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How To Avoid Credit Released Documents Go Through Credit Check Again

Let's say you have a sales document for a specific customer which was credit blocked. Therefore "Credit Status" in the sales order header / Status tab was set to "Not approved". Credit department ...




Jfct`cts Nctrfmujtnfc .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Jfcdnguritnfc st`ps ....................................................................................................................................... : Q`eit`s ZIR cft`s.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Nctrfmujtnfc E`t's siy yfu hiv` i sie`s mfjuo`ct dfr i sp`jndnj justfo`r whnjh wis jr`mnt aefjk`m. ]h`r`dfr` "Jr`mnt Ztitus" nc th` sie`s frm`r h`im`r / Ztitus tia wis s`t tf "Cft ipprfv`m". Jr`mnt m`pirto`ct his r`e`is`m th` jr` mnt aefjk vni tricsijtnfc TKO=. Fcj` sie`s mfjuo`ct ns r`e`is`m, yfu jic s`` th` "Jr`mnt Ztitus" Zt itus" nc th` sie`s frm`r h`im`r ns s`t tf "Q`e`is`m". ]h`r` jic a` suas`qu`ct jhicg`s nc th` sio` sie`s mfjuo`ct (Idt`r jr`mnt r`e`is`), whnjh ir` cft r`e`vict dfr jr`mnt jh`jk. Dfr `xiope`, yfu jic imm sie`s t`xt tf frm`r h`im`r, `tj. Aut sujh jhicg`s shfuem cft jirry fut i c`w jr`mnt j h`jk icm aefjk th` sie`s frm`r iginc. ]hns jic a` ijhn`v`m usncg sticmirm ZIR s`ttncg nc th` iutfoitnj jr`mnt jfctrfe s`ttncgs. Jfcdnguritnfc st`ps NOG Rith< Gf nc tf m`tines fd th` jr`mnt jfctrfe ir`i, rnsk jit`gfry icm th` jr`mnt grfup jfoancitnfc usncg auttfc. @g< Re`is` cft` a`efw pfncts tf efjit` th` r`qunr`m vieu`s;  "Jr`mnt jfctrfe ir`i" ns issngc`m tf th` jfopicy jfm` nc a`efw NOG Rith< @g<  "Qnsk jit`gfry" ns issngc`m tf th` justfo`r jr`mnt oist`r r`jfrm (]ricsijtnfc< DM:1)  "Jr`mnt Grfup" ns issngc`m tf th` sie`s mfjuo`ct typ` fr m`env`ry typ` nc a`efw NOG Rith; @g< Dn`ems r`e`vict dfr th` jr`mnt jh`jk (Idt`r jr`mnt r`e`is`) ir` nc th` s`jtnfc "Q`e`is`m mfjuo`cts ir` stnee ucjh`jk`m" nc th` "Iutfoitnj jr`mnt jfctrfe" s`ttncgs;  Dn`em "M`vnitnfc nc %" - ]hns dn`em ns us`m tf sp`jndy th` m`vnitnfc dijtfr dfr sie`s mfjuo`cts thit hiv` ier`imy a``c ipprfv`m dfr jr`mnt. (Jr`mnt r`e`is`m) @g< E`t's siy yfu hiv` oinctinc`m i m`vnitnfc dijtfr it 92% nc thns dn`em. I sie`s frm`r wis jr`it`m dfr quictnty 92 drfo oit`rnie "I" (prnj` ? 922 PZM `ijh) his i tftie vieu` fd 9,222 PZM icm ns ipprfv`m dfr jr`mnt. ]h` justfo`r th`c jiees icm wicts tf imm immntnfcie oit`rnies tf th` sio` sie`s frm`r. Nd thns r`suets th` m`vnitnfc dijtfr tf `xj``m 92%, th` syst`o jirrn`s fut icfth`r jr`mnt jh`jk icm aefjk th` sie`s mfjuo`ct.  Dn`em "Cuoa`r "Cuoa`r fd fd Miys" ]hns dn`em ns us`m tf sp`jndy cuoa`r fd miys idt`r whnjh i jhicg`m sie`s mfjuo`ct (ier`imy jr`mnt r`e`is`m) oust a` r`-jh`jk`m dfr jr`mnt. @g< E`t's siy yfu hiv` oinctinc`m 92 miys nc thns dn`em. I sie`s frm`r wis jr`it`m dfr i justfo`r icm jr`mnt r`e`is`m. Iee jhicg`s tf th` sie`s frm`r wnthnc 92 miys drfo th` mit` nt wis r`e`is`m hiv` cf nopijt dfr i jr`mnt r`-jh`jk. Aut idt`r 92 miys drfo th` jr`mnt r`e`is`m mit`, syst`o wnee mf i r` mf i jr`mnt jh`jk fcj` th` sie`s mfjuo`ct ns jhicg`m. Nt wnee jh`jk wh`th`r jurr`ct syst`o mit` ns cft gr`it`r thic th` frngncie r`e`is` mit` peus th` cuoa`r fd miys sp`jndn`m nc thns dn`em. Q`eit`s ZIR cft`s Re`is` a`efw ZIR cft` dfr ofr` ncdfroitnfc fc sio`!  ZIR Cft` 798142 - Q`e`is`m mfjuo`cts ir` cft jh`jk`m Iuthfr< Icupi Wnl`sncgh` @-Oine< icupiwBgoine.jfo / icupiwBe`ircsiptnps.jfo W`asnt`< www.e`ircsiptnps.jfo Tn`w oy prfdne` nc Enck`mNc Dfeefw o` fc ]wntt`r Mnsjeino`r ]hns irtnje` ns mfc` ais`m fc oy r`s`irjh icm r`imncgs, uce`ss fth`rwns` stit`m. ]h` vn`ws `xpr`ss`m ir` oy fwc icm cft fd icyfc` `es`. Iuthfr ijj`pts cf enianenty dfr th` jfct`ct fd th` irtnje`s nc thns w`asnt` fr dfr th` jfcs`qu`cj`s fd icy ijtnfcs tik`c fc th` aisns fd th` ncdfroitnfc prfvnm`m. Psncg thns ncdfroitnfc ns it th` us`rs fwc mnsjr`tnfc icm r`spfcsnanenty.