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Reading Test 1

Actual IELTS past




READING TEST 1 Passage one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uestions 14-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write answers in boxes 14-16 on your sheet. 14. What has caused public interest in coastal archaeology in recent years?  A. The rapid development of England's coastal archaeology B. The rising awareness of climate change C. The discovery of an underwater forest D. The systematic research conducted on coastal archaeological findings 15. What does the passage say about the evidence of boats?  A. There's enough knowledge of the boatbuilding technology of the prehistoric people. B. Many of the boats discovered were found in harbours. C. The use of boats had not been recorded for a thousand years. D. Boats were first used for fishing. 16. What can be discovered from the air?  A. Salt mines B. Roman towns C. Harbours D. Fisheries QUESTIONS 17-23 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Passage 2? write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 17. England lost much of its land after the Ice Age due to the rising sea level. 18. The coastline of England has changed periodically. 19. Coastal archaeological evidence may be well-protected by sea water. 20. The design of boats used by pre-modem people was very simple. 21. Similar boats were also discovered in many other European countries. 22. There are few documents relating to mineral exploitation. 23. Large passenger boats are causing increasing damage to the seashore. Questions 24-26 Choose THREE letters from A-G. Write your answer in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet. Which THREE of the following statements are mentioned in the passage?  A How coastal archaeology was originally discovered. B It is difficult to understand how many people lived close to the sea. C How much the prehistoric communities understand the climate change. D Our knowledge of boat evidence is limited. E Some fishing grounds were converted to ports. F Human development threatens the archaeological remains. G Coastal archaeology will become more important in the future. "#$$#%& ' Travel Books !"#/# &/# *&'= /#&)+') ."= ('1(8(17&0) "&8# -/&8#0#1 %#=+'1 -"#(/ +.' )+3(#-(#)5 @+*# -/&8#0#/) *&= "&8# )(*40= 1#)(/#1 -+ )&-()9= 37/(+)(-= &%+7- -"# 0&/,#/ .+/015 T'-(0 /#3#'- -(*#)< "+.#8#/< 1(1 -/&8#0#/) )-&/- -"#(/ ?+7/'#= 9+/ /#&)+') +-"#/ -"&' *#/# 37/(+)(-=5 P"(0# -"# -/&8#0#/)d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h"&', i(&' 1#)3/(%#1 *73" +9 3#'-/&0 6)(& &) 9&/ .#)- &) F&3-/(& j*+1#/'A1&= 69,"&'()-&'k +' -"# %&)() +9 -/&8#0) 7'1#/-&E#' (' -"# 9(/)- 3#'-7/= FIB ."(0# )#&/3"(', 9+/ &00(#) 9+/ -"# R&' 1='&)-=5 R#00#'()-(3 &'1 S+*&' ,#+,/&4"#/) )73" &) K-+0#*=< @-/&%+< &'1 K0('= -"# B01#/ /#0(#1 +' -"#(/ +.' -/&8#0) -"/+7," *73" +9 -"# D#1(-#//&'#&' .+/01 &) .#00 &) /#4+/-) +9 +-"#/ -/&8#0#/) -+ 3+*4(0# 8&)- 3+*4#'1(& +9 ,#+,/&4"(3&0 E'+.0#1,#5 Z7/(', -"# 4+)-30&))(3&0 #/& j&%+7- V;; -+ :V;; IBk< -/&1# &'1 4(0,/(*&,# #*#/,#1 &) *&?+/ ('3#'-(8#) 9+/ -/&8#0 -+ 9+/#(,' 0&'1)5 D7)0(* *#/3"&'-) )+7,"- -/&1(', +44+/-7'(-(#) -"/+7,"+7- *73" +9 -"# #&)-#/' "#*()4"#/#5 !"#= 1#)3/(%#1 0&'1)< 4#+40#)< &'1 3+**#/3(&0 4/+173-) +9 -"# >'1(&' Y3#&' %&)(' 9/+* #&)- 69/(3& -+ >'1+'#)(&< &'1 -"#= )7440(#1 -"# 9(/)- ./(--#' &33+7'-) +9 )+3(#-(#) (' @7%A@&"&/&' P#)- 69/(3&5 P"(0# *#/3"&'-) )#- +7- (' )#&/3" +9 -/&1# &'1 4/+9(-< 1#8+7- D7)0(*) -/&8#0#1 &) 4(0,/(*) -+ D#33& -+ *&E# -"#(/ "&?? 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E('1) +9 -/&8#0 -+ 90+7/()"5 !"# *+)- 1()-('3-(8# +9 -"#* .&) *&)) -+7/()*< ."(3" #*#/,#1 &) & *&?+/ 9+/* +9 3+')7*4-(+' 9+/ ('1(8(17&0) 0(8(', (' -"# .+/01d) .#&0-"= )+3(#-(#)5 !+7/()* #'&%0#1 3+')7*#/) -+ ,#- &.&= 9/+* "+*# -+ )## -"# )(,"-) (' S+*#< -&E# & 3/7()# -"/+7," -"# I&/(%%#&'< .&0E -"# G/#&- P&00 +9 I"('&< 8()(- )+*# .('#/(#) (' F+/1#&7N< +/ ,+ +' )&9&/( (' n#'=&5 6 4#370(&/ 8&/(&'- +9 -"# -/&8#0 &33+7'- &/+)# -+ *##- -"# '##1) +9 -"#)# -+7/()-)L -"# ,7(1#%++E< ."(3" +99#/#1 &18(3# +' 9++1< 0+1,(',< )"+44(',< 0+3&0 37)-+*)< &'1 &00 -"# )(,"-) -"&- 8()(-+/) )"+701 '+- *()) )##(',5 !+7/()* "&) "&1 & *&))(8# #3+'+*(3 (*4&3- -"/+7,"+7- -"# .+/01< %7- +-"#/ '#. 9+/*) +9 -/&8#0 "&8# &0)+ "&1 3+')(1#/&%0# ('907#'3# (' 3+'-#*4+/&/= -(*#)5 *+,"+-,) . !"# "7*&' %#(',) +9 & 4&/-(370&/ '&-(+' < 3+**7'(-= +/ #-"'(3 ,/+74k 6'=."#/# #0)# -"# 7)# +9 -"# .+/1 4#+40#) () ./+', Questions 27-28  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 27-28 on your answer sheet. 27 What were most people traveling for in the early days?  A Studying their own cultures B Business C Knowing other people and places better D Writing travel books 28. Why did the author say writing travel books is also "a mirror" for travelers themselves?  A Because travelers record their own experiences. B Because travelers reflect upon their own society and life. C Because it increases knowledge of foreign cultures. D Because it is related to the development of human society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  6" <*'0<;A $@+%0L L@/0"<0'A ;"/ ')& 1&, ."/%? !"%"B0*% *?#0B0<'/*'"/ 8<0*K 8;/0L* 6" $/"S0?& 0B;"/#*'0"B ;"/ :@B U*'V<&B O@H@W*,* U@H0L)0 5@/"$& *B? XB0'&? :'*'&< ')& >T EEE-- ')&A <&' @$ 6" <'@?A ')& >YEE-- ;"/ ')& /&"/=*B0W*'0"B "; ')&0/ <"L0&'0&< J&"$%& ;/"# >Z E-- 3*<< '"@/0<# ",$*0BA#$$+B#A 5D# I#J,)* KLL *, MKLL @5N K*O *, /*O B&-*)D+&$ @5 5#DAF G,P&D- &D# I#J,)* MKLL *, MQLL@5N :)D+-% M/*O B&-*)DF RF *O& G+P0 B&-*)DF ,S *O& M/LL$ .L*O B&-*)DF L"@B'/0&< 5B'&/'*0B#&B' *B? $%&*<@/& Questions 37-40 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iran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [1]: 8B<,&/ N 5?0+%& #&*B< ;0' '" +& &*'&B6)& ;0/<' *B<,&/ ,0%% +& 651 672X:819 NIKIII ,"@%? +& ,/"B= +&L*@<& ')& M@&<'0"B <*A< B" #"/& ')*B ')/&& ,"/?<6)& "$'0"B "; B@#+&/< 0< B"' =0S&B Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM () ."= )+*# )3(#'-()-) %#0(#8# -"# .+/)- H -"# *+)- 4+470&/ 9/7(- 3+701 %# 1++*#15 >- Comment [2]: 8B<,&/ NN_ 1` The banana is the oldest known fruit. It is nowhere mentioned whether it was or wasn't the oldest known fruit. It was very old but there may or may not have been crops before it 0&3E) -"# ,#'#-(3 1(8#/)(-= -+ 9(,"- +99 4#)-) &'1 1()#&)#) -"&- &/# ('8&1(', -"# Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM %&'&'& 40&'-&-(+') +9 I#'-/&0 6*#/(3& &'1 )*&00"+01(',) +9 69/(3& &'1 6)(& &0(E#5 Comment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 .&/')< 3&' -#&3" & %/+&1#/ 0#))+'L -"# ('3/#&)(', )-&'1&/1(M&-(+' +9 9++1 3/+4) &/+7'1 -"# Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [4]: 8B<,&/ > 7849 :559: 0< ')& *B<,&/ +&L*@<& ')&<& #*H& ')& ;/@0' 0BV&?0+%&K ,)0L) #&*B< ')&<& L*BB"' +& &*'&B- 2B%A ,/0'0B= :559: ,"@%? *%<" +& L"//&L'- .+/01 () -"/#&-#'(', -"#(/ &%(0(-= -+ &1&4- &'1 )7/8(8#5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM !"# 9(/)- @-+'# 6,# 40&'- %/##1#/) 370-(8&-#1 -"#)# )-#/(0# 9/#&E) %= /#40&'-(', 37--(',) 9/+* -"#(/ )-#*)5 6'1 -"# 1#)3#'1&'-) +9 -"+)# +/(,('&0 37--(',) &/# -"# Comment [5]: 8B<,&/ NI Lessons can be learned from bananas for other crops. %&'&'&) .# )-(00 #&- -+1&=5 B&3" () & 8(/-7&0 30+'#< &0*+)- 1#8+(1 +9 ,#'#-(3 1(8#/)(-=5 6'1 -"&- 7'(9+/*(-= *&E#) (- /(4# 9+/ 1()#&)# 0(E# '+ +-"#/ 3/+4 +' B&/-"5 !/&1(-(+'&0 8&/(#-(#) +9 )#N7&00= /#4/+173(', 3/+4) "&8# &0.&=) "&1 & *73" %/+&1#/ ,#'#-(3 %&)#< &'1 -"# ,#'#) .(00 /#3+*%('# (' '#. &//&',#*#'-) (' #&3" ,#'#/&-(+'5 !"() ,(8#) -"#* *73" ,/#&-#/ 90#N(%(0(-= (' -"# #8+08(', /#)4+')# -+ 1()#&)# H &'1 9&/ *+/# ,#'#-(3 /#)+7/3#) -+ 1/&. +' (' -"# 9&3# +9 &' &--&3E5 F7- -"&- &18&'-&,# () 9&1(', 9&)-< &) ,/+.#/) ('3/#&)(',0= 40&'- -"# )&*# 9#. "(,"A=(#01(', 8&/(#-(#)5 K0&'%/##1#/) .+/E 9#8#/()"0= -+ *&('-&(' /#)()-&'3# (' -"#)# )-&'1&/1(M#1 3/+4)5 @"+701 -"#)# #99+/-) 9&0-#/< =(#01) +9 #8#' -"# *+)- 4/+173-(8# 3/+4 3+701 ).(9-0= 3/&)"5 OP"#' )+*# 4#)-) +/ 1()#&)# 3+*#) &0+', )#8#/# #4(1#*(3) 3&' +337/'- #/'&-(+'&0 K0&'- G#'#-(3 S#)+7/3#) >')-(-7-#5 !"# %&'&'& () &' #N3#00#'- 3&)# (' 4+('-5 T'-(0 -"# :UV;)< +'# 8&/(#-=< -"# G/+) D(3"#0< 1+*('&-#1 -"# .+/012) 3+**#/3(&0 %7)('#))5 J+7'1 %= J/#'3" %+-&'()-) (' Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [6]: 8B<,&/ T a O J&<' 0BS*<0"B #&*B< $&<'< L"#& *%"B= *B? &$0?�L #&*B< *;;&L'0B= * %"' "; $%*B'<  A pest invasion may seriously damage the banana industry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 3#'-7/= F/(-()" 1()3+8#/= 9/+* )+7-"#/' I"('&5 !"# I&8#'1()" () /#)()-&'3# -+ K&'&*& 1()#&)# &'1< &) & /#)70-< (- 0(-#/&00= )&8#1 -"# ('-#/'&-(+'&0 %&'&'& ('17)-/=5 Z7/(', -"# :U[;)< (- /#40&3#1 -"# G/+) D(3"#0 +' )74#/*&/E#- )"#08#)5 >9 =+7 %7= & %&'&'& -+1&=< (- () &0*+)- 3#/-&('0= & I&8#'1()"5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [7]:  Answer 5 = A The effect of fungal infection in soil is often long-lasting Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [8]: 8B<,&/ NC a O*%<& The Gros Michel is still being used as a commercial product. It was abandoned. It means it was not used any more after the 1950s F7- #8#' )+< (- () & *('+/(-= (' -"# .+/012) %&'&'& 3/+45 R&09 & %(00(+' 4#+40# (' 6)(& &'1 69/(3& 1#4#'1 +' %&'&'&)5 F&'&'&) 4/+8(1# -"# 0&/,#)- )+7/3# +9 3&0+/(#) &'1 &/# #&-#' 1&(0=5 >-) '&*# () )='+'=*+7) .(-" 9++15 F7-"# 1&= +9 /#3E+'(', *&=%# 3+*(', 9+/ -"# I&8#'1()" &'1 (-) ('1(,#'+7) E('5 6'+-"#/ 97',&0 1()#&)#< F0&3E @(,&-+E& H ."(3" 3&7)#) %/+.' .+7'1) +' 0#&8#) &'1 4/#*&-7/# 9/7(- /(4#'(', H 37-) 9/7(- =(#01) %= V; -+ \;] &'1 /#173#) -"# 4/+173-(8# Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [9]: 8B<,&/ N> Banana is the main food in some countries. 0(9# +9 %&'&'& 40&'-) 9/+* ^; =#&/) -+ &) 0(--0# &) -.+ +/ -"/##5 I+**#/3(&0 ,/+.#/) E##4 @(,&-+E& &- %&= %= & *&))(8# 3"#*(3&0 &))&70-5 _; )4/&=(',) +9 97',(3(1# & =#&/ () -=4(3&05 F7- #8#' )+< 1()#&)#) )73" &) F0&3E @(,&-+E& &/# ,#--(', *+/# &'1 *+/# 1(99(370- -+ 3+'-/+05 O6) )++' &) =+7 %/(', (' & '#. 97',(3(1#< -"#= 1#8#0+4 /#)()-&'3#- .&) 8#/= #N4#')(8# &'1 .# ,+- '+-"(', %&3E- .+701 %# -"# 9(/)- #1(%0# 9/7(- -+ Comment [12]: 8B<,&/ Z a 9  A commercial manufacturer gave up on breeding bananas for disease resistant species. %# )#e7#'3#15 P#00< &0*+)- #1(%0#5 !"# ,/+74 .(00 &3-7&00= %# )#e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cF(+-#3"'+0+,= () #N-/#*#0= #N4#')(8# &'1 -"#/# &/# )#/(+7) e7#)-(+') &%+7- 3+')7*#/ &33#4-&'3##8 ?@;(<%A-#$< I"(e7(-&d) )#'(+/ 1(/#3-+/ 9+/ #'8(/+'*#'-&0 &99&(/)5 P(-" )3&'- 97'1(', 9/+* -"# 3+*4&'(#)< -"# %&'&'& ,#'+*# /#)#&/3"#/) &/# 9+37)(', +' -"# +-"#/ #'1 +9 -"# )4#3-/7*5 B8#' (9 -"#= 3&' (1#'-(9= -"# 3/73(&0 ,#'#)< -"#= .(00 %# & 0+', .&= 9/+* 1#8#0+4(', '#. 8&/(#-(#) -"&- )*&00"+01#/) .(00 9('1 )7(-&%0# &'1 &99+/1&%0#5 F7- ."&-#8#/ %(+-#3"'+0+,=d) &3&1#*(3 ('-#/#)-< (- () -"# +'0= "+4# 9+/ -"# %&'&'&5 P(-"+7- (-< %&'&'& 4/+173-(+' .+/01.(1# .(00 "#&1 ('-+ & -&(0)4(' P# *&= #8#' )## -"# #N-('3-(+' +9 -"# %&'&'& &) %+-" & 0(9#)&8#/ 9+/ "7',/= &'1 (*4+8#/()"#1 69/(3&') &'1 &) -"# *+)- 4+470&/ 4/+173- +' -"# .+/01d) )74#/*&/E#)"#08#)5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [13]: 8B<,&/ D a Q Consumers would not accept genetically altered crop. Questions 1-3 Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage. Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. 4. The banana was first eaten as a fruit by humans almost TEN THOUSAND years ago. 5. Bananas were first planted in SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6. The taste of wild bananas is adversely affected by its (HARD) SEEDS Questions 4-10 Look at the following statements (Questions 4-10) and the list of people below. Match each statement with the correct person, A-F. Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 4-10 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once. 11. A pest invasion may seriously damage the banana industry. = F 12. The effect of fungal infection in soil is often long-lasting. = A 13. A commercial manufacturer gave up on breeding bananas for disease resistant species. = D 14. Banana disease may develop resistance to chemical sprays. = C 15. A banana disease has destroyed a large number of banana plantations. = E 16. Consumers would not accept genetically altered crop. = B 17. Lessons can be learned from bananas for other crops. = C List of people  A Rodomiro Oritz B David McLaughlin C Emile Frison D Ronald Romero E Luadir Gasparotto F Geoff Hawtin Questions 11-13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 14. The banana is the oldest known fruit. = NG 15. The Gros Michel is still being used as a commercial product. = F 16. Banana is the main food in some countries. = T Passage 2 – Spend 20 minutes. Questions 14-26 Coastal Archaeology of Britain !"# /#3+,'(-(+' +9 -"# .#&0-" &'1 1(8#/)(-= +9 B',0&'1d) 3+&)-&0 &/3"&#+0+,= "&) %##' +'# +9 -"# *+)- (*4+/-&'- 1#8#0+4*#'-) +9 /#3#'- =#&/)5 @+*# #0#*#'-) +9 -"() #'+/*+7) /#)+7/3# "&8# 0+', %##' E'+.'5 !"# )+A3&00#1 d)7%*#/,#1 9+/#)-)d +99 -"# 3+&)-) +9 B',0&'1< )+*#-(*#) .(-" 30#&/ #8(1#'3# +9 "7*&' &3-(8(-=< "&1 &--/&3-#1 -"# ('-#/#)- +9 &'-(e7&/(&') )('3# &- 0#&)- -"# #(,"-##'-" 3#'-7/=< %7)#/(+7) &'1 )=)-#*&-(3 &--#'-(+' "&) %##' ,(8#' -+ -"# &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 4+-#'-(&0 +9 -"# 3+&)- +'0= )('3# -"# #&/0= :UW;)5 >- () 4+))(%0# -+ -/&3# & 8&/(#-= +9 3&7)#) 9+/ -"() 3+'3#'-/&-(+' +9 #99+/- &'1 ('-#/#)-5 >' -"# :UW;) &'1 :UU;) )3(#'-(9(3 /#)#&/3" ('-+ 30(*&-# 3"&',# &'1 (-) #'8(/+'*#'-&0 (*4&3- )4(00#1 +8#/ ('-+ & *73" %/+&1#/ 47%0(3 1#%&-# &) &.&/#'#)) +9 -"#)# ())7#) ,/#.f -"# 4/+)4#3- +9 /()(', )#& 0#8#0) +8#/ -"# '#N- 3#'-7/=< &'1 -"#(/ (*4&3- +' 37//#'- 3+&)-&0 #'8(/+'*#'-)< "&) %##' & 4&/-(370&/ 9+37) 9+/ 3+'3#/'5 6- -"# )&*# -(*# &/3"&#+0+,()-) .#/# %#,(''(', -+ /#3+,'()# -"&- -"# 1#)-/73-(+' 3&7)#1 %= '&-7/&0 4/+3#))#) +9 3+&)-&0 #/+)(+' &'1 %= "7*&' &3-(8(-= .&) "&8(', &' ('3/#&)(', Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [14]: 8B<,&/ NT aQ The rising awareness of climate change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g#- -"# .&= (' ."(3" 4/#"()-+/(3 3+**7'(-(#) &1?7)-#1 -+ -"#)# #'8(/+'*#'-&0 3"&',#) "&) )#01+* %##' & *&?+/ -"#*# (' 1()37))(+') +9 -"# 4#/(+15 Y'# 9&3-+/ 3+'-/(%7-(', -+ -"() "&) %##' -"&-< &0-"+7," -"# /()# (' /#0&-(8# )#& 0#8#0 () 3+*4&/&-(8#0= .#00 1+37*#'-#1< .# E'+. 0(--0# &%+7- -"# 3+')-&'- Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [15]: 8B<,&/ N[ a 6/@& England lost much of its land after the Ice  Age due to the rising sea level /#3+'9(,7/&-(+' +9 -"# 3+&)-0('#5 !"() .&) &99#3-#1 %= *&'= 4/+3#))#)< *+)-0= e7(-# 0+3&0()#1< ."(3" "&8# '+- =#- %##' &1#e7&-#0= /#)#&/3"#15 !"# 1#-&(0#1 /#3+')-/73-(+' +9 3+&)-0('# "()-+/(#) &'1 -"# 3"&',(', #'8(/+'*#'-) &8&(0&%0# 9+/ "7*&' 7)# .(00 %# &' (*4+/-&'- -"#*# 9+/ 97-7/# /#)#&/3"5 @+ ,/#&- "&) %##' -"# /()# (' )#& 0#8#0 &'1 -"# 3+')#e7#'- /#,/#))(+' +9 -"# 3+&)-"&- *73" +9 -"# &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 #8(1#'3# '+. #N4+)#1 (' -"# 3+&)-&0 M+'#< ."#-"#/ %#(', #/+1#1 +/ #N4+)#1 &) & %7/(#1 0&'1 )7/9&3#< () 1#/(8#1 9/+* ."&- .&) +/(,('&00= -#//#)-/(&0 +3374&-(+'5 >-) 37//#'- 0+3&-(+' (' -"# 3+&)-&0 M+'# () -"# 4/+173- +9 0&-#/ 7'/#0&-#1 4/+3#))#)< &'1 (- 3&' -#00 7) 0(--0# &%+7- 4&)- &1&4-&-(+' -+ -"# )#&5 B)-(*&-#) +9 (-) )(,'(9(3&'3# .(00 '##1 -+ %# *&1# (' -"# 3+'-#N- +9 +-"#/ Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [16]: 8B<,&/ N] a O*%<& 6)& $*<<*=& <*A< L"B<'*B' /&L"B;0=@/*'0"B +@' M@&<'0"B <*A< $&/0"?0L*%%A The coastline of England has changed periodically. /#0&-#1 #8(1#'3# 9/+* 1/= 0&'1 )(-#)5 C#8#/-"#0#))< (-) 4"=)(3&0 #'8(/+'*#'- *#&') -"&- 4/#)#/8&-(+' () +9-#' #N3#00#'-< 9+/ #N&*40# (' -"# 3&)# +9 -"# C#+0(-"(3 )-/73-7/# #N3&8&-#1 &- -"# @-7*%0# (' B))#N5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM >' )+*# 3&)#) -"#)# %7/(#1 0&'1 )7/9&3#) 1+ 3+'-&(' #8(1#'3# 9+/ "7*&' #N40+(-&-(+' +9 ."&- .&) & 3+&)-&0 #'8(/+'*#'-< &'1 #0)#."#/# &0+', -"# *+1#/' 3+&)- -"#/# () Comment [17]: 8B<,&/ ND a 6 Coastal archaeological evidence may be well-protected by sea water  )(*(0&/ #8(1#'3#5 P"#/# -"# #8(1#'3# 1+#) /#0&-# -+ 4&)- "7*&' #N40+(-&-(+' +9 -"# /#)+7/3#) &'1 -"# +44+/-7'(-(#) +99#/#1 %= -"# )#& &'1 -"# 3+&)-< (- () %+-" 1(8#/)# &'1 &) =#- 0(--0# 7'1#/)-++15 P# &/# '+- =#- (' & 4+)(-(+' -+ *&E# #8#' 4/#0(*('&/= #)-(*&-#) +9 &').#/) -+ )73" 97'1&*#'-&0 e7#)-(+') &) -"# #N-#'- -+ ."(3" -"# )#& &'1 -"# 3+&)- &99#3-#1 "7*&' 0(9# (' -"# 4&)-< ."&- 4#/3#'-&,# +9 -"# 4+470&-(+' &&'= -(*# 0(8#1 .(-"(' /#&3" +9 -"# )#&< +/ ."#-"#/ "7*&' )#--0#*#'-) (' 3+&)-&0 #'8(/+'*#'-) )"+.#1 & 1()-('3- 3"&/&3-#/ 9/+* -"+)# ('0&'15 !"# *+)- )-/(E(', #8(1#'3# 9+/ 7)# +9 -"# )#& () (' -"# 9+/* +9 %+&-)< =#- .# )-(00 "&8# Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [18]: 8B<,&/ CT It is difficult to understand how many people lived close to the sea. *73" -+ 0#&/' &%+7- -"#(/ 4/+173-(+' &'1 7)#5 D+)- +9 -"# E'+.' ./#3E) &/+7'1 +7/ 3+&)- &/# '+- 7'#N4#3-#10= +9 4+)-A*#1(#8&0 1&-#< &'1 +99#/ &' 7'4&/&00#0#1 +44+/-7'(-= 9+/ /#)#&/3"< ."(3" "&) &) =#- %##' 0(--0# 7)#15 !"# 4/#"()-+/(3 )#.'A 40&'E %+&-) )73" &) -"+)# 9/+* -"# R7*%#/ #)-7&/= &'1 Z+8#/ &00 )##* -+ %#0+', -+ -"# )#3+'1 *(00#''(7* FIf &9-#/ -"() -"#/# () & ,&4 (' -"# /#3+/1 +9 & *(00#''(7*< ."(3" 3&''+- =#- %# #N40&('#1< %#9+/# %+&-) /#&44#&/< %7- %7(0- 7)(', & 8#/= 1(99#/#'- -#3"'+0+,=5 F+&-%7(01(', *7)- "&8# %##' &' #N-/#*#0= (*4+/-&'- &3-(8(-= &/+7'1 *73" +9 +7/ 3+&)-< =#- .# E'+. &0*+)- '+-"(', &%+7- (-5 F+&-) .#/# )+*# +9 -"# *+)- 3+*40#N &/-#9&3-) 4/+173#1 %= 4/#A*+1#/' )+3(#-(#)< &'1 97/-"#/ /#)#&/3" +' -"#(/ 4/+173-(+' &'1 7)# *&E# &' (*4+/-&'- 3+'-/(%7-(+' -+ +7/ 7'1#/)-&'1(', +9 4&)- &--(-71#) -+ -#3"'+0+,= &'1 -#3"'+0+,(3&0 3"&',#5 F+&-) '##1#1 0&'1(', 40&3#)< =#- "#/# &,&(' +7/ E'+.0#1,# () 8#/= 4&-3"=5 >' *&'= 3&)#) -"# '&-7/&0 )"+/#) &'1 %#&3"#) .+701 "&8# )799(3#1< 0#&8(', 0(--0# +/ '+ &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 -/&3#< %7- #)4#3(&00= (' 0&-#/ 4#/(+1)< *&'= 4+/-) &'1 "&/%+7/)< &) .#00 &) )*&00#/ 9&370-(#) )73" &) e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iran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [19]: 8B<,&/ NY a ! The use of boats had not been recorded for a thousand years. Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [20]: 8B<,&/ CN a 1` Similar boats were also discovered in many other European countries. 1" #&B'0"B 0< =0S&B ,)&')&/ <@L) +"*'< ,&/& <0#$%& "/ B"' Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [21]: 8B<,&/ CI a O The design of boats used by pre-modem people was very simple Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [22]: 8B<,&/ CY Our knowledge of boat evidence is limited. "&) %##' -"# #N-#'- +9 4&)- ('8#)-*#'- (' 9&3(0(-(#) 9+/ 4/+37/(', 9()" &'1 )"#009()"5 B0&%+/&-# .++1#' 9()" .#(/)< +9-#' +9 3+')(1#/&%0# #N-#'- &'1 /#)4+')(8# -+ &#/(&0 4"+-+,/&4"= (' )"&00+. .&-#/< "&8# %##' (1#'-(9(#1 (' &/#&) )73" &) B))#N &'1 -"# @#8#/' #)-7&/=5 !"# 4/+173-(+' +9 )&0-< #)4#3(&00= (' -"# 0&-# >/+' 6,# &'1 #&/0= S+*&' 4#/(+1)< "&) %##' /#3+,'()#1 9+/ )+*# -(*#< #)4#3(&00= (' -"# !"&*#) #)-7&/= &'1 &/+7'1 -"# @+0#'- &'1 K++0# R&/%+7/< %7- -"# /#&)+') 9+/ -"# 1#30('# +9 -"&('17)-/= &'1 -"# '&-7/# +9 0&-#/ 3+&)-&0 )&0- .+/E(', &/# *73" 0#)) .#00 7'1#/)-++15 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [23]: 8B<,&/ NZ a 9 Fisheries Weir - an enclosure of stakes set in a stream as a trap for fish. Y-"#/ ('17)-/(#) .#/# &0)+ 0+3&-#1 &0+', -"# 3+&)-< #(-"#/ %#3&7)# -"# /&. *&-#/(&0) +7-3/+44#1 -"#/# +/ 9+/ #&)# +9 .+/E(', &'1 -/&')4+/-L *('#/&0 /#)+7/3#) )73" &) )&'1< ,/&8#0< )-+'#< 3+&0< (/+')-+'#< &'1 &07* .#/# &00 #N40+(-#15 !"#)# ('17)-/(#) &/# 4++/0= 1+37*#'-#1< %7- -"#(/ /#*&(') &/# )+*#-(*#) #N -#')(8# &'1 )-/(E(', Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM @+*# &44/#3(&-(+' +9 -"# 8&/(#-= &'1 (*4+/-&'3# +9 -"# &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 /#*&(') 4/#)#/8#1 (' -"# 3+&)-&0 M+'#< &0%#(- +'0= (' 4/#0(*('&/= 9+/*< 3&' -"7) %# ,&('#1 Comment [24]: 8B<,&/ CC a 6 There are few documents relating to mineral exploitation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iran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [25]: 8B<,&/ CZ Human development threatens the archaeological remains. +9 9&3(0(-(#) )73" &) *&/('&)5 !"# 0&/,#/ )(M# +9 9#//(#) "&) &0)+ 3&7)#1 &' ('3/#&)# (' -"# 1&*&,# 3&7)#1 %= -"#(/ .&)" -+ 9/&,(0# 1#4+)(-) (' -"# ('-#/-(1&0 M+'#5 !"# *+))(,'(9(3&'- '&-7/&0 -"/#&- () -"# 4/#1(3-#1 /()# (' )#& 0#8#0 +8#/ -"# '#N- 3#'-7/=< #)4#3(&00= (' -"# )+7-" &'1 #&)- +9 B',0&'15 >-) (*4&3- +' &/3"&#+0+,= () '+- #&)= -+ 4/#1(3-< &'1 -"+7," (- () 0(E#0= -+ %# "(,"0= 0+3&0()#1< (- .(00 %# &- & )3&0# *73" 0&/,#/ -"&' -"&- +9 *+)- &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 )(-#)5 !"7) 4/+-#3-(', +'# )(-# *&= )(*40= /#)70- (' -/&')4+)(', -"# -"/#&- -+ & 4+('- 97/-"#/ &0+', -"# 3+&)-5 !"# *&'&,#*#'- +9 -"# &/3"&#+0+,(3&0 /#*&(') .(00 "&8# -+ %# 3+')(1#/#1 (' & *73" 0+',#/ -(*# )3&0# &'1 & *73" .(1#/ ,#+,/&4"(3&0 )3&0# -"&' () 3+**+' (' -"# 3&)# +9 1/= 0&'1 )(-#)< &'1 -"() .(00 4+)# & )#/(+7) 3"&00#',# 9+/ &/3"&#+0+,()-)5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [26]: 8B<,&/ C> a 6 Large passenger boats are causing increasing damage to the seashore Questions 14-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write answers in boxes 14-16 on your sheet. 15. What has caused public interest in coastal archaeology in recent years? E. The rapid development of England's coastal archaeology F. The rising awareness of climate change G. The discovery of an underwater forest H. The systematic research conducted on coastal archaeological findings 16. What does the passage say about the evidence of boats? E. There's enough knowledge of the boatbuilding technology of the prehistoric people. F. Many of the boats discovered were found in harbours. G. The use of boats had not been recorded for a thousand years. H. Boats were first used for fishing. 17. What can be discovered from the air?  A. Salt mines E. Roman towns F. Harbours G. Fisheries QUESTIONS 17-23 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Passage 2? write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 24. England lost much of its land after the Ice Age due to the rising sea level. =T 25. The coastline of England has changed periodically. = F 26. Coastal archaeological evidence may be well-protected by sea water. = T 27. The design of boats used by pre-modem people was very simple. = F 28. Similar boats were also discovered in many other European countries. = NG 29. There are few documents relating to mineral exploitation.= T 30. Large passenger boats are causing increasing damage to the seashore = T Questions 24-26 Choose THREE letters from A-G. Write your answer in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet. Which THREE of the following statements are mentioned in the passage?  A How coastal archaeology was originally discovered B It is difficult to understand how many people lived close to the sea. C How much the prehistoric communities understand the climate change. D Our knowledge of boat evidence is limited. E Some fishing grounds were converted to ports. F Human development threatens the archaeological remains. G Coastal archaeology will become more important in the future. "#$$#%& ' Travel Books !"#/# &/# *&'= /#&)+') ."= ('1(8(17&0) "&8# -/&8#0#1 %#=+'1 -"#(/ +.' )+3(#-(#)5 @+*# -/&8#0#/) *&= "&8# )(*40= 1#)(/#1 -+ )&-()9= 37/(+)(-= &%+7- -"# 0&/,#/ .+/015 T'-(0 /#3#'- -(*#)< "+.#8#/< 1(1 -/&8#0#/) )-&/- -"#(/ ?+7/'#= 9+/ /#&)+') +-"#/ -"&' *#/# 37/(+)(-=5 P"(0# -"# -/&8#0#/)d &33+7'-) ,(8# *73" 8&07&%0# ('9+/*&-(+' +' -"#)# 9+/#(,' 0&'1) &'1 4/+8(1# & .('1+. 9+/ -"# 7'1#/)-&'1(', +9 -"# 0+3&0 370-7/#) Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [27]: 8B<,&/ C[ a ! Knowing other people and places better  &'1 "()-+/(#)< -"#= &/# &0)+ & *(//+/ -+ -"# -/&8#0#/) -"#*)#08#)< 9+/ -"#)# &33+7'-) "#04 -"#* -+ "&8# & %#--#/ 7'1#/)-&'1(', +9 -"#*)#08#)5 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM S#3+/1) +9 9+/#(,' -/&8#0 &44#&/#1 )++' &9-#/ -"# ('8#'-(+' +9 ./(-(',< &'1 9/&,*#'-&/= -/&8#0 &33+7'-) &44#&/#1 (' %+-" D#)+4+-&*(& &'1 B,=4- (' &'3(#'- Comment [28]: 8B<,&/ C] a Q Because travelers reflect upon their own society and life -(*#)5 69-#/ -"# 9+/*&-(+' +9 0&/,#< (*4#/(&0 )-&-#) (' -"# 30&))(3&0 .+/01< -/&8#0 &33+7'-) #*#/,#1 &) & 4/+*('#'- 0(-#/&/= ,#'/# (' *&'= 0&'1)< &'1 -"#= "#01 #)4#3(&00= )-/+', &44#&0 9+/ /70#/) 1#)(/(', 7)#970 E'+.0#1,# &%+7- -"#(/ /#&0*)5 !"# G/##E "()-+/(&' R#/+1+-7) /#4+/-#1 +' "() -/&8#0) (' B,=4- &'1 6'&-+0(& (' Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM /#)#&/3"(', -"# "()-+/= +9 -"# K#/)(&' .&/)5 !"# I"('#)# #'8+= h"&', i(&' 1#)3/(%#1 Comment [29]: 8B<,&/ >[ 2O&F P&$+D&P T-,UA&P%& ,S *O&+D &GH+D&V *73" +9 3#'-/&0 6)(& &) 9&/ .#)- &) F&3-/(& j*+1#/'A1&= 69,"&'()-&'k +' -"# %&)() +9 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM -/&8#0) 7'1#/-&E#' (' -"# 9(/)- 3#'-7/= FIB ."(0# )#&/3"(', 9+/ &00(#) 9+/ -"# R&' 1='&)-=5 R#00#'()-(3 &'1 S+*&' ,#+,/&4"#/) )73" &) K-+0#*=< @-/&%+< &'1 K0('= -"# B01#/ /#0(#1 +' -"#(/ +.' -/&8#0) -"/+7," *73" +9 -"# D#1(-#//&'#&' .+/01 &) .#00 &) /#4+/-) +9 +-"#/ -/&8#0#/) -+ 3+*4(0# 8&)- 3+*4#'1(& +9 ,#+,/&4"(3&0 E'+.0#1,#5 Comment [30]: 8B<,&/ CD 6" =*')&/ 0B;"/#*'0"B ;"/ ')& <'@?A "; "56;37< W76; Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [31]: 8B<,&/ >I 6" <&&H >I 79935; Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM *&?+/ ('3#'-(8#) 9+/ -/&8#0 -+ 9+/#(,' 0&'1)5 D7)0(* *#/3"&'-) )+7,"- -/&1(', Comment [32]: 8B<,&/ >N 6" *LM@0/& >NC5=C67"E3@79 X<=W95:C5 +44+/-7'(-(#) -"/+7,"+7- *73" +9 -"# #&)-#/' "#*()4"#/#5 !"#= 1#)3/(%#1 0&'1)< Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM 4#+40#)< &'1 3+**#/3(&0 4/+173-) +9 -"# >'1(&' Y3#&' %&)(' 9/+* #&)- 69/(3& -+ Comment [33]: 8B<,&/ >C 6/*?0B= *B? >C "39C6347C5 Z7/(', -"# 4+)-30&))(3&0 #/& j&%+7- V;; -+ :V;; IBk< -/&1# &'1 4(0,/(*&,# #*#/,#1 &) >'1+'#)(&< &'1 -"#= )7440(#1 -"# 9(/)- ./(--#' &33+7'-) +9 )+3(#-(#) (' @7%A@&"&/&' P#)- 69/(3&5 P"(0# *#/3"&'-) )#- +7- (' )#&/3" +9 -/&1# &'1 4/+9(-< 1#8+7- D7)0(*) -/&8#0#1 &) 4(0,/(*) -+ D#33& -+ *&E# -"#(/ "&?? &'1 8()(- -"# "+0= )(-#) +9 >)0&*5 @('3# -"# 4/+4"#- D7"&**&1d) +/(,('&0 4(0,/(*&,# -+ D#33&< 7'-+01 *(00(+') +9 D7)0(*) "&8# 9+00+.#1 "() #N&*40#< &'1 -"+7)&'1) +9 "&?? &33+7'-) "&8# /#0&-#1 -"#(/ #N4#/(#'3#)5 B&)- 6)(&' -/&8#0#/) .#/# '+- e7(-# )+ 4/+*('#'- &) D7)0(*) 17/(', -"# 4+)-30&))(3&0 #/&< %7- -"#= -++ 9+00+.#1 *&'= +9 -"# "(,".&=) &'1 )#&A 0&'#) +9 -"# #&)-#/' "#*()4"#/#5 I"('#)# *#/3"&'-) 9/#e7#'-0= 8()(-#1 )+7-"#&)- Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [34]: 8B<,&/ >] 4)$A+G H+A%D+G$ 6)(& &'1 >'1(&< +33&)(+'&00= 8#'-7/(', #8#' -+ #&)- 69/(3&< &'1 1#8+7- B&)- 6)(&' F711"()-) 7'1#/-++E 1()-&'- 4(0,/(*&,#)5 F#-.##' -"# V-" &'1 U-" 3#'-7/(#) IB< "7'1/#1) &'1 4+))(%0= #8#' -"+7)&'1) +9 I"('#)# F711"()-) -/&8#0#1 -+ >'1(& -+ )-71= .(-" F711"()- -#&3"#/)< 3+00#3- )&3/#1 -#N-)< &'1 8()(- "+0= )(-#)5 P/(--#' &33+7'-) /#3+/1#1 -"# #N4#/(#'3#) +9 *&'= 4(0,/(*)< )73" &) J&N(&'< l7&'M&',< &'1 g(?(',5 !"+7," '+- )+ '7*#/+7) &) -"# I"('#)# 4(0,/(*)< F711"()-) 9/+* m&4&'< Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [35]: 8B<,&/ >> 3<:37 n+/#&< &'1 +-"#/ 0&'1) &0)+ 8#'-7/#1 &%/+&1 (' -"# ('-#/#)-) +9 )4(/(-7&0 #'0(,"-#'*#'-5 D#1(#8&0 B7/+4#&') 1(1 '+- "(- -"# /+&1) (' )73" 0&/,# '7*%#/) &) -"#(/ D7)0(* &'1 B&)- 6)(&' 3+7'-#/4&/-) 17/(', -"# #&/0= 4&/- +9 -"# 4+)-30&))(3&0 #/&< &0-"+7," ,/&17&00= ('3/#&)(', 3/+.1) +9 I"/()-(&' 4(0,/(*) 90+.#1 -+ m#/7)&0#*< S+*#< @&'-(&,+ 1#AI+*4+)-#0& j(' '+/-"#/' @4&('k< &'1 +-"#/ )(-#)5 69-#/ -"# :X-" 3#'-7/=< "+.#8#/< *#/3"&'-)< 4(0,/(*)< &'1 *())(+'&/(#) 9/+* *#1(#8&0 B7/+4# -/&8#0#1 .(1#0= &'1 0#9- '7*#/+7) -/&8#0 &33+7'-)< +9 ."(3" D&/3+ K+0+d) 1#)3/(4-(+' +9 "() -/&8#0) &'1 )+?+7/' (' I"('& () -"# %#)- E'+.'5 6) -"#= %#3&*# 9&*(0(&/ .(-" -"# 0&/,#/ .+/01 +9 -"# #&)-#/' "#*()4"#/#oA&'1 -"# 4/+9(-&%0# 3+**#/3(&0 +44+/-7'(-(#) -"&- (- +99#/#1oB7/+4#&' 4#+40# .+/E#1 -+ 9('1 '#. &'1 *+/# 1(/#3/+7-#) -+ 6)(&' &'1 69/(3&' *&/E#-)5 !"#(/ #99+/-) -++E -"#* '+- +'0= -+ &00 4&/-) +9 -"# #&)-#/' "#*()4"#/#< %7- #8#'-7&00= -+ -"# 6*#/(3&) &'1 Y3#&'(& &) .#005 >9 D7)0(* &'1 I"('#)# 4#+40#) 1+*('&-#1 -/&8#0 &'1 -/&8#0 ./(-(', (' 4+)-30&))(3&0 -(*#)< B7/+4#&' #N40+/#/)< 3+'e7#/+/)< *#/3"&'-)< &'1 *())(+'&/(#) -++E 3#'-#/ )-&,# 17/(', -"# #&/0= *+1#/' #/& j&%+7- :V;; -+ :W;; IBk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iran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment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m&4&'#)# /#9+/*#/ J7E7M&.& g7E(3"( &'1 -"# I"('#)# /#8+07-(+'&/= @7' g&-A)#'5 P(-" -"# 1#8#0+4*#'- +9 ('#N4#')(8# &'1 /#0(&%0# *#&') +9 *&)) -/&')4+/-< -"# X;-" 3#'-7/= .(-'#))#1 #N40+)(+') %+-" (' -"# 9/#e7#'3= +9 0+',A1()-&'3# -/&8#0 &'1 (' Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [37]: 8B<,&/ >T 6" $/"S0?& 0B;"/#*'0"B ;"/ ')& >T @=9=<35; ')&A <&' @$ Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [38]: 8B<,&/ >Y 6" <'@?A ')& >Y "63<@3"95; ;"/ ')& /&"/=*B0W*'0"B "; ')&0/ <"L0&'0&< -"# 8+07*# +9 -/&8#0 ./(-(',5 P"(0# & ,/#&- 1#&0 +9 -/&8#0 -++E 40&3# 9+/ /#&)+') +9 %7)('#))< &1*('()-/&-(+'< 1(40+*&3=< 4(0,/(*&,#< &'1 *())(+'&/= .+/E< &) (' &,#) 4&)-< ('3/#&)(',0= #99#3-(8# *+1#) +9 *&)) -/&')4+/- *&1# (- 4+))(%0# 9+/ '#. E('1) +9 -/&8#0 -+ 90+7/()"5 !"# *+)- 1()-('3-(8# +9 -"#* .&) *&)) -+7/()*< ."(3" #*#/,#1 Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [39]: 8B<,&/ TI 2O& P&Z&A,HG&-* ,S *D#Z&A J,,T$ 2O& #-$U&D +$ +- *O& %+$* ,S *O& UO,A& H#$$#%& &) & *&?+/ 9+/* +9 3+')7*4-(+' 9+/ ('1(8(17&0) 0(8(', (' -"# .+/01d) .#&0-"= )+3(#-(#)5 !+7/()* #'&%0#1 3+')7*#/) -+ ,#- &.&= 9/+* "+*# -+ )## -"# )(,"-) (' S+*#< -&E# & 3/7()# -"/+7," -"# I&/(%%#&'< .&0E -"# G/#&- P&00 +9 I"('&< 8()(- )+*# .('#/(#) (' F+/1#&7N< +/ ,+ +' )&9&/( (' n#'=&5 6 4#370(&/ 8&/(&'- +9 -"# -/&8#0 &33+7'- &/+)# -+ *##- -"# '##1) +9 -"#)# -+7/()-)L -"# ,7(1#%++E< ."(3" +99#/#1 &18(3# +' 9++1< 0+1,(',< )"+44(',< 0+3&0 37)-+*)< &'1 &00 -"# )(,"-) -"&- 8()(-+/) )"+701 '+- *()) )##(',5 !+7/()* "&) "&1 & *&))(8# #3+'+*(3 (*4&3- -"/+7,"+7- -"# .+/01< %7- +-"#/ '#. 9+/*) +9 -/&8#0 "&8# &0)+ "&1 3+')(1#/&%0# ('907#'3# (' 3+'-#*4+/&/= -(*#)5 *+,"+-,) . !"# "7*&' %#(',) +9 & 4&/-(370&/ '&-(+' < 3+**7'(-= +/ #-"'(3 ,/+74k 6'=."#/# #0)# -"# 7)# +9 -"# .+/1 4#+40#) () ./+', Questions 27-28  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 27-28 on your answer sheet. 27 What were most people traveling for in the early days?  A Studying their own cultures B Business C Knowing other people and places better  D Writing travel books 28. Why did the author say writing travel books is also "a mirror" for travelers themselves?  A Because travelers record their own experiences. B Because travelers reflect upon their own society and life. C Because it increases knowledge of foreign cultures. D Because it is related to the development of human society. Kiran Makkar 5/25/2017 10:39 AM Comment [40]: 8B<,&/ >Z J&"$%& ;/"# >Z W5792E[  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   L"@B'/0&< O/"# &*<' 8;/0L* '" PB?"B&<0* 3&LL* ">6"=;5 =? 267859 6" =*')&/ 0B;"/#*'0"B ;"/ ')& <'@?A "; CD "56;37< W76; 6" <&&H >I 79935; 6" *LM@0/& >NC5=C67"E3@79 X<=W95:C5 6/*?0B= *B? >C "39C6347C5 6" L"%%&L' Q@??)0<' '&R'< *B? ;"/ <$0/0'@*% &B%0=)'&B#&B'  6" <*'0<;A $@+%0L L@/0"<0'A ;"/ ')& 1&, ."/%? 6" $/"S0?& 0B;"/#*'0"B ;"/ ')& >T @=9=<35; ')&A <&' @$ 6" <'@?A ')& >Y "63<@3"95; ;"/ ')& /&"/=*B0W*'0"B "; ')&0/ <"L0&'0&< 5B'&/'*0B#&B' *B? $%&*<@/& Questions 37-40 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 7 G&&* *O& H)JA+BY$ +-*&D&$*V Q &R$%"/& B&, +@<0B&<< "$$"/'@B0'0&