hae first ta9en possession thereof in good faith# if it should be moable property' hould it be immoable property# the ownership shall belong to the person ac%uiring it who in good faith first recorded it in the $egistry of 3roperty' hould there be no inscription# the ownership shall pertain to the person who in good faith was first in the possession5 and# in the absence thereof# to the person who presents the oldest title# proided there is good faith'1
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/he property donated is immoable# and /he acceptance is not made in the same deed of donation but in a separate public instrument' /he re%uirement of notification of the donor and notation in both instruments that such notification has been made is necessary for the alidity and perfection of the donation'
Art& 245& The $onation o" a mo'ale may e ma$e orally or in writing& An oral $onation re6,ires the sim,ltaneo,s $eli'ery o" the thing or o" the $oc,ment re#resenting the right $onate$& I" the 'al,e o" the #ersonal #ro#erty $onate$ e/cee$s "i'e tho,san$ #esos+ the $onation an$ the acce#tance shall e ma$e in writing+ otherwise+ the $onation shall e 'oi$& H0.)a What are the rules for the formalities for donations for moables? When the alue of property exceeds 3<;;;# the donation and the acceptance must always be made in writing5 otherwise the donation is oid# een if there is simultaneous deliery of the thing' /he donation and the acceptance need not be made in a public o instrument# nor is it necessary that the acceptance be made in the same deed of donation' •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
When the alue of property is 3<;;; or less# it may be made orally or in writing' 4f made orally# there must be simultaneous deliery of the thing or o of the document representing the right donated# otherwise# the donation is oid' /here must be acceptance which may be oral or written' /he receipt of the deliery by the donee constitutes implied acceptance' 4f made in writing# the donation is alid although there is no o simultaneous deliery' Again# there must be acceptance which may also be made orally or in writing' 4n eery case# the acceptance of the donee must be made 9nown to the donor for perfection of a donation to ta9e place'
Art& 247& In or$er that the $onation o" an immo'ale may e 'ali$+ it m,st e ma$e in a #,lic $oc,ment+ s#eci"ying therein the #ro#erty $onate$ an$ the 'al,e o" the charges which the $onee m,st satis"y& The acce#tance may e ma$e in the same $ee$ o" $onation or in a se#arate #,lic $oc,ment+ ,t it shall not ta-e e""ect ,nless it is
-' @' <' H'
$one $,ring the li"etime o" the $onor& I" the acce#tance is ma$e in a se#arate instr,ment+ the $onor shall e noti"ie$ thereo" in an a,thentic "orm+ an$ this ste# shall e note$ in oth instr,ments& H0.. •
Cormalities for donation of immoables /his article does not apply to onerous donations since they are goerned by the laws of obligations and contracts Donation of real property# which is a solemn contract# is oid without the formalities stated in Article I@K •
o# what are the rules? When donation and acceptance are in the same instrument# the re%uirements are8 &' /he donation must be in a public document or instrument5 and *' /he instrument must specify the property donated and the charges# if any# which the donee must satisfy' When the donation and acceptance are in separate instruments# the re%uirements are8 &' /he donation must be in a public document or instrument5 *' /he instrument must specify the property donated and the charges# if any# which the donee must satisfy •
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/he acceptance by the donee must be in a public document 4t must be done during the lifetime of the donor /he donor must be notified in authentic form of the acceptance of the donation in a separate instrument5 and /he fact that such notification has been made must be noted in both instruments' 6ut see the $ep ilim case wherein the notification was not o noted in the instrument# but still# the ) ruled that the donation was alid'
/he donation of real property in a priate instrument is null and oid# and the donee may not compel the donor to execute a public instrument !&- Cuture property is anything which the donor cannot dispose of at t he time of the donation' 4n other words# it is property that belongs to others at the time the donation is made and it is immaterial that it may subse%uently belong to the donor' •
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Art' *' Donations by reason of marriage are those which are made before its celebration# in consideration of the same# and in faor of one or both of the future spouses' !&*H"
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=obody can dispose of that which does not belong to him' =emo emo' *uture inheritance cannot be donated because it is future property but upon the death of his predecessor# the inheritance ceases to be future and conse%uently# may be the object of donation een if the properties constituting the inheritance hae not yet been deliered' 3roperty# the ac%uisition of which by the donor depends upon the fulfillment of a suspensie condition# may be donated because# although the property may be as to him still 0future property1# the effects of the fulfillment of the condition shall retroact to the day of the constitution of the contract' Another reason is that the donor by desisting to ac%uire a future property donated would be reo9ing the donation contrary to the rule that donations inter vivos are irreocable sae for causes proided by
Art' -' /hese donations are goerned by the rules on ordinary donations established in /itle 444 of 6oo9 444 of the )iil )ode# insofar as they are not modified by the following articles' !&*Ia" Art' @' 4f the future spouses agree upon a regime other than the absolute community of property# they cannot donate to each other in their marriage settlements more than one7fifth of their present property' Any excess shall be considered oid' Donations of future property shall be goerned by the proisions on testamentary succession and the formalities of wills' !&-;a" Art' <' Donations by reason of marriage of property subject to encumbrances shall be alid' 4n case of foreclosure of the encumbrance and the property is sold for less than the total amount of the obligation secured# the donee shall not be liable for the deficiency' 4f the property is sold for more than the total amount of said obligation# the donee shall be entitled to the excess' !&-&a"
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
law' )ase doctrine A donor cannot lawfully coney what is not his property' Where a parcel of land was the registered property of another# and the donee failed to show how her donor ac%uired it from the registered owner# it is held that the donor has no right# title or interest in said land which he could lawfully coney' •
Donation to seeral donees jointly /he rules are as follows8 &' /he donation is understood to be in e%ua l shares# unless the donor has proided otherwise' *' /here shall be no right of accretion among the donees# unless the donor has otherwise proided' -' 4f the donees are husband and wife# there shall be aright of accretion# if the contrary has not been proided by the donor' 4f there is no accretion among the donees# one cannot accept independently for his co7donee who is not present' •
Art& 2*)& The #ro'isions o" Article 2*9 notwithstan$ing+ no #erson may gi'e or recei'e+ y way o" $onation+ more than he may gi'e or recei'e y will& The $onation shall e ino""icio,s in all that it may e/cee$ this limitation& H0.0 Amount of donation limited to what donor may gie by will Article I<* ma9es applicable to donations the limitation on testamentary •
disposition with respect to the amount thereof' /he limitation is really on the right of the donor to gie rather than on the right of the donee to receie' A person may not donate more than he can gie by will and a person may not receie by way of donation more than what the donor is allowed by law to gie by will5 otherwise# the donation shall be inofficious and shall be reduced with regard to the excess' /he limitation applies where the donor has forced or compulsory heirs' /he purpose is not to diminish the legitimes to which they are entitled' 6ut the limitation is enforceable only after the death of the o donor because it is only then when it can be determined whether or not the donation is inofficious5 by contrasting its alue with the net alue of the estate of the donor deceased' /he donation is alid during the lifetime of the donor' o
Art& 2*.&
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
of the thing donated or some amount or income thereof' /he donation is actually conditional# and the condition is fulfilled if the donor dies without exercising the right he resered# either by actsinter vivos or mortis causa3
$on donates to Earry a house and an apartment with the proision that $on could sell the house and gie the rents !or a portion" of the apartment for < years to Cran9' /he donation of the house with a reseration of the right to dispose should be considered mortis causa# and therefore# must follow the formalities prescribed for ma9ing a will' /he donation of the apartment is inter vivos3 Art& 2*0& The ownershi# o" #ro#erty may also e $onate$ to one #erson an$ the ,s,"r,ct to another or others+ #ro'i$e$ all the $onees are li'ing at the time o" the $onation& H049a =a9ed ownership and usufruct separately donated /he donor may donate separately the na9ed ownership !dominium •
directum" to one person and the usufruct !dominium utile" to another' /o be alid# the donee must be 0liing at the time of the donation1# which is to be understood to refer to the time of the perfection of the donation' A donation to a child who was not yet conceied at the time it was made is oid' 4f the property donated is immoable# the formalities for donations of real property must be complied with'
Art& 2*2& Re'ersion may e 'ali$ly estalishe$ in "a'or o" only the $onor "or any case an$ circ,mstances+ ,t not in "a'or o" other #ersons ,nless they are all li'ing at the time o" the $onation& Any re'ersion sti#,late$ y the $onor in "a'or o" a thir$ #erson in 'iolation o" what is #ro'i$e$ in the #rece$ing #aragra#h shall e 'oi$+ ,t shall not n,lli"y the $onation& H014a Donation with proision for reersion /he donor may proide for reersion# whereby the property shall go bac9 to the donor or some other person' 4t may be alidly established for any case and circumstances' 4f the reision is in faor of other persons# they must be liing at the time of the donation' /hus# a reersion in faor of an unconceied child is oid# but such •
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nullity shall not inalidate the donation' /he reersion which is merely an accessory clause is simply disregarded'
Art& 2*5&
to donations propter nuptiasfor they are reocable only for the causes proided in the Camily )ode 2 see Art H of the Cam )ode<' 4t is applicable when the donor# at the time he made the donation# did not hae any child or descendant or erroneously thought so5 otherwise# Article II& in relation to Article I<* shall apply' .ery donation is subject to reocation or reduction by the happening of any of the eents mentioned which are in the nature of implied resolutory conditions'
6irth of a child Eere# the donor had no child whether legitimate# legitimated# or illegitimate at the time of the donation# and t hereafter# a child was born een if posthumous' What if the child was already conceied but not yet born# what proision •
Art' H' A donation by reason of marriage may be reo9ed by the donor in the following cases8 !&" 4f the marriage is not celebrated or judicially declared oid ab initio except donations made in the marriage settlements# which shall be goerned by Article &5 !*" When the marriage ta9es place without the consent of the parents or guardian# as re%uired by law5 !-" When the marriage is annulled# and the donee acted in bad faith5 !@" (pon legal separation# the donee being the guilty spouse5 !<" 4f it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is complied with5 !H" When the donee has committed an act of ingratitude as specified by the proisions of the )iil )ode on donations in general' !&-*a"
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
should apply# Article IH; or II&? 4t depends' o 4f the donor was aware of such conception# Article II&' Eence# o he cannot reo9e the donation upon the birth of the child' 6ut# if he did not 9now of such conception when he made the o donation# the situation is similar to the appearance of an absent child thought by the donor to be dead' Cor purposes of the law# he had no child' /he rule is that a conceied child is considered born for all purposes faorable to it' ince to consider the child as already born would ma9e the donation irreocable and would be unfaorable to it# the subse%uent birth of the child should reo9e or reduce the donation' Appearance of a child 4n this case# the donor had only one child whom he belieed to hae already died at the time of t he donation' •
/he note says 0child1# so the subse%uent appearance of a descendant# li9e a grand9id# would not reo9e the donation 6ut the donation may be reduced under Article II& as o inofficious if it impairs the legitime of the descendant'
Adoption of a child /he subse%uent adoption of a minor child is also a ground for the reocation or reduction of a donation' 4t’s an exception to the rule that a donationinter vivos shall be irreocable by the donor' Again# the law says 0minor child15 hence the adoption of a person of majority age although it is allowed in certain cases is not a ground under =o' -' •
)ase doctrine $eocation upon birth of a child and return of property to donor are not self7operatie or self7executory' /here is a need for judicial action' !racion uanillo" •
Art& 201& In the cases re"erre$ to in the #rece$ing article+ the $onation shall e re'o-e$ or re$,ce$ inso"ar as it e/cee$s the #ortion that may e "reely $is#ose$ o" y will+ ta-ing into acco,nt the whole estate o"
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the $onor at the time o" the irth+ a##earance or a$o#tion o" a chil$& Hn .xtent and basis of reocation or reduction #irth, appearance, or adoption o% a child3 A person may not gie by way of donation more than he may gie by will' /he amount subject to reocation or reduction is# therefore# the excess oer the portion that may be freely disposed of by will' /he basis of reocation or reduction is the alue of the whole estate of the donor at the t ime of the birth# appearance# or adoption of a child# and not at the time of the death of the donor as in the case of inofficious donations under Article II&' /o the alue of the estate shall be added the alue of the o donation at the time it was made because it would hae been still part of the estate had not the donation been made' /he burden of proof is on the plaintiff7donor who must allege and establish the re%uirements prescribed by law' n the case o% ino%%icious donations3 What is sought to be protected by Article IH; is only the prospectie or presumptie legitime of the child because that is the only portion which cannot be disposed of' 4f the donation does not exceed the free portion at the time of the birth# appearance# or adoption# there will be no reocation or reduction but it may still be reduced under Article II& if it cannot be coered by the free portion computed as of the time of the donor’s death' •
:et us suppose $on who was then childless# donated a property worth 3<; to .rin# a close 0friend'1 ubse%uently# a child was born to $on whose estate at the time was 3-;' Eis t otal estate then including the alue of the property donated was 3;' ince the legitime of a legitimate child is P of the estate or 3@;# and therefore# the free portion is also 3@;# the donation must be reduced by 3&;' 6ut if the alue of the estate was 3I;# the donation is not reo9ed or reduced because it does not exceed the free portion of 3H; T!3I; + <;"L*U' Eoweer# should the estate of $on be less than 3<;# excluding the 3<; donation# at the time of his death !for example# 3@;"# it shall be subject to reduction to the extent that it is inofficious !i'e' 3<; 2 3@< T!3<;+3@;L*" V 3<;" under article II&' )ase doctrines
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Donor has the burden to allege and establish the re%uirements prescribed by law for which the annulment or reduction of the donation can be based' !)ru )A"
Art& 20)& C#on the re'ocation or re$,ction o" the $onation y the irth+ a##earance or a$o#tion o" a chil$+ the #ro#erty a""ecte$ shall e ret,rne$ or its 'al,e i" t he $onee has sol$ the same& I" the #ro#erty is mortgage$+ the $onor may re$eem the mortgage+ y #aying the amo,nt g,arantee$+ with a right to reco'er the same "rom the $onee&
3rescription of action for reocation or reduction /he donation is reo9ed ipso jure by operation of law# by the happening of any of the eents mentioned in Article IH;' o Eence# it is not really essential that an action be brought to reo9e the donation' 6(/# the reocation is not self7operatie or self7executory' o 4f the donee should refuse to comply with his obligation under Article IH*# resort to judicial action is necessary under Article IH-' 6ut since it is the law itself that declares the reocation# the action is strictly not an action to reo9e but one to hae the court expressly declare the reocation which has already ta9en place by operation of law' /he period within which to bring the action is @ years' /he time to start counting depends upon the cause8 6irth of the first child5 o Crom time of legitimation# recognition or adoption5 or o Crom judicial declaration of filiation o Crom the time information was receied regarding the o existence of the child belieed dead' =ot from the actual appearance of the absent child' 4f the donor dies within the period# the action is transmitted to his legitimate and illegitimate children and descendants !not the spouse or ascendants of the donor"' 4n case more than one cause or ground for reocation or reduction concur# the period of prescription must run from the earliest cause' $eduction of a donation upon the allegation of impairment of legitime is not controlled by a particular prescriptie period for which reason the period shall be goerned under the ordinary rules of prescription' (nder Article &&@@# the action must be brought within &; years from the time the right of action accrues# which is the death of the donor' /he action cannot be waied' !)ompare to the next article>" •
Art& 204& The $onation shall e re'o-e$ at the instance o" the $onor+ when the $onee "ails to com#ly with any o" the con$itions which the "ormer im#ose$ ,#on the latter& In this case+ the #ro#erty $onate$ shall e ret,rne$ to the $onor+ the alienations ma$e y the $onee an$ the mortgages im#ose$ thereon y him eing 'oi$+ with the limitations estalishe$+ with regar$ to thir$ #ersons+ y the Mortgage Law an$ the Lan$ Registration Laws& This action shall #rescrie a"ter "o,r years "rom the noncom#liance with the con$ition+ may e transmitte$ to the heirs o"
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
the $onor+ an$ may e e/ercise$ against the $oneeJs heirs& H042a Cailure to comply with conditions A donation may be reo9ed in case of failure of the donee to comply with 0any of the conditions1 imposed by the donor upon him' /he word 0conditions1 actually refers to obligations# charges# or burdens imposed by the donor5 it may also refer to a resolutory condition' Eence# what is contemplated are onerous or modal donations' f course# it implies that there is an existing donation' /he condition must be fulfilled within the period fixed by the donor' =o period? /he court shall determine such period as may hae o been contemplated by the donor' 4n case the donee fails to comply# the property donated reerts to the donor# along with the fruits of the property which the donee may hae receied after haing failed to fulfill the condition' 4f the property has been alienated or mortgaged# the alienation or mortgage shall be oid (6.)/ to the rights of innocent third persons under registration laws who may hae ta9en the property donated without notice of the condition imposed' !3ublic policy baby>" 4n case of non7fulfillment by the donee of any of the conditions imposed by the donor# the donation shall be reo9ed at the instance of the donor' 6ut# the donor may instead file for an action of specific o performance to compel the donee to comply with the conditions' /he action must be brought within @ years from the non7compliance with the condition 2 it can only be brought by the donor or his heirs against the donee’s heirs !compare to Articles IHK and II;"' /he death of the donor or the donee does not bar the action to reo9e for failure of the donee to comply with the conditions# proided the prescriptie period has not yet expired' (nli9e the action for reocation or reduction under Article IH-# the action may be waied because the condition is purely contractual in nature' •
case# upon the iolation# the donation is automatically reo9ed# without need of a judicial declaration' .xcept where the donee denies the donor’s right to rescind# in o which case# judicial interention is necessary to determine whether or not the rescission is proper' 4n the absence of an agreement in the donation proiding of an automatic rescission# a judicial declaration reo9ing said donation will be necessary'
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4s court action necessary? 4n any case# a court action is necessary if the donee refuses to return the property or to comply with the conditions' /he deed of donation# howeer# may proide that iolation of any of its conditions shall cause the automatic rescission of the contract' 4n such •
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)ase doctrines When land is donated on seeral express conditions# acceptance by the donee will be understood to include all of the conditions not umista9ably rejected' !6arreto Manila" When the donee has entered into possession of the property# effect will be gien to the donation according to the terms of the offer and acceptance# although the formal deed has not been executed' !6arreto" 4f there is no fulfillment with the resolutory condition# the donation may now be reo9ed and all rights which the donee may hae ac%uired under it shall be deemed lost and extinguished' !)entral 3hil (niersity )A" Article IH@ does not apply to onerous donations because onerous donations are goerned by the rules of )ontracts' Eence# the prescription period is &; years# not @ years' !De :una Abrigo" While courts are gien the power to fix the duration when the o condition is to be fulfilled when none is gien# if the facts show that a reasonable period has already been allowed the donee to aail of the opportunity to comply with the condition# then the courts will no longer gie the donee a period' !)entral 3hil (ni" /he legal possibility of bringing the action begins with the o expiration of a reasonable opportunity of the donee to fulfill what has been charged upon it by the donor' !ec of .ducation Eeirs of Dulay" =othing in law prohibits parties from entering into an agreement that iolation of the terms of the contract would cause cancellation thereof een without court interention' 4n cases li9e these# judicial interention is necessary not for o purposes of obtaining a judicial declaration rescinding a contract already deemed rescinded but in order to determine whether or not the rescission was proper' !De :una" When the deed of donation expressly proides for automatic rescission •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
and reersion of the property donated# the rules on contract and the general rules on prescription should apply# not IH@' !$oman )atholic Archbishop of Manila )A" A donor cannot reo9e the donation on the grounds for non7 o compliance of an impossible condition' !Archbishop of Manila )A" A declaration of petitoner’s absolute ownership appears legally possible only when the deed of donation is contextually declared peremptorily reo9ed' !Dolar 6arangay :ublub" /he act of selling property to a -rd party cannot be considered as a alid act of reocation of the deed of donation for the reason that a formal case to reo9e the donation must be f iled which spea9s of anaction that has a prescriptie period of @ years from non7compliance with the condition' 4n this case# there was no proision of automatic rescission# thus placing the case within the ambit of Article IH@' !Austria7Magat )A" When the donation is onerous and does not fix a period to comply with the condition# the courts should fix a period to uphold the greatest reciprocity of rights' 4f it is gratuitous# then they should not# to uphold the least reciprocity of rights and interests' 4t’s important to determine whether or not t he donation is onerous or not so that we 9now what law to apply'
Art& 20*& The $onation may also e re'o-e$ at the instance o" the $onor+ y reason o" ingratit,$e in the "ollowing cases% H1 I" the $onee sho,l$ commit some o""ense against the #erson+ the honor or the #ro#erty o" the $onor+ or o" his wi"e or chil$ren ,n$er his #arental a,thority( H) I" the $onee im#,tes to the $onor any criminal o""ense+ or any act in'ol'ing moral t,r#it,$e+ e'en tho,gh he sho,l$ #ro'e it+ ,nless the crime or the act has een committe$ against the $onee himsel"+ his wi"e or chil$ren ,n$er his a,thority( H. I" he ,n$,ly re",ses him s,##ort when the $onee is legally or morally o,n$ to gi'e s,##ort to the $onor& H045a $eocation by reason of ingratitude of the donee Article IH< does not apply to donations mortis causa and onerous donations' A donation propter nuptiasmay be reo9ed by the donor when t he donee has committed an act of ingratitude as specified in Article IH<' •
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/he enumeration is exclusie and cannot be enlarged' /he act of ingratitude must hae been committed by the donee himself because the duty of gratitude is personal' An act imputable to the husband or wife or the hot mistress of the donee is not a ground for reocation'
ffense against the donor# etc )riminal coniction is not needed' 4t is sufficient that the offense be proed by mere preponderance of eidence in the action for reocation' 4f the offense is committed against a child who is no longer under parental authority# the donation cannot be reo9ed' •
4mputation to donor of any criminal offense# etc 4t is immaterial that the donee can proe his accusation or substantiate his testimony against the donor' /he exception is when the crime has been committed against o the donee himself# his wife or children under his parental authority' o /he act inoling moral turpitude may not amount to a crime' •
$efusal to support the donor /here are two re%uisites8 &' /he refusal to support the donor must be undue# that is# without just reason5 and *' /he donee must be legally or morally bound to support the donor' =ote that ingratitude extends beyond failure to do a legal duty to support and includes a moral duty to help' !donee is a friend who is penniless and as9s for help# and the donor shuns her away li9e a scorned loer'" •
)ase doctrine All crimes which offend the donor show ingratitude and are causes for reocation' Any crime under the $eised 3enal )ode is one inoling moral turpitude' !pouses $omulo )A" •
Art& 200& Altho,gh the $onation is re'o-e$ on acco,nt o" ingratit,$e+ ne'ertheless+ the alienations an$ mortgages e""ecte$ e"ore the notation o" the com#laint "or re'ocation in the Registry o" Pro#erty shall s,sist& Later ones shall e 'oi$& H047
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Art& 202& In the case re"erre$ to in the "irst #aragra#h o" the #rece$ing article+ the $onor shall ha'e a right to $eman$ "rom the $onee the 'al,e o" #ro#erty alienate$ which he cannot reco'er "rom thir$ #ersons+ or the s,m "or which the same has een mortgage$& The 'al,e o" sai$ #ro#erty shall e "i/e$ as o" the time o" the $onation& H0*9 .ffect of reocation on prior alienations and mortgages % by non1compliance 4n case of reocation of a donation by non7compliance by the donee with any of the conditions imposed# alienations and mortgages made by the donee are oid# subject only to the rights of innocent third persons' /he donor can recoer from the donee8 nly the alue of the property donated at the time of the perfection o of the donation# $ /he sum for which it was mortgaged' o $ecoery cannot be had against the third person unless he acted in bad •
.rin# or the pending action by $on# the sale should not be considered alid because /ara acted in bad faith# and so $on can recoer the land from her' Art& 205&
resere sufficient means for support"# or he donated more than he could gie by will# then only the fruits accruing from the filing of the complaint need be returned' 4t can be implied that the donation remains alid up to the time of the filing of the complaint' 4f the cause is the non7fulfillment of any of the conditions imposed in the donation# the fruits must be returned from the time of the breach of the condition' /he donation shall also return the property donated' 4n case of inofficious donation which exceeds the free disposal by will# the donation ta9es effect during the lifetime of the donor# the donee appropriates the fruits# and the reduction may be as9ed only after the donor’s death'
Art& 207& The action grante$ to the $onor y reason o" ingratit,$e cannot e reno,nce$ in a$'ance& This action #rescries within one year+ to e co,nte$ "rom the time the $onor ha$ -nowle$ge o" the "act an$ it was #ossile "or him to ring the action& H0*) $enunciation and prescriptie period of action by reason of ingratitude /he action granted to the donor for reocation by reason of ingratitude# li9e the action based on the birth# appearance# or adoption of a child •
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
cannot be renounced in adance' What the law prohibits is waier# prior to the commission of the act of ingratitude' A past ingratitude can be the subject of a alid renunciation because the renunciation can be considered as an act of magnanimity on the part of the donor' /he action prescribesJ &' Within one year from the time the donor had 9nowledge of the act of ingratitude A=D *' 4t was possible for him to bring the action' /o bar the action# the donee must show proof that the one7year period has expired and it was possible for the donor to institute the said action within the same period'
Art& 229& This action shall not e transmitte$ to the heirs o" the $onor+ i" the latter $i$ not instit,te the same+ altho,gh he co,l$ ha'e $one so+ an$ e'en i" he sho,l$ $ie e"ore the e/#iration o" one year& Neither can this action e ro,ght against the heir o" the $onee+ ,nless ,#on the latterJs $eath the com#laint has een "ile$& H0*. /ransmission of action for reocation General rule8 /he action to reo9e a donation by reason of ingratitude is purely personal to the donor and cannot# as a rule# be transmitted to the heirs' /his is unli9e the action for reocation based on the birth# appearance or adoption of a child and the action based on non7compliance with the condition of a donation' Eoweer# the particular circumstances of the case should be ta9en into account to determine whether it was possible to bring the action' Eence# the following exceptions wherein the heirs of the donors can as9 for the reocation8 &' 4f the donee 9illed the donor# or *' 4f the donor dies without haing 9nown of the act of ingratitude# or -' 4f a criminal case against the donee was instituted by the donor# but the donor dies before he could bring the ciil action for reocation5 or @' 4f the action for reocation has already been filed by the donor before his death' •
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>
Action against heirs of donee /he heirs of the donee are not held responsible for the acts of their predecessor7donee' /he act of ingratitude' !:he sins o% the %ather are not the sins o% the son> although, there are some instances where we repeat the mista'es o% our parents3 REVO:ATION+ ase$ onK
/ime of action
3ersons entitled to as9 for reductionJ who are they? Cor the reduction of inofficious donations# &' those who at the time of the donor’s death hae a right to the legitime# and *' their heirs# a nd -' succesors in in terest' /he donor is not included# patay na siya eh3/he inofficiousness can only be determined after his death' •
Who may not as9 for reduction? &' /he donees# or *' /he deisees# or -' /he legatees# who are not entitled to the legitime' @' )reditors of the deceased' !/he remedy of creditors is to file a claim
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>
/ransmissibility of action
6irth# appearance# or adoption of a child Within @ years from birth of first child# or Crom his legitimation# or Adoption# or Crom the judicial declaration of filiation# or Crom receipt or info regarding the existence of the child belieed dead /ransmitted to children and
=on7compliance with condition or conditions Within @ years from non7 compliance with the condition 6ut if it’s an onerous donation# within &; years from non7compliance with the condition
May be transmitted to
Within & year from the time the donor had 9nowledge of the fact of the ingratitude
Generally# the action is not
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
.ffect of reocation
:iability for fruits
descendants of the donor upon his death
the donor’s heirs and may be exercised against the donee’s heirs
3roperty affected shall be returned# or its alue if the donee has sold the same# or /he donor may redeem the mortgage on the property# with a right to recoer
3roperty donated shall be returned to the donor and the alienations and mortgages are oid subject to the rights of innocent -rd persons
the property Donee shall return the fruits accruing from the filing of the complaint
Donee shall return the fruits which he may hae receied a%ter haing failed to fulfill the condition
transmitted to the heirs of the donor nor can the action be filed against the heirs of the donee 3roperty donated shall be returned but alienations and mortgage effected before the notation of the complaint for reocation in the $egistry of 3roperty shall
/ransmissibilit y of action
subsistas in first ame column .ffect of reocation
during the lifetime of the donor
Within < years after the death of the donor !if propter nuptias# according to boo9"
=ot transmissibl e as the duty to gie support and
/ransmitted to the donor’s heirs as the donation shall be reduced as
the rightare to receie personal in nature $educed to the extent necessary to proide support
regardsat the excess time of the donor’s death /a9es effect during the lifetime of the donor subject to reduction only upon his death with regard to the excess
Donee is entitled to the fruits as owner of the property donated
Donee appropriates the fruits as owner of the property
$ules on reductionJ )EA$/.D> RE8C:TION+ ase$ onK
/ime of action
Cailure of the donor to resere sufficient means for support Any time by the donor or by the relaties entitled to support
4nofficiousnes s for being in excess of what the donor can gie by will Within &; years !antos Alana case# based on &&@@"
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>
6irth# appearance # or adoption of a child
Craud against creditors
ame as in first column
/he action for rescission must be brought within @
:iability for fruits
ame as in first column
years from the perfection of the donation# or at the latest# from the time the creditor had 9nowledge of the donation /ransmitte d to the creditor’s heirs or successors 7in7interest
ame as in first column
Donee# as owner# appropriate s the fruits of the property not
3roperty affected shall be returned by the donee for the benefit of the creditor subject to the rights of innocent third persons Cruits of the property affected shall also be
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
affected by the reduction# but with regard to the excess# he shall be liable only for the fruits from the filing of the complaint
returned' 4n case the donee acted in bad faith and it should be impossible for him to return# then indemnify the donor’s creditor for damages'
6appy the man who %inds wisdom, the man who gains understanding711 (roverbs ?@2? :hus youthe may wal' in the wayin o%the good men, 'eep toremain the paths the the just3 *or upright will dwell land, theand honest will in itAo%#ut wic'ed will be cut o%% %rom the land, the %aithless will be rooted out o% it311 (roverbs 4@4B144
Mic9ey 4ngles Ateneo :aw *;&*# updated8 May &<# *;&* :ibrat8 =o stamping please>