Table of Contents S E C T I O N
Genomic DNA , Total RNA and Total Protein
Multiwell Plates
illustra Triple prep kit Genomic DNA
Anodisc Membranes (Aluminium Oxide)
illustra Mini & Midi Kit, Nuclecon DNA Extraction Kit Whole Genome Amplification
illustra RNA Mini,Midi,96 isolation Kit, CsTFA Solution 5
illustra mRNA Purification Kit
BugStopper / Diagnostic Media
Thin Layer Chromatography
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
S i l i c a M ed i a
Filtration Devices
PCR Kits and Components
26 - 28
Puradisc Syringe Filters, Anotop Syringe Filters, Uniflo, Vacu-Guard, Venting Filters, Clyde, Polyvent, Polydisc, Polycap Capsules
illustra HotStart Mix, Master Mix, RTG PCR Beads, FideliTaq PCR Master Mix
Syringeless Filters
Puri Pu rifi fica cati tion on of PC PCR R Pr Prod oduc uctt & Re Rest stri rict ctio ion n Fr Frag agme ment nt
illustra GFX PCR, DNA & Gel Bond Purification Kit, MicroSpin S 200, S 300 column, ExoSap IT Labeling & Clean-up
illustra CyScribe Purification Kit, ProbeQuant G 50 Column, NICK Column, Autoseq G 50 Column Desalting & Nucleotide Removal
illustra MicroSpin MicroSpin G 25 Column, G 50 & G 100, Sephadex G 25 Column, NAP Column 7
1 dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, dUTP, dNTP, cDGTP, dDNTPS, rNTPS Selection Guides
8 - 10
Neonatal & Population Screening
903-Specimen Collection paper Nuclei Nuc leicc Aci Acid d Sam Sample ple Pre Prepar parati ation on & Ana Analys lysis is Pro Produc ducts ts
GD / X Syringe Filters
Microcentrifuge Tube Filters
Solid Phase Extraction Devices
BottleTop Filters
Whatman Klari-Flex™
Nu c l e o t i d e s
Mini-UniPrep, Autovial
RT PCR Master Mix, RTG RT-PCR Beads, FideliTaq RT PCR Master Mix, DNA Polymerase
22 - 23
Liquid Media, Dehydrated Media & Swabs
illustra Plasmid Mini & Midi Kit, TemPhi Sequencing Kit, Yeast Plasmid Isolation Kit , Sephcry Sephcryll S 1000
m R NA
21 - 22
Microbiological Monitors, Analytical Funnels, MBS I
illustra Genomiphi Amplification Kit
Total RNA
Microbiological Systems
Plasmid DNA Preparation
19 - 20
Unifilters, Uniplates, MultiChem Plates, Application Plates Specialty Plates, Accessories
11 - 12
FTA Cards, FTA Accessories Accessories,, CloneSaver, GenSpin Kits, FTA Elute, Elutip & Elutrap Elution System
Qualitative Filter Papers
Filter Aids
Quantitative Filter Papers
Comparison of Cellulose Grades / Grades / PM10 PM 10 / PM2.5
Glass Microfibre Filters
Filter Units for Glass Microfibre Filters
Chromatography & Blotting Papers
C el l u l o s e M ed i a
General Properties of Whatman Filter Papers
Nuclepore Track-Etched Membranes
Laboratory Membrane Filters
Protein Microarrays
Membran e Filter Hold ers
pH Indicator and Test Papers
Extraction Thimbles
FAST Slides, Protein Array Kits, FAST Macro-Multiplex, Cytokine Screening, Protein Array Buffers & Reagents, MircoCaster Array, Microspot ELISA System, Serum Biomarker Chip Blotting Products
15 - 18
Sp ec ial ised L ab ora tory P rod uct s
Nytran, Nytran SuperCharge, Optitran, Protran, WestranS, Westran Clear Signal, Colony & Plaque Lifting Membrane, Blotting Membrane Selection Chart, TurboBlotter System, Minifold I, Minifold II, Sealable Hybridization Bag, Extractor EtBr System, Membrane Marking Pen
39 - 40
41 - 42
1 PS Phase Separator, AA Disc, Benchkote, Parafilm, Lens Cleaning Tissue, Seed Testing Paper, Shark Skin Paper, Special Paper for Vat Dyes, Special Paper for Malt & Beer, Kieselguhr Paper, Weighing Papers
Detailed Product Catalogue Available with Authorised Whatman Distributors
Table of Contents S E C T I O N
Genomic DNA , Total RNA and Total Protein
Multiwell Plates
illustra Triple prep kit Genomic DNA
Anodisc Membranes (Aluminium Oxide)
illustra Mini & Midi Kit, Nuclecon DNA Extraction Kit Whole Genome Amplification
illustra RNA Mini,Midi,96 isolation Kit, CsTFA Solution 5
illustra mRNA Purification Kit
BugStopper / Diagnostic Media
Thin Layer Chromatography
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
S i l i c a M ed i a
Filtration Devices
PCR Kits and Components
26 - 28
Puradisc Syringe Filters, Anotop Syringe Filters, Uniflo, Vacu-Guard, Venting Filters, Clyde, Polyvent, Polydisc, Polycap Capsules
illustra HotStart Mix, Master Mix, RTG PCR Beads, FideliTaq PCR Master Mix
Syringeless Filters
Puri Pu rifi fica cati tion on of PC PCR R Pr Prod oduc uctt & Re Rest stri rict ctio ion n Fr Frag agme ment nt
illustra GFX PCR, DNA & Gel Bond Purification Kit, MicroSpin S 200, S 300 column, ExoSap IT Labeling & Clean-up
illustra CyScribe Purification Kit, ProbeQuant G 50 Column, NICK Column, Autoseq G 50 Column Desalting & Nucleotide Removal
illustra MicroSpin MicroSpin G 25 Column, G 50 & G 100, Sephadex G 25 Column, NAP Column 7
1 dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, dUTP, dNTP, cDGTP, dDNTPS, rNTPS Selection Guides
8 - 10
Neonatal & Population Screening
903-Specimen Collection paper Nuclei Nuc leicc Aci Acid d Sam Sample ple Pre Prepar parati ation on & Ana Analys lysis is Pro Produc ducts ts
GD / X Syringe Filters
Microcentrifuge Tube Filters
Solid Phase Extraction Devices
BottleTop Filters
Whatman Klari-Flex™
Nu c l e o t i d e s
Mini-UniPrep, Autovial
RT PCR Master Mix, RTG RT-PCR Beads, FideliTaq RT PCR Master Mix, DNA Polymerase
22 - 23
Liquid Media, Dehydrated Media & Swabs
illustra Plasmid Mini & Midi Kit, TemPhi Sequencing Kit, Yeast Plasmid Isolation Kit , Sephcry Sephcryll S 1000
m R NA
21 - 22
Microbiological Monitors, Analytical Funnels, MBS I
illustra Genomiphi Amplification Kit
Total RNA
Microbiological Systems
Plasmid DNA Preparation
19 - 20
Unifilters, Uniplates, MultiChem Plates, Application Plates Specialty Plates, Accessories
11 - 12
FTA Cards, FTA Accessories Accessories,, CloneSaver, GenSpin Kits, FTA Elute, Elutip & Elutrap Elution System
Qualitative Filter Papers
Filter Aids
Quantitative Filter Papers
Comparison of Cellulose Grades / Grades / PM10 PM 10 / PM2.5
Glass Microfibre Filters
Filter Units for Glass Microfibre Filters
Chromatography & Blotting Papers
C el l u l o s e M ed i a
General Properties of Whatman Filter Papers
Nuclepore Track-Etched Membranes
Laboratory Membrane Filters
Protein Microarrays
Membran e Filter Hold ers
pH Indicator and Test Papers
Extraction Thimbles
FAST Slides, Protein Array Kits, FAST Macro-Multiplex, Cytokine Screening, Protein Array Buffers & Reagents, MircoCaster Array, Microspot ELISA System, Serum Biomarker Chip Blotting Products
15 - 18
Sp ec ial ised L ab ora tory P rod uct s
Nytran, Nytran SuperCharge, Optitran, Protran, WestranS, Westran Clear Signal, Colony & Plaque Lifting Membrane, Blotting Membrane Selection Chart, TurboBlotter System, Minifold I, Minifold II, Sealable Hybridization Bag, Extractor EtBr System, Membrane Marking Pen
39 - 40
41 - 42
1 PS Phase Separator, AA Disc, Benchkote, Parafilm, Lens Cleaning Tissue, Seed Testing Paper, Shark Skin Paper, Special Paper for Vat Dyes, Special Paper for Malt & Beer, Kieselguhr Paper, Weighing Papers
Detailed Product Catalogue Available with Authorised Whatman Distributors
Genomic DNA, Total RNA and Total Protein illustra triplePrep Kit High DNA, RNA, and protein yields from small sample input with optimized column, buffer, and protocol. Correlate DNA/RNA/Protein data directly from exact same sample. Description
illustra triplePrep Kit illustra triplePrep Kit
Qty (Preps)
Cat. No.
10 50
28 9454 34 28 9425 44
P ri c e 18820.00 48280.00
Genomic DNA illustra tissue & cells genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit For the rapid extraction and purification of high-quality genomic DNA from a variety of animal tissues and mammalian cell cultures. Sample Samp le to gDNA in 90 minutes Description
Qt y
Cat. No.
illustra Tissue Mini Spin Kit illustra Tissue Mini Spin Kit illustra Tissue Mini Spin Kit
10 50 250
28 9042 74 28 9042 75 28 9042 76
illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit For the rapid and reproducible isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from whole blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, and nucleated red blood cells. Wide range of blood sample types and volumes from 50µl to 1 ml. In 15 mins.
P ri c e 26510.00 16600.00 71070.00
5 25
28 9042 72 28 9042 73
58330.00 95360.00
Midi Spin Kit
Mini Spin Kit
illustra bacteria genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit For the rapid extraction and purification of high-quality genomic DNA from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. illustra Bacteria Mini Spin Kit illustra bacteria Mini Spin Kit illustra bacteria Mini Spin Kit
10 50 250
28 9042 57 28 9042 58 28 9042 59
60020.00 23200.00 99020.00
Nucleon Phytopure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit PhytoPure™ resin binds plant polysaccharides ensuring high yields of high-quality plant genomic DNA in only one hour 0.1g x 50 1.0g x 50
RPN 8 510 RPN 8 511
Cat. No.
10 50 250
28 9042 63 28 9042 64 28 9042 65
Pr i c e 11900.00 11430.00 48420.00
Nucleon BACC3
1 Kit
RPN 8512
Nucleon HT Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Facilitates the simple, phenol free extraction of genomic DNA from paraffin – embedded sections and hard tissue requiring proteinase K digestion
Mini Prep Kit
Nucleon PhytoPure Nucleon PhytoPure
Qt y
illustra Blood Mini Spin Kit illustra Blood Mini Spin Kit illustra Blood Mini Spin Kit
s e c illustra blood genomicPrep Midi Flow Kit n e For the rapid extraction and purification of high-quality genomic DNA i c s from whole blood, buffy coat, and animal blood. e f illustra Blood Midi Flow Kit 5 28 9042 60 58360.00 i 93840.00 L illustra Blood Midi Flow Kit 25 28 9042 61 e r a c h Midi Flow Kit t l a e H Mini Flow Kit E G m Nucleon BACC Genomic DNA Extraction o r f Kit s Rapid extraction of high molecular weight DNA from whole blood & t c u cultured cells d 16470.00 o Nucleon BACC1 1 Kit RPN 8501 r 25920.00 P Nucleon BACC2 1 Kit RPN 8502
illustra tissue & cells genomicPrep Midi Flow Kit Isolate up to 250 µg of high-quality genomic DNA from an input sample of 50 to 200 mg of tissue and a nd up to 2 × 107 cells. illustra tissue Midi Flow Kit illustra tissue Midi Flow Kit
Nucleon HT
1 Kit
RPN 8509
17320.00 34790.00
* Dry Ice / ** Wet Ice
Freight charges extra, as applicable, for Dry / Wet Ice items
Whole Whol e Genome Genome Ampli Amplifica fication tion illustra GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit * High-quality DNA for array CGH, high-throughput genotyping, DNA archival, PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, hybridization and cloning.2-hour reaction time - DNA preparation & downstream application or test in 1 day.
illustra GenomiPhi HY DNA Amplification Kit * Midi-scale genomic DNA preparation (40 to 50 µg) from nanograms of source material. Great reproducibility- Simple, automation friendly protocol
GenomiPhi HY DNA Amp Kit GenomiPhi HY DNA Amp Kit GenomiPhi HY DNA Amp Kit
GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amp Kit GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amp Kit GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amp Kit
Qty (Rxn)
Cat. No.
25 100 500
25 6600 30 25 6600 31 25 6600 32
P ri c e 14340.00 39830.00 157830.00
Qty (Rxn)
100 25 1000
Cat. No.
P ri c e
25 6600 20 131490.00 52970.00 25 6600 22 25 6600 25 1248750.00
Plasmid DNA Preparation illustra plasmidPrep Mini Spin Kit
illustra TempliPhi Sequence Resolver Kit *
For the rapid isolation of high and low copy number plasmid DN A. 10 MinutesIsolate plasmid DNA with time savings >50% of competitor products.
For the amplification of difficult templates for successful DNA sequencing.
illustra Plasmid Mini Spin Kit illustra Plasmid Mini Spin Kit
Qty (Rxn)
Cat. No.
50 250
28 9042 69 28 9042 70
Tem empl pliph i phi Se Sequ quen ence ce Res esoolv lver er Kit Tem empl pliph i phi Se Sequ quen ence ce Res esoolv lver er Kit Tem empl pliph i phi Sequ Sequen ence ce Res Resoolv lver er Kit Kit
P ri c e 13620.00 31450.00
illustra plasmidPrep Midi Flow Kit
Qty (Rxn)
Cat. No.
20 50 200
28 9035 29 28 9035 30 28 9035 31
Pr i c e 24200.00 52330.00 194110.00
illustra Temphi Large Construct Kit *
s eFor the rapid extraction and purification of high-quality plasmid DNA from cmedium scale cultures. Excellent reproducibility wit h high yields- Higher than n ecompetitor products. Color coded caps & bottles, matching protocol step & i cquick reference protocol card. s eillustra Plasmid Midi Flow Kit 55350.00 5 28 9042 66 f i illustra Plasmid Midi Flow Kit 29420.00 2 5 28 9042 67 L illustra Plasmid Midi Flow Kit 100 28 9042 68 132610.00 e r aillustra TempliPhi DNA Sequencing c h Template Amplification Kit * t l aGenerate microgram quantities of template DNA from picogram amounts of e material.l. Hstarting materia EAmplify DNA from bacterial or M13 liquid cultures, colonies, plaques, glycerol Gstocks, or purified circular (plasmid or M13) DNA. mHigh quality DNA in only 4 hours - Eliminating the need for overnight culture. o 20020.00 100 25 6400 10 r Template Amplification Kit f Template Amplification Kit 500 25 6400 50 102810.00 s t c u d o r Pillustra RNAspin Mini Kit
Developed for high-throughput users and specifically designed for BAC or fosmid DNA preparation. Generate 5 µg amounts of total DNA. Temphi Large Construct Kit
25 6400 80
Yeast Y east Plasmid Isolation Kit * Mini-prep reagent kit for yeast cells, designed for the isolation of 2-micron (µ) plasmids from yeast patches on plates or from yeast grown in small liquid culture. Eliminates the need to shuttle plasmids from yeast to E.coli. Employs an enzymatic cell-wall removal method without the use of phenol/ chloroform extraction or glass bead disruption. Yeast Y east Plasmid Isolation Kit
US79220 50 RXNS 14700.00
Sephacryl S-1000 SF For large scale purification of plasmid DNA by gel filtration. Exceptional flow properties- Quick & easy equilibration- Columns packed easily. Description
Sephacryl SS-1000 Su Super fifine
Qt y
Cat. No.
750 ml
17 0476 01
P ri c e 38200.00
Total RNA illustra RNAspin 96 Isolation Kit / Plate Isolate total RNA from cultured cells, tissue, bacteria or yeast in a 96-Well format. Less than 70 minutes. Flexibility- Vacuum or centriguation processing, manually, or with automation.
Isolate total RNA from cultured cells, tissue, bacteria or yeast. ConvenienceDNAse I included for on-column removal, leads to pure total RNA. Description
RNASpin Mini Kit RNASpin Mini Kit RNASpin Mini Kit RNASpin Mini Kit
Qty (Preps)
Cat. No.
10 20 50 250
25 0500 87 25 0500 70 25 0500 71 25 0500 72
P ri c e 5960.00 10080.00 20450.00 89180.00
RNASpin 96 RNASpin 96
25 0500 75 25 0500 76
Pr i c e 92580.00 549820.00
For separation and purification of nucleic acids, especially RNA, b y isopycnic centrifugation. Due to its high solubilit y, solutions can be made with densities of up to 2.6 g/ml.
Isolate high yields of total RNA from cultured cells, tissue, bacteria, and yeast. Reduced lysate viscosity- Avoid RNA loss in the cellular debris, minimze prep time. 20
Cat. No.
4 24
illustra Cesium Trifluoroacetate (CsTFA) Solution
illustra RNAspin Midi Kit
RNASpin Midi Kit
Qty (Preps)
25 0500 73
* Dry Ice / ** Wet Ice
Qt y
Cat. No.
CsTFA Solution
100 ml
17 0847 02
Pr i c e 22930.00
Freight charges extra, as applicable, for Dry / Wet Ice items
mRNA illustra QuickPrep Micro mRNA Purification Kit ** Rapid purification from total RNA or directly from cells & tissues. Utilize speed and selectivity of oligo(dT)-cellulose spin column chromatography to purify high-quality mRNA in yields suitable for direct use in cDNA synthesis and subsequent PCR, Northern blot hybridization and in vitro translation. Description
Cat. No.
Quickprep mRNA Purif ic ation Kit Quickprep Micro mRNA Pur. Kit
1 Kit 1 Kit
27 9254 01 27 9255 01
illustra mRNA Purification Kit ** For rapid affinity purification of mRNA from eukaryotic total RNA using prepacked oligo(dT)-cellulose spun columns. 30-45 minutes to purify mRNA from total RNA (25 mg to 1 g of cells or tissue).
Price 137780.00 54700.00
PCR Kits & Components
Cat. No.
mRNA Purif ic ation Kit 2 Pur (4 cols) mRNA Purif ic ation Kit 4 Pur (8 cols)
1 Kit 1 Kit
27 9258 01 27 9258 02
Price 112160.00 203160.00
illustra Hot Start Mix RTG Premixed, predispensed reactions for Hot Start PCR featuring highperformance PuReTaq DNA polymerase. Inhibition of primer-dimer formation, maximizes target amplification efficiency
RT-PCR Master Mix (2X) * RT-PCR Master Mix (2X) combines all the reagents necessary for successful one-step RT-PCR.
Hot Star t Mix RTG 0.5ml Tube Hot Start Mix RTG 1 Hot Start Mix RTG 2
Qty (Rxn)
Cat. No.
100 96 480
28 9006 46 28 9006 53 28 9006 54
Price 17400.00 17400.00 77320.00
illustra Hot Start Master Mix For PCR requiring high specificity of amplification. Increased amplification specificity & efficiency. Convenience- Room temperature, setup, enhanced buffer formulation reduces time required 100
25 1500 01
27 9259 01 27 9266 01 27 9267 01
Qty (Units) Cat. No.
Price 15760.00 57440.00 131420.00
Taq DNA Polymer (cloned) * Description
illustra PuReTaq Ready-To-Go PCR Beads Optimized, premixed, predispensed reactions for PCR featuring highperformance PuReTaq DNA polymerase. PuReTaq RTG PCR 0.2 ml MWP PuReTaq RTG PCR 0.2 ml MWP PuReTaq RTG PCR, 0.5 ml Tube PuReTaq RTG PCR, 0.2 ml Tube
FideliTaq DNA Polymerase *
15410.00 68800.00 15410.00 15410.00
FideliTaq FideliTaq FideliTaq FideliTaq
FideliTaq PCR Master Mix * For PCR requiring high fidelity DNA polymerase activity. Experimental variability significantly reduced via Ready-to-Use mix. FideliTaq PCR Master Mix 2X FideliTaq PCR Master Mix Plus
100 (125 units) 100 (125 units)
39620.00 40900.00 39620.00
E 71185
Recombinant TAQ DNA Polymerase Recombinant TAQ DNA Polymerase Recombinant TAQ DNA Poly merase
27 9557 01 27 9557 02 27 9558 01 27 9559 01
Price 44590.00
FideliTaq RT-PCR Master Mix (2X) * FideliTaq™ RT-PCR Master Mix (2X) combines all the reagents necessary for successful one-step RT-PCR. Suitable for amplifying targets up to 6 kb and free of detectable nonspecific nucleases
Hot Start Master Mix
96 5 x 96 100 96
Cat. No.
E 78370
RTG RT PCR Beads 0.2 ml Tube (H) 96 RTG RT-PCR Beads 0.5 ml Tube 100 RTG RT-PCR Beads 0.2 ml Yube 96
FideliTaq RT-PCR Master Mix Hot Start Mix RTG
illustra Ready-To-Go RT-PCR Beads Optimized as a one-tube, one-step RT-PCR reaction for both cDNA synthesis and PCR using only one buffer and primer set- no need to open the tube or change conditions between steps.
1 - 0.2ml Tube 96 Rxn 12 x 8 Strip Wells 2 - 0.2ml Tube 480 Rxn 12 x 8 Strip Wells x 5
Hot Start Master Mix
Qty (Rxn)
RT-PCR Master Mix
DNA Polymerase DNA Polymerase DNA Polymerase DNA Polymerase
250 4 x 250 10 x 250
50 250 1000 5 X 250
27 0798 04 27 0798 05 27 0798 06
E 71180 V E 71180 W E 71180 X E 71180 Y
4620.00 19450.00 69720.00 85840.00
Hot Tub DNA Polymerase * A Thermostable Enzyme ( Thermus ‘ubiquitos’) with an optimum temperature 75° C and can withstand temperature up to 95° C
E71182 14630.00 E71183 16830.00
Hot Tub DNA Polymerase
* Dry Ice / ** Wet Ice
Freight charges extra, as applicable, for Dry / Wet Ice items
s e c n e i c s e f i L e r a c h t l a e H E G m o r f s t c u d o r P
Purification of PCR Products & Restriction Fragments Find the right Purification of PCR Products & Restriction Fragments products with our DNA Cleanup Selection Guide
illustra MicroSpin S-200 HR Columns For rapid purification of PCR products (> 200 bp) from unincorporated primers (< 32-mers) and nucleotides using spin-column chromatography. Convenient - Prepacked with Sephacryl™ S-200 HR pre-equilibrated in TE buffer.
illustra GFX PCR DNA & Gel Band Purification Kit Designed for the rapid purification and concentration of PCR products or DNA fragments ranging in size from 50 bp to 10 kb. FlexibilityEquivalent to 4 competitor kits- All in 1 kit. Description
Cat. No.
GFX PCR DNA, Gel Band Purif Kit GFX PCR DNA, Gel Band Purif Kit
100 250
28 9034 70 28 9034 71
10 x 96 Plates
28 9034 45
Cat. No.
Microspin S-200 HR
50 Columns
27 5120 01
Price 13770.00
illustra MicroSpin S-300 HR Columns
Price 15760.00 37490.00
Microspin S-300 HR
50 Columns
27 5130 01
ExoSAP-IT * For rapid and efficient purification of PCR productswith 2 Hydrolic Enzymes, Exonucleus 1 & Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase to remove unwanted deoxynucletide & primer without interferance downtream. One-tube, one-step method with no sample loss.
illustra GFX 96 PCR Purification Kit For the purification of up to 96 PCR products (0.1 to 10 kb) simultaneously in as little as 15 min. High quality results for downstream applications- High purity DNA with salt removal typically >99.5%. GFX 96 PCR Purif Kit
s e c n e i c s e f i illustra CyScribe GFX Purification Kit L Rapid purification of CyDye™ labeled cDNA probes with superior e r yields. Provides efficient removal of unincorporated CyDye™ label a cand primers from labeling reactions with superior yields of labeled h t l cDNA probe aDescription Qty Cat. No. Price e CyScribe GFX purification Kit 25 Columns 27 9606 01 21560.00 H 50 Columns 27 9606 02 17470.00 ECyScribe GFX purification Kit G illustra ProbeQuant G-50 Micro Columns m For rapid purification of labeled DNA (> 20 bases) from o r f unincorporated labeled nucleotides in a volume of 25 to 50 µl using s t spin-column chromatography cMicrospin G-50 Columns 13770.00 50 Columns 27 5330 01 u 250 Columns 27 5330 02 50200.00 dMicrospin G-50 Columns o r Pillustra NICK Columns
Qty (Rxn)
Cat. No.
100 500 2000 5000
US 78200 US 78201 US 78202 US 78205
Price 10580.00 48900.00 135610.00 317300.00
Labeling & Clean-up
Desalting & Nucleotide Removal illustra MicroSpin G-25 Columns For rapid buffer exchange/desalting of PCR products and other DNAs in a volume of 10-100 µl using spin-column chromatography. 30minute PCR clean up - 1 tube, 1-step format, less hands on time required. Description
MicroSpin G-25 Columns
20 Columns 50 Columns
17 0855 01 17 0855 02
Sephadex G-50 DNA Grade F Sephadex G-50 DNA Grade F Sephadex G-100 DNA Grade SF
50 Columns 250 Columns 1000 Columns
27 5340 01 27 5340 02 27 5340 03
27 5325 01
Price 13770.00
25 g 100 g 100 g
17 0573 01 17 0573 02 17 0574 02
6530.00 20520.00 25210.00
illustra Sephadex G-25 DNA Grade Sephadex G-25 DNA Gr.100 G
100 g
17 0572 02
illustra NAP Columns For rapid and efficient purification of DNA and oligonucleotides (> 10-mers) in less than 15 min by gravity flow.
11430.00 25280.00
NAP-5 Columns NAP-5 Columns NAP-10 Columns NAP-10 Columns NAP-25 Columns NAP-25 Columns
illustra AutoSeq G 50 Columns AutoSeq G-50 AutoSeq G-50 AutoSeq G-50
Cat. No.
illustra Sephadex G-50 & G-100 DNA Grade
For rapid purification of labeled DNA (> 20 bases in length) from unincorporated radiolabeled nucleotides using gravity-flow chromatography. Prepacked with Sephadex™ G-50 DNA Grade (see illustra Sephadex G-50 and G-100 DNA Grade) in distilled water with 0.15% Kathon CG/ICP Biocide. NICK Columns NICK Columns
9090.00 40750.00 100250.00
* Dry Ice / ** Wet Ice
20 ST 50 ST 20 ST 50 ST 20 ST 50 ST
17 0853 01 17 0853 02 17 0854 01 17 0854 02 17 0852 01 17 0852 02
10080.00 21660.00 11220.00 22580.00 13560.00 28900.00
Freight charges extra, as applicable, for Dry / Wet Ice items
Nucleotides illustra Solution dNTPS (with CuA on request) free from DNase, RNase & nicking enzyme activity highest purity deoxynucleotides available for amplification, deoxy sequencing, labelling, mtagenis & expression purifying illustra dATP 2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'Triphosphate Solution, 100 mM * Product
dATP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dATP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dATP, 100 mMOLAR Soln
Cat. No.
25 µmol 100 µmol 500 µmol
28 4065 01 28 4065 02 28 4065 03
7-Daeza-2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'Triphosphate, 5mM Solution (c7dGTP) * 7-Deaza-dGTP
25 µmol 100 µmol 500 µmol
28 4065 11 28 4065 12 28 4065 13
Price 5400.00 16120.00 67380.00
Ult rapure ddNTP Set, 5mM soln . Dideoxy ddATP 100 mM soln. Dideoxy ddCTP 100 mM soln. Dideoxy ddGTP 100 mM soln. Dideoxy ddTTP 100 mM spln.
5400.00 16120.00 67380.00
25 µmol 100 µmol 500 µmol
28 4065 21 28 4065 22 28 4065 33
rNTP Set rNTP - ATP 100 mM Soln. rNTP - CTP 100 mM Soln. rNTP - GTP 100 mM Soln. rNTP - UTP 100 mM Soln. rNTP - A 5'-TP, Disodium rNTP - A 5'-TP, Disodium rNTP - C 5'-TP, Sodium rNTP - G 5'-TP, Sodium
25 µmol 100 µmol 500 µmol
28 4065 31 28 4065 32 28 4065 33
4970.00 16120.00 67380.00
illustra dUTP 2'-Deoxyuridine 5'Triphosphate Solution, 100 mM * dUTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dUTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln
25 µmol 100 µmol
28 4065 41 28 4065 42
5400.00 16120.00
illustra PCR Nucleotide Mix dNTP Sets (each A,C,G,T) * 100 mM each 100 mM each 100 mM each DNA Polymerisation Mix, 20 mM each DNA Polymerisation Mix, 20 mM each PCR Nucleotide Mix, 25 mM each PCR Nucleotide Mix, 2 mM each PCR Nucleotide Mix, 10 mM each
4 x 25 µmol 4 x 100 µmol 4 x 500 µmol 10 µmol 4 x 10 µmol 500 µmol 1 ml 500 µl
28 4065 51 28 4065 52 28 4065 53 28 4065 57 28 4065 58 28 4065 60 28 4065 62 28 4065 64
4 x 0.5 µmol 4 µmol 4 µmol 4 µmol 4 µmol
27 2045 01 27 2051 01 27 2061 01 27 2071 01 27 2081 01
15760.00 25770.00 25770.00 25770.00 15680.00
Cat. No.
4 x 25 µmol 25 µmol 25 µmol 25 µmol 25 µmol 5g 25 g 1g 1g
27 2025 01 27 2056 01 27 2066 01 27 2076 01 27 2086 01 27 1006 01 27 1006 03 27 1200 04 27 2000 04
Price 22790.00 6820.00 6820.00 6890.00 6890.00 9440.00 36570.00 42880.00 54320.00
s e c n e i c s e f i L e r a c h Other Nucleotide t l DA 5’ THIO - TP * 25 mg 27 7350 02 339310.00 a e 37370.00 H DA 5’ THIO - TP 5 mg 27 4225 01 DA 5’ THIO - TP 25 mg 27 4225 02 102670.00 E G • The highest purity deoxynucleotides available for amplification, m o r dideoxy sequencing, labeling, mutagenesis, cDNA synthesis, and f expression profiling. s t c • Free from DNase, RNase, and nicking enzyme activity. u d • Greater than 99% triphosphate purity (by HPLC) for optimum o r performance and consistency. P
5400.00 20160.00 67380.00
illustra dTTP 2'-Deoxythymidine 5'Triphosphate, 100mM * dTTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dTTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dTTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln
High Purity rNTPS * Easy to use, time saving solution for in Vitro transcription or for RXN’s requiring rNTPS of high purity
illustra dGTP 2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'Triphosphate, 100 mM * dGTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dGTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dGTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln
27 2090 02
High Purity Solution ddNTPs * Easy to use, time saving solution for use in any application requiring ddNTPS of high purity, such as Dideoxy sequencing & genotyping reaction, supplied in purified water as 5mM & 100 mM solutions.
illustra dCTP 2'-Deoxycytidine 5'Triphosphate Solution, 100 mM * dCTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dCTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln dCTP, 100 mMOLAR Soln
2 µmol
17540.00 56870.00 231740.00 9230.00 27190.00 15620.00 4970.00 6180.00
• Buffer free and ready to use solutions in multiple formats and functionally tested for long PCR and sequencing.
• Custom formulation, testing, packaging, and labeling are available. • A Certificate of Analysis for each lot is available on request.
* Dry Ice / ** Wet Ice
Freight charges extra, as applicable, for Dry / Wet Ice items
Neonatal & Population Elutip-d Purification Minicolumns Screening
Nucleic Acid Sample Elu-Quick DNA Purification Kit Preparation & Analysis Products
903 Specimen collection paper (Guthrie cards)
The Elu-Quick kit provides a convenient and versatile method for purifying DNA from 500-base to 200kb. The kit is recommended for the isolation of genomic DNA from whole cells and tissues, as well as purification of single and double stranded fragments from gel slices or plasmid minipreps. Description
Cat. No.
Elu-Quick DNA Purification Kit*
10 462 620
Price 42940.00
*5 mL Glass Concentrate in Binding Buffer 125mL Sodium Perchlorate Binding Buffer 20mL, Lysis Buffer 125mL Wash Buffer Concentrate (2x) 125mL Salt Reduction Buffer * For 250 isolations
Elutrap® Electroelution System Elutrap System Starter Kit includes: 1 Elutrap Device, 1 Electrophoresis Chamber, 50 BT1 Membranes, 50 BT2 Membranes Elutrap System Kit – 4 pack includes: 4 Elutrap Devices, 1 Electrophoresis Chamber, 50 BT1 Membranes, 50 BT2 Membranes
10 447 724 132930.00 10 447 705 193070.00
Replacement Membranes
BT1 – 100/pk BT2 – 100/pk
10 404 090 10 404 092
24110.00 16980.00
Neonatal Scr eening
Whatman offers FDA and CDC approved 903 specimen collection paper widely used for body fluid collection, transport, analysis and archiving. Applications : 1. Neonatal screening
2. Population screening
New born screenin g for early detection of • Phenlyketonuria (PKU) • Hypothyrodism • Galactosemia • Branched-chain ketonuria • Maple sugar urine disorder • Sickle-cell disease
Screening the population for • HIV • HCV • Haemoglobin A1C testing • Tuberculosis
Cat. No.
903 Protein Saver Card 903 Multipart Neonatal Card (5 Circles) 903 Protein Saver Snap Apart India Generic Card 903 Reels 58 x 58 cm 903 Reels 46 x 57 cm 903 Reels 21.0 x 29.7 cm Desiccant Packs Foil-barrier Ziplock Bags Plastic Ziplock Storage Bags 4" x 6" Glassine Envelopes 3 ¼” x 4 1/6" Biohazard Labels 7/8" x 7/8" Dry Rak (with Velcro) Dry Rak (without Velcro) Hand Punch 3.1mm
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 10 10 1
10 534 612 10 537 279 10 534 320 10 530 002 10 538 018 10 538 017 10 535 097 10 548 234 10 534 321 10 548 232 10 548 236 10 534 150 10 539 521 10 537 173 10 495 010
Price 10520.00 11460.00 10520.00 5500.00 55100.00 56360.00 23780.00 1320.00 2950.00 1800.00 1540.00 3260.00 4080.00 2350.00 1330.00
Elutrap Elec troelution System
High Recovery of DNA — Elutip-d ® The Elutip-d minicolumns are designed for purification of DNA with high recovery rates. They provide a simple and convenient method for purification of DNA in the 15-base to 50 Kb range. The Elutip-d columns are ideal for removal of unincorporated nucleotides and other contaminants from radiolabelling reactions to reduce background levels and increase sample activity. They also provide an excellent method of isolation of nucleic acids from low-melt agarose gels. Description
Custom Printed Formats available for large sampling studies
Cat. No.
Elutip-d Starter includes : 1 10 462 615 14810.00 15 columns 15 Elutip Prefilters (0.45um Cellulose Acetate Membrane) Elutip-d Columns 50 10 462 617 30120.00 Eutip-d Columns 250 10 462 618 113280.00 All prices shown in Rupees
Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation & Analysis Products F TA Products Description
Qty y..
Cat. No.
FTA Classic Card FTA Classic Card Indicating FTA Classic Card Indicating FTA Classic Card FTA Mini Card FTA Mini Card Indicating FTA Mini Card Indicating FTA Mini Card FTA Micro Card FTA Micro Card Indicating FTA Micro Card Indicating FTA Micro Card FTA Gene Card FTA Gene Card FTA Plant Saver Card FTA Plant Saver Card FTA Purification Reagent (500 ml)
25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 1
WB12 0305 WB12 0205 WB12 0306 WB12 0206 WB12 0355 WB12 0055 WB12 0356 WB12 0056 WB12 0310 WB12 0210 WB12 0311 WB12 0211 WB12 0308 WB12 0208 WB12 0365 WB12 0065 WB12 0204
Price 6000.00 22860.00 8620.00 30210.00 5250.00 20690.00 6750.00 25860.00 4500.00 16340.00 5250.00 20090.00 7500.00 28610.00 15140.00 25110.00 15860.00
5 50 1 1
WB12 0028 WB10 0024 WB12 0052 WB10 0034
8250.00 7860.00 10730.00 37420.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 20 1 4 4
WB10 0005 WB10 0006 WB10 0007 WB10 0008 WB10 0020 WB10 0025 WB10 0026 WB10 0028 WB10 0029 WB10 0030 WB10 0038 WB10 0039 WB10 0040
21570.00 5250.00 21570.00 5250.00 3680.00 3640.00 3640.00 6620.00 6620.00 16850.00 21570.00 6620.00 6620.00
100 100 100 100 1000 100
WB10 0032 WB10 0035 WB10 0036 WB10 0037 WB10 0003 WB10 0014
4270.00 11090.00 3880.00 6350.00 15860.00 12430.00
FTA Elute FTA Elute Technology
Long-term DNA storage at room temperature combined with easy elution for downstream applications from a single sample. Applications : • Biobanking • Pharmacogenics • Genotyping • Rapid DNA isolation • Molecular Diagnostics • Genetic identification • Transgenics • PCR FTA Elute Micro Card (4 circle ) 25 WB12 0401 6370.00 FTA Elute Micro Card (4 circle ) 100 WB12 0410 30390.00
Clone Saver Products Clone Saver Card (96 samples/card) Clone Saver Reseable Multi-Barrier Pouch Clone Saver Starter Kit SPOT Holder
FTA Accessories Harris Micro Punch 1.2 mm (with Mat) Harris Micro Punch 1.2 mm Tip Harris Micro Punch 2.0 mm (with Mat) Harris Micro Punch 2.0 mm Tip Replacement Cutting Mat Replacement Plunger 1.2 mm Replacement Plunger 2 mm Harris Uni-Core Punch 1.25 mm Harris Uni-Core Punch 2 mm FTA Gene Card Carrier Harris Miro Punch 3.0mm Harris Uni-Core Punch 3.0mm Harris Uni-Core Punch 6.0mm
Customised FTA Kits FTA kit for blood 1 WB12 9262 600.00 (Each kit contains FTA Minicard, Multi barrier pouch, Desiccants, Lancet, Gloves & Instructions for use) FTA kit for buccal and colourless fluids 1 WB12 9261 600.00 (Each kit contains Indicating FTA Minicard, Multi barrier pouch, Desiccants, Foam tipped applicator, Gloves & Instructions for use)
Collect and Isolate Samples Quickly and Easily Blood Sample Collection and Isolation of DNA Template Spot Punch
Collection Products Sterile Foam Tipped Applicators Sterile Omni Swab Multi-Barrier Pouch (small) 8 x 7 cm Multi-Barrier Pouch (large) 9 x 15 cm Desiccant (1 gm) Bloodstain Card
1. Blood sample collection on FTA Elute. Dry thoroughly
2.Punch out a 3 mm sample with a sterrile punch
FTA Plant Kit
30 Minute Isolation
Includes: 20 FTA PlantSaver cards, 2.0mm UniCore Punch with cutting mat, 2 x 25 mL FTA purification reagent, 1 pair of nitrile gloves, 1 cutting mat and round bottom test tube for sample application, instructions. Description
Cat. No.
FTA Plant Kit FTA Plant Kit
25 20
WB 12 0067 WB 12 0068
Price 12010.00 33180.00 3.Rinse punch in 500 µL of dH 2O by vortexing 3x for 5 seconds
Customised DNA Sampling Kit available on request, subject to Minimum Quantity All prices shown in Rupees
4.Using a sterile pipette, remove water; centrifuge 5 seconds; shake off pipette excess
5.Add 50 µL sterile water. Heat to 95°C for 30 min. DNA template is now ready.
6.Add 50 µL template to PCR reaction mixture
DMPK Drug Metabolism & Pharmaco Kinetics
A easy & convenient way of Collecting, Shipping & Storing a wide variety of Samples including WHOLE BLOOD Plasma & Serum. Quantification convenient by using “LC-MS / MS” Assay Features and Benefits Reduced blood volumes
• Typically between 10 and 20µl per circle (40-60µl blood per card) • Reduce/refine animal usage (possibility of removing satellite rodents) • Serial sampling from one animal rather than composite bleeds from several animals • Juveniles Simplified process - better quality
Reduces costs • Shipping — considered non-hazardous (Inactivates HIV & Hep B) blood that might contain pathogens, like for the clinical studies (human blood) • Avoids use of dry ice during shipment • Storage
Cat. No.
68550.00 FTA DMPK A 100 WB 129241 68550.00 FTA DMPK B 100 WB 129242 42830.00 FTA DMPK C 100 WB 129243 27820.00 FTA DMPK Starter Pack* 1 WB 129248 *Each pack consists of 15 x FTA DMPK-A, 15 x FTA DMPK-B and 15 x FTA DMPKC cards sealed in an aluminium foil pouch and packaged in a cardboard box. Also included is a Harris Uni-Core Punch (3.0mm) and cutting mat.
• Enable paediatric studies • Phase II/III in developing countries Potential for greater compound / metabolite stability
Protein Microarrays Protein microarrays are tools that can be used in many different areas of research, including basic and translational research. Protein arrays can take on many different formats and can be used to do more than simple expression profiling of samples.
Description Qty Cat. No. FAST Macro — Multiplex Cytokine Screening Membrane-Based Microarrays
Dual Well Arraying Incubation Chamber
10 486 087
1 1 1 10 10 40
10 486 001 10 486 003
33960.00 70680.00
Slide Holders
FAST Frame FAST Frame Starter Kit* *FAST Frame - 16 pad FAST Slides - 16 Well Incubation Chambers - Chamber Covers Slide Incubation Chambers
19820.00 Single-Well Array Incubation 10 10 486 137 (for 1-pad FAST Slides) 18420.00 Dual- Well Array Incubation Chamber 10 10 486 087 (for 2-pad FAST Slides) 12720.00 16 Well Array Incubation Chamber* 10 10 486 046 (for 8 and 16 pad FAST Slides) FAST Frame Slide Holder, for 1 10 486 001 33960.00 simultaneous processing of four slides * The 16-Pad Incubation Chamber is used with both 8 and 16 pad FAST Slides Description Qty Cat. No. FAST Slides — Protein Microarray Surface
Fast Slide – 1 pad 20mm x 51mm Fast Slides – 2 pads 20mm x 20mm Fast Slides – 8 pads 6mm x 6mm Fast Slides – 16 pads 6mm x 6mm
20 10 10 10
Protein Array Buffers and Reagents
Protein Arraying Buffer (2x) Protein Arrayin g Blocking Buffer (1x) Protein Arraying Wash Buffer (10x)
4 x 10 mL 10 485 331 1 x 100 mL 10 485 356 4 x 125 mL 10 485 330
16620.00 16620.00 16620.00
10 484 182 10 485 317 10 485 320 10 485 323
44880.00 28310.00 30450.00 31030.00
FAST PAK, 1-pad (original) 10 485 262 10 FAST Slides, 10 Incubation Chambers, 40 Chamber Covers, 10mL 2x Protein Arraying Buffer, 15mL Protein Array Blocking Buffer, 125mL 10x Protein Array Wash Buffer FAST PAK, 2-pad 10 485 319 10 FAST Slides, 10 Incubation Chambers, 40 Chamber Covers, 10mL 2x Protein Arraying Buffer, 15mL Protein Array Blocking Buffer, 125mL 10x Protein Array Wash Buffer FAST PAK, 8-pad 10 485 322 10 FAST Slides, 10 Incubation Chambers, 40 Chamber Covers, 10mL. 2x Protein Arraying Buffer, 15mL Protein Array Blocking Buffer, 125mL 10x Protein Array Wash Buffer FAST PAK, 16-pad 10 485 325 10 FAST Slides, 10 Incubation Chambers, 40 Chamber Covers, 10mL. 2x Protein Arraying Buffer, 15mL Protein Array Blocking Buffer, 125mL 10x Protein Array Wash Buffer FAST Frame for 4 slides 10 486 001 Chip Clip for 1 slide 10 486 081
MicroCaster System* 1 10 485 047 487610.00 8270.00 MicroCaster Pin Conditioner 100 mL 10 485 061 8050.00 MicroCaster Replacement Pin 1 10 485 326 * MicroCaster System includes: MicroCaster 8-Pin System Hand Tool, MicroCaster 8- Pin System Slide Holder, MicroCaster Pin Conditioner, Spare Replicator Pins.
MicroCaster Accessories
MicroCaster Arrayer — Manual Microarray System
FAST PAK — Protein Array Kits
Wash and Blot Station 96 Well Microplate Indexer
1 1
10 486 043 10 486 044
106450.00 260760.00
Serum Biomarker Chip & Two-color Labeling & Detection Kit Serum Biomarker Chip Kit* 1 10 486 077 108910.00
*Kit includes: Serum Biomarker Chip Arrayed FAST Slides Dual-Pad Incubation/processing Chambers Protein Array Wash Buffer 1 x 125 mL Protein Array Blocking Buffer 1 x 5 mL Bulk Serum Biomarker Chip Kits (2 Pads) 24 chips Two-color Labeling Kit for 24 chips Chip Clip Slide Holder for 1 slide 1
33960.00 13510.00
2 chips 2 10 486 098 10 486 100 10 486 081
979880.00 760300.00 13510.00
FAST Quant System — Microspot ELISA Kits
FAST Quant Human Th1/Th2 FAST Quant Mouse Th1/Th2 FAST Quant Human II FAST Quant Human Angiogenesis FAST Frame Slide Holder (4 slides) Chip Clip Slide Holder (single slide)
10 486 031 10 486 061 10 486 060 10 486 063 10 486 001 10 486 081
124410.00 124410.00 124410.00 124410.00 33960.00 13510.00
Each kit includes : Four 16-pad FAST Slides: each pad is pre-arrayed with a panel of cytokine antibodies (choice of six panels) Four silicon 16 well chambers Recombinant antigen standard cocktail for dilutional series (standard curve) Biotinylated detection antibody cocktail Whatman Protein Array Buffer, Protein Array Wash Buffer and Protein Array Blocking Buffer
All prices shown in Rupees
Blotting Products Membranes in circles, sheets and reels for your SOUTHERN, NORTHERN, WESTERN & MICROARRAYING applications. Nytran ® Nylon Membranes
Nytran® SuperCharge SPC
Whatman offers Nytran nylon membranes in two formats • Nytran N — moderately charged • Nytran SPC — very high positive charge
Positively charged Nylon Membranes Nytran® SPC Product specification
Nytran N Product specification
• Pore size : 0.2 & 0.45 µm • Materials : Nylon • Binding Capacity : >400 µg/cm2 morphology Application
• Southern Blottting • Northern Blotting • Macroarraying (DNA)
• Pore size : 0.45 µm • Materials : Nylon • Binding Capacity : >400 µg/cm2 morphology
• Excellent signal-to-noise ratio • Moderate positive charge • Consistent membrane
• Southern Blottting • Northern Blotting • Macroarraying (DNA)
• High sensitivity • Flat, noncuring membrane
Size (mm )
• Excellent signal-to-noise ratio • High positive charge • Consistent membrane • High sensitivity • Flat, noncuring membrane
Pore Size( µ m)
Cat. No.
0.45 0.45
50 50
10 416 216 10 416 224
13630.00 29980.00
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
10 10 10 10 10 10 5
10 416 289 10 416 287 10 416 285 10 416 230 10 416 284 10 416 263 10 416 280
9090.00 17670.00 23730.00 8090.00 12630.00 25850.00 27660.00
0.45 0.45
1 1
10 416 294 10 416 296
25540.00 27740.00
10 416 257
82 132 Sheets
100 x 150 150 x 200 200 x 200 110 x 140 150 x 150 250 x 250 300 x 600 Rolls
200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m
Microwell Plate Format
82 x 120 mm Black grid 0.45 Westran® S
PVDF Membranes for protein sequencing Product specification Advantages
Size (mm )
Pore Size( µm)
Cat. No.
• Pore size : 0.2 µm • Materials : PVDF • Binding Capacity : >200 µg/cm2
Nytran N Nylon Membranes
• Protein sequencing
10 416 147
0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
10 5 10 10 10 5
10 416 085 10 416 080 10 416 185 10 416 130 10 416 163 10 416 180
22420.00 26760.00 22520.00 7700.00 24430.00 26350.00
200 x 200 300 x 600 200 x 200 110 x 140 250 x 250 300 x 600
Size (mm ) Sheets
0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45
1 1 1 1
10 416 094 10 416 096 10 416 194 10 416 196
Pore Size( µ m)
Cat. No.
0.2 0.2 0.2
10 10 1
10 413 052 10 485 290 10 413 096
10610.00 15600.00 28470.00
100 x 100 150 x 150 260 x 3 m
Westran® Clear Signal PVDF Membranes for Western Blotting Product specification Advantages • Pore size : 0.45 µm • Clear signals
200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m 200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m
• Very high protein binding • Excellent chemical resistance — ideal for protein sequencing applications • Small pore size allows better retention of low-molecular-weight proteins • High protein retention even after harsh washing steps
24520.00 26270.00 24120.00 26370.00
• Materials : PVDF • Binding Capacity : 125 µg/cm2 Application
and sharp bands • Extremely low backrounds • Excellent results with general protein stains
• Western Blotting Roll
300 x 3 m
All prices shown in Rupees
10 485 289
Blotting Products Optitran ® Nitrocellulose Membranes
Protran® Nitrocellulose Membranes Product specification Application
Reinforced Nitrocellulose Membranes
• Pore size
Product specification
• Pore size
• Southern Blottting • Nor thern Blotting • Western Blotting • Macroarraying (Protein)
: 0 .2 µm (BA-S83) 0.45 µm (BA-S85) • Materials : 100% nitrocellulose, polyester support, Triton free • Sterilization : A utoclave (liquid cool cycles) • Binding Capacity: 75-90 µg/cm2
: 0 .1 µm (BA79) 0.2 µm (BA83) 0.45 µm (BA85) • Materials : 100% nitrocellulose, • Extractio ns : <1.0%, Triton-free • Sterilization : Autocla ve (li quid cool cycles), irradiate • Binding Capacity: 75-110 µg/cm2
• Excellent signal-to-noise ratio • Superior handling characteristics • Utilizes standard NC protocols • High sensitivity
Size (mm )
Pore Size( µ m)
• Southern Blottting • Nor thern Blotting • Western Blotting • Macroarraying (Protein) Advantages
• 100% pure nitrocellu lose, • High bin ding, low background • Universal blotting membrane
Cat. No.
10 401 316
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
100 1000 50 50 50 25 50 25 50
10 402 506 10 402 578 10 401 116 10 402 579 10 401 164 10 401 124 10 402 525 10 401 147 10 402 548
5370.00 43110.00 11020.00 11320.00 12740.00 13440.00 22110.00 13440.00 24330.00
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
10 5 25 5
10 402 088 10 402 062 10 402 091 10 484 212
12530.00 16320.00 26450.00 31490.00
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
10 10 5 10 5 25 5 5 5
10 402 488 10 402 493 10 402 405 10 401 465 10 402 452 10 401 391 10 402 453 10 401 380 10 402 480
10720.00 10510.00 6570.00 6980.00 10720.00 26350.00 15660.00 30180.00 25240.00
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
10 10 5 25 5 25 5 5 5
10 402 588 10 402 593 10 402 606 10 401 261 10 402 680 10 401 191 10 402 694 10 401 180 10 402 580
8590.00 8790.00 6170.00 19090.00 10610.00 26450.00 13630.00 30180.00 23330.00
10 402 096
0.2 0.2 0.2
1 1 1
10 402 468 10 402 495 10 401 396
15880.00 18330.00 27360.00
0.45 0.45 0.45
1 1 1
10 402 594 10 401 197 10 401 196
14320.00 17880.00 22820.00
Circles Protran – BA83
82 Protran – BA85
25 25 82 82.5 87 132 132 137 137 Sheets Protran – BA79
102 x 133 200 x 200 200 x 200 330 x 560 Protran – BA83 Size (mm )
Pore Size( µm)
Cat. No.
0.45 0.45
50 50
10 439 116 10 439 126
11830.00 24330.00
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
10 5 5 25 5 5
10 439 388 10 439 351 10 439 361 10 439 391 10 439 362 10 439 380
11110.00 7200.00 11830.00 28380.00 16660.00 27360.00
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
10 5 5 25 5 5
10 439 188 10 439 251 10 439 282 10 439 191 10 439 262 10 439 180
8990.00 6470.00 11320.00 28470.00 14140.00 25850.00
102 x 133 63 x 228 150 x 150 150 x 100 200 x 200 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 600 330 x 560
Circles Optitran - BA-S 85
82 132 Sheets Optitran – BA-S 83
102 x 133 150 x 150 200 x 200 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 600
Protran – BA85
102 x 133 63 x 228 150 x 150 150 x 150 200 x 200 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 600 330 x 560
Optitran – BA-S 85
102 x 133 150 x 150 200 x 200 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 600
Rolls Protran – BA79
300 x 3 m
Protran – BA83
Optitran – BA-S 85
200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m
0.45 0.45
1 1
10 439 194 10 439 196
150 x 3 m 200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m
17840.00 27840.00
Protran – BA85
150 x 3 m 200 x 3 m 300 x 3 m All prices shown in Rupees
TRANSFER METHODS: Semi-dry Blotting Tank Blotting Vacuum Blotting Capillary Blotting Alkaline Method IMMOBILIZATION: UV-crosslinking, DNA, RNA Baking (80° C), DNA, RNA Drying, DNA, RNA Drying, Protein DETECTION METHODS: Colorimetric Chemiluminescent Isotopic Fluorescent REPROBING:
Nitrocellulose, 100% pure Western, Southern, Northern blotting... 75-110 µg/cm2 0.45 µm 0.2 µm 0.1 µm - - - - -
Nytran N
Nitrocellulose, Nylon, moderately reinforced positively charged Western, Southern, Southern, Northern blotting... Northern blotting... 75-90 µg/cm2 >400 µg/cm2 0.45 µm 0.45 µm 0.2 µm 0.2 µm
Nytran Westran S SuPerCharge Nylon, highly PVDF positively charged Southern, Western blotting... Northern blotting... Sequencing >400 µg/cm2 >50-100 µg/cm2 0.45 µm 0.2 µm
Westran Clear Signal PVDF Western blotting...
• • • • not recommended
• • • • not recommended
• • • • •
• • • • •
• • • • not recommended
• • • • not recommended
• • •
• • •
• • • -
• • • -
• • • • limited
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
>50-100 µg/cm2 0.45 µm -
• Recommended • Satisfactory
Blotting Products Colony and Plaque Lift Membranes
Siz e (mm )
Circular membranes are offered in a variety of membrane types, ideal for colony hybridization and plaque lift applications.
Nytran SuPerCharge
82 132
Pore Siz e( µm)
0.45 0.45
Cat. No.
50 50
10 416 216 10 416 224
13630.00 29980.00
Optitran Supported Nitrocellulose – BA-S 83 (0.45µm)
10 439 116
10 401 316
50 50 50 25 50 25 50 50
10 401 116 10 402 579 10 401 164 10 401 124 10 402 525 10 401 147 10 402 548 10 405 316
11020.00 11320.00 12740.00 13440.00 22110.00 13440.00 24330.00 18270.00
Protran Nitrocellulose – BA83 (0.2 µm)
Protran Nitrocellulose – BA85
82 82.5 87 132 132 137 137 82
Butter fly Membranes
All prices shown in Rupees
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45(5mm grid)
Blotting Products TurboBlotter System
Minifold I System
The TurboBlotter Systems below each include one 12 x 16 cm transfer device, which can accommodate gel sizes from 7 x 8cm to 11 x 14cm.
Description Nytran SuPerCharge TurboBlotter Kits*
7 x 10 cm 9 x 11 cm 10 x 15 cm 11 x 14 cm
Cat. No.
10 416 328 10 416 336 10 416 300 10 416 304
8750.00 9530.00 11290.00 11060.00
Replacement Parts
7 x 10 cm 10 416 330 6770.00 7430.00 9 x 11 cm 10 416 338 8990.00 10 x 15 cm 10 416 302 9200.00 11 x 4 cm 10 416 306 The TurboBlotter Systems below each include one 21 x 26cm transfer device, which can accommodate gel sizes from 21 x 21cm to 20 x 25cm.
Minifold I Spot-Blot Plate Minifold I Slot-Blot Plate Minifold I Dot-Blot Plate Minifold I Clamping Plate Vaccum Plenum
1 1 1 1 1
10 447 852 10 447 906 10 447 905 10 447 960 10 447 968
43590.00 43590.00 44810.00 16610.00 44930.00
10 447 901
Accessory Products
Nytran SuPerCharge TurboBlotter Kits*
10 416 308 10 416 312 10 416 316 10 416 320 10 416 324
Cat. No.
93820.00 Minifold I Spot-Blot* System, 1 10 447 850 complete 96 well (Acrylic) 93820.00 Minifold I Dot-Blot* System, 1 10 447 900 complete 96 well (Acrylic) 93920.00 Minifold I Slot-Blot* System, 1 10 447 941 complete 48 well (Acrylic) *Complete system includes manifold apparatus, 5 sheets each of Protran NC & GB 002 papers
Nytran SuPerCharge TurboBlotter Refill**
12 x 21 cm 15 x 15 cm 15 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 20 x 25 cm
Cutting Template
17050.00 15730.00 20040.00 23800.00 25800.00
Membranes 10.2 x 13.3cm to fit Minifold I Systems
Protran, BA79 0.1 µm Protran, BA83 0.2 µm Protran, BA85 0.45 µm Optitran, BA-S 83 0.2 µm Optitran, BA-S 85 0.45 µm
Nytran SuPerCharge TurboBlotter Refills **
12 x 21 cm 10 416 310 14630.00 15 x 15 cm 10 416 314 13510.00 17610.00 15 x 20 cm 10 416 318 21020.00 20 x 20 cm 10 416 322 22910.00 20 x 25 cm 10 416 326 *Each TurboBlotter Kit includes: transfer device, 5 sheets of membrane, 40 sheets of 3MM Chr, 100 sheets of GB004 and 5 wicks of 3MM **TurboBlotter Refills include: 5 sheets of membrane, 40 sheets of 3MM Chr, 100 sheets of GB004 and 5 wicks of 3MM
10 10 10 10 10
10 402 088 10 402 488 10 402 588 10 439 388 10 439 188
12530.00 10720.00 8590.00 11110.00 8990.00
Cat. No.
10 447 800
10 402 493 10 402 593
10510.00 8790.00
10 483 064
2.0 6.0
10 448 030 10 448 031
4080.00 10350.00
10 499 001
Minifold II System Description
Minifold II Slot-Blot System, Complete*
Membranes and Blotting Paper – 6.3 x 22.8cm to fit Minifold II System
Protran BA83, 0.2 µm Protran BA85, 0.45 µm
10 10
Sealable Hybridization Bags Reaction Folders 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm
Extractor EtBr System Extractor – starter pack Extractor – standard pack
Membrane Marking Pen Membrane Marking Pen
Turbo Blotter Setup All prices shown in Rupees
Multiwell Plates Specialty Plates UniPCR Description
Per Case Cat. No.
800 µ µL UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, Clear Polystyrene with Long Drip Director Description Per Case Cat. No.
with GF/C filter with 25-30µm MBPP with 0.45µm PP membrane with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF with 0.45µm CA with 0.45µm NYL Positive DNA binding plate with GF/D filter with 10-12µm MBPP
Glass Bottom Microplates 96 well 300µl, black polystyrene,
standard skirt 96 well 300µl, clear polystyrene, standard skirt 96 well 300µl, black polystyrene, skirtless for microscopy 96 well 300µl, black polystyrene, TC, irradiated with lid, standard skir t 96 well 300µl, black polystyrene, TC, irradiated with lid, skirtless for microscopy
7706 2375
7706 1365
7706 2370
7716 2375
7716 2370
7716 2380
7716 3380
with GF/C filter with hydrophobic GF/C filter with GF/B filter with 25-30µm MBPP with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF with GF/F filter with GF/F filter with PKP
Filter Plates UNIFILTER are microplates with filters incorporated at the bottom of the wells. A wide range of filter media is available for filtration of different samples. 50 50 50 50
7700 1101 7700 2106 7700 2110 7700 2117
47030.00 45720.00 45720.00 55370.00 47070.00 45720.00 45720.00 45720.00 44370.00
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10
7700 7201 7700 7202 7700 7203 7700 7204 7700 7206 7700 7210 7700 7211 7700 7228
46560.00 46560.00 46560.00 46560.00 80910.00 46560.00 58660.00 35270.00
10mL UNI-FILTER, 24 Wells, Polypropylene with Long Drip Director
with GF/C filter with 25-30µm MBPP with 10-12µm MBPP
100 µ µl UNI-FILTER, 384 Wells, Clear Polystyrene with Long Drip Director
with GF/C filter with 0.45µm PVDF DNA binding with 10µm MBPP
7700 2801 7700 2804 7700 2805 7700 2806 7700 2808 7700 2809 7700 2810 7700 2811 7700 2817
2mL UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, Glass filled Polypropylene with Long Drip Director
Clear View
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene, TC, irradiated with lid 96 well 300µl, white polystyrene, TC, irradiated with lid
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
107960.00 127310.00 107990.00 107990.00
25 25 25
7700 9901 62270.00 7700 9904 62270.00 7700 9917 62270.00
CN - Cellulose Nitrate, PP - Polypropylene, PVDF - Polyvinyldieneflouride, PS - Polystyrene, NYL - Nylon, CA - Cellulose Acetate, GF - Glass Microfibre, MBPP - Melt Blown Polypropylene Note :
350 µ µl UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, Clear Polystyrene with Short Drip Director
with GF/B filter with 0.45µm PP membrane with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF with 0.45µm CA
50 50 50 50
7700 1303 7700 1305 7700 1306 7700 1308
55620.00 64010.00 111200.00 59600.00
Collection Plates UNIPLATE are one piece moulded microplates designed for laboratory applications. Polystyrene (both white and clear) and polypropylene material are chosen to offer better resistance to chemicals and temperature.
55800.00 55800.00 55800.00 62560.00 105290.00 58020.00 57920.00 67940.00 85800.00
UNIPLATE, Collection and Analysis Microplates
350 µ µl UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, White Polystyrene with Short Drip Director
with GF/C filter with GF/B filter with 25-30µm MBPP with 0.45µm PP membrane with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF with 0.45µm CN with 0.45µm CA with GF/F filter with P-81
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
7700 3301 7700 3303 7700 3304 7700 3305 7700 3306 7700 3307 7700 3308 7700 3310 7700 3312
96 well, 300 µl, clear PS flat bottom 96 well, 650µl,clear PS,square well, flat bottom 96 well, 750µl, clear PS , round bottom 96 well, 800µl, clear PS, flat bottom 384 well, 100µl, black PS, flat bottom 96 well, 300µl, black PS, flat bottom 384 well,100µl, white PS, flat bottom 24 well, 10ml, PP, round bottom 96 well, 2ml, PP, round bottom 96 well, 2ml, PP, round bottom irradiated with lid 96 well, 300µl, PP, flat bottom 384 well, 400µl, PP, square-round wells
350 µ µl UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, White Polystyrene with Mesh Bottom
with GF/C filter with hydrophobic GF/C filter with GF/B filter with P-81
50 50 50 50
7700 4301 7700 4302 7700 4303 7700 4312
55800.00 55800.00 58120.00 73890.00
800 µ µL UNI-FILTER, 96 Wells, Clear Polystyrene with Short Drip Director
with GF/C filter with 25-30µm MBPP with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF with 0.45µm CA
25 25 25 25
7700 1801 7700 1804 7700 1806 7700 1808
Per Case Cat. No.
7701 1350 10400.00
50 25 25 50 50 50 25 25
7701 1651 7701 1750 7701 1800 7701 2100 7701 2350 7701 3100 7701 5102 7701 5200
25 50 25
7701 5205 19470.00 7701 5350 11330.00 7701 5400 17910.00
11300.00 11210.00 33180.00 14010.00 11520.00 16230.00 27360.00 13190.00
UNIPLATE, V Bottom Microplates for Microarrays and Small Sample Volumes
45720.00 45720.00 57840.00 45720.00
96 well, 250µl clear PS V bottom 96 well, 250µl, black PS, V bottom
50 50
7701 1250 14010.00 7701 2250 14010.00
For more info visit
All prices shown in Rupees
Multiwell Plates Description
Per Case
96 well, 250 µl, white PS, V bottom 384 well, 80µl, PP, V bottom 96 well, 250µl, PP, V bottom
Cat. No.
50 50 50
7701 3250 13780.00 7701 5101 16810.00 7701 5250 16950.00
10 10 10 10 10
7701 6101 7701 6102 7701 6200 7701 6250 7701 6750
384 well 100µl, PS with filter
22080.00 64860.00 28940.00 21100.00 21140.00
25 25 25 25
7701 5205 7720 2830 7700 2810 7701 5200
25 50
7701 5750 14130.00 7701 5250 16950.00
19470.00 48540.00 45720.00 13190.00
7701 5250 16950.00
7720 2830 48540.00
7700 2810 45720.00
7700 2110 107990.00
7701 5750 14130.00 7701 5250 16950.00
50 50 50
7700 3312 85800.00 7700 4312 73890.00 7700 0512 72310.00
50 50 25
7700 3307 58020.00 7701 1250 14010.00 7701 5200 13190.00
96 well, 2 ml, glass PP
7720 7229-01 11000.00
UNIPLATE, PP Round Wall, Round Bottom, 750 µl/96-well
96 well,2ml PP, round bottom
7701 5750 14130.00 7701 5200 13190.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 100 96 well, capmat, round 800 / 750 / 300µl, pierceable 50 Microplate Lids ( Clear PS, Universal) 100 Microplate Lids ( Natural PP) 100 Vacuum Manifold for filtering to waste 01 Vacuum Manifold for vols from 100 µl -10ml 01 Acrylic Vacuum Manifold - 100 µl - 10ml 01
7700 2808 47070.00 7701 5200 13190.00
25 50 50
96 well, 250 µl, PP V bottom
Uniseal-Clear PE, thin seal film with adhesive Al foil applied with heat and pressure Clear PP film applied with heat and pressure Capmats - 96 well, square format Capmats - 96 well, round format Capmats - 24 well, square format, 10 ml Clear PP cold sealing with adhesive 24 well, BugStopper venting capmat, 10 ml 384 well, 400µl, square format santoprene
96 well 800µl, DNA binding plate 384 well, 100µl, black PS, flat bottom 96 well, 250µl, PP, V bottom
UNIPLATE, PP Round Wall Round Bottom 750 µl/96-well
High Throughput Genomics UNIFILTER
96 well, 800µl, Clear PS, 0.45µ Cellulose Acetate 25 96 well,2ml PP, round bottom 25
7720 7235 11940.00 7720 7236 30910.00
Phase Separation UNIFILTER
384 Well DNA Binding UNIFILTER
384 well, 100µl, DNA binding plate
1 5
96 well, 350 µl, White PS, 0.45CN 96 well, 250 µl, Clear PS, V bottom 96 well, 2 ml, PP, round bottom
96 Well DNA Binding UNIFILTER
96 well 800µl, DNA binding plate
FF Protein Precipitation Microplate 2000 µl/96-well 96 well, 2ml, Glass PP FF
96 Well Lysate Clarification UNIFILTER
96 well 800µl, Clear PS, Filter Bottom
7700 1101 107960.00
96-well, 350 µl with P 81short drip director 96-well, 350 µl with P 81 mesh bottom 96-well, 150 µl with P 81 mesh bottom
96 Well Bacterial Growth Plate
Protein Kinase Assay UNIFILTER
Plasmid Miniprep
96 well, 250µl, PP, V bottom
Protein Precipitation UNIFILTER FF
Application-Specific Plates 96 well 2ml, PP, Round Bottom irradiated with lid 96 well 800µl, Clear PS, Filter Bottom 96 well 800µl, DNA binding plate 96 well 2ml, PP, Round Bottom Uniplate, PP, Round Wall, Round Bottom 750µl / 96 well 96 well, 250µl, PP, V bottom
Cat. No.
384 Well Dye Terminator Removal UNIFILTER
MultiChem Plates
384 well 80µl, MultiChem V bottom 24 well 10ml, MultiChem round bottom 96 well 2ml, MultiChem round bottom 96 well 250µl, MultiChem V bottom 96 well 750µl, MultiChem round bottom
Per Case
7700 2810 45720.00 7701 2100 14010.00 7701 5250 16950.00
96 Well Dye Terminator Removal UNIFILTER
96 well 800µl, with GF/C filter
7700 2801 47030.00
UNIPLATE, PP Round Wall, Round Bottom, 750 µl/96-well
7701 5750 14130.00
7704 0001 7704 0002 7704 0003 7704 0004 7704 0005 7704 0007 7704 0009 7704 0014 7704 0015 7704 0105 7704 1001 7704 1002 7705 0101 7705 0102 7705 0107
5020.00 5190.00 5020.00 22130.00 22130.00 27170.00 5020.00 15860.00 30160.00 29080.00 7850.00 11610.00 56610.00 139440.00 180760.00
Anodisc Membranes (Aluminium Oxide) Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
Anodisc 47 supported 0.02 µm 0.10 µm 0.20 µm
50 50 50
6809 5002 6809 5012 6809 5022
32820.00 32820.00 35250.00
Anodisc 25 supported 0.02 µm 0.10 µm 0.20 µm
50 50 50
6809 6002 6809 6012 6809 6022
23180.00 16470.00 23180.00
Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Anodisc 13 unsupported 0.02 µm 0.10 µm 0.20 µm
All prices shown in Rupees
100 100 100
Cat. No.
6809 7003 6809 7013 6809 7023
15050.00 16230.00 16950.00
For more details refer our catalogue or contact us
Microbiological Systems Microbiological Monitors
Analytical Funnels
Presterilized and Very Versatile
Analytical funnels are ready-to-use 100 ml f iltration units with removable membrane and culturing devices
Microbiological monitors are ideal for monitoring contaminants in liquid samples from raw materials to finished products.
1 Sample filtration
2 Remove the funnel
1 Perform sample filtration
2 Remove the upper part from the base
3 Add 2 ml of microbiological media
4 Replace the lid and incubate
3 Place the base on the membrane lifting device
4 Separate the membrane from the pad and transfer the membrane into a Petri dish with sterile pad
Advantages • Saves up to 70% in time, No flaming, Ready-to-use, Pre-sterilized • Safety at work, Minimizes the risk of cross-contamination • Easy handling, Ready-to-use filtration unit, Easy release of membrane
Advantages • Saves up to 70% in time, No flaming, Ready-to-use, Pre-sterilized • Safety at work, Minimizes the risk of cross-contamination • Easy handling, Ready-to-use filtration unit, Easy release of membrane
Description 47mm
0.20 µm, white/ black grid 0.45 µm, white/ black grid 0.45 µm, white/ black grid* 0.45 µm, black/ white grid 0.80 µm, black/ white grid
Cat. No.
50 50 50 50 50
10 497 511 10 497 500 10 497 501 10 497 502 10 497 503
10410.00 10620.00 14830.00 10730.00 10730.00
50 50 50 50
10 497 603 10 497 600 10 497 601 10 497 602
9710.00 11910.00 11910.00 11910.00
0.2µm, white/black grid 0.2µm, white/black grid * 0.45µm, white/black grid 0.45µm, white/black grid * 0.45µm, black/white grid 0.45µm, black/white grid * * Individually packed
0.20 µm, white/ black grid 0.45 µm, white/ black grid 0.45 µm, black/ white grid 0.80 µm, black/ white grid *individually wrapped
Cat. No.
50 50 50 50 50 50
10 497 507 10 497 510 10 497 504 10 497 506 10 497 508 10 497 509
Price 10580.00 14550.00 10580.00 14330.00 10580.00 14040.00
All prices shown in Rupees
Microbiological Systems Advantages • Easy handling, Ergonomic design, light weight funnels • Saves up to 50% time, avoids flaming, easy membrane access • Safety at work, reduced cross-contamination
MBS I Microbiological Filtration System for Food & Beverage industry
When taking a new pre-sterilized funnel, the membrane is dispensed automatically.
AS 220 2-Place Vacuum Filtration manifold Steel Frit Dispenser for funnels Funnels 100 ml made of PP (autoclavable) Funnels 100 ml made of ABS (not autoclavable) Funnels 350 ml made of PP (autoclavable) Membrane-Butler E Dispenser for membranes Autoclaving bags for MBS 1 funnels
Membrane is placed onto the filter base and the funnel installed
1 1 1 20
10 445 890 10 445 863 10 445 870 10 445 861
Cat. No.
Price 168450.00 9260.00 76820.00 4900.00
20 20
10 445 865 10 445 866
4450.00 10900.00
1 20
10 477 110 10 445 868
170820.00 8290.00
MicroPlus Membranes (0.45 µm) Sterile for use with Whatman Membrane Butler
47 mm White/Black 50 mm White/Black 47 mm Black/White 50 mm Black/White 47 mm Green/Black FZ001 Forcep Stainless Steel
4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 1
10 407 112 10 407 114 10 407 132 10 407 134 10 407 170 10 477 602
38890.00 40390.00 38890.00 40390.00 38890.00 2180.00
Mixed Cellulose Ester (0.45 µm) Sterile for use with Whatman Membrane Butler
Liquid is poured into the funnel and vacuum is applied
Easy removal of the membrane after filtration
47 mm White/Black 50 mm White/Black 47 mm Black/White 50 mm Black/White 47 mm Green/Black 50 mm Green/Black
4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100
10 407 312 10 407 314 10 407 332 10 407 334 10 407 370 10 407 372
35220.00 36490.00 36490.00 36490.00 35220.00 36490.00
Cat. No.
10 496 114
10 496 116
50 1
10 496 101 10 496 705
4820.00 22130.00
10 496 851
10 496 102
50 1
10 496 104 10 496 713
5110.00 2900.00
10 496 119
10 496 706
10 496 113
10 496 707
10 496 708
Microbiology — Liquid Media Liquid Media
Product Description
Product Description Media Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Cat. No.
Bottled broth 9 ml via l, Durham tube
10 496 710
10 496 146
10 496 714
M-FC with Rosolic Acid
Ampouled Media 2 ml M-Green Select Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml
Centrimide Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml
M-Green Yeast and Mold
Ampouled Media 2 ml Bottled agar 100 ml
EC Broth
Bottled broth 9 ml via l, Durham tube
MI Broth and MI Agar
Bottled broth 50 ml
EC Broth with MUG
Bottled broth 9 ml vial, Ampouled media 2 ml
20 50
10 496 709 10 496 120
21640.00 7410.00
10 496 151
Ampouled Media 2 ml Bottled Agar 100 ml
10 496 125
Pseudomonas Broth
M-TGE Total Count Media
Ampouled Media 2 ml Orange Serum Media
HPC Broth with TTC
Ampouled Media 2 ml KF-Streptococcus Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml
Ampouled Media 2 ml
Mannitol Salt Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml
10 496 121
Standard Methods Agar
Bottled Agar 100ml
Membrane Lauryl Sulfate Broth
Membrane Lauryl Sulfate Broth 2 ml
10 496 187
Total Count Media with TTC
Ampouled Media 2 ml
M-Endo Coliform Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml Bottled broth 50 ml, Screw cap
50 8
10 496 103 10 496 700
Trypticase Soy Broth – Single Strength
8910.00 62890.00
Bottled broth 100 ml
Trypticase Soy Broth – Double Strength
M-FC Broth
Ampouled Media 2 ml All prices shown in Rupees
10 496 124
Bottled broth 100 ml, W/M bottle
Microbiology — Dehydrated Media & Swabs Recommended Membranes for NutriDisk
ME 25/21 ME 25/21 ME 25/41 ME 26/31 ME 28/41 MicroPlus-21 MicroPlus-21 MicroPlus-41 MicroPlus-41
0.45 µm, White, Gridded, 47mm 0.45 µm, White, Gridded, 50mm 0.45 µm, Green, Gridded, 50mm 0.60 µm, Black, Gridded, 50mm 1.20 µm, Green, Gridded, 50mm 0.45 µm, White, Gridded, 47mm 0.45 µm, White, Gridded, 50mm 0.45 µm, Green, Gridded, 47mm 0.45 µm, Green, Gridded, 50mm
Product Description Neutralizing Buffer Swabs
Cat. No.
10 407 312 10 407 314 10 407 372 10 409 834 10 408 472 10 407 112 10 407 114 10 407 170 10 407 172
Price 35220.00 36490.00 36490.00 37530.00 14630.00 38890.00 40390.00 38890.00 40390.00
Neutralizing Buffer Swabs 4 ml Neutralizing Buffer Swabs 4 ml SwabCheck 4 ml Buffer Swabs 4 ml Buffer Swabs 4 ml Coliform SwabCheck Units ready to use Hygiene SwabCheck Units ready to use Listeria SwabCheck Units ready to use
Cat. No.
10 100 10 50
6713 3010 6713 3100 6713 6010 6713 6050
125 500 125
10 498 303 52460.00 10 498 304 213720.00 10 498 404 32040.00
125 500
10 498 305 45290.00 10 498 306 181710.00
25 25 25
10 498 406 10730.00 10 498 407 10730.00 10 498 408 10730.00
Diagnostic Media Your Single Source Diagnostic Media Partner for FLOW THROUGH & LATERAL FLOW ASSAY
A Quick-Pick List • Sample Wicks To transport samples from point of application to test components • Sample Prep Remove sample contmination prior to application • Blood Separation For whole blood arrays • Conjugate Release Ensure strong lateral flow assay performance • Diagnostic Membranes Available a wide range of supported and unsupported membranes • Absorbent Sinks Ensures excellent sample flow along the strip • Fusion 5 A single material that performs all the function of a lateral flow
Applications • Bacterial cultures • Viral cult ures • Cell cultures
Coliform SwabCheck
Features and Benefits • Autoclavable in use to maintain solution integrity • Available in two sizes to fit a wide variety of culture flasks • Repeated use minimizes cost • Quick and easy-to-use BugStopper pushes into place and is ready to use
Bugstopper Bugstopper Bugstopper 10 Bugstopper 10
Cat. No.
Buffer Swabs
Price 7730.00 69440.00 24920.00 118910.00
Lateral Flow As say
All prices shown in Rupees
For more info visit
Thin Layer Chromatography Reversed Phase TLC (RPTLC) Plates
Flexible Backed TLC Plates (Polyester Backed)
Product Code
Plate Size(cm) Qty.
Cat. No.
Plate Size(cm)
Cat. No.
MKC18F KC18 KC18F KC18 KC18F KC18 KC18F LKC18 LKC18F LKC18 LKC18F PLKC18F KC2F Multi K CS5 Dual Phase
1in x 3in 5 x 20 5 x 20 10 x 10 10 x 10 20 x 20 20 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20
4803 110 4801 600 4803 600 4801 425 4803 425 4801 800 4803 800 4800 600 4800 620 4800 800 4800 820 4800 840 4809 820 4804 820
20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20
25 25 25
4410 221 4410 222 4410 224
100 75 75 25 25 25 25 75 75 25 25 20 25 25
Price 56590.00 179480.00 180350.00 61140.00 60150.00 37420.00 37420.00 186000.00 182530.00 44550.00 42920.00 165070.00 47180.00 39330.00
Flexible Backed TLC Plates (Aluminium Backed) AL SIL G AL SIL GF
10 x 20 20 x 20 5 x 10 5 x 20 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20
50 25 150 75 50 25 20 75 75 25 25 25 25 20 20
4850 720 4850 820 4851 320 4851 620 4851 720 4851 820 4851 840 4855 621 4856 621 4855 820 4856 820 4855 821 4856 821 4855 840 4856 840
36870.00 17290.00 33010.00 26560.00 31560.00 17950.00 24820.00 36290.00 39650.00 17710.00 20630.00 20590.00 25570.00 36900.00 27440.00
1in x 3in 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 20 5 x 20 10 x 20 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20
500 150 150 75 75 50 50 25 25 22 20 75 75 75 75 25 25 25 25
4861 110 4860 320 4861 320 4860 620 4861 620 4860 720 4861 720 4860 820 4861 820 4861 830 4861 840 4865 620 4866 620 4865 621 4866 621 4865 820 4866 820 4865 821 4866 821
55500.00 32950.00 30980.00 28030.00 26900.00 27240.00 25700.00 17710.00 17710.00 21180.00 24970.00 23040.00 26370.00 31550.00 34320.00 18780.00 18140.00 20540.00 22590.00
20 x 20 20 x 20
25 25
4500 105 4500 305
28520.00 33120.00
4420 221 4420 222
12560.00 12560.00
5x5 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 20 5x5 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 20
100 100 25 50 100 100 25 50
4807 050 4807 400 4807 425 4807 700 4802 050 4802 400 4802 425 4802 700
25940.00 57300.00 23080.00 46370.00 26630.00 59630.00 21350.00 46740.00
10 x 10 10 x 20 10 x 20 10 x 10 10 x 20 10 x 20
100 50 50 100 50 50
4805 410 4805 710 4805 711 4806 410 4806 710 4806 711
66490.00 55250.00 58420.00 59540.00 46080.00 46990.00
TLC Plates Designations The following nomenclature has been designed as a simple and conve nient way of distinguishing between the different types of plates. STATIONARY PHASES
The symbol of silica gel is K ( For Kieselgel ), followed by a qualifying number. K5 10-12 µm silica, of pore size 150 Å K6 10-12 µm silica, of pore size 60 Å The High Performance silica is prefixed by the letters “HP” Hence, HP-K 4-5 µm silica, of pore size 60 Å Reversed Phase Plates, with a bonded alkyl group, are represented as one might expect, by a K followed by the length of alkyl chain. KC2 10-12 µm silica, 60 Å, Ethyl bonded phase. KC8 10-12 µm silica, 60 Å, Octyl bonded phase. KC18 10-12 µm silica, 60 Å, Octadecyl bonded phase. Cellulose layers are denoted by K2. OPTIONS
Preadsorbent layers. This compresses each spot into a narrow horizontal line.Hence it is known as Linear-K. Prefix “L”. “D” Chanelled Plates. 0.8 mm lanes of clear glass separate each sample channel, preventing crossover. D indicates divisions ! “F” Flourescent indicator. Flourscent plates glow bright green under UV light. Samples which absorb UV at 254 nm are detected due to Flourscent quenching. “M” Microscope Slide, Plate size 1” x 3” “P” Preparative layer, having 500 µm or 1000 µm layer for large sample sizes. Using the above letterings it is possible to deduce the designation of any plate required, without the need of memorising numbers. e. g. : PLK5F=K5 silica, featuring a preparative, flourescent plate and the preadsorbent layer.
Diamond TLC Plates K6F LK6DF
25 25
HPTLC (Linear - K. Plates)
Normal Phase (Adsorbent) TLC plates K 6
20 x 20 20 x 20
HPTLC (High Performance TLC Plates)
Normal Phase (Adsorbent) TLC plates K 5
Price 14390.00 12560.00 20730.00
All prices shown in Rupees
High Performance Liquid Chromatography *Unisep Columns
PartisilTM HPLC Columns Media Partisil 5
Dimensions (mm)
Cat. No.
4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 100 4.6 x 100 4.6 x 100 4.6 x 100
4215 001 4238 001 4239 001 4235 001 4222 225 4222 232 4222 227 4222 228
32270.00 28670.00 28670.00 28390.00 26690.00 28020.00 28020.00 28020.00
4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250
4216 001 4223 001 4224 001 4228 001 4229 001 4225 001 4226 001 4227 001
30080.00 27070.00 27070.00 28120.00 28120.00 28390.00 28390.00 32910.00
Features and Benefits
• • • • •
Partisil 10
PartiSphere Silica PartiSphere C18 PartiSphere C8 PartiSphere SAX PartiSphere SCX PartiSphere PAC PartiSphere Silica PartiSphere C18 PartiSphere SAX PartiSphere SCX PartiSphere PAC
PartiSphere PartiSphere RTF C 18 PartiSphere RTF C 18
Dimensions (mm)
Cat. No.
Unisep RP Unisep RP Unisep RP Unisep RP
4.6 x 50 4.6 x 100 4.6 x 150 4.6 x 250
4550 4605 4550 4610 4550 4615 4550 4625
Price 31140.00 31140.00 38130.00 42440.00
For PartiSphere Cartridges
Spare end fitting including clamp
4621 0501 4621 0502 4621 0503 4621 0505 4621 0507 4621 0508 4621 1501 4621 1502 4621 1505 4621 1507 4621 1508
4631 1001
26330.00 27610.00 27610.00 27610.00 26330.00 27610.00 32440.00 32440.00 36700.00 36700.00 36700.00
Base Deactivated Columns 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 150
4522 0102 4522 0202
50480.00 46980.00
Silica Media
4.6 x 250
4601 1001
Whatman continues to make available an increasing range of media in bulk form for liquid and dry column chromatography.
They are characterized by : • High resolution • Good flow characteristics • High surface area
Guard Cartridge Holder Description
*Guard Cartridge Holder (WVS) Universal Cartridge Holder
Cat. No.
1 1
4631 1003 4631 1004
Price 32720.00 30600.00
Replacement Guard Cartridges Silica Reversed Phase Anion Exchange Cation Exchange PAC
• Life science • Food and beverage • Pharmaceutical
*Application Specific Columns TAC 1 (TAXOL)
C-8-RP 5 µm 100Å pore size 16% carbon lo ad Easy scale up
Replacement Cartridges 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 125 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250 4.6 x 250
5 5 5 5 5
4641 0001 4641 0002 4641 0005 4641 0007 4641 0008
15620.00 12900.00 11950.00 14890.00 14410.00
Semi-Preparative & Preparative Columns also available in all media as per customer requirements
Particle Size
Cat. No.
LRP-2 ODS LRP-2 ODS Silica 60 Å Silica 60 Å Silica 60 Å Silica 60 Å Silica 60 Å
37-53µm 37-53µm 230-400 mesh 230-400 mesh 230-400 mesh 70-230 mesh 70-230 mesh
100 gm 500 gm 1 kg 5 kg 25 kg 500 gm 1 kg
4776 001 4776 005 4790 010 4790 050 4790 250 4791 005 4791 010
Price 27490.00 111250.00 13110.00 51080.00 121650.00 7300.00 12060.00
Silica Gel Media for Flash Chromatography Purasil 60 Å Purasil 60 Å
230-400 mesh 70-230 mesh
1 kg 1 kg
4745 010 4746 010
9520.00 9450.00
All prices shown in Rupees
* Requires one time purchase of 4.6 mm I.D. WVS end fittings Cat. No. 4631 1001
Filtration Devices Puradisc 4mm Syringe Filters Pore Size
Cat. No.
50 Sterile 100 100
6791 0402 6779 0402 6779 0404
10310.00 14900.00 16270.00
100 500 100 500
6784 0402 6783 0402 6784 0404 6783 0404
9320.00 38110.00 9320.00 38110.00
50 Sterile 100 100
6786 0402 6789 0402 6789 0404
8210.00 9140.00 9140.00
50 Sterile 100 50 Sterile 100 500 2000
6791 1302 6779 1302 6791 1304 6779 1304 6792 1304 6765 1304
14330.00 12110.00 11290.00 12110.00 43660.00 140590.00
100 100 500 100 500 100
6784 1301 6784 1302 6783 1302 6784 1304 6783 1304 6784 1310
11830.00 11830.00 45350.00 11830.00 45350.00 11830.00
50 200 50 200 1000
6746 2502 6747 2502 6746 2504 6747 2504 6749 2504
18640.00 35000.00 18490.00 40470.00 218580.00
100 50 Sterile 100 500
6789 1301 6786 1302 6789 1304 6790 1304
11610.00 10070.00 11610.00 44510.00
50 Sterile 50 100 50 Sterile 50 100 50 Sterile 100 50 Srerile 100
1046 2200 1046 2701 1046 2710 1046 2205 1046 2601 1046 2600 1046 2240 1046 2241 1046 2000 1046 2520
10620.00 7250.00 16320.00 10620.00 7250.00 56870.00 10410.00 7120.00 10620.00 7250.00
AQUA 30 - Low background values for determination of BOD and COD (CA) 0.45 50 1046 2656 10710.00 Spartan HPLC certified
Spartan 30/0.2µm RC Spartan 30/0.2µm RC Spartan 30/0.45µm RC Spartan 30/0.45µm RC Spartan 30/0.45µm RC
100 500 50 100 500
10 463 060 10 463 062 10 463 053 10 463 050 10 463 052
16810.00 66480.00 9810.00 16660.00 66480.00
100 500 100 500
10 463 503 10 463 505 10 463 513 10 463 515
23620.00 94480.00 23620.00 94480.00
6771 1304
ReZist 30/0.2µm PTFE ReZist 30/0.2µm PTFE ReZist 30/0.45µm PTFE ReZist 30/0.45µm PTFE
Puradisc 25mm Syringe Filters 25 AS (Polysulfone)
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.0 1.0
9970.00 32330.00 9970.00 32330.00 68130.00
0.2 (for LAL Test USPXXIII) 0.2 0.2 0.45 (for LAL Test USPXXIII) 0.45 0.45 0.8 0.8 5.0 5.0
6750 2502 6751 2502 6750 2504 6751 2504 6753 2504
Puradisc FP 30 CA
0.1 0.2 0.45 0.45
50 200 50 200 1000
Puradisc 30mm Syringe Filters
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 1.0
Price 31150.00
0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45
Puradisc 13mm Syringe Filters 0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
6788 2504
25 mm PVDF
0.2 0.2 0.45
Cat. No.
0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45
0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45
0.45 25 NYL (Nylon)
0.2 0.2 0.45
Pore Size µm
50 Sterile 200 Sterile 1000 Sterile 50 Sterile 200 Sterile 1000 Sterile 50 200
6780 2502 6781 2502 6794 2512 6780 2504 6781 2504 6794 2514 6780 2510 6781 2510
7870.00 31740.00 94930.00 8250.00 31740.00 94930.00 7680.00 31740.00
50 50 200 50 200 1000 50
6784 2501 6784 2502 6785 2502 6784 2504 6785 2504 6798 2504 6784 2510
10780.00 10780.00 31740.00 10780.00 31740.00 68180.00 10780.00
50 200 50
6786 2502 6788 2502 6786 2504
10280.00 31150.00 10280.00
25 TF (PTFE)
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.0 25 PP (Polypropylene)
0.2 0.2 0.45
For more info visit
All prices shown in Rupees
Filtration Devices Anotop Syringe Filters 10 Syringe Filter
0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm 0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm
50 50 50 50 Sterile 50 Sterile 50 Sterile
6809 1002 6809 1012 6809 1022 6809 1102 6809 1112 6809 1122
16200.00 11650.00 15450.00 12150.00 12150.00 12620.00
10 Syringe Filter Plus with Glass Microfibre prefilter
0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm 0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm
50 50 50 50 Sterile 50 Sterile 50 Sterile
6809 3002 6809 3012 6809 3022 6809 3102 6809 3112 6809 3122
13770.00 13770.00 13770.00 14440.00 14440.00 14440.00
50 50 50 200 50 Sterile 50 Sterile 50 Sterile
6809 2002 6809 2012 6809 2022 6809 2024 6809 2102 6809 2112 6809 2122
18230.00 22160.00 18230.00 59960.00 24470.00 39130.00 22650.00
25 Syringe Filter
0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm 0.2µm 0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm
Vacu-Guard™ The Vacu-Guard in-filter device offers excellent protection for vacuum pumps and aspiration systems and minimises harmful pump exhaust fumes Vacu-Guard-PTFE 50 mm Vacu-Guard-PTFE 60 mm
50 50 50 200 50 Sterile 50 Sterile 50 Sterile
6809 4002 6809 4012 6809 4022 6809 4024 6809 4102 6809 4112 6809 4122
6722 5000 6722 5001
10780.00 10780.00
Per Pack Cat. No.
Hepa-Vent and Hepa-Cap
for air/gas filtration and sterile venting
25 Syringe Filter Plus with Glass Microfibre prefilter
0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm 0.2µm 0.02µm 0.1µm 0.2µm
10 10
25880.00 32400.00 22040.00 100700.00 25790.00 26610.00 25860.00
Mem bran e Hepa-Vent
Pore Size
Glass Microfibre
6723 5000
6702 3600
0.3 0.3µm
6702 7500
Hepa-Cap 36
Glass Microfibre Hepa-Cap 75
Glass Microfibre *99.97% retention of particles
Uniflo 25
Uniflo are available ready to use with 0.2 µ & 0.45 µ membrane filters form Nylon, PTFE & RC.
Carbon Cap
Cat. No.
Carbon Cap 75 Carbon Cap 150
1 1
6704 7500 6704 1500
Price 11670.00 11260.00
0.2 0.45
500 500
10 463 432 10 463 442
23050.00 23050.00
500 500
10 463 412 10 463 422
23050.00 20350.00
500 500
10 463 452 10 463 462
23050.00 23050.00
In line activated carbon filter for air and gases
0.2 0.45
Regenerated Cellulose
0.2 0.45
50 mm devices for syringe or in line use Mem bran e Polydisc AS
Pore Size
Cellulose-Mixed Esters Cellulose-Mixed Esters Nylon
Per Pack
0.2 0.45 1.0
10 Sterile 10 Sterile 10 Sterile
Cat. No.
0.1 0.2 0.45 1.0 5.0 10.0
Female luer lock, male slip luer
6713 0425 12020.00
Stepped hose barb 10 for 6-10mm id tubing
6713 1650 11030.00
Stepped hose barb for 10-13mm tubing
6713 1075
Clyde 8430.00
Convenient way to filter sterilize and dispense tissue culture media. ME Asymmetric 0.2 5 Sterile 6740 5002 ME Asymmetric 0.45 5 Sterile 6740 5004
10 10 10 10
6720 5001 6720 5002 6720 5045 6721 5010
9060.00 9060.00 9060.00 9060.00
10 10
6728 5050 6728 5100
8620.00 8620.00
7750.00 8620.00
Polydisc GW Sample preparation of Ground water for sample analysis of dissolved heavy metal. Quartz fiber/ Nylon 0.45 20 1046 3400 14380.00
Polydisc HD
25mm disc
Polyvent 1000
Polydisc TF
Qty. Cat. No.
50mm disc
6724 5002 12210.00 6724 5045 12960.00 6724 5010 13110.00 6724 5000
Polyvent 16
Polydisc SPF
Housing Filteration Type Area Polyvent 4
All prices shown in Rupees
Filtration Devices Polycap Capsule Filters
High surface area filter capsules for larger volumes
Media/Housing/Prefilter Polycap 36 AS
Pore Size
Cat. No.
0.2 0.45 1.0
6705 3602 6705 3604 6705 3610
3990.00 3940.00 4150.00
0.2 0.45 1.0
6705 7502 6705 7504 6705 7510
5380.00 5380.00 5380.00
6705 3600
6705 7500
0.2 1.0
6700 3602 6700 3610
3990.00 4150.00
6700 7501
Polycap 75 SP
PS/PP/GMF Polycap 36 TF
0.2 0.45 1.0
6700 7502 6700 7504 6701 7510
7820.00 7820.00 8220.00
1.0 5.0 10.0 20.0
6703 3610 6703 3650 6703 3611 6703 3621
4140.00 4140.00 4140.00 4140.00
1.0 5.0 10.0 20.0
6703 7510 6703 7550 6703 7511 6703 7521
5310.00 5310.00 5310.00 5310.00
Capsules available with different end connections. All Sterile devices are non-pyrogenic and biosafe. All materials of construction pass USP class VI. All devices are autoclavable. PPPolypropylene, Nyl-Nylon, PS-Polysulfone. GMF-Glass Microfibre.
Polycap 75 TF
Polycap 75 HD
Polycap 36 SPF
Cat. No.
Polycap 36 HD
Polycap 75 AS
Pore Size µm
Syringeless Filters Simple
Place unfiltered sample in chamber
Compress filter plunger into sample chamber. Clean filtrate fills reservoir from the bottom up
Chromatography vial shape-place in autosampler. Cap and septum preattached
Applications :
Autovial Syringeless Filters
• Routine analysis • Solubility testing • Composite assays • Dissolution testing • Content uniformity • Sample filtration • Protein precipitation Mini-UniPrep Syringeless Filters
A preassembled filtration device to remove particulates from samples Description
Cat. No.
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Autovial 12
Cat. No.
0.2µm PVDF/100 0.2µm NYL/100 0.2µm PTFE/100 0.2µm PES/100 0.2µm PP/100 0.45µm PVDF/100 0.45µm DP PP/100 0.45µm GMF/100 0.45µm NYL/100 0.45µm PTFE/100 0.45µm PES/100 0.45µm PP/100
0.45µm CA 0.45µm Nyl 0.45µm Nyl 0.45µm PVDF 0.45µm PVDF 0.45µm PTFE 0.45µm PTFE 0.45µm GMF
Price 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00
14030.00 13900.00 14030.00 13900.00 14030.00 13900.00 14030.00 14030.00
17950.00 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00 17950.00
Six position compressor
All prices shown in Rupees
GD / X Syringe Filters A smar smartt filter with four layers for high par ticulate loaded samples Features and Benefits
25 mm GD/X Syringe Filters
• 13 mm and 25 mm diameter syringe filters. • 13 mm device for samples up to 10 ml and 25 mm for samples larger than 10 ml. • Sterile options available.
Pore Size
Cat. No.
150 150
6870 2502 6870 2504
20120.00 20120.00
150 150
6872 2502 6872 2504
19650.00 20420.00
150 150
6874 2502 6874 2504
20120.00 20960.00
150 150 150 150 150 150
6882 2516 6884 2510 6886 2512 6888 2527 6890 2507 6894 2504
25300.00 24260.00 24260.00 24260.00 25300.00 25300.00
0.2 0.45
Applications • • • • • • • •
0.2 0.45
Hard to filter heavily particulate laden samples. Dissolution testing. Content uniformity. Concentration analysis. Routine sample preparation. Food analysis. Environmental samples. Composite assay.
Filters even viscous samples with less hand force than ever before possible
0.2 0.45 Glass Fibre
1.6 (GF/A) 1.0 (GF/B) 1.2 (GF/C) 2.7 (GF/D) 0.7 (GF/F) 0.45 (GMF)
Extends filter life and reduces costly exchanges
25 mm GD/X Syringe Filters (Sterile) PE S
0.2 0.45
50 50
6896 2502 6896 2504
12880.00 10750.00
50 50
6900 2502 6900 2504
11280.00 9980.00
50 50
6901 2502 6901 2504
10420.00 9080.00
6902 2504
0.2 0.45
Increases flow rates
0.2 0.45 GMF
Doubles the volume of sample filtered compared to other conventional filters
GD/XP (For Inorganic Ion Analysis) Features and Benefits
13 mm GD/X Syringe Filters Pore Size µ m Cellulose Acetate
Cat. No.
0.2 0.45
150 150
6880 1302 6880 1304
19920.00 19920.00
150 150
6870 1302 6870 1304
15840.00 15840.00
150 150
6872 1302 6872 1304
15630.00 15630.00
• • •
• • •
0.2 0.45
0.45 0.45
6970 2504
6972 2504
6974 2504
6978 2504
6994 2504
150 150
6874 1302 6874 1304
15840.00 16500.00
150 150 150 150
6884 1310 6886 1312 6888 1327 6894 1304
23560.00 23560.00 23560.00 19920.00
0.45 PP
Glass Fibre
1.0 (GF/B) 1.2 (GF/C) 2.7 (GF/D) 0.45 (GMF)
0.2 0.45
HPLC sample preparation. Trace metal analysis. Mic robiology.
0.2 0.45
Two layer prefil ter stack of 20µm and 5µm. Low protein binding. Effective removal of minute inorganic particles.
All prices shown in Rupees
Solid Phase Extraction Devices
Microcentrifuge Tube Filters VectaSpin Micr o (400 µ l) Membrane
Pore Size
Anopore Anopore Polysulfone Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration
0.02 0.20 0.20 0.45 PS 30 K PS 100 K CA 12 K CA 20 K
Column Type with Polypropylene Filter
Cat. No.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
6830 0021 6830 0201 6833 0201 6833 0401 6835 3001 6835 1101 6834 1001 6834 2001
Price 37460.00 22300.00 23610.00 22330.00 29460.00 28620.00 26180.00 34460.00
0.45 0.45 PS 30 K PS 10 K
25 25 25 25
6831 0405 6832 0405 6835 3005 6835 1005
9330.00 9670.00 14570.00 14510.00
6832 0408
Column Vol.
Cat. No.
500mg/6ml 1000mg/12ml 500mg/3ml 1000mg/12ml 500mg/3ml 500mg/3ml
30 20 50 20 50 50
6803 0507 6803 0509 6803 1205 6803 1809 6803 2005 6803 2605
500mg/unit 500mg/unit 500mg/unit
50 50 50
Cartridge type with Polypropylene Filter Sodium Sulfate 1500mg 50
Bottle-top Filters - For Residue Analysis ZapCap ®
For filtration of medium volumes, cell culture media & HPLC solutions Features and Benefits
• Complete 500 mL units with tubing nozzle; for attaching to bottles (bottle-top). • Connection seals on any standard bottle 33-450 mm. • Membrane diameter 76 mm, filter area 39.2 cm2. • ZapCap-S with included borosilicate prefilter for high flow rates. • ZapCap-S Plus with integral borosilicate prefilter for very high flow rates. • ZapCap-CR, the chemical-resistant bottle-top filter. • Can be used up to 50° C. Membrane/Housing Pore Size
0.2 0.45 0.45
Cat. No.
12 12 12
10 443 421 10 443 423 10 443 425
6802 0005 6804 0405 6804 0505
15560.00 15550.00 15550.00
6805 8020
Sample Drying Device
VectaSpin 20 (20mL) Polypropylene
Price 6050.00 9700.00 9620.00 6160.00 11830.00 11860.00
Cartridge Type with Polypropylene Filter
VectaSpin 3 (3mL) PVDF Polypropylene Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration
Price 15940.00 13880.00 13880.00
All prices are shown in Rupees
Whatman Klari-Flex™ Bottle TTop op Filtration System with Dr op Connect TTechnology echnology Drop Simply revolutionary
Klari-Flex features:
Bringing a new level of productivity to sterile vacuum filtration of aqueous fluids such as Cell Tissue Culture Media, Biological Fluids & Buffer
• Three piece design with permanent docking station • Accomodates three sizes: 250 ml, 500 ml, and 1000 ml • Vacuum control knob • Gamma sterile and individually bagged • Non cytotoxic, non pyrogenic • Low protein binding polyethersulfone (PES) membrane (0.2 µm or 0.45 µm) • Product/lot information Klari-Flex offers:
• No need for manual tube attachment generates time saving • Stable base design and low center of gravity minimizes the risk of spills • Easy one-hand connection to docking station • Fast flow – saving time • Smooth surfaces ensure easy cleaning • Easy to use and accurate volume graduations on bottle and filter funnel • Large collar for labeling information • Coated for use in harsh laboratory environments
How does it work?
Place Lid
Qty. Cat. No.
Bottle and Filter Funnel 250 ml, 0.2 µm PES Bottle and Filter Funnel 500 ml, 0.2 µm PES Bottle and Filter Funnel 1000 ml, 0.2 µm PES Filter Funnel 250 ml, 0.2 µm PES Filter Funnel 500 ml, 0.2 µm PES Filter Funnel 1000 ml, 0.2 µm PES Bottle and Filter Funnel 250 ml, 0.45 µm PES Bottle and Filter Funnel 500 ml, 0.45 µm PES Bottle and Filter Funnel 1000 ml, 0.45 µm PES Filter Funnel 250 ml, 0.45 µm PES Filter Funnel 500 ml, 0.45 µm PES Filter Funnel 1000 ml, 0.45 µm PES Bottle 250 ml Bottle 500 ml Bottle 1000 ml Klari-Flex Docking Station Klari-Flex Ring Stand
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 24 24 1 1
6514 2502 6514 5002 6514 1002 6515 2502 6515 5002 6515 1002 6514 2504 6514 5004 6514 1004 6515 2504 6515 5004 6515 1004 6516 2500 6516 5000 6516 1000 6517 0002 6517 0001
Price 7240.00 11490.00 16210.00 6060.00 7080.00 11330.00 7240.00 11490.00 16210.00 6060.00 7080.00 11330.00 6140.00 7710.00 11960.00 71130.00 24360.00
1841 066
1841 090
Glass microfiber prefilters
Place Cap
GMF150, 1 µm, 66 mm disc filter for 250 ml unit GMF150, 1 µm, 90 mm disc filter for 500 and 1,000 ml unit
Start / Store
All prices are shown in Rupees
Qualitative Filter Paper Standard Filters Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
400 400 400 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 500 100 500 100 500
1001 020 1001 025 1001 030 1001 042 1001 047 1001 055 1001 070 1001 085 1001 090 1001 110 1001 125 1001 150 1001 185 1001 240 1001 270 1001 320 1001 400 1001 500 1001 813 1001 824 1001 917 1001 918 1001 931 1001 932
2260.00 2260.00 2260.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 770.00 530.00 560.00 600.00 790.00 1150.00 2520.00 2870.00 3150.00 6910.00 10550.00 4540.00 4690.00 6430.00 23100.00 12970.00 48760.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1002 042 1002 055 1002 070 1002 090 1002 110 1002 125 1002 150 1002 185 1002 240 1002 320 1002 917
580.00 600.00 640.00 660.00 730.00 840.00 1170.00 1660.00 2940.00 6720.00 10420.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1003 042 1003 055 1003 070 1003 090 1003 110 1003 125 1003 150 1003 185 1003 240 1003 320 1003 917
750.00 830.00 960.00 1120.00 980.00 1380.00 1420.00 2570.00 4250.00 8280.00 17840.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1004 042 1004 047 1004 055 1004 070 1004 090 1004 110 1004 125 1004 150
500.00 540.00 540.00 540.00 600.00 760.00 870.00 1140.00
Grade 1
20 25 30 42.5 47 55 70 85 90 110 125 150 185 240 270 320 400 500 26 x 31 Sheets 75 x 100 Sheets 460 x 570 Sheets 460 x 570 Sheets 580 x 680 Sheets 580 x 680 Sheets
1004 185 1004 240 1004 270 1004 320 1004 400 1004 917
1730.00 3020.00 3690.00 4750.00 7010.00 12260.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1005 042 1005 055 1005 070 1005 090 1005 110 1005 125 1005 150 1005 185 1005 240
520.00 620.00 670.00 760.00 840.00 1010.00 1590.00 2470.00 4500.00
100 100 100 100 100
1006 042 1006 070 1006 090 1006 110 1006 125
580.00 750.00 790.00 930.00 1160.00
100 100 100 100
1113 090 1113 110 1113 125 1113 150
1110.00 1340.00 1600.00 2230.00
100 100 100 100
1202 125 1202 150 1202 185 1202 240
2950.00 3200.00 3800.00 5300.00
Grade 6
42.5 70 90 110 125 Grade 113
90 110 125 150 Grade 2V
125 150 185 240
Filter Aids
Grade 4
42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150
Cat. No.
100 100 100 100 100 100
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240
Grade 3
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 320 460 x 570 Sheets
Per Pack
185 240 270 320 400 460 x 570 Sheets Grade 5
Grade 2
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 320 460 x 570 Sheets
Diameter (mm)
All prices shown in Rupees
Cat. No.
Ashless powder Ashless floc Ashless clippings
250g 100g 500g
1700 025 1704 010 1703 050
Price 5110.00 8440.00 3500.00
Quantitative Filter Paper Ashless Filters Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
400 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1440 012 1440 042 1440 047 1440 055 1440 070 1440 090 1440 110 1440 125 1440 150 1440 185 1440 240 1440 917
1350.00 1320.00 1420.00 1010.00 1090.00 1420.00 1720.00 2070.00 2720.00 4470.00 9020.00 27640.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1441 042 1441 055 1441 070 1441 090 1441 110 1441 125 1441 150 1441 185 1441 240 1441 866 1441 917
1080.00 1130.00 1080.00 1460.00 1910.00 2220.00 2900.00 4370.00 8370.00 13370.00 26060.00
Grade 40
12.7 42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 460 x 570 Sheets
100 100 100 100 100 100
1452 070 1452 090 1452 110 1452 125 1452 150 1452 240
1560.00 2060.00 2620.00 2910.00 3740.00 9770.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1454 055 1454 070 1454 090 1454 110 1454 125 1454 150 1454 185 1454 240 1454 320 1454 500 1454 917
1080.00 1280.00 1700.00 2250.00 2710.00 3880.00 5560.00 9840.00 17500.00 40030.00 49680.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1540 042 1540 055 1540 070 1540 090 1540 110 1540 125 1540 150 1540 185 1540 240
1180.00 1290.00 1370.00 1690.00 2390.00 2590.00 3860.00 6460.00 10790.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1541 042 1541 055 1541 070 1541 090 1541 110 1541 125 1541 150 1541 185 1541 240 1541 270 1541 320 1541 917
1170.00 1220.00 1340.00 1670.00 2390.00 2560.00 4090.00 6460.00 10900.00 15230.00 19890.00 41850.00
100 100 100 100 100 100
1542 070 1542 090 1542 110 1542 125 1542 150 1542 185
1320.00 1940.00 2650.00 2910.00 4310.00 6500.00
Hardened Ashless Filters 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1442 042 1442 055 1442 070 1442 090 1442 110 1442 125 1442 150 1442 185 1442 240 1442 917
1060.00 980.00 1080.00 1420.00 1750.00 2080.00 2760.00 4370.00 6750.00 26360.00
100 100 100 100 100
1443 090 1443 110 1443 125 1443 150 1443 185
1730.00 2320.00 2080.00 3620.00 5310.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1444 070 1444 090 1444 110 1444 125 1444 150 1444 185 1444 917
1320.00 1610.00 1810.00 2130.00 3620.00 5310.00 34900.00
100 100 100
1450 055 1450 070 1450 090
1120.00 1330.00 1700.00
Grade 540
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 Grade 541
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 270 320 460 x 570 Sheets Grade 542
70 90 110 125 150 185
Hardened Filters Grade 50
55 70 90
2520.00 2660.00 3820.00 5590.00 9990.00 15290.00 31220.00
55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 320 500 460 x 570 Sheets
Grade 44
70 90 110 125 150 185 460 x 570 Sheets
1450 110 1450 125 1450 150 1450 185 1450 240 1450 320 1450 917
Grade 54
Grade 43
90 110 125 150 185
Cat. No.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
70 90 110 125 150 240
Grade 42
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 460 x 570 Sheets
Per Pack
110 125 150 185 240 320 460 x 570 Sheets Grade 52
Grade 41
42.5 55 70 90 110 125 150 185 240 203 x 254 Sheets 460 x 570 Sheets
Diameter (mm)
For more info visit
All prices shown in Rupees
Comparison of Cellulose Grades / PM10 / PM2.5 Trace Elements-Typical Grade
Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Bromine Calcium Chlorine
<0.5 <0.02 <0.02 <1 1 185 130
42 42
2 <0.02 <0.02 <1 1 13 80
54 2
1 <0.02 <0.02 <1 1 8 55
Chromium 0.3 Copper 1.2 Fluorine 0.1 Iron 5 Lead 0.3 Magnesium 7 Manganese 0.06 Mercury <0.005
4 2 42
54 2
0.3 0.3 0.2 6 0.2 1.8 0.05 <0.005
0.7 0.2 0.3 3 0.1 0.7 <0.05 <0.005
42 42
54 2
Nitrogen 23 12 260 Potassium 3 1.5 0.6 Silicon 20 <2 <2 Sodium 160 33 8 Sulfur 15 <5 <2 Zinc 2.4 0.6 0.3 * Qualitative Grade 1 shown for comparison purposes. All results expressed as µg/g.
Whatman QMA: Filters for Use in US EPA PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring Property
Te est st Me Method thod
Filter Media Filter Thickness Filter Dimension Particle Retention (0.3 µm) Flow Rate Tensile Strength Brittleness Integrity Weight Loss
n/a ASTM D 645-92 micrometer ASTM D 2986-91 EPA RFM ASTM D 828-93 Test for Fiber Filters Test for Fiber Filters EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522
EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12
Lead Content Alkalinity
Unit of Me asure
V a l u e
n/a mm inches % M 3 /min g/15 mm n/a mg %/filter
Quartz Fiber 0.45 8 x 10 99.95 1.1325 200 No crack larger than 1 inch 2.5 0.75
n/a ± 15 ±1/16 minimum ± 0.0285 minimum maximum maximum maximum
µg/filter µeq/g of filter
0.25 25
maximum maximum
Whatman EPM 2000: Filters for Use in US EPA TSP Ambient Air Monitoring Property
Filter Media Filter Thickness Filter Dimension Particle Retention (0.3 µm) Flow Rate Tensile Strength Brittleness Integrity Weight Loss Lead Content Alkalinity
Test Method thod e est st Me t hod
Unit asure Un it of Me Mea as su urre e
n/a ASTM D 645-92 micrometer ASTM D 2986-91 EPA RFM ASTM D 828-93 Test for Fiber Filters Test for Fiber Filters EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522 EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12
n/a mm inches % 3 M /min g/15 mm n/a mg %/filter µg/filter µeq/g of filter
V Va V a l u e
Glass Fiber 0.45 8 x 10 99.95 1.52 500 No crack larger than 1 inch 2.5 0.75 0.25 25
n/a ± 15 ±1/16 minimum ± 0.18 minimum maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum
PTFE Filters for Use in US EPA PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitoring Property
Filter Media Filter Thickness Filter Diameter Filter Pore Size Support Ring Media Total Support Ring Thickness Support Ring - Width Particle Retention (0.3 µm) Pressure Drop (0.3µm) @ 16.67 liters/min. Alkalinity Weight loss Loose Particles Moisture Pickup
Test Method
n/a micrometer micrometer ASTM F 316-94 n/a micrometer micrometer ASTM D 2986-95a ASTM D 2986-95a
Unit of Measure
V a l u e
n/a µm mm µm n/a mm
PTFE Teflon® 40 46.2 2 Polypropylene 0.365
n/a ± 10 ± 0.25 maximum PMP or Equivalent ± 0.055
mm % cm H20
3.68 99.7 30
+ 0.00, - 0.51 minimum maximum
µeq/g of filter µg µg µg
25 <20 <20 <10
maximum maximum maximum maximum
PM 2.5
EPA/600-R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 As Above As Above As Above
Glass Microfibre Filters Size (mm) Multigrade GMF 150 1 µm
Per Pack
Cat. No.
47 90
40 20
1841 047 1841 090
3820.00 3820.00
40 20
1842 047 1842 090
3820.00 3820.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25
1820 021 1820 024 1820 025 1820 037 1820 042 1820 047 1820 055 1820 070 1820 090 1820 110 1820 125 1820 150 1820 866 1820 915
1260.00 1350.00 1370.00 1930.00 1990.00 2040.00 2710.00 3000.00 3910.00 4660.00 6450.00 8470.00 15920.00 20020.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 25
1821 024 1821 025 1821 037 1821 042 1821 047 1821 055 1821 070 1821 090 1821 110 1821 125 1821 150 1821 915
1770.00 1770.00 3180.00 4160.00 3150.00 4800.00 5640.00 2860.00 3530.00 4490.00 5770.00 51770.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 25
1822 024 1822 025 1822 037 1822 042 1822 047 1822 055 1822 070 1822 090 1822 110 1822 125 1822 150 1822 849 1822 866 1822 915
1480.00 1430.00 2080.00 2160.00 2240.00 3230.00 4360.00 4630.00 6030.00 7370.00 10860.00 7210.00 22210.00 25170.00
100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25 25
1823 024 1823 025 1823 047 1823 055 1823 070 1823 090 1823 125 1823 150 1823 257
2910.00 1780.00 3520.00 4460.00 5320.00 2500.00 4380.00 7600.00 9020.00
100 100
1825 021 1825 024
2860.00 3110.00
Multigrade GMF 150 2 µm
47 90 GF / A
21 24 25 37 42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150 203 x 254 * Sheets 460 x 570 Sheets
Price 3110.00 6490.00 6150.00 6150.00 9330.00 9330.00 5160.00 5590.00 7520.00 9800.00 27970.00
100 100
1882 047 1882 866
3500.00 28600.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1827 047 1827 055 1827 070 1827 090 1827 110 1827 125 1827 150 1827 866
3870.00 4120.00 5140.00 8270.00 9570.00 11800.00 15930.00 29310.00
100 100 100
9907 042 9907 047 9907 055
4250.00 4250.00 4410.00
1851 025 1851 037 1851 047 1851 865 1851 8866
7680.00 10060.00 11050.00 23680.00 96970.00
1853 037 1853 047 1853 050 1853 150
6170.00 7050.00 7500.00 36060.00
1810 047 1810 090 1810 110 1810 125 1810 142 1810 150
8830.00 7060.00 10350.00 14680.00 17840.00 20570.00
47 55 70 90 11 125 150 203 x 254 * Sheets 934-AH RTU
42.5 47 55 QM-A (PM 10 / TSP Filters)
25 100 37 100 47 100 203 x 254 * Sheets 25 203 x 254 * Sheets (pre-numbered)100 QM-H (For Temp up to 1000° C)
37 47 50 150
25 25 25 25
Acid Treated Low Metal TCLP Filters
47 90 110 125 142 150
100 50 50 50 50 50
Filter Units for Glass Microfibre Filters 3-Piece Filter Funnel Diameter (cm)
Cat. No.
1950 002 1950 004 1950 007 1950 017 1950 009 1950 012
12770.00 13940.00 17720.00 20190.00 20340.00 37480.00
Acrylic Plate
2.5 4.7 7.0 7.0 large reservoir (210ml) 9.0 12.5
GF / F
21 24
1825 025 1825 037 1825 042 1825 047 1825 055 1825 070 1825 090 1825 110 1825 125 1825 150 1825 257
GF / D
24 25 47 55 70 90 125 150 257
Cat. No.
100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 25
47 203 x 254 * Sheets
GF / C
24 25 37 42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150 102 x 254 Cell Harvestin g Strips 203 x 254 * Sheets 460 x 570 Sheets
Per Pack
25 37 42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150 257 EPM 2000
GF / B
24 25 37 42.5 47 55 70 90 110 125 150 460 x 570 Sheets
Size (mm)
* 8 x 10 in
All prices shown in Rupees
Chromatography & Blotting Papers Pure Cellulose Sheets and Reels Size (mm)
Pure Cellulose Blotting Sheets
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 Sheets 100 Sheets 100 Sheets 100 Sheets 100 Sheets Reels Reels
3001 845 3001 861 3001 878 3001 917 3001 931 3001 604 3001 640
2820.00 3480.00 5370.00 11960.00 17940.00 1530.00 2620.00
100 Sheets
3002 917
100 Sheets
3003 917
1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 1 Reel 100 Sheets 100 Sheets 100 Sheets 100 Sheets
3030 614 3030 662 3030 672 3030 675 3030 681 3030 690 3030 700 3030 704 3030 861 3030 866 3030 917 3030 931
3650.00 11570.00 14880.00 17370.00 16530.00 23320.00 26910.00 29010.00 5560.00 6980.00 24280.00 39300.00
100 Sheets
3004 917
25 Sheets
3017 915
460 x 570
100 Sheets
3020 917
Ion Exchange Cellulose Discs
3031 915
Size (mm)
1 Chr (0.18 mm thickness)
Cat. No.
10 426 880 10 427 810 10 427 812 10 427 813 10 427 818 10 427 826
6020.00 4360.00 5540.00 5410.00 7240.00 43870.00
10 427 900 10 427 902 10 427 904 10 427 910 10 427 912 10 427 918 10 427 920 10 427 922 10 427 926
3300.00 3170.00 3440.00 8460.00 4760.00 5540.00 6330.00 54340.00 27860.00
GB003 Blotting Sheets (0.8 mm thickness)
100 x 300 200 x 200 250 x 250 460 x 570 580 x 680 10 x 100 m 30 x 100 m
100 x 100 150 x 150 150 x 200 160 x 180 200 x 200 460 x 570
460 x 570
100 x 150 110 x 140 120 x 140 150 x 150 150 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 240 200 x 250 460 x 570
3 Chr (0.34 mm thickness)
460 x 570
50 100 100 100 100 100
GB004 Blotting Sheets (1.0 mm thickness)
2 Chr (0.18 mm thickness)
3 MM Chr (0.36 mm thickness)
20 x 100 m 75 x 100 m 100 x 100 m 125 x 100 m 150 x 100 m 190 x 100 m 230 x 100 m 270 x 100 m 200 x 200 200 x 250 460 x 570 580 x 680
Per Pack
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 A100 100
Ion Exchange Cellulose Sheets DE 81
460 x 570
25 Sheets
3658 915
25 Sheets
3698 915
3668 915
P 81
460 x 570
4 Chr (0.21 mm thickness)
460 x 570
Adsorbent Loaded Sheets
17 Chr (0.92 mm thickness)
460 x 570
SG 81
25 Sheets
20 Chr (0.17 mm thickness)
460 x 570
31 ET Chr (0.50 mm thickness)
460 x 570
DE 81
25 Sheets
3658 023
Cellulose Media Anion Exchange Media Type Functional Pre-swollen Microgranular
Cat. No.
DE 23 DE 52 DE 52 DE 53 DE 53 QA 52
250g 500g 2 Kg 500g 2 Kg 500g
4053 025 4057 050 4057 200 4058 050 4058 200 4065 050
33940.00 28600.00 94590.00 33380.00 89600.00 28140.00
ADV FIBRS DEAE Diethylaminoethyl Diethylaminoethyl Diethylaminoethyl Diethylaminoethyl Quaternary Amines
Cell Debris Remover Description Qty.
Cat. No.
4025 050 4025 200
500g 2 Kg
Price 7150.00 18130.00
Cation Exchange Media Pre-swollen Microgranular
CM 52 CM 52
Carboxymethyl Carboxymethyl
500g 2 Kg
4037 050 4037 200
24750.00 74100.00
Orthophosphate Orthophosphate
100g 500g
4071 010 4071 050
11440.00 37360.00
Microgranular Microgranular Dry Fibrous Dry Fibrous
500g 500g 500g 500g
4014 050 4061 050 4020 050 4021 050
12700.00 12830.00 8240.00 8240.00
Dry Fibrous
P 11 P 11 Cellulose Media
CC 31 CC 41 CF 1 CF 11
All prices shown in Rupees
General Properties of Whatman Filter Papers Whatman Grade
Particle Retention (Liquid) (um)
Initial Filtration Speed (Secs/100 ml) Herzberg ASTM
Ash %
Thickness (mm)
Weight (g/m2)
Loading Wet Burst Capacity kPa psi
Dry Burst kPa psi
11 8 6 20-25 2.5 3
150 240 325 37 1420 715
40 55 90 12 250 175
0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.1-0.2
0.18 0.19 0.39 0.21 0.20 0.18
87 97 185 92 100 100
1.7 2.0 2.8 1.5 2.8 1.7
0.25 0.29 0.40 0.22 0.40 0.25
97 110 193 69 172 124
14 16 28 10 25 18
28 38
8 12
0.42 0.19
125 75
62.1 55.2
9 8
200 138
29 20
8 20-25 2.5 16 3
340 54 1870 155 995
75 12 240 40 175
0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
0.21 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.18
95 85 100 95 80
2.0 1.5 2.8 2.0 2.0
0.29 0.22 0.40 0.29 0.29
110 69 172 90 117
16 10 25 13 17
2.7 7 20-25
2685 235 39
250 55 10
0.015 0.015 0.015
0.12 0.18 0.19
97 96 90
41.4 48.3 48.3
6 7 7
221 200 131
32 29 19
8 20-25 2.7
200 34 2510
55 12 250
0.006 0.006 0.006
0.16 0.16 0.15
85 78 96
48.3 48.3 41.4
7 7 6
186 117 221
27 17 32
1.6 1.0 1.2 2.7 0.7 1.5 NA 1.0 2.0
62 195 100 41 325 47 NA 56 26
13.0 5.5 10.5 16.5 6.0 NA NA NA NA
0.26 0.68 0.26 0.68 0.42 0.33 0.43 0.74 0.78
53 143 53 120 75 64 80 143 144
2.0 3.2 2.0 3.2 2.3 3.7 NA
0.29 0.47 0.29 0.47 0.33 0.54 NA
0.45 0.95
85 140
1 2 3 4 5 6
General Purpose and Wet - Strengthened 113
30 25
Ashless Quantitative
40 41 42 43 44 Hardened Low Ash
50 52 54 Hardened Ashless 540 541 542 Glass Microfiber GF / A GF / B GF / C GF / D GF / F 934-AH EPM 2000 GMF 150 (1um) GMF 150 (2 um)
Dry Tensile (700g/1.5cm) Wet Tensile (320g//1.5cm Dry Tensile (680g/1.5cm) Wet Tensile (333g/1.5cm) Dry Tensile (540g/1.5cm)
Quartz Microfiber
Typical value : not representative of product specifications * Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900°C in air Note for loading capacity N-Normal H - High VH - Very High
Dry Tensile (250g/1.5cm) Dry Tensile (400g/1.5cm)
For more info visit
Nuclepore Track-Etched Membranes Diameter (mm) 2 µm
Nuclepore Membrane Filters
Polycarbonate Filters Diameter (mm)
47 90 293
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 100 100
110 401 110 601 111 101
13920.00 14480.00 22690.00
3 µm
100 25
110 602 113 502
11020.00 48470.00
5 µm
100 100 25
110 603 111 103 111 703
9440.00 16430.00 12770.00
0.015 µm
13 25 47
13 47 90
0.03 µm
25 8 x 10 inches
13 25 47 50
0.05 µm
25 47 90
100 100
110 604 111 104
9440.00 16430.00
13 25 47 19 x 42 mm
100 100 100 100 25 25
110 405 110 605 111 105 111 505 111 705 112 105
7230.00 8850.00 16200.00 33110.00 11400.00 19350.00
100 100 100 100 25 25 25 25
110 406 110 606 111 106 111 206 111 706 112 106 112 806 113 506
4910.00 5640.00 9820.00 11020.00 11400.00 19350.00 34850.00 40840.00
100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25
110 407 110 607 110 637 110 807 111 107 111 137 111 707 112 107 112 807
4910.00 5640.00 10330.00 8110.00 9820.00 14720.00 11400.00 19350.00 34850.00
100 25
110 608 112 108
5640.00 19350.00
100 100 100 100
110 409 110 609 110 809 111 109
4910.00 5640.00 8110.00 9820.00
100 100 100 25 25
110 410 110 610 111 110 111 710 112 110
4910.00 5640.00 9820.00 11400.00 19350.00
0.1 µm
13 25 47 76 90 142
13 25 47 25 47 50 (Epiflourescence Microscopy) 25 (0.2 µm) 25 (0.4 µm) 25 (0.8 µm) 47 (0.2 µm) 47 (0.4 µm)
100 100 100
110 412 111 112 111 712
4910.00 9820.00 11400.00
100 100 100 100
110 413 110 613 111 113 111 213
4910.00 5640.00 9820.00 11020.00
100 100 100 100
110 414 110 614 111 114 113 314
4910.00 5640.00 9820.00 7120.00
100 100 100
110 415 110 615 111 115
7120.00 5640.00 9820.00
100 100 100
110 616 111 116 111 216
5640.00 9820.00 11020.00
100 100 100 100 100
110 656 110 657 110 659 111 156 111 157
8400.00 8400.00 8400.00 11550.00 11550.00
(Measuring Erythrocyte Deformability) 13 100
110 424
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
110 412 110 413 110 414 150 445 (PVP-free) 150 446 (PVP-free) 110 611 110 612 110 613 110 614
4910.00 4910.00 4910.00 7120.00 7120.00 5640.00 5640.00 5640.00 5640.00
100 100 100 100 100
230 300 230 500 230 600 230 800 231 100
3820.00 4090.00 4200.00 4450.00 5250.00
Polycarbonate for Cell Culture
(Cell Migration Studies) 13 13 13 13 13 25 25 25 25 Drain Disc
10 22 25 37 47
1 µm
13 25 47 90 142
9820.00 11400.00 34850.00
Chemotaxis Membranes
0.8 µm
13 25 37 47
111 111 111 711 112 811
Black Nuclepore® Polycarbonate Membranes
0.6 µm
25 142
100 25 25
12 µm
0.4 µm
13 25 25 (AOX) 37 47 47 (AOX) 90 142 293
10 µm
0.2 µm
13 25 47 50 90 142 293 8x 10 inches
Cat. No.
8 µm
0.08 µm
25 47
Per Pack
PC membranes with larger pore size and bigger diameter available. Refer Product Guide
All prices shown in Rupees
Laboratory Membrane Filters Membrane Filters
Diameter (mm)
White Plain Filters Type WCN Cellulose Nitrate
TE 36 (0.45 µm)
Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 100
7181 002 7181 004
9470.00 12230.00
25 47 50
0.1 µm
25 47
100 100 25
7182 002 7182 004 7182 009
47 25 47
100 100 100 100 25 25 25
7184 7184 7184 7184 7184 7184 7184
001 002 003 004 008 009 014
5450.00 5450.00 7880.00 5770.00 5850.00 7930.00 13040.00
100 25
7188 004 7188 009
8670.00 9060.00
100 100
7190 002 7190 004
8280.00 11600.00
100 100
7193 002 7193 004
25 47 110 140
7870.00 11410.00
ME 27 (0.8 µm)
100 100 25
7195 002 7195 004 7195 009
7630.00 9160.00 9420.00
100 100 100
10 400 106 10 400 112 10 400 114
25 47 47 (Sterile) 110 142
25 47 47 (Sterile) 100
5.0 µm
25 47 90
10880.00 14530.00 15210.00
100 100
10 400 012 10 400 014
47 with pads 100
7141 004
100 100
7590 002 7590 004
12560.00 24210.00
7592 104
100 100 100 50 25
10 401 706 10 401 712 10 401 770 10 401 726 10 401 731
7090.00 10070.00 10990.00 25050.00 11340.00
100 100 50 25
10 401 606 10 401 670 10 401 626 10 401 631
7090.00 10990.00 25050.00 11340.00
100 100 100 50
10 400 906 10 400 912 10 400 970 10 400 921
7900.00 10640.00 12150.00 25860.00
100 1000
10 406 870 10 406 871
10990.00 26840.00
7153 004
7153 104
100 100 100
7402 001 7402 002 7402 004
5750.00 6190.00 6060.00
100 100 100 50 25
7404 001 7404 002 7404 004 7404 009 10 414 131
7408 004
7001 0004
Nylon Membrane Filters
0.2 µm
13 25 47
100 100 1000
7141 104 7141 114 7141 154
4500.00 4500.00 28000.00
0.45 µm
13 25 47 90 142
WCN Cellulose Nitrate-Autoclave Packs 0.45 µm White Grid
7141 204
100 100
7582 002 7582 004
14010.00 19190.00
50 50
10 411 405 10 411 411
16380.00 20620.00
WTP-PTFE Membrane Filters 0.2 µm
5750.00 6580.00 10750.00 17200.00 14380.00
0.8 µm
Cellulose Acetate Membrane Filters
TE 35 (0.2 µm)
25 47
0.45 µm Black Grid
0.45 µm White Grid
25 47
7585 004
WME Mixed Esters-Sterile Filters
WCN Cellulose Nitrate-Sterile Filters
White Grid
14530.00 15210.00
0.45 µm White
47 With pads 47 Without pads 47 Without pads
16380.00 20620.00 21100.00
0.45 µm Black Grid
WCN Cellulose Nitrate
47 With pads
47 47
AE 100 (12 µm)
47 50
10 411 305 10 411 311 10 411 313
WME Mixed Esters Gridded-Sterile Filters
AE 99 (8 µm)
25 47 50
50 50 50
ME 25 (0.45 µm)
3.0 µm
25 47
Price 21100.00
Mixed Cellulose Ester Membrane Filters ME 24 (0.2 µm)
1.0 µm
25 47
10 411 413
PM 2.5 Filters 2.0 µm
0.8 µm
47 90
Cat. No.
1.0 µm
5610.00 8740.00 7420.00
0.45 µm
13 25 37 47 82 90 142
0.5 µm
0.2 µm
25 47 90
Per Pack
0.2 µm
Sterile Filters are packed individually and sealed in polyester envelopes. Autoclavable packs contain 10 filters with 10 pads in a sealed envelope. Supplied in packs of 100 (10 envelopes of 10 filters and pads.)
All prices shown in Rupees
Laboratory Membrane Filters Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 100
7000 0002 7000 0004
8240.00 8240.00
100 100
10 403 112 10 403 114
12260.00 12940.00
Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
10 410 314
100 100 100
10 410 206 10 410 212 10 410 214
12620.00 18570.00 18930.00
0.45 µm
25 47
RC 55 (0.45 µm)
25 47 50
ST 68 (0.8 µm)
47 50
Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters
(without any wetting agents)
RC 58 (0.2 µm)
10 410 312
Membrane Filter Holders
MV 050/0
Support Material
Prefilter Model No. Cat. No. Dia (mm)
MV 050A/0
SS Holder
SH 13
1980 001
16 13 16 22
FG 25 FG 25 R FG 25 S SH 25
1960 002 1960 032 1960 052 1980 002
22790.00 25520.00 24980.00 19930.00
Glass Frit Glass Frit SS Screen SS Holder
AS 300/3
Vacuum Filtration – Stainless Steel Apparatus
Glass Frit SS Screen
35 35
FG 47 FG 47 S
1960 004 1960 054
24950.00 26260.00
FG 90
1960 009
Three Place Filtration
420 100 420 200 420 400
11090.00 15780.00 19090.00
AS 300/5 100ml 230x60 AS 300/3 500ml 320x110 AS 310/3 500ml 320x110 Stainless Steel Filter Funnel Manifold Three-Place
Plastic Filtration Holders
13 25 47
10 10 8
Qty. Cat. No.
MV050/0 500ml 320x110 1 1044 0000 MV050 A/0 500ml (Rapid Closure Clamp) 320x110 1 1044 0020
Vacuum-Glass 90mm
Glass Frit
AS 610/3
1 1 1 1
Price 76610.00 87690.00
1044 5850 265010.00 1044 5830 280820.00 1044 5835 290030.00 1049 8761 72390.00
pH Indicator & Test Papers Specialised Test Papers Dispensers (7mm x 5m/1) Description Cat. No.*
Litmus Blue Litmus Red Congo Red Phenolphthalein Lead Acetate Starch Iodide
2600 201 A 2600 202 A 2600 203 A 2600 204 A 2602 501 A 2602 500 A
Price 1150.00 1150.00 1150.00 1150.00 1370.00 1490.00
Books (100) Cat. No.
2600 601 2600 602
TC Three Colours-Dispensers 10mm x 5m pH Range pH Unit Graduation Cat. No.
Price 5080.00 5080.00
2611 628
Price 1880.00
pH Indicator Papers CF colour Bonded-100 strips (6mm x 80mm)
0-14 4.5-10
1.0 0.5
2613 991 2614 991
1490.00 1490.00
Composition Strip-200 Strips (11mm x 100mm)
1-12 1.8-3.8 3.8-5.5 5.2-6.8 6.0-8.1 8.0-9.7 9.5-12.0
pH Indicator Dispensers (7mm x 5m/1) pH Range
pH Unit Graduation
Cat. No.
1-14 0.5-5.5 4-7 4-8 8-10
1.0 - 2.0 0.5 - 8.0 0.5 0.5 0.5
2600 100 A 2600 101 A 2600 102 A 2600 103 A 2600 104 A
Price 1210.00 1210.00 1210.00 1210.00 1210.00
1.0 0.2-0.3 0.2-0.3 0.2-0.3 0.3 0.2-0.3 0.5
2612 990 2626 990 2627 990 2628 990 2629 990 2630 990 2631 990
2890.00 2410.00 2410.00 2410.00 2410.00 2410.00 2410.00
All prices shown in Rupees
Extraction Thimbles Size (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
28 x 120 30 x 80 30 x 100 33 x 80 33 x 100 33 x 118 41 x 123 43 x 123 60 x 180 22 x 80 25 x 80 33 x 80 43 x 123
Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Double Double Double Double
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
2800 282 2800 308 2800 300 2800 338 2800 330 2800 331 2800 412 2800 432 2800 608 2810 228 2810 258 2810 338 2810 432
5860.00 5540.00 5540.00 6560.00 6560.00 6560.00 7590.00 8120.00 28040.00 6940.00 6940.00 9100.00 11470.00
2814 199 2814 259 2814 300 2814 432
10300.00 11780.00 13610.00 16170.00
2812 259
Glass Microfibre Thimbles-Grade HP-GF
19 x 90 25 x 90 (Tapered) 30 x 100 43 x 123 Size (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
Quartz / Silica Thimbles (Tapered)
25 x 90
Cellulose Thimbles
18 x 55 19 x 90 22 x 65 22 x 80 25 x 80 25 x 100 28 x 80 28 x 100
Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
2800 185 2800 199 2800 226 2800 228 2800 258 2800 250 2800 288 2800 280
25 25 25 25 10
Extraction Thimbles for Automated Extraction Apparatus-Grade 603 BUCHI Extraction System B-811
5510.00 5510.00 5510.00 5630.00 5510.00 5510.00 5500.00 5540.00
25 x 100 22 x 80 33 x 94
25 25 25
10 350 219 10 350 211 10 350 242
7340.00 7340.00 8740.00
10 350 240
33 x 80
Specialised Laboratory Products Phase Separators 1 PS Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2200 090 2200 110 2200 125 2200 150 2200 185 2200 240 2200 270
2150.00 3480.00 3790.00 5650.00 9740.00 14290.00 17830.00
Grade 1 PS
90 110 125 150 185 240 270
Lens Cleaning Tissue 105
AA Discs 6 13
1000 1000
2017 006 2017 013
4400.00 6900.00
Surface Protectors Type
Cat. No.
50 per pack 500 x 600 mm 600 mm x 50 m
2301 6150 2301 6160
10320.00 21100.00
50 per pack 460 x 570 mm 460 mm x 50 m 920 mm x 50 m 50 sheets per pad 460 x 570 mm
2300 916 2300 731 2300 772 2300 599
7000.00 10610.00 21740.00 9590.00
2105 841 2105 862 2105 918
Price 6870.00 2820.00 26180.00
Parafilm M® is Flexible - Moldable - A barrier to moisture loss. Self - sealing - Odorless - Calibrated for easy cutting. Thermoplastic - Semi-transparent - Colorless
Sheets Reel Reel Pad
Cat. No.
Parafilm M®
Benchkote Plus
Sheets Reel
Per Pack
Wallets 100 x 150 mm * Sheets 200 x 300 mm 100 Sheets Sheets 460 x 570 mm 500 Sheets * Supplied as 25 Wallets of 25 Sheets
All prices shown in Rupees
Per Pack
Cat. No.
4” x 125 ft. 2” x 250 ft.
Roll Roll
991 0001 991 0002
Price 1750.00 1930.00
For more info visit
Specialised Laboratory Products Seed Testing Papers All seed testing papers meet the specifications published by the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) and AOSA (Association of Official Seed Analysts). For the most common test methods (TP = top of paper, PP = pleated paper) several grades of paper are offered.
Special Filter paper for Textile Industry (Vat Dyes) Per Pack
Cat. No.
70 90
50 50
10 313 208 10 313 209
560.00 610.00
Special Filter paper for Malt and Beer Industry
Application - Seed Testing Papers
• Medium-large and Coated Seeds (e.g. sugar beet, fodder beet, grain, sunflower, rapeseed, mustard) • Small Seeds (e.g. grasses, flowers) • Sensitive Seeds
Diameter (mm) 1450 CV
Grade 3014, 3236
Grade 2555 ½
597, 598
185 240 320
Kieselguhr Paper
100 100 100
10 313 947 10 313 951 10 313 953
2740.00 3790.00 3780.00
Clarifying filtration of solutions containing sugar, milk serum, starch solutions and soil suspensions prior to polarimetry and refractometry. Grade 287 ½
125 150 185 240 320
50 50 50 50 50
10 310 244 10 310 245 10 310 247 10 310 251 10 310 253
4650.00 4200.00 5020.00 10010.00 13140.00
Weighing Papers Kjeldahl Weighing Boats
Features and Benefits • Ideal for weighing and transferring Kjeldahl samples safely and reliably • Dissolves residue-free in the digestion solution without influencing the analytical results in any way • Made from nitrogen-free parchment paper without any glue or additives
Diameter (mm)
Per Pack
Cat. No.
100 100
10 311 808 10 311 809
700.00 780.00
10 312 209
10 344 672
10 345 572
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
10 347 509 10 347 510 10 347 511 10 347 513 10 347 512 10 347 519 10 347 521 10 347 522
2520.00 2650.00 2950.00 2960.00 2900.00 3220.00 3830.00 4020.00
Grade 597
70 90 Grade 598
90 Grade 3014
110 x 20 Grade 3236
110 x 20
Shark Skin Paper 90 110 125 150 185 240 270 340
Grade 2122
55 x 10 x 10 100 x 100 150 x 150
100 500 500
10 313 032 10 347 893 10 347 890
8710.00 4470.00 8800.00
500 500 500 500
10 347 671 10 347 672 10 347 673 10 347 670
2750.00 2760.00 2860.00 7220.00
Grade B-2
3" x 3"* 4" x 4"* 6" x 6"* 12" x 12"* *1" = 25.4 mm
For more info visit
All prices shown in Rupees
Terms and Conditions Rates
• Prices are net ex-godown. Packing
• Packing, Forwarding, Freight, Postage etc. will be charged extra. Taxes
• VAT, Sales Tax, Central Sales Tax and Octroi will be charged extra as applicable. Payment
• Cash against delivery or through bank or as per negotiation. Claims
• Claims for breakages and shortages in transit will not be entertained. Insurance
• Consignment can be insured on specific, request by customers at their cost. • Any increase in Central or State Government levies such as customs duty, sales tax and octroi etc will be charged to the customers. • In case there is any abnormal fluctuations in Rs./ US $ parity, the prices are subject to revision without any prior notice. Complaints
• Complaints, if any, should be communicated to us within 30 days from the date of Invoice. Notice Whatman International Limited (formerly known as Whatman Paper Limited) a Company incorporated under the laws of England having its office at Whatman House, St Leonard’s Road, 20/20 Maidstone , Kent, ME16 OLS England is the proprietor of the following registered trademark in India.Whatman Group is now a part of GE Healthcare and Wipro GE Healthcare in India
Whatman ® The above mark has been registered in respect of “Chemical products used in science and industry and test papers (chemical) in Class 1”, “Scientific instruments and apparatus included in class 9”and”paper and paper ar ticles included in Class 16”. The trademark Whatman (word and device) has acquired a very high reputation and good will by virtue of long, extensive and continous use. The said trademark is associated and identified exclusively with the goods manufactured by Whatman International Limited. It has from time to time come to the notice of Whatman International Limited that some other persons occassionally try to sell spurious goods by copying the Whatman (word and device) trademark, and by making their products look like products made by Whatman International Limited . This is considered objectionable to Whatman International Limited who have taken action successfully against some traders in India for selling spurious goods. The spurious goods were seized and destroyed and damages were paid. The trade and public are cautioned that only products made by Whatman International Limited may carry the trademark Whatman (word and device). Those who are deceiving the public by copying the trademark Whatman (word and device) or using it wrongly on products not made by Whatman International Limited are hereby warned that Whatman International Limited will take all possible steps to prevent such unauthorized use of their Trademarks Whatman & Wipro GE Healthcare