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Temperature Mapping Study & Qualification Protocol Procedure

Description : Detailed Procedure And Guidelines On Temperature Mapping Study & Qualification Of Cold Rooms, Warehouses, Vans, Trucks, Reefers, Refrigerators & Boxes For Pharmaceutical Industry Temperature mappi...




DETAILED PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES ON TEMPERATURE MAPPING STUDY  !UALI"ICATION O" COLD ROOMS# $ARE%OUSES# VANS# TRUC&S# REE"ERS# RE"RIGERATORS  'O(ES "OR P%ARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY   Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 6AB7E O' *O6E6 $+ 6e/perature appin5 tu.: t u.: ; 6e/perature < =u/ = u/ appin5 )tu.: )t u.: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 $+$+$+ >h: 1oul. :ou re?uire 6e/perature appin5 tu.: !aka 6e/perature Di)tribution Di)tributi on )tu.:%@ +++++3 $+$+2+ =o1 .o 1e carr: out te/perature /appin5 )tu.:@+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++4 $+2+ >hat i) te/perature an. hu/ /appin5 )tu.:@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++( $+2+$+ Do :ou re?uire a te/perature te /perature /appin5 or te/perature < hu/ hu/ : /appin5@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++( $+2+2+ >hat i) the reco//en.e. hu/ leel for )tora5e of /e.icine)@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++( $+2+3+ =o1 to re.uce the hu/ for col. roo/) an. 1arehou)e) for /e.icine )tora5e@ ++++++++++++++++++( $+3+ Docu/entation re?uire. r e?uire. prior to co//ence/ent of a /appin5 )tu.: )tu. :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++& $+4+  Acceptance criteria for the /appin5 )tu.:@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++& $+(+ =o1 to .eci.e the )a/plin5 interal of .ata collection for the /appin5 )tu.: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++& $+&+ =o1 to u)e the t he re)ult) re)ult ) of o f te/perature t e/perature /appin5 )tu.: +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++# $+#+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: ; 6e/perature < =u/ /appin5 )tu.: for ariou) a))et) ++++++++# $+#+$+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: of eefer truck) < an)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++# $+#+2+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: )t u.: of a 1are hou)e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++8 $+#+3+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: of *ol. roo/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++8 $+#+4+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: of a refri5erator +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++8 $+#+(+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: of a )hippin5 box +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++8 $+8+ eport) 5enerate. in 6e/perature appin5 )tu.: )tu. : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++9 2+ >hat i) 6e/perature ualification ualificat ion )tu.:@ !or 6e/perature < =u/ ualification )tu.:% )tu. :% ++++++9 2+$+ Difference bet1een 6e/perature 6e/perat ure /appin5 )tu.: an. 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: ) tu.: +++++++++++ +++++++++++ $C 2+2+ =o1 to .eci.e 1hether :ou nee. 6e/perature appin5 )tu.: or 6e/perature ualification tu.:@ $C 2+3+  ... Do :ou re?uire a 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: or 6e/perature an. hu/ ?ualification@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ $C 2+4+  A.anta5e) of a 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: oer a /appin5 )tu.: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$C 2+(+ Docu/entation re?uire. prior to co//ence/ent of a ?ualification proce)) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $$ 2+&+ eport) of a 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++$$ 3+ ea)on) for failure of a appin5 )tu.: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ $$ 3+$+ ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu.: of a an++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ $$ 3+2+ ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu.: of a col. roo/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ $2 3+3+ ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu.: of a >are hou)e +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$2 3+4+ 4+ 4+$+ >hat i) the  perio. of a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: an. te/perature ?ualification )tu.:@ $3 =o1 to i/proe the re)ult) of the te)t an. eli/inate chance) of failure@ failure @ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $3  A.anta5e) of a trial )tu.: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++$3  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 4+2+ =o1 to carr: out a trial )tu.:@ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++$4 (+ Docu/ent) relate. relat e. to t o appin5 )tu.: < ualification ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++$4  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: an. 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: are carrie. out 5enerall: in phar/aceutical in.u)tr:+ 6here are .ifferent kin. of /e.icine) an. accine) 1hich nee. to be )tore. an. tran)porte. at certain te/perature)+ aorit: of the)e /e.icine) an. accine) are t1o cate5orie) i+ 6ho)e to be )tore. bet1een 2 to 8 De5ree *enti5ra.e an. tho)e to be )tore. bet1een $( to 2(F*+ -t i) i/portant for the efficac: of the t he /e.icine that the )a/e be )tore. an. tran)porte. at the reco//en.e. te/perature li/it) a) a) aboe+ -f the /e.icine /e.icine or accine accine 5oe) aboe the)e te/perature li/it), the /e.icinal propertie) 1ill be 5ra.uall: lo)t an. /o)t i/portantl: the pro.uct) 1ill not )ho1 an: in.ication that it ha) been co/pro/i)e.+ -n )uch ca)e the ulti/ate .i)tributor an. u)er 1ill be una1are of the efficac: of the /e.icine+ 6he )tora5e i) .one in 1arehou)e), col. roo/) or refri5erator) an. tran)portation i) carrie. out in boxe), an), reefer) an. container)+ 6he 1hole )et of )tu.: i) carrie. out to anal:e the te/perature .i)tribution in a 1arehou)e, col. roo/, refri5erator, an or reefer truck) to fin. out 1hether the te/perature in)i.e )uch facilit: i) al1a:) /aintaine. bet1een the .e)ire. te/perature+ ). Tem*era+,re Ma**-g S+,/0 1 Tem*era+,re  %,m-/-+0 Ma**-g 2+,/0 6hi) article brief about /appin5 )tu.: for 6e/perature < =u/ ).).Tem*era+,re ).). Tem*era+,re Ma**-g S+,/0 1 Tem*era+,re Tem*era+,re /-2+r-b,+-o aal02-2 'ir)tl: 1e 1ill explain about te/perature /appin5 )tu.: an. thereafter about te/perature < hu/ .i)tribution+ ).).). $30 wo,l/ 0o, re4,-re Tem*era+,re Ma**-g S+,/0 5aka Tem*era+,re D-2+r-b,+-o 2+,/067 -f :ou are inole. in /anufacturin5, tran)portation, )tora5e or .i)tribution of /e.icine) an. accine), :ou 1ill be intere)te. to kno1 /ore about te/perature /appin5 )tu.:+ -n all the)e ca)e) :our /e.icine i) kept in)i.e an enclo)e. area )uch a) a 1arehou)e, col. roo/, te/perature controlle. an, reefer truck, refri5erator, in)ulate. i n)ulate. boxe) etc+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA -n )uch ca)e) :ou nee. to en)ure that the te/perature in)i.e the enclo)e. area i) 1ithin the .e)ire. li/it)+ e5+ -f :ou 1ant to keep the /e.icine bet1een 2 to 8 F* an. :ou are keepin5 in)i.e a col. roo/, ho1 .o :ou en)ure that all the entire col. roo/ i) bet1een the)e te/perature li/it)@ ou /i5ht be keepin5 the /e.icine at one )helf in)i.e the col. roo/+ ou 1ill not hae an: i.ea 1hether thi) particular place i) 1ithin the li/it)+ Generall: :ou 1ill hae an in.icator connecte. to the coolin5 unit to .i)pla: the current te/perature+ 6hi) .i)pla: pick) up the te/perature u)t fro/ one )en)or place. at a certain location near the .uct openin5 of the coolin5 unit, ba)e. on 1hich the coolin5 unit ha) it) )1itch O an. O'' c:cle)+ 6hi) /i5ht be in.icatin5 a te/perature bet1een 2 an. 8 F*+ o)t of u) ten. to beliee that thi) .i)pla:e. te/perature i) the te/perature acro)) the entire col. roo/+ =o1eer ho1 about ariou) )hele) an. corner) of the col. roo/ 1here :ou are keepin5 :our /e.icine) 1hich are far a1a: fro/ thi) particular )en)or@ =o1 .oe) a thir. part: like an au.itor can check 1hether the entire col. roo/ i) correct te/perature@ =o1 can :ou en)ure that the .i)pla: at the front .oor i) exact in relation 1ith the corre)pon.in5 )en)or@ =o1 .o :ou kno1 about the ariation) 1hen a .oor i) opene.@ 6he )en)or /i5ht be far a1a: fro/ the .oor an. hence /a: not reflect an: ariation+ =o1eer it reall: happen) that the area near the .oor )u..enl: 5oe) aboe 8F*+  All the)e .oubt) can can be clarifie. onl: throu5h throu5h a te/perature te/perature /appin5 )tu.:+ )tu.:+ ).).8. %ow /o we carr0 o,+ +em*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/07 -n principle a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: inole) recor.in5 the te/perature of the col. co/part/ent ariou) con.ition)+ 6he .ata 1ill be recor.e. for .a:) or 1eek) a) per the nature of the a))et+ u/erou) te/perature .ata lo55er) 1ill be place. in)i.e the te)tin5 area at ariou) hei5ht) an. .ata 1ill be continuou)l: recor.e.+ Depen.in5 on the nature of the propert:, the follo1in5 con.ition) 1ill be te)te. a+ 6e)tin5 e/pt: con.ition) to anal:e the .i)tribution of te/perature 1hen there are no loa.) in the area+ b+ 6e)tin5 &CH loa.e. con.ition to anal:e the .i)tribution 1hen the area i) loa.e. up to &CH of full capacit:+ c+ 6e)tin5 $CCH loa.e. con.ition to anal:e the .i)tribution 1hen the area i) loa.e. in full capacit:+ .+ Door openin5 te)t to the effect) on te/perature .urin5 an. after a .oor openin5+ e+ Po1er failure te)t to anal:e the effect) in the eent of a po1er failure+ f+ tartup te)t to check the ti/e re?uire. for )tabiliin5 of the te/perature in)i.e the area+ 5+ ecoer: te)t to check the ti/e taken for te/perature recoer: after a .oor openin5+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA ).8. $3a+ -2 +em*era+,re a/ 3,m-/-+0 ma**-g 2+,/07 6he /etho.olo5: i) )a/e a) a te/perature /appin5 )tu.:+ =o1eer in thi) ca)e hu/ al)o 1ill be recor.e. for the )a/e .uration an. 1ill be anal:e.+ -f there are .ehu/i.ifier) alrea.: in)talle., the )ettin5) of the )a/e al)o 1ill be recor.e. to co/pare a5ain)t the actual re)ult)+ o1a.a:) for /an: of the )tora5e area), hu/ al)o i) i/portant an. hence nee. to be inclu.e. in the )tu.:+ ).8.). Do 0o, re4,-re a +em*era+,re ma**-g or +em*era+,re  3,m-/-+0 ma**-g7  A) /entione. earlier, thi) nee. to be .eci.e. b: the /anufacturer of the /e.icine) or a) per :our internal ?ualit: polic:+ 'or a 1arehou)e, 5enerall: it i) preferre. that hu/ al)o be inclu.e. in the )tu.: becau)e a 1arehou)e i) .irectl: affecte. b: the external a/bient con.ition)+ 'or a col. roo/ the hu/ can 5o to extre/e hi5h leel) of up to $CCH becau)e of it) nature of operation+ Generall: the .oor of the col. roo/ open) to a 1arehou)e 1hich i) at a hi5her te/perature+ ince the col. roo/ i) at a lo1er te/perature, it 1ill attract the /oi)ture an. hence 1ill al1a:) hae a hi5her hu/ =ence irre)pectie of the /e.icine bein5 kept in the col. roo/, it i) i.eal that the col. roo/ be anal:e. for hu/ a) 1ell+ =o1eer thi) can be .eci.e. b: :ou an. :our phar/a /anufacturer+ >e reco//en. that for 1arehou)e) an. col. roo/) te/perature an. hu/ /appin5 )tu.: nee. to be carrie. out+ 'or an), reefer), refri5erator) an. boxe), onl: te/perature /appin5 )tu.: /i5ht be )ufficient unle)) other1i)e )pecifie.+ ).8.8. $3a+ -2 +3e recomme/e/ 3,m-/-+0 level 9or 2+orage o9 o9 me/-c-e27 6hi) 5enerall: .epen.) on the t:pe of /e.icine an. a n. the packa5in5 bein5 kept in the )tora5e area either for col. roo/ or 1arehou)e+ =ence thi) i) 5enerall: reco//en.e. b: the /e.icine /anufacturer)+ Generall: /o)t of the /anufacturer) are reco//en.in5 that the hu/ )houl. be /aintaine. a /axi/u/ li/it of &(H all con.ition)+ ).8.:. %ow +o re/,ce +3e 3,m-/-+0 9or col/ room2 a/ ware3o,2e2 9or me/-c-e 2+orage7 =u/ can be re.uce. /ainl: utiliin5 .ehu/i.ifier)+ 6he)e are electrical .eice) 1hich ab)orb hu/ fro/ the air an. conert it into 1ater+ 6he 1ater thu) extracte. can be re/oe. either /anuall: or auto/aticall:+ -n the auto/atic /etho. there i) a 1ater pu/p attache. to the .ehu/i.ifier 1hich 1ill pu/p the 1ater to an external outlet+ -n the /anual /etho. the 1ater 5et) fille. up in a tr: un.erneath an. ha) to be /anuall: .raine. perio.icall:+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA -n to .eci.e the nu/ber an. t:pe .ehu/i.ifier), )pecial calculation) nee. to be carrie. out con)i.erin5 the pre)ent te/perature, hu/, .e)ire. hu/ etc+ Generall: for 1are hou)e), .e)iccant t:pe an. for col. roo/), rotar: t:pe .ehu/i.ifier) hae to be u)e.+ ).:. Doc,me+a+-o re4,-re/ *r-or +o commeceme+ o9 a ma**-g 2+,/0 6he cu)to/er ha) to proi.e the la:out .ra1in5 of the a))et inclu.in5 .etail) an. location) of coolin5 unit) an. .ehu/i.ifier) if an:+ Ba)e. on the)e .ocu/ent) a protocol 1ill be prepare. b: u) 1hich ha) to be reie1e. an. approe. b: the cu)to/er+ 6he te)t) 1ill be carrie. out b: u) ba)e. on thi) protocol prior to co//ence/ent of the te/perature /appin5 )tu.:+ ).;.  Acce*+ace cr-+er-a cr-+er-a 9or +3e ma**-g ma**-g 2+,/07 6he re)ult) of the .i)tribution )tu.: 1ill be either pa)) or fail+ Al)o it can be fail or pa)) 1ith )o/e .eiation)+ 6he criteria for acceptance of the )tu.: 1ill be .efine. in the protocol an. t:pical one) are a) a+  All rea.in5) of the .ata lo55er) )houl. be 1ithin the .e)ire. li/it) of te/perature < hu/ b+ ean 0inetic alue )houl. be 1ithin .e)ire. li/it) !>e .o not encoura5e thi) criteria unle)) in)i)te. b: the client+ =o1eer 1e 1ill in.icate the alue in our report)% c+ Durin5 .oor openin5 te)t), the alue) )houl. be 1ithin li/it) an. )houl. return to nor/alc: 1ithin the .e)ire. .uration a) .efine. in the protocol+ ).<. %ow +o /ec-/e +3e 2am*l-g -+erval o9 /a+a collec+-o 9or +3e ma**-g 2+,/0 a/plin5 interal i) the fre?uenc: of .ata recor.in5 of the .ata lo55er)+ Generall: the .ata lo55er) can be pro5ra//e. to recor. the .ata at .ifferent interal) )uch a) $C)econ.), 3C )econ.), $ /inute etc+ -f the )a/plin5 interal of a te/perature .ata lo55er i) pro5ra//e. for ( /inute) it /ean) that the te/perature i) recor.e. eer: ( /inute)+ a/plin5 interal of .ata collection )houl. be kept i.eall: a) follo1) for a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: a+ 3 /inute) for 2I8 F* a))et) )uch a) col. roo/), ehicle), boxe), refri5erator) etc+ b+ ( /inute) for $(I2(F* ehicle)+ ehicle)+ c+ $CI$( /inute) for 1arehou)e) /aintaine. at $(I2( F*  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 6hi) i) /ainl: ba)e. on the 5oo.) to be )tore. in)i.e the a))et+ E5+ -f a /e.icine 1hich )houl. not 5o aboe 8F* for 2 /inute) i) )tore. in)i.e a refri5erator, it /ean) that :ou )houl. keep a )a/plin5 interal of at lea)t $ /inute+ 'or a /e.icine 1hich i) per/itte. to 5o aboe 8F* for $C /inute), a )a/plin5 interal of 3 /inute) i) )ufficient+ 6hi) al)o .epen.) on the ran5e of the te/perature+ 2I8 F* i) a er: narro1 ran5e an. can 5o aboe thi) ran5e een for /inor fluctuation)+ =ence i.eall: a )a/plin5 interal )houl. not be /ore than 3 /inute)+ 'or a 1arehou)e, $(I2( F* i) a ran5e an. the ri)e in te/perature 1ill be )lo1+ =ence a )a/plin5 interal of $C /inute) i) )ufficient+ ).=. %ow +o ,2e +3e + 3e re2,l+2 o9 +em*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 'ro/ the )u//ar: of the report) of a te/perature /appin5 )tu.:, the follo1in5 .etail) 1ill be u)eful for :our practical application) $+ >hen :ou .eci.e to place /onitorin5 .eice) )uch a) .ata lo55er) or real ti/e /onitorin5 .eice), tho)e )houl. be place. in =ot an. col. point)+ =ot an. col. point) 1ill be /entione. in our report)+ 2+ 6he report 1ill in.icate the .uration 1ithin 1hich the te/perature 1ill excee. the per/itte. leel) upon .oor openin5+ e5+ if )uch .uration i) ( /inute), :ou )houl. take care that the .oor openin5 )houl. be for a er: )hort .uration+ 3+ 6he report 1ill in.icate the .uration 1ithin 1hich the te/perature 1ill excee. the per/itte. leel) in the eent of po1er failure+ o in ca)e of a po1er failure, :ou )houl. not open the .oor an. )houl. be in clo)e. con.ition if :ou expect that po1er 1ill be re)tore. 1ithin )uch a .uration+ -f :ou .o not expect po1er re)toration 1ithin )uch a .uration the /e.icine) )houl. be )hifte. to an alternate facilit: )uch a) a te/perature controlle. an or reefer+ ).>. Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 1 Tem*era+,re  %,m-/-+0 ma**-g 2+,/0 9or var-o,2 a22e+2 Brief .etail) of the )tu.: for ariou) kin. of a))et) are .etaile. ).>.). Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 2+,/0 o9 Ree9er +r,ck2  va2 'or all t:pe of ehicle), pri/aril: the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a+ b+ c+ .+ Di)tribution anal:)i) e/pt: con.ition) !24 hour)% Di)tribution anal:)i) &CH loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)% Di)tribution anal:)i) full loa. con.ition) !24 hour)% Po1er failure te)t  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA e+ Door openin5 te)t 6he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b: the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ ).>.8. Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 2+,/0 o9 a ware 3o,2e 'or a 1arehou)e the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a) part of a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: a+ 6e/perature an. hu/ .i)tribution anal:)i) i) carrie. out loa.e. con.ition)+ b+ Door openin5 te)t) to anal:e the effect) 'or an exi)tin5 1arehou)e it 1ill be .ifficult to carr: out other te)t) )uch a) e/pt: te)t, po1er failure te)t etc+ )ince it /a: be .ifficult to re/oe the exi)tin5 5oo.) for/ the 1arehou)e+ 'or a 1arehou)e the .i)tribution anal:)i) i) carrie. t:picall: for #I$4 .a:)+ 6he te)t) )houl. al)o inclu.e holi.a:) )o that the pattern) can be anal:e.+ a/plin5 interal of .ata collection )houl. be kept i.eall: at $CI$( /inute)+ ).>.:. Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 Col/ room 'or all t:pe of col. roo/), pri/aril: the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a+ Di)tribution anal:)i) e/pt: con.ition) !24 hour)% b+ Di)tribution anal:)i) &CH loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)% c+ Di)tribution anal:)i) full loa. con.ition) !24 hour)% .+ Po1er failure te)t e+ Door openin5 te)t 6he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b: the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5 interal 1ill be 5enerall: kept at 3 /inute)+ ).>.;. Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 a re9r-gera+or 'or refri5erator), pri/aril: the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a+ b+ c+ .+ Di)tribution anal:)i) e/pt: con.ition) !24 hour)% Di)tribution anal:)i) &CH loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)% Po1er failure te)t Door openin5 te)t !for .ifferent .uration) )uch a) &C )econ.), $2C )econ.), $8C )econ.) etc+, )ince for a refri5erator the .oor openin5 1ill be /ore fre?uent co/pare. to other a))et)% 6he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b: the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5 interal 1ill be 5enerall: kept at $I2 /inute)+ ).>.<. Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 a 23-**-g bo? 'or )hippin5 box, the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a+ Di)tribution anal:)i) e/pt: con.ition) !24 hour)%  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA b+ c+ .+ e+ Di)tribution anal:)i) &CH loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)% Po1er failure te)t !for actie coolin5 boxe)% Door openin5 te)t 'or actie boxe), the te)t) 1ill be con.ucte. in)i.e a an a) 1ell a) in)i.e a 1arehou)e 6he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b: the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5 interal 1ill be 5enerall: kept at 3 /inute)+ ).@. Re*or+2 geera+e/ - Tem*era+,re Ma**-g 2+,/0 6he report) of a /appin5 )tu.: 1ill inclu.e the follo1in5 .etail) a+ 6e/perature .i)tribution J Pa)) ;'ail b+ =u/ .i)tribution J Pa)) ;'ail c+ =ot an. col. point) of the a))et+ 6he)e 1ill be the hotte)t an. col.e)t point) of the area+ Data lo55er) nee. to be place. in the)e area) .+  Anal:tical 5raph) for for all the te)t) e+  An: reco//en.ation) reco//en.ation) for i/proe/ent i/proe/ent f+ 6i/e taken to reach the .e)ire. te/perature after )tart up 5+ Duration for 1hich the te/perature re/ain) 1ithin the li/it) after a po1er failure h+ Duration 1ithin 1hich the te/perature excee.) the li/it) .urin5 a .oor openin5 8. $3a+ -2 Tem*era+,re !,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/07 5or Tem*era+,re  %,m-/-+0 !,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/06 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: i) a er: .etaile. )e?uence of te)t) an. anal:)i) to en)ure that the a))et i) .e)i5ne. an. in)talle. in )uch a 1a: that it i) capable of /aintainin5 the .e)ire. te/perature+ After the)e )erie) of te)t an. erification the a))et i) certifie. to be ?ualifie. for achiein5 an. /aintainin5 the .e)ire. leel) of te/perature an. hu/ leel)+ 6he ariou) te)t) coere. the ?ualification proce)) in 5eneral are a) a+ De)i5n ?ualification proce)) J to erif: the e?uip/ent are .e)i5ne. to 5enerate the .e)ire. te/perature an. hu/ con.ition) b+ -n)tallation ?ualification proce)) J 6o erif: 1hether the in)tallation i) carrie. out a) per the .e)i5n an. a) per the in)tallation proce.ure) reco//en.e. b: the re)pectie /anufacturer) of critical e?uip/ent+ c+ Operation ?ualification proce)) J 6o erif: that the operation) are carrie. out a) per the reco//en.e. proce.ure) of the /anufacturer) of the critical e?uip/ent .+ Docu/ent erification J 6o erif: 1hether all .ocu/ent) are /aintaine. b: the u)er inclu.in5 OP, calibration certificate) etc+ e+ 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: !an. =u/ if re?uire.% J 6hi) te)t i) /ore or le)) )a/e a) .efine. in the fir)t part of thi) article+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 8.). D-99erece be+wee Tem*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 a/ Tem*era+,re 4,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/0 -n a te/perature /appin5 )tu.:, onl: .i)tribution of te/perature < hu/ are anal:e.+ 6hi) )tu.: /ake) )ure that the .i)tribution i) al1a:) 1ithin the per/itte. ran5e of te/perature an. hu/ a) applicable+ =o1eer the /appin5 )tu.: .oe) not check ariou) criteria )uch a) OP, 1hether in)tallation ha) been .one correctl:, 1hether the /achine) are 1orkin5 a) per the .e)i5n, 1hether 1ritten proce.ure) are /aintaine., 1hether the)e 1ritten proce.ure) are )ufficient etc+ All )uch para/eter) are coere. in a te/perature ?ualification )tu.:+  A te/perature ?ualification ?ualification )tu.: incu.e) incu.e) /appin5 )tu.:, )tu.:, but not not ice er)a+ 8.8. %ow +o /ec-/e w3e+3er 0o, ee/ Tem*era+,re Ma**-g 2+,/0 or Tem*era+,re !,al-9-ca+-o S+,/07 -f :ou 1ant to check onl: .i)tribution of te/perature < hu/, a /appin5 )tu.: i) )ufficient+ -f :ou 1ant to check 1hether the 1hole a))et i) .e)i5ne., in)talle. an. operate. correctl:, it i) .e)irable to carr: out a te/perature ?ualification )tu.:+ )tu.:+  A ?ualification )tu.: i) con)i.ere. to /ore of international acceptance+ An au.itor fro/ another part of the 1orl. /a: not be fa/iliar 1ith ariou) in)tallation an. operational para/eter) of the a))et+ -f an a))et i) ?ualifie. the a))et i) con)i.ere. to be a full: )ati)factor: ):)te/+ 8.:. Do 0o, re4,-re a Tem*era+,re 4,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/0 or Tem*era+,re a/ 3,m-/-+0 4,al-9-ca+-o7 Plea)e )ee our explanation for )i/ilar ?uer: te/perature /appin5 )tu.:+ -f :our /aor para/eter i) onl: te/perature, the: :ou /a: li/it to a te/perature ?ualification )tu.:+ -f :ou al)o re?uire hu/, a te/perature < hu/ ?ualification )tu.: 1ill be re?uire.+ 8.;.  A/va+age2 o9 a Tem*era+,re 4,al-9-ca+-o 4,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/0 2+,/0 over a ma**-g 2+,/0 6he te/perature ?ualification )tu.: i) con)i.ere. /ore of international acceptance+ o if :our client) an. )upplier) are fro/ ariou) countrie) it i) preferre. to hae a ?ualification proce)) .one+ A) an exa/ple each countr: ha) their o1n t:pe of .e)i5n, in)tallation an. operation proce.ure) for a col. roo/+ =ence :our client fro/ another countr: /a: not be fa/iliar 1ith )uch para/eter) in :our countr:+ -f a te/perature ?ualification )tu.: i) carrie. out on thi) col. roo/, the client nee. not check an: .etail) at all )ince the col. roo/ i) full: ?ualifie. to en)ure full co/pliance to keep a te/perature bet1een 2I8F*  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 8.<. Doc,me+a+-o re4,-re/ *r-or +o commeceme+ o9 a 4,al-9-ca+-o *roce22 Prior to co//ence/ent of a te/perature ?ualification )tu.:, 1e re?uire the follo1in5 .ocu/ent;.etail) fro/ the cu)to/er+ a+ 6he cu)to/er ha) to proi.e the la:out .ra1in5 of the a))et b+  All .etail) of coolin5 unit) )uch a) )l+ no)+, .etail) of )en)or), operation /anual), .e)i5n .ra1in5) etc+ hae to be proi.e.+ c+ i/ilar .etail) of .ehu/i.ifier) al)o hae to be proi.e.+ .+  All .etail) of te/perature te/perature /onitorin5 ):)te/) ):)te/) !if an:% to be proi.e.+ Ba)e. on the)e .ocu/ent) a protocol 1ill be prepare. b: u) 1hich ha) to be reie1e. an. approe. b: the cu)to/er+ 6he te)t) 1ill be carrie. out b: u) ba)e. on thi) protocol+ 8.=. Re*or+2 o9 a Tem*era+,re 4,al-9-ca+-o 4,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/0 6he report) of a te/perature ?ualification )tu.: 1ill contain the follo1in5 .etail) in 5eneral+ Plea)e note the)e /a: ar: .epen.in5 on the nature of the a))et+ a+ De)i5n ?ualification proce)) J Pa)) or 'ail b+ -n)tallation ?ualification proce)) J Pa)) or 'ail c+ Operation ?ualification proce)) J Pa)) or 'ail .+ Docu/ent erification J Pa)) or 'ail e+ E/pt: /appin5 )tu.: J Pa)) or 'ail f+ 7oa.e. /appin5 )tu.: J Pa)) or 'ail 5+ Po1er failure te)t re)ult) h+ ecoer: te)t re)ult) i+ tart up te)t re)ult)  + =ot an. col. point) k+ Deiation if an: l+ eco//en.ation) /+ *orrectie action) -f all the aboe te)t) are pa))e. )ati)factoril: .urin5 the te/perature ?ualification )tu.:, 1e i))ue a certificate in.icatin5 that the a))et i) full: ?ualifie.+ 6he .etail) of the a))et 1ill be in.icate. in the certificate+ :. Rea2o2 9or 9a-l,re o9 a Ma**-g 2+,/0 *o//on rea)on) for failure of a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: or a hu/ /appin5 )tu.: are li)te. here :.). Rea2o2 9or 9a-l,re o9 ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 a va >e are /entionin5 of )/all an. /e.iu/ )ie. an)+ 6here are /an: rea)on) for failure of the)e ehicle) .urin5 a te/perature /appin5 )tu.: an. te/perature ?ualification+ 6he /ain one) are li)te. here  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA a+ 6he te/perature )ho1n in the .i)pla: unit of the coolin5 unit /a: not be /atchin5 1ith actual in)i.e te/perature+ Probabl: the )en)or i) rea.in5 i) not correct+ 6hi) can happen for /an: rea)on)+ Oer a perio. of ti/e the accurac: of the )en)or /a: be lo)t+ E5+ the .i)pla: unit /i5ht be )ho1in5 (F* an. the .rier 1ill be confi.ent that the col. cabin i) at (F*+ =o1eer it i) po))ible that the in)i.e te/perature i) at #F*+ -n to aoi. )uch a )ituation place a .ata lo55er next to the )en)or of the coolin5 unit an. recor. for fe1 hour)+ et the coolin5 unit at .e)ire. te/perature+  After couple of hour) .o1nloa. the .ata an. anal:e+ 6he 5raph 1ill be in continuou) up an. .o1n c:cle)+ *heck the hi5he)t an. lo1e)t te/perature of the)e c:cle)+ -f the)e alue) are clo)e to the )et point, it /ean) that the )en)or an. .i)pla: unit are 1orkin5 correctl:+ E5+ if the )et point i) (F*, the hi5he)t an. lo1e)t rea.in5) )houl. be #F* < 4F*+ !6hi) arie) ba)e. on the t:pe of coolin5 unit, pro5ra//e. )ettin5 of upper an. lo1er cut off li/it) etc+ =o1eer thi) 1ill 5ie an in.ication about correlation of the .i)pla:e. te/perature an. actual )en)or te/perature+ b+ 6e/perature 5oe) to extre/e lo1 an. hi5h point) at all c:cle)+ E5+ 6he )et point i) (F*+ =o1eer the te/perature 5oe) re5ularl: to 9F* an. 3F* re5ularl:+ 6hi) happene. becau)e the coolin5 unit i) pro5ra//e. accor.in5l:+ ie+ -t ha) a hi5h cut off at 4F* aboe the )et point an. lo1 cut off of 2F* belo1 the )et point+ 6hi) can be pro5ra//e. for 2F* for both hi5h an. lo1 cut off point)+ 6hereafter the hi5her < lo1er cut off 1ill be # < 3F* re)pectiel:+ !6hi) feature i) ba)e. on the /anufacturer an. /o.el) of the coolin5 unit% c+ 6e/perature on one en. of the ehicle 5oe) be:on. li/it)+ 6hi) happen) /ainl: in ehicle) 1hich ha) one coolin5 unit an. hain5 fan onl: at one en.+ -t i) po))ible that the other en. of the col. cabin i) not properl: receiin5 the air+ -f the fan unit i) not pro.ucin5 )tron5 air flo1 it /a: happen+ Other1i)e air flo1 .uct) 1ill hae to be proi.e. fro/ the coolin5 unit to the other en. of the coole. cabin+ 6hu) the air 1ill be .ii.e. throu5h /ultiple .uct) an. .i)tribute. at front an. rear en. of the ehicle+ .+ 6e/perature 5oe) hi5h at certain point) .urin5 loa.e. te)t+ 6hi) /a: happen /ainl: .ue to li/ite. air flo1+ Durin5 a loa.e. te)t !an. .urin5 actual loa.e. con.ition)%, 5oo.) )houl. not be place. .irectl: in front of the air flo1+ Al)o )ufficient )pace )houl. be left on all )i.e) an. on the top for efficient air flo1+ :.8. Rea2o2 9or 9a-l,re o9 ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 a col/ room General rea)on) for failure of a col. roo/ are a) 6he .i)pla: unit fixe. at the out)i.e of the col. roo/ /a: not be .i)pla:in5 the correct te/perature of the col. roo/+ 6he loa.in5 an. .i)tribution of the )hele) /a: not be unifor/ thu) hin.erin5 proper airflo1 =u/ /a: be hi5her than the per/itte. leel) 6he po)itionin5 of the coolin5 unit) /a: not be in perfect location thu) affectin5 unifor/ .i)tribution  Air curtain) /a: be re?uire. re?uire. at the .oor) :.:. Rea2o2 9or 9a-l,re o9 ma**-g 2+,/0 o9 a $are 3o,2e  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA 'or 1arehou)e) the /o)t co//on rea)on) for failure are a+ 6he nu/ber of coolin5 unit) or the capacit: of the coolin5 unit) /a: not be )ufficient b+ 6he location of the .uct) /a: not be proper c+ =u/ /a: be hi5her than .e)ire. leel) :.;. $3a+ -2 +3e val-/-+0 *er-o/ o9 a +em*era+,re ma**-g 2+,/0 a/ +em*era+,re 4,al-9-ca+-o 2+,/07 6here are no 5eneral rule) applicable for the )a/e+ =o1eer for a ne1 facilit: 1e )u55e)t that the )tu.: report can be con)i.ere. ali. for a perio. of 3 :ear)+ -f an: /o.ification) are carrie. out relate. to )hape an. la:out of the a))et, /o.ification or replace/ent of coolin5 unit), rearran5e/ent of rack) etc+, the ori5inal report cannot be con)i.ere. ali.+ 6he rea)onin5 i) that an: of the)e chan5e) 1ill affect the .i)tribution of te/perature an. hu/ ;. %ow +o -m*rove +3e re2,l+2 o9 +3e +e2+ a/ el-m-a+e c3ace2 o9 9a-l,re7 -t i) i.eal that before carr:in5 out the actual )tu.:, :ou /a: carr: out a trial )tu.: 1ith fe1 nu/ber of .ata lo55er) to anal:e the .ata+ 6hi) trial )tu.: 1ill help :ou to ealuate /aor proble/) if an:+ 'or all contract) bein5 un.ertaken un.ertaken b: u), 1e carr: carr: out a trial )tu.: before co//ence/ent co//ence/ent of the actual te)t+ 6hi) 1ill )ae aluable ti/e an. /one: for the cu)to/er+ ;.).  A/va+age2 o9 a +r-al 2+,/0 2+,/0 aor a.anta5e of con.uctin5 a trial )tu.: are a+ ain5 ti/e an. /one: J After con.uctin5 a full te)t :ou /a: en. up 1ith )o/e .eiation)+ -n )uch ca)e :ou 1ill hae to carr: out a rete)t after un.ertakin5 the correctie action)+ B: thi) ti/e :ou /a: be in the /i.)t of a cli/ate chan5e an. hence 1ill hae to 1ait for the next )ea)on+ -f a trial )tu.: i) planne. properl:, thi) can be aoi.e.+ b+ *orrect )ettin5) for coolin5 unit) J )o/eti/e) u)t b: chan5in5 the )ettin5) of the coolin5 unit) :ou /a: hae better re)ult)+ ou /a: not hae notice. thi) )o far becau)e :our current recor.in5 .eice) 1ere not place. at the correct hot an. col. point)+ c+ e?uire/ent of .ehu/i.ifier J -n /an: ca)e) hu/ .i)tribution 1a) not properl: anal:e. an. hence /a: re?uire in)tallation of .ehu/i.ifier)+ 6hi) i) a proce)) inolin5 ti/e an. /one: an. hence if at the proper )ta5e, )uitable action) can be un.ertaken+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA ;.8. %ow +o carr0 o,+ a +r-al 2+,/07 Before co//encin5 the actual te)t), 1e 1ill )ent :ou )o/e .ata lo55er) for placin5 at certain location) a) per the .ra1in5)+ 6he .ata nee. to be collecte. for a certain .uration an. the .ata lo55er) hae to be returne.+ >e 1ill anal:e the .ata an. 1ill proi.e )uitable reco//en.ation)+ Generall: 1e inclu.e one trial )tu.: in our )cope to a))i)t cu)to/er) !6o be finalie. at the ti/e of finaliin5 the <. Doc,me+2 rela+e/ +o Ma**-g 2+,/0  !,al-9-ca+-o a+ *a)e )tu.: of a te/perature ?ualification )tu.: on a col. roo/ b+ Protocol ; OP for 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: of col. roo/ c+ Protocol ; OP for 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: of 1arehou)e B 'or ea)e of, 1e 5enerall: /entione. about te/perature throu5hout the article+ =o1eer all /ention) about 6e/perature /appin5 )tu.: are e?uall: applicable for 6e/perature < =u/ /appin5 a) 1ell+ i/ilarl: all /ention) of a 6e/perature ?ualification )tu.: are e?uall: applicable for 6e/perature < =u/ ?ualification )tu.:+  Al)o te/perature /appin5 /appin5 )tu.: )tu.: i) kno1n a) 6e/perature 6e/perature .i)tribution anal:)i)+ anal:)i)+  Vacker LLC LLC l PO Box 92438 l 92438  l Dubai  Dubai l  l UAE Phone  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax  !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( e/ail)ale)+uaeacker5lobal+co/ Part of VackerGlobal Group Our office)  UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA