International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn Application for Admission - International Applicants BachelorMuelheimer Strasse 38 | 53604 Bad Honnef | Germany Page 1 of 5+49-2224-9605-101 |
[email protected] | as of 06/2012 Application for NON-EU Bachelor Applicants Please read the attached “Guidelines for Non-EU Applications” carefully before completing this applicationform. 1. I wish to apply for: Pathway Programme (foundation year) And subsequently: Double Bachelor Programmes (double degree) International Tourism Management (7 semesters) International Hospitality Management (7 semesters) Bachelor Programmes (6 semesters) Aviation Management International Management Event Management Tourism and Travel Management Hospitality Management Campus Location Bad Honnef Bad Reichenhall Starting in: Summer semester Winter semesterYear: ___________ Please note: Bachelor in Tax and Audit Consulting and all study programmes offered in Bad Reichenhall only start in winter semester! 2. Personal and contact information 2.1 Personal information Male Female First name:Surname:Place of birth:Date of birth:Nationality: 2.2 Your address and contact information Street and house no.:City:ZIP/Postal Code:Country:Email:Phone: Mobile: International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn Application for Admission - International Applicants BachelorMuelheimer Strasse 38 | 53604 Bad Honnef | Germany Page 2 of 5+49-2224-9605-101 |
[email protected] | as of 06/2012 Application for NON-EU Bachelor Applicants 2.3 Family address and contact information (only if different from 2.2) Street and house no.:City:ZIP/Postal Code:Country:Email:Phone: Mobile: 3. Education 3.1 Secondary education (school) Name of school, city and country:Name of school leaving certificate:Type of final examination (srcinal name):Starting date (month/year): Date of completion (month/year): 3.2 Higher education (university) Name of university/institution, city and country:Name of degree/qualification:Length of study:Starting date (month/year): Date of completion (month/year): 3.3 Vocational training (apprenticeship, internship, etc.) Name of institution, city and country:Name of degree/qualification:How many years of training:Starting date (month/year): Date of completion (month/year): International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn Application for Admission - International Applicants BachelorMuelheimer Strasse 38 | 53604 Bad Honnef | Germany Page 3 of 5+49-2224-9605-101 |
[email protected] | as of 06/2012 Application for NON-EU Bachelor Applicants 4. Check list of documents Please forward your full application file including the following documents to International Admission Office by email(
[email protected]): Completed signed application form Certified * copies of Higher Secondary School Examination Certificate and transcripts Certified * copies of existing university degrees and official transcripts of records (only if you already attended a university and if you are applying for a master programme) For Bachelor applicants: Original TOEFL or IELTS score reportFor Pathway applicants: TOEFL or IELTS score report or official proof of school attendance with at least5 to 7 years of English language classes Curriculum Vitae/Resume (including details of your education, language skills, work experience, computer skills, experiences abroad, other qualifications etc.) Personal Statement (see section 8 of this form) (The International University of Bad Honnef is looking for students dedicated to its values: Academic excellence, international orientation and commitment to personal goals and achievements. Please write approx. 1 ½ pages, max. 800 words about yourself, your personal goal s and why you have chosen the IUBH) Copy of your passport (the page containing the photograph, name and date of birth) 1 passport size photograph * Copies of diplomas and degrees must be officially certified . They may be certified as true copies of the srcinals with a stamp and signature byone of the following authorities: German Embassy or Consulate; German school; public authorities; notaries; the Ministry; the university whichissued the degree. If your certificates and supporting documents are written in a language other than English or German, they have to betranslated into English or German. The accuracy of the translation must also be officially certified . In order to receive an offer letter from IUBHit is mandatory that you have submitted these certified documents. 5. Financing your studies 5.1 Financial Declaration In addition to the regular tuition fees of, the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef · Bonn (IUBH)you will need approx. € 700 per month to cover your living expenses during your studies in Germany.We herewith confirm that Mr./Ms. ______________________________________________ (full name of applicant) has atleast € 700 per month at his/her disposal for all of his/her living expenses during the first year of studies at IUBH inGermany. ____________________________________ _________________________________________________ place, date parents‘ signature/ signature by official guardian or bank 5.2. How are you going to finance your studies at IUBH? Please give a short description of your financial resources. International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn Application for Admission - International Applicants BachelorMuelheimer Strasse 38 | 53604 Bad Honnef | Germany Page 4 of 5+49-2224-9605-101 |
[email protected] | as of 06/2012 Application for NON-EU Bachelor Applicants 6. Declaration This section has to be completed by the applicant. I_______________________________________________ (full name of applicant) wish to apply for admission andsubsequent enrolment following a successful application process at the International University of Applied SciencesBad Honnef ∙ Bonn (IUBH). I understand that a place cannot be guaranteed when these requirements are not met.Upon successful application I will receive a tuition contract that has to be signed before I can be enrolled in the studyprogramme.I confirm that the information given in this form is accurate and that no information has been knowingly withheld oromitted. I understand that to make false or fraudulent statements within this application form and within the wholeapplication process it may result in denial of admission. I understand that the final decision about admission andenrolment lies with the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn.I am aware of the fact that I will need a valid student visa for studying at the International University of AppliedSciences Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn. The visa must be issued before my arrival in Germany and be valid for at least the firststudy year. I am familiar with the legal formalities for foreign students in Germany. I know that I am fully responsiblefor keeping track of these formalities and for getting all necessary documents.If I’m unable to obtain a valid student visa I will inform the IUBH immediately and IUBH has the right to withdrawfrom the tuition contract. I understand that I will not be enrolled without a valid student visa and therefore I will notbe able to start or continue my studies. I understand that I am fully responsible to extend and keep track of mystudent visa during my studies.I hereby testify that I have read the payment procedure, the refund conditions and the Guideline for InternationalApplicants and that I’m in complete agreement with all of them.____________________________________ _________________________________________________ place, date applicant‘s signature 7. Submission of documents Send your complete application for admission by Email (electronically) as scanned PDF-files to:
[email protected]