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How To (learn Nihongo)




Transcript Com pl et e Gui de t o Jap ane se post edbyt aeki m Di scl ai mer: Thi si s st i l l a wor ki n pr ogr es s! What i s acom pl et e gui det o Jap ane se? Des pi t e what manyar el ed t o bel i eve ,l ear ni ng Ja panesei s n ot si gni fica nt l y m or e di fficu l tt han l ear ni ng anyot her l anguage. The t r ut hi s m ast er i ng anyf or ei gn l anguage i s q ui t e an endeav or .I f yo u t hi nk about i t , yo u ar e ess ent i al l yt aki ng eve r yt hi ng yo u' vel ear ned i n l i f e and r el ear ni ng i ti n a co mpl et el y d i ffe r ent way. Obv i ousl y,no si ngl e b ook ca nr eal l y cl ai m t o e t achyo u eve r yt hi ng a bout a l anguage i ncl udi ng al lt he vo ca bul ar y aflu entadul t co mmon l y o bt ai ns d ur i ng he rl i f e. So wha t doI mean by a mpl co et e g ui det o Jap anese? Most Ja pa nese t ext bo oks on l y g o ove r a sm al lsub set ofwha t you ne edt ol ea r n Jap an es e,t yp i ca l l y cove r i nga ce r t ai n am ou ntofgr ammar and voc ab ul ar y w i t h a sm at t er i ngofdi al og ue s a ndr ead i ng s. How eve r , mast er i nga an lgu ager equ i r es uch m mor e ha tn ust j l ea r ni nggr am maran d vo ca bu l ar y. What mostJa paneset ex t books ai f lt or eco gni zei s h t at t heyca n' t poss i bl y h ope t o co ve r al lt he nece ssa r y v oca bul ar y a nd ka nj i( Chi nesech ar act er s)ot obt ai nf ul l flu ency. Thi s g ui de f ul l y r eco gni ze s h t at i t ca nnott eachyo u ev er yt hi ng wor d bywor d and ch ar act er bych ar act er .I nst ead, i t wi l l gi veyo u a so l i d under st andi ng of t he f undament al s w i t h a wi de co l l ect i on of di al ogues a nd ex ampl es.I n addi t i on, i t wi l l go ove r va r i ous e t ch ni ques a nd t ool s o t enabl e yo u t o t eachyo ur se l f . Esse nt i al l y, t hi s b oo k s i agu i deonho w you ca nl ea r n Jap an ese t o com pl et e flu en cy y b act ual l y u sn i g Ja panesei n t he ar eas o fr eadi ng, wr i t i ng, l i st eni ng, and sp eaki ng. Anot her i mpor t ant di st i nct i on i nt he co mpl et e gui de i st hat i t does n ott r y o t hi de or av oi d mor e ca su al but per f ec t l y a cce pt abl e as pec t s o ft he l ang uag e.Manyt ext books f t o en avo i d st yl es o f sp eechand vo ca bul ar y yo u woul d nor mal l y user egul ar l y wi t h cl osef r i ends,f ami l y,and acq uai nt ance s!I nt hi s gui de, yo u wi l l be i nt r oduce dt o al l asp ect s of t he l anguage base d on r eal wor l d pr act i ca l i t y and use f ul ness; not on an ar t i fic i al , fil t er ed ve r si on of what ot her s co nsi der t o be " pr oper " Ja panese . Reso ur cesnd aToo l s Ther e ar ea a l r ge n umber ofus ef ult ool s o nt he w eb f or l ear ni ng J apanese . Notonl y a r et her e exc el l ent onl i ne di ct i onar i es,whi char e of t en bet t er t han many p r i nt di ct i onar i es,t her e ar e al sogr eat t ool s and so ca i l net wor ki ng si t es f or onl i ne co l l abor at i on and l anguage st udy. I n or der t o f ul l y ut i l i zet heseonl i ne r eso ur ce s or i f yo u' r e r eadi ng t hi s book onl i ne, yo u' l l need t o se t up you r com pu t ert o su pp or t Jap an ese . You ca n se eaf ul ll i stof t heser eso ur ce s a nd i ns t r uct i on s o n how t o se t up you r co mput er att he f ol l owi ng l i nk : ht t p: / / www. gui det oj apanese . or g/ l ear n/ r eso ur ce s Cor r ect i ons I ' m cu r r ent l y w r i t i ng t hi s a s q ui ck l y a s p oss i bl e wi t hout a l otof pr oof r eadi ng sot her e WI LL be many t yp os a nd mi st ake s o f rt he fir stf ew r ev i si ons. Copy r i ght TheCompl et e Gui dei s cu r r en t l y N OT l i ce ns edun de ra c r eat i ve om cmon s o r an y o t he rl i ce ns e.I mi ght co nsi der so me ki nd o fl i ce nsewhen Ifin i sht he fir stdr af t . Kanj i post edbyt aeki m K i The a l stand m ostnot or i ous a sp ec t oft heJa pa nes e w r i t t enl aan ngj u , ag w ehi ch s i r e a C hi ne se ch aac rt er s a da pt edf or Jap an es e.Most wor dsi n Ja pa nese ar e wr i t t eni n Kan j ieve nt ho ug ht heyar e st i l lpr on ou nc edwi t h he t Ja pa ne se ho pnet i c so un dsr epr ese nt ed b y H i r ag an a a ndKat ak an a. St r okeOr der When l ear ni ng Kanj i ,i ti s e vr y mp i or t ant t o l ear ni t wi t h t he pr oper st r okeor der and di r ect i on f r om t he begi nni ng i n or der t o av oi d deve l opi ng anybad habi t s.Ja panesel ear ner s o f t en t hi nk h t at st r oke or der do es n' t mat t er as onglas h t e end pr oductl ooks he t sa me. How eve r , what t heydon' tr eal i zei s t hat t her e ar et housa nds o f ch aa r ct er s a nd t heyar e notal ways met i cu l ousl y w r i t t ent hewayt hey appear i n pri nt . Pr oper st r okeor der hel ps e ns ur et he ch ar act er s o l okr eco gni za bl e eve n when yo u wr i t et hem qui ck l y o r usemor e cu r si vest yl es. r a cal sa The s i mpl er ch ar act er s ca l l e di r e of t enr euse d asco mpon ent s n il ar ger char act er s.Once yo u l ear nt he r adi ca l st r okeor der and get use d t o t he pat t er ns,yo u' l l fin d t hat i t ' s not di fficu l tt o fig ur e out t he co r r ectst r okeor der f or mostKanj i . One good gener al r ul e of t humb i s h t at st r oke s u su al l y s t ar tf r om t he t opl ef t co r ner t ow ar dt he bot t omr i ght . Thi s m eans h t at hor i zo nt al st r oke s a r e gener al l y w r i t t en f r om l ef tt o r i ght and ve r t i ca l st r oke s a r e wr i t t en f r om t op t o bot t om. I n any a cse ,i f yo u' r e not su r e about t he st r okeor der , yo u sh oul d al ways er v i f y b y o l oki ng t he ch ar act er up i n a Kanj i di ct i onar y. Kanj ii n Voca bul ar y The r e ar er ou gh l y ove r 2, 00 0 cha r act er s u sed i n mod er n Jap an ese soyou can i mag i net ha t mem or i zi ng he tm on ebyon e asyou mi gh tf orsyl l ab ar i essuc h asHi r aga nado esno t wor k ve r y w el l . An effe ci t st ve r at egy o f r mast er i ng Kanj ii s e l ar ni ng t hem wi t h new vo ca bul ar y w i t hi nal ar ger co nt ex t . Thi s w ay, we ca n ass oci at e co nt ex t ual i nf or mat i on wi t ht he ch ar act er i n or der t or ei nf or cememor y. Remember t hat Kanj i , ul t i mat el y,i s u se dt or epr ese nt act ual wor ds.So i ti s mp i or t ant t of ocu s n ot so much on t hecha r ac t er s he tmse l ves butt hewor dsan d voca bu l ar y h t ati ncl ud et ho sech aac rt er s. I nt hi s se ct i on, we w i l ll earnow h Kanj i wor ks y be l ar ni ng af ew co mmon ch aa r ct er s a nd v oca bul ar y. Kanj iReadi ngs The first Kanj i we wi l ll e 「人」 ar n i s ,t he ch ar act er f or ' per so n. 'I ti s a si mpl e t wost r okech ar act er whe r e eachst r ok e st art s a tt he t op. You may ave h no t i ce dt ha tt he ch ar ac t er asr ender ed byt he f ont i s n otal ways t hesa me as h t e handwr i t t enst yl e bel ow . Thi s s i a not her i mpo r t ant r eas on t o ch eckt he st r okeor der . Defnition: person Kun-yomi: ひと On-yomi: ジン Kanj ii n Ja paneseca n hav e one or se ve r al r eadi ngs.The r eadi ng f or Kanj ii s sp l i ti nt ot wo maj or kuny om iand ony om i ca t egor i es ca l l ed . Kunyo mi i s he t Ja pa nes er eadi ng of t he ch ar act er whi l e onyo mi i s b ase d on t he or i gi nal Chi nes e pr on unc i at i on. Gener al l y,Kunyo mi i s u se df or wor ds h t at onl y u seone ch ar act er . The a cu t al wor df or " per so n" i s one exam pl e. Exam pl e: 人 【ひと】 - per so n Kun-yom ii s a l sous ed o f r na t i ve ap Jane sewor ds n i cl udi ng m os t adj ect i ves and ve r bs. Onyo mi , on t he ot her hand ,i s m ost l y u se df or wor dst hator i gi nat ef r om Chi nese , whi chof t enuse2 or mor e Kanj i . For t hat r eas on, on-yom ii s o f t enwr i t t eni n Kat aka na.We' l lse e m or e exa mpl esaswe l ear n mor e ch ar act er s.Wi 「人」 t h , one ve r y u se f ul exa mpl e of an on yo mii s o t at t achi tt o names of co unt r i es t o desc r i be nat i onal i t y. Ex am pl e • アメリカ人 【アメリカ・じん】 - Amer i ca n pe (r son ) • フランス人 【フランス・じん】 - Fr en ch( pe r son ) Whi l e mos t ch aact r er s w i l lno t ha vemul t i pl e kun yom ioron yom i ,t hemor e com moncha r ac t er s su ch as「人」 wi l l gener al l y h av ea l ot mor e r eadi ngs.Her e, I onl y i st l t he ones t hat ar e appl i ca bl e t o t he vo ca bul ar y w el ear ned. Lear ni ng a r eadi ng wi t hout a co nt ex t wi t hi n vo ca bul ar y w i l l onl y c r eat e un ne ce ssa r y co nf usi on soI dono tr ec om men dl ea r ni ngal lt he r ea di ng s a t on ce. Now t hat yo u h ave t he g ener al i de a,l et ' s e l ar n s om e m or e v oc abu l ar y a nd h t e K anj i use d w i t hi n t hem. The s t r oke r d o erdi agr am s w i t h e r d h i ghl i gh t s sh ow yo u w he r e e achst r ok e st art s. 1. 日本 【に・ほん】 - Jap an 2. 本 【ほん】 - bo ok 日 Defnition: sun !ay 本 Defnition: srcin book 1. 2. On-yomi: ニ On-yomi: ホン udent 学生 【がく・せい】 - st 先生 【せん・せい】 - t eac her 学 Defnition: aca!emic 先 Defnition: ahea! prece!ence 生 Defnition: li"e On-yomi: ガク On-yomi: セン On-yomi: セイ 1. 高い 【!・い】 - t al l ; ex pens i v e 2. 学" 【が#・$%】 - scho ol 3. 高" 【$%・$%】 - hi ghsch oo l Defnition: tall e#pensi$e 高 Kun-yomi: たか・い On-yomi: コウ 校 Defnition: school On-yomi: コウ 1. &'い 【(い・'い】 - sm al l 2. )*い 【++・*い】 - i b g 3. &学" 【,-%・が#・$%】 - el em en t ar y sch oo l 4. .学" 【(/%・が#・$%】 - mi dd l e sch oo l 5. )学 【0い・がく】 - c ol l ege; uni ve r s i t y 6. &学生 【,-%・がく・せい】 - el emen t ar y sc ho olst ud en t 7. .学生 【(/%・がく・せい】 - mi ddl e s ch ool st uden t 8. )学生 【0い・がく・せい】 - co l l ege; uni ve r si t y t s udent Defnition: small 小 Kun-yomi: ちい・さい On-yomi: ショウ 中 Defnition: mi!!le insi!e On-yomi: チュウ Defnition: large  Kun-yomi: !!・"い On-yomi: #イ 1. 1 【くに】 - co unt r y 2. 3. na .1 【(/%・2く】 - Chi .1人 【(/%・2く・じん】 - Chi ne se( pe r so n) Defnition: country $ Kun-yomi: %& On-yomi: コク 1. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - Japa ne se an l gu ag e 2. .13 【(/%・2く・2】 - Chi ne se an l gu ag e 3. 43 【5い・2】 - Engl i sh 4. フランス3 【フランス・2】 - Fr ench ス67ン3 【ス67ン・2】 5. Defnition: %nglan! - Span i sh ' ) On-yomi: (イ Defnition: language On-yomi: * Wi t h o nl y 14 ch aac rt er s,we' ve an mag ed o te l ar n o ver 25wor ds an r gn i g r f om Chi na o t e l em en t ar y sch oo l st ud en t ! Kan j ii s u su al y l e r ga r ded as amaj or ob st acl e but as yo u ca n se e, yo u ca n eas i l y u t r n i ti nt o a va l uabl e t ool i f yo u l ear n i ti n t he co nt ex t of vo c abul ar y. Okur i gana a nd ch angi ng e r adi ngs Yo u m ay have ot i ced n me so w or ds ha t t end wi t h H i r aga na 「高い」 such o s r「)*い」 a . Becau se Okur i ga naar t hosewor ds a r e adj ect i ve s,t he t r ai l i ng Hi r agana, ca l l ed e ne ede d o t p er f or m var i ou s co nj ugat i ons w i t hout affe ci tg h n t e K anj i . The t hi ng t o w at chout f or i s e r member i ng e xa cl y t w her et he Kan j ien dsan d Hi r ag an a beg i ns . Forexa mpl e,you ne ver wa「)*い」 ntt o wr i t e as「)い」. You mayhave al sono t i ce dt ha tt heKanj ir eadi ngsdon' t al ways mat cht he r eadi ng i n a par t i cu l ar wor d.Forexa mpl e, 「学"」 i s e r ad a 「が#$%」 s an d n o「がく$%」 t . Rea di ng s o f t engo t hr ou gh t hes e sm al lt r ans f or mat i onst o makepr on unc i at i on easi er . Ul t i mat el y,yo u' l l want t o ch eckt he r eadi ng f or anynew wor ds yo u enco unt er . For t unat el y,i t has beco me mucheasi er t ol ook u p new Kanj it ha nk s o t onl i ne t ool s a ndel ect r oni c d i ct i on ar i es.You ca n fin dat ut or i al on how t o uset heset ool s a tt he f ol l owi ng l i nk: ht t p: / / www. gui det oj apanese . or g/ l ear n/ r eso ur ce sfin /di ngka nj i Di ffer ent Kanj if or s i mi l ar wor ds Kanj ii s o f t en use dt o makesu bt l e di st i nct i ons o r gi vea di ffe r ent sh ade of meani ng f or a wor d. I n so me ca se s,i ti s ve r yi mpor t ant t or emember t o uset he co r r ectKanj if or t he co r r ectsi t uat i on. For ex ampl e, whi l et he adj ect i vef or 「89い」 hot i s , when us ed t o descr i be t he cl i mat e, yo u mus t wr i t e i t as 「:い」. When yo u ar e des ci r bi ng a hotobj ector r pe so n,yo u mu 「;い」 stwr i t ei t as i nst ead. + Defnition: hot &"or climate only' Kun-yomi: ,-・い . Defnition: heat "e$er Kun-yomi: ,-・い/0- I n ot her ca se s,whi l e t her e i s g ener i c K anj it hat ca n be use df or al l si t uat i ons o f r a gi ve n wor d, t he wr i t er mayusea mor e sp eci al i ze d ve r si on f or st yl i st i c e r aso ns.The ex ampl es i nt hi s book w i l l gener al l y u set he gener i c a nd usu al l y s i mpl er Kanj i .I f yo u wantt o fin d outmor e about usi ng di ffe r ent Kanj if or t he sa me wor d, se et he f ol l ow i ng l i nk :ht t p: / / www. gui det oj apanese . or g/ l ear n/ r eso ur ce sl e /ar ni ng_wor ds Ho me»Com pl et e Gui det o Japane »Wr sei t i ngSyst em s an d Pr on un ci at i on Basi c num be r s and ge a post edbyt aeki m 1t o 10 Lear ni ng he t fir stt ennumber s s i aon e go od w ayt o getst ar t ed n ie l ar ni ng a nyl anguage. For Ja panese ,i t al soal l ows u s o t get f ami l i ar wi t h so me basi c a nd i mpor t ant Kanj i . One t hi ng t o pay at t ent i ont oi s he t f act t ha t 4 an d 7 ha vet wo po ssi bl e pr on un ci at i ons. The mor e co mmonon esar e bo l de d. Numeral s Kanji Reading 1 2 ( ) 1 2 3 いち & さ; 4 <= * + 5 6 ? @% ,   10 7 8 9 : Bち "CD ECD <ち= 11 t o 99 As an ad de d b on us , we d on ' t ne ed o t ea lr n a ny or me n um be r s o t co un t upt o 9 .Thet en s di gi ti s si mpl y h t e number and t en. For ex ampl e, t wot en i s w t ent y,t hr eet en i s h t i r t y,et c.We wi l ll ear n hi gher num ber s p ast99 i nal at er cha pt er . Ex am pl e 1. <= 【じ/%・い(】 -11 2. >< 3. ><= 【に・じ/%】 -20 【に・じ/%・い(】 -21 4. ?<@ 【'ん・じ/%・*/%】 -39 5. A< 6. C<=F 【に・じ/%・い#・'い】 - 21 ye ar s o l d 【K(】 - 20 ye ar s o l d 3. Aapanese &person' ,. n% - so . +'ん 【+・と%・'ん】 - "ather .  【((】 - &one=s o3n' "ather 10. アメリカ人 【アメリカ・じん】 - merican &person' 11. Džほ„ &e#p' - ? see oggle ranslations |}I JKJさ;BL]ジ]pOPかT JKJI いいrQOHLiBL日本pOPQ |}I VDOPかQ!jさ;BT JKJI jB]~R•pOPQ |}I A€‚Q !amada% &mithsan, are (you) sian (person)' &mith% o. ut, (my) mother is Japanese. !amada% Is that so' s for (your) father' &mith% (My) father is merican. !amada% I see. 6entence-%n!ing articles et#s add some life to our sentences by using sentenceending particles. hese particles are attached at the very end of the sentence to add an emotion or tone. and sentence endings F>G and F0G are two of the most fre1uently used sentence ending particles. 1. 「P」 is use! 3hen the speaker is seeking agreement an! confrmation. ?t a!!s a tone similar to saying4 @rightA@ or @isn=t itA@. 2. 「B」 is use! 3hen the speaker 3ants to point something out or make something a3are to the listener. ?t a!!s a tone similar to saying4 @you kno3A@. (. Bhe t3o can be use! together as 「BP」. '(ample 1. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay 2. :い 【89・い】 - hot &"or climate/3eather only' (. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 ). |,い 【いnが・,い】 - busy *. ラcメン - ramen +. +い,い - tasty4 !elicous oggle ranslations 1. {日K€:いRQPS s "or to!ay4 &it=s' hot4 isn=t itA 2. †日K€|,いRQBS s "or tomorro34 &?=m' busy4 you kno3. (. ラcメンK€+い,いRQBPv s "or ramen4 &it=s' tasty you kno34 isn=t itAC )ou look young for a teacher 1. š. 【D!】 - Banaka &surname' 2. いい5 - no (. とN… - $ery ). Ÿい 【w!・い】 - young *. G+Hいく9 - ho3 ol! +. nx - that ,. ¡ 【ひ・l9】 - secret oggle ranslations JKJI BE{l<ƒQJKJOPQ }中I BE{l<ƒQ}中OPQ JKJI }中さ;BL学生OPかT }中I いいrL先生OPQ JKJI 本„OPかT }中I 本„OP>Q JKJI とƒH…いOP0Q!い%-OPかT }中I VWBL†‡OPQ &mith% ice to meet you. (I#m) &mith. ana$a% ice to meet you. (I#m) ana$a. &mith% ana$asan, (are you) a student' ana$a% o, (I#m) a teacher. &mith% 2eally' ana$a% It#s true, you $now. &mith% (!ou) are very young, right' +ow old (are you)' ana$a% hat#s a secret. !5ecti$es *e#ve already used some ad/ectives as the stateofbeing but we have yet to describe a noun directly with ad/ectives. In order to do this, we first have to learn the two different types of ad/ectives in Japanese. here are two types of ad/ectives called i-adjectives and na-adjectives. '(amples of i*adjecti+es ll iad/ectives end in FいG. 1. いい - goo! 2. !#$いい - cool han!some (. |,い 【いnが・,い】 - busy ¢,い 【£・,い】 ). - "un *. :い 【89・い】 - hot +. ¤い 【'Š・い】 - col! '(amples of na*adjecti+es ll ad/ectives that do not end in FいG are naad/ectives. 1. •* 【Q・*】 - likable 2. pq 【rん・*】 - healthy li$ely (. ¥! 【,¦・!】 - uiet '(amples of na*adjecti+es that end in hough most ad/ectives that end in FいG are iad/ectives, there are a small number of naad/ectives that end in FいG. he examples below are some of the most common naad/ectives that end in FいG. 1. *xい - clean pretty 2. §い 【*m・い】 - !istaste"ul (. ¨い 【'いw・い】 - luckily4 "ortunately escribing nouns directly !ou can easily describe a noun by placing the ad/ective directly in front of the noun. 3or naad/ectives, you first need to add FAG before you can attach the ad/ective to the noun (hence the name). '(ample 1. 人 【ひと】 - person 2. © 【と*】 - 3hen (. ªc« - game ). ¬ 【…£】 - ob5ect thing oggle ranslations 1. いい人 goo! person 2. pqD人 li$ely healthy person (. *xいD人 pretty person ). |,い© 3hen busy *. ¢,いªc« "un game +. •*D¬ likable thing )ou"re so*so handsome 1. ™本 【›M…と】 - Q JKJI とƒH"WいApOP0Q |本I VDOPかT JKJI ,nL|本先生HLl,l,かnyいいOP>‰ |本I ・・・,gŠとD?‹いlPQ &mith% Is ana$asensei a new teacher' !amamoto% hat#s right. &mith% (&he#s) a very pretty person, isn#t she' !amamoto% Is that so' &mith% h, !amamotosensei is soso handsome too‰ !amamoto% ...han$ you. 8ale/7emale 6peech s opposed to polite speech, which is mostly genderneutral, casual speech has many constructions that ma$e it sound masculine or feminine to varying degrees. 4f course, you do not have to be a specific gender to use either masculine or feminine manners of speech but you do need to be aware of the differences and the impression it gives to the listener. he first example of this is how F0G and F>G are used in casual speech. eclarati+e he declarative FŒG is attached to nouns and naad/ectives to give it a more declarative tone and ma$e the stateofbeing explicit. his is important in some grammatical forms we will cover later. 3or now, we can use it in casual Japanese to give a more definitive, confident, and somewhat masculine tone (though females often use it as well). 3or males, in particular, it is important to use it before F0G or F>G to avoid sounding too feminine. Note% Only attach FŒG to nouns and naad/ectives. Never to iad/ectives. '(ample 1. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language 2. ®¯ 【じ-%・¦】&na-a!5' - skill"ul4 goo! at (. ¢,い 【£・,い】&i-a!5' - "un oggle ranslations 1. 日本3K€®¯PS s "or >apanese4 &you=re' goo! at it4 aren=t youA&"eminine' 2. 日本3K€®¯0PS s "or >apanese4 &you=re' goo! at it4 aren=t youA&masculine' (. 日本3K€¢,いBS s "or >apanese4 &it=s' "un4 you kno3.&gen!er-neutral as「0」 cannot be use! "or i-a!5ecti$es' -omic . 1. +KB% - Eoo! 8orning &casual' 2. pq 【rん・*】&na-a!5' - healthy li$ely (. ‰い 【PŠ・い】&i-a!5' - sleepy ). R… - but *. …% - alrea!y +. ° 【ひž】 - a"ternoon ,. じ] - then Gabbr. o" nxRK . $んに(K - Eoo! !ay . +±l 【+・›Q・l】 - Eoo! night &e#pression "or going to sleep' ジョンI]RJちŽ;L!B>DQ ]RJI!B>DLMNT ジョンIUいQ ]RJIOHLHDŒ > ジョンIVDTEŽLy;&ちBQ ]RJIy;&ちB ジョンI!‘Q oggle ranslations John% licechan, good morning. lice% Morning, how are (you)' John% &leepy. lice% ut (it#s) already afternoon, you $now. John% Is that so' hen, good afternoon. lice% 5ood afternoon. John% 5ood night. The homework is easy/ 1. ²³ 【,/く・0い】 &n' - home3ork 2. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult (. µ¶ 【!ん・ん】 &na-a!5' - easy ). %cん - umm *. ·¸ 【・ん】 - probably maybe +. „#( - 3hich one 3hich 3ay ]RJI ’“BL”<いT ジョンI –Œ>‰ ]RJI 本„T ジョンI DS;L—˜”<い>Q ]RJI ‚nち>Q oggle ranslations lice% s for homewor$, (is it) difficult' John% It#s easy6 lice% 2eally' John% 7mm, (it#s) probably difficult. lice% *hich is it' ecause John is male, he decides to use FŒG with F>G with the naad/ective F–G. +owever, regardless of gender, you cannot use FŒG with iad/ectives so he says F”<い>G. F”<いŒ>G is grammatically incorrect. Foun properties he F™G particle has many different uses but one of the most basic usages is for describing nouns with other nouns similar to how we described nouns with ad/ectives. his is usually used to describe ownership, membership, property or any other description that involves another noun. It is important to remember the order the modification ta$es place. !ou don#t want to inadvertently say "name#s me" when you meant to say "my name". If you#re unsure of the order, I recommend translating F™G as "of" and reading it in reverse. '(amples 1.  【w,】 - me mysel" ? 2. ¹º 【D・M5】 - name (. $£ - this ). » 【くžM】 - car *. 日本 【に・ほん】 - >apan +. 6ン - pen ,. ¼ 【9く5】 - !esk . ® 【%5】 - up abo$e . !ん - bag 10. ½ 【,】 - !o3n belo3 11. 先生 【せん・せい】 - teacher 12. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language oggle ranslations 1. £¹ºK€g«RQS Fame o" me &my name' is Kim. 2. $£»K€日本£»RQS Bhis car is car o" >apan &>apanese car'. (. 6ンK€¼£®RQS en is abo$e o" !esk. ). !んK€¼£½RQS ;ag is belo3 o" !esk. *. š.先生K€日本3£先生RQS Banaka-sensei is teacher o" >apanese &>apanese teacher'. 0hat"s your 1rst name again$ 1. ½£¹º - frst name &lit: bottom name' 2. y 【Dに】 - 3hat (. DんR - 3hy ). 5 - huh4 eh RSI JKJさ;™š™›œBLT JKJI ]RJ>Q RSI ]RJちŽ;0Q JKJI RSさ;™š™›œBT RSI ジžŸン JKJI ・・・RS0Q RSI rLA;OT oggle ranslations ee% *hat is &mithsan#s first name' &mith% (It#s) lice. ee% licechan, huh' &mith% *hat is eesan#s first name' ee% Jae!oon. &mith% ...ee$un, huh' ee% +uh, why' Noun replacement he F™G particle can also replace the noun entirely when it#s understood by the context. '(amples 1. ¾い 【8!・い】 - re! 2. „x - 3hich oggle ranslations 1. ¾い£K€•*S &?' like the re! one. 2. スVス'ん£K€„xRQ!u 9hich one is 6mith-san=sA Fegati$e 6tate-o"-;eing ecause the stateofbeing is implied within nouns and ad/ectives, expressing the negative is a bit different from 8nglish. he noun or ad/ective is con/ugated directly to say that 9: is not !;. い. hough it is usually pronounced FいいG in modern Japanese, all con/ugations still derive from the srcinal F>いG reading. !ou will see similar examples later as we learn different types of con/ugations. Fegati$e "or nouns an! a!5ecti$es • 2or nouns and na*adjecti+es3 ttach 「じ]Dい」 to the en! %#ample 1. pq¿じ]DいÀpqじ]Dい 2. *xい¿じ]DいÀ*xいじ]Dい • 2or i*adjecti+es3 Drop the 「い」 at the en! an! replace 3ith 「くDい」 %#ample 1. |,い¿くDいÀ|,くDい 2. !wいい¿くDいÀ!wいくDい • '(ceptions3 「いい」 con5ugates "rom 「BいG 1. いい → Bい¿くDいÀBくDい 2. !#$いい → !#$Bい¿くDいÀ!#$BくDい Note: he negative form is very similar grammatically to iad/ectives. &imilar to i ad/ectives, you must never use the declarative FŒG with the negative. '(ample 1. Áラ` - sala! 2. スÂcg - steak (. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ). $£ - this *. 本 【ほん】 - book +. ÃÄい 【+…・,O・い】&i-a!5' - interesting ,. {Å 【$と,】 - this year . Æ 【ÇÈ】 - 3inter . ¤い 【'Š・い】&i-a!5' - col! oggle ranslations 1. Áラ`K€8Mj•*じ]DいS s "or sala!4 !on=t like $ery much. 2. スÂcg・Áラ`K€Áラ`じ]DいBS s "or steak sala!4 &it=s' not sala!4 you kno3. (. $£本K€ÃÄくDいBS s "or this book4 &it=s' not interesting4 you kno3. ). {Å£ÆK€¤くDいPS s "or this year=s 3inter4 &it=s' not col!4 is itA That"s not a good thing/ 1. ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 &n' - class lecture 2. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' (. ÃÄい 【+…・,O・い】 &i-a!5' - interesting "unny ). R… - but *. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult +. nx - that ,. いい &i-a!5' - goo! . $と &n' - matter e$ent . ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 &a!$' - not at all &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ジョンI |本先生™¥¦BL,lg§¨%AいQ ]RJI ^BL§¨い>Q ジョンI OHL”<%AいT ]RJI VWBLいいyと>Q ジョンI ©ª>%Aい‰ oggle ranslations John% !amamotosensei#s class is not very interesting. lice% s for me, (it#s) interesting. John% ut isn#t it very difficult' lice% hat#s a good thing. John% It#s not good at all6 Negati+e Nouns4Adjecti+es in 5olite 2orm s before, all that#s re1uired for the polite form is to add FOPG to the end of the sentence. "m not an otaku/ 1. ÏÐ 【,/・l】 &n' - hobby interest 2. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat Grea! as Dん 3hen use! 3ith RQ (. ÑÒiン - computer &abbre$iation o" ÑcÒ_f・iン”ÓcÔc or ' ). ªc« - game *. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable スÕcÖ +. - sports ,. いい5 - no &polite' . bÔ× - otaku geek enthusiast |本I RSさ;™«¬BOPかT RSI ®コンOPQ¯S°H¢"OPQ |本I J±S²BL¢"OPかT RSI いいrL,lg¢"EŽAいOPQ JKJI RSさ;BL³´クOPQ RSI ³´クEŽAいOP>‰ oggle ranslations !amamoto% *hat is your hobby, eesan' ee% her favorite using the topic particle saying "as for this" and "as for that". hat is what the FŠG particle is for% to identify or see$ to identify an un$nown. 1. ” - pizza 2. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable (. „んD - 3hat kin! o" • • ”K€•*RQ!u s "or pizza4 !o &you' like itA „んD”が 9hat kin! o"•*RQ!u pizza !o &like'A &mong all possibilities' !ou can sometimes restructure your sentence to mean the same thing with and without the FŠG particle. 1. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable 2. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! (. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat • • •*DØÙ¬K€yRQ!u s "or "oo! that &you' like4 3hat is itA ØÙ¬K€yが•*RQ!u s "or "oo!4 3hat is it that you likeA &mong all possibilities' +owever, while the topic particle can only bring up a general topic of conversation, the identifier particle plays a specific role in that it#s identifying a particular thing among other possibilities. 1. |,い 【いnが・,い】 &i-a!5' - busy • • スVス'んK€|,いS s "or 6mith-san4 busy. スVス'んが|,いS 6mith-san is the one that is busy. 0hich teacher do you like the most$ 1. „£ - 3hich 2. =Ú 【い(・ん】 - number 1 the best the most (. !wいい &i-a!5' - cute ). >Å生 【に・Pん・せい】 - secon! year sophomore *. ÛÅ 【mい・Pん】 - ne#t year +. ¢,l 【£・,l】 - something to look "or3ar! to ,. DんR - 3hy . ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 - class . ÃÄい 【+…・,O・い】 - interesting 10. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 - !icult RSI ジョンさ;BL‚™先生Š1µ¢"T ジョンI }中先生Š¢"Œ0Q RSI VDŒ0Qか¶いい>0QOHL2·生™先生Œ>0Q ジョンI ¸·Š¹<‘Œ‰ ]RJI ^BL|本先生Š¢">Q ジョンI rTA;OT ]RJI ¥¦Š§¨%AいT ジョンI §¨%Aい>‰”<い>‰ ]RJI VDT oggle ranslations ee% s for Johnsan, which teacher do (you) li$e the most' John% (I) li$e ana$asensei. ee% hat#s so, isn#t it' &he is cute. ut (she#s) secondyear teacher. John% oo$ing forward to next year6 lice% s for me, I li$e !amamotosensei, you $now' John% +uh' *hy' lice% Isn#t (his) class interesting' John% It#s not interesting6 It#s difficult6 lice% Is that so' The one or thing that666 hough it doesn#t wor$ all the time, a simple tric$ to easily distinguish FŠG is to translate it as "the one or thing that...". his way, it clearly illustrates the FŠG particle as identifying a particular thing or person. 1. š.先生が•*S Banaka-sensei is the one that &?' like. 2. ÉÊがÃÄくDいu ?sn=t &his' class the thing that is interestingA ompoun! 6entences -ombining two sentences with 7but7 !ou may remember we already usedFOHG to mean "but" or "however". *hile FOHG is always used at the beginning of a new sentence, there are two con/unctions that also mean "but" and can be used to combine two sentences together into one compound sentence, similar to 8nglish. he two con/unctions are Fº‚G and FŠG. Fº‚G is fairly casual while FŠG is slightly more formal and polite. (ote that this FŠG is completely different from the identifier particle we learned in the last section.) '(ample 1. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay 2. |,い 【いnが・,い】 - busy (. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 ). Ü 【ひM】 &na-a!5' - "ree &as in not busy' • • {日K|,いÝ„€†日KÜS &?=m' busy but &?=m' "ree tomorro3. {日K|,いRQが€†日KÜRQS &?=m' busy but &?=m' "ree tomorro3. Note% If the first clause ends with a noun or naad/ective without any tense and you#re not using FOPG, you must add FŒG. '(ample • &?=m' "ree to!ay but &?=m' busy tomorro3. 1. {日KÜ0Ý„€†日K|,いQ 2. {日KÜRQÝ„€†日K|,いRQQ (. {日KÜ0が€†日K|,いQ ). {日KÜRQが€†日K|,いRQQ If the noun or naad/ective is already con/ugated £such as the negative FEŽA いG, you don#t need to add FŒG. • &?=m' not "ree to!ay but &?=m' "ree tomorro3. 1. {日KÜじ]DいÝ„€†日KÜQ 2. {日KÜじ]Dいが€†日KÜQ -ombining two sentences with 7so7 !ou can combine two sentences withFか»G or F™OG to show a reason and result but it#s important to remember that the reason comes first. herefore, it may be helpful to remember the definition as "so" rather than "because" to match the order. F™OG is slightly more polite and formal compared to Fか»G. '(ample 1. $$ - here 2. %ž'い - noisy • $$K€%ž'い!m€8Mj•*じ]DいS • &?t=s' noisy here so &?' !on=t like it $ery much. $$K€%ž'いRQ£R€8Mj•*じ]DいRQQ (It#s) noisy here so (I) don#t li$e it very much.? Note% 4nce again, If the first clause ends with a noun or naad/ective without anything else £such as FOPG or FEŽAいG, you must add FŒG for Fか»G and FAG for F™OG. '(ample 1. $$ - here 2. ¥! 【,¦・!】 - uiet • &?t=s' uiet here so &?' like it. 1. $$K¥!0!m€•*Q 2. $$K¥!RQ!m€•*RQQ (. $$K¥!D£R€•*Q ). $$K¥!RQ£R€•*RQQ 4nce again, this only applies to nouns and naad/ectives that are not con/ugated to another tense. • &?t=s' not uiet here so &?' !on=t like it $ery much. 1. $$K¥!じ]Dい!m€8Mj•*じ]DいQ 2. $$K¥!じ]Dい£R€8Mj•*じ]DいQ -ombining two sentences with 7despite7 &imilarly, you can attach two sentences with F™&G to mean "despite" or "in spite of". &imilar to F™OG, you must attach FAG when the first clause ends with a plain noun or naad/ective. '(ample 1. 先生 【せん・せい】 - teacher 2. とN… - $ery (. Ÿい 【w!・い】 &i-a!5' - young ). {Å 【$・と,】 - this year *. Þßq 【Ç・Ýい・*】 - &economic' recession +. ×リスàス - hristmas ,. +á'ん 【+・*]く・'ん】 - customer . âDい 【Qく・Dい】&i-a!5' - "e34 scarce . !wいい &i-a!5' - cute 10. ãÃä 【M・じ・L】 &na-a!5' - serious !iligent 11. å 【+と$】 - man 12. æç 【と…・0(】 - "rien! oggle ranslations 1. š.'んK€先生D£に€とN…ŸいRQS Despite the "act that Banaka-san is &a' teacher4 &she' is $ery young. 2. {ÅK€Þßq0!m€×リスàスD£に€+á'んがâDいS Bhis year is recession so !espite it being hristmas4 customers are "e3. (. アリスK€!wいい£に€ãÃä0!m€å£æçがâDいS lthough lice is cute4 because &she=s' serious4 &she has' "e3 male "rien!s. Lea+ing parts out !ou can leave out either side of the con/unction if it#s understood by context. '(ample JKJI yyBL¢"EŽAいQ RSI A;OT JKJI D€さいか»Q oggle ranslations &mith% I don#t li$e (it) here. ee% *hy' &mith% ecause it#s noisy. If you leave the first part out, you still need to add FOPG, FŒG, or FAG /ust as if the first sentence was there. 1. èéê 【と・,-・!ん】 - library 2. $$ - here (. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ). •* 【Q・*】 - likable gSI ½¾¿A™&LyyBい-HD€さい>0Q JKJI Œか»L,lg¢"EŽAいQ oggle ranslations ee% =espite the fact (it#s) library, (It#s) always noisy here, huh' &mith% hat#s why I don#t li$e (it) very much. 4ther options would be the same as it would be with both sentences. 1. RQ!m€8Mj•*じ]DいRQQ 2. D£R€8Mj•*じ]DいRQQ !ou can even leave out both parts of the con/unction as seen in the next dialogue. &o what$ RSI ÀÁBLÂ<い>Q JKJI Œか»T RSI Œか»LXŒ>‰Œº‚Ã日BLÄnとÅŒか»LDW<い‰ JKJI ,nLVDT oggle ranslations ee% I#m busy lately, you $now' &mith% &o' ee% &o (it#s) tough, you $now6 ut (I#m) finally free today so (I#m) happy6 &mith% 4h, is that so' Gisting multiple nouns complete list particle he FとG particle is used to group multiple nouns together in a complete list. The poor chicken family666 1. ëìí 【+›・$・„ん】 - rice !ish 3ith chicken an! egg &parent an! chil! bo3l' 2. îï 【kい・j-%】 - ingre!ient (. 2— 【2・Kん】 - rice meal ). ðPË 【M・PË】 - onion *. ,-%È - soy sauce +. n,N - an! then ,. …(Oん - o" course . ñò 【とj・にく】 - chicken . ó 【M2】 - egg 10. qô(õい 【*・…(・wžい】 &i-a!5' - ba! "eeling4 gross4 unpleasant 11. +い,い &i-a!5' - tasty 12. !wいn% &na-a!5' - poor4 piti"ul &as in to "eel sorry "or' 1(. ÃÄい 【+…・,O・い】 &i-a!5' - interesting 1). )Ž 【0い・じ-%・】 &na-a!5' - ok 1*. 本‡ 【ほん・と%】 - truth reality 1+. ë 【+›】 - parent 1,. ìö 【$・„…】 - chil! JKJI fwÆ™ÇÈBOPかT }中I ?ÉとÊ0ËとQ JKJI か¶いVDEŽAいOPかT }中I JKJさ;BL§¨いOP0Q本„™fとwÒEŽAいOPか»Y ZOP>Q JKJI OH・・・Q oggle ranslations &mith% *hat are the ingredients for 4ya$odon' ana$a% 2ice, onions, and soy sauce. nd then, because it#s "parent and child bowl", chic$en and egg, of course. &mith% hat#s unpleasant, isn#t it' ana$a% Is that so' ut it#s tasty, you $now' &mith% =on#t you feel sorry (for them)' ana$a% &mithsan, (you#re) interesting. (It#s) not real parent and child so (it#s) o$, you $now. &mith% ut... and partial list FÄG and FとかG are also used to list multiple nouns together. he ma/or difference is that they imply that the list is not complete and is a sample among a larger list. FとかG is merely a more casual version of FÄG.  hate natto 1. „んD - 3hat kin! 2. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】&n' - "oo! (. +÷ì 【+・!・,】 - can!y ). øcùúcg *. 7øû - cheese cake - stra3berry +. hücdúcg - short cake ,. ýい 【8M・い】&i-a!5' - s3eet . ¬ 【…£】&n' - thing . þÿ 【D#・と%】&n' - natto &"ermente! soybeans' 10. §い 【*m・い】&na-a!5' - !islike hate |本I JKJさ;BL‚;AÓÔÕŠ¢"OPかT JKJI VDOP0Q日本™!ÖwÄチS×ØSÙÄイチ*ショSÚØSÙ Š¢"OPQ |本I ÛいÕŠ¢"OP0Q JKJI Û%AいÕH¢"OP>Q |本I ÜÝB‚DOPかT JKJI ÜÝBLÞいOP0Q oggle ranslations !amamoto% s for &mithsan, what $ind of food do (you) li$e' &mith% et#s see. (I) li$e things like Japanese candy, cheese ca$e, and strawberry short ca$e. !amamoto% (!ou) li$e sweet things, don#t you' &mith% (I) also li$e things that are not sweet, you $now. !amamoto% +ow about natto' &mith% s for natto, I hate it. possible options FかG can be used with multiple nouns to list several possible options, essentially meaning "or". )ou"re just like whate+er, huh$ 1. 試験 【,・Ýん】 - e#am 2. い9 - 3hen (. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay ). †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 *. 絶対 【Î#・い】 - !efnitely4 "or sure +. じ] - then &casual' ,. 適‡ 【N*・と%】 - haphazar!4 3hate$er 3orks . Û週 【mい・,/%】 - ne#t 3eek . ›Kjz›#ぱj - as ? thought ]RJI ßàBい-T ジョンI Ã日かá日Œ>Q ]RJI âãÃ日EŽAい>Q ジョンI EŽLá日Q ]RJI ä„Œ0Q RSI ßàB¸åŒ>Q ]RJI ÄnægQ oggle ranslations lice% 8xam is when' John% oday or tomorrow. lice% It#s not today for sure. John% hen, (it#s) tomorrow. lice% (!ou#re) hapha-ard, huh' ee% 8xam is next wee$, you $now. lice% s I thought. %#planations an! e#pectations In 8nglish, changing the order of words in the sentence can often change the tone as well. 3or example, as$ing "Is he a student'" sounds very different from "+e#s a student'" *hile the former is a very neutral 1uestion simply see$ing a yes or no answer, the latter expresses surprise that the person is in fact a student and is see$ing confirmation of that fact. In Japanese, we saw that sentence order is very flexible due to how particles clearly define the grammatical role of each word. &o in order to express this $ind of biased 1uestion or answer, we add F™G to the end of the sentence to show that we are see$ing or providing an explanation. 3or nouns and naad/ectives, you also need to add FAG before F™G. '(ample 1. 彼 【!x】 - he 2. 学生 【がく・せい】 - stu!ent 1. 彼K€学生u ?s he &a' stu!entA 2. 彼K€学生D£u e=s a stu!entA &6eeking e#planation 3hy he=s a stu!ent' In the second sentence, because the person is implicitly see$ing an explanation for why he#s a student, it gives the impression that the spea$er is surprised or considers the fact that he may be a student to be unexpected. !ealth is important too 1. と$OR - by the 3ay 2. „%,N - 3hy (. |,い 【いnが・,い】 - busy ). ‘ 【’く】 - me4 mysel" &polite4 masculine' *. 水泳部 【Qい・5い・】 - s3im club +. 5 - eh4 huh ,. n% - so . R… - but . ÏÐ 【,/・l】 - hobby interests 10. ÑÒiン - computer  11. ªc« - game 12. 健康 【Ýん・$%】 - health 1(. )事 【0い・じ】 &na-a!5' - important 1). Džほ„ - ? see JKJI とy@OLRSB‚D<ƒÂ<い™T RSI çBèéêŒか»Q JKJI rTVDA™T RSI VDŒº‚T JKJI OHL«¬B®コンと¯S°EŽAい™T RSI VDŒº‚LëìHíŒか»Q JKJI A€‚Q oggle ranslations &mith% y the way, ee$un, why are you busy' ee% ecause (I#m in) swim club. &mith% 8h' Is that so' ee% hat#s so but' &mith% ut isn#t (your) hobby computers and games' ee% hat#s so but health is also important so. &mith% I see. '(planation for and *hen the sentence has additional things following the F™G such as FŒG or FOPG, the F™G is replaced with F;G to ma$e pronunciation easier. *hile F™G can still be used, it is considered to be oldfashioned. 0hat"s the problem$ 1. bÔ× - otaku geek enthusiast 2. 8£% - um4 er4 e#cuse me (. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ). いい &i-a!5' - goo! fne *. 言葉 【$と・】 - 3or! language +. Kい - yes &polite' ,. いい5 - no &polite' JKJI |本先生LRSさ;BLèéêŒか»L³´クEŽAいOP>‰ |本I ,™DLJKJさ;L³´クB,lgいいîïEŽAい;OP>Q JKJI VDA;OPかTOHLRSさ;B³´クEŽAいか»Lいい; EŽAいOPかT |本I JKJさ;・・・Q JKJI BいT |本I いいrLいいOPQ oggle ranslations &mith% !amamotosensei, eesan is not an ota$u because (he#s in) swim club. !amamoto% 7m, &mithsan, 4ta$u is not a very good word, you $now. &mith% Is that so' ut eesan is not an ota$u so isn#t it fine' !amamoto% &mithsan... &mith% !es' !amamoto% o, never mind (lit% (it#s) fine). he phrase Fいい;EŽAいOPかTG shows a very important way setting expectations can enhance your abilities to express certain things. y setting the expectation that it should be good and as$ing the opposite allows you to as$ 1uestions li$e, "isn#t it'". !ou can compare the difference in meaning by loo$ing at the different variations below. his is only to give you the general idea as you#ll naturally get the hang of it through the regular course of exposure to the language. 1. いいRQ!u - ?s it goo!A &neutral yes/no uestion' 2. BくDいRQ!u - ?s it not goo!A &neutral yes/no uestion' いいんRQ!u (. goo!' - ?t=s goo!A &seeking e#planation as to 3hy it=s ). BくDいんRQ!u - ?t=s not goo!A &seeking e#planation as to 3hy it=s not goo!' *. いいんじ]DいRQ!u - ?t=s goo!4 isn=t itA +. BくDいんじ]DいRQ!u - ?t=s not goo!4 isn=t itA 8arious degrees of e(planation and e(pectation It#s important to note that this way of see$ing explanation or expectation is not explicit and can be more of a subtle nuance as opposed to directly as$ing for an explanation. It#s common to use F™G for /ust about anything that#s not completely neutral in tone especially in casual speech. +ow strong the explanation or expectation is will depend on the context and tone. '(ample 9 % ?{;LÃ日BŒ{ŒQ % EŽLá日BÂ<いT % &orry, today is no good. % 4$ then, is tomorrow busy' (neutral yes>no 1uestion) '(ample : % ?{;Lá日BŒ{ŒQ % á日BÂ<い™T % &orry, tomorrow is no good. % Is tomorrow busy' (mild curiosity, low level of see$ing explanation) '(ample . % á日BðJÚŒ0Q % rTá日BðJÚA™TT % omorrow is test, isn#t it' % *hat' here#s a test tomorrow'' (surprised expectation of no test and high level of see$ing explanation) '(ample ; % ?{;Lá日BâãŒ{ŒQ % á日BLいnたい‚D<ƒŒ{A™>T‰ % &orry, tomorrow is no good for certain. % Just why in the world is tomorrow no good'6 (explicit demand for explanation) hapter summary an! practice In this chapter, we learned how to use nouns and ad/ectives to describe what something is or isn#t. +ere is a simple list of examples using the various con/ugations we learned in this chapter. Founs an! !5ecti$es on5ugation %#amples 5ositi+ e 5ositi+e 5olite Negati+e 5olite 学生 EŽAい 学生OP 学生EŽAいOP MN EŽAい MNOP MNEŽAいOP *adjecti+e Â<い Â<%Aい Â<いOP Â<%AいOP '(ception いい >%AいH いいOP >%AいOPH Noun 学生 Negati+e Na* MN adjecti+e @ A exceptions no 1uestions or by using a 1uestion word. 8arious ways to say yes or no 1. Kい - yes &polite' 2. 55 - yes &polite' (. いい5 - no &polite' ). %ん - yes &casual' *. %%ん - no &casual 8arious =uestion words 1. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat 2. 誰 【0x】 - 3ho (. い9 - 3hen ). „% - ho3 *. „んD - 3hat kin! o" +. „%,N - 3hy ,. DんR - 3hy &casual' he word for "what" or FG is a bit tric$y because it has two readings. *hen used by itself, it is always pronounced FA&G. +owever, as we#ve already seen, when used with FOPG it is read as FA;G. here are other cases when it is read as FA;G as we#ll see later. s you begin to practice spea$ing Japanese, you can apply what we#ve learned in this chapter to as$ various icebrea$er 1uestions. &le ice*breaker =uestions 1. ÏÐ 【,/・l】 - hobby interests 2. =Ú 【い(・ん】 - number 1 the best the most (. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable ). 日本 【に・ほん】 - >apan *. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! +. 43 【5い・2】 - %nglish ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 ,. &i-a!5' - !icult . ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 - class . ¢,い 【£・,い】 &i-a!5' - "un 10. 音¢ 【+ん・がく】 music 1. ÏÐK€yRQ!u 9hat is your hobbyA 2. =Ú•*DØÙ¬K€yRQ!u 9hat is your "a$orite "oo!A (. 日本£ØÙ¬K•*RQ!u Do you like >apanese "oo!A ). 43K€´,いRQ!u ?s %nglish !icultA *. ÉÊK€¢,いRQ!u ?s class "unA +. „んD音¢が•*RQ!u 9hat kin! o" music !o you likeA ry to come up with your own 1uestions for your teacher, classmates, or conversation partner. -omic ; 1. い9… - al3ays 2. 弁‡ 【Ùん・と%】 - bo# lunch (. n% - &things are' that 3ay ). œ 【KK】 - mother *. ï理 【j-%・j】 - cooking cuisine !ish +. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable !esirable ,. ‘ 【’く】 - me4 mysel" &polite4 masculine' . 欲,い 【ほ・,い】 &i-a!5' - !esirable . ED &sentence-en!ing particle' - casual an! masculine $ersion o" E0 10. Ø堂 【,-く・„%】 - ca"eteria 11. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! 12. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' 1(. „んD - 3hat kin! o" 1). スÂcg - steak 1*. G+HQ, - sushi 1+. カニ - crab 1,. 高い 【!・い】 &i-a!5' - high tall e#pensi$e 1. と$OR - by the 3ay 1. 20. °2— 【ひž・2・Kん】 - lunch „%,N - 3hy 21. ラcメン - ramen 22. 安い 【›Q・い】 &i-a!5' - cheap 2(. Džほ„ - ? see ジョンI,gPちŽ;BLい-Hñ„A™T ]RJIVDQiBÈòŠ¢"Œか» ジョンIçHñ„Šó<いAQÓô™ÓÔÕB,lg¢"EŽAい;ŒQ ]RJI‚;AÓÔÕŠ¢"A™T ジョンIJðSÙとか!P<とか•ニとかB ]RJI高いÓÔÕŠ¢"A™0Qとy@OL?ÉB‚D<ƒい-HõS ~ンA™T ジョンIöいか»Q ]RJIA€‚0‰ oggle ranslations John% licechan, (are you) always lunch box' lice% hat#s so. (My) mother li$es coo$ing so. John% I also want box lunch. (I) don#t much li$e the cafeteria food. lice% *hat $ind of food (do you) li$e' John% (hings li$e) stea$, sushi, crab... lice% (!ou) li$e expensive food, don#t you. y the way, why is (your) lunch always ramen' John% ecause (it#s) cheap. lice% I see6 0riting 5ractice 3or writing practice, try writing a brief description about yourself. s always, ma$e sure to correct your wor$ early to avoid developing any bad habits. !ou can either as$ a Japanese spea$er or use http%>>lang>. +ere#s a short list of words that might be useful. 1. ¹º 【D・M5】 - name 2. &学 【,-%・がく】 - elementary school (. .学 【(/%・がく】 - mi!!le school ). 高" 【$%・$%】 - high school *. )学 【0い・がく】 - college +. =Å生 【い(・Pん・せい】 - frst year "reshman ,. >Å生 【に・Pん・せい】 - secon! year sophomore . ?Å生 【'ん・Pん・せい】 - thir! year 5unior . AÅ生 【B・Pん・せい】 - "ourth year senior 10. 専攻 【せん・$%】 - ma5or 11. ÏÐ 【,/・l】 - interests hobbies 12. 読é 【„く・,-】 - rea!ing 1(. スÕcÖ - sports 1). 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language 1*. •* 【Q・*】 - !esirable とN… 1+. 1,. - $ery (-#と - a little 1. ÃÄい 【+…・,Oい】 &i-a!5' - interesting "unny 1. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult 20. µ¶ 【!ん・ん】 &na-a!5' - easy 21. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! ntroducing Alice &mith 3or example, here#s a short self description by lice &mith. 1. 経済 【Ýい・kい】 - economy 2. 経済学 【Ýい・kい・がく】 - economics (. Áッカc - soccer ). (Dlに - by the 3ay *. Nんぷm - tempura +. ” - pizza BE{l<ƒQ^™›œBL]RJ・JKJOPQ学™1·生OPQ ÷øBLùú学OPQ«¬BLûü•Sとý¾OPQ日本)H¢"OPQ とƒH§¨いOPŠLちhnと”<いOP0Q ちA‘&L¢"AÓÔÕBLƒ;þ»と[\OPQ >reetings from the author y;&ちB‰Ù°・ðイOPQÿさ;BMNOPかQ ^B相X¶»ずÂ<いOPº‚LMNOPQ 日本)B§¨いOPかQ¢"OPかQ VDOP0Qâã¢"OP>0Q Hち@;L^H¢"OP>Q hapter summary an! practice In this chapter, we learned how to use nouns and ad/ectives to describe what something is or isn#t. +ere is a simple list of examples using the various con/ugations we learned in this chapter. Founs an! !5ecti$es on5ugation %#amples 5ositi+ e 5ositi+e 5olite Negati+e 5olite 学生 EŽAい 学生OP 学生EŽAいOP MN EŽAい MNOP MNEŽAいOP *adjecti+e Â<い Â<%Aい Â<いOP Â<%AいOP '(ception いい >%AいH いいOP >%AいOPH Noun 学生 Negati+e Na* MN adjecti+e @ A exceptions no 1uestions or by using a 1uestion word. 8arious ways to say yes or no 1. Kい - yes &polite' 2. 55 - yes &polite' (. いい5 - no &polite' ). %ん - yes &casual' *. %%ん - no &casual 8arious =uestion words 1. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat 2. 誰 【0x】 - 3ho (. い9 - 3hen ). „% - ho3 *. „んD - 3hat kin! o" +. „%,N - 3hy ,. DんR - 3hy &casual' he word for "what" or FG is a bit tric$y because it has two readings. *hen used by itself, it is always pronounced FA&G. +owever, as we#ve already seen, when used with FOPG it is read as FA;G. here are other cases when it is read as FA;G as we#ll see later. s you begin to practice spea$ing Japanese, you can apply what we#ve learned in this chapter to as$ various icebrea$er 1uestions. &le ice*breaker =uestions 1. ÏÐ 【,/・l】 - hobby interests 2. =Ú 【い(・ん】 - number 1 the best the most (. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable ). 日本 【に・ほん】 - >apan *. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! +. 43 【5い・2】 - %nglish ,. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult . ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 - class . ¢,い 【£・,い】 &i-a!5' - "un 10. 音¢ 【+ん・がく】 music 1. ÏÐK€yRQ!u 9hat is your hobbyA 2. =Ú•*DØÙ¬K€yRQ!u 9hat is your "a$orite "oo!A (. 日本£ØÙ¬K•*RQ!u Do you like >apanese "oo!A ). 43K€´,いRQ!u ?s %nglish !icultA *. ÉÊK€¢,いRQ!u ?s class "unA +. „んD音¢が•*RQ!u 9hat kin! o" music !o you likeA ry to come up with your own 1uestions for your teacher, classmates, or conversation partner. -omic ; 1. い9… - al3ays 2. 弁‡ 【Ùん・と%】 - bo# lunch (. n% - &things are' that 3ay ). œ 【KK】 - mother *. ï理 【j-%・j】 - cooking cuisine !ish +. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable !esirable ,. ‘ 【’く】 - me4 mysel" &polite4 masculine' . 欲,い 【ほ・,い】 &i-a!5' - !esirable . ED &sentence-en!ing particle' - casual an! masculine $ersion o" E0 10. Ø堂 【,-く・„%】 - ca"eteria 11. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! 12. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' 1(. „んD - 3hat kin! o" 1). スÂcg - steak 1*. G+HQ, - sushi 1+. カニ - crab 1,. 高い 【!・い】 &i-a!5' - high tall e#pensi$e 1. と$OR - by the 3ay 1. 20. °2— 【ひž・2・Kん】 - lunch „%,N - 3hy 21. ラcメン - ramen 22. 安い 【›Q・い】 &i-a!5' - cheap 2(. Džほ„ - ? see ジョンI,gPちŽ;BLい-Hñ„A™T ]RJIVDQiBÈòŠ¢"Œか» ジョンIçHñ„Šó<いAQÓô™ÓÔÕB,lg¢"EŽAい;ŒQ ]RJI‚;AÓÔÕŠ¢"A™T ジョンIJðSÙとか!P<とか•ニとかB ]RJI高いÓÔÕŠ¢"A™0Qとy@OL?ÉB‚D<ƒい-HõS ~ンA™T ジョンIöいか»Q ]RJIA€‚0‰ oggle ranslations John% licechan, (are you) always lunch box' lice% hat#s so. (My) mother li$es coo$ing so. John% I also want box lunch. (I) don#t much li$e the cafeteria food. lice% *hat $ind of food (do you) li$e' John% (hings li$e) stea$, sushi, crab... lice% (!ou) li$e expensive food, don#t you. y the way, why is (your) lunch always ramen' John% ecause (it#s) cheap. lice% I see6 0riting 5ractice 3or writing practice, try writing a brief description about yourself. s always, ma$e sure to correct your wor$ early to avoid developing any bad habits. !ou can either as$ a Japanese spea$er or use http%>>lang>. +ere#s a short list of words that might be useful. 1. ¹º 【D・M5】 - name 2. &学 【,-%・がく】 - elementary school (. .学 【(/%・がく】 - mi!!le school ). 高" 【$%・$%】 - high school *. )学 【0い・がく】 - college +. =Å生 【い(・Pん・せい】 - frst year "reshman ,. >Å生 【に・Pん・せい】 - secon! year sophomore . ?Å生 【'ん・Pん・せい】 - thir! year 5unior . AÅ生 【B・Pん・せい】 - "ourth year senior 10. 専攻 【せん・$%】 - ma5or 11. ÏÐ 【,/・l】 - interests hobbies 12. 読é 【„く・,-】 - rea!ing 1(. スÕcÖ - sports 1). 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language 1*. •* 【Q・*】 - !esirable とN… 1+. 1,. - $ery (-#と - a little 1. ÃÄい 【+…・,Oい】 &i-a!5' - interesting "unny 1. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult 20. µ¶ 【!ん・ん】 &na-a!5' - easy 21. ØÙ¬ 【・Ù・…£】 - "oo! ntroducing Alice &mith 3or example, here#s a short self description by lice &mith. 1. 経済 【Ýい・kい】 - economy 2. 経済学 【Ýい・kい・がく】 - economics (. Áッカc - soccer ). (Dlに - by the 3ay *. Nんぷm - tempura +. ” - pizza BE{l<ƒQ^™›œBL]RJ・JKJOPQ学™1·生OPQ ÷øBLùú学OPQ«¬BLûü•Sとý¾OPQ日本)H¢"OPQ とƒH§¨いOPŠLちhnと”<いOP0Q ちA‘&L¢"AÓÔÕBLƒ;þ»と[\OPQ >reetings from the author y;&ちB‰Ù°・ðイOPQÿさ;BMNOPかQ ^B相X¶»ずÂ<いOPº‚LMNOPQ 日本)B§¨いOPかQ¢"OPかQ VDOP0Qâã¢"OP>0Q Hち@;L^H¢"OP>Q articles use! 3ith $erbs efore we can do much with verbs, we first need to learn some particles that are used to describe how various parts of a sentence interacts with the verb. %bject 5article he FをG particle is used to designate the direct ob/ect of a verb. Note% *hile FをG is technically a wconsonant sound, it is pronounced the same as F!G. '(ample 1. }~ 【5い・が】 - mo$ie 2. ž 【l・ž】 - to see to 3atch (. 2— 【2・Kん】 - rice meal ). ØÙž 【・Ùž】 - to eat *. 本 【ほん】 - book +. 読Š 【B・Š】 - to rea! ,. ¯ 【N】 - han! . ! 【!l】 - paper . ¯! 10. 【N・がl】 - letter éく 【!・く】 - to 3rite 1. }~"žS 9atch mo$ie. 2. 2—"ØÙžS %at rice/meal. (. 本"読ŠS Iea! book. ). ¯!"éくS 9rite letter. And40ith 5article *e learned that we can list multiple nouns in the last chapter with the FとG particle, e.g., salt and pepper. *e can also use the same particle to describe an action that was done with someone or something. '(ample 1. æç 【と…・0(】 - "rien! 2. # 【8n・】 - to play (. $Q 【KD・Q】 - to talk ). ë% 【,ん・せ*】 - relati$e *. \% 【8・%】 - to meet 1. æçと#S lay 3ith "rien!. 2. リc'んと$QS Balk 3ith Gee-san. (. ë%と\%S 8eet 3ith relati$e. Target 5article he target particle is used to designate the target of an action whether it#s a time or location. It serves the purpose of many 8nglish prepositions such as "at", "in", "to", and "on" as long as it indicates a target of an action. '(ample 1. 学" 【が#・$%】 - school 2. &く 【い・く】 - to go (. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 ). くž - to come *. 'ス - bus +. (ž 【£・ž】 - to ri!e ,. )く 【*・く】 - to ask to listen . º 【M5】 - in "ront . *9 【・9】 - to stan! 10. æç 【と…・0(】 - "rien! 11. \% 【8・%】 - to meet 1. 学"に&くS Eo to school. 2. ë%K€†日にくžS s "or relati$e&s'4 come tomorro3. (. 'スに(žS Ii!e on bus. ). 先生に)くS sk/listen to teacher. *. 人£ºに*9S 6tan! in "ront o" people. +. æçに \%S 8eet "rien!. -onte(t 5article he context particle is used to describe the context or the means in which a verb ta$es place. 3or example, if you#re eating at a restaurant, since the restaurant is not a direct target for eating, you wouldn#t use the F&G particle. Instead, you would use the FOG particle to describe the restaurant as the context in which eating is ta$ing place. '(ample 1. +スdラン - restaurant 2. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language (. $Q 【KD・Q】 - to speak ). K, - chopsticks *. }~ê 【5い・が・!ん】 - mo$ie theatre +. ,事 【,・2と】 - 3ork ,. |,い 【いnが・,い】 &i-a!5' - busy 1. +スdランRØÙžS %at at restaurant. 2. 日本3R$QS 6peak in >apanese. &6peak by means o" >apanese.' (. K,RØÙžS %at 3ith chopsticks. &%at by means o" chopsticks.' ). }~êR}~"žS 9atch mo$ie at mo$ie theatre. *. ,事R|,いS ;usy 3ith 3ork. &;usy by means o" 3ork.' irectional 5article he FへG particle is similar in some ways to the F&G particle. +owever, while the F&G particle indicates a target for /ust about any verb, FへG is more specifically used to indicate a direction of motion verbs such as "to go" or "to send". ecause the F&G particle does everything FへG does and more, this particle is not used as often as the other particles. +owever, it is still beneficial to be at least familiar with it. Note% *hile FへG is normally pronounced as "he", this particle is pronounced as FrG '(ample 1. ¯! 【N・がl】 - letter 2. -ž 【+く・ž】 - to sen! 1. 学"Œ&くS Eo to school. 2. ¯!"日本Œ-žS 6en! letter to >apan. %#istence Jerbs *ith the stateofbeing that we learned in the last chapter, we could only describe what someone or something is. In this section, we#ll learn to express whether someone or something exists and where. here are two verbs that show existence for animate and inanimate ob/ects. • 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' • いž &ru-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' *ithout getting caught up with the details, Fい€G is generally used for things that can move of their own volition such as humans or animals while F,€G is for inanimate ob/ects and abstract concepts such as time. '(ample 1. „$ - 3here 2. ©. 【じ・!ん】 - time 1. アリス(]んK€„$にいžu 9here is lice-chanA &lit: lice-chan e#ists at 3hereA' 2. ©.K8žu Do &you' ha$e timeA &lit: ?s there timeA' Location *ith some additional vocabulary, you can use these two verbs to describe the location of anything or anyone. 1. $$ - here 2. n$ - there (. 8n$ - o$er there &"arther a3ay' ). ® 【%5】 - abo$e *. ½ 【,】 - belo3 +. / 【lË】 - right ,. 0 【ひ0j】 - le"t . º 【M5】 - "ront be"ore . 1O 【%,・O】 - behin! 10. 2 【とDj】 - ne#t to '(ample 1. 3 【!Ë】 - key 2. ÂcTf - table (. 4& 【Ëん・$%】 - bank ). 567 【È%・8ん・*-く】 - post oce 1. アリスK€学"£1OにいžS lice is behin! &the' school. &lit: s "or lice4 e#ists behin! o" school.' 2. 3K€ÂcTf£®に8žS Key is abo$e &the' table. &lit: s "or key4 e#ists abo$e o" table.' (. 4&K€567£2に8žS ;ank is ne#t to post oce. &lit: s "or bank4 e#ist ne#t o" post oce.' Any cute girls there$ 1. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 2. ×ラT - club (. &く 【い・く】 - to go ). Qž - to !o *. \$ 【!い・w】 - con$ersation +. 9: 【xん・,/%】 - practice ,. “ 【+x】 - me mysel" &masculine an! $ery casual' . ²³ 【,/く・0い】 - home3ork . く'ん - a lot &amount' 10. 日本人 【に・ほん・じん】 - >apanese person 11. !wいい - cute 12. ; 【+んD】 - 3oman 1(. ì 【$】 - chil! 1). ;£ì 【+んD・£・$】 - girl 1*. 8£% - um e#cuse me 1+. =< 【い(・+%】 - "or the time being 5ust in case 1,. ›#ぱj - as e#pecte! &casual' 1. «カ9く - to get irritate! ]RJI á日L日本)™クõブŠ,€º‚L行%T lice% here#s Japanese club tomorrow, want to go' (lit% omorrow, Japanese club exists but go') ジョンI 日本)™クõブOをP€™T John% *hat do (you) do at Japanese club' ]RJI 日本)™会話™練習をP€>Q lice% (!ou) do Japanese conversation practice. ジョンI 俺BL’“Šた%さ;,€か»LいいQ John% I have a lot of homewor$ so (I#m) good. (lit% s for me, a lot of homewor$ exists so good.) ]RJI 日本pHい€>Q lice% Japanese people are also there, you $now. ジョンI か¶いい女™wBい€T John% Is there cute girl(s)' ]RJI ,™DL1応L^H行%º‚T lice% 7m, /ust in case, I#m going too but' ジョンI VDTÄnægL俺Bいい>Q John% Is that so' s I thought, I#m good. ]RJI °•-%Q lice% &o irritating. Fegati$e 7orm 8erb Types In this section, we#ll learn how to con/ugate verbs to the negative form. +owever, before we can learn any verb con/ugations, we first need to learn how verbs are categori-ed. *ith the exception of only two verbs, all verbs fall into the category of ru-verb or u-verb. ll ruverbs end in F€G while uverbs can end in a number of uvowel sounds including F€G. herefore, if a verb does not end in F€G, it will always be an u verb. 3or verbs ending in F€G, if the vowel sound preceding the F€G is an >a>, >u> or >o> vowel sound, it will always be an uverb. 4therwise, if the preceding sound is an >i> or >e> vowel sound, it will be a ruverb in most cases. '(amples 1. ØÙž - 「Ù」 is an e-$o3el soun! so it is a ru-$erb 2. w!ž - 「!」 is an a-$o3el soun! so it is an u-$erb If you#re unsure which category a verb falls in, you can verify which $ind it is with most dictionaries. here are only two exception verbs that are neither ruverbs nor u verbs as shown in the table below. %#amples o" !ierent $erb types ru*+erb u*+erb e(ception 見€ b‘・€d - to see 話P bBA・Pd - to speak P€ - to !o ÓÔ€ bた・Ô€d - to eat 聞% b"・%d - to ask to listen ¸€ b%・€d to come 寝€ b0・€d - to sleep éぐ b!>・ぐd - to s3im 起"€ b!・"€d - to 3ake to occur 遊ぶ b,V・ぶd - to play 考r€ bか;Š・r€d - to 待- bl・-d - to think 3ait - to 教 r€ b!<・r€d teach to in"orm 飲 x b™・xd - to !rink 出€ bO・€d - to come out 買D bか・Dd - to buy Xr€ bか・r€d - to change 帰€ bかr・€d - to go home い€ - to e#ist &animate' ,€ - to e#ist &inanimate' 着€ b"・€d - to 3ear 死ぬ b<・ぬd - to !ie Negati+e 2orm *e can now learn the rules for con/ugating the verb into the negative form based on the different verb types. e extra careful of F,€G which is one extra exception verb for this con/ugation only. Fegati$e "orm "or $erbs 1. 2or ru*+erbs3 Drop the 「ž」 an! attach 「Dい」 %#ample: ØÙž L Dい M ØÙDい 2. 2or u*+erbs that end in 3 Ieplace 「%」 3ith 「w」 an! attach 「Dい」 =% w Dい =wDい %#ample: L L M (. 2or all other u*+erbs3 Ieplace the u-$o3el soun! 3ith the a$o3el eui$alent an! attach 「Dい」 %#ample: >9 L  M >Dい ). '(ceptions3 1. Qž → ,Dい 2. くž → $Dい (. 8ž → Dい &e#ception "or this con5ugation only4 not an e#ception $erb' Fegati$e "orm con5ugation e#amples ru*+erb u*+erb e(ception 見€ → 見Aい 話P → 話さAい P€ → ÓÔ€ → 聞% → 聞かAい %€ → yAい → Aい ÓÔAい 寝€ → 寝Aい éぐ → éŠAい 起"€ → 起"Aい 遊ぶ → 遊ばAい 考r€ → 考rAい 待- → 待たAい 教r€ → 教rAい 飲x → 飲lAい 出€ → 出Aい 買D → 買¶Aい Xr€ → 帰€ → 帰»Aい XrAい 着€ → 着Aい 死ぬ → 死AAい )ou don"t ha+e a T8$ 1. P - hey 2. ‚ƒ 【'い・*ん】 - recent lately (. Â+? - BJ ,€ 0T John% +ey, as for recent D shows, how (do you) thin$' It#s not interesting at all, huh' ]RJI ˜か»Aい0Q^BLð!を見Aいか»Q lice% (I) don#t $now. s for me, I don#t watch D so. ジョンI rTA;O見Aい™T John% +uh' *hy don#t (you) watch it' ]RJI DちBLð!ŠAい™Q lice% s for our house, there#s no D. ジョンI DV‰ John% o way6 ]RJI 本„Q lice% (It#s) true. ジョンI ・・・DV‰ John% ... o way6 ]RJI 本„>Q lice% (It#s) true, you $now. olite Jerbs 8erb &tem efore we can learn the con/ugation rules for the polite verb form, we must first learn how to create the verb stem. he verb stem is used in many different types of verb con/ugations including the polite form. elow are the rules for changing the verb to its stem. Jerb stem con5ugation rules • • • 2or ru*+erbs3 Drop the 「ž」 %#ample: ØÙž M ØÔ 2or u*+erbs3 Ieplace the u-$o3el soun! 3ith the i-$o3el eui$alent %#ample: &く L * M &" '(ceptions3 1. Qž → < 2. くž → " Jerb stem e#amples ru*+erb 見€ → 見 ÓÔ€ → ÓÔ u*+erb e(ception 話P → 話< P€ → 聞% → 聞" %€ → " 寝€ → 寝 éぐ → 起"€ → 起" 遊ぶ → 遊$ 考r€ → 考r 待- → 待ち 教r€ → 教r 飲x → 飲‘ éË < 出€ → 出 Xr€ → 着€ → 着 買D → 買い Xr 帰€ → 帰g 死ぬ → 死& 5olite 8erb 2orm ow that we $now the rules to create the verb stem, it is very easy to con/ugate the verb to the polite form for both the positive and negative. olite an! polite negati$e $erb con5ugation rules 1. 5olite 5ositi+e3 ttach 「MQ」 to the $erb stem %#ample: ØÙ L MQ M ØÙMP 2. 5olite Negati+e3 ttach 「Mせん」 to the $erb stem %#ample: =い L Mせん M =いMせ; 8erb as a target he verb stem can also be used to ma$e it a target for another verb, typically a motion verb such as "go" or "come". his is done by attaching the F&G target particle to the verb stem. '(amples 1. °2— 【ひž・2・Kん】 - lunch 2. ØÙž 【・Ùž】 - to eat (. &く 【い・く】 - to go ).  【w,】 - me4 mysel" *. \% 【8・%】 - to meet +. Ûž 【く・ž】 - to come ,. æç 【と…・0(】 - "rien! . }~ 【5い・が】 - mo$ie . ž 【l・ž】 - see4 3atch 1. °2—"ØÙに&くS Eo to eat lunch. 2. に\いにÛžS oming to meet me. (. æçと}~"に&くS Eo to 3atch mo$ie 3ith "rien!&s'. ?y family is in Korea 1. C'ん 【lD・'ん】 - e$erybo!y &polite' 2. {Å 【$・と,】 - this year (. D 【Kž】 - spring ). ±l 【›Q・l】 - $acation *. y 【Dに】 - 3hat +. Qž - to !o ,.  【w,】 - me4 mysel" . $$ - here . アf'7d - part-time 5ob 10. EF 【!・Gく】 - "amily 11. \% 【8・%】 &u-$erb' - to meet 12. &く 【い・く】 &u-$erb' - to go 1(. ^1 【!ん・$く】 - 6outh Korea 1). いž 【い・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' 1*. H&I 【ひ・$%・*】 - airplane 1+. EJ 【E0い】 - charge4 cost4 "are 1,. とN… - $ery 1. 高い 【!・い】 &i-a!5' - tall e#pensi$e 1. ož 【!5・ž】&u-$erb' - to go home 20. n% - so 21. )‹ 【い・Œん】 &na-a!5' - tough4 rough |本I ÿさ;BL÷™%‘&をapan. (. Kい}~K€くDいBS &?' !on=t 3ant to 3atch &a' scary mo$ie. 8olitional 2orm *e#ll learn more about different uses of the volitional form later on but for now, we can simply consider the volitional form to mean "let#s" or "shall we" e.g., "et#s go watch a movie." he rules for changing a verb into the volitional form is below. Jolitional "orm con5ugation rules 1. 2or ru*+erbs3 Drop the 「ž」 an! a!! 「B%」 %#ample: ØÙž M ØÙ¿B% M ØÙBD 2. 2or u*+erbs3 Ieplace the u-$o3el soun! 3ith the o-$o3el eui$alent an! 「%」 %#ample: &く L $ L % M &$D (. '(ceptions3 「Qž」 becomes 「,B%」 「くž」 becomes 「$B%G "m bored 1. ED &sentence-en!ing particle' - casual an! masculine $ersion o" E0 2. èéê 【と・,-・!ん】 - library (. LM 【Ùん・*-%】 - stu!y ). Qž - to !o *. 9MmDい - boring4 !ull +. じ] - then &casual' ,. )Ž 【0い・じ-%・】 &na-a!5' - ok . 絶対 【Î#・い】 - !efnitely4 "or sure ジョンI ÀÁBLÅŒAQ John% I have nothing to do lately. (lit% ately, I#m free.) ]RJI ½¾¿O日本)を./<>DかT lice% &hall we study Japanese at the library' ジョンI VWBL-l»Aい>Q John% hat#s boring. ]RJI EŽLを<たい™T lice% hen, what do you want to do' ジョンI 01を見&行yDかAT John% &hall (I) go to watch a movie maybe' ]RJI ./BYZA™T lice% re (your) studies o$' ジョンI D;LYZQ John% !eah, (it#s) o$. ]RJI âãYZEŽAい>Q lice% (It#s) definitely not o$, you $now. 5olite 8olitional 2orm he con/ugation rules for polite version of the volition form is simple and only re1uires adding Fl・E 95 <ち・E %・E 8inute rea!ing $ariations ?inut o3 many es minutes ˜ Kanji Readi A;・þ; 1 min 1˜ ( min 3˜ ) min 4˜ + min 6˜  min 8˜ 10 min :˜ いn・ さ;・ >;・ @n・ Bn・ ECn・ ng þ; þ; þ; þ; þ; þ; '(amples hough there are words for M and EM, military time is used more often in Japan. 1. y© 【Dん・じ】 - 3hat hour 3hat time 2. Rº 【2・Îん】 - 8 (. R1 【2・2】 - 8 ). S 【Kん】 - hal" 1. T©T¸ 【い(・じ・い#・ぷん】 - 1:01 2. R1U©UU¸ 【2・2・B・じ・Bん・じ/%・Bん・ぷん】 ):)) 8 (. RºTV©S 【2・Îん・じ/%・じ・Kん】 - 10:(0 8 ). TW©XY¸ 【じ/%・K(・じ・に・じ/%・2・Çん】 - 1:2* &+:2* 8' '(ample 1. y© 【Dん・じ】 - 3hat hour 3hat time • • {K€y©RQ!u 9hat time is it no3A X©SRQS &?t=s' 2:(0. ays of the week elow is a vocabulary list pertaining to days of the wee$. Q ee% hat#s because licechan (you) sleep at HG%GG every day. ]RJI ‰ lice% hat#s not so6 RSI EŽL859OYZŒ>0Q ee% hen it#s fine as C%FG right' ]RJI いい>‰859O‰ lice% 3ine6 C%FG. 2rom and until wo particles that often go together especially with time expressions are "from" £か » and "until" £lO. '(ample 1. E!m &particle' - "rom 2. EMR &particle' - until (. fアg?×ス - aerobics ). ×ラス - class *. ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 - class +. NMž 【Kじ・Mž】&u-$erb' - to begin ,. $£ - this . \[ 【!い・,]】 - company . hく 【Km・く】 &u-$erb' - to 3ork 10. ië 【j-%・,ん】 - parents 11. jk 【xん・mく】 - contact 1. fアg?×ス×ラスK€_週\Z日と–Z日£TW©!mTl©MRR QS erobic class is e$ery Bues!ay an! 7ri!ay "rom +:00 until ,:00pm. 2. ÉÊKy©!mNMž£u 7rom 3hat time is class startA (. い9MR$£\[Rh*いRQ!u Nntil 3hen !o &you' 3ant to 3ork at this companyA ). _週a にi ë!m がくžSon e$ery 3eeken!. &lit: ontact jk &?' hear "rom &my' parents comes "rom parents e$ery 3eeken!.' uestion 3or!s an! particles Earticles can be used with some 1uestion words to form other useful vocabulary. et#s first learn or review all the various 1uestions words. 1. 誰 【0x】 - 3ho 2. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat (. „$ - 3here ). „% - ho3 *. „%,N - 3hy +. „(m - 3hich 3ay ,. „x - 3hich . DんR - 3hy &casual' . DÎ - 3hy &"ormal' 10. い9 - 3hen 11. いく9 - ho3 many 12. いくm - ho3 much with =uestion words he following 1uestion words can be used with FHG to include and>or exclude everything. 1. 誰… 【0x・…】 - e$erybo!y or nobo!y 3hen use! 3ith negati$e 2. y… 【Dに・…】 - nothing 3hen use! 3ith negati$e (. „$… - e$ery3here or no3here 3hen use! 3ith negati$e ). „%,N… - no matter 3hat *. „(m… - both 3ays +. い9… - al3ays hings aren#t as consistent as one would hope however. 3or example, FHG is usually not used to mean "everything". nd Fい-HG always means "always" for both positive and negative forms. 4ther words can be used instead to express similar concepts. 1. C 【lんD】 - e$erybo!y 2. C'ん 【lD・'ん】 - e$erybo!y &polite' (. Ì部 【Îん・】 - e$erything ). ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 - not at all &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' *. 絶対 【Î#・い】 - absolutely4 uncon!itionally or ne$er 3hen use! 3ith negati$e with =uestion words he combination of two particles FOHG can be used with 1uestion words to indicate "any". 誰R… 【0x・R…】 1. - anybo!y 2. yR… 【Dん・R…】 - anything (. „$R… - any3here ). „%R… - anyho3 *. „(mR… - any 3ay +. い9R… - any time ,. いく9R… - any number o" things . いくmR… - any amount with =uestion words he 1uestion mar$er can also be used with some 1uestion words to indicate "some". 1. 誰! 【0x・!】 - somebo!y 2. y! 【Dに・!】 - something (. „$! - some3here ). „%! - someho3 *. „(m! - one 3ay &o" the t3o' +. „%,N! - "or some reason ,. DんR! - "or some reason &casual' . DÎ! - "or some reason &"ormal' . い9! - sometime 10. いく9! - some number o" things 11. いくm! - some amount -omic @ 1. ›#と - fnally 2. 週a 【,/%・M9】 - 3eeken! (. {週a 【$ん・,/%・M9】 - this 3eeken! ). Ü 【ひM】 &na-a!5' - "ree &as in not busy' *. „#! - some3here Gslang "or „$! +. # 【8n・】&u-$erb' - to play ,. &く 【い・く】&u-$erb' - to go . Û週 【mい・,/%】 - ne#t 3eek . 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese language 10. Âスd - test 11. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 12. )Ž 【0い・じ-%・】 &na-a!5' - ok 1(. %ん - yes &casual' 1). ·¸ 【・ん】 - probably maybe 1*. じ] - then Gcasual 1+. $£ - this 1,. ¶3 【ん・2】 - 3or! $ocabulary 1. mn 【!ん・じ】 - Kan5i 1. „% - ho3 20. éく 【!・く】&u-$erb' - to 3rite 21. op 【È%・%9】 - !epression 22. qr 【…%・O%】 - !im4 hazy 2(. st 【(/%・(-】 - hesitation 2). nx - that 2*. už 【R・ž】&ru-$erb' - to come out 2+. vw 【じ-%・0ん】 - 5oke ジョンIÄnとå=Œ‰Ãå=BÅT‚nか遊$&行yD>Q John% (It#s) finally (the) wee$end. (re you) free this wee$end' et#s go somewhere to play. ]RJI¸åBL日本)™ðJÚŠ,€º‚LYZA™T lice% here#s (a) Japanese test next wee$ but are (you) o$' ジョンID;L—˜YZQ John% !eah, probably o$. ]RJIEŽLy™–)B>?O‚D¾%™T lice% hen how do (you) write this word in 0an/i' ジョンI©ª˜か»Aい0Q John% (I) don#t $now at all. ]RJI@AとBCとDEŒ>Q lice% (It#s) @A and BC and DE. ジョンIVWBðJÚ&出€™T‰ John% Is that coming out on (the) test' ]RJIFG>QðJÚ&B出Aい>Q lice% (It#s a) /o$e. (It) won#t come out on the test. Ne+er mind, you guys are too weird 1. PzP5 - hey &casual' 2. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay (. °2— 【ひž・2・Kん】 - lunch ). „#! - some3here Gslang "or „$! *. ‘ 【’く】 - me4 mysel" &polite4 masculine' +. yR… 【Dん・R…】 - anything ,. じ] - then &casual' . +い,い &i-a!5' - tasty . ¬ 【…£】 - physical ob5ect 10. ‡jº 【8・j・M5】 - ob$ious 11. 誰 【0x】 - 3ho 12. C 【lんD】- e$erybo!y &casual' 1(. x‹wm¦ 【8い・!・wm¦】- as usual4 3ithout change 1). ‹ 【Œん】 &na-a!5' - strange Ø堂 【,-く・„%】 1*. - ca"eteria ]RJI 0rLÃ日™?ÉBL‚nか&ÓÔ&行yD>Q lice% +ey, as for today#s lunch, let#s go somewhere to eat. ジョンI VDŒ0QをÓÔ>DかT John% 2ight. *hat shall we eat' RSI çBLOHいい>Q ee% I#m fine with anything. ]RJI EŽLか!い<いÕをÓÔた%AいT lice% hen, don#t (you) want to eat something tasty' ジョンI VWB„たgœŒQHŠ!い<%AいÕをÓÔたい;ŒT John% hat#s obvious. *ho wants to eat a thing not tasty' RSI çBLOHいい>Q ee% I#m fine with anything. ジョンI EŽLÃ日B!い<%AいÕ&チIンジ<>D‰ John% hen, let#s challenge (ourselves) today with something not tasty6 ]RJI ÿL相X¶»ずX0QÃ日HÓôOいい>Q lice% 8verybody is strange as usual, huh' he cafeteria is fine for today as well. !$erbs *e#ve already been using adverbs extensively without really paying much attention to them because they are easy to use. hey don#t re1uire any particles and they can appear almost anywhere in the sentence. elow is a list of common and useful adverbs, some of which we#ve already seen. seful ad+erbs 1. い9… - al3ays 2. Bく - o"ten (. いNい - usually ). ©y 【と*・„*】 - sometimes *. Mに - rarely +. ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 - not at all &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ,. ·¸ 【・ん】 - probably4 maybe . く'ん - a lot &amount' . â, 【Q$・,】 - a little &amount' -reating ad+erbs from adjecti+es here are many words that are not adverbs by themselves but are made into adverbs from other ad/ectives. his is similar to how "ly" is added to many words in 8nglish to ma$e them into adverbs such as "1uic$ly" or "slowly". he rules for changing an ad/ective into an adverb is given below. s usual, FいいG is con/ugated from the srcinal F>いG pronunciation. his is where the adverb we /ust learned for "often" £>% comes from. Iules "or changing a!5ecti$es into a!$erbs • 2or na*adjecti+es3 ttach 「に」 to the en! %#amples 1. ¥!& 2. *xい& (. 本‡& • 2or i*adjecti+es3 Ieplace the 「い」 3ith 「く」 %#amples 1. zい L く M z% 2. !wいい L く M !wい% • '(ceptions3 1. 「いい」 becomes 「BくG 2. 「!#$いい」 becomes 「!#$BくG '(amples 1. 部{ 【Œ›】 - room 2. *xい &na-a!5' - pretty clean (. ;| 【じ-・せい】 - "emale ). }~ 【せい・È%】 - $oice actor/actress *. wkと &a!$' - on purpose +. !wいい - cute ,. $Q 【KD・Q】 &u-$erb' - to speak . †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 . )事 【0い・じ】 - important 10. 試験 【,・Ýん】 - e#am 11. {b 【$ん・›】 - tonight 12. zい 【K›・い】 &i-a!5' - early 1(. dž 【P・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to sleep 1. 部{"*xいにQžS 8ake room clean &lit: Do room cleanly'. 2. 日本£;|}~K€Bくwkと!wいく$QS >apanese "emale $oice actresses o"ten speak cutely on purpose. (. †日€)事D試験が8ž!m€{bKzくdžS Bomorro34 because there=s an important test4 going to sleep early tonight ). ÛÅ€本‡に日本に&く£u &re you' really going to >apan ne#t yearA Jerb clauses ow that we are familiar with both stateofbeing and verbs, we can begin to loo$ at how to use verb clauses to construct more complicated sentences. s we have learned, a complete sentence must end either in a real verb or stateofbeing. his sentence can also be used as a clause as a part of a larger sentence. 2emember also that the polite form only goes at the end of a complete sentence so a verb clause used within a sentence must be in the plain form. 8erb clauses as adjecti+es  verb clause can be used to describe a noun /ust li$e an ad/ective by attaching the noun to the end of the clause. he highlighted areas show the clause that is being used in a larger sentence. '(ample 1. 2— 【2・Kん】 - rice meal 2. © 【と*】 - 3hen (. Â+? - tele$ision ). 本 【ほん】 - book *. 読Š 【B・Š】 &u-$erb' - rea! +. • 【8M】 - hea! min! ,. € 【せ】 - height . QN* &na-a!5' - lo$ely . 高い 【!・い】 &i-a!5' - tall 10. | 【せい・!く】 - personality 11. ~,い 【›'・,い】 - gentle 1. 2—"ØÙž©K€Â+?"DいS 9hen eating a meal4 !on=t 3atch BJ. 2. 本"読MDい人K€•がBくDいS eople that !o not rea! books are not smart. (. €が高い人K€QN*0PS Ball people are lo$ely4 huhA ). |•が~,くDい人K€8Mj•*じ]DいS Don=t like people 3hose personality is not gentle. 3or clauses that end in a naad/ectives, once again, we need to use FAG to attach it to a noun. s for nouns, there is no need to use a clause to modify a noun with another noun as the F™G particle allows us to chain any number of nouns. 1. ‚ 【!(】 - shape4 "orm 2. *xい &na-a!5' - pretty clean (. ƒ¬ 【く0・…£】 - "ruit ). „ 【%ん】 - luck 1. ‚がとN…*xいDƒ¬K€+い,いS 7ruit that has $ery pretty "orm is tasty. 2. >Å生£日本3£学生K€„がいいS s "or secon! year >apanese stu!ents4 luck is goo!. "m going alone 1. {Å 【$・と,】 - this year 2. D±l 【Kž・›Ql】 - spring $acation (. …† 【B・Nい】 - plan&s' ). ‡ˆ 【!ん・$%】 - sightseeing *. メghi - 8e#ico +. =人 【ひとj】 - one person alone ,. 9…j - intention . =‰ 【い#・,-】 - together . Š 【wÝ】 - e#planation4 reasoning |本I }中さ;BL÷™%‘&かJK,glPかT !amamoto% ana$asan, do (you) have some ($ind of) plan this spring vacation' }中I rrLLM&~Ùシコ&行%JKOPQ ana$a% !es, (I) plan to go sightseeing to Mexico. |本I いいOP0Q^H~Ùシコ&行"たいOP0Q !amamoto% hat#s nice. I want to go to Mexico too. }中I ^BL1pO行%-HgOPŠ・・・ ana$a% I intend to by myself... |本I いいrL^B}中さ;と1N&行"たいOEŽAいOPか»‰ !amamoto% o, it#s not the case that I want to go together with you in particular6 8erb clauses as nouns Derbs clauses are different from nouns and are limited in many ways because you cannot attach any particles to them. +owever, we /ust learned that verb clauses can act as an ad/ectives. ll we need to treat verb clauses as a noun is by attaching a generic noun to the clause% FyとG£í F™G can also be used as a noun replacement. he difference is FyとG is a more general statement while F™G is specific to the context of the sentence. '(ample 1. 事 【$と】 - e$ent4 matter4 generic happening 2. ï理 【j-%・j】 - cooking (. +‹ 【+・K,】 - chopsticks ). 2— 【2・Kん】 - rice meal *. ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】 &i-a!5' - !icult4 har! +. Œ 【8'】 - morning ,. zい 【K›・い】 - early . *ž 【+・*ž】 - to occur to a3ake . Ž¯ 【にが・N】 &na-a!5' - poor/3eak at 1. ï理"Qž£が•*S &?' like cooking. 2. +‹R2—"ØÙž$とK€´,いS ?t is !icult to eat rice by 3ay o" chopsticks. (. Œ€zく*ž£K€Ž¯S Fot goo! at 3aking up early in the morning. -omic B3 1. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese &language' 2. 先生 【せん・せい】 - teacher (. \$ 【!い・w】 - con$ersation ). 9: 【xん・,/%】 - practice *. Qž &e#ception' - to !o +. Ü 【ひM】 &na-a!5' - "ree &as in not busy' ,. © 【と*】 - 3hen . „んD - 3hat kin! . $と - matter e$ent 10. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable 11. n% - &things are' that 3ay 12. 1(. 1). }~ ž †日 【5い・が】 - mo$ie 【l・ž】 - to see to 3atch 【8,】 - tomorro3 1*. y! 【Dに・!】 - something 1+. …† 【B・Nい】 - plan&s' 1,. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1. Kい - yes &polite' 1. ‘ 【’く】 - me mysel" ? &polite4 masculine' 20. &く 21.  【,9・…ん】 - uestion 【い・く】 - to go 22. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! 2(. いい5 - no &polite' 2). ‘Ð 【い・l】 - meaning 2*. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat 先生IJKJさ;BLÅA5&‚;AyとをP€™Š¢"OPかT eacher% &mithsan, what $ind of thing(s) do (you) li$e to do when (you#re) free' JKJIVDOP0Q01を見€™Š¢"OPQ &mith% et#s see. (I) li$e to watch movie(s). 先生Iブõウンさ;BLá日かJK,glPかT eacher% rownsan, do you have any plans tomorrow' ブõウンIBいLçH01を見&行"たいOPQ rown% !es, I also want to go see (a) movie. 先生I先生™PQB˜かglPかT eacher% ' =o (you) understand my (the teacher#s) 1uestion' ブõウンIいいrL˜かgl(;Q rown% o, (I) don#t understand. 先生IJK™R¬Š˜か»Aい;OPかT eacher% =o (you) not understand the meaning of " JK"' ブõウンIFR¬GBOPかT rown% *hat is "meaning"' 0hat do you like to do when you"re free$ 1. {週a 【$ん・,/%・M9】 - this 3eeken! 2. ’ 【とく】 - particular (. 本{ 【ほん・›】 - bookstore ). Lん„く'い &i-a!5' - bothersome *. “ 【+x】 - me4 mysel" &masculine4 casual +. Ü 【ひM】 &na-a!5' - "ree &as in not busy' ,. ›Kjz›#ぱj - as ? thought4 as e#pecte! JKJI Ãå=BLかJK,€T &mith% =o you have some $ind of plan this wee$end' ジョンI S&Aいº‚T John% ot particularly but' JKJ% ÿOL日本™本Tさ;&行%™BL‚DT &mith% +ow about going to Japanese boo$store with everybody' ジョンI {;‚%さいか»L俺BいいQ John% It#s too bothersome so I#m fine. JKJI ÅA5&をP€™Š¢"A™T &mith% *hat do you li$e to do when you#re free' ジョンI HQ>?とかUVŠ§¨いO Pか»Qい-か日本&行"たいOPQW¸&BLA€Ô%¹AXíŠ<たい OPŠL日本OBÿŠた%さ;Y%か»L‚DQ ee% (I#m) living in the dorm. ]RJI VDA™T,lg見かºAいº‚L‚y™\T lice% Is that so' (I) don#t see (you) much, dorm of where' RSI ずnと]™^&,€_Q ee% he place that#s at the far east direction. ]RJI ‚D<ƒV;A&`い_&[;Oい€™T lice% *hy are you living in such a far place' RSI 1·生Œか»L[x_をaぶ™Š1µ:いQ ee% (I#m) a freshman so (we#re) the latest to select a place to live. &hortened progressi+e form he FいG from Fい€G can be dropped in more casual situations. '(ample 1. y",Nž£u 9hat are &you' !oingA 2. y"読んRž£u 9hat are &you' rea!ingA (. ¡K€£#NDいS Don=t o3n a !og. 6ン"ô#Nžu ). Do &you' ha$e &a' penA ast Jerb Bense 5lain past tense +erbs he con/ugation rules for the plain past tense are 1uite simple now that we#ve already learn the rules for the teform. his is because the plain past tense con/ugation rules are almost identical to the rules for the teform. he only difference is to use FたG and FŒG in the place of FƒG and FOG respectively. 2emember that the progressive tense always end in the ruverb% Fい€G. his means you can use the same rules as any other ruverbs to easily change the progressive tense to the past progressive or negative past progressive. lain past $erb tense con5ugation rules • 5ast tense3 on5ugate to the te-"orm an! replace「N」 3ith 「」 an! 「R」 3ith 「0」 %#amples 1. ØÙž → ØÙN → ØÙ eat Q ate 2. šŠ → šんR → šん0 !rink Q !rank (. ØÙNいž → ØÙNいN → ØÙNい eating Q 3as eating • Negati+e past tense3 on5ugate to the negati$e an! replace the last 「い」 3ith 「!#」 %#amples 1. ØÙž → ØÙDい → ØÙD!# eat Q not eat Q !i! not eat 2. šŠ → šMDい → šMD!# !rink Q not !rink Q !i! not !rink (. ØÙNいž → ØÙNいDい → ØÙNいD!# eating Q not eating Q 3as not eating 0hen you don"t understand, you should say so 1. žž 【,・ž】 &u-$erb' - to kno3 2. +!,い &i-a!5' - o!!4 strange4 "unny (. =‰ 【い#・,-】 - together ). LM 【Ùん・*-%】 - stu!y *. Qž &e#ception' - to !o +. K¦ - e#pecte! to be ,. !D &sentence-en!ing particle4 casual' - ? 3on!er . 2Lん &casual' - sorry . 事 【B%・じ】 - erran! 10. cxž 【+く・xž】 &ru-$erb' - to be late 11. œ 【KK】 - &one=s o3n' mother 12. ® 【*/%】 - su!!en 1(. ¯$ 【Rん・w】 - phone 1). 言% 【い・%】 - to say 1*. °5ž 【+,・5ž】 &ru-$erb' - to teach to in"orm 1+. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! 1,. (]んと - properly 1. ±5ž 【9・5ž】 &ru-$erb' - to con$ey 1. Ù* - shoul! K8 20. - sigh ]RJI RSB‚yT lice% *here is ee$un' ジョンI b»AいQ John% =on#t $now. ]RJI !か<い0QyyO1N&./P€BずŒº‚L‚y&行nたか AT lice% hat#s odd. (*e) are supposed to study here together but (I) wonder where (he) went' RSI ]RJちŽ;L?{;QcíOちhnと:WたQ ee% licechan, sorry. (I) was little late due to an errand. ]RJI を<ƒいた™T lice% *hat were you doing' RSI iか»d&e話Š¸た™Qジョン&înたº‚L教rAかnた™T ee%  phone call came suddenly from (my) mother. I told John, didn#t (he) tell you' ジョンI ?{;Lînƒい€yとŠ˜か»Aかnたか»L]RJちŽ;& Hî¶AかnたQ John% &orry, I didn#t understand the thing (you) were saying so (I) didn#t say anything to licechan. ]RJI か˜か»Aかnた5BLちŽ;とfr€Ô">Q lice% (!ou) should properly convey when you didn#t understand something, you $now. ジョンI ˜かnたQ John% (I) understood. RSI 本„&˜かnた™T ee% =id (you) really understand' ジョンI ,;lgQ John% ot really. ]RJI B,・・・Q lice% &igh... 5olite past +erbs he rules for the polite past tense is similar to the other polite tenses and are all based on the verb stem. olite past $erb tense con5ugation rules • 5ast tense3 ttach 「M,」 to the $erb stem %#amples 1. ØÙž → ØÙM,た 2. šŠ → šl → šlM,た • Negati+e past tense3 ttach 「MせんR,」 to the $erb stem %#amples 1. ØÙž → ØÙMせんR,た 2. šŠ → šl → šlMせんR,た 6ummary o" F-lPG con5ugations 5ositi+e Negati+e Non*5ast 行"lP - go 行"l(; - !on=t go 5ast 行"l<た - 3ent 行"l(;O<た - !i!n=t go &pring +acation is already o+er 1. ™本 【›M…と】 - Q !amamoto% (I) was doing various things with class preparation. JKJI ‘をちŽ;とi€™BíOP>Q &mith% (It#s) important to properly ta$e rest, you $now. |本I 本„OP0Q !amomoto% hat#s right. 6tate-o"-;eing ast Bense 5lain past nouns and adjecti+es he con/ugation rules for nouns and naad/ectives are identical once again for the past tense. he rule is also the same for iad/ectives and negative forms as they both end in FいG. s usual, FいいG and FかnyいいG con/ugations start from the srcinal F> いG pronunciation. lain past state-o"-being con5ugation rules • 2or nouns4na*adjecti+es3 ttach 「0#」 to the en! %#amples 1. 学生0#た 2. Ü0#た • 2or i*adjecti+es4negati+e3 Ieplace the 「い」 3ith 「!#」 %#amples 1. !wいい L !# M !wい!#た 2. !wいくDい L !# M !wいくD!#た (. 学生じ]Dい L !# M 学生じ]D!#た ). Üじ]Dい L !# M Üじ]D!#た *. &*い L !# M &*!#た +. &*くDい L !# M &*くD!#た • '(ceptions3 「いい」 con5ugates "rom 「BいG 1. いい → Bい¿!# M B!#た 2. !#$いい → !#$Bい¿!# M !#$B!#た 6ummary o" plain nouns/na-a!5ecti$e tenses Non* 5ast 5ast 5ositi+e Negati+e 学生 - &is' stu!ent 学生EŽAい - is not stu!ent 学生Œnた - 3as stu!ent 学生EŽAかnた - 3as not stu!ent 6ummary o" plain i-a!5ecti$e tense 5ositi+e Negati+e Non*5ast 高い - &is' tall 高%Aい - is not tall 5ast 高かnた - 3as tall 高%Aかnた - 3as not tall Looking forward to ne(t year 1. D 【Kž】 - spring 2. 学· 【が#・*】 - school term (. …% - alrea!y more ). QA - soon *. ²wž 【+・wž】 - to en! +. ›#と - fnally ,. 本‡ 【ほん・と%】 - real . ¶y 【いO・いO】 &na-a!5ecti$e' - $arious . – 【D9】 - summer 10. ±l 【›Q・l】 - $acation 11. ¢,l 【£・,l】 - look "or3ar! to 12. ¸! 【,・!】 - certain4 sure 1(. >Å生 【に・Pん・せい】 - secon!-year4 sophomore 1). Dž - to become Eç 【(】 1*. 1+. - pluralizing su# ¹ 【BO$・】 - to be please! 1,. ÉÊ 【じ/・Ë-%】 - class 1. …#と - more 1. ED &sentence-en!ing particle' - casual an! masculine $ersion o" E0 20. ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 - not at all &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' 21. )く 【*・く】 - to listen ]RJI %学 nBHDP ¶€>0Q lice% &pring term will also ぐh end soon, huh' ジョンI ÄnとŒQ÷L本„&lmXŒnたか»0Qo‘Š¹<‘‰ John% 3inally. Q lice% It was rough sure but it was fun. RSI V<ƒL2·生&A€;Œ0Q ee% nd then, we#ll become secondyear students, huh' ジョンI VD‰V<ƒL}中先生Š^q™先生&A€Q Jonn% hat#s right6 nd then, ana$asensei will become our teacher. ]RJI をr;Oい€™T}中先生™¥¦BHnと”<い>Q lice% *hat are you getting happy (about)' ana$asensei#s class is much more difficult, you $now. RSI }中先生Bか¶いい>0Q ee% ana$asensei is cute, huh' ジョンI か¶いい>A‰ John% (&he#s) cute, huh6 ]RJI ©ª聞いƒいAい・・・Q lice% ot listening at all... 5olite past nouns and adjecti+es he polite form for past nouns and ad/ectives is similar to the plain past con/ugation rules. ast state-o"-being con5ugation rules 1. 2or nouns4na*adjecti+es3 ttach 「R,」 to the en! %#amples 1. 学生R,た 2. ÜR,た 2. 2or i*adjecti+es4negati+e3 !! 「RQ」 to the plain past tense %#amples 1. !wいい L !#¿RQ M !wい!#RP 2. !wいくDい L !#¿RQ M !wいくD!#RP (. 学生じ]Dい L !#¿RQ M 学生じ]D!#RP ). Üじ]Dい L !#¿RQ M Üじ]D!#RP *. &*い L !#¿RQ → &*!#RP +. &*くDい L !#¿RQ → &*くD!#RP (. '(ceptions3 !! 「RQ」 to the plain past tense 1. いい → Bい¿!#¿RQ M B!#RP 2. !#$いい → !#$Bい¿!#¿RQ M !#$B!#RP 6ummary o" polite nouns/na-a!5ecti$e tenses 5ositi+e Negati+e Non* 5ast 学生OP - &is' stu!ent 学生EŽAいOP - is not stu!ent 5ast 学生O<た - 3as stu!ent 学生EŽAかnたOP - 3as not stu!ent 6ummary o" polite i-a!5ecti$e tense 5ositi+e Negati+e Non* 5ast 高いOP - &is' tall 高%AいOP - is not tall 5ast 高かnたOP - 3as tall 高%AかnたOP - 3as not tall ote that FO<たG only applies to nouns and naad/ectives. Japanese learners have a tendency to do the same for iad/ectives, for example FいいO<たG but it is incorrect6 !ow was your +acation$ 1. メghi - 8e#ico 2. º& 【j-・$%】 - trip (. EF 【!・Gく】 - "amily ). nんDに - that much *. «い 【と+・い】&i-a!5' - "ar +. ª 【と$O】 - place ,. D!D! - "airly . ,mく - little 3hile |本I }中先生L~Ùシコ™s行B‚DO<たかQ !amamoto% ana$asensei, how was the trip of Mexico' }中I とƒH>かnたOP>Qlm§¨かnたOPQ|本先生H行"たかn たOP>0Q ana$a% It was very good. Darious (things) were interesting. !amamotosensei also wanted to go, right' |本I rrQOH`aHいlPか»LV;A&`い_&行%™BAかAか” <いOPQ !amamoto% !es. ut because (I have) family, it#s fairly difficult to go to such a far place. }中I ^BHD行"l<たか»L<ば»%B行"l(;>Q ana$a% I already went so (I) won#t go for a while. |本I OPか»L}中先生と1N&行%-HgB©ª,gl(;O<た>Q !amamoto% hat#s why (for reasons I already said), (I) didn#t have intention of going together with (you) ana$asensei at all. Jerb seuences In this section, we#ll learn how to describe verbs that happen after, before, and at the same time as another verb. o describe clauses that happen se1uentially, we must first learn all the teform con/ugation rules. Te*form conjugation rules 3or the progressive tense, we only needed to learn the con/ugation rules for plain verbs. +owever, nouns, ad/ectives, and the negative form can also be con/ugated to the teform. Be-"orm con5ugation rules 1. 5lain nouns and na*adjecti+es: ttach 「R」 to the noun or na-a!5ecti$e. %#amples 1. 学生LR M 学生O 2. ÜLR M ÜO (. *xいLR M *xいO 2. *adjecti+es and negati+e: Ieplace the last 「い」 3ith 「く N」. %#amples 1. !wいいLくN M !wいくƒ 2. 学生じ]DいLくN M 学生じ]Dくƒ (. ØÙDいLくN M ØÙDくƒ (. '(ceptions: s usual 「いい」 con5ugates "rom 「BいG 1. いい → BいLくN M Bくƒ 2. !#$いい → !#$BいLくN M !#$Bくƒ &e=uence of actions he teform we learned at the beginning of this chapter is very versatile and has many uses. In fact, the teform alone is used to express a se1uence of actions that happen one after another. his will ma$e your conversations smoother as it allows you to connect multiple sentences instead of having many smaller, separate sentences that are often too short. 1. Œ 【8'】- morning 2. *ž 【+・*ž】&ru-$erb' - to get up to happen (. n,N - an! then ). Œ2— 【8'・2・Kん】- break"ast • • Œ€*Sn,N€Œ2—"ØÙSn,N€学"に&#S 8orning4 &?' 3oke up. Bhen &?' ate break"ast. Bhen4 &?' 3ent to school. Œ€*N€Œ2—"ØÙN€学"に&#S 8orning4 &?' 3oke up4 ate break"ast4 an! 3ent to school. '(ample 1. 彼; 【!£・じ-】 - she girl"rien! 2. ~,い 【›'・,い】&i-a!5' - gentle (. • 【8M】 - hea! ). 人q 【にん・*】 - popularity *. „%Qž - 3hat shoul! one !o &lit: ho3 !o' +. šl\ 【£・l・!い】 - !rinking party 1. 彼;K€*xいR€~,くN€•…いい!m€Cに人qが8žS ;ecause she is pretty4 gentle4 an! smart4 &she=s' popular 3ith e$erybo!y. 2. ²³",DくN€„%Qžん0Bu &apanese te#t 3hile using !ictionary but &it' !i!n=t get across at all. Gisting multiple $erbs 5artial list of +erbs In the second chapter, we learned how to list multiple nouns using FとGL FÄGLand FとかG. 7sing the teform, we now $now how to list multiple verb clauses similar to FとG. +owever, in order to create a partial list of verbs similar to FÄG and FとかG, we must use another construction described below. Iule "or creating partial list o" $erbs • 「j」 on5ugate the $erbs to the past tense an! attach each $erb. all 7inally4 a!! 「Qž」 at the en!. to 1. ØÙž → ØÙ¿j → ØÙg 2. šŠ → šん0¿j → šん0g (. ØÙjšん0jQžS Do things like eating an! !rinking. '(ample 1. dž 【P・ž】&ru-$erb' - to sleep 2. ?cf - beer (. スÕcÖ - sports ). ÅÆ 【'ん・Ç】 - 3alk4 stroll 1. dj€本"読ん0jQž£が•*S Gike to !o things like sleeping an! rea!ing book&s'. 2. ?cf"šん0j€Â+?"j,M,S &?' !i! things like !rink beer an! 3atch t$. (. スÕcÖ",j€ÅÆ",j,MQ!S Do &you' !o things like sports an! strollsA 5artial list of reasons here may be more than one reason for something but Fか»G and F™OG can only connect two sentences. 4nce again, we can use the teform to list multiple reasons in one sentence. +owever, if we want to imply that the list is only several among a larger list of potential reasons, we can add FQ]RJちŽ;BT John% here was no homewor$ and (I) was free (among other reasons) so (I) watched D and listened to music (among other things). *hat about (you) licechan. ]RJI ’“B,nた>QVWを<ƒいた>Q lice% here was homewor$. (I) was doing that, you $now. ジョンI DV‰ John% o way6 ]RJI ‚DP€™T lice% *hat are you going to do' ジョンI YZQ¥¦を聞"AŠ»P€か»Q John% (It#s) o$. (I#ll) do it while listening to class. ]RJI い-HとvE0Q lice% &ame as always, huh' hrasing $erb clauses Q rown% 4f course, it#s in the bathroom. |本I ブõウンさ;L日本)OBLÚイB!wxいとvER¬OP>Q !amamoto% rownsan, in Japanese, toilet has the same meaning as bathroom. ブõウンI VWOBLFtoiletGB日本)OA;とîいlPかT rown% hen, what do you say in Japanese for "toilet"' |本I FtoiletGHFÚイGとîいlP>Q !amamoto% (!ou) also say FÚイG for "toilet". ブõウンI <いB‚D˜かglPT rown% +ow do (you) understand the difference' |本I yLコンðÙJÚO˜かglP>Q !amamoto% In most cases, (you) understand by context. ブõウンI zrばLFsit on the bathroomGBL日本)O‚DîいlPかT rown% 3or example, how would (you) say "sit on the bathroom" in Japanese' JKJI V;A'•AyとBL{|&î¶Aい>Q &mith% ormally, (you) don#t say such a stupid thing. %ther +erbs for phrasing thoughts here are many other verbs that can be used with a phrased verb clause as you can see in the following examples. '(ample 1. )学 【0い・がく】 - college4 uni$ersity 2. Ø堂 【,-く・„%】 - ca"eteria (. +い,い &i-a!5' - tasty ). B% 【+…・%】&u-$erb' - to think *. 学" 【が#・$%】 - school +. EMR &particle' - until ,. $£ - this . ¯» 【Rん・,]】 - train . zい 【K›・い】&i-a!5' - early4 "ast 10. cxž 【+く・xž】&ru-$erb' - to be late 11. メcf - email 12. -ž 【+く・ž】&u-$erb' - to sen! 1(. Ô'i - cigarette 1). Ï% 【Q・%】 - to breathe in to smoke 1*. ÐÑ 【›く・nく】 - promise 1+. Ò学 【j/%・がく】 - stu!y abroa! 1,. ÓLž 【*・Lž】&ru-$erb' - to !eci!e 1. )学£Ø堂K+い,いとBいMQ!u Do &you' think the college ca"eteria is tastyA 2. 学"MR$£ »が=Ú いと )いÝ„€ÌÍ ¯this zくDいS &?' hear! that trainzis &the' "astest to school but &it=s' not "ast at all. (. †日KcxžとメcfR-#BC &?' sent by mail that ?=m going to be late tomorro3C ). Ô'iKÏwDいとÐÑ,S romise! not to smoke cigarettes. *. ÛÅ€日本にÒ学,に&くとÓLS Deci!e! to go !o stu!y abroa! to >apan ne#t year. In addition, this grammar also gives us another way to do introductions. 1. ã理ì 【M・j・$】- 8ariko &"emale frst name' 2. ÔÕÖ 【Ýい・じ・ん】 - bulletin boar!4 online "orum (. 43 【5い・2】 - %nglish ). 9: 【xん・,/%】 - practice *. x¯ 【8い・N】 - partner other party +. ×Q 【'が・Q】&u-$erb' - to look "or ,. く'ん - a lot . =‰ 【い#・,-】 - together }òwさ;L BE{l<ƒQ^B]RJ・JKJとîいlPQ~•€&L')™練習相w <ƒい€と¾いƒいl<た™OL~S&を‚glPQ^BL]~R•™ 学O日本)を./<ƒい€™OL日本)をた%さ;練習<たいと#nƒいl PQ1N&./P€™BL‚DOPかT JKJ・]RJ Mari$osan, ice to meet you. I#m lice &mith. It was written in the forum that you are loo$ing for a partner to practice 8nglish so I#m sending you this email. I#m currently studying Japanese at an merican university and thin$ing that I want to practice Japanese a lot. +ow about studying together' &mith lice &hort, casual +ersion of he phrase FといDG is used so often and in so many ways that there is a shortened casual version% FnƒG. 1. # 【8n・】&u-$erb' - to play 2. cい 【+n・い】&i-a!5' - late (. B#Ç„ - to a greater !egree ). LMにDž - to get stu!ying !one to become in"orme! &lit: become stu!y' *. Mに - rarely +. ,#!j - properly ,. °Øé 【*-%・!・,-】 - te#tbook . “ 【+x】- me4 mysel" &slang4 masculine' . e% 【(が・%】 - to !ier4 to be !ierent ジョンI ]RJちŽ;B:い0Q John% licechan is late, huh' RSI ./OÂ<いか»LÃ日B¸AいnƒQ ee% (&he#s) busy with study so (she) said (she#s) not coming today. ジョンI い-H./<ƒ‚DP€;Œ>QÿO遊$AŠ»日本)を練習P€ ™Š>nƒ‚./&A€とîD™&Q John% *hat are (you) going to do, studying all the time' =espite the fact that (It#s) said that you#ll get a lot more studying by practicing Japanese while playing with everybody. RSI VDŒ0QOHLたl&BLQ ee% I guess so. ut, I thin$ it#s good to use textboo$ and study properly once in a while. ジョンI nƒL俺B©ª./<ƒいAいとîいたい™T John% y saying that, you want to say (I) don#t study at all' RSI ‰ ee% hat#s not it6 %#periences "+ave you ever done 9:;'", you can as$ a 1uestion of this nature 1uite literally by using the noun for a generic event% FyとG£í and F,€G. '(amples 1. 日本に&#$とK8žu a$e you e$er gone to >apanA &lit: ?s there an e$ent &3here you' 3ent to >apanA' 2. カラbúRÙ"Ù#$とKDいS &?' ha$e?'ne$er at Karaoke. &lit: Bhere is no e$ent &3here sangsung song song at Karaoke.' (. +•lÚ*K€ØÙ$とがD!#Ý„€日本に&#©に›#とØ ÙM,S &?' ha! ne$er eaten okonomiyaki but &?' fnally ate &it' 3hen &?' 3ent to >apan. &lit: Bhere 3as no e$ent &3here ?' ate okonomiyaki but fnally ate 3hen 3ent to >apan.' JKJさ;L ~S&L,gŠとD?‹いlPQ')を練習<たいと¾"l<たŠLlŒ† ‡Š,lgAい™OLˆíを日本)O¾"lPQ^BL]‰™Š&,€‹Œ  といD_&[;OいlPQ]‰ &行nたyとB,glPか TpŠいnæい OLとƒHÂ<い _OPQVWOL!い<い JÚõンŠた%さ;,gl PQ!¢‘Ž"ÄH;EŽŽ"をÓÔたyとB,glPかTH;EŽŽ"B ]‰O›OP>Q JKJさ;BL]~R•&[;OいlPかT^BLlŒ]~R•&行nたy とB,gl(;ŠLい-かニュSSクÄ £(&・(SOLM<たいと #nƒいlPQŒか»L')を./<ƒいlPŠLAかAか”<%ƒlŒ˜ か»AいyとŠいnæい,glPQ 1N&‘’nƒ./Q &u-u$i% o, I didn#t do anything, you $now. }中I EŽLy™コü›BL†˜O“ちた;OPかT ana$a% hen, is it that this cup fell by itself' ™šI ^Šyy&¸€œ&HD“ちƒいl<たか»L˜かgl(;Q &u-u$i% It was already fallen before I came here so (I) don#t $now. }中I いいrL™šさ;ŠV™コü›を“と<ƒい€™を見l<た>Q ana$a% o, (I) saw &u-u$isan (you) dropping that cup, you $now. olite Fegati$e 7orms he con/ugations we have learned so far for the negative and past tense are /ust one of several. In this section, we are going to loo$ at an alternate way to con/ugate to the negative for the polite form. Negati+e 8erbs with 3or verbs, we learned the four con/ugations for the polite F-lPG form as shown by the example below. 3or the two negative forms highlighted in the table, instead of using the F-lPG form, we can instead append FOPG to the plain negative forms similar to nouns. 6ummary o" F-lPG con5ugations 5ositi+e Negati+e Non*5ast 行"lP - go 行"l(; - don't go 5ast 行"l<た - 3ent 行"l(;O<た - didn't go on5ugation rules "or $erbs 3ith 「DいRQG • 2or negati+e3 on5ugate to the negati$e an! appen! 「RQ」. %#amples 1. &く → &!Dい¿RQ À &!DいRP 2. ØÙž → ØÙDい¿RQ À ØÙDいRP (. Qž → ,Dい¿RQÀ ,DいRP ). 8ž → Dい¿RQ À DいRP • 2or negati+e past3 on5ugate to the negati$e past an! appen! 「RQ」. %#amples 1. &く → &!Dい¿!# → &!D!#¿RQ À &!D!# RP 2. ØÙž → ØÙDい¿!# → ØÙD!#¿RQ À ØÙD !#RP (. Qž → ,Dい¿!# → ,D!#¿RQ À ,D!#RP ). 8ž → Dい¿!# → D!#¿RQ À D!#RP '(ample 1. ¨Ûに&#$とKDいRQ!S a$e you not been to BokyoA 2. °2KんK…%ØÙM,!m€+D!KÜいNいDいRQS &?' ate lunch alrea!y so &?=m' not hungry. (. $£ÝにÞい¡"D!#RQ!S Di! &you' not see a black !og aroun! hereA Negati+e Noun4Adjecti+es with ecause FAいG is the negative of the verb F,€G, we can replace the FAいO PG and FAかnたOPG part of noun and ad/ectives with F,gl(;G and F,gl(;O<たG respectively. on5ugation rules "or nouns/a!5ecti$es 3ith「8jMせんz8jMせん R,」 "orm • 2or nouns and na*adjecti+es3ppen! 「じ]」 an! then 「8 jMせん」 "or the negati$e or 「8jMせんR,」 "or the negati$e past. %#amples 1. pq¿じ]¿8jMせん À pqじ]8jMせ; 2. *xい¿じ]¿8jMせん À *xいじ]8jMせ; (. pq¿じ]¿8jMせんR, À pqじ]8jMせんR,た ). *xい¿じ]¿8jMせんR, À *xいじ]8jMせんR, た • 2or i*adjecti+es3 Ieplace the last 「い」 3ith 「く」 at the en! an! attach 「8jMせん」 "or negati$e an! 「8jMせんR,」 "or negati$e past. %#amples 1. |,い¿く¿8jMせん À |,く8jMせ; 2. !wいい¿く¿8jMせん À !wいく8jMせ; (. |,い¿く¿8jMせんR, À |,く8jMせんR,た ). !wいい¿く¿8jMせんR, À !wいく8jMせんR,た • '(ceptions3 「いい」 con5ugates "rom 「BいG 1. いい → Bい¿く¿8jMせん À Bく8jMせ; 2. !#$いい → !#$Bい¿く¿8jMせん À !#$Bく8jM せ; (. いい → Bい¿く¿8jMせんR, À Bく8jMせんR,た ). !#$いい → !#$Bい¿く¿8jMせんR, À !#$Bく 8jMせんR,た '(ample 1. 8D£言いŠK)*く8jMせんS ? !on=t 3ant to hear your e#cuse&s'. 2. n$K#ߪじ]8jMせんBS Bhat=s not a place to play4 you kno3. (. 8£+スdランにK先週&*M,が€8Mj+い,く8jMせんR ,S &?' 3ent to that restaurant last 3eek but &it' 3asn=t $ery tasty. ierences between and for negati+e 7sing FOPG for the negative is primarily for spo$en Japanese only and is used to soften the negative aspect in conversations. 4n the other hand, the F-l(;G and F-l(;O<たG con/ugations sound a bit stiff and formal and is more suitable for written Japanese. It also sounds more assertive so it would appropriate for settings such a news report, an announcement, or any formal occasion. hapter summary an! practice In this chapter, we learned the progressive and past tense for both positive and negative verbs. *e also learned the teform for the progressive tense as well a number of other uses. +ere is a list of examples using the various con/ugations we learned in this chapter. Be-"orm on5ugation %#amples 5lain Noun4na*adjecti+e ¢" *adjecti+e '(ception Ru*+erb "い Te*form Negati+e Te*form ¢" O " >%ƒH いい ÓÔ€ %ƒ ÓÔ ¢"EŽA%ƒ "%A%ƒ >%A%ƒH ƒ ÓÔA%ƒ *ending 話P 話<ƒ 話さA%ƒ *ending ¾% ¾いƒ ¾かA%ƒ *ending éぐ éいO éŠA%ƒ *ending 飲x 飲;O 飲lA%ƒ *ending 遊ぶ 遊;O 遊ばA%ƒ *ending 死ぬ 死;O 死AA%ƒ *ending Eu*+erbF Z€ Znƒ Z»A%ƒ *ending 買D 買nƒ 買¶A%ƒ *ending Ð- Ðnƒ ÐたA%ƒ '(ception 行% 行nƒH 行かA%ƒ '(ception P€ <ƒH かn >%Aかnた >かnたO >%AかnたO たH PH PH H Ru*+erb ÓÔ€ ÓÔ た ÓÔAかnた ÓÔl<た ÓÔl(;O< た *ending 話P 話<た 話さAかnた 話apanese &language' . LM 【Ùん・*-%】 - stu!y 10. 理â 【j・È%】 - reason 11. ™Û 【,-%・mい】 - "uture 12. Qž &e#ception' - to !o 1. W¸がB#Nいž$と›áじ$とS Bhing&s' onesel" is thinking an! "eeling lately &among other things'. 2. ‚ƒ*ÃÄい$とS ?nteresting thing&s' that happene! recently. (. 日本3"LM,いとB#理âS Ieason 3hy &you' thought &you' 3ant to stu!y >apanese. ). ™Ûに,い$とS Bhing&s' &you' 3ant to !o in the "uture. Bhe Fumeric 6ystem Numbers starting from 9GG *e already learned all the numbers up to  in the first chapter. *e will now learn the numbers HGG up to HG 1uadrillion. If you need a 1uic$ review, here are the first HG numbers. Numer als Kanji 1 2 ( 1 2 3 ) 4 * + 5 6 Readin いち & さ; <= g 7 , 8  9 ? @% <ち=  10 : Bち "CD ECD +ere are the additional units for numbers starting from HGG. Numerals 100 14000 104000 10R 10R12 Kanji œ  1ž 1Ÿ 1 Reading ひŽ% (; いちl; いち!% いnちhD Note: 7nits larger than FG re1uire another preceding number and cannot be used by themselves. 3or example, FžG does not mean HG,GGG, you need to add a one% F1žG. ecause the Japanese numeral system is based on units of four not three, the same units get repeated once you get past HG,GGG until you get to HGG,GGG,GGG. In other words, numbers are organi-ed as H,GGGG, H,GGGG,GGGG, HGHK, HGHL and so on. !ou#ll need to pay careful attention to reading changes for some sound combinations. he chart below outlines the numbers that are pronounced slightly differently. Numerals Kanji Reading (00 3œ さ;$Ž% +00 6œ @n¡Ž% 00 8œ Bn¡Ž% (000 3 さ;¢; 000 8 Bn(; 10R12 1 いnちhD '(ample arge numbers are rarely written in all 0an/i as you can imagine something li$e F2 œ3:ž94œ3:1G would be difficult to read. !ou will usually see a combination of numbers and 0an/i or /ust numerals altogether. 1. 142() 【せん・に・ひ]く・'ん・じ/%・Bん】 - 142() 2. Yãäå 【2・Mん・'ん・Îん】 - *(4000 %ther numbers &everal ways to say -ero and other types of numbers are listed below. Fl€G meaning "circle" is similar to how we use "4" (the letter) in things li$e phone numbers, room numbers, and addresses. 1. æ 【xい】 - zero 2. çg - zero (. Mž - circle zero ). Eèé 【E2%・,9】 - su# "or room numbers *. à7_ス S - negati$e S +. ê 【Nん】 - perio! !ot !ecimal point ,. S.< 「S・Nん・<」 - S.< . S ¸£ < - 0Q日本)OBL4–¤O£r€か»L^BL4を ¥<ƒL3O¦nƒL')™£?&Xr€>QzrばLœžBL2¥P4O 6Œか»LH million &A€Q lice% It#s certainly difficult, isn#t it' ecause in Japanese (you) count by units of four, I /ust add four, divide by three, and change (it) into (the) 8nglish number. 3or example, ひŽ%l; is K plus  and (it#s) six so it becomes H million. ジョンIいÄL©ª˜か;Aい‰RSB”<%Aい™T John% o, (I) don#t understand at all6 ee$un, it isn#t difficult' RSI)$)B日本)とvEŒか»L–Œ>Q ee% 0orean is the same as Japanese so (it#s) easy, you $now. ジョンIず€い‰ John% hat#s cheating6 Dates an! Bime ates =ates are similar to using counters, one each for year, month, and day. • EÅ 【EPん】 - year counter • E[ 【Eが9】 - month counter • E日 【Eに(】 - !ay counter he year counter is pretty straightforward, as there are no reading variations. +owever, there are variations for months and a whole bunch of exceptions for days of the month. he two lists below show all the months in a year and the days of the month. &pecial readings or variations are appropriately mar$ed. 8onths o" the year ?onth Kanji Reading 9hat month § A;・Š- >anuary 1§ いち・Š- 7ebruary 2§ &・Š- 8arch 3§ さ;・Š- pril 4§ <・Š- 8ay 5§ ?・Š- >une 6§ @%・Š- >uly 7§ <ち・Š- ugust 8§ Bち・Š- 6eptember 9§ %・Š- October :§ ECD・Š- Fo$ember :1§ ECD・いち・Š- December :2§ ECD・&・Š- Days o" the month ay Kanji 9hat !ay 日 Reading A;・&ち 1st 1日 -いたち 2n! 2日 ¨-・か (r! 3日 ‘n・か )th 4日 >n・か *th 5日 い-・か +th 6日 xい・か ,th 7日 A™・か th 8日 >D・か th 9日 yy™・か 10th :日 と!・か 11th :1日 ECD・いち・&ち 12th :2日 ECD・&・&ち 1(th :3日 ECD・さ;・&ち 1)th :4日 ECD・>n・か 1*th :5日 ECD・?・&ち 1+th :6日 ECD・@%・&ち 1,th 1th :7日 :8日 ECD・<ち・&ち ECD・Bち・&ち 1th :9日 ECD・%・&ち 20th 2:日 B-・か 21st 2:1日 &・ECD・いち・&ち 22n! 2:2日 &・ECD・&・&ち 2(r! 2)th 2:3日 &・ECD・さ;・&ち 2:4日 &・ECD・>n・か 2*th 2:5日 &・ECD・?・&ち 2+th 2:6日 &・ECD・@%・&ち 2,th 2th 2th 2:7日 2:8日 &・ECD・<ち・&ち &・ECD・Bち・&ち 2:9日 (0th 3:日 (1st 3:1日 &・ECD・%・&ち さ;・ECD・&ち さ;・ECD・いち・&ち 3or completeness, here are all the days in the wee$. 1. yZ日 【Dん・B%・8】 - 9hat !ay o" 3eek 2. [Z日 【r9・B%・8】 - 8on!ay (. \Z日 【!・B%・8】 - Bues!ay ). 水Z日 【Qい・B%・8】 - 9e!nes!ay *. ]Z日 【…く・B%・8】 - Bhurs!ay +. –Z日 【*ん・B%・8】 - 7ri!ay ,. ^Z日 【„・B%・8】 - 6atur!ay . 日Z日 【に(・B%・8】 - 6un!ay ate formats he date format employed in Japan is the same international date format used in many other parts of the word% year, month, day in that order. 4nce again, it is common to use numerals to ma$e it easier to read. !ou may encounter another calendar native to Japan based on the reign of each emperor when filling out public documents. asically, the year starts over from H £called M·bŠ;・0;d at the beginning of each new reign along with the name of the era. 3or example, the F©ªG era began in HC, therefore, the year KGG would be ©ª«¬·. If you live in Japan, it would be beneficial to remember the current year and your birthday in the Japanese calendar. elow are the eras going bac$ about HGG years. !ou can also search online for convenient converters or charts with each year. 1. `ë 【Œい・せい】 - eisei era &1/1/-' 2. ìí 【,-%・w】 - 6ho3a era &12+/12/2*-1/1/,' (. )î 【い・,-%】 - Baishou era &112/,/(0 - 12+/12/2*' ). pÅ 【がん・Pん】 - Bhe frst year o" an era until the en! o" that year &12/(1' '(ample 1. XVVlÅTX[XU日【に・せん・*/%・Pん・じ/%・に・が 9・に・じ/%・B#・!】 200/12/2) 2. XVTVÅU[T日G]Z日H 【に・せん・じ/%・Pん・,・が 9・9い(G…く・B%・8H】 Bhurs!ay4 pril 1st4 2010 (. ìíYïÅTT[äV日【,-%w・2・じ/%・Oく・Pん・じ/ %・い(・が9・'ん・じ/%・に(】 11/11/(0 ). `ëpÅl[l日【Œい・せい・がん・Pん・く・が9・$$£!】 1// Time *e already covered how to tell time in a previous chapter so here#s a brief review. 1. E© 【Eじ】 - hour counter 2. E¸ 【EÇん】 - minute counter (. Rº 【2・Îん】 - 8 ). R1 【2・2】 - 8 *. S 【Kん】 - hal" our rea!ing $ariations !our )o=clock Kanji 45 Reading ,o=clock o=clock 75 >・E 95 <ち・E %・E 8inute rea!ing $ariations ?inut o3 many es minutes Kanji ˜ Readi A;・þ; ng 1 min 1˜ ( min 3˜ ) min 4˜ + min 6˜  min 8˜ 10 min :˜ いn・ さ;・ >;・ @n・ Bn・ ECn・ þ; þ; þ; þ; þ; þ; '(ample 1. T©T¸ 【い(・じ・い#・ぷん】 - 1:01 2. R1U©UU¸ 【2・2・B・じ・Bん・じ/%・Bん・ぷん】 ):)) 8 (. RºTV©S 【2・Îん・じ/%・じ・Kん】 - 10:(0 8 Time spans *e need to learn a couple more counters to express a span of time versus a fixed date or time. his counter is attached to a date or time to express a length of that time. • E. 【E!ん】 • E週. 【E,/%・!ん】 - a span o" 3eek&s' - span o" time • Eð[ 【!・r9】 - a span o" month&s' *hile these counters are pretty straightforward, there are a number of reading variations. In particular, while b1日d usually means the first of the month and read as F-いたちG, it can also mean a span of one day when read as Fいち&ちG. • =日 【9い(】 - 1st o" the month • =日 【い(・に(】 - span o" one !ay • =週. 【い#・,/%・!ん】 - span o" one 3eek • =ð[ 【い#・!・r9】 - span o" one month • <ð[ 【じ/#・!・r9】 - span o" ten months '(ample 1. >日. 【Ç9・!・!ん】 - span o" t3o !ays 2. ?週. 【'ん・,/%・!ん】 - span o" three 3eeks (. >ð[ 【に・!・r9】- span o" t3o months Jarious amounts ow that we learned how to use numbers and express date and time, it would be a good time to review how to express various amounts. Most amounts can be expressed with /ust vocabulary, many of which we#ve already seen. elow is a list of /ust some of the vocabulary used to describe various amounts. 1. â, 【Q$・,】 - a little 2. (-#と - a little &casual' (. く'ん - a lot ). âDい 【Qく・Dい】 &i-a!5' - "e3 *. ·い 【++・い】 &i-a!5' - many +. M0 - not yet ,. …% - alrea!y more . …%â, 【…%・Q$・,】 - a little more . …#と - a lot more 10. ¦#と - a long time 11. $んDに - this much 12. nんDに - that much 1(. 8んDに - that much &o$er there' 1). EくmいzEAmい - about - '(pectation of more here are two particles that are used to express the word "only"% FŒºG and F< かG. Just li$e every other particle, these particles attach to the end of the word that they apply to. he primary difference with F<かG is that it must be used with the negative and emphasi-es the lac$ of something. '(ample 1. ò 【にく】 - meat 2. {b 【$ん・›】 - tonight 1. ò0ÝØÙžS %at only meat. 2. ò,!ØÙDいS Fot eat anything but meat. (. {bK€>人0ÝR&*M,-%S Get=s go 5ust the t3o o" us tonight. &lit: s "or tonight4 let=s go by 3ay o" only t3o people.' ). YVVñ,!ô#NいMせんS &?' only ha$e *00 yen. Too much of something n excess of something is expressed with the ruverb FË€G£P・Ë€ which means, "to pass" or "to exceed". here are several rules for attaching this verb to ad/ectives and other verbs. s FPË€G is a regular ruverb, all subse1uent con/ugations are the same as any other ruverb. Nsing 「QËž」 to in!icate it=s too much • 8erbs : hange the $erb to the stem an! attach 「QËž」 %#amples 1. ØÙž¿QËž À ØÙQË€ 2. ¤ž → ¤j¿QËž À ¤jQË€ • Na*adjecti+es: ttach 「QËž」 %#amples 1. ¥!¿QËž À ¥!QË€ 2. *xい¿QËž À *xいQË€ • 「い」 「QËž」 *adjecti+es : Iemo$e the last "rom 「Bい」 an! attach s al3ays4 「いい」 con5ugates %#amples 1. )*い¿QËž À )*QË€ 2. 高い¿QËž À 高QË€ (. いい → Bい¿QËž À BQË€ • Negati+e +erbs and adjecti+es: Ieplace the last 「い」 "rom 「Dい」 3ith 「'」 an! then attach 「QËž」 %#amples ØÙDい → ØÙD'¿QËž À ØÙD'QË€ 1. 2. ÃÄくDい → ÃÄくD'¿QËž À ÃÄくD'QË€ '(ample 1. “日 【*・£%】 - yester!ay 2. šŠ 【£・Š】&u-$erb' - to !rink (. >日òい 【Ç9・!・Bい】 - hango$er ). • 【8M】 - hea! *. óい 【い・い】&i-a!5' - pain"ul +. ô 【j-%】 - amount ,. ·い 【++・い】 &i-a!5' - many . …#と - a lot more . &'い 【(い・'い】&i-a!5' - small 10. Á7ù - size 11. õŠ 【£・Š】&u-$erb' - to reuest to or!er 12. `7fッd - !iet 1(. Qž - to !o 1). いい&i-a!5' - goo! 1*. ØÙž 【Ù・ž】&ru-$erb' - to eat 1. “日KšlQËN€>日òいR•がóいRQS &?' !rank too much yester!ay an! &my' hea! hurts 3ith hango$er. 2. ôが·QËž!m€…#と&'いÁ7ù"õん0S Bhe amount is too much so &?' or!ere! a much smaller size. (. `7 d!iet fッ "Qž£KいいÝ„€ØÙD'QËNいžBS Doing &a' is fne but &you=re' not eating too much &too much o" not eating'. -omic H3 1. 日本 【に・ほん】 - >apan 2. ö人÷ 【Ç・じん・Çく】 - 3omen=s clothing (. øß 【%j・】Galso øjßH - place 3here things are sol! ). 8£%z8£ - say 3ell errr *. $x - this +. いくm - ho3 much ,. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay . ’ù 【とく・Ù9】&na-a!5' - special . úcf - sale 10. Eñ 【E5ん】 - counter "or yen &>apanese currency' 11. Dž &u-$erb' - to become 12. …% - alrea!y "urther 1(. â, 【Q$・,】 1). )*い 【++・*い】&i-a!5' - big 1*. Á7ù - size 1+. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1,. QlMせん - sorry &polite' 1.  【w,】 - me mysel" ? 1. 8Mj - not $ery &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' 20. Eû 【E!い】 - counter "or story/Toor 21. ìö÷ 【$・„…・Çく】 - chil!ren=s clothing - a little 22. =< 【い(・+%】 - "or the time being 5ust in case 2(. )人 【+とD】 - a!ult 先生I,™DLyWBい%»OPかQ eacher% 8xcuse me, how much is this' ²³IÃ日Œº™S´セS&O48œµ&AglPQ &tore 0Q eacher% (It#s a) little too big, isn#t it' s for my si-e, there isn#t much, is there' ²³I·¸&BwÒ¯°±Š,glPŠBQ &tore Q lice% (I#m) hungry. (lit% stomach has emptied) ジョンIA;OTlŒ«5Œ>Q John% *hy' It#s still K o#cloc$, you $now. ]RJIÃ日BL»?É<かÓÔƒAい™Q lice% (I) didn#t eat anything but brea$fast today. ジョンIA;O?ÉをÓÔAかnた™T John% *hy didn#t (you) eat lunch' ]RJIu日™8L¼?ÉをÓÔ-Ëたか»L#イ(üÚを<ƒい€™Q lice% ast night, (I) ate too much dinner so (I#m) on a diet. ジョンIu日た%さ;ÓÔƒLF#イ(üÚ<ƒい€Gと{|î¶Aい>Q John% ormally, (you) don#t say you#re on a diet after you ate a lot yesterday. ]RJIŒか»LÃ日2{た>Q lice% hat#s why I /ust started. ジョンIい-lO#イ(üÚをP€-HgT John% (!ou) intend to be on a diet until when' ]RJIHD#~Qá日か»Ä{€Q lice% (It#s) no good already. (I) will 1uit from tomorrow. ジョンI1日Œº™#イ(üÚBL聞いたyとAいQ John% (I#ve) never heard of a one day only diet. ]RJIŒか»L½(Aい™かAT lice% (I) wonder if that#s why (I) don#t lose weight' ジョンI„たgœŒQ John% 4bviously. omparisons In order to ma$e a comparison, you have to define either side of the comparison using F^G£D and>or F>gG. F^G defines the direction the comparison is leaning toward while F>gG defines the side it#s leaning away from. he important thing to remember is that F^G is a noun while F>gG is a particle. nother particle often used in ma$ing comparisons is F‚G, which describes the extent of something. '(ample 1. © 【ほ%】 - !irection si!e 2. EBj &particle' - rather than (. Eほ„ &particle' - e#tent o" ). „(m - 3hich 3ay *. ¡ 【いœ】 - !og +. ¢ 【P$】 - cat ,. 43 【5い・2】 - %nglish &language' . 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese &language' . ´,い 【Š¦!・,い】&i-a!5' - !icult 10. B% 【+…・%】&u-$erb' - to think 1. ¡と¢€„(m£©が•*u 9hich !o &you' like more4 !og or catA &lit: Dog an! cat4 3hich si!e is &the' one &you like'A' 2. ¡£©が¢Bj•*S Gike !og more than cat. &lit: Gike the si!e o" !og rather than cat.' (. ¡£©が¢Bj§いS ate !og more than cat. &lit: ate the si!e o" !og rather than cat.' ). ¢K€¡ほ„•*じ]DいS Don=t like cat as much as !og. &lit: Don=t like cat to e#tent o" !og.' *. 43と日本3€„(m£©が´,いとBいMQ!u 9hich !o &you' think is har!er4 %nglish or >apaneseA &lit: %nglish an! >apanese4 3hich si!e is har!er &you' thinkA' -ats or ogs ]RJI¾と¿L‚ち»™^Š¢"T lice% *hich do (you) li$e more, dog or cat gSIçBL‚ち»H¢"Q ee% I li$e both. (lit% i$e either way also.) ジョンI¿™^Šいい;EŽAいT¾>gÀŠいいか»Q John% Isn#t dog better. ecause (they#re) smarter than cats. ]RJIOHL¿™^ŠÁ話ŠXŒQ John% (I) thin$ both are tough to ta$e care of and as for me, I thin$ dogs are much more cute. ]RJI‚D<ƒ¾ŠV;A&ÞいA™T lice% *hy do (you) hate cat(s) that much' ジョンIÞいŒとînƒAい>‰ John% (I#m) not saying (I) hate (them)6 ]RJI"nとLwÒ™5&L¾とかÑいíŠ起"た;Œ0Q lice% (I#m) sure, when (you) were a child, something bad occurred with a cat, huh' ジョンIいÄL´&・・・Q John% o, not really... ]RJIと&か%Lジョンさ;‚¾ŠÞいApBL会nたíAい>Q lice% nyway, (I) have never met a person that hates cat(s) to the extent of Johnsan. ジョンIŒか»LÞいEŽAいnƒQ John% i$e I said, (I) don#t hate (them). Directions sing for directions In the last section, we learned how to use F^G to ma$e comparison. *e can also use F^G to describe how to do something. his is done by attaching F^G to the verb stem. +owever, in this usage, the reading is FかたG not FDG. he result is used as a regular noun (it may help to translate it as "way of doing..."). In addition, F^G£かた is also used to refer to a person politely. '(ample 1. © 【!】 - person &honorifc' 2. E© 【E!】 - 3ay o" !oing U (. ýÂf - hotel ). °5ž 【+,・5ž】 &ru-$erb' - to teach to in"orm *. þ 【5*】 - &train' station +. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! ,. G+HQ, - sushi . .ÿï理 【(/%・!・j-%・j】 - hinese "oo! . K›ž &u-$erb' - to be popular4 to come into "ashion 10. { 【いM】 - no3 11. G+HK, - chopsticks 12. Á% 【9!・%】 &u-$erb' - to use 1(. アメリカ人 【8Lj!・じん】 - merican &person' 1). âDい 【Qく・Dい】 &i-a!5' - "e3 &in numbers' 1. 8£ にýnot Âf£ &*© 5DいんRQ!S &re© you' going to"° teach &tell' that person the 3ay to go to the hotelA 2. þMR£&*©K¸!jMQ!S Do &you' kno3 the 3ay to the train stationA (. +Q,›.ÿï理がK›#Nいž{RK€+K,£Áい©が¸!žアメ リカ人KâDくDいS Ei$en no3 3here things like sushi an! hinese "oo! is common4 mericans 3ho kno3 ho3 to use chopsticks is not "e3 &in number'. sing for instructions nother way to describe how to do something is by using the phrase F‚DÄn ƒG. FÄ€G is a more casual version of the verb FP€G ("to do") so the phrase literally means "how do and". It#s used /ust li$e the regular teform to express a se1uence of actions as we learned in the last chapter. ecause F‚D<ƒG also means "why", F‚DÄnƒG is more common. '(ample 1. カ+cK„%›#N作jMQ!S o3 !o &you' go about making curryA &lit: apanese a!!ressA (. ¨Ûþ!m²þMR„%›#N&*MQ!S o3 !o &you' go "rom Bokyo station to 6hin5uku stationA -omic 9G3 1. QlMせん - sorry par!on me 2. $$ - here (. =Ú 【い(・ん】 - the best no. 1 ). ƒい 【(!・い】&i-a!5' - close *. þ 【5*】 - train station +. &く 【い・く】&u-$erb' - to go ,. E© 【E!】 - 3ay o" !oing U . ¸!ž 【w・!ž】&u-$erb' - to un!erstan! . 日本人 【に・ほん・じん】 - >apanese &person' 10. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese &language' 11. )Ž 【0い・じ-%・】&na-a!5' - ok 12. $£ - this Gabbr. o" $x£ 1(. 地è 【(・¦】 - map 1). Eðª 【E!・,-】 - counter "or number o" places 1*. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1+. „(m - 3hich 3ay 1,. © 【ほ%】 - !irection 1. ˜音 【K9・+ん】 - pronunciation 1. õい 【wž・い】&i-a!5' - ba! ジョンIP‘l(;Qyyか»1µÁい™行"^B˜かglPかT John% 8xcuse me, do you $now the way to go to (the) station closest from here' 日本pI®RSLÃS・インÄRüシュ Japanese person% &orry, no 8nglish ジョンI日本)OHYZOPか»Ly™Å½&Š2Æ_,glP>0Q ‚ち»™^ŠÁいOPかQ John% Japanese is o$ so there#s two train stations on this map, right' *hich is closer' 日本pI]イ°・®RS Japanese person% I#m sorry. ジョンIUVŠÑい™かAT John% (I) wonder, is my pronunciation bad' ]RJI先生L日本OBÇ&›œŠ-いƒいAいと聞"l<たŠL本„OP かQ lice% eacher, (I) heard that in Japan street(s) don#t have street names attached but is (it) true' 先生IBいQ日本OBL"いÇÈ<か›œŠ-いƒいl(;Q eacher% !es. In Japan, only large roads have names attached (to them). ]RJIVWEŽL[_を‚DÄnƒP;OPかQ lice% *ith that, how do (you) find (an) address' 先生Iy™pBLÂÄコン!ニLÉÊ&A€とy@をwŠかg&<ƒ< lPQ eacher% Most people use (places li$e) train station(s) and convenience store(s), ma$e places that become landmar$(s) into clue(s) and find (it). ]RJIV™Äg^OBLた%さ;˶AいOPかT lice% *ith that way of doing (things), don#t (you) get lost a lot' 先生IPぐÌWlPか»YZOP>Q eacher% (!ou#ll) soon get used to (it), so (it#s) o$. ]RJIÌW€nƒ&OPかQ lice% (y) saying "get used to", (you mean) to what' 先生IËDyと&Q eacher% o getting lost. ]RJIBいT lice% +uh' hapter summary an! practice In this chapter, we learned how to wor$ with numbers and amounts. umbers, dates, and counting is a fairly tric$y thing to master with all the various readings and exceptions so it#s something that will re1uire 1uite a bit of practice to master. +ere is a list of simple 1uestions you can as$ or answer to practice various dates and numbers. 1. 日付 【ひ・づÝ】 - !ate 2. y[ 【Dん・が9】 - 3hat month (. y日 【Dん・に(】 - 3hat !ate ). 誕生日 【ん・じ-%・8】 - birth!ay *. いく9 - ho3 many ho3 ol! &o"ten use! 3ith honorifc 「+」 pref#' +. y© 【Dん・じ】 - 3hat time ,. 店 【lせ】 - store . E!m &particle' - "rom . EMR &particle' - until 10. 開く 【8・く】&u-$erb' - to open 11. EF 【!・Gく】 - "amily 12. y人 【Dん・にん】 - ho3 many people {日£日 付KyRQ!S 1. 9hat is to!ay=s !ateA 2. †日Ky[y日RQ!S 9hat month4 3hat !ay is tomorro3A (. 誕生日Kい9RQ!S 9hen is &your' birth!ayA ). +いく9RQ!S o3 ol! &are you'A *. {€y©RQ!S 9hat time is it no3A +. 店K€y©!my©MR開いNいMQ!S 7rom 3hat time to 3hat time is &the' store openA ,. 2EFKy人RQ!S s "or &your' "amily4 ho3 many peopleA &hopping and other acti+ities in+ol+ing amounts ll the wor$ we did in this chapter to learn how to use numbers, count, and compare amounts will come in handy when dealing with money in Japan. If you are planning to visit Japan, you#ll be able to get a lot of practice for this chapter by shopping, dining, and generally getting around. !en, the Japanese currency, is roughly e1uivalent to a penny so HGG yen is around one 7& dollar. &hopping 1. ¯ì【Rん・,】 - electronic 2. Àé【じ・,-】 - !ictionary (. いくm - ho3 muchA ). ñ【5ん】 - >apanese currency counter *. (-#と - a little &casual' +. 高い【!・い】&i-a!5' - high e#pensi$e ,. 安い【›Q・い】&i-a!5' - cheap . $(m - this 3ay . モデf - mo!el 10. „% - ho3 11. e%【(が・%】&u-$erb' - to be !ierent 12. .13【(/%・2く・2】 - hinese &language' 1(. LM【Ùん・*-%】 - stu!y 1). ½ž【Kい・ž】&u-$erb' - to enter ]RJIy™ew;BLい%»OPかT lice% +ow much is this electronic dictionary' ²³I F žµOPQ &tore cler$% (It#s) FG,GGG yen. ]RJI ちhnと高PËlP0QHD¶<öい™BL,glPかT lice% (It#s a) little too expensive, isn#t it' Is there (one) that is a little more cheap' ²³I yち»™ÎÏ&BLK ž N µOPQ &tore cler$% his model is KN,GGG yen. ]RJI yWと‚D<いlPかT lice% +ow is (it) different with this' ²³I 中$)を./<ƒいlPかTVWBL中$)H”nƒいlPか»LH D¶<高いOPQ &tore cler$% (re you) studying gzÐÄ–)£Š—いOPか»Lyち»™^Šいいと#いlPQ &tore cler$% et#s see. his model has only 8nglish but (there#s) more example sentences and words so (I) thin$ this model is better. ]RJI VDOPかQEŽLyW&apanese currency counter . …% - alrea!y more 10. â, 【Q$・,】 - a little 11. 安い【›Q・い】&i-a!5' - cheap 12. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1(. ÎÄ 【Ç・9%】 - normal 1). ¯» 【Rん・,]】 - train 1*. „(m - 3hich 3ay 1+. © 【ほ%】 - !irection 1,. zい 【K›・い】 - early "ast 1. …(Oん - o" course 1. „xAmい - about ho3 much 20. Amい - appro#imately4 aroun! 21. 学生 【がく・せい】 - stu!ent 22. 割引 【wj・8*】 - !iscount 2(. 残念 【kん・Pん】 - un"ortunate 2). EにQž &e#p' - to !eci!e on something &lit: to !o to3ar!' gSIª}ºÑlO™ZÒBLい%»OPかT ee% +ow much is (a) tic$et until arita airport. ™pIª}(クJ›JBLÓµOPQ &tation person% arita 8xpress is F,GGG yen. gSIHD¶<öい™BL,gl(;かQ ee% Is there none that is a little more cheap' ™pI{|™eÔ™ZÒB¬ÕÖÖµOPQ &tation person% 2egular train tic$et is H,NGG yen. gSI‚ち»™^ŠgいOPかT ee% *hich is faster' ™pIHち@;L(クJ›J™^ŠgいOPQ &tation person% 4f course, (the) express is faster. gSI‚Wぐ»いgいOPかT ee% y about how much faster' ™pIÓÖ˜ぐ»いgいOP0Q &tation person% bout FG minutes. gSI・・・学生¦×B,glPかT ee% ...Is there (a) student discount' ™pIØÙOPŠL,gl(;Q &tation person% It#s unfortunate, but there isn#t. gSIEŽL{|™eÔ&hear versus what is visible>audible. '(ample 1. 1O 【%,・O】 - behin! 2. ~像 【が・G%】 - screen image picture (. ÑÒiン - 4 computer ). 古い 【Çž・い】&i-a!5' - ol! *. cい 【+n・い】&i-a!5' - late slo3 +. 動~ 【„%・が】 - $i!eo ,.  【w,】 - me mysel" ? . } 【$5】 - $oice . ラeb - ra!io 10. ネッd - net4 net3ork4 internet 1. 1O!m~像が5MQ!u an &you' see the screen "rom the backA &lit: ?s the screen $isible "rom the backA' 2. ÑÒiンが古くNcい!m€動~がmxDいS omputer is ol! an! slo3 so not able to see $i!eo. &lit: ;ecause computer is ol! an! slo34 not capable o" seeing $i!eo. (. £}が)$5MQ!u an &you' hear my $oiceA &lit: ?s my $oice au!ibleA' ). ラeb…ネッdR)Ýž£u &apanese language 1). く'ん - a lot &amount' 1*. nxに - besi!es4 moreo$er n…n… 1+. 1,. - in the frst place4 srcinally 8ん - you &slang' 1. せž 【l・せž】&ru-$erb' - to sho3 1. W¸ 【じ・ん】 - onesel" 20. © 【と*】 - 3hen 21. $#nj - secretly 22. 9…j - intention 2(. …% - alrea!y e#pression o" e#asperation 2). 信じž 【,ん・じž】 &ru-$erb' - to belie$e ジョンI]RJちŽ;Lを<ƒい€™T John% licechan, what (are you) doing' ]RJI’“Q lice% +omewor$. ジョンIyWBT>?を…nƒい€™T©ªý{AいQ John% *hat is this' (re you) using 0an/i' (I) can#t read (it) at all. ]RJI>?BlŒDl%¾ºAいか»LA€Ô%>?を…nƒ練習を<ƒ い€™Q lice% (I) can#t write 0an/i well yet so (I#m) using 0an/i as much as possible and practicing. ジョンI俺B>?を©ª…¶Aいか»L]RJちŽ;™’“ŠÛ(Aい>Q John% I don#t use 0an/i at all so (I) can#t copy licechan#s homewor$, you $now. ]RJI日本)B>?をた%さ;…Dか»LA€Ô%練習P€™Šいい>Q VW&LVHVH’“を,;た&見(Aい>Q†˜O’“O"Aい™T lice% Japanese uses a lot of 0an/i so (it#s) good to practice as much as possible. esides, (I) won#t show you (my) homewor$ to you in the first place. (!ou) can#t do (your) homewor$ by yourself' ジョンI]RJちŽ;ŠいAい5&ynVgÛP-HgŒnたº‚Q John% (My) intention was to secretly copy (it) when licechan is not there. ]RJIHDL‡E»WAいQ lice% (I) can#t believe it. Jarious !egrees o" certainty here are various vocabulary words that can express various degrees of certainty, some of which is listed below. ut beyond memori-ing additional vocabulary, we also need to learn a number of sentence endings that also indicate various degrees of certainty. 1. 絶対 【Î#・い】 - absolutely4 3ithout a !oubt 2. *#と - surely (. ·¸ 【・ん】 - probably4 perhaps4 more likely than not ndicating a fair amount of certainty !ou will often hear FOQ =ad% (&he) went out for shopping. ]RJIい-帰nƒ%€™T lice% *hen is (she) coming bac$ home' !jさ;IたnたÃ`を出たか»LÜ5ぐ»い&B帰nƒ%€Œ@DQ =ad% (&he) /ust left (the) house so (she#ll) probably come bac$ home around %GG. ]RJIVDA™T,,L!AかPいた‰ lice% Is that so' h, (I#m) hungry6 !jさ;IEŽL!jさ;ŠかÝ@DかT =ad% hen shall dad ma$e something' ]RJI!jさ;BLÈòŠšwOT =ad% (I) might be able to ma$e something simple, you $now' ]RJIVDかAT lice% Is that so (you thin$)' ppearances an! hearsay *e often ma$e deductions based on appearances and observations. In this section, we will learn how to describe what things appear to be based on our own and other people#s observations. Appearance or manner he noun F>DG£Þ is the most generic word used to describe an appearance or manner of a state or action. '(ample 1. 彼; 【!£・じ-】 - she girl"rien! 2. 学生 【がく・せい】 - stu!ent (. }~ 【5い・が】 - mo$ie ). ž 【l・ž】 - to see to 3atch *. •* 【Q・*】&na-a!5' - likable +. æç 【と…・0(】 - "rien! ,. …% - alrea!y . ož 【!5・ž】&u-$erb' - to go home 1. 彼;K€学生£B%0S 6he appears to be &a' stu!ent. 2. }~"ž£が•*DB%RQPS &?t' appears &you' like to 3atch mo$ie&s'. (. æçK€…%o#B%RQS Gooks like "rien! 3ent home alrea!y. %utward appearance EcasualF F>DG may, at times, sound somewhat formal and stiff. 3or casual situations, you can substitute F‘たいG for F>DG to describe what something>someone loo$s li$e or appears to be. F‘たいG at first glance, loo$s identical to F見たいG meaning "want to see". !ou could even say it has a similar meaning as an outward appearance is how one wants to see something. +owever, the $ey difference is that while all verbs in the F-たいG form such as F見たいG con/ugate as an iad/ective, this F‘たいG acts li$e a noun same as F>DG. '(ample 1. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 2. 雨 【8L】 - rain (. $£ - this ). œいAžl - stue! toy *. ¡ 【いœ】 - !og +. {Œ 【Ý・'】 - this morning ,. • 【8M】 - hea! . M0 - yet still . »# 【!Î】 - col! &illness' 10. 引く 【ひ・く】&u-$erb' - to pull 11. 彼【!x】 - he boy"rien! 12. $'ん 【+く・'ん】 - 3i"e &polite' 1(. %い 【Q2・い】 &i-a!5' - to a great e#tent 1). !wいい &i-a!5' - cute 1. †日K雨lい0BS Bomorro3 looks like rain4 you kno3. 2. $£œいAžlK¡lいじ]Dいu Doesn=t this stue! toy look like &a' !ogA (. {Œ…•がóい!mM0»#"引いNいžlいRQS &8y' hea! hurt this morning as 3ell so it looks like &?' still ha$e a col!. ). 彼£$'んKQ2く!wいいlいBS is 3i"e is apparently amazingly cute4 you kno3. >uessing from obser+ation In 8nglish, "seems li$e" or "loo$s li$e" is also used to made an educated guess. In Japanese, this is expressed by appending FVDG to the verb or ad/ective with the following rules. he resulting word becomes a naad/ective. 1. &(ž 【+・(ž】 &ru-$erb' - to "all 2. カッÈ - cup (. 降ž 【Ç・ž】&u-$erb' - to precipitate ). 雨 【8L】 - rain *. Ü 【ひM】 &na-a!5' - "ree &as in not busy' +. )‹ 【い・Œん】 &na-a!5' - tough4 har! time ,. +い,い &i-a!5' - tasty . ¢,い 【£・,い】 &i-a!5' - "un . Ûž 【く・ž】 &e#ception' - to come Iules "or guessing outcome using 「n%G • 8erbs3 on5ugate to the stem an! appen! 「n%」 %#ample 1. &(ž¿n%À&(n% カッÈが&(n% - Gooks like cup is about to "all 2. 降ž¿j→降j¿n%À降jn% 雨が降jn% - 6eems like it=s going to rain • Na*adjecti+es3 ppen! 「n%」 %#ample 1. Ü¿n%ÀÜn% 6eems "ree ¬ busy' 2. )‹¿n%À)‹n% 6eems tough/rough • *adjecti+es3 Drop the last 「い」 an! appen! 「n%」 '(ception3 7or 「いい」 → Bい¿'¿n%ÀB'n% &seems goo!' %#ample 1. +い,い¿n%À+い,n% &;ase! on guessing' looks tasty. 2. ¢,い¿n%À¢,n% 6eems "un. • Negati+e forms3 Ieplace the last 「い」 3ith 「'」 an! appen! 「n%」 %#ample 1. $Dい¿'¿n%À$D'n% 6eems like &he/she' 3ill not come. 2. +い,くDい¿'n%À+い,くD'n% &;ase! on guessing' looks not tasty. '(ample 1. $x - this 2. とN… - $ery (. '雨 【9È】 - rainy season ). § 【い›】 &na-a!5' !isagreeable unpleasant *. ED &sentence-en!ing particle' - casual an! masculine $ersion o" E0 +. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay ,. 彼; 【!£・じ-】 - she girl"rien! . ìö 【$・„…】 - chil! . いž &ru-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' 10. ,事 【,・2と】 - 5ob 11. Qž &e#ception' - to !o 12. ²³ 【,/く・0い】 - home3ork 1(. µ¶ 【!ん・ん】 &na-a!5' - simple 1). †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 1*. 試験 【,・Ýん】 - e#am 1+. ³ 【…ん・0い】 - problem 1,. 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1. $x€とN…+い,n%v Bhis looks $ery tastyC 2. '雨Kい›0DS{日…雨が降jn%0BS &?' !islike rainy season. &?t' looks like it=s going to rain to!ay too4 you kno3. (. 彼;K€ìö…いDい,€,事…,Dい!m€とN…Ün%じ]Dいu Doesn=t &she' seem to be $ery "ree because she has no ki!s an! !oesn=t !o &a' 5obA ). ²³KÌ部µ¶0#!m†日£試験K³D'n%PS ll &the' home3ork 3as easy so &there' !oesn=t seem to be any problems "or tomorro3=s test. '(pressing hearsay In order to express what something appears to be based on what one heard from other people, we append FVDŒG (or FVDOPG) to the verb clause. t first glance, this grammar loo$s very similar to the previous grammar, however, the grammar rules are different. lso, this grammar must end in FŒG or FOPG (for polite speech). 1. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 2. *xい &na-a!5' - pretty clean (. |,い 【いnが・,い】 &i-a!5' - busy ). &く 【い・く】 &u-$erb' - to go Iules "or e#pressing hearsay using「n%G • Nouns and Na*adjecti+es3 !! the !eclarati$e 「0」 to the clause then attach 「n%0」 or 「n%RQ」. %#ample 1. †日0n%0 &?' hear &it=s' tomorro3. 2. *xい0n%RQ &?' hear &she' is pretty. • All other cases3 ttach 「n%0」 or 「n%RQ」 to the clause. %#ample 1. |,いn%0 &?' hear &he=s' busy. 2. &*くDいn%RQ &?' hear &she' !oesn=t 3ant to go. '(ample 1. 彼【!x】 - he boy"rien! 2. 日本3 【に・ほん・2】 - >apanese &language' (. (m(m - Tuent ). ) 【È*】 - sno3 *. u!Ýž 【R・!Ýž】&ru-$erb' - to go out +. Û週 【mい・,/%】 - ne#t 3eek ,. ·a 【*・M9】 - en! o" term . 試験 【,・Ýん】 - e#am . C 【lんD】 - e$erybo!y 1. 彼K€日本3が(m(m0n%0S &?' hear he is Tuent in >apanese. 2. 彼£$'んK€とN…*xい0n%RQS &?' hear that his 3i"e is $ery pretty. (. †日K)が降žn%0S &?' hear that &it 3ill' sno3 tomorro3. ). 雨が降#Nいž!m€u!ÝくDいn%RQS &?' hear that &he' !oesn=t 3ant to come out because &it=s' raining. *. Û週K€·a試験RC|,いn%RQS &?' hear that e$erybo!y is busy 3ith the fnal e#am&s' ne#t 3eek. Appearance from hearsay or beha+ior F»<いG is another grammatical expression that expresses either hearsay or behavior. *hen used to express hearsay, unli$e F-VDG from the previous section, it can be used to express impressions from nonspecific hearsay rather than something specific that was said. &imply attach F»<いG to the end of the clause to express hearsay or behavior. It con/ugates /ust li$e a regular iad/ective. '(amples of hearsay 1. {Å 【$・と,】 - this year 2. ,い 【8m・,い】&i-a!5' - ne3 (. uÛž 【R・*・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to be able to !o ). #*地 【È%・5ん・(】 - amusement park *. )*い 【++・*い】&i-a!5' - big +. とN… - $ery ,. ¢,い 【£・,い】 &i-a!5' - "un . ¾(]ん 【8!・(]ん】 - baby . 生1 【せい・2】 - post-natal 10. +ð[ 【Q%・!・r9】 - se$eral months 11. œ, 【’・に/%】 - mother=s milk 12. -Nž 【n0・Nž】 &ru-$erb' - to raise4 to rear 1(. =Ú 【い(・ん】 - P1 best frst 1). いい &i-a!5' - goo! 1. {Å,くuÛ#*地K)*くNとN…¢,いm,いBS ?t seems &base! on hearsay' that &the' ne3 amusement park that 3as built this year is $ery big an! "un. 2. ¾(]んK€生1£+ð[Kœ,R-Nž£が=Úいいm,いS &?' hear! that it=s best to raise baby by breast milk "or "e3 months a"ter birth. '(amples of beha+ior 1. ÐÑ 【›く・nく】 - promise4 arrangement4 appointment/liV 2. ©. 【じ・!ん】 - time (. cxž 【+く・xž】 &ru-$erb' - to be late ). 彼 【!x】 - he boy"rien! *. 8£ - that &o$er there' Gabbr. o" 8x£ +. ì 【$】 - chil! ,. とN… - $ery . ,#!j - frmly reliable stea!y . Qž &e#ception' - to !o 10. ìö 【$・„…】 - chil! 11. å 【+と$】 - man 12. 言% 【い・%】 &u-$erb' - to say 1(. 人 【ひと】 - person 1). EにBž &u-$erb' - !epen!ing on - 1*. ‘Ð 【い・l】 - meaning 1+. e% 【(が・%】 &u-$erb' - to be !ierent 1. ÐÑ©.にcxž£K€彼m,くDいS &?t=s' not like him to be late to the promise! time. 2. 8£ìKとN…,#!j,NいN€ìöm,くDいRQS Bhat chil! is $ery reliable an! !oesn=t act like a chil!. (. åm,いと言%£K€人にB#N‘Ðがe%R,-%S @cting like a man@ 3ill probably ha$e !ierent meanings !epen!ing on the person. &lang e(pression for similarity  casual way to express similarity is to attach FnƒいG to the word that reflects the resemblance. ecause this is a very casual expression, you can use it as a casual version for the different types of expression for similarity covered above £>DL‘ たいL»<い. It con/ugates /ust li$e a regular iad/ective. '(ample 1. {日 【*-%】 - to!ay 2. 雨 【8L】 - rain (. . 【!'】 - umbrella ). ô9 【…・9】 &u-$erb' - to hol! *. ‚ƒ 【'い・*ん】 - recent lately +. ¤い 【'Š・い】 &i-a!5' - col! ,. (-#と - a little . »# 【!Î】 - common col! . å 【+と$】 - man 1. {日K€雨#Çい!m€."ô#N*S Bo!ay seems like &it=s going to' rain so &?' brought &an' umbrella. 2. ‚ƒK€¤くN(-#と»##ÇいBS Gately4 &it=s' col! an! seems like &? ha$e a' col!. (. アリスK(-#とå#ÇくDいu ?sn=t lice a little manlyA 1. Ò学生 【j/%・がく・せい】 - e#change stu!ent 2. )く 【*・く】 &u-$erb' - to ask to listen (. ,い 【8m・,い】&i-a!5' - ne3 ). いž &ru-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' *. 日本人 【に・ほん・じん】 - >apanese person +. ; 【+んD】 - 3oman girl ,. ì 【$】 - chil! . àe - serious &slang' . !wいい &i-a!5' - cute 10. 本‡ 【ほん・と%】 - real 11. nx - that 12. „んD - 3hat kin! 1(. 人 【ひと】 - person 1). M0 - yet 1*. \% 【8・%】 &u-$erb' - to meet 1+. °±l 【ひž・›Q・l】 - lunch break 1,. (-#と - a little 1. P5 - hey 1. y 【DにzDん】 - 3hat 20. $ 【KD,】 - story 21. Qž &e#ception' - to !o 22. ùに 【Ù9・に】 - ¬' particularly nothing &slang' 2(. /0 【!ん・Ýい】 - relation 2). 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1 【!+j】 2*. 2+. - Kaori &frst name' “日【*£%】 - yester!ay 2,. $Q 【KD・Q】 &u-$erb' - to speak 2. とN… - $ery 2. QA - soon (0. 23く 【D!・B・く】 - getting along 3ell 3ith (1. Dž &u-$erb' - to become (2. nxに - besi!es moreo$er ((.  【w,】 - me mysel" ? (). „% - ho3 (*. 言% 【い・%】 &u-$erb' - to say (+. ‘Ð 【い・l】 - meaning (,. い› - no &casual' (. 彼; 【!£・じ-】 - she girl"rien! (. å 【+と$】 - man )0. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable !esirable )1. nんD - that kin! o"4 such )2. $と - matter e$ent )(. 4対à 【,-・い・Lん】 - frst meeting )). ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! )*. R… - but )+. n% - &things are' that 3ay ž 【l・ž】 ),. ). &ru-$erb' - to see áじ 【!ん・じ】 - "eeling ). 5い 【!ž・い】 &i-a!5' - light non-serious *0. 絶対 【Î#・い】 &na-a!5' - absolutely4 uncon!itionally *1. Ô7È - type *2. “ 【+x】 - me mysel" ? &casual masculine' *(. 6eい 【!ん・(が・い】 - misun!erstan!ing *). 'カ - !ummy **. いい5 - no &polite' *+. îãî7 【,-%・,ん・,-%・Lい】 - genuine4 authentic ジョンI 聞いたTˆ<いß学生Šい€‘たいŒ>Q日本p™女™wŒVD >‰àジOか¶いい»<い>Q John% (=id you) hear' (It) seems li$e there#s (a) new exchange student. (I) hear (she#s a) Japanese girl6 (pparently she#s) really cute, you $now. RSI 本„&TVWB!üÄニュSJŒ0Q‚;ApA™かAT ee% 2eally' hat#s big news, isn#t it' I wonder what $ind of person (she) is' ジョンI lŒ会nƒいAいº‚L‘&ちhnと話VD>Q John% (I) haven#t met (her) yet but let#s tal$ (to her) a little bit at lunch brea$. ]RJI 0rLA;™話<ƒい€™T lice% +ey, what are (you) tal$ing about' ジョンI ´&Q]RJちŽ;とBáâAい>Q John% othing in particular. othing that concerns licechan. RSI ]RJちŽ;Bˆ<いß学生&会nたT ee% =id licechan meet (the) new exchange student' ]RJI A;ŒQãさ;™話Tu日ちhnとŒº話<た>Q女»<%ƒとƒ Hか¶いいwŒnた>QPぐä¤%AWVDAåETVW&^&BáâA いnƒ‚DいDR¬T lice% *hat' (!ou#re) tal$ing about 0aorisan' (I) tal$ed (to her) a little bit yesterday. &he#s girly and very cute girl. (&omeone you) can 1uic$ly become friendly with $ind of feeling' Moreover, what (do you) mean it has nothing to do with me' ジョンI いÄLA;OHAい;ŒQãさ;ŒnたnºTæ女B‚;A犢 "VDA™T John% o, it#s nothing. 0aorisan, was it' *hat $ind of boy does it seem she#ll li$e' ]RJI rnTV;AyとLèã§OB˜か»AいOL]RJちŽ;QジョンB'•nƒいAŒºŒ>Q ee% hat#s right, licechan. John is li$e a dummy, that#s all. ]RJI いいrLë}ëì™'•>Q lice% o, (he#s a) genuine idiot. Brying here are several different ways to try something in Japanese including ma$ing an effort toward something, ma$ing an attempt at something, and trying something out to see what happens. &tri+ing for a goal In order to express "try" as striving toward a goal, we use the same F>DG we learned in the last section to describe the manner or appearance of the way we want to act. In this case, we use the verb FP€G (meaning "to do") and the F&G target particle to do toward the manner or appearance of the verb clause. '(ample 1. Ô'i"ÏwDいB%にQžS Bry not to smoke cigarettes. &lit: Do to3ar! manner o" not smoking.' 2. ýい¬"ØÙDいB%に,NいžS Brying not to eat s3eet things. &lit: Doing to3ar! manner o" not eating s3eet things'. (. …#と„動"QžB%に,NいÝ„€QA8*mLS 9as trying to e#ercise a lot more but soon ga$e up. &lit: 9as !oing to3ar! manner o" !oing more e#ercise but soon ga$e up.' Achie+ing an action If you use the same grammar as before but with the verb FA€G (meaning "to become") instead of FP€G, we can describe reaching the state of the verb. '(ample 1. Ô'i"ÏwDいB%にDžS &?t' became so that &?' !on=t smoke. &lit: ;ecome manner o" not smoking.' 2. _日„動,!mµ¶に¤mDいB%にD#S &?' e#ercise! e$ery !ay so &it' became so that &?' 3on=t get "at easily. (. XÅ.日本に¦んRい!m€日本3が$せžB%にDjM,S &?' li$e! in >apan "or t3o years so &?' became able to speak >apanese. ?aking an attempt he volitional form can also be used to describe an attempt or effort to do a single action. In this case, we use the volitional form followed by FとG and the verb FP €G ("to do"). '(ample 1. ¡Kい9…人£ØÙ¬"ØÙB%とQžS Dog al3ays tries &attempts' to eat people=s "oo!. 2. ±lD£に€iëK„$に…&$%と,Dい!m€9MmDいBS %$en though &it=s a' holi!ay4 &my' parents !on=t try &make an eort' to go any3here so &it=s' boring. -omic 99 * 1. žž 【,・ž】 &u-$erb' - to kno3 2. いž &ru-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' (. ,事 【,・2と】 - 5ob ). Qž &e#ception' - to !o *. 学" 【が#・$%】 - school +. &く 【い・く】 &u-$erb' - to go ,. 人ç 【ひと・(】 - people . ニcd - F%%B &Fot in %!ucation4 %mployment or Braining' . 言% 【い・%】 &u-$erb' - to say 10. 信じž 【,ん・じž】 &ru-$erb' - to belie$e 11. n% - &things are' that 3ay 12. yR 【Dん・R】 - 3hy ho3 1(. ×Q 【'が・Q】 &u-$erb' - to look "or 1). 8M,い 【%m›・M,い】 &i-a!5' - en$ious4 5ealous 1*. 生9 【せい・!9】 - li"estyle 1+. uÛž 【R・*・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to be able to !o 1,. +– 【+・!P】 - money 1. いž &u-$erb' - to nee! 1. い› - no &casual' 20. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable !esirable 21. Dž &u-$erb' - to become 22. ¬ 【…£】 - ob5ect ]RJIbnƒたTXíHQ lice% =id (you) $now. (I) hear (that you) call people (who) don#t do things li$e go to wor$ or go to school 88. ジョンI‡E»WAい‰ John% (I) can#t believe it6 ]RJIVDQA;OXíを•VDと lice% o, I don#t thin$ 88 is something (you) become because (you) li$e it. '(perimenting  third way to express trying (not as a goal or effort) is to do something as an experiment. 3or example, trying out something for the first time. his grammar is expressed by changing the verb to the teform and attaching the verb F‘€G ("to see"). '(ample 1. 先生に")いNlž Bry asking teacher uestion. 2. 日本ï理"ØÙNlS Brie! eating >apanese "oo!. ]RJI }中先生Lちhnと相GŠ,glPQ lice% ana$asensei, (I) have something I#d li$e advice on (lit% there is a consulation). }中I BいLOQOHLVDOP0QHnと 会話™練習を<ƒ‘€™B‚DOPかQた%さ;会話™練習をP€yとO Hnとîw&話(€>D&A€と#いlP>Q ana$a% licesan#s Japanese is improving, you $now. ut, let#s see. +ow about trying to do much more conversation practice' (I) thin$ (you) can become so that (you) can spea$ much more s$illfully by doing (a) lot of conversation practice. ]RJI VDOP0QOHLクõJ~SÚqB¥¦ï4OBL©ª日本)O 話VDとD&Â,(]#Ý„€„%Qžu &?' alrea!y or!ere! &oops' so 3hat shoul! &3e' !oA 2. 彼;"p彼;£¹ºR?んじ]#Bv &?' calle! my girl"rien! by my e#-girl"rien!=s name &by acci!ent'C (. …%¸!#(]#事K忘xmxDいR,-%u &?' can=t "orget something that ? alrea!y learne! &unintentionally' rightA here is also a much less common casual version of F-ƒ0T^LãnƒいD™Q 0aori% ice to meet you6 (!ou#re a) student of Japanese, right' (I#m) called 0aori. ジョンIBLBE{l<ƒQçBジョンQ‚D<ƒçŠ日本)™学生ŒとT John% i, nice to meet. I#m John. *hy did (you $now) I#m (a) Japanese student' ãI日本)™¥¦をóºƒい€™を見ちŽnた>Q日本)B·ô./<ƒ い€™T 0aori% (I) happened to (unintentionally) see you ta$ing Japanese class. +ow many years have (you) been studying Japanese' ジョンIrrとL«·ôぐ»いT John% 7m, about K years' ãIP?い0Q«·ô<か./<ƒAい™&Ly;A&<ŽÔ»W€™T 0aori% (hat#s) ama-ing. (!ou) can tal$ this much even though (you#ve) only been studying K years' ジョンIいÄLlŒ,lgîwEŽAいと#Dº‚BQ John% o, (I) thin$ I#m not that good yet... ãIV;AyとAい>QP?%îwŒ>Q^Lyy&い€ô&5m日本)™ 先生™wfいをP€yと&Anた™OL>@<%0‰,nL¥¦ŠHDPぐ 2{ちŽDQEŽLlたtO0Q (It#s) not li$e that. (!ou) are really good. hings turned out so that I will help (the) Japanese teacher from time to time while (I#m) here so let#s get along (lit% please treat me well). 4h, class is going to start soon (unintended). &ee you later. RSと]RJŠõšOöいƒい€Q Gee an! lice are 3alking in the hall3ay. RSIãさ;BLDち™クõJ™先生をwfD;ŒnƒT ee% (I) hear 0aorisan is going to help our class#s teacher' ]RJIVDQ‘;A™た{&÷&øちたい»<いQ lice% hat#s right. (It) seems she wants to be helpful to everybody. RSIとƒH ù<い;Œ0Q ee% (&he#s) very $ind, isn#t she' ]RJIVDQ‘;A&P?%ù<いwA;Œか»Lê<い<ƒD AçwŠいVDOLúûŒº‚0Q lice% hat#s right. &he#s very $ind to everybody so seems li$e boys will (unintentionally) misinterpret (it) so (I#m) worried. RSIYZŒ>QVDいD´イ›BDち™クõJ&いAいOeneral -onditional he most generic conditional without any assumptions or embedded meanings is the F-ばG conditional. he con/ugation rules for the FばG conditional is below. on5ugation rules "or 「G • 2or +erbs3 change the last /u/ $o3el soun! to the /e/ $o3el soun! an! appen! 「」 %#ample 1. ØÙž • • → ØÙx → ØÙx¿ M ØÙxば 2. >9 → >N → >N¿ M >Nば (. Qž → Qx → Qx¿ M Qxば 2or i*adjecti+es and negati+es ending in the last 「い」 an! appen! 「Ýx」 %#ample 1. +い,い → +い,¿Ýx M +い,Ýxば 2. ØÙDい → ØÙD¿Ýx M ØÙDÝxば (. Dい D¿Ýx M DÝxば → 3 !rop 2or nouns and na*adjecti+es: appen! 「R8x」 %#ample 1. 学生 2. Ü → → 学生R8xば ÜR8xば '(ample 1. zLに¯$Qx€…Ðがµ¶にR*žBS ?" &you' call early4 &you' can make &a' reser$ation easily. 2. †日K|,くDÝx€}~"に&!Dいu ?" tomorro3 is not busy4 3on=t &you' to go to 3atch mo$ieA (. ëD人R8x€æçにDxžとB%S ?" &he/she' is &a' nice person4 &?' think &3e' can become "rien!s. 5ast -onditional he past conditional is created by adding F»G to the past tense form of a verb, noun, or ad/ective. he full form is F»ばG but the FばG is usually omitted. his form can also used in the past tense to describe something that was unexpected instead of a condition. ast con!itional con5ugation rule hange the noun4 a!5ecti$e4 or $erb to its past tense an! appen! 「mGH」 %#ample æç0#¿m æç0#» 1. M 2. |,!# → |,!#¿m M |,!#» (. ØÙ → ØÙ¿m M ØÙ» ). 読ん0 → 読ん0¿m M 読ん0» *. Üじ]D!#¿m M Üじ]D!#» '(ample 1. {日K|,!#m€†日\いM,-%S ?" &you' are busy to!ay4 let=s meet tomorro3. 2. &*くD!#m€„%,N&*いと言#£u ?" &you' !i!n=t 3ant to go4 3hy !i! &you' say &you' 3ante! to goA (. Eにo#m€¡が2l"Åm!,NいS 9hen &?' returne! home4 &the' !og 3as scattering aroun! &the' garbage. -onte(tual conditional he contextual conditional is used by appending FA»£ばG to a noun, verb, or ad/ective. he full form is FA»ばG but the FばG is usually omitted. his conditional is used to describe something in a given context. 4ften, there is no actual conditional, ie "*ell, if that#s the case, then..." or "5iven that..." onte#tual con!itional usage rule ppen! 「DmGH」 to the noun4 $erb4 or a!5ecti$e %#ample 1. æç¿Dm M æçD» 2. |,い¿Dm M |,いD» (. |,くDい¿Dm M |,くDいD» ). ØÙž¿Dm M ØÙžD» '(ample 1. Cが&*くDいと言%Dm€…&!DいBS ?" e$erybo!y is saying &they' !on=t 3ant to go4 ? 3on=t go as 3ell. 2. アリス(]んDm€…%Eにo#BS ?" &you=re' re"erring to lice-chan4 &she' 3ent home alrea!y4 you kno3. (. “日*$Dm€š.'ん!m…%)いBS ?" &you=re' re"erring to &the' story o" &3hat' happene! yester!ay4 &?' alrea!y hear! "rom Banaka-san. ). |,くDいDm€„%,N\5Dい£u ?" &you=re' not busy4 3hy can=t you meet &me'A Natural conse=uence he natural conditional is used by appending FとG for verbs and iad/ectives or FŒとG for nouns and naad/ectives. his conditional is used to describe things that happen as a natural conse1uence with very high certainty ie, "If you do :, ! will certainly happen." It can also be translated as "when" in addition to "if". Fatural con!itional usage rule ppen! 「と」 to the noun4 $erb4 or a!5ecti$e %#ample • 2or nouns4na*adjecti+es3 ppen! 「0と」 %#ample 1. æç¿0と M æç0と 2. ¥!¿0と M ¥!0と • 2or +erbs4i*adjecti+es and negati+es ending in 3 ppen! 「と」 %#ample 1. Qž¿と M Qžと 2. ,Dい¿と M ,Dいと (. |,い¿と M |,いと '(ample 1. {!m&!Dいと€¯»に.に合wDいBS ?" &3e' !on=t go no3 starting no34 &3e' 3on=t make the train. 2. 彼KÜ0とい9…ªc«",Nいž£S ?" he=s "ree4 &he' al3ays plays game&s'. (. nんDにく'んØÙžと絶対¤žBS ?" &you' eat that much4 &you=ll' get "at "or sure. '(amples of dierent scenarios It#s not often obvious nor easy to explain when you would use one type of conditional over another. he best way to master conditionals is by learning from many examples over time. o help you get started, below are a few examples to illustrate some scenarios where some conditionals are more appropriate then others. +owever, $eep in mind, that no version is necessarily incorrect as it can depend on the context and the message the spea$er is trying to convey. * student 1. 学生R8x€学生割引がÁ5žBS ?" &you' are &a' stu!ent4 &you' can use stu!ent !iscount. &Eeneric con!itional4 no assumption 3hether you a stu!ent' 2. $$£学生0#m€MQA\5ž£にDS ?" only &he/she' 3as &a' stu!ent o" here4 &?' 3oul! be able to meet again soon. &6ame as generic con!itional but use! "or the past tense' (. )学生Dm€LM"…#とQžとB#Ý„€ÌÍ,NいDいBS ?" &he/she' is a stu!ent4 &?' thought &he/she' 3oul! stu!y more but &he/she' !oesn=t at all. &e/she is a stu!ent4 ie @since he is a stu!ent...@' ). 学生0と€$$£ラcメンKUVVñ0BS ?" &you' are &a' stu!ent4 ramen here is )00 yen. &6tating a "act' * busy 1. |,くDÝx€}~"に&$%S ?" &you=re' not busy4 let=s go see &a' mo$ie. &Eeneric con!itional 3ith no assumption o" 3hether you=re busy or not' 2. nんDに|,!#m€„%,N°d",£u ?" &you=re' that busy4 3hy &!i! you' take a napA &6ame as generic con!itional but use! "or the past tense' (. nんDに|,いDm€$K†日に,M,-%S ?" &you=re' that busy4 let=s talk tomorro3. &?t=s kno3n that the person is busy ie @gi$en that you=re busy...@' ). ,事R|,くDžとい9…e@ン×フcド"ØÙくDžS ?" &?' become busy 3ith 3ork4 &?' al3ays 3ant to eat 5unk "oo!. &re!etermine! outcome4 ie @3hen busy...@' * understand 1. ©ABが¸!x€試験Kµ¶0BS ?" &you' un!erstan! &the' "ormula4 &the' test is simple. &Eeneric con!itional that can be applie! to anybo!y' 2. ©.とߪが¸!#m€Cにメcf"-žBS ?" &?' kno3 the time an! place4 &?=ll' sen! email to e$erybo!y. &Nse! to e#press 3hat happens a"ter4 ie @once &?' kno3...@' (. £qô(が¸!mDいDm€…%$QCDがDい£S ?" &you' !on=t un!erstan! my "eeling&s'4 there is no nee! to talk anymore. &Bhe person !oesn=t seem to un!erstan!4 ie @since you !on=t un!erstan!...@' ). ¯$Úèが¸!mDいとjkがuÛDいR,-%u ?" &you' !on=t kno3 &the' phone number4 &you' can=t contact &him/her/them'4 rightA &%#pressing almost 100W certainty' hrasing uestions *hen we want to tal$ about a 1uestion in a larger sentence, we can treat the sentence as a phrase by using the FかG 1uestion mar$er. '(ample 1. š.'んKい9Ûž!€¸!jMQ!S Do &you' kno3 3hen Banaka-san is comingA 2. ÛÅ€日本にÒ学,に&く!€EんRいžS &?=m' agonizing 3hether ? shoul! go to >apan ne#t year "or stu!y abroa!. *hen it#s a yes>no 1uestion, you can append an optional F‚DかG the other choice. to represent '(ample 1. EŠ 【D›・Š】 - to be trouble! o$er something4 to agonize o$er a !ecision 2. Ò学 【j/%・がく】 - stu!y abroa! 1. š.'んK€†日Ûž!„%!€¸!jMQ!S Do &you' kno3 3hether Banaka-san is coming tomorro3or notA 2. ÛÅ€日本にÒ学,に&く!„%!€EんRいžS &?=m' agonizing 3hether ? shoul! go to >apan ne#t year "or stu!y abroa! or not. (. 日本に &*い!„%! 9hether &?' 3ant to go€¸!jMせんS to >apan or not4 &?' !on=t kno3. -omic 9: * 1. 彼; 【!£・じ-】 - she girl"rien! 2. Fcfフ+ンド - girl"rien! (. i© 【j-%・ほ%】 - both si!es ). ‘Ð 【い・l】 - meaning *. ô9 【…・9】&u-$erb' - to hol! +. GH 【B・Ýい】 &na-a!5' - too much4 unnecessary4 e#cess ,. Imw,い 【MË・mw,い】 &i-a!5' con"using4 mislea!ing . iンÂgスd - conte#t . )Ì 【0い・い】 - general substantially 10. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! 11. nxに - besi!es moreo$er 12. „#( - 3hich &3ay' 1(. x¯ 【8い・N】 - other party 1). )く 【*・く】 &u-$erb' - to ask to listen 1*. ¸J 【!く・にん】 - confrmation 1+. uÛž 【R・*・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to be able to !o 1,. n% - &things are' that 3ay 1. nんD - that sort o" 1.  【,9・…ん】 - uestion 20. じ] - short "or RK &in"ormal' 21. Ÿ7 【Ý#・*-く】 - e$entually in the en! ジョンIæ女BFsheGとガS&üンýLe^™R¬をÐnƒい€か»Lþ ÿ&lË»¶<い;Œ>AQ John% æ女 holds both meaning of "she" and "girlfriend" so (it#s) unnecessarily confusing. ]RJIコンðÙJÚOy˜か€;EŽAいTVW&˜か»Aかnた»L ‚nちA™か相w&聞ºばp認O"€Ogirlfriend she>girlfriend, (I) will understand, won#t (I)' ]RJIV;APQEŽL結局‚nちŠ‚nちA™かL˜か»AいOosh Khoo -omic 9. 1. 先生 【せん・せい】 - teacher 2. d7+ - toilet bathroom (. &く 【い・く】 - to go ). いい &i-a!5' - goo! *. M - again +. `ä 【0・L】 &na-a!5' - no goo! ,. f` 【Š・0】 &na-a!5' - "utile . gい 【lじ!・い】 &i-a!5' - short . . 【8い0】 - inter$al &bet3een' 10. ²³ 【,/く・0い】 &n' - home3ork 11. uÛž 【R・*・ž】 &ru-$erb' - to be able to !o ジョンI先生LÚイ&行nƒHいいOPかQ John% eacher, can (I) go to the bathroom' 先生Ilた行かAいと#~A™かT eacher% (!ou) have to go again' ]RJI無駄>QÚイ&行nƒい€短いô&’“A;か出¸Aい>Q lice% (It#s) useless, you $now. (!ou) can#t do something li$e homewor$ in (the) short interval of going to the bathroom. '(ample 1. $£hK=日に?KšMDくNKDjMせんS &she must always use F,げ€G. In other words, when you, yourself, is giving something, you must always use F,げ€G. '(ample 1. $x"8ržBS &?=ll' gi$e this to &you'. 2. K€“日iにÈ+çンd"8rBS ? ga$e &my' younger brother &the' present yester!ay4 you kno3. (. が=#šl¬0!m€8rMせんBS ? bought &the' !rink so &?=m' not going to gi$e it &to you'. sing to gi+e 7downwards7 he word F%W€G is used to give downwards to a person of a lower social status. 4nce again, because the spea$er is at the bottom, everything given to the spea$er will always use F%W€G. In other words, everything given to you must be expressed with F%W€G. '(ample 1. nx"くxž£u &re you' gi$ing that to &me'A 2. 彼jK€£誕生日にy…くxD!#Bv &8y' boy"rien! !i!n=t gi$e my anything on my birth!ayC (. …%Q$,©."くxMせん!u an &you' gi$e &me' a little more timeA sing to recei+e here is only one word for receiving something so you don#t have to worry about which one to use. '(ample 1. æç!møúッd"…m#S &?' recei$e! &a' ticket "rom "rien!. 2. …%高"生0!m€{ÅK+Åð"…m5D!#S ;ecause &?=m' alrea!y &a' high school stu!ent4 &?' coul!n=t recei$e &the' Fe3 osh Khoo 1. †日 【8,】 - tomorro3 2. '+ンÔ7ン - Jalentine=s &Day' (. y 【Dに】 - 3hat ). øüi - chocolate *. 8rž &ru-$erb' - to gi$e to raise +. k理 【Ë・j】 - !uty obligation ,. くxž &ru-$erb' - to gi$e . …m% &u-$erb' - to recei$e . l,い 【%x・,い】 &i-a!5' - happy 10. い› - no &casual' 11. ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 &a!$' - 1' not at all &negati$e'4 2' entirely4 completely 12. n% - so 1(. ým7dデc - 9hite Day 1). no 【Q・N*】 &i-a!5' - lo$ely splen!i! 1*. +p, 【+・!5・,】 - return gi"t return "a$or 1+. +¢,l 【+・£・,l】 - en5oyment4 pleasure 1,. +¢,lにQž 【+・£・,lにQž】 &e#p' - to look "or3ar! to 1. (-#と - a little 1. >9 【M・9】 &u-$erb' - to 3ait ジョンIá日B'ン´インŒ0Q John% omorrow is Dalentine, isn#t it' ]RJIŒか»TチョコB,げAい>Q lice% &o' (I#m) won#t give (you) chocolate. ジョンI義òチョコH%WAい™T John% ot even obligatory chocolate' ]RJI義òチョコをH»nƒH嬉<%AいOT John% o, (I#ll) be totally happy, you $now' ]RJIVDTEŽLホワイÚÏS&素敵A!ˆ<を!¹<‘&<ƒい€ 0Q lice% Is that so' 4$, (I) will be loo$ing forward to (a) splendid return gift on *hite =ay, then. ジョンIrnTちhnと待nƒQホワイÚÏSnƒT John% +uh' *ait a moment. *hat#s *hite =ay' -hoosing the right words for gi+ing and recei+ing ohn. 2. eüンがÈ+çンd"くxS >ohn ga$e &me' present. ranslated to 8nglish, both sentences essentially mean "John bought present for me". *hile the viewpoint is reversed, essentially they are saying the same thing. *e don#t have to worry about which word to use for receiving because there is only one. &o let#s loo$ at how to decide which word to use for giving. >i+ing from the speaker"s point of +iew he easiest and most common scenario is when you, yourself is the one giving or receiving. s previously mentioned, because the spea$er is always at the bottom, he>she will always use F,げ€G to give to others and F%W€G when others give to the spea$er. 1. にくxž£u re &you' gi$ing &it' to meA 2. が8rž£u ?=m gi$ing &it' to youA 7sing the same logic, it#s safe to say the following will always be incorrect regardless of the social status of the other person. 1. に8rž£T 2. がくxž£T >i+ing from .rd person"s point of +iew he only scenario left is when both the giver and receiver is different from the spea$er. his is the only ambiguous scenario where either F%W€G or F,げ €G can be used. asically, the spea$er must choose which viewpoint he>she wants to loo$ at the situation from. 3or example, let#s say you wanted to $now if Aさ; gave Bさ; a present. If you were as$ing Aさ;, you would use F,げ€G because you are loo$ing at it from Aさ;#s perspective as the giver. Aさ;BLBさ;&›ゼンÚを,げl<たかT £s$ing Aさ; If you were as$ing Bさ;, you would use F%W€G because you are loo$ing at it from Bさ;#s perspective as the receiver. Aさ;BLBさ;&›ゼンÚを%Wl<たかT £s$ing Bさ; In summary, deciding which word to use in this scenario can be described in two steps. 1. ick a perspecti$e either as the gi$er or recei$er 2. Nse 「8rž」 i" "rom gi$er=s perspecti$e or 「くxž」 i" "rom recei$er=s perspecti$e &same as i" you 3ere the gi$er' Doing "a$ors "or others *e can use the three words we /ust learned for giving and receiving with other verbs to express the action as a favor. his construction is used to ma$e re1uests and do things for others. >i+ing and recei+ing fa+ors In order to use one of the three words we learned for giving and receiving with another verb, first change the verb to the teform and then attach the word for giving or receiving to the end of the verb. '(ample 1. •がõい!m先生が’ùにq†",NくxS &?=m' not smart so &the' teacher e#plaine! &it' specially "or me. 2. +–がDい!m€°2—"+2#Nくxžu &?' !on=t ha$e money so 3ill &you' treat me to lunch "or meA (. $xが欲,いDm€=#N8ržBS ?" &you' 3ant this4 &? 3ill' buy &it' "or you4 you kno3. ). {K(-#と¯がrせDい£R€1R¯$,N…m5MQ!S &?=m' in the mi!!le o" something no3 so can you call &me' laterA Re=uesting to not do something In order to express the negative, ie to give the favor of not doing the action, change the verb to the negative, attach FOG, then the word for giving or receiving. '(ample 1. TÍ‹D$と"言wDいRくxžu an you not say strange thing&s' all o" a su!!enA 2. LM,Nいž!m%ž'く,DいRくxžu &?=m' stu!ying so can you not !o noisily "or meA (. {[£EHK*9い!m,mくK+–"ÁwDいR…m5žu Bhisusing month=s "amily not money "or fnance a 3hileAis tight so can &?' recei$e "a$or o" jI !いL]RJ‰ ]RJI >T jI Vy™窓を–{ƒ%WAいかT ]RJI ¶‹¶‹É™œ&,€窓を–{ƒH»Dた{&^を声O呼;Œ ™T<かHL´™êTか»Q jI いいyとを教rƒ,げ>DQ!œHい-かwÒŠ出¸た»y;A™H出 ¸€;ŒnƒQ ]RJI †˜™wÒをy"…D™ŠV;A&いい™T jI y"…DnƒL!œL学校O日本)™./を2{た»L妙AyとをîD >D&AnたAQ他™生徒か»XA日本)を習nƒいAいŒ@DかT ]RJI ・・・さPŠ&VWBAいと#DQ 3ather% +ey, lice6 lice% *hat' 3ather% azzA lit: s "or >azz4 i" &?' start listening "rom 3hat4 is &it' goo!A ジョンI日本)Oかを頼x5&LF,げ€GF%W€GFH»DG™中O ‚Wを…rばいいかL>%˜か»Aい;Œ>AQ ]RJI^Š教rƒ,げ>DかTzをînƒ‘ƒQ ジョンIEŽL他p&かを<ƒ,げ€5&‚Wを…nた»いいT ]RJIVWBLF,げ€GOgLたl&./を<た»‚D>T ausati$e an! passi$e $erbs -ausati+e 8erb 2orm he causative form gets its name because it causes something to happen either by ma$ing or letting somebody do the action. *hile it may seem odd to have the exact same verb form for two very different uses, we#ll find that it#s not hard to tell which is intended when given the proper context. elow are the rules for con/ugating a verb to the causative form. ll verbs in the causative form are ruverbs. Iules "or causati$e "orm con5ugation • 2or ru*+erbs3 Ieplace the last 「ž」 3ith 「'せž」. %#ample 1. ØÙž¿'せž M ØÙ'せ€ 2. už¿'せž M u'せ€ • 2or u*+erbs3 hange the last character as you 3oul! "or negati$e $erbs but attach 「せž」 instea! o" 「Dい」. %#ample 1. šŠ¿M¿せž M šMせ€ 2. >9¿¿せž M ôせ€ (. =%¿w¿せž M =wせ€ • '(ceptions3 1. Qž → 'せ€ 2. くž → $'せ€ '(ample 1. に…›mせNBS Get me !o it too. 2. 8#くj'せDいRBS Don=t make me surprise!. &Don=t scare me.' (. f理x理に+c"šMせž£KBくDいBDS &?t=s' not goo! to "orcibly make &someone' !rink alcohol4 huhA ). …%ÛNいM,!S>せN2LんD'いS &9¿¿xž M ôx€ (. =%¿w¿xž M =wx€ • '(ceptions3 1. Qž → 'x€ 2. くž → $mx€ '(ample 1. ]にxmy"'xž!¸!mDいBS ?" &my' ol!er sister fn!s out4 &?' !on=t kno3 3hat 3ill be !one &to me'. 2. ‹D人0とBwxくDいS &?' !on=t 3ant to be thought o" as &a' strange person. (. 先!m誰!にmxNいžqが,Dいu Doesn=t it "eel like &3e=re' being 3atch by someone "rom 5ust a 3hile agoA ). &!DいRと言wxN…ÐÑ0!m&!Dいと0L0BS %$en i" ?=m tol!4 @Don=t go@4 &it=s a' promise so &?' ha$e to go4 you kno3. sing -ausati+e and 5assi+e together he causative and passive con/unctions can be used together to describe being made to do something. he rules are simple, you simple need to con/ugate the verb to the causative and then con/ugate the resulting ruverb to the passive form. '(ample 1. >せmxž£K€§いR,-%u Don=t &you' hate being ma!e to 3aitA 2. ìö£©に€¶yD¬"ØÙ'せmx!m€•*§いK€8MjDい BS s a chil!4 &?' 3as ma!e to eat $arious things so &?' !on=t ha$e a lot o" likes/!islikes. (. 'せmxと言%Ý„€Ÿ7€nxK8ん£L0#んR,-%u &apanese language (. Q5ž 【!んが・5ž】&ru-$erb' - to think ). $£ - this *. ²³ 【,/く・0い】 - home3ork +. ÌÍ 【Îん・Îん】 - not at all &3hen use! 3ith negati$e' ,. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! to kno3 . 言% 【い・%】 &u-$erb' - to say . Ây 【ん・Ç%】 - grammar 10. Á% 【9!・%】&u-$erb' - to use 11. Í 【xい・ん】 - e#ample sentence 12. 1(. °5ž 【+,・5ž】&ru-$erb' - to teach to in"orm じ] - then so 3ell 1). $x - this 1*. „% - ho3 1+. ¦#と - a long time 1,. =‰ 【い#・,-】 - together 1. いž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &animate' 1. gàンøッ× - romantic 20. Dん! - something 21. ú×zラ - se#ual harassment 22. くxž &ru-$erb' - to gi$e 2(. nxじ] - 3ell then 2). 8 【5Š】 - slang "or masochist 2*. Dž &u-$erb' - to become 2+. î{ 【,-%・じ*】 - honesty honestly 2,.  【w,】 - polite4 gen!er-neutral 2. ›Lž &ru-$erb' - to stop to uit ジョンIy™’“L©ª¶か»AいQFさ(€GといDÐ法を…nたzÐを 教rƒQ John% =on#t get this homewor$ at all. osh Khoo 1. ;| 【じ-せい】 - 3oman "emale 2. õŠ 【£・Š】&u-$erb' - to make a reuest (. }~ 【Nい・Pい】&na-a!54 n' polite ). QlMせん - sorry &polite' *. $x - this +. (-#と - a little &casual' ,. ž 【l・ž】&ru-$erb' - to see . •い 【9L・い】&i-$erb' - col! &to the touch' col!hearte! . n% - so 10. ¯±% 【N・90・%】&u-$erb' - to help 11. 8rž &ru-$erb' - to gi$e to raise 12. 1(. qô( 【*・…(】 - "eeling4 moo! M#く- at all4 entirely 1). 8ž &u-$erb' - to e#ist &inanimate' 1*. ¸!ž 【w・!ž】 &u-$erb' - to un!erstan! 1+. •* 【Q・*】 &na-a!5' - likable 1,. Qž &e#ception' - to !o 1. €5 【…5】bu!!ing4 ha$ing a crush 1. 8£%z8£ - say 3ell errr 20. 先 【せん・ぱい】- senior &at 3ork or school' 21. „ 【K$・】&u-$erb' - to carry4 to transport 22. …m% &u-$erb' - to recei$e 2(. ¬ 【…£】 - thing 2). `ä 【0・L】 &na-a!5' - no goo! 2*. ‚ƒ 【*-%・Kく】- threat4 coercion 2+. 8m - oh my 2,. „$ - 3here 2. &く 【い・く】 - to go 付*合% 【9・*・8・%】&u-$erb' - to keep company 2. 3ith4 to go out 3ith (0. くxž &ru-$erb' - to gi$e (1. '…Dいと - other3ise4 or else 丁寧 P‘l(;QyWLちhnと見ƒH»rlP?かT  たい ,LVDQ wfnƒ,げたいといDNÐちBlnた%Aい>D0Q˜かn たQ¢"&r> sounds in particular often get slurred into F;G. his is definitely a useful pattern to be aware of as it will ma$e sense of a lot of words you wouldn#t normally find in a dictionary. '(ample 1. Bくw!んDいSG"rom ¸!mDいH &?' !on=t get really get it. 2. (-#と€n$"„いNくんDいuG"rom くxDいH ey4 can &you' mo$e "rom there a bitA (. y,Nん£uG"rom ,NžH 9hatcha !oingA Other states using te-"orm *e learned how to express the progressive form by using the verb Fい€G with the teform of the verb. In this section, we#ll learn some other verbs we can use with the teform to describe other $inds of states. *hen using these verbs in this fashion, it is customary to use +iragana instead of 0an/i. sing to e(press an action already set ill now, we have been usingFい€G 1uite fre1uently with the teform to express a progressive action. he other verb for existence% F,€G can also be used with the teform, though the meaning is completely different. ppending F,€G after the teform of another verb is used to indicate the state of the verb as already completed. 3or example, you could use this grammar to as$ what is written in a boo$ as it describes a completed state of being written as opposed to "writing" or "wrote". It also carries a nuance that the action was done as preparation F-ƒ!%G for something else though it#s not as explicit as the learn next. grammar we#ll '(ample 1. n£本にK€yがéいN8žんRQ!u 9hat is it that=s 3ritten in that bookA 2. …ÐK€…%,N8ž!m€:;KいmDいBS &?' alrea!y ma!e &the' reser$ation so &there=s' no nee! to 3orry. (. $£店に•óhK€"いN8jMQ!u re hea!ache me!icine&s' place! in this storeA ecause F-ƒ,€G by itself described state after an action was completed, the past tense described that state as being in the past, for example to imply that the state is no longer true, invalid, or contradictory. '(ample 1. メcfにK€$£þR>(合wせ,B%とéいN8jM,BS ?t 3as 3ritten in the mail4 let=s meet up at this station4 you kno3. 2. •…†に"いN8#Èリン・・・SM'!€ØÙんじ]DいBPS Bhe pu!!ing &?' 3as place! in &the' re"rigerator... Fo 3ay &you' ate &it'4 rightA sing to prepare for the future *hile the previous F-ƒ,€G grammar we learned can carry a nuance of preparation, it could only be used for completed actions. *e can use the verb F! %G ("to place"), to describe an action specifically to prepare for something else. In addition, unli$e F-ƒ,€G, it can be used to described other tenses besides the past tense. '(ample 1. {!m&く!m€デcd"â,残,N+いNBS &?=m' going no3 so please lea$e me some !esert. 2. †日!mK€j±0!m€‡–"½O,N+いほ%がいいBS oli!ays are "rom tomorro3 so &you' shoul! 3ith!ra3 cash. (. 3"$$に"いN+く!m€忘xDいRPS &?=m' placing &the' key here so please !on=t "orget it4 okA In casual speech, F-ƒ=-O(!%G can be shortened to Fと%=‚%G. '(ample 1. 3"$$に"いとく!m€忘xDいRPS &?=m' placing &the' key here so please !on=t "orget it4 okA 2. ˆに(žDm€òい‰Lh"šん„い©がいいBS ?"/since &you=re' ri!ing &a' boat4 &it=s' better sing motion +erbs with the te*form he verbs "to go" and "to come" £い% and %€ respectively can be used with the teform of another verb to add a motion. his can either be a physical motion (eg to hold and bring something) or an abstract direction>trend (eg plans for the future going forward). '(ample 1. ,事,DくN€$x!m„%›#N生*Nいく9…jRQ!S o3 &!o you' plan to li$e "rom here on out an! not 3orkA 2. †日£ŠÑc‹cにy"ô#Nくxいい£u 9hat shoul! &?' bring to the Fabe party tomorro3A (. %ž'いv88€Dん!•がóくD#N*S FoisyC h4 &my' hea! has come to become hurting. %asy or !icult actions *e already $now how to describe things as easy or difficult regular ad/ectives such as F–G or F”<いG but in this section, we#ll learn another way to describe an action as easy or difficult. 'asy actions o describe an action as easy, attachFÄPいG to the verb stem. he result is treated /ust li$e an iad/ective. '(ample 1. $£m7ンKšl›QいS Bhis 3ine is easy to !rink. 2. $£ÑÒiンKÁい›QいRQ!S ?s this computer easy to useA (. ¸!j›Qくq†,Nく0'いS lease e#plain in a easy to un!erstan! 3ay. iIcult actions &imilarly, to describe a difficult action, we can attach F&%いG to the verb stem. '(ample 1. $£°ØéK(-#と¸!jにくいS Bhis te#tbook is &a' little har! to un!erstan!. 2. (-#と高くN…いいRQ!m€Œxにくい©がいいRQS &?t=s' ok e$en i" &it=s a' little e#pensi$e so &it=s' better that &it=s' har! to break. スÂcgKxÐいスÂcg_7フがDいとØÙにくいBPS (. ?" &you' !on=t ha$e &a' sharp steak kni"e4 steak is har! to eat. *e can also use either F)»いG or FŠたいG to express difficulty, which have the following differences in nuance and usages. 1. 「にくい」 is the most generic $ersion. 2. 「Eづmい」4 3hich comes "rom 「Žい」&pain"ul'4 is more sub5ecti$e. (. 「Eがい」 is mostly limite! to emotions an! thoughts. ll three are attached to the verb stem and the result becomes /ust li$e an iad/ective. '(ample 1. ab£~ÃがくN読lにくいS &Bhe' cellphone=s screen is !ark an! har! to rea!. 2. $£K!wいいÝ„€Æ*づmい!m€8Mj‘!DいS Bhese shoes are cute but &it=s' har! to 3alk so &?' !on=t 3ear &them' much. (. 信じがい!…,xMせんが€本‡£$RQS &?t' may be har! to belie$e but &it=s a story' that=s true. 8ore amount e#pressions *e already learned some grammar dealing with amounts in chapter N. In this section, we#ll learn some other useful expressions dealing with various amounts. '(pressing nothing but with FばかgG has many different usages some of which we#ll cover later. 3or example, it can have the same meaning as FŒºG or Fぐ»いG. +owever, in conversational Japanese, it#s often used to describe an abundance ie, "it#s nothing but...". It comes after a noun or ad/ective /ust li$e a particle and the result becomes a noun. '(ample 1. ’ßKいい人!j0S 9orkplace is nothing but goo! people. 2. ,事!j",Nいžと€)D$と"“%S ?" &you' !o nothing but 3ork4 &you' 3ill lose sight o" important things. (. ‚ƒK€ò!j"ØÙNいž!m”"…#とØÙžB%に,Nい žS &?=$e' been eating nothing but meat lately so &?=m' trying to eat more $egetables. In casual Japanese, it can also be shortened to /ust FばnかgG or FばnかG. '(ample 1. %n#!jv Fothing but liesC 2. アド+ス–KyR;£ì#!D£u 9hy is &your' a!!ress book nothing but girlsA '(pressing degree with FさG is used to convert an ad/ective into a scale or degree. 3or example, changing the ad/ective for "tall" to "height". Iules "or using 「'」 3ith a!5ecti$es he result becomes a regular noun. • *adjecti+es3 Ieplace the last 「い」 3ith 「'」 %#amples 1. 高い ¿ ' À 高さ 2. ¢,い ¿ ' À ¢,さ • Na*adjecti+es3 ppen! 「'」 to the en! %#amples 1. ¥! ¿ ' À ¥!さ 2. Ü ¿ ' À Üさ '(ample 1. —˜R=Ú高い™¬£高'Kyu 9hat=s the height o" &the' tallest buil!ing in the 3orl!A 2. ¡£wš£›á'"人.とœÙžと€Kž!に®0S ?" you compare the le$el o" sensiti$ity o" hearing o" !ogs to humans4 it is "ar abo$e. (. K€äBjÆ*›Q'£©が)事0とBwDいu s "or shoe&s'4 !on=t &you' think ease o" 3alking is more important than looksA '(pressing an e(cess with he FHG particle can be used with an amount to describe something that#s excessive. '(ample 1. “日€¯$?K…,Bv &?' calle! you e$en three times yester!ayC 2. アメリカに&#m€Ygg…¤#(]#S Once &?' 3ent to merica4 &?' gaine! e$en * kilograms. (. 8い9にäV¸…>'xBv &?' 3as ma!e to 3ait e$en (0 minutes by that guyC sing and together he FばG conditional and F‚G can be used together to express, "the more something, the more something else." his is essential a fixed sentence pattern. Nsing 「」 an! 「ほ„」 to e#press @the more it is the more...@ • on5ugate to the 「」 con!itional4 then repeat the phrase 3ith 「ほ„」 %#amples 1. ¢,Ýx¿¢,いほ„ À ¢,Ýx¢,いほ„ Bhe more "un it is the more... 2. µ¶R8x¿µ¶Dほ„ À µ¶R8xµ¶Dほ„ Bhe easier it is the more... (. x¿žほ„ À xžほ„ Bhe more you look the more... '(ample 1. ¢,Ýx¢,いほ„€©.が経9£がzいáじがQžS Bhe more "un &it' is4 the more it "eels like time is passing uickly. &lit: ?" &it=s' "un4 to the e#tent that &it=s' "un4 "eels like time is passing uickly.' 2. +h”Kµ¶R8xµ¶Dほ„いいRQBPS s "or recipe&s'4 the easier &it' is4 the better it is4 isn=t itA &lit: ?" recipe is simple4 to &the' e#tent that &it=s' simple4 &it=s' better4 isn=t itA' (. xžほ„,いS Bhe more &?' look4 the more beauti"ul &she is'. &lit: i" &?' look4 to the e#ten! that &?' look4 beauti"ul.' Iecent actions In this section, we are going to learn some ways to express actions that /ust happened. *hile one option is to use various adverbs such as FたnたÃG, we will learn grammar that can be applied to the verb. '(ample 1. #{ 【#・いM】 - 5ust no3 1. #{Ü港にà*M,BS &?' 5ust arri$e! at the airport. '(pressing what just happened with In the previous section, we learned one usage of FばかgG with nouns and ad/ectives to describe an abundance. *e can also attach it to the end of the past tense of verbs to an action /ust completed. Nsing 「!j」 "or actions 5ust complete! • ppen! 「!j」 to the past tense "orm o" the $erb. Bhe result becomes a regular noun. %#amples 1. ØÙž → ØÙ¿!j À ØÙ!g 2. =% → =#¿!j À =#!g (. Qž → ,¿!j À ,!g '(ample 1. °2—"ØÙ!jRQ!m€+D!がい#ぱいRQS &?' 5ust ate lunch so &?=m' "ull. 2. :#!j£¶3"Á#N\$"9:QžS Nsing 3or!s &?' 5ust learne! an! practice con$ersation. (. =#!jD£に€…%ŒxžDんN信じmxDいS &?' 5ust bought it4 !espite that &it=s' alrea!y broken4 ho3 unbelie$able. ). 引#ž,!jR€yが„$に8ž!€Ì͸!mDいS &?' 5ust mo$e! so &?' !on=t kno3 3hat=s 3here at all. &ame as the previous section, FばかgG can be shortened to FばnかgG or FばnかG for casual conversations here as well. '(ample 1. 付*合いNL#!jD£に€…%ùx£u &