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Demolition Work V1 | Occupational Safety And Health | Demolition





  DEMOLITION WORKCode of Practice Page 1 of 41JULY 2012  Safe Work Australia is an Australian Government statutory agency estalis!e in 200#$ Safe Work Australia consists of re%resentatives of t!e &ommon'ealt!( state an territory governments( t!e Australian &ouncil of )ra e Unions( t!e Australian &!amer of &ommerce an *n ustry an t!e Australian *n ustry Grou%$Safe Work Australia 'orks 'it! t!e &ommon'ealt!( state an territory governments to im%rove 'ork !ealt! an safety an 'orkers+ com%ensation arrangements$ Safe Work Australia is a national %olicy o y( not a regulator of 'ork !ealt! an safety$ )!e &ommon'ealt!( states an territories !ave res%onsiility for regulating an enforcing 'ork !ealt! an safety la's in t!eir ,uris iction$ *S-. #/042/4133 P567*S-. #/042/412 58&97 Creative Commons :;ce%t for t!e Safe Work Australia logo( t!is co%yrig!t 'ork is license un er a &reative &ommons Attriution.oncommercial <$0 Australia licence$ )o vie' a co%y of t!is licence( visit!tt%=>>creativecommons$org>licenses>ync><$0>au>*n essence( you are free to co%y( communicate an a a%t t!e 'ork for non commercial %ur%oses(as long as you attriute t!e 'ork to Safe Work Australia an ai e y t!e ot!er licence terms$ Table of Contents Page 2 of 41JULY 2012  FOREWORD5!INTROD CTION# 1$1W!at is emolition 'ork?1$2W!o !as !ealt! an safety uties in relation to emolition 'ork?1$<W!at is re@uire to manage t!e risks associate 'it! emolition 'ork?/ $!T%E RI&K M'N'(EMENT PROCE&&) 2$1* entifying t!e !aar s#2$2Assessing t!e risks#2$<&ontrolling t!e risks#2$4Bevie'ing control measures10 *!PL'NNIN( T%E DEMOLITION WORK <$1.otifiale emolition 'ork11<$2Princi%al contractor11<$<5esigners12<$4Safe Work Cet!o Statements1<<$35emolition licensing14<$Asestos registers an licensing14<$/A ,acent or a ,oining uil ings13<$:ssential services13 +!CONTROLLIN( RI&K& IN DEMOLITION WORK, 4$1)!e uil ing or structure to e emolis!e 1/4$2Daar ous c!emicals  and materials 1/4$<Securing t!e 'ork area204$4Plant an e@ui%ment204$3Po'ere moile %lant214$Bemoval of eris224$/6alls224$:lectricity2<4$#6ire %revention2<4$10*nformation( training( instruction an su%ervision24 5DEMOLITION MET%OD&$5 3$1Canual emolition233$2Cec!anical emolition2/3$<*n uce colla%se2#3$4Using e;%losives<0 #!DEMOLITION OF &PECI'L &TR CT RE&* $1Pre an %osttensione concrete<1$26ire amage ( ruinous an structurally unsoun uil ings or structures<2$<Lift s!afts<2$4-asements( cellars( vaults( omes an arc!e roofs<2$3Casonry an rick arc!es<<$*n e%en ent c!imneys an s%ires<<$/Pylons an masts<<$Precast concrete %anels<<$#6aEa e retention<4$10Storage tanks an %i%elines<4 Page < of 41JULY 2012  'PPENDI- ' . DEFINITION&*#'PPENDI- / . DEMOLITION PL'N*0'PPENDI- C . EN(INEERIN( IN1E&TI('TION CON&IDER'TION&*) Page 4 of 41JULY 2012