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Y.wins . - Niles Public Library District




;- Thursday. April I3I967 ,tbz':ry i2b.LLO . . .r96O OrktQfl j1C9, I11 6960 OAKTON STREET June Ciy-. . .HeirFfrst Elleiömì (t Electrifying offer! ?IILES,ILIJNOIS . ofTuenduyÀprUl8th.dlrecaiy , electric rang.and get the wirinree. 139MiIwmukosA,,. . kei was uwept Into officer they u 010 1-I - v,s ny '' Richj Horczak......... . Commonwealth Edison Company '*R th village of Ni1e . - - flafO1O Mur., and.....cuni Iails from us or from , bWL THIJOSDAY APRIL 20 19h7 . Leske, Provenzano Are PerI For au the Cundlduteu,and all Y.WINS gII1Oe. d! Lm!Ced off I!O$IO!5 01 COmmnwn lift Ed1wC.ECu. Comp.y. -VOTE THE OVEN IN fHÏUm FRI6IDAIR 30"RANOE eske Big -... CLEANS ITSELF . A: IJMATtLLY! ? Leì,i .5 FRII Prní i Clean Ovo . won 0.2 to I yictory Over the PREcINCtS lIIZEÑS 3:IcK! ;ee 5YEAR NATlONWIO WARRANTY backed by Geaeràl Motors! 1-year Warranty on entire Range for repair at any detect without charge, pius 4year'Protectjoe Pian (parts oniy) for furnishing replacement for any detective Surface Heating Umt, Surface Unit Switch, or Oven Heating Unit. hapgs a. t ACTIVE . . igidaii'e.Gowhei allthe Enjoy bsty tdgh us io to 1 it the north end of the village. While the victory wan far lens : tbun the ulmost 5 to I margin Mayor Nick Blase ". ,. . rs! r:. ,, 'Font WI latosa brnild. Mahes an endung enosfie9 pe too. Ueofhe deep pen u!one fer open rnafi ---.---- -4 or nnvnr.ip with tho hoHem g pan nc your Satt ScOe of Felaldulno CienoSo eu,ru u. Oth,bd. .403 3. tea, 8,5 053 223 hO 104 006153 lie 23 . 325e . Free Parto ng In Oar Lar Neal To Store Open Men.. Thurn.. Fri. Other Nitog 'tu e - . 125 -144 ió'i28 138 013 423 103 156 sin aye co 022 140 119 134 lit 057 III III -..-. M. Proyeono 'tirs i - 2 . . S . 136 120 46 09 76 lhl 37 125 liS ii7lOi os 7i . 3.302 io. oea â ioz 52 n 86 5 'a.eoi 73 ase 44 139 tOO HO ini as ta lau 164 St ICS 31 itr 39 3 0.741 as at et 051 25119111 00102 t3 79 96 116 45 09 30 12 32 4 LOlO Ion 236 070 06 72 av ou - 33OO 152 11 03 o - aso . - . 102 p any ait 241 tOl 212 234 .09 255 solee 74 P44705 Ill 046-12235030 itliOl 0496 iOStla 023 0661124 oS us 09 us i5tfl Ou ai ss 003247 40 1322240923' 145122 02335 0629020 50 6160 4342 2 54 Vllkge L Park PoHá Pkces Polling Plucn 7166 Milwuaicee Ave. 7423 Mtlwouken Ave, 346 Lawrencewund 7949 Nora Avesse 8301'noarlem Avenue 6960 Ooktnn Street . :. 24 . im s. Chamgrgtc A. Michgeigon Precinct PHONE 823.3171 or-NE 1.6030 ta 14 in io ay so In 20 21 as 134 ¡44 06 140 tIS iSO 43' lOI iii 234 162 94 158 . trn ti A. MgrcboschI J. LesMo 5 4 an 26 M. Honoiri deys eraey nfflre nthorfaodtflrata,e en at. - e 060 232 171 000 155104 ItO E grilled sandwiches, ntriskoes__oven banna, hat. . o 043 160 04 062 143 itO 407 226 itO 261 102 95 16f .E- Mitcteii contrates conning heat right en Otre meat to givo you ene! nhar.hrojted doliniomnem. G t peefeaf recuits with evorytiring you broil iteah. chops, hamburgern. hum alinoc, np n I s NIlES CAUCUS Handsome, ahiminem 3.pione Broiler Grill on ADlAN1' WALL o 7 7023 Corel Street 7258 Creenledf Avenue pp Oleander Avenan 8 y j 12 3 8255 Oketo Avenan 8055Okntó Avenue ' O7 Mtletnnfrn Ann,,n M1jwtjkee Avesse 8050 Mllwoiiltee Avesse oi« ou 03 ri aJ 44 i2 ea en - _4\ Jack Lenke In the only spoec of Tuesdoy°n electionu Mitte Provenzuaao eeked out u 2,279 to 2,112 vote victory Over incumbent Steve Chumeroki, the Riled Pork preaident who was the leadlog expanent to nove Toni O'Shontnr Golf Casrse\dsring the post . yeora. his (the week uSher the All AmerOca OWarol was announced) itfutInwed the vote putters set in . recent yeoru hT Blase und hin followers. While running u .. fairly clone rote ap to Oahton ! Street, the decisive north end. .of town, which comprises the . newer r000dento in Noies, is where the frostin0 is placed un the coite, . - On precinct 19 ut 8901 Dzonam the ACT Party's tap candidate ostyolled the Coseno' high vote . candidate by.154 to i2. This was . the same poll which NUes' Mu- yor Blasepited up a detisive vote in his 100 plusvictnryover RIchard Wesselitno the Pernocrutic tnwnuMp commimeeman race last year,. - . I-11gb vntegetter Rtchard Hur cask, perhaps tito moat weil-.. known huolnesomuas in Nile3, led all cwadidateu to 19 of the 21 preciaitn, incumbent . Aug 2,279 . 2u2 a,00s. - 15 16 17 is 8028 Wianer Street 7655 Dempster Stpeet 84tO Greenwood Avens. t320 Ballurd Road 19 8901 Ozonom Avenate 25 8257 Hurrlsun StrenO fl und running mutes won lost your tUtfOFPaòaAl VOTE E1Ijnja3) R. Harczatc E. BOfMOwgrcy brdd flvr ¡. !h cooked -. Led by first-time -candlde .: budabesa photn eaty Itk theYeàroftheHappèning - lflst3nt heat with Speed. Heat surface unit, iaa3flaed.. und well-known businessman Richard Horczuh the ACT Purny won ttoe south end of the village by about 3 uS to 2 won by u 2 to I mergin in uts off-yeur election which sow almut 5,000 voters go to the polls. RDE.30L 33' COtton t Seifoieanirg tonton unito tilt op tar reronai ti drip bawial day's villoge election, wrIts come in Tuesday right. The three villugn truntee cundiduteo Seiect, . . The triumphunc trio, Richurd Hurczak, Angelo Murcheochi orad Edwurd Derkowsky Pulse choir hunds In victory ulcer the finul're.. . Cenk-Mattor oven coetrol starts/cooks/stops, ail automatically at times you e AulørratiçApplinrre Ooiiet. NOtes ' Coscas Party margin usd then clobberedthniaOpponents from 2 to I to un TriIpl'izt -Trio Eacluatne Puil 'N Clean oven sudes nut lire a drawer for easy Stand-up cleaning. . election In the lasttenyears tian incumhent.,domanated Act Party raunea'.sp cundidute by a 3 tu 2 murgin ieadlai'g In 14 precincts, with u cotai Sote nf 3,366V the highest ever r0001vedby upark csiadtdlltS. RD-20-i(IID 40" Olecaric All In the moot decisive off-year Juco Jeske . Crlt for 6 yeur cormo 55 ToeS-duy'p election. Leske led the -- .. Harczalc . uíer ; Mike 16 t7te Pus-b Incyasthent . - und tanwcomnrMikn Provdnzuno WOO ntention co Nues york Dis- . CaokMaster Oujomatic oven Control. ; 1 arrIved home-ut 11:30 P.M Buyanew ! 60648 Mike Proveozano WhIIr Chornorstal Was defeated he nevgsitaeleao wan runnnr..up ut 8 palla und the 105dér ut âne pall contrasted to Proven, zuno'o leoding unot.rruoseçl.up 7. Po cuardidute Aaron Mt arty on 3 polls at the (wo, loge. enrlofthevoj,. Muychenetri und Ed Berkowaky each led in one.preclnct, Berkownky ita hin home urea while Marcheotto wait the Bullad St, poll. . . Ed Mitchell led or tied fut' the lead on the Costas ticket In il precincts whlieEo'iph Buck, f wha outpelled 2ditcuaeWn mrtul, votes i ç un ni. tiodin9precinctn, . The flugie Thursday, April 20. 1967 Last yearin IilI,of . than .2,iO young people we ;: Injured and 27kifled lu aul .0-. bicycle trajf acideutu, Ja us _1,.........and use hand sIg- T. Sebautjaj Chairman of Nues Safety Cwrncil reporte zcar A common misunderstandia of traffic ruies, as they relut to-the operation of bicycles i traffic Is that bicyclisty mIs takenly follow the same rai that guvernspodesj,5 , Be Members uf tite MaloeTuw. desire fur the participation of ship Republican Woman's Club the entire group in this dis.. are very fortuñste tu have Roh- cussien and has suggested the ert J, Stein, Vice President of followIng reading ' material for FilchReedy Corporation ad- ' Preporatiun: Josrnol , uf tito dress them at theirApril meet Constitutionaf Convention", 'h ing. Mr. Stein will folk right at afl times and ride close tu the right-hand curb or sido uf the road. Gardrivers can to the group ander the title ",Pro- vide for Commun Defense ond C,.won aret,," .. ' Wutttto thegenéra rules of traffic. ' this wfi - ' and thon only if the bike has both a headlight and taillight sr a reflécSur sa reqafrud by law. iffers Charm Cet che beauty habit, That's the word from Grace Peters She's the Instructor fur the LeOiiug 'Tuwer YMCA charm Courses fur teens and prs. . Oheyslltratfic lawn, signs o l(eep bribes, steéring mecanism. hunt and other safety devices in gusd order. teens. When asked what she meant by the "hesuty habit," Grace replied, 'The beaotyha.. bit Is a way of doing thingsnil kinds of ordinary things lik a Do not rido with und' un abute. t nittbeg, otan1lng, wulkiOg, talk- leg, listeningin the prettiest way possible, until the pretty way becomes ou much a part uf ysu thut ' you ens's du things any uther way. This is the ' "heanty habit." Kitosn Go To Glow" Min Plant . Nibs OOOO&don $23-1915 BranchChicaco 4338 Mjlwaoe Kl S-8833., lree PickUp Mid Delivery GLOW CLANS Girlu may'obouoe either of courses beginning on Thuradsy, Aprii 20. The claw from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. i fsr seventh and eighth grade girls, two und the evening class in upen tu . high schuui'girls, Each course Considers' thespecific problems ,of the ace group and piano for 'A E 'u SuBT X5 3q D: The main attroctlon.of the evesing will be the honoring of'the first place Winner of the'Lioss international World Wide Peace Essay Contest which was Won locally by Miss Kathleen Szy_ m005hi, 8447 Olcott, who will futuro beauty development 6 The younger girls tears and proctice compleslon care, learn how tu care for and style their own hair, and learn tu understand ihnt béuuty comes from within themselves, The evening class meots, at 6:30 co 8:00 p.m. and the girls learn to spply maket for afresh, noterai look, leant tu. develsp, a look-alive attitude and per- .A range of talents will discuss "Who Needs Help" at the annual meetIng uf the lnter...Viiiage Mestal Health Association ..- to be held April 20, at 8 P,M',, in Morton CrooCommanity Church, Austin Oonality, and discuss how toges along with the two groups that high schoul girls--parents and buys, college tfaleed teacher, Many .ocsl women and gina know hoc The public i lñvited to hear Meivit, Seglis, psychiatrist at The Association embraces Glo9vlew, Morton Grove,Niles, Lincolnwssd, Golf, and Skohie,. and in studying the area's need for a mental health conten. An.. -Fees fur the ten week tongue are $16.00 fur non-Y members and $10.00 for members of the Leaning Tower Y. For addi.. tiunul information call Ml-5222 Maine Township Jewish Con- gregatlon Willcondoct Sabboth Nogodol (sabbath before Posoover) Friday, April 21, 8:30 in tne Mark Twain : School, 9481 N, Hamiin, Des Plaines, Rabbi Jay Karzeu will SULorll Your Locuj Merdnauts MTJC religious schuols will Conduct their annaul model Seder, Sunday morning, April 23 at the school Two services ore planned ; the Sunday.schuslwil1 hove 010:00 service, the Hebrew 'ochool will have o 12:00 P.M. ,Seder. No resior classes are ochedsied for that day, School , will recess untii after Pass.. ' . N AS-"A..c" C$4.00 s, per hundred - per yeor c!ib» ,, cou . CQlonial Fwerj Home ' A special first boro aiyum ceremony will be led by Rabbi Kurzen Monimay morning, April 24, 8:10 A,M, (fnfluwingthel:30 Service) at the Ballard building, This brief rituoj in open to oil residentv of the csmmnnfty, A IT'S AEAL&V SIMPLE . ';' ° 8998 Bailasd,Rood, Des Plu.. loes. , service, Featured wIll he o holIday uingspiration sttketro,. ditisuol Seder melodies, Sob,.. bath morning servites at 9:30 ' A.M, April 22, will' be recited load the special pre-huliday C ' nual' membership open to all interested ; is $1,00, MTJCNews . T ';:u' Family Service tiurean: and Carl Field, Curial Worker with the Nilo- 'tsw,sltip tilgt, Schools, cussloti chairma0' Harold Soli.. Ivan, Associate Judge of Cuoh County Circuit Court; James Fnrkeotis, social Worker with model, fashion coordinator, and 6250 ut'Ay, , ' J030911 WO$ciceJthsjn,, g SPthl3 4-o366 . ttve Director of the Jewish « Passover Yum,Tsv Services Tuesday, Wednesday, April 25, 26, wilt be recited et 9:30 A,M, at the Balbjvj Building. heJr, Congregation will have its serVices . at Siterri Park Recreo,. Don Center, Kennedy Drive un Federal Court, ,fjes Plaines, from 10:00 Until n9nn, MlcMld.. ten In the cnrnmunity are inSited tn those helld&8, tietvices. Notes far ahnance 'oft suhuol 'ilì be gIVentoaliwhG JflA) Heartiest Congratulations t Mr, aod Mro, T, j, Barril na the birth of their son Vincent Jemen 7 lbs. 12 ozu, horn on April 5 at Resurrection Hoapi.. We met girls from Chicago, ' Shohie, und WuOdstSck,ljllnuio, and many frum afield, They were busyfurther washing and setting their'hair,, taihieg about their dates, and modelieg'miai ' dress wear andunder-earilay and full of'prankC, many' snub that tbeyd èhnsen cursing as o career after serving as nur.. ses aids dsringtheirhigh school years, One girl who was un an Ormy schQiarshlp said that she hoped to travel thtsngh thé army employing her nursing qualiflcations, RobbinBooerhopes to sex-ye in the obstetric area, tqrested in surgical nursing, While Karen Young is vastlyho.. We asked romance and iOtern, aodabout tite girls in,.,' tul, Chicago, Mrs. Burril, is the -o' dries trTh ' 'R_r_1 fusi' announced by ,-':" ', r-7,:_7 'T!:-' :* T' Sit, Lukes Uiifted Chiìirch Of Christ' °'T' e , I'fow Cn demonstrauon In-a-Door Ln9 Screen ()Q e - AIt'Fabric Heat Control HIGH h,,t, fat en,m,I t,b,is,. LOW h,.t. ' Ian d,Iisntehb,Is.. AIR neip. In, lIaIIj,g. ' Exh' Sister Liguøri, Guest Speaker St. Job Breheuf 'f' , Large o. for FAST Dryhi ' The Lthrary Committee of' g5 John Brebeufparishis spunOnring u program on the 20th Here's th best combinatfon of low price and high quaiiiy in a dryer. In addition to it low price and its big toad capacityth quality.buijt Speed Queen Diyer Will pay dividends in estra years of depgndabe service. of April at 8:iS P.M. in the schoni boil featuring Sinter Mary Llgoori, .Me mcmber of the Mandelein Culiege w Sncmnlogy Pepartmeut, Sinter'O topic will be"Near East 'and the Huly Land" giving a first hand account of the economic, sociai and political conditinno in the Middle Eastern cusoti-lea, Sinter spttayearteach.. NO MONEY DOWN -- BUDGET TERMS ing ut tite Unlsroity of Bag_ dad, Ali parislinners are in.. vited Including 'the college and high school smdents, Donatiun will be $i.05 and refreshments will be served, ' mediately discussed a certain sworn's blue eyes, another one was described us adorabie bot, hes spoken fur, and so on. They all agreed that at Mount Sioni they met docturs and interns from ..,_,,.,., -. uno,It .. oit ..,. [on worau, ' ' was Interesting, fascinoting, At . A giri, Mary Jane, was boro the pre,gnt 'dime, i iLtring,the', L Margit 26, tu Mr. & Mrs. Joist first wboilvd '6h8223t Newborn they o- that The student nurse is encour.. aged to sse,(e$sni-o.iIoprs 8f... i , "Clu"anday, . 'Airil , 23rd, St. ter work, study . ebd cilnicol Luke's will participate in the practice, for pershual and culProtestant "Pulpit Exchange", turai deveiopment'in Company Pastor Ruso will be preaching with her fellow nWdenn, ' We at the St. Timothy Lntheran asked Karen iinw she employed Ciiurh in Skokie and the Rev. her lelosre hours, She plays Gerald 005ebery fi-sm the volley bail, aod'attendn a ceraEVanshjre Presbyterian Church mics class, and, boo currently nf Shuhie Will preoch at both escoGed for Instruction in self the 9:30 and li .4M services ut defeuse io the Ort o judo. Ka.. St, Luke's, reo has a number nf euotic ashtrays with accompanying Cn On Sunday, Aprii 30th, unpegcomic based lighters she do-, ial cungregationol meeting,wili signed in her ceramics class, be held at the church at 7:30 MiXed dances ere planned with PM, The purpose of the meet.. the local colleges, to celebrate Ing is to. approve the orchitects' students' birthdays. Students ond dotes are Invited tu aSpring drawings for a pruposed new oanctuary and additional Cbrls boner Dance, which lo asoally tian Education andDffice space. held In s Chicago hotel or club. Os FrIday 'afternoon through Sunday evening, students are free to reteru home if they want to, for a speli with their fami.. lles. At1 the Wilme'toe ' ithily Service florean; Fred Zverin, , Exécu. Shohie Valley Hospital and dl's- Grace Peters, the instructor, has o solid hachground as a '.ripc C' _4i that's a mouthtui,,,See you text week, Pabiic Health, Psychiatric Nur.. siog, Maternal..Child Nursing, Gyeocoioglc- Nursing, Child Nursing and Dynamicn uf Nui-.. sieg. ' '., Avenue and Dempoter Street, w .- their ladies and guest. taX 'Heg gradsate of Nues High Schssl nod o formar West issuer up , haivgo)' uNo M;iir,J4ilesheaky,, por Week with the patients. Weighed 8 1h. 3 3/4 oz. ìi'7 A NEW LOW PRICE w mm-, -a i-, Young, 7544 w, Kedzlo. She Is former Pam Dettmar, younger daughter of Mrs. Pacay Duttform covers her knees, he r mar, and the gai on horuehack in all the Rilen Days parades. moho-sp in ilght and she doea In former years Pumban Come.. sot wear null varnish, times carried her noch---nieces on the harse"wlth her, The otsdy day commences early and her courses Include: ' this year, Wee Vincent James will make his debat at the 19h? Behavioral Science, Communi.. cations, Nursing 101, Nurmal Nibs Days poi-edo, Mrs. Bui-.. rib's kurse in a Pinto Palimino Nutrition, Medicai..Surgical and she calls him, l'oh Lochte, Noroing, Bioisgy, Phormocs., and we don't mind telling you logy, Therapeutic 'Nutdtion, eupeeses OoyM ro tho 50th 1,,.. too-notional convention ut Lions boternationol in Chicago misty. Memhers are urged to attend f/5t 5Yep" u The student nurse wears o ourses uniform and cap, While Is snifsrm she wearo no jewel,ry, aove o watch. Her balr Obst he neat and off the fore heod and shoulders, The uni - $25,000 in edocstioeai and/or career ossistasce grout and ail J'VJ of vus had. a change of heart since tubing this courte?" and they replied, "Oh no, this .80 a three year tourne aod we intend to see it thraugh" Ko.. ron YOung is the eldest daugh.. Ser of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph aod thepreitypretties that mua'e the' room ou feminine. winter is i first prize of with we had cuffee with the girls in the cafeteria,.we asked, 'Hove any cord player records, bask ou that sight. The goal of the represent the' Lions club of Nues in the Multiple Disifict Cour@es from her many guest appearantes un television and her programo in the csmmunity, . - Sock, FRÖM u Before we left for home Karen stretched out un her6e d, her seek and shoulders noppo rted by her cushioned study re, It. We noted aradiu,bookn, Odres; ser, books, syringes, family an soy frltttt'apha, The meeting Will be held Thursday evening, April 20, Friday, April 21, at 1:00 p.m., easiest ond if saccessfaf will "han. been proclaimed 'Peace,, hove on sppsrtuuity tobe judged at the West Park Field blouse0 EwOSS? Contest Nue" by pro- ' at the World Division leveb. Wolf Sand, fleo Piamos, 'aident Carl Rathje of the Lions All members are encouraged First runner sp is Miss Kath. dab of Niles to be held lo Loue tu bring their' friesds, and anyleen Conklie, 7721 Ocooto whii9 Tree Inn, 7710 Milwaokee, Miss Jouet Lesntok, O4O6Okets nue Seeding transportation cus.. Nues, Cocktail boor will he tOtt Mrs.'C, F. Dahlqoist, 824.. is second rouser ap, All three fron, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. after 5730. fioutesses for the meet.. yousg ladies are rooldeuto of whirls dinner will he served, ie,g will be Mro, Elmer Cruet,.. Nilen aod eoh will be honored flor and Mre. Dale R, Fahijes.. .' yo 6.9036 comfortable chair ' in a pie usoot room'(each ptudent is assIgned ber own room) winle Lh P;'cki;r8 "Peace Essay Contest Ñfte" 'IWrtline byjune Hart' slog in Chicago,, We sat 'in 1 honored for her prize Winuing essay on April 20, lohn Leaning Towei YMCA leso neceso, PøöpIe Who ' '_i ! winner of Lions inter.. notional Peace Essay contest, mt,' will represent the Lions club of Nues in coming judging of $S 500 World Pouce Eanay contest. With her are her admiring pàrents, Mr and Mm. Matthew V. Szymonski of 8447 N, Olcott, Nibs, Miso Szymonuhi will he . , . Miso Kathleen Szymanski (left) ftlesslugs', by .Saol"iç Pwjo_ vei- in, Article i, Sec- clon 8, of the U. S Cuestitu.. If bicyclists follow ¿nu set si tisa, tu' deteCmine, as eeurly rules and mutsristu anuther, as possible what the founding the resait is cunfuslutt which fathers whu wrote the Cunstlcan und clues result in colli- tstioe meant by thin phrase aluns hetween bicycles and ' to inquire what,timitattoen cars; if ' « any, were proscribed by them --and finally to question 'whoChafrmau Sebastian listed the thor or out Congresses since fulluwing rules fur site bike that time and particabarby in riding: the past 3 ur.4 decades have Over-reached their coestitu.. s Keep to the right and cluse tothe tight curb sr side uf the tional authorities, Mr, Stein h15 stressed his a Neverlde after dark un- ' . c" Wifl IOSO Isdepsis Jamès Madison. 'The Federshut Papers", iy Jgntes ModIssu. Aiexrnder Mw,,...11tu. t and ' ' Vocations - Want , to he a ourse? We vinited wIth Nile-. sites Karen Young and Roht in Raker in their rooms at Itinunt_ Sisal Hospital School of N nr- ' ' sized that bicycles are sah.. Joct tu the same traffic rulen as all other vehicleu. The first rule for bicycles: Keep to the h4 ín' Keep both honds ou tite tiaudie bars ' encept tu signal a turn or stop, GOP L;:idjîes To !4Je° RoJ1en J SgAd , s're Oñ Avoid'- busy ,streeto and a s Never ride two or more Chairman Sebastian empha - n a Do nue speed, raceorweave in sud out of traffic. also ride st, the loft y on the sidemaik, ye astomubilej the right-sf- Sidein traffjc . abreast in the street ai a Never hitch onto. a truck, Sidewalk htkrIders think the y . The Bucle. lloii-ndov. 'Anu'ii 20, 1Q67 or other maying vehbcie. aU5epedestrjans v,Ik on 5h should Jr . 1ic G' - and APPUANCE O!INDMLY IiA.V.,0,p.ii. tAT. 1050$ WE SEIVICE WHAT WE SELL . . . tIiofs your guerant$e of tltfatjol -".' The -Sonic Th,a..,,... pr,a-Ú a..,...1967-------------ua - - M:aine East Varsity - Teñnis New l'he 1967 Vaiulty - Tennis Thtn uf - Maine East is gum. posed sof tilge buys. third olngleu; DunSaodo.s,uft gles; und Bill Winters, singles out uf three neto. For a dual meet victory Three sets. Riotter, a sophomore lors who have seen u lot of at- ,. Kevin playing OSgood singles corntisit In the first two matches ples the team. are: Mike Moodren, fIrst sin.. gles; Frank Moore first duo. lnternckolastig dual tennis hies; and Wayne Thompson, meets consist of five indivl. necond doubles. Juniors ploy. duul mulches; three- singles Ing on the team are; Fred 1-littmatches and two doubles mat. On, first doubles; MIke Eomn,i, - ches. To - wln an individual necuad dopI,les; Steve Michuls, mntch, players - most win two NILES HELPS FINANCE STREET IM- fre PROVEMENTS i ® - "Hearts Are Wfd"--Ís the theme of :: buIld well ones. Gtrcots as improve old the Mothiub yeaaiy to. f-ïabol..g evear. afl year the proceedo from the rd and games party will hecefit the Notre Edugatiooal paitsion Fund. Tickets will be availahie at the Dame door or from the obero of the Mothers' Cluh. for Boys, 7655 tlampsger St, Nues. NIo &hc - ouy CuIpur 8041 Coche, Nues; rs. A. Chandler, Park Ridge, Chairman; Mrs. Emil Eaozer, orton Grove; Mrs. Joseph El1gass Nues. . - -i ¡I IEE I VA ItB rO- r:tIa J7L' '9, ere íi6 the canontic -streato IN NILS.... IOGER5aA 47w. Touh OZIo on- ?tpa thy 9 businoac * bsMlnoua In .SE VICE ft Mtøi N8U. IWL1 E f It81111 M - 4 Ce. 647-9267 MILWAUKEE..CRAIN SHELL 8657 Milwauk,,4,, - - - c65.:4034' 011k Mueller, : f WHEN You oo eusiNESS IN NILES........ Sales Ton Mcry IflO backto esrv I */Zcentofe . .. NILES Is NILES 15 Milwauko Ave. TO - EDISON [UMBER 97-528o ' 6959 Milwaukee Ave. AS AN EXAMPLE... - Sales Ton returns can 647.8470 - SldWaIks and a stront lighting program for Nileo. r LEANING VILLA aukee Ave. .. - e drawing fur tr005istor ro. lus 1$ April 23. All the de. ai prnceedn Should be tnrned su that elefihllii- forthe rastug at the Moymeetung Sold be completed The three t ams who nell the most detain if get to see Sog game, with - Chartered bus service Th0 am deadline _oy ut - were through thecuo. hg Green Stamps) Awet... lIne In exteuded t all NUco Sidents tu the new S S-H men St0 RedemptIon Cen. r ltCated inSte Lasvrencoweo °PPlng Center -: E 296-5400 outstandlog Hé wishes to ntunce that the deadline for Boseball eague, rerted that the pries Contributed at the last noting . - UNI7 AUTOATlC ISMISSIONS 7460 Milwaukee Ave. - 6479 - Danny t(Ssiba, the Schedule batttflan, passed outthopr. te schedule at tite last meet. play, au adaptation of was Chosen because ofiWlipse. -- - ___________ - - - One Garment Dry Cleaned will be given to each - Couples may registei- or oW. tuIs more information Oboot the prognan by Contacting the Pas- toral Cane Departmeut a(Lo. theran General. With -Any- Four- Garmentí Bucks & Does Square Dance The Bocho and Does Sqoare Dancers will meet on Saturday. apniI 8P.M. In thegymof Dempster junior High School. T hey invite all Square Dancers t o join them at Route 3 and Dempster pIerb Road io Elk Grove. Johnson of Milwaukee, W 'isconslo will be the guest Fitti, Garment Free - (All Garments Must Be Similar) Offer End@ May 27 Golden : Arrow Cleanél e aller. Carl eud Marie Peters on of Leorange will lead the r0usd dancing. - - - - 7443 1 -Harlem NI 7-8864 - t - Clothes look better, last longer when properly cared fori lt pays to give them the best in dry cleaning , . it pays to bring them herd Covers the cost of four books couple, ; Professional -Dry Cleaning The sesSions will include a fIlm, lectoruts- and discussions about the physical, emotional, spIritual assi social dimensions -of marriage. A $10 toitius fee which HomepornuftheVance io Peart Hurbur, Hawaii, Your clothes deserve on four consecutive Mondays TA 5.23b0 DUAL CONTROL --Fully insured.. John T. Sebastian AAA Certified Instructor br. lebsou -.,.., et home pick-up -.- Maine High DcivIng iostrnctor experience. 1 with your withirobo :' DOVT 6AL5 beginning May 1. 000050ces Jick Les, the vice..tommis_ Oser nf the Ñtleo Sónse flore, the crowded Joryraum becomes the battle. ground for "Twelve Au,gry Wo. meo." and chaplains will Conduct the sessions from 7:30 to 10 p.m. sates of dorais thus In May 3L ample thy 9t'o good bUs(e0 do your business In Nile, lt Makoo G And Cene,. ' Committee thot the .:r is Lange Robinson, While operating In the war zone, the Vance will he part of the 0,2, Seventh Fleefo coon. ter_lejultrenlon forces patrol. ling just offshore. tempero Rooeu "Twelve Angry Mhn" -- champion man aboard the radar pIcket As the nessratoj rises and The MoSte Eet' next fes,e rntobes are away against Down. ers Grove South, NUes Rant, Prospect, and York. April 20 finds Malne Rant dt home agalnst perennial West Suban. .Cuaching Maine Rant's Van- escort ship USS Vance. sessIons from 7;3Q to 1 und Sam Hoff. - - PUICha,e ne 1ORGE LAUNDRY t - Ou -April 6, Maine loot to Wheeling 4-l. The loue winncr for Maine was Steve Mi. cholo, third uiogles who won 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. slty and Frosh.Soph Tennis Teams are Charles Sears and Shatts of 7916 ArcadjaSt.Mo ton Groves Ill., is on duty off the coaot afVletnam, as a crew. side. ing. Anymanagerwho misneuton receivIng them, contact yuan league chairman. No makeup dates and Afloted if the weuther. usan foals it op. und doubles woo i-s-O, 6-4, ban Conference Hinsdaje. - Vietaaann lone Juror to sway the other membero of the paoel to her A physiciao, phychfatnist utociol worker, fioporial adviser und choplainsssilt conduct the -rugress. ft is expected that the - Wagers and fathers of the Ole Leogue.donate ososo time that t work could be fi. I - - - ,ß --. Engaged couples are invited to attend the oecood Pro-Mar. ungi Institute tu be offered this year hy the Pusnral Care De. partmeut at Lutheran Geseral Hospital. Park Ridge. Con Slers, the chaIrman of the Cal : - : - and Mike Burtog playing sec- may be ohtalned at the door. Serving Off Coast Of 6-4V 12.14, 6-3, Wayne Thompson .ns,,nr Mro, Patricia Muro. dian. Ticheto at $1.50 a seat volves around the attempts of a - Aod very dollar spent 1$ ROSE'S BEAUTY SALON In a three set marathon - The 24 students chosen from he Suphomore Junior and sen. IEog8Iged Couples -teve Byron , Peter Styrcol; 'avid Allegretti Barry and .. i . The piny is being prodllrnd under the- -olrection of drama - --' t n April. The tir'j' der of his father. The plot re. óthne For ; - This comfflgsoturday starting t f;Qf A.M., Work will he in yaj bleu téam of Fraok Moore and Fred Htuoo were the victors view ut regent trial LV:! on oponerlo uroafld the corner. . - Goad Sinse... - ;'t.uueofi-i JIt_. CflE 1lony Hubick and Dean Dosoe I le committee chairmen In harge of project Harlg Field, tarted the opringfinioh log jIUchon of rebuilding th Hang IeId. With the courtesy of Ato ; Rentulo, the Nues Bageboll vogue's first ny0000r of the 67 Sea000, work began with fiOrOnft Preoeot to help were; obo,Dovid end Tom LIllo, Loo nd Howard AdamokI, Ernie, - mtf 00f Dole Mattson, Dan f Mike Maher Rbi- Nllen, . tax mcay . The pt y ttt u-ou im- the fast two csnsedutuv - : The managers of the 52 ums are tubing advantage of e yleaoant syringweathorthat lvedç isst week. Practice ssion and introductions are fU!lnwiog. The determina. on of the young ball playev. °oned that the bosehall see.o- pIyIn one in I dud I. In ito first the Demons defeatd Nulos West by u score of 32. Dan Sanders wpn at third gles 6.2, 7-5. The first dus. munch proceedings and Supremo Court danses ut Resurrection ave been opIit5to two differ., ASA EVMPLE.. OaRtcn Mc,ar ad sl, - decisions on the right of fair jury trial, 's Or .. Grennen Dame i-ugh Io t The 167 uthoul nlusto R.._ arreennos High School, 7500 West Tulcutt, Chicago win he Reginald Eou&u "Twelve Au. pry Women" 21, 22 28, and 29performan05 wIll he 7:30 PM. Du April 23 anni 3O,-the play will hepreses. Admiring Some of the lavely prizes are membero of the ted at 2:30 PriS comite: Mro. Eagene Ma-zek. Nues; Mro. Joch Ciao curb about In manto the 11th Aj mó used for otre, and : . be held ott Friday. Aprii 28th at 8:00 P.M, at Notre Card Party By SIPPOrtIn your Nibs G Sticns, state te there, part is raurne In TO NILES to be LTY Çorrently , Maine Eusto ro- cord is Resurrection fligh Sc}ool PresentS "Twelve Angry Women" - DOING BUSINESS IN Motor fuel t a team must win three of the five metches. - - - .:'--. -.. Li7. a - BawIrig Né Brebeuf Ladies Glovannellls - Harroaks t4IIes Bowl Koop Funeral Home Sis Emerk SUa Schaller Bruna Sz3anskj - Renew §ponor@Iilp The Inaroj Pancake House of Niles their smnSOi-shIp in the NIles Basebaj League for thruewd fourth year. TOM FERRARO. che nro-jer.oea aeague - _ ! j4( ¡.ViiTaaa WALl !3USE . --- - Si . -m:----181 °°°° The lnrernanoss 179 178 177 Pancake House of NUes is located o the outh end of Golf Mill Shoppiog Cenrer We eCOmmand the bunt- Bruna Soymnoski eat with the family the waffles are tasty Beverly Raspeada - ---- Again thu year Ihn 3l1an Oseball an.. fluai BaSeball Deane on Friday April 28. ax the Hyatt Hose Touhy and Uncoin Avseso Stalling at 0O p.m. Music i1i be furnished by Joe Morjs Orchestra which is well hwofltomanyNjlesftes. Door and raffle prizes Include a I9 T'j Set, professione! la- dys hair dryer, tape readio, AMFM portable as wen as a clock ra- - Missing Links MachIneSpec.jn. Rn sq 65 51 dio and a gIft certificate for Oers Restaurant Lindys Ali oarems. friends andpiests HameoJs Sausagu cordially invited ta came and have a pleasant evening meet- MariJ NoathoasRisy Sandbe Dorothy De Luca learn Harrjat Ely managers, reaches andiriends. - - 483 472 Veda Rauffrnau 456 445 442 437 436 435 Mikje Beciwy Joyce laceo Doris Le Beau Marie bleus GlorIa Poason Heins Kroi Lee Ruleta Pat Roehtg 432 430 430 405 399 382 3b7 348 FIorenc Wiese Arllte O'Kme Marion Zujeeshi fidele Fojtth Register Now As An Individual, With A Panner, Or-Bring In A Full Team. Completely Air-Conditioned Fer Your Summer Comfort. . 331 pj. Pitasdcr60 22 M53 Pbarumcy High Serles BOWLERS IN ThE NORTHWFSF ARE& 21 Rlank Noah ScRATCH BOwlEES IN JR AREA. MLJAGuE 399 554 Aldersoo 236 Rosi_b 233 223 Rieck 233. 210 Erickson Sanders 232rn 202 224 G. Eiaxd Mnrshuj ww : 1Øt41$43. 512 - Drehobl - 22i 204 217 .. 217. 206 - Player ( I -: 214 213 209 - 20b 205 - : - I uelt, "How would you rephrase that tight little defInitIon yéti learned some yesterdayo ago. - Shop - - thinhiog otroogth. Phil000phyi6 thecontract mao malteo with hImself. 501 5011 Nelseer Ralth Neil Jeso Islamarada in thSoridaKeys. Kramer, Hanl - The pe1lrnin 550 539 537 535 523 gas will be attending the lionul School Boards nociattou Convention land, Oregou, Aprii 519 514 512 boys and girls from ande! eins gun-s old to 16 yenré Ol&The ndults will start prelrninorj05 . - tos 0005imnusly elected pro.. SIdes; sg the board nf educenus uf Eis; Maine School bist. 63 otthe rogulor April lIboard - . - Kir. Gurolnich was nominated -- Competition will be limited to slnglç and double matees only io the various age gous. Me- - - t reqalremeow Teciealosts Westers UnIversIty lii jIlmIt kan aine reccaily Campletadtho - - - T . . Regiatratint - DECORATOR SERIES - - ., - And Dryer Rotary Controls -:----- - Model LL 715 - GAS DRYER Matçhing ; Silhouótte Washer Available - - P&ENTV O mE PASKINO - - - en 1ftito4o. , - . for Histology The proupective bridegroom received Ido degree from MIchigan State (JsIverulty and lu currently -ottendin Seahury Weaters TheologIcal Seminary Evanot - .Two Fabric-Tented Drying.Temperatures .Timed Cycle Selection .Dg-Wrjnhle and Dura-Presa Cycle .1-Ip-Frant Lint Trap .Eauy-Tn--Opep Dryer Doer .Safety Thermostat Proterts Clothe __- -- - ' -_ lias Freon, aJ9f4 gradhateof Mn0 Saut w;lJ eqeaq4s. suciates degree falm NortE.-- - - Mr, Garloick und his wifo, WionerSt., Riles. anO°55to the engagement of theIr daughteb Maojfranceu ta JeSu p. Crint non of Mr. and Mrs. B. p, Criot OfAmoterdam N.Y. t , -'T . Joyce, have three children. Ri.. cky, 12; Roblo 30; und Robert, 2-1/2. He was graduated from the Unlveruity of Illinois with o B.5, lo chemical enginedriog in 1952 aodreceived a masters io chemical enginoerlog from - Newark College of Engineering in 1958. Mr. Gurolaich in aprodoction manager with Rolar La.. Aoratsrles In Chidago. - Drying -t st 8156 N April 20th. Drum and Top GenIe Speed-Flow bvildiog committee. Announce Engageinent - giOtru;los must be In the Pork DistrIct offlce 625f! Dempster, before 5;0O P.M. ThursdayS .Parcelaio.I°iniuh ted to the booed in Aprilj 1994, Ir. Std Mrs. C. M. Praos. Sr. dolo will be uwardedì»hjlfìrst and second pIste winners. Re.. 5-I20O. - - aud bus beco chairman of the Wtllnom R, Gsrolnich 36 7921 ilsun Tort-ace, MortonGrove, - ,ffee. I calved the largest number uf valen, He mao originally dcc- Board of Education tresIden; Elected- Dis;, 63 - i o election, Mr. Goralnlck re- in Port22 - 25. monting. or Warp Informotiep call they Morton pove l°urltDi6irlttof_ s term In the- April 8 school board -Na.. Ad.. - - - PRICE Elected to o new three-year - 507 505 504 504 '- - method,. Several board membré and Oupsi-nn;esdent Hugh E, McGal- ut 6;30 p.m. en- Friday. - The firmib will start at l;OO p.m. at Mansfield park on Sons-day. marches will made. Please- be potion; with a, aod watch your local papero for Ito an0500cemeut and PRINGLE - - beield a RatissaI Parken Frlday s;axjag at 4:30 p.m. for for the Juvenile Set. although full plano have not yet boon . : - - The dato oftho regalarmeetiog by Gordon Kopald. retiring pt-nuf Ehe huard ofedacotlonofEant Oldoot who han nerved au buàrd', Maine School Gist. 63 han beeo president far three years, Mr. dhangod from April25 toThuroKwpald said he left one charge day, April 27, The meeting will to the incoming president - that he held at 7:30 p.m. at East the board remaIn uno 'for tho Matne Junior High School, . people." Arfl 2! P.M. will he- a Sommer Reading Club Board Óf Education Meeting Date Changed Ping -Pong Tournameñt - - A FINSI.. NO3E. Yes, htro phEusuphy, - The Morton Grove Park Dlitritt and the Mortoncrovejay.. coos will ce-sponsor their secoal annual Fing Pong Tsuenament on FridayS April 21. o; the National Park Building952S Marion. The finals will be held Saturday. at Mansfield Parke 5830 Chore_b slartiag at l;00 .. - fancy .philoouphical definition of 572 Weidner. Bob In memory of our Mayor's who, Mrs. Nichuiao liase, Well, I. guess that's-a pretty 595 582 580 577 Pandera Lou taten- I-Iomeuwoers Association that hove or over will have the lé MIDWeST BANK CHAROg friends in the Greenwood Es- it is the ultimate publisher's contract behind all the bushs 30.3 30 27 191 to the library by her - gifted negutintiuss itremainnioforce, poser tu change the worM, - e A JOY 1H Ti-IF VIEWING. The beautiful Renoir painting . .6nc warning, and -yet during - WE HONOR your dreams of the futuro. . hin fellows, and the unIverse. it moy be opto forre-examinolion by osyofthepartlonwitliout 2! Beckway Trev Oghilon fur landing a 10 1k. BassO He fished with Capt. Johnnon Vers Muller on the Seminsle sut of BergS Clare of maifs 21.5 Theisrn Ruso . punt and may it merge with wrung or inadequate or both. . out right there Is another source If you will escoso the li- Keep coming little snos. Keop hearing about ihn dreams ni the man usen to escape the luhyristh of ignorance. Eventually it lo - 22 SChmack Harry Ikeno, Lou Racette. Dan P005cM, Jobo thinking up purposes und think- Ing towards purgeons. lt is the golden thread nf wilful wisdom _500 Club" Polenc, Joe Thornpsop Jim Ely. Bob goodness and beauty. It is mm 2-1 S.Banh of Niles 6.Niles Savings E Loan 7.Lone Tree Ion 8.Niles Drago - -' hrurra note olegotism, may mo 093' that the outer symbol of good utteodame certainly must point is soccoss iothisoctivity. - value. lttoucheO the hem of tho triplé goddeon of troth, -r "Gas Clothes Dryers Make Sense" to grasp partIcipation and a . peep into the hook world that !l;1 he al; around them for the rest of their life. rlufatesnuurcoo of : betore. Foist 2.Atlas Tool Service 3.Dshls Msrton House 4.Bonker Hill C.C. coces io other than motherori-. noted activIties, an introdoction it manageable. lt is the waywe 00e thitgs We could never see 502 502 Zalesny ----- fromom. makeu Ost tho world and makes 507 506 . L tant because they givè the peocl-weights their first coger;- Why it bakes bread. lt t ong. end - ç. .-- the prose-skoietoo on which the it ruto; of s beer commorcial io - 509 Intrieri Kiesler Caagullo Johnson Cscanig L. Ramos D.Vague Costa - Full i Year Written Parts & Labor Worranty On The Entire Dryer Against Defective Material - screen. r-on Use, or else it in the nah-- . stance uf comic characteru or - - Party.- DarIng one Of the movie otes vocally accompanIed the "tic!. tick tack" of the cochos clock so the s o subject withdrawn - sbowlngs the Fur moot of us philosophy Is .: 541 515 515 515 513 ßacbne/ PeckS Keith 5G7 Robert Frankeahush. 7042 Carol Avenue, aso angling eec.. 556 555 HighOanies Schulz Osso Candela 564 560 555 549 547 537 538 535 530 526 522 ICrandel Kane - McEnerney Standings l.GioVa,mellls a recent vacation In Flsrida 71- G. Johesan - . - - - vited to attend) and an Eaoter :. TODAY!- : , year hove beentwo movie show.. ings (whIch mama was nIno in- - .,. Philosophy" I said to my- Grennan Heights . Men's League 533 527 527 521 521 515 day morning and afternoon, the I holged a little I hspti) aod she left. 582 Sanders OR B - - Baarini Ginocchia Chimerafoky 29 Fishing in the Metropolitan Miami Fishing Tournament so 576 576 575 _c. Elarde 4 BOWI.EES IU AIEAM,(2 UPLES) HMIDICAP IEAI3UE. ThURSDAY NIGHT - 7:30 P.M. TEEN-AGE GUYS DOLlS HANDICAP LEAGUE 2 UH.ES IXI EACH TEAM. AGES 13 TO 19. 615 Candela Marshafl Osso Relly Aldersoo .a_lEs SCRATCH DOUBLES'. LIMfl' 300 EACH.-ThAM BOWL 4 GAME EACH 00311F. BOWL WifE THE BEST 25 26 27 834 623 Schu'z Erickson TUUDAy NIGI? - &OO pj. 26 - M.Szatkawoki Simmons Coscia . Wins Angling Recognition 25-23 22 23 LeSsees BOWL 6 GAMF PER NIG1fF 3 OEM.tEs OF DWBLES & 3 GAMES OF SIMILES. BOWL wrrn m TOp ScRATCH REGLsrER AS AN INDWWUAI., wrn A IN YJR OWN ThAM R. 1pu1dI w. M6 Enerney First National Bank 25.5 22.5 MONDAY NIGHT - &30 MENS SCRj.Tai DOUBLE" LIMF 360 EAcH ThAM WEDNESDAY iGHT- 7:30 PJ1. - Í.:-/?:7T 232 224 - Lee - R. Ramas 22.3 25.5 - our Cup of tea. Do yoU young ones have come In to the of tale-spinning. Ink he W5 infetced by-Jean -?. 005rions au! Satre's philosophy? Mixed Into the session thIs -Wach 17 - 225 S.Ptalt 58 t 22 - 6 HanaRaIi - J. Vaughn R. Stemplssltj sad; "they said Alberi m555 "The Stranger"woold . 1967 90 Day Replacement Guarantee Of Satisfaction PlusÀ Fee-School Story Idir. WIth great rellglousity every Toes.. - Kriese P. Vague N Malo . 57 69 Dama 56 - .Thoyeeferred metoyuu." the 70 Theben 544 540 . . locked We talkod. Zulesny 15 16 A. Cruesewald w L Jeck Marvin Cloth 26.5 21.3 Mortm, Grove Lanes 27 21 Mon1. Oldsmobile R Ramos hi. Siumsons Frehies 51 53 W.3zutJowski A Prauske - .- . - A LIrrLE -LESS FANCY. In January of . tbiu yeor fifty concerned mothers registered fifty "Knee-Hi" members of the Nues Juvenile set int64lfbrary - - 600CIUIt 500Çiub sat down. ,5_-;hot looked up. . Pin lusters L 26.5 15.5 27 26 20 SOMETHING PMCY I bud t come Os duty. I took off 48 33 Colonial Fue. H. W Keep Fanerai Texaco Service Hiles See. E Luau 195 Skja Funeral Home 19:5 Rigglo Restaurast l6.S Forest Flame 13 .J.Zahs - OhigRealty Bobs Tap 514 510 FIasecki Mmon Grove s8wlinq Rasp Fun. H. 532 ReLee Democrat Edgebrook Flower Kiitza Bree. D. ; Riles KnIghts NOes 04-sl Holy Näme 496 487 479 479 Bernice Ripley - byMr"M" agle, Thursday, 7rI 20. AHOTPÖlNjAS:úy: TRY wflfl B coo;. 51 Janik Joanne Nielsen - Phyllis lower L?rx-ai Holmes Pat Pflarshi . 61.5 69 -- of theNfles Baseball League are League OfficerS 51.5 57 54 59 52 48 47 36 - LoneTreehm 50.5 53.5 Ray Pracht 55 Ht.rIot Ely 46.5 - Vinyet Bty. Sal. 51 Riles Colar Conter 500 SérIes . . . 60.5 58 52.5 52 Pankau Drugs 3 Murphy s Carpet Sup.ó4.5 Savior Fair Bay. Shop 62.5 Comhinei Bafldero 60 Aunt Beletfs BtySa 54.5 cordera table Ing Riles Drugs Harczak's Sausage Scot Cleaners Norwaod Builders Roses Beauty Solch NllesSavings-&Laan L. W 73 ..--.- nars 66 . - .. A.S.H. Eber. 61 44 t Beobyo OldMaclnero 60.544.5 Ciovanuelli's Pro. S. 59 46 67.5 Bunker H1UCountry Clob 63.5 Ten Pin League Niles Baseball League Danei Arn'a 65 Delta Resi Estate 176 foraqulcic SttOCIÇ 72 Admiral-Oasis Lounge Gremien Heiahts Ladies League 203 Emericit Stella Sc1a1ler - Eopooltoe Pizza Honor Roll: Ken DeMana 214608; George Schulze 196-583; Joe Wilkinsan 220-566; Lee Phillppsen 205-558; Tom 516ney 208-S56i Will Wililamsen 224-547; CItarle4 I(untner 195533; Terry Maare 204-.528 Jack Balsamo 203-525; Ing Salin 190-518; Ben Philfppsen 2085171 Earl- Darbund 19l-510 488 zmo Won LO1 66.5 38.5 Boolc Muse ji.!J -Q!- . . 62 Armltage Insurance 53 Jennings Chevrolet Anthanys Carpet Clean. 44 32 Spring Plumbing 521 wi"- K. C. Bowiing 83 Lone Tree lei 25.5 Beverly Rsjna - ' 63 63 62 45 38 Moma & Leubro - - 70.5 63.5 Thu Oaks Dairy -i_-_ Gateway Chevrolet 71- NOes PIzzeria Walt's TV Trae1 Consultants : MG Suburban 87.5 78.5 76.5 Tofcar BankofNlles The - -- TItO caùlè1an t September 2nd. - e married - -- 44151 ' q,N MON.'$ 91LnBvlcs*çt19ò' - - 33U Milvauke-Ave. Nerthbrook, ll0 - - - '; - - - . .- . - - 724022.2 -_S.g;ii7 Wa 11u8b "Tb Co r;guiar metthg of the 1 - LL - . '. A Golf i ggges hwstsstthfo1àagprs_. Sodety. pert," a dejightfej, tad enterTaInin& tasty affair. Maay of 5 Grandmothers h4r April Shswe Masked Bali Is the name of tIte Cosii-ne dstce hai,, Aprii 2th by the Cathdfic Women's Club of6t. Jobo Brebeuf and Ito set the Village administra.. pafy, G,d, a timaren for tse Boys on our tBO" t'weber of tickets will be sold ponroalze this happy event is urged not ro delay as the rush is on fr reservail000. Aflpro- ------ . PlcturedL.tor._Mm.J.flJn- va, Dance Co-ChaimoaaMrs. W. Scudeji, Dstce Chuirma ;' U; - L% - Christopher Plummer and Julie Andremo star In "The Salted Of paIc,' ACodemy_Aword-ivIning attraction filmed in De Lune L - - Mrs. C. Drake,CWC PIssidEnt. Netre - . '0TSaiSt 'i d Thfr - LC Melodons Dame J-11gb School will prosoot their annual cuecen. MnSic for Modems. 'Fhe Melodoos o 20 piece stage band, have compiled unenviable record for themselves Over the past years. Besides conviatpntly wloming the Best of Show" award at the Chicagoland Stage Band Festival, they have been highly praised by many of the leading professional maulclans in the jazz field. They have been guests of the Collegiate Jazz Festival at the University of Notre Dame for the past H years. This year at the festival the hand was lau- sock as Gins's. She is carreotly featured in various clubs in the Chicago area. The Melodons under the dia tboch of Kenton and the modenn suando of ArcHe Shepp. rection of the Rev. George Ssperal arrangements hy pro- Wiskirciten, C$.C., will he as.. Sent and former members of sisted in the concert by simthe hand will be yenfonmed Cío! lighting effects provided by Featured soloists will include the technical stoff of the Jugglens, the school dramatic orJim McNe.1y on placo. Nick TaJarico on trombone. Jim Fesi ganizaniun under the direction GOLF MILL cv Starta Friday, April 21st fl!!flI3D fiE 64500 - Matinee Dolly EXCLUSIVE SHOWING fhfl.Ot1I%n5Iit%1tJSsä 8IWA . 'f CoiorbyDoLion Chlidrena Mat. Sat. & Sun. Good Timen a Cartoon Sat. Begins 2:00. Enda 3:40 Sun. Begins 1:30. Ends 3:10 'INDY' 500 TICKETS entai C rL; 'I sic duringihe summer session and his writing and revIewing fon flown Beat magazlne he travels Ostensively as a judge and clinician from coast to coast. ¡la the schøol aodftoniumatyf55 Dempoter St.- I,, Nues. Tickets eiIi be available at the door. «AIse» won the Special Jury Award o the Caanes Film Festival of 1966, "Allie" nominated for S Academy Awards, St. Mary of the Lake Semi.. nary (Hiles compas) annoantea its fourth annual concert. The Seminal-y concert choir, cornposed of seminarians from St. the Chicago Symphony in Handel's MESSIAH in 1964, In Poulenc's GLORIA and Naneggen's lUNG DAVID In 1965, and (Mundelein audIBles composts) and the finest maie and female REQUIEM by Giuseppe Verdi. In the May II, 1966 Issue si the Chicago Dully News, Donai J. Mary of the Labe Seminary Voices from various choirs In the hi ag mm nf accotePOIed by theChicagosymphory Orchestra, all under the tiren. tian of; Rev, Stauley Rsdcki, will present a progrom.of them Sat.. Sun., HoI!dayaat Waite, Motthoa - Winner ei Best Supporijog Antor Award, I :30 500. 8:30 THE FORTUNE COOKIE" Seals For Future Datea Now On Sala At Box Office ART tXHlBIy By ì p;kNi DAtiVAS Father Rudcht has Conducted the Semleanyconcert choir and on May 8th of last year, Henahan said of last year's coscert: The torfarmance of Vertli'a . REQUIEM at Orchestra Hall had huis the qualinf and the vigorto keep tle listener engaged from -start to finish. lt powerful This year's concert promises to he- even moro exhiloratleg than last year's. The program aoci Sank Lemmoo -. PLUS -. Nonrieatod For test Pitturo And 3 Other Awards IHE RUSSIANS ARE COMING HE RUSSJANSARE C9M!NG? - He' t ltan,taut.d F,, pig Week Awteds. aJEE 1111E .vlI he porformed by Froncois D'Alhert; the MIdwestern Premier uf Leonard Berstein's CHICHESTER PSALMS; and Carl Orff'n lively and stImolating CARMiNA BURANA. Pea- tuned In the Carmina win be solos by the accomplished suprono Miss .Carolpo SmithMeyer and the baritone Mr. Harvey HICk$. Tickets und further ftfogu,stiqn can he ob_s talned frojn tya Seminary at the above addresd. nome day te-y for office myself. I feel very proud, and after all the hard work it's nice to have it over," worker can helpinthecampalgn but he cannot vote is Nues if he is sot a resident, registered Victsrsus Ed Berhswsky, '1 voter,' ' feel wssderfol, We have a reat cespoosibility is carryso with the goals we liar/e set tor Nile, people during the past 4 years. lt is apparent thai the pespie sf NUes VIII nsi tolerate medio- io. I fosod myself smoking overybody's cigarettes, and cracy, segativesess, sr haiegriper,, thalhing is the results, "Quiet in the resorts, "Quiet ,,,," Slowly, too slowly it seemed, the board began to fill with the results, ch. lkieg Viceorisas Dick Harczak, ' 'l'or elated, I feel we were the best qualified individuals on Ike Over to the Caucus Party headquarters again. was a little quieter there as they sur.. veyed Iheir hoard hulding the results showing Erich Buck leading their votes. Mandy Hn.. sold said, "The voten given to the Caucus Party prove that the with some aspects nf Village administration. We will con.. graffiate the -Active Citisen people." Mr, Enick Back said, "A certain humor Is if you e::l smile. i du est feel o loser because I wish the sictocs real luck and Cad's gait.. Once to du the very best to serve the community," Mr, Mitchell 5555 Rnssie 13 and Dou 9-1/4 "SEe are so proad of Dad, You know we helped him io his campaign,' ' reiterated hts for- wer statement. Bach to Funker [fill, lt - was crowded, Cameras clicked and the phone still rang and rang to announce flic Park Board election -resaltn. It was Joch Leske Snd Mike Proveszana, - lt sas a wonderful day. i learund muck and so osw)sap.. puy to bed 5:30 A,M, the final count was in, Erich Back, before leaving for his teaching assignment- st Maine night school, told his disappointed workers abost retaining your humsr and lOSinf with dig- hers and husbands speet the evealeg at a Candlelight Scotch Bowling Party, The plage nf the event was School's Bowl, Saturday, Aprii 15th the mcm- celebration of the ACT Party at Banker Hill is eutetid their bent wishes. They wolked toll in fate of their overwhelming An iavltotlna te all residents Meanwhile, ih& emotions nf weeks of campaigning ended in an avalanche of'Ieors for Diane Hanson, ario of the ouajur Suar- 6309 W, city. His ruoniog mates later in the evening seni to the victory defeat. Dempster, of Nues lo extended to attend our next meeting which will he held at Prober Hill on Astil ¿Sil, at 7m45 P.M. Tite program for the eveaing will be o - Vhen co-campaign monager a500gnced _the final totals,. and "Cerersics" presented by Mro, R, Mueller. Hootesses for the evening will be Mrs. W, Mc- gave a rousing victory speech, Diane 'ai quietly off is side s. Enersey, Mrs. o; Meyer, and emotions st campaigning. - months According to Pire Chief - as soso vs possible. l'lire the litter in soit.. 2. able, and if Works Deportment, Al.. house or garage tree of twigs, 7745 Mliwoabec papers and other material wI,ich cas tempt tire selgitboriroud youngster, with roratcires. cracked by the Intense heat, to the inSide of thd stare, dow, YO 7.5545 , STATe FORS Otini bimddt ia,rat, inspq A few msmests of ysir time, advised Chief blonlirl coo ovoid o lifetime of tragedy. Chief Hoeibl, "tirai fire hazards are found ali ov,rr, both isolde and outside of sur lomes and bris.. messes,' lima lila,. iIo,rrargie, iiiota Nues School Beauty Culture Although the officiel vivas.. OP week Is still many weeis away, good housekeeping habits - One of the thugat, ainsI means si avoiding possible tra- echoola o beonly cuihure im the oreo. gedy: 1. FRANK PARKINSON 3, Keep the area around your moments spread thruagh assis.. shsuld be practiced all year long, he added, The fsllswlig soggestions wore listed as Inoaranta! Contant mo ladayl possible, fire.... proof cootaisnrs, until it cas be picked si, by tire ikrblic bert L, Hoelbi, the fire started at the rear of a Niles store in -a rubbish pile and wields "This prsves," said Jndaa at Cala, iba thu value el ear oar la Now Yaldiag Enrollments Fer Courcnja DAY a piteetio a.sssto Semove ali unnecessary litter, newspapers, asd trash from your homo sr business iOwnBU0H - J1EAIOI9ABII PAYSDIT FIAN ovw so Yasasnxpaueicg IN canute cutnmc -VOM-E. 4F01 - J Ljsl 3 &i S H O P AT 1 Milwaukee Ave. Ci Niea - " Uoa,a Moo.O 5aL9 oat.. 5,30 pa -- t,TltflwA Fd, 900 ewz9 lW.d.dotol - SERVIcE ttJatDoYsvaTiceuwtaa,j SAVINGS' AND SHIRT SERVICE Peter B. Kleebaug, 93l4 Marins Ave., Morton Grove, Good As New was pinced an tho third quarter Dean's Hnnsr Roll at St. Benediet's Cllege In Atchisnn with - St. Besedict'sC011ege, founded in lSS8 Is a four-year liberai orts institutinn far meo, Oper. ated by the monks of the Order of St, Benedict, This schnal year the eeçollment was 1,08stndents, : - - Only With - Professional 1- ry-Cleaning passible 4.05. He Is In hIs sophomore year. - nf Fin' Sf' ty Named To Dean's List as avenge nf 3.19 sat of a the tears rolling dswn her cheeks releasing the pest-up Mry, M, Larses, Tire shadowbon arrangement ssill be mode by Mro, W, Leidner, and ihr honticaltare specimes will be eontrlbated - by Mrs. D, Mari.. arity. civic drive, We want is seo oar Nues and its people prssper." losers walked toll, Long before able ufternoon was spent hy ail. bIst because of Integrity and Marcheocki .. 155. Eorkowsky154. Harcoak - 160. H000ld..54. Mitchell - 52, Buck . 66, Again and again aod again..,, The Actino Ticket was swept iuta office, - people have bees dmsenaraged G MINOR by Mus Bruch whlch-. _h 2nd BIg Weak the best sissy ability and always One Vster wan challnnged and Somebody drank myeoffee The mas at the blackboard was F, Dedekind; Tresarer, Mro. raherg; Civic Beaaelflc,. tino, Mrs. R. Faograt; MettiO, A FIre Department belief that good housekeeping habits and fire safety ere directly CO50ected was graphically ill.. ustrated in a recent Niles fire. Sog Marchescisi, with their interost at heart." evicted, You see, an outside St. Mary Seminary To Present Càrmina - urana son: - Second Vice President Mrs. H, Kloss Recording Sec,. retare. bino P ,'..,, respondIng Secretary, Mro. Is body likes yon, lt's wooderfol, I'm humas so I know l'Il make mistakes, but I'll icy and da Ike very best I can." "I am very appreciative of the .çsnfldence ndpresed by ihn enters, I will do everything in my power to represent thorn to When all the votes svere lo some God Hilsusekeeping Victorious Mike Proveseaso, Son Toni, "lt'sssoderful,lmay Tiog..a.11ng..."Qoiee please." The results had started to come Vice President, Mrs. lt. Lar.. hsernk.. "Na ose gavtnner himself than Steve did, I feel that Mr, Lenke will be the president of the Park Board." Victorious of the winners wept while the friends met to tour Avori Corparution In Morton Grove, A mast informative and pleasure.. ( "lt feels so good, to know some- tloljfgn Including Best Picture and Best Actor begins Its second week at the Lawnencewood Theatre su Friday, April 21st. incledes -VIOLIN CONCERTOIN eps1vr atI4orIeñ Ibid Over Weekdays at 2:00 & 8:Ol , needed. Wood Theatre. Filled with spicy humor as well as peignant moments, selected ta serve the Club: President, Mrs. A, Gets: First 505515e of an ero .. Steve Cho.. tanding at the ready close to us if they need conveyance, and wo- will babysit If thatis ib!ssioa-anti after-the concertj.. concert pieces in Orchestra Hall on Friday. May 12, 1967, Music forModernswfflbeimd at f:lSp,m, AND-- 'G0d 7v Father Wiskirchen, heodf the music deparnment is highly recognized in the field of edocatlanal jazz. Besides teaching at the Eastman Schn5l of Mu.. An added feature to this years concert will be an exhibition of painting and scuipture. The art show ògens st-7;30pjn andwffl be avallable-doclng the Inter. TggHwwSø ffj! eotleman complete with chalk a Sunbeam Mix-Master on jite drawing, On ehe afternoon of April 12th, twenty-five memherb and Gardes Club members participaied recently is the Bube ' Sale faf the Niles Bloc Baby. \ Victorious Jack Lenkesmilug Seaming with pride are Mrs. quIetly said that he was glad tn- Ç. Bobsla who woo a trophy be back, 'A lot of work has or her beaotltoily decorated to be done in the nest fewyears /cake; Mrs. W, Leidser who sos sa that the Park Disto-itt Cas) a trophy for her coffee cake; gain the stature it deserves." and Mrs. A, Zuiiowski sirs also Park Commissioeer Gerald Sullivan nnted that it was the problems, precincts. - elected and Board members - received a iraphy for her apple pie, Mrs. A, Leidner aba won - fIlled with various activities far the members of fha Garden Club of Nibs, ThiS yearthefellowing afficers have bees maSe all nur problems thpir to me. 'We tnll them- to cati , Inept Only Sumetimes_Mlchaul Caine and Shelley Winters miss the couch is one of the mure rehuid scenes in the earthy drama, "Aille," a Paramount Pleutre is Technicolor now at the Lawrence.. the presegtlsg the people. They ifoch in Busher Hill. lt was 1:50 P.M. os the nose os werntered the room, Everything ras rçady, tally sheets, Bad lantns -with the adding ma:hlsn, Diane and Ben Man.. uowsky with their hands ho.. vering near the phones, and a it wasVed- ehldinih of the Rev. Thomas Markus, C$.C. '. Ethel Marcyan, ut Down Street, fresh from her trip in Europe, "I'm sa happy. These three mea, have nade themSelçuçü it : , irUfy re.. t'copie were coming in ta the asking fnr di.. actions to voting areas and the orkers escorted them. the hago blackboard, which bore - the sumes of the candidates and ait the nsmbers of the precincts. - berakip, Mrs. B, Warych, Pals. licity, Mro, -R. l(azaeecki: Baoks, Cnapoos, Courtesy, Mro. V, Volpe; Golf Mili Represestative; Mro, H. Klsso; and Niles Days Representative Mro, ii, Larson, - - yesterday and toay asking peo.. pie to go slit and vate," coast TV shuns and in clubs on trumpet. I knew they'd wie." crowd the room. "I and m' telephone girls spent all day Renown, appeared snmanywest on alto sax and Vic LoVerde saved a telegrasi, - "I sent it at 12 n'clnch nano, "because VedS handed me a cup nf csf.. tee as peuple began : to with the Les Brown Band of In many different styles rauglog from the swIng of Count Basic, Mr, BnbMackof7S59W,Breen my first election, the cutEnment was getting me and calist Laurie Johnson. Miss Jolmssu sang fon three years ghlightedoo the concertpre_ - I grabbed Veda Kauffman en.. to her that thin was This year the special guest gram all he music forhlgband interested is Village gavera.. .---. .' plaining artist with the batid will he v- dod by pianist Berble Hancock, trumpeter Dooaid Bird and composers William Russo and Lab Schifnis. people in the village who are - Present Concert Ou Friday, April 21 at 8:l5 P.M. the Melodons of Notre gardIens of their prefereece, just sa we know that we have eadqUartern by ceeds will be usedtofloancetjie acquisition of 05m etmimeano tar the scHal. =- From all Indications, the comIng year ltnkn to be ase people, 30 caree out to Voie)" he said. "They gripo, bat dsn't vote, Please make mestino inthe paper that we feel they should come out and vote re.. on hod better evaluate their :ti555." i asked, "Can I quote He nndded smiling. su?" nesday, when they areplckedup through the coartesy of Mayor Blaue. and delivered to the ISA oenters czyk-, Captain -precinct 21 Col.. den Acres, rsiding at 9917 Warren. Esad, "Oat of 2,81 used to the degree that they centers, which you may bring to the Recreation Center anytime- before 130 .Mon Wed- to accommodate dmicing space In the gym Anyone intending to can be obtained through 22nd. Anyone having a nlative or friend in tite Armed services. Ga An evening offun std laught is assinwd all who attend. 'FICkets are 5.00 L,ei couple __s. We have the community a- Mrs. Wm. Scuderj and Mrs..irv Blava wh ore wóHagtogevir Church. It is being held in the school gym at 8301 N. Harlem In NUes. Stan Meeter and Ha orchestra wuli provide the music and prizes will be awar ded ftr the best costumes lo several caregorles however, -resuenes are optional. attended the AnmmiSpringways nd MOans lusebeon at theCon- rad Hilos Someday, April rebef Ag St JoLn talked sieh Mr, Mirion kraw.. font boenworkisg around the ',ch, alti everyose his been so ndorfal One of our workers e Borowuhi, Howard Street, s madp telpinne calls for us Im his hed,"saldMoody. Sudsly Ed Mitchell volunteered, 'ou know, we've wan the dec.. The progr will be e demonsUaIlott by 'KltcIoen Ka- .n n_ .k4lpirIlu iunDW se . Here were çandidutes rid, EdmundMltchell, Erich k, Don and Val Huebner and Blestek, campaign ma- er. Thevstingtornsatis mer' to light they agreed,Manwas worried sver her cand Karl who had been rs ill the preslsut evening. / sure baedagrs for the Caster . el was to - IIa,z, k Lea rnce Cwa nCl Continued frano page 1 The distaff candidate. Mandi' Of,fteer For Copgj' 1"e'° we Hoinld, beaded her ticket at 2 - the Caucus Party r p,; - The Bugle, Thursday, April 20, 1967 - quarter at 1145 MIlwaukee . . Aveeee oe Wednesfay Aprii 26th, at uii3U AJl. Tbe first . Continued frani page 1 . NAjes Grmdnothers Club efl1 be t,eld et tt NUes Pm-k BecreaUon Cenrer 7835Mi1&fle - - I April26 tiv - - Gndmothe@ , i PickUpTTAci Delivery 8014 North Waukegan Rd. Nues, Ill. YO- 7a81-33 -- r , :- - - Trur - -'=::-- i! Y, -- 1:e BogeugtdqFrii'4J; ,7 l'!í:. Help Wonted-Female osn Help Woste-.pom - - - 1iEDA1z:LJuD .. 7906 IAT C[' ...b1IOMPSOW i9p , - - GROW/MG' LA5A, 'iES-M !In MfALIU AMP NurglT,óuJ. IM 906 TEtE AVfRAGi 5TUPOEIT , AT 1ARVAW WAS 5ffET7) A ZECENI - E-rupy uowp - - OF D4CEal FoOl 6Z.9 Ñ1 fi 96M Ir t4ApÖArCltO 70.1 YFACI! 'LL ' ' - - - S1sP ,i LIST HOW FOB F$IS _r, _ ' ... ::. ,,O" i _\ ' 4F WFLL Al PFOTFC1',ofJ AGANET VF5T CAFFIEP 11111111 191 ALoNE A GRF2ITFP Will fAVNG F o_ . .=-. -=-- -..-_:_'i ;--.-- 650 Graceland --_:-- INI ATYFE WOFLY WAF Il!- ts PLAINES AUTOMOfl!L.1 AUOMO9l1 1G - l6otorcyclea 67 Inpa1a 2 Dr. Hdtp. P/s. plb, w/w, auto. 1960 Chevrolet 4 dr. sed. HONDA f'.9j Black. 66. Many extras $2795. Call 6 cyt. One Owner. Very 700 mt. Must see. $300. 299-779 from S to 5 p.m. good cond. Asking $250. 824.7530 after 7 p.m. Call 1G 4/17 weekdays. j 4/17 824.7148 394.6592 lA 4/17 ., 1955 Hudson. GOod Cond. 66 Yamaha 100-3 mos. Call 827-7418 between 12 '59 Olds Super 88 4 dr. old. Lo miles. Exc. rond. noon and 7:00 p.m. hardtop. Vi int Very $375. or best offer.- Call, i 4/17 Clean. 61,000 miles. Call 824.2457 after 6 1965 Chev. convert V. 296.2782. P.S.. PB. Clean. $1,6Q0.00 53O--Northwestsg--- : - tattoo - Swimming Sporte - Craft,s Nature - Dramatics Canoeing - Indoor Hot Lunches..prpor. Pacilitles for Overnightera 17th year_ - EASE pENT WALLS LEAICING? CO. DEM PL.sng9, ILL. $1 PER PT. 296.5804 _ 29.4604 BLACETOP 25 SQ. FZ Fast Action Classified Wanted to Rent-3.E Nelson-Pratt BUILDING MAT35sTi. 2 or 3 bdrm, 239 baths. Air.conrl, home or townhouse, 2 Car gar. Cony. to O'Hare airport. Fam. CALL ANT15u 775-7333- of 3 adults. Call 234.3435 We deliver 7 days a week SC 4/17 - - ID 3.2362 immediately. can 543. 5230., 3R4/20 FAST ACTION CLASSIFIED - - Journal-News Publications - Downtown Des Plaines 'DENTAL ASSISTANT Young lady or lodependOffice Personnel Mgr. cnt housewife to boIrais-' For small progressive office In Des Plaines. This is an excellent op. -/ XOELLENT OPPORI'UNITLES FOR PROMOTION Kingsbury 966-4410. '- COMMUCAT1ON ANGELO'S SYSTE Nôs Lehigh Morto Grove 7136 I ;' l'Li EqualcttM4 ' - ' NiIe 678660O or 625.7170 9525_W. hying Park.Rd,,._ .flj tu tE1IE1 , CiIt,Jtb3Yzti .'FjfF - HOSTESS For amIly type . restaurant - EvenIngs-part time ElOGIOS WHILES rl - tstf - . 698.3346 '/ - 453.4819 - 584.5/jg Help Wanted Male-290 FAST ACTIÓN CLASSIFIED - SUBURBAN KEYPUNCH .' SERVICE,2930 N. River Road River Grove - Ave., filles, Ill. 967-5252. . 1'1LCT. (ti 9664520 'IYPIST - - Openings on all three For Law Office, Elect-S rosis Transcriber. Law esperience not -nécessa-, 57. BUn to door. Cood salary, 9-5. Mijwaoken' Phono: SIRS. ESTR LB! - '- - key staff posifloiis FULL OR PART TIME Oakton & Waskegan'Rd shifts. Minimum 6 hrn. (Lawrencewood Shopping Paid Vacation. Company Center) Insurance. Top rates., A progressive company with women In Stop In'- or Call Mr. evenings. Full sr part ' - O A.M. to 4:30 P.M. o TYPIST - Manufacturing OWice e TYPIST - Order Departmenè o CLERICAL - Acounting Depsrtment o CLERICAL -. Inventry Control EXPERIENCED GOLDEN NUGGET PANCAKE HOUSE WILTON CORPORATION - - a week. Vicinity of Har, 1cm h Oakton. 967-5748 284.4/27 Woman for Morton Grove toy Representativa. 3 days e weak. Mast type. HOUSEWgVs ' 965-4685. A rare opportunity to work as a wottreso after FAST ACTION the kiddies are io school CLASSIFIED and be bock home before ochool lets oat. floors KEYPUNCH Il A.M. to 2 P.t4. Also bit-time waitress Il .1.11. OPERATORS . Excellent clean work is air conWages & company bene. diftoned plant. fits. Expertetced--.-or will CALL MISS WALEER - COMPANIES, INC. 1925W. North Ave. Melrone Park, III. - ed for permanent position os dental assistent. Hosco 3:30-8:30 P.M. four days to 7 P.M. Eocellent sa- AT Ing conditions, forllgbt, 024-0144 \ 28À 4/17 299-5511 POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE Small friendly Company Portunity for an accu. offers cosgesial workrate typist with pleasant Phono voice. JEWEL lacy and tipo. WIRERS SOLDERERS ASSEMBLERS TYPXST RAR Y. FI 5.05Q0.EXT 594 MRS. J. ELBERT - 188. DElIRE , 28A.4/20 Call or drop in . - TELEPRO11E -284.4/13 Licensed A Insured Bnsen, O FLEXIBLE HOURS o INTERESTING WORK Schiller Parrk Business Mess 1snch or CONSTRUON IYO. o EXCELLENT EAÙINGS - - N0RTHIAKE: ILL We are open SatUrday An Eqoal Opportunity 'Employer 'till noon. sollaltty to sérve Des Plaines area Real Estate - 400 N. WOLF RD. INSURANCE LOCAL CUSTOSIERS We have an immediate opening for woman with some sales and service experience, pleasant per. 9700 W. Irving Park Rd. . AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC COMPANY Excellent company 'benefits include: O'BLUE CROSS. BLUE SHIELD o MAJOR MF.DtCAL o DISABILITY PAY O GROUP LIFE OP "BUILT-1N' HILL-EEHAN LUMBER 'CO. W4ITRESS - CSLL HOWl -perience. Axllngton Heights -p.m. Apply to M. Stewart REPEnT RSEWENTIAL -, 437.4949 Sales - Service aptitude necessary. Age Open. Paid' holidays and Vacation. Eospitalizatioñ and Life lnsurance-_ plus oilier fringe benefit 5 Day Week. Hours, RE36ODELING cOMMERCfAL INDUSTRIAL zRE 4,;. . Responsible girl to opecata Marchant Calculator In Our congenial, ali-ronditloned Office, Figure 8 ajo. to 4:30 a - Part - Tune EXPERIENCED , OR,, 28TEXPRRXENCBD o VAL CLATI METHOD - Phone isow for lnihrnsa. - GARAGE tion ood enrollment 2 car. In Des Plaines or Bob ,IlbtJ9.9395 Elk,Groye Village. Need. D*Me Remodeling Satisfaction Fully Guaranteed Usi 026.3535 are many inclodlog 28A.4/27 Our rxecUtive office. 5 lowing Personnel- office day, 37% hour week. ' Starting salary based on in person. qualifications and es. - and used car offices. Most customers established. l3-Bullrflog Repair & - 284 4/3 O PROFIT SHARING 1OA.7/6 INSTALLRO Cemeaft Work Rt. 83 and 62 299.57 $777.17 Des Pl. F ' Park Ridge loe, Beautiful For Boys & Girls, 5.13 building. Referenres. For tiocated In Des Plaines) full paticulars cajO Program. Coed. ¡une 26th thru. Aug. 18th. Por Information call: Dee Beniatis (director) at ' 4ßß.O2ß 22 4/24 tilT 5F-) 824.7148 Call 394.1030 - WATERFALL RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE PERMANENT POSITIONS . had some - clerical ex perirsce. Stir benefits 1955 W. North Avr. fino insurance pian sort FIGURE CLERKS a 'l'ultios Refond Ptao. EXCELLENT TIPS AND WORKING CONDITIONS Immediate Opesings is Please apply to thr loi. CALCULATOR OPERATORS Tuckjnting Day Canp Private Grounds & Pool t 780 Lee St, MR CONDITIONII6G o SILICONE METHOD 480 Eq, PL e Aparthsosth-.3.A Patios, Drivoways Side. NO DIGGING o NOT HMtMPIJL Spacious 2 bedrm. apt. walks, etc. TO SHRUBBERY Air conditioned, radiant o AL_L Woluc GUAR. heat, utilities furnished except elect. In Caiy, Residential anr) 15e Sq. Pt. $145/mo. call 639.5733 Commercial after 6. 3A 3/20 Residential . Commercial FREE Esth,jat REPAIZING OF -' 2 Bdrms., 2 full 'baths. trl.livel. Built.ln ref.. POUISIDATION WATERPROOPING dishwasher, olee. -stove. CRACKS Pioneep Trails .AROtJND THE WORW. International Program io athletic, arts and crotta. NEW Complete Music . CRMSRIDGE REALTY WC. per mo. P. and I. 455.4495 2F 5/11 Day Cup Display FAST ACTION CLASSIFIED Of,Uu,1) 66-39D t:tloi FT'i..9 3' -.YEC'C1 CENTRAL 'COMPANIES, INC. 29A 3/20 HOSTESS WAITRESSES 284.4/17 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING vidoal who has good typist skills anti 6-m Melrose Park, Ill. ,,,,,, Reo'Plolng 82'l.55e3 Aim & city p. Just $19,900. 284 3/27 . CE8ZENT RESID. & COMMERCIAL loca. lion to schools, shopping AIR CONDITIONING....S ing. For as low as $75 - EIfCLUSIVE CAMPSr IN DES PLAIN OLYMPIC. SIZE SWIMMING POOL Convenient 5.3/35 Northwest Suburban 3 bdrm. ranches and bi. Cement & DIaria Top-lOA levels. U.S. Govt. Pinanc. 5 ROOLI RANØ 1965 Baracuda Automa. 678.2369 after 5 p.m. tic transmission. White. 1.4/20 Pntd fam cm., att. gar.. $1,350.00E Call beau. fenced yard. SOx tCos-I.E 394.4630 155 ft. los Clean gas ht. 1.4/20 1961 G. M. C. cab over Good cluse In location. $2Z900 1965 Mustang hardtop. 4 sleeper V6 dtesel w. tag Just speed trans Black. Call axel. Good ontL $3,000. CAI6BIUDGE BEALTy 394.9651 Call 438-7712. 730 Lee St Dea Pl, 14/20 396-fl 2p 5/8 DQ7 Uflzp - 30 5 PER WEEI-lNCL. LUNcE & TflA1OSP. Good 6-A 10/17 Houses Por S10-2.P 1.4/20 EXCI. condi $800. AQUA LANE' DAY CAMP room. Gar., low taxes. p.m., Sun., 3 to 6 p.m. p.m. 1G.4/17. 1 4/17 Or best offer. Call 439. 1964 Corvair M i, n z a stick. W/W., radio/htt .4885 after 6:00 p.m. 10 yrs. old. Enclosed mud 9 'p.m., Sat. Sat, 2 to 9 Elk Grove Village, here MRS. j. ELBERT in at, Opportunity. W Office Personnel Mgr. ore in need- of an iddi. FI 5.0000.Ef7' 594 - FRANLIN PARK RHPLOY28UIft SERVICE - 3 BEDROOM RANCH framed. Wholesale or r0 ...'.-BCHTOP A tail. 439.8422 eves. 7 to experienced Tab Opera. tora is our. Data Proces. JEWEL - PERSONALIZED A-V1NG CÔ. POREALH Cetif{e . grignai oil patntings framed or un. -- 3500 N. WOLF ED. ses Plaines THE.WOr KSH0P DES PLAiN roo MILLIOM LLMCFE3F PUfIJI - Immediate opslngs for APPLY IN PERSON Cujsfied lisplay Clerk/Typist EXPERIENCED PRECISION STEEL -WAREHOUSE, INC. w ABOUT YOU? Des Plomes - Housewives TAB OPERATORS 827.8833 EXT. P23 CALI MISS RUNDY FOR APPT. 455.3800 WE'RE MsVING UP 24.BOLJR PHONES 299.4739 6.A - Art - - 034.6173 - , 2F 4/17 I Des Plaines '284.4/10 An Equal Oportuntty Employer Waterproofing Co. Des Plaines. Ill. RESULTS 8l:.5I9l Houses Por Snle-.2.F MILLIOM LIVES.AÑP FCEVEfTTIMG, 946 North Ave. AQUA°' GLADSTiNE r EALTY DIRCrLY10 'ruCAr FFLvJfEG PfOuiPE rJurglno5jg FOWA AT fEAFONAFLE FF111, , - ELECTRO-SEAL CORP. . Years -of experience 'Ahk about Guaranteed Salm &Trade.In Plan . ' - - Sharing. . Guaranteed in writing, . No. horst to shrubbery . Free estimaim -THI7OIOHOG OF SELLTHG 10039 5UY1WG.. 5r/c/P5 COMtQ'/ßuT( - IBIS - PART TIME' ?ULL TIME THE AUSTIN COMPANY sIng Center. Some col. Des Plaines' office 2001 Rand Road Des Plaines, Ill. lege preferfed, but not necessary. 5 day. 37% And Elk Grove' Village 284.3/23 hour week. Hospitalizo-. tien, profit sharing and Oo',ou enjoy working In excellent working conCLERK TYPIST ditioss. a small, cozy,. modern, 7/red young Woman umler 30 wIth good tyning App'y 10 - " to 3 p.m. nnw office buiLt'i,tg? tf ,!rtt, Er-1pertzflç.J , - .d. FUji or part IJwflU&.7J. tnru time days. Good benefits -and salary. 9 am. to 12 noon SaIs. or sear Des Plaines or Experience not necessary. Plaesant working conditions In modern afrcondltloned elec. trontro plant. Free hospital Insurance, Profit LEAKY EASEMENTS ment, fully carpetedJ oven-range, vanity bath. Benefit from our excellent floor plan. choose' your brick, painting, colors of appliances, carpeting. Here you truly design your own home .24,900 tIII- , - Ail face brick 3 bedroom ranch. Full bose. :--. SUPPu5 ANO 61,1Ff MEFICAL CACE. i 900,10F AVECAAE LlP EXFfCÍMiCy WAM 'f73 YCACA; py 940 iT WAM urlo LIFE !NSU kNCE CO. 1784 O1ktOn St. Help Wanted -Female 284 STENOGRAPHER PHONE IslE. FILMA - A$EML 34EW Rosies - -':1 /5 eONGEVI7Y -AMaiwse 414U j-jJ ESERVE-' -- "'11fl1V)E - - - INTEIÑIE%V- HOURS: 10 AJsL to- 12 NOON -,-. Help WantedFemale-28.A For Engineering Department. Capable of taking dictation, typing construction specificatons, and business letteru. Excellent working conditions In modern suburban office. For appoIntment:- ÇL1. MR. VAN ELLA 8204166 HOuseÑr5Je_y E.EEI5ÑOW r- 11© - -- j. PERMANENT PART TIME 'WORK Work for National Thsurance Company. All'hitts open. mornings, afternoons and. evenings. Choose your own hours. Pleasant Work. ing conditions in our local branch offled. o DUE 10 MflEg fl -COL ? - ' PLATER -.Nickel and Cadmium Experienced on small parts. Good wages - and benefits. Day shift only. AUTOPOINT CO , 1801 W. Foster Ave. . H. Nelgon LO 1.3200 °RtMl Opportisnity Employer 283.4/20 u I8 Th Bugle. Ttiursd . , ;pII 1967 20.1967 29 r.. 56: Help Wanted- . . ., Malo.,28D Sssp Wantcd,.-mScf' d Feuoóio-25.0 Rely WantodTemedn..48.0 Malo LEADU$G IN ESZPLOYEÍ BENEFITS IFYOLJ LIVE IN THE SUBURBS - WHY NOT WORK IN THE SUBURBS. 25 YEARS WITHOUT A LAYOFF G Autoinatli 1p(p;5(.$ toi' ,i ii eioi,lo....;. . e I'rntitotiouu lo k,% jos)t ion o..,.I.. l'coi., riiltin tI., plant. t l'riat.. i..ij.I., .....itiikirig loi ei . AWAITS . 7 A.M to 3:aU P.M. . Spray Painters . . . , . Engine Lathe Operators $2.33 to $2,56 . . $2.67 to $29? Milling Machine Operators . $2.33 to $2.56 SltaUeflS -Wanted-ISO $2.35 to $2.62 . . . Milling . . Machine Operators home. Call . Landts Threader Operator . . . Turret Lathe Operators . $2.35 to $2.62 . . WORK FOR A COMPANY TIIiVF CAllES . . Pleasant Surroundings in Essential Indostry. ECRILLEI1 PARK . SERCEMAN . FULL or PART TIME - DAYS or NIGTS Esjwrienced RefrtgeraWOE are now interviewtng neat, atert young men ttos & Appt)aseeservtce_ man. for the positton of BUS BOYS. We offer permanent lull ttme employment wtth 631-7346 carottent employee beùettts tneludiog paid va. cations, tree insui'an program. YOUNG MAN per hour - ParL Time $1.75 per hour - FtI1 Time Must br able rs do smeti APPLY IN PEUSON CøII 774-6744 . . 300 N. Northwest Hwy. Routes 53 and 14 Palatine, fil. 285 4/17 Dishwasher weekends. work with hands. ROlp Wantedf'tale-2O.B after school Stas's . DRAFTSMAN od 7141, Dempscer For Major Medical X.Ray Equip. Mfgr. 2.5 years expertenee in iay.out detail for elec. PAST ACTION o Hospital and Surgical Benefits e Steady Employment . C Wjil l'tain MUST DE OVER 21. APPLY IN PERSON Oc CaB ØZt.2lll UNITED MOTOR COACH CO. Sol, E. fIORTEWEST HWY. . . ' FAST DES PLAINES , .: art ambitious young man with technical back. ground to work in the test lab of a rsptdly ex. pandlng electronic firm. If you are caught In a dead.end ob nod are interested In this ground floor opportunityApply in person TRIWEC TRANSFORMER CO. 3261 N. Milwaukee Or Call Bili Ryan-.282.8700 . All inquirIes are confidential $4m WAREHOUSE WORK FULL TIME tary equtvatent will earn top Wage with plenty of over.time. 516 E. Tonhy . Dse Plaines, fil. . . . . 296.4489 . . , A.M.&P.M.ROUTES. hours Approx; 6:30.8:30 A.M. 2:30.4:3Qp. Paid Training, Free BabySitting Service. HospitalIzation, Major Mediàal, Life Insurance . ste available for you. .. -Pboao-e-e5ß3 . ing mother in my home Weekdays. Call $27.563$ 28D-4/20 BATHROOM WALLS REpaired, retiled, caulked lIA 4/17 .,,, 000K COU5TY CEOOLrmJSIINC. ,.. '3040 . BUSSE Evanston, Mr. Elmer Polcyn, 8856 Overhlll. Hiles, Vice-president . . and Program Chairman of the Socloty sayo the demonstration lo being held as a Cnmmonity ServIce to alt Istereoted persons, und that memhern of the Society wIll be on hand, os well no Mr. Everett luman who malnealno the garden. to help and demonstrate to anyone und everyone. Plctored left tu right: Mro. Eve Shakos of Skokie paints a cane, while Mrs. Polcyn of Nileo prunes a roue A r] T- Nile Cll N IApril 22 - vol. Cost $210. Sac. $35. Webster Unahr.Dictiona- Furnishings. OfIic8-35. Adder $20; 'l',pewriters $29; Files $16; Office $15.01. Forniture must desks $25; Chais-s $4; & sell - 251-7385. Rentals. 9518 Franktin Ave., Franklin Park, III. PALATINE Call 455.5052 Romo FurnIshlnqtj.4B RESALE SHOP Bring in your used cloth- SELLING OUT ing and we wIll cell lt Display Furniture for you. We pay cash for in bIstro. 51 rooms. Wilt separate, Sensational cut glass, hand paipted discounts, We deliver. china. antiques. 104 5. N. W. Hwy. Daily 10 to 255.0670 4, FrL iO to 9 P.M. , 38 5/8 PL 8.5251 46M TF UPTO.70% OFF 62 i-ms, of model home If carpets ionk dull and furniture Tremendous drear. remove the spots savings, Tpn-an & del. as thdy appear with Blue arranged, Lustre. Rent an electric - - 48 4/3 Musinal lnutruction-48A Experienced graduate piano teacher will teach Selling out up to 70% 0ff, Will separate. Tenns 46-4/20 FORSALEffi4 DELtJXgMo ROSSES 1 Sensouonal DIscount hTts see. Either Cash or Yerno. We deliver. 296-Tn-i punyt. 1966 like new, $50.00. LEe.- chent freez. er. wJnew unit. Call VA 7-1770, NOW s 'ras imu TO RUTiClearIng, out furniture from model homes. Cornplete rm. ortndiv. pieces. Free del. Cash or terms. 537.6779 - 38 TIF $80.00. 464/20 Will do ironing lo my FAST ACTION CLASSIFIED . discounts T24.353 .-- . 96A- 'ltI J.B.E, ship guaranteed Call 825.3847 or 296.2702. W 12:00 P.M. - RecreatIon Ceo- s Employers Overload Ternporory Office ServIto wIll have a grand opening of Ito new quarters at 344 Lawrencewood T ceptionlotn, Working uchedales and job lu-- calloso tre adjusted to fit Ihr indivIdual worker's requiremesto, andtranupnrtatIdlo56d from jobo wIll be provided If Waakegan Road, Niles, IllInois. R - Monday, May Ist. throùgh Saturday. May 6th. 8ì30 a.m. to 6:80 p.m. Women luternoted to temporary office work onceno ory. ssd learning ohout Rrnployern A npecial bonuowill beoffered to women reglotertng for job Over)oad are Invited for re- asotgsmento wIth Employers Overload making them elIgIble gowtn o mInk niele or colored television sec le drawings held avery three months. By regloteriog darIng the week of OrSod freshments and gli ta. E Miso Debbie Meyers. traIned temporpry oervtce counsellor, s who bendo the operatIon, will be an hand for private consultations. the women will be given five estro drawing couOpening, - 000 free. According to.Mioo Meyer, whn 'V' has esteaoivehachgruuodluthlo field, Employers Overload has been denigned to serve specific job reqairements. Thin entails actual training by Employers Overload prior to os-locution activity and assures that workers ore completely quali- fled for their dotino, Whether ou long or short term 005tgnments. . tome of the n'ervlcea offered Include Tocretar,Ies, , .. scrIbIng Operotors. TyfntI.0 Bookkeepers. Keypancitero. OffIce Mochine Operalorn Re- Swltehhoord Ope craters and allGeneral Clerks. Shopping Center. Oahtos and starting. 1. pbi - - REDECORATING Poper-hanging;paneflng. ' paintangr -eteiWorkrna64 AprIl 26 Ntteo Grandmother's Club - Eiphym Ovrhd Im Fast Action ClassIfied AprIl 26 Garden Club of Niles - SafO P.M.- Banker Hill - Nlles Park Recreation Cnnter, 787 MIlwaukee Avenue home. 647-5960. The Buwk 1II!'O urro;e pieceo, & teXtUren. Trelúeídtius Bergigen OfferedCenoset-90 hero. 7200 Waukegan Road April 24 Nitra Topo Meetlag - 7:50 P.M. $40 per month er special ing. Very professional. Best ref. Free estimate. 46-4/20 Call Floyd, R. Mases. 778-24lt or 664-9578. h.p. deep well Jet . Villoge Board Meeting - 8:50 P.M. - Nileo Council Cham- Milwaukee AvenueS Chtcogu 7:50 P.M. offer. Good with children. condition. Call 0ISPLAY FUB5fl'rmjn GL1 Munt sell $85.00 or best & delteery Call 773-0252 Frigidaire refrigerator For the finest in decoafter 12 p.m. with freezer top, Exc. rating and rag nhampoo- ó9600aktois Friendo of the Library Ist Dinncr DanceS Hecho Hall. 0135 and white, large pony. Decoroling brory - 8:011 P.M. - Library, April 22. 5 7T.- old gelding. Black HORSES BOARDED - Friendo of Nues Poblic LI- April 25 F Call 299-5511 8:00 am. to 3 pm. daily. 41)f lEveizits Api-Il 25 - 8255 Oketo Avenue Golf Still area. Call Pots For Salo-Si d,IRO - 8:00 P.M. ta 11:00 F.M. in your home or mine. 827-4995 ' Il "Merrymahers" Square Dosen Member of First Credit Card Program bedroom fornIture. Ça1l Baby bathtnette. car bed Cal after 6 p.m. week after 5 P.M. YO 7-5523. swing walker and play days, 112-815-338-3687 pen. All exc, cond. Call 'IIODEL MOIRE FIlEN. 437-0180 525-Pedaling & Carpet reminant8' äd ; . The Chicago Regional Rane Society DIstrIct Number One will hold a Pruning DemoxstratIoo which wIll be opon to the publIc, ,on AprIl 23 at .30 P.M. lot Merrich Park. Lake and Oak Ste.. Beautiful new spinet and eonsole planos lo noon. in all styles and ST. JOHNS finishes. EPISCOPAL CHURCH from $51200 200 Main St. New Gulbransen organs Mt. Prospect from a low $99E00 464/20 Fine used organs Lge. solid oak din. table with 6 ehm, Beat. carved. from $200 . up. niay $50 or best offer, Ail Guaranteed 399.3555 aft. 3:30 p.m. 454/20 BlABlA SCHAEFER MUSIC STORE kncVrt'ni)3láS l96s 20 . Year Round Work ltDenfred. Desr Pr or organ Cau 766.7089 shanupnner $1, at Golf From 12 noon . 8:30 p.m. Hardware. 433 Golf Rd., yearly rates. 30 acreo of fenced In posture, Bull Oes Plainew. Valley. Wnodstock, Ill. Modorn 3 pIece ment. Some knowledge ORDER FILLERB & PACKERE . Exçeptioíml Opportunity o_. wirtng symbols and for young man wtth diagrams desirable. Good tarttng salary. Many fringe benefits. leading rnanttfscturpr of medical Xray equip. lnterviews wttt be held J. & R. MOTOR SUPPLY m e n t. Initial assign. on Mon. ihm Fri. 8 am. 363 N. Third Ave. 824.6289 Des Plaines ment witt involve in. to 7:30 pos. and on. Sat. spection, testing, and irouhle shoottng. Job froto 9 am. to 12 Noon. can lead into an engin. DRIVERS eering position. High PROFEXEA INC. MALE Sr FEMâL sch0bl graduate with . ISle. of Lttton md. technical school nr miIi. . . Recent promotions have credted' an opening for TECRNICIM1 395.4489 will be held 2563/9 Interviews 28B.4/20 On Mon, thru FrL S am. to 7:30 p.m. and on Sat. front 9 am. to 12 Noon. SENIOR CITIZEN Classified Display PROFEXEAT, INC. To operate food elevator Part time .eveningn Div. of Litton tod. ACTION CLASSIFIED 515 5. Toihy R!G*El'S REST. . : 966-3910 tIse Ptaines, tIl. . 698.3346. . ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN tromechsntcat equip. ELECTRONIC . (Pension Plan etc.) . Paid Vacations Dsys no Stan's - 7146 Dempster weekends. with a new piano 1q15 ELLINWOOD ry - Cost $42.50 - Sell VA 4.4131 Des Plaines An .F:,1uai t t 't'or tosti) Empi Shop fall or par. time. time Reliable mother of 2 will care for children of work. . CO. no 0g - - BUS DRIVERS . Good starting rate t3 raises during ftrst year) . Excellent Emptoyee Benefits . - Play-A.Long - . S regrou)dCL 3.4353 Empioytnent Office 2004 Miner St. . Des Plaines, ItL CI.ASSIFID . . high schoot boys. Part TOPS COFFEE SHOP . TELEFHOg / to work to Jewelery Mfg. $1.50 Mrs. Marion Fisher .., CNTiL . p.m. April 22nd 9 a.m. 280.4/20 SingA.Long }suro, of fun. & pleasure. after RÙ1IT8IAGE SALE family man. 20 AprIi 2lst-9 am. to 9 local resident. 32.A-Tlllng . Or Corno ht To EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : 678.6600 0E 6b.7770 . B27-99t9 6 P.M. WHY NiyF HAVE AN Old Fanhioneul A beautiful piano or organ will give you administrator Woflensak.l62 MM E/4.S available full time, All l.ans. Bolenced pole phases aecty., cost bud. mounted. condition fair. business CALL 834.7989 . ¡Or Medical Exponses. CALI. NOW) BUS BOYS . 47 4/27 41-5/11 Stuoleul lnsltumonto-4 . MlseeVoun Por Solo-4G Experienced employed Enlarger. 4x5 Solar yro. e Top industry Pay Scale . Shift Differentials. o Paid Vacations and Holidays . a Completo insurance Program Covering Life. Income Protection, Rotirement, Hospitalization and Surgical plus Ma- . 9525 W. IRvrnG PARK ROAD . . 453.57e1 Loet and Found- 4 . personnel customer reIs. lions office procedure. URrtEFITS . , gets ststemens. tredlt Phone 827-l449 SECREAY . WILTON TOOL DIVISION WILTON CORP. . 24 Hr. Phone Service 280 3/2 Lost vicinity 993 Thacker Charcoal-gray sitten. Thu heut of ehild mro s-- tomo V'orto,in my honte. boge hearted girL Re. Full or part time. ward. 814-toll Aft, 3:30 Cali 296.6979 p.m. 45 10/17 280 10/17 Resp. . .. . . PRODUCTION PIECE WORE BONUS AVERAGE AN ADDITIONAL 22e TO 66e 4N DOUR . . o JOURNEYMAN PX INSTALLEPAIRMAÑ ... G $2.95 to $3.50. Auto. Screw Machtv.e Operators . . . $2.12 to $3.70 . . . . o STOREEpES $2.76 to. $3.06 O 299.6934 'SUBURBAN KEYPUNCH 2930 N. Rivet Road River Grove working mother at my JOURNYMAN CNTAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT MEN Landis Fhreader Operator . $2.43 to. $2.70 . Will do baby nittlng for o CENTRAL OFFICE RPAIMEN . $2.67 to $2.97 . Holier Operators . . . $2.51 to $2.74 Engtne Lathe Operators . e CLERkS . . Heavy Drill Press Operators . we are otse 1ookin for: $2.65 to $2.90 . . BEGÌN IMMEDIATELY! . 4:30 0M to i AM. Sleosy t.rtll ?es DA7 SflFT p9ls:.. Residential . Commercial Bonded and Insured 453.4819 r3.VM . NIGHT 5HWl completed course. NI 7-8864 EJï (OPEL.JOIs) . r.,,.' of j,itt A If -. vlroímN:GnSLS ROSS. MOVEES STORE MAÑAGER Why not . choose the Clerk and Dry Cleaning. field with a future MOVES YOU RãZTl Hourly basis. plus 3% hf Learn I.B.M. Keypunch. Local or Long Distance, soles. Must be expert-, Positions now Waiting for trainees Who have i -Piece or Everything, u1J . WZ FURNISH - FREE .-.. I'ui)joris tnd FREE Lantridry t4rrice o WE FURNISH .- FREE - Iiy-'ri Ñt'Iv Sisos o WE FURNISH - FREE - S}ìo1j .tio's o FURNISH - FREE - tt;ir,.tr glosses. i'rrs rij)t mi gIaSs($ It osi. !!R0. ¿L . . , Part nl a nationwide organiSattelt which pIoneered ternporory office help, Employers Overlood pays weekly , and offers pold vacatl000, tsars are Monday through Friday,. 8:30 a.rn, to 6:00 ,!ppon. Your L,d MerchaIZIl -h