Previous Issue: 31 July 2002 Next Planned Update: 1 May 2009Page 1 of 41Primary contact: Abu-Adas, Hisham on phone 874-6908 Best Practice SABP-Q-003 30 April 2005Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures Standards Committee Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Developed by: Hisham Abu-AdasCivil Engineering Unit/M&CEDConsulting Services Department Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures SABP-Q-003Issue Date: 30 April 2005 Next Planned Update: 1 May 2009 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design GuidePage 2 of 41 VERTICAL VESSEL FOUNDATION DESIGN GUIDETable of Contents Page 1 Introduction...................................................................................31.1 Purpose.............................................................................31.2 Scope................................................................................31.3 Disclaimer..........................................................................31.4 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards..................................32 References...................................................................................42.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP).......................................42.2 Industry Guides And Standards.........................................42.3 Saudi Aramco Standards...................................................42.4 Saudi Aramco Best Practices............................................43 General.........................................................................................54 Design Procedure.........................................................................54.1 Design Considerations.......................................................54.2 Vertical Loads....................................................................64.3 Horizontal Loads................................................................74.4 Load Combinations..........................................................104.5 Pedestal...........................................................................124.6 Anchor Bolts....................................................................144.7 Footing Design.................................................................16 Attachments: Figures, Tables, and Example Figure A - Foundation Pressures for Square Bases...................................24Figure B - Foundation Pressures for Octagon Bases.................................25Table 1 - Octagon Properties......................................................................26Table 2 - Foundation Pressures for Octagon Bases...................................31Table 3 - Basic Development Length..........................................................32Example - Vertical Vessel Foundation Design............................................33 Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures SABP-Q-003Issue Date: 30 April 2005 Next Planned Update: 1 May 2009 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design GuidePage 3 of 41 1Introduction 1.1Purpose The purpose of this Practice is to establish guidelines and recommended procedures for the analysis and design of vertical vessel foundations for use byengineers working on Saudi Aramco projects and Saudi Aramco engineers. Itshall be used where applicable unless otherwise specified. 1.2Scope This design guide defines the minimum requirements for the analysis and designof vertical vessel foundations for Saudi Aramco plants. In the ensuing sections, pertinent references are given, and design loadings and general designconsideration are presented and discussed. This Practice addresses isolatedfoundations supported directly on soil. Pile supported footings are not includedin this practice. The Process Industry Practice STE03350 forms the basis for thedevelopment of this design guide. 1.3Disclaimer The material in this Best Practices document provides the most correct andaccurate design guidelines available to Saudi Aramco which comply withinternational industry practices. This material is being provided for the generalguidance and benefit of the Designer. Use of the Best Practices in designing projects for Saudi Aramco, however, does not relieve the Designer from hisresponsibility to verify the accuracy of any information presented or from hiscontractual liability to provide safe and sound designs that conform toMandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements. Use of the information or material contained herein is no guarantee that the resulting product will satisfythe applicable requirements of any project. Saudi Aramco assumes noresponsibility or liability whatsoever for any reliance on the information presented herein or for designs prepared by Designers in accordance with theBest Practices. Use of the Best Practices by Designers is intended solely for,and shall be strictly limited to, Saudi Aramco projects. Saudi Aramco® is aregistered trademark of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company. Copyright, SaudiAramco, 2002. 1.4Conflicts with Mandatory Standards In the event of a conflict between this Best Practice and other Mandatory SaudiAramco Engineering Requirement, the Mandatory Saudi Aramco EngineeringRequirement shall govern. Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures SABP-Q-003Issue Date: 30 April 2005 Next Planned Update: 1 May 2009 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design GuidePage 4 of 41 2References This Best Practice is based on the latest edition of the references below, unlessotherwise noted. 2.1Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide 2.2Industry Guides and Standards American Concrete Institute (ACI) ACI 318-02 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other StructuresWind Load and Anchor Bolt Design for Buildings and Other Structures 2.3Saudi Aramco Standards Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAES) SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design DataSAES-A-204 Preparation of Structural CalculationsSAES-M-001 Structural Design Criteria for Non-Building StructuresSAES-Q-001 Criteria for Design and Construction of ConcreteStructuresSAES-Q-005 Concrete Foundations 2.4Saudi Aramco Best Practices SABP-Q-001 Anchor Bolt Design and InstallationSABP-Q-002 Spread Footings Design