A dvertoriAl P rofit f ormulA WHyReGUlaR styleDaDVeRtsaRe DeaD! B y D an C astle Ex-National Newspaper Editor and Personal Designer to the Worlds Leading Marketing Experts A dvertoriAl P rofit f ormulA Please Notethis is Not a FRee e-bookt !'( %&c f$& (' $$ ' 47. Y$) * # g*# $# c$ %! #(&, c$%, ($ % $# ,$)& %&'$#! c$ %)(&. Y$) , %&#($# c$%, $#!, ' $#)' f$& 'g##g )% f$& ,$)& f& ')'c&%($# ($a*&($&!F$& )!.c$ P&#(#g $& (# $# c$%, $& d'(&)(#g ( ' %&$(d.D*!$%d #d +&((# , D#! C'(! C!( igh$ * b( Ca#$le Di ec$ ) Ad&e $ ial P fi$ F m%la 2011All igh$# e#e &ed b( $he iginal a%$h . Published January 2011 N !a $ f $hi# !%blica$in ma( be e! d%ced $ an#mi$$ed in an( f m b( an(mean#, elec$ nic mechanical, incl%ding !h$c!(ing, ec ding, an( inf ma$in#$ age and e$ ie&al #(#$em, 'i$h%$ !e mi##in in ' i$ing f m $he a%$h . All $ adema k# and c!( igh$# ackn'ledged.If (% ha&e a clleag%e a##cia$e 'h '%ld find $hi# bk %#ef%l, !lea#e di ec$ $hem$ h$$!//:'''.Ad&e $ ialF e! $ Thank you. If (% '%ld like $ di#c%## (% ma ke$ing ma$e ial, !lea#e cn$ac$:#$%di@ca#$le-di ec$.c.%kThi# bk i# ! &ided a# inf ma$in nl(. Al$h%gh e&e ( ! eca%$in ha# been $akenin i$# ! e!a a$in, $he !%bli#he and a%$h a##%me n e#!n#ibili$( f e # mi##in#. Nei$he i# an( liabili$( a##%med f damage# e#%l$ing f m $he %#e f $heinf ma$in cn$ained he ein. A dvertoriAl P rofit f ormulA Advertorial Profit Formula:Part 1i Contents About Dan Castle......................................................................................1How to grow your business using this manual....................................2Increase your sales,profit and personal wealth – using the secrets the national newspapers DON’T want you to know......................................................................4Why advertising your business is the greatestinvestment you could ever make............................................................6 EXPOSED:The real reason why 97% of adverts fail todemand attention and pull a response Are you making this mistake with your advertising?....................85 Case Studies......................................................................................11The ineffective Ad-Trap test..............................................................16You have to sell the sizzle NOT the steak ..................................18The FIVE biggest advertising myths and facts..............................22 REVEALED:The four Response Winning Secrets thenational press DON’T want you to know... Response Secret 1..............................................................................25Why you should NEVER let a newspaper design your ad........30Response Secret 2..............................................................................31Response Secret 3..............................................................................34Response Secret 4..............................................................................43The accumulative power of the Response Secrets......................47 EXCLUSIVE:The 3 Super-Growth strategies guaranteed to supercharge your marketing success... Super-Growth Strategy 1:..................................................................49Super-Growth Strategy 2:..................................................................54Super-Growth Strategy 3:..................................................................56