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Elt Research Proposal Sample--mt In Efl Classes

This file is used a sample for research proposal critique at the English Teaching Program of UKI Jakarta




Use of MT in EFL Classes of  Secondary Schools in Jadetabe Jadetabek: k: Students and Teache Teachers rs’’ Perc Perceptio eption n Group Research Proposal Researchers: Parlindungan Pardede Selvy Aveline (NIM (NIM 09121500 0912150024 24)) Olga Regina Regina (NIM (NIM 0912150 0912150031 031))  Ti  Tio Masa E. E.S. S. (NIM 0912150042) English nglish Teachi Teaching ng St Study udy Pro Progra gram m Faculty aculty of of Edu Educat cation ion and Teachers T Training raining Christian hristian University o off Indonesia  J akarta 2013 1  TABL  TA BL E OF CONTENTS CONTENT S  Tab  Table of Con Contents i ntroduction Chapte Chapterr I: I : I ntroduction A. Back Backg groun round 1 B. Rese Research Problems 4 C. Rese Research Obje Objective ctives 5 D. Sign Signiificanc cance e of the the stud study y 6 E. Scope Scope of the study tudy 6 F. Ope Operation rationa al Defi Definition nitions s 7 terature Re Review view and Conc Conce eptual ptual Frame amewor wor k Chapt Chapte er II II : L iter A. L iterary Re Revie view w 1. History of langua guage tea teaching methods thods focusing on MT use use in 8 8 FL tea teachi ching 2. The Useof MT MT in th the EFL clas classroom room 10 3. Teachers’ rs’ Attitud ttitude es towa towards MT Use in th the EFL EFL Cla Cl assroom 13 4. Re Rea asons ons for Usi Using MT in the the EFL Cla Classroom room 14 5. The A moun ount of L1 L 1 Use Use in the the EFL EFL Cla Classroom room 16 B. Conce Conceptua tual Framework 17 arch Me M ethodolog thodology y Chapter ter II I I I : Research A. Spe Specifi cific Res Research rch Purp Purpos ose es 19 B. Re Res search rch Method 20 C. Part Partic icip ipa ants 20 D. Time Time and Plac Place 20 E. Data Data Coll Collection Techniqu Technique es and I nstruments 20 F. Data Data Analysis lysis Tech Techn nique iques 21 Refer ences 22 0 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background I n the the field of second language (SL (SL ) and and fore foreign langua language ge (FL (FL ) teaching ching in gene general and and Engl Engliish as a second second langua language ge (ESL (ESL)) or Engli English sh as a foreign foreign lan language (EF (E FL) teachi teaching ng in parti particul cular, ar, the role role of the stude students nts’’ mother other tongue tongue (MT (M T) and and its infl nfluence on the target target lan langua guage (TL) has long been been a controversy. controversy. Bas Based ed on his his review review of the literature literature related to lan langua guage teachi teaching ng methods, ethods, Stern Stern (1992, p. 279) stated tha that the the role role of MT in SL teaching ching is “on “one of the the most ost long long-sta -standing ding controve troversies rsies in the the history of lang language pedagogy gogy”. ”. One One the the one one hand, thos those e supp supporti ortin ng the prohi prohibition bition of MT use use in SL SL /FL /FL clas classroom srooms, la later ter becom becomes popu popullar as the monol onolingual approach, approach, suggest that the target langu language age should should be the only only medium of communicati unication, on, because because SL/F SL /FL L is best lea learned and taugh taughtt through through the langu anguag age e itse itsellf (Ri (R ichards chards and and Rodge Rodgers 2001). 2001). For them, the avoida voidance nce of the MT MT would would maxim aximize the eff effectiven ectiveness ess of learning rning the the TL , because maxim aximum exposure exposure to TL TL and least ast exposure exposure to MT MT are of cruci crucial al importance portance,, and the useof MT may obstruct obstruct TL TL learning rning process process (Cook, (Cook, 2001 2001 and K rashe rashen, 1981). 1981). On the other other hand, hand, the advocates advocates of MT use bel believe MT can be hel helpful pful in most cla classroom ssroom activi ctiviti tie es, such as as lea learning rning ne new voca vocabulary bulary item items, expla explaining ning complex ideas, studying grammatical rules, or studying cultural elements. They asse assert tha that the monoli onolingual approach see seems to be only only part partiiall ally im implem plemented ented in in SL/F SL /FL L teaching practi practice ce,, and, and, as as a matter of fa fact, most most ESL ESL /EF /EFL teachers and and 1 stude students often resort resort to MT M T duri during ng the the le learning and and teaching process. process. Nation tion (2003) 2003) and L arsen-F arsen-Free reem man (2012) 2012), for for ins i nstance tances, argued argued that that stude students’ nts’ MT should ould not com complete pletelly eliminated ted from a SL or FL class classes and reite reitera rate ted d tha that a  jud  judicio iciou us and well–pla ll–plan nned use of the students’ MT ca can give ive positiv itive e results lts. Despite the continuous debates over the role of MT, empirical studies during during the last three three deca decades des have have sugges suggested ted that that it is i s li likely kely to be unavoi voidabl dable in in SL/ SL /FL clas classroo sroom ms, espe especi cial allly when when stude students nts spe speak ak the sam same MT and and when when teachers know the MT of thei their students. nts. Aue A uerba rbach ch (1993) (1993) for for exam example, ple, li lists seve several ral dif different rent posit positiive use uses of L 1 in in L2 L 2 cla classroom ssrooms, s, i.e. i.e. cla classroom ssroom manag anagem ement, ent, langua anguage ge analysi alysis, s, presenti presenting ng grammar rules rules, discussi discussing ng crosscrosscultural issues, giving instructions or prompts, explaining errors, and checking for comprehe comprehension. nsion. Maca M acaro’ ro’s (2001) (2001) study on six six student student teache teachers in in England England revealed revealed that the partici participa pants nts use use their MT up to 15.2% 15.2% in in their teaching. ching. Bas Base ed on thei their study on 13 13 Korea Korean teachers of English ngli sh in high high school schools, s, Li L iu et et al (20 (2004) 04) reported reported their their use use of K orean orean ranged ged fro from m 10% to 90% 90% of cla class tim time. K im and and Elder’s der’s (2005) study on s seven even teache teachers who taught taught forei foreign gn lan langua guages ges in in New Zealand Zealand revealed that the proporti proportion on of target langua language use use among these teachers teachers varied varied from from23% to 88%. 88%. K im A nh (2010) (2010) study study on the attitude ttitudes of V ietnam tnamese ese uni university versity teachers chers towards using Vi Vietnamese in teaching ching English ngli sh indicated ndicated tha that judi judici cious ous use use of MT is found to be be nece necess ssary ary in in som some situa situati tions ons in teaching ching English ngli sh.. In I n additi ddition, Al A lNofai ofaie’ e’s s (2010) study showed showed that that the studen students and teache teachers’ attitude attitudes s towards using using the A rabi rabic in in EFL EF L cla classroomwere positi positive and the the stude students nts preferred MT to 2 be used in in certai rtain n si situations. tuations. However, However, the the teacher cher partici participa pants nts clai claim med that that the untim untimely ely and and excessi excessive ve use of MT shoul should d be avoide avoided d becau because se it may obstruct learning arning Engli English. sh. In I n the Chinese context, Tang’ ng’s (2002). (2002). study study revealed that students supported supported the use of Chine hinese se in Engl Engliish class classes because ecause it make makes s Engl Engliish learning more effective and less time-consuming.  Tho  Though re researches on on th the use of of MT in FL clas lassrooms ha have inc increased dramatical ticallly in in many pla places in the world, world, in in I ndone ndonesi sian an publ public school schools, s, very li little ttle attention has given specifically to this issue and only few studies have been carri carried out to investi nvestiga gate te the rol role of Indonesia sia in Engli English clas classe ses. s. To To the the presen presentt wriiters’ knowled wr knowledge ge,, there there are are only two accessibl accessible e studies studies carr carriied out concerni concerning ng this this issu issue e in in Ind Indone onesi sian an context so fa far. Zacha Zacharias ri as’’ (2003) (2003) study study revea revealed tertiary tertiary education tion Eng Engllish tea teachers’ account ccount about about what Ind Indone onesian sian is is used for for in their English classes: explaining the meaning of new words and grammatical points, givi giving ng inst instructi ructions, ons, checking cki ng le learners’ arners’ unde understan rstanding ding and gi giving ving feedb feedba ack to individual learners. The second work, Usadiati’s (2009) action research, revealed that that the use of Indonesian sian interchang nterchangea eably bly with with Engl Engliish in the explan explanati ations ons of  concepts concepts and rules rules for teaching ching students to write write Engli Engl ish sen senten tences ces in in Pres Presen entt Perfect erfect Ten Tense se im improved the studen students’ ts’ achieve achievement. ent. Since Si nce English ngli sh has recently ntly been taugh taught in in al all levels of educa educati tion, on, such lack of attenti attention on to the use of I ndonesian sian in Engli English clas classrooms srooms a great disa disadvanta dvantage ge.. Since both teachers and students have the same MT (most Engl Engliish teachers in in the public school chool are I ndone onesians ians) the they must be apt to res resort to I ndone onesian sian as a support support to survive survive or to make sense nse of wha whatever tever is is going going on in the Engli English clas class. s. If  I f  3 only only we have have appropri ppropria ate em empiri pirical cal data data on this this issu issue e, we will wil l be abl able e to rai raise our awareness of where we are at at present in in our use of I ndonesi ndonesian an in Engl Engliish clas classe ses s and to prepare prepare the ground for for a more reasoned reasoned use of I ndonesi ndonesian an in in the Engli nglish clas classroom sroom. A nd this this study study is is a trial trial to provide provide such such nece necessitate ssitated d data data.. B. Research Problems Bas Based on the the discu discus ssion in the the backg ckgroun round section above ove, the the use of  I ndonesian sian appea appears, in som some e ways, to be bene benefficial cial for learning rni ng and and teach teachiing Engl nglish. sh. I t has also also been been lea learned that littl ittle e atte attention ntion has been been given to the use use of  I ndone ndonesia sian in in Engli English clas classe ses. s. The T here is, is, therefore, a grea great urgency urgency to study study this this issue. By having appropriate empirical data concerning this issue, we will have more solid soli d basis sis to decide cide what methodology is i s be best for our stude students. nts. The problem problem to be addresse ddressed in in this this study is is students and Engli English teachers’ percepti perception on towards the use use of I ndone ndonesi sia an in in Eng Engllish cla classrooms at at senior senior high schools around  J adetabek. Mo Morre sp specific ifically, lly, the st study tr tries ies to to se seek answers to to th the fo follow llowing ing questions. 1. What is is the perception perception of teachers and and stude students towards using Ind Indone onesi sian an in their English classroom? 2. To what exten extent do Engli English teachers and stude students bel believe in the the role role of the I ndone ndonesian sian? ? 3. How much I ndone donesian do do tea teache chers use in their En E ngli glish cla classroom ssroom? ? 4. How much I ndone ndonesi sia an do do stude students nts expe expect ct their their teache teachers rs use use in thei their Engli English sh class? 4 5. How much Ind Indone onesi sia an do stude students want to use themsel selves? ves? 6. What for for do stude students nts and tea teachers em employ ploy Indo I ndone nesi sia an? 7. What is the the rela relationsh tionshiip be between years of Engli English sh teaching ching expe experien ri ence and and teachers' chers' use of Indon I ndonesi esian? an? 8. What is the the rela relationsh tionshiip be between years of Engli English sh learning rning and and stude students' nts' expectatio expectation n in in the use of I ndonesian sian? ? C . Re R esearch Obj ective ctives Based on the discus discussio sions ns on on the previous secti sections ons,, thi this s study study wil will be carri carried out to get get empir pirical data data about: 1. Engl nglish teachers and and stud stude ents’ nts’ perception rception on the the use use of I ndone ndonesia sian in in Engli English classroom. 2. the extent of Engli English sh teachers and and stude students’ nts’ belief in in the role role of the I ndone ndonesian sian in English classroom. 3. thefre freque quency of teach teachers ers use use of of I ndones donesiian in in Engli English cla classroom ssroom. 4. Students’ nts’ expe xpectati ctation on of the freque frequency ncy of teache teachers’ use of Ind I ndone onesian in in their their Engl nglish cla classes. 5. Stu Students’ ts’ expe xpecta ctation tion of the the freq frequency of the their use of I ndone onesian in the their Engl nglish cla classes. 6. The stude students and teachers obj objective ctives s for employi ploying ng I ndone ndonesia sian. 7. The relations relationshi hip p be between years of Engl Engliish tea teaching ching experi xperie ence and teachers' use of Indonesian sian.. 5 8. The rela relationsh tionshiip between yea years of Eng Engllish learning rning and and stude students' nts' expe expectation ctation in theuse of Indonesian sian.. D. Significances of the study  The  The find finding ings of this study are ho hopefully fully useful ful to the follo follow wing ing fou four groups: 1. Engli nglish teachers can make use use of the findings ndings and be become come aware ware of the role role I ndone ndonesian sian plays plays in teaching ching and learning rning Engli English. 2. Teache acher educa educatorstors-coul could d make use use of the the findings to reexamine thei their forei foreign gn language anguage teaching teaching methodology ethodology at the teacher trai traini ning ng and developm development centers. 3. Materi terial al wri writers and syll syllabus designe signers-m rs-may make the them m to consi consider der I ndone ndonesia sian whil while prepa preparing ri ng tea teaching ching materials rials or designi signin ng the syl sylllabus. us. 4. Researchers rchers mi might ght be stim stimula ulated ted to conduct conduct further further re research in in the the area which which may open the way to the the devel development of a new EL EL T method and techniques techniques that work to incorpora incorporate te the use use of Ind I ndone onesia sian in in the EFL clas classroom sroom. E . Scope of the study study Due to budge budgett and tim time constraint, traint, the present study study confi confined itself itself to to investigate the percepti perception on of students and and Engl Engliish teachers chers towards towards the the use use of  I ndone ndonesian sian in Engli English sh cla classes sses at senior senior high high school schools s around Jad J ade etabek (J akarta, karta, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi). 6 F . Ope Operrational ational De Definit finitiions T erms and and Acronym Acronyms s 1. SL ref refers to second cond langua guage 2. FL refer refers s to to foreign foreign lang language 3. MT refers refers to mother tongu tongue e, i.e. i.e. Ind I ndon one esian in the the cont contex extt of this this stud study y 4. TL refers refers to to targe target la langua guage, i.e. En English glish in the the cont conte ext of this study study 5. EFL EFL refer refers s to Engli English sh as a foreign foreign langu langua age 6. ELT EL T refe refers rs to Englis glish La Langua guageTeachi ching 7 Chapter II II L IT ERATURE REVI EW AND CONCEPTUAL CONCEPTUAL FRAM EWORK  EWORK   This  This chapter pr presents two section ions: In the fir first se section ion, re research find finding ings, arguments, and idea ideas s relevant relevant to the study are summarized arized and synthesized synthesized as a mean to provide the study study with with relevan relevant conte context. xt. The second cond section ction relates relates the background background to the problem problems and shows how the the present proposed proposed research research coul could contri contribu bute te to the literat terature ure of the use use of MT M T in EL T classe classes. A . L iterary iterary Re R eview view 1. Hi Histor story of lang languag uage e teac teachi hing ng me methods focusi focusing on on M T usein F L teac teachi hing ng A look at the the histo history ry of MT use in in the the SL/FL SL /FL clas classroom room quickly quickly reve reveals peri periodi odic c but regular regular changes nges in how how it it is is vie viewed (Aue (A uerbach, rbach, 1993, 1993, p.12). p.12).  The  Therefor fore, St Stern (19 (1983) stated that “the role of firs firstt lan language in for foreign ign lan language teaching ching is is one of the the most long longsta standing nding controversi controversies es in in the hi history of language peda pedagogy.” gogy.” Seve Several ral hundred hundred years ago ago bil bilingual teaching ching was the ‘norm’, with with students learni learning ng through through tran translati slation, on, which which is is late later well well-known as the Grammar  Tra  Translat lation ion Me Metthod. The The use of MT to to study a SL/FL under the domina ination ion of this method ethod was was almost unive uni verrsal sal and and readil readily accepted, accepted, in part part because cause lan langua guage teachi teaching ng place placed an emphasi phasis s on the written written word word above the spoken word. Under the Gr Gram ammar Tran T ransl sla ation tion Me Method, MT M T is free freelly used used as as “refe “reference rence system system” in the 8 process process of foreign foreign lan language acquisi acquisiti tion on (Ste (Stern, 1983). 1983). In I n othe other words, MT MT is used as the main ain means of instruction. nstruction. In the 19th Ce Cen ntury, ry, this trend slow lowly reverse rsed its itself (to (towards rds a monoli onol ingual approach), approach), in part due to a shif shift towards towards an an em emphasi phasis s on the spoken word. word. The The shif shift of the emphasis sis was par partly tly due to mass ass migration gration and and coloni colonial aliism which which caused caused peop peoplle need to lea learn for foreign eign langua anguage ges s in in order to comm communicate unicate orall orally. Thi T his s le led to the emergence rgence of the Direct Me Method, which which is is ba based sed on the the belief tha that FL learning should should be be an imitation itation of of MT M T learning rning.. In I n this li light, ght, learners should should be im immersed in in the target target lan langua guage through the use of that that TL TL “as a mean of instruction nstruction and communicati unication on in in the languag language e class classroom room”, and through “the avoi voidance of the the use of MT and transl translation ation as a technique” (St (Ste ern, 1983). A fter fter its its highe highest popul popularity arity during during the the period riod from from the the la late ni ninete netee enth century to the first quarter of the twentieth century, tury, the Direct Me Method beg began an to decli decline. ne. However, the method ethod has has lai laid d founda foundation tion upon which which many of the later methods ethods and appro approach aches es expan expande ded d and developed veloped.. A mong them are the Audi Audioo-llingual ngual Method ethod and and Comm ommunicati unicative ve Approach.  The  The Aud Audioio- ling lingual Me M ethod, wh whose origin igin is fou found in the Army Method develo develope ped d in in response response to the need for A mericans ericans to lea learn the lan langua guages of their alli all ies and enem nemies alike ali ke during during World orld War II II , aim aims at helping ping learne arners “to be able ble to use the target target lan langua guage communicati unicativel vely” y” (L (L arsenarsen- Free Freem man, an, 2012). L ike the Direct Me M ethod, this this method ethod focuses focuses on the spoken languag language e and forbi forbids ds translati translation on and the stude students’ nts’ MT in the cla classroom ssroom (El (E llis, 2003). 2003). Mea Meanwhile nwhil e, in in the Comm ommunicati unicative ve Approach, Approach, which which has has attrac ttracted ted most attentio attention n from from the lan langua guage 9 teachi teaching ng pro proffessi ession during duri ng the the pas pastt fi five deca decades, des, the restri restricted cted use use of learners’ mother tong tongue ue is is all allowed where feasi feasible ble and and transl translati ation on may may be use used d when learners find it essential and helpful (Ellis, 2003). Recently, ntly, the there has has been been an an increa increasing sing attentio attention n to the advan advantages of MT use in the the FL clas classroom rooms. Numerous rous stud tudies ies relat relate ed to the the role roles s of MT in FL teachi teaching ng and lea learning rning have been carried carried out out around the world world in in order to develo develop p communica unicati tive ve lan langua guage teaching ching which which conside considerrs MT MT as a clas classroom sroom resource. Weschler’s (1997) Functional-Translation Method, which combines “the best of  traditional “grammar translation” with the best of modern “direct, communicati unicative” ve” methods”, ethods”, is a good example ple for this. this. 2. T he Use of M T in the E F L class lassroom A s indi indicate cated d in in previ previous ous secti sections, ons, two two opposing opposing arguments ents have have em emerged erged rega regarding rding MT use in the the EFL E FL class classe es, i.e. thos those e aga against it and thos those e fa favori vorin ng it. Both are bri briefl efly y discu discuss sse es in in the the follow fol lowiing sections ctions.. a. Ar Ar gume uments agains againstt Us Using M T in the E FL classroo classroom m V arious rious arguments have be been put forth forth for for prohibi prohibiti ting ng the stude students’ nts’ MT in the ESL/ SL / EF EFL cla classroom ssroom. The T he first and and most common is is inte interfe rference rence from from the native tive langua nguage. Dulay, Dulay, Burt Burt & K rashe rashen, cite cited d in Al A l-Harbi (2010, (2010, p. 145) 145) def define the inte interf rferen erence ce “as the the automatic atic tran transfer, sfer, due to habi habit, t, of the surface surface structure of  the first first langu angua age onto onto the surf surfa ace of the target la langua nguage ge". ". According ccording to Cook, Cook, (2001), (2001), inte i nterfe rference rence is a major source of dif difficulty in the the TL learning rning and to avoi avoid d 10 that, the separati paration on of MT M T and TL TL shoul should d be made. Harbord Harbord (1992) also supports supports MT and TL TL sepa separati ration, on, and he acknowled acknowledges ges that that overusing overusing MT make akes s studen students bel believe that word word for for word transl translation ation is a useful useful techni technique que, and, nd, consequently, ntly, they wil will work towards towards trans transfferrin rri ng me meaning ning in in le learning rning the the TL TL .  The  The second argument asserts that using ing MT migh ight negative ively affect students' lea learning ning process process because because it reduce reduces s the exposure lea learners get to the TL and reduce reduces the their opportunitie opportunities for using the the TL (Turnb (T urnbull ull, 2001, 2001, and and Dell Deller & Rinvolucri, nvolucri, 2002). 2002). I n othe other words, words, MT M T use use will wil l preve prevent nt the the maxim xi mumprovision provision of  the TL . This T his argument is is usu usual allly strengthened with with the the idea that EF EFL learners rners often often have have li littl ttle or no exposure to the target target lan langua guage outside the class classroo room m.  Tea  Teachers, th therefor fore, sh should not spend this valua luable classroom time using ing MT. In agree agreem ment ent wi with this this view, vi ew, Aue A uerrbach (1993 (1993)) indicates ndicates that that "the "the more ore stude students nts are are expose exposed to Eng Engllish, sh, the more quickl quickly they they wil will learn; as they they hear hear and and use Engl nglish, sh, they will internalize it and begin to think in English" (p. 14).  The  The other argument, chiefly iefly advanced by Kras Krashen (1981), is MT acqui acquisit sitiion argument. The T he phi philosophi osophical cal basis sis Krash Krashe en used to suppo support rt this cla cl ai m is tha that adults ults lea learn the the TL simila il ar to the the way chil child dren ren pick up the their MT. The  jus  justifica ification ion put for forward for the claim laim is that to acquire ire their MT, ch childr ildren do not rely rely on anothe another lan l anguage guage.. However, However, Cook Cook (2001 (2001a) a) argues that that the analogy alogy to MT MT acqui acquisit sitiion is is si simply ply beside side the point, A ccording ccording to him him, the nature of MT MT acquisiti cquisition on is fun funda dam mental tally differen dif ferent from from SL/F SL /FL L learni learning ng,, espe especiall cially y in in term terms s of  age age and situa situations tions.. The T herefore refore, the the fact that that by defi definit nitiion chil children do not not fall fall back on anothe nother lan language whil while acqui acquiri ring ng their their MT M T has has no no im impli plication cation for whether or 11 not SL/F SL /FL L learners sh should make us use of the their MT whi while learning SL/F SL/FL L . In I n line line with with this, Wes Weschl chler er (1997) (1997) asse sserts that, “Chi “Chilldren take yea years fol folllowing owing the natural orde orderr of acqui acquisi siti tion on to master aster the concrete before the abstract. abstract. By B y contrast, alrea already havi having ng mastered astered the the latter, adul adults ts can take short shortcut” cut” (p. (p. 4). 4). In I n the same vei vein, Cook Cook (2002) notes tha that the misguided visi vision on of the MT MT acquisit cquisitiion is is one of those factors tha that have outlaw outlawe ed the role role of trans transllation in SL/F SL /FL L tea teaching. ching. He furthe further comm comments tha that the idea of rela relating ting SL/F SL /FL L learning arning to MT MT acquisiti cquisition on is is based on asse asserti rtions without without eviden evidence or wea weak eviden evidence. ce. Based on these arguments, we we can conclude conclude that that the the advocates of the monoling onolingua ual approa pproach ch bel believe the the bes best way way to teach EF EFL is by usi using En Engli glish as as the medi ediumof teaching ching.. b. A Arrgume uments Suppo Supporrting MT M T Use in the E FL C lass lassroom oom  The  The monoling lingual approach has been crit riticiz icize ed by researchers and practi practici cione oners rs who bel beliieve that li limited use use of MT is a very na natural and useful useful tool in the SL/F SL /FL L clas classroom sroom. Thus, hus, many any resea researchers have though thought of ways to use use MT MT into the the EFL EFL tea teaching ef effective fectivelly (Schwee (Schweers, 1999; 1999; Cook, Cook, 2001, 2001, Delle Dell er & Rinvolucri, nvolucri, 2002; 2002; and Al A l-Nofaie, ofaie, 2010 2010). ). Atkins tkinson on (1987 (1987)) strongl strongly supports supports that stude students' nts' MT MT shoul shouldn’ dn’tt be complete pletely ignore ignored d in in the the Engli English clas classe ses since "the use use of L 1 can be very very effective in i n terms of of the the amount of tim time spe spent expl xplaining" ning" (p. 242). 242). A ccording ccording to Aue A uerba rbach ch (199 (1993), 3), "whe "when the native tive lan langua guage is used, used, practiti practitioners, oners, resea researchers, rchers, and learners learners consi consistentl stently y rep report positi positive ve resul results" ts" (p. (p. 18). 12 A s shown shown by by Harbord (1992), (1992), Auerba uerbach ch (1993) (1993) and Dell Deller and and Rinvol Ri nvolucri ucri (2002), 2002), MT represents a powerful powerful source that can be be use used d to enha enhance nce the the SL/F SL /FL L learning. arning. In In thi this situation, situation, there there is a exte extensiv nsive e amount of li l iterature terature whi which strongl strongly sugge suggests sts that MT MT can can play play a supporti supportive ve and and facil facilitating tating role role in the EFL clas classroom sroom as a valuabl uable e li lingui nguistic stic resource, resource, and and conse consequently, ntly, it should not be total totally avoide avoided d (Schwee (Schweers, 1999 and and Nation, ation, 2003). 2003). EL T teachers must have ever experi experien enced ced or felt felt that that the stude students’ nts’ MT can be used used as a teaching ching techni technique que espe especi cial allly in in the areas areas where there is marked dif difference betwe between en MT and and EFL EF L system system. Harmer rmer (2001) (2001) also notes notes tha that MT M T use is a quic quick k and helpf helpful ul techni technique que in tea teaching the the TL . To To concl conclud ude e, the most reali realistic stic principl principle e in ESL/E SL /EF FL tea teaching shoul should d be to use English nglish whe where possi possible ble and MT M T where necess cessa ary" (Atki (A tkins nson, on, 1993). 3. Teache Teachers’ A ttitude tti tudes towards towards M T Use in the E FL C lassr lassroom oom According ccording to AL A L -Nofaie ofaie (2010 (2010), ), tea teache chers’ attitudes ttitudes towards MT MT use use have been examined ned in in dif differe erent nt coun countries tries with with vari varied ed resul results. ts. The The resul results ts of A lBuraiki’s (2008) study aimed to investigate the Omani English teachers' attitudes in basic sic educati education on school school showed that that the teachers beli believed that MT MT has has a positi positive ve role to play in teaching the young learners. Crawford's study (2004) concerning the prim primary leve l evell as cited cited in Al A l-Nofaie ofaie (2010) (2010) rev reve ealed tha that 54 % had "rese reservations" rvations" in in using using MT MT as the main medi edium of teaching ching.. The study of Sharma (2006) 2006) on the attitude ttitudes s of Nepal epalii teache teachers rs and students towards towards the use use of the native ti ve lan langua guage in the the EFL EFL clas classroo sroom m revealed that that all all responden respondents preferred preferred the 13 occasiona occasionall use use of MT in the Engli glish cla classe sses. Th T hey al also asserted that jud judiicious cious use use of mother tongue tongue is justif justi fied because cause it hel helps stude students nts lear learn Engli nglish better. etter. Sim Si milarly, rl y, K im and Petraki Petraki (2009) (2009) reported reported that for for K orean orean stude students and teachers' MT plays plays a helpful elpful rol role e in the langua language ge clas classroom sroom, espe especiall cially y in in the the early rl y stage stages. U sing MT M T in the E F L Classroo lassroom m 4. R easons for Us Several studies studies have have been carri rried out in in dif different countries countries to inve investi stiga gate te areas areas in which which teach teachers ers can take take advantage dvantage of their students’ first lan langua guage (A lNofaie, 2010).  The  The notion ion of MT se serving ing as "a time–sa –saving ing device ice" is the most fre frequent  jus  justifica ification ion giv give en by by teachers for for LI use (At (Atk kins inson, 1987. p, 422) Simila imilarrly, ly, Shimizu (2006, p. 77) indicated that "time-saving" is one of the principle argum arguments ents why rese researchers are in in favor of using MT MT. As Turnb Turnbull ull (2001) (2001) stated stated, "I know know from my my perso person nal expe xperie rience tha that it is tem tempting to use use the MT MT to save tim time"(p.536). e"(p.536). Auerbach uerbach (1993) (1993) and Schweers (1999 (1999 also agree that that saving saving tim time is is a justi ustiffied reason for usi using MT MT especi peciall ally y at at lowe lowerr leve levels. Accordi Accordin ng to Harbord (1992), teache teachers' use of MT M T to save save tim time prov proviides des opportunit opportunitiies for for "re "real teacherstude student communica unicati tion on in in TL TL cla classroom" (p.352). A nothe nother signif signifiicant cant reason reason for teachers' use use of the stude students' nts' MT M T in the the TL TL classroo classroom m is to achieve achieve natur natural al comm communicati unication on betwee tween them and their their students. Harbord (199 (1992, 2, p. 352) argues that "f "facil cilitating tating teach teacher-stude er-student nt communica unication", tion", and "faci "facillitatin tating teachercher-stud stude ent rapport" are two basi basic c obje objective ctives s for for the teachers' use of stude students nts'' MT MT in the the EFL cla classroom ssroom.. In I n accordan accordance ce with the previous vie view, 14 Auerbach uerbach (1993) indi indicate cates s that that achievi chieving ng a good rel relationshi ationship p between tween studen students and tea teachers is i s a desirab sirablle aim aim that can can be fulf ulfilled through through MT MT use. use. Na Nation tion (2003) ind indiicates cates tha that it it is i s ea easie sier and more comm communi unicative to use MT MT in the the EFL EFL classrooms to facilitate communication between students and teachers. Additionally, Miles (2004) considers that MT should be used in the EFL classroo classroom m in order not to crea create a barri barrier er between between the students and the teachers. I t is is al also acce accepta ptable ble to use MT in the the EFL clas classroom sroom by teachers chers to convey convey the meaning ning of an unfamiliar word, word, to cla clarif ri fy abstrac abstractt word, and and to expl explai ain n dif difficult conce concepts pts (Mey (M eye er, 2008 2008). ). Turnb urnbull ull (2001) (2001) concurs concurs with with the the opi opinion tha that “it “it is is efficien cientt to make a quick quick switch switch to the L 1 to ensure that stude students nts unde understand an unknown word” (p. 535). 535). As shown shown by by Meye M eyer (20 (2008), 08), the abs absen ence ce of MT M T when when explai explaini ning ng the unfami unfamiliar concepts concepts can can raise the level evel of anxiety anxiety am among stude students. nts. Motiva otivati ting ng stud stude ents by by using using MT MT has has receiv receive ed much interest interest in in li literature. terature. Hamdall dallah (1999, 1999, p. 290), for for example, ple, emphasi phasizes zes that in in order to keep keep the learner's motiva otivation tion in an an " ide ideal al circl circle e", appropri ppropriate ate use use of MT M T in EFL cla classroom ssroom coul could d be used. used. He He adds that that using using MT MT to moti otivate students students encourages them to express express their their ideas deas since since it has a direct direct inf inflluence on the "psychologi psychological cal pressure". However, he conclud conclude es tha that when when le learners' rners' abi ability of of TL T L increase creases, it it is i s ne necessa cessary to minimize inimize the the use of MT. Critch Critchely (20 (2002) ind indicate icates tha that with with lowe lower lev level learners, tea teachers chers should ould use use MT when appropr appropriiate to buil build posi positi tive ve and and mutuall utually supporti supportive ve relationshi relationships ps that wil will promote promote stude student motiva otivati tion on (p. 3). It I t is is also comm commonly only agree agreed in in the literature terature that MT M T could be use used by EF EFL teachers to give give complex plex instructions instructions to ea early rl y leve levels (Harb (Harbord, ord, 1992 and Auerba uerbach, ch, 1993). 1993). I n 15 Cook's (2001b) (2001b) and and AL AL -Nofaie's ofaie's (2010) (2010) studi studies, es, the findings revea revealled that a large arge number of teachers' favorite choice for giving complex instructions was by using the studen students' ts' mother mother tongue. tongue. Harbord (1992 (1992)) emphasi phasized zed that that givi giving ng clas class s instructi nstructions ons by usi using ng MT is an im important portant poi point nt to achieve achieve and facil cilitate com communicati unication on between teachers teachers and students. students. ount of of L 1 Use Use in the E F L Class lassr oom 5. T he Amount A body of re research about about how much MT is used in the EFL cla classroom ssroom by by both teachers and stude students with with dif different rent ki kinds nds of data, data, incl i ncluding uding questi questionn onnaire, aire, intervie rvi ews and obse observati rvation on of of lessons ssons,, has been carri carrie ed out in i n dif different rent conte contexts xts and indicated indicated a grea great degree degree of vari variab abiility in the amounts of the MT MT and and the TL use by teachers. Guthries Guthries (1984), (1984), who inve investi stiga gated ted the MT and the TL use use of 6 uni universi versity ty French instructor instructors, s, found found that that there was was a great degree of variabi variabillity in i n the amoun ounts of the the MT M T and the the TL T L use use by tea teache chers. Overa Overalll, most ost of the them us used the MT in a relatively low percentage of the total time. Five out of the six instructors appa apparentl rently y used used the MT 2% to 17% 17% of the tim time (with (with one exception xception above 40%). Duff Duff and Polio’ Polio’s s (1990 (1990)) study tudy in in FL cla classe sses at the the University University of Californi Cali fornia a showed showed a wide wide range range of percenta percentage ges s across lan langua guages: ges: from rom 0% to 90% the first fi rst language with with a 32.1% 32.1% “cross-cl “cross-clas ass s average verage” ” (p.156 (p.156). ). Their inte i nterviews rvi ews with with teachers deali aling with with the the vari varia abil bility in in MT/TL /T L ratio ratio showe showed tha that the the vari varia able bles that might have pl played ayed a rol role incl include uded lan language type, depa departm rtmental ental poli policy and guidel guideliines, nes, les lesson son content, content, mate materials als and form ormal teache teacherr traini training. ng. 16 Macaro (1997 (1997), ), intende ntended to investi investiga gate te how how much much MT MT was used by instructors, nstructors, why they they clai claim med to use it, and what factors factors appe appeare ared d to inf inflluence uence thei their decisio decision n to use use it, found that very li little ttle MT MT was was use used in in the the cla classe sses recorded by the instructors. nstructors. Whe When ins instructors tructors init initiiated a switch switch to MT MT, it i t appe appeared tha thatt they they did so for the sake of efficiency and convenience, or to impose discipline or keep control of the the clas class. s. Accordi A ccording ng to Ma Macaro caro (1997), (1997), teache teachers switche switched from from TL to MT mainly to give and clarify instructions for classroom activities, to give feedback to students, students, to trans transllate, ate, and to check comprehension. sion. More recent studies studies on this issue ssue al also revea revealed a great degre degree e of vari variab abiility in the amounts of the MT MT and the TL use by tea teachers. Ma M acaro’s caro’s (2001) (2001) study on six six student teach teachers ers in in Engl Englan and d reveal revealed ed that that the partici participan pants use their MT up to 15.2% in in their their te teachi aching. Ba Based on their their study on 13 Korea Korean n teache achers of English ngli sh in in high high school schools, s, Li L iu et et al (2004) (2004) reported reported their their use of K orean orean rang ranged ed from rom 10% to 90% of clas class s tim time. Ki K im and and El Elder’ der’s s (2005) study on seven teache teachers who taught taught foreign oreign lan langua guage ges s in in New New Zeal Zealan and d revealed that that the proporti proportion on of target target lan langua guage use among these teache teacherrs varied vari ed fro from m23% to 88%. Based on the results results of these studies, studies, it it can be conclude concluded d that the amounts of the MT and the the TL TL use by teachers chers are vari varied ed, and thus, thus, more empiri pirical cal support is nee needed ded before before sound sound peda pedagogi gogical cal and and poli policy decisi decision on are made. B. Con C once ceptual ptual Frame amewor wor k  The  The inc inclus lusion ion of the st students’ MT in SL/FL SL/FL clas lasses ha has lon long been a controversy. controversy. On On the one hand, hand, propone proponents of the the monoli onolingual ngual approach approach bel believe 17 that that to maxim aximize the the effectiven fectivenes ess s of le l earning rning the the TL TL , MT M T should ould be prohibited prohibited,, because maxim aximum exposure exposure to TL TL and lea least exposure exposure to MT MT are of cruci crucial importance portance, and the the use use of MT may obstruct obstruct TL TL learning rning proces process. s. Thu T hus s a second/f second/forei oreign gn lan langua guage ge is best best lea l earned and taugh taughtt through the langu languag age e itsel itselff. On the the other hand, the the propon ropone ents of the the MT use argue rgue tha that MT can be helpful in most cla classroom activi ctiviti tie es. As A s a conse consequence, MT should should not comple pletely tely elim eli minated ted from from a SL or FL FL clas classe ses for a well-judge udged an and wel well–pla planne nned use of the students’ MT can give positive results. Since most current research results tend to support the judicious and well– plan planne ned incl inclusio usion n of MT, this this issue ssue de deserves more studi studies to get get more empiri pirical cal data. data. The The more data concerning rning this issu issue e avai availabl able to use, use, the easier sier it it is is for for us to find more suitabl suitable teaching ching methodology odology for for our our studen students. ts. This T his study is is one of the trials trials to meet this this challen challenge ge. Its I ts findings ndings wil wi ll at le least ast enri enrich ch empiri pirical cal data data concerning concerning with with secondar condary school students and Engl Engliish teachers’ chers’ percepti perception on towards the use use of I ndone ndonesi sian an in Eng Engllish clas classroom srooms. 18 C hapter I I I RESEARCH RESEARCH M ETHODOL ETHODOL OGY  This  This chapter provide ides the basic plan lan of the proposed study. It covers the specif cific research research purposes purposes and que questi stions, ons, res resea earch design, design, partici participan pants, tim time and place place, data coll collection ection instrum instruments ents and and techni techniques, data data ana anallysis ysis technique, and and research procedure. A Att the end of thi this s chapter, infor nformation ation about about the budge budgett is is also also presented. A. Specific Research Purposes  The  The find finding ings of this study are hopefully fully able to get empiric irica al da data about: 1. Engl nglish teachers and and stud stude ents’ nts’ perception rception on the the use use of I ndone ndonesia sian in in Engli English classroom. 2. The exten xtent of Engli glish tea teache chers and and stude students’ belief in in the the role of the I ndone ndonesian sian in English ngli sh cla classroom ssroom.. 3. The frequ requen ency of teache cher’s r’ s use use of I ndone ndonesian in Engli English sh cla classroom ssroom. 4. Students’ nts’ expe xpectati ctation on of the freque frequency ncy of teache teachers’ use of Ind I ndone onesian in in their their Engl nglish cla classes. 5. Stu Students’ ts’ expe xpecta ctation tion of the the freq frequency of the their use of I ndone onesian in the their Engl nglish cla classes. 6. The stude students and teachers obj objective ctives s for employi ploying ng I ndone ndonesia sian. 7. The relations relationshi hip p be between years of Engl Engliish tea teaching ching experi xperie ence and teachers' use of Indonesian sian.. 19 8. The rela relationsh tionshiip between yea years of Eng Engllish learning rning and and stude students' nts' expe expectation ctation in theuse of Indonesian sian.. B. Re R esearch arch Me M ethod  This  This st study will employ loy an an ex explan lanatory mix mixe ed me method de design ign, which ich, according according to Creswe Creswelll et al. (2003 (2003)) enables bles the researche researcherr to gather ther qualitati qualitative ve input to explai explain n and extend quan quanti titati tative ve resul results, ts, in order to gain a comprehe comprehensive nsive insight nsight of the research. C. P Pa articipa rti cipants nts  The  The ta target pa particip icipa ants of of this st study ar are 20 20 Eng English lish te teachers an and 750 students from from 20 secondary condary schools schools aro around und J abodetab bodetabek ek (J akart akarta a Depok, epok,  Tan  Tangerang, and Bekasi) D. Time and Place  This  This study will be conducted in Ma May y—Aug —August 2013 in J adetabek. E . Data Collec Collecti tion on Ins I nstr trum ume ent and Te Technique Data will wil l be coll collected em employi ploying ng survey survey and intervie interview techniques techniques.. The T he survey survey wil wi ll be condu conducte cted d using using two ques questionna tionnaires: res: (1) teachers’ questionn stionnair aire e and (2) students’ questionna stionnaiire. Both Both of them wil will be constructed to gau gauge ge the percepti perceptions ons of both tea teachers chers and studen students toward the the use of MT in their Engl Engliish class classes. Focuse Focused d semi structured structured open-ende ended d inte interv rviiews wil wi ll be conducted to all all 20 teachers and 40 students students (2 studen students ts fro from m each school school), who were were respondents to the que questi stionnair onnaire e admi dministe nistered, red, to gather quali qualitative tative input. input. The The them themes that that emerged during during the interview intervi ew sessio sessions ns were coded coded in in accordance to the quantita ntitative tive dimensions fro from m the que questionna stionnaiire. The T he rationa rationale for for usi using focus focused ed sem semi structured structured open-ended ded inte interv rviiews is is to understand the the responde respondents’ nts’ point point of  view rather than make generalizations. F . Data Analysis T echni chnique Data will be analyzed descriptively. 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