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SOLAR ENERGY & ITS APPLICA APPLICATIONS TIONS Prepared by, Hardik P. So nag ra Ankit Ankit Pate l
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Introduction •Sola Solar r ener energy gy is in the the form form of the the ligh light t and and heat heat .
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•About 30% of total energy received by the earth is reflected back towards the space . Remaining energy is absor absorbe bed d by the the clou clouds ds , ocea oceans ns and and land land mass masses es . • •The The amo amount of sola olar energ ergy reaching ing the the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal , oil , natural gas , and mined mined uranium uranium combine combined d.
• •Sol Solar energy is the prima imary energy sour ource among all of the the rene renewa wabl ble e sour source ce like like wave wave ener energy gy , hydr hydro o -elec electr tric icit ity y, wind wind ener energy gy, biom biomas ass s etc etc .
Classification of solar energy 2 2 - 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Solar Solar energy energy
Active Active solar solar energy energy
th e us e of p ho to v o l t a i c p a n e ls and sola solar r ther therma mal l colle collecto ctors rs to harn harness ess the the energ energy y.
Passive Passive solar solar energy energy
•It incl includ ude e orie orient ntin ing g a building to the Sun ,
selecting materials with with favo favora rabl ble e ther therma mal l mas s or light disp disper ersi sing ng prop proper erti ties es, and designing spaces tha t naturally circula circulate te air. 3
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Sola So lar r th ther erma mal l
Solar water heater •Solar water heater ter use uses solar lar
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coll collec ecto tor r pane panel l to tran transf sfer er the the hea heat energy ergy of sun lig light to the the water.
• •The unit uses convection (movement of hot water upward ) to m ov e t he wat e r fr om c ol l ec t o r to tan k . N e it h e r pump pumps s nor nor elec electr tric icit ity y are are used used to enforce enforce circula circulatio tion n.
• • M at er i a l
use s into t he f ab r ic a t i o n of t an k is insulator for heat so heat of the the hot wate ater can not not transfer fer to the the surr surrou ound ndin ing g envi envior ornm nmen ent t and and henc hence e wate water r can can be keep eep hot hot for for long long time time.
Solar water disinfection •Solar
water disinfection , also known as SODIS is a method of disinfecting water usin g only s un l ig h t a nd plastic PET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate ) bottles .
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• •SODIS is a free and effective
method for decentralized water tre treatment ent, usually lly applie lied at the hous househ ehol old d leve level l and and is reco recomm mmen ende ded d by the Worl orld Health alth Organizat izati ion ( WHO) as a viable method for it.
• •UV-A rays from the sun destroys cell cell struc structu ture res s of bacte bacteri ria a. •UV-A reac reacts ts with with oxyg oxygen en diss dissol olve ved d in the water and produces highly rea reactive form orms of oxyg oxyge en that that are belie believed ved to also also dama damage ge patho pathogen gens s.
Solar cooker •Principle : Sunlight is converted to heat
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energy that is use for cooking purpose. This is done as follows: ─Concentrating sunlight. ─Converting light to heat. ─Trapping heat ─Plastic Sheet
1. Box cooker
2. Panel cooker
3. Parabolic dish
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Sol olar ar po powe wer r
Photovoltaic •Principle
S o me m a t e r i a l s release electrons when hit with rays of light , which produce produces s an electric electrical al current current .
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• •This This effe effect ct was was disc discov over ered ed by Alex Alexand ander er-Edmon Edmond d Becqu Becquer erel el . The
firs t sola r cel l w as cons constr truc ucte ted d by Char Charle les s Frit Fritts ts in the the 1880 1880.
Fig : Unit so solar ce cell
• •There are at least fourteen types of photovoltaic cells , suc h as thin fil m , mo no c ry st a l l i n e si licon , polycrystalline silicon , and amorphous cells , as well as
m ul ti p l e ty p e s concent concentrat rating ing solar solar power power .
• •Efficiency is is ab about 4.5 % - 6 % f
Fig : 11 MW MW Se Serpa so solar powe power r plan plant t in Portu Portuga gal l
Concentrated solar power systems •Conc Concent entra rated ted solar solar power power syste systems ms are divid divided ed into into : Øconc concent entrat rated ed solar solar therma thermal l (CST CST ) Øconcent concentrate rated d photovo photovoltai ltaic c (CPV ) Øconc concent entrat ratin ing g photo photovol voltai taic c and therm thermal al (CPT CPT )
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•Principle : Concentrate the sunlight at particular
point to convert that energy into another form of energy.
Concentrated solar thermal (CST) •Conc Concen entr trat ated ed sola solar r ther therm mal (CST CST ) is used used to prod produc uce e rene renewa wabl ble e heat heat . • •CST CST syst system ems s use use para parabo boli lic c lens lenses es
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or mir mirrors and and tracki cking system stems s to focus a larg arge area of sunligh light t onto onto a smal small l area area.
• •Each
concentration method is c ap ab l e of p ro d u c i n g high temp tempera eratu tures res and corr corresp espon ondin dingly gly high high thermod thermodynam ynamic ic efficie efficienci ncies es
• •They vary in the way that they trac track k the the Sun Sun and and focu focus s ligh light t. • •Solar lar therm ermal is mor more efficien cient t meth method od to produ produce ce heat heat .
Concentrated solar thermal (CST) 2 2 - 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Fig : Using Fla Flat mir mirror ror refl refle ector . (Court urtesy of
Concentrated solar thermal (CST) 2 2 - 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Fig Fig : Usin Using g par parab abol oli ic ref refle lect ctor or . (Cour Courte tesy sy of
Concentrated solar thermal (CST) 2 2 - 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Fig Fig : Comb Combin inat atio ion n of prev previo ious us both both meth method od ( Cour Courte tesy sy of
Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) •Conc Concen entr trat ated ed phot photov ovol olta taic ic (CPV CPV ) syst system ems s empl employ oy sunl sunlig ight ht
conc concen entr trat ated ed onto onto phot photov ovol olta taic ic surf surfac aces es for for the the purp purpos ose e of electri electrical cal power power product production ion .
• •Concent entrated pho photovolt oltaic aic (CPV ) syste stems class lassi ified as follows : •
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ØLow concentration CPV (concentration of 2 -100 suns) Ø ØMedi Medium um conc concen entr trat atio ion n CPV CPV (conc concen entr trat atio ion n of 100 300 300 suns suns) Ø Ø High High con concen centra tration (conc conce entrati ation of 300 300 or more more suns suns)
•Conc Concen entr trat atio ion n meth metho od usin using g sola solar r col collect lector or is chea cheape per r
then solar cell as solar cell is costlier than solar collector .
• •Elec Electri trici city ty cost cost for for sola solar r coll collec ector tor is abou about t $3 /watt watt .
Solar chimney power plant • P ri nc i p l e
I t us e s t he prin princi cipl ple e of sola solar r ener energy gy & wind energy both . It also use the the princip ciple of green hous house e effect.
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• • I t ha s a hig h chimney . (Heig Height ht arro arroun und d 1000 1000 mtr mtr .) • • Thi s i s surr ounde d b y a
large collector roof made f ro m glass or resistive p la s ti c supported on a fra framework ork.(Dia Diam meter in orde order r of 130 mtr .)
• •In the cen center of the chimne imney y ther there e is a wind wind turb turbin ine e , whic which h
generate electricity using wind wind velo veloci cit ty whic which h is due due to the solar solar Ener Energy gy.
Vent Chimney 2 2 - 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Green house & Agriculture •Agriculture seek to optimize
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the capture of solar energy in o rde r to o ptimiz e the producti productivit vity y of plants plants .
• •Gree Greenho nhous uses es conve convert rt solar solar light light to heat, enabling year -round production and the growth (in e nc l os e d environments ) of
s pe c ia l t y crops an d o ther pla plants not natural rally suited to the local local clim climate ate.
Fig : cour court tesy esy of http http://en.wikipe wikipedia dia. org/ wik i
References • • altenerg
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