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World English 1

Descripción: World English 1 by National Geo



Transcript scope andseqirence..... Unit 1 Peop," Videoloufna 2 12 Unit2 Work,Rest, andPay....... VideoJouÍna..................... )4 Unit 3 GoÌnqP ac VideoJournal 26 36 Unit 4 Food 38 48 Unit5 Spo[s............................ 50 60 V deololrrnàl Unit6 Destlnations VÌdeolourna 62 72 Unit T Communcatoì................. .................... Videolourna 74 B4 Unit I B6 96 Ìhe FutuÍe VideoJournal Unit 9 Shopping forClothes Unit lo Lfesry es... V deoloLrrnal Unit I I Achlevernents VÌdeo1ourna................ 98 108 'l l0 124 122 132 Unit 12 Consequences VideoJo1rrna ............... 134 144 Bonus Communicatlon ActÌvitÌes 5ki s ndex......................... 146 150 152 CredÌts contents iii F Ê , Ê w o f p Í c 5 Ê nrÍ ê . 5 Ê : . ^ ! ( f o r ã i d S i ! Ép e r l o n r ì . Ì a I a b o ! r p Ê o p Laen dt h c i l ' a a r nv d : . Ì ã l k a b o üat w o r k . l a y . D Ê s c r l b et eàs t v ao r 5 i m p ep e s e n l Ì e n t e oÍÍreq!en.y Adverb5 t{rlllng a . { ompâred fL.reftfenl!â15 . AskïoÍ;ììd!ì !e peEofa rnperaillesàfdjhourd . 5harcrpÊ.aÌrãveilps Wrltinga . c o m p a r e ! ê r y . a yd f d p Í Ê s e n trÌ. e a . 1 ! i t i e r r Ì. kabolt ãvorile5portt r Lls.us5.dvcnturê ho r E x . h a n qi e niofnìaton . LlsÊrú'/rvef.p to des.Íibeâ peEorãlexpenence . Ìir k abolt a dÈcôvery . Gileàid wr;lêdowi ph Des.rbinqslqhts, D o f i . D ê ! . r b e . h a r a c t enf c s Endnq5 4/iid . aonìparÊ d fferenÌ Ìyp-"rof GenêraÍen ng: "F!tuÍeEnerqy' . DiscLÍonSêrìdshoft . ]\4a predcuorìs keweather t oth f9 . L l r d e r 5 l a na dn dd e s c r t b e RÌ5r9 andla ill (o,thÒuld,mun,harc ta CeJìeraistênng: Di5cussing Loig L ÍÊ" . SLrggeÍwalstonìprove WriÌng a parâqÍaplr Ci! n! adv.e for . Evallareyolf feÍy € . Ìd kabolttod.y!.hoÍes peÍe.Ì tensevs Presenr a a t h i n gL r p w t h LÈlenng íor . lúakeclìoceson howro . Ì a k d b o L rhto w o ! r a c t l o n s . DisclsswaysÌo prevenr VÌsitthelastfacroryin FloÍencetomakesi k by hafd. frcdit ionol Silkl",lokin? I ) I A 5ãn Íl4iguel Countries and Nationalities AuEtralia Australan Jordãn Jordanian ïh;iliìnd reland lfríìì F l,r ìa,l_ìir rt llra ,.,r.,nÌn! Thài lÍish T ìl! i .JiìÌÍ'n 5lì.r a Occupations engineeÌ T.ì!.l\,li i',h.'iil ì , , : r r . .F Í r : , : l T r : , : i i l a o . r rL r , ' , r travêlaqênt h i ! ( , , 1 r1:rr Ì ì - - 1 .F - . ! . r L :':..'..'] Tì a r F'ìtaaaì'ìr-ail rr | ì, .ÍrÊe lifìr.i ': l! ],r,./ial': ,ì ì í f r , r i. r r L r " , . i , . . Ì ì _ :i r : T ' . AB. RealLanguâge i-ìrirrÌ,r!ri:, i r r ri L l i . . r : f , , l 4 lÍrrìì Grammar: Be Statements with be SubjectpÍonoqn + óe Be contractions Subiect am t'm be Negative pronoun You'rê am You/We/They are Wete You,^/e/ïhey are not a danceÍ. ïhai. They're Thai. He/5he/lt ts Het f€slnoquestions He/Stìe/ t is She's It's Be Pronoun Shortan5wers you/they Yes,am. .- N o . I mn o t . l\,lercanl . . Yes, tneyare. he/she/Ìt No,heisn't. A.lúatchthequestions andtheanswers. L Areyou a doctor?-l 2lssheKorean?É 3. lsBenBritÌsh7-rÌ 4. AÍeyouArnercan? !1 5. Arel"lario andTeresa students? f a.Yes,he is. b.No,sheisn't. ShesJapanese c.Yes, theyare.They corÌìefromArgentna d. No,l'mnot.l'ma nurse. e.No, m not. 'm Canadian. B.F in the b anksw th a pÍ andthecorrect formoftheverbbe 1. 2. 3 . Where 5. frornlapan.l'm fromThaand. írom ndonesla?Yes, I arÌì. fro.n7 TheyÍe fÌoanChna. an archÌtect. He'sa doctoÍ. Íorn Canada? No,we'refrornthe llnited state5. Conversation A. Listento the conversation. Wh,.res Seanfrom? -r;ck I 2 3 Sean: So,C auda,whereareyoufrorn? Claudiâ:l'mfrornChÌe. Sean: 50,you'feCh ean,eh.50Llnds coo. AreyoufronrSantÌaqo1 Claudia:Yes,anì.Andyou,Sean?Where areyoufrom? 'rnCanadian. Seani Claudia: WowlCanadaId loveto go to C;nada.Whlchcityareyoufrorn? 'rn Sêân: fiomTofonto. B. Practlce the conversatÌon with a partnef.Switchroesand practce Ìt agaÌn. worI w th è pèrtaeÍ.cÍeatenew peÍsona Usethe conversat on aboveto meeteachotheT. LessonA 5 Listening A on Guess thenìissingnforrnat Talkto a partner. n. Lookat the pict!res. B.LÌstento theTV!,lameshowFlllin the blankswlththecorrectinformation rì I t Ì , ã c kI l h n oo 1 .N a m eI:t o o H d 5 a -' ' Nationality:li l City:Tokyo Country:.lapan Occupation: ,t t', f. ' i t . 2. Name:LuisGoanez Nationality:| ì City:Boqota Country: OccLrpation:\.,t - t 3. Name:llrn Wat-.Ís Nationality:tli City:Codstone Country:a i FaÍmer Occupation: 4. Name:Bancadè5 và Nationality: City:Rodelaneiro Country:L Occupation: i\'1us c in /-\ I t C.L,tenagaahe.t L.r.r ''r' ';l Irr,:r-luncÈaïion; LCrìï!'ëCÍ.rün5 i,jï 0e /ì I t Trêck 1 4 A. L stcnd Ìd efêìr dfTl 2. yoLêÍe Itn 3. hcj youre he! 4. sheis 5. Ís !lìe's It'5 L L i l t e n a r c l e t ì e v e r b o r c o n t Í a a t i ohney :of Ll. hr e n í e n à g an à n d I (ljlll/Ì'r.r a Ìeacher. 2. l e Ìs/hesanengncer. 3. 5heis/shc!nota nLrrse 4. I heyafe/lheytentêr-"5tÌnq. 5. Youare/youÌ,.we aome. {-or:':ltrlt: iie;rïìon StudentAchoolesacafd.StudentB!lLtesle5thecafd byasklìgqLestlon5 B: Areyou 28yen15oldl B: AfeyoLrâ doctor? B:Afeyou^fgentfeaf? B: s yo!r nameHeen? A: No,l'mnot A: Yes,I arn. A: No, 1n not. A: Ycs,t s i . . Nàrion lit]: AncÌì.a\ Nâlion Ìrq: AÌgctrrìncln . . . " . a NarioniÌrrÌ: NÌge\rinear t " l ' . r o Nnrioni\rty: KoÌeà\ i' 'Nnrionaiiq: . . . Kordì "'. t o -r/ rroutz nteÍvi,o\'! sonìeol yoLtrc a5smatÊs. A5kthe r name,iheirage, I r drL o /.. o r " ' Nariondiv \n{i.ân Ëxi:ar:sion Language l lìrppy escriptive adjectives a Lrnn.ppy riorrnq ^ ntcfcrrnq l d.nllcro!5 ^ dlfÍ(1ll ^ r.h co uann A.Wrltethe\ /ord5n [hecorrcct hn?Pv whe?"-v B. F ln rhc b ank!u/th adlectlve! WordFo(ús salaÍY= nìoneY neoDyrne -ônf bltlhe J nothappyWhy?HerhLrsb.nd'5lobi5 i\4rs{ireenls-, Hel5a he copterptot. _. Mf.Green 5ays,"ike|Ììyloblr ls:n lob andthesalaÍy s vefy ButMfi Cfeeni5sl Ln fàct, ll5 fs notdanqerous. Se+ adjecÌive{-t-n0uí!,r fira:^nmar: Adjê(tive Be Ìs Íich. is dangerous. aTn nothappy. ntêesling. l'4ybÌorhÊisjob , Subiect À/tylriend l sjob I Subiect t Your ïriend t Be Article Adiective Noun job. eaiy an ntetest nq person is an iíe. d l'lrclrt ls a A. Circe the correctwoÍd or phrasein the parentheses. lvlytatherslob is( nteresting/an lnteresting). He s a newspapeÍ photographer. r! not (easy/ aneasy)job b!t heenjoys it. 2. ama teacher.Ìhe saarylsn'tvery(good/an good). 'rn not (Íich/an Íich). ì ohr e ' ì o i. . . r ' d r í oo t.rr ,oob"r It's(interestÌng/an interestln g)job. I PossessiveAdjêctives Thisismy friend. s that your brother? His/herfÍiendcornesfrom Ufuguay. Their paÍentsarenicepeople. 'Possess v€nouns areíoÍmed wrÌhanâposríophe 0 + -5 L.tutct'síÌend a fnm Lontlon B . U , r " b . r f . , , o d t o ^ r e e n e ne I ) job frlends ls fúy danqerous o...or i.-.ê|rg I^ .õ1a é. 3. your brother happy? s 4. r ch is not a lúy father man. 5. Ch e fiiend John's from ls Conversation A. LiÍento theconversation. WhatdoesGraham do? GÉhâm: Elsa: GÍâham: Whatdo you do,Esa? l'manenqineer AnengineerlThatslnteresting Elsa: Yes,but lt! d ffcult work AndyoLr, Graham? Whatdoyoudo? Graham: 'ma po iceTnan. Elsâ: A po lcernan! lsit dangerous? Graham: No,lnfact,sornetlmes ts boÍing. B,PÍactÌce theconversatior witha partnerSwltchroesandpÍactice it agaln. Workw th a paÍtneíTaketurns.Choose anoccupat on andsay two thingsaboutt. LessonC 9 r ì É : í I{ t ; i t t j Whatdo thesepeope A. Lookal the plcture5. do? li:,11B. a fcleT loÍ lfl/e:nd F forfaìh€ I PctersaplJot 2. RimI lcn l5 nd an T - l A e nK l r b y ' 5 l os bb o r n q . ,1.Anqurlkavsdk's lfe s noteasy I ìs actfe5s. 5. Tanya an I Peoplefrom Aro^undthe World C.Afsr\ierthequestÌon5. L WheresTàfynÍforÌr? , W h o5 S h e p ? 3. Whydoe5Alan keh sjob? Angulikavsakis lronì Creenland,ând he is a hunter. AÌÌ hìs 1ìiendsare hunterstoo. "Ìt ìs a diilìcultÌifehere.In winter, it is verv cold. \\ie nre not rich, but we are happyi' he sa,vs. /1. WhirrdoesAnqLttlkàvsak do7 5 Whàldoe5Rrnlisayaboutheflob? Peterlllwoftlìy is from Ne\{' Zedànd. He is not â PiÌotl he ìs â 1ììrmcr!Ìlis lìrlì is verybig, so he usesan airpÌaÌìe.Petcflsdog, Slìep,is also in tÌìe pÌàne. "ls Shepftighlened iIÌ tÌÌe planc?"I ask "No, he'.shâlìDr Ile lo\€s fìyingl' 1O i-aúple liìiiit:irrr,l Writê.bo|rtAnqe ìe endlì,.roaa!patlon fà|yê Rogersis fìoÌn Boulder,Coloraclo,in thc United Stìtes. \Ììe is a strclcnt,and sheis dso â nusiciirÌ1. I Lovemy rÌìusic,but scÌÌoolis borìngl' :irii SeÌìis an actrcss.Sheis IÌìdian, arrdsheis lioll],VilìÌÌbci. .oÌìle lhink.rÌì aclressìs ljfe is exciting,blÌt ìt is dilìcult rvork. NeÍet the salaÍt is goodl" 'lhis is Alan Kìrb)',ìncl he is;Ì poÌicemaÌì.FIeì frorìì 'A Neü,YoÌÌ.- policeÌnaÌì's Ì\'orlris not boring, ârd I ÌiÌreheÌpingpeopÌeÌ' Goal4 k aboutã Work\r'ritha partner.Ta Írlendor íarnlly memberandthejr oacrpallon. . BeforeYouWatch S Í R A I T - r u - FlI in the blanks. UsethewoÍdsÌnthebox. JÌJU ÌNrt. ,{IÀ?oÀT divers seâÍood tourquide In Korea, therelsa gro!p of woÌnen Theyqo to the s-"a ke everydayto catch Sorneofthewomenafenot octopus êndshelfish. 5helsa divers. Oneofthemworkswithtouflsts. EÁST CIIINÁ SEA WhileYou Watch lk{ e.w", ' l'ioeo" o | ,r^'o.l Name:SLrnny Hong Country:Kofea Natìonality: Occupation: Age:28 Hong Name:lvls. Country: Nationality:Korean Occupation: 12 People a'ì B.Wàtchagan Cìrce T for trueandF fof fúLe. L 2. 3. 4. 5 LlvÌnglsdlflrcut anddânqeroLrs Thewaters co d. Thedivers canstayunderwatef for l0 m nuLes. SunnyHonqisa d ver. Thewoffìense the scafood. T F T F AfterYouWatch Âl 5unnyHonilspeaks Erìglish. Shes e toLrrguide5he 5 nota dlver. shesays,'am ucky'Howcanspeaknq Enqlshhe p !ou? Cornmunication L Wite jobs n thechàrt  2. Workwitha p;rtnef.CompaÍe youÍlÌsts. Aretheythe sàrre? Doyoua!lfeeu/ th youfpartner? VideoJournal l3 '.::ì1'j.i Ì:r:!a:. ,:i.,, : l;.::.. t . , . Vocabulary llsephrases Íorn the box. A. Labethep ctures. reâdthe nêwspaper ger up êât bÍeãKast gotobed tak€ a showeÌ (atch the bus go to thê movies tâke â nâp wâtó TV visitfÌiends siaÍtwoÌk eâtout First qet Lrp,then rakea s h o a Ê í n ê x tl l e Ì d r e s s e .d. lr l6 Work,Rest,ând Plèy in exercseA that you do everyday. B. Clrce the actlvltle5 the pictures c, n whatorderdo youdo the5eèctviÌ es?NÌrmbeí yourdalyroutlfelo ê partner\,)se l1$t,next, then,hnally D. Describe üran-:mar: 5img:iep,"..5.iìÌï ïÉnse Simplepresenttense Statements Negative /yoLrstaÍt workat eiqhtotÌock. Alisoncat(hesthebusatlrvethirty We/Theygo to the anovies everySatLrrdêy. l/youdon't start workat elghto'clock. A isondoesn't càt(h the bLtsat lìvethirty We/theydon't go to the rnovesevery5aturday feslno questions Short answers Do youstãÌt \',,,ork at eÌqhtot ock? Ìe!, oo. No, don't. DoesAlìson5aÌnba scìoos Í-l B. ClÍcleTfor trleor F for fdlie. Peope oftenweafco5t!nìe5 fof Cafnivi. T Theu/ÍitercornesfrornTÍinldad.T peope 3 . n Ne\'\rOrLeans, dancelíìthe streetat Cafnva. T 4. CaÍnlla s in l\4ay. Ì 5 ThereàreSamba rchool5 I 22 Work,lest,and Play F F F ihàf 300,000 Ìoìrrst' comero NÊ$/Or eans ^ i\i1ore fora.rn 'riì Andtheyspendhãfà bi lof do laÍsL ,,ú.A.ffi;..,r,,'.....1i!::i!ii! .,. Around the world peopÌe ceÌebrateCarnival in different \dr..In New Orle.rn5, m.r.ician,ph) ial/ dId peopÌe danceil1 the streets.IÌì Rio de Janeiro,san,baschoolsspend r yearmaking fantâsticcostumesfoi the Carnivaiparade. In Venice,they wear beâutifuimâsks.In somepârts of GeÌmaÍìÍ 1òr one day the \{'omen taLe control of the toìrl1 .Ìndcut oíÌ men'sties. Here in TriÌ'Ìidad,peopÌepartyl It is two otÌock in the mornlng on Dirq Monda! ãÍr.J,we jre havingâ streetpartÍ Peopleget dressedin old cÌothes ind thrc$' Ìnud and paint at eachother But tomorrow the .eriouscelebrationsÌregin.Peoplespendthe whole year :rìakingcostumesand writhg songsfor Carnival Tomorrow :j their big dâÍ TheÌeis a competitionfor the bestcostumes .:rd songs.Thewinners get money ând a car.It'sserious So, why don t j/oll come to TriÌ'Ìidad to celebrate .larnivaÌ? : tie=a onq pieceofclothwornaround : the neck;usuay wofnby men. Writing W ..boL ófe ."1 ,o' o I r, ^ | \ô. questons rnese a. Whatlsthename ofthelestiva ? fì \^/hên .l^ "^' .ê âh ,iê ÌLô Fê.i !:17 c. Whydo yo! celebrate thlsfestiva? you d. Whatdo do? songkÍan lsaveryinìpoftantiestlva Ìn Thailênd. t istheThaÌNewYear andwe celebrate t fromtheI3thto the15thofApri V ê  l a b t " '-ô- o . d o o o o oê o 1 ô o o / ê à andto welcomethe newyear. Traditionaly, at Songkran we vislto d peope to peyrespêct. And rnanypeope ceantheir lo ê B r5.bÊ p" o' o rq r, ^h. / r ' " . ho ^ / " - ê Í " o r ê Í p ô o p l - i 1r ê , . - - , . Wee.e' th o/,,L\d.eo r órge r bL L.) oo!juígoodfun. yourwritini,l Share witha partner. your partner Te howyourfestiva lsdifferent fromcarnval. LessonD 23 Watch BeforeYou frora? A.Wherearethesedances Usethe woÍdsln the boxto compete B.Studythewordsand definltlons. thesentences. aboutthêpâst legends= stories onwarer waves=movemenÌ toa country mlssionaÌy=apersonwhobringsa newreligion ing suÍpÍised= whenyoudont expectsometh = person person which isthewinner whodecides iudge a again.'m 1. luanandlúarlaaÍetogetheÍ chidren. to yoLrng 2. Odpeopete ln Africa. lvly uncle is a 3. êÍeveryb g. 4 t t5dangeÍousto 5w Tnhere.The is wÍong am the wlnneÍ. The 5. 24 Work,Rest,and Play WhileYouWatch /tìl A.Watchthe vldeo.Numberthesentences ln the cofrectorder. peope dancethe hua in secÍet. ButsorneHawaiian .aa,-"t d9 Tq.t " "r TherÌÌssÌonarles tel thequeenol Hawaii to stopthedance. paft year. hÌ.r a dancers take n a lestiva every _The peope eafnthehula Ìodaytherearespecial schoo s where _ /f;l I' Watcntnevideoagaincirce thecorrect answet '1. years Thehua s o d. 4. Thedafcershaveto pÍactce a.300 loÍ many beforetheycan penoran. b.3000 a.oays 2. Thegirs in the egend b houÍs coPYtfre a.!!aves D trees 3. ThernlsslonaÍies were a.5urprlsed D nteÍested 5. ThejLrdges lookat the dêncers'_ a.haÍ b costumes AfterYouWatch -r Tak witha partner.What tÍaditona dances do youhaveln yourcountry? WhatisyouffavorÌtedance? CommunÌcation l DescrÌbe the p ctuÍesto à partner. Talkebout the fo ow nq. a.Wherearethe dancefs from? b.Arethe peope happy? c.Whlchdancedo youlÌkemo5t? Why? VideoJoürnal 25 Vocabulary ii ^ boardtheaifpane the plcÍures A. ln whatorderdo youdo theseth ngs?NufiìbeÍ ^pacKyourbãgs ^go ÌhrouqhcLrsloms lgo thÍorqhsecur ty ^buyyc,urtcket ^c a nì !o!r bagqage ^gotiìrouqh lmrÌìÌgraton ^ buydllyfreeqoods ÍrornexercseA. Usea phrase B,Complete the sentences. L A1Ìeryou yolrcan eavethealrport. 2. Do haveto takeofl my shoeswh-.n the1ìrst thlngyolrdo ls 3. At theaÌrporr, andchoaolètes at the I fe peÌíiranê 4. [/lãnypeople airport. youcanonLy takea srna Dag. 5. Whenyou yoll suÌeyoLrdon'ttakethe wfonq bagwhen 6. l\,4ake . at thecarouse 28 GoingPlac€s Grammar: Possession Possessive adjective my your hls h-"r our theìr Pott"ttiu" pÍonoun g"rorroto n'ìlne yoLrrs :u nêrs ours thelrs me. you. tt belonqsto Ìo askabout possesslon we cansayw/lose hlffl. her. u5, rnem. A, Completethe conversat ons.Usea wordor phrasefof possess on. Ar Excuse rne.lsthis B: No,it'snot A: s thlsAnna'sbag? B: No, A: B :l t h i n ki t bag,Kaíen? tlcketÌsthls? 5hawn. B,Answer thequestions usingbeiorgfo afd a possessive pronoun. L Whosepassport isthisT(A ) lL belonQe ï,a 5 hio. 2. . , o . rôê* lê.) ".e 3. Whosecamera isthis?(myslstefs) (Johnafd Lucy!) Whosebagsarethese? 5 . Whosetickets (Logan! arethese? andmÌne) Conversation O A. LlÍento theconversat on.Whodoesthebagbelong to? rrack r-11 Annâi Whosebaglsthlsl Bill: t! not mine. Anna: l\4aybe ts llms.lsthÌsyo!r bag,Jlrn? Jim: No,rn ne s black. Annar We , whoseisit? Bill: fúaybe it beÌongs to thÌswoman.Excuse me, doesth s baqbeongto you? Womân: Yes,lt! mine.Thank yoLtso rnuch. |ll B. Pfactice theconversat on in a qroupoffourstudents Switchrolesandpractce r agan. Workwth a paÍIneíU setheconveÌsation forldeasto askaboutdÌfferent possessions. LessonA 29 Listening Wheíedo the conveÍsations takeplace? A. L stento the conversations. T r a c k1 - l 2 Conversat on l ConvefsatÌon 2 Conversation 3 Tfoí trueandF forfalse. B. LÌstenagain.CìrcLe TrackI 12 Conversation1 L Themanbooksa windowseat. 2. Themanhastwo bails. ^hote recepLlon T T F t Conversation2 l. ThislsthewoÍnan's fiÍstvisltto the Ìln ted States. 2. Thewoman s sÍayingln the LlnitedStates for th reeweeks. Conversation3 l. Thernanisstayn9at the hotelforonenlght. 2 Thernanhêsonebag. /-\ C.rv. ir I t Ítâ.k1 12 d r d . o . L . . S e e o r - . . t o .r r ' , o o d l àndchecL vouranswers l. .. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. llmm qraUon or - èo T T lsthÌsyo!r frst time n the Uniteclstates? -a r d 1 ' \ e e , o r U s. p ' . ' Whefeareyoustaylnq? _ lsthisyourbaq? pleasel CanlseeyouÍpasspoft, p ease? CanI seeyourticketandpasspoft, pufpose Whàtisthe ofyouÍvl5lt? Windoworaise seat?_ Rising intonation orìlists Pronunciation: A. tÌsten andrepeat thesentences. O Trackt-]3 1. ) ì / \ 'rÌìgo ng to London,Parls, Rome,and l4adÍid ) ì , r \ 2. 'vegot mycamera, cellphone,aptop,andPalm"'. a a \ 3 Youaaatakea taxÌ, theshutte bus,orô rÊnÌaaat 30 6oing Placês /ll B. Practice thesesentences with a partner. 1. 2. 3. 4. W ew a n t o ü a v eb y b u s , t r a n , p ê n e , a n d t a x . I needto packa sweater, a jacket,a scaríafd a warmhãt. LetsvisltArgentlna, Brazi, ChÌe,andPeru. Whenlqettothe hotel,needtocheckln,takeashower,and change myc othes. Cornmunieation A patneíquestlonstoioutthelmÍìigratlon TaketLrrns.Aska lorrnbeowwithhlsor heflnfoÍmatlon. Depâítmentof lmmigration PERI\4I55IONTO ENTER l. Frstnàrne 2.lV1 dd e narne 3.FamÌy narÌìe 4. Dateot birth 5.Paceoíblrth 6.Natlonality 7 Country of resdence B.PrlncipaÌdestinatlon in thlsco!ntry 9. Hote and/orstreetaddress FORI12àlPÌO(Revi*do8) 2r1(d)(3)orrhe PÁl lPuuuãntto Section WorkwÌth a partner. Pana trlp.TellyouÍ partnefwhereyouwantto go, whatyolr needto do beforeyoutrave,andwhenyo! wantto tÍave. Les5onB 3l Expansion: Language andmoney Traveldocurnents A. omole.-rê e-êr ô L o.'.fo e'do.L e,r" to dÍivea cafin a íorelgncolrntfy. J. Youneedan to entea 2. ln sornecountfes)/o! neeoa ve Medlcal b s aíeexpens 3. fs a good deato b countfy lsyourphoto D in anyforelgn you needto wrlte But Internet. on the 5. Youcanbuyan on nLlanbeí downor pr nÌ theconlrrmat \ 3 to takeon yourtrp?Why? of rnoney isthe bestfoÌrn to a paftner.What B.Talk Givean opinion drivefs Ìcençe l nternational Givea reason PeoDle stea AV SA ^air ìnetickeÌ 32 Going Pla(es / dont a.cepÌ Grammar: Should foradvice Should Subject sáould Adverbof Verb Complement shou d You You Questiònswith should ShoqrdSubjectVerb Complement frequency 5hould (alwayt makea copyoíyourpasspoÍt. shoudnt take a taxifrorlìthe alrport? wear expensveJewerry. "We Lrserho,idlihouldn? to give adv cÊ. .We lse queÍionsw th Jhorldto askloradvice. A, Askforadvce.Wlte thequestions. 1. e. Shanlàl1,ekeíhe .huttle buota Ì,heair?ort? youshould.The A: Yes, shutte bLrs isquÌckandcheap. 2 Q , A: No,you shoudn't. t Ìshot at the beach.Youdon'tneeda sweater. 3 Q : youshoud.CredÌt A: Yes, cardsaÌeaccepted ln a lotofshops. 4 Q ' A: No,yor..t shoudnt. t! dãngeroL.ts to cafrycash. Âr B,Workwith a partner.Taketufns.Askthe questlonsln exercseA andglvediffeÍent advlce.Uselrnperatives andihould. Conversation A. Listen to theconversatlon. WhatdoesClaudia wantfromthe UnitedStates? Ìccl I 14 GÍê9: Hi,C aLrdia. Youknowthe USA. Canyouglvernesomeadvlce?'rn goingto NewYork in lanuafy. Clâudiai Lucky youlHowcan help? Greg: F rst.Shoud buytravelinsurance? youshouldHospita Claudia: Yes, s anddoctoEaÍeveíyexpens ve n the u.5 GÍeg: OK.Thattanothef5200. Whataboutclothes? Shouldtakeacoat? Clãudiai Deinitey. lt'sveryco d in lanuaÍy.Youshouldtakea waTrnsweater aswe andsoTne q ovesànda scarí GÍeg: Â4n'ìm, that'sanother $100. Clàudia: Oh,justonemoÍething Don'tforgetto bly rnea nlcepresent Greg: Oh noLThat! another sexpensve. S500lTravelinq Ál B. Practce the conveÍsation with a partner.Switchro esancJpracticeit again. Taketurns.TeÌ a paÍnerwhereyouwantÌo go.Then giveyo!r partner traveladvlce. Usetheconversation foÍ oeas. LessonC 33 Éâ A. Àrìi\ier t ìe qlestjons l. Do yor thlnkth. :Lrthofefloys lfaveI nq/ d yo! chc.k tlìe etplr.rtlon 2. Why :,h.rLr SmartTraveler . & d.rtcofyourpà5!port? L Why sho! d you tle à ioak to youf bdql? 4 \'Vhyshcud you lôk,"4 good boo( \',/hen yoLrlraveLl 5 lvflte ô sl ofsnÃcksyo! \",/olr.llnk-o v/lrcn tf-ve rìalfl_vnlr RêâlLân9uâge lve usel ìe erpresslon pornleI lo Jhdre5orira, WoÍdFocus expirationdatê- hc erfidtior d.ì|f oí ir doa! nìenti! thedateÌi cornes to .rnendor car no ofller 34 EXPERT OPINION F-âsy Travel, Mìlíe Con/rlb', sharessomePob'terson Ì,;J úook makingLrarcÌedsy: I DOCUMENTS Màke sure\'ou hâveall)'our clocuments: shouìdaluays passpLìrl,vis,ìs,ti.kets, traveÌeri chccÌts,etc.YoLL Mrny courtries checlithc expiration dâte ofyolÌr passPoÍ1. nlonths Ìeft on your won't let ,vouetleÍ $'ith ÌessthâÌì six passport.Don't forget to buy Ììedical nìsuÌance.McdicaÌbills ._** . ,ì be vcÍy expensivc,especiaÌl)-jnrhe Uúted '.' arJ Lr rop< l-i all\. you .hor J nÌdl., ofie. : rll )-ouriÌnportant docuÌnentsand credit cêrds rd l.eeptÌìem in âÌlotherbag. | Ì'ACKING My adviccìs âÌ$,aystra\-ellightÌ I :. to carry heaq bags.lust ràke lhe minimum. rcreis an oÌd saying:B/eakfun in Berlì11. Di ner Delhi.Bagsin Bdn{kak!So,dont pâck an}thhg rDortâÌrtin your checÌ(iÌ]ìrag; plÌt ìnportaÌìt :ngsin your câny oÌì bag.You dont waÌÌt to :ive home without your hoerse kevs.Another : clon-tuseexpensìvesuitcases. PcopÌedoÌit ,.ìl dirry oÌd bngs.lìiÌÌaÌI1-, hcreì a good ÌittÌe : tìe a sockor brightlv coÌoredstÌing to your js. Why? So you can quicklyseeyour bag on the f THE AIRPORT My Êrst pieceofcdvice is thât r shouldalwayscalry a good booì<.It helpsto ,.i the tim€ asyou waìt 1ìrryour deÌayedflight. ,rìt forgct to takea sweàteror ajacker on tìle ,ne.It càn get \€ry cold oÌÌ a Ìong night íÌight. rd then tÌÌerc is àirline foocl.Takea snack ,okiesor lruit) Ì\'ith you. SoÌnetiÌnesthe food is r, sometinesit docsnt ardve at all, and it! ne1,er B.Circe T lof Ítre af,dF for ídlJe. L Younceda lot ofdocuments IO TTAVE 2. Younccdto takea ot ofc othes ln yoLfbig. l. tsã95 c.n be hrfdto dentfyat thea fpoft T 4 F qhtsareneverate T 5. A fpi:ne food s à \4,ay5 good T t- t \,Vrif inç WrÌtesornctraveltipsforyourcoLrntry Think aboutthe Ío loì,!ng topics: . rfan!poflat on . folv lo carryrnoney . Crnyoudf fkthe !"'ateÍ? ThaiandÌsa safecountfyand the peope areveryfflendly.But,likernostp acei,you shoud becarefuHerearesoÍnetips: . Taxis arecheap, buteskthe prÌcelrÍst. . ManytouflstsusefuktuÂi Howevef, theyaÌedangeroLts. Becarelu. . DoÍì'tusethe busesTheyares ow and cÍowded. . Don'tcarrya lotof rnoney wth you. Mostshopsacceptcreditcards . Thevr'atefls not safeLodrink,so you shoud bLtywatern bottles. . Don'tgo outa oneat night. fldve a nicestèyl Goal4 ReadyouÍÍave t psto a partnef. Thenshare themwìththeclis5 Leslan D 35 Watch BeforeYou A. Lookat the photos.Do you haveworkingdogsln yourcountry?Howdo these dogshelpus7 ,r guldedog l sheepdog /l detector0og detectordog l po lce ooq Usethe readthevldeosumrnary. andthesentences.Then Studythewords wordsto competethe text. diseasê to botheÌ illegal theycarrydisea5e. Ratsafedirty.SometiÌ.nes botheÍing me. be quiet.l'mÌÍylngto wofk.YoL.rte HeykldslPlease Youcan'tparkyourcartheÍe.t's not allowed.t! illegal. Videosummary sornetlmes carryfood,foÍ exanìpe ffuit,that maybrlng Airlne passengeÍs Intoa country.DetectordogscanlrndthÌsfood by smellingthe passengefs'bags.BrentHeldtistralnlnga dog ca ed Stockton food, to be a detectordog.Stocktonhasto fnd the passengers. the llut alsohe rnustnot 36 Going Pla(es WhileYouWatch A.Watcn tnevideo. Crclethenarnes ofth ngsyousee /Íj ib, uniÍorm apples suitcase pâssport gun Orange mango beêÍjeÌky B.Watchthe videoagain.circleT for trueãndF foí fakc L 2. 3. 4. 5. BrentandstocktonpÌaybeforetheystartwofk. Detectordogslookfor meat. Stocktondoe5not lìnd the rneat. Stocktoneatsthe meathe finds. Stockton is earning slowy T T T T T F F F F F AfterYouWatch Ál n thevicleo we sawthatcJogs canbeveryusefulin aÌfports.Work witha partner to writea lstof possib e pÍobemsw th dogsÌnairports. LOmmuntcaïton lr Boe-playtfe to owrnqsrtuatonq Situâtion I StudèntAisa dog hander. Student B isa passenqerThe dog is snilìngyourbag Youdon'tllke doqs.n yourcutture dogsaÍedlrty.Comptèin tothe dog Situation 2 StudentAlsa pessengelTh,. doqinds somefrujtnyourbagllisâgft fofyourmother Student B isthe doq hender ExpaÌnÌhal the pãs5enger shoudn't bring Íu t intothecoLrnty Takerhefrut VideoJournal 37 irr . l. ï:ì., "l ïrìr, "l i.'t ll 'i fronìthe box lo desarlbcc:ch qroupof Tak ro a partnef.a ìoo5ee vrofdor phTa5e toods dÌinks daiíy products vegetables ÍÍuit protein meât ] (hìcken esss ,1 ::r t:. milk butter ÉJ sausages € s,;. lri,Ë.Ì:'"-rÉ \!.s tomaloês i.:,l';i:iin';lt; .5,;t:ie;fie"l fiÍl.:i,...I'i;f h f{lUrìi iìì. r'Ì{.:}iJ i r: .:ìt"Ìd r!ün-{í.ìl\.t nouns Countandnon-count Singular ThlsÌsa emon. Ths isnìilk. PluÍal Tho5e àreernons. +hrose aÊÌÌi+ks: ' F c fn . L r n : y c r. i r Ì L . ! n t , \ r , 'aei d j . r € rt o i o Í ì t h : p L r r à ' N o ! n 5 y o r . . r n o t . ! r! l d c r ' t h . ! e i p ! Í r f o Í r Someand ony Countnoun5 Singular ltaternent Weneedannppe. Neqatlve Ouestion Non-countnouns Plural issomecheÊse onthetabe. onthctirble Thefe There ar.someoranqe5 Wedont haveany rìi k Wedon'lhaveãemon. ThereaÍen'tanyfianana5.rtthêstofe Do you haveany buttefT Do we havea red pepper?Aretherêany eqosl 'to! .à. a 5. !s! ioir.Lr queÍ.n5 wl1. trorld drd in.rld /L,o!irl J/or |L someúppllj7 anrldihd/.some nrrlr 40 ii:.i A. WrÌtethe íoodwordsfromthe picturein tfe coíeft corumn. B.Add otherfoodword5to the chaft.Useyourd ctÌonary. C,Competethe sentenaes witha/an,the,same,otany 1. Dowe have 3. TheÍeis tomatoes? 4. think eqqs. , 5. Par5rne milkln thefÍidge. cheese ison thetabe. appe,prease. Conversation A, Listen to theconversation. Whatdo youneedto makea Spanshorneet? L€êi Hyeiin: Lee: Hyêjin: Lee: Hyêjin: Lêe: Hyejin: Lee: Letsmakea Spanlsh omelet. Great.Whatdo we need? OK,t sayshereyou needsomeo lveo . Do we haveanyo ve oi 7 No,we don't,but it doegn'tmattei;we havesomecoÍno .Thatwi do. Next,we needsornepotatoes, a argeon on,and a redpepper Wedon'thavea red pepper. NevefrÌìind.We canusea greenpepper. OK.Andthenwe needsomeeqgs.Foureggs. OK,let's beginl vvecanu5enevel mdaaea to snow something isfot irnportant. B. Practlce theconveÍsatÌon wÌtha paftner. SwitchÍolesandpractlce t again. C.Choose a few reclpe andÍepeattheconversat on. Names offractlons: '/, = one hãlf l/3 = oneth rd of oae quanef Te a partner thenaane ofa foodd shyou lke.Talk youneedto rnaKet. aboutthe inqredlents l,isteriIng o o A. L stcnto the waiteÍ Laknll an ofderlfoffìcustomets Hov,/[ìany cu5torncfs ôrethere/ B.Llstêrì dqirlf.ìrd \'vfte theíoodand.lrlnkrhàteirchpefsonordered. Word Fo(us waiteÍ=ArvrTtÉrs a per5orwho ',!ofki n a Íestauranl and dfn(5 customer A íltiorrìefl! à pe:5on Ì /no DUysqooosor S a T VC a 5 . tomãtoesand slicedcheddaÍcheese VegetableSoup Íúadefromfreshvegetables MainDishes Seashore Shrimp withbroccoìi GÍilledshíimpserved and boiied rice Butter-Baked Chicken Roasted half'chicken in a mushroom carrots sauce,servedwith Steamed FiletMignon tenderloinstealíservedwith 8 oz:.Òrilled lcebergsaladandyourfavoritesaladdÍessing Drinks 42 \lr,,ii C.Ll5tcn aqalnlvhoaskedtheseqrrcstons? L ÂIe you fendyto ofdetl \tt,lt11"f 2. 3 4. 5. []o youhaveanym neralwater? Whatwouldyo! recommend? Doestheíìet mignon.onìew th salad? Anythlnq e se7 Pronunciation: Reduced formsdo youhave...andwauldyou like.." A. L stento the fir I formand the fedu.edlofrn I t B. Listen andcheak(/) the correctcolumn.Then listenaqainândrepeat. T r a c k1 1 8 I Do yor.rhavea pen? 2.Worrd you ikesomemoreLrreàd? 3.DoyouhaveanypaperT 4.Wouldyou llkea cup of coffee? 5 Doyouhaveanychanqe? LOíïmUntcaïton f Roe playthe fol owlnq s tLtêtion. StudentA Yo! \,!orkn a f,rodstoreSe|Vethe aLr5iornef. Student B YoLr,,!.ntto makconeo[ihe d]shes on Alk for the lood you nêedfromthe s. e5assi5t.nt. 'r/ \ /oÍkwth a partneÍ.Choose rolesandroe play.Swit.hÍolesandroe p ayagain. A úu ;rfe.rauÍornern a restaufânt Student Ofder à neãlfrom themcnLr onpàqÊ42 StudentB frL r ,. tfìe\'\,.itefTakcthe.uÌoÍrÊ s ordÊr L e s s o nB 43 Expansion: Diets Language À4a ny peope eata special d et.Sometrnestheyqo on a dietto losewe ght and sometÌrnes sothattheywjl fee heath et HereaÍetwo dlets. A. Wrte Ìhe namesofthe5etoodsin thecoÍÍectco umn. ^cau iÍlower l 5 anãmDUrg-ôÍ n foodsyouknowto the B.Addthe narìesof othefh qh ibeÍ andh qh-prote cl-ìart. Grammar: Howmuchandhowmany with quantifiers: /ofsof,a few,a little Informationquestion Quantifrers ++++ + needlotsoí oÌanges. I needa few oranges. Wehavelots of milk. Wehavea littlê mi k ôêd Count Howmanyo'"rgê do/o Non- cârbondioxidemakêsthe hotter.> Ìhe glãciêÍsoÍ KilimãnjaÌomelt. atmospheÍe qetsmner. The!l a.Ìersol'Kllmanjaro There5 -oss v/àteÍin the atmosphefe. L []eoplecut clowrìLfees _TheÍe s les5Í.rlnàndsnow WhileYouWatch 34 144 Con!equence! A. A- h h . de L ). l 4. 5 her-mber andd, e: K lnrinjaros neary I t sa T o u n 0 l ^ ' m eshiqh d ' / \ o l d . o yeaÍso o. The!l âcierson K lrn:nlaroare Expcft5 nowpredlalthalthemountàns q acler5 aouldaolÌìpetey yeJf Dy rÌre 0 SappeaÍ ,hl B.Answer theQL,restlons L Whyaretheg aciers of Klimanjafo lrnportant forthepeope who ve neafthe mountan? ). Whyaretheg aciers of KilÌmanjaÍo importanÌ forTanzania? 3 . Whyarelheglacersdlsappear ng? AfterYouWatch Âl Discuss thisquestion w th a partnerlsthereanythtng thatyoucando to stopthe nreltìngof KlljnìanJaro's glaciers? Communication J I roo ì pìO o Uo\- Oêll _O OL,p.t 1Ll ,^r 'r ô r r , . L . d or . . / o D rL.5êdr .... STUDENTA ST ^ the Rhone G âcer n 5wÌ2,.r;nd,1849 l theRh.rne Gl.certoday VideoJournâl 145 Activity 1 8r I ook.ìllhep ct!Íe.Dlí r55theqLrcstìons. a. b. .. d c. I al Wìere r ( nÍrÌìen lfoml low ol,:l155hel Laf youreadherwÍil ng? ^rc LhcfcirnyrÌìlstnke!i r slrer.ronr:d? (csw t r youfE rqlÌ5 ì1 l)o yo! rn.r(a m sLn ^fe nì !ldke!lrÌìftorLnnll Activity 2 ll Wrrkw Llr,rÍr,rrtrrr S T U D E NAT )c5(rlje N,r(hnlfì! a arlha!fo i plrfÌìar S T U D E NBÏ l(),i f) rf rìar L)e!Lfbe lvle(lhrrìn'! c o1ììc,s )i!(u!s1lìcsc q!r!L o r\ LÍnlc,1lì(,.f. r. Díryiiullì r ( N.r(5fÌ.ìlrn lkosÀ4.qì,rnrls .lolhos?lou/.loyoukÌìow? b Doyíiu| ì f ( yo!nq people5houklwcirf (,lvc!o!f feir!of5 al{rfhasÌ lÌadllon,rl ^ N d k 5ì r 1 Í | ì Ê d d y , i n dh e f d . L r ! i h r . ri úr c q h . n à 146 ComÌÍ{ìniration A(tivitìêg Activity3 A Workw th a partner S T U D E NAT llcs,:ribc thcp clrrrc1o,ì pnÍÌneÍWhntj Kokodo |q? Wh,ìtcxpfa!skrn doc! lìohnva on h ! fa(f?Whnlrro rnrìaifìe's íÊelnqs? ranano l]aLtaÍsorì.Ìfd Koko S T U D E NBT De!crbc fhcplcfuretoa partner. Whal.ìfelarìeàfd F ìnt do ngì l)es.rbethe r íee nqs. D scuss togother. Whch p.turedo youpfeíer? whv? ^ lane Gooda -n.l t nt WoÍldEnglish 147 Activity 4 ll Workwlth à paÍtner. S T U D E NAT lle.iaril)e Lìe phoLoo,ì fnrLn{.r I ow rÌrdnyah dfrrì nÍe llìere? Whcf. ,ìfcthcy ffoÍlì?Whnt.f. l l ì o y d o r ( l ? Wì c Í r , l r . I. ì o y 7 ^f(. I r('y bof(\ll S T U D E NBT De!.ribetfìeplì,rlolo youf pnrtneÍWhefearethe people? Whatrrc thcydolnq? Whit arc \r!earÌnq? lhey Whatarelher lcclinqsl Dlsauss lheseque5lon5 peop a Do e n yourcountfyliketo Íead? b Do you preferto reada bookoÍ qo to thc 148 {ohrÍìünicãtiDnA.Ìivities Activity 5 li V i o r kv , t, h . r p r r t n e rl ú . ì k e e l i s t o. rf t h e o b j e . t r l ftrf r , . p . L L r f e y o u r ! ì r ì r ì ! ì r Í ì r lfì [!c, Ír rr ir]! Ilrid vouÌ !f fr)| rc aiirs!. :1 ii Activity6 I A . \ ' \ . / tov r /L ì , r ] r , rl r ì r , ( l ì o o r Í ' ,lìÌ , r ! ( Ì l l í a Ì r ì o rr (il LIìÍr Í) ( Lrr||r,, )(",(:rbf lrlmor lr.r la y(nr ÌrÌL rr,Ì\1./ì,r (lÌ'! lìÍrfn,í,,orìo(t( (l]/ W l ì , r,Lj l r ( , o , , l r ( , i { r Ì r . t l Wr rr ,,lr,t , r r r f r r r lÊrt,rÌrt!lLue!! | ìr | ì.ìliotì,ìlv. .-iqerFês5)irelnãfn-,!J?ltr'': Âl B . o o r , r tl l ì i ' n ( ì J r . I ! { r ! ' , Lì . \ ( , q r ( , ! l( i f , \ , v i rihr Ì ) r f f r ( , r . ! 1 / l r, ,, lì lr( , f (, ,rIiI )II! |ì l i Ì A Ì . Lr f \ ,l r i í ' Ì ì ( l ' ,{, )l )Lì . Ì , r f r (' lì , , 1 ( ,ì ÌL, r \) ì ( l ,ìrÌl wil(,,iAÌÍ' I rfy lì,ìl))y LÍÌlrllìcÍ?\l/lì,r ì,rpp(,ì..1r.íor.,I x, f)h{ro vi.,r!Ln(erl I l Communication, 5€eo/5oListening;Speaking;Writing b ort5,ar7 LOntaatnlorÌÌìntlon, /9 con5,ii,l i Í n r â kr q , l l nrlrÍììq,55!Íams,85 f o l ep â y , 1 7 , 4 i , 6 1 , 9170,9 GrammaÍ Lìc+ddlectve(+noLrn 9),I aomparJtlvc, l0l conìpoLrnal, ll6 cnrpì.rL(, 4r8 fxnÍ.55ve,9,79 \Lrp.ritlvcs. 04 05 ,ìd!.rh5 oÍ ffoqLrcnl:y, )0 ) I { (Ììlrn{.1 orl,,olôrt 5 d r(\ L;ìrìdn(lifrclohlclLt,/6 // /roü//Ìr1/ah | ì(l/rowrìÌrìl wil ì qr,r'ìLI ars,45 r/r hL !f!, l:lar 1)/, 40 41 hi\ol, a [a\,r,0 htllt,ll) mo.liì|s, ll l ( olrnÌ(ìrÌ1rrorì( oLfL 4(l 4 p{r!Í",\ \ropfl]rì1)t íì5,t9 f ) f t . f Ì )l \o r ! o l 1 m c , l / q!.51.Ìì! w Llìh.rrl lô l7 r{'. ( orìÍiilírn!ì,,, 16 17,l/10 l1 rho!/d for advi.r, l l JorrÉàfd dfìI 40 ! l 5ublectpronoun bq 5 VCTD! bÉ',5,8 .1,68 ar.l bctoirg tq 88 89 luturetense,136,140 fÍcqLr ar pa!ttefse,77 n kf g , 8 0 8 l pre5ent cont nuou5tcn5c,53 pre5cnt pÉflectlenle,ll4 125 pre5eftpefrcattense vs past s mp e tcnsc,l28 limp e pãeltens,À, ar465,68 69 çimpe pre5ent tense,I7, 136,1,10 statve,57 150 Slii:3irc,ìx rtts/wete,6i)69 rrlÍ ior pf,.dlctof 5,9, 9l ú// in rcalcondt onas,136 137,1/101/ll Listening.seed/soPronunciation qLr,:s1 âsklng ândens\r'r'eflnq ons,4l ionveridtkrrì.,,5,9, 17,tl, )9 10,44,41,45,tj,,tf ,65,66, , 0 5 ,1 3 r, 7 , 7 : ,r 7 9 , 6 9 , 1 1 , ,88 t , 9 3 ,0 1 ,r 0 2 1 t)t t18,t11 rl Íu\!ioì!, I l4 ntcÍvi.[/s,] 8,90,l2ú |;]do proqf.rnr,7ll 42 /13 feslirurirnt ofders, tc cphoncaa15,54 le -Àvis on pfogf.ìììs, 6 PÍonunciation conlfacLonsol 1,.€, / € ìd ìgs /ynnrl l.err,78 fcd!..d Í(Ìrn oÍqo,ìq tg 90 fcduccdíorÌÌìoÍ hírvc,1rl 'ili fa{lLr{ a(l iorrÌìoí ú//)d arra lr.rr.., àrr)wotltly.t lÌkt, 4l r{Ìl!({rdkÌfrì5ol..r.rloirltava.. l i f q . ì n d r f i l n q l n l o n a l o ì , l 0 r1, 3 8 | 9 i n ai nl L o Ì ì a L i o r ì5o1r 5ìl 0 l l \lt.rltl\lnrkltlt, 14 v.rÍlif e'ndinrlin .,.1,6() vcÍb!cndiÌì(liÌì j, lll R e a d i n gs k i f f s r, 0 ,) r , 1 1 - 1 5 , 4 6 , \598, / 0 , ú , 9 4 , r c 6 l t 8 l l 9 ,1 t 0l l l , l 4 2 Readings llLiJt dsI o.-)d,46/11 aôni /L1l: Ane festial, l\,4ô ny,) ) )) ( Pic.hLttlteLr.idlcol lhc lncdI tpìí:,1l ll lht: Ìlyal l"4ochu Clirbnqthe Dra.lans 'px€t, 58 59 FtLüteEnêtqy:ltvheíe Willl/leGelOü Enetaly,9l95 I)Alruction,14) 14) l)ccplcfrcmAroLtndthelA/ôld,lA 11 Ihe seúetLonquatle a[Da]phns,a) 8) Ihesecteltala LongLile,118119 5iik 1/r,:Orce]r ol lextilet 106 107 sr.tctthaveler, )1 35 lJncaverÌnglhe l\.4yneietal rhÉUriversÉ','lI0 l l'l Speaking ; ! k ì q a n da n l w e nr q q u e 5ot n 5 , 71, 7 ,1 9 , 3 1 , 6 7 , 9 1 .onvcÍsetons,5,9, 17,2l , )9,1,1,11,15,53,5 /,6\, t:9,11, 8 1 , 8 9 , 9 10, 1 , 1 0 2 , 1 0| 53 , | 7 , 1 t 5 , 2 9 ,] ] 7 ] ] 8 , 1,| d e 5 c i b i n7g,I,6 ,2 5 , 8 11,4 5 - l 5 l dlscussing, 103,146 givngadvlce, 115 lob nteÍviews,127 narnÌng objects,149 role-p êyng,37,43,6l, 97,109 t Í i pp l a n n i n g , 1 3 9 Test-taking skills,37 DangerausDìnner, 48-49 Hula,24-25 TheLdstaftheWamon Diveç,l213 l\,4ochLt Picchu,72 73 fhe l\4is,ìng Snawtof Kìlimdnjara, 144 I 45 TheScíence afStress,120 121 'aldrCaaking,96 97 Spocewolk,132 133 TrcdìtianaI SiIkl,/1 akìng, 1A8-1A9 WildAnintdlTracker 5,84 85 categoriz ng,56 check nganswers, 43,55,66,73,90,96 circingansweÍs, 9,16,18,25,37,66, 78,85, I00,108,114 Vocabulary competlngcharts, I33,I39 achievements, 128 deintions,24, T36 anma habitats, 140 fi | n theb anks,4, 5,6,8,12,24,45,61,69,13, 101,1A5, 112, chores, 12,1 126,129,144 c othlng, I 00,104 flowcharts, l2l communication nìethods, 76 abelngp ctLrres, 16,52,76, 124,128 cornpound adjectves, I 16 matchng,5, 45,48,60,64,69,84,89,96,I00,102,108,1I6, coLJntr esandnatonalÌties,4 124,125,137 daiyroltine,16 multlple cholce, 18,25, ó6,85, 108-109, 138 descrpt ve adjectlves, S p ctufes,28 oíderlng ernphatic adjectlves, 6B ordefing sentences, 25,144 feÍivasandceebíations,20 rewÍtÌng sentences,93 faod,4A,44 scrlelcccolpprio l- :0 )8 )o 1) 65 68 ó9 8 9-. heathyhabts,112 1 0 01, 0 11, 0 5r,1 6 1, 2 51, 2 61, 2 91, 4 0 money,32, 136 soÍtÌngansweTs infoco ur.lfi, 8, 13 41-44,76, 112, 127 occupat ons,4 tfu€orfase,10,13,22,30,35,37,48,59,61,66,73,84,9A,partyword5, 20 104,108,120,133 peope,4 planning, underinlnganswers,59,61,70,94,'100 SS unscramb ingsentences, 9,21,65,17,89,137 senses,80 wrtingqueçtons,33,I 17 sports, 52,56 travel, 28,32,64 weather conditons,92 Topics Achievements,122 l3l CommunÌcation,75 85 ConseqLJences, 134-145 D e s t n a t o n s ,7632 Food,38 49 TheFuture,86 97 GoingPaces,26-37 Lllesty es,110 121 People,2 1l ShoppÌn9 forCothes,98-109 Sports,50-61 Work,ReÍ,arìdPay,1,125 Writing queÍions, answefing 23,47 emai,59 1 ,3 1 etterto edtor,143 ist-maklng,l3 p a r a g f a pl hl ,s1, 0 71, 1 9 plctograms, S5 poÍcafds,7l Íecpes,47 Íatements aboLrt thefuture,95 textrfessages,8l travetlps,:5 VideoJournal Beaqle Patra1,36 37 Cheese'Rolling Racet,60 61 skillslndex 151 TEXÏ ILLUSTRATION PHOTO 2 2 - 2 3\ r ) l . r Í . f ì h.\r'/nLli!.ÌÌrfrrd I tr! i. 5 ì!rr(-1ìi iìd!A a e . i r i Ì r l ' . [ ì ] t r / Ì e , l l l ì r . l i 1 9 9 . 12, 2 2 3 A r l , t È ' l f r o Ì r : l rì , , l \ l ! Ì r r r t o P Í o Ì i i l e . ì ì f |,ir:|! I t '/. .rlN.ìtiI Lcoqr!!r. [1,frriÌr],ln,Ìrlr 'Il,,22-23 /\difl.r r( n nrÍrir,ìì (11Lr.ì NÈr (Ì Èin5 i v - v : N J Io r . i L r o ú r r r ( À / l ! Ê j r 4N : !t ofi a e u t r a f h l . f , 1 a f 5 i 5 , 7 . aN : {",biliírÍiplL rr n.rl0,1l! l2: Naion. Àì.p! (.ìj;17, t9r NÊ5brG lr riÌrlri.r n.i24:NiÌ.nn f . o ! l I p i ì L l ! 1 !, \ i 3 2 : ( t r . l ì f ] l Í , . r r . Í ì , roÌrl N.!h L 1,irt)lìi.i r.,!(rrt tifr/!! )i !..rÌ ì.tlÍr. n/llhrrl.rLo.I F! iu Frfq,/ : , h ! r t É r , i | o( i.3 6 : N i f . ì i ( , . . . r i ! ì . Coverphoto:(o r iíoÌ1e.1h/[r' ìden rLt r!r/NJ:orr L.oillr!plr. lÌÌ{rll] Ê.t.ì iv: (t) fÌ.!, ÀÍr,Ìlo. lir ^P rfiúj, (,f ìldÊ ar , !, n Ìt rto.k, (mr) 1i. ì.rd 0 s.rì | íNr1 otu 1nÌ)(lrifli. nrt! ( . e.ii.i,ib)fìrìrhL.. rÌr. íNìtorii GeiÍliÌtr. Ìnnte1. e.l.n,! Itllo.l aoLrtlrtuu air!'ftI)lrr riÌle a. ..11.n,(rÍ)lÌr! l h.r g,/Nrt o ra a.!!r!!rr. Ìnif. ( (--pn t-rì,(b)Lrri (a fÌnrlNrLr ìr úrrlrrp rir |L 1tc( . ÊrlirÌ ;2-3: ( L. r)( iìrii d ll;rl ari:: rr!l]r t l !l Nrl o È lrortr.:f, r( rlnilJÍjr, l h e l t 1 , Ì! , r r ! ! Vr! iÌrr !'1,r5,46-47lrl,rtr.illofì'lr(l!ns l r Í Í l l r r È i ! I L r r , r . i ) , ,f/, i Ì ! , Ì n ' l i : N i L o r r I . n ! l r ) l ì ( N . r ! ' L r l rt \ \ t , l r L . Af a .)(r(lrl, 54 Âdnf .d 1.rnr' r.nnÌ/ ).lrll I ÈÌÌ , ì.nliÌÍr il.irlNi .ii (iÌllÌ trú Nrú, ' )i\'!,.r.Ìr,,5459 l l r ) L r Íl r Ì f ' , , r 1r i l Í , ) n l , i r l , , l r r , , , n I r 1 r Í I ! , V , , L r iì r l i r ! ! Ì t r i N,ú'iil (íÌr,f) ì, lV,Í|/Ì!, )ir,,fLrÌ i'rl,70 71 iLrr,lvlrr Ì,r!l.l Ì.1ìllÌ! I rìl 'r rl r.rÌi N r ,Ìi L!rl , 1 ,r M ì 1 , r ,r 1 . , ^| ,r I,a2 a3 /,r, lnr t r Í r , l r , l r .) r r l r ! r Ì , I I r r \ r N , r, ) , l ( i Ì ! Ì , L li r, ( , 1 , 1 , / , r ' Ì Í L Ì / r L ! , r l ) 0 ' , 1 , 1 / 1 , 9 4 9 5 ^ ' , r ì ) 1 1r,,1Ì ' , ì r , , Í r l r L L LL , : l Ì ! r t i ir (, I 1 N , , ) , , r t Ì , , Ì , r , , 1 l l l i r , r / r , , ^ L ,L ì . | ( r , 1 0 6 - 1 0 7 l , r r , Í Ì 1 ) , r ' t r , o L , Í . r , Í , . r r . , 1 , Ì /N i ! , 1 , . ! , L, , i , L . ) i , t , i ( 1 , ,'1r r, / , r , N . ! , , r l ! . ) L ì ( r1' ,1, 4 - 1 1 9 1 / , i r ) 1 ,r Ìi r N ,r W Ì r k , 1 i )l / r 1 Ì ; l ! r , r r i L LL r r N i r Ì i r i , r r l Ì r Ìr ) l rr,, t30 13i ^rl tr Lrl li rl.,/ ", rr r,lr r, Ì tl rr. rl r I tl r!.4 l)! l.ii r!'ì,rJi.Ì ( , r Í Ì , j t rr r i \ , / . ( / , r ( J L L . I i r r r ' l !,irì 1 4 2 - 1 4 3 , ' n ) Ì i ( ! ' , r , j L( ì l l ì Ll r r L ' 1 r y ( i l ( r . r L! . ! L ! \ iÌi r.rl trirlÌ/.1i.,ÌÍ. f r l l i r l r 4 0 rK r ü r N s r ! / L r \ t Ì , 1 . n O . n e . . n r 4 1 , 4 2 , 4 4 :\ ( , ) L L (i ì f r r . , , f L r 4 8 : N .f ( r!lÌìÌrliir MrÌì.i49,53:N..|ìi l ( , f ) l i r r ,r L r 5 a : ) r ( ú r i ' u ' , r r Ì O r Ì r , ( o r 5 9 : ( ì N r L o f r ( n \ ! , r r l rL l Ì 1 .rr, i r ) N . t r i r (Ì i - . r t ! , Ì 6 0 : N ì f . r l ( Í Ì Í r , r f r r ( . r l , t f , 6 7 : N , . . 1 , r.Ìi i) r t ir 6 8 : ( , , r )ì r V ) / 1 | Ì , , I o , L, r ( ) | ( r , Ì r N , Ì ! / | ' , ri d ( ) r Ì r , , o ì l l l r ) r ú r / / r , J rì ( ) n r r r ' , r r Ì Ì r 1 . r l , i ( Ì r N r r ! / L r r r o 1 ) r Ì ! , , r i ì r6 9 r ì r i r t r , i/ , / L l Ì , i r ) Í r i r , r r Ì Ì r r 7 0 : ' l ! ú 1 / L ! ì ÌL " ' n r Ì r t L Ì ì r i 7 2 : N ìt)ii ( r Ì n r , Ì r r 1 ir t r r a 0 : N l , , r iri Ii r , n ( r ) r a 4 : 0 N , r ' Ì , r ( , 1 r l h , l , r \ / , , , ,( Ì ) I r 1Ì,rr i1, ),92,94:rr\l) 1i Ì,ir,, Ìi i I t00: LÌl ì rr , r Í / l r L Ì r i ' ) ( i r I r 1 ) ì l r ) r l r r f l 1 , , i 1 rr () r r , , r i 1 ) r l N r,ì ir ( rÌrr lrr, [íÌ) ] l la: ()!r \r'L ( i , f ) i ( , , r , ( Ì )N , , ) r i ( f , i r ' , i ) r , l í l , rr , l 1 1 9 : N , , , , r (i Ì i t r i i) r ' l v l r ) , r 1 2 1 , 1 2 5 , 1 2 7 , 1 3 6\ ,: r ( i , Ì r r ( , , Ì Í f , i 1 3 9 , 1 4 2 , 143,1,14N : . Í | i , 1 r 1 r l r , r) r i ' 1 , )i , i r l ) A ( L ) ( r , ú i ^ l r r ( . ' l Í ) l o L , r ! . / ( r r) ! , ì l 1 r / . r / N r L . i i 1 , . . . t r r Ì r] i ( f ì ( l . í Í ) . r Ì . 1 r Ì , : Ì , r| Í ! Ì o ! r 4 : ( ) ì ì L r , r / u n / \ n L . Ì ( ì r Ì l i f ) r ( f , r ] t a ! r ' r L i o , ( r r. ( l r r r r . t ' N , r Ì ( Ì i ( i Ì Ì l r , Ì rr ( Ì i Ì l l , i r ) o L . r 1 l ) ì r r ' , Í r ) N / N rt Ì , r ( . , ( r Ì r l r i r , r l L , ( . . r l i ( Ì r , ( ' l ) r Ì i r i r r / ' i , r L . / N , r i ( Ì (r r L Ì r Ì , Ì , r ( Ì i Ì 1 , ( ( Ì t l , ) , . ( , 1, l r i , r / N r t Ì Ì Ì ( . . ( l r i Ì ,r t u , r , , ( r Ì , Ì r | , ( r ' ) t r / Ìrr r l l Ì t / N l i , Ì ( , r Ì l Ì Ì , Ìf r ',(r)rÌ r)r,(/)lirllirÌLM(r,r,/N .,r ( r Ì r l r Ì Ì l r ì i r , , Í , i ' Ì i Ì , , ( f )r , ,, ) r ( r ! / N r i , r 1 , r Ì t Ì , Ì r, r , r L l , , , t L , , r i 5 : À ì i Ì , r ! / ! 1 " ( ) r i i , ; 6 : (L1, ) , )Ì , L t , i , r , , / . 1 , ( . 1 , , r L t l f Ì r Í ) j i r / ( rÌ ) , , ì I Ì 1r r / , r , , r . , L ir,! . , r \ i Ì ) , , , 7 : ^ \ ( i i , , r \ Ì r i r 1 \ / Nr 1 Ì l I t Ì Ì Ì i Í r r ! l r1 , r ( Ì t Í t a : i l Ú , , ) N , r , , ' Í ) r , r / , r i r , l t r ) . ) r ) r i ( r r , , i , rr r , l 1 v 1L. i, r , / i Ì i i \ / ! 1 r ( , Í ) r , f , { Ì ì ( , ! l l L. ' i . ' . , L r ,. , r l ( { l i i , r ì , L . I ( , r / fir\/' r.l , L ( r \ ) r i L .r ,r r l ! 1 ( l i ú / \ l r , \ r r ! l r , (L r,/1,,ÌlÌlnÍ. )!rl Ì.1Í,/,1.r(jiÍ),rr9: Â(.1!l Ì .,,i\.. (rÌir.,10:lLl !r !'i r'N,t. i G...rí;di, Ìinrr i o .. . r .Í, iiir ff ìr./ N , r t o f i . i (r ! Í l f , Ì r l r . Ì r r l L r (| q r n Ì r r l r : ( ) l . r i , i . r / N r r . | Í . r ) r l i Ì )i ( Í i r l . ( o r . L o r i , 1 t ) \V l ÌÌiLlxJrl rÍl/Nitr r In:.nlriÌrì. ìiLt. r! ..t o r,i ri ,! i /t Dr Ì ^ if'l/Nil ! ìr l.oqrif ìr Íìf.tu:o ..1of,(b)Robdt i5e NIi, l . r l ) n 1 2 1 3 :( . r ) 1 t r . 1 \ ' . . nl . r \ F f f l , . n l , qn..t, rf!rlc! t.r)!t;fj!ì! íìo.r.r.JL./!n t[! | Wlì ír\ ÌD', ^ d c li--i Ê/]r,-t.ì Ar Ì, .1, photos.oÍr 5Làrirr! KoÍìo!l!ro/5 r!tt-r||Í:t, llrI \'p.i rê/AFP/,/ mi.Jc!;12: ( rl r tllfrã( ( nì/N.Ì.Ììi aÊ..rrnph.niqeao..ton ib) ^ t d f t l l i I l ì ! t ! : f d \ e / a r r L ! ; 1 3 :( n ) r Ê n n 5 ì b . i lhllter5to.r (bl F Edwir. KÍr/i\;to È a e . q r à p h . n i q e ( ì e . t . n 1 4 - 1 s : (t o i F . l (.çk /à!e fcton..k, tÌ\i tl \'.!rn \'!. fÍ/ I rotoEilt,\'! ìi^Lrlrt^ ìfllN,rtonâ Ìiqei. ..t.i r\NMlr. Íìi,lc \\/o a 16r( ì rraFm.tal:h!11ÈrÍo.k, (r) Lr5t. Foro.kírtoL(photo, rll Okrq! LnÉ lVÊdia/ 152 CrediG (b)Richard 5hLr teÍsto.( (4)PlrotoíocoÍonì, (5ro 7)phoros Yoliq/shll-Íeúocki37: O sên!y (8) (9) .oÌ, PàllKinì/5hLrueÍsto.(photo5 com,ll0) Nato.. Geoqraph . hìâgeCole.tor 3&39:(l10 Photonoco conì,(l 1, r 2) íockphorojI a: r)KO!ÍegâaÍcl/Cole Cro!/agetotoÍor:k, haqeehop/5uper51..k; t 9: PaLr Krn/5h!tteÍ51o.k; ChfÍoph.rP t/Getty maqe5d.vd sanqef (1,islo.kphoto, (b) 5amAbe/ 2Or(t), plrotogDphy/A àmy,)èvidlblenìdn/Alanìyr 4r: (r) LiLreflFenallí Ndtoni Geogriphc nìaleto e.ton,(bdloànna (t) bràmd a/ShLrtier5lock, (b) Ulartn FrLrs/ B Pin€o/Na1ìona c€ogÍâph.lmaqeaoledionl 5lrirfteEtoc( no.kpìotor42: 22: (11) DLrd êy^4.Brcok/Nat ona ceo.traph . Câüìerne K;noÌv/Nrton. GeogEphcmêqe (b)Chr5 oweí rìrallÉ to .ctÌoi,(m) Stephan ÊUaze/Naliona Co ecronr43:(1)Cu ÌLrra/Corbis, C.o.rDphc m.rìeCo ectoÌì,(bÌ)ÌyroneÌ!rner/ W .l PàcesPholoqrap[,/Aarny;44: (top, to r] Nà1lon. ceollraph.hêgc ao le.1lonr23: ['1dìae ShLrlterslo.((al F]enê ),(bouoíì,Ìto r)isíoc[photo, N.fror4'.laloii Geoqrãph c mageCoÊ.tori 5.hwetzerlSh!fi eEtock, dyonìa/Sh!uerro.( 23-24:( to r)!.ott Leiqlì/ roro,Sleve CË.iVdora/shLrlterlock;45: Lee5ndeÍ/Tìe l.ymer/Nalionâ CcoghphicmdqeCo e.Ìion, hìaqÊWotu;46: ( ) KevÍrFoy/Aam, (Í)À/lebi M keBr:kc/5hLtt.rsto.<,Stelerjdynìer/Ndt ora PholoAgcn.y/AJmyi47:(t) Ar.. miq€5cnìbr/ (bm& bÍ) Cêoghplricmrle ao e.rion,lo5êC TshuttcEto.k ^ amyr(b) HaiçPeter Moehlq/Alar'ìy (2),51eve (l1oÍ) raLrfhesÊy/Ndtofr F.ymer/Nalona cêogÍ sÌo.kphoLot4&49: ao c.rlon,!.o l lelqlì/sro.(prolor24:(m) CeogrdrhcÌÌì!!eColecton,loc5rì!Í!íhc/ Syr.rclse N€wsplpcrs/1. Long/lhemiqeWor